2011 annual report - Shoes and Clothes for Kids


2011 annual report - Shoes and Clothes for Kids
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shoes and clothes for kids
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the board of directors, staff and volunteers, thank you for your continued support.
We know there are many worthwhile charitable causes deserving of community investment and
we are grateful for the support we received in 2011.
The board and I continue to work closely with our talented staff to ensure our expenses remain
as low as possible, that we continue to focus on our mission of serving Cleveland’s neediest
children and that we regularly communicate our progress to our key stakeholders.
As I end my three year term as chair, you should know the board is very happy with the
direction of the organization, the skill and dedication of the staff towards our mission and the
prospects for our future. While we wish the need to help children would diminish, we in fact
are preparing for meeting an even greater number of needy children.
My successor, Scott Simon, is the perfect choice to lead the organization the next two years and
I know you’ll enjoy hearing from him about SC4K activities.
I urge you to review the 2011 annual report in detail to learn more about our efforts during the
past 12 months.
Many thanks for your support of Shoes and Clothes for Kids,
Terence J. Uhl
Valerie F. McCormack
Executive Director
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of children served by SC4K
live at 100% poverty.
more than new outfits,
new outlooks
In 1969, local businessman Morrie Sayre noticed children playing
in the streets of Cleveland without shoes on their feet and decided
to do something about it. He founded Shoes for Kids and started
to distribute gently used shoes from the trunk of his car.
From this humble beginning, the
organization has grown to become
Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K), the
only non-profit organization in Greater
Cleveland providing new shoes and
clothes at no charge throughout the year
to thousands of children in need. Through
a network of 35 Distribution Partners,
SC4K positively impacts the lives of area
children by giving them the confidence
and self-esteem that comes from having
something new to wear.
SC4K distributes brand new basic clothing
items and shoe gift cards that allow
families to choose new shoes or boots
right off the rack at conveniently located
Payless stores. SC4K purchases a majority
of its product through a network of
wholesalers that sell children’s clothing
at deep discounts. Through this program,
SC4K is able to purchase between $20.00–
$25.00 worth of brand new clothing for
every $1.00 spent.
In addition to meeting the basic needs
of thousands of children each year, SC4K
serves as a change agent for families living
in poverty. The offering of shoe gift cards
and free clothing brings families into our
Distribution Partners’ agencies. Once at
the agency, the families have access to
additional programs and services including
food pantries, GED education programs,
resale shops, daycare, job training
programs and more.
For 42 years, SC4K has
provided a one-of-a-kind
service to families and
children in need throughout
Greater Cleveland.
Shoes and Clothes for Kids provides a unique service for
income-eligible families in Greater Cleveland by distributing
new shoes, clothing, and items for infants and youth.
Shoes and Clothes for Kids carries out its mission with
compassion, care and respect through a network of partner
agencies and offers the community a way to help families
in need.
lasting legacies
In 2011 SC4K distributed close to 2 million dollars
worth of new items to 25,000 children in need. As
a non-profit organization that charges no fees to
its recipients or Distribution Partners, receives no
government support, and is not a United Way agency,
SC4K relies on the support of a wide variety of donors.
This summer, SC4K received two very generous and
unexpected gifts, which will help us make a lasting
impact in the lives of area children.
SC4K founder Morrie Sayre helping a young boy lace
his new sneakers.
Alice Sayre
Alice Sayre, widow of Shoes and Clothes for Kids founder,
Morrie Sayre, provided a generous gift of stock to mark
the one year anniversary of Morrie’s passing at the age
of 95 in July 2010. The sale of this stock resulted in a
$25,875.66 gift to SC4K to continue Morrie’s work. Sayre
began Shoes for Kids in 1969 upon learning that many
children in the Greater Cleveland area lacked adequate
footwear. He initially collected used shoes and distributed
them directly to the children in need and then later, raised
money to purchase new shoes. In 1998, new clothing
items were added to the distribution and Shoes for Kids
officially became Shoes and Clothes for Kids.
Rosemary E. Tatalick
In July, SC4K received a $52,750 bequest from the
Estate of Rosemary Tatalick. Ms. Tatalick of Rocky
River had not previously been a donor of Shoes
and Clothes for Kids. However, it was clear from
the charities she selected for her estate, that she
was passionate about children’s causes. We are
humbled to have been among the organizations she
chose to carry on her legacy.
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of children in Cuyahoga
County live at 100%
addressing the community's needs
It is no secret that 2011 was a challenging year. The economy
was still sluggish, foreclosure rates and unemployment rates were
sky high and 44% of Greater Cleveland’s children were living in
poverty. Shoes and Clothes for Kids serves one of the most basic
needs of children and as more families continued to face these
tough realities, the request for our services significantly increased.
It is anticipated that this demand will continue to outpace our
supply in 2012. Therefore, SC4K took big steps in 2011 to
ensure that we continue to meet the ever-increasing needs of our
community in the most economically sound and efficient manner
possible while operating with compassion, care and respect.
SC4K took big steps in 2011
to ensure that we continue to
meet the ever-increasing needs
of our community.
2011 Annual numbers
SC4K served 25,000 children
in need in Greater Cleveland.
We distributed 13,650 Payless shoe
gift cards with a total redemption
value of $136,500.
SC4K’s Distribution Partner sites held
153 distributions in 81 communities
throughout Greater Cleveland.
SC4K’s group volunteers packed 2,245
boxes of brand new clothing, school
supplies and other items for distribution
to the children of Greater Cleveland.
SC4K distributed 76,270 total pieces
of new clothing and other items with a
total retail value of $1,782,133 to families
in need.
80% of families served by SC4K accessed
other programs and services at our
Distribution Partner’s agencies.
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Expanding Our Footprint
In 2011, SC4K expanded its Distribution
Partner network to increase our reach
and serve more children and families
in need. We officially welcomed four
new Distribution Partners: Catholic
Charities – Riverside, Euclid/Hillcrest Area
Family to Family Collaborative, Famicos
Foundation – Ward 10 Office and Word
of Righteousness Family Life Center.
These new partners began distributing
new clothing items and Payless shoe gift
cards to their neighborhoods in October.
A fifth partner, Catholic Charities – Saint
Ignatius, was also selected by the Products
and Services Committee. This site began
meeting the rising demands of the near
Westside in early 2012.
New Community Partners
SC4K sought additional community
partners to collaborate with during our
two peak times of need, back to school
and the holiday season, to further reach
beyond our current footprint. Our annual
Stuff the Bus school supply collection drive
sponsored by Dominion brought us to the
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and introduced
us to a whole new group of supporters.
Likewise our annual Gear for Grades
partnership with Charter One Bank linked
us to the YMCA of Greater Cleveland’s
summer camp program. Another partner
was the Adoption Network of Cleveland. In
December, SC4K applied for and received
a donation of 100 $20.00 Payless gift
cards as part of the 2011 Payless Gives
Shoes 4 Kids Program. SC4K gave the gift
cards to children in permanent custody
of the Cuyahoga County Department of
Children and Family Services, with the
help the Adoption Network of Cleveland.
Something as simple as a gift card, a new
backpack, schools supplies and new clothes
can make all the difference in the world to
a child in need. It brings them self-esteem
and confidence which are necessary for
success in school and in life.
new undergarments and socks. These are
two items that children desperately need
and we can always use more. ARAMARK
organized our first drive with big results
and collected more than 1,200 items!
Filling a Critical Need
Together, we can continue to
Finally, SC4K’s young professional
Associate Board doubled its membership
and added 16 new members this year so
that it might take on some new program
related projects. The group created a
project team dedicated to organizing,
promoting and executing the collection of
Clearly, there is still much work to be done
in meeting the needs of our community
and these are just some of the steps we
are taking. However, we know we can’t
do it alone and we need your help. Please
show us your support by making a financial
contribution, volunteering your time,
attending one of our special events or by
holding a school supply, undergarment
or sock collection drive in your business,
school, civic organization,
or professional or religious groups.
make a positive impact on the
lives of area children in need.
