School News • Colene Kaiser Retirement • May Calendar • May
School News • Colene Kaiser Retirement • May Calendar • May
Have you ever been asked to act as a trustee or guardian for a family member or friend? If someone is deemed incapable of managing his own affairs, a guardian or trustee will be appointed. The position involves a lot of work and responsibility. A big part of the job is to make appropriate financial decisions that best fulfill the interests of the person being served. The person for whom the trustee is appointed places much trust in the trustee because the trustee makes decisions that will most benefit and advance his interests. The trustee has no rights to those assets because they are to be used for the care of the client. In This Issue: As Christians, we are called to be God’s trustees (stewards). God puts into our lives skills, talents, opportunities, money, families, environment, and all things. All that we are and all that we have are entrusted to us by God. God invites and expects us to act as trustworthy trustees (stewards) of the blessings He has given us. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy” (1 Corinthians 4:2). As God’s trustees or stewards, we are given a high honor and privilege to take care of all that God entrusts to us. We have the responsibility to use our gifts in ways that best represent His interests. It seems quite simple, but we find ways to abrogate our responsibilities. Instead of representing God’s interests, we tend to think only of ourselves and function independently from Him. We seem to overlook the fact that our blessings are gifts from Him. Instead, we take credit for what we have, and we see our blessings as belonging to us. We need to hear again and again from His Word that we have a God who loves us and loves to give. Our God entrusts His best to our care and asks us to represent His best interests throughout our lives. The hymn we often sing during our offertory as we give our gifts reminds us very well as to where our gifts have come from and where they should be given: “We give Thee but Thine own, Whate’er the gift may be. All that we have is Thine alone, a Trust, O Lord, from Thee.” May God bless you in your role as His faithful trustee (steward). In His Name, Pastor Kaiser and Zion Board of Stewardship School News Colene Kaiser Retirement May Calendar May Birthdays and Anniversaries Stewardship Corner Memorials Ascension Service Parish Records Meeting Minutes Amigos en Cristo Page 2 Upcoming Events Congratulations to Zion School’s 8th Grade Graduates! th May 3-5 May 6 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 8 Grade Class Trip Paullina Field Day (5th-8th) Scrip Orders Due 8th Grade Speeches Early Dismissal (1:20) Awards Night K-4th Field Day Pre-K Field Trip to Omaha Zoo Scrip Orders Due AR Bowling 1st & 5thh Grade Field Trips to Des Moines Kindergarten Field Trip to Sioux City & LeMars Early Childhood Celebration Last Day of School Early Dismissal (noon) 8th Grade Graduation Scrip Orders Due May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 23 Eighth Grade Graduation Fri., May 20 6:30 p.m. Everyone welcome! Thursday, May 12 6:30 p.m. Zion students and their accomplishments will be celebrated on this special night. Students in K-8th grades will be recognized for their excellence in several areas. Refreshments will be served afterwards. This will replace the awards ceremony that has been held in the past on the morning of the last day of school. Please join us! Chapel - May 4, 11, 18 Prayer Party - 6, 13 Beginning this month… We ar e offer ing a new incentive to buy Scrip! The program is designed to help families defray the cost of tuition. In case you’re not familiar with our Scrip program, it goes like this: families buy gift cards from participating businesses (both local and non-local) from Zion at FULL face value and redeem them for FULL face value. Each