A R 2012 -13 - Metrolina Christian Academy
A R 2012 -13 - Metrolina Christian Academy
ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 C FUND ORNERS ONE THE senior pastor’s message ~ INSIDE THIS ISSUE ~ SENIOR PASTOR’S MESSAGE 2 HEAD OF SCHOOL’S MESSAGE 3 T he future of your children depends largely on the direction they receive from you, as their parents, in their formative years. Deciding what kind of education your sons and daughters receive is of major concern to all caring parents. Many ingredients go into that decision making process: Christian or secular, at what point, how long and how much, home school or corporate, and local or long distance are just a few. who God is, who they are and where they are going. The Bible is really clear in that education must begin at home and We extend many thanks and lots of must be God-centered. Given the gratitude to you parents who have condition of our modern culture, many sacrificed and entrusted your students of the above ingredients don't include to this proven institution. Years from this mandate which leaves few options. now, you will reflect on all the times More than 20 years ago, First Baptist that the decision for private Christian decided to come alongside this parental education, which resulted in many responsibility and offer a Biblical hardships in other areas, was well worth approach to higher education. it. We are blessed by the Lord to have the privilege to partner with so many It is our conviction that the Bible must parents for the future of your children. be central in establishing a wellrounded and accurate reflection on how Sincerely, man got here, who he is, and where he is going. If the Bible, which is truth, is removed from the educational process, Dr. Mike Whitson then the obvious occurs. A student’s Senior Pastor worldview is based on opinion and First Baptist Church Indian Trail faulty speculation that provides no hope or established parameters. The faculty at Metrolina Christian Academy provide a skilled, loving, and intellectual atmosphere for learning that results in our students knowing PO Box 2550, Indian Trail, NC 28079-2550 | P: 704.882.1005 | F: 704.882.2386 | www.fbcit.org 2 2012-2013 Annual Report THE CORNERSTONE FUND 4 ENHANCEMENTS 5 FINANCIAL HISTORY 5 OUR DONORS 6 STEWARDSHIP 14 ATHLETIC COMPLEX 15 VOLUNTEERS 17 DONATION FORM 18 CELEBRATING 20 YEARS 19 20-YEAR TIMELINE 20 CLASS OF 2013 22 AWARDS & RECOGNITION 23 PROJECT SERVE 26 Metrolina Christian Academy admits students of any race, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The academy does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, scholarships, athletic and other school programs. head of school’s message O ver the years of being at Metrolina Christian Academy, one of the greatest blessings has been to see God’s hand so evident on this ministry. In the last 21 years, we have seen God grow this ministry dramatically from our humble beginnings. There were 84 students and 19 staff members in 1993 compared to almost 1,200 enrolled for the 2013-2014 school year. The Annual Cornerstone Fund has played an integral part in making it possible to expand the mission of Christian education through this ministry. This fund has done so by helping us to grow our program while still keeping our tuition affordable for the average middle class family. This year, my prayer for us as a school is that we will seek the Lord as never before in all that we do. In my own personal life, I want to be more focused on pursuing God and following His direction for my life and this school. As a school, I pray that we will always be distinctively Christian and set apart by God. Thank you for your love and support! Begin praying today for the Lord to set this school year apart for Him so that we might bring Him honor and glory in all that takes place. It is going to be a great year in the life of our school, and I look forward to seeing you soon! Your investment in the Annual Cornerstone Fund has also enabled us to grow our academic and extracurricular God has given us an incredible spiritual legacy at Metrolina. programs. In 2010, we called on you through this fund to Almost 2,000 students have received Christ as their Savior help us develop an outdoor athletic complex for our on this campus and many more have deepened their walk students. I am happy to report to you that three years with Him while here. We have been blessed not only to have later God has used you to help us develop this 1.3 million spirit-filled chapels, but for chapel to be the highlight of the dollar complex completely debt-free. week for our students. Once again, I ask you to consider how God might use you God’s blessings have also given us 532 graduates. On May this coming year to support the cause of Christian education 31st, we celebrated as 59 graduates from the Class of 2013 at Metrolina Christian Academy. The needs of our school are received their diplomas. This distinguished class earned still very great and could be best described as God-sized over five million dollars in scholarship offers from colleges needs. In the coming days, we will be unveiling to you a new and universities all over the country. three-year development plan for the growth of our school that includes additional classrooms, fine arts space, athletic As we look forward to the start of the 2013-2014 school year, facilities, and more. I am so excited for all that God has in store for us. Our theme for this school year comes from Joshua 3:5 where Joshua I ask that you pray about how you might be involved in declared to his people: “Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow helping our school impact more students for the cause of the Lord will do great things among you.” In other words, Christ through the Annual Cornerstone Fund. Always Joshua is exhorting us to set ourselves apart for the Lord remember that no gift is too small. Just like the loaves and today so that He can do great things through us in the fishes, God has a unique way of multiplying our best for future. furthering His Kingdom. Because of Him, I heard a distinguished church leader say not long ago that “we as Christians must be willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that we hand off what should be our mission for the Kingdom in better shape than we found it.” My desire is that the faculty and staff of MCA will hand off the cause of Christ and the passion to follow Him to our students so that they will do even greater works for the cause of Christ. This is truly our mission as a school. Rev. Rick Calloway Head of School Metrolina Christian Academy PO Box 1460, Indian Trail, NC 28079-1460 | P: 704.882.3375 | F: 704.882.0631 | www.metrolinachristian.org www.metrolinachristian.org 3 -- the cornerstone fund FROM THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE F or more than 10 years, Metrolina Christian Academy has raised financial support through its annual fund, known by most of our families and friends as the Cornerstone Fund. Over the years, the Cornerstone Fund has raised nearly $2.7 million to support Metrolina in training and equipping young men and women to be champions for Christ. Metrolina Christian has truly been blessed by the families and friends of the school who have given from the heart to grow its ministry. A faith goal of $250,000 was established for the 2012-13 Cornerstone Fund. And we are delighted to share that, at the end of our fundraising efforts (the school’s fiscal year is July 1 – June 30), MCA exceeded the goal and raised $282,401.22 for our students. We give all the honor and glory to God! On the pages to follow, you will read how the funds were raised and invested, as well as the names of donors who gave generously and sacrificially to the cause of Christ at MCA during the 2012-13 school year. MCA also completed the development of the four fields located at the Whitson Athletic Complex during the 2012-13 school year. We remain grateful to the many donors who also gave financially to support this project, which began in September 2010. We are eternally grateful for every dollar contributed to Metrolina Christian Academy, and we praise God for His provision! At Metrolina Christian, we have always trusted God to supply our needs and believe it is not how much we raise, but how well we manage the resources entrusted to us. As you review this year’s Annual Report, please be assured that the administration, faculty and staff of Metrolina Christian pray to be good stewards of the trust you have placed in us, both with your precious children and the funds you have invested here. MCA has once again established a faith goal of $250,000 for the 201314 school year. And we will continue to place our trust in God to meet this goal, knowing He will be faithful to provide through the generosity of many. Thank you for giving and serving to make a difference for the Kingdom. May God continue to bless you and your family. Serving Him, C THE ORNERS ONE FUND E ach year, one of the many ways God supplies the needs of Metrolina Christian Academy is through the Cornerstone Fund, the school’s annual giving program. The funds raised annually through the Cornerstone Fund provide a strong foundation to the continued growth of MCA’s ministry. By supporting the Cornerstone Fund, you allow the school to add the “extras” to many of its programs sooner than they would otherwise be available to our students, faculty, and coaches. The Advancement Office annually coordinates a variety of special events and programs to raise funds for the school. The funds raised from these special events and programs, as well as other designated contributions received from donors, comprise the Cornerstone Fund. Listed below are the special events and programs for the 2012-13 Cornerstone Fund that raised funds for MCA: EVENT/PROGRAM AMOUNT JAARS Challenge $ Cornerstone Fund Kick-Off 4 2012-2013 Annual Report 10,275.00 131,677.77 Golfers’ Challenge 57,410.01 Springapalooza 40,528.43 Easy Money Ways 7,401.02 General Giving 14,848.44 Designated Giving Whitson Athletic Complex 18,555.00 GRAND TOTAL Dana L. Bostic Director of Advancement Acts 4:11 $ 282,401.22 enhancements ENHANCEMENTS T hrough the monies raised by the Annual Cornerstone Fund, Metrolina Christian Academy has made many enhancements and improvements that greatly benefit the development and achievement of our students. Listed below is an overview of the major enhancements for 2012-2013. Wi-Fi throughout campus Document cameras and digital projectors for Aerohive Networks Wireless Access Point iPad Document Camera classrooms iPads for Administrative Leadership Mobile iPad lab 20 computers for teaching staff Fence padding for softball and baseball fields Completion of baseball and softball fields New deck for modulars Toys and books for Early Education Program Concrete sidewalks for softball and baseball fields New stove for JWAC kitchen Computers for research lab Databases (World Book online, Maps, Discovery Streaming) for media center for student research New fencing for Lower School playground Expanded storage for art department New space for kiln room Projector New science lab Development of cross country course Press box for football field Classroom manipulatives and learning materials Discovery Streaming World Book Online Lower School Playground Fencing Modular Decking Press Box for Football Field FINANCIAL HISTORY www.metrolinachristian.org 5 -- our donors WARRIORS FOR CHRIST 2012-13 T he following pages gratefully acknowledge parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, students, alumni, business