Weekly Bulletin Sept-4-2016 - Holy Innocents Catholic Church
Weekly Bulletin Sept-4-2016 - Holy Innocents Catholic Church
Holy Innocents Catholic Parish September 4, 2016 Holy Innocents Church 26526 NE Cherry Valley Road PO Box 850 Duvall, WA 98019 Phone: 425-788-1400 Website:www.holyinn.org Many thanks to our mailing and school supply helpers this week: Joyce Ford, Peggy and Mia Hatem, Kiana & Ikaika Ward, Frank Joiner, and Eva Sullivan. Sunday Mass times: 8 am & 10:30 am Tuesday Mass time: 6:30 pm Pastor: Rev. J im Johnson [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. W illiam Heric [email protected] Deacon: Deacon M irek Sztajno [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Gail Dimock [email protected] PA Stewardship: Debby W eidner [email protected] Music Director: Norita Barroga-Hulett [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Liz Sohn [email protected] Youth Ministry Coordinator: Eamon Essex [email protected] Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Laura H arrison [email protected] Mission Statement The Catholic Community of Holy Innocents Church is called to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by: enhancing spiritual growth; reaching out and serving those in need; educating our community in Christ’s teaching; and creating and maintaining a warm and welcoming atmosphere. H ol y In n oc e nt s F o o d P a nt ry P r ay er R eq u est s: Call the Church Office, 788-1400 Charlotte Gottenbos, Angel Inouye, Irene Gronberg, Christa Schommer, John Armstrong, John Loutsis, Jackie Coudare, Martha & Emil Somogyi, Eloise Levesque, Bill Weeks, Leanne Cook H o l y I n n o c en t s C al e n d a r Sept 4—23RD Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass/Coffee Hour Mass/Coffee Hour Tue Set up for Pantry Mass Wed ESL Classes Pantry am Pantry pm Fri Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament AA Meeting Pantry Pig this week: $175.00 Thanks!! 8 am 10:30 am 1 pm 6:30 pm 9 am 10 am 3 pm 7 pm 8 pm Homebound If you or someone you know or car e for is ill, shut in, or unable to attend Mass for any reason, please call the office to let us know. We have Eucharistic Ministers whose special joy it is to bring communion to those who cannot join us on Sunday. What is that bell ringing at the end of Mass? If you forgot to bring something for the Food Pantry on Sunday, you can give some money for our shoppers to purchase needed items for the Pantry. Thanks! H I T I P : T o g e t he r I n P r a y e r Each month we focus on a local community concern and ask parishioners to commit to praying for 2 minutes each day specifically for that concern as well as for our church community. You can pray whenever and wherever you want. “Ask and you will receive,” said Jesus. Together we can do great things. September Let us pray for our faith formation program volunteers, our community schools, for students, teachers, aides, aids, support staff, school administrators, school board members, coaches, literacy teachers, daycare providers. S a cr i st a n Mi ni s t r y: P l e a se Co n si de r! The ministry of Sacristan is an important liturgical ministry. The Sacristan helps set up before Mass and cleans up after Mass. It requires attention to detail, ability to come early and stay for a time after Mass. We like to have sacristan teams so you don’t have to work alone. Contact Gail if interested (425-788-1400)! Mass Intentions: At the celebration of the Eucharist this week and in your prayers, please remember those from our parish family for whom we have been asked to pray: for the intentions of the Dolenc family and for all who are sick, including MaryLou Kittridge, Rosi & Max Sedlmaier, Thomas Murphy, Danilo Almeida, Linda McCormick, James Magill, Shirley Bushy, Clara Beard, Lavonne Doty, Bob Flajole, Betty Witte, Annalise Haines, Eleanor Corrigan, Teresa Swedman,, Michael Gordan, Sabrina Parnell, BethAnn Willits, Leila Edwins, Bill Hunter, Helen Sexton, Sue :Lowryand all those who have died. Parish Stewardship August 28, 2016 Registered households: When you do your shopping, please remember the pantry and pick up one (or more) items to bring on Sunday. Especially needed this week are: canned chili, stews, meats, canned fruit, peanut butter, jams. We always need toilet paper and shampoo and tooth paste. 