Saint Mary Magdalen Parish - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish BUILDING A FAMILY OF FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST – THROUGH CATHOLIC WORSHIP, EDUCATION & CHARITY Parish Office 610-566-8821 For emergency after office hours, please call Ext. 123 or 110 November 16, 2014 Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon, Tue 9AM to 8PM Wed thru Fri 9AM to 5PM Office closed 12-1PM info @ Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo Pastor [email protected] office extension 110 Rev. James F. Hughes Pastor Emeritis Rev. Timothy J. Buckley Parochial Vicar [email protected] office extension 123 Rev. William J. Chiriaco In Residence Religious Education Sister Mary James McCaffrey, IHM Directress of Religious Education [email protected] 610-565-5782 Deacon Peter Zurbach [email protected] Deacon James DiFerdinand [email protected] School Office 610-565-1822 [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Burke Principal [email protected] Mrs. Mary Anne Johnston President [email protected] Forty Hours Devotion, November 30 to December 2. Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:30 AM and 5:30 Vigil Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM and 5:30 PM Weekday: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM Holy Days: See Bulletin Rosary and Prayer for Life and Vocations Join us every Tuesday at 7:15 PM in the chapel to pray the rosary. Pray the rosary before daily Mass at 8 AM. Miraculous Medal Novena each Saturday after Mass. First Friday and First Saturday Devotions at 7:45 AM. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:30 to 5 PM or call to schedule a private reconciliation time St. Patrick Perpetual Adoration Chapel Sunday, 1 PM to Saturday, 8:30 AM 2400 North Providence Road, Media, PA 19063 PAGE 2—November 16, 2014 thirty-third Sunday in ordinary time Parish Staff & Information Mr. Anthony Antonello Business Manager [email protected] Ext. 111 Mrs. Mary Louise Mayer Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 109 Mrs. Susan Edmundowicz Office Secretary [email protected] Ext. 126 Mrs. Nancy Pantuliano Office Secretary [email protected] Ext. 107 Ms. Patricia Miniszak Alumni Coordinator Ext. 122 Mrs. Anita Morro, R.N. Healing Ministry [email protected] Ext. 121 Mrs. Shelly Zeller Liturgical Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 121 Mrs. Mary-Ellen Harris Musical Director [email protected] Ext. 128 Mrs. Lauren Kinslow-Finore Youth Group [email protected] Additional SMM ministries, organizations & services on page 9 ST. MARY MAGDALEN BUILDING A FAMILY OF FAITH WITH JESUS CHRIST, THROUGH CATHOLIC WORSHIP, EDUCATION AND CHARITY. Monsignor’s message IT IS THE SOLDIER OF CHRIST WHO GUARANTEES TRUE LOVE Poet Charles Province penned: It is the Soldier, not the minister. Who has given us freedom of religion. It is the Soldier, not the reporter. Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Soldier, not the poet. Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer. Who has given us freedom to protest. It is the Soldier, not the lawyer. Who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the Soldier, not the politician. Who has given us the right to vote. It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag. As we honored all our Veterans this Tuesday, the Church celebrated the Feast of Saint Martin of Tours. Saint Martin was a soldier in the Roman army who witnessed the brutality of war and the disrespect of human life in the pagan society. One day he gave half his cloak to a beggar and the beggar turned into the face of Christ. He converted to Christianity but found it so difficult to practice his faith in pagan Rome that he chose to be a hermit. His life of holiness led the Pope to consecrate him as the Bishop of Tours, France. As a caring and compassionate Bishop one day the Risen Jesus appeared to him but he shouted “Get away from me Satan!” The holy Martin realized that the image of Jesus that appeared to him did not have wounds. The Devil was tempting Saint Martin to be holy without sacrificing his time and talents by offering his Body and Blood in union with the sacrificed Christ. Our Good News today reveals that God has given us all different gifts and talents. Wisdom offers us the role of a “worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls” The Psalmist sings out, “Blessed are those who fear the Lord” and teaches his family trust in God’s way of service. Saint Paul reminds us “to stay alert and sober” and guide others with the light of Jesus. Jesus teaches us through the parable of the talents, that we are all gifted and only by sharing our gifts with others will we enjoy the gift of peace now and eternal life in heaven. Like Saint Martin and all those who sacrifice for us, we too can be the soldier of Christ transforming our culture of confusion and chaos into the culture of reverence, respect and responsibility that wins friends for Christ and his Church. Praise God for those caring and compassionate role models, our awesome priests, parents, teachers, coaches and friends. Pay forward the blessing on to your loved ones by imitating the saints and the soldiers who willingly sacrificed their lives for us. For the Spirit of Jesus within us can transform our families as well as our society from a culture of death and chaos to a culture that is reverent of God, respectful of others and a ready willingness to be Good Samaritans. Parish, and school news – November 16, 2014—page 3 BUSINESS OWNERS - YOU CAN HELP MAKE A GREAT CATHOLIC EDUCATION AVAILABLE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 - 7:30PM On Tuesday, November 18 at 7:30 PM in the parish offices. We invite any business owner who pays PA Taxes to see how you can divert your tax dollars to assist our students. Don Saleski and Joe Powell will share the information. BLOCS is a 501c3 scholarship organization that was formed in 1980. BLOCS is completely separate from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. BLOCS does partner with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in helping to raise money for PreK-12 Catholic schools in Philadelphia and its surrounding 5 county area. Since BLOCS inception in 1980, they have provided over 100,000 scholarships to children in need. This past fiscal year, BLOCS raised $10.1mm and provided 5500 scholarships to qualified student applicants. Although that is an impressive number, BLOCS received over 15,000 applications for a total need of $42mm. The majority of BLOCS funding is raised through the PA EITC & OSTC Tax Credit Programs. Both programs were developed by the State of PA and the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). EITC is a $100mm fund and OSTC is a $50mm fund. Both programs allow businesses such as S-Corp, C-Corp, partnerships and LLC’s doing business in the state of PA to convert their PA state tax dollars into credits. These credits can then be donated to a scholarship organization such as BLOCS. In turn, the business receives a 90% credit for a 2 year commitment. The credits apply to the tax year the donation is made. BLOCS has a simple 1 page application that is used to apply for the programs and they will do the on line entry for your business. Please contact Monsignor Chieffo if you can join us. SAINT CHARLES SEMINARY APPEAL THIS WEEKEND! We welcome seminarian Kevin Diehl who will share with us his decision to become a priest for the Diocese of Raleigh and studying at our seminary. We ask your generosity for the formation of our future priests by directly mailing your donation to the Seminary or in the second collection today. All the priests and deacons who have served here since 1963 were students at Saint Charles Seminary. FORTY HOURS DEVOTION NOV 30 TO DEC 2 EUCHARIST: NOURISHING FAITH, FAMILY AND FRIENDSHIPS: THE MIRACLE OF ADORATION IS DISCOVERING JESUS WITHIN AND AROUND YOU. Join us for Forty Hours with our vibrant preacher, Father Stephen DeLacy who will preach at all our Masses. He will also lead us in evening prayer on Monday December 1 at 7:30 PM and at Mass with a procession to our chapel on Tuesday December 2 at 7:30 PM. We invite all our school and PREP students and their families to participate on Tuesday for the closing Mass and procession. ADORATION CHAPEL In preparation for Advent, experience the marvelous presence of Christ through Eucharistic Adoration. Jesus wants to see more faces. We need you to help fill the following hours: Tuesday 3-4PM, Wednesday 2-3AM, Thursday 2-3AM, Friday 1-2AM, Saturday 4-5AM and 56AM. All can be shared by two adorers. Please contact Monica 610-891-9483 or Shelly 610-353-7739. THE EUCHARIST: NOURISHING OUR FAITH, FAMILY AND FRIENDSHIPS We’re a people of worship first, and action second. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. stated recently. That doesn’t excuse retreating from the world. It’s not an alibi for quietism. But for Catholics, there’s no real Christian political action, no genuinely Christian social service, unless it flows out of the adoration of God. Roman Guardini said that adoration is humanity’s greatest instrument of truth. It’s the safeguard of our mental health and integrity. Adoration breeds humility, and humility is the beginning of sanity. Adoration grounds our whole being in the real reality: the fact that God is God, and man is his creation. GOD BLESS LUCILLE AND JERRY FRANCESCO God bless Lucille and Jerry Francesco who will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. They will be honored by the Filitalia International Foundation with the Humanitarian Award for their generous hearts and hands for promoting the World Meeting of Families 2015 and the Italian Culture. Filitalia International is a non-profit organization who promotes and preserves the Italian heritage, language and customs throughout the world. Our parish family stands in prayerful gratitude for their continued stewardship to our parish family. BLOOD DRIVE FRIDAY, NOV 28 8AM-1PM The SMM Blood Drive will take place on Friday November 20 from 8AM to 1PM. Please take time to contribute, your help is essential. School, alumni and parish news– November 16, 2014—page 4 FROM MRS. BURKE’S DESK… Principal, St. Mary Magdalen School Dr. Patricia M. Kelly will return to St. Mary Magdalen School on November 19th at 7:30 PM to speak to our parents of students in Grades five through eight. She will help all of us to maneuver through the often difficult task of parenting our children in challenging times. This presentation and sharing of ideas will be held in the school cafeteria. We look forward to her visit. So please mark your calendars for this most important evening. Mrs. Burke can be reached at [email protected] or 610-565-1822 x 101. SMM ALUMNI NEWS SMM Alumni News: Last year, Blake McHugh, Class of 2007, was one of five winners of the Irving Kabiller Award for Excellence in Character, Commitment and Community. This award is given through the Northwestern University Athletic Department and NU for Life, an organization that helps student athletes transition from college to the professional world. Nominees are selected on the basis of criteria including citizenship in the Northwestern athletics community, excellence in all areas, an altruistic attitude and personal qualities of integrity and morality and active in the University’s athletic philanthropies NU for Life. A human development and psychological services major, Blake applied for the award because she desired to continue to make an impact in young people’s lives. With the help of the Kabiller Award, Blake was able to travel to Jamaica with the nonprofit organization, Fields of Growth. The mission of this organization is to spread the sport of lacrosse to the children of Jamaica and Uganda. Lacrosse was Blake’s vehicle to make a different in young children’s lives. Congratulations to you, Blake, on your wonderful achievement! James Finnegan, Brendan Inglis, and Jason McLarney, Class of 2011, continue to be tops at Malvern Preparatory School and nationally. All three are consistently in the top ten of their class and some in top five. In addition, these young men scored in the top five percent in the nation on the PSAT. They are 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program Award Winners. Also, these same three students did a Christian Service Trip to Peru and Jamaica this past June. Daniel Brackle, SMM Class of 2012 was recently inducted into the Salesianum School chapter of the National Honor Society and achieved First Honors for the first semester of his junior year. We are very proud and congratulate these young men! Jessica Czachor, Class of 2012, is a junior at Academy of Notre Dame de Namur and was inducted in the National Honor Society. Congratulations to Jessica for her accomplishments. We always like to hear what is happening in our graduates’ lives: marriages, baby births, educational achievements and business