Spring/Summer 2014 - New Perceptions, Inc.


Spring/Summer 2014 - New Perceptions, Inc.
A biannual newsletter of
Art Abilities Program Provides Outlet for Talent
The Art Abilities Program at
New Perceptions is an extension of a pre-existing
Life Skills program designed
to teach skills for life to participants. It allows opportunities to experience art at
many levels using various
mediums, methods, levels
of instruction and levels of
creativity. The program
compliments our mission in
providing education and
growth in order to achieve
maximum potential for each
each a product of our own
nature. Our participants all
have challenges of some
type; but when engaged in
art-related opportunities the
What’s Been Happening
challenges become as nonapparent as the ‘product’ is
Check out pictures from the latest
something from within.
“happenings” at New Perceptions.
Participants of the Art Abili- There’s been a lot of fun going on!
ties program have had the
great opportunity to display
their work in the community
alongside local artists and
typical peers, including gallery settings, art festivals,
fundraisers, and more. We
Art is the most intense form have had many successes
of individualism. Henry
with the sale of individual
Ward Beecher once said,
pieces with no “identifier”
Meet Bella
“Every artist dips his brush that the artist has a develinto his soul and paints his
opmental challenge. A
This beautiful little girl has triumphed
own nature into his paintpaintbrush, charcoal pencil,
through some serious challenges in her
ing.” Our work is motivated sculpting tool, and so on, is
young life, but keeps a smile and glimby feelings and interest,
the extension of a creative
mer in her eye that exude happiness.
coming from the heart,
thinking process. CONT. P. 11
Spring/Summer 2014
Mark Exterkamp - President
Stephanie Murdock - First Vice President
Stephanie Stitt - Second Vice President
Jamie Burns - Treasurer
Scott Johnson - Secretary
Barbara Bonar
Tony Bonomini
Phyllis Lynch
Paul Neiser
Jason Payne
Steve Roeding
Charlene Rouse
Jan Tate
Vincent Albanese
William Aylor
Cassie Forrester - Immediate Past President
Gary Garvin
Misty Haas
Dennis Helmer
Chris Montello
Shawn Carroll - Executive Director
Tom Hampel - Children’s Services Director
Barbara Jasper - Finance Director
Emily Prabell - Development Director
Robert Ryan - Adult Services Director
To promote the welfare of children and adults
with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (and their families) by providing opportunities for education, growth and employment in a
normalized setting, in order to facilitate each
individual’s achievement to their maximum
Words from the Executive Director
It is with mixed emotions that I
announce the retirement of
Bob Ryan, Adult Services Director. I am so happy that Bob
will now get to spend more
time with the people he treasures the most, but sad to see
him leave New Perceptions. Bob is a truly great
man - a leader in his field, a mentor to many,
and a friend to all. We are going to miss him
For the past 42 years Bob has led the effort to
create a greater place in our community for the
disabled. His efforts for New Perceptions’ largest program, Supported Employment, have
brought many opportunities for the disabled to
work side-by-side with others in our community. Bob is so grateful for the employers that
give New Perceptions’ participants a hand up,
not a hand out. In addition, for those that
can’t, for whatever reason, work in the community, Bob has provided a safety net in the form
of adult day training, where generous companies provide our participants with work as well.
So how did Bob become this super hero? Bob’s
humble beginnings created his foundation to
serve. He lost both of his parents to a tragic
accident at a young age, yet he and his siblings
persevered with the help of other family and
organizations. He attended Covington Catholic
on scholarship, meaning he did tasks before
and after school to pay for his tuition. He then
graduated from Thomas More and still gets together with his fraternity brothers. They have
given him a special nickname, which is pretty
funny. I’m not certain Bob thinks so!
After college, Bob was drafted into the Army
and served in Vietnam. He was called at a time
when the war was raging with major CONT. P. 10
Spring/Summer 2014
Participants in New Perceptions’ Supported Employment program enjoy
monthly “Just for Kicks” outings. Pictured above: Tunes and Blooms at
the Cincinnati Zoo and the Appalachian Festival at Coney Island.