retailer offers us a discount. The discount amount varies by business. This discount is our profit. Of this profit, 50% goes towards Zion’s technology fund, and 50% may be credited to your family’s tuition account, someone else’s account, or back to the school. See the chart below to see how this works. Anyone can participate in this program. All you need to do is stop in the office and fill out a form designating where you want your profits to go. This program begins this month, and will be credited to your 2016-2017 tuition. Thank you for being an important part of our school! Retailer Face Value Retailer Discount Profit Family Tuition Account Fareway $100.00 3% $3.00 $1.50 Old Navy $100.00 14% $14.00 $7.00 Pizza Ranch $25 10% $2.50 $1.25 Shell Gas $50 2% $1.00 $0.50 TOTAL Grace Asmus Madison Bailey Goanar Biliew Katelyn Bruck Morgan Kahl Gavin Miller Wendy Ramirez Jack Vazquez Avery Zenk $10.25 Gathering of the Talents The annual Gathering of the Talents took place at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska, on Saturday, April 2. We had students participate in 2D art, 3D art, and creative writing. Congratulations to all of our participants! Purple Ribbon (Outstanding) 3D art: Hugo Boettger, Easton Emery; Karly Brodersen Blue Ribbon (Superior): Mariah Carlson, 2D art; Joy Luetje, writing; Junior Montepeque, 3D art; Hallie McCollough, 3D art; Violet Christensen, 2D art; Rebecca Hoffman, 2D art; Karly Brodersen, writing; Brooklyn Winey, 3D art; Lillaina Boeck, 2D art Pink Ribbon (Excellent): Justice Luetje, writing; Jayden Denker, 2D art; Sawyer Sonnichsen, 3D art; Isaac Hoffman, writing, Riley Miller, 2D art; Morgan Winey, writing; Leigha Brungardt, writing; Rebecca Hoffman, writing; Sophie Sonnichsen, 2D art; Lillaina Boeck, 2D art; Raelyn Johnston, 3D art; Katelyn Bruck, 2D art Yellow Ribbons(Good): Ryder Malone, 2D art; Morgan Kahl, 3D art Page 3 There is a phrase that states, “The mind grows by what it takes in - the heart grows by what it gives out.” Interestingly, stewardship involves both taking in and giving out. What God gives us, we are to receive graciously and thankfully. Recognizing that the many God -given gifts we receive can be used to further God’s kingdom, we give generously (2 Corinthians 9:11). God gives so we can give. Thus, the cycle continues: God gives, we receive, we give, and God replenishes. Denison and Mapleton Circuits hosting Ascension Service Mission Central, Mapleton Thurs., May 5, 7:00 p.m. Preacher: Rev. Dr. Steve Turner President, Iowa District West, LCMS Grilled hamburger supper begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Many people spend most of their life losing their health to try and gain wealth, and then spend the end of their life losing their wealth trying to gain their health. All proceeds to support new missionary family: Rev. Brian, Amanda and Ezra Gauthier Missionaries to Panama “ Memorials… A gift from the Duane Hollander estate was given to the glory of God to Zion Lutheran Church in the amount of $300. And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Acts 1:9-11 In loving memory of Roger Weinbrandt a gift of $831 was given to the Church Technology Fund. In loving memory of Joleen Boeck gifts totaling $125 were given to Zion Church. A gift of $500 was given from Evening Guild’s Resource Center for the Church Technology Fund. In loving memory of Janice Christiansen the following memorials were given: Zion Church, $42; Altar Guild, $5; Sunday School, $10; Cradle Roll, $20; and Zion Preschool, $10. In loving memory of Lillie Klink a gift of $165 was given to Zion Church; Preschool, $115, and $5 to Zion Sunday School. In loving memory of Ruth Maack gifts given totaled $50 to Zion Church. In loving memory of Emma Lee Klink a gift of $5 was given to Zion Sunday School. In loving memory of Lodean Schmidt gifts of $10 each were given to Zion School and Cradle Roll. In