Chapter 0 - Title-Background
Chapter 0 - Title-Background
…And God said… Write a book! When Donna and Lynn stepped backwards, Barb had no idea she had just volunteered. As a matter of fact, she was halfway through Writing the book when she realized… She was ALONE! Now Lynn edited, and edited, and edited, And then she brought the tattered remains Of the book to Myrtle Beach for critical review. Then Donna and Lynn and Barb stayed up all night, And drew covers and diagrams and chose flypages, And wrestled with titles, laptops, and cranky printers. And edited and edited and edited And laughed and laughed and laughed. Sometime near daylight on the third day, They decided that errors and omissions gave The book character and charm. After all, God hates self-righteous perfectionists. And God smiled… Lynn Bruns, Slave Driver Donna Dozier, Art and Stuff Barb Kankowske, Chief Author. July 25, 2004 ! " #$ %& )& #$ '$ """"""""""""""""""% ( """"""""""""""""""""""""""* How the Spirit of This World Works Breaking Free from the World Foundation of Identification Separating the Soul’s Dominance Fear External and Internal Control Viewing People Through a Religious Lens Taking Up The Cross and Following Him World Control Demonic Workings of Control Religious Spirits Ashteroth Baal Apollyon Jezebel Sorcery The Continuing Road to Freedom Effective Weapons in the Hands of Our God !! " $ +& $ , """"")Know There is a War Know Your Enemy Lean Not on Your Own Understanding Hold Fast That Which is True Hate Your Enemy .& *& 0& $ $ / Discernment Authority Protection Knowing God’s Will Walking in the Spirit ' ( """"""""""+% $ $ """""""""""""""""".+ Prerequisites Spirit and Soul Inaudible Thought Low-Level Warfare Curses Projections of the Mind The Latent Power of the Soul Channeling Charismatic Witchcraft Prophetic vs. Psychic Occult Level Warfare Cloning Spirits Jealousy Spirits Additional Tactics Deliverance Issues $ ' ( $ ! 1 $ """""""""0% Spirit-to-Spirit Battle Blinds and Double Blinds Victims vs. Prisoners of War Conspiracy of Spirits -& $ """"""""""""""""""""02 Ministry to People The Power of Love Spiritual Preparation and Maintenance Networks of Evil Battling the Networks of Evil Atmosphere First Impressions Team Work Specialty Teams 3& ! 2& # %5& $ """"""""""""""""""""""""""3* Maintain a Spiritual View Remain Objective Disseminate the Enemy The Larger Picture Separation 4 4 6 $ """""""""""""""""""""2+ """"""""""""""""2- All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version. AMPLIFIED - Scripture taken from THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE. Old Testament copyright ©1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament copyright ©1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. # 7 #' I have known Barb Kankowske for about four years and have worked together with her for the past two years. I know her intensity, her focus and her sell-out to God. Most probably she is walking in the office of a prophet and her life is not her own. I know the hours she spends with God, and have been present with her during many of those hours. I have watched her minister to many people, separating the flesh and the demonic and speaking out what God is telling her. I have seen inner healing, deliverance and engagement. I have seen her on her knees and face down, as she was engaging the demonic. I have been with her during some demonic encounters, particularly in a meeting in Chicago when “the man on the mountain” temporarily terrorized her. I was also there as she encountered the territorial spirit as we entered Louisiana. I have watched her hug people as they let her minister to the deep places in their hearts, and I know she has spoken to leaders with information from God that no one else would have known. I have spent hours with her as she untangles “webs” and debriefs meetings and encounters. I have spent much time working out the meaning of dreams and worked with her changing atmospheres. I am one that has been encouraged by her to break loose from controls, to follow through with prophetic actions and visions and develop confidence that God is speaking to me. I have watched and worked with her as she has untangled the web of destruction over my family, and seen time and time again her prophetic words proven as accurate. I have helped edit this book, for I know she has a wealth of information that others could use. The book is so like her, point after point mixed with experiences. Probably the last chapter will “exhort” you to go much farther in God. She is real and God is using her. There is no holding her back. This book is the outcome of her striving after God to learn more and move with Him. She mentioned to me many times she was intense. I didn’t understand it then, but I do now. It is that character trait which upon seeing a problem, question or direction, she goes after the answer with all she has and as long as necessary. She doesn’t quit until it is complete. She is a warrior with an edge to the “unseen world.” Pay attention to her…I did…and it has been worth it all. Lynn Bruns # “Creation discloses God’s eternal purpose. It tells us what God is really after. God wants to have a people who will do His work so that He might rule over the earth through them.” 1 The people Jesus came to earth to establish were to be a people who would know the reality of a Kingdom not of this earth. They were to be a people to whom He could reveal His Father. These people would have authority over the usurper, the devil and all his minions. That reality of His Kingdom would cause them to transcend the false glamour of this world. It would transcend the striving after this world’s kingdoms -- whatever man would choose independent of God. That reality would enable them to follow Him. That reality would lead them to that which they alone were not capable of accomplishing…a sacrificial offering of their bodies…a willingness to lose that life for another. Have you touched that reality? Indeed you have if you were born from above. Because it touched you, you will never be the same. At that moment you were marked with the mark of God. The moment you touched that reality, the invisible enemy also marked you. You became potentially a dangerous weapon against the devil’s kingdom! Once marked, the enemy began an aggressive move to keep you controlled. He moved to blind you to the truth and freedom that you had just entered. You became the target! Attack is a two-way battle. The enemy has marked us and we are positioned in a war against him. As a target we are caught in the crosshairs of the enemy’s riflescope. He seeks the lifeblood of mankind and we overcome by the blood of the Lamb. You may be in the wilderness between Egypt and the Promised Land, having not taken possession of your full inheritance. I want to awaken you to the reality of your redemption and Sonship in God’s Kingdom! NOW IS THE TIME TO RISE UP! May you see the restraints of Satan’s kingdom and cast them off, so that you are free to walk in His authority and also free to be constrained by the Holy Spirit. You will not be controlled by the kingdoms of this world, but rather please the Lord and Him only. _____________ 1 Sentinel Kulp, The Secrets to Spiritual Power: from the writings of Watchman Nee (New Kensington: Whitaker House, 1998), 154. 8 # / ' I have a passion inside of me that often brings me to tears of frustration, aching to see the eyes of others opened and their weapons drawn. That passion was birthed out of a life that was formed by the unseen in the emotional and spiritual realm. From outward appearances I grew up in a good home. There was no physical abuse; I had loving parents and apparent normalcy. That very appearance caused a great deal of confusion to me. I had both a stronger-than-normal need for approval plus a fear of rejection, which were in contrast with my personality. In my later teen years I rebelled against a strong moral code and my own desire to know and please God. By early adulthood I had become hardened to the thought that God could have anything to do with my life. When I was born again at age 25, God immediately began to open my understanding of what natural and spiritual forces formed these conflicts in my personality. My father had lost his mother to a painful disease while he was in grammar school, and later lost a sister to alcoholism, leaving him to be raised by his strong belligerent Irish father. God showed me that this caused him to feel rejected by women. In addition, I later learned how much rejection of women came through the Irish culture. By all outside appearances I was “Daddy’s little girl.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that my father loved me with all he had; unfortunately all he had was rejection. This was confirmed quite substantially when I watched my father totally reject my threeyear-old daughter for not performing as he intended. Sometime later I was made aware, again graphically, that my father had a hatred of women, but outwardly he appeared to relate much better to women than men. This confusion was compounded in my early teen years with my father’s fear that I would shame him. Normal puberty growth was overshadowed by this oppressive fear and control. Recently, a movie showing the roots of this oppression in Ireland gave me more understanding of my Father’s behavior.1 Although my father grew up in the United States, this strong oppressive spirit of misogyny has continued through the generations, affecting my brothers and me. External love with simultaneous rejection and hatred, although unknown to my father, created learned patterns of response and reaction in me. The unseen was indeed forming my life. These very ingredients fueled the enemy’s attack, which caused me to question my emotional and mental balance. I was grateful there was no physical abuse, although I felt at times physical abuse would be easier; at least someone could see the bruises. It took great amounts of time alone with God for me to separate and rightly align my responses and reactions with the truth of who I am in Christ. The confusion it caused was intensified by the unseen in the spirit realm. I know there has been an occult assignment over my life from birth. I was hospitalized for an apparent blocked stomach at a few weeks old. My father awakened in the middle of the night and prayed a prayer for my protection. He promised to put a statue of Mary in the house and never remove it if I would be spared. The story goes that a doctor, for no apparent reason, pulled into the hospital and came to check on me. I was choking on a tube and would have died if he had not immediately corrected the situation. I had a favorite prayer throughout childhood and it served to reinforce the demonic hold. It was a Catholic prayer to Mary, that I now know is just a manifestation of the “Queen of Heaven” spirit, which has deceived people for generations. I prayed that same prayer about a marriage partner. Years later, I learned it was the exact prayer my father prayed that night! The repetition of the same prayer reinforced the legal right of the assigned spirits to remain active over my life. There is a dual assignment on those whom God desires to use in discernment areas. If Satan cannot kill you outright, he tries to get you involved in using your gifting to work on the occult side - to destroy you by any means. I believe I had an intense sensitivity to spirits as a child. I could perceive them, but since I had no knowledge or help to understand them, I blocked that sensitivity. When I was yet in grammar school I knew I could never get involved with astrology or any other such activity. I knew I would contact something! I did not know how I knew that, but obviously I had perceived spirits before. I thank God I obeyed. Even now I find times when I discern something and I have a strong sense that “I know them” and “they know me.” There has been a concerted effort, which is ongoing, to keep me from coming into a full revelation of that knowledge. The battle still lies in the mind,2 with demons doing everything they can to interfere with the mind’s ability to receive revelation God is giving, by and through the Spirit. Although I am sure there are other forms Satan uses to block individuals, this battle of the mind has been the major arena of attack since my early years. A number of years ago in Toronto one of the speakers spoke and confirmed that to me. He told me that Satan had tried to kill me for three generations. He was stating that Satan had thrown his best at me and not succeeded, so I need not fear. As I thought about this I could say it was true. It started with my grandfather fleeing Ireland for fear of his life. Then my father was put on the roof to die as a newborn. He had an enlarged heart and was having trouble breathing. The doctor had his mother put him outside to get more air and die in peace. This was in late November. The doctor left and my grandmother retrieved my father and he lived. The speaker went on to say God had put a nation on my heart and to listen to Him. Indeed that very morning God had put the United States on my heart. The assignment on my life has involved mental abuse, spiritual torment, fear and control. God has unveiled the tentacles that have covered me, and the control patterns that were used. Those patterns were set in place from early childhood and carried through adult years. Wherever there are abuse and control spirits they network together. When we marry or join a group we have dynamics of relationship plus issues that we bring into the situation. Separating those issues from present situations is difficult enough without the added demonic assignments. Is it any wonder that Christians have such problems with unity? It has taken a determined, aggressive fight over the years for me to separate natural and spiritual, and to separate what might be my problem or what is outside of myself. I have had to break both internal and external issues that allowed control. I have known all along that God has used this to form me to be what He needed for the battle in the heavenlies and among men. We have no authority over that which has power over us. This book shares some of what I have gleaned in the battle, with much more to be learned. I had no thought to write a book and only agreed as the Lord showed me I must release what I have been given, so He can show me more. This was confirmed in a recent prophetic word which stated God was releasing pens from heaven to write, and that He would then give more revelation. With the reassurance of both my personal word and the confirmation, I am writing this and pray it may be of some help to those who now press into the battle. How does one begin to prepare the canvas on which to paint a picture of the possibilities of the unseen? If you were writing fiction or making a movie you would have such liberty, but trying to establish a working canvas which is far from fiction, and yet subjective, and having the necessity to be seen with the eyes of the spirit, is a far more difficult task. May the Holy Spirit be gracious and allow such a picture to take form for His purposes and revelation. As a young Christian I learned the importance of spending time with the Father in the morning watch, which I have done for 29 years. I seemed to especially enjoy asking God questions about situations and difficulties around me and for those for whom I prayed. About ten years ago the Lord spoke to me about setting aside several hours each day with Him. I quit work and obediently sat before Him. I believe the understanding for my ministry and this book are the results of hours of listening and working with God. Roughly two years ago, I read about Mary Garrison’s gift of discerning of spirits and how it operated through her.3 I found this gift to be functioning much the same way in myself as well. I could separate the person from demonic influences. Also, over the years I developed a filing system of information. When I would pray, the Holy Spirit would quicken some aspect from my many files and enable me to understand the problem or the needed action or prayer. The gift of discerning of spirits, coupled with my files, enabled me to work with the person and bring understanding, love, deliverance, healing or counsel as the Lord directed. Now God has called me to a more specific area, working with intercessors, leaders and prophets. I know that I am also to equip the saints, so I pray this work will be an asset to God’s end time army. Out of a desire to bring a clearer understanding of the unseen world, I have included facts, theories and experiences. My hope is that it will enable you to work in the Spirit with more understanding. 1 The Magdalena Sisters (video), 2004, Miramax Productions. Amp 2 Cor. 10: 4-5 3 Mary Garrison, How to Conduct Spiritual Warfare As I See It , (Hudson: 1980), pp. 9-11. 2 And you [He made alive], when you were dead [slain] by [your] trespasses and sins In which at one time you walked habitually. You were following the course and fashion of this world – were under the sway of the tendency of this present age – following the prince of the power of the air. (You were obedient to him and were under his control,) the [demon] spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience – the careless, the rebellious and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God… But God ! … Even when we were dead [slain] by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ… And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together – giving us joint seating with Him – in the heavenly sphere… Eph 2:1-6 AMP Although everything that Jesus accomplished through His death, resurrection and ascension is a finished fact, it must be applied by faith to our lives. The book of Joshua and the book of Ephesians are parallel books, in that one is the literal taking of the Promised Land and the other is the spiritual taking of the land. One is fought with weapons of earth, and the other with spiritual weapons. In Exodus we see a generation, which refused to have faith, perish in the wilderness. In Joshua the next generation is about to enter into the Promised Land with the two faithful spies Joshua and Caleb. It is to be noted that only two entered the Promised 1 Land out of thousands! There is much reference in the last ten years of those being trained in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness and entering into the Promised Land are two distinct passages. Let us learn from those before us so that we may not perish in the wilderness from doubt and unbelief! What is the rite of passage to which I am referring? It is taking the freedom that Jesus Christ purchased with His blood and bringing it to bear on every area of our lives. It is a declaration of war! We, like Paul, bear the dying of Jesus in our bodies that the life of Christ may come forth. We take up the cross daily, dying to all that is of the old man so the life of Christ might shine through us for His purposes. It is of utmost importance to remember that the Bible starts in Genesis by declaring war with God’s archenemy. God had a plan for a race of people with whom He could dwell. That purpose is ongoing, with the cross as a redemptive measure in the midst of that plan. The Book of Revelation completes the story begun in Genesis, of the battle between good and evil being waged on earth. In the war with His enemy, God has always used the principle of using only a few to overcome the enemy’s multitudes. We see this principle as the Priests stand in the Red Sea allowing the people to pass over, in God’s choice of one man, Abraham, to call out a nation, and in the reduction of soldiers for Gideon’s army. God uses those who overcome to bring His Remnant Church through. The rewards of overcoming are seen repeatedly in the book of Revelation. We make a choice to be overcomers. We choose to deny the things of this world and live totally for the Lord. As we break free of the things that weigh us down, we gain authority over the enemy. Control is primary in this battle: world control, external and internal control, and the desire of our own soul for control. This is a formidable battle, and the journey will uncover many masked and hidden fears, ungodly agendas and opportunities for deeper commitment to the Lord. We have one life to live and one life to give. Let it be given wholly to the only One who is worthy, the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 God has always desired to dwell with man. This is seen in the Garden of Eden, in the wilderness of Sinai; and finds its fulfillment in the Book of Revelation where the tabernacle of God is with man and God Himself is with man.1 Is it possible that the freedom from control is the rite of passage into the deep places in God? 1 KJV Ex 29:45-46; Rev 21:3 3 4 All I know is that there is a satanic power behind every worldly thing. How vital therefore for every Christian to have a clear revelation of the spirit of the world in order to appreciate how real is the danger to which he is continually exposed.1 When God comes to you and me with a revelation of the finished work of Christ, He not only shows us ourselves there on the cross, He shows us our world is there too. I do not try to escape a world that clings to me; I see that by the cross I have escaped it.2 Let’s picture the spirit of this world like Diagram I. Most supreme is God who is over all things. Next is Satan who has usurped dominion over the earth from Adam. Under Satan’s rule are systems: political, economic and religious. These systems are interconnected and control people through the use of fear. We are speaking of the spiritual dimension behind the physical world. We are going to look at this diagram from two directions: (1) how the world works on individuals and (2) how the individual breaks free from the world. Satan exalted himself, desiring to be like the Most High God. Because of that, he was cast out of heaven down to the earth. Satan’s goal has not changed, and he works behind the world’s systems to ultimately control man. 1 John 5:19 Amp states that the whole world [around us] is under the power of the evil one. Ephesians states that those who are unredeemed are under the control of the Prince of the Power of the Air. 3 Satan’s goal is to rule using a one-world government and a one-world religion. 5 Much of the atmosphere in the world is fear based! Control works with, and attaches itself to, fear. Fear appears in such subtle forms that we hardly recognize it. It works among the weak and the strong and, permeates the cosmos. This fear is liebased. We have bought into the lie that God is not good and you cannot trust Him. The lie began in Genesis with Satan’s questioning God, and insinuating that God was withholding something good from man. Satan and his systems work by using man’s sinful, self-centered nature. He convinces us that we must be master. Thinking we are free and masters of our own fate, we work our way into deeper and deeper layers of control by the enemy. For example, in the political realm, whole groups of people are controlled by the fear of a few tyrants. Those rulers control through the economy, the religion and the political system itself. People are held in fear for their very sustenance and life. We can see the interconnection of these systems by looking at these nations; but Satan works the same way through the very same systems in free societies; however it is veiled to most. Because of our reliance on political, economic and religious systems, instead of God, we often voluntarily come under the control of these systems, before their entrapment is revealed to us. The only way of escape from the spirit of the world is through the cross. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. (Gal 6:14) We reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.4 We must walk it out daily, ever watchful for the intrusion of our own soul and its desire for control. The Holy Spirit must be in control through our spirit, with our soul as a bondservant directing our body. The truth is 6 that only Jesus Christ can live the Christian life. He, through the Holy Spirit, lives His life out in us. Everything else will end in either frustration and failure or self-righteousness. As we begin to identify who we are in Christ, and apply those truths by faith, we receive the power to live a life unto God. With that foundation in place we can separate the desires of the new man in Christ from our own soul’s dominance. Perhaps it would be helpful to give some personal background for an understanding of identification truths. I was raised in the Catholic tradition, which was different from the Protestant tradition. I was instructed in the moral code from the Ten Commandments and going to confession. Catholicism is a works-oriented religion with many teachings that are not found in scripture. It differs greatly from other Christian denominations in that many Catholics follow a few basic rules; and outside of those, they just live their lives with no sense of judgment by the Church or one another. As a young adult I reached a crisis that I did not understand. I believed in the truth about Jesus and wanted to be right with God. I also knew my lifestyle had moved from that which would please God, but saw no solution. If I went to confession, I was saying I would change. The problem was I didn’t want to change. What I did not know was that I had no power to change! With this dilemma strongly on my mind, I moved farther and farther away from God. At the age of 25 God made His Presence known to me and I was drawn to Him. I went to a seminar introducing the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This was at the time of the Charismatic Revival and the Catholic Church was being visited by God’s mighty move. I immediately went to my parents’ attic to find a Bible. Finding that parts of Genesis were missing, my Dad commented that we didn’t need it anyway. For several years I grew in my knowledge of the Holy Spirit and the great joy of knowing Jesus. For us, I 7 believe there was a freedom not known by other traditions. We had simple rules and lived life. Now the light of the love of Jesus came in and there was joy and freedom. There was also such openness without fear, at least for myself. I had loved God as a child and would have come to know Him if I had correctly received the Gospel. When our group changed leadership and the oppression of tradition began to move in, I left that prayer meeting and Catholicism. I had long disagreed with the teaching that did not align with the Word of God and could not return to it. After several years I found my way into a Protestant church. It is at this point that there would begin a crisis that would lead me into the freedom of allowing Christ to live His life through me. That crisis would be formed by the convergence of two major factors. The first factor was the wounding and fear that had formed my personality – rejection. The second factor was my understanding that God could only accept me when I performed correctly. Now there were so many more rules to follow among the Protestants! It is unfortunate that most people receive Jesus without ever being told not to try to live the Christian life. They are instead told to make Him Lord and forsake those things that are “clearly wrong.” Unfortunately, that right and wrong can differ from group to group, all under the name of “Christian!” God was gracious to me though, and the pastor introduced the works of Charles Solomon. His writings on the Rejection Syndrome5 and Handbook to Happiness6 speak of the crisis of the soul and our need to realize that we cannot live the Christian life. There is also excellent material on this subject in the book, The Normal Christian Life.7 As the pressures increased with outside fears of rejection I came to my place of crisis. I believe it was a place where I could have had a mental breakdown. Because the truth was in place, the Holy Spirit could then open the revelation of Eph 1:4. My version of that verse is this: Before I could do anything right or wrong, I was already accepted in Christ Jesus!!! What was quickened to me was that I could not be rejected by God 8 …I was already chosen, seen as holy and above reproach in Christ -- no works necessary!! That same teaching explained that my job was to “reckon” myself already dead and daily roll the care of living like Christ over onto the Holy Spirit. In other words…stop trying!!! I was to take my hands off of myself and let God change what He saw fit to change or, heaven forbid, NOT to change! Most people never come to this place of “reckoning” and “identifying” with Christ, believing Him to live His life through them. Instead, they live a life of striving to do right. Unfortunately, most come to this place only by a “crisis.” In the book The Merismos, it says we: …need to understand that the soul does not want to be changed, not even to conform to the image of Christ. The spirit man may understand the need to change, but the soul – which has been “programmed” from birth with the social, cultural, and environmental thought patterns and habits of behavior of the natural world – will fight to maintain the status quo. Instinctive survival mechanisms are triggered by attempt to change body or soul habits just the same as if a person actually was under a physical attack. The result is inner conflict, or the feeling of fighting oneself. It may seem like trying to paddle a boat upstream against the current.8 Adam and Eve’s disobedience brought upon humanity the whole soulish world… The soul man became a recipe for selfishness, a world of selfishness personified. The ingredients are self-indulgence, self-preservation, selfdefense, self-motivation, self-centeredness, selfappreciation, self-love, self-adoration and self-worship. The soul is self, and self is the soul. The soul is man’s personality. It is himself.9 9 The soul is independent. Everything that can be done without depending upon and waiting on God is the work of the soul. The soul goes to the tree of knowledge of good and evil because it appeals to the intellect. In Genesis when Adam and Eve are placed in the garden God commands them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan comes and tells Eve that it is good to eat. It will cause her to know good and evil and be like God. God never intended Adam and Eve to know good or evil or to take upon them the deciding between the two. God intended them to be totally led and dependent upon Him. That same lie still holds true today. We are tempted to want to know the difference. How can a heart that is totally corrupted and full of evil 10 discern the difference? Our fallen man is wickedly deceitful. When we depend on our intellect to understand and follow God’s Word without the leading and revelation of the Holy Spirit confirmed by the Word, we are eating of the tree of knowledge and deciding through our soul what is good and evil. Our soul (mind, will and emotions) has been in rule for many years. It does not want to be brought into servanthood to the spiritual man under the control of the Holy Spirit. Our mind wants to choose and decide! We want to be in control… We feel safe when we believe we are “in control” but there is nothing farther from the truth. Only when God leads us are we safe… Our only safety is in His will. With all its hiding places, fear forms an insidious enemy. We call it concern, care, nervousness, worry, insecurity, intimidation and a myriad of other titles. We must come to terms with fear’s power and the access it allows both to our soul and to demons. Every place where there is fear, there is very likely control. • • When we are afraid, we can be controlled. When we are afraid, we will try to control. 10 Control uses fear. The airways are filled with fear. “Bowling for Columbine,”11 a recent documentary, started out with a desire to understand America’s love affair with guns. By the end of the documentary, Michael Moore concluded that we were a society full of fear. Despite being in the media himself, in the “features” included with the video, he told the audience that they needed to turn their televisions off! He concluded that America was being controlled by fear. Fear and control form a tangled web which we weave; and they are also woven about us. Is it any wonder that the Bible speaks of fear as a spirit!12 Fear paralyzes and makes external control easy. These webs are layered over our lives, control inside of control, external and internal, layer upon layer. Most often these layers started in childhood. At first sight they seem like a tangled ball of strings, which lay heavy upon us. It seems impossible to ever untangle it. We presume we are hopelessly caught. External control can come from the systems noted in Diagram I or from individuals or groups. This control can be obvious or very subtle. For example, we often try to control our children “for their good” or “for their training.” Although there are very valid training and protection measures, there are also many damaging measures. We really may demand a certain action by them so we are not embarrassed. Another area of control can be with our mates, either to control or be subject to their control. Further control can be seen in misuse of leadership. Internal control is what we think we should do. People who are internally controlled have their own codes of right and wrong, do’s and don’ts, and are governed by them. This is not to be confused with the fruit of the Spirit, self-control, because the source of the fruit is from God the Holy Spirit, not our own soul. 11 Ultimately God has to break the control we hold over ourselves. Breaking that control allows God His true place in our lives. We can experience freedom from having to “be in control”. When we come into that freedom, we will realize the amount of energy we had to expend to maintain that control, and what liberty we can enjoy. One must keep in mind that in principle, most of the motivations behind control may be correct. It is the source that is incorrect and thus must be broken. That source goes back to self or the soul’s rule over life instead of God’s sovereign rule. In reality it is for our self-comfort, care of the opinions of others, our fear of man, fear of hurt, our pride, self-righteousness or stubbornness. The list can go on and on – the point being, it is “self serving”. One very strong control source is wielded through religion. Remember, religion is the enemy of relationship. What we are called into, as Christians, is a relationship, a right relationship to a loving God through His Son Jesus Christ. God has judged our Adamic life to be totally corrupted. He delivered sentence to that flesh according to His law on the Cross of Jesus. Through that cross we are sentenced and the price is paid. In His resurrection Jesus opens the way for His life to empower us to walk and live pleasing to God. That is why we are told to reckon ourselves dead unto sin but alive unto God through Christ Jesus. We often judge others and ourselves by religious standards. Realize that God will lead you into situations intentionally designed to break you of your soul life with its self-imposed control and the fear of man. It is extremely important to realize that we can intentionally avoid the work of the cross (obedience to God and death to self) in our lives, resulting in another 40 years around Mt. Sinai. God will break, train and strengthen us through adversity IF we willingly submit to His work of the cross. 12 Murmuring and complaint (out of doubt and unbelief) were the prevailing attitudes in the wilderness; but the attitude of the cross is to suffer silently (from a spirit of faith and trust in the Father) for the greater good of our spiritual growth and the good of the Kingdom. When we are in control we do everything to “look correct” according to our own perceived view. For some it is conformity to a particular group’s opinion, while for others, it is completely the opposite – rebellion against any form. These two extremes, and all the in-betweens when decided by us, still come out of the same source: self. God cares little of how this world views you. To be a friend of the world is [to be] the enemy of God.13 We are to follow the path of the Master. Jesus was a man acquainted with rejection, scorned by man and seen as rejected by God.14 And the disciple is not above his master.15 The Bible is full of apparent contradictions when understood by the intellect and not the revelation of the Holy Spirit. It is never meant to be a manual so man can walk by it. Man is not to walk by the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the written Word), but by the tree of life (the spoken Word of the Spirit). The Bible needs to be studied and used to confirm what we are hearing as God’s direction. This walk takes total dependence on the Holy Spirit and not our own ability to discern good from evil. This walk comes only when we give God control. And that control will lead us to the cross!! We must trust and obey! The way of the cross is simply “obedience to God unto death.” Therein we encounter the real core of fear – self-protection. We do not want to die! Our soul will create a furious fight for control and will use many religious and justifiable arguments to keep that from happening. Freedom will take a heart cry of continued affirmation of choice for God’s ways and His truth, no matter what the cost to those we love -- or ourselves. God will have no other gods before Him and will indeed expose all our idolatry. 13 Obedience to God will often lead us in ways people do not understand or approve. It will often lead us to look foolish or in error. I experienced this personally about seven years ago. God led me through what appeared to be a series of mistakes. It was during the peak of the outpouring in Toronto, Canada and Brownsville, Florida, and I was hungry for God and everything He had. I was in an Assembly of God church, administrating Sunday School and writing my own materials for the adult class. God was moving powerfully in the class altar calls, but I felt the church leadership desired only a small (mitigated) portion of what God would give to those willing to receive. Another Assembly of God was preparing to plant churches, and apparently open to all God was doing, so we visited. At the evening service there were only about twelve people, and I thought “God, you wouldn’t send me here would you?” The answer came quickly. The Lord spoke “what makes you think I didn’t send you here to help usher in revival?” Obediently, we transferred churches. We remained there only nine months. I was welcomed as a “fireball,” because of my anointing; however the same anointing became a threat to the leadership. We left there and went into a home setting, started a church plant, and this time left after eighteen months. God had used all of the moves to bring me to the place He desired me to be – eventually owning and occupying the same building where He spoke to me about ushering in revival. If you had been watching from the outside you would have surely thought I had missed it at every turn. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In the last year at the church plant I went through the hottest fire of my life, which included the suffering and death of my mother. I had spent many years trying to be accepted by the church system and had finally achieved a momentary success with ordination, only to watch it fall apart. As I literally walked out the door of the last church, I realized there was a “system.” Man built it, and God had just delivered me from it! I left with only one thing on my heart. It was a vision I received of being a resource center for the Body of Christ – gathering and connecting intercessors, ministering to leaders and networking 14 with prophets from several states. Only that vision remained after the “fire” of that year. My husband and I thought of renting a place to begin, despite the fact that I did not think I was an intercessor! We simultaneously thought of the building where we started a few years before – where God had spoken to me about helping to usher in revival. It had been for sale for a year. My husband received a prophecy months earlier that God would provide added finances for the sake of His Kingdom. It came to pass, and we were able to purchase that building, which now is home to Midway Ministries. God’s desire is for us to be totally sold out to Him. The cross (total obedience to God) can and will bring you into man’s judgment and it can be painful. We are controlled by the standards of this world. There are spoken and unspoken networks that scream “conform to this, look like that.” We are controlled by the want of approval, controlled by rejection, controlled from within and without, controlled and unable to see any hope of freedom! We must come to the place where we refuse to play the game anymore – where there is nothing inside us that can be controlled. We must come to the place where we take hold of the freedom with which Christ has set us free, and then submit ourselves to His control. The right to self-government. The beginning of the fight to be free of control looks just like that. In reality, it is the freedom to be a slave of Christ. The enemy may tell us that we are in rebellion or insubordinate, but in truth, we are taking our freedom back only to present ourselves completely to the control of the Holy Spirit. You will either take the freedom and submit yourselves to God’s control, or be deceived and bring yourself even further into the depths of the control of the spirit of lawlessness. 15 Thus far we have looked at the control exerted through the world systems and how fear is used to control the masses. We have looked at the webs in which we become entangled, both by controlling and being controlled. We have looked at the cross, as the deliverance God provides from sin, this world, and our own soul life. We have looked at the power of identifying with Christ’s life. We must have victory over the forces around us to be able to exercise authority over the devil and his forces. The Church of Jesus Christ is to rise up in the victory won by our King, and to bring the Kingdom of God to bear on the usurper of this present age. We are in a war! We have two choices: we stand up and fight, or we lie down and die! There is no neutral place in this war. God is looking for those who will rise up as overcomers. Indeed there are hosts of demons that work in the network of control. Remember, God desires a people who freely choose to worship Him, but Satan will use any means possible to intercept and gain that worship. There are spirits that work together in common groupings to control. One such grouping involves witchcraft, mind control and mind binding. Several years ago the Lord revealed to me that I had been under an occult attack for many months. Fuel for the attack was coming through the misdirected prayers and soul power of intercessors working with our ministry. I am sure there are multiple workings of mind control. The ways in which it worked on me, however, would cause me to dismiss my discernment. Those spirits worked on me so that instead of confronting something I was discerning, I would brush it off by accepting the intercessors’ excuses. Later I inquired of the Lord as to what my problem could have been. If I had discernment and yet allowed so many instances to be dismissed, I needed to know what was wrong. The immediate answer God gave me was that I was under very strong mind control. 