partners and friends who generously supported Metrolina Christian Academy during the 2012-13 school year. The ’Warriors for Christ’ Donors contributed from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, and raised $282,401.22 for Metrolina Christian Academy. These contributions assisted in providing sustainable resources to fulfill our mission of excellence for Christ. Each donor shared in making a difference in the life of our school and students, and each has our eternal gratitude. God bless you! ANNUAL KICK-OFF OF THE CORNERSTONE FUND September 24 – October 17, 2012 The Cornerstone Fund Kick-Off is the start of MCA’s annual giving program and provides families and friends of the school a four-week opportunity to contribute financially to the continued growth of MCA. The 2012 Cornerstone Kick-Off raised more than $133,383.32. Mrs. Faith Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. Darren Adams Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Adams Mr. and Mrs. Kim R. Adcock In Honor of Abigail Adcock Mr. Hunter Adcock In Honor 2012 Varsity Football Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ron Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Alvarez Mrs. Judy M. Anbro Anonymous (28) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anzaldi Ms. Babette Apperson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Asare-Boadu Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Auvil AXA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aycoth Ms. Sarah F. Bailey In Honor of the Michael Street Family Ms. Crystal Bailey Bank of America Foundation Bank of America United Way Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Barbee Ms. McKay Barber Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barber Mr. Bruce Barber Mr. and Mrs. Jon Barker Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Barrows Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barry Mr. Johnny L. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bartlett Ms. Rosanne Bates Mr. and Mrs. Brad Beane Mrs. Louise Beard Mrs. Wendy Becker Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Belter Ms. Cheryl Benton Mr. and Mrs. Mike Berryhill Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Best Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bezek Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bishop 6 2012-2013 Annual Report Mr. and Mrs. Andy Blalock Bob Mayberry Hyundai, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boddie Ms. Van Boggan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boggs Mr. Roger Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Bonar Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Bond Ms. Dana L. Bostic Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bostic Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bostic Mr. and Mrs. David Botzenhart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brady Brandy Russell Solutions Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Darren Braswell Mr. Ethan Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Ray Breazeale Ms. Debbie Brewer Mr. and Mrs. JD Bricken Mr. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mrs. Ruth E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bruner Mr. and Mrs. Kent K. Buckalew Mr. Jeff Bulls Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burch Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Burnette Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cain Rev. and Mrs. Rick Calloway Miss Lindsay Calloway (‘06) Miss Maddie Calloway Mr. and Mrs. John Carey Mr. and Mrs. David Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Randy Carnes Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Kent Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carpenter Mr. Cruse Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Justin Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Al Carr Ms. Shelley Carr Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Carter Mr. and Mrs. Danny Centea Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ceol Mrs. Koral A. Chaney Dr. Jean Chesser Chestnut Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Clariant Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Gene Clement Mr. and Mrs. Randy Clutts Mr. and Mrs. Rick Cobb Mr. Richard Coffey Mrs. Darlene Conroy Mr. Jackson Cook Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cook Ms. Juanita Copeland Mrs. Ella Coursey Mr. and Mrs. Marion C. Cox, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cox Mrs. Pat Craig Mr. and Mrs. Duane Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford Miss Caitlyn Crawford Ms. Helen Crider Mr. and Mrs. John Crider Mr. and Mrs. Tony Curcio Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis Ms. Sydna Davis Mr. Noah Davis Rev. Dorothy Dean Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Debruhl Mr. and Mrs. Paul Decker Miss Amy Deligdisch Ms. Susan Dellinger Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Denis Mr. and Mrs. Lance Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Dolin Donco Construction Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Dow Mrs. Dow’s 7th Grade Homeroom Mr. and Mrs. Warren Doyle Mr. Tom Duffy Duke Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dunn Ms. Susan Eaker Ms. Cynthia Eaker our donors Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Eason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Easton Miss Taylor Easton Eaton Corporation Ms. Sylvia Ebanja Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Eckhart Ed Galloway Productions Mr. and Mrs. Dion Edwards In Memory of Maeghan Edwards Ms. Deborah Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Clint Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elmore Mr. Chase Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Empey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Evans Ms. Lucille Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fairbanks Mrs. Hillary Farley Ms. Jill C. Farley Dr. Christopher Faucette Mr. and Mrs. James Faucette Mr. and Mrs. Holt Faucette Ms. Catina Femi Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ferguson Fidelity Charitable Ms. Melissa Firooznia Ms. Amanda Fitch Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Flannery Mr. and Mrs. James Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. George Flowe Mrs. Flowe’s 7th Grade Homeroom Ms. Caroline Folger Foundation For The Carolinas Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fox Mrs. Joan Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frias Mr. and Mrs. Terence G. Funderburk Mrs. Norma Funderburk Mr. Tadd Gaddy Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gagnon Mr. Larry Gardner Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner Mrs. Phyllis Garmon Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Garvin Mr. Caleb Garvin Miss Lisa Gaskin (‘03) Mr. and Mrs. Terrell W. Gaskin Genentech Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Bill Giles Mr. and Mrs. Coy Gillenwater Mrs. Gillenwater’s 8th Grade Homeroom Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilmore Ms. Nancy Givens Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gooding Miss Riley Goodson Mrs. Ellen Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gott Mr. Sean Gotts Mr. and Mrs. Bob Graves Miss Brianna Graves Mr. and Mrs. Jerel Green Mr. and Mrs. Darren Greene Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Macon Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Rick Griffiths Ms. Carrie Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Griswold Mr. and Mrs. Sean Grue Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gwaltney Miss Gracie Hacker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hacker Ms. Michelle Hage Rev. and Mrs. John Hailey Mr. Robert Hairston, Sr. Ms. Sharon Hall Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Haning Mrs. Sandy E. Hargett Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hargett Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hargett Mr. and Mrs. Steven Harkey Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harr Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harris Ms. Carolyn Harris Miss Laura Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hattrich Ms. Jodi Hearn Mrs. Amy Heh Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Helms Mr. and Mrs. Harvel Helms Mr. and Mrs. Larry Helms Miss Shelby Helms Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hensley Mrs. Hensley’s 6th Grade Homeroom Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Herba Mr. and Mrs. Jim Herman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Herr Mr. Robert Hess (‘04) Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hess Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Hibbard (‘04) Mr. Randy Higens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hill Mrs. Gretchen Hill Miss Rachel Hill Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hoeben Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Holden Mr. and Mrs. Todd Holden Holden Realty Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Holland Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Holtkamp Mr. and Mrs. Gary Honeycutt Ms. Brenda Honeycutt Mr. Joshua Honeycutt Ms. Wilma Hood Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Larry Howell Mr. and Mrs. Kareem Howell Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howell Miss Zoe Francis Huber Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hurni Mrs. Wanda Hutchins IMO PUMP Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Inge Mr. and Mrs. Randall Inge Mr. and Mrs. David Ingrassias J.D. Goodrum Company Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jackson, Jr. Ms. Janice Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Erik Jaynes Mr. and Mrs. Anson Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Mario Juarez Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keating Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kell Mrs. Erin Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Forrest O. Kenley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest O. Kenley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Kerbyson Mr. and Mrs. James Kiker Mr. and Mrs. John Killman Mr. and Mrs. Steve King Mr. and Mrs. Mark King Mr. and Mrs. Leon King Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kirkman Mr. and Mrs. John Kirnan Miss Kristen Kirnan Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B. Koppe Mr. and Mrs. James Krob Ms. Debra LaFlamme Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Laney Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Langley Mrs. Sarah Lantigua Mrs. Carrie Laughridge Mr. and Mrs. William Laustsen Mr. and Mrs. Jay Law Mr. and Mrs. Erik Lazo Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Leopard Mr. Henry Leopard’s 8th Grade Homeroom Mrs. Lauri Leopard’s 6th Grade Homeroom Ms. Julya Levko Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis Mr. Jim Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Linn Mr. and Mrs. William Litaker Mr. and Mrs. Paul LiVigni Loc-Doc, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Rich Lockard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long Mrs. Verta Looper Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lopp Mrs. Carol Loughnane Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lowery Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lundeen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lunsford Ms. Thelma Lusk Mr. and Mrs. Risden Mabry Mr. and Mrs. David Machold Mr. and Mrs. Brady Magee