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Salt River Bridge he Fort Knox Military Reservation is in north central Kentucky. It is split by the Salt River which flows north through the reservation into the Ohio River. This isolates a large area in the northeast part from the main installation. This tract of land is a large portion of the total installation and contains some of the training areas which have been accessible only part of the year by use of an old floating bridge. For more than 25 years the commanders of Fort Knox have been trying to get a permanent bridge over the Salt River to provide yearround access to these training areas. In 1983 the Corps of Engineers awarded American Engineering Co. a design contract to develop plans and specifications for an access road and a high level bridge across the Salt River. American Engineering enlisted the services of Janssen, Spaans and Associates to perform some of the analysis of the beams. The Corps of Engineers set several design criteria based on Army Technical Manual TM 5-312. Five major loadings would need to be considered in the design of this bridge. First, the design should satisfy AASHTO HS 20 live load. The second loading was a column of transporters hauling 100 ton (91 t) tanks. The third live loading was a column of combat loaded 100 ton (91 t) tanks in convoy spacing. Fourth to be considered was a column of the Army's first line tanks (the M1E1) which weigh 63 tons (57 t) combat loaded. The last live load to be considered was a convoy column of M1E1 's, combat loaded together with an M88 tank retriever towing a disabled T William B. Caroland, P.E. Chief Bridge Engineer American Engineering Co. Lexington, Kentucky David C. Depp, P.E. Structural Design l:ngineer American Engineering Co. Lexington , Kentucky Describes the design, production and erection of a fivespan post-tensioned concrete segmental /-beam bridge with a total length of 542ft (165m), located at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The 160ft (49 m) central span was cast in two segments and spliced at the bridge site. For the deck, stayin-place precast prestressed concrete panels were used. 108 M1E1 with a 15 ft (4.57 m) cable. The governing live loading was the convoy of 100 ton (91 t) tanks which turned out to be from 2.4 to 2. 7 times as high as the AASHTO HS 20 truck loading. Five framing schemes were chosen for preliminary consideration: A. A five-span V strut post-tensioned concrete segmental 1beam. B. A three-span continuous composite steel plate girder. C. A three-span post-tensioned concrete segmental box beam. D. A six-span prestressed concrete 1-beam bridge continuous. E. A five-span post-tensioned concrete segmental 1-beam bridge. Based on the cost estimates, Scheme D was the most economical structure, but this scheme would not allow a 160ft (49 m) unobstructed river channel. The next most economical bridge was Scheme A. However, when several big bridge contractors were approached, although they liked the bridge, none wanted to build it. Scheme E was next in line economically; therefore, the preparation of preliminary plans was based on this scheme, with span lengths of 85, 105, 160, 105, 85ft (26, 32, 49, 32, 26 m). A panoramic view of the nearly completed bridge is shown in Fig. 1. Figs. 2 and 3 show a general plan and elevation of the bridge. Also shown are a typical deck section and special military live loading. Note that it was necessary to keep Span 3 160 ft (49 m) long in order to maintain a clear river channel. The length of Span 3 made the design more difficult including also the shipping and erection of the beams. PC! JOURNAL Since the high water on the Salt River is controlled by backwater from the Ohio River, there is a 61 ft (18.6 m) elevation difference between the normal navigation pool and the 100 year