619 Weekly Sacrificial Giving goal: $6,250.00 Envelope donations this week: $6,110.00 St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us. Keep in touch: if you are not receiving the all-parish emails, send your email address to: [email protected]. Also, check out our web page www.holyinn.org You can find the latest bulletin, schedules, current events. Ba pt ism s The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism for infants is scheduled after the baptismal preparation for the parents are completed. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a Sunday Mass in the parish where the parents live. Adults (7-years or older) seeking baptism or confirmation are invited to inquire at the parish office for information about adult preparation. M a rr ia g e Couples seeking marriage in the Church are asked to contact the parish at least four months in advance of their proposed wedding date. For those with prior marriages, additional time may be required. Marriages are celebrated in the parish in which one of the Catholic parties lives. S a c r am en t o f R ec o n c ili a t io n ( C o n fessio n ) Private confession is available on the 1st Sunday of the month between the 8 am and 10:30 am Masses. Confession is available on Saturdays at St. Jude’s in Redmond from 4 to 4:30 pm. There are also communal reconciliation services with private confession during Advent and Lent. Fr. Heric is also available by appointment. P a st o r a l Ca r e fo r t he S ic k & D y in g In the case of serious illness or failing health due to old age, parishioners should ask the church for the Sacrament of Anointing. This sacrament is administered by a priest and is best celebrated communally at a Sunday Mass, but may be offered individually by appointment as necessary. When a parishioner is near death, they should receive Holy Communion, called the Sacrament of Viaticum (food for the journey). This sacrament can be administered by a priest, deacon, or a eucharistic minister. Dear friends in Christ, This Sunday I have the privilege and good fortune to be in Rome for Mother Teresa’s canonization. I was lucky enough to be invited to be the extra priest for a very large pilgrimage of parishioners from Blessed Teresa Parish in Woodinville. Needless to say I feel quite blessed. It is hard to estimate the enormous impact this humble nun from Albania had on the people she has served, on the people she has inspired around the world, and on the Church. She truly and generously responded to the call of God. Throughout the world, Mother’s Missionaries of Charity go and serve people in the most desperate of conditions bringing love, light and hope. She has taught so many to see the face of Jesus in the poor and suffering. Some years ago I saw this first hand in Gaza. Yes, in that war torn, cut off, and 99% Muslim area, Mother’s sisters were there. They lived in the most simple of circumstances and took care of handicapped, maimed and abandoned children. And they radiated such joy and love. They brought hope into a place where so little was to be found. What was their secret, what did Mother imbue in them that enabled them to do such work? They testified that it was their adoration of Jesus, their holy hour that sustained them. They saw the Jesus in the Eucharist, and his Real Presence enabled them to see Jesus in the suffering and needy children. So as Mother Teresa is canonized today, let us ask this new Saint Teresa to intercede for us that our prayer and worship of the Lord might be renewed and that we may come to recognize Jesus in those in need as she did. Please know too that as I visit the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul here in Rome, I am offering up prayer for you, your families and for all your intentions. I ask for your prayers as well, for the fruitfulness of this pilgrimage, for safe travel for all the pilgrims and for me. May God bless you and fill you with his love! Fr. Johnson A Lifeline for Marriages Learn to Forgive & Trust Are you struggling with trust issues in your marriage? Do you wonder if you can ever forgive and learn to trust again? It is possible through Retrouvaille (pronounced retrovī). No matter the source of pain in your marriage, Retrouvaille can help. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning Sept 23-25, 2016 call 360-671-6479 or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com. D o Y o u H a ve Som e Ti m e t o G i v e? We are blessed here at Holy Innocents with parishioners who give generously of their time and talents. There is no way we could offer ministry to our parishioners and to the larger community without the support of many volunteers. Holy Innocents is unique on the Eastside in offering a Food Bank in our church building. Each week 40 to 50 families come to get food (and clothing, household items). We depend on many volunteers to make this ministry of outreach to others in need possible. Right now we especially need help on Wednesday mornings (10am to noon) and afternoons (3 to 5 pm) once a month to serve those who come to the church for help. Please call the office for more information or to offer your time. Thanks! Chi l dr e n ’ s B ul l e t i n O nl i ne B i bl e G a me s Now your children can go online to play Bible games online. Look for the “secret code” on the Children's Bulletin which are found at the entrance of the church. This secret code is unique to our church and allows SAFE and secure access to online games that reinforce the message for the week. Go to games.childrensbulletins.com and then click on Kids online Bible games. C h ri st t he K i n g ’ s S ch o ol C af e t e ri a , i n K e n ya A big thank you to everyone who donated to this mission request. We raised $4,876.00 towards the building of cafeteria for the children of Christ the King School. A l l S ai nt s C at ho l i c Sc h oo l F ai r P ar ki n g The Washington State Fair in Puyallup begins on Friday September 2nd and runs through September 25th (note: the Fair is closed on Tuesdays this year). Help support Catholic education in East Pierce County by parking at one of the All Saints Catholic School’s fair parking lots. Our main entrance is located on 7th Ave SW between 2nd & 3rd St SW. Our paved parking lots are located on 3rd St SW between 5th and 6th Ave SW in downtown Puyallup, just a short distance from the main gate of the fairgrounds. All proceeds from our fair parking fundraiser goes directly to our school’s operating budget. For your convenience, you can pay your parking fee with a major credit card. Look for our friendly volunteers in red aprons to direct you to our lots. Thank you in advance for supporting our school while you Do the Puyallup! Questions? Call Diana or Mona at 253-845-5025. S t e w a r d s h i p i s a Wa y o f L i f e O p po rt u ni t i es t o S erv e i n o ur F a i t h F o rm at i o n P ro gr am s W h at Do es M er cy L oo k Li ke ? There are many ways to reach out and share your mercy with the sick and the dying. For instance, L i t t l est Di sc i p l es ( P re S ch o ol Ag es 3, 4 volunteer with Meals on Wheels, deliver meals to the homebound and visit with them while they eat. Ask & K i n de rg ar t e n) you parish if there is a fellow parishioner who would Supply Coordinator welcome a visit. Don’t forget you own family members who need Parent Volunteer coordinator a visit, a call, or even just an email to show you are thinking about Small Group Leader volunteer them. Admittedly, visiting the homebound, the elderly or the chronically ill can be challenging. It takes us out of our comfort F.U.T.U.R.E Group: (families with children 1-5th grade zone and can be emotionally draining. This is where you have a (Families United Together Undertaking Religious Education) real opportunity, because your presence, your willingness to be a Supply Coordinator friend and to listen is a precious gift that means far more than you Small Group Leader can imagine. And you yourself will receive a gift beyond measure. Music Leader (Father Don Galloway, MIC) Mercy is love in action Youth Movement: Explorers (6th-8th) & Connections (9th12th) For each gr oup we need: F i r st Re c on ci l i at i o n/ F i r st E uc h ari st Food Coordinator: Organizes volunteers P r ep a rat i o n M eet i n g Supply and Set-up coordinator—with other volunteers Save the Date: Sunday September 18th, 1 pm– 2:30 pm Small Group Leader (Sunday groups twice a month) Faith Formation