Paper - I July 2013
Paper - I July 2013
JJ~a1] This booklet contains 56 pages. "'~ h '!"' ~ I PAPER I /~-WI AI T.:;:;ooklet;::e MAINTESfDOOKLET/'l"'•'JII-1 Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. ~ 'lfiii.IU ~ CfiT Oof nCfi "I'~ \if<~' nCfi ~"I'~ I Test Booklet No. llil!IIT~~ 1271801 Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet. ~ 1fiiiiU ~ <frttw~ 31mVT C6T tzlR ~ -qf 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES 'QTrorr.mrr I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I 8. 9. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only. · The test is of21Jtours duration and consists of 150 questions. There is no negative marking. Use Blue I Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page I marking responses in the Answer Sheet. The CODE for this Booklet is A. Make sure that the CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this booklet. Also ensme that your Test Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the lnvigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions, each carrying I mark : Part-! : Child Development and Pedagogy(Q. I to Q. 30) Part- II : Mathematics. (Q. 31 to Q. 60) Part-III: Environmental Studies (Q. 61 to Q. 90) Part- IV : Language 1- (Englishil:lindi) Q. 91 to Q. 120) Part-Y : Language [J. (Engiish!Hindi) (Q. 121 to Q. !50) Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-! and Part-Y contains 30 questions for Language-11. In this Test Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have been given. In case the languagets' you have opted for as Language-! and/or Language-11 is a language other than English or Hindi, please ask for a Test Booklet that contains questions.. on that language. The languages being :answered must tally with the languages opted for in your Application Form. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Part -V (Language-11) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-! (in Part-IV) the list of languages. Rough work should b<l done only in the space provided in the Test Booklet for the >arne. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed for changing answers. __ 1. OMR ~ 'l'f ~.~<);~<1m t I~~ tri'tw ~ ~ <!iT ~ -;;nl(, m'3'ffi' 'l;f f.:!<fiwr ~ "rr-t ~ "l''-2 'Cf< err::r -.l ~ ~ iiTi'f ~IF -.l fucRur 'Gt 2. 3. • <ffi I ~ 2ftitt~ • .q' 150 ~ f I CfiTt -:m ~ 3:fci;;f t I ~ "!113" 'Cf< fucRur ~ "'iB ~ ~ 'l;f 'Cf< 'i'J1'J1-2t <); ~ ~ -;fu;t~ -aJi;r riitz' <ffi wiTrr q;t I ~ ~ <m ~ t A. <W ~~of fil> ~ ~ .r..- 4 · <m &, ~ 'l;f <~; "l''-2 'It ~ ~ 5. 6. of fil> • wr m -.l fllffiir t , v. '11 'l;f <il9!!1' ~ ~ .;fir ~ m fl«offi t 1 wr< w f':A- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 31tr ~ 'l'f 'i'f.t <); ~ ~ CfiT ¥'f awRf ~ I ~-~.q'~1Wfl, II, III, IV ->fRy f.~ ISO ~~t,-:m~t ~<mt: 'IWT-1 : <!R'i ~ q fum ~ (11'. 1 <l 1<. 30) 'IWT-ll ; 1'lfUrn (11'. 31 <l 1<. 60) 'IWT-III : ~ ~ (11'. 61 <f 1<. 90) 'IWT-IV : 'I1W I - (~I fRl) (11'. 91 -.l 1<. 120) 'IWT-V : 'I1W II- (~I fRl) (lr. 121 -.l 1<. ISO) 'IWT-JV .q' '11W-I <); ~ 30 ~ 31tr 'IWT-V fl '11W-II <); ~ 3o~~~t~~-~.q:~~"~ 'I1W -.l Wifu'ff ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~-1 afu'!lU ~-IIlf .;nq<~;&RT~Ttf~~~"?U~*'amrot'ffi~ ~'lfi'II'T~'Qi\111T~1l\1T~ tf.iR ~m*'m '!!>'3'ffi' atltf~~t~ ri<r-r trlilf ~ 11f ~ ~ orcmr ~w;ft~l 7. 8. 'Qi\ew.ft m.t.v ('lfi'II'T-11)~, ~~-.l~ ~'q'l;;rf ~&RT~I(\WT-IV)lf~Ttf~~f'A~ l \'ii~•~*~~<~;~~'ltm~ 'Cffq;tl 9. . 'fl'lft ~ ~-OMR '3m' 'l'f 'Cf< tft aWm q;t I ~ ~ ~ 3#m q;t , '3'ffi' ~ tq m ~ <m m ~~I Name of the Candidate (in C a p i t a l s ) : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - ~<ffi"'lff1 ~ aMf'G'): Roll Number: in figures 31'l'64i<il : 3lCilt .q: : inwords :~'G' Centre of Examination (in Capitals) = - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~~aMf'G'); . Candidate's Signature: - - - - - - - - Invigilator's Signature:--~------- ~<i;mrw: Fascimile signature stamp of Centre flul1~illim 11111111~ IIIII ~<!;~: A· (2) PART- I /'qfl'f -1 . CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY /~fCICfii~ crfulffil'' ' • t t Directio11s: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rffl: ~ 3fom ~ ~ RAfffl&rt JrRT ~ '3'ffr< I The following threE~ aspects of intelligence are dealt by Sternberg's 1riarchic theory excel!! (I) componential (2) social (3) experiential (4) contextual 1. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences emphasizes (I) general intelligf:nce (2) common abilities required in school (3) the unique abilities of each individual · (4) conditioning skills in students 2. . of.a ~ f"''+=1f("'f&l1 ~ atffiRifi'l 'IWT CiiT ~ ~ ftrffir fcficrr~t I (1) ~ ( 2) ~·lll"'l f"' Cfi (3) (4) ~ ~ ~~~ ~on:r~t I The sounds t/1, ph, ch are (1) ~orphemes (2) Graphemes (3) Lexemes (4) Phonemes 3. In order to avoid gender stereotyping in class, a teacher should (1) try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles. (2) appreciate students' good work by saying 'good girl' or 'good boy'. (3) disco.urage girl:> from taking part in wrestling. (4) encourage boys to take risk and be bold. 4. Schools should cater to Individual differences to (1) narro.w the gap between individual students. (2) even out abilities and performance of students. (3) understand why students are able or unable to learn. (4) make individual students feel exclusive. 5. ftr.ain '# mnf'Q1'1' of.a ~ ftr.ain - - off.a ( 1) WfF!I' (2) (3) feW IWI ~ ~ m <ilr<rm3lT ~~ qft ~ <W<rm.aU (4) ~~~~ ef, 'In, 'i;r ~t (1) (2) (3) (4) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~'!C'i\&iitoal11 ~~~iffir~ ~q:;f (1) (2) (3) ~~ 'CfiT ~ '&if 31-~~3lT~~· I ·~ ~·, ·~ ~· ~ cnrct qft mw-rr ~ ~ ~ m~l ~ 1WT ffi ~ ~ <.'1$f¢4\ q;f cpffi f.:t N'{'ll Mo 'CfiBT I ~ q;f ~ 60R ~ f.Mq, ~ ~ ~ lilNJ IMI"l 'CfiBT I fcr'€11('141 'CfiT ~ iffir ~4fcfi"'C6 f1AnTm (4) q:;f~~~? ( 1) . cl<lfiffitfi ~ ~ l'l~~nsrrt CfiT <P11 (2) (3) <4> 'CfiR~~I ~ ~ ~ ~ <W<rm.aU q;f m 'CflVt ~ ft;ro: 1 <w ~ ~ ft;ro: fc!;' 'f<ll ~ ~~~<rr~t1 &<lfCffiCfi ~ CfiT ~ ~'RR~~~ rn qft (3) 6. 7. ·What kind of support can a school provide to address the individual differences in students ? (1) Follow a child-centered curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students (2) Apply every possible measure to remove the individual differences in students (4) 7. ~ ~ <t~ m mr cit 3f.fl1'R CWIT I ~ afu- ~ •g"<liq)"' - - - - 'QT ~ ~tl (2) how learning can be observed, . recorded and improved upon. (2) (3) fine-tuning teaching. ~q:;t W'-if~ilct ~ct~O!lfllCI) ~1Rf.ltm"~ ~ q:;l ~ m 61ClMlf'hH, ftcoJi afu- -woo~~ 1R the ~ ct Wi (3) the ~ ~ "fi'qq '31Wf m-m 1Jfu ~ ~ ~ ~ q:;l 4k~_<l-q -qj <liT Cl) of <t flrrrrraff q:;l fcMq f<HlliM4'i -q' $;;IT I continuous testing on a comprehensive scale to ensure learning. redundancy examination. ~qfcffiq> ~ ~ Follow same level of curriculum for all students with -q CWIT I (4) of tests ~<~fcfi'1'*' r~m <nt -m:nr~ ~ (2) (3) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation empha!dzes * ~ cf> ft;rtr '(lCfl f<w IM<l ~ m <fiT ~~C6'rcff~t? (1) Gffi'f-~ 41C}_<l'ql!J <liT ~ CWIT 3m- ~ q:;l ~ <t ~ ;wmr ~ qm;:rr I Refer slow learners to special schools (4) 9. ~~ (3) (1) 8. 6. A m.m <liT m•*',fll Board 8. School Based Assessment . Dilutes the accountability Boards of Education. (2) ·Hinders achieving National Standards. (3) Helps all students learn more through diagnosis. (4) Makes stude:nts and teachers nonserious and easual. "1 Cl I"'~ t:l q:;q q:;r ~T %-I ~ ~ ~ (2) Universal "Readiness for learning" refers to fum- -.ITt cit (I) of (1) fcWIM<l :amufun~ cit mf1<f ll orrm ~ q:;{(1T %- 1 9. (3) ~ Cl/(ilq{O/ -q' ~ ~ -q' (4) ~ ~cit~ q:;{(1T %- I ~ afu- ~ q:;l ~ MI4 <Cll ~ ORTt1T %- I ·~ cit Cfmfttl mqrn• -- ciT 31ir am- ~ ( 1) general ability level of students (1) ~ q;r ~ <W<:rctT mr (2) present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum (2) ~ (3) satisfying nature of the act of learning (3) ~ <t 'Cf>r<hlft ~ q:;l ~ ~ Thorndike's Law of Readiness (4) '414:si~Cf> <liT~ <liT f.!w:r (4) <t fllt1<"'4Cf> # ~ CfiT (4) A 10. A teacher has some physically challenged children in her class. Which of the following would be appropriate for her to say ? (1) Wheel-chaired bound 10. ~ fufam ctT cnm it ~ :m{lfhn fc1Cf>Hi 1 @ crn;l- ~ f I f"''Aft"tfuti1 it~ ~ft;rtr~~~~-rnr? {1) ~ -3llH '!14614% children going to hall. Physically .q if"<.!# ~Cf>f(>'G<t> fl inconvenienced activity in the: classroom. (4) 11. 12. (3) .aw.ft crutches to go to the playground. ~? Polio afflicted children will now present a song. (4) 11. (2) Emotional disturbance {2) ti~• IIM<ti fub1 (3) · Behavioural disturbance {3) O!ICI$F(llt'1 (4) Cultural factors (4) <Hif't'fliif> ~ 12. Committed particularly to improve the learning outcomes of specially abled students (4) · Decides learning heeds of students according to their disability mwr fub'f ~ ft<il<l:tfl fcltlli'1«1 (1) learning outcomes of all students irrespective of their capabilities (3) <!<IT ~ <t a~RtRCf\1 fP~ortft1fu!l1 ~ il> Cf>m1T aTIW!ll" ~~~~ t I ~ f-&WlCf!tH Differentiate between students and sets less challenging achievement targets for specially abled children m ~I (1) Is committed to· improve the cnm ~ C1'iT ~ 41fC141u«J ~ 3lOf ~ TTRT Cerebral dysfunction (2) m ~~~ ~ 'H lf@<il '<tiT {1) An inClusive school. <t ~<ffi;t~.q~<t~3l1'1 Mohan why don't you use your Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following exce1_1t (1) ~ ·(2) . •111f1P:<t> ~ ~ ~ ~ children may do an alternative (3) i1Fr .q -R~tl may take help of their peers in (2) ~-¢ qwf ~ ~ qft ~3TI qft 1WW f~ foRT w:fT <t ~-~ q;f ~<t~~m-m~~ (2) ~ <t lWT 3trr 'ROT ~ a:ftr ~ ~ ~ m111 ~ <t ~ Cf;tf tj~Ml'f"l ~ ~ Rmfur 'ROT ~I (3) ~ ~ ~ <W<r ~ ~-~ct>T ~ ~~~~mm~l (4) ~ qft f-1<il"'"IMI <t <t ~ il> ~ ~ ~ qft 3JicP(I4if>cti3TI q;f ~ 'ROT~ I (5) 13. Gifted students (2) Can manage their studies without a teacher (2) Can be good models for other students (3) ~;;WI ~ t- foRT 3Tl:Z!'R "Cfl't aqqf.flll\'1 "Cflr "ffil t I aR~t"~~~"R" (4) ~tl ~-~~m~~ Cannot be learning disabled Giftedness is due to 14. _ _ t"<f;R11T~~t Genetic makeup (1) ail'jCif~ICfl r'tRT (2) Environmental motivation (2) Cll\'11q{O(lq ~ (3) Combination of(l) and (2) (3) (l) (4) Psychosocial factors (4) 11-lT-filii lf"1<6 C!iRC6T ~ .q ~ afu" wR t- ~ Which of the following is appropriate for environment c:onducive to thinking and learning in children ? (2) 15. (1) Individual tasks done by the. learners (4) allowing students to take some decisions about what to learn and how to learn Learning Disability in motor skills is ~~ wr:r t- ~ Rm ~ (2) f.mrPJ~C6l<f ~ ~ (3) ~ ~ lrnT Ollf<fl"jl 1\'1 C6l<f C6V1T (4) 16. Tffuq:;- ~ .q 3lf'Q11Jf f-'l<t1•th'll - C6t'W11ffi t I Dyspraxia (1) f-s'Hlfcm41 (2) Dyscalculia (2) f-s~wrf<n41 (3) Dyslexia (3) f-s+<'lf#141 (4) Dysphasia . (4) f-s:0>f~41 17. 3lf'Q11Jf f-14i•<li'11 - (1) ~~31cW!IT~ I (2) ~m- 31cW!IT ~ I need not impair functioning (3) ~ ~ fcfic:wb:r.sfu Cfft ~ <R does not improve with appropriate input (4) ~ ( 1) is a stable state (2) is a variable state (3) (4) -# ~ "Cfl't ¥ 'W ~ t.rr fcf; ~ ~~afu-~~~1 (l) Learning Disability 3lf~ ~ given · (3) afu" (2) <.fir~ ~t? Passive list(:ning for long periods of time Home assignments frequently I ~ CIIHI<HUI t"~ f-'l""fR:iRsH "&l"t~ call~d 17. am (1) (1) 16. -m Need support not ordinarily provided by the school (4) 15. 13. ·~~~ (l) ~ ~ qft 311C:Fi4Cfl\'11 mill ~ <illil~\'1: f<lEll<'141 lrnT ~ ~ {I) (3) 14. A mill I 1 H<m t- -w.r wnr ~ m A 18. 19. (6) The following are the steps in the process of problem solving except M~t~~"'fctf~cf;~f (I) Identification of a problem (1) ~cttW€1R (2) Breaking down the problem into smaller parts (2) ~ Cj;f -rnt ~ -q: ~ (3) ~~em~ (3) Explore possible strategies (4) llfturrriT qff 3lmT ~ (4) Anticipate outcomes 19. A teacher should ~~(Cfil) (I) (I) ctt 7lt ~ cot l%" ~ ~ *"~ -q: *rr ~ afu" ~ We ~ *fir R"u:fuft -e;;ft ~ mr ~I *" measure success as the number of times students avoid making mistakes (2) ~ fcmRt ow~ q;R ~ ~ (3) not correct students while they're trying to communicate ideas (3) ~I ~ ~ fcrtmT (4) focus more on lecturing provide a foundation knowledge (2) W. treat errors committed by students as blunders and take serious note of each error - *" *" ~ -q: *rr ~ q;n~- ~ m~~m q;r-rr l1l1l" em ~ q;R -em ~I and (4) for~ Seema is desperate to score A+ grade in an examination. As she enters the examination hall and the examination begins, she be,:omes extremely nervous. Her feet ~~o cold, her heart starts pounding and she is unable to answer properly. The primary reason for this is that ~ ~~ 041 @41"1 '!R 31fuq;- 'I:ZIR *" t.rr ~ afu" m;r ~ 3l1'lm" ~ ~ ~I 20. • lfflm tl A+ m- ~ ~ cf; ~ atffi ~t 1\ifif ~lfflm 'i1cR tl ~ "ffiT t neTr lfflm '!fiN t, ~ ~@Tcfi" orcrn m-;;ffift t mm f, ~ ~ ctr ~ ~ ~ m"\il"lffi t I ~ ·qrcnit ~ ~ ~~~~~"3W~~-qrffi I ~~CfimJT~~t w 3l1AT m 3lll"'fct><Cll«l -=m ~ 1 ~ -.m- -q: OJSO (1) she may not be very confident about her preparation (I) "WK (2) she may be thinking excessively of this about the . result examination (2) "WK w ~ ~ 1:!ftunll OJSO 31fuq;- ~ ~ I (3) invigilator teacher on duty may be her class teacher and she is of very strict nature (3) f.rOOcl;- ~ "'T ~ (4) she may not be able to deal with sudden emotional outburst *" *" ont -q: '!R t w ~q;m~~~~afu" W ~ # OJSO CfiCTr ~ I (4) "WKW ~ fi~•III"!Cfi WHTm<ii\~ I anWr CfiT (7) 21. 22. A are used to analyse the information 'It ~-m fiili"''IC+!Cfi ~ ~ Tif ~ cl> fctqtil<I!OI ~ fffir ~ 'It Fl'1f given? ~t? Which ofthe following cognitive verbs ( 1) IdentifY (2) 21. (1) W't!Ff~ Differentiate (2) atrr~ (3) Classify (3) ~~ (4) Describe (4) qu\;r~ Rajesh is a voracious reader. Apart 22. · h~ -mm m ~ l:(lOcf> t 1~ m 'CfiRt often goes to library and reads books ttl ~ ~ cl> a~fr~Rcm ~: ~Cfii{Ot"l ";ifl'ffi t afu- f'Ff SICfi~Un· 1R" ~ ~ on diverse topics. Rajesh does his t project even in the lunch break. He ~ 4R<ilJ1'11 ~ 'Cfi«<T t I does not need prompting by his ~ teachers or parents to study for tests an~ im1 from studying his course · books, I ~tf~. -mffl~-~"# fffir w:t ~ ~ m m -.:ritamn ~ 3MiU ttl ~ ~ t 31tt~~ll ~ q;r awiG"fflrr and seems to truly enjoy learning. He can be best described as a(n) _ __ 23. R¥01ff;!fu:l11 ~311r!Tt "Cfi'lft ~ ~ 1m __ ~~'lt~ucn (1) fact-c{:ntred learner ~~~~~m~t 1 (2) teacher motivated learner (1) ~-amnfui ~ (3) assessment-centered learner (2) ~-~~ (3) ~-~~ (4) intrinsically motivated learner (4) ~~~·~~ Children in pre-primary get 23. ~~~~"Q"f~ltl"•m satisfaction rrQ.m being allowed to ttl ~ ~~ "J1llf "ffi ~ ~ m"J1Tit t, 1 discover. They become distressed, ~a;tf.!i'ilffil~l'1 ~-;;m:rrtm~~ when they are discouraged. They do m~t~~~ so due to their motivation to arl'~~~~tl (1) redw;e their ignorance (1) 31tRT.q;fq;q~ (2) affiliate with the class cz,) ~~~~rn (3) create disorder in the class (3) ~ .q ~""'Cl~l ~ .q (4) exercise their power (4) ~~q;r~~ ttl~ A 24. (8) Understanding Human Growth and 24. -qr.rcr~~~<it~~q;l Development enables a teacher to _ _ <);<rlnf GRTffi t I (1) · gain control of learners' emotions (1) while teaching. (2) ~~~ be clear about teaching diverse (2) learners. (3) tell practice how they can (3) her ·teaching m Which one ofthe foUowing is true ? (1) (4) 25. Development and learning are unaffected by socio-cultural (2) ·Students learn only in a certain way. (3) Play is significant for cognition (1) \ (I) The relative contributions of peers and genes are not additive. (2) Heredity and environment do not operate together. (3) IS related to Propensity environment while actual development requires heredity. (4) Both heredity and environment contribute 50% each m the development of a child. · Ruru ~ ~ 311ft ~-3Mffi ~ ~ ~ m-<Hi*¥fo<t• (2) ~~~om~~~ (3) ~ ~ ~ 'HII"11f->1Cfi ~ ~ Wnnn$o%" (4) Questioning by teacher constrains cognitive development. Which one of thll following is true about the role of heredity and environment in the development of a child? q;t w Offi'Ft fcl;- cf 3N-t ~~~Wit~ I and social competence. 