One step at a time.
2011 SC4K Associate Board
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of the children served by
SC4K are school age
• 6 to 8: 18%
• 9 to 12: 16%
• Over 12: 32%
L to R: Barbara Marlowe, Keith Kraus, Allan Krulak,
Valerie McCormack, Patrick Perotti and Terry Uhl.
PRogram news &
community partners
With a staff of three full-time employees and one part-time
employee, SC4K relies heavily on the generosity of our community
partners and volunteers to raise funds and awareness of our
mission driven work.
Ohio Lawyers Give Back
New Capabilities Brochure
SC4K was presented with a $50,000
check at the Heart & Sole Luncheon from
Dworken & Bernstein Co., L.P.A. as part
of its “Ohio Lawyers Give Back” program
which was founded to promote the use
of cy pres in class action settlements.
When a class action law suit is settled,
the plaintiff and defendant agree to a
fund amount to pay all class members.
Since many class members have moved,
passed-away, or can't be found, millions
of settlement dollars go unclaimed. That
settlement money is intended to benefit
the class, rather than revert to the wrongdoing defendant, so the ancient doctrine
of cy pres is now being used to distribute
the unclaimed money to charities and
non-profits. Dworken & Bernstein has
distributed over $20 million to charities
from unclaimed class action settlements
and SC4K is truly grateful to have been
included among its recipients.
Our good friends at Melamed Riley
Advertising donated their time and
talent to give the SC4K capabilities
brochure a fresh new look which features
photos of actual SC4K recipients and
contains information about how the
community can help support our mission.
The brochure was printed pro bono by
Consolidated Graphics.
These types of donations
help keep our costs low so
that 92 cents of each dollar
we raise directly benefits the
children we serve!
SC4K Families Enjoyed Thanksgiving
Dinner at the Terrace Club
For the second year, individuals and
families from SC4K’s Distribution Partner
network were invited to participate in
the “Indians Week of Caring” where
they received a Thanksgiving feast
compliments of the Cleveland Indians and
Delaware North Companies. Guests were
invited to the Terrace Club to receive a
warm, hearty meal with the opportunity
to spend Thanksgiving with their loved
ones in a safe environment. The meal
was served by members of the Cleveland
Indians and Delaware North Companies
front office executives.
We Moved!
Our strategic plan mandated that SC4K
move its staff offices to co-locate with
another area non-profit to share services
and create synergies. In June, SC4K moved
to 3311 Perkins, Suite 205 to share a floor
with the Greater Cleveland Neighborhood
Centers Association. More than onethird of SC4K’s Distribution Partners
are GCNA’s members and we also share
several board members, volunteers and
donors. In addition to providing the staff
with a clean eco-friendly space, the move
resulted in several operational cost-savings
for both organizations. SC4K’s warehouse
still remains at the Cleveland Metropolitan
School District’s Woodland Data Center.
Plain Dealer Holiday Spirit
SC4K was one of 20 agencies selected as a
recipient of The Plain Dealer Charities 2011
Holiday Spirit Campaign. SC4K received
a grant of $12,000 along with coverage
in The Plain Dealer. During the campaign,
The Plain Dealer featured articles on the
agencies and sought contributions from
readers to fund the grants it distributed.
The campaign’s kick-off article by
Margaret Bernstein ran on the front page
of the paper on Thanksgiving Day and
featured a SC4K recipient. SC4K and
another recipient family’s story were
also featured in an article on December
21. SC4K was honored to receive the
donation and media coverage.
Hyland Employees Donate 1,200+
Pairs of New Shoes
Hyland Software employees collected
more than 1,200 pairs of new shoes and
boots for SC4K at their holiday party. For
the sixth year, Hyland asked its employees
to bring a new pair of children’s shoes
as an “entrance fee” to be donated to
local children in need through SC4K.
The program is so popular that several
employees often bring not only one, but
sometimes two or three pairs of new shoes.
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L to R: Scott Simon, Susan O’Donnell Mikhail, and Jeff Kavlick
2011 special events
Thanks to the hard work and generosity of SC4K's volunteers
and supporters, our special events exceeded our expectations in
2011, making a sizeable difference in the lives of area children and
families in need.
Fool’s Frolic Vegas Style:
4th Annual Event at Moxie
For the fourth year, Moxie, the Restaurant
created a truly unique and memorable
experience for the more than 300 partygoers at the annual Fool’s Frolic held
on April 14, 2011 in Beachwood, Ohio.
Guests were treated a one of a kind event
with all the glitz, glamour and decadence
of Las Vegas. The event included fine fare,
libations and live entertainment with food
stops along the Vegas Strip at the Bellagio
Resort and Casino, the Mandarin Oriental,
the Four Seasons, and Caesars Palace.
Entertainment included Walt Sanders
signing ala Elvis, magician Matt Neidmeyer
and DJ Spencer Reynolds of Jerry Bruno
Productions. Our 175 VIPs started their
evening an hour early and revisted the
golden age of Vegas in a glamorous lounge
fit for the likes of Frank, Dean and Sammy.
One lucky winner, Patricia Nici, won the
grand prize in our fabulous raffle which
included a trip to South Beach Miami for
an exclusive dining experience at Red,
the Steakhouse. The trip also included
airfare for two and a two night stay at
the luxurious Eden Roc, a Renaissance
Hotel and Spa. Our second and third prize
winners took home a $1,000 shopping
spree at Saks Fifth Avenue and a private
helicopter ride respectively.
In four short years, Fool's
Frolic has quickly become a
signature event for SC4K
and this year’s event raised
$57,000 in net proceeds.
Special thanks to SC4K Board Members
Susan O’Donnell Mikhail and Jeff Kavlick
for leading the Planning Committee along
with fellow Board Member, Scott Simon,
serving as honorary chair. Moxie owner,
Brad Friedlander, chaired the event’s Host
Committee again this year.
For the 6th consecutive
year, SC4K achieved the
coveted 4-star rating from
Charity Navigator, an honor
bestowed on only 3% of the
nation’s charities.
UPS Makes Annual Care Day
Distributions to All Partner Sites
For the 5th consecutive year, UPS
generously sponsored SC4K’s annual
Care Day event, donating trucks, drivers
and volunteers to make deliveries to all
35 SC4K Distribution Partner sites. In
addition, UPS provided a $10,000 grant to
SC4K to support its buying and distribution
program. This massive volunteer effort
by UPS was coordinated as part of
UPS’s Global Volunteer Month. Special
thanks to UPS employees and Associate
Board members Candice Dempsey and
Alison Lamirand, who along with their
colleague and SC4K Board Member, Mike
Zitzelsberger, helped plan the event.
ARAMARK/SC4K Golf Classic:
A Hole in One for Cleveland’s Kids
The 13th annual ARAMARK/SC4K Golf
Classic at Chippewa Golf Club was a
success, raising $40,000 in net proceeds
for Shoes and Clothes for Kids. Golfers
enjoyed a beautiful day of golf followed
by a fabulous steak dinner and auction.
Items up for bid included a Spalding NBA
Basketball autographed by Mark Price
and Craig Ehlo, Browns tickets, tickets
to several popular concerts, and suite
packages from the Lake Erie Monsters,
Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Cavaliers.
year including our title sponsor Pepsi
Beverage Company and PepsiCo Inc.
ARAMARK has made a tremendous impact
upon the programs and services of Shoes
and Clothes for Kids by raising more than
$550,000 in net proceeds since 1998.