storm high water. This required the bridge deck at midstream to be about 87 ft (26.5 m) above normal pool. When soil boring information was available, it had a significant effect on the method chosen to splice the precast prestressed segmental 1-beams. To splice at or near points of dead load contraflexure would require falsework bents with 140 ft (42.7 m) long piles. The soil on the river bank was very soft and unstable and went deep below the river level. Because of these soil conditions, it was decided to splice the beam at the piers which meant the beam would have to be cast long enough to span between substructure supports. The 85 and 105ft (26 and 32 m) spans presented no problem; however, the 160 ft (49 m) span would be difficult to transport. The decision was made to cast the 160ft (49 m) span in two equal segments and splice them at the bridge site prior to erection. The design was completed based on this choice and the contract to construct this project was awarded to the E. H. Hughes Company of Louisville, Kentucky, in late 1986. Figs. 4 and 5 show the framing plan and elevation and beam segment details including Segment 3. Fig. 6 shows the post-tensioning details. The extremely poor soil conditions at the river and bridge spill through slopes prompted the Corps of Engineers to suggest removing a sizeable amount of this soft saturated soil down to an elevation 7 ft (2.13 m) above normal pool and install wick drains and stone columns to speed up consolidation and stabilize the spill slopes at the river. The placing of the stone columns, wick drains and rock fill proceeded. The two river piers were started after the unsuitable material had been removed and the fills brought up to a point about 15 ft (4. 57 m) above normal pool. Even with the wick drains and stone columns, there was a soil failure on the south river bank. Therefore, it was necessary to remove more of the unsuitable soil in the river bed down to the level of the Pier 2 footing and place a large rock fill in this mucked out river channel to add stability to the embankments. Settlement plates, inclinometers, and piezometers were installed in the fills to monitor the consolidation and give warning of possible failure. After 6 months of monitoring the fills, the Corps gave the contractor permission to proceed with driving piles for Piers 1 and 4 Fig. 1. Panoramic view of Salt River Bridge. January-February 1990 109 PLAN SCA~30 ' Fig. 2. General plan of bridge. '- 0 c JJ z )> r VARIES 80' TO 265 ' <D <D 0 100 TON 100 TON 100 TON TANK TANK TANK VARIES 80' TO 2 65' M88 TYPICAL DECK SECTION Ml[l TANIC R[TRI[V(R VARI(S 80' TO 265' M l( l 63 TON TA NK 63 TON T toNK Ml(l 6} TON TANK SPECIAL MILl TAR Y LIVE LOAD fo• DESIGN ~ _YA. II~KWioTEA Q.£V. .. 44.0 -~ YA. (l(V. ~ I I I : .: I I I I •rPROX. ROell L&N,h_ _ _ _ _ : I _ _J-L-- I _t : I I lfll 1 ~ -~- -1__;___L _ ~ --- · _:_ \1. ~ BENTI ~ END BENTZ ~ ELEVATION SCALE - I· • 30' HORIZ . 8 VERT. Fig. 3. General elevation of bridge, typical deck section and special military design live load . PILE BENT 2 5 4 0'· 0 " Oio ~ &oc~ <t &y End <i &evn '--~ r-G" ·v· •to·-o· ~· .! /Jeono Z i. (Joono3 i ! I I II I L>enl to- 2 - I End DioJ>hroono r_vpico - : tl P1er I or4 T I I i ri I Caner~ I~ t! l ro $ 8!6" Enco.s~ff-i <f. P•e r ~or 3 ,.r. ""e 2'·0" I p,~,. DtoJ;>hr. 'P· ! ! II I .II .I : .I /04 '· 3 " / Se~~~ ~ 85'- tr f Seal'r71enl 1 or S ! 78 ' ·7~-r.... ~ 4 ·- 9" U:: ._4 .. <i s.:r-'J' z•or-o- r-o· CJ.,....... So/,ce t(&ornl : 1. 3zo--tr .31'- 0" 33'· 4· 3t!J '- 4~ IlK nluno.-rlinlr II Ooplvo.., r. <p) .I -I ~ Endcl'- :f3'· 4 · 25'-4" 34 "-4" 25'- 4" 80"·0" 10s·-o · rs.'