i Tmlwmn - NYS Historic Newspapers
i Tmlwmn - NYS Historic Newspapers
RobertaFischer BrideIn Rites At St. John's Germano s Honey moon In Jamaica Married To Wed L ocalMan SALE 9 H Lindenhurst— Miss Roberta Fischer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer of South First Street, became the bride, recently, of Paul King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter King of Wantagh. The couple exchanged vows in St. John's Ev.LutheranChurch with the Rev. WilliamE. Haegert, pastor officiating. A reception followed at the American Legion Hall here. Given in marriage by her father, ..the bride wore a fulllength gown of white satin and lace, accented with seed pearl applique.She wore a seed pearl crown with a fingertip, illusion veil andcarrieda bouquetof white carnations with a white orchid. The maid of honor was Miss Joan Michaellis of this villager Flower girl was Debbie Bruwer, of Beliport. They wore gowns fashioned with dark green velvet bodices and lighter green crepe skirts and matchingaccessories. They carried yellow daisies. ' Best man was Louis Wolf of Massapequa. Ushers were Thomas O'Brien of Bellmoreand Joseph Kost, uncle of the bride, of this village. The couple plan to live in Bellmore. The bride is a graduate of Lindenhurst High School and attends Suffolk Community College in Selden. She is employed by Aero Chemicals in Farmingdale. Mr. King attended Wantagh High School and is a sales clerk with Laree Sales in Wantagh. Bannwart Photo Weekend Warrior Aviation Boatswain's Mate Third Class Patrick J. Giglio, USN, son of Mrs. Catherine E. Bubblyof 183-16 St., WestBabylon, and thehusband of theformer Miss Mary E. Potter of 36-31 31 St., Long Island City, has reported for duty with the Naval Air Reserve Training Unit at Norfolk , Va. Two hundredfifty officers and men on active duty in the Training and Administration of Reserves Programman the training unit winch is homebase for 1100 "Weekend Warriors » You* can relax when ' JOU fc coverea ny k ^^ SAFECO INSURANCE The finest most complete coverage at the lowest possible cost . »22y&* BBB -WUnvnlMR^L T^L VA BB VHSUUMV ^S!%& U26 Hiise 13 W. MAIN ST. BABYLON MO 1-26N FUU QUART Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, West Babylon, was- die scene Sunday afternoon of nuptials uniting Miss Jo-Ann Fischett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischett of 30 Soum Bay Drive, Babylon, and Joseph William Germane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germano, .of 31 So. Little East Neck Rd, Babylon^. The double ring ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock UNOA j asf ^0 by the Rev. John E. Leonard. A reception was held at the UHDA Narragansett Inn, Lindenhurst. CONCORD I Mr. and Mrs. DonaldC OsGiven in marriage by her ttsfeKBff, 709 West King Street, LEE GRAPE [ father, the bride was attired in ,faave Mr. and Mrs. WaterF- Rad- at&rf&tt&Brg,WestV?rginia a silver and white silk brocade zewJcz^ZOS lSfliSL, W&Mt BaBiy- ...SBBSBBuoBoSithe i'nw*\ff^lwg11*' ef WIWE CONCORD gown designed with a bateauneck- km, navesmn>tmMf r>f t!