ACLetter - Community Living Winnipeg


ACLetter - Community Living Winnipeg
Winter 2005
A United Way Member Agency
Community Living Winnipeg is dedicated to the enhancement of the lives and status of people who live with an
intellectual disability and their families by promoting their full inclusion, support and acceptance.
Board Members
Connie Petersen
Past President
Elena Stangherlin
Vice President
Kevin Johnson
Brian Ormonde
Maureen Halldorson
Harry Wolbert
Scott Mitchell
Marc Battle
Dawn Gates
Trevor Walker
Bob Jones
Kristan Pearson
Scott Klassen
Barbara Brown
What Is Reasonable?
As mentioned in the last newsletter, Bill 13:
The Public Schools Amendment Act
(Appropriate Education Programming)
regulations took effect in November, 2005.
While this is positive, the existence of these
new regulations does not mean the parents’
fighting for an appropriate education for
their children is over. Within the regulations themselves, there are words and
phrases that could provide points of dispute
for parents and educators.
The appropriate Educational Programming
regulations repeat a particular word
throughout: “reasonable”. The regulations
state that appropriate educational programming must be available to a student in a
regular class of his/her own peers-when
reasonably practicable. School related activities must accommodate the needs of all
students –reasonably. In planning for students, their learning outcomes are what they
can be expected to achieve -reasonably.
It seems that “reasonable” is easily definable, but when it comes to educational planning and programming for a student based
on what’s reasonable, expectations affect
definition. Parents who advocate for the
rights of their children see their children as
valuable people with gifts and strengths. When
parents value their child, the expectations for
the child’s life are higher. Higher expectations
will result in more challenging programming
and complex goals, which in turn help promote
growth and development. By the same token,
if a person involved in a child’s educational
planning and programming does not see that
child in the same way, their expectations for
the child will be lower, resulting in less challenging programming and diminished opportunity for growth. What’s reasonable is open to
interpretation and what parents see as reasonable learning outcome for their child, an educator may not.
This room for interpretation around
“reasonable” leaves open the possibility for
dispute between parents and educations. The
new regulations also include a formal dispute
resolution process-but Review Coordinators
can throw out complaints that they feel are
frivolous. So, given the lack of clarity about
what is reasonable, what is reasonable?
Come See The Sisters!
Memberships expire on March 31st of each year. This will be the last
newsletter mailed out to non-members. If you would like to continue
receiving a newsletter via mail, please see the green membership form
included. Newsletters will still be sent out via e-mail and posted on our
website: We do not
want membership fees to hinder you from receiving vital information. If
you are unable to pay for a membership, please call 786-1414.
Now You Can Donate Online! Visit’s a way of thinking
Community Living Winnipeg is hosting a fundraiser featuring the SISTERS OF THE HOLY ROCK.
Friday, March 24th at 7:30pm. Tickets $15.
Please call Deanne at 953-5877 for tickets or
more information.
If you do not want to receive mail-outs
please contact us.
A Message From The Executive Director
Membership Matters!
According to Manitoba Merv, spring
is just around the corner. The days
are longer, the sun is more intense, I
have been hearing more birdsong and
Community Living Winnipeg is talking about membership renewal.
Those are all sure signs of spring.
Members are the lifeblood of our organization. As a non-profit organization we are governed by a board of
directors who are elected by the general membership at our annual general meeting. Any individual member
of Community Living Winnipeg is
eligible to run for a position on our
board. The board members are a
dedicated lot, and we truly appreciate
all of the time they volunteer in their
commitment to the work of our association.
We count on our members to bring to
our attention circumstances that either promote inclusion for everyone
or create obstacles for people living
full and meaningful lives. In our role
of helping to bring down the barriers
to inclusion, we need to have a strong
membership which gives us the authority to speak on their behalf if necessary.
We are grateful to all of you who are
new members this year and to those
of you who have faithfully renewed
your membership year after year.
Our hope is that you have found your
membership with Community Living
Winnipeg to be beneficial.
Celebrate Belonging!
On February 3rd 2006, I was reminded on how important it is to celebrate! I attended a 18th birthday Party
for a youth who is involved with the Among Friends
Program. Her name is Suzanne. I brought 5 youth
with me to the party. We pulled up to the community
center where the party was being held and a saw a
parking lot full of cars. The
youth who were with me could
not believe this was all for Suzanne.
We walked inside and realized
there were at least 100 people
there to help celebrate Suzanne’s life! Her parents had
invited anyone who had had an
impact on her life and played
an important role. There was
food, dancing, pictures and a
chance to share ones memories
of and wishes for Suzanne.
Her mom made a beautiful
speech of thanks to all those
who have played a
role in her daughter’s
life included Suzanne’s teachers her brother’s friends. I
don’t think she missed anyone. Her parents knew how
important it was to celebrate. It was such a witness of
the work they have done as parents to make sure their
daughter has a full life, has help reaching her potential
and belongs to a social network that loves and cares for
her. You could tell by the
reaction and expression on
her face, that Suzanne
knew just how loved and
important she is by watching her.
