Design and Construction of the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge
Design and Construction of the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge
Design and Construction of the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge, Cuernavaca, Mexico Ing. Luis Felipe Cruz [.esbros Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) Grupo Previ, SA. de C.V. Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Ing. René Carranza Aubry General Director Servicios y Elementos Presforzados, S.A. de CV. (SEPSA) Mexico City, Mexico Dr. Eduardo Reinoso Angulo Instituto de lngenierIa Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) ERN Ingenieros Consultores S.C. Mexico City, Mexico 58 The Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, is a six-span, 200 m (660 ft) long, four-lane structure that provides a fast and efficient throughway between Cuernavaca proper and the city’s west side. The bridge superstructure comprises nine prestressed concrete box beams for each of the six spans, precast concrete segmental bridge piers [the tallest of which is 42 m (138 ft)], and cast-in-place concrete for the foundation, foundation-to-column connections, bridge slab, sidewalks, and abutments. The City of Cuernavaca is located on several hills and is divided by eastwest running gorges and a river very challenging site conditions for infrastructure construction. Labor and equipment concerns, cost and speed of construction mandates, and difficult topography were successfully addressed with the precast, prestressed concrete design and construction. The bridge was complete and open to traffic in less than 5 months, at a cost of US$2.5 million. — uernavaca is known as the “City of the Eternal Spring” and is the capital of the small Mexican state of Morelos. An historic city dating back to the Aztecs, Cuernavaca is located about 90 km (60 miles) from Mexico City, and stretches over several hills, bordered by a series of gorges that run from east to west. Most of the eastwest roadways and highways, built parallel to the gorges, are wide and straight, but the north-south throughways in most cases are narrow, winding, and steep, creating very slow driving conditions. For many years, there had been a need to build a bridge and more direct road system to provide a fast and efficient means of traversing the city center and the west side. The Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge is an integral part of a major C PCI JOURNAL (!STOTAL LENGTH-161.SZm (530 ft) 20270,87(I) 30.27 ,o (100 II) 35.00 ,,, (115 f 25.270,83111 25.54 0,84 (II 1 25.270,181(11 EXPANSION JOINT EIEV. 1529.00, cs—s CS—S ELEV.= (522.700, C3—E 04-I :7.830, ELEV, SLOPE = 7.5% Fig. 1. Profile elevation of the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge, showing six spans. transportation project to fulfill that need (see Fig. 1). This six-span structure was built in just four and a half months at a cost of US$2.5 million, using prestressed con crete box girders and segmented pre cast concrete bridge piers. To the au thors’ knowledge, the Ayuntamiento Bridge is the first bridge in Mexico using precast columns higher than 40 m (130 ft). Typically, only about 60 percent of short-span bridges in Mex ico use precast concrete systems, with less use in long-span bridges (15 per cent); however, less than 1 percent have been built with a total (columns and beams) precast system. This paper describes the design and construction details, the project challenges, and the benefits of the Ayuntamiento precast, prestressed concrete bridge system. BRIDGE DESCRIPTION The Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge is a straight vehicular bridge 200 m (660 ft) long and 18 m (59 ft) in total width, including four vehicular lanes and two pedestrian sidewalks. The bridge is di vided into six spans with lengths that vary from 20 to 35 m (66 to 115 ft). Because it crosses a relatively deep gorge, the height of the bridge piers varies from 12 to 42 m (39 to 138 ft). Each span comprises nine precast, pre stressed concrete box girders, each 1.35 m (4.4 ft) deep. Over the precast box girders is a 150 July-August 2003 — — -.