16 A control spirit demands attention. One way to recognize this spirit in operation is to take note when you are constantly being distracted by thoughts about someone. That spirit causes you to be overly distracted and concerned about that person’s opinion, thought, approval etc. Spirits of fear work with intimidation. Although this should be obvious, they work in such a way as to cause us to think we are inadequate, timid, etc. Remember, spirits hide their activities under the thoughts and personality traits of others and ourselves. We need to train ourselves to think in terms of who we are in Christ. We can then take every thought captive that does not align with who we are in Christ. Knowing and using identification truths is a necessary defensive weapon. In an article by Chuck D. Pierce “15 Ways to Remove the Enemy’s Covering,” Chuck acknowledges the covering that occult spirits put over us. He begins by paraphrasing Ezekiel 28. He was the model of perfection and covered and adorned with every type of jewel… He was anointed as a guardian cherub and overshadowed or covered every place he walked…until wickedness was found in him. Then he was filled with violence. His heart became proud on account of his beauty. He corrupted wisdom and through the abundance of commerce was filled with lawlessness and violence. Through this, he desecrated sanctuaries. He states that we must address this covering in prayer. The covering is related to occult spirits. Then he says Satan creates occult lines (geometric lines throughout the earth), and uses magic and devious words to hide his place from sight. He uses the atmosphere around us to conceal his plan. He creates a veil. Later under the topic of removing the evil one’s veil, Mr. Pierce states: 17 Many of us have a hard time seeing the enemy’s snare that has been strategically planted on our path of life. Therefore, we step in this tangled web and spend much of our time struggling to free ourselves from his distractions and plan of conforming. Before a recent trip I had a most unusual dream. In the dream, a companion and I entered a very large room, which appeared like an expensive library you might see in a mansion. A mature man dressed in a suit who appeared to be a minister approached us. My companion inquired as to what kind of a place this was and he appeared indignant at having been asked the question. She was promptly told that this was a chapel. He proceeded to tell her that everyone was accepted in this place, even the Baptists. In my mind I knew that there were cult religions in this place also, and they were under the guise of accepting everyone. He escorted the two of us into another room that appeared dark and discothèque like. While the music played, three women began to dance around me, very close to my body, in a swirling manner. I asked my companion if she was going to join them by taking off her clothes and laying on the floor. Then I woke up. This dream began my efforts to understand the spirit of Ashteroth. In the book Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom16 by J. P. Timmons, he describes several spirits. She is a demonic angel often called the Queen of Heaven. She frequently works with Baal and is associated with him. Together they work with the principality Apollyon in the promotion of false religion. They are the heads of the religious spirits operating throughout the world today. In highlevel spiritual warfare it may be important to come against them by name. She is represented in: 17 18 • • • • • • Nature religions in paganism - crop festivals, sacrifices, occultism, astrology and divination (fortune telling) As earth goddess in Africa and Asia - in charge of ancestor worship (There are sacrifices of firstborn children to Ashteroth.) As Queen of Heaven - the ability to give children As Earth goddess – power in herbs and plants used for magical potions and medicines given to herbalists and witch doctors In satanic healings As a moon goddess She is called by such names as: • • • • • • • • • • Diana of Ephesians Venus – goddess of love Rhea – the Olympian mother of gods Isi – the moon goddess of India Isis – by Egyptians for fertility Shing Mao – mother of China Irene – goddess of peace in Greece Holy Mother of God – Roman Catholics Madonna – honored in the art world Queen of Heaven She is associated with the secret societies of the Freemasons and the Rosicrucian’s. She is represented as a beautiful woman carrying a child. This is her appeal to mankind as fertility goddess. She is also represented as a pregnant woman. It is interesting that a few days after the dream about the chapel, I had another dream involving a pregnant woman. The whole focus of the dream was about this pregnancy and I could see the baby inside the womb. The influence of Ashteroth can be seen in the current religious movement of “we accept and love everyone.” People are “sacrificed” when leaders use other people’s gifting with no concern for the individual. This spirit is not easily recognized 19 because it is “sweet,” and the people under its control seem to be in a “la-la” land. It was represented in my dream by the remark that everyone is accepted, religious, cultic, or secular. However, if it is confronted, you will see how vicious it can be. Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Ashteroth is also worshipped by the Phoenicians who called her Astarte. Solomon introduced the worship of this idol (1 Kings 11:33). Jezebel’s 400 priests were probably employed in its service (1 Kings 18:19). It is interesting to note that in Timmons’ book, he associates Baal as working with another spirit he calls Abaddon, which like Apollyon, means eternal destruction. This spirit works to influence parties and discotheques by creating an atmosphere for alcoholism and sexual immorality. How fitting of my dream with the discotheque atmosphere, the very close dancing and the inquiry to my companion of removing all clothes to join them. Again as described in Timmons’ book, Baal is the power worshipped by the Canaanites as God. His form is a bull – half man, half bull. Astheroth is the goddess of fertility, while Baal is the god of fertility also known as the sun god. In Egypt he is known as the Son of the Nile or Ra. He promotes religious prostitution and shrine prostitutes. As sun god he taught mankind the hypnotic and psychological effects of light, as seen in strobe lighting. His symbol is the sun or a star. As with Ashteroth it is no accident that many Islamic nations portray a star, crescent moon or both on their flags. Baal has also been called Orion. Baal is the star not only of Eastern religions in Mecca but also secret societies. Baal is the all-seeing eye of Freemasonry and the third eye of the Eastern religions. Hindu women tattoo their foreheads where the third eye is located. In India Baal is known as Iswara of the Hindu religion and forbids the eating of the cow, a symbol of the Greater Witches. 20 Timmons further explains that Apollyon is Greek for eternal destruction. The main function of this principality is to promote false religion. He works to turn people away from God through idolatry. Any idol worship is false worship, and anything can be an idol. In America, most people have idols of money, sex, or sports. Whatever you spend the most time doing and thinking about is your god. God has been speaking to me about every idol coming down in the last few months. Most especially the subtle idols we hold sacred, including self and family, more than the plans and purposes of God. The book of Romans speaks of worshipping the creature more than the creator and its by-product of perversion. I felt I could confirm Timmons’ information regarding the association of those three spirits from the understanding the Lord had given me. I had been working on understanding the spirit of destruction for almost two years. Now God was bringing to my awareness the spirits of Ashteroth and Baal. I believe that one spirit can be called by different names as is seen with Ashteroth. So too Apollyon can obviously be called destruction. I have heard that same spirit called Molech. Baal, Ashteroth and Molech are commonly worshipped in the Old Testament. There are many books written on the Jezebel spirit. This spirit is commonly described as liking female characteristics and working through mental and sexual seduction to control. Over the years I have seen the rise in the mention of this spirit directly synchronizing with the power of God being made manifest. Most people are familiar with the fact that in the Old Testament Elijah was in direct conflict with Queen Jezebel. We have thus come to understand that the “spirit of Elijah” (prophecy) was and will be confronted by the Jezebel spirit. 21 Despite often hearing of this spirit I found it difficult to define. One encounter when Jezebel was apparent to me was after a conference where I had been a speaker. That prophetic conference ended on Saturday and we stayed for the morning church service on Sunday. As worship proceeded, I noticed a man smiling and seemingly enjoying the worship that was enhanced by the team that remained for the service. I also noted that a homosexual spirit was over him. I had no knowledge of whether he was actively participating; only that it was present around him. This information I confirmed with the conference leader, who had the same discernment over this man. As was my custom, I moved among the people as God led me, whether for prayer or a word of prophecy. I approached this smiling man and inquired about giving him a word I felt I had for him. That is when everything changed! He reeled around and angrily told me not to touch him or speak to him. It was a vicious attack from a seemingly open and accepting worshipper. I was stunned. I later learned that he was the former “on staff prophet” who had lived in the parsonage next door. I realized I had just encountered a Jezebel spirit, which was indeed using the spirit of homosexuality over the man (feminine characteristics). I now believe that the Jezebel spirit is a corporate entity composed of several spirits: the control spirits of witchcraft (which works on the emotions) and sorcery (which works on the thought life), leviathan (pride), divination (fortune telling) and religion. Its power is much greater than most people realize. That spirit works together with the spirits of false religion, Baal and Ashteroth, either openly or seductively in the background. The Bible clearly tells us that God’s ways are not our ways. In Job, God speaks to Eliphaz the Temanite of His wrath being kindled against him and against his two friends for not speaking as correctly as Job had.19 Indeed we are told the wisdom of man is foolishness to God.20 Despite this admonition in the Word of God there is a spirit that works on man’s mind, causing him to believe that what is of God must be understood. This is the spirit of sorcery. 18 22 When I was first born again, I was in a church tradition that embraced mystery. There was acceptance of the fact that there are many things that could not be understood. In those early days I experienced great liberty to commune with God and move as He directed without looking for corresponding proof of that leading. After leaving that tradition and entering the Protestant tradition, much of that freedom was eroded. The erosion was subtle and I was unaware of its working. As God moved me from the more concrete arena of working with groups and individuals, I found an intense mental struggle evolving. How could I validate that my time in prayer and traveling was a legitimate use of God’s time and money? What did I have to show for it? What fruit was evident, if any? Mental attacks pounded like the waves of an ocean against the shore during the two years that God continued to lead me into the wilderness, away with Him. Desperate for a measuring gauge, I finally decided to use “revelation.” If I had been successful, I would have revelation from the Lord. This presented some relief, but it too was attacked. I questioned others whose opinions I respected as to what my problem might be. I am, by personality type, a spontaneous person. My spiritual history was marked by prophetic freedom; I had loved to work in areas in which no one had yet set “concrete” rules in place. I found those areas allowed me freedom in the Holy Spirit. I had given others an opportunity to “practice” the prophetic with no fear of being rebuked in our meetings. I was perplexed as my freedom eroded and my experiences conflicted with who I was as a person. God revealed to me that I had been under the influence of the spirit of sorcery, which was presenting itself as man’s idea that everything must be understood. When I was released from having to validate all of God’s leading, I began to experience freedom once again. When light enters, darkness must flee. We must have a total trust relationship with the Holy Spirit, free of fear of man, so that He can lead us wherever He wills. 23 The Christian journey is one of continuing revelation and freedom. As we choose to be His disciples, God reveals truth and the truth sets us free.21 James 1 in the Amplified tells us that we deceive ourselves by reasoning contrary to the truth. We need to develop a heart attitude that chooses truth, no matter what the personal cost. Deception gives no place of safety, just a place of access to demonic spirits. Sometimes, however, our emotions cling to such places in fear because the responsibility of truth is action. We will be responsible for what we know, and for willful refusal of knowledge.22 We need to yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him full access to lead us out of deception. We must affirm our choice of truth and ask God to reveal any area we see incorrectly by deceiving ourselves or being deceived by erroneous teachings or belief systems. We need to choose to walk in that truth no matter how painful to our flesh, or how afraid we may be. When we were involved in marriage ministry there was a strong emphasis on the one-flesh relationship of husband and wife. It had gotten out of balance, however, and I was trying to tell another leader that she was dealing with demonic issues in her mate, and that she should war against this alone. That was unacceptable to her, as everything being taught was unity and sharing. I looked like a heretic, or worse yet, a rebellious woman. I realized at this point that if I did not leave the ministry, my anointing would be totally shut down through judgment and “correction.” Several years later those very leaders came to the knowledge that personal issues must be dealt with before two can walk together in agreement. Had I remained, I would have suffered great loss. Most deception enters in because of some fear – fear of man, fear of anger, fear of judgment, fear of mistakes, etc. Thus you are already controlled by something other than the Holy Spirit. You 24 trust your own ability or someone else more than you trust a Holy Loving God! When we begin to work against the control in our lives, God will expose many levels, beneath the obvious ones, since many areas are only the “first defense” system. Inside one apparent issue may lie many other issues which the Holy Spirit will expose, one by one. Do not be discouraged; God is faithful and will bring you into glorious freedom. That is the greatest joy – God controlling you! Only as we are free ourselves, can we help a brother in bondage. We have Christians striving to bring change at all levels, who are not yet free themselves. Jesus did not come to overpower Rome; he came to bring His Kingdom that was not of this world. This troubled his disciples because they did not understand. Confusion still reigns today for the same reason. Once we are freed, there is a transfer of authority and power that is administered by the government of His Kingdom over the government of the usurper. That is the location of the real battle: Satan’s kingdom against God’s Kingdom. Praying and warring in that spiritual reality will affect areas which all of our fleshly striving will never accomplish. These warriors are indeed like “revolutionaries” who bring a revolution by coming against the control imposed upon a people. We are to overcome the control imposed upon mankind by an evil kingdom that is not flesh and blood. 1 Watchman Nee, Finest of the Wheat – Vol. 2 (NY: Christian Fellowship Pub Inc, 1993) p. 233. 2 Ibid. p. 230. 3 Eph. 2:2 4 Rom 6:11 25 5 Charles R. Solomon, The Rejection Syndrome. Charles R. Solomon, The Handbook to Happiness (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1971). 7 Watchman Nee, Normal Christian Life (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1977). 8 Randy Shankle, The Merismos (Springdale: Whitaker House, 1987). 9 Ibid. 10 Jer 17:9 11 Michael Moore “Bowling for Columbine” (MGM, 2002). 12 2 Tim 1:7 13 Jas 4:4 14 Isa 53:3-4 15 Mat 10:44 16 J. P. Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom (1991). 17 Jer 7:18; 44:17-19, 25 18 Isa 55:8 19 Job 42:7 20 1 Cor 1:25 21 Jn 8:31-32 22 Hos 4:6 6 26 There is a popular Hosanna Music song entitled “War in the Heavenlies” which states, We are going up to the high places where only the strong survive!1 Make no mistake in your thinking; any level of advancement in understanding the wiles of the enemy is greatly resisted. We must prepare for war! Any weak areas you have will be uncovered by the enemy, but have no fear, God is using it all to prepare you for use in His army. Just as God chose 300 from thousands to fight the enemy with Gideon, He is calling out warriors who will fearlessly fight to advance His Kingdom. Have you read the book, This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti?2 If not, I highly recommend it. It paints a very good picture of the spiritual world around us and is a good beginning if you are unfamiliar with thinking about the unseen. It is a work of fiction that is based on interviews with missionaries and others who have experienced the unseen and the unexplainable. My husband and I were involved in a marriage ministry that recommended reading the book. When I discovered it was fiction, I rejected reading it. I am a ‘fact’ person. Later, thinking we were told it was mandatory reading, I purchased the book. It was a “God twist of fate”, however, for it was never assigned to us, but I read it. I cried as I read situations that I had literally walked through. It seems the enemy has a uniquely laid out torment for those who can perceive his unseen realm. There is a constant accusation and threat “you are crazy”, and/or that he will push you over the edge into insanity. This threat I knew well! 27 But this book confirmed to me that this was a normal state of affairs for those with spiritual discernment. Know your enemy. Know his threats, know his abilities, know his limitations and stand strong in your authority. I recently saw a movie that involved psychiatry and the supernatural. There was an interesting statement in the movie after the supernatural disturbed the natural man’s ideas of how the mind worked. The statement was, “Logic is overrated!” There is indeed logic in the spirit, but it is of the Holy Spirit, and not of man’s intellect. The western world and the western church have moved into more and more intellectualism and moved away from spiritual revelation. Corinthians3 speaks of the spiritual man discerning all things; those things are the things of God and the spiritual realm. The occult world has been empowered, in my opinion, because of this powerless condition of the church. The lost world perceives there must be more, and feels the vacuum of spiritual power, with the void being gladly met by demons filling the airways with false prophetic words and counterfeit signs and wonders. The church of Jesus Christ needs to arise now while there is time, and turn away from those who have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof.4 I will rarely buy or read a book on spiritual warfare unless it is recommended by someone I regard. This is in no way to lessen the value of the book contents or the author’s authority. It is only because I have found it all a confusing maze. As we all seek to define the unseen and understand and present a working tool, one view seemingly conflicts with another. Or, as is so unfortunately true, one book is totally opposed to another. We see through a glass darkly5 indeed. In failing to realize this, some people seem to lose sight 28 of the scripture wisdom from above is first of all pure, …willing to yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits.6 We must all realize that, and hold those truths we have. Hold tight that which the Holy Spirit has taught and confirmed both in God’s Word and at the mouths of two or more witnesses. And yet hold it loose enough for Him to also widen and deepen those things we understand. Indeed there are many people, with partial truth and many unmet needs of healing and deliverance, who have gone to extremes, and the enemy has used them to cause the Body of Christ to reject truth about the demonic realm. He inundates the open minded with a few of these people and the stage is set to reject the real. There is a reality of the demonic and the spiritual world. Be open to consider these and other truths about the spirit realm. It is highly likely that you will come into an understanding as to why your prayers seemed ineffective and why destruction came nigh your dwelling places. One thing you must possess is a hatred for the enemy and the damage he has done. This will push you through the tough places. Pressing through for revelation and understanding will take great amounts of time in thought, meditation and prayer. These, in turn, afford the Holy Spirit the opportunity to give wisdom, revelation and prayer direction. 1 War in the Heavenlies, Hosanna Integrity. Frank Peretti, This Present Darkness (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1986). 3 1 Cor 3:9-16 4 2 Tim 3:5 5 1 Cor 13:12 6 Jas 3:17 2 29 30 In order for any person to be greatly used by the Lord, he must be brought to the place where he sees that God has His need. Then he will understand that our lives on earth should not be centered only on our own human requirements, but on God’s requirements. To win souls back to the Lord is for the benefit of men; to be used by the Lord to deal with Satan is for the advantage of God. To win souls solves man’s need; dealing with Satan satisfies God’s need.1 There is a progression of freedom with three enemies of the church: the world, the flesh and the devil. The lowest plane of victory is the world. We must overcome the spirit of the world and the things of the world first. The next level is the flesh. The world is outward but the flesh follows you, it is inward. Only after much dealing by God, will our flesh be weakened and we can see the enemy.2 We must learn to discern between the flesh, the soul and the work of the demonic. It is only when you are released from the flesh and the soul and walk by the Spirit that you enter into warfare in the spirit realm. Prior to that, you experience warfare, but it will only touch the realm of the flesh. To further understand these subjects consider reading Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee.3 God uses the trials in our life to deal with our flesh and soul life. As we yield ourselves to Him and allow His hand to mold us, we can then begin to discern demonic activity that may be hindering us. The comedian Flip Wilson became very popular from a routine that repeatedly stated, “The devil made me do 31 it!” All too often, believers walk in one of two extremes: (1) on the one hand, only seeing natural problems, or (2) on the other, blaming demonic activity for that which is simply flesh. There are, however, mixtures that need to be discerned – mixtures of our own flesh and demonic influences. One very dramatic example I experienced involved weakening of a spirit before it could be overcome. Before God could give me the revelation of an offense to Him, a spirit over me had to be addressed. I was experiencing an inability to stay focused praying for a land area and requested prayer from a friend who is a prophet. As he began to pray, I began yawning excessively. This lasted for at least one half hour! He then informed me that he felt the spirit was weakened sufficiently that I should be able to overcome it. I had no idea what effect it would have. I was graphically aware that something was happening with the almost ridiculous amount of yawning. The following morning God gave me an incredible revelation of the “fear of man!” He showed me that to fear man is like having your back to God and walking backwards toward Him, all the while “facing man.” I was also acutely aware of the incredible offense to God, which is not fear of man, but the lack of fear of God! I physically felt like God turned me around to face Him. I was disoriented as if I were now actually walking backwards, when in truth I was now correctly facing God. Diagram II illustrates this revelation. Apparently there was a spirit blocking my prayer and it was somehow related to fear of man. Without intervention I was not able to see or overcome this spirit. Because my friend’s authority and jurisdiction is on that level, he could weaken its power. The mixture was, in part, my sin of fear of man, which is flesh, and a strong demonic presence oppressing me. Demonic spirits can cause physical manifestations. Although there is no catalog of such things they are worth noting. In warfare, the enemy seeks to veil his activities as natural 32 occurrences. For example, witchcraft causes many to feel nausea or stiffness about the shoulders or tight bands about the head. Mind control can cause a fogginess or tightness at the base of the head. I find occult activity causes fogginess in my thinking process. Divination brings in the spirit of confusion. Driving spirits do just that -- drive a person into forced activity. There are spirits of busyness that do the same. At one time, I professed liking to be busy, until someone rebuked the spirit of busyness and I changed dramatically! I no longer felt a compulsion to be moving and doing. Familiar spirits are just that, and we are so accustomed to them we need others to open our eyes to them. They can cause us to be weighted down with feelings about ourselves that are unscriptural such as being rejected, worthless, hopeless, discouraged, etc. Although these fall under separate categories, sometimes it is a group of familiar spirits that have been around our families for generations. We can come to regard them as part of our nationality’s identity, such as the stubborn German or the hot-tempered Irish. Every believer is given some measure of discernment because we have the Holy Spirit within us. Some are gifted with discerning of spirits. In either case, development of discernment is our responsibility. The first step is to begin to think spiritually. A good analogy is the first-time users of microwave ovens. People were so accustomed to stovetop cooking that they had to be told to “think microwave” to change their habits. Now most people find they can live without the stovetop, but not without the microwave. Think spiritually -- set your mind on things above.4 In developing discernment, you must spend time with God. Learn to sit before the Lord, inquiring and separating situations that have presented themselves in your life. Don’t judge everything to be just natural, especially when things happen repeatedly. Take those scenes before the Lord and ask Him what is really occurring. Does someone have a root problem that always manifests? If so, it is more than likely that a spirit is working with that fleshly problem. Thus you have to bind the spirit when you pray for that person. 