upcoming events - Lilburn Christian Church
upcoming events - Lilburn Christian Church
~~CONNECTIONS~~ Volume 119 Issue 1 March, 2016 MINISTER’S MESSAGE Our Choir, Orchestra, and Tech Crew are hard at work on a program for Palm Sunday called “Thrive.” “Thrive” is the name of the centerpiece song in their musical, and I believe in will thrill and inspire you to lift your eyes up to the Lord and, well, “Thrive”! We are blessed to have all of them lead our worship, aren’t we? I know you are like me and truly look forward to all of their programs, and I encourage you to pray for and plan to be here on March 27 for this one! A key line in “Thrive” is “more than ordinary.” How could that be, for people like me and you? “Extraordinary”…has anyone ever put your name in a sentence including that word? Usually we’re aiming at something a good bit lower than extraordinary! We want to get by. To pass the test. To make it home safely. To not embarrass ourselves too badly. To try to fit in and be seen as normal. Top 10%? Transcend the mundane experiences of life? Climb the entire mountain and wave to the frightened masses who didn’t dare the summit like you did? Excel? Live life to the nth degree? To truly be changed and leave behind our shabby old characters and become in effect a brand new person, brimming with confidence, and shining in Christ-likeness? Well… But what if we were selling ourselves short? What if rising up and having wind in our hair and our hearts pounding in our chests and truly doing and becoming something special were right there for the taking? What if God has more for me and more for you than we’ve experienced so far? I believe He does have more. Think of the passages: “More than conquerors”(Romans 10:37), “Life to the full”(John 10:10), “victory that has overcome the world”(1 John 5:4), and many more. There is a fabulous passage in 2 Peter 1:1-11 that I plan to preach 2 messages from in March. This passage truly is about “thriving”, about growing and changing and becoming something truly special. The title of these messages, unsurprisingly, is “Thrive: More than Ordinary”! I can’t wait to share them with you. Thanks for your prayers for our church! March is huge, with the Choir and Orchestra program on the 20th, the Disciple’s Service on the 24th, and Easter itself on the 27th, with a breakfast at 9:30 am that morning. Invite a friend to join you during this exciting month. God bless you— Tony LCC Staff: Tony Dyer, Senior Minister [email protected] Dwayne Wylds, Minister of Music [email protected] Shane Hankinson, Youth Minister [email protected] Robyn Hudson, Children’s Director [email protected] Lynn Akins, Financial Secretary [email protected] Church Office: [email protected] LCC Elders: Jim Gurr: William Renshaw: Paul Bengtson: Richard Morgan : Sherman Wade: 770-925-8680 770-736-9460 770-875-9170 770-338-9081 404-867-6101 Editor: Kandy Davidson Photographer: Pam Straughan Please email articles to [email protected] by the 23rd of each month!! SERMON SERIES “Where Cultures Meet Christ” MARCH MESSAGES March 6: “John Saw and Believed”, John 20:8, Shane Hankinson preaching March 13: “Thrive: More than Ordinary”, 2 Peter 1:1-11, Part 1 March 20: “Thrive”, Choir and Orchestra Program March 27: “Thrive: More than Ordinary”, 2 Peter 1:1-11, Part 2 Wednesday Menu March 2 9 16 23 30 Chicken Pot Pie Spaghetti Chicken Tenders Vegetable Beef Soup Roast Pork April 6 13 20 27 Surprise Menu Tacos Spaghetti Sub Sandwichs The Missions team has decided to support North Georgia Christian Camp which is where all the LCC kids have been attending. The camp has been in existence since 1972 and is currently managed by Rick Cox. The camp is located at 531 Christian Camp Lane, Clarkesville, GA 30523. We encourage you if you have children and are interested in having them go to camp this year, reach out to the church office and we’ll make sure you get the information you need! Feel free to visit their web site www.christiancamp.net. l We had 15 folks attend the January 29th performance of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ at New