IGA December 2003 - Iowa Greyhound Association


IGA December 2003 - Iowa Greyhound Association
together in
Iowa to
Gloria Sanders
2397 Utah Avenue
Thor, IA 50591
IA Greyhound Association • 1
BOB HARDISON (2004) ................................. 19149 Highway 175
Onawa, IA 51040
Home: 712.423.3010
Fax: 712.423.1883
David Ungs (2005) .............................................. 22437 Asbury Road
Holy Cross, IA 52053
Home: 563.744.9025
Fax: 563.744.9070
Greg Schipull (2005) .......................... Box 15, 425 W. Wright Street
Goldfield, IA 50542
Home: 515.825.3174
Fax: 515.825.3174
Email: [email protected]
Gloria Sanders (2005) .......................................... 2397 Utah Avenue
Thor, IA 50591
Home: 515.378.3183
Fax: 515.378.3183
Email: [email protected]
David Robinette (2004) ............................................ 1132 N. Avenue
Elliott, IA 51532
Home: 712.767.2354
Fax: 712.767.2360
Email: [email protected]
Randy Schaben (2006) .................................... 502 2nd Ave., Box 62
Portsmouth, IA 51565-0062
Home: 712.743.2293
Fax: 712.743.3009
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rider (2005) ......................................... 5626 22nd Avenue Trail
Vinton, IA 52349
Home: 319.472.4669
Fax: 319.472.4669
Email: [email protected]
Beverly Yates (2005) ......................................... 21767 Juniper Road
Underwood, IA 51576
Fax: 712.322.7281
Email: [email protected]
Earl Rettenmeier (2004) .................................... 2800 Katrina Circle
Dubuque, IA 52001
Home: 563.582.4932
Crawford Law Firm ............................................ 1701 Ruan Center
666 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309
Office: 515.245.5420
Fax: 515.245.5421
Jerry Crawford, Phil Roeder
Don Avenson ..................................................... 30 Maplewood Drive
Oelwein, IA 50662
Home: 319.283.1124
2 • IA Greyhound Association
Ron Mallen
Phone 712.526.2161
Fax 712.526.2043
[email protected]
If you plan to attend and vote at the January
18, 2004, election of officers and membership
meeting in Ames, PLEASE pay your dues by
December 31, 2003. This new by-law goes
into effect immediately. Send your dues to
Treasurer Greg Schipull.
At the time this IGA December news goes to
press, we will either have negotiated or
arbitrated an agreement with Dubuque
Greyhound Park and Casino and Bluffs Run
Casino. Check the IGA website for the
decision or call one of the IGA Board of
Iowa Greyhound Association update
n October 5, 2003, the IGA board met at 11:00
a.m. at Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino
for their October board meeting. ALL board
members were in attendance, as was legal counsel,
Jerry Crawford. Don Avenson chaired the meeting so
President Bob Hardison could join in the discussions.
The future of the IGA, live racing, simulcasting and the
Iowa Breeders Program were a few things the board
The board voted to raise the advertising fees,
beginning in the March, 2004, IGA news and website
ads. It was noted that NOWHERE can you advertise so
cheaply and get the amount of coverage for your
money. The rates will be as follows: Full page ad
$50.00, one half page ad $30.00. Anything less than
half a page will be $25.00. Please have your ads PRESS
READY and send to Gloria Sanders, Executive
Secretary, one month prior to publication. Publication
months are March, June, September and December.
Our NEW by-laws took effect after the August
membership meeting in Ames. Please take note:
Beginning now – all dues for 2004 must be paid by
December 31, 2003, in order to vote at the January 18,
2004, election of officers meeting. The dues are still
$25.00 per voting member. Send your dues to Treasurer
Greg Schipull.
The board addressed the loss of performances at
Bluffs Run for the 2004 season.
*Update – the IRGC met October 9 and voted to
allow Bluffs Run’s request. 11. RENEWAL OF
A. Iowa West Racing Association/Bluffs Run Casino
1. Application for race dates at BRC January 2, 2004,
through December 31, 2004, with six (6) performances:
Matinee performances are requested for Sunday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
4:00 p.m. Additional performances on holidays and post
times requested are Monday, December 27, at 4:00 p.m.
Thirteen (13) races will be held at each performance.