Above: Participants in New Perceptions’ Adult Day Activities Program enjoy facials, decorating cookies
for Easter, and dancing with Elvis!
The David G. Benzinger Employees of the Month recognize participant employees who learn new work
skills, achieve higher production goals, or greatly improve attendance or work attitudes. Brad Camp,
of HiCorp in Tulsa, OK, established the award to honor the memory of David G. Benzinger, a former
client of New Perceptions who passed away in 1997. Mr. Camp wanted to encourage other New Perceptions employees to adopt David’s positive work attitude and his spirit of self-motivation, persistence, and joy of living.
Marty Beach
Mark Lehew
Sheri Pegg
Steven Hilligas
David Lewis
Melody Morrison
Eric Goessling
Kimberly Lynch
Kean Schuetz
Adam Bright
Joe Clifford
John Feldmann
Kelly Blackburn
Monica Heck
Joey Meyer
Spring/Summer 2014
Beautiful Bella - A Story of Triumph
Meet Bella. Bella means
beautiful in Italian, so it
couldn’t be a more fitting
name. She has a radiant
smile and blue eyes that
twinkle when she is teasing, which is often.
Bella was born with spina
bifida, hydrocephalus with a shunt, and Chiara
malformation (a structural brain defect later
corrected with surgery). She began receiving
services in May 2011 at the age of 2 months.
She was initially visited weekly at her home by
a physical therapist who shared positioning advice and strengthening activities with her parents. At one year of age, Bella kept her hands
fisted most of the time, so New Perceptions’
Occupational Therapist, Tricia McClung, was
added to her service team and splinting was designed to keep her hands open. Bella also had
difficulty coordinating the muscles of her
mouth, so Tricia gradually introduced different
flavors and textures, encouraging CONT. P. 11
Many of New Perceptions’ participants
choose to take part in
activities in the community on the evenings and
weekends. One of our busiest participants is
Jeffrey Farwell, whose skill and love for athletics has brought him much success in the Special Olympics of Northern Kentucky.
Jeff has been involved in Special Olympics for
14 years and participates in basketball, flag
football, golf, skiing, swimming, softball, and
track. At this year’s State Summer Games, Jeff
made a touchdown in the flag football tournament, helping his team bring home gold! Not
only is Jeff a great athlete, he has a great attitude and is an outstanding teammate and coworker.
New Perceptions congratulates Jeffrey and all of
our participants for their successes.
New Website Debut
New Perceptions is proud to present our new
website. Our web address hasn’t changed, but
the website’s look and functionality have. Take
a look at some of these pages:
 Our Participants
 About I/D Disabilities
 Services
 Photos
While checking out our new site, sign up for our
new E-Newsletter on the Contact Us page. A
short news update will be sent to your mailbox
each month.
Spring/Summer 2014
 Annual Dinner │ August 26, 2014 │
Ladies Night Out
Receptions │ Presented by:
Ladies Night Out, held on May 1, 2014, was a
success! Thank you to all who attended and
sponsored this fun evening. Save the date for
next year’s event on April 23, 2015.
New Perceptions’ Annual Dinner is a time to celebrate staff and participants’ accomplishments
and years of service.
Want to celebrate with us? Everyone is
Sponsorships and gifts are accepted.
Go to www.newperceptions.org/events to learn
Employees Give Back
New Perceptions’ employees recently gave
more than $8,000 to the organization through
our annual Employee Giving Campaign. We extend a big thank you to our supportive staff!
Our Children Achieve
Inspirational stories by the family of Pete Katokas and Cailyn Youtsey were shared at the
March 5, 2014 Our Children Achieve Luncheon.
Many thanks to event chair, Brent Cooper, and
emcee, Kathrine Nero.