Mrs. Angela Marks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marrarino Mrs. Joan Marston Mr. Jeff Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Marus Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matasic Mr. Denny Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Herman Matthews, Jr. Mrs. Elaine Maye Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Joey McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Danny McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGee Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Rick G. McInnis Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Eric McSwain Mr. and Mrs. Mike McSwain Mrs. Page McWhirter www.metrolinachristian.org 7 -- our donors Mr. and Mrs. Brad Medford Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Medlin Mr. and Mrs. Roger Melton Ms. Jo Melton Mr. and Mrs. Peter Menacker Mr. Marlon Mendieta Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mercer, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Michalak Mr. Robert Michalak Mr. and Mrs. Michael Millard Miss Haley Mills Mr. Ronnie Mills Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter Moore III Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore Mr. and Mrs. Luther Moore Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morgan Mr. Parks Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morris Ms. Nancy Morrison Ms. Margretta Morrison Ms. Cathy Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosca Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moser Miss Kristi Moser Mrs. Linda Moses Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm T. Murray III Miss Mallory Murray National Christian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rick Newsom Mrs. Beatrice Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Brent Newton Miss Elizabeth Neyens Mr. and Mrs. William M. Niccolai, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Niccolai, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Norwood Nucor Corporation Mrs. Angie Nyborg Mrs. Anne O'Brien Ms. Akiko Omura Mr. and Mrs. James Orlakis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ormond 8 2012-2013 Annual Report Mr. and Mrs. David E. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Murray Parker Mr. Fred Parry Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Parry Mr. John Pearson Ms. Lois Jean Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Perry Ms. Teresa Perry Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Philemon Rev. and Mrs. Spencer Pigg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pimentel Mr. and Mrs. Jason Plante Mr. and Mrs. Layne T. Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Harold Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Ross Poole Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Poplin Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pouges Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Pressler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pressley Mr. and Mrs. Stan W. Pressley Mr. John Pressley Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pressley Mr. and Mrs. Rod Price Mr. and Mrs. Donald Price Mr. and Mrs. Billy Price Mr. and Mrs. Tom Principi Miss Kara Prisby Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quick Mr. and Mrs. John Rachuba Randall Supply, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Rape Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rascio Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rascio Miss Jessica Rascio Mrs. Fannie Ratchford Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. William H. Reule, Jr. Mrs. Susan L. Reynolds Mr. J. Timothy Reynolds Mrs. Florence Reynolds Reynolds Trucking Co. LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Rhoney Mr. Michael Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ring Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Risher In Memory of Mr. Bob Losh Mr. and Mrs. Korey Risley Robbins & Associates Insurance Agency Mr. Bryan Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Robinson Mr. John B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rodriguez Mrs. Karen Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers Mr. John Rogone Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Rose Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ruppe Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rutledge Mrs. Linda Rutledge S & S Maintenance, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Preston H. Sadler Mrs. Sadler’s 8th Grade Homeroom Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sauerwein Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schatzel Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmoecker Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Scruggs Mr. and Mrs. Earl Self Mrs. Self’s 6th Grade Homeroom Miss Carmen Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Shaw Miss Amberly Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shaw Mr. Mike Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Andy Shellman Mr. and Mrs. Don Sherbine Mr. and Mrs. Roby Shore Ms. Heather Shore Mr. and Mrs. John Short Mr. Edward Simmonds Mr. and Mrs. Norman Simpson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith Mr. and Mrs. Derek Smith Mr. and Mrs. Creg Smith Mr. Dean A. Smith Miss Abigail Smith Mrs. Audrey G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Smoot Ms. Stacy Snapper Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Vann Spears Mr. Russell Spinney Sports To You SPX Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Stahnke Mrs. Donna Stegall Mr. William Stegall Ms. Dianne Stegall Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Stephens Stewart Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Stickley Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stokey Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stone Mr. Michael S. Street Mr. Jonathan Street Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sturm Mrs. Pat Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sustar Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swartz Mrs. Sharon Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sweger Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweitzer Mr. and Mrs. Joey D. Swinson T & T Cabinet Shop Properties Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor Ms. Sandy Taylor Miss Brittany Templeton Mr. and Mrs. JW Threatt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Thurmond TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign Tile & All, Inc. Ms. Geraldene Tims-Ivey Mr. Billy Tingle, Sr. Ms. Joyce Tite Mr. Donald Tite Mr. and Mrs. Randy Topken Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Torrence Mr. and Mrs. Tim Traywick Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tucker Tyco Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. David Tyre Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tyson UBS Employee Giving Programs Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Rick Untig In Honor of Jessica & Stefan Rascio Ms. Christina Untig Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Vandenbroek Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Vandergrift Mr. and Mrs. Greg Venn Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Verrone Victory Bolt & Specialty, Inc. Viking Hardwood Floors Mr. Leonel Villava Ms. Doris Waiters Ms. Rosalind Walker Ms. Alicia Walker Ms. Christi Walker Ms. Karen Wallace Ms. Lisa Wallace Miss Heather Wallace (‘12) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallner Miss Rachel Walton (‘03) Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Washam Mrs. Janie Washam In Memory of J. Ray Washam Mr. and Mrs. Brian Webb Mr. Shawn Webster Weeping Willow AME Zion Church Mr. and Mrs. Norm Weizer our donors Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Welborn Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Ms. Domeica White Mr. and Mrs. Rob White Mr. and Mrs. Curtis K. Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Rob Widders Ms. Jennifer Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Rickey B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Cortez Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams Ms. Sandy Williams Mr. Jimmy Willliams Mr. and Mrs. Winston L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson Mrs. Betty Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Brad Winchel Mr. and Mrs. Leon Winter Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wires Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Wood Mr. and Mrs. David Wood Mr. and Mrs. Roger Woodell Mr. and Mrs. James Woodmansee Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Woodmansee Mr. Dan Wooten Mr. Jon Wooten Mrs. Rachel Wzorek Mr. and Mrs. James Yoder Mr. and Mrs. David Zagorski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zappasodi, Jr. Mr. John Easterling Mr. Jed Edmisten Mr. Tyler Edmisten Ed Hoitt, Inc. Mrs. Jennifer Edenfield Mr. Ronnie Evans Mr. Eric Farnsworth Mr. Jerry Farrell Mr. Dean Ferguson Fidelity Charitable Mr. R.G. Finley FirePro First Citizens Bank Mr. Bob Flippen Mr. & Mrs. George Flowe Mr. Joe Fivas Forrest & Forrest Dentistry Foundation For The Carolinas Mr. Randy Fox Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frias Mr. Wesley Funderburk Mr. Mark Gaddy Mr. Chip Galloway Mr. Butch Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gibson Mr. Russell Gibson Golf For Goodness Sake Golf Services Unlimited Gordon Funeral Service Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gott Mr. Christian Grattan Mr. Paul Green Mr. Gary Greene Mr. Parker Greene Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Griffin Mr. Dutch Hardison Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hargett Mr. Ryan Hargett Harris Teeter, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison Mr. JW Hasty Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hawkins Mr. Tony Hefner Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Helms Mr. Donald Helms Mr. Jackson Helms Mr. Jeff Helms Mr. Jerry Helms Mr. Matt Helms Mr. Mike Helms Mr. Steve Helms Mr. Steven Helms Mr. Todd Hemenway Mr. Caleb Hensley Mr. Mike Hensley Mr. Patrick Hensley Heritage Funeral & Cremation Service Mr. Mark Hill Hoist & Crane Systems, Inc. Mr. Ryan Holt Mr. Steve Horton Mr. Harold Howell Howell Insurance Consulting Group, Inc. Mr. Aaron Howse Ms. Carole Hoyt Mr. Randy Hughes Mr. Randy Huntley Mr. Kevin Hyatt Mr. Jim Hyder Indian Trail Hardware Indian Trail Pharmacy Jack Rabbit Salon JE Dunn Construction Co. GOLFERS’ CHALLENGE Stonebridge Golf Club – April 26, 2013 The tradition continued as the Golfers’ Challenge was another great day of fellowship and fundraising for MCA. This year’s tournament, the 13th annual, hosted 208 golfers and raised $57,410.01 for the MCA Cornerstone Fund. Thanks to the following contributors, including ambassadors, sponsors, golfers, and friends, who made this special event possible: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams Ms. Frances Adkins Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Backey Mr. Brian Bailey Bank of America Foundation Mr. Eric Banks Mr. and Mrs. Norm Barclay Mr. Joe Badgett Mr. Paul Beam Mr. Jack Beaty Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Benton Mr. Bob Berlingo Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bezek Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bezek Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blackwell Mr. Tim Blankenbeckler Mr. Clifford Blanquicet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blanton Mr. Greg Bobick Mr. Scott