July 10, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School
July 10, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish Building a family of faith in Jesus Christ — through Catholic Worship, Education & Charity. July 10, 2016 THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Office 610-566-8821 Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 5 PM Closed Noon to 1 PM After office hours, Ext. 123 or 110 Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo Pastor [email protected] Office extension: 110 Rev. Alexander R. Gibbs Parochial Vicar [email protected] Office extension 123 Rev. Matthew W. Guckin In Residence [email protected] On Facebook: MattGuckin Religious Education Welcome and many blessings to Vincent (Vin) Kai Barry-Cottone from Uncle Matt and Fr Ralph. Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Vigil Sr. Mary James McCaffrey, IHM Directress of Religious Education [email protected] 610-565-5782 Weekday: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM Deacon Peter Zurbach [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation Deacon James DiFerdinand [email protected] School Office 610-565-1822 [email protected] Ms. Denise Winterberger Principal [email protected] stmarymagdalen.net Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday 4:30 to 5 PM or call to schedule a private reconciliation time. St. Patrick Perpetual Adoration Chapel Sunday, 1 PM to Saturday, 8:30 AM Rosary and Prayer for Life and Vocations Join us every Tuesday at 7:15 PM in the chapel to pray the rosary. Pray the rosary before daily mass at 8 AM. Miraculous Medal Novena each Saturday after Mass. First Friday and First Saturday Devotions at 7:45 AM. Page 2 • Monsignor’s Message Parish Staff & Information Mrs. Susan Edmundowicz Business Manager sedmundowicz@ stmarymagdalen.net Office extension 126 Mrs. Nancy Pantuliano Office Secretary npantuliano@ stmarymagdalen.net Office extension 107 Ms. Gina Anthony Administrative Assistant [email protected] Office extension 111 Ms. Patricia Miniszak Alumni Coordinator [email protected] Office extension 122 Mrs. Anita Morro, R.N. Healing Ministry [email protected] Office extension 121 Mrs. Shelly Zeller Liturgical Coordinator [email protected] Office extension 121 Mrs. Mary Ellen Harris Musical Director [email protected] Office extension 128 Mrs. Kerry Boyle Advancement Director [email protected] Mrs. Lauren Kinslow-Finore Youth Ministry [email protected] See additional SMM ministries, organizations & services on page 9 WHAT HAPPENS IN HEAVEN WHEN WE PRAY I dreamed that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, “This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received.” I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world. Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section. The angel then said to me, “This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them.” I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth. Finally, at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. “This is the Acknowledgement Section,” my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed. “How is it that there is no work going on here?” I asked. “So sad,” the angel sighed. “After people receive the blessings that they asked for very few send back acknowledgments.” “How does one acknowledge God’s blessings?” I asked. “Simple,” the angel answered. Just say, “Thank you, Lord.” “What blessings should they acknowledge?” I asked. If they have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy, and if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness…you are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day.” “If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation…You are ahead of 700 million people in the world.” “If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people in the world.” “If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you’re unique to all those in doubt and despair” “Ok, “ I said. “What now? How can I start?” The Angel said, “If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.” Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you care to pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are. Thank God for everything, especially all your family and friends. Fr Ralph and pilgrims will be praying for you at the Holy Doors of Mercy in Italy until July 23. Alumni News • Page 3 SMM ALUMNI NEWS We received more information from the Class of 2008 alumni. Clare Brabson is in the fifth year Occupational Therapy Program at Boston University. She graduated in May with a Bachelors in Therapeutic Studies and a Minor in Deaf Studies and will receive her Masters in Occupation Therapy next May. She received an Albert Schweitzer Fellowship and will create a program to address dementia and community participation with low-income elders in the Boston area. Julie Britt graduated from The Catholic University of America. She received a Bachelor of Music in Musical Theatre and a Minor in Theology and Pastoral Ministry. Julie graduated Cum Laude and was inducted into the National Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology, Thera Alpha Kappa. She has an upcoming Internship for six months in the Walt Disney College Program. Maddie Inglis graduated from University of Notre Dame with a dual degree in International Economics with Chinese and Program of Liberal Studies. She will be doing a year of service with Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Kansas City, Missouri, working as a legal assistant with indigent domestic violence victims. Grant Jamgochian graduated from Lehigh University on May 23rd with a BS in Biology. During his tenure at Lehigh, he was on the Dean’s list. Grant was also a part of Lehigh’s football team from his freshman year on. He had the privilege of playing the 150th Rivalry game against Lafayette at Yankee Statium. Grant was on the Patriot’s League Honor Roll. Throughout his 4 years, Grant was a fraternity brother with Delta Up….Grant has completed his MCAT testing and is now applying to medical schools. Currently Grant is interning at the Rothman Institute. Becoming an Orthopedic Surgeon has been the goal set forth by Grant since the 8th grade! Victoria Monzo graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in the College of Nursing. Victoria will be working at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia specializing in Pediatric Oncology Care. Julianna Ricco completed her first year of medical school at Jefferson Medical College and will be doing a program at John Hopkins in Geriatrics this summer. Congratulations to these amazing young people! Correction: Andrew and Justin Lombardi are not attending Holy Cross College, which is in Indiana. They are attending College of the Holy Cross in Worchester, MA. a We always like to hear what is happening in our graduates’ lives: marriages, birth of a child, educational achievement and business accomplishments. Please contact Pat Miniszak at email, [email protected] or call the parish offices at 610-566-8821 and dial ext. 122. THE HONOR ROLLS ACADEMY OF NOTRE DAME The following students earned academic honors for the 4th quarter at Academy of Notre Dame. Honors: Kristy Grauer and Emma Kichula. Distinguished Honors: Emily Apadula, Charlotte Bradley, Jessica Czachor, Lauryn Elia, Juliana Lynch, and Michaela McGeary. MERION MERCY ACADEMY Congratulations to the students achieving Distinguished Honors: Nicole Giannini, Megan Gilligan, Kristin LaMonaca, Sarah Young, Avery Kirk, Adrienne Rufus, Josephine Biancaniello, Keara Gilligan, Jordyn Young and Michelle Giannini. Honors: Kristin Kelley, Megan Stangis, Mary Bastian, Erin Rogers and Alexandra Scannapieco. SACRED HEART COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Congratulations to the students achieving Hightest Honors: Alexandra Coyle; High Honors: Mia Anthony, Jennifer Johnstone; Honors: Jennifer Britt, Annalise Dati, Katarina Kinslow and Natasha Szipszky. SAINT JOSEPH’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL Congratulations to the students achieving First Honors: James Bauwens, Matthew Brennan, Nicolas Ciampitti, Connor Daly, Andrew DiCandilo, Kevin Edmundowicz, John Feehery, Owen McGovern, Daniel Morrow, and Nicholas Palermo; Second Honors: Ryan Brennan and Jack Kichula. VILLA MARIA ACADEMY Congratulations to Gabriella Nunag for First Honors. CARDINAL O’HARA HIGH SCHOOL Congratulations to the following students. Class of 2016 – First Honors: Alexander Felton, Robert Morro, and Elizabeth Ward; Second Honors: Jeremy Fratoni, Justin Lombardi, Allison Spaeder and Jennifer West; Class of 2017 – First Honors: Cara Degnan, Bridgette Hoy, Gavin Inglis, Emily Markley, Michael Matteo, Sheila Newby, Thomas Powers, and Catharine Ward; Second Honors: Olivia Arizin; Class of 2018 – First Honors: Megan Carroll, Grace Grassi, Cynthia Juliana, and Delanie Rennie. Second Honors: Maura Henrixson, Michael Hennessy, Ryan McLaughlin and Garrett Wolk. Class of 2019 – First Honors: Michele Matteo, Darien McAnulla and Derrick Patrick. Second Honors: Anna Marie Degnan, Sean Hennessy, Luke Lombardi, Bryan Pazulski, Catherine Pazulski and Julia Randazzo. a Page 4 • News TODAY’S GOSPEL Read: Luke 10:25-37 Jesus said to the scholar, “Go and do likewise.” If you ask a hundred Catholics to name a parable from the gospels, the Good Samaritan would be at the top of many tongues. Why is this little tale so popular, or at least so memorable? Many folks wouldn’t dream of actually doing what it purposes: assisting a sworn enemy in the hour of need. And not just getting your enemy out of the ditch or alerting the authorities as to his predicament. But also takin him along with you, paying for his care, and promising to pick up whatever expenses are later incurred. It’s clear to all of us-you, me, the scholar, and Jesus-that this is precisely what the world needs: a lot of people willing to surrender titles, labels, categories, and clubs for the sake of our common humanity. No more excuses, Jesus says. Go and do likewise. REDISCOVER LOVE IN YOUR MARRIGE Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting or do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking only make it worse? Retrouvaille may be the LIFELINE that you need! It is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. The next program begins on the weekend of August 12 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. Our next weekend after that will be held in February 2017. For more information, or to register for one of our weekends, visit our web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-4702230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. JOIN US FOR FLAME OF LOVE DEVOTIONS ON FRIDAYS AT NOON IN THE CHAPEL A WARM WELCOME As we welcome Father Antony Korir from the SMA Fathers, pray and partner with the missionaries who bring Jesus to all through the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. The second collection today is for the Missionary Cooperation Plan Appeal. Please introduce yourself to Father Anthony and welcome him to our parish family. GOD TAKES NO VACATION FROM LOVING AND SERVING US So please make plans on vacation to google the local Mass Times (masstimes.org) so that you can worship our provident and merciful Father at least on Sunday or Saturday evening each week. BETHESDA HOUSE NEWS Thank you to all who donated casseroles and soap last weekend. Next casserole collection is the weekend of July 16-17! No time to make a casserole? Please consider purchasing a party size Stouffers frozen casserole. It will feed ten hungry adults. We thank you for your continued support to those in need. Please contact Joanne at [email protected] for more ways to help those in need. INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NEWS HOSTING HELP NEEDED THIS WEEK Our next hosting dates are the weeks of July 10 and August 21. We still have a number of timeslots open. Go to mysignup.com/smmihn to volunteer. Teens can earn community service hours. Donations can be sent to Delco IHN P.O. Box 2384 Aston, PA 19014. Thank you for helping to keep this ministry going. To volunteer, sign-up online at mysignup.com/smmihn. Smiling faces from SMM School. Enrollment is still available for this fall. Contact the school office to schedule a tour. a News & Calendar • Page 5 SMM PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS Our Parish Council met this week and encouraged all of us to personally welcome our new families and share with them how they are most welcome to join our many ministries and small group scripture reflection groups. If you have any recommendations please forward them to: Maryl Apadula, Kelly Hassey, Joe Bodalski, Mgsr. Chieffo, Gary DeNapoli, Jim Godorecci, Steve Lundeen and Camille Morrison. We are also looking for parishioners to act as greeters at mass and to visit new families in their homes. Contact parish office or Steve Lundeen at [email protected]. CYO NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS As our school year comes to an end the CYO Board would like to thank all of our athletes, parents, volunteers and coaches. We could not do this with out all the support from you. Please save the date for the annual CYO Golf Outing—Thursday, Sept. 15th at Springhaven Country Club. Fall Sports registration is now open online so please sign