London Theatre in Snellville. Although, that was a smaller crowd than originally scheduled, we had a great time. If you have never seen a production done by this local theater group, we highly recommend it. Plus, we always enjoy checking out the various items on display at the Hello, Again Variety Mall. Next event: Thursday, March 10th (note date change) – We are taking a bus trip with Mt. Carmel Christian Church. Details as follows: Meet at LCC at 9:15 am. We will carpool over to Mt. Carmel. The bus leaves at 10:00 am. We will have lunch at Buckner’s Family Restaurant in Jackson, GA. They serve southern style meals. The Thursday menu (subject to change) is • Fried Chicken • Steak & Gravy • Stewed Tomatoes • Mashed Potatoes • Boiled Cabbage • Pinto Beans • Green Beans • Coleslaw • Peach Cobbler • Rolls & Corn Bread Interested? Goodfriends is a group for people age 50+ and their friends (young or not-soyoung, young at heart or young in spirit). Any questions can be directly to Rosie Bengtson 770-978-7774 or 404-403-5765; Glenda Middleton 770-614-5972; Betty Hubbard 678-446-7926; or Janet Curtiss 540-819-3846. Goodfriends Calendar: 2016 ** with updates January 22: Friday evening performance of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ at New London Theatre ** postponed to January 29th due to inclement weather February 18: Lunch at Red Lobster (no activity) March 10: (Note date change) Bus trip with Mt. Carmel Christian Church (Buckner’s and Outlet Mall) April 21: Service Project: VBS prep plus lunch at AgaVero Mexican restaurant May 19: ABC Pottery Art Studio at Sugarloaf Mills, plus lunch in food court June 16: Service Project: make tray cards for Assisted Living Center July 21: Deliver tray cards to Assisted Living Center, plus lunch somewhere Sign-up sheet for each month will be at the Welcome Center. Questions, call Rosie 770-978-7774 or 404-403-5765, Glenda 770-614-5972, Betty 678-446-7926 or Janet 540-819-3846 ****************** UPCOMING EVENTS: March 11-13 N. GA Retreat April 1-2 “You Got Served” Retreat. A great opportunity for service at North Georgia Christian Camp. Cost: $15. Cayac Missions is putting together a team for Haiti 2016. This year we are painting both churches, starting a micro finance program and discovering more about the students we are sponsoring in Trou Codon. The trip will be July 1022 and will cost $950.00. Please see Shane for more details. Jeff Stephens was the guest speaker during Sunday School for the youth series on Prayer. Debbie Dyer used an object lesson and life stories to teach the teens the importance of prayer in her life. Our series is going very well. Please continue to pray for teens and encourage them to join us at 9:30 AM each Sunday in the teen building. Sisters of Grace Changes in SOG Ministry Team The Sisters of Grace Ministry Team would like to take this time to thank Priscilla Moseley for her willingness to serve on the Ministry Team last year. She was a very important part of our activities. Because of her and Glynn’s move to Winder, she feels that the distance is too far to be an effective member (notice that we’re not saying she is no longer attending LCC: we’re not ready to say that). We miss you Priscilla. We are excited that we now have one “returning” SOG Ministry Team member and one “new “ member. Dixie Grimm is back on board after a one-year sabbatical. Dixie and her husband, Doug, have been members of LCC for 18 years, and Dixie is our “go-to” girl when it comes to making outside contacts. Kandy Davidson is our brand-new member. She and her husband, Byron, have been members of LCC for 12 years and is our direct contact with “what’s happening” at LCC, as she is our Church secretary. Both ladies bring “oodles” of planning skills to our team, which are already being put to use for our 2016 activities. We would like to say thank you to all 3 of these ladies for their willingness to serve the ladies of LCC. UPCOMING EVENTS April 23 or April 30 Mystery Fun Day More information will be forthcoming, but save these dates for a fun time of fellowship. Save the date, October 