Other than the above performance, no racing will occur
on Monday. In addition, BRC is requesting to close the
facility June 8-12 and December 19-25. BRC is
requesting to continue year-round simulcasting.
In November, UNLESS a negotiation agreement has
been made with Dubuque Greyhound Park and Casino
(DGP) and Bluffs Run (BR), we will be going into
DGP/IGA arbitrators: David Blair, Roger Stetson,
and Rick Olson.
BR/IGA arbitrators: David Blair, Tom Whitson, and
Rick Olson.
We are still waiting on the Iowa Supreme Court’s
decision on the casino tax issue. The court meets again
in November.
The IGA will be looking for an Executive/Promotion
Consultant director. In the meantime, we want to thank
Ron Mullen for DONATING his time to keep the
continued IA Greyhound Association • 3
continued from previous page
website updated. He is doing a great job.
The board discussed track injuries and racetrack
conditions at BR. DGP, in the past, has replaced their
track surface every THREE years. The board spoke
about the need at BR (due to year round racing) to have
a heated/covered/sprint path installed for the safety of
the greyhounds racing there.
The board voted to request the IRGA to implement a
The quarantine at BR was another issue the board
discussed. *UPDATE – since the meeting, BR has lifted
the quarantine. This will allow the DGP dogs in, when
DGP closes at the end of October.
The Iowa Breeders Program was briefly discussed.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture, we hope, will
look at ways to strengthen the program to insure true
owners of the Iowa breds and females, until the pups
are 6 months of age.
The board looked at preserving the ESCROW funds.
Approximately $27,000 per week is deducted from the
fund to supplement Iowa and regular purses at BR. If
this method continues, in two-three years, the fund will
be gone.
The board addressed continuing simulcasting at BR.
It is the request of the board to be updated better on
what moneys are paid into purses at BR (from live dogs
being simulcasted out and horse and dogs being
simulcasting into BR). Also the expenses-uplink costs,
personal expenses, etc. In the past, on each week’s
purse check, the dollar amount that was generated into
the purses of greyhounds racing at BR was shown on
their weekly statements. Remember, WE pay 50% of
the simulcasting expense at BR, so as partners, should
be kept updated weekly on how our money is spent.
From Bob Rider, NGA Board of Director
District 4B
Some of the things that happened at the 2003 NGA
Fall Meet:
The auction was a success - the brood stock auction
on Friday night was a record $116,500.
The pup sale on Saturday was a very respectable
$1,105,800 - another sale of over one million dollars.
A lot of national attention was given to the $70,000
purchase (a record) of ROOFTOP GIZMO by Gary
Weber. On the following Monday is was the lead story
on CNN’s website.
The Districts and results of the elections for this year
4 • IA Greyhound Association
were as follows
District 1C – Randy Finegan 33, John D. Clark 28,
Robert T. Dial, Sr. 18
District 2C - Roger White 79, Robert Thorne 20 (writeins), other write-ins 5
District 3C Randy Blair 20, write-ins 2
District 4C Tracy Wilder 97, Herb Koerner 63 (writeins), other write-ins 2
District 5C - Kenneth Allen 58, write-ins 4
I would like to thank the two directors that served
and didn’t run for re-election, Dr. Jim Smart and Bruce
Caldwell. Both earned my respect from serving with
Ronald R. Mullen, 28008 Barrus Rd., Silver City, IA
51571, phone (712) 526-2161 was added to the
National Greyhound Association inspectors.
James Billingsley of Florida membership and
registration privileges were revoked.
The new board roster for 2003-2004 is as follows:
President: Charles C. Marriott
Vice President: Kenneth E. Allen
Secretary-Treasurer: Garry Guccione
The rest of the board: James Blanchard, Randy Finegan,
Paul F. Kippenberger DVM, Frederick A. Fulchine,
Roger D. White, David L. Hays, Harlyn Goebel, Randle
Blair, Dick Figurilli, Robert (Bob) V. Rider, Tracy L.
Wildey, Kathleen Y. Collins, Keith W. Sutton.
Something I noticed at this meet were some elected
politicians and lobbyists from Kansas, hope this was a
good sign.
On a sadder note, I was told Friday morning that Bill
Boatwright had passed away.
All in all, it was a successful meet, thanks all for
your support.
Richest greyhound race in U.S. was won by
R R Salty Dawg of Plum Creek Kennel at
Bluffs Run on November 1, 2003.