loving memory of Ron Henningsen the following gifts were given: Mission Central, $100; Ladies’ Aid, $50; Lutheran Hour Ministries, $50; Sunday School, $230; Youth Group, $200; Altar Guild, $40; Improvement Fund, $30; Cradle Roll, $45; Zion School, $100; Preschool, $35; and Zion Debt Fund, $365. Greeters May 9 & 8 6:30 Lois Duncan, Bea Snyder 8:00 Marcella Schneller, Pam Hast 10:30 Nate & Rachel Desy May 14 & 15 6:30 Walt & Florence Poggensee 8:00 Pam Martin 10:30 Pam Soseman, Tricia Welsh May 21 & 22 6:30 Gen Schurke, Marilyn Kuehl 8:00 Luann & Cari Mesenbrink 10:30 Janice Nemitz, Jeremy McMinemee May 28 & 29 6:30 Lloyd & Jan Deiber 8:00 Doug Dorhout Family 10:30 Megan & Brooke Brown Ushers 6:30 8:00 10:30 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Mike & Brent Krajicek, Gary Greder Dave Nemitz, Craig Frehse, Scott Meyer, Boone Meyer, William Meyer Page Page 44 Youth Confirmation - April 24, 2016 Wendy Ramirez, Bryce Fink, Morgan Kahl, Grace Asmus, Gavin Miller, Jacob Schroeder, Sophie Mahrt Front, L-R: Middle, L-R: Kaitlyn Pieper, Andrew Dammen, Madison Bailey, Avery Zenk Back, L-R: Pastor Kaiser, Anna Boettger, Raine Meneough, Goanar Biliew, Aaron Hansen, Jack Vazquez “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 Thank you to all of our Sunday School teachers, and volunteers! We appreciate you all! Vacation Bible School June 13 - 17 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Congratulations to Zion’s Graduating Seniors! Olesya (Katie) Ahrenholtz Nhial Biliew “Do not be conformed to Devyn Caporale Allyssa Ertz this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 Madilyn Kessel Brent Krajicek Bradley Meeves Molly Meneough Bailey Miller Sierra Parr Luis Perez Parker Preul Landon Slechta Andrew Spahn Kassidy Welsh Michael Weltz Tristan Winey Senior Sunday May 15 All seniors are asked to sit as a group at the 8:00am service. Meet in narthex at 7:45. If you haven’t brought in your senior picture, please do so ASAP. Thanks for sharing and congratulations and God’s blessings! communion service Sun PagePage 5 5 Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 3 Thu 4 6:30 Women’s Bible 10:00 Bible Class Class @ Cronks 1:00 Nifty Needles 8:30 Chapel 7:00 Board of Elders 7:00 Board of Trustees 6:30 Youth Group (6th-12th grades) 7:00 Fellowship Club 8 Scrip Orders Due 15 16 10:00 Bible Class 2:00 Tuesdays at Two Bible Study 6:30 Men’s Bible Class @ Cronks 7:30 Prayer Party 6 Paullina Field Day (5th-8th Grades) 7 3:00 Nordquist/ Wehle Wedding 1:30 Ladies’ Aid 6:30 Worship 13 14 6:30 Men’s Bible 6:30 Awards Night (Zion students) 7:00 Evening Guild 6:00 8th Grade Speeches 17 19 1st & 5th Grade Field Trips to Des Moines 1:30 Sewing Group AR Bowling 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 10:30 Worship 12 Sat 1:00 Nifty Needles 1:30 Sewing Group 6:30 Youth Group (8th-12th grades) 6:30 Board of Stewardship 5:30 Supper at Mission Central 7:00 Ascension Service @ Mission Central, Mapleton 10 9 6:30 Youth Group (8th-12th grades) Senior Sunday 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 5 - - - - Zion School 8th Grade Class Trip - - - 1:30 Sewing Group 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Fri 10:00 Bible Class 1:00 Nifty Needles 2:00 Tuesdays at Two Bible Study 6:00 Early Childhood Celebration (Preschool) 6:30 Operation Barnabas 22 23 24 1:00 Newsletter Assembly 3-5 Colene Kaiser Retirement Celebration @ Zion Parish Hall 25 6:30 Worship 20 21 6:30 Men’s Bible Class @ Cronks 7:30 Prayer Party 12:00 Early School Dismissal 6:30 8th Grade Graduation 6:30 Worship 26 27 28 6:30 Men’s Bible Class @ Cronks 1:00 Nifty Needles 2:00 Tuesdays at Two Bible Study 6:30 Worship 29 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 10:30 Worship 30 31 Office Closed 2:00 Tuesdays at Two Bible Study Page 6 Check out our website! Funerals Ruth Maack died on Mar ch 29 and her funer al ser vice was held on April 