Winter 2014 - Mount Michael Benedictine School


Winter 2014 - Mount Michael Benedictine School
Pictured above is the nativity scene that Father John Hagemann and Brother Jerome Kmiecik set up each year at
the entrance of the Mount Michael chapel. Along with the nativity is an Advent tree hanging above that names
each individual family who donates to the Advent Appeal. On Christmas eve and Christmas day, as friends enter
to attend Mass, this beautiful display welcomes all.
In this issue...
to Asia
In Memoriam
& Honor
Volume 60, Issue 4
Winter, 2014
This image of Vatopedi Virgin, Mother of Consolation,
was written by Brother Jerome Kmiecik of Mount Michael
Benedictine Abbey. The first Mother of Consolation piece
originated in Mt. Athos, Greece, 9th Century. This
Christmas season, let this image remind us of the great
comfort our Holy Mother is to the world.
When we were young children, our parents
never failed to ensure that Christmas was special
for each one of us. We lived modestly in a small
town, but there were always gifts aplenty under
the Christmas tree for myself and each of my
brothers and sisters. Somehow Santa always
knew what would bring us delight. Later when
we were moving into adulthood, Santa found a
new strategy for keeping us swept up in the magic
of Christmas. We all still received gifts, but some
of the gifts were clearly not intended to be taken
too seriously. One year we all trooped into
midnight Mass sporting wrist radios. It sounds
impressive until you picture clunky, square black
boxes strapped to the wrist. The radios worked AM only - as long as the batteries held out – not
long. If you could tune in a station, the tinnysounding speakers left you wondering exactly
which Christmas carol was being played. These
electronic marvels clearly predated the iPods
and the iPads of Apple. They did make for great
distractions during midnight Mass, both for
ourselves and the folks in pews around us.
The memories shine not because of the value
attached to the gifts, but because of the love that
so obviously accompanied the gifts. Christmas
is special not because of anything we receive.
Christmas is special because of the love we
receive. As was true last year at this time, we
have families that will be missing someone this
Christmas. Our own Brother Matthew died and
we pray that he now looks out for us from his
place in heaven. In the students we have lost, in
the alumni we have lost, in family members the
larger Mount Michael community has lost, love
to which we had grown accustomed at Christmas
is now missing from our lives. But we believe that
love is not extinguished. The secret of Christmas
is that we celebrate the arrival of God’s only Son.
It is impressive just in itself that God chose to
enter our world. But God’s intervention in
human affairs is the manifestation of his great
love for each and every one of us. Christmas is
great because it tells us how much God loved
us. Enough love to ensure that one day we will
be able to join all those we have loved and lost
in praising God in heaven.
Memorial & Tribute
Often inquiries are made about our memorials
and tributes for relatives and friends, living or
deceased. At Mount Michael one can enroll
families or friends in our memorial and tribute
foundation. This consists of daily remembrance
at the Eucharist and the Divine Office by the
monks of Mount Michael Abbey. Upon
enrollment, we will notify the family with a card.
The suggested offering for this memorial
enrollment is:
One Year
Five Years
One Year
Five Years
Mass Information
If you find that your pastor is unable to
conveniently take care of Masses you wish
to have celebrated for your particular
intentions, Mount Michael Abbey welcomes
the requests for such intentions. We will see
to it that the Masses are celebrated as promptly
as possible.
The offering you make should correspond
with that suggested by the diocese in which
you reside. Your pastor will be able to inform
you of what the stipend of a particular diocese
may be.
Mass Intentions $10.00
Please address such requests to:
Mass Intentions
Development Office
Mount Michael Benedictine Abbey
22520 Mount Michael Road
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Special News & Photos
Congratulations and thanks for your years
of service to our Lord!