Luau on the Lake
For the 6th year, SC4K’s Associate Board
has brought a little bit of Hawaii to
Cleveland. Their annual Luau on the Lake
attracted more than 600 guests who spent
a perfect summer day in July on the shores
of Lake Erie at Wendy Park on Whiskey
Island. Guests enjoyed an island buffet
catered by ARAMARK, adult beverages,
sand volleyball, cornhole and more.
Petitti’s Garden Center donated beautiful
centerpieces to complete the tropical look.
Allan Fee of Q104FM’s morning show
served as the impromptu MC. Fee decided
to attend the event after Associate Board
co-chairs, Stephanie Landes and Craig
Gutridge promoted the event on Fee’s
show along with event co-chairs Brendan
Doyle and Kelly Romano.
2011 sponsors included: Aable Rents,
Deloitte, Forest City Enterprises, Frantz
Ward, ARAMARK, Barefoot Wine &
Bubbly, Bud Light, Cuervo, Gusto Designs,
LLC, LandShark Lager, and Smirnoff.
Media sponsors included CBS Radio and
The Plain Dealer. Special thanks to All
Points Connect for distributing 9,000
Luau postcards pro bono throughout
Greater Cleveland, Dannon Yogurt and
Branded Solutions for providing “Party
Like a Big Kahuna” t-shirts pro bono, and
to Budweiser for donating and distributing
event posters. Volunteers spent months
planning the event which raised $14,000
in net proceeds for SC4K.
SC4K is grateful to ARAMARK and all
of the vendors and SC4K donors who
continue to sponsor this event year after
L to R: Jerry Broski, Dennis Rose, Valerie McCormack,
Patrick McCarthy, Laura Leine, Allan Krulak and
Kevin Kearney
L to R: Rick Riley, Alan Melamed, Stephanie Landes
and Sarah Melamed
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Shoes and Clothes for
Kids meets all 20 of
the Better Business
Bureau’s Standards for
Charity Accountability
and is a BBB Seal Holder.
Cleveland Indians, Cleveland
Cavaliers and Lake Erie Monsters
Ticket Incentives
SC4K was proud to be selected for the third
year to take part in the Cleveland Indians
Fill the House for Charity initiative. Shoes
and Clothes for Kids received $5.00 for
each game ticket we sold and the Indians
donated an additional dollar for every ticket
sold to the game. In addition, the Indians
provided promotional support to help
raise awareness for SC4K including radio,
television, online and in-game promotion.
The Cleveland Cavaliers and Lake Erie
Monsters invited Shoes and Clothes for
Kids to be one of six charities to participate
in their “Pack the Q for the Cause Nights.”
Through this program Shoes and Clothes
for Kids received $5.00 of each Cavs ticket
or $7.00 of each Monsters ticket purchased
through this program. These ticket
promotions were winning combinations
for Shoes and Clothes for Kids and raised
$17,000 in net proceeds.
Annual Heart & Sole Luncheon
SC4K’s signature fundraiser, the Heart &
Sole Luncheon, was held on October 24th at
the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel. The event
raised a record $149,000 in net proceeds
thanks in large part to a surprise $25,000
donation from longtime SC4K supporter
and this year’s Golden Shoe Honoree,
Samuel H. Miller, Co-Chair Emeritus and
Treasurer of Forest City Enterprises.
Samuel H. Miller, is not only a successful
businessman but also one of Greater
Cleveland’s most compassionate community
philanthropists. Since SC4K’s inception in
1969, Mr. Miller and Forest City Enterprises
have been among its leading champions
and largest donors. SC4K Advisory Board
member, Albert Ratner and SC4K Chair
Emeritus, Allan C. Krulak, both of Forest
City Enterprises, presented Mr. Miller with
the Golden Shoe Award.
Over 550 corporate and community
leaders attended the luncheon. This year’s
presenting sponsor was Fifth Third Bank
along with Golden Shoe Sponsors Forest
City Enterprises, Medical Mutual of Ohio
and Time Warner Cable. The event included
lunch, entertainment, and a raffle with
entertainment provided by the Cleveland
Metropolitan School District’s All-City Jazz
Band. The program also included a video,
created pro-bono by 5Front, Inc., owned
by SC4K Board member, Rick Fromet,
featuring several SC4K recipients and
highlighting the SC4K’s buying and
distribution program. The video may
be viewed online at www.sc4k.org.
As volunteers play a vital role in the work of
the organization, volunteer Board member
Kelly Rudloff was honored with the Morrie
Sayre Award for Outstanding Volunteerism,
given to a surprise recipient each year.
Ms. Rudloff has been an instrumental part
of a number of SC4K initiatives including
the formation of the Associate Board of
SC4K, its strategic planning process and
several other key Associate Board and Board
projects. A former SC4K staff member,
Ms. Rudloff also created the organization’s
annual Care Day.
ABOVE: Golden Shoe recipient, Samuel H. Miller,
pictured with Jerry Kelsheimer, Valerie McCormack,
Terry Uhl, Albert Ratner and Allan Krulak
ABOVE: Morrie Sayre Award recipient, Kelly Rudloff,
pictured with Terry Uhl and Valerie McCormack
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it's back to school time!
Back to school season is the busiest and most important time of the year for our
organization. At Shoes and Clothes for Kids, we recognize the importance of a child starting
the school year off on the right foot. That’s why each year we team up with a number of
community partners to help ensure that Greater Cleveland children in need have the tools
and confidence they’ll need to succeed.
6th Annual Stuff the Bus for Cleveland’s Kids
Sponsored by Dominion, Stuff the Bus raises awareness about the need for shoes, clothing and school supplies for children
going back to school and to provide the community a way to help. This year, SC4K also partnered with the Cleveland
Metroparks Zoo and the Cleveland Zoological Society to hold Stuff the Bus in conjunction with the Zoo’s corporate
appreciation night held on July 6. The partnership was a huge success! More than 9,000 people attended the event and the
bus was located on the Zoo’s ticket plaza giving SC4K much visibility. Several companies either ran collection drives in their
offices or asked their employees to bring their items directly to the bus and many event goers made cash donations.
4th Annual Cleveland Browns Back to School Campaign
The Cleveland Browns once again provided a $15,000 sponsorship to SC4K which was used to purchase
double the amount of gift cards for our back to school distribution. These cards helped children in need
purchase new athletic shoes. As part of the Cleveland Browns Back to School Campaign, Melamed Riley
Advertising partnered with SC4K for the 6th year to create a pro bono community awareness campaign
which included print, radio, television, and outdoor thanks to the generous donated placements by
The Plain Dealer, ClearChannel Outdoor, and ClearChannel Radio. In addition, the Cleveland Browns
invited representatives from SC4K to participate in the player gauntlet and promoted SC4K on the
scoreboard at the Browns pre-season opener on August 13.
Gear for Grades
Joining SC4K to help children prepare for back to school
again this year was Charter One Bank. For the second year Charter One
selected SC4K as its local partner for its Gear for Grades program: an
initiative designed to provide new backpacks filled with school supplies to
2,000 children in Cuyahoga County. Items were collected in Charter One
branches and then their employees spent a day at the SC4K warehouse
filling the new backpacks with school supplies. In addition to distributing
1,500 backpacks as part of the August back to school distribution, SC4K
and Charter One spent a whole day delivering 500 backpacks to YMCA
summer youth camps in Parma, Euclid, Lakewood and Downtown. Gear
for Grades included an $18,000 grant to SC4K.
Thank YOU
Cleveland Bakers' Local No. 19
Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Teachers Union
Collins & Scanlon LLP
Corporate Apparel Group
The Larry & Flora Blumenthal Family
Creditors Interchange
Philanthropic Fund
Robert & Paula Boykin Family Foundation Cups 4 Kids
Cuyahoga Community College
Grace J. Chamberlain Memorial Fund
Ellen E. & Victor J. Cohn
Day Piston Company
Supporting Foundation
DDR Corp.
