May 2015 - McKeever School of Irish Dance


May 2015 - McKeever School of Irish Dance
Mckeever School of Irish Dance
April- May 2015
Golden State Feis, San Francisco a Success for McKeever Students!! On April 11-­‐12th we had nine dancers compete at the Golden State Feis in San Francisco. This compeBBon was hosted by the Whelan-­‐Kennelly School of Irish Dance and was held in Saint Mary’s Cathedral on Gough Street. This was the first Bme two of our students competed under the McKeever School name. We brought home medals and trophies galore! So many McKeever dancers are progressing at such a fast rate it is exciBng to see all the hard work and hours of pracBce paying off! Keep it up dancers!!! The next compeBBon will be the Saint Ambrose Feis in Pomona, May 9-­‐10, and the Silicon Valley Feis, San Jose, June 6-­‐7. For more informaBon visit New Friday Schedule and Class Loca5on! Because of recent increase in class size and advancements in compe55on our Friday night students are moving to a new loca5on and class 5me. Dancers ranking as Novice through Preliminary Champion levels will aCend class from 5-­‐7pm. This two hour class will allow for drilling and extra training 5me. Our Compe55ve Adults will be from 7-­‐8pm. The new loca5on is at Kids Dance and Fitness located at 4700 Northgate Blvd. Suite 185 Thanks to everyone who is adap5ng to this change! Congrats to Hayley Wilson who worked diligently on a rou5ne for her school talent show. She performed a flawlessly and took home a first place trophy! Miss McKeever is extremely proud of her achievement and professionalism on stage! UPCOMING PERFORMANCES
There are several performances during the month of May. Please find informa5on below and if you have not signed up for the last two events of the month please email [email protected] Saturday May 2nd -­‐ Alice Burney Mul5cultural Fes5val 1pm Performance Time Arrive at Noon. Address: Alice Birney Elementary School 6251 13th St Sacramento, CA 95831 Saturday May 16 -­‐ Rancho Cordova Ifest Performance 5me 7:25 (Arrive at 6pm) Address: Village Green Park 3141 Bridgeway Drive Rancho Cordova Thursday May 28 -­‐ CASA Light of Hope Event -­‐ 5-­‐8pm Beatnik Studios in Midtown. The mission of the Na3onal Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Associa3on, together with its state and local members, is to support and promote court-­‐
appointed volunteer advocacy so that every abused and neglected child can be safe, establish permanence and have the opportunity to thrive. As many of you already know, the McKeever School is campaigning to be KCRA’s number one dance studio in Sacramento! We are currently number four out of 80! Vo5ng ends May 3rd and you can only vote once! Please spread the word to family, friends and colleagues and make sure you confirm your account once you have voted!! Thank you so much!! Copy the link below to find our page….­‐school-­‐
of-­‐irish-­‐dance/biz/697441 Because of the Light of Hope Performance on Thursday May 28th, there will be no classes that night. Thursday night students may choose to aCend our Wednesday night class 4:45-­‐5:45pm at Firehouse Five. All advanced payments will be adjusted and you will not lose tui5on for this canceled class if its already in your reciepts.