26. ~ Pi""1IT=if&n"ll~qfR-m~t? contexts. (4) om- .q ~1l~wm-<Rm~ an unbiased way. 25. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ students improve their lives. (4) ~~~~~~"!R" ~ 1 I ~ <8~Hiii"ICfi sm w.:r ~1l~%"1 26. ~<);~ll ::tll'j/'t&t<Mt afu"Cllni<HUI <it ~ <); Grit .q r~ . . . f<:1f&n .q ~ qfR_ m~t? (1) 'H"iCI<HCI>l ~ ftrtci; (genes) "CfiT ~ ~ <il•lliiiCfi ~ m-m 1 (2) 3ilf'if!<ICfictl ~ CllctiCI{UI ~ ~ qfl:illf(i'tct ~ (3) m- I ~ ~ CllctiCI{UI ~ ~ ~ CIFRifqCfi fcf<:f;m ~ %" Wrrt ::ttlf'if!<ICfictl ~ %" I (4) 611f'if:(ICfictl ~ CllctiCI<(UI ~ ~fqq:;m tft I # <;f.:IT ~ 50%-50%·~ (9) I 27. 28. A Socialization is (1) Rapport taught between (2) Process society of (3) Adaptation of social norms (4) Change in social norms teacher modernization (1) ~ ~ :ql3nr<nr ~ oiR:r of (2) m (3) m~11RW~~~ (4) fll'"llf"l'f> 11RW -q ~ A PT teacher wants her students to improve fielding in the game of cricket. Which one of the following strategies will best help his students achieve that goal ? (1) (2) (3) (4) 28. ~ ~ aw{<ul -« t? Tell students how important it is for them to learn to field. Explain the logic behind good fielding and rate of success. Demonstrate fielding while students observe. Give students a lot of practice in fielding. A teacher wishes to help her students to appreciate multiple views of a situation. She provides her students multiple opportunities to debate on this situation in different groups. According to Vygotsky's perspective, her students will various· views and develop multiple perspectives of the situation on their own. (2) ( 3) (4) (1) (2) · (3) (4) 30. Accommodated Assimilated Appropriated Initiated w ~ ~ ~ f<R:r m '"lt\fCl'{ul %-I ~ &tr-wur-*<" ~ Cfft Gr ~ -QW- ~ ncf; "'fiT ~ q;r-rr I &tr-wur "'fiT ~ q;r-rr .:llcktl'f>"' ~ I ~ "'f)) &tr-wur "'fiT 31fuq;- am- mwrr ~~ I arCR fuallf~ ~ ~~it ll"« "<6FIT ~ t ~ <l ~ fu.1fu ~ aRcn <tfle<b)Oi) ~ ~ '<6'f "fi"Ct I Cfl\' fcff1Fl" ~ it ~ ~ ~ CI'TG·~ Cfir-'r cfi .aRcn' ~ ~ <6"mft t I cU$•ilrt<t>1 cfi ~ cfi ~ ~ fmmfl fcif1Fl" 't foe <b) 0n CfiT ~ attr rrflcf; -« "3'(01" fu.1fu <fi aR<n m . ~ fCI<bfWt ~ I internalize constmct operationalize rationalize Sita has learned to eat rice and dal with her hand. When she is given dal and rice, she mixes rice and dal and starts ·eating. She has eating rice and dal into her schema for doing things. (1) (2) (3) (4) 29. Cfft ~ ~ ~ ~ <fi ~ it mmr~ <fi alsf-Ta{11T c:nT WI'HI ~ t . 1 f.p:;:r it ~-m ~ fuanf~ CfiT 3JtRT ~ Jl11<f Cfir-'r it W'Q<fi '!"ll\1~<6 c1) ~ "'fiT <:w omRT &tr-wur m -3-l'Rim~ 29. m and 30. ~ (1) (2) (3) Rtrtur (4) ncf>Wm- ' 'iifMI'f>{OI -« ~~m ~ attr "'ilTc'fM "&AT • ~ t .I \ii'Oi ~ ~ "'ilTc'fM fcr<r ~ t nT Cfl\' ~-"'ilTc'fM am- f"1MI<6~ ~ ~ c:nT Cfir-'r <fi fffir m aTtr "'ilTc'fM ~ CfiT t I ~~ ~ it ~ '(f)'f ~ t"l (1) lil'"ll~'tf"ln (2) <ll'j<tifl1i1 (3) (4) lill{ilcti11 ~ (10) A PART- II I 'qf1l_ II MATHEMATICS I •1f01<'1 31. Perimeter of a square is 24 em and 31. length of a rectangle is 8 em. If the perimeters of the square and the 32. 33. (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 64 The difference of the place value and the face value of the number 3 in 12345 is 32. (1) 16 (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 64 -qr-fliaiffi"t 0 295 (2) 295 (3) 297 .(3) 297 (4) 305 (4) 305 0 (2) Which one of the following is not correct? I 33. f.:l+::r 1i "« ~ m ~::ill t ? (1) 56.7 f<tw1ll'll'i A ·cube has six faces. (2) ~tj;:p)>6 ~~t (3) One millimetre= 0.1 em (3) ~ f'"lf~P=tic:< (4) 0.10 is same as 0.1 (4) 0.10 (1) 56.7 kilogram= 5670 grams (2) afu- ftfim <mf wT afu- ~ 12345 .q 3 ~~-qr-fi'fm ~ (1) (1) ~. ~(wl~.~t square em) of the rectangle is 16 wT q;r ~ 24 ~ Cfft ~ 8 ~. t ~~~~~.m~q;r rectangle are equal, then the area (in (1) %«~ 5670WT 0.1~. 311t 0.1 WIRt SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /~<iil<f cl;-~~ (11) 34. The speed of a boat in a river is 20 kni 34. per hour ai1d the speed of another boat is 23 km per hour. They travel in the same direction from the same · ~~ 1R" 'T.fffift f I ~ "ffi::f tit ~ place at the same time. The distance m~c6T~t .between the boats after three and half hours is (1) . (2) 35. (1) 10M. (2) 1o.sM. (3) 11M. (4) 11.5 M. 10 km 10.5 km (3) 11 km (4) 11.5km When 90707 is divided by 9, the 35. ~ 90707 qiT9-« \{111" ~1R"~t remainder is (1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 7 A c6T -:c:m;r 20 ~ Jffif tkT t afu"~ ~ -;:nq c6T -:c:m;r 23 ~ Jffif "dGT t ~<hton -;:nq ~ -tt ~ 1l ~ ~-« ~ 1{ ~ -;:nq (1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 7 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I ~'-6T<f ~fut:r\illW (12) A 36. When a fresh fish is dried it becomes 36. 1/3 of its weight. Sunita buys 1500 kg fresh fish for f 25 per kg and sell f 25 them, when dried, for f 80 per kg. f2,500 (2) t 2,700 (3) ~ 3,000 (4) n,5oo t l~'lfcm"'Cfg"~t . (1) 37. Jffif fcnffi ;f;- 'qJq ~ ~ ~. ~ WM ~. f 80 Jffif fcnffi cf> 'qJq 'tR" ~ <tit How much does sbe earn ? (1) p 'tR"~ ~ 1/3 ~ ";iffiiT t I wflor 1500 fcnffi i'I'T'iiT ~ ~i'I'T'ill ~ q;l Look at the following pattern : 37. t 2,500 (2) t 2,700 (3) t 3,000 (4) ~ 3,500 ~~q;l~: (9-1)+8= 1 (9 -1) + 8 = 1 (98-2)+8=12 (98- 2) + 8 = 12 (987 - 3) + 8 = 123 (987- 3) + 8 = 123 (9876- 4) + 8 = 1234 According to this pattern (987654- 6) + 8 = (9876 - 4) + 8 = 1234 ~~;f;-~ (987654- 6) + 8 = (1) 12345 (1) 12345 (2) 123456 (2) 123456 (3) 123465 (3) 123465 (4) 123467 (4) 123467 SPACE FOR ~OUGH WORK I ~'C61<f cfi"'ft;nr~ A (13) 38. 750 ml juice is. fiUed in one bottle and 38. ~~'If 750 ft:«;ft ~ ~ \jf(ffi t am- carton. The number of cartons needed tm 6 ~q;l~~lf ~~\jf(ffi t I 450 ~ ~ ~ futr ~161!/<l<f> 'filW for 450 litres of juice is ct~mmt (1) 75 (1) 75 (2) 80 (2) sif; (3) 90 (3) 90 (4) 100 (4) 100 six such bottles are packed in one . ' -, 39. Internal length, breadth and depth of 39. ~ ' (311<li'11Cf>H) orcm qft ~ mnl. a (rectangular) box are 4 em, 3 em ~ afif~J6lm: 4 ~-. 3 Wft. nm and 2 em re·spectively. How many_ 2 -@ft. f I 8664 calhfkn.:ro:tlq;l~~ such boxes are needed to pack 8664 centimetre cubes ? (1) 351 (1) 351 (2) 361 (2) 361 (3) 391 (3) 391 (4) 722 (4) . 722 _SPACE FORROUGH WORK/~~cf;~~ A 40. (14) 1 "Write the equivalent fraction of 3 ." 40. •1cl; fii11j(i<4 f'R ~ I" ifim IV cl; The above question asked to students tmnrem ~ ~ 11trr ~"f!Cim of Class IV refers to annt~n ctmn f I (1) lower-level demand task as it (1) requires procedural skills only. (2) (2) higher-level dl!mand task as it is based on procedure (3) cit · ~ ~ ~-q;r;f, ~ w <);cffi ~ ~ ~-q;r;f,' ~ ~ ~c);~~qr~t (4) · higher-level demand task as it is on ~ ~qr~~ with connection. based ~Sf>4UI"f>Hl 3'11<:!~4"fldi ~ ~ based on memc>rization only. (3) ~ ~ ~-q;r;f, ~ ~ <);cffi lower-level demand task as it is cit procedure (4) without ~~~-q;r;f. ~~c); f.Rr~qr~~ connection. 41. Students often make a mistake in comparing the decimal numbers. For example 0.50 is larger than 0.5. The most probable reason for this error is (1) (2) lack of practice of these t).rpes of questions in the class. lack of concrete experience of representation of decimal number on number line. (3) careless attempt by the students. (4) misconception regarding the significanc<: · of zero in ordering decimal. 41. mawdf <alilt"'a ~an cit 'iFR' ll ~ Cfi'«l" f I 3~ ~~~ UI cl; ~ 0.50, 0.5 ~ wm t llfl' ~ q;r flai~ifi ~ <m"OT Jmf: ~~t (1) ~"' ~ Wffi" c);~ c);~ <tiT 3N1a" I (2) ~ ~ qr G~i"R"'C! ~c); f.Rc:;qur c);~ ~<tiT 3N1a" I (3) ~ rnr ("114l:<~ltll Ol«'AT 1 (4) ~ G~l4("1<rll ~cit fll~"fl!11 ~ ·~~fi"fl<?IHII SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK/l'qi~cf;~~ ps) 42. 43. A teacher prompts the students to prepare Mathematical journal with the theme "Application of Mathematics in Daily life". This activity is (1) to test tl)e students understanding of Mathematical concepts. (2) to provide opportunity to students share their ideas and knowledge. (3) to help smdents to sense of Mathematics. (4) to help students to connect Mathematical concepts and its applications and to share their knowledge and ideas. According to Van Hiele level of geometric thought, the five )evels are visualization, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction arid rigour. Some polygons are given to a child of Class III for sorting. 42. A fm1<n tmmwn ~ ·~ ~ .q: TTfirrrr q;r ~ 'j3'l en w ~ ~ m1!f ., FU rffi <~ ~ ~~~~~~~tiT t 1wTTffifcri'~t (1) ~ <ift ~ fi<t>&<J"11arr <ift mq:;r;:rr 1 (2) 3N-l m 3fu- ~ -<t>T -mw ~ cl;~~-<t>T~~ Cf){RT I (3) lJfUm qft ~ -q ~ qft ~ (4) q:;r;:rr I ~ 3fu- ~ 3fu- 3N-l fcrqffi -<t>T mw ~ -q fi<t>&<J"11arr 3lill"MI -q m ~ m ~ -~ qft ~ q:;r;:rr I 43. ct.; m ~ J<lrfi:IJI<~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~f-~. fCI!IH~Ui, ~ 4l 4iltR <6 f.:frrq;:f, ail 4ilt <6 f.¥rq;:f afu- n ~ (rigour) I 'C6'afT ill ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~~~~~~· l 6~~oool He classified tbe polygons on the basis of the number of sides. This child is at ---'':.....·.;.:..· level of Van-Hiele Geometrical tbought (1) (2) (3) (4) cg ~~crnrrt I W~WfmR~ \i<ltf>iJ\<4 ~~ (1) ~ (2) fcP/H"'OI Visualization ','Analysis 1prrm ctt ~an cl;- amm-tff~ lnf<;>rmal deduction i . (3) · 314l4'<HRCfl ~ Formal deduction (4) 6ih<liR<t>~ ~.., SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK~~~ c);~~ ~tfft I A 44. (16) A child displays differentiating difficulty between in 44: numbers, ~ ~ ~arr. ~arr afu" ~ ~ t-~ ~. M~rnm anfu-1l atn- operations and symbols, two clock ~ hands, different coins etc. This implies ll <6fd011~ ~ q;rffi t I~ that the specific barrier affecting his. f01~n1ei tfln-;;IT ~~~~ learning is <fiT lN1fan <nn"tt t, cit (1) poor verbal, visual, auditory and working memory. (2) poor visual processing ability i.e. visual discrimination, organization and (2) spatial ~ ~-Wf;l1UT <!Tn:im, ~ - ~~.. ~~-mr visual coordination. (3) poor language processing ability. (3) i.e. expression, vocabulary and mf;l10T <!Tn:im, ~ ~. ~-~ 3W ~ mf;l10T auditory processing. (4) ~ 'llTm ·poor motor skills, reading and writing skills. 45. NCF 2005 emphasises on Constructivist Approach of learning as it focuses on {1) 45. ~ QIQ_<I'€1<1\ ct>1 '(<'Q~@i 2005 'l'il"ii<Ml ~ ~ -.wr ~ atfwrq c); t, ~ Cf5 ~~tl memorization of definitions and formulae. (1) ~:m-mr~cot<nG~ (2) sub!llission of regular homework. (2) ~ lJ't'-~ ;:;p:fT -~ (3) active (3) ~#~~~~ participation of Ieamer q;y ~ ..wne:1fh11 through engaging activities. (4) effective lecture and instructions by teacher. (4) ~ 00 ~ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I rq;'C6'1<f cf;~~ >MTCft O<ll(0..041'1 3W (17) 46. Following are array diagram using bindis to represent 15. 0 0 0 000 000 000 000 46. .m f"'i01ffwif&l1 ~ CfiT ~ ~ §tr 15 ~m<mhi<ilfut11 (array) ~f ~0,__,..0....,0~0.....,0:-1 0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 loooooooooooooool 0 0 0 0 80 loooooooooooooool 0 0 0 0 0 The way of representing 15 or any . other number in the above manner can be used to teach concept of (I) area and commutative,property (2) commutative property of multiplication, identification of prime and composite numbers, area ofrec:tangle (3) representation of a number as product of two numbers, commutative property of multiplication, multiplicative identity, identification of prime · and composite numbers, area of rectangle using units quantity (4) representation of a number as product of two numbers, of commutative property multiplic:ation, multiplication identity, identification of prime and composite numbers. A 0 0 .m Jre:fun m .m __ 'lfft tfi!fii'Q""' 1s amcrr 3R' ~ ~ cl; ~ ~ 'Q'JR <);~ $:M¥U('1 %orr \ill~ t I (1) ~*~wrfu (2) ~ em ~ ~ mw em wrfu, ~ am- ~. 3W«f q;r ·~ (3) ey ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .q ~ ~ CliT ~ q;r;f, ~em~ wrfu, ~ ~. ~ afu" ~~em~. 41311(<0(<6 ~ q;r ~ q;cl ~ 3W«f q;r ~ (4) ey ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q;r ~.~em~ * ~ wrm. ~~.~am-~ ~~em~ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK/~~cl;'fi;nr~ A 47. (18) Which of the following questions is open-ended ? {I) 47. f.:t101f€tf&fl if"« <nt.:r-m ~ atn crn:rr w-f t? {I) Write the numbers 25, 7I, I9, 9, am)it~if~ I 8, I7, 85 in ascending order. (2) Which is more ? (2) I 7 -or3 5 (3) '25, 7I, I9, 9, 8, I7, 85 ~ ~m~t? I 7 -err3 5 Write any four number greater cmt '<m" ~ fffi3T (3) 2. nt ~ (4) 2 7~7~~t? 1 than 2.7. (4) 48. Wh . . 2 at ts 7 more than 7 ? The most appropriate tool to expose the students of class II to plane . 48. q;m II cf; fulmf~ <fiT ~ ~~ all'f>Rt41, afu- fcf;;ml "« ~ qm;t <fiT figures, its vertices and edges is •I , {I) Geo-Board (2) Nets of 3D solids (3) Cubes (4) Black-board surface (3) ~ SP.ACE FOR ROUGH WORK ~~~tfi-~~ (19) 49. Following is a problem from text book of class V: em, respectively. A f.1'"1R:If<S~i1 ~ v <it ~-~.q ~ ~ m;m;rt: "There are 4 poles ofmeasure 105 em, 115 49. 150 em and 235 em If they have to be cut into pieces of equal length, what is the maximum length of each piece ?" Gist t fiR<I;r 11'fll ji;111T.· 105 'fWI., 215 'fWI., 150 'fWt. rreTT 235 'fWt. t I ~ Trt~ ~.q,~ .q: <1iTc:'fT t ni JTr"lR; . gcnt<lft 31('~ ~'if<lT -mJ ?" «-qif 4 This question is asked to (1) test knowledge of factors and multiples (2) check the skill of finding HCF (3) enhance problem solving skills (I) ~ 3fu- ~ $'~ cn~bRwr (2) tt"'-Hiltt'h mn ~ $'~ <1>1 ~ C3) mw 1ft fi ' give practice of word problems (4) Following is a problem from text book tt"'-H'Iltt'h (fllf tt<"lmQ"l so. . f.:t'"1ft'1f&i'1 ~ m <it ~m:R<nt: "Which mathematical operation will be ··~ ~ q;7 'ffl' used to solve the following problem .? A milkman sold I410 litres of milk in q:ff;:r_ fit 1(/Vf(flq sell in a day ?" Which competence of Bloom's cognitive domain is referred in the 'fifincrr q;r ~ m .q ~ .q, ffflr ]1?