2, 2016. Lois Schroeder died on Apr il 4 and her funer al ser vice was held on April 7, 2016. Marion Petersen died on Apr il 7 and her funer al ser vice was held on April 11, 2016. Verla Kluender died on Apr il 13 and her funer al ser vice was held on April 18, 2016. “On Main Street” A Christian talk show on today’s issues sponsored by Lutheran Hour Ministries. Aired on KETV channel 7 on Saturdays at 4:00 and 6:00am and Sundays at 5:00am. “Zion Worship Service” A recording of Zion’s worship service is aired on Denison’s local cable channel 13, Sundays at 4:30 p.m. Call the Zion church office to sponsor a broadcast. Baptisms Brynn Patricia, daughter of J oshua and Ashley (Lamaak) Brown, was baptized on April 3, 2016. Sidney Olivia, daughter of Tr avis and Kayla (Malone) Schulte, was baptized on April 10, 2016. Reagan Winey, daughter of Clinton and Nichole (Anderson) Winey, was baptized on April 10, 2016. Willow Kristine, daughter of Br andon and J essica (Rank) Raymie, was baptized on April 17, 2016. Transfer Mary Morgan tr ansfer r ed fr om St. J ohn Luther an Church, Kiron, Iowa. Confirmation (See page 4) “Thy Strong Word” Monday – Saturday, 6:25 a.m. KDSN (107.1 FM) These 3-4 minute devotions are sponsored by the local LCMS congregations. This month’s schedule: May 2-7 May 9-14 May 16-21 Rev. Mark Kluzek Pastor Kaiser Rev. Timothy Frank May 23-28 Vacancy Pastor May 30-Jun 4 Rev. Merle Mahnken Faith, Deloit Zion, Denison Triple Parish, Charter Oak Trinity, Manilla Immanuel, Schleswig If you would like to financially support these broadcasts, please send donations to Zion and earmark for “Thy Strong Word.” Thank you! We can send your monthly newsletter via email! This saves on printing and postage expenses. If you would like to receive your newsletter electronically, please call the Zion office. Monthly newsletter and weekly bulletins, along with many other items, can be found on our website You can also find us on Facebook. “Like” us to receive news and see pictures of what’s going on around the church and school! “The Lutheran Hour” … aired Sundays on KDSN-FM (107.1) at 6:30 a.m. and on KDSN-AM (1530) at 10:30 a.m. It can also be heard on satellite radio, XM Family Talk Radio 170, Sundays, 1p.m. “The Good Shepherd Hour” ...broadcasts Sundays on: Fort Dodge-KVFD (1400 AM) 8:00 a.m.; Sioux City-KSCJ (1360 AM) 8:00 a.m.; Storm Lake-KAYL (101.5 FM) 10:30 a.m. ...before going to hospital …birth of your baby ...death in the family ...making wedding plans ...address or name changes ...private communion ...entering armed services ...desire to serve your Lord through the church Page 7Page 7 1 Donavon & Donna Sonnichsen 2 Gary & Barb Preul 3 Jay & Kathy Miller 4 Cindy & Mark Mathies Kirk & Kristin Roecker 5 George & Susan Salmon 7 Gene & Jan Miller 8 Diana & Douglas Wiges 9 Dave & Lorna Johnson Clint & Nichole Winey 10 Terry & Lori Brockman Frances & Wesley Herbert 11 John & Diane Boettger 12 Hal & Melissa Kaub 14 Dwight & Carolyn Boeck David & Sioux Parr 17 Gary & Deb Keesling 18 Mike & Trisha Boettger James & Peggy Werkmeister 19 Jeff & Sherri Lamaak Doug & Jaci Seils 21 Jill & Mike Miller 22 Sheila & Raymond Schulte 24 Betty Bilsten & Dennis Kitt Kevin & Cheryl Ransom 26 Jeremy & Miranda Musland Greg & Lori Wehle 27 Sharon & Randy Brown Ryan & Amy Siefken 28 Kent & Georgia Hollrah Mandi & Josh Kluver 29 Dale & Darlene Lenz 30 Dave & Phyllis Bockelmann Ben & Ashley Green Luke & Diane Meseck 31 Jared & Melissa Bruck Glen & Geraldine Quandt 1 Mike Beermann Charles Lackman Madison Mahlberg Jason Ransom 2 Ruby Lorenzen Bobbi Namanny Diane Schiltz 3 Adalai Boeck Marjorie Brown Tammy Langfield Lois Lewis Tyler Parr Wiatt Schulte Brian VanFossen 4 Robin Furne Keith Jensen Melodie Sharon Addyson Sturtevant Jeremy Thies 5 Tara Brockman Gary Christiansen Roger Lueck Brayden Miller Whitney Reimers Deb Schillerberg William Williams 6 Kuong Biliew Randy Goslar Jennifer