The Iowa Breeders Classic is history and two Plum
Creek Kennel greyhounds finished first and second,
racing in the $400,000 richest race. The finishes are:
1. R R Salty Dawg
2. Limited Out
3. Slatex Susan
4. PK’s Wiggley
5. Alikar
6. Dash For Daylight
7. Rr Balancing Act
8. PK’s King Louie
continued on 6 IA Greyhound Association • 5
continued from 4
Dubuque Iowa Breeders and consolation results
The season ended at Dubuque with the Iowa Breeders
Classic on October 26. The results were:
Joe Calabro WON the IB stakes race with Cal’s Par A
Dice. He also finished 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 8th with his
2. Jj Starbright
3. Cal’s Cadillac
4. Silent Giant
5. RM Flying Paws
6. Cal’s Heavy Chevy
7. L’s Tyler
8. Jj Guinevere
The Iowa Breeders Consolation race was won by the
Bob Rider Kennel and System Mb Mocan.
Veterinary pet insurance–
a deductible for pets, too!
HMPs, PPOs, now Veterinary PET Insurance, what will
they think of next?
Pet insurance has been available for over 20 years and
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Any age or breed of animal can be insured and
premiums range from $9.00-$17.00 a month, depending
on your coverage selected. Insurance helps cover
things, such as diagnostic tests, treatments,
hospitalization, surgery, x-rays, and can help cover
routine care, too. Clients who carry insurance on their
pets have been happy with its coverage and ease of use.
Treatments and diagnostics that might not have been
done before are now being done. Finances no longer
have to rule your decision to do a procedure on a family
member as special as your four-legged furry one.
If you have questions please call the office or VPI at 1800-872-7387 or visit www.petinsurance.com
“Pet insurance makes choosing the best
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decision, not a financial decision.”
Name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Shipping Address ______________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________ State _____________ Zip Code ________________
Down Under Jones Book
Quantity _______________
$10.00 (plus shipping)
$ _____________________________
$ _____________________________
Don’t delay – order today!
Make checks payable to Iowa Greyhound
6 • IA Greyhound Association
All orders are shipped U.P.S.
or 3rd Class U.S. Mail.
Send order with payment to:
Beverly Yates
21767 Juniper Road
Underwood, IA 51576
(712) 322-7430
Gloria Sanders
2397 Utah Avenue
Thor, IA 50591
(515) 378-3183
Oswald Cobblepot
Bart’s Email
Bart’s Saltine
Dutch Shannon
Ozark Duchess
Docker’s Order
Bluffs Run
All Grade A
In the
money 85%
Park 2002
Fee 350
(first ten breedings)
Owner: Gary Baish
1803 Huntington Road
Waterloo, IA 50701
Home: 319-236-2068
Cell: 319-404-7293
Semen Available
Dr. Kent Law
Abilene, Kansas
Less than 3 pups gets return
No returns on female 10 years or older
IA Greyhound Association • 7
Bl Be Mine wins the 2003
$75,000 Dubuque Classic
UBUQUE – It was that time of year again when
Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino ran its 19th
annual Dubuque Classic stakes event Saturday
evening, August 30. This highly celebrated stakes race at
Dubuque started its festivities early in the week with a
Post-Position Draw Luncheon. It began with introducing
the finalists in the Dubuque Classic starting with the
highest point getter:
• 45 points – Deco Fastdodge of the Dog Patch
Kennel was the only dog that won two of the
preliminary rounds.
• 44 points – Pdq Lets Roll of the Lucky Foxx
Kennel a solid grade (A) that could win in either 516ths or 3-8ths races.
• 35 points – Watermelon Crawl one of two greyhounds from the Oxbow-Trow Kennel in the finals.
• 32 points – Pazzo Amaretto of the Sherrets Kennel
who is littermate to Pazzo Kaffe, who won the
$75,000 King & Queen Stakes only a few months
• 31 points – L’s Travis of the Gendron Kennel
pulled out a win just when he needed it the most.
• 30 points – The favorite, Lb Horizon of the Oxbow-Trow Kennel current leader in the win category of the Dubuque Course this season. Has
lightning late speed in the DC races that’s tough to
• 30 points – Bl Be Mine of the River Bluffs Kennel
was a tough 3-8ths greyhound at Bluffs Run
Greyhound Park, but ended up getting injured. He
was brought to Dubuque for rehabilitation and
came back from injury to prove his 3-8ths ability.