#r f<l;w ~? r['1> ~ 10 ~ .q: 1410 r:ftcr fl1 knr t I CW r['l>~ rf film:t r:ftcrfll knr #'?" ~m;m;r oq ~ cf; ~:HHii"''Cfi iltr Cfft ~~<it am-~t? above question ? · (l) Knowledge w ~-~ of class III : 10 days. How many litres of milk did he "Cfl«l ~ ~-~an "CflT 3Mffi ~ based on HCF and LCM 50. an "CflT m ~~~q;)~ using learnt concepts (4) Cf)C'<l '11 (1) ~ (2) · Comprehension (2) ~ (3) Analysis (3) fc:l~(it~OI (4) Synthesis (4) fi~(it<jOI SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK t~Cfi'T<f cf;~~ A 51. 52. (20) Rashid is studying in class V. He can classify various types of triangles in different categories but has difficulty in understanding the abstract proof for the sum of three angles in a triangle to be always 180. According to Piaget Cognitive Theory Rashid is · at 51. 'It 'Ql'ffi' t rlfuG~ V I ~fuf~ lfcfiR"~ ~ q;f f~ ~ .q ~ ~Wfi'ffi t~ ~ 1t iR q;foif q;p:rrrr mffi t I ~ ~ :H~Hii'iCfi ~rrfuG-~wt 1 (1) ~ 'liflfl"'li"'!Cfi ~ (2) Formal operational stage (2) 3/l4"<l1Rcti 'liflfl"'l("'""lcti ~ (3) Sensorimotor stage (3) 'li~e.'1•1fi1Cfi ~ ( 4) Pre-operational stage (4) ~-'liflfl"'l("'""lcti ~ 52. Here mathematization develop child's abilities ( 1) (2) (3) (4) refers to ~ fu';atf Concrete operational stage "Developing children's abilities for mathematization is the main goal of mathematics education. The narrow aim of school mathematics is io develop 'useful' capabilities." mm t- ~ ~ Wfl17T q;f ~ .q -m Cfifcs"11~ (1) According to NCF 2005 1so ~ Qld<lil<ll qft <(C\Q~@ 2005 ~ = A ' -•_;"" '''TlfUrrr Cfft fm1r "" 1J?.W ~ ~ <1fT •lf0Tri1Ch (0/ Cfft Q11rr7T31f "" fiFI;-nr 'f&r-11' f I P{!ffl 'T1fUrrr 'liT ifffirrr Mll?1 f ' ~ Q11rr7T31f 'liT fiFI;-nr I " \ '<l'iT '<lfOIJiCfi~OI' ~ 'Cift ~3fi cnr fci'Cfi'm ~ 'Cift am-~~ t 1 In performing all number operations efficiently including of finding square root and cube root. (1) To formulate Theorems of Geometry and their proofs independently. (2) To translate word problems into linear equations. (3) To develop the child's resources to think and reason mathematically, to pursue assumptions to their logical conclusion and to handle abstraction. (4) ~ 3'!lt ~ f"lctilii'l~ ~wiT ~~31Tct~~cn1 ~ ~ ~ ""'llf'"lffi"' f.r'!C\qur m 'CfiT 3'!lt ~ ~ 'CfiB cn1 ~-'WRZ!T31'f q;)- ~ 'HlilCfi(OI # ~CI?Rcn1 ~311· q;)- ~ ~ R1'.Cfi1i 'CfiT ¢li~ilw1 ~ 3'!lt ~ 'CfiT ~ CI?R c), ~ TTfO'rffi<r ~ ~ fmR 3'!lt ~ct~ct~'CfiT~~ (21) 53; The highlights of a good textbook are that 53. ~ ~ 41a,<~y;'klcn <tT fCI~I''iGrll~ t: at". A. B. c. 54. They contain numerous exercises to give rigorous practice. examples ~~~~ci;fffir~ mhfl<mft" Cfil~~";i{l~t I ~ &T ~ TTlf ~ ~- fcn"tr TTlf t are (1) at"~<r (1) AandB (2) CandD (2) (1~(\ (3) AandC (3) 31~(1 (4) BandD (4) Of~<\ rTlil<r A Qld<lil<ll ' wawrtftt (1) (2) · (3) (4) Succeeding m Mathematics should be mandatory for every child. (1) ciT <{<\Q~&I 2005 ---- 1 l1fUrfT -q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tl Students should be tested first for their logico-mathematical ability. (2) Maths curriculum shall separate for low achievers. (3) be I ~mitcr~~~ICI~<Icni· I They must" be thick and heavy. 54. tt mf1rn G". D. NCF 2005 emphasises that 1 ~c); 11lUitf ~mil fi<ti&<H 1m Of. All concepts can be introduced thro~gh situations. Only solved included. A ~ q:,1 ~-~ <irr<:mr ~ ~~~WwiA"t~ ~ ~aii ~ ~ l1'fUR'T_ 414_4'<141 alwr tMt Maths shall be taught to selective students. SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I -rq;q;ycf c);~\ifTT6 A 55. (22) The difference between the sinilllest common multiple and afu" 35 <fi mR{ mt 't11si•JUI'tj afu" 55. · 5, 10 biggest common factor of5, 10 and 35 is (1) (1) 30 (2) 35 (3) 65 30 (2) . 35 (3) 65 (4) . 75 (4) 56. 57. 75 The number of factors of 105 is 56. ~ 105 <fi 1JU Hci'!l Cfft ~ f (1) 3 (1) 3 (2) 4 (2) 4 (3) 6 (3) 6 (4) 8 (4) 8 If the time li~w is 2.17 P.M., what will 57. ~~ 31if 2.17 P.M. be. the time 11 hours and 59 minutes 11. tit from now? ~? afu- 59 f1:RG <l; ~ ~ (1) 1 L57 A.M. (1) 11.57 A.M. (2) 9 : 59 A.M. (2) 9 : 59 A.M. (3) · 2.16A.M. (3) 2.16 A.M. (4) (4) 2.17 A.M. 2.17A.M. t, nT 31ir~cftct> SI'ACE FOR ROUGH WORK /~ctiT<htd~~~ . ~ 59. 60. 11 ones + 11 tens + 11 hundreds equals 59. 11~+11~+11~ t (1) 144 (1) (2) 1221 (2) .1221 (3) 12321 (3) 12321 (4) 111111 (4) 11111-1 The sum of five hundred nine and 60. 144 ~~;:ft afu"tfr.;~ ~~~t three thousand twenty eight is (1) 3537 (2) 3087 (3) 837 (4) 387 ¢lml"f (1) 3537 (2) 3087 (3) 837 (4) 387 A . (24) PART- Ill/'tWT-' Ill . ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES I Q<OiieH cit ~ . 61. 62. 63. The name of the scientist· who first peeped into a mosquito stomach and proved that mosquitoes spread malaria and for his research was awarded Nobel Prize in medicine in December 1902 is 61. •hnP!Cfl CfiT ~ ';:f1lf t f-;:m-;t <('lclSII!l q lfTm' ~ 1k' ~ ~ "ffiCti'-~ ~ 31tr ~ ~ ~~~q(;)fhul=!~n~~tffm l'« ~ ~ ~ filfcfiH'II ~l$f1f~ $~H (I) ~~ (2) ww~ George Mistral (3) "**~ Ronald Ross (4) ~mr (1) Charles Darwin (2) Gregor Mendel (3) (4) Rajat said to his friend, "I cannot play because I am down with fever. I pass through a cycle of shivering, fever and headache and finally sweating. .After my blood test doctor prescribed me a bitter medicine.'' Rajat . might be suffering from 62. ~ ;f 3TQ;f fir.nh;-gr, ~ ~ ~ "FfffiT t (2) Diarrhoea (2) (3) . Cholera (3) ~ (4) (4) ~ Malaria (3) (4) A trader from Afghanistan who came to study the dryfruit markets of our country. A traveller from Uzbekistan who wrote· a book which is helpful to know the past of our country. A traveller who travelled from Kashmir to Kanyakumari to study the culture of Indian people. "'il-:;ift ~ 'Wfiffi 'il tqtcfl, ~. titmf mwmrr t? fW:rr<ft ~ 3lfimTr {2) I ~ ~ 'CfliCit ~ ;tt I" ~ ~ Wr ~ ( 1) A Qutabshahi Sultan who ruled our country for about 40 years. I fcrl:n'Tl<IT * I r<ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;f Typhoid (1) t 190i ~afu-affi1f~aTR~"<ijl;~ (1) Who was AI-Biruni ? R<('ltaH 63. 3Wi'-~ '!liR ~ ? (1) OW ~ 'f(j"WIItft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I (2) * OW 31 Cfi 1 11 f01 «'111 Cffi' ~ &fT!1'R1 ~T ;;IT ~~*.qqr~~Cffi' ~ 't!iR aw:IT ~ (3) ~ 40 'Cl'rt ~ ow a~fcfi'R111 I ~. ~ ~ ~M";;IT~~~~~ q;r <mil' ont*~*~tl (4) ew~<mft'~~'l1m'f~mctt ~ Cffi' ~ 't!iR ~~ ~ ~ Cfl~l'f"ll'l.i <1Cfl' ctt ~ Cifr I (25) 64. 65. 66. The animals that flre awake at night can see .objects 64. mrll~~~~~'lfit (1) ~trf'lf~Wiifft I (2) c);crc;r q;rffi 3lk ~ tl' ~ t I in green colour only (3) c);crc;r rt trf ll ~ N in red colour only C4> cf;crc;r~trrll~mt (1) in all colours (2) only in black and white colours (3) (4) Select the correct statements about elephant herd : A. An elephant herd has· mainly females and baby elephants upto 14-15 years old. B. An elephant herd comprises members of a particular family. C. The oldest female is the leader of the herd. D. An elephant herd may accommodate any· number of female elephant and the young ones. (I) AandB 65. -ro'~ <fi ~ A. D. ~ ~ 'If ~f~f~<4l afif ~ Cfft (1) A 021T B C and D (4) C021TD 66. <ieji<4'i <fi ~ 'Q1nf ~ ~ cf; itT:!' 'If ¥tJ ~ ~fuJTt ~ t ~ ~ f ( 1) (2) (3) (4) Anther 67. 4<1' 1"1\ll<l ~ ~ ~ ~ 3TN twmft 1m o18'W&U« ('J'riW'1) ~m~~~~atfi14in(m train, then at Ahmedabad railway station you will find that most of the vendors are sellb1g ~~~~-~~~~? (1) (1) ~. ~. ;ffor~"€1Tcwr (2) uM-~~~ (3) ~-~~em-~ (4) 'ttft-mrr~~~ Dhokla with chutney and lemon rice (2) Chholay-bhature and lassi (3) Idli-chutney and Vada-chutney (4) Puri-shaak and thanda doodh "t\ ~fctm;:fl~~~t I (4) If you go to Ahmedabad (Gujarat) by ~ w mw~t -tt ~ ~ B 021T D Stigma • '$" ctt mm Cfft*'rrMt I (3) (4) '!fit c. Band D Radicle ~ -ro'~ <fi ~ 'ijs 'If W 'Qfum-<fi~ ~ f I (3) (3) 1 B. A 021T C Pollen m:t I 14-15 Cifli<fi~~.:<h'\~f I (2) (2) t -ro'~ t- '$" 'If cficn;t m-~ A andC Inside the petals, in the middle of a flower we find a thin powdery structure, called <fi iflt 'If ~: (2) (1) 67. A A (26) 68. The birds move their neck very often because 69. {1) they can fly. (2) the birds eyf:s are fixed. (3) the birds have small eyes. (4) their ears feathers. are covered ' ~ ~ ~ ~<mVTt~ arso anQ<fi ft;m{ t (1) ~~~I (2) ~ em • em ~ <{11 ~ ~I with After diagnosis a doctor says to a patient that there is less haemoglobin in his blood. Which of the following should he eat to make up the deficiency of iron ? 70. 68. 69. (3) ~em•mtt~~ 1 · (4) ~cmtksihhcl>~~ 1 c);- ~ ~ ~ f.1GR t Cfi"g'ffi Cf>lft t nrft <tf ;:IT ~ nrft cnT 3mfR qft Cf>lft cnT ~ q;Rcf>ft;rtr~-~~ mmr 1 Rice, sugar, amla ( 1) ~. -:df.:IT, (2) Green leafy vegetables, wheat, orange (2) ro~~.~mm. (3) w.~~ (3)_ Jaggery, lemon, pea (4) Amla, green leafy vegetables,• jaggery (4) ~. ro~~. w . ( 1) developing understanding of basic concepts of the subject. (2) memorizing basic principles of the subject. (3) linking c:Iassroom learning to life outside t'~e school. (4) acquiring skiJls to carry out· ·experiments independently. 70. ~ 41<!_<1'4<11 ~ 'QT <w ~ ~ ~ 1l "~lqhflfo'H" (1) National Curriculum Framework, 2005 strongly · recommends that teaching of EVS at primary stage should primarily aim at ~ 31icwrr <tf '!<\4~&1 200S Rll!l~ifi 4<11<4~01 ~ m~RUT 'f6T ~ ~W~Tmmr {t) ~ ~ ~ifiM41m ~ ~ CfiT fucfim I (2) ~ c); ~ em em fu;:iffi ~ ~ CWlT I (3) ~ ~ ~ ~ fCiiQI<"'<I c); ~c); ~ter-n~~ 1 (4) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft ¥~1<"11'11 a#imCW'!T I (27). 71. Which one of the following is not .consistent with the requirements of EVS curriculum at primary stage ? {1) (2) · {3) (4) 72. 73. f.:t"'1fi;tfuit1 qq\<HUI · It should inculcate in learners a concern for environment. (2) It should engage learners m acquiring methods and processes leading to generation of new knowledge. (3) It should suit cognitive level of the learners. (4) explain basic concepts of the subject. (2) t1 ~ "1fiTi1 ~ ~ ll 1ICM ~ fffi; ~q:;f~~~~~ Clir-IT. I ~~ # 4"11<'1(01 ~ ~- q:;f ~Clir-IT· I ~ ~ q:;f ~ ~ ~ ~.m"i.fil~~-q~ ~·"""~~q:;f~~ #am~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 4Hf~Cfi «it ~ ~~··I 72. lf'.~.f,am-.i\. qft ~-~ ll Q'i\Ci(Uj ~ 'CfiT ~ SI11Qfi:ri.fit11 atR' ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~"<<'ilaU ~ ~~<li~l provide opportunities to learners · for contemplation and wondering. (2) fim;f ~ ~ ~ ~ q:;f arcrnr~m~~ i of (3) <1Cfl41Cfl'l 'tl""lc!C'tl ~ ~ ~ provide exact definitions technical terms. · *" ~m<li~1 (4) include large number of practice questions. 73- aW:tq;- ~ # 3Mm ~ q:;f ~ ~~~I qq\cnur ~ <tt ~-~ 1l -m 'fiT f.:t"'1f<;tf&t11l"« ~-m ~ ~ t? o) ~ -q m "CflT fcrcfim Clir-IT ~an~ Cfi~tf.:tll'i 'i.fiT ~ (1) To develop interest in the subject. (2) To have a change in routine and monotonous content. . (2) To provide fun and enjoyment for learners. (3) To promote imaginative and creative ability in the learners. (4) (4) S111Qfi1Cfi «R' tR' Qjoq~q\ <tf " (I) Which one of the following is .!!!!! an objective of including poems and stories in EVS textbooks ? (3) ll '« ~-m ~ <tf <Jf ICI11'1Cfit11 eli~~ ( 1) (1) (4) 71. It should equip the learners with knowledge and skills to enter the world of work. Higher priority and space has been given in NCERT textbooks on EVS to (3) A 1 ~ ~ ~ ~-crtq # ~ Clir-IT I ~ q:;f ~ -~ lf-i!T ~ "Cfl\RT I ~ -q Cfl("<<'11>til~<11 ~"1'111'4Cfl ~ "CfiT ~ ~ I ~ A (28) 74. · Good EVS ~;urriculum should be 'true to the child, true to life and true to the subject.' Which of the following characteristics of a curriculum does not meet the above requirements ? (1) It promotes the value of freedom 74. (1) ~~~~tt'Tffi'ffic);~ (2) ~ ~ q;f ~ flli11f"1Cfi ~c);~ -q~c);~~~~ CiiT.~~t I from fear and prejudice. (2) 'Q4TCI~OI ~<f>l ~ ~ QI4_4T.l4l CfiT ~ "' Jffit ~. 'itCR "' Jffit ~ ~ ~ <f> lffir ~ ~ mfttr I' 414_4'<14\ ·<tt r~'"'tf(ilr&n Pcnthil11m 4 ~ ~ m ~ 311CI~4Cfil11 CfiT 't{n :ffi <fm'il ? It requires the Ieamer to view the tl subject as a social enterprise. (3) It emphasises more on processes (3) ~ ~-~-~ om~t 1. (4) ~ ·~1a::1Cii1 ~ ~'* 11{ ~ of teaching and learning. (4) It emphasizes more on terms and Nalini wants to introduce the topic on 'Animals - our friends' to Class III · students. In order to ·introduce the topic more interestingly, the best teaching strategy would be to · (1) 75. -;:ffi;r-:ft m' * ~ cnR "'fffir f~'"'tft'lf&l1 ~ m~"Wrif~~mtft 1 (1) use a chart showing pictures of (2) draw pictures of different animals show a video film on animals and ask the students to see pictures of children cannot · write correct · · ~ (4) .~ Cf>T ~-~ it enhances convenience to teachers in assessment. (3) · 76. it helps the teacher to know how it reduces assessment. 11{ subjectivity (9"22T -q 1R ~ c); <tt Q4tCI<OI * tffir"' atn .~ <f>l ~-~ ~ 'll~mCfiT~~TTtiTt- ''glf~ . ~?' ~~~TTtiTtf<f;~m* ~ JfAT "'~ q;r ~ ~ T'I'M'O "'~ * ~ -::m ~ ~ I ~ QRCirl"'1 ~~TTtiTt~ (2) ~ «'R' 11{ ~ ~ 6W ~ fffi9 ~I ~~-q~ctft~~T tl -q ~<it wrmr Cfi«!T tr (3) ~~ (4) ~ ~ children are learning. (4) ~ 34lllPii11 .mmfuT ~~<!WIT I cnm v <tt (1) answers at this stage. (2) . ~~c);~q;f ~41114{,2 ~~fq;ITCf>T~c);~~ I Class V NCERT EVS textbooks · include a section 'what we have learnt' in the end of every chapter. It is suggested that answer to questions included in this section should not be · assessed in terms of. right or wrong. · · This shift has been done because (1) <!WIT 1 (3) animals given in the textbook. 76. m ORRT I their usefulness. (4) <tR- ~~c);~q;f~~ ~· ~ 'Cf)T on the blackboard. (3) cnm m cf> fmm'~ 'CfiT •;;rr;:rcrr_ ~ JrCf)'fOl ~ ~ 'Cfi'fRl ~ t 1 JrCf)'fOl 'CfiT ~ an~ ~ ~ ~ different animals. (2) ~ om~t1 definitions. 75. 11{ ~~~•wt1 m Cfi«!T lr I -q fqqqf-'1<>3i'il q;f q;q A (29) 77. Experimenting, Exploring, Investigating Jmd Questioning constitute esslmtial ·elements· of activE~ learning of EVS. A teacher arranges the following activities related to the concept of 'Food we should eat'. 77. JOI<il•i~ill'kil, ~. ~-~ afu'~ ~ qq\c:n 01 ~ell~ anQTTlf ell ~~'!iil'~ctmftl~ ma;cn ''{ifAT '!'iCfl('Q"11 ~ ~ ell ifltl{ ~ell~ f.:t'"1f<:tfuii1 • ~~em ~<fi'rnt (1) Draws the diagrams of all such (I) foods on the blackboard. (2) (2) food. Asks students to collect related from. all (1) Take the students to a field trip.