In This Issue - ARC – Oneida Lewis Chapter


In This Issue - ARC – Oneida Lewis Chapter
In This Issue:
Executive Director’s Message • pg. 2
Employee of the Year • pg. 2
Jim Gets Wheels • pg. 3
Arc Launches New Website• pg. 3
The Arc Playground Fund • pg.4
Holiday Shopping and The Arc • pg. 5
Utica Rotary Celebrates The Arc • pg. 6
Gifts of Gratitude • pg. 8
Issue 4 • Fall 2009
Page 2 • Issue 4 • Fall 2009
A Message From:
Angela Z. VanDerhoof, Executive Director
It is that time again – the beginning of
the Holiday Season with all of its attendant celebrations and the end of another year. At such a time, I always look
back to see what the year has brought
me, my family and The Arc.
Relative to The Arc, it has been another
good year taking into consideration
that there are always ups and downs
in business, we have kept our services
at a high level, seen that the people we
support are content, safe and productive,
and opened up two new houses – Gibson
Rd. and Hart’s Hill and two great day program buildings. Let alone my personal
wonder and delight at the dedication of
one of them, the Angela Z. VanDerhoof
Building. We also had a good bottom
line and were able to grant increases in
salaries, which for a time we were unsure
about being able to do. So, along with
all of this good stuff (and you probably
can think of others), comes the realization, that next year will be challenging
because we live in the real world and
the media keeps us well informed about
the economic climate in our country, our
state and community. Yes things are difficult, but none of us, I believe, are sitting
waiting for the sky to fall. I know we at
The Arc are not. Some of what we have
done in anticipation are forming cost
savings committees, instituting some
cost saving measures, working diligently
on our health care coverage and getting
the most of each dollar (we have also
maximized units in programs and sought
new referrals). We have worked very hard
with NYSARC on getting a good relation
with the Philadelphia Co. on liability insurance and saved a considerable amount of
money on our premium. On another level,
we have looked at unnecessary expenses
and trimmed them, etc., etc. We have
also been very diligent in our advocacy efforts and interaction with our Legislators
and our NYSARC colleagues. We have informed them and the Governor about the
consequences to our field of the proposed
deficit reduction plan.
So, while I don’t intend to sound like a
Pollyanna, I do want to say that together
we can find ways to continue our work and
to make sure that the dollars we spend
are spent wisely, just as I am sure you are
doing in your private lives.
As we approach Christmas, let’s count our
blessings and be as secure as we can in
the knowledge that nothing is impossible
if it is done with intelligent thought, careful planning, effort and a commitment to
our special people. Happy Holidays!
Laura Yakey, Arc Employee of the Year
News & Views is published quarterly by
The Arc, Oneida-Lewis Chapter NYSARC
245 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13501
A United Way Agency
Issue Date Month December 2009
Issue Number 4 © 2009
News Advisory Committee:
Publisher: Anne Van Strander,
Director of Community Development
Editor/Designer: Pamela DelMedico,
Public Relations Coordinator
Jo-Ann Mox, Community Development Assistant
Colleen Bottini, Intake Coordinator
Frank Centola, Deputy Director of Residential Services
Deborah Barrett, Special Projects Coordinator
Sharon Daktor, Quality Assurance
Victoria Hillebrand, Director of Community Recreation
Terrie Ripp, Habilitation Coordinator North
Mary Jane Tottey, Director of Residential Services
Michele White, Project Coordinator
Shannon Clark. Children’s Programs Coordinator
Distribution: Angie Swartwout, Receptionist
THINK GREEN! Dupli (printer of this newsletter)
is 100% powered by Green-E certified
Laura Yakey, Community Coordinator for The Arc,
Oneida-Lewis Chapter
NYSARC’s MVCC CollegeWorks program, has been
named the 2009 Employee
of the Year. Ms. Yakey is
a strong supporter of The
Arc’s mission of community
inclusion and works hard
to assist students with
developing meaningful,
professional relationships
through internships at area
Laura Yakey
businesses. She has enhanced the students’ college experience
by forming Job Club and the CollegeWorks
Alumni Group for which she plans special
events. Ms. Yakey regularly participates
with other programs and volunteers at
various Arc events. “Laura
has always demonstrated
the willingness to go above
and beyond to help the CollegeWorks program become
a success,” says Joanne
Donaruma, Head of Employment Services. “She is a
real asset to the program.”
Maggie Hansen, Director
of CollegeWorks, and Ms.
Yakey’s supervisor, adds
that “Laura does an excellent job coordinating tours
of businesses and arranging
internships with area employers for our
students. The program is lucky to have
her.” Ms. Yakey has been with The Arc for
8 years. She resides in Utica, NY.
Know someone who would like to volunteer?
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Edie Pugh, for more information or to get an application.
Call 315.272.1521 or email [email protected].
Issue 4 • Fall 2009 • Page 3
Jim Gets Wheels!
By: Stephanie SvolosSchmidt
Since 2004, Jim Brower
only spoke of wanting two
things: the first, a job in
the community, and the
second, his own car.