- Fig. 2. Looking north, an aerial view of the south face of the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge. mm (6.0 in.) thick continuous cast-inplace (CIP) concrete topping, designed as a compression-tension element and as a wearing surface. The elimination of joints in the continuous topping makes driving very smooth, dramati cally reduces the amount of required bridge maintenance, and provides durability to the bridge superstructure. The north end of the span is 15 m (49 ft) higher than the south end, re sulting in a longitudinal incline of 7.5 percent (see Fig. 1). The longitudinal grade, along with the standard 2.0 per cent transverse grade, allows rainwater to drain quickly and efficiently toward the southwest corner of the bridge (see Fig. 2). Two end abutments and five interior bent piers compose the bridge sub structure. A strip foundation, four pier columns, intermediate strength beams, and caps form each interior bent pier. The anchorage end abutment of rein forced concrete (Pier 1), the expansion abutment of unreinforced concrete (Pier 7), and the interior precast con crete piers (Piers 2 to 6) range in height from 12 to 42 m (39 to 138 ft). Each one of these piers was formed, in the transverse direction, by four hol low rectangular segmented precast columns. Each precast column has cross-sectional dimensions of 2.0 x 1.5 m (6.6 x 4.9 ft) with each column box having a thickness of 150, 200, or 300 59 BRIDGE WIDTH, OUT TO OUT ROADWAY WIDTH , 720 ,, = 1800 ROADWAY WIDTH = 720 ,, BRIDGE CENTERLINE 00 1Lb I river that was enclosed under the bridge site with a permanent precast concrete culvert with a hydraulic area 2 (81 sq ft). A working plat of 7.5 m form for the cranes and heavy equip ment was built over this culvert. This river culvert also helps to protect the foundation of the bridge at Piers 3 and 4 from river current erosion and scour damage. MATERIALS AND DESIGN LOADS , . ‘ —f i L -4- : .. ,. — NzHi[ 1 /__ ------- I ‘‘ ‘° 250 ‘50 250 ‘50 250 150 175 Fig. 3. Cross-section elevation showing total width of bridge, vehicular lanes, sidewalks, and a typical bent (dimensions in cm). mm (6.0, 8.0, or 12.0 in.). The precast column segments were connected with high performance concrete using pro cedures developed by Servicios y Ele mentos Presforzados (SEPSA), one of the oldest precast/prestressed concrete producers in Mexico. To resist lateral forces due to seis mic loading, each pier works as a can tilevered beam in the longitudinal di rection, with the maximum moment at its base, and the pier acts as a two- or three-story reinforced concrete frame in the transverse direction. Fig. 3 shows the cross-section elevation of the bridge at a typical pier. The construction process and the 60 weight and dimensions of the ele ments were governed by the steep to pography and labor and equipment ac cessibility at the project site, as well as consideration for locating and operat ing the erection crane, which was rated for 115 tons (104 Mg). Due to the relatively high soil resistance and light weight of the precast structure, the foundation design was entirely above ground, with a strip footing under each pier and abutment (see Figs. 1 and 3). All precast element connections, construction procedures, and foundation specifications were those of SEPSA. At the bottom of the canyon runs a Concrete with a design compressive strength of 35 MPa (5000 psi) was used for the precast concrete columns, transverse post-tensioned beams, and longitudinal prestressed superstructure box beams. CIP concrete with a com pressive strength of 25 MPa (3600 psi) was used for the foundations, founda tion-to-column connections, bridge deck topping slab, sidewalks, and end abutments. For the connections be tween columns, 40 MPa (5800 psi) concrete and 85 MPa (12,300 psi) epoxy grout were used. All nonpre stressed reinforcement was 420 MPa (Grade 60) steel, and all prestressing steel was 1950 MPa (270 ksi) low-re laxation strand. Live load carrying capacity of the bridge was based on the AASHTO HS2O truck rating procedures, revised with a T3-S2-R4, a lorry much heavier than the HS2O design truck (similar to an AASHTO type 3-2 trailer truck). The T3-S2-R4 lorry is specified in the load capacity rating procedures of “The Manual of the Federal Ministry of Communication and Transporta tion.” For the seismic design, specifica tions from the “Manual for Civil Works of the Federal Commission for Electricity” were followed. This man ual categorizes the Cuernavaca envi rons as a medium- to low-intensity earthquake region, Region B (the lower seismic plate is Region D). A Region B zoning prescribes the seis mic coefficient of C = 0.14, already reduced by structural overstrength. The bridge was built over compact, stable soil with no adverse impact to the underlying soils (sand-clay strata with large boulders). The contractor did encounter an old sand mine under PCI JOURNAL two foundations; these sand pockets were filled with expansive concrete (bentonite type material). The Ayun tamiento Bridge is considered a very important regional infrastructure link, so the seismic coefficient was multi plied by a factor of 1.5 to further en