Jurgensen Megan Tanney Lyndee Tiffey 7 Avery Zenk 8 Kevin Arevalo Mileyna Arevalo Roger Bailey Jamie Henningsen Owen Neve 9 Tera Fink Pat Gress Quinn Potts Emilio Rangel Stephanie Wiese 10 Janelle Brungardt Marlys Groth Drew Haase Takoda Hoffmeier Cortney Wingrove 11 Judy Hintz Trey Huisinga Ruth Jeschke Kristine Linn Sue Nelson Chelsy Sonnichsen Sue Weltz Brady Whitenack 12 Pat Krueger Raine Meneough Linda Petersen Marlys Schmadeke 13 Katie Ahrenholtz Rubyann Beermann Samantha Claussen Margaret Fahndrich Teryn Fink Alex Fox Jared Ransom Darlene Reetz Doug Seils 14 Irene Beermann Bill Harper Rodney Messenbrink Judy Meyer Michelle Sachau 15 Betty Griffin Brian Kepford Deb Schneller Darcy Stevens Kayla Struck 16 David Franck Aaron Gress Bob Huisinga Keith Siefken 17 Emily Boettger Don Eggert Kierra Livingston Rhonda Ohl Sara Tech Chris Thede 18 Staci Neumann Dan Reis Amanda Wight 19 Wilbert Groth Nate Johnson Tim Petersen Pat Jorgensen 20 Joshua Hoffmeier Darlene Lenz Dalton Long Jeanette Nemitz 21 Shelia Beam Brian Christensen Lois Hottendorf Karen Slechta 22 Brad Brockman Curt Butler Mae Hennings Ava Kuehnhold Butch Munson Taylor Petersen Ryan Siefken Bob Starman 23 Sharon Brown Rianna Furne Reagan Henningsen Richard Henrich Renee Klein Garrett Kruger Ariel Schneller David Sewing Darrin Watson 24 Terry Evers Shelly Haase Jim Hikins Ryan Maack Gavin Miller 25 Ardell Ewoldt Bonnie Harper Amy Jepsen Florence Poggensee 26 Marlo Henningsen Molly Meneough Sidney Schulte Curt Stender Ian Weber 27 Bangech Biliew Phyllis Bockelmann Aubree Bruck Janelle Christensen Kristin Henry Dick Jepsen Rachel Osvog Ron Reimers 28 Shari Bailey Marland Mork Donna Nelsen Ken Neumann Susan Salmon 29 Shirley Kelm Kolbie Malone Jill Miller Karen Schurke Coby Whitenack 30 Brian Brodersen Heather Hoffman Cora Welter 31 Nathaniel Bretey Lorna Foster Tom Frazier Gage Kuehnhold Scott Meyer Curtis Reed Page 8 Evening Guild by Annette Boeck, Secr etar y We met on April 7th. There were 11 guests present for our Guest Night. We enjoyed a delicious pot luck supper. Janet Bielfeldt was thanked for painting and installing cork strips on the narthex wall for art displays. We will have the narthex carpet cleaned. We will donate $1,000 towards the new Discover building project at Camp Okoboji. The school and church are hosting a retirement party for Mrs. Colene Kaiser on May 22nd from 3-5 p.m. Members are asked to bring salads. Mary Lou Schneller and Ann Hikins were welcomed into membership of Zion Evening Guild. Welcome ladies! April birthdays were Mary Buss, Gert Christensen, Sharon Peters and Garnet Jorgensen. Ladies’ Aid by Lannette Matthiesen, Secr etar y We met on April 1st. In March, we served one funeral lunch, Lillie Klink. Susan took lilies and crosses to residents at Eventide, and a bouquet of flowers to Evelyn Staller for her 60th anniversary as a Ladies’ Aid member. April birthdays were Lorraine Bral, Irene Eggert and Dorothy Fredericks. We will give an extra $25 to LWML for the Basket Auction. Corinne and Shirley served in April. Bea and Sandra will serve in May. Fellowship Club by Lois Gr eder , Secr etar y We met on April 3rd. Pastor Kaiser opened with devotions. Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. We sang “Happy Birthday” to Garnet Jorgensen. There was no old or new business. Corrine and Lois served. Darline Henkel and Lucille Kruse will serve in May. We will return to 7 p.m. for our meetings for the summer. We closed with prayer. ¡ A m ig o s e n C r i s t o ! PagePage 9 9 At left: God brings his people together for the Easter celebration. Cristo ha resucitado! Ha resucitado en verdad! Chr ist is r isen! He is r isen indeed! In every language, the Christian message of hope is the same: Jesus lives, and by faith in Him we become his children. Hispanic families are caught in a difficult cultural dilemma at Easter time. Many who come from Roman Catholic