As Jim has a driver’s
license and owned cars in
the past, he was eager to
drive again. When I first
met him, he had been
trying to purchase cars by
himself, but was taken advantage of. As his Service
Coordinator, one of my first Jim Brower
advocacy responsibilities was to assist
Jim with obtaining a large deposit back
on a vehicle he intended to purchase. Despite warnings from many of his natural
supports that he could not afford a vehicle at this time in his life, Jim persisted
in looking for a vehicle he could afford.
At the same time, Jim frequently stated
that he wanted a job in the community.
He was working at the Arc’s Sheltered
Workshop and felt this wasn’t the right
place for him. In January 2007, Jim realized one of his dreams when he obtained
a job with Sodexho which operates the
food service at Mohawk Valley Community
College. Jim works two days per week,
follows the college school schedule, and
has three major breaks every year. He
loves his job at MVCC and wants to continue working there until he retires!
This past summer, Jim
saw a scooter for sale
while out with his residential habilitation worker,
Sheree. “He asked me to
look at it with him, and I
was admittedly reluctant,
wondering about affordability and safety. Speaking with my Director,
Renee Rich, helped me to
see things through Jim’s
eyes, so I agreed to give it
a shot.”
While Jim fell in love with
this scooter, I felt that it
wouldn’t be safe enough for him since
it could travel up to 90 miles per hour.
Jim was disappointed, but we continued
the search for a scooter with a smaller
engine. Within days, I found a scooter for
sale that had a top speed of 30 miles per
hour, had very few miles on it already, and
was lower in price: it was perfect for Jim!
On July 7, 2009, Jim became the proud
owner of a 2009 Kymco scooter.
This scooter has provided Jim with more
independence to travel in the community
and satisfied his desire to drive again. Jim
is now able to access many places in his
community. He is able to attend church
regularly, shop at his local grocery store
and has easier access to his pharmacy.
He spent the summer practicing riding his
scooter, and when he feels more confident, will utilize it to visit friends.
Thank you Thrift Store Volunteers
The Arc, Oneida-Lewis
sion, and our promise to
Chapter extends our sinpersons with disabilities,
cere appreciation to all of
the Thrift Store space is
the Thrift Store volunteers
needed to provide a spewho have helped at our
cifically designed program
Arnold Avenue location
area to meet the needs of
over these past several
individuals with Traumatic
years. While the closing
Joanna Greco, Arc Board President, Brain Injury.
of the Thrift Store sadHonors Nancy Miskowiec for her
dens us all, it is important many years of service to The Arc
We hope we can embrace
Thrift Store
that we keep in mind The
the future with warm
Arc’s mission, which is to
feelings and continue to
enable persons with disabilities and their
support our individuals, because they
families to achieve their potential through
need all of us. Change is not always easy,
self-determined goals in partnership with
but sometimes it is necessary. Thank you
the Agency. As part of fulfilling this misagain to all of the Thrift Store volunteers!
Arc’s New Website
On November 2 The Arc launched its
brand new website. The new site now has
the capability to stream video, accept
online donations and job applications.
Each one of The Arc’s divisions has its
own section making it easier for our audience to find what they are looking for.
Visitors now have the option to download
program flyers and brochures to their
home computers. Navigation on the site
is made easier with both a top nav and a
side nav.
On November 3rd there was a website
orientation in the training center for all
staff who wanted to tour the site or just
ask some questions. Please call Pamela
DelMedico at 315.272.1532 for more
The Arc Honors
Area Employers
“Expectations and opportunity equals full
participation,” is this year’s observance
theme for “National Disability Employment Awareness Month.” The Arc, held a
special recognition breakfast for employers, which took place October 29, 2009
at 8:00 a.m. “People with disabilities
must be woven into our work culture
because they contribute in many ways
to our community’s economic success.
We all benefit from the talents of people
with disabilities,” said Joanne Donaruma,
Director of Employment Services. The
Arc recognized Symeon’s Restaurant and
Burlington Coat Factory.
The Employment Services program provides job coaching and ongoing follow-up
for employees and employers. This helps
reduce recruitment and training costs and
builds a reliable work force. Individuals
with disabilities are a valuable resource
for meeting employer work force needs.
Page 4 • Issue 4 • Fall 2009
Help us Build an Accessible Playground for all Children!
By: Mary Beth Redmond
The Arc’s Children’s Services Department
is building a playground for children of all
abilities at the Frederick R. Illg Day Hab
Center in Marcy, NY. An accessible playground will fulfill and build on the physical, social-emotional, and cognitive areas
of all children, not dependent on their
physical or developmental abilities.
The Arc’s playground will be an extension
of The Arc’s Children’s Services programs
that integrate children of all abilities socially, physically and emotionally, fostering
acceptance, friendship and understanding. Our playground will be used and
promoted as a model for agencies and
schools to build accessible playgrounds
and to also
encourage the
larger picture
of inclusion.
The playground will
contain one
large stationary play
structure (The
Naos) which,
unlike most
play structures, allows
Naos play structure
and encourages use even by a child in a wheel chair.
Additional pieces of equipment added
around the play structure will add more
areas for adventure and fun. All pieces
of equipment will be accessible from the
ground level, making exploration and
interactions available to all children at all
A fence will surround the play area that
will keep children safe. There are plans
to add a black top surface area for sports
and chalk activities. A grassy play area
and a pavilion or picnic area will also be
added inside the fenced area for families
to relax and have fun.