\ttf aPwntiiiu itagge fflteir da^nter J , MissBannaEtealine, long sleeves with a brace- of sheir daindnicx^ iidB*m. Katfta^i rear OstertaKsK, to RobertA. GRA PE let of ¦white mink, an A-line Radzewicz;to Fkaaa:CTawtflrillfcBoff Sdatper, sun of Mr. and Mrs. awf^afswM floor length skirt edged with RotdDodkoanitaINLY. . Hamas Sehaper of 139 Cadman ™ ^^ WINE . ^ the white mink, and a shoulder The mewlywi'di ante lbauiej»- Awsnne, Bdbjion. drape which: terminated in a iuouiung iaa CaHfainnla fear six Miss Oisttertawdt, a graduate Chapel' length train. She worea months. of Mar4iast»r£B^ghSchool, is Cathedral length fan: shapedveil , ajaniorat Gettjiairg College Q of silk tulle Ifned with, silver '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ C^(%dnarg, Pa. Mr. Sehaper, One Formingdale Rd. whicli was attached to an orchid School a Sraouaoeof Bafagionlf^fa shaped! headdress of mink, and West Babylon is also a n*^-t*ff«- off the junior she carried, a cascade bouquet cxass aft Gettysburg Collegeand FOR FREE DELIVER Y of white orchids. a teoingymajor. 587 - 8700 Miss Mary Germano of Babymo dale has beenset for the wtm^mmColl ^^mmmmmamm ^^m ^imtm ^^m^^^mm lon, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Mrs. David ^^^^... ••••••• • Maddbx of Babylon, Mrs. Ed- aawSwswawawawswsws ^^ , ward Kozloskf of So. Ozone Park ( sister and cousin of the bride Vmnj ilalilaiiBi Itim 0fflliiiil "Tliypj respectively,, Mrs. Gene Cfcfaan- Birfadav VaJeataaB/Mrs. ^haa J owitz of West Babylon, Miss GeDaa, » BntteaiSL, a*© las EstafcHsfeee 1921 • lHwfl{ymn» aff celeendless <igiiw Theresa Ferrara of Copixgae , Wthe J ¦ ¦ n__ «saa m» —'^* — — "¦ ( Miss Evelyn Harzbeckerof Baby- valiag eachjeara?aai"aaiauttt lon and Miss Camille Barbone of # * * Corona a cousin of the brideJS&BABBSS &. Osrac |I groom were attendants. They The Ufiorth \ BABYLON YILLASE . ISOEEIl PJIRK AVENUE ¦ wore gowns of happiness velvet ^SWTT'Tf^*'^W^fk %*^HI "Hf1 ^BEP'ilffW I For Daily FreeDelivery coll HO 9^612 fashioned with round necklines, monflay aaeeinag on 11wp<Blny, iJ J Feb. 27. i short sleeves edged with gold net embellished with beads, ¦ DfPORTAKrr MymoE im and A-line floor length skirts. «B® CIEach wore- a matching velvet AREA HESDwMlS TIZENS OOIMI"* llaasqnialeSs headpiece with a flowing floor length &a«k'T ?(rfeil. The maid of not beingjjMi'iianatliHdto yam M tfflne honor's headpiece was me same form of a cjaesltiwMi nott it does except for the' veils* gold liner. merit taoagatL "3te CSKtsnas They each carried a matching Cowit" is a aeadv ffiamrnitotftgrf cfflimnard aff yBiarflkieailii, velvet muff covered with gold group, rf '"^"Wort>> *' rai'roa<' 8>"«lg e jjSv^**MJl^HHP^lSllr^ BssnBs ^^^ net adorned with blush pink caers, whose Bitttsmattegjaals aaBl melias accented with gold. Little Cynthia Savarese unitedefforts arafl feraqg jistSee of Babylon, the five year old andbenefUsID jom-~JfaejpeaDue. niece of the bride was flower Watch for their amjaaaramee , Has 'IBBWE «Bff , girl. Her outfit was identical m every coineu' oafOe nunfiffia «s£ to that worn by the -other at- Babylon, dwou^h , manSo ami p e s r s m B t tendants. Her escort was a cous- newspapers in of the bridegroom Joseph Pe- al contact. g55roe rflmw ^tth f HJiutm ARIhiK MOVING dalino of West Islip who is five to the message1&ey aafllar — at is vitalto TOU. MeaBBfianaa , ffiiwe I years old. S & STORAGE ^jmnnnn ^^WJ^ A cousin of the bride, Vincent thoughtto "*D® CaiHBBSCkmmt'2*' —Of not ,tiseyfifaD«ua n) Bethell of Babylon, was best man. Ushers were David MadillhR'S VOVINia & STORAGE dox of Babylon a brother-inYo«r Locol law of the bride, Edward Koz758 St. . Railroad Ave . 