21 & 22 for our Gal’s Getaway at Callaway Gardens. More information will be provided as details are finalized. If you are interested in the Women’s Ministries, or even if you’re just curious, call: Lynn Akins Pat Ferguson Betty Hubbard Cathy Wade 770-923-6413 770-466-5212 678-446-7926 404-867-6102 Kandy Davidson Dixie Grimm Pam Morgan 404-697-7367 404-932-5990 404-697-4293 Our 1st-5th graders are in the midst of a new series called “In the WORD From A-Z”. Each week we learn a story from the Bible representing a letter from the alphabet. We recently did the story of Gideon and his army of 300 who fought the Midianite army of 135,000. Here are some pictures of our “Army Readiness Drill” that helped get us familiar with our military lesson. Thanks to Rob Hubbard and our KUC Crew for earning their stripes this week. The letter H was Physical and Spiritual HEALTHINESS! FOLLOWING JESUS - THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD WHERE CAN YOU HELP? We still need: TEACHERS, ASSISTANTS, CRAFT PERSONNEL, KITCHEN STAFF, PHOTOGRAPHERS, DECORATORS, SET-UP & TEARDOWN CREW, NURSERY, PARKING & TRANSPORTATION T-SHIRT INFO AND A LIST OF NEEDED SUPPLIES IS COMING SOON. If you would like to make a monetary donation to this outreach program, please make checks payable to LCC with “VBS” in the memo. SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH - THURSDAY, JUNE 16TH There will NOT be a Friday Pm Closing Program. UPCOMING EVENTS March 1 Presidential Primary Election 5 Chili Cook-off/Men’s Bake-off 6 AHG 11-13 CAYAC Retreat 13 Daylight Savings Time Begins 17 Goodfriends’ bus trip with Mount Carmel Christian Church 20 Palm Sunday, C&O Concert during Worship only; AHG 24 Disciples Service, 7:00 pm 25 Good Friday 27 Easter Sunday, Churchwide Breakfast during Sunday School hour. April 3 6 10 17 21 22 23 28 Spring Break Begins Normal Wed. night activities Directory photos; AHG Directory photos; AHG Goodfriends VBS Prep Gwinnett College Graduation Ministry Team Leader meeting, 9-10 am Berkmar Awards Ceremony Every Week Sunday: 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:15 am 10:45 am 10:45 am Monday: 7:00 pm 7:00-8:00 Tuesday: 9:45 am 7:00-8:00 Sunday School Classes KUC Sunday School Class Coffee & Fellowship Worship Service KUC Children’s & WEE Worship Men’s Bible Study Boy Scout Meeting Ladies Bible Study Cub Scout Den Meeting Chili Cook-off/Men’s Bake-off - March 5 Bring your Trivia hats and best Chili and Dessert recipes. Fun begins at 6:00 pm. Special Disciple’s Service Everyone is invited to a special time of prayer on Thursday, March 24 at 7 pm. This evening is the anniversary of Jesus meeting with the disciples in the Upper Room and instituting the Lord’s Supper. After this, they went with Him to the Garden, where He bore in prayer the excruciating burden of going to the Cross. We plan to share together a precious service of prayer, communion, and fellowship. Easter Breakfast The whole congregation will be gathering for breakfast at 9:30 am on Easter morning, March 27, and we encourage you to bring your entire family! After breakfast, we will go in together to the Sanctuary to experience a special Resurrection Celebration. We can’t wait! Prayer Requests Prayer Needs Geraldine Coleman Sami Lyew Donna Hill Bob Collier Jim Gurr Gary Korb Joyce & Terry Bissell Michael Rose Jamila Coleman Sharon Townsend Rosie Bengtson Prayer Beepers: Judy & Paul Steverson Family of Dale Laney John & Dotty Fulgham Family of Mary Schneider Diane Shelton Richard Hux Scott Phillips Lois Johnson Wanita Straughan Scott Hartman’s Family Currently, we have no prayer beepers out. However, please remember to check the bulletin for our church prayer list and lift them up to our Lord every day. If any of these listed on our prayer list need to be taken off, please contact the church office. We appreciate your help. New Members BAPTISM Janet Moreno January 17, 2016 Brian Arroyo February 28, 2016 Christina Alemon February 28, 2016 Lilburn Christian Church 314 Arcado Road Lilburn, GA 30047 Phone: 770-921-2993 Fax: 770-921-6569 “Mission Trip to Lilburn”