On Thanksgiving, the monastic community at Mount
Michael celebrate jubilees and anniversaries in the
monastery. This year, the celebrations were held in
honor of the following:
Fr. Eugene: 50 years professed
Br. Joseph: 25 years professed
Abbot Theodore: 60 years ordained a priest
Prior Richard: 40 years ordained a priest
Cliff McEvoy (’00) and Calla Pappas
October 25, 2014
Tim McTaggart (’99) and Alicia Papke
October 10, 2014
Joe Michaelson (’05) and Michelle Graner
November 8, 2014
Joe Michaelson &
Michelle Graner
Tim Wilcox (’83) & Dawn Zimmerman
June 27, 2014
Nellie Jean Collins
Daughter of Andrew (‘01) and Connie Collins
Alivia and Elle Dorsey born on August 4, 2014
Daughters of Jordan (’04) and Andi Dorsey
In Rememberance
Benjamin R. Boschult Friend of Mount Michael
William G. Bovick Grandfather of Connor J. Moynihan (’13)
William Francis Boyle Father-in-law of Pat Flood (’82) and Daniel Wilson (’82)
Morella R. Buda Friend of Mount Michael (’74)
Lori Budd Mother of Joseph Budd (’16)
Bernard G. “Pat” Gottsch Father of Mickey Gottsch (’83) and
Grandfather of Nolan Gottsch (’18)
Patricia Erma Grow Grandmother of Matt Dugick (’16)
Ruth Hanneman Mother of Rev. Dennis (’64) and James (’71) Hanneman
Mary Ellen Hascall Grandmother of Kyle Hascall (’09)
Theresia Horrum Grandmother of Kat Horrum (’09)
Dylan Johnson (’16) Son of Todd and Gazelle Johnson
Marcella “Sally” Jones Friend of Mount Michael
Debra Knust Wife of Bob Knust (’73)
Timothy Koch (’09) Son of Tim and Jan Koch
Margaret Kohlmeier Mother of Ron and Mia Kohlmeier family
Alice I. McGowan (Roth) Friend of Mount Michael
Ruth Maginn Mother of Paul Maginn (College of St. John Seminary)
Virginia “Ginny” Maier Mother in-law of Mrs. Mary Ann Maier
Constance Mandl Grandmother of Joe (’17), Tom (’08) and John (’07) Horgan
Sue Marasco Grandmother of John (’05), Joe (’02) and Nick (’98) Behrendt
Jack Meysenburg Father of Patrick Meysenburg (’82)
Deacon Ira L. Miller Friend of Mount Michael
Mary Pat Nicola Friend of Mount Michael
Rev. Francis A. “Frank” Partusch St. John Seminary College Alum
Victor Peitz Grandfather of Kyle Svingen (’07)
Joe Prusa Grandfather of Jerome Prusa (’09)
Ronald George Rogge Grandfather of Austin (’14) and Joshua (’13) Bloomquist
Christopher A. Sprecher (’82) Alum of Mount Michael
Louis L. Thiele Grandfather of Anthony Thiele (’10)
Nadine A. Tierney Grandmother of Nathan Sander (’99)
Kenneth B. Treinen Friend of Mount Michael
Marcella Wemhoff Mother of Mark (’83) and Doug (’85) Wemhoff
Francis Wilger Grandfather of John Gutsmiedl (’15)
During the weekend of November 7 and 8, forty-six people participated in a Strategic Planning weekend
led by representatives from Shea Consultants. During those Friday and Saturday sessions we had members
of our staff, teachers, current parents, past parents, alumni, monastic members, board members and students
participate. The objective was to see where Mount Michael is now, and where we are heading. After looking
at survey data, focus group data, and collective narratives the group concentrated on some specific areas.
These major areas were; our Catholic/Benedictine identity, governance, administration and staffing,
enrollment management, curriculum, student life, guidance and counseling, facilities, financial management,
advancement and technology.
This was a culmination of almost a nine month process. Last spring surveys were sent out to all of our
parents, alumni, staff, monastic members and friends of Mount Michael. Hundreds of responses, thoughts
and ideas were recorded. These surveys along with focus group results, laid the foundation for the data used
by the Strategic Planning group that gathered for discussion.
The goal will be to produce a new Strategic Plan that will go into effect on January 1, 2015. I do want to
thank the many people who participated in our planning weekend, those who attended the focus groups
and all who submitted survey responses. It was very important to us that everyone had a chance to be heard.
Shea Consultants prides itself on making sure all constituents are heard. I think everyone will be pleased
with the plan and the goals that we have formulated.
One of the first objectives last April, was for us to go through a Mission Revitalization process. This resulted
in a new and refined Mission Statement. Our new Mission:
“Mount Michael Benedictine School is a Catholic college preparatory residential/day high school rooted in
Benedictine values for young men committed to excellence. Students develop spiritually, intellectually, and
socially through the comprehensive curriculum and communal experience to become future leaders.”
In many ways this resembles our past Mission statement, but it highlights our academics, our Benedictine
heritage, the development of the entire student and residential experience. This new Mission Statement
can be found on our website.
Thank you for your past support of Mount Michael and your continued support as we head into a future
driven by this Mission. We depend deeply on our alumni, parents, friends and supporters to be able to
provide what is a unique, comprehensive, effective and holistic education here at Mount Michael. I wish
you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Take care and God bless,
David J. Peters, Ed.D.