sure structural integrity. The piles were designed as ductile elements with a ductility coefficient of 2 (maximum ductility coefficient is 4 as the seismic coefficient is already reduced). CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS One of the principal challenges of building bridges over deep canyons is the construction of the supporting piers. Typically, the weight and over all dimensions of tall piers tend to be very large, presenting serious equip ment demands and labor concerns. Traditional on-site construction tech niques in these challenging topograph ical locations are usually slow and ex pensive. To address the canyon challenges of the Ayuntamiento project, SEPSA de veloped a system of constructing tall piers with hollow reinforced precast concrete column segments. Relatively small precast sections, with a maxi mum depth of 15 m (49 ft) and 60 ton (54 Mg) weight, were fabricated at the precast yard, located about 20 km (12 miles) from the project site. These pre cast column sections were then trans ported easily without special trucks or loading concerns, and erected by rela tively small cranes. Precast elements were transported by truck, with single loads limited to 30 tons (27 Mg) and pieces not ex ceeding 12 to 14 m (39 to 46 ft) in length. Longer sections were trans ported one at a time. Limits on the number and length of precast compo nents transported to the site were due more to the narrow streets of down town Cuernavaca than to road weight restrictions (see Table 1). The bridge substructure and super structure are supported by CIP abut ments and strip footing foundations. End Pier 1 is a reinforced concrete abutment that serves as a fixed an chorage. Because of the site’s very hard, stable soil conditions, lateral dis July-August 2003 Table 1. Precast components for the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge. : Shaft Hammerhead width/height, width/height, Length, Weight, cia cm tons Element Number cm Precast culvert 15 340/240 Column C2A 2 200/150 200/420 200/350 — Column C2B 2 200/150 Column C3 lower 4 200/150 Column C3 E 4 200/250 Column C3A tipper 2 200/250 200/420 200/350 Column C38 tipper 2 200/250 Column C4 lower 4 200/250 Column C4A upper 2 200/250 Column C4B upper — 122 7 712 22 712 24 1961 56 1392 43 1494 42 1494 40 2016 58 200/420 1494 42 2 200/25j53 1494 40 Column C5 lower 4 200/250 1150 26 Column C5A upper 2 200/250 200/420 1033 Column C5B tipper 2 200/250 200/360 r 1033 32 o 25 r2200’ 200/420 1081 28 200/420 1081 26 280 2 Column C6A Column C6B 2 Beam T-3 12 30/80 Box beam CA I 9 200/135 200/250 Box beam CA 2 9 200/135 Box beam CA 3 9 200/135 Box beam CA 4 9 200/135 L 9 Box beam CA 6 L Note: 1 cm 0.39 in.; 1 ton 0.91 Mg. Box beam CA 5 = — — — — — — 200/135 — 200/135 — 30 2055 3320 59 3058 47 2807 48 2556 42 2556 42 = Table 2. Construction schedule. Project milestones Start date Precast yard production August I. 999 October 15, 1999 Approach roads August 1. 1999 September 29. 1999 Precast sewer installation August 21, 1999 Augtist 24, 1999 Precast column erection August 26, 1999 October 2. 1999 Precast beam erection September 1, 1999 November 7, 1999 Project complete and open to traffic placements due to potential seismic loading are relatively small. Strip foundations are designed to receive the first (base) segments of the precast columns, with a rigid connection formed between both elements. The hollow columns have a rectan gular section width of 1.5 to 2.0 m (4.9 to 6.6 ft). In addition to resisting all service dead, live, wind, and seis mic loading, the thickness of the col umn walls [150, 200, and 300 mm (6.0, 8.0, and 12.0 in.)] was designed so that the components would resist all loading during fabrication, deliv ery, and erection. Taking into account all these loading conditions, the loca tion of the pier strength beams was de termined (see Fig. 3). — Completion date December 15. 1999 The hollow precast column sections provided nearly the same stiffness and strength as a solid concrete section, but with only 60 percent of the weight. Lower structural weight results in a smaller seismic impact and reduces column and foundation dimensions. Another design advantage of using hollow precast columns was the avail ability of more maneuvering space be tween piers to properly construct the column-to-colunm connections. The physical properties of the pre cast concrete elements that is, their relatively small size and light weight and the method of construction were not only dictated by the steep topogra phy and restricted accessibility at the Cuernavaca site, but equipment capac — — 61 jr -r ity limitations of the contractor’s 115 ton (54 Mg) crane