Boyar Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd Mr. Brad Henson Rev. Lance Bradley Bradshaw Flooring & Acoustical, Inc. Brandon Reeves Auto World Mr. Ray Breazeale Mr. Chuck Breeden Mr. Josh Breeden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bridges Mr. Bill Broadway Mr. Jason Broadway Mr. Michael Brooks Mr. Ronnie Broughton Mr. Edward Todd Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bryson, Jr. Mr. Matthew Burnette Business Forms Plus, Inc. Kristin Byrum Photography Mr. and Mrs. Mark Calloway Rev. and Mrs. Rick Calloway Mrs. Arlene J. Calloway Cameron's Inc. Carocon Corporation Carolina Green Corp. Mr. Ken Carpenter Mr. Kent Carpenter Mr. Frank Carter Champion Fence Builders Mr. Chris Champlin Charah Mr. Jeff Cheek Mr. Jeff Childers Mr. Matt Childers Mr. Jimmy Clontz Mr. Alexander Cogar Mr. Mike Cogar Cole Properties & Investments Coleman Masonry Supply, Inc. Mr. Alan Conner Mr. Garrett Connor Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cook Mr. Dustin Couick Credit Central, Inc. CS Motorsports Mr. and Mrs. David Cummings Mr. Dave Curlee Mr. Jonathan Dargusch Mr. and Mrs. William Dargusch Mr. Chuck Darnell Mr. and Mrs. Paul Decker Mr. Chris Desterre Dietzgen Corporation Mr. Reggie Drake Mr. Jeff Dudas Mr. Dave Dunderdale Mr. Mark Dunn Mr. David Dunnican Mr. John Dyer E & F Pizza Perfect LLC www.metrolinachristian.org 9 -- our donors Mr. Anson Jenkins Mr. Bill Jenkins Mr. Chris Jenkins Jenkins & Lowery PLS P.A. Joe Pomykacz State Farm John Moore, CPA Mr. Johnny Jones Mr. Richard Jones Mr. John Kale Kannapolis Charters and Tours, Inc. Miss Iris Katla Mr. Daniel Kaufman Mr. Andrew Kell Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kelley Mr. John Kelly Mr. Forrest Kenley, Jr. Mr. Forrest Kenley, Sr. Mr. Justin Kenley Mr. Matt Kerry Mr. Steve King Mr. Brian Kraft Mr. Steve Kravitz Mr. Thomas Langley (‘03) Larry S. Helms & Associates Mr. Cary Lawrence Mr. Buddy Laws Mr. Gary Layden Mr. and Mrs. Erik Lazo LDH Rental Properites, LLC Lemmond Fixture & Cabinet Mr. Henry Leopard Mr. Grady Little Mr. Vic Lowery Mr. Tommy Lunceford Rev. Ron Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Norris Marshall Matrix Wealth Advisors, Inc. Mr. William Matthews Matthews Animal Clinic, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mauney Mr. Rob McCain Mr. Greg McCotter Mr. Jason McCotter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. McDaniel Mr. Dean McFadden Mr. and Mrs. John McGloin Mr. Steve McKee Mr. and Mrs. Ken Medlin Mr. David Melton Mr. Ronnie Melton Mr. Jerry Miller Mr. John J. Moore Ms. Lorna Morehead Moremeetings.com, Inc. Mr. Dave Moscrip Moyer, Smith & Roller, P.A. Ms. Maureen Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mundy Mundy Communications Mr. Pat Myers Mr. Bill Nance Mr. Reid Nance Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noegel Mr. Russell Nolen O. H. Rankin Foundation Mr. Shawn O’Conner Mr. Richard Ormond Mr. Jim Parry Mr. Patrick Parry Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson Mr. Blake Paulk Miss Taylor Penzer Mr. Joe Perrigo Mr. Charlie Phillips Pioneer Specialty Foods, Inc. Mr. Roger Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pouges Richard D. Powell DDS, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pressley Mr. Dustin Pressley Mr. Lynn Price Mrs. Frances Price Principal Financial Group Mr. Fred Printzlau Mr. Justin Privette Mr. Roger Privette Mr. Ed Pukalski Mr. Sam Rankin Mr. Joshua Ray Mr. and Mrs. William H. Reule, Jr. Mr. Matt Reynolds Reynolds Trucking Co. LLC Mr. Ray Rhoney Dr. Roy Richardson III Mr. David Robbins Mr. Gene Robbins Mr. Nick Robbins Robbins & Assoc. Insurance Agency Mr. John Robinson Mr. Rob Rochelle Mr. Rick Rogers Mr. Anthony Rogone Mr. Jay Ross Ross-Haigler Group Rossini's Italian Restaurant Mr. Rick Roycroft S & S Maintenance, Inc. Mr. Chris Sabo Mr. James Sauerwein Mr. Jim Sauerwein Mr. Bill Saylor Rev. Jonathan Schallmo Mr. Harold Schmoecker Mr. Mason Schmoecker Mr. Clay Scholand Mr. James Schwenk Mr. Randall Scribner Mr. and Mrs. Karl Seibel Mr. Paul Self Sentry Consulting, Inc. Mr. Todd Shackelford Mr. Dave Shearer Shearer Associates, Inc. Mr. Roby Shore Mr. and Mrs. Steven Silberman Simply Wiring Services Inc. Simpson, Younce & Tedder CPA's, PC Rev. Clay Slatton Mr. Ed Small Mr. Billy Smith Mr. Andrew Sokolowski Mr. Siler Southerland Southern Fabricators, Inc. Mr. Matt Spear Mr. Vann Spears Sports Officiating Service Sports To You Rev. John Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stachon (‘03) Mr. Sean Stanley Starr and Dickens Orthodontics State Utility Contractors, Inc. Mr. Austin Steele Mr. Dylan Stewart Stewart Enterprises Mr. Tommy Stilwell Mr. Brent Surratt Mr. Caleb Surratt Mr. Stephen Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor Telware Texpasa USA LLC The Community Foundation Mr. Brian Thomas Mr. Derrick Thomas Mr. Ed Thompson Time Warner Cable Team Mr. Todd Timmerman Mr. Grover Todd Mr. Masanori Toguchi Mr. Sonny Tomberlin Torrence Sports Lighting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Treece Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tyson Union Power Cooperative Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Delinder Victory Bolt & Specialty, Inc. W.A.V.E. Mr. Chris Walters Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward Mr. Bobby Washam Rev. Mike Whitson Mr. Kevin Whitson Mr. Creig Williard Mr. Dan Wilson Mr. Michael Wilson Mr. Roger Woodell Mr. and Mrs. James Woodmansee Mr. Harvey Woodmansee Mr. Greg Wren Yadkin Valley Bank Mr. and Mrs. James Yarbrough Yarbrough-Williams & Houle, Inc. York Portable Machines, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zappasodi, Jr. Mr. Dave Zartman Mr. Joe Zentner GOLFERS’ CHALLENGE GIFTS-IN-KIND Special thanks to the following companies and individuals who donated items for our golfer give-a-way bags, prizes for our winners and participants, and other goods and services that contributed to the fundraising success of the Golfers’ Challenge and helped keep expenses for the event to a minimum: Akropolis Café @ Arboretum Anonymous (3) Beantown Tavern BSN Sports Cedarwood Country Club Continental Tire Dick’s Sporting Goods Eagle Chase Golf Club Edwin Watts Golf 10 2012-2013 Annual Report First Choice Eye Care Five Guys Burgers & Fries Forms & Supply, Inc. Forrest & Forrest Family Dentistry Fuddruckers of Matthews Golf Etc. of Monroe Golf For Goodness Sake HenBurn Customized Apparel Indian Trail Pharmacy Larkhaven Golf Club MCA Athletic Department MCA Warrior Zone Red Bridge Golf Club Robbins & Assoc. Insurance Agency Rolling Hills Country Club Ross-Haigler Group Rossini’s Italian Restaurant SEU Promotions Showmars of Monroe Skybrook Golf Club South 21 Matthews Stonebridge Golf Club The Divide Golf Course The Golf Center Ron & Kris Young our donors GOLFERS’ CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS Golf, Etc. Harold Howell Insurance Harris Teeter HenBurn Customized Apparel Hoist & Crane Systems, Inc. Rankin Wealth Management Reynolds Trucking Ross-Haigler Group SILVER SPONSORS Champion Fence Builders First Citizens Bank Jenkins & Lowery Survey Larry S. Helms & Assoc. Insurance Robbins & Assoc. Insurance Agency S&S Maintenance, Inc. Time Warner Cable Unitrends, Inc. Victory Bolt & Specialty York Portable Machines BRONZE SPONSORS Business Forms Plus, Inc. Credit Central Heritage Funeral JE Dunn Construction, Inc. Sports To You Jack Rabbit Salon Joe Pomykacz State Farm Insurance John Moore, CPA Matrix Wealth Management Mundy Communications, Inc. Rossini’s Italian Restaurant Starr and Dickens Orthodontics State Utility Contractors Torrence Sports Lighting Union Family Dental Associates Union Power Cooperative HOLE SPONSORS David & Debbie Harrison Forrest & Forrest Dentistry Gordon Funeral Home Indian Trail Hardware Indian Trail Pharmacy PATRON SPONSORS Charles & Sara Noegel Coleman Masonry David & Donna Cummings Jim & Sharon Frias John Moore, CPA Matthews Animal Clinic Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zappadosi, Jr. Robbins & Assoc. Insurance Agency TPM (Forrest Kenley) HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR Griffin Motor Company FOOD & BEVERAGE SPONSORS Bojangle’s Chick-fil-A of Monroe Hungry Howie’s Pepsi Beverage Group Shane’s Rib Shack Sysco Foods of Charlotte SPRINGAPALOOZA Metrolina Christian Academy – May 16, 2013 A feeling of family, fellowship and celebration made our annual Springapalooza another special event for MCA. The 9 th annual Springapalooza offered midway rides, inflatables, games and activities for the students, live and silent auctions for the adults, as well as an outside stage featuring MCA student performances, and very reasonably priced concessions for everyone. For this year’s event, we had another great turnout with over 1500 in attendance and raised $40,528.43 for the MCA Cornerstone Fund and designated school groups. We thank the following family and friends of MCA, who through their generous contributions and purchases at the live and silent auctions, made this event a success: Randy Achenberg Mike Adamczyk Angel Adams Maribel Andon Paula Autrey James Backey Meredith Baker Craig Bartlett Holly Beane Cheryl Benton Bonnie Berg Carmen Best Eric Bezek Sylvia Boggs Suzanne Boggs Hilda Bostic Pat Bowling Sandra Bowling Tammie Boyd Dori Breeden Todd Broome Heather Burch Nancy Burk Lara Burnette Blair Carr Jake Carter Kim Cheek Marcus Cooper Sharron Cox Erica Crawford Suzanne Crump Paul Decker Cindy Dunn Leigh Early Kim Elmore Catina Femi Christie Fletcher Tony Frontera Rick Gooding Debbie Graves April Greiner Nancy Griffin Rhonda Griffin Judy Griswold Linda Grue Glenn Hargett Cindy Hattrich Sherry Helms Clay Hodge Robin Holland Kim Howard Kim Huffman Jill Jaynes Missy Jeffers Melissa Jenkins Kim Kiser Patricia Kisiah Clint Koppe James Krob Jacki Kuzma Jed Lilly Ann Logan Jennifer Lowery Paris Lytle Missy Manus Suzanne Martin Mark Matasic Bella Matthews Pam McCarthy Angie McDaniel www.metrolinachristian.org 11 -- our donors Danny McDowell Kellie Morris Jessica Morris Shea Mumford Amy Niccolai Robyn Nivens Brandy Nolen Shannon Norwood Stacy Pimentel Becky Plyler Jennifer Pressley Paula Prisby Kim Rachuba Brandon Reeves Ray Rhoney Michelle Ricketts Diane Robb Bryan Robinson Kimberly Rodriguez Fred Rogers Diana Rowan Allyson Rutledge Martha Schmoecker Shelly Schwitzerlett Sheila Secrest Paul Self Ann Shaw Derek Smith Alex Sunday Melanie Sutton Kathy Swinson Lori Traywick Beth Venn Carol Walton Paula Washam Jen Whitley Diana Whitney Holly Widders Janet Wolfe Ginny Woodmansee Holly Zwierzynski SPRINGAPALOOZA GIFTS-IN-KIND We thank the following individuals and businesses for their generous in-kind gifts to Springapalooza, including donations for the live and silent auctions and other items and services that helped keep expenses for the event to a minimum: 803 Elizabeth Bed & Breakfast A Better Dog Kennel Advance Auto Parts Alabama Theatre AMF Carolina Lanes Ann Crittenden Hallmark Store Anonymous (6) Arthur Murray Dance Studio Autobell Car Wash AutoZone Aw Shucks Farms Beauty Brands Salon Spa Superstore Wendy Becker Glenn & Beth Hargett Black Lion BlackFinn American Saloon Blue Max Materials Boardwalk Billy's Bombay Grille Bonita's School of Ballet Paul & Traci Bostic Brookgreen Gardens - Pawleys Island Bruster's Real Ice Cream Buddy Boy Candy Build-A-Bear Workshop Cantina Fifteen Eleven Carolina Dental Care Carolina Raptor Center Carrabba's Italian Grill Carvel Ice Cream - Providence Road Charlotte Eagles Soccer Club Chick-fil-A of Monroe Chimney Rock Park Vicki Collins Conbraco Industries