33 For years I have given the picture of the difference between just the flesh, and flesh with demonic backing. When there is a demon moving with the problem, it is like having a locomotive ramming into the back of the person empowering the problem. Who would not want to remove the locomotive power before trying to handle the problem? Finally, you have to have an attitude of humility and a teachable spirit. God can and does speak through many sources, even Balaam’s ass. Listen to others; they could have a piece of the picture or a view you don’t see. There is authority all around us. There is natural authority as seen in police, elected officials, employers, parents, etc. In each of these areas, the people have an area of jurisdiction over which they can exercise their authority. It is limited in its sphere of influence. Likewise, there is spiritual authority with its spheres of influence. There is “house” authority in each church in the form of elders, ministry leaders, etc. There is authority in the gathering of even two believers. There is authority that comes with gifting, and we need to be sensitive to this. The presiding authority can change in the midst of a meeting. If the moment calls for a particular gift or anointing, the person whom God uses most strongly in that area steps into the place of authority for that phase. This does not override the leader’s authority, however, which is an overall authority for the work. The leader, if mature, recognizes the authority of the Lord through other believers and simply maintains oversight for direction and protection. As we are all still dealing with the possible intrusion of flesh or demonic, that oversight is important, as is also accountability to one another. Most of all, a humble attitude toward God and one another is a great protection. The Holy Spirit can then lead and direct, and all will rejoice! Recognizing leadership authority cannot be understated when it comes to direct combat with the forces of darkness. The leader 34 carries a responsibility and a grace from God that is meant for protection. We do well to have a healthy respect for the adversary whom we address; realizing that he will only bow to the authority of the Risen Lord. If we step out of the place of submission to the Lord, we stand in our own authority, which is no authority at all. Submission to the Lord is seen in our submission to God-given leadership. If a leader is out of line, God will deal with that person Himself. I once had someone inquire in a group as to a discernment issue. The question was, if she had discerned no problem, but I felt strongly about an issue, why should she listen to me and not her own discernment? It was an honest question perhaps you will face. My answer followed the logic above. I have a history of being used by God in demonic discernment areas and being accurate. I was also brought in to minister and thus carried that authority as well. In such a case you should show deference to the gift and authority carried by another. If an individual believes they must discern and confirm everything before they will move with the group, they may be moving with an independent spirit. God causes us to be interdependent. All authority has a limited sphere of influence. That sphere is called jurisdiction, and is assigned by God and confirmed by man. Although man may appoint leaders, if God does not initiate that authority it has only earthly authority, not heavenly authority. When it comes to issues in the demonic, if God does not back you, demons will know immediately. There is a progression in levels of authority. As we overcome spirits that invade our lives or spheres of influence, we gain authority over those same spirits in other places God sends us to work. It should be obvious that if we were overcome by something in our person or home, that it would pay no mind to us anywhere else. If I overcome fear and I encounter that spirit overcoming another, I have authority that will be recognized by that spirit when I bind it. Demons can spot a pretender immediately. They also know those who have overcome their 35 “spiritual” peers. You could say, we gain a reputation among spirits. 5 God gives levels of authority and influence in spiritual warfare. I often say the reward for winning a battle is a bigger battle! There is truth in that statement, but it doesn’t necessarily mean God changes the sphere of that authority. Some are given authority for personal deliverance and low-level demonic activity such as seen in homes, church meetings, and strife situations -- in other words the earth realm. Others have varying authority in the second heaven. Some are assigned to occult-level warfare which includes witchcraft, curses, control spirits, divination, etc. These occult spirits move from the second heaven and influence man to work with them, knowingly or unknowingly. Knowing participants are involved in new age works, psychic activity, Wicca and false religions. Sometimes we are given increased jurisdiction, and then we learn and increase in discernment as we move with God. For example, I was given a strong prophetic word about God sending me into a battle and that if I would not go He would discipline me. I later realized through a series of events that I was being called to warfare against occult activity, and I really wanted to back up, but I remembered the word. I had been given authority for the work, but I had to first learn the nature of the occult, how it works with people, and how to deal with it in prayer. The progression beyond that is over spheres and territories in the heavenlies. I had been praying with someone whom I knew had authority in areas in the heavenlies that I did not. I heard Him pray that God would call intercessors that worked on a different level. This warrior was able to discern what was at a different level, but knew he had no authority there. Even though we can discern something, it does not mean we have the authority to move the enemy. As the years progressed, I have known by revelation that God was increasing my jurisdiction. It is not something you seek nor 36 something you should resist. Everything in the Kingdom of God is our being slaves to Christ and obedient to His desires. The statement “new level - new devil” is formed from a real truth. If and when God does change where He has chosen you to pray and war, one indication of that will be new warfare. You will find yourself possibly “rattling” and uncertain. It is like being suddenly moved from your old comfortable home and sat down in a new house in a new state! It takes a period of adjustment. It is helpful to keep this in mind because it makes the transition easier. There is much said of covering in the last few years. Much of what is referred to as covering is nothing more than a question of “who controls you.” On the other hand, God will interconnect us and put us into accountability relationships, and we had better follow Him. Being in the will of God provides real covering. There is no protection when we are following our own ideas. The second important aspect is the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ, and for this I say, “Go for the Blood.” Several years ago I was quickened by the Holy Spirit to start praying for the covering of the blood over my children. I would pray several times a day, as it would be quickened to me. During this period I came across a book, which spoke of some who were “superstitiously” praying for the blood over cars and objects. It contrasted such prayer with being quickened with a particular scripture or directional leading. Although I agree that we can be fearful and pray superstitiously, I had no sense of doing that. The book influenced me to stop praying the blood, but after several days I became uncomfortable. Praying the blood was reality for me, not superstition, and was based on many quickened or spoken words from the Holy Spirit. In obedience to a spoken word from the Holy Spirit, every prayer is appropriate and necessary. Now I always pray for my family, especially my son, during 37 times of travel and ministry. My son has been a target of the enemy since grammar school. He was robbed of a leather coat in a friend’s yard at gunpoint in sixth or seventh grade. He had a car pull up beside him on one of his first days of driving (age 16) and the man pulled a gun out and pointed it straight at his head. The gun misfired and he was able to get away. During one particular trip, which was devoted to prayer and seeking God, I never thought of praying protection over my children. On the way home, I realized I had never once prayed the blood, nor asked for God’s angelic shielding. It startled me to realize that. Upon arrival home, I found my son bruised and battered; his eye was so swollen shut that he could not remove his contact lens. It was only after a week that his eyelid would respond and open at will! His retina had a potential to tear, but thankfully has healed. You may wonder at this, but God had His hand at work here as well. I believe God caused me not to pray that protection so that my son could escape from a more serious involvement with gangs. He told us he had gotten involved with a wrong group and wanted out. The only way out was to allow them to beat on you for five minutes. He said it could have been much worse and that “he caught a blessing.” It was quickened in my spirit that if I had pled the Blood of Jesus I would have hindered my son’s release from the gang. Many young men are too afraid of the beating and remain caught in these gangs. How important it is to be sensitive to the precise details of how the Holy Spirit is leading you to pray. I do believe God provides for a covering that is not a mere form, but comes as God connects His Body together. Isaiah 30:1 warns us of God’s view of seeking our own covering: Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin. God divinely connects us and we carry a responsibility of prayer for others. Some refer to this as a “Cornelius” connection. To 38 merely have the approval of a church or leader, without knowing the individual and their ministry or having the Divine burden of watching in prayer, affords little protection if any. This is not something which man creates but is a reality before God. Otherwise we are moving in fleshly independence or codependence, or adding sin to sin. Communion is another important aspect of protection. Again, we must “Go for the Blood.” As we individually and corporately partake of the communion elements, we acknowledge the reality of His broken body for our sin and sickness, and His blood for our redemption and covering. When you take the wine, remind the realm of the spirit that you have a “covenant in blood” with the Lord Jesus Christ, who defeated death, hell and the grave. Remind the enemy that they must come through the blood to get to you and all God has given to you. As it cannot be overstated, if you are walking where God has called you to walk, doing what He has ordered, you are protected. BE NOT AFRAID! No matter what it may look like, walk boldly. The enemy will challenge and charge, but he can do nothing that God does not allow; and even then, this will strengthen you for future onslaught by the enemy. There are three indicators for confirmation of God’s will: the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the teaching of the scriptures and the provision of environment.6 There are so many people who claim: “God told them” or “God directed them,” but I have rarely seen anyone who uses all three indicators. Most often, people are depending on only one or two aspects: the written Word that man can follow aside from the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, or the more subjective form, which is God’s voice. Inspiration of the Holy Spirit needs to be separated from our own soul’s desires or the leadings of the enemy. The Holy Spirit is usually powerful yet quiet, gradual and not compulsive. He waits for the agreement of your free will and seldom uses force. He waits for you to decide and test and agree. 39 Yes, I know we have Jonah’s big fish, and Paul’s blind walk down Damascus road, but these are exceptions. In general, He will gently love you, encourage you, bless you and lure you back to His will. Your own soul is moved by emotion, and that can be positive, causing energy -- or negative, causing weariness. Be aware of the environment around your soul. If the Holy Spirit is moving and you have trained yourself to obey, you can move no matter what the feelings are within. When you are elated, it is best to wait a while to discern if you heard God or just your own excited emotions. The Holy Spirit’s leading can stand the test; our emotions and demonic leading cannot. A demonic suggestion will fade, but one from the Holy Spirit is afforded the opportunity to grow stronger with time. Emotional circumstances quickly dwindle as the body grows tired and those unctions fade also. Of course, this does not apply to a crisis situation which would require immediate action. The confirmation of the Scriptures needs to be the whole of the Bible and not just isolated passages. Knowing the fullness of God’s revealed Word and His nature, is of utmost importance. Sometimes, however, God seems to lead us in what appears to be contrary to His Word. If it is truly God, He will never lead contrary to His Word. What in truth is happening, in most cases, is that He is leading us contrary to our prejudiced idea as to what we think His Word says. In these cases, learning the voice of the Holy Spirit and obedience, coupled together, give God the opportunity to dismantle false perceptions of what the Word says. In a few cases, God runs contrary to our theology, saving us from our presumptions and tendency to adopt methods, cutting out the need for a living God; e.g., Hosea’s experience with Gomer; or the mass divorce in Ezra 9-10. The spirit of religion is the enemy of relationship. Religion is composed of man’s ideas, laws, methods and forms, however good they may seem. As a 40 matter of fact, Paul’s speech at Mars Hill (Amplified Version) casts another slant on the word “religion,” in Acts 17:22: Men of Athens, I perceive in every way – on every hand and with every turn I make – that you are most religious (very reverent to demons). If you check many translations, you will find the words “religion” and “superstition” used interchangeably, with each word appearing in about half of the translations. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. We are to eat of the fruit of the tree of life and that comes by abiding in Christ and being led by His Spirit, confirmed by His Word, and not the reverse. As subtle as it may be, many attempt to conform their lives to the written Word of God, and have no real understanding of spending time with God seeking His wisdom, direction and strength. Without the Holy Spirit’s direction we can easily rely on our own talents, gifts and good works. God is only interested in obedience and our total dependence upon Him. Watchman Nee describes these human talents as “outside the church.” What is truly the church? It is that part which is taken out of Christ, and not what is naturally made with dust. The church is the new man, built by God, with Christ as the material. Whatever is natural is outside of the church, for only what comes out of Christ is the church. Human ability, concept, power -- all those things that are of man -- are outside of the church. That which comes from Christ alone is the church7. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through our spirit and not directly to our mind. He is compared to anointing oil, which is rubbed on. Our mind then seeks the understanding of that movement. Man’s mind and other spirits speak from the “outside” impressing the mind with a myriad of thoughts. You must take note of the 41 source of revelations, whether within or without, and that is not always obvious. We must learn to be aware of our spirit. We are much more accustomed to relating to our soul and its moods and thoughts. It takes conscious effort to become sensitive to our spirit. For further understanding of the workings of our spirit and the Holy Spirit see Spiritual Man.8 1 Sentinel Kulp, The Secrets to Spiritual Power: from the writings of Watchman Nee (New Kensington: Whitaker House, 1998), 153. 2 Watchman Nee, The Finest of the Wheat Vol. Two (New York: Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc., 1993), 321-322. 3 Watchman Nee, The Spiritual Man (New York: Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc., 1968). 4 AMP Col 3:2 5 Acts 19:15 6 Watchman Nee, Take Heed (New York: Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc., 1991) 140-153. 7 Watchman Nee, Secrets to Spiritual Power: from the writings of Watchman Nee, (New Kensington, PA, Whitaker House, 1998), p. 151. 8 Watchman Nee, Spiritual Man (New York: Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc., 1968). 42 God has an economy system in which nothing is wasted. This is true in warfare with the enemy as well. God uses demonic attack to expose our own weak areas. We are only as strong as our weakest link and many do not realize this. Demons know us better than we know ourselves and they use it to their advantage. God commands us to love Him with our whole heart, mind and soul and have no other gods before Him. It is very easy to hold family, jobs, money, church, etc. in an idolatrous place. We need to be careful of placing people, even those in authority, in an idolatrous place. The book of Romans addresses worshipping the creature more than the creator, and God gave them up unto vile affections. Is not the epidemic of homosexuality the physical evidence of man’s worship of man instead of the living God?1 God will even use painful means to separate us from our idolatry and set us apart unto Himself. Holding anything as more valuable than our obedience to God, is the exact area that will be attacked in the battle ahead. Many fear for their children. All that has to happen is something that apparently threatens those children and that person is tempted to back off. Many years ago, realizing that my weak link was my kids, I determined that I would not stop, no matter what. I addressed the enemy like this: “I do not believe that God will allow you to take the life of my children, but if He does, I will still follow God wherever He leads me.” I have been threatened in my marriage, church relationships and personal friendships. In every area that I discerned the threat, I determined to face it head on. I took the fear to its most disastrous conclusion and determined what I would do, thus disarming my fear. I had to be very realistic. This is no exercise in the mind. We face a formidable enemy who does not make 43 idle threats. We are in a real war and there are indeed casualties of war. There is a price to be paid, but we can trust our Heavenly Father with everything that pertains to us as we set our hearts on what concerns Him. We give God pleasure when we bring the victory of His Son to bear on His enemy. It is absolutely imperative to have understanding of what Jesus Christ has accomplished at Calvary. We do not fight a war that is taking place now; we are enforcing a victory that has already taken place. Jesus defeated Satan and all his forces at Calvary. Indeed “it is finished.” The final revealing of that victory will take place when He returns, but we are to bring the authority of His Kingdom to bear on the kingdom of the usurper until Christ comes. Warfare prayer differs from other types of prayer in that it is not a prayer of request, but a prayer of dominion. John Piper expounds on this purpose of prayer in The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God’s Delight in Being God. ! " # % + , $! " - " . !' " & & $ $! $' ( ) $ ! * & ! , ! # $/! 0 " 1 " # " % " #*2( " * + % 3 4 % 44 " * " % " 1 " " 1 2 The spiritual realm can be best understood from the perspective of a court of law. We see this Biblically when Satan appears before God accusing Joshua.3 Everything is legal, with the enemy attempting illegal activity when he discovers that we are ignorant of our rights before God. I am grieved as I watch believers living as if there were no enemy at work. They live with the world’s ideas of fate or luck. They live with a false sense of being protected and then, when disaster happens, they cannot understand it. In truth, demonic forces are at work in a myriad of ways eroding our homes, churches, ministries and work places. In many cases, that erosion began long before the final disaster is seen. We remain as those blind or asleep, only to be awakened when the calamity hits. Because of this, many fall away or accuse God. What is even worse is that the world sees no difference in the lives of those who claim belief in Jesus Christ. Indeed it will rain on the just and the unjust,4 but we should stand out in the midst of every storm in victory that shines in the darkness. We must also identify the destruction Satan has wreaked upon this earth and its inhabitants. We need to realize how his work has made us and those around us suffer. We must generate a heart of hatred toward Satan for his cruelty and hate that which God hates. We must maintain a hostile attitude that is offensive instead of defensive. We must begin to assault the kingdom of darkness unrelentingly. Unfortunately many believe if they leave Satan alone he will leave them alone. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Martin Niemoeller, a Lutheran pastor who angered Hitler with his rebellious sermons, and was imprisoned and placed in concentration camps, is best known for his powerful statement about the failure of Germans to speak out against the Nazis: 45 5 + "" 6 " + "" 0 0 7 "1 1 0 1 " # " 1 - 1 " " How often we write off as temperament those actions that are nothing but a demonic manifestation in others. We bow to fear and control spirits in the name of submission. We settle for so much less than reigning with Christ in the name of being content in all things. It is often nothing more than passivity, fear or worse yet, laziness. I am grateful I never was allowed such a “luxury” (to remain unaware of such spiritual battles). I was born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit within seven weeks of each other. Immediately upon receiving the baptism of the Spirit, I was mentally attacked with doubt and unbelief, the strength of which I have not encountered since. The enemy told me I was mesmerized and that Jesus Christ did not exist. I sat reading my Bible for a week reminding myself of the historical fact that a man named Jesus Christ did indeed walk the earth. When I finally spoke to someone of my thoughts, they immediately rebuked the devil. I didn’t even know he existed! I knew then that I had been baptized a warrior! I often say much of my training was over a kitchen table praying with a friend for God’s wisdom. I learned warfare just to survive, and I thank God for that training. The body has been given five senses which interact with the natural world – sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. The soul also has three main components – mind (intellect), will and emotion. The spirit of man has three main components – intuition, communion and conscience. These faculties were given to commune with God. In God’s intended order Adam communed with God out of the faculty of his spirit with his soul acting between his spirit and his body. The soul 46 was to take its direction from the spirit and govern the body. After the fall, the spirit of man sunk and man’s soul usurped the spirit’s position. We must now discipline our soul to come under the rule of our spirit governed by the rule of the Holy Spirit. God gives revelation directly to the spirit of man. The soul (mind) then receives that revelation and brings it into understanding. In the Old Testament God gave a word to a prophet and he repeated that word. In the New Testament God chooses to allow the flavor of the speaker’s personality to come through with that word. Because man’s soul can be involved, it is important that we discern and judge words that come to us. It places responsibility on individual believers to maintain a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit, and to learn to receive and hear from God through others. I believe there is much confusion under the name “spiritual.” We tend to call “spiritual” that which is not natural. That tendency, however, is incorrect. Spiritual is that which derives from the spirit realm. Much of which is currently called spiritual falls into the category of the psychic, and much of that originates out of the soul. The word psychic is derived from psyche. • • Psyche (noun): soul; self; also mind Psychic: Of or relating to the psyche; lying outside the sphere of the physical science. In the thesaurus psychic reads: pertaining to thinking. The synonyms are: cerebral, intellective, intellectual, psychic. The definition itself should tell us that psychic activity has nothing to do with the spirit, but is from the soul or intellectual part of man. Many of the workings in the mind have a seeming “voice,” however inaudible. Spirit is spirit and flesh (human beings) is flesh. God is spirit and we don’t have to speak to Him audibly to be heard. We commune with God by 47 and through our spirit. Prayer many times originates in our minds - addressing, petitioning, worshipping, etc., and much of that is inaudible. This is a correct communication with God. In contrast, brooding, worry, fear, and anger are often inaudible thoughts cycling over and over, looming over our minds like dark clouds. These thoughts, which often remain in this realm, can produce something observable later! For example, angry thoughts can become explosive either internally or externally. The very passive easy-going person suddenly acts totally out of character in strong, possibly even bizarre behavior. People seem unable to comprehend this sudden change, when it really began a long time before it manifested to the sight of others. It began in the thought life. Depression can be another manifestation of anger - repressed anger, worry or fear. Some depression is nothing but turned in anger or “an inner temper tantrum!” Anger can also manifest in extreme passivity or hopelessness. At times we have perceived the thoughts of another person, and do not realize they are not our own. I had this proven to me a number of years ago after I had taught a class. A friend of mine asked me if I had noticed that I directed my speaking to the right side of the room, rarely turning to the left side. Upon thought, I realized that was true. She then informed me that everyone that was opposing me was sitting on the left side of the room, which again I had to agree was true. She told me that I was drawn to the receiving side because I was discerning the thoughts of disagreement. I avoided turning to the left. Later I encountered something similar. I brought a woman to a healing school in Chicago. She had several ailments and I felt it would benefit her to sit in a concentrated class on healing. After the class, there was prayer and testimonies of healings. Although I am very strong in the scriptural basis for healing, I found myself inundated with thoughts of doubt such as: the validity of the healings, the need of medical confirmation and thoughts of this being emotional response relieving the pain. I remembered my friend’s instruction on how we can perceive other people’s thoughts and decided to test it for myself. After we arrived at the 48 car I asked the lady what she thought of the meeting and the healings. I was to quickly discover that the exact thing I was thinking is what she was thinking and these doubts were not my thoughts at all. Jesus was often said to “perceive” the thoughts of the Pharisees. Some “inaudible thoughts” may be the projected ideas of demons. If we receive these thoughts, they can cause you to take part in curses, witchcraft praying, mind control, explosive behavior, withdrawal, channeling and much more. The Western world, with its technology and intellectual pride, has mocked any reality that cannot be scientifically proven; therefore, we miss many of the weapons of the enemy. The flesh affords great access for demons. Low-level warfare is in the fleshly realm. Where there is envy, strife and jealousy, there is confusion and every evil work. 6 Fleshly thoughts at the basic level, when they are voiced, can become like cartoon speech bubbles or “helium balloons” above our heads. These balloons are then scooped up by demons as ammunition against the target. This happens frequently in low-level warfare. Strife and division, which are rampant in the church, work primarily with the flesh and carnal thoughts. We are commanded to walk in the Spirit, set our mind on things above and grow up into Christ. Murmuring, jealousy or other such thoughts can light runway lights for real witchcraft cursing to land in any group to cause destruction! The command to “take every thought captive to Christ” is not a distant goal to be reached, but a tactical defensive weapon against enemy inroads both personally and corporately. Many years ago, I came to an understanding of curses and their power. It seemed obvious to me that if we were subject to every apparent cursing in life around us we would walk 49 under a continuous oppression. Proverbs speaks of a causeless curse not alighting. 7 This often leads believers to feel safe and secure. However, when the source of the curse is demonic, the curse is not nearly so harmless. In one type of curse it is a person’s negative personality, bitterness or resentment coming out in words. This is common cursing when something goes wrong. It usually originates in anger or offense, and often uses profanity to vent that anger. Although this certainly affects the person and makes them unpleasant to be around, it does not constitute the word curse we must specifically deal with. Word curses that originate with the prompting of demonic forces contain much greater power. When a demon suggests the thoughts and those words are spoken out, they can be used to oppress, control or even destroy another individual. A good example of this happened many years ago. The Lord gently spoke to me about studying curses. The summer passed, and I had not gotten to it. One afternoon, the pastor’s wife invited my friend over to speak with her. She told her of a dream she had several months earlier. The details of the dream I do not now remember, but apparently it reinforced this woman’s belief that my friend was very wrong and was destroying her home. The dream was obviously demonic; that was very clear to me. The effect on my friend, however, was to go into a semi-trancelike state. I could not break through to her. The next morning I awoke with the words “break the curses.” The problem was, I didn’t know how, because I hadn’t followed my leading. After seeking counsel from a deliverance minister, we were instructed to not only break the curse, but to command the demon to loose her and let her go. This pastor was in agreement with my discernment that it was a spirit of divination that worked with this woman. He told us that every time she thought of my friend and spoke, it would assign a new curse that would have to be broken again. This proved to be true: this cycle of cursing would continue until they moved and were out of sight. 50 Be aware of this demonic working through people. If you discern strong demonic activity around someone, know the enemy will endeavor to cause them to judge you and speak against you, bringing curses upon you and the work you do. We must indeed be alert, wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.8 Projections are thoughts sent from the mind toward another individual or group. They are intensely focused and can be empowered by the soul’s emotions, such as anger, bitterness or jealousy. They can also be empowered by the latent powers within the soul. Finally they can be used by demons to force their will on people or situations. When Adam was created he was endued with great power in his soul; however, his spirit ruled his soul. Upon the fall of man, God submerged these powers, since these were not intended for man’s use apart from His direction. Satan has a great desire to use those powers for his own purposes. Until recently, only after arduous rigors, could a few access those abilities. With the coming of Mesmer and hypnosis, those latent powers of the soul became accessible. God has forbidden the use of this latent power because we are corrupted with sin. For further explanation see Latent Power of the Soul.9 Strong psychic abilities fall into this category. I met a man once who told me how he formerly mocked Christians’ lack of power. He said he would astral-project into a room, listen to a conversation and return with the information. He found Christianity to be powerless compared to his own abilities. This is just one example of the soul’s latent power. God placed man’s mind in the position of a “gate keeper” to guard his innermost being. We are never to try to blank our mind or make the mind passive. This technique is 51 taught in cults that use chanting, mantras, prayers and other mindless verses and repetitive prayers. These methods are meant to blank the mind of all thought, allowing it to be available as a receiver. Hypnotism and drugs have the same effect on the mind. When this is done, we have violated God’s law and have opened the door to demons using our mind. This can be vividly seen in psychics and necromancers (people talking to the dead). These people make their voices available to be used by another spirit. Sometimes the entire body is taken over. Channeling is the flow of a demonic force through a passive or blanked mind. Even a Christian can make himself available as a channel if he does not understand that God does not speak directly to the mind from the outside. God speaks directly to the human spirit, which is the place of communion with God, and requires the mind to work in cooperation. In the belief that God speaks directly to the mind, believers accept thoughts that come from the outside. Demons speak from the outside to the mind (excluding the demon possessed). Believers need to be careful in prayer. I have rarely heard it taught to be careful to pray to the Father in accordance with His Word. People in their sincerity can mistakenly take their ideas of God’s will for another, and direct their prayers toward the person instead of to God. There is also a teaching of envisioning the person for whom you are praying, and it can end with you imposing your own will upon another person. Praying with specific direction is wrong; e.g., “God, cause Julie to go to this particular healing meeting.” It is correct to express your thought to God that perhaps that would be helpful for Julie, but pray that God cause her to walk as He sees fit in that regard. Pray for release of what is needed, help, healing etc. as God designs it to come to Julie. We need to ever be careful to pray the Word of God and not our opinion for someone. It is best to allow the Holy Spirit to quicken what He wants prayed, and then come into agreement with His Word. 52 Should you find a heavy oppression over yourself you may need to ask the Holy Spirit if any misdirected prayers are being prayed toward you. If so, pray for the Blood of Jesus to shield you from all soul power and break that power off of yourself. Although the term “charismatic witchcraft” is commonly used, God has given me a clear word that it should not be sanctified with the word charismatic. It is witchcraft. In the same regard, we need to be careful about coming into agreement with conversations that are negative or judgmental, not to mention gossip. That agreement holds power, and if directly inspired by demons will be used to greatly oppress an individual. Some people work with soulish prayers, dreams, visions and curses as part of a religion called Wicca. They believe in “white witchcraft.” The person is deceived into believing white witchcraft is for the benefit of others and only black witchcraft is evil. The people working in these areas do not realize they are pawns in a much larger arena in the spirit realm. God calls all forms of witchcraft an abomination. I heard a tape by John Paul Jackson several years ago. His understanding has helped me to clarify some aspects about the difference between that which is psychic but looks prophetic. My remembrance of his revelation is the following: His understanding was that the “gift”, we call prophetic ability, was given by God at birth. That “gift” is a receiver. This gift is the ability to “receive” communication from the spiritual realm. There are two signals being broadcast in that realm, God’s and the demonic. When a person persistently refuses God’s communication, God stops transmitting. Then the person receives only demonic communication. He goes on to speak of the difference in the two communication lines. God’s communication line is “revelation.” God, who knows the beginning from the end, speaks, and it will come to 53 pass. Satan’s line, however, is an “information” line. There are demons in other places communicating information to open “receivers” (psychics and others). This information is for demonic gain and they have no need to correct any information, which may change due to circumstances. Thus we see much error in psychic prediction. The source from which people receive is not always clearly evident without investigation. Several years ago a friend referred a woman to me for help. He described her as “mystical.” She described herself as a Christian and told me there was much demonic activity in her family. From outside appearances she was a refined woman, intelligent and very spiritually knowledgeable. The description of mystical was quite appropriate. After several meetings, I found disturbing character traits. I also had questions about the people with whom she traveled and spent her time. Others dismissed her actions as less serious than I felt they were. As is the nature of the way I work, I began to separate and file my observations. I would subtly question her when it seemed she should have had more discernment. I would dismiss my questions because she usually had reasons for the discrepancy, and this temporarily abated my immediate concern. My final conversation found her in New Orleans during the Mardi Gras. She told me of being set up in a demonic trap, how she had physically fallen, and was now in a cast due to a serious leg break. In the process of praying for her on the phone, I could not sense any breaking of the demonic oppression around her. I resorted to praying a written warfare prayer with her, which bound nearly every spirit that can be named in witchcraft and demonic activities; but still I had no sense of release. Our conversation ended and I never heard from her again. I believe this was because the demons using her knew they had been exposed. About a month later I was informed that she was a witch. I called the person who said that for concrete evidence of such a charge. The evidence was strong enough for me to believe she had indeed 54 been involved in witchcraft. Remembering my own discernment, and what she herself told me of God’s warnings to her, I believe God sent her to me as a last attempt to reach her. As opposed to low-level warfare, which is in the fleshly realm, occult warfare involves a complex network in heavenly places. That network uses multiple organizations to oppress mankind. Some of these organizations are totally aware of their cooperation as seen in satanic churches. Others, such as Wicca, claim they do not believe the devil exists, but are being used nonetheless. Any organization or person who violates the spiritual laws set in place by God, can and will be accessed to do the bidding of demons in this cosmic war, with or without their permission. • Occult defined: not revealed, secret; of or relating to supernatural agencies, their effects or knowledge of them. While in a meeting shortly after God assigned me to occult level warfare, I had a vision of myself in a concrete box from the neck down. I heard the Lord say: “They want you dead.” I wondered at what I saw when others came over spontaneously to pray for me. I said nothing of my vision until a brother expressed alarm over seeing me entombed in rock. It was significant that the Lord showed him this, as he was not prone to a strong belief in warfare. Now God had my attention. I asked God who would want me dead. I was immediately aware the “they” were occult spirits. I have a friend who has worked intensely in court to bring to justice cases involving child-molesting rings. He is fully aware that these rings are involved in satanic ritual activities. He has been targeted for death on a number of occasions. On one occasion, as he was driving to a meeting, he found himself turning at an intersection where he did not intend to turn. He heard the Holy Spirit tell him it was a trap, but remained on the road, reasoning about the extra time it would take to turn around. 