To build this playground we need to raise
considerable funds. The Arc’s 2009 Annual Appeal is reaching out to the Arc family
to help support our dream of an inclusive
accessible playground for all children. For
more information about the playground
please visit the Children’s Services section of The Arc’s website where you can
read more about the equipment, view
photos of the grounds and even make a
Supernova play structure
Rock ‘N Cross play structure
Spica play structure
Thanksgiving at Harts Hill
Being with your family for Thanksgiving
is a wonderful experience. To be able to
reminisce about old times, play a game or
two, or just enjoy good food and company
is a true pleasure. It is with warm hearts
and many thanks that Arc individuals
who reside at our Harts Hill residence
were able to put on a Thanksgiving dinner
for their families. Jonathan
Ridgway and David Rich are
two of the gentlemen who
live at Harts Hill. Together
with their families and Arc
staff members, David White
and Charles Willey, they
gave thanks and celebrated
the day. David and Charles
pitched in to help cook the
turkey, gravy and mashed
potatoes. The Ridgways and the Richs
brought the desserts and the side dishes
such as cookies and cranberry sauce. The
dinner was held in early afternoon and
there was fun and feasting for all.
Cormac McDonnel, who also resides at
Harts Hill, has a different kind of Thanksgiving tradition. Together with his mother,
Anna, he volunteers each year at the
First Presbyterian Church. Although he
may have missed the dinner at home, we
are sure he was happy to be helping give
thanks in the community.
Issue 4 • Fall 2009 • Page 5
Holiday Shopping and The Arc
By: Jo-Ann Mox
“Did you know that simply by doing your
holiday shopping on the internet through you can contribute to the
Friends of The Arc Foundation?” It’s true!
The Foundation is the public education
and fundraising arm of The Arc, OneidaLewis Chapter. Money raised supports
programs at The Arc such as CollegeWorks, StageWorks, Guardianship and
Summer Day Camp. The Arc programs will
directly benefit from your participation
and your commitment to helping those
with developmental disabilities in our
“join” in the upper right hand corner.
Step 1: Find and Select your cause, filter
results, select NY- STATE, Select All CauseTYPES, Keyword Search – The Arc. Double
click on Friends of The Arc Foundation,
Inc., Select- Select this cause.
Step 2: Register with iGive, Complete
Registration Form & Your Tax Donation
HIT Register. You are then directed to the
iGive tool bar option that you may or may
not select for your desktop.
That’s it! Remember each time you shop
on-line use your iGive account to benefit
The Arc!
If you shop online anyway, please consider doing it through where
up to 26% of each purchase at over 760
participating online stores is donated to
your favorite cause. The money comes
from advertisers, so it costs you nothing;
it’s completely free for you and The Arc.
It’s simple.
Some participating stores include:
Barnes & Noble
Old Navy
Dean & DeLuca
Famous Footwear
PETCO Ralph Lauren
Harry & David
Toys R Us
J.C. Penney
UGG® Australia
VT Teddy Bear
L.L. Bean
HERE’S HOW: just go to:, to create your free membership account. Once at the site - select
The VanDerhoof
WKTV reporter films the unveiling of The Angela Z.
VanDerhoof Building on September 25, 2009
The Arc family dedicated its Venture Day
Habilitation building in Clinton to their
Executive Director Angela Z. VanDerhoof
on Friday, September 25th.
The building is located at 7909 State
Route 5. Angela has worked for The Arc
for the last 30 years, dedicating her time
and hard work to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities
in Oneida and Lewis Counties.
Going South for the Winter? Planning to Move?
By: Deborah Barrett
As you may or may not know, due to new US Postal Service regulations, return mail is more frequent and the cost to us is steadily
increasing. If you are planning to go away for an extended period, heading south for the winter or moving to a new address, we ask
that you please let us know ahead of time. Call our Community Development Department at 315.272.1529, or cut off and return
this form to:
The Arc, Oneida-Lewis Chapter, NYSARC
Community Development
245 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13501
Thank you! Your help is greatly appreciated.
Name: ______________________________________________________ [ ] I am planning to move on ________________
Please send mail to this new address:
Current Address: ________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________Street: _________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________City: __________________________ State: ___________
Zip: _______________
[ ] I am going away for the winter. Please discontinue mailings from
__________________________ to _____________________________.
[ ] I am going away for the winter.
Forward mail from _____________________ to ____________________
to (address): ________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________________
Thank You!
Page 6 • Issue 4 • Fall 2009
Rotary Club Hosts 55th Anniversary Party for The Arc
By: Deborah Barrett
The Utica Rotary Club hosted a 55th Anniversary Party for individuals supported
by The Arc on Friday, November 20th at
MVCC’s Campus Center. Several hundred
individuals, along with family members,
direct support personnel and a small
army of volunteers packed the hall. In
addition to the tasty food, guests enjoyed
music performed by the rock band Flame.
The band, whose members each have a
disability, has become an internationally
renowned sensation in recent years. The
dance floor was hopping and everyone
had a great time! The Arc extends sincere
thanks to the Utica Rotarians for sponsoring this wonderful event.