· (2) Explain I w:ft W1ifcm -m ~ ~ "11'1Cfli'O ~ <R 1 ~ "iff'f ~~ fq; the · concept . through Use multimedia capsule to explain the concept. Ask probing questions related to the topic. Which one of the above proposed activities is not relevant for teaching of the topic effectively ? .q ~ ~-lfl ~ ari'U1'11f 'Cfll ~~ t? 78- ~ IV ell -mam~ 'Cfll •-gqr ~ ~ t> ~ ·~ ~ ~ Pi'"1Rrif&l'1 1'lfufuf~ 'Cfll ~em-~ ar.rn=ft t (2) ~ a~•wn ~ '<tiT ~ fii'fi<"HI , <!iT 'O!!T&IT I specific examples. (4) t t Shows a video on the topic. ' While teaching the topic on 'Air is everywhere' to Class IV students, Gitika. plans to perform the following activities : (3) ~~~t-~tnt (3) ' ~ ~ ~ possible Which one of the above four activities satisfy the condition for active learning? 78. t" w:ft ~ ~l{ ~ ~ GfffiiiT information sources. (4) >t41'1q{c: 'tR ~ 'lfCflR' ~t"~q.m:rrt I Gives examples of different foods each in essential components of (3) em ~ '{ifAT (3) fii'fi('<l"'ll 'lt'i1•ilf.s41 ~ q;r (4) m ~ 1 ~~~~~~ ~ JHI'1lfctl'1 ~~ ~ t- 'Cfll JNTCft 'ffilcf; ~:m!t? .q ~ ~-m ~ ~ ell ~ (30) A 79. 80. 81. The section on 'Do this and find out' i.ncluded in different topics in EVS textbooks aim at ( 1) providinli expenences. direct (2) improving examination. performance (3) learning definitions of scientific terms. (4) keeping the students engaged at home. Q<I,CI'!OI ~ ctfl ~-~ 1l fcn''iA ~ .q ~'cis ·m- w <fiT mfJ«;r fcn<ITTTli'Tt~~ t hands-on m A good assignment in EVS. should primarily aim at (1) revise the lesson for effective learning. (2) ensure better utilization oftime. (3) keep the students engaged and disciplined. (4) provide extended opportunities. (2) ·ll~C!if~ (3) ~;!11f"1Cfi Jtliii:JqMl C!>1 I ~ ~. (4) 80. tl\ll~C!ifcxrn;~ I Q<i\CI'!OI ~ 1l ~ ~ ~ 'Cfi1<f ~ ~~~~ (1) ~ ~*'~11T0Cf>1~ I (2) ~ CfiT ~ ~ <!lf"1~ild ~I learning As an EV.S teacher, the major objective of or1~anizing a field trip to a zoo should be (1) 79. 81. *" q~\CI'!OI ~ fmrcn ~ "(<\tf 1l fil~<llfH · 'j,lqVT ~ ~ q;r-f ~ *" ~~~~ to provide fun and enjoyment to students. (2) to have a change in monotony of (2) routine teaching schedule. (3) to provide active ~ ~ ~ C!>1 QCfi{@l q;f ~I learning experience to students. (4) to satisfy parents on quality of education. (4) rom C!>1 ~ *' ont 1l ~ <!iT~~ I (31) 82. Which one of the following is not an objective of study of EVS in relation to Social Sciences ? · (1) (2) (3) (4) . 83. 'Hi"lif"'ifl fcmRcfi~lf Q<ll<I~Oi ~ ~ "<fiT f~141fl1f&l1 (1) It should enable children to grow up as responsible member of society. (2) It should enable children to respect differences of · cultural practices. (3) It should enable children to learn correct definition of key terms. (4) 83. (1) Asking the students to undertake group projects to coiiect and analyse related information. {3) Asking the students to slogans on related issues. (4) (4) grading and ranking of students. of students' coT ~ <i; <iTni GF!Rf ~-3MT'HT q;r ~ ~ <!Tni ll ORRT W ~coT~ ~I~IClMl ttft ~ ~ <uc:~ <W<r GA"RT . . I q<ji<I~Oj ~ qft <ii81f afu- CflT-a!MI"''I11 M t-u ~ t lf ~. 'HI"liRilifl I PI141R:if&l1 ll <tt ~ ~ 1R fcMq 641l:941-ti q;r ~q;r;:rr I ~coT~ ~l"llf"'lifl ~·-qr '<nt~~<i;~~ I ~ coT ~ "1Hifll~?i ~ ~ ~ ~ fcH'HtlOI ~ <i; ~ ~l"lft~C!i 4R4l"1'11 ~<i;~~r 1 write enhancement learning. -q ~ ~-m arl'Wllr-~ l'fl' ~ •llanQ<fl"lNT<ft ~ ? (3) (3) <PT ~ <ii ~ f-!Jlil<m ~ ~ ~~ (2) identification of deficiencies in teaching. w ~ Asking the students to prepare charts on related social issues. (2) .I ., w <tiftffiT (2) identification of learning gaps of students. .I ~ fuW.rnT Organising special lectures on related issues. ( l) ~ ~-m ~ w~<PT~~~ 3MT'HT 1R ~ ~ <i; <!Tni ORRT ~ <i; ~ (1) Formative Assessment in EVS at primary stage does not include ll :lEt? It should enable children to question the existing ideas and practices. Kavita. wants to emphasise more on social issues like poverty, illiteracy and class inequalities in an EVS class. Which one of the following learning experiences will be more effective to achieve this objllctive ? {4) 84. 82. 84. ~ coT ~ ~<i;-~~1 1f# 1R ~ Jntlf~C!i ~ ~ q«<ic:n 01 hl"'liil4i ~ ~ ll ltiT vnfiwr :!!! ~I (l) ~<ii~-~qft~ (2) . ftmur -q ~ ctt ~ (3) ~<ii~<PTGliR (4) ~ctt~ ~ffi;Tr ' A 85. (32) Given below . are some human 85. activities :. A. · B. C. ;futm~~ m.(jjCf)("jjQ ror~t = A. mq;rai'€1+1 ~ c. omm-1hN-:f ~fffir ,:!fu<lhrri ~ Digging of mines. Constructing dams. Collection of leaves and herbs to ~~q;r.rr sell them in the market. D. Weaving baskets from bamboo. E. Making leaf plates out of fallen leaves. ~~~m,qjCf)("jjQ 'Cflt.:f~t~~~ The activities responsible for the disappearance of forests is/are lTJ?:r.nM ~ fffir f~>R<m t (1) only A (1) ~A (2) A and B both (2) A n£ITB~ (3) A,BandC (3) A, B n£IT C · (4) B, C, Dn£ITE (4) · B,C,DandE 86. . Select correct Bronze: statements al1out 86. ? ~~alt.q-m'T~~: A. rtfm ~. ~ 1'00 ~ qft ~ A, Bronze is an element like iron, silver and gold. B. Bronze is made on melting copper and tin. B. C. Bronze is very strong and is used in ·making cannons and statues. c. rtfm~~~t·~ nN 1'00 ~ (¥) lR'If 'iil'ffiT f I D. The utensils made of Bronze are lighter and stronger than that of aluminium. D. ~~~ ~RJ~f.:t<lq lf;~qft ~-mqt I ~ 'C6l i'lt.n 1'00 fl;; NEH''IICfi~ ~~~tl WRT.q~attratf~~ ~ tl Band C (1) B n£ITC (2) . C and D (2) C~D (3) D and A (3) Dn£IT A (4) AandC (4) A n£IT C (1) ~ A (33) 87. A person living in Gandhidham · (Gujarat) wants to visit first Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) and then Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). The dirj;lctions of his journey will be (1) (2) (3) (4) 88. 89. and and (1) then ·(2) and then (3) and then (4) 89. (1) (2) (3) (4) A, Band C B, C and D C, D and E A,DandE ~~Rm-ll~m~ ~ ~ Rm -q ~ Nit ~ ~~Rm-ll ~m~rn -q ~~~¥1Hf-<~iilw~fi;rorrm•~ 1 ~;;:!14\e~ = 110 ~· I~ ¥1HR:4:il W ~~~eli~<tl~ 15 ~::ll>fte~ t, "ffi "R cWIT ~eli~ qft CII'Rifctlfi" ~t (1) (2) 1165 fl•ihfic< 1100~ (3) 1500~ (4) 1.65 fct>Ml11'l2< ~~~'IWTt (1) (3) Tibet Myanmar Study the following duties/ responsibilities : A. Help others in carrying their bags. · B. Let the group follow you and · keep at the front. C. Ask those to stay back who cannot climb properly. D. Look after those who are ··not well and arrange food for the group. Find a good place to stop and E. rest. Which of the above are the responsibilities of a group leader in mountaineering ? ~~Rm-ll ~m~Rm -q Rmll Mount Everest is a part of (2) (4) ctt mmr~ m ? Rmll 88. India Nepal lli!ftqrq ('j'I1W'1) ~ ~ 'CffiYIT <filt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aftf ~ ku•UG (amt ~ \ii'RT ~ t I '3Wl; ~ (<mil) then On a city map it was mentioned "Scale 1 em = 110 metres". If the distance between two localities on the map is 15 em, then the actual distance between the two localities is (1) 1165 centimetres (2) 1100 metres (3) 1500 metres (4) 1.65 kilometres ( 1) (3) 90. First towards East towards South First towards West towards South First towards South towards West First towards South towards East 87. 90. ~em fuo;;m- em ~em (2) (4) ~em ;:fftl ~ Tf{f ~/3'i'1~«1f<IR.i'i ~ ~ ~: A. ~~~mtrRmll~ Cf>RT I B. 'IJt ~eli awl~.~ ,fut. -dht~ I c. -m . 'iiFr ~ ~ ~ m eli ff;nr 'lfi"AT I D. lf1V.ft eli ~ ~ w "3W.fiT !.ZfR ffitr ~-'t(t;l ~ arm;r ~ eli ffitr 3tT.dt ~ ~ ~ ,.,\ill¥1 Cf>RT "I E. m • ~{Frr I >11aoefo1<dl•1 ll ~ m- <tt fJt¥il« 1fhri ~*~~~: (1) (2) (3) (4) A, B (leiT C B, C (leiT D C, D (leiT E A, D (leiT E ct;T A (34) Candidates .shou14 answer questions from the following :Part only if they have opted for ENGLISH as LANGUAGE- I. ~ f"""kif~f~ft cqyTT ~ ~ ~ dfH ~q{Yt ~. ~ ~ d~~~ ~~~~ - I q;r fgct>~ ai!l~1 ~ m- 1 A (35) PART-IV LANGUAGE-I ENGLISH Directions : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow (Q: Nos. 91 to 99) by selecting the most appropriate option : 91. A poem reflects the culture ofthe (1) period it belongs to (2) historical past Why do poets use poems to tell about (3) imaginary life social injustices ? Tht: answer is simple. (4) present only This way a poet can catch and hold the reader's attention, his/her emotions. Usually poets in their works present 92. Here, the expression 'pulling strings' facts in order to capture attention of means many people. These are not new facts (1) that are presented to an audience. Poems challenging beliefs (2) · promoting popular notions are always aimed at reaching feelings of people and, thus, pulling (3) strings. · (4) Literature of every state shows all the secretly controlling thoughts exerting strength complexity of every epoch. When the situation is the same at several countries, it has a worldwide significance. Before 93. A word in the passage which means a quality of being intricate is talking about poetry, we should answer (1) the question : What is poetry ? Poetry is general a special way of describing situations, (2) · photograph things, ideas, feelings. ·Poets present (3) complexity (4) evaluation their ideas in short phrases. ·A poem can be .compared to a photograph as it reflects real .life, real situations and feelings, In a poem a poet captures the exact moment and represents it the way he/she has seen it. 94. Romantic . Movement is a literary period when the poetry mostly (1) is religious and philosophical (2) dealt with the supernatural and When you read a poem you see the poet's subjective evaluation of facts, situations and the ~och violence in general. Poets of the Romanti<: Movement wrote (3) time from the poet's point of view. on self-reliance and independence their poems to share their feelings. They wrote to help peopl€: understand their focused (4) emphasised "imagination on emotion and A 95. 96. (36) The structure of poetry is usually characterized by (1) sequences of two or more words without an 'action word' (2) long winded sentences (3) lengthy descriptive stanzas (4) short, factual stanzas An example of 'subjective evaluation' is ., 97. · 98. 99. (1) Everybody likes dishes prepared with potatoes. (2) The potato is a staple in some countries. (3) There are over 25 types potatoes around the world. (4) The potato has a large percentage of starch content. of The meaning of the word 'epoch' is a (1) lengthy, complex poem (2) type of literary work in England (3) distinctive point of time (4) being great and impressive The purpose of poetry is to _ _ __ the reader. ( 1) distract (2) appeal to (3) disturb (4) confuse The themes of poems are usually about . (1) everyday happenings Directions : Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 100 to 105) by selecting the most appropriate option. Between the Miles Because existence can become severe in one d_ay, just sense me and I'll be there. In the mind's eye, I'm not so far away. If you hold o~t your hand, in the-whispers, I'll become the zephyr ... and besiege you. If your eye's upon the stars, in the crystalline darkness, I'll become the moon. And the light shall guide you. If you rest upon the ground, in the warmth, I'll become the grass. And embrace you.·:,. If you tum outside, ·' in the wetness, I'll become the rain. An upon your forehead, kiss you. If you free the air, in the light of day, I'll become the sun. And smile for you. Between the miles- · if you need me. If you need a friend. Let me be the friend, I want to be. · Heather Stoop 100. 'The' zephyr' is a (1) fine quality of cloth (2) scent or odour (2) heroism and death (3) romance (3) strong stream of air (4) important life events (4) gentle, mild breeze (37) 101. An example of a metaphor is (1) 'I'll become the grass.' (2) 'Between the miles' (3) (4) 'I want to be.' 'If you rest upon the ground' 102: A synonym of the word 'besiege' is (1) (2) surround attack (3) befriend trap (4) 103. The theme of the poem is about separation (1) (2) relationship (3) travel (4) nature 104. The 'crystalline darkness' suggests that surrounding is (1) black and sombre (2) in the moonlight (3) (4). · 108. A company labels its frozen snacks 75% fat free rather than co11taills 25% fat so that people will view them more positively. This is an example of a (1) prototype (2) phoneme (3) subjecrive utility (4) semantic slanting 109. When children first start to speak in sentences, their speech may be described as (1) babbling (2) exceptionally soft (3) telegraphic (4) multi-lingual .lit up by the stars only pitch dark and quiet · 105. In the poem, the poet suggests that friendship is unaffected by ( 1) individual independence · (2) changing feelings (3) time and distance (4) differences in attitude Directions : Answer the following. questions by selecting the most appropriate option: 106. A learner's competence in English will improve when she/he receives or· learning experience that is appropriate. (1) an equal level (2) a slightly higher level (3) (4) ·A 107. A 'mental block' associated with English language learning is (1) interest in Sports and Arts. (2) disinterest in studies in generaL (3) lack of opportunities to use English. (4) dyslexia-a disability. a range of levels a slightly easier, lower level 110. Which observation supports Noam Chomsky's ideas about language acquisition ? (1) Children's language development follows a similar pattern across cultures. of language (2) The stages development occur at about the same ages in most children. (3) Children acquire language quickly and effortlessly. (4) All of these 111. What is the system of rules that be words can governs how meaningfully arranged to form phrases and sentences ? Language {1) (2) Syntax (3) Morpheme· (4) Phoneme (38) A 112. A twelve-year-old child enjoys using puns. This enjoyment indicates that she has (1) semantic slanting (2) deductive reasoning (3) mental blocks (4) metalinguistic awareness 113. Did you really yesterday? (1) knead (2) kneed (3) need (4) needed 114. You don't smoke, question) (1) have you · (2) are you (3) (4) the money ? [tag do you don't you 115. A 'critical period' during language learning is (1) the period during which language can be acquired with greater ease than any other time. (2) the length of time before a comprehensive assessment . takes place in class. . (3) best preparatory period for any language project. (4) special time set aside for students to intensively practice language use. 116. The two skills required to take notes effectively are (1) using symbols and abbreviations instead of words. (2) re-writing a text, using your own 'YOrds. (3) writing legibly with correct punctuation. (4) writing fluently, using conjunctions. 117. Remediation, when students find difficulty in the use of different 'modals' would be for them to ( 1) be given ample practice in using modals in a set of sentences. (2) frame sentences on their own and teacher corrects them. (3) learn about the structures outside the classroom through suitable activities. (4) practice by collaboratively completing tasks where structures are used integratively, in a variety of real life situations. 