Jennifer and Grant Dinner Fund
Dippin' Dots, Inc.
Irving & Gloria Fine Foundation
Dollar Bank
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
The Higley Fund
The Richard & Erica Horvitz Foundation
Dominion Foundation
The Joseph Family Foundation
Donatos Pizzeria
Tom H. Lang Fund of the Cleveland
Eaton Corporation
The Victor C. Laughlin, M. D.
Elco Corporation
Memorial Foundation
Ernst & Young
Edward A. & Catherine Lozick Foundation Euclid Fish Company
The Milton & Tamar Maltz Family
Event Source
Executive Caterers at Landerhaven
Miller Family Foundation
Fairmount Minerals
Miller Good Family Charitable Foundation
The Fedeli Group
Samuel H. & Maria Miller Foundation
Ferro Foundation
Del & Beatrice P. Mintz Family
Fifth Third Bank
Charitable Foundation
First Catholic Slovak Ladies Assn.
Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation
First Energy Corporation
The Murch Foundation
First Federal of Lakewood
John P. Murphy Foundation
First Merit
David & Inez Myers Foundation
The First Unitarian Church of
Marni & Morris Propp II
Family Foundation
Fitness Serve
Albert & Audrey Ratner Family
Forest City Enterprises, Inc.
The Reinberger Foundation
Frantz Ward LLP
Ruth Rubin Family Trust
Ganley Honda
Saint Luke's Foundation of Cleveland, OH Gardiner Service Company
Schwebel Family Foundation
Gary Butch, Inc.
Serendipity Living Revocable Trust
GE Foundation
Shewitz Family Philanthropic Fund
The George Whalley Co.
The Alvin & Laura Siegal Foundation
Gilmour Academy
Michael & Anita Siegal Philanthropic Fund Glazer's of Ohio
Sisters of Charity Foundation
Glenmede Trust Co.
The Thatcher Family Fund
Goldstein & Roloff
United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland
Gould Electronics Foundation
The S. K. Wellman Foundation
Wolff Family Charitable Foundation Trust Graystone Properties
Gross Builders
The Wuliger Foundation
Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
The Ronald Zahler Memorial Fund
Heidelberg Distributing Company
The Zarnick Family Foundation
Heritage Development Company
Hoehnen Landscaping Co.
Corporations and
Honey-Do List Inc.
The House of LaRose
ABC Fire Inc.
Huntington National Bank
Advanced Fryer Solutions LLC
I.B.E.W. Local #38
Advanced Gas & Welding Solutions, LLC Ice Cream Specialties
American Greetings Corporation
The Icee Company
Anathoth Missionary Baptist Church
Independence Excavating, Inc.
Anderson-DuBose Company
IntelliNet Corporation
Anna Maria of Aurora, Inc.
The JK Group Inc.
Apex Paper Box Company
Joshen Paper & Packaging
Applied Industrial Technologies
JSK Ltd.
Applied Laser Technologies
K.A. Inc., Architecture
Key Bank
ARAMARK Correctional Services
Key Foundation
ARAMARK Higher Education
Kiwanis Club of Berea, Inc.
ARAMARK Parks & Destinations
Labatt USA/InBev USA
ARAMARK Refreshment Services
Lake Erie Monsters
ARAMARK Sports & Entertainment
Lamb Weston
Arhaus Furniture
Levin Furniture
Lewis Engineers & Scientist
Avery Dennison
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff Local District #6 Painters & Allied
Caire Electric
Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLP
Local 270 UWUA, AFL-CIO
Case Western Reserve University
The Lubrizol Foundation
Cavaliers Youth Fund
Luce, Smith and Scott
Cement Masons Local No. 404
Marshall Carpet One
Chagrin Valley Engineering, Ltd.
Master Manufacturing Company
Charter One
McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Melamed Riley Advertising
Mentor United Methodist Church
Metal Fabricating Corp.
Michael Symon Restaurants
Midwest Compressor Co., Inc.
Minottis Beverage
Mitchell Brothers Ice Cream, Inc.
Multi-Care Management
NASA GRC FMD Social Committee
New World Hair Design
Nickles Bakery
Nordson Corporation
Nordstrom, Inc.
Oatey Co.
Ohio Bureau of Workers'
Olympic Steel, Inc.
Orlando Bakery
Panzica Construction
Pepsi Americas
Photography by Tony, Inc.
PSC Metals, Inc.
Revere Title Agency Inc.
Richard L. Bowen & Associates, Inc.
Rock-N-Roll Capital Street Machines
RPM International, Inc.
RSM McGladrey
Shearer's Foods, Inc.
Sirna & Sons Produce
Sprout Connections, LLC.
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, L.L.P.
Strassman Insurance Services, Inc.
Suburban Marble & Granite Company
Sugardale Food Service
Sushi 86 Inc.
The Temple-Tifereth Israel
Time Warner Cable
TransCon Builders, Inc.
Triangle Stamping Company
The Uhl Group
U.S. Foodservice
Ulmer & Berne LLP
United Way Services
Urban Partnership Bank
Ursuline College
US Bank
Vegas Investment Properties
VMware Foundation
Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co.,L.P.A.
West & Company
Weston Hurd LLP
ZM Management Company LLC
Ms. Joyce Abbott
Ms. Rose Abood
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abookire
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Abrams
Ms. Louise Abrams
Mrs. Loretta Adams
Mr. Mark Alder
Ms. Andrea Allamong
Ms. Susan Allen
Ms. Marge Amato
Ms. Michelle Amato
Ms. Sandra Anderson
Mr. John Anoliefo
Mr. & Mrs. John Archer
Ms. Elaine R. Arnold
Mrs. Ruth Armold
Ms. Sam Arth
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Asher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Auerbach
Mr. & Mrs. George Badziong
Ms. Denice R. Baldanza
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Barben
Ms. Antoinette Barhyte
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Barnes
Mr. Brian A. Bash
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baumgarten
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Beck
Ms. Nancy Beeson
Ms. Jennifer Bell
Mr. Jeff Beller
Mr. Steven A. Belman
Mrs. Gayl Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Bernatowicz
Ms. Virginia Bertram
Mr. Matthew Bertuzzi
Mr. Ronald Bildstein
Mr. Allen Binstock
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Birchenough
Ms. Terry Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Bloomfield
Ms. Donna Bloss
Ms. Julie Boehnlein
Mr. Richard J. Bogomolny
Ms. Marilyn Bokrass
Mr. Marc Bona
Mr. & Mrs. George Bourquin
Ms. Michele Bourrie-Schafer
Ms. Betty Bowers
Mr. Robert Bowlby
Ms. Sharon Boyes
Mr. Ethan Braid
Ms. Barbara Bright
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Brinda
Ms. Holly Brinda
Mr. Seth Briskin
Mr. & Mrs. William Brokaw
Ms. Carole Broome
Mr. Gerald F. Broski
Mr. Todd Broski
Ms. Jeanette Brown-Johnson
Ms. Joan Bruch
Ms. Molly Brudnick
Mr. Kerry W. Bubolz
Mr. & Mrs. T. Merritt Bumpass
Mr. Martin J. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Burkhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Burkosky
Mr. & Mrs. James Burrer
Mr. & Mrs. William Bushok
Ms. Shannon Byrne
Mr. Marc S. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Cable
The Honorable Anthony O. Calabrese
Mr. Richard A. Calhoun
Ms. Eleanor Campana
Ms. Susan Caputo
Ms. Karen Carcione
Mr. Eric Carmen
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Carmen
Ms. Colleen Carter
Mr. & Mrs. R. B. C. Cayless
Ms. Florence Chelm
Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Chesler
Ms. Tavia Lynn Chiles
Mrs. Gertrude K. Chisholm
Mr. Bryan Christman
Mr. Christopher Church
Ms. Cynthia Cicigoi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ciuppa
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Clark
Mrs. Joanne Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Claus
Ms. Beverly Coen
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coghill
Dr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coldiron
Ms. Charlotte Colman
Ms. Toi Comer
Ms. Jeanette E. Conant
Mr. Jason Conger
Mr. Douglas U. Connell
Ms. Aimee E. Convery
Mr. Kerry Conway
Ms. Ursula Cook
Ms. Anne Cooper
Mr. Evan Cooper
Mr. Scott Copeland
Ms. Rachel Coristin
Ms. Inez Corrado
Mr. Michael Costanzo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cottrell
Mr. Matthew J. Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Courtney
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Coven
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Covitt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coyne
Ms. Colleen Craven
Ms. Christina Crisp
Ms. Marianne Crosby
Mr. Nathan L. Currie
Ms. Christine Curtis
Mr. Lovell Custard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Danford