Issue 4 • Fall 2009 • Page 7
Autism Meets Art
Knoxboro Opens Fitness Trail
By: Deborah Barrett
John Dixon was diagnosed with highfunctioning autism when he was less than
2yrs. old. In recent years, with the help of
therapy focusing on auditory processing
and sensory issues, he has come a very
long way in a seemingly short time. Now
in third grade, 8yr. old John has become
a creative artist who writes and illustrates
his own stories and produces detailed
drawings and paintings. John is quite a
successful artist at that! He recently won
a handful of awards at the NYS Fair Youth
Arena for his paintings and illustrations.
His awards included 2nd Place for a
painting of Syrup, 2nd place for a Spider
graphic, 3rd Place for his painting Adirondack Wildlife and Honorable Mention for
mixed media titled Hawaiian Adventure.
By: Jo-Ann Mox
from Temporary AsOn October 20,
sistance for Needy
2009, a ribbon cutFamilies and Workting ceremony was
force Investment
held at The KnoxAct. Among those
boro Day Habilitawho gave a helping
tion site to honor
hand with the projthe completion
ect were Madison
of Phase I of the
County Employment
Fitness Trail. Local
and Training Office
County Representa- Oneida County Executive, Anthony J Picente, Jr.
Students: Derek
and Arc Executive Director, Angela Z. VanDerhoof
tives joined ExecuBouchard, Jacob
tive Director Angela
Brown, Jazmine CarZ. VanDerhoof for the 12:00
amena, Susan Chesebro, Thomas Cook,
Timothy Pratt, Terrell Todd, and Samantha
Walrad under the supervision of MadisonThe Fitness Trail, which will be used by
Oneida BOCES instructors Aaron Abbey,
individuals The Arc supports and the
and Phil Maitland. The Arc is thankful
community at large, is the result of a lot
to the Town of Augusta along with many
of hard work, donations and volunteerlocal businesses who also donated time
ism. Funding was provided through grants and materials to the project.
John participates in The Arc’s Saturday
Friends program which is designed to
give children on the Autism Spectrum and
their siblings the opportunity to interact,
build relationships and develop social
skills through supported play in a safe
Have you remembered The Arc in
your will or trust?
Become a member of the Circle of Friends Society Today!
Call the Community Development office for details at 315.272.1528 or email [email protected]
StageWorks with Opening Act: Lewis County Rockers
and the Lewis
County Rockers
performed at
Clinton Central
School Performing Arts
Complex on
Happy Days Performance
Friday, September 11. Approximately 50 Individuals from
The Arc were singing and dancing to a
commemorative performance of the past
StageWorks productions, “Happy Days”.
Both friends and family were there to
show their support to our very talented in-
dividuals. StageWorks would like
to give a special
thank you to The
Arc’s operations
department and
everyone who
assisted in this
year’s performance. Musical Director was Ellie Hadity.
StageWorks and Lewis County Rockers
are sponsored in part by OMRDD and
support from the Friends of The Arc
Foundation. The performance is also
made possible with funds from the
Decentralization Program, a regrant
program of the New York State Council
on the Arts, administered by the Stanley Center for the Arts. StageWorks and
Lewis County Rockers were established
to increase awareness of the abilities of
people with disabilities, and provide an
opportunity for people with musical talent
and interest to participate in the creative
and performing arts. The program is integrated and includes members with and
without disabilities. Performances take
place in the community with the focus on
choreography, dance and singing.
Page 8 • Issue 4 • Fall 2009
Gifts of
In Honor Of
Donor(s) Listed Below Honoree
Dick & Jane Clair
Mr. & Mrs. David Bryant
Peter Draves
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Martin
Vann Marshall Friske
Ms. Meg F. Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Giovinazzo & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Giovinazzo & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Siegel
Gaia DeIorio/Morris Road Residence
Miss Lucille DeIorio
Leslie Rahn
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dobyna
Bernadette & Tom Romano-Clark
on their Marriage
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Diane Skane
Mr. Joseph L. Skane
Maureen Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Strander
Maria Tucci on Receiving
Businesswoman of the Year Award
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Angela VanDerhoof for Bosses Day
Mrs. Barbara Carney
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Angela VanDerhoof on her Birthday
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Mrs. Anne Van Strander
Sister Rose Vincent & Sister Johanna
Ms. Betty Nunn Draper
In Memory Of
Donor(s) Listed Below Designee
Carol Allen
Mr. Roy Aden
Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Allen
Mr. Richard Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Allen
Mr.& Mrs. Ambrose Andre
Ms. Dorothy Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Campany
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Max Chow
Mr. & Mrs. H. David Gaylord
Ms. Doris Gould
Mrs. Joyce Gould
Mrs. Carolyn Hamid
Ms. Marjorie Hewett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koszalka
Ms. Sue Lorenzini
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Lorenzini
Mr. & Mrs. John Lormore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lowe
Gifts listed below were made from October 2, 2008 – October 31, 2009.
If you would like to sponsor an event, make a gift in honor of a special occasion such as a
birth, anniversary, birthday, or in memory of someone who has passed away, or if you would
like to donate to an Arc program, please contact Anne Van Strander, director of community
development, at 315-272-1528 or email: [email protected]. You may also make a donation
online at
Lowville Lions Club
Ms. Sarah N. Lynch
Ms. Florence McArdell
Mrs. Mary G. Markham
Ms. Sandra Markham
Mr. & Mrs. Rollian Martin
Mr. & Mrs. William McGee
Mrs. Eleanor McLean
Ms. Vilma Morris
Mr. & Mrs. John Nagy
Ms. Barbara Nostrant
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Owen & Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Owen
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Reichel
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Remington
Mr. & Mrs. David Rider
Rome Developmental Center, NYSARC
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sieber
Ms. Deborah Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smits
Mrs. Maureen Sugrue
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard West
Ms. Joan Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. C. Dale Widmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. J. Zygmunt
Mimi Arcuri
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Henry C. Bauer, Jr.