118. What is wrong with the following multiple choice question ? Tick the most appropriate : The Metro theatre is located _ __ LodhiRoad. (a) over (b) at (c) beside (d) behind (1) All answers are wrong (2) Two are wrong (3) The statement IS not correctly framed (4) 'Over' is the correct answer 119. Receptive Language skills are (1) using grammatical structures accurately. (2) writing in a range of styles. (3) listening and reading for information. (4) being able to self-correct while using language. 120. The 'Natural Order' in the process of learning English suggests that, children (1) are slow at learning to speak when riot in school. (2) learn to read and write simultaneously. (3) are able to speak first and then listen. (4) acquire some language structures earlier than others. (39) Candidates should answer questions . from the following Part only if they HINDI as have . opted ·. for LANGUAGE-I. Wwff f~~f(;ff~sHi mrr c); ~ c); dfH ct>ct<1 .Cflfr ~ ~ d~l~ · \:II till - I CfiT fqCf)(A/ ~ ~Tf11" m- 1 .. ·l A (40) A mtr-IV ~-1 ~ ~: -;fffl ~ ~ ~ ~ 1WiR m.~ ~ q;r T.f1R ~: Ylo~ll<:11alt, ~ ~ # m ~ ~ q:ft ~ <6tft ~ t I 92. lffi'n'-fi«rr q;y ~ cn1 mtt mm ~ -.rrt .q ~~~t? c1> fum q:ft rn?: ~ im' ~~I 1 (2) •orurmmwr~OR"~ 'GT-Grt ~ ~ ~ c6t '1ft~#~ an (3) ~ ~ ~ q;r f.:p:riur fcf;<rr ~ ~c6tm-om-~~q:,1~~t ~ Cf>f 311W '1ft ~-Pit ll OFIT S3lf t ~~~'ff{q:ft~~~'lftt fcf;' ~'1ft m-om-~~ -.m- #, ~ q:,1 93. wrnm~ont# ~m'lfit~~ ~ q;tf ~ '1ft 1IT'({f ~ ~ I ( 1) fq;- m-om- lffii'T-ftmr (2) ;;n(11' (3) ~ q;r ~ ~ fq;- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ q:,1 "'Rr ~ ? 1lfu_1:Wft ~~ mq; t ? ~ ~ ~ f OCl> q;tf ~ m (4) t omR q:ft 1("J1<:1l ~ 94. t I ~~wrrc:rrm~~~~ wrrr~tc:rr~~ ~<RWf I ~ ct; ~ ~ 'fmtuT ~lffiiT-furr~q;r rn?:-rn?: ~ q;f ~ ~fcii'El,.,.,R'1,..,<4l ~q;r (4) ~-1!NT~q;r ~ct;~mm~~~~ (1) ~~ont# (2) ~q:ftftlm~ont# (3) lffiiT-furr ~ fum-«K q;f (4) ~q:ft~~q:ft;;wft. Jl1'l<'l' ~ ~t? ( 1) ~ q;f fcl;it '1ft W:fiR"qft fum ~ Cf>f . (2) (3) ~~rnfum~~~~ h ~ ~ ~·~ ~ lffiiT-furr iffiT ~ q;r ~-~ ~ m m q;r '1ft ~ ~ Offfiffi' I l:lftuTJl1 I 'Eit 'Eit omR q:ft fum ~ cmvft mc'1T ~ ~~~ q:ft t fq;- ;:;frcR ~ m ~ -qffi it 'Eit ~ OR" -qr;f ~<IT\ "W.I;c: ~ ct;~ t? ~-qffi fc!im 'lft~c6t~'lft~ fu1:srr<rr ~ ~ :1 m ~ ~ -qffi fc!im 1-fT~ ~c6t ~~ ·ful:srr<rr ;;n(11' t ~q;f~~~~ I ~·~~Mffml'T~t? ~ . ~ ~ q;r lffii'T-ftmr 3Fm 1 ~I I (4) 91. •~ em~ fulWir ~ ~ ll 'll<ffi 95. 'lffi'n'-fl«w ~:~t (1) ~~-'fl1 (2) f.R$!>~-'fl1 (3) ~~-'fl1 (4)' ~-~~-'fl1 96. (41) •1ft• ~t 100. (1) fs'll<llfct'?l"'OI (2) ~- (3) f.:rmr WIT (4) cnFcr ci; 3FJmf ~ 'qJ1<f 61 'fr.l' ~ ffl nT ~ffl? (1) \R fi:wr -;;mf I (2) w~;f\T}~mm 1 (3) (4) 97. ·~~~~qft ~mt ~<rg"'lft t fcJ> ... , CfTCf<J cii h:s~ if<f>rl am CfiT tt+ll'11 eft . ~t 99. 101. ~ ciicmuT~-m~~~~-q ~sarrt? (1) ClF~<lfctCfi (2) Cl Fk1 fctCfio I (3) ~- . (1) (4) . ~ 98. m m\R ~ mrn "3l'R'1 tft 1 \R m "lfcfffi ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ «R (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) ~ ~<ii~-~Cf)(~<m1JT~t? film orR q;r 3llt ";f ;;n;RT (1) l{fffi- (2) ~ q;r 102. ~~~-m 'CRjUT' CfiT tt+lHiefi t? 3llt ";f ~ (1) • l1itq (3) tf{ omR qft ~ "Cfir-IT (2) (4) ~~ontll-;r~ (3) ~ (4) ~ ~~-q ~ ~ CfiT anm-<AT sarr t 1 (1) ~~~q;T~-q~q;r (2) ~~~q;"t~~q;r (3) ~~~q;T~-q~~ q;r (4) ~ q;"t ~ ";f ~ q;r f.mT: ;fiT} ey TJt~ q;"t ~~ ~ ~ q;r T.I<Ff ~ : .103. 'W ~-~hr-:r-hwrr~-~t (1) ~W11Cf.~ (2) ~.~w:r-r (3) W11Cf, ~. w:r-f (4) ~.~.w:r-r 104. q;fcr-;f~~Cfil'~~t? (1) ~~~q;r <1f!:."f<W:r_a:jq;~t I (2) ~q;r m (3) ~q;r ~f.F;f«R~t? (4) «F!T"Cf>T ~fc!;W~~. ~ lff Cf<IT tft -;r A A 105. fclfU-3tcn"«~ t (42) 109. (l) ~-a:iq;- (2) ,~,ft;m~ (3) 'l1JT<r q;r ft;m '[3lT . (4) ~m ~ ·~aftfzy eli~~ft;nranq~ ffil\"<it 'C6liFft q;r ~ ~ ? . c1) (2) ~GTtf~m: I (3) f;mct~, ~ ~~;ffi~qu'r: ctt M (4) ~:~~~~ t 7 lfft oqm 106. f"'' ~~w~~~ ;;TI~mc:rm 110. l'll~f.:j<f> ~ afif fclEJI\'1(1 lt ~ ~ qn;ft ~~r-nffitt (2) ~m~t1 (3) ~3lWTmfflt (4) ~ ~~ lJ!!«ft t 'Ql" m1 1 oqm_~ <fft l'll~fi'li6i11 ~~ (1) (l) fil:.'lli'4i6 ~ 3fu-~<toom ~ ~ q;r fcrcmr C!iVlT I 1 (2) Ol't-'tl'f cffi FH li'4Ciii'11 3fu" l{jf~ Cf>~ I q;'t ~C!iVlT I I (3) ctt Ol't-'tl'f ~-Wffif q;r fcrcmr C!iVlT I I .(4) m~~<ffiW!ill~ C!iVlT I 107. m~l'iq; ~ 'Ql" m1 •oqm_fiwrr eli fffir ~ ari'UCfi'll\'t<l'{u\ t (1) (2) (3) .. 111. ~q;rlf~N ~-~ a"'"H~<l4 i1on"11Cfil <p;f ~~tlRT~I (2) ~aTI~tlRT~I (3) ~-lJ,Ot~~m~ (4) ~~tlRT-1 O!lli6<fbli6 f.:l<mT q;r ~ ' 108. (1) m1-wm eli~~ 'C6l ~ eli·~ ~UCfi~~m~t (1) fu&lurcffi~q;r~~ (2) ~Wl'~wrr~ (3) d"-'tl'R'Hl4 ~ ~ (4) OIIR~q;r~~ 112. 1 oqmeli<flt'lt <tA'-m ~ '3fun t? ~ H4 4 01<>.\i O!fCR'i!IT ( 1) 'l'flqf (2) 'l'flqf O!fiCfi<1lT q;r (3) 'l'flqf t I ~~ 3fu- <i1Mt ~ <fi'l1T ,ft cntt ,ft ~~I (4) t 'l'fiqf~:~mffit I I m 113. JIII'.IMCfi ~ # 'm -q;f• (43) (~ ~ 117. ~.q ~ afu-'C!I"'QCf)" ~ 'Cf)T ~ t 'Cf)T~~~ (1) lt'P~ ~~it~~ "Cfi\-IT I (2) fclfi:Fr ~ ~"Cfi\-IT ~coT 31;piiffll'1 ~ I (4) ~q;f~Jmmr I fcrnJlR (3) fll~"''<ilt (4) 'llim-1'14'1•11(111~1 115. 'Cfim (4) cffi;ft" qft • {l) (3) (4) I ~-fuw;f qft ~ q;f ~ fcrolw:f-~ ~ Rm "Cf)T -qm;r ~~q;f~it~1 .q ~ ~ ~ ~ crMT miUt 1f 119. ~-~cnl~ ~~~~fc!>crawr~~ (1) mwr~.~-~ ;:r'Cf>tl (2) ~~~-I (3) ~ q;fo;r ~ ~ p ~ ~I (3) T-1# ~ q;f ofm OfR WmR ~ ~ cWl I ~ "Cf)T -m1 ~ ~ Sit·~ q;f lR" ~ 'lll'Fr ~ or=n ctt ~ ~ 'Cf)T ~ ~ ~ (4) ~C!ftwcr~C!ftmm~ ffi'ffift-~ ~- uo. I <UII'.Ifi:ICfi~W'~-~ ~~t '111m "Cf)T ~ fum;rr ~~'3'&~1 (2) 3T-il'R1fr<l ~ ~ fclfi:Fr ~it~ (3) '111m "Cf)T wr)rr fum;rr (4) ""I"'~~~ IR Cf) (fe2:f ~ "Cfi\-IT (3) ~Sltcof~~.~~ (4) waG~ 'l'ffi ~ -I (1) 'Cf)T-- ~'ffit'Cf>T t . (2) ~ ~ qft 611Cll(<l<f){11m "Cf)T "Cfi\-IT I (2) (1) ~m mwrr 'Cf)T <ART I ~ 1m" ~ ~ "Cf)T 31ctffiCfi"'' ~ afur ~ "Cf)T arcrnT ~ .I 116. ~foRT WmR qft ~ 3lJCRR 'lll'Fr~ 3{TQ'<m~? (4) ~~ qft ~ "Cf)T 3lJCRR (2) ~ qm{ ~ I ~ ~-fmr<n ~ ~ (1) (3) l18. ~-'Cfim .q fclf1R ~-Jjj'Cj!f ~'Cf)T~~t ~f<rnw~~mnr1 (2) '111m~~~ fi;jfuffi ~ ~ wr)rr "Cf)T 114. ~M~#r.mffi~t I~ ~ (2) qft ~ "Cf)T 3lJCRR I (1) mm ~~ "Cf)T 3lJCRR it 'llim-wrlrr ~ arcrnT (3) m (1) A A (44) I Candidates should answer questions from the following. Part only if they · have opted · for ENGLISH as LANGUAGE- II. ~ f~ktf(1f~d ~ ct- w.=[ ct- dfH &>ctM 'frlTI ~ ~ d;JQ1~ 1=11~1 - II CfiT fct Cf50"1 ai!) \!fl ~ I m (45) A PART-V LANGUAGE-TI ENGLISH Directions : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 121 to 129) by selecting the most appropriate option. 1. The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for more than two centuries. How such large creatures, which had wingspans from 8 to 12 metres, solved the problems of powered flight, and exactly what these creatures were-reptiles or birds - are among the questions scientists have puzzled over. 2. Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy of their 3. Although scales typically cover reptiles, the pterosaurs probably had hairy coats. The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense and relatively thick hair-like fossil material, was the first clear evidence that this reasoning was correct. Efforts to explain how the pterosaurs became air-borne have led to suggestions that they launched themselves by jumping . from cliffs, by dropping from trees, or even by rising in~o light winds from the crests of waves. 121. The skeleton of a pterosaur can be distinguished from a birds by the ( 1) size if its wing span. (2) presence of hollow bones. · (3) hook-like projections at the hind feet. (4) the anatomy of its wing span. wings suggests that they did not evolve. into the class of birds. In pterosaurs, a greatly elongated foUJth finger of each forelimb supported a wmg like membrane. In birds the second finger is the principle strut of the wing. If the · pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger and with it the wing, 122. Which is the characteristic of pterosaur? (1) They hung upside down like bats before flight (2) Flew to capture prey (3) Unable to fold their wing fully at rest (4) Lived mostly in the forest could. only tum upward in an extended inverted V -shape alongside of the animal's body. Both the pterosaurs and the birds have hollow bones, a feature that represents a saving in weight. In the birds, however, these bones are reinforced more massively by internal struts. 123. The elongated finger in the _ _ __ supported the outstretched wings. ( 1) pterosaurs (2) birds (3) both (4) neither (46) A 124. The · body of the pterosaurs was covered in (I) feathers (2) scales (3) fur (4) smooth skin Directions : Read the given passage and answer the . questions that follow (Q. Nos. 130 to 135) by selecting the most appropriate option : 1. A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several 125. The pterosaurs flew by (I) jumping off a mountain ledge (2) pushed by wind before take off (3) jumping upwards with force (4) gained by running hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further: So the man decided 126. A synonym for 'compressed', from the passage is (I) launch (2) dense (3) light (4) s~rut to help the butterfly. He took al pair of 127. The opposite of 'contrqversial' Is (I) questionable (2) uncertain (3) debatable (4) undisputed because he scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. 'fh.e butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the' butterfly expected that, . at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. ,2. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around 128. It can be understood from the passage that scientists believe that the with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the ( 1) large wings help pterosaurs to. fly great distances. man, in his kindness and haste, did not (2) hollow bones showed evolved from bats. cocoon and the struggle required for the (3) fossil remains explain how they flew. were God's way of forcing fluid from pterosaurs walked on all fours. the body of the butterfly into its wings so (4) they understand was that the restricting butterfly to get through the tiny opening that it would be ready for flight once it 129. Fossils often left scientists in doubt whether the pterosaur ( 1) ever existed at all (2) how many lived at that pefiod (3) their size and weight (4) their shape and gender achieved its freedom from the cocoon. 130. The man's first instinct was (1) leave the cocoon alone (2) help the butterfly (3) leave the butterfly alone (4) keep watching A (47) 131. The natural process would have the wings of the ·butterfly Directions : Answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option: (1) (2) · (3) unfold and s,tretch out ., fold up and remain snug half open and snug against the 136. The 'bottom up model' of curriculum is one where (1) learning IS based on a set of software to make curriculum more Ieamer friendly. (2) the curriculum that allows freedom for student mobility with increased choice of curricular activity and encourages learning by doing. (3) the learning process 1s geared towards career orientation. (4) a need-based distance education with indirect influence on students. body (4) unfold.and remain stiff 132. A word that means 'to make or become withered' is 1. (1) · moistened (2) folded (3) wasted (4) shrivelled 133. The writer's message in his/her essay is about (1) not to have any problems (2) need for struggles in life . (3) escape pain at any cost (4) needless struggles in life 137. The Humanistic Approach tuned to the specifically (1) mastery of academic disciplines with all their characteristic features . (2) application of learnt structure, content, concepts and principals to new situations. (3) processes that enable students to discover structures for themselves. (4) process where sequence is taught along with how to present the related .contents . 134. The essay is _ _ _ _ in form. (l) factual (2) descriptive . (3) discursive (4) argumentative 135. A man noticed that the---'------ is 138. A 'special needs language classroom' is ide~lly (1) exclusively furnished. ( 1) butterfly was hidden (2) located separately. (2) cocoon was growing (3) integrates all types of learners. (3) cocoon was moving (4) .butterfly was e'merging (4) · has extra teachers to help regular . teachers. (48) A 139. One of the challenges of 'Behaviour Management' in a senior class is (1) students' readiness to use the 142. Curriculum development follows the following sequence : (1) objectives, of Formulation assessment of needs, selection of texts/learning experiences, evaluation (2) texts/learning of Selection experiences, assessment of needs, of objectives, formulation evaluation (3) Assessment of needs, formulatjon of objectives, selection of texts/learning expenences, evaluation (4) objectives, of Formulation assessment of needs, evaluation, of texts/learning selection experiences smart board. (2) student's lack of self study skills. (3) teachers' preference to conduct group rather than individual work. (4) teachers' lack of self confidence. 140. To inculcate a 'Never Give Up . Attitude', a suitable activity is the one when students ( 1) sang two popular songs and exhibited some of their art and craft works during the parentteacher meet. (2) ·made modifications to their paper planes and tested them. again, experimented with the best way to get them to go the distance and shared their finding. (3) in groups created graphs about the (1) ·real objects and specimens difficult situations that students (2) abstract words, case study (3) display boards, film clips have had to face in life. (4) 143. The learning experiences that offer a vicarious experience to learners are managed to get the Principal's permission to go out and play (4) · field trips, observations during the English period. 141. Assessing reading at Class VII, can be done most effectively through a (1) spoken qUiz meanings of based on words ( 1) experience real life systems and phenomena. (2) receive bits of information followed by questions with immediate feedback. (3) a senes of exercises repetition practice. (4) get problems which are solved by a process of trial and error. the and expressions. (2) 144. In Computer Aided Instruction [CAl), the 'simulation mode' is where learners written test based the characters and events in the story/text. (3) an oral interview to find out how much they have read. (4) writing a 50 word _review as a small project. book/text with ' (49) 145. ~ 'listening stimulus' (1) (2) (3) (4) presents input to separate groups of students who gather again to share what they listened. presents an information ' gap activity such as giving directions. is listening to a good commentary to review it. (3) (4) and allowing others to take turns. describing one's school or its environs informally. 'telephone' conversation with another. comparing two or more objects/places/events for the assessor. 