accomplishments. Please contact Pat Miniszak at 610-566-8821, ext 122 or [email protected]. SMM YOUTH CHOIR Join now and sing with us at Confirmation and Christmas Mass! Share your voice, share your joy! We are particularly in need of beautiful voices in grades 5-8. The SMM choir is open to children in grades 2-8. Rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons, 3:30 to 4:30. No experience necessary. Training is provided by our new Children’s Choir Director, who has performed at Carnegie Hall and Madison Square Garden! Questions? Maryl Apadula at 914552-9443 or [email protected]. THE GREAT MEDIA TURKEY CHALLENGE NOVEMBER 17, 6-7:30PM Nativity BVM CYO, has “challenged” the SMM CYO to a “Frozen Turkey Collection” for the local Media Food Bank. The goal is to “jointly” collect 101 Frozen Turkeys to make help make Thanksgiving a little easier for those less fortunate than ourselves. Representatives will be collecting frozen turkeys at the Nativity Parish Center/Old Nativity BVM School at the corner of East Franklin and Gayle Streets. You don’t even have to get out of your car! We will be tracking donations for SMM and Nativity BVM. The winning CYO program will host representatives of the losing program with front row seats at the winners church! Please plan on helping the CYO for this worthy cause! THE CHRISTMAS STORY - IN CONCERT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2014, 7:30 PM The choirs of St. Mary Magdalen and Neumann University will perform under the direction of Yukiko Ishida, Neumann University and Mary-Ellen Bennett Harris, St. Mary Magdalen Church with Piano – Robert Nester, Clarinet – Jennifer Driscoll and Harp – Bernadette Ciavardini. Narrators – Rudolph Chillemi and William Kuhar. Join us! THE CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE The Giving Trees will be in the Narthex from November 20th thru December 12th, we look forward to your generosity this holiday season. Please do not take a ball from the tree unless you can return your items by the final collection day on Sunday, December 14th. Items needed will include gift certificates, infant needs, canned hams, and clothing for the men at Bethesda Project. Gifts will be going to Catholic Social Services, St. Katherine Drexel Food Cupboard, the BVM Church in Darby, and City Team Ministries in Chester. Please do not wrap certificates, baby items, toys, books, or diapers. We ask that you do not donate used toys. Gifts will be collected in the school lunchroom before and after Mass on Saturday, December 13th and Sunday, December 14th. Any questions or if you want to help with our Giving Tree efforts this year please contact Kara Cullen at [email protected] or Ginger Victoria at [email protected] . We are always looking for helpers on collection day and with loading cars for delivery Monday, December 15th. Thank you! Parish News,—November 16, 2014—page 5 INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY The families will be here the week of Nov. 23. Please consider giving 2 hours of your time during this holiday week. Volunteer at smmihn. Thank you! DOES YOUR TEAM NEED A STEWARDSHIP PROJECT? contact Al & Mary Liz Heumann at 610 -449-1859 or [email protected]. Consider having your team or group make casseroles for Bethesda. The homeless men are so appreciative of BETHESDA their meals and the love that is in each CASSEROLE SUNDAY casserole. If your group would like to THIS WEEKEND! Philadelphia grapples with the highest SMM YOUTH GROUP help, please contact Jean deep poverty rate of US Large THIS WEEK! SUNDAY AFTER Cotter, [email protected] or Joanne Cities. That headline basically says it 5:30PM MASS Hinkle, [email protected]. This week's youth ministry meeting all. The casseroles and personal items will focus on God living among us! We ENDOWMENT MATCHING that you contribute make a big differwill be watching the film God is Not ence. Thanks to each person that GIFTS Dead followed by a discussion. Grades Does your employer offer Charitable offers "a candle" to light the darkness 7-12 are welcome to attend. As alMatching Gifts? Please note that gifts in these people's lives. The support of ways, dinner will be provided. If you to our school endowment may be SMM has been a huge gift to Bethesda cannot make it today, we will meet matched. Contact your employer for