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Davis
Mr. James H. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Day
Ms. Patricia DeBerry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Delly
Ms. Candice Dempsey
Mr. Eric DePhillips
Ms. Judith DeVries
Ms. Nancy G. Dickenson
Ms. JJ DiGeronimo
Ms. Jaclyn DiGeronimo
Dr. & Mrs. Carl F. Doershuk
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Doll
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Donahue
Mr. Brent Donnell
Ms. Kathleen Dorsey
Mr. Selmar Dorsey
Mr. Jeff Douglas
Mr. Brendan Doyle
Mr. Terry Doyle
Ms. Lisa Drazil
Mr. David Drechsler
Mr. Howard Drechsler
Ms. Jillian Driscoll
Ms. Cindy Duber
Mr. John Duke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Ebner
Drs. Zeyd Ebrahim
Dr. & Mrs. Josef Edelstein
Mr. & Mrs. James Eland
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Erkkila
Mr. Edward Evans
Ms. Karen Evans
Mr. Tom Evans
Mr. Richard J. Felber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feldman
Ms. Marcia Fenner
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Fenwick
Ms. Nancy L. Ferjutz
Ms. Jessica Ferri
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fieldman
Ms. Patricia Ann Filkins
Ms. Catherine Fishbach
Ms. Lynne Fiske
Mr. Jeremy Flack
Mrs. Arlene J. Flanagan
Ms. Christine Flanagan
Ms. Patricia Fontinos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Forchheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ford
Dr. William E. Forsythe
Ms. Patricia Fotinos
Ms. Karen Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fox
Mrs. Jacqueline Freedman
Mr. Joel Frezel
Mr. Adam Fried
Mr. Harry Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Friedman
Mr. Paul Friedman
Mrs. Stanley Friedman
Mr. Ted S. Friedman
Mr. Roger Frisman
Mr. Rick Fromet
Ms. Kayenta Frye
Ms. Sharon Furcron
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Furry
Ms. Linda Galdun
2 0 1 1 A n n ua l R e p ort » sc 4 k
Mr. Brendan Gallagher
Mrs. Barbara Galuska
Mr. Carl Garesche
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Garry
Ms. Agnes R. Gaso
Mr. & Mrs. victor gelb
Mr. Steven Genther
Ms. Julia W. Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Giblin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gilchrist
Mr. Wesley Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gillespie
Ms. Esther H. Gimp
Mr. Brian Ginis
Ms. Agnes Girt
Ms. Julie Given
Ms. Nancy Glick
Mr. Boris Gliner
Ms. Eleanor Gogolick
Dr. & Mrs. Jay R. Gold
Mr. Ronald E. Goldberg
Mr. Marvin Golder
Mr. Seth Goldfarb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Goldstein
Dr. & Mrs. Norman W. Goldston
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Golish
Dr. Norman Golovan
Ms. Sally Good
Mr. Sid Good
Mr. Bernard Goodman
Mr. John Vincent Goodman
Ms. Eileen Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh & Cecelia Gorman
Ms. Melissa Gottlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Graeff
Ms. Jeanette Graselli Brown
Ms. Anita Gray
Ms. Lottie Gray
Mr. Jason Gray
Ms. Rachelle Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Green
Mr. Edward M. Greenfield
& Ms. Cathleen Carlin
Ms. Dorothy S. Greenslade
Mr. Robert D. Gries
Ms. Pauline F. Grodin
Ms. Marjorie L. Grodin
Mrs. Rose Grossner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gruden
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gruly
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grunden
Mr. David Gunning
Mr. James Gusky
Ms. Maryann Gust
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Guthman
Mr. Craig Gutridge
Mr. Geoffrey Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Halpern
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Harabin
Mr. Ronald Harnar
Ms. Celaine Harrington
Mr. Douglas Harrington
Mr. Joachim E. Hartitz
Mr. Henry Hatch
Ms. Theresa Hatch
Mr. Gregory Hatten
Ms. Gloria H. Haulk
Ms. Marilyn Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hayes
Ms. Audrey Heckaman
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Heinicke
Ms. Alyson Hellman
Mr. Thomas Herschel
Mr. Robert T. Hexter
Ms. Enid Susan Hexter
Mr. Ronald Hilfer
Ms. Patricia Hilfer
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hogg
Ms. Kelly Holcomb
Ms. Roxann Holmes
Ms. Lee Ann A. Holstein
Mr. Justin R. Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Horton
Mr. Harvey Horwitz
Mr. Martin S. Horwitz
Mr. Michael J. Horvitz
Ms. Jacqueline Howard
Ms. Deborah Howell
Ms. Mary Hromco
Mrs. Rita Hubar
Ms. Laura Hudak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Hudson
Ms. Gaynell S. Hunter
Ms. Heather Huston Barkley
Ms. Bridget Huzicka
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Idoine
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Isakov
Ms. Alison Jackson
Ms. Jessie Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Jagel
Mr. Martin E. Jatlow
Mr. & Mrs. William Jech
Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Jemison II
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johns
Ms. Annette Johnson
Ms. Margaret Johnson
Ms. Michele T. Johnson
Ms. Megan Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight S. Jordan
Ms. Lillian Jurcec
Mr. William R. Joseph
Mr. Aaron Kamat
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kamins
Mr. Martin Kanan
Mr. Gautam Kanaparthi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kanner
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Kaplan
Ms. Doris Kasik
Mr. Milton Katz
Ms. Ilana Katz
Mr. Jeffrey Kavlick
Mr. Harvey Kay
Mr. Kevin Kearney
Ms. Dorothy A. Keck
Mr. Clay Keller
Dr. Greg Kempf
Ms. Kimberly Kenzig
Mr. & Mrs. John Keough
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keptner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Kerester
Mr & Mrs. Greg Kestin
Mr. George Khoury
Ms. Nancy Jo Kiefer
Mrs. Denise Kinches
Ms. Sally E. Kinney
Mr. James Kisicki
Mrs. Joanne Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kleppel
Mr. Michael S. Klimko
Mr. & Mrs. Victor G. Kmetich
Ms. Amanda Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. Christian J. Knapp
Mr. Roger T. Knipper
Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Koblenz
Ms. Mary Ann Kochera
Ms. Anne Kolibab
Mr. Arthur Kopittke
Mr. Craig H. Koslen
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Kosmin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kostura
Mr. Ronald Kovach
Mr. Joseph Krajekian
Mrs. Charlotte R. Kramer
Ms. Tanya P. Krill
Mr. Allan C. Krulak
Mr. Eric Kuhen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Kuhn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Kukay
Mr. Jeff Kula
Mr. Jack Kusner
Mrs. Dorothy R. Kutash
Mr. & Mrs. James Kuzmick
Ms. Sylvia Michelle Lacy
Mr. Jim Lambert
Ms. Alison Lamirand
Ms. Marjorie Lamport
Ms. Stephanie Landes
Mr. & Mrs. J. Chris Langmack
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lappin
Ms. Linda L. Laronge
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lauer
Ms. Nancy Laurence
Mr. Dennis Leebow
Ms. Tammi Lees
Mr. Marcus Lehto
Mr. Richard Lehto
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron D. Leizman
Dr. Howard S. Levin
Mr. Donald Levy
Mr. Dennis A. Lewin
Ms. Kristin Lewis
Ms. Judith Lichtig
Ms. Judith Lipton
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lindholm
Ms. Megan Llorens
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lloyd
Ms. Renne Loncar
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Longbrake
Mr. Charles Lopresti
Mr. James Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Luft
Ms. Lindsay Lynch
Mr. Alex Machaskee
Mr. A. Lamont Mackley
Mr. David Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Manchick
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome B. Mandel
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mandel
Mr. Bob Marcantonio
Mr. Sam Marcus
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Margulies
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Mason
Mr. Michael Matasich
Ms. Joanne Mayernik
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Mayers
Mr. Mark Mazzurco
Ms. Eleanor McBride
Ms. Erin McCafferty
Mr. Patrick McCarthy
Mr. Thomas J. McCarthy
Mr. Justin McCaulley
Ms. Cherie McClain
Ms. Sarah McClintock