• 28 points – Rounding off the field another solid
grade (A) Rmj’s Sir James of the Jim Blanchard
All kennels that made it into the finals were invited to
8 • IA Greyhound Association
the post-position draw luncheon. This year Dubuque
Greyhound Park & Casino went with a football theme for
choosing the greyhound’s post. Four football pinatas and
four suns pinatas were each stuffed with a racing blanket
and set on top of a miniature football field. The rules
were simple: the highest point getter to the lowest point
getter picked a pinata. When the Director of Racing,
dressed up as a referee, blew his whistle and yelled
touchdown, the kennel representative threw down their
pinata to the ground, stomped on it doing a celebration
dance, breaking open the pinata to see the blanket enclosed representing the post their greyhound would be
running in for the $75,000 Dubuque Classic.
aturday evening’s 12th race was the prestigious
Dubuque Classic race. The leadouts and patrol judge
were dressed to impress in tuxes, and paraded out onto
the track with the final eight greyhounds in front of a
large crowd of spectators. Anticipation grew as the race
was off, with Bl Be Mine of the River Bluffs Kennel
breaking out on top and never looking back, to win with
an impressive eight-length lead. Deco Fastdodge of the
Dog Patch ran into a lot of trouble going into the first
turn, but came back to take second place. Pdq Lets Roll
of the Lucky Foxx Kennel stayed in place up to the
stretch, where he was out dueled to end up settling for
third place. The favorite, Lb Horizon, had also run into
some trouble in the first turn that seemed to have fizzled
out his famous late drive, finishing him in the fourth
place position. Rounding off the rest of the field were L’s
Travis of the Gendron Kennel, who took fifth place;
Rmj’s Sir James of the Jim Blanchard Kennel, claiming
sixth place; Pazzo Amaretto of the Sherrets Kennel,
taking seventh; and Watermelon Crawl of the OxbowTrow Kennel, with eighth.
Pictured, left to right: Patrol Judge, Tracy Schnee; Director of Racing, Brian Carpenter; Leadout, Tom Rogers; Racing Secretary, Kathleen Stierman; Trainer for the
River Bluffs Kennel, Brad Hess; Owners of the River Bluffs Kennel, Joe Lent and
Earl Rettenmeier.
Greenies won’t leave your teeth green
I’m always looking for something new and different to
provide for my clients. My new thing right now is Greenies.
Greenies are a dental treat designed to help clean teeth,
freshen breath, reduce oral bacteria and aid indigestion.
Greenies were formulated by a veterinarian, clinical
nutritionist and agricultural specialist whose dog “Ivan”
suffered from bad breath - like knock you down bad breath.
So, with a little help they were able to formulate a toothbrush shaped green dental chew that helped reduce the
tartar and halitosis in “Ivan.”
Dental disease is one of the most commonly encountered
problems in pets. Signs of dental disease usually begin to
develop around the age of 4. Home dental care is essential
to the overall health of your pet, as poor dental hygiene can
lead to systemic infection in heart, kidney and liver.
Dental treats are a fun way to treat your pet and help control
tartar and halitosis. Greenies and CET chews are great
follow-up home care, but should never replace professional
dental cleaning by the veterinarian. Studies show that pets
who get routine dental care can live 4 years longer than
those who don’t.
IA Greyhound Association • 9
Division of National By-Products, LLC
* * * Quality Meat at Fair Prices * * *
Beech Bottom, WV
Nitro, WV
Cranston, RI
Council Bluffs, IA
Oklahoma City, OK
Stigler, OK
Valdosta, GA
Abilene, KS
or 785-263-4238
Kansas City, KS
***Please call the Qual Pet office for pick-up at the following cold storage:
Denver, CO
10 • IA Greyhound Association
Momoni Harold wins the 2003
$75,000 Future Star Stakes
UBUQUE – On Saturday evening, September
27, Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino ran its
$75,000 Future Star Stakes race. It started out
with 48 greyhounds that were whelped March 2001 or
later that have won their first official start in their career
at Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino. The odds on
favorite was Pat C Slope, of the Pat Collins Kennel,
winning all his rounds and sitting in the seven post, it
looked to be all wrapped up. But it was a greyhound
from one of our top litters this year at Dubuque that
proved to be the Future Star. Momoni Harold of the
Seastrom-Lovely Kennel had two seconds and win in
his three qualifying rounds. Starting out of the 5-16ths
box in post-position number two, Momoni Harold
broke out third with a strong drive that put him in the
lead entering the backstretch, and gave him a fourlength winning lead to become the 2003 Future Star
Champ. Dk’s Whomadewho of the Bean and Hardison
Kennel had run into a little trouble her last qualifying
round, but ran a clean race in the finals to follow the
leader to the finish to take second. The favorite, Pat C
Slope, broke well, but just didn’t seem to have the late
speed needed to overcome the leaders, but held on to
take the show ticket.