41^ n m nn Agent-Est. 1886 f/CSt BabjIOC loski of South Ozone Park. , Charles Oddo of Lindenhurst; William Pedalino of FarmTwo Suffolk tamlliSngssoff Ktew ingdale, a cousin of the bride- York;Telejiflagae feawe SBBSB onei RECEN T NEW MAN AG EMEN T groom, Frank Catalanotto and for ardhitectBral cKoeHkance am a Gene CichanowitzofWestBaby- natiuwwideconqastinlaa. lon. Brace Hi. MrMrittrny, Sufi&sik ^«0 LITTL E E N ECK RD-r W EST BABYLON The ring bearer was threeyear general maaiiageff , tfnimuiiiinafl ansa old Robert Savarese Jr.of Baby- merit awards were Closed Monday , Opco. 6 X) AM { was toy aine ^a 0 A4 lon a nephew of the bride. " ** conapanyfor its SagMariano- cerofto 9 PJH. All of the men and the two tral office taalnag and Snr a 1 * SPECIALIZING IN youngsters hi: the bridal party repeater station Nescnnsef. Weddwg-BirAdax& Ice Cream Cokes wore full dress suits, highaatsfoDowiagthe Fifthan /f F Q g n n * Ajndhtaranxal ^ and carriedcanes* AM Bakiog Pone wt#> Buff er Review of Bell System ikiaanfaSL . I^SA^-S This wee* J ^^ Mrs. Germano* *¦gradtateof - Located at 748 watch for oar weekly specials Bnti&bat&Bm j^^^Ss^B^ the West Babylon Hign SchoolighrnpJE Harftar and g^theJha ; Mfland; Suffolk County CdiwrnMlry' - BLUEBERRY. PINEAPPLE l^ ^ ^f f -was'"dij,, jajatdhySavahlfaines lag Plain College is am employee of me Laadbergand Waehler. <*^P^/ CHERRY CHEESECAKE «. ft: is a General! Electric Gov ia Syosset. oae-storybrick _ ^ oV^ strweawre . Bnik Mr. Germano who is also a MI i=a**» waac*pnmaezs aele— „ graduate of die West Babylom pfcoae serviceto thesnrroaadhng ." Senior Higb School is associated in business wfthihisfather. When the couple return front a honeymoon in Jamaica ,, West Indies;they wQ$ make their home meat that ansplffies aelejifimme signals. Designed % Faml L. in Babylon. Wood and Associates , ft was patintoservicein1966. ! The til ¦ ¦ !tf rceajw, part off The West Istip gandafGood Samaritan Hospital will holdBs Fwllr Equipped_ incl. air conditioning & heat j |j regular monthlynasetioganMoa-Cnaffsl ^RSSB^BBBBBBBS ^BBnfl ^aVaVpaav^awjfti i AVAILABL E FOR CHARTER pjn, Coawjany day Feb. IS at 8:15 ia 1910. drew 29Q eaMB* | hospital auditorium^ Now on Display j \\ PARK AVL LI UORS North Lindenliur^t News j O'SHEA BROS, j : PRIME MEATS & POULTRY : QQ If M U N. Y. Telephone Has Two BeMes MO 9-0100 HUuYSBAKE SHOP WJ. GaiH T» Meets EUGENE FRENCH DRY CLEANERS " CU STOM TAILORING J :^~>— I BOX STORAGE jgaBwawsnVI ™! Tmlw mn i[ ¥gf r Ittsm \^ \! f m A t Aj ^ ^s d ^/j i 32—Stetps l- ^^SL SUFFOLK YACHT SALES, INC. j 41] Fire W«- »ww 1 AU COLD FUR STORAGE ninWI InwBwawawaswa l 5^E. MAIM ST. AawO 1 OAnlLtMwanwswnwBrl VmV TwDJam iftV/ PnastfficaMy Redocedt WJS\ «* * * '»^B||yj ^P-S. lUffltawrnr BABYLOW VILLAGE '" 9"0vUU J \