Mr. & Mrs. Tim McCormack
Ms. Shelley McCuen
Ms. Niccole McEwen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McInnes
Mr. Ken McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. McKay
Ms. Carolena M. McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin
Mr. Christopher McMahan
Ms. Rita Medina
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Melamed
Ms. Nicole Melville
Ms. Lisa M. Mikol
Mr. Brandon Miller
Ms. Janet Miller
Mr. William Miller
Mr. Norman Millstein
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Miraldi
Ms. Loretta Molesky
Mr. Carl Monastra
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Monchein
Ms. Brianca Moon
Mr. Kenneth Moore
Ms. Lisa Moran
Ms. Theresa Morelli
Ms. Regina Morganti
Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Morris
Mr. Melvin Morris
Ms. Stephanie L. Moss
Ms. Patricia Mowery
Mr. Doug Musick
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Naab
Mr. & Mrs. Larrie Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. David Nagusky
Mr. Robert Namy
Mr. & Mrs. Jagan Nath
Mr. Marc Nathanson
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Nearman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Negrelli
Ms. Gertrude Neitzelt
Mr. & Mrs. Julius K. Nemeth
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Newman
Ms. Elizabeth Nici
Ms. Debbie Noble
Ms. Ronnica Noethlich
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Noltemeyer
Mr. Stephen Nowak
Mr. Jerome Nowakowski
Mr. M. I. Nurenberg
Ms. Donna O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell
Ms. Susan O'Donnell Mikhail
Mr. Mark Mintz
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Ohl
Ms. Rhea M. Ohl
Ms. Linda Olejko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oliger
Mr. & Mrs. William O'Neill
Dr. Daniel Ornt &
Ms. Jeanine Arden Ornt
Ms. Josephine Ortega
Ms. Rebecca Osborne
Ms. Jackie Osborne Fisher
Ms. Mary Ostendorf
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Page
Ms. Sandra Pannetti
Mrs. Mary Paoletta
Ms. Grace Papesh
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Papesh
Ms. Amy M. Pappas
Ms. Anna Paravalos
Mr. Mel Parekh
Ms. Laura Passerallo
Ms. Janelle Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Pearlman
Ms. Jiesha Perkins
Ms. Kimberly Perry
Ms. Lisa Peters
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Petras
Ms. Jo Ann Petrello
Mr. Doug Petrovic
Mr. & Mrs. James Pierce
Mr. Rico Pietro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pincus
Ms. Alison Pirc
Mr. Craig Platt
Mr. Joe Podach
Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. Poklar
Councilman Michael D. Polensek
Mr. Glenn Pollack
Mrs. Ellie Pollak
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Pollock
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard N. Polster
Mr. Joseph Pophal
Mr. Alan J. Poruban
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Posta
Mr. David Presser
Mr. Herman Prevost
Ms. Allegra Prewitt
Ms. Terry Puffer
Mr. Steven D. Putinski
Ms. Maria Quinn
Mr. Robert T. Raaf
Mr. Ben Rababy
Mr. Patrick Raley
Mr. Kerry Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rattray
Ms. Mary Reece
Mr. George Repchick
Dr. Gary Resnik
Ms. Faye Reuven
Ms. Heather Rhoades
Mr. Jack Ricchiuto
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Rice
Ms. Hallie Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rich
Ms. Helen Richards
Mr. & Mrs. William Richardson
Ms. Rockette Richardson
Ms. Krista Rivers
Ms. Minnie Roberts
Ms. Barbara Robinson
Ms. Evelyn Robison
Mr. Gordon Roder
Mr. Paul Roetzer
Ms. Karla M. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. John Romano
Mr. Paul J. Rondzik
Mr. George Rooney
Mr. Dennis Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Rose
Mr. Joe Ross
Ms. Betty Rosskamm
Ms. Nikki Rosso
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome M. Rothenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Rothstein
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rudloff
Ms. Veronica Runcis
Mr. Perry D. Ruth
Mr. Jeff Sadowsky
Mr. Gordon Safran
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saiger
Mr. Richik Sarkar
Ms. Wilma L. Sasnaskas
Ms. Valerie Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Schaeffer
Ms. Kathleen Schempp
Ms. Jo Ann Schentur
Mr. & Mrs. S. James Schill
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schloss
Mr. Richard Schluep
Mr. Charles S. Schnell
Mr. & Mrs. James Schoff
Ms. Marguerite Schuerger
Mrs. Barbara C. Schultz
Mr. David Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Larwrence Schultz
Ms. Adrian L. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. David Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Sekerak
Mr. David Selman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Seminatore
Mr. Ronald Shaklee
Mr. William Shaklee
Ms. Lee Shapiro
Mr. Howard Shear
Ms. Helen Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Shenberger
Mr. Kevin Sherman
Dr. Marvin D. Shie
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson A. Shields
Mr. Michael A. Shon
Ms. Margery A. Shorr
Drs. Jane & David Silk
Ms. Susan Silverberg
Mr. & Mrs. Barton Simon
Ms. Marjorie Simon
Mr. Scott Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Simpson
Ms. Billie Jean Sims
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Single
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Siskovic
Ms. Margaret A. Sivakoff
Mrs. Kimberly Smatana
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Soeder
Mr. & Mrs. Garrick Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sorge
Mr. Robert Soroka
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Soroky
Ms. Mary Ann Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Spevack
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher St. John
Mr. Dennis Stallworth
Mr. & Mrs. Phil R. Stammitti
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Staph
Mr. Peter E. Steffes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Stevens
The Honorable Louis Stokes
Mr. Andrew Stover
Mr. James Stover
Mr. John T. Streett
Mr. James Sturgill
Mr. & Mrs. Will Sukenik
Ms. Joyce L. Sutcliffe
Ms. Patricia Sutker
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Synenberg
Ms. Peggy Szpatura
1 4 2 0 1 1 A n n ua l R e p ort » sc 4 k
Mr. Dan Szubra
Ms. Linda Tagliente
Ms. Florence Tallisman
Ms. Jessica Tardino
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Telecky
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Tercek
Mr. Chris Terrell
Mr. Hakeem Thornton
Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton
Mrs. Sharee Thornton
Ms. Sherri Thorsky
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ticktin
Ms. Mary Lou Trenbath
Ms. Lucille R. Troph
Ms. Cheryl Trzcinski
Dr. & Mrs. John Tumbush
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Tupa
Mr. Joseph Turgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Turk
Ms. Gwen Turner
Mr. James Turner
Mr. Tom Turner
Ms. Tracy Turoff
Mr. Terrence J. Uhl
Ms. Judy Ulrich
Mr. David Uram
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. H. Vail
Ms. Patricia Van Pelt
Mr. Robert Varley
Mr. Donald Vavrus
Ms. Dorothy Vianos
Ms. Marianne Vincent
Mr. Dominic A. Visconsi
Senator George Voinovich
Mr. Joseph Volpe
Mr. Allen Waddle
Ms. Jennifer Waggoner
Mr. Norman Wain
Ms. Allison Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Wallace
Ms. Margaret Walls
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Walters
Mr. Melvin Waxman
Ms. Cher Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Weimer
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Weinberger
Mr. Bill Weisberg
Mr. Morton J. Weisberg
Mr. & Mrs. Burton A. Weiss
Ms. Fern M. Weiss
Ms. Rona Weiss
Ms. Sharon Werner
Ms. Jody Wheaton
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Wildman
Ms. Diandra Williams
Mr. Donald Williams
Ms. Hayley Williams
Mr. Jeffrey Willis
Mr. Jerry Windham
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Wiseberg
Ms. Idelle Wolf
Mr. Warren L. Wolfson
Ms. Ann Marie Wroten
Dr. Robert Wyllie
Ms. Esra Yagan
Mr. Nick York
Ms. Kellie Zaccardelli
Mr. Gerald Zahler
Ms. Mildred Zalben
Dr. Joseph Zayat
Mr. Gerald Zlotnik
Mr. & Mrs. James Zupancic
Gifts in Kind
5Front, Inc.
