living on nyenrode campus - Nyenrode Business Universiteit


living on nyenrode campus - Nyenrode Business Universiteit
living on nyenrode campus
3 Nyenrode Campus, Rooms and Facilities
Types of Campus rooms
Facilities in your room
4 Registration
General conditions
More information
5 Facilities on Nyenrode Campus
The Nyenrode switchboard
De Mensa - Self-service restaurant
Reproduction Center
ICT Services
Sport facilities
Campus Committee Board
7 Map
Living on Nyenrode Campus
nyenrode campus, rooms and facilities
Nyenrode Business Universiteit is housed on
a 140-acre estate with a 13th century castle as
focal point. While the original castle building
is currently home to the offices, of the President
and Dean, and the Events Department, the
magnificent landscaped grounds bordered by the
River Vecht and the Amsterdam Rhine Canal are a
major asset in their own right. A deer park, maze,
rose garden, and a lane of century-old chestnut
trees are just some of the many fine features.
The community-like campus has ever been
located on this stunning estate, and due to
the intensive nature of Nyenrode programs,
offers students clear benefits. Since the start of
Nyenrode as a Business School, over 60 years ago,
it has been tradition to share rooms. The bonding
experience this provides, often guaranteed
a life long friendship. A side from this, its
location is close to the classrooms, the student
accommodation is a comfortable place to live,
The unfurnished rooms can be occupied by one
Facilities in your room
work and relax with colleagues. The on-campus
or two students. During the Adaptation Phase
Network and Internet
facilities includes fully equipped computer
some students live together. You can indicate on
All Campus rooms have a network connection,
rooms, a library with data links to a wide network
your registration form what your preferences
and Internet facilities.
of external sources, classrooms with multi-media
are. The housing department will allocate the
equipment, cubicles for project and group work, a
rooms. The allocation of rooms will be based
Cable TV
student restaurant, a gym and fitness center, plus
on a first come first served basis. If the room of
Links to cable TV that offers 35 channels are
a tennis court and running circuit.
your choice is no longer available another type
available in every room. (excl. a TV set)
of room will be allocated to you. If your health or
The on-campus accommodation consists of 307
personal situation makes it impossible to share
Phone line
rooms. These rooms are divided over 5 buildings,
a room, please contact the Housing Department,
All rooms have a phone for internal use. A
and are located around a central square, only
or hand in a declaration of your doctor (medical
telephone with an external line is available in
a few minute-walk from class buildings, the
statement) with your housing form. We will try to
every room. Should you request this service you
restaurant and sport facilities.
make arrangements for a private room.
will also be able to call and be called to/from
In this document you will find a condensed
Luxury room with kitchenette (available for
separate telephone number on campus via the
version of all there is to know about living on
IMBA students)
KPN network and connections via other providers
Nyenrode Campus.
This room is fully furnished with a bed with
will not be free of charge. Costs of calling depends
mattress, duvet (synthetic) and pillow, desk with
on the destination and duration of the call. The
Types of Campus rooms
halogen lamp, desk chair, comfortable armchair
charges are like the KPN charges in the guide on
Unfurnished room (available for MSC students)
and sofa, wardrobe, curtains or blinds, and carpet
the internet.
The standard rooms are not furnished. The rooms
or linoleum or a combination of both. The room
are only equipped with curtains and a linoleum
has a shower, toilet and a kitchenette. These rooms
floor. The rooms are on average approximately
have also their own entrance and a mail-slot in
20 m2. All rooms have their own bathroom with
the hall, where mail is delivered on the ‘Nieuw
shower and toilet, entrance and a mail-slot in
Nyenrode’ address. The rooms come in two sizes
the hall, where mail is delivered on the ‘Nieuw
approximately 25 m2 and 30 m2. Nyenrode charges
Nyenrode’ address.
different prices for medium and big rooms. The
outside Nyenrode. It is not possible to have a
rooms can be occupied by one student.
Living on Nyenrode Campus
General conditions
All contracts are in Dutch as Dutch law specifies
this. You will find a translation of the housing
lease and general conditions with your contract.
More information
For more information about living on Campus
you can contact the housing department at:
t +31 346 291 540
e [email protected]
During your stay on Campus, you can always
contact the Servicedesk in the main hall.
You can register for a room on campus via
the Registration form available via Program
Management or the Housing Department. Please
register before the date that is stated on the
registration form. The registration form also
consists the rental prices.
Living on Nyenrode Campus
facilities on nyenrode campus
chance to announce issues to fellow students.
ICT Services
Location:Main Hall (Neelie Kroes Hall)
When there is sufficient occupancy on campus,
Location:Opposite the dr. AH Building,
of the Dr. Albert Heijn building.
Contact:t (0346–29) 1234
e [email protected]
1st floor of the Library.
a theme buffet is served once a week. All other
hot meals consist of a first course, a main course
Opening hours:Monday to Friday from
and a dessert. The main course always consist of
09.00-12.00 and from
a choice of meat or fish, seasonable vegetables,
13.00-17.00 hrs
The Servicedesk is the reception and centre
potato or pasta products, allowing you to
for all information and issues at Nyenrode,
compose your own meal. If you have special
Overview ICT facilities at Nyenrode:
and therefore the place for all your questions,
dietary request, pass this on to the kitchen and it
•Computer lab with about 30 modern
comments and requests. It can be reached 24
will be taken into account.
•Internet access in every room on campus
hours a day.
Close to the Servicedesk students can receive and
ground floor
send faxes on the general Nyenrode fax number
f +31 346 264 204.