Barton Hose Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dzialo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Graves
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Green
Mr. Stanley J. Kaminski
Mr. & Mrs. David Wilson
Ms. Christine Wolber
Raymond Burke
Auxiliary of the Arc
Antoinetta Cannistra
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Gene P. Carney
Dr. & Mrs. Raphael J. Alcuri
Arc Employees
Ms. Deborah L. Barrett
Ms. Janet Blaney
Ms. Elizabeth J. Brady
Mr. Michael Carney
Ms. Sue E. Carney
Ms. Shari Cieslinski & Mr. Joseph Saba
Ms. Shannon Clark
Mr. Ira Cooperman
Ms. Rose Czternastek
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick De La Fleur
Mr. Joseph Ducato
Mr.& Mrs. Louis S. Dunlay
Mr.& Mrs. Joseph A. Ehlinger
Ms. Carol Farley
Mr. Joseph Gemina
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Halliday
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. John Kowalczyk
Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward Lavin
Ms. Kathleen Leonard
Mr. Thomas Leonard
Mr. William Lerach
Mr. & Mrs. Toby Levy
Ms. Marie Miknavich
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moe
Nunn & McGrath Funeral Directors
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Peters
Mr. Anthony C. Poccia
Mrs. Jennifer Rabideau
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ridgway III
Mr. William Rudge
Mr. Donald A. Sansone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Spear II
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Spellicy
Ms. Shirley Suiter
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Tottey
Mrs. Judith Turksel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Strander
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Vorshaga, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Washburn
Mr. Elmer Washburn
Mr. & Mrs. John Washburn
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Wereszynski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. White
Richard Cobb
Ms. Elizabeth J. Brady
June Cole
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Janice Corr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Corr
Ms. Louise S. Glasso
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Kaplan
Ms. Marcia Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reilly
Rome Housing Authority
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith
Norma England
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Barbato
Ms. Kathryn Burns
Ms. Lynnann Daley
Ms. Marie E. Dodge
Ms. Angeline Doti
Mr. Arthur W. England
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fraccola
Mr. Hobart J. Geiersbach
Mr. Glenn E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Kelly
Ms. Maryann Leone
Ms. Kathleen Patricia McDavitt
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Piper
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick R. Robertello
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rorick
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ruhm
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sneath (for Anna)
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Watters
Numerous Anonymous Donors
Russell Gambino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. David Tucci
Dominic Greco
The Greco Family
Matthew Hobika
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Gifts of
Elliott Hunt
Mrs. Myma Hunt
Thomas R. Linck
Ms. Deborah L. Barrett
Ms. Nancy Baum
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Deaner
Mr. & Mrs. William McGee
Ms. Roxanne Parker
Thaddeus Madej
Ms. Elizabeth J. Brady
Ms. Carol A. Spohn
William Mahanna
Mr. & Mrs. David Andisik
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Barnard
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Biamonte
Ms. Deedee Birge
BOCES-Special Education Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Boucher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burzynski
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Casper, Sr.
Mr. William Clark
Ms. Antoinette Covey
Ms. Mary Annette Danella
Ms. Arlene Donald
Ms. Esther Donnenworth
Ms. Lisa Esposito-Philipson
Mrs. Irene Falk
The Gold Mine
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hinge
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hoehn
Incarcerated Youth Staff
Ms. Lauren Johnson
Mr. Merle Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Jones
Mr. Al Klolmer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knamm
Ms. Barbara Krecildo
Mr. & Mrs. John Mahanna
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maine
Dr. Richard Maslan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McGilvray
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Mohawk Valley Pharmacists Society
Ms. Agnes Murnane
Ms. Jacqueline Noviasky
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Olin
Mrs. Sue Pardee
Ms. Angela Rizzo-Dilorenzo
Ms. Sue Rosato-Reale
Ms. Arlene Roth
Ms. Norma Brennen Schug
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sharat
Ms. Linda Villiere
Ms. Clare Waligory
Ms. Susan Wandover
Mr. Carl Whittemore
Rosalie Mauro
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Stephanie Meredith
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Chanatry
Dr. Francis Chanatry
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Croke
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Enea
Mr. Jim Hackett
Ms. Yvonne Doris Hutchinson
Ms. Mildred Kupiec
Ms. Aurelia McConnell
4 • Fall 2009 • Page 9
3 • Summer
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Valent
Ms. Irene H. Watson
Robert Mould
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Allbright
Ms. Mary Crowe
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Czerkies
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Gave
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick J. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Jock C. Malvano
Mr. Jim Marble
Ms. Susan Mould
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer S. Niles
Mrs. Jennifer Rabideau
Springate Neighborhood Association
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Strander
Mrs. Christina Sykes