Head of School
Night of Knig
Saturday, Apri
l 11
Alumni Golf T
Friday, June 5
Alumni Reunio
Saturday, June
More events ad
becomes availabl d as information
e! Che
issue, or visit ou ck back each
www.mountmic ebsite at
Ian Alfieri
Ryan Anderson
Jacob Batenhorst
Cameron Bretsen
David Choi
Jonathan Collins
Marcus Cronin
Augustin deMayo
Mohamad Elradi
Andrew Ernst
Thomas Farhart
Zachary Frevert
Chase Goddard
John Gutsmiedl
Harrison Hohman
Alex Hotovy
Oliver Jarosik
Logan Kalkowski
Jinseo Kim
Taesung Kim
Logan Larson
Dujin Lee
Junwoo Lee
Ashton Legenza
Dun Fletcher Lin
Conor Luff
Jared Mikuls
Nhat Hoang Nguyen
Andrew Pace
Young Joon Park
Caleb Pflug
Garrett Raabe
Zachrey Starman
Stefano Tarantolo
Adam Terasinski
Reed Tiwald
Lucas Tucker
ZiLin Wang
Andrew Whitaker
Thomas Wooten
Ben Borsh
Jacob Bragg
Michael Coughlin
Elliot Fay
Ryne Grenier
Frederick Guernsey
Sam Heimerman
Dusty Loukota
Jake Mumby
Christopher Riddle
Mick Steier
Eric Sullivan
Anthony Taylor
Nathan Thomas
Logan Baumberger
Ben Benes
Sam Bohart
Jacob Bova
Jeremiah Connealy
Tyler Degener
Maximilian deMayo
Paul Forget
Kalle Haines
Nathan Hazard
Junbin Huang
Benjamin Hynes
Andrew Ahn
Jose Amian Parames
Christian Burbach
Zachary Cairney
Nathan Carpenter
Nicholas Carson
Scott Ching
Joseph Coldiron
Jean Marie Djidjoho
Alexander Earsley
Michael Ecker
Lucas Facco de Barros
Alex Gregerson
1. Minimum GPA of 3.5
2. Satisfactory Conduct
Zachary Hytrek
Jin Gue Jung
Christian Keller
Connor Kenney
Min Chang Kim
Luke Krajewski
Ryan Reid
Alex Stoupa
Muxuan Tang
Jackson Thompson
Sam Van Haute
Matt Amao
Joe Budd
Shiun Jen Chen
Yixie Chen
Matthew Coghill
Matthew Davis
Matthew Dugick
Randall Esquivel
Michael Fischer
Jack Hitzemann
Jacob Hudson
Changgi Kang
Corbin Merkel-Evans
Alex Miklas
David Mordan
Jack Morrissey
Colton Starman
Ryan Whitaker
Caiden Groff
Patrick Halpin
Peyton Hottovy
Nicholas Huetter
Daniel Jewell
Broden Kaps
Nash Kelly
Ryuta Kure
Joseph Melia
Benedict Murray
Henry O’Callaghan
Ian Price
Jack Straka
Sam Clements
Shengwei Dai
Adam Diesing
Drew Goddard
Junho Ho
Reilly Jackson
Luka Mixan
Sung Ha Park
Jeff Prince
Nicholas Vetter
Sebastien Winters
Michael Allen
Benjamin Arkfeld
John Avilla
Benjamin Bies
Callum Bikus
John Blaser
Cayden Cribbs
Alexander Girard
Terrence Gleason
Garrett Gloeb
Dustin Hartwell
Hudson Hohman
Johnathan Hudson
Nolan Huetter
Douglas Jamal
Connor Kenney
Kane Koubsky
Riley Kruse
John Kuhry
Colin Lakeman
Paul McCaslin
Armel Mignondje
Christian Mikulicz
Hoa An Nguyen
Connor Nicholas
Ross Nicholas
Andrew Nigro
Adam Orr
Nicholas Orr
Keyton Pappas
Joseph Recker
Nolan Reynolds
Lucas Rief
Nicholas Snyder
Ming Kai Sun
Matthew Thiele
Jacob Tucker
Ethan Tylski
Lucas Van Haute
Dash Wedergren
Thomas Whitaker
Lukas Williams
Liam Bova
Joe Countryman
Nicholas Dogger
William Fleissner
Nolan Gottsch
Thomas Janecek
Nicholas Lorensen
James Nowdesha
Jackson Panzer
Grant Pavlik
James Severa
William Thompson
Tomas Weekly
Mathew Winters
Blake Worsham
1. Minimum GPA of 3.0
2. Satisfactory Conduct
Currently Mount Michael has forty-one students who are seven day boarders. This is approximately 17% of our
student population. Of those forty-one, 36 of them are from other countries. Currently the break down is:
17 students from South Korea 14 students from China 2 students from Vietnam 1 from Brazil
1 from Australia
1 from Spain.
On October 25th Mr. Eric Crawford and I traveled to Asia for a 12 day trip. This was my second time traveling to
China and Korea. It was Mr. Crawford’s fourth. We were able to spend time with several of our Chinese and Korean
parents, attend a Boarding School Fair in Beijing, interview prospective students, visit with alumni and present the
story of Mount Michael to a room full of educators. It was a very successful trip. Here are a few pictures:
David J. Peters, Ed.D.