>PN z "'4 J 85 '· 0 " LSPPNt ~5 1 -==:::f-Li- ~1!!0"1 i_ .Beoi'M 2 .!J Ia HALF FRAMING PLAN SCALE• 3/32" • 1' · 0" lS~~~~~~~&~g~~="'='=~=sJ~~~~B~I~~~~===s~e~===l=zo-=d=)==~====~ll~g~ii~l~l~~~s~·r-~'=3~~~==(~)~ VI~ END BENT I or 2 HALF ELEVATION ·-· 81J,fTi+ll f I~ w_, / I SCALE • 3/32" • 1'· 0" ~ . SECTION B ·B -;- :t~- 1 3k"J rw.. • s& "'' ( """' -t--r "· G'J IVG 1 5 &r 7"·2") ~~ ' ' I I I I ~ I l1. I I "'''S&r I w,•s &r :T-t: ' _L~ k>r c ·. r· SE CTION SECTION C - C A- A ?'- 9'" ELEVATION END BLOCK DETAILS "'tJ Q c.... 0 c JJ z :> r 5' C " Fig. 4. Framing plan and elevation , and beam segment details. SPAN 3 CLOSURE SPLICE DETAILS S C.1l(: ".:" • t'· o· ln%·1 ~X -- _:--= - " ~ r+B ~A r--- t - - -==-==== =--==:-::=:3:~---- ...cC~nalo..-,,c---...!CT.Pndo,-, O'Co? C Tencton f Tena"an 0 -~c r+' ~E ~0 () ,q ' T~dano L-rffndonm. 4x 4A L.a 4c 4o // t_.E PROFILE -SPAN 3 BEAM TENDONS SCAlE• 3/8. • 1'·0" A-A !50' L1. or Rt. of (. c-c B-B Spot~ I I 40' Lt. or Rt. ol t Spon I D-D ( 30' Lt. or Rt. of (. $Qon) f zo· u o• Rr ol E- E t soon J 110' Ll . or Rl. of PARTIAL SECTIONS -· ....... TENDON FORCES , ELONGATIONS AND JACKING LOCATIONS ,_ "' ,, ......, _. O.G A 8 c I 0 l1J m~l w11 BAR 1 ··-c- Wl2 BAR 1 IJl " "" O. G I,.OCATOol the-nd~ • ~CJ<>OO a ca 11)111(( l hCnd !35.00 IZ .7G /2.7 95.00 12. 7(; 0 . 49 C9.20 m~nd 0.49 ~9.;?0 '"' c o.c 95.00 I ...... (UI.... &II(ltrO • -SCI 0 . 48 0 .49 0. 4!J 0.49 0.49 hEnds o. o.c o.c 9 9 -- .~AC•r.,.c( .-oc ~5.93 £15.00 3 5.£U 3 O.G7 40.92 95 .00 12 . 7(; ASSUMPTIONS OF 330.GI 1-;730. (; I 348.!!11 (;9.20 ~C9.EO DESIGN S TEEL ,-,,,,ooo,_-.; 'f · 0 6 _a.,,_, , ,,_ ·- ·, - u o, ,cl•o.l ,... .... .. 0. ~$· · ·· · -·, -...,.,a _, ,l.,OOO' ' ' CMI ~--( ... _ 0 ,()0(1006 - ~-- ' -"oc•• 0 .00020 ~-•-•• o. ;r~· o. .. ,...,, ....... o. ... - ... . . _ , O.ooeo ... · · - · · 0 •000 .... . . ... _ ...~1 .. . ......_,.... ..... ·- ·~ .• '~- ".•':' . ........ 1~0 - · ,_ ,_ 110.0 , ... , o , _ _ , __ _ , ..,,..... VIEW X-X BEAM (SEGMENT 3) SECTION !Sn(lwcNG A[IN,.ORC(W(NTJ SC.,L£ ,- • ( - 0' Fig. 5. Beam (Segment 3) details. F-F 4. S!:IOrd I AI (. of Span) F ·-oY. · end of' -.., 8 S'·O"(SP-'W lor:, · f-.! IY.!J· End &Jnl 1 or 2 !i. tos·- o·_t_$RON c or d ) !..! A~r Pter tor4 =·-o·· 2or3 l.t ."" F "' i ~II END BENT I or 2 .... II IL II 8 H PIER I or 4 PIER 2 <>< 3 (; I I ELEVATION SEGMENTAL POST - TENSION UNIT SCALE• 3/32"•1'- o" CENTER OF GRAVITY POST - TENSIONING TENDON PROFILE SCALf • 3/32 "•1'-0" HOAIZ. ; 1/4"• 1' ·0" Y(RT. Fig. 6. Post-tensioning details. "'0 () c.... 0 c :D z )> r nl. I i<b<l- r. 't.YO$UrC "'P''C~ Unit ..!" Fig. 7. Looking north, Pier 3 is complete. Pier 4 is being formed . Fig. 8. Looking down in diaphragm form showing steel tube diaphragms before casting concrete. and End Bents 1 and 2. This delay was necessary because negative skin friction from the consolidating soil could overload the piles if consolidation had not reached approximately 90 percent prior to driving. Fig. 7 shows a completed pier and an end pier under construction. While the substructure was being built, the segmental I-beams were being fabricated in Lafayette, Indiana. The fabricator, Construction Products (now Hydro-Conduit), had experience in casting segments for segmental box girder bridges and thus understood some of the problems that lay ahead. There were seven post-tensioning tendons with nine strands each in the segments for the 160 ft (49 m) Span 3. All seven tendons were in the bottom of the beam in the center portion, thus creating considerable congestion with the pretensioning strand and mild steel reinforcement. The precaster elected to design a concrete mix with Y2 in. (12.7 mm) coarse aggregate and high range water-reducing mixture to produce a concrete with a slump of 8 in. (203 mm). Using both external and internal vibration, all the beam segments were successfully cast with little or no major problems. The concrete mix produced compressive strengths in excess of 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) in 18 hours. Therequired 28-day strength was 6000 psi (41.4 MPa). After all the beam segments were fabricated, they were loaded on railroad flat cars and shipped to a port on the Ohio River some 200 miles (323 km) south of the fabricating plant. Here they were loaded on barges. The trip up the Ohio was about 85 miles (137 km) to the mouth of the Salt River and then 1 mile ( 1.6 km) up the Salt January-February 1990 River to the bridge site. At the bridge site the contractor decided to splice the Span 3 segments on the barge rather than moving them ashore to perform the splicing. This would prevent handling the beams several times since they could be lifted directly from the barges to the bridge seats on the piers. While blocking the beams to the proper position, in preparation for splicing, it was noticed that the sun's heat was by midday raising the middle of the steel barge deck by 1 Y2 in. (38 Fig. 9. All beams and deck forms are in place. 115 Fig. 10. Side view showing deck forms in place. Piers 1, 2 and 3 can be seen. Fig. 11 . Span 3 [160ft {49 m)] beam spliced and ready to be lifted into place. mm). To prevent this, the barge decks were washed continuously with water to maintain a constant temperature. DYWIDAG Systems International, USA, Inc., had the contract to furnish the post-tensioning hardware for the job. They took great pains to design splicing sleeves to go into the ducts so that there would be little obstruction when the 542 ft (165 m) long continuity tendons were pushed through the ducts. These sleeves fit so tightly that they were somewhat difficult to install; however, this paid off later when the long tendons were pushed through. Figs. 7 through 18 show various stages of the bridge construction. The two segments of the 160 ft (49 m) span were positioned on the barge so that the overall length of the finished beam would be correct. The segments were also brought to the proper vertical alignment, and then the tendon ducts were spliced on all seven tendons. Reinforcing steel was placed and tied into the 2 ft (0.61 m) splice, and then the forms were Fig. 12. End of beams with continuity tendons sticking out. Fig. 13. One of Span 3 beams in place on Piers 2 and 3. Note two beams left on barge; also Span 4 and 5 beams at left on barge. 116 placed in preparation for the placing of concrete. Concrete was finally placed in the forms and , within 2 days, the strength had reached over 7000 psi (48.3 MPa). This was considerably above the required 6000 psi (41.4 MPa) strength, which meant that the stressing of the four tendons necessary for placing the beam could proceed. After the forms had been stripped, a strongback was placed on the top flange of each beam to stabilize these long beams while placing them on the piers. These strongbacks remained in place PCIJOURNAL until cross bracing and lateral bracing were in place. Two 250 ton (227 t) cranes with 180ft (55 m) booms were brought in to set the beams. Both cranes were required to lift the 160 ft (49 m) span which weighed 185,700 lbs (826 kN). The south river bank was stable enough to support the crane and load, but the north bank was not; thus, steel piles were driven to bearing and covered with crane mats to support the second crane. The cranes had only a 40 ft ( 12.2 m) lifting radius with the weight of the 160 ft (49 m) beams. To bring the barge with the beams close enough for the cranes to lift the beams off and into place, it was necessary to remove some of the river bank. Because of the depth and length of these precast prestressed 1-beams, it was realized that temporary bracing was needed during erection. It was decided that, rather than using temporary bracing which would need removing after the concrete diaphragms were cast, galvanized steel cross bracing would be utilized and then encased in concrete. The cross bracing was designed using tubular sections welded and galvanized. The tube section chosen was a 4 x 3 in. (102 x 76 mm) with 3/16 in. (4. 