Pictured , left to right: Brian Carpenter, Director of Racing; Jean Hallahan, Director of
Mutuels; Shawn Parsons, son-in-law to Al Shaw; Kathleen Stierman, Racing Secretary;
Nick Hochberger, Leadout; Al Shaw, owner of Momoni Harold; Jerry and Brenda Kipper,
good friends of Al Shaw; Bryan Fraley, stepson of Al Shaw; Sherry Jones, daughter of the
IA Greyhound Association • 11
Adopt a
Adopt a
12 • IA Greyhound Association
Proven – with Two Stake Dogs in first litter ...
DK’s Prime Time
May ‘98
HB’s Commander
Princess Donna
Mystic Rose
Right Connection
Beau Liz
Kelly Owen
Night Gent
Amelia’s Boogie
ML Sonic Boom
Pictured above is the Molotov – Kelly Owen litter that dominated the February/March division at the 2001 Fall National meet with four main stake
winners and a new track record. What you may not know is that this was a repeat breeding. The first litter was also outstanding, but by far the
best was DK’s PRIME TIME. He shattered a hock in his third official schooling race, winning his first two races by a total of 25-1/2 lengths. His
littermate brother was a multiple stake finalist at Bluffs Run. Three other littermates made Grade A there. The second litter (pictured) already has
five winning Grade A’s and competing in Stakes at BR. Prime Time’s first litter is outstanding at BR (see lines).
Primary Mate is not even 2 years old and was a Finalist in the $60,000 Spring Futurity and Ran 2nd in $60,000 Open Spring Stake at Bluffs Run
(finished second). A littermate, Primary First, ran 3rd in the Finals of King & Queen Stake at Dubuque.
Toye & Jeff Cole
2330 Daisy Road, Solomon, KS 67480
Frozen Semen available (drawn and stored by
Return Breeding if properly notified
Dr. Kent Law, Abilene, KS) Can be shipped anywhere
Not Responsible for accidents.
Also available at Alvin Staggs, David Moses, KB Greyhounds and Louanne Squire (Iowa).
IA Greyhound Association • 13
Membership Application
Application for
❑ New
❑ Renewal
Name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Postal Address ________________________________________________________________________________
City/Town __________________________________________ State ____________________ Zip ____________
Phone Numbers
Home: (__________) - ____________ - _______________________
(__________) - ____________ - _______________________
Fax: _____________________
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Kennel ❑ Trainer ❑ Other
Are you licensed by the IA Racing and Gaming Commission?
If “yes” indicate which type of license:
Is your interest in greyhounds:
❑ Owner
❑ An investment ❑ A hobby ❑ A full-time business
❑ Other: ______________________________________
The IA Greyhound Association is a nonprofit organization. The purpose of the association is to promote the
breeding, training, and welfare of the greyhound and to benefit the State of IA. Please allow 15 days for
screening of applications. The association is governed by its articles of incorporation and bylaws, and Robert’s
Rules of Order.
Yearly membership dues are $25.00 for voting members for the calendar year, with election of the board of
directors and officers held during the general membership meeting, the third Sunday of January.
All new memberships must be received at least fifteen (15) days prior to voting to allow for review and
approval of applicants.
Memberships paid from September 1 are good for the following year.
Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ____________________________
This application form and a check for $25.00 should be mailed to:
Greg Schipull, IGA Treasurer
Box 15, 425 W. Wright Street
Goldfield, IA 50542
(515) 825-3625
14 • IA Greyhound Association
Call us today!
The Iowa Greyhound Association
officers and board of directors, legal
and lobby consultant, want to wish
all of you a very
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
See you at the January 18, 2004,
11:00 a.m. meeting at the
Gateway Convention Center
in Ames.