Head of School
In Seoul, South Korea with many of our Mount Michael parents:
At the Boarding School Fair:
In Beijing, China with several of our Chinese parents:
In 2006, Mount Michael graduated its first four year international students. At that time a large majority of those
students came from South Korea. Today Mount Michael’s international alumni population has grown significantly.
China and South Korea account for most of these alums.
Mount Michael travels to Asia every other year. In addition to recruiting qualified students and their families,
it is our goal to also begin and maintain relationships with past and current families.
Being a Benedictine school it is important to continue to keep in touch with all members of our community no
matter what the distance is. Having this strong community aspect is one of the things that truly makes Mount
Michael such a great place.
Eric Crawford (’00)
Admissions Director
In Memoriam & Honor
In Memory of Eva Costa
Ms. Dawn Assmann
In Memory of Hellen A. Allhoff
Ms. Geraldine Walsh
In Memory of Christopher R. Assmann
Mr. Patrick Assmann
In Memory of Michael Baines
Mr. Michael Lawler and Mrs. Sharon Lawler
Ms. Mary Phelps
Mr. Frederick and Mrs. Janell Nesler
Mr. P. Thomas and Mrs. Anne Pogge
In Memory of Irene Beccard
In Memory of Helen Boland
Mr. Jack O’Connell
In Memory of Kathy Boltin
Mr. Kristopher and Mrs. Kate Boltin
In Memory of Larry T. Bourke
Mrs. Constance Bourke
In Memory of Olive Circo
Dr. Louis and Mrs. Jacqueline Sojka
In Memory of Beverly Crozier
Mr. John Durkan
Mrs. Rose Mary Berry
Mr. John and Mrs. Carol Maginn
Ms. Sandra Clanton
Mr. John and Mrs. Regina Minton
Mr. James and Mrs. Linda Schoelkopf
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Sue Minton
In Memory of Scot Crozier
Mr. John and Mrs. Regina Minton
Mrs. Zita Kohanek
Mr. John Durkan
Mrs. Bette Weekly
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Jayne Harter
Ms. Patricia Chalfant
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Cathy Rosen
Ms. Nancy Long
In Memory of Bob Cunningham
Mr. William and Mrs. Jeanette Behrendt
In Memory of Dorothy M. Dillon
Mr. William Parr
Ms. Gail Micek
Mr. Glen Eich
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Della Hinne
In Memory of Dorothy M. Dillon (continued)
Ms. Patty Walsh-Lopez
Mrs. Margaret Mangano
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Margaret Gisel
In Memory of Ann Egan
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Susan Peterson
In Memory of Vivian Fitzgerald
Mr. Terrence and Mrs. Linda O’Hare
In Memory of Patricia Grow
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Linda Hitzemann
In Memory of Kathleen Harden
Mrs. Dee Qualset
In Memory of Jean Henderson
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Linda Hitzemann
In Memory of James Holmberg
Mr. David and Mrs. Beverly Schreiber
Dr. Louis and Mrs. Jacqueline Sojka
In Memory of Dylan I. Johnson (’16)
Mr. Vincent and Mrs. Linda Antonelli
Dr. Brett and Mrs. Kristen Fischer
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Estelle Nigro
Dr. Steve and Mrs. Lori Budd
Mr. Jamie and Mrs. Tina Hudson
Mr. William and Mrs. Gina Miklas
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Laura Dugick
Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Patricia Bohart
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Mary McGrath
Dr. John Wingender and Mrs. Mary Kay Miller
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Nicole Lakeman
Dr. Phillip and Dr. Diane Hynes
Omaha Foot and Ankle Specialists
Roncalli Catholic High School
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Mary Kay Halpin
Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Susan Coghill
Dr. Jerome and Mrs. Jane King
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Patrice Kruger
Mr. John and Mrs. Carmen Housley
Dr. Louis and Mrs. Jacqueline Sojka
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Jodi Ernst
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Catherine Keller
Mr. Isaac and Mrs. Leah Zohner
Dr. Rasheed Amao and Dr. Caroline Amao
Mr. Brett Jackson and Mrs. Amy Vetter
Mrs. Kay Keblesh
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Mimi Post
Mr. John and Mrs. Jean Aulner
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Kathryn Nolan
In Memory of Dylan I. Johnson (continued)
Mr. Dean and Mrs. Carol Obenauer
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Marsha Kalkowski
Dr. David and Mrs. Nancy Peters
The Hon. Duane and Mrs. Amy Dougherty
Mr. Jason and Mrs. Linda Lytle
Ms. Beth LaFave
Mr. Link Luff and Mrs. DeAna Schaffer
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Mary O’Callaghan
Mr. Robert Matlock
Mr. Thomas and Dr. Becky Herink
Mr. Joel and Mrs. CeCe Carson
In Memory of Helen Kmiecik
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Sooz Edwards
Ms. Sharon Janovsky
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Mary Gilligan
Mr. Boyd and Mrs. Kathleen West
Mrs. Susan Moylan
Ms. Marleen Neesen
In Memory of Timothy D. Koch (’09)
Mr. Vincent and Mrs. Linda Antonelli
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Terri Anderson
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Lisa Koch
Dr. Graham Cox and Dr. Mary Sinclair
Ms. Patti Murphy
Mr. Todd and Mrs. Karen Rohweder
Mr. Richard and Mrs Pam Kucirek
Mr. Ray and Mrs. Kimberly Volpone
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Mary McCawley
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Micki Pane
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Lisa Goldsmith
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Molly Witt
Col. Charles and Mrs. Mary French
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sharon Bebout
Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Ann Beck
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Monique Donahoe
Ms. Carol McCann
Ms. Kathleen Sinnott
Mr. James and Mrs. Dorothy Hubbell
Mr. James and Mrs. Jo Ann Spurgin
Mr. John Christianson
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Marcia Chrisianson
Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Elizabeth Perkinson
Mr. Clarence and Mrs. Jean Waters
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Gina McCormick
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Elizabeth Fortina
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Jennifer Smith
Mr. John and Mrs. Pamela Neuman
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Deanna Acklie
Mr. Thomas Hicks and Dr. Nancy Taylor
Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Karen Weires
In Memoriam & Honor
In Memory of Timothy D. Koch (’09)
In Memory of Br. Matthew Manning, O.S.B.