A sincere thank you to all of
our generous donors and
Spring/Summer 2014
DONORS │ JULY 1, 2013 - MAY 31, 2014
Every effort has been made to include
all donors. We apologize for any
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Abbott
Mrs. Barbara C. Abbott
Ms. Mary Lou Antinozzi
Mr. Timothy M. Adams
Mr. Olalekan Akinyemi
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Albers
Ms. Jo Alexander
Mr. Dee Alston
Altar'd State
Ms. Kim Amrine
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Arlinghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Arthur
Ms. Esther S. Averdick
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bahr
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barklage
Mr. Bob Beatrice
Mr. Gary Beatrice
Mr. Jim Beatrice
Mr. Keith P. Beaven
Dr. Carol Beerup
Ms. Mary Beth Beimesch
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Benzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benzinger
Ms. Jane Beyersdoerfer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bieger
Mr. Robert J. Biery
Ms. Stephanie Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blattman
Mr. Louis A. Boehmer
Mrs. Barbara Bonar, Esq.
Ms. Mary Claire Brass
Dr. Lawrence V. Brennan and
Mrs. Karen A. Enzweiler
Ms. Meredith Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bresser
Mr. Paul Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Britt
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broeg
Mr. Steve Brunson
Buca di Beppo
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Buerger
Mr. and Mrs. George Buerger
Mr. Jamie Burns
Mrs. Deborah Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carroll
Mr. Shea Carroll
Mrs. Liesa Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Val Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chalfant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Chapman
Mrs. Louise Claypole
Ms. Cathy Cline
Mr. Dustin Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cooley
Mr. Frank Groneck
Mrs. Elaine Groneck
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert C. Grothaus
Ms. Sandy J. Guckiean
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Haas
Mr. Tom Haggard
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Halpin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hamann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hampel
Mr. Jeremy A. Hayden
Mrs. Dotty Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Haygood
Ms. Tina Hechler
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heichelbech
Ms. Judy Heilman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heis Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Helmer
Ms. Aneta M. Helmer
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hengehold
Ms. Nancy Hiltibrand
Ms. Laura Hinegardner
Ms. Greta Hoffman
The Homan Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William Hoppenjans
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Horner
Ms. Jeanne Houck-Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William Howard
Mr. Adam Hydera
Ms. Geralyn Isler
Mrs. Jill James
Jang's Taekwondo Centers
Mrs. Barbara S. Jasper
Ms. Kathleen Jeffers
Dr. Candyse Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kattenhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kaufman Sr.
Ms. Anna Kelley
Ms. Barb Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Merrick S. Krey
Ms. Jaclyn E. Klare
Ms. Julie Klare
Knights of Columbus -Bishop Ackerman Council 5453
Knights of Columbus Council #14993
Knights of Columbus -- Fr. Bealer #3908
Ms. Rosann Knopf
Mrs. Mary Alice Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kolkmeier
The Kroger Company
Mrs. Karen Lange
Ms. Rhonda L. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Cummings
Ms. Diane Czerwonka
Ms. Michele Davies-Blanton
Mrs. Dot Decker
Deer Park Roofing
Mr. Michael Dickey
Mr. Tom Dickman
Ms. Danae Nixon
Ms. Nicole Dornbusch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Drum
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Drye
Ms. Deborah Dunn
Ms. Ellen Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Dyas
Ms. Emily Eagen
Ms. Joan F. Eagen
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Eden
Ms. Mary Beth Eichinger
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elsener
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Enda
Ms. Sheila Etchen
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eubanks
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Exterkamp
Mr. Mark Exterkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fedders II
Mrs. Gloria Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flach
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Flading
Ms. Andrea M. Foltz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Foraker
Ms. Cassie Forrester
Ms. Ann Franxmann
Ms. Lynn Freeman
Mrs. Debbie Fulkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Funke
Ms. Tracy Gallenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gaffney
Ms. Sharon Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Gearding
Mr. and Mrs. Mart Gerrety
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gilkison
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Godsey
Mr. Jim Goetz
Ms. Betsy Goetz
Ms. Susan Goins
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gold
Mr. William E. Grady
Mrs. Jill Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene
Spring/Summer 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lauer
Ms. Rosella C. Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lawson
Ms. Joyce A. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Leap
Mr. and Mrs. Jim J. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Leinmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lenihan
Ms. Alex Lewin
Ms. Karralea List
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Listerman
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lutz
Ms. Elizabeth Lykins
Ms. Phyllis Lynch
Ms. Kelly Malatesta
Mr. Dave H. Massey
Mrs. Patsy McBeth
Ms. Susan McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McDonald
Mr. Theodore E. McEntee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McEvoy
Ms. Teresa McGill
McHale's Events and Catering
Mr. and Mrs. Henley McIntosh
Ms. Patricia McLaughlin
Ms. Margie Meehan
Ms. Sandy Meenach
Ms. Terrie Meenach
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Meier
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Menke
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Menne
Mr. Joe Merkle
Mr. Robert C. Merkle
Ms. Erma Messman
Mr. and Mrs. David Meyer
Ms. Ann Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Michael
Ms. Millicent R. Middendorf
Midwest Pay Link, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller
Ms. Terri M. Mohan
Mrs. Betty Ann Mohr
Dr. William B. Monnig
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Montello
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Montello
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mueller Jr.