(2 active outlets in every room)
Location:Campus; Postma I building,
•Network access in computer lab and cubicles
for notebook users
Opening hours:24 hrs a day
•Wireless access (pilot)
•Xerox printing/copying
€ 3,20 per wash
ICT Services provides ICT facilities to all staff and
Please note that all cash-payments on the campus
need to be done electronically, mostly Chipknip,
The Nyenrode launderette is equipped with 4
students of Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Not
and at the Servicedesk also by credit card. The
washing machines and 2 dryers. The washing
only print and file services are available but also
Chipknip is an electronic wallet linked to a
machines have several programs and their own
everyone has access to e-mail, electronic libraries
bankcard, only supplied by Dutch banks. For
powder supply. An ironing board with iron, is
and the Internet. The Nyenrode network and its
foreign students, pre-paid Chipknip cards can be
present at the launderette and may be used free
facilities are primarily meant for study purposes
bought at the Servicedesk.
of charge.
and should be used as such. Your behavior should
not disturb users who are using the facilities (like
The Nyenrode switchboard
computer lab) for study-related purposes. If you
Contact:Nyenrode general number have questions, remarks or complaints about any
t +31 346 291 211 from outside
of the ICT facilities you can go to the ICT Services
or Phone number 777 from
helpdesk located first floor library building, call
inside Nyenrode. The operator
(0346-29) 1288, or mail to helpdesk@nyenrode.
can give you the number of the
nl. For questions about network on campus you
person you need.
should contact the student committee Collegie
der Digitale Vooruitgang (CDV), this student
De Mensa - Self-service restaurant
committee help students on campus connecting
Opening hours
your own PC’s or notebook to the network.
Weekdays:Lunch from 12 PM to 1.30 PM;
e [email protected]
Dinner from 5 PM to 6.30 PM.
Saturdays:only open for lunch from 12 PM
to 1.30 PM.
Sundays and most holidays closed.
Reproduction Center
Opposite the Plesman Building
Opening hours:Mondays to Fridays from 9 AM
The Mensa is an on-campus self-service
to 12 PM and from 2 PM to 5 PM.
restaurant, catered by Vineyard Catering. It is
open for lunch and dinner on weekdays. Via
Here students can purchase small office products,
a central table, located in the Mensa, general
stationary, stamps and post mail. It is also
announcements can be made by student
possible to make photocopies, have documents
committees. A lectern gives all students the
bound and slides produced.
Living on Nyenrode Campus
In the Coach House near the Castle, the
‘Zolderbar’ is a meeting place run by and for
students. Here, you can relax with a drink, watch
TV, play darts, read a paper or play pool.
Sport facilities
Opening hours Gym:
Mondays to Thursdays 7 AM – 11.30 PM
Friday to Sunday 7 AM to 10.30 PM
Nyenrode has indoor and outdoor sports
facilities, including a playing field for soccer
and rugby, a tennis court and a multi-functional
Location:Opposite the Dr. Albert Heijn
gym with fitness facilities. There is also a jogging
circuit in the park. The gym is not open during
Opening hours:
exam periods and special events. Students who
Weekdays:Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
wish to use the gym can do this free of charge
9 AM to 6 PM
with their student card.
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9 AM to 10 PM
Saturdays: 12 PM to 5 PM
If students would like to organise an event on
Sundays: Closed
Campus, they need to contact the department of
Events & Reservations. They can check availability
The centrally located library provides on-line
of rooms and other facilities and they can arrange
access to many international information sources,
some food and beverages if needed. You can
containing news, journal articles, financial
contact the Events & Reservations department at:
economic data and statistical data. Resources
t (0346-29) 1544
include an extensive collection of annual reports
e [email protected]
with the happenings in and around campus.
Additionally, the various committees of the
of international corporations and subscriptions
to over 800 journals (this includes both hard copy
Campus Committee Board
Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre inform students
and electronic versions). For further information
The Campus Committee Board is one of
about the events they are organizing during the
about the extensive services offered by the library,
Nyenrode’s three main boards. Its main aim is to
you can access there website at: http://library.
provide a safe and enjoyable living environment
on campus and to protect Nyenrode’s beloved
The Campus Committee Board would like
estate. It is the main coordinator and focal point
to welcome you to our beloved estate.
for students regarding issues such as internal and
If you have any questions regarding the
external conflicts, property damage, nuisance
campus, Maintable or related affairs,
and other complaints. Furthermore, it acts as a
please do not hesitate to contact us at
mediator between students, Nyenrode and other
e [email protected]
external parties. The Campus Committee Board
additionally seeks to uphold one of Nyenrode’s
much-loved traditions, namely the Maintable.
This event is held every Thursday evening in the
Mensa. It is an entertaining affair which offers
students the opportunity to practice and improve
their public speaking skills and keep up to date
Living on Nyenrode Campus
plattegrond / map
Campus Entrance / Exit
Receptie / Reception
Ingang / Entrance
Uitgang / Exit
Kasteel / Castle
Dr. Albert Heijn
Koetshuis / Coach House
Bibliotheek / Library
Poortgebouw / Gate
Mensa / Restaurant
Koetshuisvleugel / Coach House Wing
Sporthal / Gymnasium
Philips (Roeterink I & II, Otten, Riemsdijk)
De 3 Fontyne
Loods – Opslag
Campuspaviljoen / Campus Pavilion
Plesmanpaviljoen / Plesman Pavilion
A – F
Parkeerplaats / Parking
Repro / Repro
Pinautomaat / ATM
De Rooij
Living on Nyenrode Campus
Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Straatweg 25, 3621 BG BREUKELEN
P.O. Box 130, 3620 AC BREUKELEN
The Netherlands
t +31 346 291 540
f +31 346 291 541
e [email protected]