55 He was then hit broadside so hard the police could not believe he was able to walk away. He later said it was as if his mind was totally controlled by an outside force. At a later date, he was invited to a meeting with a pastor and another man. The pastor asked him to explain to this man what he felt was going on in the area in which he was prosecuting these cases. My friend explained the network he saw which involved drugs, child abuse and Satanism. The man then informed him that he was a former police chief in Florida, and that he felt this same evil work was happening in every region. He recommended reading The Franklin Cover-Up,10 which is the true story of child abuse, Satanism and murder in Nebraska. A former state senator wrote it. This is a good picture of the networking of the occult, which is not just in dark rooms; it is in high places with respected people. I must advise, however, that it is graphic reading and the testimonies of the child victims are horrific. Dealing with the occult network is not obvious. It takes discernment to untangle and discover power sources. It uses channeling, mind control, witchcraft, curses, hexes, vexes, divination, blinds and double blinds, handlers and agents and many other multiplied resources. As in any military war, there are leaders who direct commanders of thousands and hundreds and down. So too in the realm of the spirit, there are levels of power residing above the occult level. There are political spirits working over nations. It is obvious by looking at the sphere of influence of people such as Hitler, Mao, Stalin and other such leaders of mass destruction, that there are powerful demons that coordinate such atrocities. It is God who brings particular individuals and groups into this place of intercession at His bidding. He also gives the necessary understanding of how to wage war. Suffice it to say that wisdom is to remain where God has appointed you, and not seek that which has not been assigned to you. One thing I have come to understand though is that victory in battle affords the reward of a 56 new and more difficult battle! With this in mind, learn well what God has to teach you in whatever battle He places you. Perhaps one day you will find you are called upon for higher levels and will need all the equipping He has given you. Several years ago I was at a conference entitled “Emerging Prophets and Apostles.” Much of the conference focused on the benefits gained through the leadership and network of this particular ministry, which served as a model. The morning of the last session, during worship, I discerned something brush past me. It was like a wind had woven through the room. I heard the Holy Spirit tell me not to get caught up in that. When I inquired as to what that was, I was given an understanding of cloning spirits. They had apparently just swept into the room desiring to take advantage of the hunger of the people for the networking and covering described in the meetings. It was extremely interesting to me when the speaker announced that his message was to tell every person to “be himself.” He was very different than any of the other men in the network who had been mentored by this apostle. He was using that very point to make his case for uniqueness. It was indeed a needed message, and yet I wonder if it was even heard after the invasion of the cloning spirits. They had come to seal in the idea that success was looking exactly like this ministry. Another strong tactic the enemy employs involves spirits of jealousy. I was on a ministry trip and had an open vision in which I saw snakes encircling me, snakes of jealousy. I was told that they would attack several people close to me. I had to pray and break through the fear to come out of that vision victoriously, and I knew it. I won and left determined not to change direction. Although demons are liars they do not always lie. True to their threat, I was attacked with the very thing they threatened for two years. Several individuals were assaulted with jealousy over an 57 extended period of time. The enemy’s intent was to use that jealousy to fuel negative thoughts and actions toward me. One person told me of direct attacks on several occasions, one on the way to a meeting. She expressed a sudden surge of jealousy but was able to reject it, recognizing it as not natural to her to be jealous. Another told me of thoughts and feelings leveled at them about me that they felt certain were untrue, but had to tell them to me to dispel the thoughts. A primary weapon of Satan is the tactic of wearing out the saints. This weapon operates by the continuous irritation and repetition of a problem over a long time period, or the one-two punch of several areas in a short time period. One reason for its effectiveness is that we lose sight of the fact it is the work of the enemy. We begin to blame circumstances, people or ourselves for the problems. Discouragement is another area that needs close attention. If you are unable to overcome discouragement within a day or so, you need to call someone for prayer and encouragement. Remember the meaning of discouragement is none other than loss of courage! How can you fight the good fight of faith without courage? Doubt and unbelief of the demonic from those around us, especially those important to us, can be a much used weapon. Because the enemy has been so effective for so long in the church, blinding the saints to the reality of his work, you will encounter this spirit everywhere. He has used extreme and misinformed individuals to cause some to “throw the baby out with the bath water.” In the fear of extremes or abuses, much truth has been cancelled. Doubt and unbelief is a spirit that needs to be recognized and bound. In true deliverance, there is a spirit-to-spirit confrontation. Your spirit engages and addresses a 58 demonic spirit and challenges its right of habitation by the authority of Jesus Christ. Demons can be warred with and addressed in your prayer language. I have experienced strong tongues being directed at a spirit, while at the same time knowing exactly what I was saying and commanding. It is a powerful and effective weapon and they will move. Win Worley in his book, Diary of an Exorcist11 spoke of a demon speaking back to him in tongues through the person. Win Worley knew exactly what was being spoken back and forth. Deliverance is not necessarily a planned activity. If you are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, demons will often be forced to manifest. One time I had a word of knowledge for a young missionary girl. It was a word of God’s intended blessing that evening, which I told her of so she would not leave before prayer ministry time. When I went to pray for her, I spoke of the love the Lord had for her and she fell to the floor, manifesting in a snake like motion with loud noises. I was startled to say the least. The leader of the group joined me and she was freed from a strong demonic presence that had been over her life for years. On another occasion I approached a very sweet lady who ran a ministry. I had discerned nothing prior to praying for her. I had a word from the Lord, which I expressed to her. The word was about her emotions. She immediately bent forward and I heard swearing coming from this most gentile woman. I decided to tell the others praying for her not to touch her. Everything took on a greater intensity from that point. Apparently that clued the demons in that they were exposed and would be cast out. I continued to pray for deliverance until I felt she was released. Later the woman tearfully told me she had been crying out to God for help. We must be careful in deliverance to help the person separate from the work of demons or the shame that they would like to inflict. This needs to be addressed before and after deliverance so the person is left with the dignity that belongs to them. We must also explain that deliverance is a “land battle”. The enemy comes in and acquires more and more ground through such things 59 as deception, sin, passivity and fear. As in the book of Joshua the Israelites take the land, area by area. So must we! We receive measures of freedom, maintain the victory, and press into more freedom. Do not get caught in the religious battle of terms. Demons don’t belong anywhere that affects us, period!! 1 Rom 1:25-31 John Piper, The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God’s Delight in Being God, (Sisters: Multnomah Publishers, Inc., 1991, 2000), pp. 225-227. 3 Zec 3 4 Matt 5:45 5 Martin Niemoeller, 6 Jas 3:16 7 Prov 26:2 8 Matt. 10:16 9 Watchman Nee, The Latent Power of the Soul (NY: Christian Fellowship Pub.Inc.,1972). 10 John W. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up (Lincoln: AWT, Inc., 1996). 11 Win Worley, Battling the Hosts of Hell (Indiana: 1980). 2 60 True authority comes from our spirit man and not our soul. We must learn to exercise our spirit as the Holy Spirit governs it. I have coined a term “engagement” to describe the process of my spirit locking into a demonic spirit, whether in a person or in the spirit realm over a meeting or an area. This is different than your mind picturing something or strongly concentrating on something. It is an action that happens as you are working with the Holy Spirit and He begins to bring your spirit into a “locked in” position with another spirit. I was recently in a meeting with someone who had strong demonic activity in his life with many “open doors” that the enemy could access. I could see fleshly emotion start to rise. I knew the next step would be an infestation in the meeting of demons, attempting to draw the attention and focus in another direction. I began to pray, binding anything that I knew was operating through that individual. I prayed to cut off outside access, which blocked other spirits from assisting the indwelling spirits in him. As I prayed, I was made aware of a spirit that seemed to be sitting on its own throne controlling all the action. Using both audible and inaudible prayer I aggressively exercised my spirit to bind and stop all activity from the spirit sitting on that throne. I did this quietly so I would not stir up the individual nor draw undue attention from the meeting. It was effective and only his emotions were evident. The demonic activity was effectively shut down. Sometimes a demonic spirit will engage you. Engagement that comes at you is not always easy to recognize. It will feel as if you are locked in and unable to think or function normally. I have only encountered this on an assignment from the Lord. 61 Perhaps God is bringing an evil spirit to us in advance so we can break its hold and be successful in what we have been given to accomplish. Intercessors stand in a place of blocking, binding and holding back the enemy. Much of this is done by the power of the Holy Spirit through our spirit man. As God directs, we stand in our authority, focusing our attention on resisting the powers of darkness. Not everything needs to be spoken in prayer. Sometimes this intercession takes the form of a prophetic act, a vision that we work with the Holy Spirit or a coordinated group effort. One of my first encounters with this happened in our ministry building in Chicago. I had been using the analogy of climbing a mountain in our spiritual walk. It was a meeting night and people were worshipping and praying. A vision in the spirit opened up before me that was of three men walking ahead of me up that mountain. The man in the middle turned and looked my way and a literal terror consumed me. I was immediately aware that this spirit was responsible for many problems I had previously encountered in ministry settings. I had now drawn his attention and his look carried an ominous threat. When the vision concluded, I regained my composure and continued the meeting as usual without further thought. Several weeks later, before a trip, I dreamed a very detailed dream, part of which involved a woman bringing me a statue and asking for discernment about it. It appeared like a nativity scene statue of an angel with its hands out. As the dream progressed, I was intensely aware that the statue was demonic. When I looked at it’s eyes, my eyes seemed locked in place. I could barely break the power of it. I knew in the dream that I had sufficiently weakened the power behind the statue so that the lady could destroy it. However, I knew I had not totally broken that power. Two days after the dream we flew to Louisiana for a series of meetings. Our plane had landed and we were traveling by car on the final leg of the journey. There was a strong flow of the Holy 62 Spirit and we were soaking and enjoying His Presence. Then something totally locked in my attention. I moved from a laughing, free atmosphere into a sudden seriousness. I was thrust into an encounter with a demonic force much like the threat I had encountered in the meeting. By the Spirit, I was aware that it was some ruling spirit over the territory I had just entered. I was told things that I knew instantly were true, even though I had no foreknowledge. I was told of rejection by an individual and threatened with an attack on my ministry and my marriage. I knew I must deal with and overcome any threat presented to me or I would have no victory at the meetings in that area. I addressed each statement and resolved that no matter what the cost I would continue to do all that the Lord had directed me to do. On that trip I walked literally through the events of the entire dream. I encountered the statue, except in the natural, it turned out to be a picture of Jesus with hands extended. The individual who had that picture shared with me how he had obtained many copies of the same picture and placed several in his office, home and even on the steering wheel of his car. He shared how the picture guided his life. I spoke to the man of my discernment and he told me that he had been concerned and unable to pray any longer in his prayer chamber due to “something in the eye of the picture.” It so strongly affected him that he no longer went in that room, as he felt he was being watched! He asked us to come to his home to remove the pictures. I looked at the eye of the picture. I was immediately “locked in” and seemingly unable to be broken free. Others prayed, but nothing seemed to loosen the hold. My partner removed all the pictures while I avoided any eye contact with them. When the last picture was removed I felt released. There was a great liberty at that point and we proceeded to the meeting. It was only after the event that the Holy Spirit gave me understanding of what was happening. As in my dream, I was actually engaging the power behind the picture long enough for 63 “the lady to destroy the statue,” which in this case was my partner destroying the pictures. I came to understand that what felt like being “locked in” was really my spirit engaging the evil spirit. Removing those pictures broke the demonic (occult) access to his home and office. We also learned God can cause the enemy to be blind to the person engaging him. When we returned to the man’s house his wife became very angry at the removal of the pictures. The spirits in her (she had been involved in the occult) became very aggressive and she directed her attention to my partner who had actually taken the pictures from the wall. She coolly moved past me. It was apparent the demons had no idea who had actually exposed and engaged them. In the occult world there are people who are controlled through outside people who are called “handlers.” These controllable people have been demonically abused or their mind has been programmed for control, such as the experiments run by governments to create assassins. Much of this is seen in Satanic ritual abuse victims. Shortly after I realized God was calling me to pray against occult activity, I was immersed in an intensive training period. God sent a Christian, who had experienced the torment of demonic abuse and control, to give me understanding of how the occult network worked with victims. God put me in a prayer situation involving demonic occult attacks, and then sent experienced warriors familiar with this area of the demonic to teach me more. During this time I was at a conference and a lady approached me with a question. I answered the question yet she persisted in wanting to talk to me and asked for prayer. As I inquired about her background she informed me her father was a satanic worship leader and that she had been away for a while. Later the lady told me she had been institutionalized during those years. I had been told it was common for the ritualistically abused person to be 64 locked away. A woman was caring for her, and there was a belief among the team that this woman was a handler. The “handler” kept a distance throughout the conference from both her friend and our team. This is a picture of one person using another person to attempt to bring demonic disruption into a meeting. This would be done through mind control, which works much like remote control. The handler, who is the real power source, is in the background and not seen. At another conference that I was leading I became aware I was losing the anointing for prayer. I deferred prayer ministry to others to the point that they questioned what was wrong with me. I left the conference before everyone finished praying, something totally out of character for me. At the time, I felt those who remained could finish. In reality I was the highest authority in the conference and they could feel the effect when I left. By the third day of the conference I was challenged by someone – lady A, about allowing a particular woman – lady B, to pray behind me as I spoke. I had no idea anyone was behind me. I was informed of problems lady A had encountered with lady B. Lady B’s husband was involved with the Masons. I had several months previously met lady A, who challenged me and I had some concerns as to lady A’s spiritual state. I had not intended to include lady A on the prayer team as she had requested, especially since we had sufficient team already. This challenge about lady B, coupled with strong references by several members of the local team, opened an opportunity for lady A to present herself in a different light and ended with her being included on the team. During worship I noticed the same lady B, who had prayed behind me constantly, moving around me in sweeping motions in prayer. She even went out of her way to circle me despite my attempts to block her. Following worship another woman lady C told me of seeing a “presence” behind me that she felt was angelic. No one on the team felt her description witnessed as angelic! Because this little gray haired lady B was a respected 65 church member, the local team was offended when I spoke of the spiritual problems I encountered up until I stopped the activity around and behind me. It was not until later that I found out the greater demonic power was being channeled through lady A. God confirmed it to others as well. Her involvement with me in subsequent meetings caused great division. I later learned lady A had a history of destruction that followed her wherever she worked. Needless to say, if I had stayed with my first discernment about lady A, I would have been saved much grief! I do not believe the gray haired lady B was aware of influences affecting her own misguided praying. In this case, lady A was projecting the blame on lady B, to disguise her own purposes. Some believe there was a “handler” outside the meeting that affected lady A. Blinds and double blinds involve multiple parties with the true power source hidden from sight. The controller is not visibly affecting the meeting; however, the demonic power is present and being channeled through others. We have two terms, “victims” and “prisoners of war,” which are both strongly affected by demonic powers. Victims are those who are innocent and affected by the destructive work of the enemy. They have no power in and of themselves to get free. Examples would be young or abused children. Prisoners of war are also affected by the destructive work of the enemy and sometimes do not even realize they are captive, but they have the power to be freed in Christ. There is an area in the prisoner of war that allows the enemy to access them. An example of this is someone who is tormented by spirits of perfection. They usually try to perfect everything and everyone around themselves making them difficult to be around. They are internally tormented with inadequacy and, in an attempt to answer that accusation, they strive for outward perfection. They are prisoners of war because 66 they do not think they can get free from perfectionism, and yet in Christ they can. In the book Final Quest, Rick Joyner’s vision pictures demons riding Christians like horses. The demons vomit on the Christian, who eat that vomit not realizing what it is.1 So too prisoners of war do not realize the demon influence and how much they partake of it. We see people with spirits such as lust, fear, jealousy or control as prisoners of war. There are spirits that strongly affect people’s behavior and they can’t seem to free themselves. It can be so strong that they affect others around them. One person’s driving spirits may drive others around them. A person who is fearful may make demands on loved ones out of fear. That fear seeks control over others around them in their attempt to feel secure. In the case of the prisoner of war, the enemy has built a stronghold in their mind. As is the case with every demonic stronghold, the person is deceived into defending the enemy’s encampment. I have known several people with fear strongholds who defend that fear as justified, and become angry or move into total denial of a fear problem. You must guard against getting in sympathetic agreement with the situations that evolve from their problems. When those people are close loved ones, we often need an outside objective view in order to separate the person from the demonic problem. As in all warfare related issues, objectivity is a must! You must be able to objectively divide what is the person from what is using them. You can then bind the afflicting spirit from activity in, upon and through the individual, thus helping everyone affected. We have come to coin this term to describe the presence of several spirits that conspire together. It does not require the agreement of the people they may hold captive, although that certainly does happen at times. 67 In any given meeting, spirits can join together to accomplish destructive ends. They too gain power from agreement. God gave a word of knowledge to my teammate about breaking “conspiracy of spirits,” and it has had great effect! At other times we pray for the dividing of three-fold cords. When sets of three intertwine, you should bind their power and command them to separate and not return together. 1 Rick Joyner, The Final Quest (New Kensington: Whitaker House, 1996). 68 I once had someone say to me, “You must have been very hurt, because you are so careful not to hurt others.” The statement took me back, and I had to ponder it for a while. It was true, and it has given me a compassion for people. I also keep the principle in mind, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Ministry to people needs to be given great care and sensitivity for a number of reasons. First of course, we represent Jesus Christ to that individual and we would not want to reflect anything that is not His heart. Secondly, when you approach an individual, they are also discerning you. Can they trust you; can they open their innermost being and receive from you? Your approach may determine whether or not they can receive. God may have greatly gifted you, and yet, if you have not love, you are indeed just a noisy gong.1 Remember you are addressing a person for whom Christ died. God loves even the worst of sinners, though He hates the sin. No matter what our discernment, we need to always consider this is a person of as much value and worth as we ourselves. We need to be careful not to “talk down” to them. I have met people who at first appeared to be abused victims, only to find them rich in the Spirit of the Lord. That first impression was merely the spirit of destruction pressing down on them like a heavy shoe. We must always be careful to approach each prayer situation in a stance of humility and waiting before God. I literally mean, we must stand and wait as we seek God for what He wants to say, show you or have you do. I do not ask someone what I can pray for unless the Holy Spirit quickens me to do that. Only God really knows what they need. Most times as I am seeking God, the Holy Spirit is already moving upon the person. We need far fewer words and far more anointing. 