Aable Rents
All Points Connect
All-Star Valet
Alpine Valley Ski Area
Amp 150
ARAMARK Sports and
Barefoot Wine
Beck Center for the Cultural Arts
Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Bistro 185
Blue Canyon
Branded Solutions
Build-a-Bear Workshop
Charles Scott Salons & Spa – West
ClearChannel Outdoor
CleCorr Packaging
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Cinemas
Cleveland Foodbank
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland Marriott Downtown –
Key Center
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The Cleveland Museum of
Natural History
The Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Public Theatre
Cleveland Zoological Society
Consolidated Graphics
Ms. Rosemary Culutta
The Dannon Company
Dave & Buster's
East Coast Original Frozen Custard
Eden Roc Renaissance Beach
Resort & Spa
Embellish Accessories
Enerco/Mr. Heater
Fifth Third Bank
Flowers by Stazzone
Kevin Fromet, Studio i5
The George Group
Giant Eagle
GirlSparkle Knitters
Great Lakes Brewing Company
Great Lakes Cheese Co.
Great Lakes Theater Festival
Gusto Designs, LLC
The Hammer Company
Happy Hookers Knitting Club
Heidelberg Distributing
Heinen's Fine Foods
Bridget Huzicka
Hyland Software
John Robert's Spa
Kent State University
King Nut Companies
Lake County Captains
Lake Erie Monsters
Lasting Impressions
Laurice Skin Care and Cosmetics
Ms. Gina Lutes
Malley's Chocolates
Melamed Riley Advertising
The Melting Pot
Morgan Linens, Inc.
Morton's The Steakhouse
Moxie, The Restaurant
The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes
Nautica Queen
North Star Collaborative
Northern Ohio Printing
Payless Shoesource
Petitti Garden Center
Pickwick & Frolic Restaurant and Club
Plain Dealer Charities, Inc.
The Playhouse Square Foundation
the power of whodo
Purple Feet Distributing LLC
Red, the Steakhouse
Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
Ms. Diana Riley
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Cleveland
Ms. Christine Sadowski
Saks Fifth Avenue
The Soap Guy
Style Mutt
Taste Food and Wine Restaurant
Ms. Heidi Tolchinsky
Trader Joe's
Trolley Tours Of Cleveland
Vanguard Wines LLC
Vintage Wine Distributor
Western Reserve Historical Society
Wine Trends
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Agin
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Ms. Bettie Joyce Baker
In memory of Marie Parker Baker
Bank of America
In memory of Bob Lepore
Ms. Shirley Betzer
In memory of Gladys Mellott
In memory of Virginia Piper
Mr. Gerald F. Broski
In memory of Anne Driscoll
In memory of David Pollock
In memory of Lucerne Weidig
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Chapman
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Mr. Robert W. Clark
In memory of Jean Ann Clark
Ms. Christina Crisp
In memory of Bob Lepore
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Frank
In memory of Husband, Father &
Grandfather Ernie
The Honorable Merle S. Gorden
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Ms. Ileen Kelner
In memory of Marvin Kelner
Dr. & Mrs. Layton Kest
In memory of Mark Isler
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Kline
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kraft
In memory of Ryan Dunn
Mr. Allan C. Krulak
In memory of Maureen Kelly
In memory of Joan Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Laing
In memory of Ranier Devido
Ms. Shirley Leikin
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lepore
In memory of Bob Lepore
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Levine
In memory of Mark Leimseider
In memory of Bob Namen
In memory of Babe Rosenberg
In memory of Phyliss Teichman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lewis
In memory of Estelle C. Quinn
Mr. Charles W. Lissauer
In memory of Alice F. Lissauer
In memory of Rose Zingale
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Nash
In memory of Richard Rosewater
Mrs. Agnes E. Parsons
In memory of Parsons & Petersen
In memory of Parsons, Petersen,
Moyer, & Kowal Families
In memory of Parsons, Petersen,
Moyer, Koval & Schwet Families
In memory of Parsons, Petersen,
Moyer, & Schwet Families
Ms. Susan Passov
In memory of Martin Lipton
Ms. Kate Pistone
In memory of Bill Spaid
Mr. Alan J. Poruban
In memory of Margaret Poruban
Ms. Illene Rosewater
In memory of Eleanor Goldstein
In memory of Karin Press Israel
In memory of Ruthe Stackfish
Mr. Adam Russ
In memory of Ruby J. Hudran
Mr. Donald Sayre & Ms. Nancy Wurzel
In memory of Dr. Harold A. Wurzel
Mr. David Schultz
In memory of Helen Hirschberg
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson A. Shields
In memory of Christine C. Salisbury
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Sobel
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Mr. & Mrs. Rainey Taylor
In memory of John & Joan Scott
Three Village Condominiums
In memory of Beatrice P. Mintz
Mrs. Helen Tomko
In memory of Tracy Lynn Tomko
Mr. Gerald Zahler
In memory of Richard Rosewater
Honorable Bruce H. Akers
In honor of Allan Krulak
Ms. Barbara J. Appel
In honor of Sandy Green
In honor of Jaylen
In honor of Yvette Nicole Brown
In honor of James E. Sullivan
Ms. Mary Brooks
In honor of Katie Uhl
Mr. Marc S. Byrnes
In honor of Allan C. Krulak
Ms. Terri Cantrell
In honor of Katherine Pantelakis
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Chattman
In honor of Bart & Sherry Simon
Mr. Michael Devlin
In honor of Weatherhead Executive
Education Department
Ms. Helene Fien
In honor of Ms. P. McCarthy
Mr. Mike Fratello
In honor of Mort Weisberg
Mr. Matthew Goordman
In honor of Earl Mencel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gottlieb
In honor of Sherry & Bart Simon
Mr. & Mrs. S. Lee Kohrman
In honor of Tara Krantz
Mr. Allan C. Krulak
In honor of David LaRue
Landau Public Relations
In honor of Terry Uhl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. LaWell
In honor of Duane & Sandy Stanek
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lewis
In honor of Ginny Greggor & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miklus
In honor of Angela Miklus
& Eleanor Hatton
Ms. Doris K. Miller
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Weil
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Neilson
In honor of John &
Mary Jane Neilson
Mr. Walter Norton
In honor of Joe & Maggie Harrison
Notre Dame College
In honor of Sam Miller
Ms. Agnes E. Parsons
In honor of the Parsons, Petersen,
Kowal, Covay, Walker & Fleming
Mr. Charles Perich
In honor of Eylee M. Perich
Ms. Elizabeth Perlmutter
In honor of Josh & Evan Perlmutter
Tawny Ratner Philanthropic Fund
In honor of Albert & Audrey Ratner
Ms. Sharon Rose
In honor of Sherry & Bart Simon
Ms. Illene Rosewater
In honor of Mr. Dick Fowler
Mrs. Alice Sayre
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Irv Fine
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scherzer
In honor of Alice Sayre
Ms. Beverly Shaklee
In honor of Brooke Shaklee
The Sloan Foundation
In honor of Irving & Hilda Sloan
Ms. Lauren Steiner
In honor of Terry Uhl
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Strle
In honor of Russ & Laura Todia
Ms. Karen Thomas
In honor of Marilyn Bokrass
Ms. Beth Weiner
In honor of Tracy Turoff
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weintraub
In honor of Sherry & Bart Simon
Mr. & Mrs. George Whalley
In honor of Pat & Lynn Gilligan
Ms. Virginia Wright
In honor of Marilyn Bokrass
Ms. Jill Miller Zimon
In honor of Bruce H. Akers
In honor of Allan C. Krulak
In honor of Clevis Svetlik
Steven James Herman Kids’
Choice Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bloomfield
In honor of James & Carolyn Herman
In memory of Steven James Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Danford
In honor of James & Carolyn Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Davis
In honor of Carolyn Herman
Mr. & Mrs. John Dettelbach
In honor of Carolyn Herman
Mr. Andrew Herman
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. James Herman
In honor of Larry & Debbie Mindel
In memory of Emily Schaffner
In memory of Steven James Herman
In memory of Ab Glickman
In honor of Linda & Tom Klien
Ms. Edith Hirsch
In honor of James & Carolyn Herman
Louise & Terry Morris Philanthropic Fd.