Mr. William and Mrs. Judy Wimmer
Ms. Toni Korpela
Mr. John and Mrs. Nancy Klimek
Mr. John and Mrs. Pat Sullivan
Mr. Ross and Mrs. Denise Scholz
Ms. Patricia Boylan
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Melissa Thomsen
Ms. Thedora Lund
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Brenda Sprunk
Mr. David and Mrs. Linda Hahn
In Memory of Margaret Kohlmeier
Mr. Ron and Mia Kohlmeier
In Memory of Monica Kurtz
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth Blaser
In Memory of Nate LaFave (’16)
Elkhorn Board of Education
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Mary Devereaux
Mr. Max and Mrs. Janice Kurz
Mr. R.K. and Mrs. Kellie Neth
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Lori Bennett
Mr. Terrence and Mrs. Audrey Buckley
Kingswood Athletic Association
Mr. David and Mrs. Lynette Vyhlidal
Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Karen Rosis
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Trish Sylvester
Mr. Shaun and Mrs. Maureen Miller
In Memory of Sophia Makarski
Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Kathryn Sojka
In Memory of Br. Matthew Manning, O.S.B.
Mr. Edward Lankas
Mr. Mitchell Williams
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Alice Compitello
Mr. Raimund and Mrs. Kimberly Volpone
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Mary Gilligan
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Mary Durrie
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Lisa Loeffelholz
Mr. John and Mrs. Sharon Nelsen
Ms. June Schweiger
Mrs. Ann Marie Falco Marr
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Lisa Goldsmith
Mr. David Spenner and Ms. Millie Stranathan
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Michelle Morrison
Mr. L. Joann Vorrath
Mr. John and Mrs. Agatha Horvatich
Dr. Louis and Mrs. Jacqueline Sojka
Ms. Michelle Killeen
Ms. Nancy Bogenreif
Mr. Howard and Mrs. Sharleen Ball
Ms. Darlene Piening
Mr. William and Mrs. Connie Edwards
Rev. Wayne Pavela
Dr. Steve and Mrs. Lori Budd
In Memory of Susan Marasco
Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Mary Sequenzia
Mrs. Rita Luettel
Mr. Boyd and Mrs. Kathleen West
Mr. Raimund and Mrs. Kimberly Volpone
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Ann Pick
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Michele Whitaker
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Lisa Goldsmith
In Memory of Robert Rossiter
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Micki Pane
In Memory of Gerald P. Ryan
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Margaret Welsh
In Memory of George Smith
Mr. Merl and Mrs. Nancy Core
Mr. Boyd and Mrs. Kathleen West
In Memory of DJ Sokol (’99)
The “Duke Fifties”
Mr. Gregory Abel
In Memory of John E. Meysenburg
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Karey Meysenburg
In Memory of Joseph Miklas
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Linda Hitzemann
In Memory of Regina Minton
Mrs. Theresa Kohanek
In Memory of Theresa Mrzlak
Dr. Louis and Mrs. Jacqueline Sojka
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Margaret Matejka
In Memory of Raymond Nauslar
Mrs. Joanne Nauslar
In Memory of Dorothy G. Ortmeier
Mrs. Margaret Tigges
Mount Michael Benedictine keeps
all those in memoriam and honor
in our prayers. With the best of
intention we strive to provide
accurate lists. Please contact the
Mount Michael development office
with questions at any time.