69 Waiting for direction allows the Holy Spirit to give us new and creative ways to minister. When we wait on Him until we have direction, we have a great opportunity to watch God at work! This is especially important when we know little or nothing about the situation. When we have information, we have had the chance to form an opinion, and that may or may not be the thought of the Holy Spirit. As you wait, focus your attention in the spirit and learn to watch and listen. Many times I see a “mind’s eye vision.” I have a friend who had problems with sleep. She seemed to be unable to wake up, even after many hours. I prayed for her and the problem left for quite some time. Recently, however, she began to experience this sleepy state coming over her and seemed powerless to resist. As I waited on the Holy Spirit, I saw a vision of something resembling a tiny octopus. It was much like the kids’ toys that are small rubber creatures, which stick to the wall when thrown. It was as if I could remove this thing from her mind, but I could see her home and knew it would not leave her house. As I waited and prayed, I received a word of knowledge. God showed me that she had repressed worry. When she couldn’t handle something she would shove it to the back of her mind. That worry was giving the spirit access to her mind (worry is sin and sin gives access to demons). I prayed for God to remove the worry and the spirit broke off of her. It was immediately apparent. Her eyes, which had been droopy, suddenly opened up like saucers. She spoke to everyone in the room, telling them to look at the difference in her countenance. I concluded by explaining what I saw and how it worked, encouraging her to keep alert and turn all worry over to God. Other times I am impressed with compassion, and an individual’s need for a hug. In the case of an embrace, I always ask for permission. There are many times I see or sense anger. This can be the feelings of the person, or it can also be a discernment of the enemy’s destructive work. If I discern the enemy I will usually be led into strong tongues and an engagement with that spirit. In this case I focus not on the person, but to the side or the 70 floor while my attention is focused in the spirit realm. Usually after the work is done, I will explain something of what I was doing so the enemy has no room to accuse or belittle the person who received ministry. Be careful in this regard to always make sure the person is left with the sense of the love of God and His work on their behalf - not the feeling that they are worthless or unclean. I find prophetic praying to be quite intriguing. Usually God will show you the potential in the person. Later when you speak to them you may wonder if you heard right. This is because we have a preconceived idea of how that potential should look; we can also wrongly conclude that they are already in that place. God uses the prophetic to “call forth” that which He desires to develop in the individual. Usually it will be many choices and trials later before that begins to blossom in their lives, and that is only if they allow the Holy Spirit to discipline and teach them. Ministry by the Holy Spirit takes many forms. As mentioned above, He disciplines and teaches. That happens in two ways. One is through revelation and the other is through environment. He uses situations and life’s trials to teach, and then gives revelation. At other times, He reveals and then uses life situations to teach that revelation. We need to learn to see the hand of God in all things. Personal prayer ministry should be the Holy Spirit imparting to the spirit of man, with intellectual understanding only secondary. I have learned when to speak what I see, and when to just work in the spirit in prayer. I have found that if we engage a person’s mind we cause their focus to be intellectual. When this happens they close their spirit. Several years ago the Holy Spirit showed me how to minister to unsaved teen boys. They would stand still for one song and allow about two minutes of personal prayer. I told the boys to picture a cup in the center of their chest. I told them to picture God pouring the water of His love into that cup until it overflowed, like an overflowing glass of Kool Aid. I also told 71 them I would know when it was flowing and full. I told them it gave them a way to open their hearts to receive from God. Sometimes I pray for a few minutes and then ask them if I could come back again. I had found that the spirit of man could be likened to a flower; it opens slowly. The response was truly incredible. These street-wise young boys were seeing visions and being instructed by the Lord. The tangible presence of the Lord almost terrified one boy, but he continued to come to the meetings. In a world with so much technology, nothing compares to one touch from God. Isn’t that what we are all looking for? In many cases, the relief that is felt as the Holy Spirit ministers is just the beginning. We will often discern the need for teaching, guidance and/or repentance. We must be very sensitive in this area. First, we may not have the authority to speak into a situation. Secondly, we may not have the time to completely explain, which can cause more confusion than help. Third, the person may have strongholds of belief and preconceived mindsets that will only grow stronger if they are not approached correctly. In other words, prayer ministry time is not time for counseling. People with a prayer anointing can pray, but that does not mean they have the knowledge to counsel or speak into what they see. That brings us full circle to being careful to avoid hurting someone who trusts you to touch their innermost being. Love for the victim will cause a reaction of utter disgust by demons. It seems to make them about as miserable as anything can.2 The best way to describe the power of love is to tell of two experiences of His love in action. One is from the vantage point of personal deliverance, and serves to tear down methods. The second is love, used in intercession and engagement of the demonic. 72 The first example occurred on the closing day of a three-day conference, and I was the morning speaker. I arrived early thinking this would be an easy message; after all, all I needed to do was wrap up everything that had been taught and experienced. Being an exhorter by nature, that would come easily. I had a slight problem called laryngitis, but was determined to save my voice and make it through. As I often do, I prayed for people before things began. I believe this opens their spirits to God and allows for so much more reception to what is being presented; but far more importantly, from the Holy Spirit Himself. On this particular occasion I saw a vision of shuttered windows in a cellar. As I use such images for prayer impetus, I began to open the windows to allow the light to come in. This working with a vision allows the anointing to flow through me without even speaking. I believe it is intercession in action. On rare occasions the Lord has not allowed me to change or work with the vision, and this was one such occasion. I proceeded to watch what was happening. I realized that the Lord Himself was entering that shuttered place. I also realized He was coming as the Deliverer for many people in the conference! I led the altar call and told people that Jesus was there as Deliverer. They should only come forward if they were very serious about deliverance. A woman came forward and the entire team knew she was greatly bound. They had tried several things with no success. Her entire body was rigid like stone. I observed an intercessor going through a method for deliverance. I used the time to pray, having no desire to interrupt and be rude. As I was doing this I saw a very large, man-like image, resembling the Mr. Clean of the commercials. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked fierce. At that point a strong anointing came over me. I interrupted the woman attempting deliverance and stood in front of the lady. She was a small woman dressed in a suit and hat. I began to address the woman herself and not the demon. I did not touch her but continued to speak to her. I told her what I had 73 seen. I asked her if she wanted that evil spirit to be in charge. Her responses were all, “Yes, Ma’am” and “No, Ma’am,” very polite. I then told her that Jesus loved her and at a point in time I was going to hug her and that Love was going to come in. She agreed that she desired that. I was then led to hug her, and as I did, pure Love entered and she began to exclaim, “Thank you Jesus” over and over. I told her to keep going as she was setting herself free and when she was done I would pray for her again and give her some instructions. The whole team had never seen anything like it and neither had I. Love Himself entered, and there was no need for anything else no methods, no rebuke, nothing - just a need for a vessel to give God the right of way. There was a need for someone to address the personhood - the value in her - and speak to her of how much God loved her! In my second example I had been working closely with someone and perplexed about family situations, which seemed to have no natural justification or inroads. Usually, messed up children have had circumstances around them that give at least some thought of understanding for cause and effect, spiritually and naturally. In this situation, it was like the parents were truly from a family much like what was portrayed in the 1950’s called “Father Knows Best.” For those too young to remember that, it was the perfect family with loving understanding parents. It was Easter Sunday morning, and as I sat in prayer and worship, I was suddenly overwhelmed with love for their son, a young man whom I had never met. I can’t even describe the strength of that love, for it was stronger than I had ever experienced before. The Lord than spoke to me and told me that I was engaging the demons in a woman whom he had been previously involved with and who had his child. Up until this point I did not recognize engagement. From this point and throughout the next two years I would know when those demons were moving through the girl in an attempt to thwart or hinder the young man or his new family. It was eighteen months later that the Lord told me the spirit that moved through that woman was the spirit of destruction. That 74 spirit has been pushed back from over their family, and some reconciliation and healing has occurred. Preparation is required for all ministries, and prayer ministry and intercession are no exception. True ministry expends both the anointing and our own physical strength. There is a need for physical and mental rest. To be fit to hear the direction of the Holy Spirit, we need our minds clear and able to focus on the task at hand. Paul speaks of a soldier not being entangled in the affairs of life so he may please the Master.3 There is also a need to spend quality time in the Presence of the Lord, allowing Him to fill us, refresh us, and give us any needed insight. People who work hectic schedules end up draining their own reserves, and eventually everyone suffers. Jesus Himself drew away alone often to be with the Father. You must learn to know your own spiritual norm. Having a prayer partner who knows you well is a great asset in this regard. You may sometimes think you are fine, but your partner may discern a change, which usually starts quite subtly and increases slowly. This is especially important in warfare engagement prayer. The enemy will move to retaliate, confuse and blanket you with oppression. You need to be keenly aware to detect when something is over you, or if confusion is working on your mind. I have found one simple indicator helpful. If I find myself agitated with no outward cause, it usually means there is an enemy presence somewhere around me. I stop and pray and ask the Lord if there is something of which I am unaware, and remove the agitation before it is allowed to move me in a wrong direction. When I began to see the details of control, it indeed resembled a spider web. Spider webs in nature are intriguing in their various forms. They are connected in varying patterns, depending on the species of spider that wove 75 them. Some webs are very symmetrical, others have specialized shapes such as cones, and yet they are webs nonetheless. Learning to recognize the different webs allows you to identify the species of spider and the nature of his prey, even if you never see the actual builder. These same principles can apply to the networks of evil. If you see the same networking you will know what demons are involved. On the simple side, spirits tend to work in groupings as I mentioned earlier in reference to witchcraft. I call them the gruesome threesome, witchcraft, mind control and mind binding. Fear is ever present to administrate in the atmosphere. It may look different if mind control is the principle leading spirit, but you will still find familiar spirit groups working in the background. For an extreme picture, all you have to do is think about young people caught up in the Moonies cult, which gained popularity in the 70’s. They all looked alike, appeared brainwashed and indeed were controlled. Parents of that time had to employ psychologists to begin to break the mind control by deprogramming. A friend’s son was captured by an occult group in Israel and drugged and controlled with mind control for several weeks. It took months for him to return to normal activities, and he still has serious problems at times. Occult networks, in which these spirits are involved, work in the secular world as well as Christian circles. In these cases, there are political spirits working with them. Keep in mind that religious spirits are the highest form of occult spirit. Why? Because they present themselves as God, and we believe them! With religious spirits, there are always political spirits. All you have to do is think of people climbing the recognition ladder in the churches, and you see an aspect of the political spirit at work. Backstabbing and many other vicious works go with a political spirit as well. You might now be saying all this is just the flesh. Indeed flesh is involved, but remember, flesh is the working material on which 76 the demonic breeds. These low-level spirits work for higherlevel spirits. If they can keep the church of Jesus Christ in constant infighting, we will never rise up in the authority of Calvary and bring down their systems. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.4 We quote the scripture often, and yet we allow the enemy to blind us to the amount of activity that is fully demonic. I have learned to identify some occult spirits by how they affect my mind. When I sense a fog, I conclude some form of occult network spirit is involved. Keep in mind that the higher level the spirits, the subtler will be the attack. Base-level spirits and soul power create a heavy, syrupy feeling. They are the “in your face” things. They create strong feelings of oppression, depression, confusion etc. With high-level spirits, you tend to think it is just something wrong with you. Their suggestions to the mind are more refined. As I stated earlier in this book, I tend to describe the nature of the spirit rather than by a specific name. There are other books available with descriptions and names of spirits. As you study, work and pray, allow the Holy Spirit to show you what you are dealing with and what spirits team together. My point here is only to make you aware there are networks of evil. If you don’t begin to break their interconnectedness, you will feel it is a futile battle. The spirit realm is a legal system, even if it uses deception. When the working conditions for demonic infestation are met, demons will move in. When you work in intercession, you must learn to identify the open doors in the spirit. In the case of an individual, doors are opened through involvement with psychic activities like palm reading, crystal ball gazing, card reading and a myriad of other activities. Studying false religions and new age activities also opens doors. Drugs violate spiritual laws by putting the mind in 77 a passive state. The mind also enters a passive state during shock, trauma, and even surgery under anesthesia, so prayer is necessary in these cases. The mind is the “gate keeper” to your spirit. If you willfully remove the “gate keeper,” the enemy has access to enter. These doors must be closed by repentance and renunciation of all activities before or after salvation. Depending on the level of involvement, deliverance may be necessary. James 3:14-16 informs us that if we have bitter envying and strife there will be a progression from earthly to sensual to demonic. Where there is envy and strife, there is confusion and every evil work. Every kind of evil work - think about that! We tend to lightly dismiss strife. We had best keep a prayer watch on the demonic networks that form out of clubs or cliques, which breed envy and strife. As intercessors, we must first discern if there is any demonic activity. The second responsibility is to isolate the inroads, and begin to pray and bind up the enemy’s access points. There are people sent into groups on assignment. They may be actively aware they are sent, or they may be open channels being used, but unaware of this use. In either case, you must begin to bind the outside spirits that are channeling through the person. You must also bind what is resident in them from manifesting in a meeting. In a recent meeting, an intercessor came to me frustrated that we were missing the “key” to break through the atmosphere. People had come in distracted and burdened. We had addressed their needs in prayer and explained the necessity to focus on the Lord, but we still didn’t have a release in the atmosphere. I had been unable to clearly hear the Lord, so the intercessor prayed for my hearing. I immediately heard to shut down the spirits flowing through one individual. Very shortly after I bound the spirits from connecting with or flowing through this person, the whole room opened up and we felt the presence of the Lord. When there are two or three people with open access, there is a potential of conspiracy of spirits and the double blind situation 78 (not knowing the true source of demonic power). This is a tool for satanic forces. All they have to do is cause enough delay, confusion or frustration for a breakup in the unity and focus of the meeting. God will not give to an individual what He will give to the body. The enemy well knows the power of corporate prayer. He causes people to rise up and speak, pray fleshly prayers and cause disagreement. Fleshly religious prayer avails nothing, but flesh can walk away satisfied, and so does the enemy. This happens so often in corporate meetings that I have learned to hate what we traditionally call prayer meetings! Intercessors need to pray, worship and wait. Leadership needs to allow a forum for hearing what God is giving to others. Then they can direct the group into unified agreement and prayer or warfare. It will take continued watching and prayer for leaders to be able to teach and address the inroads of flesh, which give the enemy ground. Leadership must be willing to address both the demonic and the flesh without trying to “please” everyone. We need to learn to enter a room with our spirit man first, instead of our mind, emotion or mouth. We have been so trained to be oriented to social order or self-conscious thought that we need to retrain ourselves. Wait, listen and watch! Whether it is with an individual on first meeting, or an entire room of people, first impressions do count! I have walked into rooms that were so full of the presence of the Lord that my original plans had to be thrown to the wind. God suddenly moved me in a different direction of prophecy and prayer. I have also walked into places where, even though no attention was being directed toward me, I felt like every move I made was being watched. I didn’t even want to cross my legs, being sure that I would be addressed for breaking some rule. This usually indicates strong control spirits coupled with watching and scanning spirits. Those spirits know the entrance of people who can discern them as well as those with authority over them. If, 79 however, you are just a visitor, listen to God for direction. Just because we discern something does not mean we have authority in that place. Remember to remain attentive to the atmosphere, even if the situation is familiar and you know the people present. I was once teaching a Bible study for almost a year. The study met at a couple’s home and they were involved in leadership and regularly held a prayer meeting in their home for the church. On this occasion the owners were on vacation, but the Bible study went on as usual. While we were in intercession before the meeting, a spirit spoke to me. What I heard was a challenge to my authority. This voice informed me that it was the authority in this house! Puzzled, I returned the challenge with statements back about my authority to lead that was given to me by the owners of the home. I thought no more of it and went on with the class. After the class someone asked if I had heard what happened that previous Friday at the prayer meeting. She informed me that the owners had an impression of death come over them and the meeting. Thinking this was God’s will, they agreed with the death spirit and cancelled the intercession for the church. I now realized that same spirit that had addressed me had been given authority, through deception, over that house on Friday night! I did have higher authority and informed the owners on their return. They quickly deposed the spirit. Another situation at the same location is worth noting. Again I walked in while intercession was going on. People were praying in tongues. From the time I put my hand on the door to enter, I just felt like turning around and leaving. That feeling got stronger and stronger. What could this be? I went to the phone and called an intercessor friend. She immediately told me it was witchcraft and broke it. This released me. I remained puzzled for quite a while. Several weeks later God exposed what had happened. Apparently one new person, a friend of the owners, had a reputation for bringing destruction wherever she went. I did not know that the owners were warned by church leadership 80 not to get involved with this woman. She had been praying with them in their home and the Lord showed me that her prayers were being “directed at me” in the spirit. It was obvious there was a strong occult network coming through her. She ultimately succeeded in breaking up the long-running Bible study. I have learned the hard way that ignoring my first impression in the spirit can have devastating consequences. On one occasion I was to coordinate a team of intercessors for a multi-church conference. I called each church to send intercessors for a pre-meeting in preparation for the event. As is my usual custom, I prayed for each individual at the end of the meeting. As I prayed for one individual, I knew she was on the prayer ministry team of that church. My first impression in the spirit as I prayed was “she’s on prayer ministry team?” I discerned withdrawal and emotional problems. Later she came to our meetings. Then months later she ended up being the strongest leader in the group that helped empower the lengthy occult assignment over me. Had I kept that first impression before me I would have been saved much grief. Another case involved just the opposite. I was asked to pray for someone who from all outside appearances had some major issues. I was told that a deliverance session had been handled badly and the person did not want to be touched. She in fact could hardly stand still even for prayer, ready to bolt and run at the slightest inclination of trouble. What was my first impression? I had never sensed such purity in anyone before! The enemy worked hard over the months to remove this person from our ministry. I am grateful he failed, as she is now my friend, personal intercessor and traveling companion! I spoke earlier of authority. In this section I want to address an overlooked aspect of teams. This relates to the unique gifting in individuals and how it can interplay on teams. 