backgrounds remember the strong Holy Week traditions, rituals, and ceremonies in their home countries. Easter is not as prominent as Holy Week. Others, from the other extreme with an ‘Evangelical’ background have never celebrated Easter or any other church festival viewed as Catholic which often means “of the devil.” In both cases, our message of the Crucified and Risen Savior focuses on the victory over sin and death and brings new hope to all. At right: This was Natalie’s first Easter. Above: Pastor Gabriel meets our District President: My nephew John Redlin (2nd from left) and I brought Simon and Gabriel (far left and far right) to the Denison/ Mapleton Circuits Easter service in Schleswig. President Steve Turner (center) met them and we discussed plans for Pastor Gabriel’s educational process to join the LCMS. Pastor Gabriel and Simon lead the Sudanese Dinka Sunday worship service at Zion in Denison. The Easter service was special for our work as the offering was given for Amigos en Cristo ministry. God bless our Circuits! CHOICE DOLLARS FROM THRIVENT: If you have any questions on how you can support our Hispanic ministry with Choice dollars, please contact your local Thrivent Financial representative or call them at: 1-800-847-4836. We are so thankful that she and her family came to God’s house to hear the Easter story of Jesus’ love for her. Natalie comes from a faithful extended family where she is growing up with not just mom and dad, but with grandparents, aunts and uncles all around her each day. While Hispanic families are known for their strong family ties, immigration and the transition to another country often results in many broken homes and marriages. So we celebrate Natalie’s strong family and all of our church families. Right Getting the kids together: It isn’t always easy to get together. This picture of our 6 kids and 4 spouses was taken on Good Friday night when we got together briefly before Easter. The 6 grandkids were already in bed and we were only able to be together for a few hours before someone had to leave. PLEASE PRAY: For Grace Hispanic church in Storm Lake as they TO CONTACT ME: meet with IDW President Turner to begin the process for calling a bilingual pastor. For our new adult Confirmation students in Denison and Storm Lake as they study to grow in faith to become a part of our ministry. For our annual Hispanic Mission Festival with our four District Hispanic churches as we meet at Mission Central in May. In thanksgiving for the mission hearts of the many individuals and congregations of the Iowa District West who monthly support the Lord’s work among Hispanic immigrants in Denison & in our other 3 missions. Rev. Daniel Vogel 32678 Aspen Ave. Manning, IA 51455 712-653-2354 or Cell: 712-309-1292 or email [email protected] Hispanic Services at Zion: Sunday Worship 12:45 p.m. Sunday School 1:30 p.m. Thursday Family Night 6:00 p.m. Join us in celebrating Mrs. Colene Kaiser’s 35+ years of teaching and ministry! Sunday, May 22 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Zion Parish Hall Share your memories! Share your memories and/or pictures you may have with us! Please send via: email: [email protected] post on Zion’s Facebook page send to: Zion Lutheran Church Attn: Carol 1004 1st Ave. S. Denison, IA 51442 Worship Times Saturdays 6:30 p.m. Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Classes Sundays 9:15-10:15 a.m. Church Office 712-263-2235 School Office 712-263-4766 Fax 712-263-6010 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Rev. Kurt Kaiser, Pastor Tammy Langfield, Principal Join us for: guest speakers student performances videos refreshments
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giving gener ously of our tr easur es. In essence,
stewardship is “our love for God.”
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave
His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may