Suzanne overjoyed by the turnout to her party
You Asked Us...
My son “Brett” is in his third year
of high school in a “cluster” program for students with special
needs. His class is writing their
exams, however, the rest of the
kids are writing all this week. Because of this, his class is finished
for the semester and the teachers
have arranged a number of
“outings” for the week. My son
doesn’t want to attend some of
them as he feels they are
“children’s” activities. Here is
what I am confused about: They
want our kids to act mature, act
their own age and yet some of these
activities are geared for children. If
he doesn’t attend, he will be
marked absent. His teacher states
that these are “life skills” therefore
he must attend. Can you offer any
insight that might be helpful?
Dear Concerned Mom,
So the teacher may be right, whatever the activity is may teach some life skill.
The question is, is there some other activity that might teach the same life skill
without diminishing the student’s status? The simple question to test this would
be, “if the other students were not busy writing tests, would this be an outing
suitable or age-appropriate for them?
Concerned Mom
Some questions came to mind.
What are the activities that are seen as children things by “Brett” or yourself?
What life skills does the teacher think will be learned? Is exam week the only
week they do outings: Is there any school work “Brett” could do instead of going on the “outing?”
You and “Brett” are right to be concerned about the age-appropriateness of activities. Social Role Valorization theory or SRV(A course now taught by Zana
Lutfiyya, the Associate Dean, to special education teachers at the U of Manitoba) is based on the concept that positive life experiences are more likely to
result when people have valued social roles (status) and valued skills or gifts
(competence). Also, how do we do something (process) is as important as the
outcome (goal) For example, we can teach measurement to a six year old by
using a sandbox and pail– without diminishing the child’s status while achieving the goal of acquisition of a useful skill (competence). If we do the same
activity with a sixteen year old, we have a problem. Measurement is still a useful life skill, but now we diminish the student’s status. So when we teach measurement to a sixteen year old, we are more likely to go to the kitchen and cook
something, right? Because being able to prepare a meal is a skill appropriate for
any teenager or adult to learn and may even have additional benefits of enhancing one’s literacy skills and, if done in the regular home economics or food sciences class, be inclusive and status enhancing.
Perhaps the way to engage this is to be asking if the teacher has taken the course
or is familiar with SRV and see if he/she can do a self-appraisal of their outing.
Perhaps it is suggesting that ‘Brett’ is willing to attend school and carry out
some alternative assignment. Perhaps, though far more unlikely a solution,
’Brett’ can agree to go on the outing when students who are not already at risk
of being viewed as “different” have the same outing scheduled for them. I
would be happy to join in on a conversation on this topic if invited.
I haven’t addressed the side issue of having a week of outings during exam
week. But hopefully this gives you a bit of help with the main concern. Please
feel free to call, by the way.
Rod Lauder, Advocacy Advisor
Help us help you...send us your
Mark Your Calendar!
We are planning a family conference for March
23-24th of 2007...details
to follow in upcoming
Social Role Valorization
May 10-12, 2006
Social Role Valorization (SRV) is one of the best
ways of understanding and addressing the issues of
marginalization, oppression, and exclusion of people
who are devalued in our community. For more information please call 786-1414
Transition Workshop Series:
Do you have a child with a disability who will be leaving school or
moving out of your home within a few years? Learn about the issues
concerning transitioning from childhood and school.
Vulnerable Person ’ s Act
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7-9 pm 120 Maryland St.
Speaker: Rose Flaig
The Vulnerable Person ’ s Act was passed in Manitoba in 1996 to
promote and protect the rights of adults living with a mental disability.
The Act is based on the belief that vulnerable persons should have
the opportunity to make their own decisions and direct their own lives,
with support if necessary. This workshop will assist participants to
understand the principles and spirit of the legislation, how it impacts
individuals, families, and the community and how to take value based
legislation and turn it into value based living.
River East Parent Support Network
New location: Access River East -
975 Henderson Highway! Meetings
Pre – Registration Required - $10 per Person. To register
or for more information, please contact Carla at 953-5878
Email: [email protected]
are held on the 4th Monday of the
month with the exception of March
/06 and May/06 which will be the
3rd Monday of the month 7 –9 p.m.
The Fall Gathering
Senior Parent to Parent
The Henderson Group
Access River East 975 Henderson
Hwy 1st Thursday of each month
10 – 11:30 am
The Central Group
120 Maryland 3rd Thursday of each
month 10 – 11:30 am
Fall Gathering plans are well underway! The
next gathering will be held on Friday October
13th, 2006! Look for the brochure in the Summer newsletter which goes out July 2006.
Be sure to renew your membership so you are
guaranteed to get the mailout!