81 God distributes gifting and anointing in conjunction with the individual and their personality. He also coordinates all their lives to cause a very unique manifestation of Him through them. As individuals sense they are valued, with all their uniqueness, they will open up more to God and the team. They will contribute more, even when they are unsure, presenting it for consideration and discernment. Let us present an atmosphere where discovery is possible. Because we view things from a very subjective place, we need to learn to communicate in a language that is separate from our common worldly tongue. What I may mean, or what the Lord may be showing me through something, may mean something totally different to someone else. Due to these dynamics, spiritual language needs to be developed among people that work together. This is no easy task and takes time and patience. I have found using a movie to convey an idea has greatly hastened the process of understanding. I have had a team sit through a movie together to discuss concepts that can be gleaned. Our precise understanding of how things work in the spirit realm is not necessary. What is important is agreement, the authority of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit’s direction. One example of lack of communication happened many years ago. I was working with a youth pastor whose background was psychology. My degree is in “spiritual” workings. God had brought us together, and we were in agreement on natural and spiritual problems at this large church. I did not understand the need for understanding another person’s language. He expressed over and over that he would not “play politics.” One day, I approached him with a warning about a spirit moving through someone that had a strong potential to cause problems. He nearly exploded and with a loud voice in a public place said, “I won’t play politics!” That was the first time I realized what I called “warfare” he called “politics.” 82 There is great need for the development and deployment of specialty teams and networks. Specialty teams operate much the same as teams in the military. They consist of individuals who specialize in one area but are versed in multiple areas. On the best team, each member is able to do the job of the other, should one person be disabled. They have also built relationships of mutual trust and support necessary for a heavy battle. I refer to network members as eagles. Eagles are rather solitary birds that nest in high places. So too are some of God’s specialty workers. These eagles labor primarily alone, with corporate work being secondary. When needed, they are available for consultation or to come on site for assistance. Our present religious system does not seem to have openness to these ministries. They are connected and interrelated with the body, but not under the usual local manmade rules. Anyone truly working at higher levels has relationship and accountability with others. Beyond the need for the developing of these teams and networks, there is a need for the Body of Christ to be open to God’s bringing teams into different locations. Much of what happens today is clannish, fear-based suspicion, leading people to consider someone dangerous and guilty until proven otherwise. People have not been taught to discern by the Spirit, but instead have learned to lean wrongly on leadership opinion and doctrinal agreement. That has not stopped God however, and He is raising up and developing Special Forces to work on behalf of the church. These teams and those who will deploy them have been in a special training themselves. They have been taught to discern, train and equip individuals with very different gift mixes. Some Special Forces people have had a demonic assignment on their lives, which may have caused an impure mix. This mix can be purified making them very valuable to the Kingdom. Keep in mind that God trained Moses in the highly occult society of Egypt! 83 No matter what team God puts you on, whether you are deployed in ground warfare (army) or front line attack (marines) or aerial (air force) or in some deep submarine location (navy) or inserted deep within enemy territory as Special Forces, we all need to remember this fact: ONE WINS AND WE ALL WIN! Become a team player.5 1 2 3 4 5 1 Cor 13:1 Winn Worley, Battling the Hosts of Hell (Indiana: 1980). 2 Tim 2:4 Eph 6:12 Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12 84 Much work in prayer takes good old-fashioned detective work! Some things are really obvious if we just think! There is logic in working in the spirit. We must ever be aware that the Holy Spirit will lead us and enable us to gain the understanding. It can be learned, so do not eliminate yourself because you feel inadequate. Remember when you moved to a new school and it seemed overwhelming, but lo and behold, you continued up the ladder nonetheless. At first glance, it can also seem overwhelming in matters relating to spiritual warfare. Here are some things to keep in mind as you progress. Remember… work that is truly occurring in the spiritual realm will manifest eventually in the natural realm. (If it is only a figment of imagination, it will wield no power.) There may be a waiting time to see the manifestation, but it will manifest and can take on many forms. In the book of James we see this progression with earthly wisdom. It states that where there is envy and selfish ambition that such wisdom does not come from above but is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. It can come from the flesh or be the suggestion of demons. It manifests with “every evil work” in the natural realm.1 Demonic power accumulates great strength when it comes through a human being. Sometimes it is easier to look at the natural realm and work upward to see what is happening in the spiritual realm. I worked closely with a woman for several years who would look at a situation that was happening and proceed to tell me what spirits were moving in and around the circumstances. I worked just the opposite. I would close my eyes and see in the spirit what was maneuvering and how it was affecting the physical world. We worked wonderfully together. I did learn that it was possible to read the 85 natural if you had spiritual understanding, and that is an encouragement for those who don’t function strongly with visions and other gifts. For example: You are working with a group of people and you see people paring off into cliques. Everything seems fine for a while, till there is a sudden burst of contention. Things return to normal, but you sense an underlying resentment of one group for another. This goes on for a period of time with an unexplained resignation by several people, followed by a change of leadership over the ministry. All seems fine, only to see the same scenario begin again. What are you looking at? Start at the beginning. Demons move in on carnal behavior. Those cliques formed, more than likely, with the help of spirits of pride and division. Everyone seemed to accept this and it stepped up a level. This time spirits of jealousy moved into the cliques, causing a competition between the groups, which eventually manifests in open contention. Again, no one has taken note of the growing “group of demons” nesting in their midst. Those jealousy spirits start to use the mouths of the unsuspecting members of the groups, causing oppression and frustration to increase within the work. Several people, feeling the oppression, just walk away. Now the leader is targeted by demons. What kind of leader is he/she; what progress is this ministry making? Why are people leaving? These thoughts and spoken words create natural and spiritual pressure on the leader and they are either removed or they resign. Still no one knows that the greatest source of the problem is the fuel that is being added by demons and so they begin again, only to bring more destruction by repeating the cycle. The obvious solution is to walk in the spirit and give no ground for the enemy. We are, however, all still in need of growth and demons are ever ready to take advantage of our immature and sinful behavior. Demons, however, can be exposed, bound and cast away if we are vigilant. They must be stopped before they work their destruction. Start to look at situations from this vantage point and begin to take the victory. When a problem 86 begins, ask yourself what demonic work may be adding to the problem. Bind those demons before they begin to build a nest! Stay vigilant! Like any other pest, they don’t give up easily and will return until they are convinced they will find no entry. They will then start another tactic and again you must block their entrance. If this sounds wearying remember that God gave Adam charge of the Garden to keep it. That keeping meant he was to guard against enemy intrusion. God has given us charge of areas as well. Another important tactic is to remain objective, not allowing soulish emotions to sway your discernment or judgment. Nothing can be taken personally - not anything. It does not matter if it is about yourself or those you care about. I once watched a movie about a great detective. He said what makes a great detective is “the two ob’s”, observation and objectivity! Once you lose your objectivity you lose your ability for clear sight and thinking. Once it is a personal issue the enemy already has an inroad to hook into your emotions and natural defense systems. Remember, our enemy is not flesh and blood. Even if we must look at people, good intercessors know they are fighting for those people and against a very shrewd enemy. Don’t be predictable in how you move, how you pray or how you do anything. Be led in everything you do by the Holy Spirit. In natural military warfare a sniper can easily take out a person who leaves and returns by the same path! There are whole networks of evil in heavenly places. The human eye cannot see these networks. One very effective weapon against them is what is called “dissemination,” or scattering of the enemy’s forces. As intercessors pray on location, their prayer causes the enemy to scatter, weakening the structures he has built. As this continues it “brings down” upper level powers that are directing evil, much 87 like knocking out the pillars of a house would bring down the upper floors. This once high-level network is brought to a lower level so that warriors can see it and attack it with prayer. I have seen this happen in one of our meetings. We started by warring against the oppression in the atmosphere. As we ascended in worship and intercession, I became aware of something that was empowering the oppression from a higher level. The real power source was being exposed through dissemination, by erosion of the foundation, so that it lowers the higher network into the warriors’ view. This happens on the broader spectrum as people, standing in individual locations, create interference to the enemy’s darkness and oppression. You can sometimes feel the weight of the darkness you are standing against. Many times this is your hometown or city. Our intercession for one another and our networking together multiplies the resistance. We become “pillars of light” standing amidst the “pillars of darkness.” How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, ...2 That unity is feared and fiercely fought. Once you understand how spirits work through an individual, you can then apply that information to the larger arena. For instance, spirits can work through whole groups of people as is obvious through religious cults and fanatics. In the book, Twilight Labyrinth,3 George Otis, Jr. does an exhaustive investigation of why evil dwells where it does. He researches the worship and religious practices of people groups who continue to keep areas fertile with demonic spirits. Again, this is a legal right. In their fear based actions to appease the gods they continue to reinstate demonic right to dwell in those locations. There are currently several books on the subject of territorial spirits and mapping available. I would only add a few thoughts in regard to territories. When God sends you somewhere on assignment, you have the authority to go there. Be sensitive to 88 the Holy Spirit’s leading as to when and how He will show you the assignment. Sometimes it may be on site; at other times you may need to stay out of the jurisdiction of those territorial spirits. We have been directly led to not cross a state’s boundaries, but to get a hotel room just on the border. In the morning, God gave very specific directions for the location to which we were going. He showed us a vision of several snakes under the main house and a snake under the cabin we would stay in. I did wonder how I would tell someone I had not met that I saw snakes, since it was a revered place for prayer and hearing God. We were, in fact, to be in one cabin the owner felt was greatly anointed. The first night we were up long before dawn taking communion. We happened to encounter anything but God in that place. God is good though, and the owner appeared at our door in the morning telling that she and others had troubling dreams of snakes. That opened the way for conversation and permission to do the intercession that would be needed. When someplace is known for prayer, the enemy works double time to pollute the ground. Another significant point is having someone who is a “land owner” with you. That person has staked roots in the area, city or state. When they welcome you they “lend” so to speak their jurisdictional authority to you, which adds to your own. Demons have networks for carrying information, and they are listening to our communication. We have to be alert when we are driving for we have found warfare in the form of clouding the mind, inability to pray, sleepiness and general shut down which sometimes starts long before we reach our destination. This has so successfully worked that, on one trip, I didn’t know if I would accomplish anything I was called to do. In this context it is taking something apart to understand its components. It is important to understand all the parts and there interconnections to be more effective in prayer. Low-level warfare involves demons whispering and communicating to the individual from the earthly plane. A good 89 image of this is the familiar picture of a demon sitting on someone’s shoulder. An image of the next level of demonic involvement could be a cartoon showing someone walking with a dark cloud above his or her head. It conveys the idea of the brooding they are walking around under. That dark cloud could be coming from the demonic realm. Moving up from the one-on-one engagement of demonic suggestion and low-level atmospheric influence, there is then a next higher-level of involvement. At this level, you will encounter control spirits often using occult power. The assignment flows through a chain of command, and eventually back down to familiar spirits or other low-level demons, which then influence the people. God used a movie for another intercessor to communicate a picture of a very high-level powerful intervention through a person. The movie was “Independence Day” and the picture was of a “mother ship” from outer space. This ship was extremely large and obviously gave the visual of great power. In this case scenario the person through whom the power was coming was not intelligent or clever enough to be manipulating and causing such destructive work without outside help. The real power source, the mother ship, was empowering the demons working with this person who was like an empty channel. Remember, if 1+ 1 does not equal 2, something is wrong someplace. In your mind, you must separate the person, their personality, and their strong and weak points. Don’t be deceived into thinking that if someone is a believer, they cannot be used in the same way as the unsaved. In the above scenario the human “channel” was unsaved, had previous occult involvement, was extremely selfcentered and used everyone and everything around her to gain her own ends. The power was being networked from the “mother ship” down through the low-level demons and finally through the person with the intent to destroy a Christian family. 90 Demons must follow the legal structure God has set in place. If we violate God’s laws, we open a door through which they may enter. Those doors must be discovered and repented of to close them. The son who became the victim of the above attack, had opened the door through alcohol, drugs and sexual encounters which resulted in a child being born. That child became the wedge for the enemy to use. At this point you may be saying, “cause and affect, sowing and reaping,” and I would agree. Remember though, Satan and his demons are masters at manipulating and hiding behind the scenes to extract vengeance and wreak havoc. This work of destruction behind many “circumstances” needs to be discerned and confronted through the Holy Spirit and prayer. Here are some case scenarios that need to be separated to see a complete picture: • • • • • Family situations with children, young and old, whose behavior is bizarre or extreme given the circumstances of growing up in a relatively stable family life (Selfdestructive patterns, extreme bitterness, hatred, inability to forgive, suicidal tendencies etc., especially when it is out of the range of understanding of natural cause and affect.) Marriages with excessive control or abuse (Especially take note when those couples are Christians seeking to follow God’s Word.) Sudden and unexplainable behavior changes or mood swings (Be aware that sometimes there were many hidden things that are now being revealed and it may take investigation much deeper to find the root issues.) Long-term problems such as lying, lust, perversion, jealousy, etc. (This person cannot seem to overcome their problem by standing on the Word of God for victory.) Atmospheres of control or oppression (As an example, you may see someone as overpowering in personality 91 when in reality there are demons of intimidation, manipulation, control etc. working behind that person.) This separation takes time in prayer with God and at times counsel from others. But, unless there is separation, we will continue to either see little freedom, or worse yet, live in oppression and failure. 1 Jas. 3:14-16 Duet 32:30 3 George Otis, Jr., The Twilight Labyrinth (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 2000). 2 92 We have all heard the expression: “you can’t see the forest for the trees!” The meaning is readily apparent; when we are too close, we cannot get a perspective of the whole of a matter. Throughout my life, I believe I have struggled with this problem. Being analytical by nature and gifted with discernment, I am often unconsciously separating and observing. This, however, is easier if you are some distance away to see the forest. From that vantage point I approach this chapter. I find it interesting that where I started, when I was first born, again has come full circle. I am working with, and interested in, those same components that I was originally drawn to, but the process I have worked through has caused my present views to be firmly set in place. I have spent an extensive time trying to explain control. I felt this was necessary because we cannot give the Lord our lives as a living sacrifice if so many other forces control us. I have addressed this book to those from whom I hear the heart cry, “there has to be more.” It is that “more” for which I too am striving. I believe it is found in such close association with the Lord that we see through His perspective and hear His heartbeat for the hour. I believe the dynamics of warfare I have presented can be used in any arena into which you may be called. What do I see God doing? I see Him shaking everything that can be shaken1. He is shaking man’s ideas of church and causing many to come out into the wilderness with Him. Those who are truly hungry and obedient will find themselves in that wilderness, albeit through a very painful process. In that wilderness He begins to address those things that are within us that can be used by the enemy to intertwine us in the world’s ways, the political posturing, the wanting to be seen of men, the desire for status, or even the true desire to help others. God calls us out of this world 93 (cosmos) so that we can find our identity in Him, all our needs met in Him. He is indeed to be our all in all. It has been said that evil is not the enemy of most Christians; good is. Adam and Eve were free to eat of the tree of life and forbidden to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Good is the enemy of God. If we are deciding what is good independently of God we put ourselves in the place of God; we will determine, we will judge. From this place our own mind (soul) assumes control. This must be broken so our spirit man can take its rightful position, thus allowing the Holy Spirit to govern our lives. If not, we will often find ourselves moving, praying or even intervening in opposition to God’s plans and purposes. Ministry that is pure comes from a person in whom ministry is an act of movement directed by the Holy Spirit. God can send us and we will not be easily moved by fear of man and other traps. We can pray or give a word of ministry and walk away with no need to control the results. We are not validated by the success or the failure of the person we ministered to. We are just the vessel for the Holy Spirit to use. I began in 1975 by being drawn immediately to prayer for individuals. It started with discernment of the source of the problem and involved emotional and physical healing, as well as deliverance prayer. I was thrust into spiritual warfare, and I continue to be drawn by a desire to understand how things work in the spirit. I still do believe, that all things have their source in the spirit realm before they manifest in our lives. My road progressed from a specific focus, which used my spiritual gifting, to a variety of other works. After many years, I realized that where God drew me in the beginning could not find a place in the traditional church but rather, I would become a pioneer to open the way for others. I in no way claim that I am alone. God calls out forerunners for the sake of His Body and we only choose whether or not to obey. In that obedience, it has become clearer to me how intricate the 94 demonic web is, how our own sin and soul life gives the enemy much working material, and how God is using all things to draw out a people unto Himself. COME WITH ME AND LET US ESCAPE… 1 Heb 12:26-27 95 96 97