also governed the structural system selection for this im portant project. The bridge owner, the Cuernavaca City Municipal Government, required the project to be complete and open to traffic by the end of the year less than five months from the start of con struction (see Table 2). The owners mandated a service life of 50 years, at a cost not to exceed US$2.5 million. — - Fig. 4. Base of the columns showing the structural steel to temporarily support the columns and to protect the main reinforcement of the column. Small openings, visible in the middle column, allow for passage of the reinforcing steel. Fig. 5. Final stages of the foundationto-column connection. Note the small window opening to allow drainage for the CIP concrete connection. Fig. 6. First column (base) segment ready for erection showing the longitudinal main reinforcing steel and drainage portal for the cast-in-place foundation concrete. 62 Column-to-Foundation Connections The first column base sections were attached to the CIP slab foundation. Each column has a structural steel base designed to support the column temporarily and to protect the longitu dinal reinforcement that would be con nected to the foundation reinforcing steel (see Fig. 4). The longitudinal column reinforcing steel is either long enough to yield at the column base or welded to the structural steel. The upper reinforce ment of the foundation passes through small apertures formed in the columns (see Fig. 4). Once the bottom sections of the four columns that form each pier are properly set in place, the rein forced concrete foundation is then formed and placed, resulting in a con nection that reaches full design strength (see Fig. 5). A window open ing near the base of the column allows for drainage of the concrete later placed inside each column connection, using admixtures that control shrink age (see Fig. 5). These openings were later sealed with concrete. The advantages of this column-tofoundation procedure are as follows: • The main column reinforcing steel is fully connected to the foundation re inforcement, which is a critical speci fication in earthquake design to prop erly transmit seismic stresses, shears, and moments. • The full height of the foundations works to resist loads and is taken into account in the foundation stability de sign. This is very important since ver tical loads are large. • Shorter construction time is possi ble, since columns are fabricated in the precast plants at the same time as PCI JOURNAL the bridge excavation and approaches are built. Pier Erection and Column-to-Column Connections After the first section of each pier was connected to the foundation, all other precast sections were positioned and connected to the column and the transverse beam. The practical maxi mum limits of dimension and weight for the precast columns (due to site topography, accessibility, and equip ment capacity) were determined to be 15 m (49 ft) for length and 60 tons (54 Mg) for total weight (see Fig. 6). Because the total height of the central piers was 42 m (138 ft), it was neces sary to form three-piece precast columns. Earthquake design dictated a seis mic-resistant vertical column-to-col umn connection for forming a single 42 m (138 ft) pier. Each pier, together with its adjacent three piers, was con nected together in the transverse direc tion by the strip footing foundation, transverse intermediate strength beams, and the post-tensioned pier cap (see Fig. 3). Although there is no compulsory building code for seismic connections in Cuernavaca, common Mexican en gineering and construction practice in seismic regions is to avoid the connec tion of more than 50 percent of the longitudinal reinforcement in the same transverse section in a column. The column-to-column connection design, patented by SEPSA, allows 50 percent of the longitudinal reinforcement of the top segment to pass through metal lic ducts included in the bottom seg ment, as specified and constructed by SEPSA (see Fig. 7). The metallic ducts with the reinforcement are filled with epoxy grout. This connection will work as a unit to resist shear, flexure, and tension forces. The remaining 50 percent of the longitudinal reinforcement that is at tached to the bottom segment will be overlapped with the reinforcement of the top segment, with the upper rein forcing overlapping 2.0 m (6.6 ft) more than that of the bottom overlaps. When the column connections are filled with CIP concrete, the longitudi Fig. 7. Bottom section of columns ready to receive the upper sections. Fig. 8. Upper segment of columns with the portal opening visible. The opening allows the formation of the CIP intermediate transverse beams and the projections at the top of the column to form the post-tensioned pier cap. — — July-August 2003 Fig. 9. Last step of the pier construction process: The pier cap is formed by bending the steel extending from the top column projections, using OP concrete and post-tensioning to form the sides. 