If you would like to volunteer, please call
Belonging: A Success Story
In this month’s
ier. He cross-country
newsletter, we celeskis, snowshoes, skates,
brate the concept of
swims and will soon be
belonging. Belonging
learning to curl. David
is about relationship,
has learned the skills
connection and internecessary to compete
dependence. Our
and has won many ribsense of belonging
bons and medal in snowbegins with a loving
shoeing, bowling and
family us that suptrack. The experience of
ports us, nurtures us,
participating in sports,
and accepts us and it
contributing to a team
extends to our
and developing new relaneighborhoods,
tionships has deepened
schools and commuDavid’s sense of belongnities. When we feel
ing. According to
like we belong, we
David’s mother, Carla,
Photo of David Wall
feel safe enough to
there have been benefits
express ourselves and we feel like we fit in. Then we
for the entire family. “Sports have been a great outlet for
have the courage to reach out and try new things. Our
him and us too. Our family has met some absolutely woncircle of belonging grows when we have the opportunity
derful families through the Special Olympics clubs.”
to be part of something beyond ourselves, something
Impressed by David’s enthusiasm, determination and sucmeaningful. It could be about joining a team, attending a
cess, his teachers and coaches have nominated him for
support group or becoming a member of an organization. Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children ‘Yes I Can’
As our circle grows, we build more connections and our
award in athletics. The Ceremony was held at the Fairmont
lives are enriched.
Hotel on February 16, 2006. Congratulations, David! And
One young man’s life has been enriched as his circle of
belonging has grown beyond his devoted family. David
Wall is an active 14-year-old athlete. About three years
ago, David became a member of Special Olympics
Manitoba and life for the Wall family became a lot bus-
Walk With L’Arche
congratulations to the Wall family, to the dedicated school
staff, to the committed coaches and to Special Olympics
for contributing to David’s growing sense of belonging.
Elvis spotted at the Walk With L’Arche
On Sunday, May 7th, Park Pontiac’s second annual Walk With L'Arche and Party
Celebration will take place at Kern Park in Transcona to help raise funds for a wheelchair accessible van. There will be free refreshments, live entertainment, children's
activities and many prize draws throughout the day. If you register by April 7th , you
will be entered to win a one night
stay at Canad Inns Transcona. The
more you raise the more prizes you
earn. Additional prizes will be
awarded to volunteers and to individuals and teams raising the most
funds. For more information or to
register, volunteer or pledge a donation, please call 237-0300, or
check out the website:
Thank-you To ALL of our donors!
St. Charles Golf Classic
Thank-you to the following supporters of the St. Charles Golf Classic:
Jim Arnot
Barry Brown from Maple Leaf
Jim Burt
Toronto Dominion Bank
John Albrechtsen
Jan Brown
Bob Lavery
Garry Wilton
Jack McJannet Q.C.
Garry Brown
Burton Kennedy of B.J.R.Agency
Leslie Allen
Campbell Mar
Mike Walters of Sysco
Mark Gray
Thomas Dunn
Ab Mallett of Assante Financial Management
Edgar Thiessen of Paramount Storage Ltd.
Scott Bathgate,
Les Wardrop of Wardrop Engineering Inc,
Dick Archer
George Engel
Lloyd McGinnis
Ted Ransby
Don Brownell
David Champion
Barry Adams of Jocan Holdings Ltd.
Peter Connelly
Doug White of Bacardi
Dick Smith of The Smith Agency Ltd
Norval Young,
Bank of Montreal
Norman Coghlan of Coglan's Ltd
Donald Reimer of Reimer World Corp
Robert Filuk of Thomas Sill Foundaton
Gregg Hanson from Wawanesa Ins. Co.
Eldon Brown
George Friesen
Gordon Webster
Mac McCormic
Omer Banville
Tim Chimuk
Lawrie Pollard of Pollard Banknote Ltd
Douglas Mackenzie
Independent Fish
Wayne Archeson
John Rae
Oliver Plett
Thank-you to the following people and agencies for your support!
Elizabeth&Curtis Sinclair
Hugh Rowe
Albert & Wilma Oliver
Marilyn Moen
Joanne & Gerald Loeb
Ollie & Gayle Lester
Kevin Rollason
Janet Forbes
Stephanie Whitehouse
Lori & Ray Bourgeois
Dawn Gates
Edwin A. Christie Q.C
Helen Strock
Joan Leslie Thompson
Gail Wylie
Louis Holztrager
Donna Remillard
Allyson Kennedy
Harry & Valerie Wobert
Marnie Strath
Bob Jones
Grace Patzer
Art Kimery
Lynne Hamende
Alan Borger
Lynne Paton
Carla Wall
Valerie Gagnon
Moira Grahame
Larry & Shirley Bainard
Brian & Linda Ormonde
Donna Remillard
George Siguardson
Arthur Strock
Dave Wright
Frank Car
W.K. Walker
George Sigurdson
Albert & Sharon Yanofski
David Bailey
Judy & Keith Walker
A. Miller
120 Maryland Street Winnipeg, MB R3G 1L1 Phone: (204) 786-1414 Fax:(204) 774-4402 E-mail: [email protected]