Westmoreland Women’s Golf League
Mary O’Conner
Mr. Samuel Carrera
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pacilio
Mrs. Beverly Yousey
Licia Park
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Strander
Dominick Perritano
Mr. William Redfield
Carl J. Peters
Ms. Lisa Filipelli
Ms. Camille Maher
Ms. Patricia J. Martin
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Helene Simon Pfahl
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Sharon Pike
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hosp
Ms. Alexis M. Kagiliery
Ms. Donna Kagiliery
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Klossner
Mr. Ara M. Kourgiantakis
Mr. Anthony Sparano
Judith Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Balardis
Donovan Middle School Math Department
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Halliday
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kealy
Mr. Anthony Maline
Ms. Isabel Pierczynski
Ms. Lisa Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. James Roach
Ms. Janet Roach
Ms. Kathy St. Mary
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Senus
Ms. Joyce Schmidt
Miss Teresa & Miss Bruna Spiridigliozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Szczygiel
David James Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McMahon
Violet Szabo
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Smith
Robert Trevisani
Ms. Judith Arcuri-Nole
Anna T. Wereszynski
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Wereszynski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wereszynski
George Wheelock
Auxiliary of The Arc
Georgia Grube Whitton
Ms. Elizabeth J. Brady
Karl D. Williams
Mr. Donald A. Sansone
Anna Wojnicz
Ms. Angeline Doti
Ms. Eunice Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hughes
Mr. Glenn E. Jones
Ms. Kathleen Patricia McDavitt
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Swisloski
The Arc, Oneida-Lewis Chapter NYSARC
General Donations
Auxiliary of The Arc (three gifts)
Estate of James A. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. William Chanatry
Ms. Sandra & Ms. Christa Checola & Mr. James W. Rich
The Community Foundation
D’Arcangelo & Co., LLP
Disabled Persons Action Organization
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Dunlay, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ehlinger, Sr.
Federated Church of West Winfield
Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc.
Ms. Jerylann George
Ms. Elizabeth Giruzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward Lavin
Lewis County Memorial VFW, Auxilary
Ms. Anna P. Mac Donnell
Friends of Scott McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Leland McCormac
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Medvit
Meelan’s Carpet One
Merrill Lynch Global Private Client Group
Oriskany Falls Rotary Club
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ridgway III (two gifts)
Jerry Rosenblum Revocable Trust (two gifts)
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Spaeth
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tomaino
United Way of Greater Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Utica Lodge No. 47, F&AM
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
WOVA VFW Post 7397
Ms. Anne Marie Yarwood
Ms. Thelma Zeh (for John Welsh)
Annual Dinner Donations
Mrs. Susan Bishop
Mrs. Lorraine T. Coleman
Mrs. Charlene Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Dunlay, Jr.
Mrs. Carmella D. Fausto
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Hobika, Sr.
Ms. Roselie Mauro
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Petro
Mrs. May E. Wallins
Dr. John Wisniewicz, DDS
Staff Payroll Contributions
Ms. Faith Burke
Mrs. Barbara L. Carney
Mr. Vincent Colgan
Mr. Jeffrey S. Gilbert
Ms. Anne T. Harder
Ms. Sylvia A. Hymon
Ms. Laurie Kilbourne
Ms. Gail F. Miskowiec
Mrs. Mary K. Smith
Ms. Kathleen Stewart
Mr. Vincent F. Vetere
Mrs. Michelle D. White
Operation Sunshine, Inc.
Women of Rotary of Greater Utica
Camp Donations
Ms. Ruth Case (hiking trail)
Wal-Mart Foundation
Children’s Playground
St. Mary of Mount Carmel
Page 10 • Issue 4 • Fall 2009
Gifts of
Camp Building Fund
Ronald & Sheila Cuccaro Family Fund
The Hartford
Portable Defibrillators
Larry Virkler Memorial Defibrillator Fund
Auxiliary of The Arc
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Scharf
Mrs. Susan Gaffney
Respite Care Home
Mrs. Susan Bishop
Ms. Debra A. Zatwarnicki
Special Events - Lewis County
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heidt
Ms. Patricia Boley
CNY Community Arts Council
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tyers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Yarwood
Thrift Store
Ms. Bonnie Stewart
Turin Day Habilitation
Arc Employees
The Friends of the Arc Foundation
General Donations
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Annese
Mr. Peter Baildon
Mr. Michael Blount
Mr. John Calabrese
Mr. William Chanatry
Bonide Products
Good Search
Mr. David Harris
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc.
Mr. John Miskowiec
Ms. N. Eileen Ott
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ridgway III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sebastian
Strategic Financial Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Wallace
Mr. Richard Wenner
Ms. Rose White
Ms. Anne Marie Yarwood
Matching Gifts
Aetna Foundation, Inc. Giving Campaign
AXA Foundation
G.E. Foundation
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
J. P. Morgan Chase
Pfizer Foundation
Foundation Annual Appeal
National Grid
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Robertello
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Max
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sammon
Mr. David Wojnas
Actuarial Pension Analysts
Canteen Company of Utica-Rome, Inc.
Carl J. Denti Foundation
Rev. Paul J. Drobin
Holland Farms Bakery & Deli
Mrs. Myma Hunt
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Szczygiel
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Thall
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Advantage Abstract Company, Inc.