147. Retrieval skills in writing are (I) (2) (3) (4) (1) note making and note taking diagramming and summarising abilities to do extensive reference work orgamzmg information ·while reading/listening (2) grammar (2) (3) (4) as well as to the memorization of vocabulary. (3) refers to the process of learning a native or a second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain. (4) is a technique intended to simulate the environment in which children learn their native language. 150. Noah Chomsky's reference to "deep structures" means a (1) hidden set of grammatical rules learnt through intensive study. 148. 'Awareness raising' grammar· games encourage students to think consciously about the structures they have learnt. collaborate in completing a given activity. engage and feel about human relationships while the teacher controls the structures. · use learnt structures to communicate with one another about a given theme. involves a systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of (2) (1) is the memorization and use of necessary vocabulary enables students to discuss a set of criteria which they prioritize to complete and present a task. 146. The 'interactional routine' during speaking assessment includes a (I) negotiating meanings, taking turns (2) A 149.. Language acquisition transformational grammar that -has led in tum to increased interest in comparative linguistics. (3) a trend that English is the most common-auxiliary language in the world. (4) universal wammar underlying all languages and corresponding to an innate capacity of the human brain. . (50) Candidates should answer questions .from the following Part only if they HINDI as have opted · for LANGlJAGE- II. ~ f~J04"1f{1f@d <qJTT ~· ~ c);- 3fH ~q(1 'ffm ~ ~ a~1~ fqCf)(Yq ~ Tf1T m- 1 \i'~' - 11 Cf)T (51) A qpy_y II ~ <qf1'.ff - f.mT : ~ Rtt ~ -rrnm q;f ~ ~ ~ 122. ~~fcr~rnhf~lfi'f~ ~ q;r "'€I<R ~: ~~-tt~fum~~ ~WR:"sl~ I ~;nllll\~~ (1) ~>lit~~ I (2) ~ Ci>f ~~~~cf;~~"# -~ ~ I W"f <f>1 mRT ~ tl 2Ai<ICf>( fmr-lT f"l<t>~ffi ~. "f'ffi "3mt 1ft "Cf)l1 mRT 'il'ffi aTir tl tft ~ t ~ cf; ~ 4 3Noft cf; <nt -q . I "ffr fum cf; 'lmT{ ~tm~f<r<rn-ti~~~~ 1 tlr qft 'qt\i(i;.Jql~l -q of<\ ~ qft ow <w t ~~~ I~(!Cf)"it~~ t: 3l!OT. · t q;r ~ ~ . IH<lf"i<t> (3) ~ q;r (4) ar-<f m ~ IIMf'"l<t> mr I OJSO mfim ~ 1 ~1ft~ <j<T ~ t I 123. ~-;f~qft WRTf<nmf qft f"l<t>~<:,J ~ I ~-~ 'l1I1S1T <f>1 mit~ ~ wWr (lCf)" it~~ afu- ~ 'i''i'<lit1l C!?l· ow fur ~ ~ m~t I ~llo-f~OW~-rr:IT~~ t1 (1) ~"# (2) oqt\I(<:,JqRJ (3) ~"# (4) 'i{w:"# t? tl ~"t-tl awl~~~ 1 m ~ q;r fum (ICf)" ~ t : ¢ ~ >f, 'W ~~qftfumcf;~~t <w ~ Fm -<t>Tt ~ "{!;;; 124. ~ fmrr cf; -;;rq tR" ~ ~ S3TT \ill ~cnl .ariW:r 11Rt 'l1I1S1T ~ q;r 31CR1{ ~ P=wrr, ~ ~ qiT ~ fcmR;r ~ q;f fum cf; ~ ~ cf; "IRlrr -q oru:rr t? (1) ~qifmr-ftq;r~"#~ (2) ~-<t>~Wit q;r ~f"l<ilf"li1 ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ I ~ q:;1:fi ~ fiil<t>ffH'l ~ t (3) ~cf;~fumt.=rr ~~~ll\~-~~cf; c4) "ffiriT q;f fum q;r ~ mq; ;:r m ~ OFRT t afu" OOf 1ft ~· ~4'{ci<t> ~ ~mfiwrrn 1 121. F~-~-q·~ 'llmll~mffi .. 125. ·fcrem" l'JGG -q ·~. ~ ~ tR" \illl'JGG ~.~t ~"? (1) m- 'l1I1S1T -q (2) llRCf)" 'l1I1S1T (1) fiiloqlfl:<t> -q (2) ~-q1fl:<t> (3) ~ 'l1I1S1T -q (3) ~oqRJCf> (4) ~-q (4) ~-q1R<t> (52) A . 126. ·~ llOGf t? (1) ~ (2) f~<llfct~lQUI (3) """"l'*'li~Cfl@ (4) fu;<rr 127. '"ER"cit T.I~IH~'lcm'lll~~cit ~~ ~ ~ t I' G{1'Cflf 1t ~mif<t>i't am t (1) fu;<rr~ (2) f"'''t~<ICII~Cfl ~ (3) ~f"'''t~<ICII~Cfl ~ (4) ~ ~rcf.:rri:l' 128. ~ 129. ~cf;~5lf~'Siffi~~ (1) -;;;T~t I (2) -;;;1 ~ Cflt ~t I (3) -;;;l;ffir~~t I (4) -;;;1 ~ciT~ mq;«f 1 130. ~ cf; ~ 5lf ~ OfTJf lR" m:rr_ ~~t? 31lf ~ q;f '!''!'(ifri'i cit ~ fm" . '30R~~tf.F;~ 31lf~ (1) ~~i'Wff~~t I (2) 3Jqjg;:ft<j ~;q ~ ~ ~ t I (3) ~c);-mm~~t 1 (4) C~ifffinc;q~~~t 1 (1} ~ ll'RC!T c);- ;:rp:r ~ (2) ~ (3) ~crt~m ciT ~c);-;:rp:r~ (4) '!!Tit ~ ;:rp:r ~ m c);-;:rp:r ~ 131. ·~ ~ ~ 1t !!5 tt m t ..... ' 'C(lCfqlt ~&if<t>i1l10G~ ~cit am-~ ~ : ~ f<N ~ rr~ "Cfll ~ ~ -mT ~Cj;f'q<R~: <1"1-i~lfctCfl <miT ciT TWfi 'If ~ "''T 'i:ft <W, 3l1R ~~ciT~ 'If lll1 ~ .qr "ffr \l 'Cf>«{Tf? (1) "1::>011<:'14'1 ciT (1{4> (2) ~~wm~~cil(1{4> ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ awffi~wfft ~~~ ~\lrnt l+lRCf~lf~~ c);- C6TruT f;r;t ~t ;f\T.rr w ~ t, ~ ~ ~\llll1orqmm~ ~~-~~ ~ ;:rp:r ~ m lll1 ~ ~ q;«f t, ~ mamo: ~·ffihnit ~it z;itrrr ~11m~ t I m 'If, ~ -qrn off.&: m, ~ 6fu- ~ t lllnt ~ ~ ~ awm .~ m, 1:jfq ~ ~ 'If ~it 3lffi t, ~ 6fu- 3lf01f.ft c);- 381 ~ ~ ~ ~qft"¢~\l'i:ft~~t I 132. ~ l10G 'It~~ 'Q;;:rq CfUT c);-~ lR" ~l:_)q;J~~\ifl'~f? (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) ~ ·(4) ~ 133. ·~ w.;pl cnt.l-m ~ t? (S3) .A 137. ~'!'1/IHHill·~t m 'f>1 ¥WffiT (1) ~ (1) "ffi'WHTOGT cf> (2) <r (2) (fur TJfu ~ ~ q,1 ¥WffiT (3) ~ (3) ~ ~ ~ CfiT (4) ft<r (4) ~m m <nR cn1 cn1 3{]qiJIUC6-~'"I'q'tlif<C6 "ij'ij'f.alf -q ~ f:fl $l C6 offi;:R 'f>1 '1J'( I<'1 (11 134. ·~ 'ifi'!ltnhilcl,' ~1l&<rrt (1) ~ (2) ~ (4) . ~ 138. ~cf>~t ( 1) WRf, ~. 1WIT, ft;mRr (2) ~. 1WIT, ft;mRr, (3) 1WIT, ft;mRr, (4) ft;mRr, ~. 1WIT, ~ wm:=rr WAf, wm:=rr 135. ~cf>am:m-w~~~tr.n (I) ~Cfif~<T'@1R~~t I (2) ~ CfiT am~ ~ crt-~ (3) 'f>1 "&It coT~ t I ~ ~ ~i1 am * l:JTff ~ ~tl (4) 139. ~fcliiliW"l 3fR~~ (1) Cf>lt·~ 'q!qf~~~ I (2) wft~w~~ (3) ~~~~~~ (4) wr-=IT ~-"'t11('1" qif 'q!qf ~rn~~ 1 * ~~ ~~ ~~~cf;-fcf;;nt ~tl 140. ~ ntl\"cf>~ .q ~ ~ ~-fcrcm:i ~~~? f.:$T:~~~P.: (1) ~ ~ ~ lWIT-ftrffi ~ 'q!qf CfifwWr~~ I 136. ~<nl~-~llmRtttl\f<l'{uhmt (2) ~~~~cf;-wft~ ~c);-~ f.:rtR 3ffi:fil;<rr ~ ~ I (3) ~ ~ ~ ~ "C6m ~ 'q!qf-ll"ll'I~IIHI CfiT f.:rtR wWr ~ tl (4) ~m~'q!qfCfifwWr~ (54) A 141. wr.rr~ll~~ (1) ~·cit Ofl(f wR 145. # ~, $t ~ ~ I~ ~!ffi:rn"t I (1) f,gfl;llf<h"'l (2) f.s'k'ifCffi"'l w-:rr q;f '6q 1'1 'iel Cfl wR cit &fl1ffi q;r (3) f,g~(1'1'ffl"'l ~ (4) f.s'!>!llf'"l"'l llfof¢"11 (2) wm ~ ~ Cflfcs•ug 'CflT ~ qmrr (3) ¥1ifo'{c1Cfl trRI. (4) wt~~cit~ 146. ~-~ •:rwqf11 142. fcn~n:r<nR"'Cf>T~ :11t~fqq; ~<nl ~ ~'Cf>T ~~-q~~m:llf~? (1) ~q;f~ I (2) <rre:cit7ft~~ I (3) Mc;:¥"1"Cf;f~~ I (4) Wc)#~mn:fm~~ 1 <nT m ~ ~-~ cit ~cnlom::IT~~ (1) ~'11Jl'!T Cf;f ~t I (2) fr-l'Ell("l"' Cf;f ~ t I (3) ~ ~ ~ 1:R" ~ m<'T WIX'!T ·~ I (4) ~ 'I1Jl'IT-wWr cn&lT # 'I1Jl'IT- cllli Ict <oI Cf;f f.:rlltur CRffi ~ I 147. ~-a:r;;R. ~-3lfQTTq -q ~ (1) ainTt ~-~ cf; ~ q;r 3l'R1R1 ~q;r I 143. ~ -q 1:lo-l-~ 'CflT fcrcnm ~ cf; fffir ~t (2) ~q;r I (3) 'I1Jl'IT cfi f.:r<ll::IT q;f ~ ~ Cf;f I (4) 'I1Jl'IT ~ cfi 3l'R1R1 Cf;f I 148. ~ ~ <nalT (1) cn&lT B ~ CfRR ~ Cf;f 3l'R1R1 I wm<nT (2) <m1. ~ ll&f·~ Wurr I (1) (3) cffi;:ft ~ Cf;f 3l'R1R1 (4) ~~Cf;f~-3Mffi I I -q ~ cnl ~ cf; (2) ~~·I lilffM'i ~ ~. I {3) ~ mflm OR (4) icffir mffllt\'1 ~ Cj;BT • t.n'. I I 149. JW!If'"lCfl~lff~-~'Cf>T~t ( 1) ~ W-~ Tffufcifu liBr ~ I (2) ~ cit ~ 1fqfu q;f ~ CRffi ~ I (3) "Cfll01:f-01fi@1T Cf;f ~ lWT ~ I (4) ~-3l'R1ffi Cf;f ~ fit\fi"l'{Oj ~I (1) ~citfuman~'~Mm~ (2) Wfrcf;~~~~·~ (3) ¥Wf ~or-fAT ¥Wf Cf<ffiT or-fAT (4) 150. ~~afu.m-~~~~t ~· (1) ~q;f~cf;furo; (2) (3) ~~~cf;~ ;;ftcR_~ q;f ~ ~ cf; fum: (4) <l~ (55) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 'ftn~~~~ A (56) READ CAREFULLY INSTRUCTIONS; I. 2 3. 4. 5. THE FOLLOWING Out of the four alternatives for each question, only one circle for the correct answer is to be darkened ·completely with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen on Side-2 of the OMR Answer Sheet. The answer once marked is not liable to be changed. I. OMR "31'R" '!f;f ~ ~2 1R" ~ '!%" C[ff q;l ~ 1J_ft i'fW ;fu;f~ ofu;r ~~ ~ o/ 11%"01T{ "3W ~ <iR=l ~<!IH~~~;;rr~i I The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet 2 is not folded. Do not make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet. Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except in the specified space in the Answer Sheet. Handle the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet with care, 3. as under no circumstances (except for discrepancy in Test Booklet Code or Number lind Answer Sheet Code or Number), another set will be provided .. The candidates will write the cortect Test Booklet Code and Number as given in the Test Booklet I 4. Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, 5. · mobile phone, electronic device or any other material . except the Admit Card inside the examination hall/ room 6. Each candidate must show on demand his I her Admission Card to the Invigilator. 6. 7. No candidate, without special permission of th~ Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave his I her .7. seat. 8. ~~~W!u:~TTlt'<l'K~it ~ ~"31'R"~ft;ro: ~ '!J>R~i!i1 'fitflf>~ "3W'!f;f q;ll:!Tm ":1" ~~ ~ 'Q\ Cfilt 3R' f.mR ":1" ~ I ~ 31lRT 611!*'11i<6 "3W'!f;f it Rmmf ~ ~ ~ 3FPr ":1" ~ I m ~ ~ "3W 'Q;f "<6T 'UlH'{cl<6 wWT 'fit, ~ fcl>m ,:ft qf{f~f('l it ~. ~ ~ "31'1"{ 'Q;f ~ ·<rr~itf':Rm'fft~q;l~ ~· ~~~'Rflit;;m:rft I ·~ ~-~'!f;fitro;TJlt•~•q ~q;l~~~~~-'!f;fit~ I ..mwrr liTU m ~~it~ em~ fucuq fcl>m m<fft~wrnt, ~<TTt\fi4fMf<lli1, ~~~, ~. ~~. ~Ji~f<1<6 ~<rrfcom JFTm 'f>1 "f!TI1!ft q;l B ;m;f <TT ~ <iR=l 'f>1 ~ ~ t I ~ "'R 'Q\ ~~. ~q;l 31lRT ~-em ~I ~<rr~'fft~ ~~f.Frr<filt~ ~~":fmtl The candidates should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over their Answer Sheet to the 8. ~ ~q;l3l'FIT ~'Q;f ~ f.Frr ~ ~-'!f;f lnvigilator on duty and sign the Attendance Sheet 'Q\~~~f.Frr~·~~~ I twice. Cases where a candidate has not signed the ~ fcl>m ~ ~ ~ OIT{ mRm-'!f;f 'Q\ ~ ~ Attendance Sheet a second time will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt ~m~11RT~flf>~m'Q;f~~t 3ll< with as an unfair means case. The candidates are · ~ ~ ~ q;r l11l1ffi 11RT ~ 1'lfilaneii rn also required to put their left hand THUMB ~w:r ~ .q furlTif~ impression in the space provided in the Attendance : Sheet. 'IR'~~ I aP&q;r Use of Electronic I Manual Calculator is prohibited. 9. 10. The candidates are governed by all Rules and 9. ~M~1R<61 iH<'iill~(i 4R<6(1<6 q;r ~ ~ t I Regulations of the Board with regard to their conduct 10. •-~it ~~Wro:..mwrrmt~~m.=rr~ ~ liTUf.r:rilffit I ~ <mR'f~~ ~q;r in the Examination Hall. All cases ofunfair means will be dealt with as per Rules and Regulations of the ~mt~m.=rr~~~~m-rn 1 Board 11. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet shall be detached under any circumstances. 12. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator in the Room I Hall. The candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. A 11. fci>mtm'm it • ~ 3li<~'Q;fq;f m11fiT 3Will. ":f:q;tl 12. -qillltl mq;;f ~ W, -qilaneif ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mf ~--r.m~ ?.fiT arcQlf llfq ~ 1 m~ artFt wrW p1 Tift~~ <fit R' ~ Wfi1T f I This booklet contains 20 pages. ~~ll20~t I clJ {Pa ~a~ liD Test Booklet Code ~au~~ Telugu Languageq~u~r,;;ment ~ PAPER 1/~-'Q'Sf I ~'~{NT PART IV & V /1{Ttf IV & V Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. ·T« wa-rr ~ C6T ,... <1cf; ~ ~ ~ <1cf; ~ ~ ~ 1 Test Booklet No. 'ltlarr~m.<n 410173 Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover !Paf~l:.l& 20) ofthis Test Booklet. T« ~ <fi" ~ 3TfCR1IT (ll'O 1? q 20)lff C6T Ul'A' ~ lft 1 · I ror wa-rr For instructions in Telugu see Page 2 of this Booklet./ · ~~<fi"ffil:rT«~q;r~z ~ rffi!RTf~ <f> ffflr f.:rffl INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I 0. This booklet is a supplement to the Main Test Booklet for 1. those candidates who wish to answer EITHER Part IV (Language I) OR Part V (Language II) in TELUGU language, but NOT BOTH. Candidates are required to answer Parts I, II, III from the 2 · Main Test Booklet and Parts IV and V from the languages chosen by them. 3. Questions on English and Hindi languages for Part IV and Part V have been given in the Main Test Booklet. Language Supplements can be asked for separately. _ 4 Use Blue I Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page I marking responses in the Answer Sheet. The CODE for this Language Booklet is A. Make sure that 5. the CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet and on your Main Test Booklet is the same as that on this Language Supplement Booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of the Language Supplement Test Booklet. This Test Booklet has two Parts, IV and V, consisting of 60 6. Objective Type Questions, each carrying I mark : Part-lY: Language I- (Telugu) (Q. 91 to Q. 120) (Q. 121 to Q. 150) Part-Y : Languageii-(Telugu) Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-! and Part-Y contains 7. 30questions for Language-H. In this Test Booklet, only questions pertaining to Telugu language have been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as Language-1 and/or Language-11 is a language other than Telugu, please ask for a Test Booklet that contains questions on that language. The languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for in your Application .Form. 8. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Part -V (Language-11) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-! (in Part-IV) from the list of languages. 9. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the Test Booklet for the same. 10. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses ·carefully. No whitener is allowed for changing answers. Name of the Candidate (in Capitals): ~ q;r "'!Tl1 ~ aru<T "#) : I ~~'!&f.~ '1ft lZ'fl~t. 6-1 ~ "ffi:r! 'l1'1m ~~;;IT liT ffl 'IWT IV ('11'1m I) liT 'IWT V ('11'1m II) -q~~t, ~~"'tf I m -.l ~ 31'1< ~ Cf ~ 'l1'1m 'R w-1 '!&f m ~ 1l 'IWT IV Cf ~ 'IWT I, II, Ill ~ "3TR '!&f ~ 'IWT IV Cf V <l; "3m" ~ 00 'i_fi\ '11'Jm¢(i if I 'IWT V ~ 3RlThi rot '11t t I 'l1'1m ~ q;T 3TI1:f 3T<'f1T -.l -.wrm~ 1 ~ "'l1!0" 'R ~ ~ <liB ~ "3m"~ 'R <'T1TR ~ ~ ~~~il'fM~-.r.t' q;r ~ <R I ~ 'l1'1m ~ q;r ~ t A I ~ ~ <R<'f flf>~ 'l1'1m ~ ~ q;r ~. "3m"~ ~ 'l'0-2 ~ "i&f • ~ 'R ~ t 1 a''r«wilr-nr ~ ~'11'1m~·~~~~~q;T¥'\i m m ..r mnr .31CfTT<f ~ I ~·~#~'IWT IV w-1 t, ;;IT ~ I at<~; q;r t : 31't<vt, ~ 60 ~ <*T1J <*T1J 'IWT-IV : 'l1'1m I 0f. 91 -.l '1<. 120) 'IWT-V : 'l1'1m II 0f. 121 -.l '1<. 150) 'IWT-IV 1l '11'lT-J ~~30m~ 'IWT-V 1l '11'1m-II ~~ 30 mr.r m rot '11t ~ 1 ~ 1lftw ~ 1l ~ '11'lT -.t ~ m rot7]1(" ~ I ~ 'l{llU.( ~ 'l{llU.II # ~irn1Tfl\ '1f 'qllU<'b -ffi;rrr ~ 3R'IrcfTtffi~~ 'l{llU;m;ft 'llftau ~ 1:i'i>Hftfutlrlf;;.r~~~11F31Tti~~Hill\~lflf . 'llTfl\11f'qllUarr~am><-.lM-m~ 1 'llftaum 'IWI- v ('l{llU-11) ~. 'qllU~~~ 'lfi"IU~m TfiT '1f ~ 1rn1 ~ I ('IWI- IV) 1l 'lfi"IU ~ Hr-f "l\T I ""q;r<j- • ~ # ~ ~ <!;- ~ G't 'It~ "l"'W 'R~q;tl wit "3m"~ OMR "3m"~ 'R ~ ~ <R I ~ 6'iR ~~<R 1"3m"~tQm~q;r~ ~tl --------------------- Roll Number: in figures _ _ __ ~: <am>D : inworos---~--------~------------------------- : ~"#) Centre of Examination (in Capitals) :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . , . . , - - - - - - - - - - tri\m~~aru<T"#j: Candidate's Signature:~------------ Invigilator's S i g n a t u r e : - - - - - - - - - - ~~~: ~~~: Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~------------------- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 (2) A Telugu-1 clJ f¥' . . 