up now. The CYO is in need of coaches for our Fall season. The Cross Country program and volleyball need your help, no experience necessary! Please contact Amy Sarne if you are interested. See the CYO Page on website for more. Enjoy a fun and safe summer! UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF THE BIBLE Have you read the Bible? Does the thought of reading the Bible seem daunting and impossible? Well, have no fear! Join us for a Great Adventure Bible Study and unlock the mysteries of the Bible and make sense of God’s Word so that you will understand and appreciate more fully His immense love for you, His children. This eight part study provides the easiest way to understand the Bible. It helps you uncover the story woven throughout Scripture so that you can get the “big picture” of the Bible and understand what it is all about. We will begin in September and meet on Tuesday mornings. Workbook cost: $25. Contact nicky@verna. com or 610-639-3816 for more details or to reserve your seat. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR TICKETS/RAFFLE STILL AVAILABLE Thank you to all those who purchased tickets or made donation to the Little Sisters event on September 11, 2016 at Drexelbrook. At the event, Monsignor Chieffo will be honored for his continual support of Holy Family Home. If you would like to purchase a ticket please contact Pat Miniszak at 610-566-8821 ext. 122. The price of the ticket is $100.00. It entitles two guests to attend the dinner (if they wish). Anyone who buys a ticket will have their name placed in the raffle. The prizes are: 1st - $25,000; 2nd - $10,000; 3rd - $5,000; 4th to 6th - $1,000; 7th & 8th - $750; and 9th & 10th - $500. Perhaps, a few family members or friends could go together to purchase a ticket. Thank you again for your support of this fund raiser! THIS WEEK AT SMM MONDAY • JULY 11 8:00 AM – Basketball Camp – Fr. Hughes Hall TUESDAY • JULY 12 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Basketball Camp – Fr. Hughes Hall WEDNESDAY • JULY 13 7:00 AM – Men’s Bible Group, Gathering Room 8:00 AM - Basketball Camp – Fr. Hughes Hall THURSDAY • JULY 14 8:00 AM - Basketball Camp – Fr. Hughes Hall 7:00 PM – AA meeting, Rectory Basement FRIDAY • JULY 15 8:00 AM - Basketball Camp – Fr. Hughes Hall Save the Date: Confirmation • November 12, 10 AM View full event calendar online: stmarymagdalen.net CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL Please pray how you can share your blessings for those depending on us in our Archdiocese though our Catholic Charities Appeal. Our parish family has been a leader in providing the needed funds to empower the poor to be rich in developing their dignity as our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Our parish goal is $120,000. Remember, Jesus loves a cheerful giver! If you would like to make a major gift, please contact Msgr. Ralph. SMM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEW OFFICERS ELECTED A new slate of officers were elected at the June Council meeting. Please join us in welcoming our new leader, Grand Knight Edward J McLaughlin! Assisting him will be new Deputy Grand Knight Robert S. Rennie. Rounding out new Knight leaders are: SK Stephen R. Byrne (Chancellor), Wayne Koch (Recorder), Timothy Donohue (Warden) and Joseph McCarthy (Outsd Grd). SK Steven Visek completed his 3 year term as Trustee and the Council thanked him for his service. Other members continued in their roles: SK Msgr. Chieffo (Chaplain), SK Lee Gardello (Treas.), SK Jack Savage (Insd. Grd), SKs Vincent Canzanese, Joseph Zeminski, Bartholomew Tortella (Trustees). Please contact Edward J McLaughlin for more information about the Knight and their service to the Parish, Region and World: [email protected]. a Page 6 • Tithing • Trips & Events IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS JOIN FR. GUCKIN IN THE HOLY LAND Join Jeff Cavins & Father Matt Guckin on a pilgrimage through the Holy Land. Visit Nazareth, where Mary said, ‘Yes.’ Travel to Bethlehem and see for yourself what the shepherds saw. Renew your wedding vows in Cana. Take a trip across the Sea of Galilee. Walk the Way of the Cross. Celebrate Mass at the Empty Tomb! The Adventure begins on January 11 and ends on January 24, 2017. However, it will never truly end. For more information go to www. jeffcavins.com/pilgrimages. Shalom! ABBYFEST 2016: DAYLESFORD ABBEY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 SMM is proud to sponsor the upcoming 2016 Abbyfest. Hear great artists like Sidewalk Prophets and Stars Go Dim. Experience grace through Confession, Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. Play soccer with the seminarians, browse the expanded vendor village (and much more!) at Daylesford Abbey, in Paoli. AbbeyFest is a perfect opportunity to experience Christ together as family, friends, community and Church. SMM’s Youth Minister is organizing a group from our parish to attend this event. Contact Lauren at [email protected] to purchase tickets or for more visit: theabbeyfest.com. CHORAL PRAISE HYMNAL Today’s Readings are on page 693. The readings for next Sunday are on page 696. STEWARDSHIP & TITHING Gracious and loving God, we know that it is from your hand that we receive all that we have and all that we are. We believe that you call us to be the stewards of the gifts you have entrusted to us. Help us to respond to your generosity, by our generosity to all in need; to respond to your forgiveness, by our willingness to forgive others. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. + YOUR FAITH, GIFTS AND TALENTS ARE PRECIOUS TO ALL OF US. May 2016 Collection: $111,615.23 May 2015 Collection: $99,053.72 SMM SENIOR SPONSORED TRIP: ALL ARE WELCOME! PADDLE BOAT & TRAIN RIDE ALONG SUSQUEHANNA RIVER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 Bus will depart from Rose Tree Park at 8:30 AM. Your $90 check includes a Paddle Boat ride on the Susquehanna River, train ride on Hummelstown R.R. and early dinner at Alfred’s Victorian Restaurant and round trip transportation. Please make check payable to: St. Mary Magdalen Seniors and mail with your phone number and e-mail address by Oct. 1. Send paymemt for senior sponsored trip(s) to: Bill Moore, 535 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073. Please indicate trip name and date on envelope. For more information call Bill at 484-420-4575. Thank you! IVY HALL MOVIE NIGHTS: THE PRIESTHOOD IN FILM Join the International Institute for Culture on the third Thursday of each month in 2016 for a series of movie showings, looking at different ways Hollywood has portrayed priests over the years. Doors open at 6:30 PMand the movie begins at 7:00 PM at Ivy Hall, 6331 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19151. For more information please visit www.iiculture.org. WITH GRATITIDE Dear Msgr. Chieffo: Thank you for your donation! I am writing to express our deepest thanks for your recent donation to Mothers’ Home. Generous gifts from donors like you provide the financial and moral support needed to continue our mission.We have served over 1000 women and children over the past 25 years and we couldn’t have done that without donors like you. There is no way to fully express our gratitude for y our loyalty. We at Mothers’ Home are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of donors like you who answer the call to give again and again. —Sincerely, Brigid Risko, Executive Director LAUGH WITH THE PASTOR A missionary priest was being chased by a lion through the jungle. He realized he was going to be caught, so the Father dropped to his knees and prayed with his eyes closed, “Jesus, you can transform bread and wine into your Body and Blood and you converted me from an atheist to a priest totally dedicated to your service. Please, Lord change this Lion into a Christian.” After an intense and long period of prayer, he peeked and saw the lion on his knees praying also. Father began praising God for the miracle until he heard the lion’s prayer: “Bless us, O Lord and these thy gifts...” Faith Sharing • Mass Intentions • Page 7 WE WELCOME OUR NEW FAMILIES New family to our parish? We welcome our new parishioners: Barbara Adolph & Family See an usher for a registration form or stop in our Parish Offices, Mon - Fri 9 AM to 5 PM. WELCOMED HOME BY GOD Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the families of Missie Fellman Reineck (daughter of Sue & Ron Fellman), Barbara & Ted Fine (sister of Marie Destefano), Lena Tague and and to all the families of war and the 4,000+ daily abortions and all our SMM Faith Community for all those who have died. A TIME TO HEAL Please Pray for our sick. Ed Atkinson, Chris Bogdash, Lucy Brooks, Kay Greenblatt, Giana Campbell, Valeria Csajbok, William DeCarlo, Jacob DelPrato (youth), Vincent DiDonato, Judy DiIenno, Gennela D’Orazio, Kathleen Durham, Annabeth Rose Ebert, Abigail