Mrs. Susan Bishop
Mrs. Franklin B. Brandreth
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cifarelli
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hayes, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Heidt
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Mrs. Marie A. Raymonda
Dr. & Mrs. Marc D. Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Robertaccio
Mr. & Mrs. David Scharf
Ms. Jacqueline Scotti
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. White
Dr. & Mrs. Raphael J. Alcuri
Mr. Mitchell J. Amado, Jr.
Ms. Mariann D. Archer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Bliss
Mrs. Janet A. Cannistra
Mr. Edward W. Corr
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony DeIorio, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Dunlay, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Dyer
Mrs. Tanya S. Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs,. Arthur W. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Halliday
Mr. John C. Higby
Ms. Ivory King
Mrs. Nancy Lieb
Lowville Farmers’ Co-op, Inc.
Ms. Rose M. Macrino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Menter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Narlesky
Mrs. Dorace Newman
Mr. Frank Nowak III
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Pekarski
Mr. Anthony C. Poccia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Radel
Ms. Bernadette A. Roy
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Scalzo
Mr. & Mrs. Al Shaw
Mrs. Kathleen B. Siver
Mr. Jack D. Smith
Ms. Therese Soules
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Spellicy
Mr. Gerald F. Sullivan, Sr.
Mrs. Esther G. Truchon
Mrs. Patricia Villelo
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wereszynski
Dr. John Wisniewicz, DDS
The Lynda Ford Memorial
CollegeWorks Scholarship Fund
Ms. Janis Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Counts
Mr. & Mrs. Orvil P. Denoyer
Mr. Greeley T. Ford
Ms. Helen K. Myers
Mr. David P. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Yarwood
Foundation Special Events
23rd Annual Arc Gala
(Sponsorships by Level)
Entertainment Arc Angel
Poncell Construction
Silver Arc Angel
Carbone Auto Group
Empire Recycling Corporation
Estate Planning Law Center
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
M & T Bank & Charitable Foundation
Mohawk Valley Urology, PC
Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc.
Arc Angel
Basloe, Levin & Cuccaro, Ltd./Adjusters International &
Bonide Products, Inc.
Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi, Pearlman, Julian & Pertz, LLP
Charles A. Gaetano Construction Corp.
Conmed Corporation
Coriale Flowers
First Source Federal Credit Union
Jim Ellis Interiors
Joe Tahan’s Furniture
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Crawford
Key Bank
Marrone Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Miga
National Grid
Nunn & McGrath Funeral Directors
R.E.M. Fire Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Presky
Revere Copper Products, Inc.
True Media, Inc.
Guardian Angel
Birnie Bus Service, Inc.
Caruso McLean & Co., Inc.
Felice Moving & Storage
H.R. Beebe, Inc.
Mohawk Ltd.
Pugliese Pest Solutions
Surgical Associates of Utica, PC
Pacemaker Steel & Piping Co., Inc.
Gala Donations
Ms. Judith Arcuri-Nole
Arlott Office Products
Mrs. Louise Y. Caruso
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy D’Amico
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony DeIorio, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Dunlay, Jr.
HSBC - Community & Philanthropic Services
M & R Heating & Air Conditioning
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Max
Ms. Gail Miskowiec
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paprone
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. R. Rockwell
Utica Spray & Chemical Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Van Wagoner
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Worth
9th Annual Silent Auction
(Sponsorships by Level)
Main Event
Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse
Gold Star
Dr. & Mrs. Raphael J. Alcuri
Trenton Technology, Inc.
Silver Star
Ms. Daina Bennett
Gifts of
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bennett
Callanen, Foley & Hobika, LLP
Nursing Home Services, Inc.
Bronze Star
Advanced Physical Medecine, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Hill & Markes, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Morell
Strategic Financial Services, LLC
Mr. George F. Aney, Esq.
Benzo Tae Kwon Do
Brodock Press
Mr. & Mrs. William Chanatry
Ms. Courtney Anne Connors
Crawford Rehabilitation Counseling
& Occupational Therapy, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fanelli
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Farago
Friends to Elect Stephen Roefaro
Mr. & Mrs. Zain Haider
L.B. Security/Accutel Answering Service
Madden & Gschwind Braman, PT PC
Mohawk Ltd.
New York Sash
Royal Landscaping Co., Inc.
Surgical Associates of Utica, PC
Trevisani & LaPorte Auto Center
Wish Upon A Star
Mr. Mark Abdoo
Anonymous Donor
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Battaglia
Dr. Aymmé S. Belén
Caruso McLean Investment Advisors
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony DeIorio, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Fanelli
Mr. N. Joseph Flihan
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Giovinazzo
Ms. Crystal Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Love
Dr. Hamid Moosavi
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Mungari
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rueckert
Ms. Shari Cieslinski & Mr. Joseph A. Saba, Jr.