76 mm) walls, allowing the cross frames to be cast into an 8 in. (203 mm) thick diaphragm. The beam splice concrete required 6000 psi (41.4 MPa) before the tendons could be stressed. The mix that was finally worked out yielded concrete strengths in excess of 7000 psi (48.3 MPa) in 2 days. Problems were expected in placing and stripping the forms for the deck casting because of the height above the river. Therefore, two alternative deck configurations were designed. The first to be considered used precast prestressed deck panels as stay-in-place forms. These had been used very successfully in Kentucky and elsewhere for a number of years and offered the contractor a quick way to form the deck except the overhangs at the fascia which he could easily get to with a rolling scaffold. The second January-February 1990 Fig. 14. Span 3 beam spliced with strongback in place. Fig. 15. Blockout in end block of beam with continuity tendon in place. Fig. 16. Deck panels on blue high density foam prior to grouting. 117 Fig. 17. Deck panel after grouting. deck alternative was precast prestressed deck segments posttensioned longitudinally. Both of these alternatives were designed and detailed on the plans. Since none of the bridges in Kentucky had used the precast segment method before, the contractor chose the more familiar precast prestressed deck panels. Once all the beams were in place on the substructure, the splices were cast at the piers and two of three posttensioning continuity tendons, in each beam, were tensioned through the total 542 ft ( 165 m) length of the bridge. Next, high density polystyrene foam was cut to the proper thickness and glued to the top edge of the beam flanges to support the precast pretensioned deck panels which were used as stay-in-place forms for the concrete deck. The edges of these panels were grouted between the bottom of the panel end and the top of the beam flanges so as to have a positive load transfer between the deck and top of beams. As soon as the panel grouting was complete and the outside deck overhangs were formed, the deck was poured. After the deck had reached a strength of 4000 psi (27.6 MPa), the third and last con- tinuity tendon in each beam was stressed. The forming and pouring of the barrier rails followed along with end bent wing walls. Thus, the first bridge of this type in the state of Kentucky was complete (see Fig. 19). Even though the project has not had an official opening as yet, several columns of tanks have structure. The crossed the contractor's superintendent was present and reported that the bridge performed very well. There was little or no movement or vibration when the tank columns crossed. The contractor's final cost for construction of the bridge was $2,500,000. The cost of the precast prestressed beams was $249,896 for fabrication and shipping to the river port, and the cost of posttensioning hardware was $40,000. Credits Owner: Department of the Army. In Charge of Project: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District. Design Consultant: American Engineering Co., Lexington, Kentucky. Sub Design Consultant: Janssen, Spaans & Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana. Prime Contractor: E. H. Hughes Co. , Louisville, Kentucky. Bridge Contractor: E. H. Hughes Co., Louisville, Kentucky. Subcontractor, Marine Piers: Traylor Brothers Co., Evansville, Indiana. Subcontractor, Erection: Javier Steel Corp., Louisville, Kentucky. Beam Fabricator: Hydro-Conduit (formerly Construction Products), Lafayette, Indiana. Fig. 18. Between beams with deck in place diaphragm with hole for conduit ducts. 118 Post-Tensioning Supplier and Consultant: Dywidag Systems International, Chicago, Illinois. PC! JOURNAL January-February 1990 119