Foster, Maria Flannery, Sharon Feist, Jennifer Gianfrancesco, Rebecca Gibbs, Marie Helmig, Eileen Hiefer, Richard Holmes, Jim Huff, Elliot and Henry Johnson, Leo Kazmierczak,Tom King, Baby Luke Kilcur, Caren Pappano Ladd, Joe Malloy, Kinny McQuade, Barbara Mauer, Andrea Orsini, Charlie Papa, Carol Pappano, Robert Pappano, Jr., William & Angeline Plumley, Bill Purner, Bob Rafferty, Robin Ross, Harry Reid, Dan Shellington, Katherine Smith, Susan Sowa, Joann Trolio and Maureen Walsh. BAPTISMS Congratulations to our newly baptized! Grace Marie Cassidy, Genevieve Teresa Pettit For baptismal information, contact Nancy, extension 107. ENJOY FAITH SHARING & Rejuvenate Our Catholic Faith through Jesus Christ in Fellowship This Lenten season, join a Faith Sharing group with fellow parishioners and reflect on the Sunday readings as well as other books and videos on Catholicism. See Fr. Barron’s books and CD’s that are available in the narthex. Meetings are kept to an hour. Facilitators and times are listed below. Mondays: 1:30 PM • Camille Antonello, 610-566-0148 Bimonthly Mondays • Sue Mita, 610-566-4819 Tuesdays: 7:45 PM • Joanne Hinkle, 610-892-3998 Wednesdays: 7:00 AM (Men’s Group) • Dennis Murphy, 610-565-5568 Bimonthly Wednesday: 1:30 PM • Mary Ann Foster 610-566-1399 First Wednesday of the month: 7:30 PM • Mary Beth Yount, 610-358-4224 Second Wednesday of the month: 9:30 AM • Jeanne Barker, 610-627-1009 Thursdays: 9:15 AM • Mary Jane McCloskey, 610-356-4132 Fridays: 7:30 AM (Men’s Group in Chester) Eustice Mita, [email protected] Mass Intentions SATURDAY, JULY 9 8:30 AM – Lonnie Pron 5:30 PM – Joan Scholtz SUNDAY, JULY 10 7:30 AM – John (Ace) Capone 9:30 AM – Dorothy R. Lacey 11:30 AM –William Scheuerman 5:30 PM – Margaret Stoyell MONDAY, JULY 11 6:30 AM – Joni Sitko 8:30 AM – Scott D. Matsinger TUESDAY, JULY 12 6:30 AM – Anthony D’Angelo 8:30 AM –Ernestine Schmid WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 6:30 AM – Yolanda Henriquez-DeParilli 8:30 AM – Wanda Orsini THURSDAY, JULY 14 6:30 AM – Joni Sitko 8:30 AM – Imelda Mercier FRIDAY, JULY 15 6:30 AM – Scott D. Mattsinger 8:30 AM – Margaret McHugh SATURDAY, JULY 16 8:30 AM – Ints of Linda Korab 5:30 PM – Mario J. Roy DelRosario SUNDAY, JULY 17 7:30 AM – Edwina Amoroso 9:30 AM – Edward Scheivirt 11:30 AM – Dr. Harold Ciampoli 5:30 PM – Susan M. Foti FLOWERS IN THE CHAPEL In memory of BREAD & WINE Ints. of Susan Edmundowicz CANDLE In memory of Fr. James F. Hughes Page 8 • Sacraments FLAME OF LOVE CENACLE Dear St. Mary Magdalen Parishioner: We recently received your Pastor’s permission to start a Flame of Love Cenacle in your parish. This Cenacle of Reparation currently meets in the Adoration Chapel on Friday from Noon to 1 PM. We would want you, who are able, to come and join us in these Flame of Love prayers. Each week a short teaching is given followed by the Flame of Love Rosary and other prayers. To facilitate these ongoing devotions, as well as to consider your availability to be with us, we ask if you would respond to the following: • Are you able to come and join us on Friday at Noon for this special Holy Hour? • Or, are you at work at this time of the day, and thus unable to join us? • Would you be able to come in the early evening on a week night, (e.g., 7 PM on Thursday)? If so, what night and time would be suitable to your home and work schedule to come and pray? • Or, are you not interested in attending a Parish Flame of Love Cenacle of Reparation, and thus are unable to attend? Your immediate responses and feedback are important to us. Our Flame of Love National Director, Anthony Mullen, has directed me to contact you and also to receive your responses. I am J. Brian Morley. My email address is rowers3@verizon. net. My home phone number is (610) 558-4593. Or you may send your response to Regina Dougherty, the Cenacle Leader. Her number is (610)-565-0694. Her home address is: 110 Water Mill Lane, Media, PA 19063. Finally, her email address is [email protected]. Thank you in advance for promptly getting back to us. May the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary burn ever so brightly in you and your parish! Sincerely, J. Brian Morley—Flame of Love Leadership Team AROUND SMM Sacrament Information: BAPTISM Call Deacon Peter or Mary Zurbach to sign up for Baptismal class for all parents. Sponsor Eligibility Letters from the parishes are needed three weeks before the Baptism. We ask you to come for