Dr. Ahmed Shatla
Maria Tucci Hair Designs
Mrs. Ruth M. Turnbull
Mr. J. Michael Van Strander, Architect
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Wallace
Just Peggy Catering & Confections
Florentine Pastry Shop
Irwin’s Fine Foods
Regent Broadcasting
Dupli Envelope & Graphics
Auction Monetary Donations
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Burke
Dr. Atul Butala
Chanatry’s Market
Rev. Paul J. Drobin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelly
McDonald’s (In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. John Wade)
• Fall 2009
3 • 4Summer
2009• •Page
Ms. Rose M. Macrino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Petro
Ms. Arlene Scianna
Mr. & Mrs. Al Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Szczygiel
Mrs. May E. Wallins
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
“I Have a Dream” Donations
Ms. Judith Arcuri-Nole
Ms. Deborah L. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Basi
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brement
Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Brindisi
Mr. Michael A. Coluzza
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curri
Mr. & Mrs. James D’Onofrio
Mr. & Mrs. Zain Haider
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Hamlin
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Hobika
Mr. John Karwacki
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. Raouf Kodsy
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mazloom
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Raab
Dr. Nancy A. Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Spear II
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Strander
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent F. Vetere, Jr.
18th Annual Golf Tournament
(Sponsorships by Level)
AXA Advisors, LLC-David B. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris
Paradigm Consulting, Inc.
Arlott Office Products
Cosco Enterprises, Inc.
Corporate Cup
Basloe, Levin & Cuccaro/A. I. & Smith
Basloe, Levin & Cuccaro
Carbone Auto Group
ConMed Corporation
Daniele’s at Valley View Country Club
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
Group Health Incorporated (GHI)
Dr. & Mrs. James Putnam
Regional Cancer Center
Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc.
Weichert, Campion-Weeks
Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse
FM Resources
M & R Heating & Air Conditioning
Parkway Drugs
Relph Benefit Advisors, Inc. &
Flexible Benefit Systems, Inc.
Strategic Financial Services, LLC
Tee/Green Advertising
Bonacci Architects, PLLC
H.R. Beebe Construction Services
REM Fire Systems, Inc.
Symeon’s Greek Restaurant
Utica First Insurance Company
Tournament Donations
Eannace Funeral Home, Inc.
Friends of Tony Picente
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Scalzo
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Szczygiel
Upstate NY Empowerment Fund
“Virtual Swing” Patrons
AALCO Services
Mr. Brian Gaffney
Ms. Rachel Anken
Caruso McLean & Co., Inc.
Dave Hayes Appliance Center
Ms. Jacqueline Scotti
Mrs. Thomas E. VanDerhoof
Mr. & Mrs. William Virkler
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Wurz
Mr. & Mrs. Cris G. Brodock
D. Laux Properties
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick J. Green
J-Kay Independent Lumber Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelly
Marshall Przyluke, Inc.
Pavia Real Estate Services
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Schabert
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bliss
Ms. Sally Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. George Cataldo
Ms. Patricia Dispirito
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Dunlay, Jr.
Mr. Ronald J. Godfrey
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Hamlin
Ms. G. Irene Hummel
Ms. Anne Marie Hunter
Lowville Farmers’ Co-op, Inc.
Ms. Rose M. Macrino
Ms. Roselie Mauro
Mr. & Mrs. Orlo Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Petro
Mr. Donald Sansone
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Scalzo
Dr. Mark Schug
Mr. & Mrs. Barsam Tamanian
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Tottey
Maj. & Mrs. Thomas Scott VanDerhoof
Mrs. Mary A. Waldron
Affordable Technical Solutions
Dr. & Mrs. Raphael J. Alcuri
Ms. Regina Badura
Ms. Angela Bertini
Ms. Leilani George
Ms. Marcia A. Golik
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kolanko
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Obernesser
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Petronella
Mr. Anthony C. Poccia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Rogowski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Szczygiel
Ms. Patricia Villelo
We have made every effort to include all
monetary donations received between
October 2, 2008 and October 31, 2009.
If an error or omission has been made,
we would appreciate you letting us know
by calling 272-1528. We also recognize
the many In Kind gifts received for events
during this period - too numerous to list.
Your support is always valued and greatly
245 Genesee Street, Utica, New York 13501
Board of Directors
Joanna Greco, President
Jack Spaeth, Vice President
David Scharf, Treasurer
Deborah McGrath, Secretary
Raphael Alcuri
Carl Annese
Larry Calabrese
Louis Dunlay
Joan Ehlinger
Jerylann George
David Harris
John Kowalczyk
Suzanne Lavin
David Mathis
Leland McCormac
Philomena Nowakowski
Judy Nole
Robert Payne, Jr.
Ruth Ridgway
Lou Steppello
Frank Tomaino
David Wojnas
Friends of the Arc Foundation
Board 2009-2010
Peter Baildon, President
Steve Gassner, Vice President
Anthony Battaglia, Secretary/Treasurer
Kristen Basi
Michael Coluzza
James D’Onofrio
James E. Ellis
Crystal Graves
Diane Hobaica
Susie Jenkins
David Lupia
Darlene Mahady
Kristen Mandour
Zaida Morell
Joshua J. Olbrys
Richard Presky
Gregory Raab
Stephen Roefaro
Laurie Schoen
Cullen Stevens
Rosemary Talerico
Symeon Tsoupelis
Executive Director of The Arc
Angela Z. VanDerhoof
2010 Events!
24th Annual Arc Gala
January 30, 2010
Yahnundasis Golf Club
10th Annual Silent Auction
May 1, 2010
Yahnundasis Golf Club
Arc Annual Meeting
June 17, 2010
Raddison Hotel - Utica Centre
19th Annual Arc Golf Tournament
July 19, 2010
Valley View Golf Course