Mrs. Stephanie Murdock
Ms. Shirley M. Neises
Mr. Mark R. Nieman
North Pointe Elementary School
Mr. Steven Novak
Mr. and Mrs. John Olmstead
Ms. Colleen O'Toole and
Mr. JT Spence
Mr. and Mrs. James Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Otto
P & R Auto Repair/Sales, Inc.
Ms. Polly L. Page
Ms. Paige Barker
Ms. Colleen Parsons
Mr. Bob Steffen
Ms. Punita Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steppe
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Payne
Mrs. Stephanie Stitt
Pediatric Associates, PSC
Ms. Joanne Streine
Mr. Christopher Penn
Ms. Stacie Strotman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Perrin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swikert
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. David Tavel
Mr. and Mrs. John Piecoro
Ms. Christina Taylor-Harbin
Mr. Daniel J. Pieschel
Ms. Laura Tewes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pohlgeers
The Think Shop
Mrs. Sharon A. Poore
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Porbeni
Ms. Karen Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Portwood
Ms. Mary Troilo
Ms. Diana Powell
Ms. Sheena Tucker
Mrs. Emily Prabell
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preisser
Ms. Michelle Proud
Ms. Miyako Usami
R.C. Durr Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Pat J. Raverty
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Voelker
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Rawe
Ms. Kim Vogelpohl
Mrs. Barbara Rebennack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Von Hoene
Ms. Jennifer Rebennack
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vonhandorf
Mr. Bill Reder
VSA Kentucky
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Richard
Waffle House
Ms. Colette Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. George Wainscott
Mrs. Debbie Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roark
Mrs. Akrivi K. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Robinson III
Ms. Lori Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Weickgenannt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roeding
Mrs. Faye Wendel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rolfsen
Mr. and Mrs. John Wenderfer
Mrs. Charlene Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilbers
Judge Ann Ruttle
Mrs. Cecil A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Willis
Rev. Jim M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilmhoff
Mrs. Laura A. Scharf
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck R. Scheper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson
Ms. Cris Scherer
Ms. Julie Witten
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Schleker
Mr. Brian Woeste and
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schneider
Dr. Emily Woeste
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Schneider
Ms. Patricia Zembrodt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Schuetz
Ms. Bernadene Zennie
Mrs. Donna Schultz
Ms. Peggy E. Schultz
Ms. Stephanie Sciamanna
Mr. Gary A. Seeman, CPA
A-1 Electric Motor Services
Ms. Sarah Meisenhelder
Anneken Huey Moser
Ms. Joanne Seltman
Bank of Kentucky
Ms. Shannon Shumaker
Business Benefits Insurance Solutions
Mr. Corey B. Sidebottom
C Forward
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Simpson
Central Bank
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sinclair
Citizens Bank of Northern Kentucky
Mr. Michael Sketch
Cold Spring Electric
Ms. Sally Soderlund
Dan Sheridan, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sommerkamp Forcht Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Ed D. Sparks
Frost Brown Todd
Mr. Chris P. Spicker and
Heritage Bank
Dr. Cynthia Spicker
Joe and Linda Klare
Ms. Pamela Spitznagle
Legacy Financial Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Standiford
Mazak Corporation
Spring/Summer 2014
DONORS │ JULY 1, 2013 - MAY 31, 2014
Meridian Bioscience
Minuteman Press, Florence
Mountjoy Chilton Medley LLP
Roeding Insurance Group
Rudler, PSC
Schneller Heating & Cooling
Sean and Misty Haas
Skyline Chili - Ft. Wright
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Stephanie and Joseph Stitt Charitable
Toyota Boshuko America
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc.