Continental Tire the Americas Rachel Cook Cook Out Pat Craig Custom Seasonal Décor Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Dan'l Boone Inn Detailing By Tim Dilworth Coffee House Discovery Place, Inc. Dollywood Donatos Pizza - Waxhaw Double M Farms 12 2012-2013 Annual Report Dunkin' Donuts Terra Dunn Mika Edwards Extreme Ice Center Family Christian Stores Farther Art FastFrame Michelle Ferguson Firebirds Restaurant Florida Vacation Villas Forrest & Forrest Family Dentistry Frontera Family FSI Office Supply, Inc. Furniture Factory Outlet Fusions Salon & Studio Grandfather Mountain Great Clips @ Matthews Corners Gymboree Play & Music at Ballantyne Hampton Inn & Suites SouthPark Elizabeth Hargett Healthy Home Market Hendrick Motorsports Charlotte Hensley Hickory Crawdads Baseball Club Home Depot Irresistible Portraits Java Jeff's Coffee & Tea Jiffy Lube Johnny K's Restaurant JuJuTsu Concepts Kannapolis Intimidators Kuzma Creative Inspirations Sarah Lantigua Lark Golf Larkhaven Golf Club Carrie Laughridge Laxer, Long & Savage Lazy 5 Ranch Leatherman Golf Learning Center Linville Caverns Lisa LiVigni Maid Brigade Mary Kay McAllister's Deli Metrolina Christian Academy Metrolina Christian Academy Library Miller Street Dance Academy NarroWay Productions New Life 91.9 NK Urban Prospecting North Carolina Aquariums North Carolina Zoological Society Nothing But Noodles On Deck Academy On The Border Our State North Carolina Pace Tennis Suzanne Boggs Paula Parry Pediatric Dentistry of Matthews Pender & Pettus Insulating Perry's at SouthPark Pink Ballons Potraits Planet 21 Salon Ray's Splash Planet Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies Riverbanks Zoo & Botanical Garden Rose Chauffeured Transportation Showmars Restaurant- Monroe Siskey Family YMCA Sports & Fine Arts Center, Inc. Sports Clips Stars Burgers Stewart Enterprises Stonebridge Golf Club Storyland Celebrations Sub Station 2 Switchin' Kitchens The Melting Pot The Olive Branch The Peabody Memphis The Schiele Museum of Natural History Toys & Co. Trader Joe's Tricor, Inc. (Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q) Tweetsie Railroad U.S Taekwon Do U.S. National Whitewater Center Upscale Resale Secondhand Boutique Vida Mexican Kitchen y Cantina Carol Walton Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe Wildlife Creations Taxidermy Winston-Salem Dash Winterplace Ski Resort Sharon Woodell Ginny Woodmansee York Portable Machines, Inc. our donors SPRINGAPALOOZA CLASS BASKETS/PROJECTS TK Class - One large platter decorated with students fingerprints K5 Classes - 4 uniquely designed and hand painted step stools 1st Grade Classes - 3 large pottery bowls 2nd Grade Classes - 3 large flower pots decorated with students names 3rd Grade Classes - 3 checkerboards with student photos, includes stools 4th Grade Classes - 3 colorful glass bowls with students names 5th Grade Classes - Hand painted flower box 6th Grade Study Halls - Framed art of NC scenery redesigned by students 7th Grade Study Halls - Trunk decoupaged with Bible verses 8th Grade Study Halls - Bench decoupaged with candid photos of students 9th Grade Study Halls - Re-purposed coat rack (made from pallet) 10th Grade Study Halls - Memo board made from re-purposed cabinet door 11th Grade Study Halls - Re-purposed furniture (coffee table, desk, bunk bed ladders, picture frames) 12th Grade Class - Reserved seats at 2013 Graduation Academic Support Program - 2 decorative MCA pillows made by students GENERAL GIVING We thank the following donors for their generosity in the many different areas of our ministry that they supported: Ms. Elsie Allred Anonymous (3) Mr. William Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brueshaber Mr. Byron Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clark Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgerly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fileccia Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fine Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Finocchi Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison Mr. and Mrs. David Honeycutt Howell Insurance Consulting Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Huffines Laxer, Long & Savage DDs, PLLC. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Logan Mrs. Dorothy Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maxvill Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McClain Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mundy National Christian Foundation Potter & Company CPA Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preslar Ms. Ann Ray Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tant Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thompson Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Jon Yancey Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zappasodi, Jr. JAARS CHALLENGE Thank you to the many donors who provided scholarship assistance for the 8 JAARS students attending MCA. Your support made Kingdom education possible for the students and ministered greatly to their families. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams Beverly Johnson Life Group (FBCIT) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blanton Mr. and Mrs. James Bossbach Ms. Nancy Brown Fink-Fowler Life Group (FBCIT) Dennis Garretson Life Group (FBCIT) Jean Hall Life Group (FBCIT) Mr. Clarence Johnson Ms. Janice Jackson Ms. Thelma Lusk Mary Martha - FBCIT Life Group McDowell Life Group (FBCIT) Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. McKinley Omega Life Group (FBCIT) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oxford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Porter Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Webb Wells Fargo Philanthropy Fund EASY WAYS TO SUPPORT MCA These are programs that fit easily into our parents’ everyday life and help raise money for MCA throughout the school year. BI-LO Biscuitville Campbell’s Labels for Education Chick-fil-A of Monroe Chuck E. Cheese Empties4Cash Food Lion General Mills Box Tops for Education Harris Teeter Just Chillin’ Qdoba Mexican Grill Target GIFTS-IN-KIND Gifts-in-Kind include items, equipment, and professional services donated to Metrolina Christian Academy: Anonymous (7) Chick-fil-A of Monroe Mrs. Pam Dolin Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison HenBurn Customized Apparel Lilly’s Auction Monarch Bank Pepsi Beverage Group Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhoney Sysco Foods of Charlotte TPM PLEASE NOTE: We strived to include everyone who donated to Metrolina Christian Academy between July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013. If despite our best efforts, you notice an error or omission, please bring it to our attention by contacting the Advancement Office, at 704.882.3375 or [email protected]. Thank you. www.metrolinachristian.org 13 -- stewardship STEWARDSHIP & THE CORNERSTONE FUND it was established during the 2002-03 school year, the Annual Cornerstone Fund has raised nearly $2,700,000 for MCA S ince and its mission of educating young people for the cause of Christ. We know we are blessed to have these funds to invest in the ministry of MCA, and it has always been and will remain our prayer to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. Listed below is an overview of some of the major enhancements provided through the Annual Cornerstone Fund: Covered walkways for high school modular classrooms and Jason Williams Activity Center, plus widening of sidewalks Upper and Lower Elementary play area with swings, specialized climbing equipment, slides, ladders, deck and bridge In-ground volleyball system, including installation New carpet for classrooms located in Lower School, Middle School and High School 200-plus new desks for Lower School classrooms 150-plus classroom chairs Completion of telephone intercom system Cabling for satellite network Science lab furnishings Pitching machine for baseball/softball Team chairs for athletic games – basketball and volleyball Athletic team uniforms (all sports) Televisions and DVD Players for classrooms Digital cameras Document cameras and digital projectors Development of High School Art classroom Classroom computers Display case for artwork Water fountains installed in Middle School and High School modulars Protective fencing around playgrounds Lunchroom tables Band instruments – 3 French Horns, Tuba, Timpani, Clarinet, 2 Baritone Horns, Trombone, Concert Xylophone, Concert Bells Computer lab upgrades including new computers, monitors, internet access, software and hardware rd Addition of 3 computer lab for expanded college offerings for High School students Campus-wide upgrade of computer server, licensing agreements, internet access and software 14 2012-2013 Annual Report 1200 square feet of playground equipment - Lower School Scorer’s table for athletic events Major increase in books and shelving in library and librarian/checkout desk Weight equipment, bicycle and treadmill for fitness room st nd Handwriting curriculum for TK, K5, 1 and 2 grades 4 buses – 51 passenger, 20 passenger and 2-14 passenger Mobile science lab for High School Over $250,000 in tuition assistance New flooring for Jason Williams Activity Center RenWeb software purchase, installation and training (comprehensive web-based school management software that integrates home, classroom and administration New playground equipment and shade structure for Early Education/Lower School Retaining walls - playground near Upper School Office, Upper School modulars Upgraded filtering protection system for computer labs and all classroom and staff computers Mobile Computer Lab (24 laptops) EBSCO Host Software - provides access to students to an additional 6000 books in our library Campus-wide communication and security devices Walkway coverings from Jason Williams Activity Center (JWAC) to Family Life Center (FLC) New school website Improvements to Upper School Office building Athletic Training services / trainer’s table Scoreboard for soccer field New cribs for Early Education Program (infants and waddlers) Lights for football field at Whitson Athletic Complex Professional Development for staff Stadium seating for football field athletic complex OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FIELDS COMPLETED I t’s done...the athletic fields are complete! Metrolina Christian Academy began construction on September 20, 2010 for its first outdoor athletic facility and finished the four-field complex on April 18, 2013. The 12-acre athletic complex, located on Faith Church Road (2 miles from campus), includes fields for football, soccer, softball and baseball. September 20 10 011 2 May 31, TIMELINE FOR OUTDOOR ATHLETIC COMPLEX September 20, 2010 Development of athletic complex begins December 6, 2010 MCA wins $50,000 grant from Clorox March 22, 2011 Progress continues May 31, 2011 Progress continues June 16, 2011 First Citizens Bank makes donation to name football field March 2 2, 2011 September 7, 2011 Founders Club members sign displayed at athletic complex September 9, 2011 1st home football game October 27, 2011 Phase 1 of Warriors for Christ Brick Campaign February 28, 2012 1st home girls soccer game March 15, 2012 Lights for football field installed August 20, 2012 Stadium seating for football field August 24, 2012 Renamed Michael T. Whitson Athletic Complex March 15, 2013 Softball field completed April 18, 2013 Baseball field completed Development of four fields COMPLETED! Stadium Se ating - Aug ust 13, 2012 Stadium seating—August 13, 2012 , 2013 d - April 18 Baseball