In honor of Carolyn Herman
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Sampliner
In honor of James & Carolyn Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Speer
In honor of Jim & Carolyn Herman
Ms. Elizabeth Warshawsky
In honor of James & Carolyn Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Zeisler
In honor of Carolyn Herman
In honor of James Herman
Estate of Morrie Sayre
Estate of Rose Mary Tatalick
SC4K gratefully acknowledges
our many generous donors.
We apologize for any errors
or omissions as we strive for
excellence in our donor reporting.
Please call our Development
Department at 216.881.7463,
extension 5, with any corrections.
2 0 1 1 A n n ua l R e p ort » sc 4 k
support & revenue
Shoe & Clothing Program Expenses
Special Events (net)
General & Administrative
Investment Income
Total Support & Revenue,
before in-kind contributions
Total PRogram & support
expenses before in-kind expenses
In-kind Rent, Professional Services,
Goods & Materials
Shoe & Clothing Program Expenses
Total support & revenue
General & Administrative
Total expenses
Increase from Operating Activities
Unrealized Loss on Investments
increase in net assets
Net Assets Beginning
Net Assets Ending
net assets ending, defined
The audit report for the year ending December 31, 2011 is available for inspection
at the Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K) office or online at www.sc4k.org. The
audit was completed by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. The statement presented here
was prepared by SC4K management on a fund accounting basis and may not
include all applicable income and expense items or other notations required by
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (G.A.A.P.). Please see the Audited Financial
Statements for complete financial information.
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
1 6 2 0 1 1 A n n ua l R e p ort » sc 4 k
The average distribution
for clothing is valued at
$350,000 and the average
Payless shoe gift card
distribution is valued at
distribution partner sites
Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland
United Pastors in Mission Churches
Additional Sites
Broadway Club
King-Kennedy Club
West Side Club
Bethany Baptist Church
Christian Family Outreach
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
New Sardis Primitive Baptist Church
Catholic Charities Head Start
Catholic Charities Head Start – Riverside
Euclid/Hillcrest Area
Family to Family Collaborative
Famicos Foundation - Ward 10
Fatima Family Center
Freedom Christian Assembly I.F.M.
Greater Love Baptist Church
Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland
La Sagrada Familia
William E. Sanders Family Center
Neighborhood Centers
East Cleveland Neighborhood Center
East End Neighborhood House
Friendly Inn Settlement House
Goodrich Gannett Neighborhood Center
Harvard Community Services Center
Kathryn R. Tyler Neighborhood Center
Lexington Bell Community Center
Merrick House
Murtis H. Taylor Multi-Service Center
Murtis H. Taylor East Cleveland
Phillis Wheatley Association
St. Martin DePorres Center
University Settlement
Word of Righteousness Family Life Center
board members
Executive committee
Associate Board
Richard Bogomolny
David L. Brennan
Honorable Anthony O.
Calabrese, Jr.
Honorable Jane L. Campbell
Councilman Joe Cimperman
Harlan Diamond
Irving B. Fine
Honorable Peter
Lawson Jones
Honorable Tim McCormack
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla
Albert B. Ratner
Audrey Ratner
Congressman Louis Stokes
Jerry Sue Thornton, Ph.D.
Senator George V. Voinovich
Mort Weisberg
Honorable Michael R. White
Terence J. Uhl
Chair Emeritus
Allan C. Krulak
Chair Elect
Scott Simon
Life Directors
vic gelb
Rockette L. Richardson
Human Resources
Committee Co-Chair
Rick M. Fromet
Cher Webb
Product & Services
Committee Co-Chairs
Theresa Corey Bishop
James L. Mason
Dennis R. Rose
Sue Allen
Vice Chair
JJ DiGeronimo
William R. Joseph
Karen Fox
Wesley Gillespie
Anita Gray
A. Lamont Mackley
Jeffrey J. Kavlick
Kevin Kearney
Audit Committee Chair
Sarah K. Melamed
Robert T. Raaf
Mark Mintz
Susan M. O'Donnell
Development &
Laura Passerallo
Joseph G. Podach
Hallie Rich
Kerry W. Bubolz
Karla M. Rogers
Tracy A. Jemison II
Veronica Runcis
William V. Shaklee
Governance Committee
Peter E. Steffes
Tracy A. Turoff
Sid Good
Judith Ulrich
Kelly M. Rudloff
Donald R. Vavrus
Warren L. Wolfson
Finance Committee
Matthew R. Wyner
Michael R. Zitzelsberger, Jr.
Gerald F. Broski
Patrick J. McCarthy
Valerie F. McCormack
Director of
Development &
Sharon A. Boyes
Development &
Kelly A. Heath
Program & Volunteer
Monica Lloyd
Executive Committee
Rachel Coristin
Brendan Doyle
Jillian Driscoll
Elizabeth Nici
Allegra Prewitt
Laina Alber
Kristin Coghill
Toi Comer
Jason Conger
Candice Dempsey
Brendan Gallagher
Bridget Huzicka
Alison Lamirand
Nicole Melville
Lisa Mikol
Kelly Romano
Board Liason
Kelly M. Rudloff
Staff members
Executive Director
Craig Gutridge
Stephanie Landes
Accounting Services
provided by:
JSK Solutions Ltd.
Morrie Sayre
Printing Services Donated By:
Shoes and Clothes for Kids
3311 Perkins Avenue, Suite 205
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
P: 216.881.SHOE (7463)
F: 216.881.7462
[email protected]
Find us at www.sc4k.org by
scanning the QR code below:
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