Registration Opens Today! Forms will be This meeting is for those children (7 years available at the “Youth and Family” Table in the Narthex or and older) who would like to receive the you can download the form at the website: sacraments this year and their parents. We will go over the schedule and requirements www.holyinnn.org at the meeting on September 18th. RegistraDebby, Laura and Eamon are looking forward to another awe- tion is available at the Youth and Family some year in Faith Formation Here at Holy Innocents! Table in the Narthex or from the website. Programs Open in one month: Sunday October 2nd!!! F a l l Ad ul t F orm at i on O p p ort u ni t i e s! Scripture Based Faith Sharing: Wednesday Morning Women’s Group Starts: September 14th 9:45-11:15 am, in the Narthex. Childcare provided with an RSVP. This fall the focus of the study will be on the Feasts of Judaism. This study will help us understand modern Judaism, the faith of Jesus, and the roots of our Catholic Faith. NEW: Thursday Night Adult Bible Study Starting October 6th—1st and 3rd Thursdays 7-8:30 pm, meeting down in the Vanhulle Room. This fall the group will focus on the basics of using the Bible to strengthen and grow deeper in faith. Once a Month “Connect” Gathering: Starts Thur Sep 22 7-8:30 pm, meeting down in the Vanhulle Room. Modeled on the Alpha gathering of a short video and discussion, the Connect Gathering will focus on different aspects of faith. The September gathering asks the question: “What is Faith?” The video presentation will be Bishop Robert Barron. For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact Debby at 788-1400 or email her at: [email protected] “ G o t Q u est i o n s a bo ut Li f e ? ” Consider attending the next Alpha Course orientation here at Holy Innocents Thursday Sep 15th, 6:30-8:30 pm. The evening will start with a simple dinner followed by a short video and discussion. Mark your calendar now and find a friend to bring with you. To RSV P email: Deb- [email protected] I t’ s C o min g … A Y o u th M a ss S u n d a y S e p 2 5 th a t th e 1 0 :3 0 Ma s s Shout out to any Jr. & Sr. High students! Come participate and help lead music at the upcoming Youth Mass. If you like singing in a group or are curious, here’s your chance. We need to rehearse though…. We are asking attendance at three Wednesday evening rehearsals starting this Wed Sept. 7th, 14th and 21st at 7:00 pm in the church. Depending on how many show up, there may be music ministry opportunities through parts of all of the mass. We will be learning the song HUNGRY by Kathryn Scott with added sign language. C o n s id er a d d in g y o u r v o ice a n d h a n d s to th is u n iq u e w o rsh ip o p p o rtu n i ty Any questions, contact Norita at [email protected], or call at (425) 788-6406. Checkout the youtube link for the song we will do called HUNGRY. www.youtube.com/watch? v=bKcgJzj6WBU St. Vincent de Paul Society Meets 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm Knights of Columbus Meets 1st Thursday of each month, 7 pm George Doty 360-668-2224 Lazarus Sandwich Making The 19th Day of each month, 10 am Holy Innocents Food Pantry Wednesdays, 10am—noon, 3 pm—5 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Fridays 7 –8 pm Sat Sep 10th—BINGO 6-8 pm Sun Sep 11th Noon–3 pm Games Prizes Relay Races Cakewalk Jump House Music Food: Knights of Columbus Awar d Winning BBQ (donation $1-$3) Parish Pot luck side dishes and dessert! Music: by Susan Bur ke and Fr iends (noon-2:30 pm) Picnic Raffle Tickets What’s up for this year???? $5 Ticket: Reserved parking place and front row pew for the 5 pm Christmas Eve Mass Reserved parking place and front row pew for the 10:30 Easter Sunday Mass Reserved Parking place all year at the 8 am mass Reserved Parking place all year at the 10:30 mass $1 tickets Date Night Basket Breakfast Basket Family Night Basket Special Seattle Seahawks Basket! $5 Ticket (Donated By Amy Egger) Sign Up to help... at the “Picnic Center” in the Narthex or email [email protected]. Sell Raffle Tickets Work in a game booth Bring a side salad or dessert Help Set up or clean up Bake a cake for the cake walk Sign up for the talent show For more information email Debby@holyinn or call the office 788-1400