1J ... 1J tiD ~6~ ~~~ ~o~a$o ~;§l ~~o I ~ . e~~~~~~~o6 .., Z?li~ IV~ao:m V ~~~€l.l ~ l:l~.l ~~~;~--e~~~;';) ~"t.J ~~~ e~~ ~~~ ~6~ l:l~.l ~~~~ ·~~ "t~ ("t~ 19 ~a~ 20) ~e~~e;~ ~~e;J ~cp co <XW..)~ ~1/J~e;~ ~~gw 1/J~~oct •• ~ ~6.2:"~ ~K~ IV (~~I) ~I& ~K~ V (~~ II), o~ ~~e..M ~il_s<:5e.r{')N"5' S"~ oo.3.t$c:,~ 1. S"ES OJ"O S"6SJ ~ ~l ~s~ ~IllS ~6-lf w~l ~~~~ 63»~2r a.~ ~K~. ~6.2:"~ ~K~ I, Il ~edfu III e..SJ ~qo~e..~ ~IllS ~6-lf ~~~~~ow illedfu ~K~ IV illedfu V e.. 2. ~qo~e;~ OJ"~o .JoM ;:l~~l ~~M ~OJ",S~· ~o~~ ~edfu :,0()6 ~~M ~~w ~IllS ~6-lf ~~~6" ~K~ IV illedfu ~K~ V 3.< d ~il_se.>e.~. ~·~ ~;;;;'boeJ.>~ ~dm• <!9MI b~~-i:SJ,J~~ i>~e..M ;:)i;)6e~ <lW,)~~ illedfu ~OJ"e» IU~ ~~~. ~~.J~ Sile..o t:Jc:,o~w~ 6o~ ric:, wC ~Wlo~. 4. ~l~ ~l~~ 6~0»-floW"~. . ~ ~~ ~~ ~os6 A. 200J"e.u ~Le"e..e7 ~G-2 i>~e..M ~Ci' ~ ~os~o, e.~1et 5. , ~~ ~OillS• 20o:r<e» ~le"e..e..M Ke.. ~6-lf :0~~ ~O'lJS ~e~~oC'.. e$Ci' "€Jet ~e~~oe.. ~edfu ~6-lf 6~0ll~ ~oi!J~ ~6T~S"M i:,)O""Sl:il i:lo:»oe.. ~~ ~le"e..~, 20QJ"e.u ~Le"e..~ ~d.>.J i10llo-i:SJ ~o ~~.J~e. ~ ~~l ~l6~66 oo~ ~IT"e...>, IV ilJOdfu V ~ol:ile..M :;)~o:il-L~o:il 6~o (<!9~g~ ~~) 60 ~~J.WN"J_Oll. ~3 6. ~~lSJ 1 ~d.>c,. Si!JoolloiS~~~ : ~Ko IV:~~ ~Ko v: ~Ko IV 7. I- (~~J_91 ~oe. ~~J_120 ~6SJ) (e~IU) u- (e~IU) ~~ 1 6" 30 ~~J.e...> ~Odfu ~~ (~~J_l21 ~oe. ~~J_l50 MSJ) ~Ko V ~~ II 6" 30 ~~J.e...> ~e>~. ~ ~6-lf ~~~~() ew/U ~~SJ ~Oe.>~O~ ~~J.W ~L~~ ~<!:>_se.>C'.~. ~6.1 Jo~l& a~l ~~c:,~\ ~~I ~a<:iliJ/~1& ~~II-~~ 0~ ~~ ·i&~J. ;i3~Cl lii>C~, 0~~ ~~c:,'"" lf>-'iiJ.<:...> ric:, ~()~ ~~ S'OSJ ~a<:iliJ Ill>;:~~~ <?ol.;' Jo~l& a~l ~~§ lii>Wl c:.owo!). M!r'~ ~ri~ 8. ' ~~ 9. . 10. v ca>QI\ a~o.3.. ~6.1 al~ ~~~ ~~ (~~II) c:,'"":;l lf>-'iiJ.W~ (~ri~ IV .;') Jo~l& a~l ~~ I (~~IV .;') ~~<:, W~O'~ ric.. l&~l f;>~;~CliT" C:.o~~~. w9> ~ (6~ <!:>d.>c,.~) ~6-lf ~~~~6" ~~ S"6SJ s~Ollo~e.>C::.~ ~e..~e..M~ i:lo:»il~. 200J"e»e...> OMR 200J"e» ~~~6"~ po:ilil~. OJ"~I!J ~~~lll. -. 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'd -d'l - J ""' ~ & ,...., v -,3 ~, ')(/) fu. ~~Q 'YO)> X} 0 8 'fc! rQ ,.--, -.n 1) ca :-a 'h '.@ ~ -<I'.J ----. 0 "8 X3 0 .n ~ 0 ~ 0 p Y,l 0 '.() '.0 ')(/) ~~ ~ Ia rQ lor> • m ')(/) ~J EJ ~ X} -n ~ '0 ° ~Y.l-a ~ A .. ~ Q ~ ~1 'fc ~-.3- -.J. ')(/) 1': ro ~ 1': o Q- ~ co o ~ ~ · -rl a- 'X3 ra . -1a ~ ., ')(/) --a § ~"2 -x3 ~- ~ fu. Q ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~J ~ ~ ca .,e .,?: ti:> ra .,"2 ~ ra ~ -ra .:? ra ,..o 'X3 <> ~- -,6 j ..f2 '1!-:@ Q {2 ~ ~ ~ :::t ,., . o Ia I JC Y,l 'd ~ "8 ~ -,3 0 ~ ~ ~ fu- ~ ~~- 1': ~ .~ llo b f:J. "8 -ta -tJ ~ (() g ~ ~ 0 'rr;J -,"2 ')(/) ~ fid 1': X? ~ .g 0 tj l!3 6d J ~ ')(/) J :fa rJJ b 'Y,;l· %) -:@ e.. (() ~J ra ~"2 -12 ~ J Gtl)1 o '>if) X3· '.@ ~ ~ -ta (() e.. <t0 ')(/) ~ e. o ~ ~ ~0 Q -{?, J ~o ·a F2 '.@ -:@ ~ ~ (() X? ~ X? Xl ~ 113 ~ g g1 I ,.-,! f? Telugu-1 Lero ~6~e§~CSg~:J.l @Oe§~ (5) LoJ.>6o2;)o'W"~. ~o6~o~ ~'il""S~e_, ~~ ~l_?S~~e_, 94. 6 'Lero~ ~e§6 ~css~o' @oe3 - (1) ~~f.Q)~s~o~c:..> ~1-l ~css~o. ~~ (2) Lero~J.~c:..l S"~ OJ"~;; ~1-l OJ"fJe.Jr:-s ~4 ~6'{J~, A @~'il"".g'{.Jo ~oa~. -t56~e..>, OJ"tft:JOJ"CJOc:..> e§CS~lUf.Ol~~ ~.iJ'>e§S '{.J~~ ~css~o. '~~cro~· o~oe~ ~~e§o~ ~eol~. .,_ (3) Lero~J.~c:..> ~1-l ~csg~o. (4) ~~ 41 Lsoe :Jb S"~ . n%-tSoo ~()floe 41 OJ"6"~6f.Olod ~~a::o~ OJ"~ OJ"Cf'i,;OJ"CJOe.J~ ~o~, 95. S"~LKoqSo ·~~o..,~· 'S"oo~a. 6wow~ ~CS~o·. ~e 'tJe.;.,.l~ b6-tSele§~ '{.JoZJo¢ow~ N"e.,~o. (!!l e§§ ~~0""~ ~OL~~o (1910) ~cro~eo:W, ~!pfJ (!!l ~~§t_e§ <J.>o~~e_, OJ"CJO:J.l S"6~e.; ~~.0 ~.iJ'>o'W"~. 41 e§cro.g~ S e.J0e.Jr:-S ~0G8"i)e.J 96. ~e~o-tSe.,o L~~6~~ cro~~sgJ;, &~ 6-tS~ ? ~N"S~e.;c,.o (4) S"6o~& ~qSc:..> :J ~e..>~e.;~ OJ"6~~ ? ~N"e§~ (2) . ~O~CJ"cili (3) (!!l~~~ <4) (!!l9"S~J.~ ~~-tSooe.; .ev Lso~ OJ"~& :Je ? (1) @~.l CS~J,e_, ~oZJoc;$o (2) (4) eJ<>OJ" ~~c;S;~e_, ~o2Joc;$o e§olt1 S"~~)e.; '{.JoaJoc;$o &~~;;~;; ·;(JoaJoc;$o -6v L§oe gj<>fJe7 ·~~cro~· ~e~ @oeJo~? (4) (4) (3) ~i:>o~ (1) (2) (3) ~~e.,o e§6c,.o& S''6~e.;~ '{.J~~fF' ~oZJoc;$o \ (3) 6-tS~e§c:...> 'il""~) ~~-tSoo (1) -tSc;S~e.,o ~OW'~~ 92 . . L~~6~~ . cro~~ro.ggJ;,, 93. (2) (2) 97. (3) ~.iJ'>e§S '{.J~~ ~e.;~~ LKo'iJ"c:..> . crocilieJo~s ~~~~w~oe. 91. (1) (1) 0 ~LZJ~J,f.OlS ~~OJ"(;$ & c~wow~ ~~cro~ ~~e§o~ ~eoe. @~cY~~cY~ OJ"~& oJ.>q'o~ ~e§N"S:J.l o1-oCSK~~~- ~~ 98. @~ 99. M '~e§~O""f.OlO' (1) ~croElil" e.;~ @~~eo~ 6-tS~ (2) ~croElil"e.J~ ~~eo~ 6-tS~ Cjl (3) ~O""Elil"e.J~ ~s~oso~ 6-tS~ (4) ~O,.Elil"e.;~ §~o~ 6-tS~ '~Ls<ili' @oeJ c1) (2) -tS6s (3) ~~ (4) dJo~o ~~ "' ·~e.;~~· 41 OJ"~& ~.iJ'>e§S dJooJ.>~s '{.Jo2Jo¢ow~ L~~6~~ (J'·~~sgJ;, (1) N"e.,~o L~L~\, (2) ~e.; L~~6~~ 0':~-t.Soo (3) S"~so ~CJ"e.J ~~~0~ (4) ~CiS 0 Lsoe . :J ? Telugu-1 (6) A ~~ : z:~.W,tJ~ ~go~ ~O;), CJ":::l L§oC:S . z:~.W.tJ~ ~~lc:...~ ~e C!llcm~ ~~2J)e.o K.>eoiSoa. (~. 100 ~o~ lOS ~<S~) .J> ~c:........seoo C!li~J~o~~ ef':J<;j;;f! 6"ft 102. ~;) 6"ft ~eft ~-os~ ? . .. (1) C$)•!l.)O (2) C!li~J~~ ~ (3) ~~~~OJ .:>. (4) ~~~ S"~ .._ ~eft~O".tJ~ C:Smp"~ "W"~ ~Q;;~~J,~ 103. 'C!li~OJ~' C!l!Oe3 S"O~~~ S"~C:F"OeJ~O. ~~.)'~~ (1) ~~~o.W~ ~~ ~;)6"~ ~~J_OCJ"~~C!Jfl" ~50"0"~" (2) (!!)~~~OJ~ (3) :::lCF"'i"~OJ~ (4) "W"~a:::> ~~ (1) ~~a:J~ C!ll~~o (2) _eom~~ C!ll~~o (3) ~~~C!ll~~o "~N"e§ ~e§ ee)~c:s, ~ C!li~6J~~--" 100. ~ L§oo ~ed ~;::l a>:,..~eo.W~ C!!IO~O :JO ? (l) "0"~ (2) (!!1~000 (3) ;)~X,) (4) . ~~0 101. 'C!l!OeJ~O' C!l!Oe3 ~'~~d C!li~O ? Cj) (1) ~0~0 (2) 2.1"~ (3) C:S,~e.o .J> (4) . ;)~C:So 10s. ~~~oa ~e.o ~e~? (1) ~C!JO (2) K~~o (3) ~~~ (4) C!ll~~~~~ (7) Telugu-1 ~~: A 108. ·~ L§oO ~~e.,~~c-6 e..~~ e)~.J :DK6" l§oO ~~b~ ~~l~~ ~0@~ a::OJ"'ane..o c'UO __, o ~oa. . ~~ ~~~~§ ~oa>ol;)o~~ ~~~~ (listening behaviour)~ c~d»23~cm. __, 106. ~o~e,~.Y~ ~ l§oO OJ"'~d e..~~ ~s~~~ OJ"'Sso/OJ"'~~o &~ ~~ ~~lT"~ ~~g (1) ~~l ~Oa>OGJ"'~ L~~rro ~~e,o~~ ~·$fa ~~ ~~0~~~§ ~6s~~ ~~z,.6o ~6.J~~o0. (2) tre)~ <'.9~6~~ .._ (1) L§~ ~;f~~o (adverb) (2) ~8s;;ro~o (pronoun) OJ"~~ (3) · di>C"6;;ro~~o ;5~~~0~~- (4) ~~~ L§c~ ~a>OGJ"'e..o Cj) ~Le);5, (proper noun) (3) <'.9~~6~~ .._ ~0~ ~~~di>~o ~o~ L~e)rro ~oa ~~gso ~~0~ (phrasal verbs) OJ"~~ :jl~s e;~OCQ" ~~a::orro ~oo. __, (4) 107. ~ l_§oo ~~d ~o ~~~~so? ( ~9"'6o: a>~ ~o ~on~ ~~~ cation) · ~0~~ ~~'0"6 d (Communi- ~K~Ko ~~~§ ~oa>ol;)o~oo. OJ~d ~~~oa.) (1) . a>~ ~o ~On~~ ~o<lrro ~~~ ~~ a3'"0 ~a.~~~ (2) a>~ ~o ··~On~~ ~o<lrro 109~ ·~o' O'O"~Ooi5~~~ ~~ _ __ (1) ~~~ ~~ ~~.J 23an ~od. o~~ool5oc:5>~ · 2Z"0 ~Cl.~cmoO. (3) L~e).J~~~-. a>~ ~o ~en·~~ ~o<lrro ~~~ ~~ ~~0 (2) :a~e.,~ e)Cl,i:J~cmoO. (4) <!9C-l>~o~ C"~ <!9g"~ c~~~~ ~('~~~ :a~~Vej> __, (3) ·t3~~6s ~o~~ ~~~ a>~ ~o ~On~~ ~o<lrro ~ ~ er'0"~6s ~s~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~lU~ ~~l e)~ ;5~.;)6"~. ~a'i>'{s;~ ~000'0"~. (4) ~ ~0 ~~ ~'<fu:O :a~~_, A (8) 110. a.s SqJ"o~~ o";:) ig~s, @o/SQi,~ Jg~sc:..o, · ~J~S ~~i:l"'6o C!5<;J"6oCT" C!5d.Wo~. ~~ ~~s se:lfl~ @o.~C!J --" ?Uoo-w O"~gs. ~ ~6;;JG @c';SsQi,~ LS~o @~ ~~ lsot> o:JO&Jd @O.P;:)§ :.J Telugu-1 113. 's~~&Js <Qoe3e:l~,l5,' (Kinesthetic "- Cj) oJ @c';SSQi,~ ~~gsod ~s~c:..o - - (1) .,)~6-~ ~;:)sa ~"J_C!Jif ? ~OZJO~O.W~ @~ Intelligence) ~~o S""~Oa" s~fl ~C!Jif ~d.Wc'Jo~. --" (1) ~Jigssoo ..'Stlo (visualisation) (2) ~ (3) ~6s ~~... ~ ~~~FlolSt~o ~9"~o& ~Odfu So&J§ ·~e3§ ~c;ss ~~~sQi,o& ~~;:) eo~ (4) (using prior knowledge) ~s~;~ ~.Jtlo (prediction) O"a (word attack) 111. a.S . o~oocJ~-s . <Q~!)ZJC1~ ~st~~ .,)si'r~ lS~~oa. ~ (:.J o:JOsso/ o:JOS""Se!.~d) I'U~olSoa~ ~~~C!.ifl!:~ C!5C!JM>-iSiV" ~s§so~~. (3) ~st~~d (!5 ~~.Y 'ft.~~1e1 (2) ~oA~ ~O~iV"~ s~Fl ~oa ~FC!J~ LK~~~(4) . eoO(,.S, ~o~S~J,S ~~~e!.~d Z:J"~~J_SOl1" C!50.W~~- 1. ·~~ ~SS~c:., ~-w (!5~st~o1Soa'. 2. 1SS(,.e3 ~~o S"~ eoKoC1. 114. a.s ~S~ oms(,. ;:)~~ ~S~J,S . ~~g"SC!.Id ~ L§ot) @O~c:..D s~~ 3. <;1~ ~-w aJ'>lUN"J._Q.)). (1) I ~Odfu 2 o:JOS""Sc:..o (2) ~~&J o:JOs~;o ~l~;;& (3) ~~&J ~ocifu ~~~ (4) ~~~ oJ.>ssod 112. S~fr'~ ~l~o . ~O~Q.)). @~ :.J~ ? (I) o:JOSso (principle @.;J;,js~~ ~~O"iV"c:..o. . ". of discovery) ~S""do o:JOSS6c:;> ~6Ke3 xt~& ~s~c:..o ___· _ __ (I) @~~fl!:~. §"~ ~O"zJC!.Id, (2) <;l~~C!J~~l . ~~Gi1"£c:..D, ~~O"t>c:..D tUOo~aJ~tlo. Cj)V (3) --" · a~ O"~~so se:lfl ~o~CJo. SC!.I~ ~;:)~o»ose:l.J~ @~(]"~ tU~o~gt_, o:JOSS6c:;> ~oaJo~~ S""6t>SC!.I"""oJud c;Ju~o~~v ""' n (2) §"~ ~~e..i~ @~ ~O"~c:;>C!J 0"!)0" (3) (4) ~~bolJ~~- a.s o:JOSS6c:;> @Z:J"S~~ ~t, . LS~od o:JOSS6c:;> ~leoe!.~ tUOo.W de:~l1" C!50.WfJ"o~. --" 115. x~ @~~o ~~ C!59"6~a ~tl ~o.W ec:..oi'U ~s§s6c:;>~ ~ Lsot> ~011" @0~~- ( I) Z:J" ~~ ;:)O""J_c:;>o ~tJS~oiff (2) ~~~ ZJCI~. o:JOSS6c:;> Efzye!.~~ ~O~Oo~ (3) ~:gJ..O~ ~<0c:;>SO ~N"~ ec:..o~~o~~- (4) . ~~ ~~6S6c:;> 6~9"sdfua : Telugu~I ~ 116. ~~c;)"S(!.I~ ~oo.'Jboao-tS~~s ~o/S ~~~o}>~ (simulation) ~~flo~ a..~ ~o}>CJ"<?ci:S.l li/~c;r> ' v o:JOGSd ~tl ? . ...... ;0<::$~ 9 o.'J'>ot> ~ 11" ~o CJ)otl. (1) (1) o}><:J"so~ ~£01''~~ (lesson.plan) (2) C:S~~S (watching 'iJ~~ao-iStlo (collecting), L~~ZJ~~ao-iStlo (ordering), a O""ci:S.ltlo (drafting), . demonstration video) (3) ~~ (4) &t;>tv~ ~o-I:J ~CJJ:J ~abo~ ~af\ &t;>'tv (micro-teaching) :O~~tlo. (making a good (2) O"ci:S.l~o', ·~~oli" C!:lldwo-iStlo' , ·~o6 ;06-iSt~o' ' ·~~ ~~,;; wl~£::>' O"ci:S.ltlo (re-drafting) O""ci:S.ltlo, L~~ZJ~~ao-iStlo, 'i-l~ !3 a o -iS t~o, ~a f\ O"" o. lecture notes) 111. '1-ls-tSt)lT" e:.~ (3) L~~ZJ~~ao-iSt~o, 'iJ~ ~a o -iSt~o, 6-iScvo 0"" ci:S.l6o, ~a f\ 0"" ci:S.l e.;, 0 . L~~od ~ C:S~d §(!}~~~~a» ? (1) O"ci:S.l~~s ~o6 (pre- (4) writing) (2) 0"1-lt~;0,y~ (drafting) (3) ~aJ 0"1-J~~J.Y~ (revising) (4) ~~6 cf~~ t>~t~;0,y~ (proof reading) 118. ~ ,;;~6!3a~a» -" .;)~(,.~N", L~~ZJ~~ao-iStlo, ~a f\ O"" :.:> d ~O"J_CiJ"~ ? e;!3z,.a~~tvorT", ~6t>Ci", O""ci:S.ltlo, 'iJ~~ao-tSt~o, 120. ~~ ~6K~ (language class) ;00"~ LSOtl a~, ~as~, (1) . Zl~z,.d, (2) ~~SJ~ C\f'~o:JO-iSS"~) (2) 'fv~N"~ (3) LSdlro (4) 'i-l6SN"~~ (pronouns) .;)CJ)~oes ~o'i-lz,.~~~ ~O'if"(!.l~ &~o-i$6. 'iJo&~orT", (1) A ISOtl l: I ~~£::> 119. 6-iSN" ~'fvo ~ l§ot> l~~od (nouns) (models) ,;;.,g~c;r>e,.o (adverbs) (4) ~~d A . Telugu-1 (10) ~6~~ .o~~ .~~ .O~so~ - 6~~cme · ~& II ~ o)o~S ~L~~ ~ [A g :;] (_~ ~ ~ 2'- @ g UlJ, !',j '"[<. UlJ, ~ @ g @ ~ (X '"[<. <;) 2'- <ia'- tJ y~ o ~ ff- ~'- ~ ~ ~ c__'- ~- & UK c- U ~ 0 0 ·a ~ 1:::'~re <3 ~e ~ :l.~e;~CJX2'?f;y &- · {']' 2'ex~ ex e.~ o ~ ..... ~ if ~ tJ o a.ey ~ ~ c.; ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~c__.. r·~ u ~ cg- !n ·CJ cg- if o e ~ ·a .- ~OJ <il' ~ t:r <;! V & ff e:l, o Ci ~ ~~:;J ~gv-.o<;! ~ll 0 .. e:J,:~ o {']' 1:::'- &- g o ~ 5_ y- ~<1'- @ ~ '1 ~ g- ~ <1'-. ~ ?j ~ <;! g ex '""' pt<. !UK ~ UK 3~ -~ ~ ~ f{ 8 y- t .• ~'- e:l. ?f .~ ~ o o :x. o ~~' ~ ex 0 '" W., 0 g v- ~ e:l. ~<. 0 . 2'qv p> C:n 2'~ ~ R (' 2'- {_'- D<;j §-' ~ b~ ~ 8' :;] 3~ ~ e o. o ~ :;J ~ ~ g. . O> Rj. o ~ OlJ ff o ff- CJ ()> ~~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ g. ~· ~ L :;J {']' e.'- · u ~ c)J.. o 9. CJ !!11 &'- ff- •. ~ ~ F:l 0l , ,.S.. tf. u (" ~ O(X ';! ~ "";' '- '{_<. () <S' ~lf v- &~ ,)!) ~ OJ 0 ~... r~ ccy (00 ff- · · (":l, C{_'" UK {?. CY.l pf- O '(f pf- £X. (!?'(/).?> '1 w,~ ~ 3~ "'<l ~ 2'- "'<l • v g V' V ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ 2'- ~ ft pf"'<l ~ ~ ~ &~ ~ ~~ ~ B ~~ t{ UlJ, ~'- ~ q ~'- ~ ~ ~'~ c- {']' e ~ ?1- -e.~ ~ ~ cg- e ~ ~ 0 ~ g 0 - & g~ c- g- ~ ~ ,!.., ~ .Q3 '[<. P- . ..,;.. (' 0 {']' Ci '~ ""' ?Jc__<.. e_.J. 0 Cl1 N ~ g <;! ?f ..... @ 2'- N p 1,0 1::: (.<. 0> vex ?1- 0 ~ fJ 3~ g j. ~ = = 110 ~ 'e:'- ~ tJ ~ ~ re f;l 8' '1 (!?'- n> [A?f-<10 •• ~ c__'- ·c.; re cC.J ~ o,_ ex ~ ,., ?.J til:. U CY.l <F ';I :X. VJ9 ~ ~ (Jlj ~ y- ~'o.ey ex -·a 0 £;] ~ ~ o # c__<- &'ex l?. >-l oCi g. :;] ~ g. ~<. 3~ <ia'v- tJ & ~ ~c,p l!?'- 8'- ~ ~ cg ~-o~ J UK P.2'ex ~ <h 8 ~ C.J ('ry ~ b?j ~ f2 00 2'- .Q3 0 ~ bOJ q u ~'cM _!~~~~~~:_:_~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~--- ~~ if ~ e:l, ?- ~ 3~ e:l, {?. & g ·tJ -~ cu ~<. ()!, el. ~~ fY. ·0. CY.:> ·a - ~~if 0 '1 ~ 0 ex ~ !J b~ ' [l 1.0/ . :X. ~ ~ ~ ~ ?f c- ~ ~ ~ DJ,wtu CY.l ~ ~ b~ g. ~ FQJ ?1- ~ CllJ {?.., tJ 0 ~ "" \1> a. . u ~ k~ {_<. -~ .11 o e;. ;t"' ~ ~ 'J o ex -a • :J 1!/.> o • (_'- 0 ~'--' b(_'- ~ :;] '-.J> ~ ~ «J' t;l UK ~ •• @ £-'- e:l. o e.'- :;] .go 0 o e;. (X UK e." .e.'" ° V V ~ o o cl'! (' -d ·a ~ !h. 0 'J ?1- '<~ o. <1'- 0 ·fij ·2'- £X. 1>1'. t:l ~ Jf @ ~c£ ~ ~ ~· ~ ~ r~ g_. t:l?f- ?1- tJ ~ ~ PF- .l'Y @ ~ d §' ~ 0 ~ :J,De? ~ r~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ '1 8~-o.·m<;J D> ~ ·q 3~<. ~~ I!?' 2'- . 2'- tJ ex ex ~'- Pi- _@ ~ ~ g. ~ 2'- 1'£ o o ~ ex <;1 Et- 2'- e_<. if ~ Cj ex {)(X o 8'- P~ W. ~ ()> Pl CJ ·a w e:l. -a ~ ..... ~ (!. :X. f;l ~ re'- ()!, r:x ?- p!f &, -~ &@ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~';l('ex e ~~ y- 2'- all '1 ~ !'.J ~ UK §l ~'J e-· r~ r:xo if e' cg ~~'- e:l.~~ 1'£ UK &'- b~'- g ·81. c__.J. l ()!,<g. e'IJ~ex e_<. g: "'<l .ey (__'- ~ Jo'- ~ o:.; if gr v- ~ t;~ oo '1l!?'-oCY.:>OI 0 0 ff- Pl ex -a {']' ~ OJ ~ 0. if reJ ~ ?f- J?- :J -d ~ 8 [A (IX 0> ,, e_<. cl'! tA oP • e_<. d oP ~ (' :J,· w, Pf- ~ @_ C.J t'.) fr ~ -~ (' ?i-'1CY.:> C.J iY <f tJ eyW. 1!1 8' <;j' ('? (' e:l. C 2' tJ 1'£ ~ re ~g. :J.~~e v·a ('J, " :X. o C; ~C?> ~e ff ,e_<. 0 ~ UK ~ • !'.J ~ 01 £-'- C/11 I'll 6' t";j, () g!~ ~ ~~ D if ~ 2'- g ex w. t";j, 8" ~ ~ ~ o. -~ ~ .QJUK@u~D>f}~~ (!. UK 0 ()!, if g:J. ~<. @_ ttx {']' UK ~ <;j 'e:'- ~ @_ ~ b?j g CllJ ~ CJ> ~ ~o ~f:- ~tJ e ~ ~ y- !J [l ~ ~UK oO> C1J @. CY.:> if g. ::: ~ ()J,'J~'1 f:• ~ z5 ~- ·g I < 0 ·Q:. U - ~ ~ ~ ex c- • ~ 8'- PL ~ y.. 0 <il' -~1J t, ~ ·a 6 ~ bex P ~ · ~ ~ ~ ugtx r.J ::.J 1 ~ v--s (IX 0. Et-~-01 !'.J CY.l 00 ?1- ~~C/11 ~ !J &~ ~ ~ e:J.P-t > Telugu-1 (12) A ~o~~l~~ e9~a;5'~o{.J~ O"S"" ~~ ~sg>c:;~ &~~K~d~~ e9~Scill~ ~6~& 6eilc:;~ ~o?"ot>o~cilica-";0§ ~~eo{.Jot>. CJ"~S"N<>J.W. K6"~ ~"~~o l3~~a;~oe3 e1;9~o6Ke::~~ ~d~~o~do rud~~ 60J" ~cili~~ ~£>-o~s ~~CJ"~s e9o~don~ S""dscse.t e9~~. S""dwll" ~ca" ~cili~ 1i6"~ ~d{.J~CSc:;~ 60J" ~~CJ"~ ~d~~o~do ~~ :.:>e3 a.~eJ~ G!... S"N"J.~· · O"e~s~ -~eJ C'dlcili~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ;)d.Jaoe. 19~ -;:,o~~.Jdod~ tzc1sKo6-s l3e rud~:"a; 29 -;:,o~~.)CJ"C!.J S""c:;od $ 1 6f1srr"e.J) l3'i1"w. 1881 & oJ.><:S'ir"C!.J 6oJ.>9"sdfu:::lrro &essK z§~6"~ ~do~o{.J~ rud~a; 1886 ~eJd tJ.J. ~6~& &~~~~ 'if"~jli"B ~~d.lo:l"~ ~eJ rud~~ -;:,S~JOCSorT" ~!) ~d~£:i> l3'i1"~. . 121. Kld~a; e.J"C!.Jso 41 Lsoa L~~"~od Ka;{Joa. ~0~~~0 ~eJ~cilJClSO CJ"~OJ"e ~'ll"'il"C!.JC J:::l'(;J)S ~~~11JoCJ) a~JdOrT" ;0cili'(;J)~~ -;:,o~~.Jdc• o}>CJ) ~:::ll3'ir"~. ~~sd 7 ~c:;c:; oJ.>CJ) ~e::cill~Kdo e::~de) a~se3 ~ago ~l36d ~Q ru~~~~" 122. (1) CJ"clll~do (2) Kle;;JoO"a; (3) Jc:;~o{.Je) (4) -b~d.l~~ ~S2l"S~ 0 rud~a; ~:::ll3i:JNO L~:::l.Jo}>e) ~0~~~0 'if"~) ~6d£:i> e::enoa? S""d£:i>oll" ~~CJ"~OJ"e cs~~~a ~en (1) ~(j ~eJ · ~~a:: ~'l?"'ir"C!.J& N"e.D~ &~s~s,~~~" l3CJ"~. 