US Bank
Verst Group Logistics
Victory Community Bank
VonLehman & Company
Will and Helen* Ziegler
AAA Allied Group
American Eagle Outfitters
Anderson Dental Associates
Ashley Quarters Hotel
At Your Service Vending
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
B&E Decorating Center
Baeten's Nursery & Greenhouse
Behringer-Crawford Museum
Blinkers Tavern
Boone Links
Buffalo Trace Distillery
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Charity by Design
Christina Barth
Churchill Downs
Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati Playhouse
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Cloud 9 Salon
CoCo Key Water Resort
CXC Salon & Spa
Dash Medical
Details Salon & Spa
Dewey's Pizza
Donna Salyers' Fabulous Furs
Elk Creek Vineyards
Erin Condren.com
Firefly Inflatables
Five Seasons Family Sports Club
Funny Bone
Game Works
Gigi's Cupcakes
Grandpa Brands Co.
Great American Insurance Group
Green Mountain Coffee
Hampton Inn
Hickory Sticks Golf Club
HiCorp - John Benzinger
Ideal Image
JC Penney Salon and Sephora
Keeneland Association Inc.
KEN/API Supply
Kenton County Golf Course
Kentucky Horse Park
Kentucky Symphony Orchestra
Kerry Ingredients & Flavours
Keystone Bar & Grill
Kings Island
Lazer Kraze
L'Oreal USA
Louisville Zoo
Lowe's of Florence
Lowe's of Highland Heights
M & L Spa Nails
McDonald's Office
Mega Caverns
Metropolitan Club
Mike's Carwash
Minuteman Press
Monmouth Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Shondel
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Prichard
Mr. and Mrs. James Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meenach
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McClung
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Colliflower
Mr. David Hoffman
Mr. Dean Koontz
Mr. Pat Jasper
Mrs. Jody Holthaus
Ms. Andrea Brossart
Ms. Barb Shoop
Ms. Barbara Keeling
Ms. Blythe Baughman
Ms. Bobbie Laker
Ms. Elizabeth Holmes
Ms. Gail M. Wight
Ms. Gwenna Moore
Ms. Joyce A. Leach
Ms. Karen Eads
Ms. Karla Litke
Ms. Kim Glick
Ms. Leslie Hampel
Ms. Nancy W. Cooper
Ms. Phyllis Lynch
Ms. Sheila Ramsey
Ms. Tammy Ostendorf
Museum of Science & Industry
Newport Aquarium
Newport on The Levee
Northern Kentucky Pain Relief & Physical Medicine
Notre Dame Academy
Ober Gatlinburg
O'Keeffe's Co./Gorilla Glue Company
OPI Products, Inc.
Panera Bread
Park National Bank
Perfect North Slopes
Pet Suites of America, Inc.
Pink Calyx
Portrait Innovations
Pure Romance
Red Robin
Rising Star Casino
Roeding Group Insurance
Sam's Club
Schulz & Sons Jewelers, Inc.
Seventh Generation
Shedd Aquarium
Silverlake The Family Place
Sindy's 7th Heaven Salon
Skydeck Chicago
Specialty Automotive Services, Inc.