In Memory of Victor Peitz
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Ale Buehler
Phone: (402) 253-0964 or
[email protected]
In Memory of Helen G. Noltimier
Mr. James and Mrs. Laurie Noltimier
In Memory of George Phelps
Dr. Louis and Mrs. Jacqueline Sojka
In Memory of Don Pulte
Mrs. Barb Pulte
In Memory of Bryce Qualset
Mr. Boyd and Mrs. Kathleen West
Mr. William and Mrs. Minna Krumland
Mr. Raimund and Mrs. Kimberly Volpone
In Memory of William E. Robinson
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Barb Hart
In Honor of J. Emmet Root
Mr. Emmet and Mrs. Fran Root
John Levy Recognized
John Levy (’99) was recently featured in the Omaha World Herald for his admirable work
as the Executive Director of The Heart Ministry Center, located at 2222 Binney Street,
Omaha. Currently, the Heart Ministry Center is operating on a budget of $510,000 vs. the
budget of $30,000 that was in existence when Levy took over the center less than five years
ago. Due to grants and donor generosity, the center has been able to create growth in many
areas including a mentoring program for at-risk youth, social work office and a dental clinic.
To learn about other services offered at The Heart Ministry Center, along with opportunities
to volunteer - go to:
Providing food, clothing, healthcare and a way forward to people severely affected by poverty in
the Omaha area. We believe in the dignity of all.
Tom McKnight (father of Luke (’99), Curt (’01)
and Alex (’05)) was named the 2014 Nebraska
Family Physician of the Year.
Alumni gathering in Chicago, IL.
L to R: George Townsend (’12), Tyler Bolden (’12), Eric Crawford (’00),
Chris Ramey (’99), Grant Parr (’11), Jarett Crnkovich (’14)
Tim (’83) and Dawn Wilcox hosted a
gathering for Alumni and their families
in the Madison, WI area.
L to R: Fr. Ken Frisch, Mike Collins (’96),
Angela Collins, Justin Wrage (’96), Tom
Murphy (’06), John Beaty (’80), Joe Hettinger
(’83), Joe Im (’12), Alan Oh (’09), Mary Beaty,
Tim Wilcox (’83), Dawn Wilcox, Abbot
Michael (‘68)
A Letter from Michael Sojka (’12)
I met with my academic advisor a few weeks ago to discuss what courses I’ll take next semester. As she pulled out my list of completed courses from her filing cabinet, I realized that my time in college was beginning to wind down.
It wasn’t that my years at the University of Missouri had flown by, quite the opposite really; the past five semesters have been jam-packed full of new
experiences and memories. My advisor showed me the remaining courses I needed to take, and the list was not long. It didn’t hit me until that moment: this is what the Mount had been preparing me for. I guess I had known it all along, from the welcome picnic in 2008 to my college orientation in 2012.
I knew Mount Michael was focused on preparing me for college, I just didn’t realize how well it would do that.
I came to Mizzou in the fall of 2012 with a considerable amount of credits from AP courses I had taken at the Mount. This was no surprise to me, all my friends in high school took Advanced Placement courses, and we had been hoping to earn some college credit. I started my first semester with
second-semester sophomore standing. This meant all my classes were with
sophomores and some juniors. In addition, I tested into 3000-level Spanish, a medical terminology course with juniors
and seniors. I completed a minor as a sophomore, after taking just four courses. I can honestly say that I owe that to
the years of AP courses and Spanish I took at Mount Michael. The study techniques and passion for learning given to
me at the Mount were without a doubt the catalysts for my success.
I also wanted to get involved in college. At Mount Michael, I was a part of numerous organizations and groups.
This helped me connect with other students and learn to manage my time. My first semester, I joined the club rowing
team and pledged a fraternity. I had a part-time job in addition to 17 credit hours, but I was able to make it all work,
largely in part to the time-management skills I learned at the Mount. I would set aside time to make sure I was
getting my work done, something instilled in us with nightly study halls at Mount Michael. I was able to get highly
involved while still maintaining the GPA and social life that I wanted. I can’t attribute that to anything but the years
I spent at the Mount.
Another facet of Mount Michael that I appreciate now is the professionalism it afforded me. Other than the ability
to tie a tie and look professional, I’ve been able to build healthy relationships with faculty members, advisors,
employers, and the list goes on. I’ve landed internships, served in leadership positions, and done freelance work with
several clients. Over the summer, I developed, shot and produced videos for a local carpenter and for the Office of
Advancement at Mizzou. I did this through my own networking and efforts. I’m able to do these things because I
already have the skills needed to succeed, and they don’t teach you those things in classes. Those are the attitudes and
behaviors expected in the real world, and the ones that were expected of us at Mount Michael.
Currently, I’m the copy editor at Mojo Ad, a student-staffed full-service advertising agency that produces work for
national clients. We are developing a campaign to increase trial usage and brand awareness of Blue Diamond Almond
Breeze in 18-24 year olds. I’m the only junior in a team full of seniors, but I’m not intimidated: I have the education,
professionalism, interpersonal and time-management skills needed to succeed. And I accredit much of that to my
time at Mount Michael.