IA Greyhound Association • 15
Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission
December, 2003
January 15, 2004
February, 2004
March 4, 2004
April 15, 2004
May, 2004
June 10, 2004
Johnston (Stoney Creek Inn)
Johnston (Stoney Creek Inn)
Council Bluffs (Harrah’s)
Johnston (Stoney Creek Inn)
NOTE: Agenda submissions are due in the Commission’s Des
Moines office ten business days prior to the meeting.
Iowa Racing and Gaming
Commission Members
172 Casino Road
Storm Lake, Iowa 50588
Farley Fertilizer, Inc.
17301 Olde Farley Road
Farley, IA 52046
P.O. Box 850
Montezuma, Iowa 50171
515-623-5425, office
515-623-3058, home
17655 Page Lane
Honey Creek, Iowa 51542
No pain, lots to gain
f you hear the word laser mentioned, many people
think of Star Wars or Star Trek. Lasers almost
conjures up some sort of space age vision. But laser
use in veterinary medicine is here and becoming a more
popular way of doing surgery.
Laser actually stands for
Light Amplification by the
Stimulated Emission of
Radiation. When CO2 laser
technology is used to cut
soft tissue, the laser’s
energy is absorbed by the
targeted tissues’ intracellular water. This intracellular
water is then rapidly vaporized, along with the cell wall,
allowing the laser beam to cut precisely along the
desired incision line. As laser surgery is performed, the
healthy tissue surrounding the site is no longer affected
by the bruising, crushing and tearing that occurs when a
scalpel is used to cut. The laser beam effectively seals
blood vessels, severed nerves and lymphatic vessels,
which means less blood loss, less pain and less swelling
for your pet.
All ad copy, corrections, additions, cancellations, etc. must be
received on or before the first of the month prior to IGA
publication (March, June, September and December).
Full page ad .................................................................... $50.00
Half page ad .................................................................... $30.00
1/3 page ad ...................................................................... $25.00
1/4 page ad ...................................................................... $25.00
You MUST advertise in the IGA publication for your ad to run
at no additional fee for the website. Your ad will be run for 3
months, until the next publication, or you cancel.
Send ad copy to:
16 • IA Greyhound Association
IA Greyhound Association
Gloria Sanders
2397 Utah Avenue
Thor, IA 50591
aser surgery has been used for people for almost 40
years and has proven to be an effective and safe
alternative to conventional surgery. Lasers may be used
for declawing cats, biopsy of lumps and bumps, dog
and cat spays and neuters, entropion repair, oral surgery, wound debridement, removal of skin tags and
small cysts, and numerous other procedures.
Using a laser to do soft tissue surgery is safe, effective,
less painful and allows for quicker recovery and return
to normal activity. What a great way to provide your pet
with nearly painless surgery. In some cases minor
cosmetic procedures can be done with local anesthetic
only. Post operative pain is one component that slows
healing post surgically. A laser helps reduce pain,
swelling, and bleeding because nerve endings are sealed
and incisions sites are usually left alone.
Frozen Semen available on the following sires:
Abita Sylvester .......................................... $500
Ace A Matic ................................................ $750
Agent Geno ................................................ $750
Aimin By Design ....................................... $750
Always Faithful .......................................... $750
Anna’s Special ........................................... $500
Ardon Tailor ............................................ $1,000
Asti Axel ..................................................... $500
Bara Buzz ................................................ $1,000
BB’s Call Pot .............................................. $500
BB’s Credit Pot .......................................... $500
Beams Full Moon ................................... $1,000
Be Complete .............................................. $750
Bestwithtwobacks ..................................... $750
Betty N Ed .................................................. $500
Big Boy Baggio ......................................... $500
Blazing Desire ........................................ $1,000
By Tar ...................................................... $1,000
Buzz Around ........................................... $1,000
Cajun Deception ........................................ $500
Call The Feds ............................................. $750
CB Express ................................................ $500
Chick’s Racey ............................................ $500
CJ Pepto Geno .......................................... $750
Coldwater Guv ........................................... $500
Craigie Glen ............................................... $750
Craigie Whistler ...................................... $1,000
Crystal Budlite ........................................... $750
Crystal Firelite ........................................... $500
Delatite Boy ............................................... $500
Deuces Wild ............................................... $750
Dewey Top Dignity ..................................... $500
DG’s True Blue ........................................... $500
DK’s Prime Time ........................................ $500
Dodgem By Design ................................... $750
Dot’s Tweety ............................................... $500
Extreme Heat ............................................. $750
Faithful Scott ............................................. $750
Flawless Start ............................................ $750