Project and we offer sincerest thanks the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every the forms and you may be able to for our ongoing support. month. Walk-in’s welcome! For info: double your gifts! For info, please contact Joanne HinLauren Kinslow-Finore, kle, [email protected] or Jean ST VINCENT DE PAUL [email protected] Cotter, j2215c@ CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD FOOD CUPBOARD Our parish SVDP Society does a lot more than distribute the food donated Calling all Moms, Dads, Grandparents, in the food bin and the gift cards High School students and Theology placed in the tin box to the right of the majors! Join our ministry to share the food bin. The love and hope we give Good News with K-2nd graders at the to our neighbors is priceless! Your tax 9:30 mass. It's an exciting opportunity deductible donations would be greatly to help make the Gospel come to life appreciated. Checks payable to St. in terms the children can understand. Vincent DePaul Society can be placed No registration is required. We are in the collection baskets. For info or urgently in need of new parents. For to help: John Donohue, 610-359-9394. info: Carolyn Giaccomucci, 610-357SMM SENIORS MEETING 0636 or [email protected]. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The recent Blessed Mother/Baby Jesus Basket of Cheer raffle raised funds for the purchase of 36 “Coats for Kids.” Since the program’s inception, the Knights of Columbus in the United States and Canada have given away more than 167,000 coats to children in need. For information: [email protected] SMM SPONSOR A STUDENT The SMM SAS Program offers assistance to families with children in our LITTLE CHURCH SCHOOL SMM Seniors’ annual Christmas grades 1 through 8. Dollar amounts Little Church School is a class for chil- Luncheon will be held at Drexelbrook, are limited we can offer since it dedren 3-5 years old. It teaches children in the North Room, at Noon. Please pends on parishioner contributions to about Jesus through stories, songs, join us for Christmas Cheer, Good this fund .Each school family’s adhergames, crafts and prayer. It is held in Food and Fun. Cost of lunch is $26.00, ence to their Sunday obligation of a the Gathering Room each Sunday dur- members and $30.00, non-members. minimum donation of $25 helps the ing the 9:30 AM Mass. Please bring Reservation deadline is November parish to keep tuition costs down. If your children for a fun filled oppor28th. For more information please anyone wishes to assist with this protunity to learn about Jesus. We look gram please contact the parish office. contact Pat Moore 484 420-4575 forward to spending time with your CANDY FOR THE HOMELESS MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER children. For info, please contact WEEKEND SMM School stewardship will be colAnne Fenerty, 610-565-6228 or afenNOVEMBER 21-23, 2014 lecting any extra or unwanted [email protected]. Looking for something more in your een candy for the Life Centers in DelaMOMS IN PRAYER marriage? Attend a Marriage Encoun- ware County. The candy will go to TUESDAYS, 9:15 AM ter Weekend and rediscover the gifts families that live in shelters. CollecIf you are a mom, a grandmom, an of your relationship! tion bins will be in Maria Hall for stuaunt, a Godmother or awaiting the gift The next Worldwide Marriage Endents to drop the candy off. of a child someday, then please concounter Weekends are Nov 21-23, sider joining us. We are blessed to TUNE IN TO MSGR. RALPH 2014 and Feb 13-15, 2015 in pray together each Tuesday at 9:15am Doylestown, PA . Early registration is ON THURSDAYS (Rosary) and 9:30am (MIP) in the 800 AM RADIO highly recommended. For info, visit from 5PM – 6PM school. Contact [email protected]. our website or WEDNESDAY, DEC 10, 12PM PAGE 6—November 16, 2014 Gospel summary, Calendars & parish news GOSPEL SUMMARY Read: Matthew 25:14-30 Why does the master call the two servants “good and faithful”? Because, when entrusted with a vast amount of money, they do not run off or spend the money on themselves. Rather, they invest what was given them as their way of revering their relationship with their master. His reply is, “Since you were faithful, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share my joy.” Which means, come and be my equal. The