Pre-Jordan instructions before you give birth so that you can be prepared in choosing your date and sponsors. We remind all parents and Godparents that they must be registered and practicing Catholics. God parents must be at least 16 years old and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Contact Deacon Peter at 610-565-5736. WEDDINGS Weddings are arranged 6 months ahead. At least one partner or their parents must be a practicing and active member of our parish. Please call Msgr. at Ext: 110 for paper work, to schedule your Pre-Cana and arrange your wedding date. PRE-JORDAN CLASS Contact Deacon Peter or Mary Zurbach for upcoming schedule. [email protected] RCIA The Rite of Initiation of Adults Program (RCIA) has begun for this year. If you are considering this wonderful step in your life, please contact Deacon Peter Zurbach at [email protected]. HOPE Meal Program SUMMER BREAK RETURN ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 ELECTRONIC COLLECTION Faith Direct offers convenience! No worry of checks or envelopes, consistent giving to SMM is easy. Link to the secure online enrollment by visiting www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is PA675 stmarymagdalen.net TUNE INTO MSGR. RALPH ON THURSDAYS 800 AM Radio from 5 PM – 6 PM My grand niece Annabel and Luke visited me on her third birthday. She called me by three different names in honor of the Trinity: Uncle Ruff, Rocky and Ralphie. Call 610-527-2906 with your comments and questions. SMM Ministries, Services & Organizations • Page 9 Worship Adult Choir Altar Servers Altar Society Extraordinary Ministers Flame of Love Guitar Group Lectors Perpetual Adoration Prayer Chain Youth Choir Mary-Ellen Harris Pat Miniszak Anne Chillemi Joanne Hinkle Regina Dougherty Mary Ellen Harris Joe Boyle, Jr. Shelly Zeller Maria Flannery Maryl Apadula 610-566-8821 610-566-8821 610-566-3206 610-892-3998 610-565-0694 610-566-8821 610-565-3417 610-353-7739 484-467-3166 914-552-9443 [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Peter Zurbach Fran Poole Carolyn Giacomucci Anne Fenerty Frances Jackson James Colombo, MD Dennis & Lorraine Kinslow Phila. Marriage Prep Dennis Murphy John Brokars 610-565-5736 610-565-4090 610-357-0636 610-565-6228 610-592-4216 610-891-0731 610-558-0322 610-873-2017 610-565-5568 610-696-5969 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Joanne Hinkle John Donohue Joshua Ortego Monica Grzeczkowski Susan Fromhold Bernadette Ciavardini Anita Morro, RN Kelly Hassey John Donohue 610-892-3998 610-359-9394 610-635-8407 610-891-9483 610-356-3626 610-353-1375 610-566-8821 610-353-1750 610-359-9394 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Baptismal Prep Centering Prayer Children’s Liturgy Little Church School Childcare (9:30 AM Mass) Malvern Retreat Marriage Encounter Marriage Prep Men’s Bible Study Neo Catechumenal [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Healing, Ministry & Stewardship Bethesda Bereavement Charity Board Church Care Food Collection Funeral Planner Healing Ministry Hope Ministry St. Vincent de Paul Organizations AA Meeting CYO Employment Network Finance Committee Greeters Home & School Knights of Columbus PREP Board Pastoral Council Religious Endowment Respect Life Seniors Group Ushers Website & Bulletin Thursdays, 7PM Rectory Basement Amy Sarne484-919-1587 [email protected] Barbara Stoyell-Mulholland 484-420-4246 [email protected] Bill O’Shea 610-627-0607 [email protected] Ginny McHugh 610-361-5141 [email protected] Rosemary Procaccini 610-355-2366 [email protected] Edward McLaughlin 610-566-1242 [email protected] Melissa Bergen 610-558-4944 [email protected] Joe Bodalski 484-432-0016 [email protected] Tom Henson 610-892-7361 [email protected] John Duffin 610-565-5032 [email protected] Pat Miniszak 610-353-1461 [email protected] Al Spinelli610-566-4202 [email protected] Kerry Boyle [email protected]
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July 3, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School
The following students earned academic honors for the 4th
quarter at Academy of Notre Dame. Honors: Kristy Grauer
and Emma Kichula. Distinguished Honors: Emily...
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School
Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo
[email protected]
Office extension: 110
Rev. James F. Hughes
Pastor Emeritis
Rev. Alexander R. Gibbs
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Office extens...