Fiel Softball Fiel d - March 15 , 2013 www.metrolinachristian.org 15 -- athletic complex BRINGING THE WARRIORS HOME In a two and a half year period (September 20, 2012 - April 18, 2013), God has used many to help build the 1.3 million dollar outdoor athletic complex and to build it debt-free. We are eternally grateful, and praise His holy name! Thank you to the following donors who contributed during July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2013 to make it possible to bring our Warriors home! WARRIOR FOUNDERS CLUB The goal of the Founders Club is to identify 100 people who will donate $2,000 to support the development of MCA’s outdoor athletic facility. After the goal of 100 members is reached, the Founders Club will no longer be open for membership. Membership includes recognition on Founders Club sign located at the Whitson Athletic Complex, four (4) lifetime season tickets to all MCA home sporting events, and two (2) Metrolina Christian Academy polo shirts. Currently, there are fifty-two (52) Founders Club members. Anonymous (4) Aster Group Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bezek Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boggs & Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tucker Ms. Dana Bostic In Honor of Jim and Hilda Bostic Mr. and Mrs. JD Bricken Mr. and Mrs. Horace Byrum Rev. and Mrs. Rick Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Kipp Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cook Mr. and Mrs. Terry Curry Custom Comfort Heating & A/C, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Decker In Honor of Ron and Kay Grunig Donco Construction Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ferguson First Citizens Bank First Quality Heating & Air Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frias Mr. and Mrs. Gary Greene Mr. and Mrs. Michael Helms Mr. and Mrs. Gary Henry Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hill Mr. and Mrs. Mark Inge Mr. Ray Jauch Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Todd Logan Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mahaffey Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Butch Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pressley Reynolds Trucking Co. LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhoney Mr. and Mrs. Todd Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Roby Shore Mrs. Gayle Smith Rev. and Mrs. Sammy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Todd Timmerman Varsity Football Cheerleaders – Inaugural Team 2010 Ms. Rosalind Walker In Honor of Bailey, Macy & Logan Bjorson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walton Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Whitsitt Rev. and Mrs. Mike Whitson Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Woodmansee In Honor of the Barry Schwitzerlett Family ‘WARRIORS FOR CHRIST’ BRICK CAMPAIGN Leave a lasting legacy at the Whitson Athletic Complex by purchasing a personalized engraved brick(s) to be included at the Warriors for Christ Walkway. The brick walkway is located at the concessions area of the Whitson Athletic Complex and serves as a lasting memory of the wonderful families and friends who have blessed MCA through the years. Thank you to the Brick Donors who contributed July 1, 2010-June 30, 2013: 2012 Cross Country Seniors In Honor of Coach Honeycutt Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Kim Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Darren Adams Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anzaldi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ard Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bezek Mr. and Mrs. Andy Blalock Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boggs Ms. Dana L. Bostic Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bostic Mr. and Mrs. JD Bricken Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Broome Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Kent Buckalew Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bullock Rev. and Mrs. Rick Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Carter Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cort Mr. and Mrs. David Cramond Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Terry Curry Mr. and Mrs. Paul Decker 16 2012-2013 Annual Report Ms. Susan Dellinger Mr. and Mrs. Lance Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Dion Edwards Football Cheerleaders 2010 Foundation For The Carolinas Mr. and Mrs. William Fugate Mrs. Norma Funderburke Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Ganzon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Gary Greene Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Donald Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Larry Harrill Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hattrich Mr. and Mrs. Michael Helms Mr. and Mrs. Gary High Mr. and Mrs. Todd Holden Mr. and Mrs. Gary Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. Hal Howard Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hurni Imagination Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Terry Israel Mrs. Janice Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kenley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Koppe Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koppe Mr. and Mrs. George Livermore Mr. and Mrs. Rich Lockard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McClain Mrs. Cindy McCotter Mr. and Mrs. Joey McCollum Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Mike McSwain Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore Mr. and Mrs. Darin Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Brad Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Norwood Mr. and Mrs. John Painter Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Butch Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reynolds, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhoney Mr. and Mrs. Gene Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rorie Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sauerwein Mr. and Mrs. David Schopler Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schwitzerlett Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schwitzerlett Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scruggs Ms. Sharon Self Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Todd Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Derek Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joey Swinson Mrs. Betty Talley Mr. and Mrs. Leon Talley Mr. and Mrs. Duane Troyer Mr. Jeff Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Rick Untig Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Vanderbroek Varsity Softball Team 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Venator Ms. Rosalind Walker Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Washam Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Welborn Mr. and Mrs. Winston Wilson York Portable Machines, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zappasodi, Jr. athletic complex OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS Anonymous (5) Bank of America Foundation Bob Mayberry Hyundai Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bullock Rev. and Mrs. Rick Calloway Ms. Ashley Chilton Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conrad Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couick Custom Comfort Heating & A/C, Inc. Datalogic First Citizens Bank Mark Gott, Attorney at Law Mr. and Mrs. Gary High Mr. and Mrs. Phil McBride Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKnight In Honor of Billy & Becca Edwards In Memory of Maeghan Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker Pepsi Beverage Group S&K Funnel Cakes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sauerwein Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shaw Mrs. Gayle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tucker York Portable Machines, Inc. A lthough the football, soccer, softball and baseball fields have been developed at the athletic complex, there are still many projects that need to be funded to make it a complete experience for student-athletes and spectators alike, such as restrooms, scoreboards for softball and baseball, a picnic area and a storage facility. There are several opportunities for you and your family to make a donation: become a Founders Club member, purchase a personalized engraved brick, name one of the fields or make a designated donation to the athletic complex. Please contact Dana Bostic in the Advancement Office for more information on giving opportunities for the Whitson Athletic Complex 704.882.3375 or [email protected]. Amount* Status Athletic Complex $ 150,000 Available Football Field $ 45,000 NAMED Baseball Field $ 30,000 Available Softball Field $ 25,000 Available Soccer Field $ 20,000 Available Picnic Shelter Area $ 10,000 Available Press Box (Football Field) $ Available Naming Site NAMING OPPORTUNITIES By lending your name, or the name of a loved one, group or business, you can become a part of the strong tradition here at Metrolina Christian Academy and leave a lasting legacy. You have the opportunity to name the athletic complex, one of the fields (soccer, softball, baseball), the picnic shelter or the press box. Your donation can be a one-time gift or a three-year pledge with an annual contribution. 7,500 * Donation pledged annually for three years or made as a one-time gift. OUR HEARTS AND HANDS AT WORK…..MCA VOLUNTEERS This Annual Report can only be considered complete by acknowledging the efforts of our dedicated volunteers, including parents, grandparents, alumni and friends. Although it’s impossible to tally the countless hours they poured into our school or list the names of each individual, it is possible to say that their shared sacrifice and service made a difference in the life of our school during the 2012-13 school year. Thank you to all of our volunteers for giving so generously of their time, talents and resources to make a difference in the ministry of Metrolina Christian Academy. Whether in big or small ways, each volunteer blessed MCA and our students through their service. We appreciate their partnership and could not accomplish our mission of educating our precious children for the cause of Christ without our volunteers. God bless you! “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” - Ephesians 2:10 www.metrolinachristian.org 17 -- MAKE AN ETERNAL DIFFERENCE …GIVE TO METROLINA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Every gift is a blessing, regardless of its size. Your gift enhances the quality of biblically-based Kingdom education for each and every student at Metrolina Christian Academy. Make your contribution today and make a difference for the cause of Christ. Help us continue the work God is doing through Metrolina Christian Academy. YES! I/WE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN ETERNAL DIFFERENCE AT METROLINA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. DESIGNATE MY/OUR GIFT SPECIFICALLY TO: The Annual Cornerstone Fund 2013-14 (yearly giving program for MCA) JAARS Challenge 2013-14 (supports the students of families on furlough from the mission field) Founders Club - $2,000 (continued development of Warrior Athletic Complex; open to only 100 members) Other _______________________________________________. PLEASE ACCEPT MY/OUR GIFT TO INVEST IN THE LIVES OF MCA STUDENTS: One time gift of $______________________ . Pledge amount of $____________________ to be paid by June 30, 2014. (Pledge payment reminders are mailed monthly.) Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________________ State____________________________ Zip___________________ Telephone _________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT METHOD Check enclosed, payable to Metrolina Christian Academy. Please charge my gift to: VISA MasterCard Discover Amt. to Charge $__________________________ Card Number____________________________________________ Security Code ______________ Expiration Date________________ Print Name ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ MY COMPANY WILL MATCH MY GIFT AND A MATCHING GIFT FORM IS ENCLOSED. NAME OF MATCHING GIFT COMPANY: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Check with your company’s Personnel Office to determine if your employer is a matching gift company. Active and retired employees are eligible. Follow instructions on employer’s matching gift form. YOU MAY CHOOSE TO HONOR SOMEONE SPECIAL OR REMEMBER A LOVED ONE WITH YOUR GIFT TO MCA. Please accept this gift (select one): In Honor of: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please send an acknowledgment letter of my gift to (will not include amount of gift): Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State _____________________________ Zip _____________________ Mail this response form and donation to: Metrolina Christian Academy Advancement Office PO Box 1460 Indian Trail, NC 28079 18 2012-2013 Annual Report THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT! MCA , as a ministry of First Baptist Church Indian Trail, is a 501©(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Tax ID # for MCA - 56-1381354. celebrating 20 years T he entire campus body of Metrolina Christian Academy joined together to commemorate the 20th day of the 20th school year on September 20, 2012. More than 800 faculty, staff and students dressed in their Metrolina Christian maroon and white spirit wear and posed together for a group photo in the shape of a large 20! in celebration of the twenty years of distinctive Christian education provided by Metrolina. Students in Lower, Middle and High School participated in their Social Studies and Bible classes by discussing the history of Metrolina Christian Academy and what was taking place in the early 1990’s when the school was organized. Each student, faculty and staff member also shared their perspective on what makes Metrolina special by drawing or writing on cards which were displayed around campus on large commemorative boards. During lunch, students and staff enjoyed cupcakes baked and served by Metrolina Christian parents to help celebrate the school’s 20th year. www.metrolinachristian.org 19 -- 20-year timeline HISTORY OF METROLINA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY In 1992 a number of Christian parents at First Baptist Church of Indian Trail (FBCIT) saw the need for Christian education for children. The church, under the leadership of Senior Pastor Dr. Mike Whitson, stepped out on faith and launched Metrolina Christian Academy (MCA). Previously, the church had operated a mother’s morning out program. During the early years, the school operated from the old education building at FBCIT. MCA has been guided through its twenty-year history by two passionate Heads of School, Mrs. Jean Hall and Rev. Rick Calloway. Mrs. Hall directed the ministry of MCA until 1998. Rev. Rick Calloway has been the Head of School since January 1998. Mrs. Jean Hall Rev. Rick Calloway MCA has grown to be the fourth largest Christian school in North Carolina. For the 2012-2013 school year, there are 184 employees and 1080 students. MCA has grown in student enrollment fourteen out of the last fifteen years. Great emphasis is given to both the spiritual and academic formation of each student. The highlight of each week is our chapel services. There have been over 1700 salvations at MCA in the past fifteen years. MCA students, staff and parents serve in our community and understand the importance of reaching out to others for the cause of Christ through our Project Serve Program. MCA Mission To lovingly lead and equip students for Kingdom living. Early Chapel Service - 1993 First Graduating Class - 2000 Upper School Chapel - 2007 METROLINA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY HISTORICAL TIMELINE 1992 First Baptist Church of Indian Trail (FBCIT) established Metrolina Christian Academy. 1992 1993 2002 FBCIT Worship Center and 2nd and 4th floors were built. 1998 Rev. Rick Calloway became Head of School. 1995 2000 1997 50 students in 6th-9th grades & three athletic teams. 20 2012-2013 Annual Report Making room for more classroom space, the MCA offices move to current location. 2000 First graduating class; 9 members. 2002 The Cornerstone Fund was established. ne d. 20-year timeline The purpose of Metrolina Christian Academy is to… Provide Christ-like love Promote a Biblical worldview Pursue excellence in education Partner with our families MCA has a rich tradition of challenging its students academically and equipping them spiritually to lead the lives God has chosen for them. Using curriculum that is First Home Football Game - 2011 integrated with the Word of God, MCA maintains high academic standards. MCA students consistently score above the national average on annual achievement testing and on the college SAT each year. MCA provides a safe, Christian environment where students are nurtured academically and spiritually for the cause of Christ. Metrolina Christian Academy alumni are flourishing in their chosen universities and professions, standing firm in their faith. Our alumni base has grown to nearly 500 young men and women. The first graduating class, the Class of 2000 had nine graduates and the Class of 2012 produced 52 graduates. Student Body - 2007 At MCA, we are committed to enhancing and pursuing collegepreparatory programs and looking to the future for our students, our campus, and our building opportunities. More importantly, we are passionately committed to train this generation to have a close relationship with Our Creator and to grasp the importance of having a Biblical worldview. Class of 2012 2005 2009 The Education building and the Family Life Center opened. Began offering AP (Advanced Placement) classes. 2005 2011 2011 Gained SACS accreditation. 2012 Warrior Athletic Complex opened with first home football game. 52 graduates, accruing over $4 million in scholarships. 2012 2010 2011 2007 MCA gained ACSI accreditation. 2010 Began offering online classes. Eric Schmidt won the first individual state championship in Track & Field. 2011-2012 459 students in 6th-12th grade with 30 athletic teams. 2012 Varsity Girls’ Softball team won the NCISAA State Championship in the spring. www.metrolinachristian.org 21 -- class of 2013 $5,050,560 59 Number of Graduates Anderson University Appalachian State University Baylor University Belmont University (TN) Belmont Abbey University Bridgewater College Cabarrus College of Health Sciences Calvin College Campbell University Carolinas College of Health Sciences Carson-Newman University Catawba College Central Piedmont Community College Charleston Southern University Christopher Newport University Clemson University Coastal Carolina University Columbia International University Covenant College Gardner-Webb University Hampden-Sydney College Total Scholarship Dollars Offered High Point University Johnson & Wales University Lee University Lenoir-Rhyne University Liberty University Limestone College Mars Hill College Marshall University Mary Baldwin College Montreat College Mount Olive College North Greenville University Pfeiffer University Queens University Radford University Regent University Samford University San Diego Christian College Shaw University South Piedmont Community College Southeastern University Spring Arbor University St. Andrews University St. John’s University Stanly Community College The Citadel Toccoa Falls College University of Michigan University of North Carolina - Asheville University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill University of North Carolina - Charlotte University of North Carolina - Greensboro University of North Carolina - Pembroke University of North Carolina - Wilmington University of South Carolina University of Tennessee Waynesburg University Western Carolina University Wingate University Winthrop University Xavier University SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS MCA sponsored five scholarship awards for the 2013 graduating class: Michael T. Whitson Scholarship - Justin Kenley Maeghan Edwards Memorial Scholarship - Maddie Cheek MCA Warrior Scholarship (Female) - Madison Perkins MCA Warrior Scholarship (Male) - Caleb Breeden Michael T. Whitson Servant Leadership Scholarship - Chloe Bennett SAT AND ACT AVERAGES SAT M+CR M+CR+W Metrolina Christian Academy 1032 1528 National 1010* 1498* North Carolina 997* 1469* Charlotte-Meck. Public Schools 990* 1463* Union County Public Schools 1026* 1519* *Source: The North Carolina 2012 SAT Report **Source: 2012 ACT Profile Report - State 22 2012-2013 Annual Report ACT 22.0 21.1** 21.9** 18.3** 19.7** Lacey Elyse Buchanan Valedictorian Colin Ray Rhoney Salutatorian “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”” ~ Ephesians 3:20 ~ awards & recognition CHARACTER AWARDS HEAD OF SCHOOL AWARDS BARNABAS AWARD (Encourager/One who PAUL AWARD (Missions work/Christian (Best exemplifies MCA ‘Warrior Spirit’; selected by Mr. Calloway, Head of School) Kirsten Sweitzer, 6th Grade Jett Townson, 6th Grade Haley Debnam, 7th Grade Noah Davis, 7th Grade Hannah Niccolai, 8th Grade Nathan Rhoney, 8th Grade Rachel Wallace, 9th Grade Christian Yarborough, 9th Grade Emily Herba, 10th Grade Hayden Myatt, 10th Grade Anna McCollum, 11th Grade Brad LaBorg, 11th Grade Victoria Bennett, 12th Grade Kaitlynn Bowen, 12th Grade James Sauerwein, 12th Grade John Wilson, 12th Grade edifies others) Elizabeth Neyens, 5th Grade Gabriel Perez, 5th Grade Emily Webb, 5th Grade Jonathan Street, 6th Grade Caitlyn Crawford, 7th Grade Abigail Coursey, 8th Grade Mariahney Stuart, 9th Grade Jonathan Braswell, 10th Grade Cannon Long, 11th Grade John Allen, 12th Grade Jena Hickey, 12th Grade Ministry involvement) th Kellie Honeycutt, 5 Grade th Elizabeth Whitley, 5 Grade th Stowe Griffin, 6 Grade th Lauren Quick, 7 Grade th Owen Kearns, 8 Grade th Erica Swinson, 9 Grade th McKenizie Lowder, 10 Grade th Savannah Griffin, 11 Grade th Chloe Bennett, 12 Grade th Eli Blalock, 12 Grade TIMOTHY AWARD (Exemplary Testimony) th Janna Townsend, 5 Grade th Hogan Nance, 5 Grade th Ben Qualls, 5 Grade th Sean Carmichael, 6 Grade th David Thomas, 7 Grade th Rylee Doyle, 8 Grade th Greyson Smith, 9 Grade th Lauren Kenley, 10 Grade th Kayln Kiser, 11 Grade th Molly Couick, 12 Grade th Will Melton, 12 Grade JOSEPH AWARD (Leadership/Shows strength in adversity) Joshua Harter, 5th Grade Jessica Rutledge, 5th Grade Rahwa Slusarski, 6th Grade David Harr, 7th Grade Drew Moore, 8th Grade Megan Jones, 9th Grade Noah Cranford, 10th Grade Wil Wooten, 11th Grade Madison Perkins, 12th Grade Justin Kenley, 12th Grade MCA ’LIFERS’ (K-12TH GRADE AT MCA) Elisha Acker Abbie Adcock Drew Matthews Maddie Cheek Will Melton Molly Couick Holly Morgan Wes Funderburk Nathan Rhoney Nathan Huntley Nick Robbins Justin Kenley Michael Runyan Sam Leard Kyle Shackelford www.metrolinachristian.org 23 -- awards & recognition 2012-2013 ATHLETIC SIGNINGS Eight Metrolina Christian student-athletes signed letters-of-intent to compete at the collegiate level. Andrew Adamczyk Charleston Southern University Baseball Bailey