worth wife is valued “far beyond pearls” because she loves her husband and family with just such gratuitous, self-sacrificing love. We are “children of the light” in as much as we have been given an all-surpassing Master and the chance to glorify him by our obedience CHORAL PRAISE HYMNAL Readings for today can be found on page 745 in Choral and Praise. Nov 23 Gospel–Matthew 25:31-46, page 748 CHORAL PRAISE HYMNAL DONATIONS Would you like to honor a loved one with a permanent hymnal donation? $25. Please contact the parish offices. CONGRATULATIONS! God Bless the 60th Wedding Anniversary of Al and Joan Newman JOIN US AT ST MARY MAGDALEN! Sunday - November 16 9:30AM - Childcare, 0-3 years, St. Francis Hall 5:30 PM - Youth Group after Mass Monday - November 17 1:15 PM - Bereavement Group, St. Thomas Aquinas Tuesday - November 18 7:30 PM - Business Leaders Info Mtg, St. Francis Hall 7:30 PM - St. Vincent de Paul Mtg, BVM Wednesday – November 19 7:30 PM – SMM School Parent Meeting, Cafeteria Thursday - November 20 7:00 PM - AA Meeting, Rectory Basement Sunday - November 23 IHN Hosting all week 9:30AM - Childcare, 0-3 years, St. Francis Hall MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 40 Hours Devotion - Sunday, Nov 30 - Tuesday, Dec 2 Confirmation - Saturday, December 6, 2014, 10:00 AM Christmas Story (Choral) - Friday, December 12, 7:30 PM Christmas Pageant - Wednesday, December 17, 7:00 PM Reconciliation - Thursday, December 18, 7:00-8:30 PM First Penance - Thursday, January 15, 2015 First Eucharist - Sunday, May 3, 2015, 11:30 AM Mass LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Saturday, November 22, 2014—5:30 PM Mass Celebrant: Father Chiriaco Lector: Amalia Foster Altar Servers: M. McLaughlin, T. Logan, J. Mingioni Sunday, November 23, 2014—7:30 AM Mass Celebrant: Monsignor Chieffo Lector: Debra Matthews Altar Servers: J. Boyle, L. Keith Sunday, November 23, 2014 – 9:30 AM Mass Celebrant: Father Chiriaco Lector: Rudolph Chillemi Altar Servers: A. Nunag, E. Coury, R. Morrow Sunday, November 23, 2014 -11:30 Mass Celebrant: Father Buckley Lector: Tim Campbell Altar Servers: C. Conroy, M. & M. Behrle Sunday, November 23, 2014 - 5:30PM Mass Celebrant: Father Buckley Lector: Mary Kay Breen Altar Servers: D. DiRenzo, B. & R. Martin Altar Servers and Lectors - Please make every effort to secure a replacement if you cannot fulfill your assignment. CONGRATULATIONS - JV CYO Region Champs at Bonner HS Faith Sharing Group: Margaret Libri, Annemarie Phillips, Dottie Donohue, Agnes Ruggieri, Mary O’Shea, Colleen Rogers , Josephine Peruto and Trish Carman. Missing: Floss Prudente, Anita Morro and Jean Scott Mass Intentions, prayer list and announcements–November 16, 2014 page 7 WE WELCOME OUR NEW FAMILIES: Mr. & Mrs. Blaise Howard & Family New family to our parish? See Msgr. Chieffo for a registration form after Mass or stop in our Parish Offices, Mon–Fri 9AM to 5PM. If you would like your family and home blessed, please contact Fr. Buckley, extension 123. A TIME TO DIE: Amalie Wolf, Rosemary Alvare (mother of Rodie Henson) Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the family of all the victims of war, all of the 4,100 daily abortions and all our SMM Faith Community for those who have died. GOD BLESS THE NEWLY BAPTIZED! MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, November 16 7:30AM – Elizabeth Slenn 9:30AM – Joseph Argenteiri 11:30AM – Thomas Crane, Sr. 5:30PM – John Cioschi MONDAY, November 17 6:30AM – Jean Mucci Repucci 8:30AM – Amato Cavalcante Francesco Pasquale Scott TUESDAY, November 18 A TIME TO HEAL. Please pray for our sick: 6:30AM – James Dyson 8:30AM - Anthony Spatacco Fr. James Hughes, Edwina Amoroso, Chris Bogdash, Bernie & Katharine Brill, Lisa Cruz, Kay Greenblatt, Jean Brennan, Giana Campbell, Dave Clark, Nancy Clay, Aileen Corradetti, Fran Cook, William DeCarlo, Moire Carmody, Jane Curley, Joanne Diehl, Kathleen DeLuca, Carol Desko, Marie DiPaola, Gennela D’Orazio, Annabeth Rose Ebert, Jack Eiserman, Edmund Esposito, Sue Fellman, Jeanne Francis, Msgr. Galyo, Jennifer Gianfrancesco, Mark Peter Grady, III, William Hampton, Jim Huff, Elliott and Henry Johnson, Leo Kazmierczak, Caren Pappano Ladd, Diane Lancaster, Frank Lindsey, James Long, Marie Lutz, Joe Malloy, Leo Maloney, Joe MacDonald, Rhonda MacDonald, Barbara