Follies Bergiere ......................................... $500
Flying Missile ......................................... $1,000
Flying Penske ......................................... $1,250
Frans Big Jeff ............................................ $500
Fry That Spam ........................................... $650
Fuzzys Geronimo ...................................... $750
Gable Chevy ........................................... $1,000
Gable Dodge ........................................... $1,500
Gable Oscar ............................................ $1,000
Graceland Blaze ..................................... $1,000
Grenade .................................................. $1,000
Greys Flameproof ..................................... $750
Hot Shot Salesman ................................... $750
Iruska All Star ............................................ $750
Iruska Excalibur ........................................ $750
Iruska Rex .................................................. $750
Iruska Zederiah ......................................... $750
Its Aclevercatch ...................................... $1,250
Jay’s Rule ................................................... $500
JB Junior B ................................................ $750
JG Baxter ................................................... $500
Jimbo Scotty .......................................... $1,000
JNJ Satin Prince .......................................... 750
Kayak Kez .................................................. $500
Kelsos Kingpin .......................................... $750
Kings Cobblepot ....................................... $450
Kiowa Sweet Joe ....................................... $750
Kiowa Sweet Trey ................................... $1,000
Lido Shuffle ............................................... $500
LZ’s MR Quick A ........................................ $500
Montechina ................................................ $500
MDM Phantom Lite .................................... $500
Mischievous Mix ........................................ $500
MP’s Mallory .............................................. $500
My Black Star ............................................. $500
My Boots Bingham ................................... $500
My Broadway Joe ...................................... $500
My Mr. Bocephus ....................................... $500
My Mr. Peabody ......................................... $500
My Rooster ............................................. $1,000
NR’s Fast Eddie ......................................... $500
Okie Kail ..................................................... $500
Old Bailey ................................................... $500
Ole Harry .................................................... $750
Oneco Wiseman ........................................ $750
Oshkosh Slammer .................................. $1,250
Oshkosh Hightech ................................. $1,000
Oshkosh USA ......................................... $1,000
Pat C Montecarlo ....................................... $500
Pepes Dilemma .......................................... $500
P’s Highwire ............................................... $500
P’s Racer .................................................... $500
P’s Reco ..................................................... $500
P’s Skidway ................................................ $500
Quiet Travler ............................................... $500
Radio Travler .............................................. $500
Randy Handy .......................................... $1,000
Rapido Elija ............................................ $1,000
Rapido Rambo ........................................ $1,000
Rasta Pup .................................................. $750
RD’s Good Time ......................................... $750
Recent Survey ........................................... $750
RedmoonClyde .......................................... $500
Riki Lake .................................................... $500
Ring Them Bells ........................................ $850
Rocksteady Eddie ..................................... $500
Santa Fe Rufus ....................................... $1,000
San Tan Chance ......................................... $500
San Tan Rampage ...................................... $500
San Tan Whammo ...................................... $500
Scatillac Navajo ......................................... $500
Scott Free ............................................... $1,000
SC’s Mask Rider ........................................ $750
Seegold Big Red ....................................... $750
Silver Tongue ............................................. $500
Splishin Vallie ......................................... $1,000
System Carl ............................................... $500
Teamster .................................................... $750
Tenthill Man ............................................... $750
Trojan Cruze .............................................. $750
Twilite Reward ........................................... $750
Unruly Rascal ............................................ $500
WD’s Santiago ........................................ $1,250
Wigwam Hoss ......................................... $1,000
Wigwam Zion ............................................. $500
WW Tim Warp .......................................... $1,250
Zangie ........................................................ $500
We are an approved N.G.A. collection and storage center
We will honor no returns or refunds on females bred over 10 years old
or on 30 day delinquent stud fees.
We are able to ship frozen semen to any N.G.A. approved vet or N.G.A. certified storage center.
Call us for information on shipping frozen semen regardless of your location.