1886& -;:,o~'{;;.. "i"-;:,~ ~e~css,~~~" Cj> • (2) N<>e.of'f ~ eJ (3) e9 cmcJ (4) (1;9Cf ~eJ :::lcili'(;J)o~ZJa;a;o Kld~a; ~~~od a.~ §c:;~ ~eJO. • eJ C1;9clll~ -;:,~£>-o~~~~" e9~~-...ess oJ 6oa :::l~s~ &>~OJ"B§ CJ"~ ::J eJ CJ"~OJ"e§ o:l"g;" ~l~~e.o ~a~ ~;::l~ol30J"w. ~~c:;C oJ.>C!.J"'"~OJ"w. (1) ~~CJ" a:: LoJ.>o6"c:;C ~o~eo~c~o ~c:;~ e9i3~ ~ot> ( 2) ;;Je:: cill~K do ~s~~c:;~ Z!~d (3) CJ"cili~d 0 ~<;;"''if"~ -;:,~£>-o~ (4) rue;;JoO"a; -;:,o~N06:IDc:; -;:,OZJ09"e.D OJ"5S0 LZJe3~ o}>c:;~c:;, ~ec>J"do~ ~d.j~OJ~. . J~Cra§ o}>~~~S""e.o S"~~~S"e.o ~'l?"'if"c:;C ~c:;i'-J 123. rud~d ~.J. ~a~~ ~'l?"'if"C!.J ~d.l? ~c:;; () $ l ~eJ ~£NO S"oW> &oa;a;o, LKoQ"c:;dbc:;~ ~e~~o~a;o, e1;9db ~'l?"'ir"C!.JCi::l e9C::~"S~~ 6~c:;~, OJ"d.l ~s~c:;~ iSCJ).Jc:;~ l::3~.J . ~~~c:;~ ~e~~o~a;o, rud~:"~~ e9C!.JOJ"CJlrT" 6oGtt>. Z~CS06" ~ll~CJ"~ ~'l?"'il"C!.J LKOQ"C!.Jdb~ ~-;:,o~~~Lo l3cilica";0§, e9~(re1 124. rud~a; 41 OJ" e ~ <;;"' 'if"C!.J ~ 'l1" 'if"C!.J ~ 'l1" 'if"C!.J- LSOtl OJ"e3d ai::ls ;;J~~w? (1) e9~S cillN0;0§ (2) ~O~(rd£:i>c:;~ (3) LKo(:S ~~drn~ (4) ~6~~6~5 .... <;I · Telugu-1 125. lU6~($ (1) (2) (3) (4) (13) e:>.oJ. Qo'iJOJ)~ 'iJo~~.J60 ? (1) ~~ : 'OI.W0~ 1886 1867 1864 1855 'OI.W0~ ~0"~ -.:se~; CJ"~ L§oC:S ~~l(!;~. Kl~o-iSoa. 'iJa@Q))~ (lf.J. 130~oea a:lc;J"ZJ)~ 135 ~~SJ) ~6~~ ~~~s ~~o'iJ L§fF ~S"~§ a..s ~&>eJo @~'QI~rro 2.16e§J~ii Q • 126. ~ L§oe W"e5d a.§ ~§e:>~ ~l~~ 'iJa A @()))~ lU6~cl 'iJo'iJ?r~~od s~ Lo)v6o@oe. o)v;p0~S ~~~S ~~o'iJ _@O~~ ~6~o N"eJ.llU ~&>~e; L§~~ Lfl~ o~od ~~~ Lo)v6o@o0. ~6e§J~ S"<!.J"""~§ ~6~~ ~6~o~od 0"~~£0), (2). lU6~cl §~~~od s~ ~o:'J£~6~, ~K~&>eJ.l ~~OD. (3) lU6~cl 'O!OFl~1C §~ ,.., C!::!l6s1J~a::o ~~o}>e;~ C:Slii~o-b ~a~~ (4) lU6~C$ e3orrotld s~ ~oe @~S C:S~e)l @~K~o.W O"a::a§ ~e~d 127. ·~o.W K~~~ S''o-a~~oi)· @Oe3 @60? Cjl ~6~aoe. ~o&~~od v Cjl Cjl ~~~;';)o.W~OD~ ~g~S~~~, §6~S"oc:$~ ~e~osorro ir'C:S, ~ ~e;,) ~~ v <;> ._ CJ @~s~e;"""~ '(J~~-w"OD. ~6s ~l?'a::so ~~a::~e;orro ;;)e)f\ @o~ao.W~ODoO. (1) · K~od ~o-t:) acs., (2) K~od l':>cl:> ~L~~ ~oe C!::!1 (3) K~od ~O~J acs., l5cl:> acs., ~6s ~~a::so ~~~~()))~ ~~W"~ (4) K~od ~o·w S"ol:>o ~L~~ 'O!Oc1 - LASJeJ.l, ~tp~~eJ.l, o)v~~~eJ.l, ~oe ~~eJ.l, ~~~e;,) CJ"CJ"~ !l6o&> 0 ~O"ODW"m. ~.w ~ iJ"g ~&>~ ~~sao-w"cl:>. ~~o'fu~~ . ~~CJ"~~cl:> m,.J '(Jo~(r~&>~~~ (2) ~~~c:s~ ~i8 (3) ~.~. [email protected]""~ @~scl:>. (4) jose:> O"~<:J"~ iJ"g'{;J)&>~~~ ~~6"S~ 129. ~a::~~K6o a::~6~ a~se3 sago (1) saso CJ (2) K,)'{;J)~ . -" (3) ~Q. lU~~ -" (4) as0 6o ~6~oliiod 'Oioc1 - Lfl~ 0"~ ~N"oe$5 (~~oe;S,cl:>) -~a::~O"~ ria::~~ s~6& ru6~c:$ ;5~~ ~t:fsKo ~~6 ~ao)ve)~ ~1'\o-w"m. ~6~o;p~§ 12s. ru6~cl ~o~ ~ill ? . (1) S"<!.iod~ Lfl~e; C:Socl~L~ a::a11oe. ? ~o-s ~~o'fu~~ ~.Jrro @ODN" s~~?rcl:> 'iJo'iJ?r.)~ ~~o-o"cl:>. ~~6 ~ 6~o~o· '01 (!;""" ~o S.,e)~orro, 'iJoe~ orro ~~l S"e;od 'N"e:>s'Pfl,o' ~~oe. 'N"e:>S'Pfl;o' ~;y_cl:> ~~ot:f, CJ"~ -.:sal~ ~~~. CJ"::J§ @0 ~C:S~~o.W~ a§;;)~ W"fl;';)S~b ~~.l 'iJoeJo4$~ ~~~ 'OIOS" e=!e;acs.,. · C!: !l ~e:>s-~ e.!l<!.i"""oe5 ~a~e;~ -" 'OIOS" Lo)v6o~ S"acs.,. Telugu-1 (14) A ~~...,oe5 ~oa~e o}>~0es ~ciJ<>es !:JJ'f.:JJoo~~ rueo.O CJ"CJ"~IT" ~(S). ~& Lfl~ o~od::l :0q~~.J ~K6od L§·~· : 427-348 ~o~e.JO""~ . ~e~ <J"~~ ~o(S)eJ"~~M> ~~S ~~o"W"~. ~oo/e» ~<V"l01)· Jc;;~.Y~ ~e5:0 t'Ueo.O~ I LA~~~. !:JJ'f.:JJo 0~ ~~eso .~.o0~ ~6eo~o~~ Lo}>6oz;l~oa. 130. !J& ~~o.O~ so~o ...., (1) . L§·~ 400-348 L§·~ 427-348 (2) -tS60 ~ o}>~~ ~6"~e»w ~&rub~ (3) . L§·~ 426-348 ~oa. S""~ z;l66.l::l '<V"~s~~;o' rueo.O (4) ~~ Lo}>-b~~~ §"c,eso~o e~~<V" 20~ ~e"~o ·Lo}>6oz;Jo~M>~ ~a ~~~ 'Ol~.Y~ ~~o ~:f.p~l ~~~od ~2;)o.Ooa. z;J66.J::l~...,71 ~& ~~~ ~~e"S~ t'Ueo.o Lo}>~oA~ow~ ~q.~)o"W"~. L§:f.p ~6.3o en~~ ~e"~o ~~~ "W"~..., Lo}>-b~ so~ow ~~:il:f.poa. s-O~ t!:9<V"e5 LFl~ ~~~. ~CJ"~~ ~~o-iSo t!:9CV"e5s ~~~a~5 01)o~~. e~~!:JJe ~01)o~~ ~~o~m. ~o~~~~~ LA~ ~~z;l•~~~~e5~ ~~ ~CV"e3s ~oao~~. ~~~o ~~~S ·~~ ~~s 'Ol~ ~A~oo!:JJ ~~~ ~ill cr.9~.Je2 eJ"~~~&. • Q ~"W"001)· .<J"a3e soe» ~~~se» :06.J<;ron, · ~ e&~e ~~w ·~~~.,)~So (oligarchy) ~.00oa. cr.9<5 L~~L~~ow -~~~~.,)~SOW . ~5o<5. 'Ol~..., LA~e.o. <J"a3S ~s~& ~~ "0"~..., ~~We» ,;5~ ~~..lA~d:fro~. ~~0~ ~;!J06"~~ ~~o.O~ ·~~ cr.92;)Lo}>d:fro~~ LA~ · 6-t501)e~. ~Q""~~ · e~ LKOo/~d ~~<V"S;;)-o'~A5s ~~e» 15cili~o Lo:Jo6o2;)o"W"m. so~ LA~ <V"KtJ~e~ ~o-~ o}>6J.,)O ~C¥' ~oa. ~sod:fro~od, ;!J~.Jod, O"a3§cili ~oeod, K~e ~~jod; ~s~~d, . ~CJ"S ~!lJSow ~~od LA~ <V"Ke~e ~l ~a3d:froe» ~Oo.Ooa. a-~c,'f.:JJo~e.7 l5o}>.J~oe3 ~.J L§·~ 425-348 131. ~~o(S)a cr.9~e» 1;~ (I) !J& ...., (2) ~:0~(;~ (3) (4) ~<V"o~6 m~CJ"~~~ 132. s~~(;~ cr.92;)~~o.O~ ~eo ja '? (1) ~oW>~eo (2) if"~ ~eo (3) o}>fJ./ ~eo (4) ~~eo .._ 9 133. cr.9~~o ~~~s 'Ol~ LA~ ~~§ ~A~oo!:JJ ~~::l ~ L§oa ~ec ~& ~~o"W"m ? ( 1) LA~ ~~e», ~Q""~e» (2) LA~ ~a3e» (3) LA~ <J"~e.o (4) jQ~.J ~~e» 134. ~ Lsoa ~e5d a-~ cr.9o~o~M> LA~e» ~a3cilio ~Oo-iS~c:.$). ' (1) · ~so d:fro~o (2) K~e ~~,o (3) ~~~ ~~jO (4) ;!J~oJ ~~jO 135. if"~ ~eo 41 Lsoa so6£0low ~~oa. 9 (1) · (2) . ~g ~s~~~ cr.9~~~ow ~g ~S~~d ~Kow (3) ~g ~S~~~ §~o-tSeJ'>~s (4) ~g ~s~~~ ~s~o~ow Telugu-1 ~~ : <>~w~~ L5oCS ~~le;~ @~ 136. ~ Lsoo @4Ssa'S>~ ~e~& ~~ ~ :X:Sorr> ~~Zre..o <>~~~~? ~~l : 4S66~e_, oJ~(r~ ~~0 ? ~QJ"2J) : 1. ~~iS~) L:0a~ 138. ~:'-)sa ~s~e..o a.~ csJ~s~ OJ"stp" s:'-)oiSCJ<> ~ (2) a.~ e;~ .Wleo~ ~~ ~~§.oiSCJ<>~ (3) OS"'~of) @QalJ'> ~~~~~~ 2 ~~(re..D. @c;J"6orr> :0e~e;~ e;) ~noe "1:1-" ~a'S>CJ<>~ ~cse3 ~~g>:'-)s o ~&>Zre..o· (4) ~e;Se3 ~~9·:'-)§ skill) a~ @c;J"6orr> ~~~-iS>~ ? . & ~00. (2) (listening ;;:q.N"~ &~oOo~~. ~ (';90~§ (1) ~OJ"2J) : 2. 4S66~C:..· ~~i$e) ~~e_,c-6 00~~ ~~c;J";'_)§ ~c0~S~ (';90iSN" ~toc:i>~ 6-~o/Sdm~ a.~ CS~6rr> ~~l ~OJ"2J)~ iU~oiSoa. (1) A · (15) 1 ~6:>(;. a.~ OJ"iSS"'~ iSCS~CJ<>~ eJ~. oo~~ ~~9":'-)s 2 ~~Zre..o· (3) ~CSe3 ~~9":'-)5 2 ~~(re..o. oo~~ ~~c;:ro:'-)§ (4) 00~~ 2 ~6:>&e..o. ~~c;J";'_)§ 1\12 139. ~ Lsoo OJ"e3d ~~6~ @o/ees (enquiry based) C!9<;Ssa'S>~o o)oc:i>d ~oo? (1) ~~(re..D. · &<;S~~ a.~ C!9<;Sso'»~o· ~c;re;~ (extensive (';9~0.;:)~ ~e_, (';gi"eJ~ ~~oiSC:lo. (2) ~9"6~0IT'' a.~ @O~~ ~~§b;'_) . (';ggo @~OOoiSCJ<>:'-)§ iSCS~C:lo. (3) @O~~~IT" ~~ ~e_,-..o~e;~ (';960 ~~~eJ'>:'-)§ iSCS~C:lo. (j) (4) a.~ OJ"iS~~~ ~~LK ~O..o~~ ~~ow .a:0,JCJ<>:'-)§ iSCS~C:Jo. ~~e~ ~6~ (lines of enquiry) @~!)~OiS~o. reading) @0~? (1) ~!).JoO ~a~ (';94Ssd»N":'-)s @~S"' ~ti:D~!) C:lo. Q":'-) (2) . ~s~e..o 137. ·~~(;~~ ~:'-'):'-') (3) ~oo~ (l)~Odfu (4) (2) ~t~~; (2). 140. '~o~ ~N"l J~cm~ ~~ :g:pO"~ !l~~ J~ZrKe;~· - ~ OJ"~sod OJ"Q~ ~~eose;oS"'O"~ iU~oiSo~. (1) @~~ws (2) &:0~o (3) ~L§~ (4) 6:0~ -" A 141. ·~~ ~~ ~;~ofi ~~gzo ~o~~e;i:.l~ (\!)~)~6o "W"e.J..... ~oe' A~ L§o6 ~e:>Fl~ ~O"e..o a~ ~w~cm? 0~ Telugu-1 144. ~c;ro6~ e<Z"e.J~ ~s§. ~es~ ~g_,o~~ ~ss o:Jo<:5"8""e.Je.J~ ~~~ (\l)OeJ'>~ ? -" (I) (2) ~~§ ~~l~~ofi ~~g"S~ ~e~ e;~ · ~~ ~;~ofi ~~~~~~(euphemism) (2) ~es~ o:Jo<:5"8""e;e..o (Exclusive) (3) lo:)o~~~ (4) (\l)O~O"~;;J<>S (Inclusive) ~~ ~;~ofi~ o:Jo<:$"8""e;e..o (Standard) C ~~.JeJ'>~ (4) ~~'tl o:Jo<:5"8""e;e..o (Special) S"~~ ~~i:1IT" ~~ 0"~§ ~~~~(3) (I) K~o, ~?},;~~e;& ~!>~ ~~eJ'>~ 142. o:J~~o~ (\!)4Sscili~~ ~~LFl (reading e:J~ow material) ~d6 a35Fl~ (\!)4Sscili~~§ ,::s6~e..o ~ Lsoe OJO~C ~ i.l6~s oK6lT" ~oeJ'>cm 9 n ? (I) . di&.J~ ~~~~~~ ~~e.o (generative p-ansformational approach) (2) (3) OJ"s~6£:il"~~cs ~~ (4) OJOS L~~~ ~~~ (Audio-lingual t4s. ~~ ~~~~o ~O".s~ dio:Joc;rosdfueil ~s~e;~ ~ Lsoe (\9~1.J6l'!:~ ~0"~) ~eJ'>~~o. ~CS~~o. O"cili~o M ~e:>Fl~ (I) 6~~~ ooeil (2) ~e;o 6~~d M ooeil (2) ~e;o (3) ~~gpl'!?~~), 'l'!:O"~O' '~j'. ~e;o 6~~~ . ooeil 6~~d M 6~~d M (3) ~~l, e;£:"Se;~ o7>C!T"so"B""e; ~S~e; (4) ~~ ~6K~e; classes) aoeil . ~~gpl'!?~") 'l'!:O"~O' '~j'. ~~LK ~~g"S~ (\90~~ ~cili~o. ooeil ~~gpl'!?~g) l'!:O"~O ~j ~e;o ~'R d!i.JwK~~~o. ~~gpl'!?~l. ~0"~0 ~)· (4) ~~ ~6,g wo~~od di oJ..c;rosdfuas ~~gpl'!?~ ~0"~0 ~j (I) ~O"s~e;~ (\!1~~-w~ ~~o~~o. OJ"~s~ ru~o~c•a. ~e;o e;-ooe! ~~~eJ~O _ __ OJ"~sjg wt:fJ.e;~ (\l)~IT";;Jo~. comprehension), (listening method) 143. :J~~o ~~sa i.J'R (language ~S~e; ~ciliol~o~~o. ~gp~e;~ Q~ Telugu-1 146. <;!<lClJ._OO (e-leaming) @Oe3 149. ~ LSO{;) OJ"e3d a.Se3 ~~J ~f\e,)~ ~ ~~S"d eJ~o~ @4Sso:D~o~ ~~s (1) &d (2) @:'-JdD~ ~~s (3) ~osd~ (co-operative ~ClW'~~ (1) @q$S<iD~c·d ~(;J"so'if"e.;C eo:DdJ._o.W~~~ (2) OJ"e3:'-J OJ"~~e,o ~Cl@l~· ~ (!;9 (3) (2) ~~2 c'UClo.W ~sdl'T" ;:;~ep:J~~~ ~o:D~c,.e.;~ ::J~K.lo ~o:Dse,o. OJ"s~o. 150. @4Sso:D~od ~~s~ ~ Lso{;) OJOe3d B::Js ~oeJo~o.W~ ~~E@SO ? ~~~~~c: a.~~~~ ~EfsA · (1) . ~~"l? ~dw·~. --" (4) 'O"e.J.... ~S~e.;~ ~a~o~o6>~ ".J~ @~~O~eJc'1~ OJ"_g" ~dSC:'-J (3) ~c;s~~. SOLCSS eeps~o:Do. (4) OJ"_g" ~;.,Ld~ K{;). ~~9"SdD a.~c,.es ~{;)? ~~"l? ~~db>~ e'if"o~Ol'T" L~~eJ~~d ~0~ ~dKa Lso{;) OJ"e3d a.~ CJO:'-J::J ~~.J ~f\ep (1) ..J~c,.~ S~Ol>o~e,o. L~~cl\1@~ @O'if"e.J~ · &~oe~~;:;s ~~9"Sdfu~ ~s~e..o @~s~::Js ~dxa K{;)d a"~s~oe,e ~::J~e..o 147. ~~"l? learning) group ~OeJO~O.W~~. OJ"~~o~ ~(:S)J~~ ~S (4) A OS.ii'>o.W ~~snxm'i· @c;sso:D~o'if"e.J ~- ·~)L~o. (2) 148. @il3"'~s @0 'if" e.;~ @dO (jl sno:DoeJ~6>d::J !)~ ~osepe.; Y"db> ~~J;:; (non-verbal) ~o~~ (communkation) ..J~~d ~~c;s @O'if"e.J~ ~OeJO~o.W~ ~S. ~~"W"d @Oe3 _ . @c;sso:D~ (3) @c;sso:D~ ~~ (1) il3"'~~ ~CJ"e.o (spoken words) · c'UClo.W ".J~"W"dod (2) ~ed see)~e..o (gestures) OB~e..o ~dDKe.;Ke,o. (3) ~o~se.o (numbers) (4) ~~~ ~CJ"e..o (printed words) (4) @~Cl.W~ ~~e,o. ~CJ"e.J ~e)&>~ ~~~ @O"e.J~ (jl A (18) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Telugu-1 1. A (19) Telugu-1 ~~ ~~l~ N"~t'i~ ~QJ"z..l)~ ~~s~~~. ~o6d ~e<e~ ~QJ"z..l)~ ~l~;J OMR e:30J"2..l) ~le'§~oGS~ ile!-2 d Ke; ~~~e;d a..~GJ";J;J ~le'§~ ~~ ~GJ" ~~~ -ao~ ~ii ;Jo~oCl.. a..:~<O"e e:30J"2..l)~ ~l~;J~~:1od ;Jo~~.S GJ"~~~.r)e,~ ~~o~6. 2. ~eS"e e;3QJ"2..l) ~le"eJ~ ~~e'§ ~e,eJS";J, j ~e'§6 I'U~~ ~e,eJ S";J ~Qi)0"6. ~eS"e """"-' Cfl l: c:J e,) .......... cp ....D e'§~ L~~ ~o2J.>g~ :s~Q))o-w~ ~~o6" ~L6~ 0"~~. ~o~ o)sc,.w> (J"Qi)~~6. 3. ~ea" ~fl~o ~eo:n) e:30J"2..l) ~Le-oe;~ 6c'U ~''LK:1rro 6-~0D"'flo-tSoCl.. o)o6~oe.1 ~ ~e~~e;e;~ (~tl§:" ~fl~o ~eo:lu e;3QJ"2..l) ~L6od Ke; ~02JJS ~GJ" ~o-g6od ew> _ 6-oe.1 6~:,) ~o~~a ~e0 ~~s2J~6. 4. ~e:3e ~L6~d t~e; ~eam ~ea" ~fl~o/e:30J"2..l) ~Le-oe;d ~~s2Ja~ ~o-ge'§o (~5) ~eo:lu ~o2pge;~ ~e~~~:O 6~_y ~~ow CJ"Qi)oCl.. 5. ~e.;!"~ ~e~ e:36lKJ tJ!iw efs Kae;M;J§, ej~ ~l6~ ~~J ~a~ j ~~6 ~\:J"gorre;~ ~o2Jo~o.W~ -~~~ ~GJ" 15~LOJ"6& ~a.~ S"fle-o~, S"fl6~ ~~(,.~ 60"6. tJ~o, ~))~~ ~ ~ao1u ~o-g~~ ~6~~ j ~~~~ a~~;J ~w~eJ~ ~eo:lu 6-~0D"'flo..S,eJ~ ~~~~ ~~~ 6. Ka ~ea" ~6g~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~le-o~ ~~~~l~~ ~ea"~ 6~:,~ ~~oO>~. 7. ~e;§:~S"e ~GJ" ~ea" ~6g~~~;J ~eg~ ~~~~ ~:oo ~e§:"~, 6~ ~~0~1 .Se, ~oa. ~C.Se;~~c:)). 8. ~ea"~ e:30J"2..l) ~'le-o~ ~~15~ Ka ~e§:" ~6g~~~:Os ~w0, oo~~~a ~e:36 ~~e;"'" ~o6~o 15~~ 660J"6~, ~ea" Ka:o c0Cl.w ~"?~~· ·ao~~~a ~e:3~ ~~d ~oe'§~o 15Qi)~ow ~<tl~~~. ~6~ e:30J"2..l) ~Le-o~ ~~s~~rro ~c0o-tS~o e:3~1'U~oa. ~GJ" ~6~ ~~w~ ~~d ~~~ow~~rro ~c0o-tS~o e:361'U~oa. 9. o)e;~;;Js/15~s· ~~OD"'Ao-t;S, S"~~S~eJo~· OJ"~e, :O~o. 10, 2.5"~ ~ow~ ;.)d))~ :02Jo~~e;~ ~~~rro ~ea"~ ~ea" Kad ~e;K~e;~ t;-oe,oa. ~~-::J6orro ~ow~ OJ"e:O l'ilso-t;S, ~aS"6o 2.5"~ :Od))~ ~oGS~~ ~~I'U£0lorro 6-o~~. . -D '"""' • Q ' 11. . ~ego ~fl~o, ~edfu e:30J"2..l) ~Le-oe;d:O Ke; j ~ rro~ ~ ~e~e; ~ ~ l3d))~~6. 12. ~ego~ ~e~ ~~Q))~ ei60J"6, Ka:o c0a.w ~w~e,~ ~6.go e;3QJ"2..l) ~Le-o~ ~~;xa ~ea" :oe~~~~S"es 6~:,~ ~OJ"s~· ~ea"~ 6~& ~e, ~ ~ea" ~'flS"~ a~~:o ~~~~-t;S,0~· . (20) A READ CAREFULLY INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. TH~ Telugu-1 FOLLOWING Out of the four alternatives for each question, only 1. one circle for the correct answer is to be darkened completely with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen on Side-2 of the OMRAnswer Sheet. The answer once marked is not liable to be changed. ~w.f~~~lf(l""i:IT{~-q~~~~~ The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet 2. is not folded. Do not make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet. Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except in the specified space in the Answer Sheet. ~ 1f•1f:t~i1 cotf.i;"'$tl" ~~C!iT ~ ~ ;;:nltltCf ~ Handle the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet with care, 3. as under no circumstances (except for discrepancy in Test Booklet Code or Number and Answer Sheet Code or Number), another set will be provided. The candidates will write the correct Test Booklet Code and Number as given in the Test Booklet I 4. Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet. OMR ~~~~-2lR~~¥C!iTm~~ m~ offi;f ~*'~'lit , ~om-~ am~ ~Of!G~~'1if;;rr~t I FmR ~ wffit I~ a11Rr 3lilf>lii'll ~q;f -q f.:lmft1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fffij I lR q;Jt 3f.'<r ·~ltCt~~q;]"ttlf"1'{cl'llwWrcR, ~ fifim '>it~ -q (C);qR. ~ ~ 6rff ~ ~ ~ <rr -q fiRm <it W1fu 'liT~~ mr m ~ ~'1ifq;n<fr~ I -~16rrr~"ll~lf(l"·~~q ~qft~~~~~-~-qfffij I Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, 5. mobile phone, electronic device or any other material except the Admit Card inside the examination hall! room. ~qft~~. ~<IT tH<ifl'lf@i1, ~<it~. Each candidate must show on demand his I her 6.. Admission Card to the Invigilator. w~ lR ~ ~. ~C!iT No candidate, without special permission of the Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave his I her 7. seat. ~I 8. · The candidates should not ieave the Examination Hall without handing over their Answer Sheet to the 8. Invigilator on duty and sign the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases where a candidate has hot signed the Attendance Sheet a second time. will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with as an unfair means case. The candidates are also required to put.their left hand THUMB impression in the space provided in the Attendance Sheet. ~ rnr mtmor/Cfi&l-q ~ CfiTt ~ ~ m:rr ~.~"~:fiR, $MCf?IHC!l~<rrm:IT3f.'<r~ qft~qft~~<rr~~qft ~'1ift I 3"f!RT ~-Cfilt ~<rr~<it~ ~~f.Rr"CilTt~ 3N-1T~~mt I ~ ~C!iT 3jiRT ~~~foRT 1tCf ~-~ '· *lR~~~f.Rr~mll'R'r'1if~ m:rr lR '1if -l1tt ~~~om-~-~ ~ ~m ~m;rr ~~~ 6rff~ '1if~t r1fitri 3tlR ~~ cf; aft&'1.6T f.mR ~-'q')l" -q furTt'lf~ ~ -~ m'IR q;r ~ m;rr ~ Use ofElectronic I Manual Calculator is prohibited. 9. $MCfl;(IH'Il 1 t*itHfl'lii qf{Cfi("''ll q;r~ ~ t 1 10. The candidates are governed by all Rules and Regulations of the Board with regard to their conduct 10· m-ll'R'r-q 3l1iWJT ~~~.rrt~~ ml1T ~ ~rnrmflmt r ~~ ~~lWIF!)q;r in the Examination Hall. All cases ofunfair means will be dealt with as per Rules and Regulations of the ~orrt~ml1't~~~~~ I Board. • · 11. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet shall 11. .fifim~"ll·~ .31tt~~ q;rq;Jt 'IWT 31\"ffT 9. ~<Rr be detached under any circumstances. 12. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer "Sheet to the lnvigilator in the Room I Hall. The candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. 12. 1fitau lfl'IR ~ ~• .qnri ~ 1 ~ ~ "R ~ ~ 'q')l" ~-f.:Rla;cn "'llT ~ ~ t , w~ arrR ID"P.1 pr vftm ~ ~ rf 'JI1 ~ f I