Mauer, Thomas McCarthy, Margaret McDevitt, Carmella Messina, Gary & Joan Mooney, Rev. Paul Mouawad, George Murelli, Andrea Orsini, Michael Padula, Josephine Peruto, Diane Pratt, Bill Purner III, Patrick J Quinn, Harry Reid, Stephen Reitter, Vincent Ricci, Larry Ross, Gary Rosenzweig, Bob Ruggieri, Marie Schneider, Phyllis Scott, John Shea, Dan Shellington, Dorothy Schmidt, Katherine Smith, T.J. Stone, Mae Sullivan, Naya Summy, Kathie Tice, Joann Trolio, Jacqueline Verna, John Whalen, Helen Wilson and Maura Wozniak. Call Msgr. or Fr. Buckley, Ext. 123, if you need a priest to offer the Sacrament of God’s Healing Love. SMM SUGGESTION BOX IN THE NARTHEX How can we better witness to others our personal love for Christ and our Church through worship, education and charity? How can our parish leaders and ministries serve you better in nourishing your personal with Jesus and our parish family? Contact by e mail or letter our priest, deacons, ministry heads or office staff. We love to hear from you! God bless you with the grace and guidance of Christ's Holy Spirit all the way to heaven, Father Ralph BEREAVEMENT MEETING MONDAY NOV 17, 1:15PM Our next bereavement meeting will be November 10 in St. Thomas Aquinas Room. Sister Marie Michelle, RSM will be speaking about loss and grieving. Our last meeting will be held Nov 24. You are welcome to join the group at any time. Please contact Barbara Eubanks at 610 361-8787 with any questions. WEDNESDAY, November 19 6:30AM - James Lowrie 8:30AM – Ralph Chieffo (cousin) THURSDAY, November 20 6:30AM – Dorothy George 8:30AM – Joseph McLane FRIDAY, November 21 6:30AM – Concetta Riela 8:30AM - Daniel Comly SATURDAY, November 22 8:30AM – Nancy O’Neill 5:30PM - Int. of Patricia Miniszak SUNDAY, November 23 7:30AM – Int. of Scott Family 9:30AM – Marvin & Rita Hinkle 11:30AM – Angela Carlini 5:30PM – Angela Carlini CANDLES In memory of CHAPEL FLOWERS In memory of BREAD & WINE Ints. of Anna & Robert Mayer Family HOPE MEAL PROGRAM Contact: Jen Bastian [email protected] PAGE 8—November 16, 2014 parish sacraments, stewardship & tithing STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING Gracious and loving God, we know that it is from your hand that we receive all that we have and all that we are. We believe that you call us to be the stewards of the gifts you have entrusted to us. Help us to respond to your generosity, by our generosity to all in need; to respond to your forgiveness, by our willingness to forgive others. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. YOUR FAITH GIFTS AND TALENTS ARE PRECIOUS TO ALL OF US Nov 9 Collection - $15,395 Nov 9 Mail in - $ 8,070 Nov 9 Total - $23,465 Last year - $28,472 Annual Block Collection $ as of Nov. 10: $82,490 YOU DO YOUR BEST, GOD WILL DO THE REST! Please pray for and invite someone in your family who is not praying with us at Mass on the weekend. SMM MASSES AN HOUR OF POWER AND PEACE The clergy promise a 10 minute homily that will inspire and encourage you to glorify the Lord by your lives. The music will lift your mind and heart to praise God and serve others. We ask you to come early and leave later so that you can enjoy our parish family! SACRAMENT INFORMATION: BAPTISM: Call Deacon Peter or Mary Zurbach 610-5655736 to sign up for Baptismal class for all parents. Sponsor Eligibility Letters from the parishes are needed three weeks before the Baptism. We ask you to come for instructions before you give birth so that you can be prepared in choosing your date and sponsors. We remind all parents and Godparents that they must be registered and practicing Catholics. Godparents must be 16 years of age and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Next Pre-Jordan Meeting: Jan 14, 7PM WEDDINGS: Weddings are arranged 6 months ahead. At least one partner or their parents must be a practicing and active member of our parish. Please call Msgr. Chieffo at Ext. 110 or Fr. Buckley at Ext. 123 for the initial paperwork and to arrange your wedding date. RCIA: Interested in becoming a Catholic or a Catholic who needs to complete their sacraments? Call Deacon Peter and Mary Zurbach, (610) 565-5736. SMM CHAMPIONS FOR CHRIST A Race for Catholic Education. SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE. Two Levels of support: $2,500 or more, $250 or more. Please contact