For your convenience we have frozen semen available on our sires at the following locations:
Symbioun Farms (Dr. Law), Abilene, KS 785-263-3221 • Dr. David Moses, Ocala, FL 352-624-0422
Vision Sires, Joe DeSalvo, Denver, CO 303-659-1842 • Spiro Vet Clinic, Spiro, OK 918-962-5066
Louann Squier, Malvern, IA 712-624-8207 • ICSB, Boring, OR 503-663-7031
KB’s Greyhounds, Kenneth Biehle 512-898-2959
Progesterone test available at no charge.
Return Policies vary on Frozen Semen
breedings. Call for further information
20763 State Hwy. 19
Blair, OK 73526
Cajun Kennel
Alvin Staggs
Return breeding if properly notified.
Not responsible for accidents.
Phone: 580-563-2803
Fax: 580-563-9110
IA Greyhound Association • 17
Guaranteed to be the Best in the Business!
Attention Everyone!
Maintenance Free Crates!
Are you tired of sand blasting and repainting your
kennel crates every few years?
G & T Crates, Inc.
has the solution
Now available – Plastic Floor Inserts & Galvanized Tops.
For a few dollars more you can order the hot dipped galvanized finish on your crates. This finish will make your crates
maintenance free and also give then the durability to last a lifetime.
The cost of stainless steel is out of the picture. The hot dipped galvanizing is the thing of the future.
Order your crates maintenance free from now on. Order them galvanized.
Our portable units are built with 1” heavy 14 gauge tube steel with 1” x 1” x 14 gauge galvanized mesh stretched tightly
over it. Our doors are designed to lift right off when opening so we can insure the safety of your greyhounds. Equipped with
3” heavy duty urine resistant casters. Our units have been installed at Dubuque, Seabrook, Lincoln, Mobile, VictoryLand,
Plainfield, Ebro, Mile High, Florida Kennels, Inc., The Woodlands, Naples-Ft. Myers, Palm Beach, Wisconsin Dells, Geneva
Lakes, Dairyland, Fox Valley, Jefferson County, Valley Greyhound, Southland, St. Croix, Birmingham, Daytona Beach,
Camptown, Bridgeport, and other tracks throughout the country.
Greyhound owners all over comment on the design and workmanship of our units. Give us a call and you can purchase
these units factory direct at our low prices.
Proven at the track and on the farm to be the #1 crate in the country!
References available in every state on both tracks and farms.
G & T Crates, Inc.
DAY CALLS Shop Phone:
P.O. Box D
Garber, Iowa 52048
Residence Phone (after 4:30 p.m.)
18 • IA Greyhound Association
501 Tyson Street
Glenwood, Iowa 51534
Telephone: (712) 527.2040
Facsimile: (712) 527.2039
Toll Free: (877) 448.3879
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We would like to take this
opportunity to say thank you to all
our customers for their continued
support and trust. Without it we
would not be able to say ...
We’ve Moved!
As always, GreyhoundRx strives to provide the
best possible healthcare items for your dogs,
along with excellent customer service and
support, while saving you money along the way.
If you are looking for an item and do not see it
listed in our catalog, please give us a call. We
will work our hardest to source it and get it to
you at the lowest price available.
Give us a call today with ANY
questions you may have ...
Toll Free: 1.877.448.3879
GreyhoundRX is your EXCLUSIVE
distributor of VETSEARCH products!
Listed below are just a few of the most
popular items. Please call toll free,
877.448.3879 to have a full listing of
VETSEARCH items mailed to you!
Feramo Greyhound –
Foundation supplement containing vitamins, minerals and iron to maximize growth, performance, breeding
activity and good health.
Calci-D –
Calcium plus vitamins A and D supplement to maintain strong muscular-skeletal system
Betacel –
Daily electrolyte replacer
Beta-K Tablets –
Slow release potassium “booster” chloride tablets
White E –
Vitamin E supplement, which is an antioxidant, used
naturally in the body to maintain muscle function and
contraction power. Vital for proper function of the immune system and for maintaining fertility
Ironcyclen –
Iron supplement with copper and cobalt, which are
essential for red blood cell and hemoglobin production
Nutradex –
Mild diuretic and acid neutralizing syrup to combat
effects of acidosis and dehydration
Recharge –
Used to rapidly replenish electrolytes and fluids after
travel or racing.
We continue to carry a full line of the following items:
A wide variety of worming medications
Electrolytes and fluid replacements
Vitamins, minerals and iron supplements
Flea and tick controls
IA Greyhound Association • 19
20 • IA Greyhound Association

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