Sometimes I take a look at my college career and wonder where I would be had I chosen to attend another high
school. I’m attending the world’s top journalism school, and it’s no walk in the park. But I don’t feel overwhelmed
or underprepared; I feel like I’m exactly where I should be. I’ll be graduating next fall with minors in business and
Spanish and a degree in Strategic Communication.
After graduation, I plan to apply at various agencies in Chicago, Kansas City, San Francisco or Los Angeles. Ideally,
I’d like to get into video advertising, but I’m keeping my options open. I’m confident that I’ll find something that is both
challenging and enjoyable, and I’m able to have that confidence largely because of the years I spent at Mount Michael.
Congratulations are in order to the Mount Michael Benedictine 2014 Math Team! On Thursday, November 20, the team
competed at the 25th annual UNL Math Competition. Mount Michael students were among a total of 1,500 students
participating. For the first time in school history, Mount Michael finished first in all divisions with an average leading score
of 91.6 points, while Lincoln East came in second with an average score of 90.2 points.
Mr. Jason Mackeprang, department chair for the math department commented, “A couple of weeks before the competition,
I challenged the team to see if they could live up to the high results from previous years and specifically called on the seniors
to be leaders. They responded by exceeding any of our past results. They should be very proud of their efforts.”
Other Catholic schools participating among the 105 schools were: Omaha Creighton Prep, Duchesne Academy of the
Sacred Heart, Omaha Skutt Catholic, Kearney Catholic High School, Roncalli Catholic High School, Pope John XXIII
Central Catholic High School, Mercy High School, Lourdes Central Catholic, Sacred Heart School, Hastings St. Cecilia
and Aquinas High School.
Head of Mount Michael School, Dr. David Peters spoke highly of the team and their leaders, “I am very proud of our
students and their performance. They work hard and we have an outstanding and talented team of Mathematics teachers.
They truly challenge our students.”
This also marks the 9th time the Knights placed first in their division in the last 11 years and they placed second the past
two years. Mount Michael had 12 individuals place in the top 50!
• Young Joon Park and Jae Jun Park tied for 3rd place
• Ikjoo Oh placed 7th
• Yixie Chen placed 12th
• Jonathan Collins placed 18th
• Junho Ho placed 25th
• Michael Kim placed 27th
• Dong Lui placed 34th
• Junwoo Lee placed 36th
• Jingue Jung placed 43rd
• Junbin Huang and Taesung Kim tied for 49th place
The top 40 students from the PROBE I competition are invited to participate in the PROBE II competition.
Jae Jun Park placed 9th, earning him a $2000 scholarship.
In the Quiz Bowl competition, the Knights won their division, led by seniors Jonathan Collins, Junwoo Lee, Fletcher Lin,
Young Yoon Park, and Tae Sung Kim.
Listed below are the Knights that participated in the UNL Math Day.
Jonathan Collins
Young Yoon Park
Fletcher Lin
Junwoo Lee
Tae Sung Kim
David Choi
Jae Jun Park
Jin Gue Jung
Yixie Chin
Dong Liu
Junbin Huang
Min Chang Kim
Christian Keller
Zach Hytrek
Andrew Ahn
Broden Kaps
Zach Cairney
Junho Ho
Ik Joo Oh
Jin Seok Jung
Nick Huetter
Michael Ecker
Alex Earsley
Shengwei Dai
Congratulations Knights! Great work!
Garrett Gloeb
Matthew Thiele
John Kuhry
Lukas Williams
Nolan Huetter
Mount Michael students are participating in our annual family Christmas project
for families in need of extra care this season. Each class is given two large families
to provide items for. The family members are then divided among the Mount
Michael students, where in turn student families shop and provide items that have
been requested to help make the season a little brighter. The chosen families are from
various parts of the Omaha community and are referred by a pastor, family minister
or someone who personally knows their situation and that a helping hand would
benefit them this year. With generous support from the Mary Our Queen Human
Needs Committee, along with Mount Michael families, donations will be made to
various organizations including The Heart Ministry Center, One World Community
Center, Siena Francis House, and a variety of other churches and organizations.
Thank you and good wishes to all of the
Mount Michael families for their support
of this special project each year.
Hoops Knight In the Palace
Pizza and a MM Varsity vs. Ashland-Greenwood
game for all 5th – 8th grade boys
Friday, January 2, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m.
8th Grade Scholarship/Entrance Exam
Saturday, January 10th, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
6th and 7th Grade Practice Exam
Saturday, January 17th, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
To register or for more information please contact Mr. Eric Crawford
at 402-253-0946 or [email protected]
s we prepare for the Christmas season, we are reminded that we have been so greatly blessed by our
benefactors throughout the year. At this time, I would like to thank you for your continued support.