63 nal reinforcement is firmly embedded in the concrete. This assembly proce dure produces a rigid connection be tween the precast column segments and the transverse beam, thus ensuring that the pier will maintain its structural integrity in safely transmitting all ver tical and lateral loads. Pier Cap Beam Fig. 10. Composite topping concrete runs the length of the continuous bridge and is designed to act like a large horizontal beam. Fig. 11. Nine longitudinal precast box girders already in place at the south end and lower elevation of the canyon. :..,: ‘ The upper segment of the precast columns has projections on both lateral sides to make the cap, forming a ham merhead column (see Fig. 8). These projections have column steel that is later cold bent in the field to form the main cap reinforcement after the columns have already been erected. The gaps between the columns were filled with a high performance CIP concrete, leaving ducts for passage of the prestressing steel. Once this con crete has reached its required strength, the tendons are post-tensioned and the pier cap beam is formed. The pier cap incorporates seismic devices (neo prene bearing pads with laminated steel) that allow displacement in both directions. At the end of the bridge, a stiff pier was formed with the strip foundation, columns, cap and intermediate beams. The last step was placing CIP concrete at the base and installing the elas tomeric bearing pads, upon which the longitudinal box girders rest. Superstructure Because of the very high slender ness of the columns, the total trans verse displacement of the bridge was limited so that flexural moments due to lateral forces, temperature changes, and seismic loads were not exces sive. Horizontal displacements were restricted by the composite slab de signed to act like a large horizontal beam (see Fig. 10). The longitudinal reinforcing steel in the composite slab runs from Pier 1, where it is firmly at tached, to the end of the bridge, where it is connected to Abutment 7 with an expansion joint. For the erection of the box longitu dinal box girders (see Figs. 11 to 13), an auxiliary metallic temporary beam (similar to a steel launching truss) was used to guide, position, and support — — Fig. 12. Completion of two spans covered by the longitudinal precast box girders. 64 PCI JOURNAL each concrete box beam. Lastly, the compression slab, pedestrian side walks, and all the additional finish components were constructed (see Figs. 14 and 15). CONCLUSIONS Today, it is more important than ever to build structurally sound and durable bridge structures that blend harmoniously with the environment. Precast concrete technology facilitates the optimization of materials, efficient production of quality structural com ponents under controlled plant condi tions, and minimizes environmental damage. As a result, site work and en vironmental effects are reduced to a minimum, with little adverse effects on nearby residents, businesses, or natural resources. The Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge was a success not only because of the final structural and aesthetic qualities of the bridge, but also because the total con struction time was only four and a half months. The project cost, approxi mately $800/rn 2 ($74/sq ft), makes this precast design a very economical solu tion for medium-span bridges that cross relatively deep topography. The owners were most satisfied with the completed project. In fact, The City of Cuernavaca’s president distributed photos of the completed Ayun tamiento Bridge as part of his electoral campaign, and he is today Governor of Morelos State. .. - Fig. 13. Box girders span over post-tensioned pier cap. Fig. 14. Final stage of construction of the Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge. CREDITS Owner: H. Ayuntamiento de Cuer navaca (Cuernavaca City Municipal Government) Public Works Ministry: Secretarfa de Desarrollo Urbano Obras y Servi cios Püblicos Director of Public Works: Ing. Pedro Leech Balcazar General Contractor, Engineer of Record, and Precast/Prestressed Company: Ing. René Carranza Aubry, SEPSA Chairman, and Ing. Luis Felipe Cruz Lesbros, Research and Special Projects Director, SEPSA Structural Analysis: Ing. Enrique Soto Nachón July-August 2003 Fig. 15. The Ayuntamiento 2000 Bridge in use with traffic and pedestrians. 65