Bjorson Campbell University Softball Caleb Breeden Charleston Southern University Cross County & Track Alec Bross Carson Newman University Cross Country & Track THREE SPORT ATHLETES Josh Auvil Austin Baker Chloe Bennett Logan Bjorson Taylor Blalock Johnny Bogert Taylor Boggs Eli Breeden Josh Breeden Luke Bricken Alec Bross Madison Cheek Max Cleophat Donnie Coleman Isabella Cranford Noah Cranford Emily Dalrymple James Dalrymple Gracie Daniel Toni Dunn Billy Edwards Conor Flood Tyler Funderburk Kailey Gott Parker Greene Carson Griffiths Lauren Hattrich Tyrell Nelson Gardner Webb University Basketball 24 2012-2013 Annual Report Nora Logan Carson Newman University Soccer John Wilson Bridgewater College Football Kyle Kiser Caitlyn Logan Raeann Lytle Madelyn Mirek Tyler Nelson Brett Plyler Zachary Poole John Pressley Shaffer Price Toni Raley Alec Rowan Alyssa Scarfato Sydney Schwitzerlett Nathan Singleton Greyson Smith Isabella Smith Grace Stokey Josh Swartz Ashton Thomas Trey Timmerman Daymond Turner Caroline Walters Casey Whitson Cameron Whitson Ben Wooten Wil Wooten ALL-CONFERENCE PLAYERS FOR METROLINA ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Marcus Abraham, Track Andrew Adamczyk, Josh Dominguez Wingate University Basketball Baseball Bailey Bjorson, Softball Logan Bjorson, Softball Macy Bjorson, Softball Caleb Breeden, Cross Country & Track Alec Bross, Cross Country Max Cleophat, Track Aly Cramond, Softball Natasha Curry, Track Josh Dominquez, Boys’ Basketball Meghan Haigler, Volleyball Hayley Haines, Track Jacob Hannah, Track Caleb Hensley, Golf Janie Holland, Soccer Nathan Huntley, Golf Sophie Ivie, Softball Makenna Judy, Cross Country Caitlyn Logan, Cross Country & Soccer Nora Logan, Soccer & Girls’ Basketball Drew Matthews, Baseball Will Melton, Cross Country Tyrell Nelson, Boys’ Basketball Toni Raley, Track Nick Robbins, Golf Alyssa Scarfato, Track Sydney Schwitzerlett, Track Marc Suits, Track Caleb Sustar, Track Hannah Venn, Soccer Caroline Wallace, Track Caroline Walters, Track Wil Wooten, Track Christian Yarborough, Track awards & recognition NCISAA ALL-STATE PLAYERS Marcus Abraham, Track & Football Andrew Adamczyk, Baseball & Football Jacob Hannah, Football Tyrell Nelson, Basketball John Wilson, Football NCISAA 3A STATE CHAMPION Marcus Abraham, Track & Field Shot Put & Discus LOWER SCHOOL ART O Honorable Mentions: (l-r) Noah Herr, 4th grade and Stephen Gott, 4th grade nce again Potter & Company, one of the largest locally-based certified public accounting firms in the greater Charlotte area, partnered with MCA to sponsor the school’s annual Christmas Card Contest. The winners were selected by the staff of Potter & Company and had their artwork reproduced on the Potter & Company Christmas card. Along with a generous donation to Metrolina Christian’s art department, Potter & Company also awarded $100 to each winner, JORDAN BEZEK and TAYLOR POUGES, and $50 to each honorable mention, STEPHEN GOTT and NOAH HERR. Winners: (l-r) Taylor Pouges, 4th grade and Jordan Bezek, 4th grade UPPER SCHOOL ART UPPER SCHOOL BAND to CATHERINE KOPTI, one of C ongratulations MCA’s visual arts high school students who MCA Upper School band students received S everal recognition for their accomplishments. received recognition at the annual Matthews Chamber of Commerce Art Show in the fall of 2012. A feature at this event allowed local high school seniors to enter their artwork for an opportunity to win scholarship money. Catherine won the Artist Choice award, which was voted on by all the participating artists in the competition and was awarded a $150 scholarship. Congratulations to sophomore PHILLIP GASKIN, who was selected to the MCISSA All-District Band, a very competitive group that has over 2000 students audition from approximately 10 counties. Congratulations to senior DREW MATTHEWS, who received the John Phillip Sousa Band Award. This award is one of the most prestigious available for any band student, recognizing the student’s overall leadership and contribution to his school band program. Congratulations also to ASHLEY LUTZ and JD LITTLE, who were invited to participate in the Winthrop University Invitational Band Clinic during the fall of 2012. They were among a select group of students chosen from North Carolina and South Carolina. www.metrolinachristian.org 25 -- project serve “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” - Ephesians 2:10 W e are made to serve. That is God’s design for our lives. And several years ago MCA established Project Serve, with the goal to provide all students (TK-12th grade) and staff the opportunity to serve. MCA students are continually learning to model Jesus Christ’s life of servant leadership by investing themselves in the lives of others. 2 Corinthians 9:12 says, “This service you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people, but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” The purpose of student service opportunities is to develop within each student a heart for Christian service, provide each student an experience of impacting the lives of others, and to show the love of Christ in action throughout our community. Lower School students (TK-5th grade) and Middle School students (6th-8th) participate in group service projects with their grade level each semester, while High School students (9th-12th) are involved through their Bible classes. Also many of the athletic teams, student school groups and staff members are involved in their own group service projects. SCHOOL-WIDE Operation Christmas Child - contributed shoeboxes filled with items for boys and girls in other countries. FBCIT/MCA Needs Drive - collected non-perishable food, baby clothing and items to distribute to local families in need and organizations that help those in need. LOWER SCHOOL TK class planted various flowers and plants to add beauty to MCA’s campus. These students also ministered to the FBCIT early morning worship group on Thursdays by singing to them and making them cards. Kindergarten classes walked our campus looking for and picking up trash that didn’t quite make it to the trash can. 1st grade participated in the program Butterfly Hugs and wrote encouraging notes and made butterflies for those battling cancer and other serious illnesses. The 2nd grade classes were pen pals to our United States troops stationed in Egypt, sending letters and cards to encourage and thank them for their service. These students also made Christmas cards for the “Holiday Mail for Heroes” Program through the American Red Cross. 3rd grade classes visited with the residents of Brookdale Assisted Living facility in Monroe and sent cards of cheer and encouragement that included scripture verses for the residents. 4th grade classes helped with the yard work for an elderly widowed FBCIT church member and sent cards on holidays and during the year. 5th grade served a group of retired missionaries at the JAARS Center in Waxhaw. MIDDLE SCHOOL 6th grade classes helped to beautify the campus by picking up trash throughout the school year. 7th grade continued the recycling program at MCA that was established on campus several years ago. 8th grade served at Lois Lodge in Charlotte performing chores in and around the facility, such as weeded garden, washed van, sorted and folded donated clothing, cleaned bathrooms, etc. 26 2012-2013 Annual Report HIGH SCHOOL Students also served at the Charlotte Refugee Center, Turning Point in Monroe and worked in the Operation Christmas Child process center preparing boxes for shipment overseas. Groups of 9th grades students volunteered at With Love From Jesus once a month to assist in unloading trucks full of donated items, folding and sorting clothing and organizing the food pantry. 10th grade visited the Carillon Assisted Living to spend time and build relationships with the elderly residents. These students also assembled over 1,000 salvation bracelets for a FBCIT missions team that used the bracelets as ministry tool to help share the message of salvation. Our 11th grade students served as reading buddies to MCA’s own TK-3rd grades. MCA seniors served at the Charlotte Refugee Program where they helped refugee families adjust to life in the USA. Students in the Academic Services Program served at With Love From Jesus each month, helping to organize and fold clothing. These students also made blankets in October to give to this organization. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS / ATHLETIC TEAMS Jr. Honor Society served at Operation Christmas Child distribution center and ministered to the residents at the Woodridge Senior Living Community. High School Student Government helped organize MCA Beautification Day, tutored middle school students, ministered to an elderly man in the community and sent notes of encouragement to the MCA staff. Middle School Student Government reached out to the Providence Hills community. The students made 275 luminaries and placed them throughout the neighborhood. Christian Leadership classes volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity Recycling Center where they helped sort donations of aluminum, plastics and glass. They also helped assemble Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Young Scientist Club volunteered their time to clean-up the areas around the Lower School playgrounds. project serve SLAM Team members made and delivered sandwiches to the Monroe Homeless Shelter. These students also assisted at Operation Christmas Child in December and collected needed items for the children of Costa Rica. Varsity Girls Soccer served at Recreational Ministry where they made encouragement bags filled with goodies and scripture then distributed to the teams and shared devotional time. Varsity Tennis served the Dickerson Community in Monroe by collecting food items and delivering them door to door, praying with many of the residents and playing with some of the neighborhood children. EARLY EDUCATION PROGRAM STAFF Prepared 800 sandwiches for Operation Sandwich at the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte. Stuffed 40 Christmas stockings for the Union County Christmas Bureau. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE STAFF Collected books, toiletries , comic pages, stationary, toys, etc. and assembled 9 military care packages along with notes to the servicemen and their families. “This service you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people, but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” - 2 Corinthians 9:12 TK Sings for Senior Adults at FBCIT 2nd Grade Makes Cards ASP at With Love from Jesus Christian Leadership at Operation Christmas Child 10th Grade Makes Bracelets Varsity Girls Soccer Assemble Bags 4th Grade Rakes Yard Seniors at Charlotte Refugee Program Christian Leadership at Habitat for Humanity Recycling Center www.metrolinachristian.org 27 -- METROLINA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OUR MISSION To lovingly lead and equip students for Kingdom living. OUR VISION To have students graduate with a Biblical worldview based upon established spiritual disciplines, sound academic thinking, and appropriate skill development that enables them to move into their adult experience with the character and tools to be equipped for service in the Kingdom of God. OUR PURPOSE The purpose of Metrolina Christian Academy is to provide Christ-like love, promote a Biblical worldview, pursue excellence in education and partner with our families. PO Box 1460 732 Indian Trail-Fairview Road Indian Trail, NC 28079 704-882-3375 www.metrolinachristian.org