Kathy Kichula with questions. [email protected] or 610-566-1910. Deadline: NOVEMBER 30 SMM CHAMPIONS FOR CHRIST THANK YOU Thank you to the following generous parishioners who have contributed at total of $9,000 to date in our Race for Catholic Education. $2,500: Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo, Amoroso Baking Co. - Mr. & Mrs. Dan Amoroso, Planet Fitness - Pete Ruggieri, SMM Home & School Association. $250: Anonymous, Creative Financial Group John Klusarits, Foss Electric - Mr. Robert Foss, Gateway Medical Assoc. - Maria DeMario Liney, La Locanda Restaurant - Mario Palumbi, Franco Stefanatto and Michael Buono, Mike Spaeder Landscaping, Inc. - Michael Spaeder, The Mita Family, Murtagh Bros. Inc. Construction - Paul & Theresa Murtagh and Terra Firma Builders, LLC - Mike and Courtney Rabena. LAUGH WITH THE PASTOR Little Lucy asked me what the names near the photo of the soldiers were for in the narthex. I told them they were the names of those Veterans who died in the service. She sadly asked, “Did they die at the 7:30 or 9:30 AM Mass? As we die so we live in Christ. FAITH SHARING: Rejuvenating Our Catholic Faith through Jesus Our Faith Sharing groups are discussion groups with your fellow parishioners reflecting on the Sunday reading and Fr. Robert Barron’s videos on Catholicism. Fr. Barron’s books and CD’s are available in the narthex. Meetings are kept to an hour. Facilitators and times of meetings are listed below. Mondays: 1:30 PM Camille Antonello, 610-566-0148 Tuesdays: 7:45PM Joanne Hinkle, 610-892-3998 Wednesdays: 7:00AM (Men’s Group) Dennis Murphy, 610-565-5568 Thursdays: 9:15AM Mary Jane McCloskey, 610-356-4132 Fridays: 7:30AM (Men’ Group in Chester) Eustice Mita, [email protected] Bimonthly on Mondays Sue Mita, 610-566-4819 Second Wednesdays: 9:30AM Jeanne Barker, 610-627-1009 Bimonthly on Wednesdays Mary Ann Foster, 610-566-1399 First Wednesday of the month– 7:30PM Mary Beth Yount, 610-358-4224 Worship Adult Choir Altar Servers Altar Society Extraordinary Ministers Greeters Guitar Group Lectors Moms In Prayer Perpetual Adoration Prayer Chain Youth Choir Mary-Ellen Harris Susan Edmundowicz Anne Chillemi James & Ro DiFerdinand Barbara Eubanks John Dezell James & Ro DiFerdinand Nicky Verna Shelly Zeller Maria Flannery Maryl Apadula 610-566-8821 610-566-8821 610-566-3206 610-892-9567 610-361-8787 610-565-8234 610-892-9567 610-639-3816 610-353-7739 484-467-3166 914-552-9443 [email protected] [email protected] Peter Zurbach Fran Poole Carolyn Giacomucci Karen Kelly Anne Fenerty Fran Jackson James Colombo,MD Dennis & Lorraine Kinslow Phila Marriage Prep Dennis Murphy John Brokars 610-565-5736 610-565-4090 610-357-0636 610-565-6539 610-565-6228 610-592-4216 610-891-0731 610-558-0322 610-873-2017 610-565-5568 610-696-5969 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Anita Morro, RN Barbara Eubanks Bernadette Ciavardini Nicky Verna Joshua Ortego Monica Grzeczkowski Joanne Hinkle Susan Fromhold John Donohue 610-566-8821 610-361-8787 610-353-1375 610-639-3816 610-635-8407 610-891-9483 610-892-3998 610-356-3626 610-359-9394 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Thursdays, 7PM Dan Morrow Barbara Stoyell-Mulholland Bill O’Shea Rosemary Procaccini Melissa Bergen Joe Bodalski Tom Henson John Duffin Marie Burns Dr. Bartholomew Tortella Al Spinelli Kerry Boyle 610-566-3269 484-420-4246 610-627-0607 610-355-2366 610-558-4944 610-565-9598 610-892-7361 610-565-5032 610-566-5733 610-356-7491 610-566-4202 610-565-3417 Rectory Basement [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Baptismal Prep Centering Prayer Children’s Liturgy Legion of Mary Little Church School Childcare (9:30AM Mass) Malvern Retreat Marriage Encounter Marriage Prep Men’s Bible Study Neo Catechumenal [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Healing, Ministry & Stewardship Healing Ministry Bereavement Support Funeral Planner Hope Ministry Charity Board Church Care Bethesda Food Collection St. Vincent de Paul Organizations AA Meeting CYO Employment Network Finance Committee Home & School PREP Board Pastoral Council Religious Endowment Respect Life Seniors Group Knights of Columbus Ushers WebMaster Copy Deadline for Bulletin Submit copy at least 10 days ahead to [email protected]
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