St. Elizabeth Healthcare Florence
Stampin' Up!
Sterling Cut Glass
Sticks and Stones
StoneBrook Winery
T.J. Maxx
The Bank of Kentucky
The Celestial Steakhouse
The Melting Pot
The Ritz Ballroom Dance Studio
Theatre Management Corporation
Tri-State Running Company
Ultimate Air Shuttle
Uniquely Senise
Walt Disney World Park
Wheel of Fortune
Whole Foods Market Cincinnati
WKRQ FM 101.9
World Of Golf
Spring/Summer 2014
Paul Arlinghaus
Ms. Joyce A. Leach
Barbara Bamberger
Ms. Joyce A. Leach
Michael Battista
Mrs. Jill James
Benzinger Family
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flach
Richard Biery
Mr. Robert J. Biery
Nick Boeckmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eubanks
Paige Sheila Bosshardt
Mrs. Joan Benzinger
Mary Bresser
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bresser
Emma Buck
Ms. Mary Lou Antinozzi
William F. Buerger
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Buerger
Josephine Camins
Ms. Sandy J. Guckiean and
Mr. Ed Showell
Ms. Audrey Lacy
Ms. Clara Leake
Ms. Stella Long
Ms. Alice B. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Merrill
Ms. Virginia C. Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice
Freida Wagner
Mrs. Joan Benzinger
Georgia H. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ryan
James and Virginia Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Rawe
Greg Landrum
Mrs. Jill Grady
Riley L. Lange
Mrs. Karen Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Listerman
Renee Leap
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Leap
Mrs. Patsy McBeth
Cindy LeMaster
Mrs. Jill Grady
Mike Mauser
Mrs. Jill James
Jessica Mullins
Ms. Mary Beth Eichinger
Neises Family
Ms. Shirley M. Neises
Audrey O'Hara
Mrs. Karen Lange
John "Jack" Wells
Mrs. Barbara S. Jasper
Ted Williams
Mrs. Joan Benzinger
Joan Benzinger
In Honor of Retirement
Kenton County Clerks Office -Independence
Lucas Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Funke
Ms. Laura Tewes
Brent Cooper
Ms. Cassie Forrester
Nancy B. Egan
In Honor of Christmas
Dr. Lawrence V. Brennan and
Mrs. Karen A. Enzweiler
Brian Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. Fitzgerald
Oliver Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garner
Maribeth Corken
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs
William T. O'Hara
Mrs. Karen Lange
Anne Eilerman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Chapman
Elaine Rebholz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kattenhorn
Michael R. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Pat J. Raverty
Joan Schuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Schuetz
Marian Hellmann
In Honor of her 100th Birthday
Mrs. Joan Goessling
Mary Franxmann
Ms. Ann Franxmann
Thomas J. Schuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Schuetz
Sharon Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lauer
Mary Jane Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Godsey
William Schultz
Mrs. Donna Schultz
Andy Leinmiller
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kennedy
Jeff James
Mrs. Jill James
Daniel Schwarberg
Mrs. Joan Benzinger
Nicholas Piecoro
Mr. and Mrs. John Piecoro
Kevin Kattenhorn
Mr. and Mrs. William Howard
Anna C. Seltman
Ms. Joanne Seltman
Betty Reder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steppe
Frank Kidwell
Mrs. Joan Benzinger
Paul Seltman
Ms. Joanne Seltman
Marguerite Knauf
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bruestle
Ms. Georgia Herald
Ms. Betty Hoecker
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kozak
Sherry L. Smith
Mrs. Barbara C. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Smith
Gabriela Rodriguez
Ms. Julie Klare
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rodriguez
Owen Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garner
Robert P. Ryan
In Honor of his Years of Service
Mr. and Mrs. Pat J. Raverty
Spring/Summer 2014
DONORS │ JULY 1, 2013 - MAY 31, 2014
Maggie Voelker
Ms. Samantha Beier
Ms. Haley Clark
Ms. Lillie Gosney
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Larscheid
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Voelker
Merin Voelker
Ms. Samantha Beier
Ms. Haley Clark
Ms. Lillie Gosney
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Larscheid
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Voelker
Ruth Williams
Mrs. Cecil A. Williams
Duke Energy Foundation
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Huenefeld Trust Fund
Interact for Health
Knights of Columbus-KY Council
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing
North America, Inc.