The generosity of our benefactors has enabled us to meet many of our goals, set new records and
celebrate new milestones. Some of those include, celebrating the 25th Annual Night of Knights,
renovated dorms and showers, hosting football varsity games on campus, cheering for Special Olympics
athletes at Fall Festival, and so much more. Thank you for making it possible.
This past year also brought about new adventures that we will continue to participate in as the years
come to pass. Our faculty and staff are studying the Rule of St. Benedict and learning the foundations
on which Mount Michael was established. Events, like Giving Tuesday and “Omaha Gives!” are
fantastic opportunities for us to teach our young people how to unite a generous community. Last
year, the “Omaha Gives!” campaign raised over $40,000 on behalf of Mount Michael Benedictine and
we hope to surpass that on May 20, 2015. Mark your calendars for “Omaha Gives!”
May we continue to be the best that we can be and may your Christmas season be joyful!
Kimberly A. Volpone
Director of Development
Save the date and join us
on April 11, 2015 for the
26th Annual Night of Knights!
What: Superhero Knights
When: Saturday, April 11, 2015
Where: Strategic Air and Space Museum
Ashland, NE
Superhero Knights 2015 Co-Chairs:
Miles and Lynn DeMayo
Parents of Gus (’15) and Maximillian (’16)
Bob and Beth Recker
Parents of Jake (’13) and Joseph (’18)
Take advantage of Camp Mount Michael’s
2015 early bird discount
Register before:
January 16th
16th-- save $30
February 13th
13th-- save $20
March 13th
13th-- save $10
Questions: Please contact Director of Camp Mount Michael, at
(402) 253-0946 or [email protected]. Registration
forms and additional information available at:
Camp 2015 Dates
Session I: June 14-19
Session II: June 21-26
Session III: July 5-10
Session IV: July 12-17
Session V: July 19-24
Horseback Riding
 Swimming
 Crafts
 Archery
 Hiking
 Games
 Campouts
 Olympic Day
Hope to See You This Summer!
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
A Quarterly Publication of
22520 Mount Michael Road • Elkhorn, NE 68022-3400
Phone 402-289-2541
School President
Director ofHead
of School
of Admissions
of of
Rt. Rev. Michael Liebl, O.S.B.
Rt. Rev.Raphael
Dr. David
J. Peters
Ridder ’00
Eric Crawford
Editor Amanda
Kari Herbst
Monastic Editor
Editor Rev.
Very Richard
Rev. Richard
Publishing Editors
Editor Mary
John Hagemann, O.S.B.
Father John Hagemann, O.S.B.
Brother Luke Clinton, O.S.B.
Brother August Schaefer, O.S.B.
Mount Michael
Mount Michael Chapel
Visitors are always welcome
Daily Mass 7:15am • Sunday Mass 9:30am
Saturday 8:00am
Liturgy of the Hours (Monday-Saturday)
Morning Praise 6:30am
Noon Day Prayer 11:45am
Vespers 5:15pm
Night Prayer (In the Abbey) 7:00pm
St. Benedict Guest House
Gift Shop/Lunches/Teas/Dessert
Day Retreats
Br. Jerome
Vocation Ministry
For information about monastic life:
[email protected]
Brother August
[email protected]
Oblates of St. Benedict
Br. Jerome
of Kmiecik,
St. Benedict
Richard Thell, O.S.B., 402-289-2541 x1002
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
and Spiritual Direction
Abbot Theodore, O.S.B.,(Abbey)
School Admissions
Eric Crawford, 402-253-0946
Needs and Spiritual Direction
[email protected]
O.S.B., 402-206-2089
Kim Volpone,
Crawford, 402-253-0946
[email protected]
[email protected]
Development Office
Kim Volpone, 402-253-0964
[email protected]
Mr. Tim Bastian
J. Behrendt
Beller ’92
Mr. Jeremy Belsky
Robert D. Goldsmith
Mr. Dave Beringer
Mr. BobHickman
York Kenny,
Ms. Carolyn
Rev. Michael
O.S.B., ’68
Dr. BarbLanik
Marchese, Ed.D.
Michael Liebl, O.S.B. ’68
Mr. Rev.
Dan Matuszek
McKnight, M.D.
Kay Miller
Dr. David
J. Peters,’84
O.S.B., ’81
Br. James
Mr. Todd Rohweder
Thomas Ridder
Br. August Schaefer, O.S.B.
Rev. Louis
Sojka, O.S.B., ’81
Sojka,’68O.S.B. ’81
Mr. Mark
SuingThell, O.S.B., SJSC
Prior Richard
ell, O.S.B.
Mr. John
Abbott Raphael
Walsh, O.S.B.
J. Wilson,
Jr., ’84O.S.B.
Rt. Bernard
Rev. Raphael
’77M.D. ’84
Emeritus, Mrs. Peggy Sokol