Words from the Exec. Director, cont.
offensives. His fraternity brothers were very
concerned that Bob wouldn’t come back home;
he was just too nice! But someone had a different plan for this “Private Ryan”. When the nice
guy came back, he earned his Master’s degree
from the University of Cincinnati and an additional Rank 1 in education from Xavier University. So he has been a Colonel, Rebel (now
Saint), Bearcat and Musketeer. Of course many
of you do not know about his service and education because of his humility.
Bob was drawn to a career in helping those with
disabilities. He taught individuals at RiversideGood Counsel (now New Perceptions) from
1972 until 1985 before becoming the Adult Services Director. He has worked with a number of
wonderful people to whom Bob, in his infinite
humility, gives all of the credit for success. He
has also worked with a number of his students
that tell me poignant and humorous stories of
their teacher, Mr. Ryan, from back in the day
when he had “fuzzy hair”. If there is a Hall of
Fame for human beings that have helped so
many learn the value of all persons big and
small, Bob should be inducted.
In his retirement, Bob is looking forward to
spending time with his family and friends. His
grandchildren will be the newest benefactors of
his time: dance recitals and ballgames!
I want to take this opportunity to thank Bob for
his extraordinary years of service to this organization and our community. He has set a foundation of principles, standards and structure
that will keep our programs top notch; a tribute
to a good manager. We will all miss his intellect, kindness and compassion. I don’t believe
there is another guy out there like him.
I often rely on some of the great writers and
philosophers of our time to give me perspective. I seem to gravitate towards the real deep
thinkers like Dr.Seuss. (As you can tell I don’t
have the great intellect of Bob Ryan). Dr. Seuss
says “don’t be sad that it’s over, be glad that it
happened”. I am so grateful to know a man like
Bob Ryan. I know many of you feel the same
We will be giving Bob a proper send-off in the
fall. Watch for an invitation to share in the celebration!
Thank you.
Spring/Summer 2014
In the Art Abilities program, the creative
thinking process doesn’t recognize barriers
and challenges because that’s not how we
see ourselves from within.
Pictured Right: Billy Bach proudly presents
his artwork at the 2013 Annual Dinner.
Cover: Painting of New Perceptions’ building by Tim Adams.
Travis Finds Success at Aramark/TMC
Travis was referred to New
Perceptions by his counselor
at the Office of Vocational
Rehabilitation. He was about
to finish school at Dixie
Heights High School and
wanted to go to work after
graduating. After meeting
with his job coach several
times to get to know his skills and interests,
Travis and his job coach started looking for a
part-time job. While at Dixie, Travis started
working in the cafeteria during the lunch time,
helping to clean and take out the garbage. He
wanted a similar job and expressed interest
working in a school doing the same thing.
After searching together, Travis and his job
coach found a part-time position as a dining
room assistant working for Aramark food service at Thomas More College. Travis works in
the evening cleaning the dining room and helping to close the kitchen at the end of the night.
Travis adjusted quickly to his job. He enjoys
working with his co-workers and occasionally
jokes around with them.
Travis recently completed his second year of
employment at Aramark/Thomas More. His supervisor has given him very good evaluations
and he has received a raise. Travis enjoys the
summer break he gets every year, but looks
forward to going back to work each August.
Beautiful Bella, cont.
Bella to bite, chew, and move her lips and
tongue in all directions.
At 16 months of age Bella began having seizures, a common problem for children with
spina bifida. She is currently medicated for her
seizures, but they have broken through at least
three times in 2014.
Bella has had nine surgeries in her short life.
Her immune system is compromised and she is
very susceptible to illness and infection. Services for three-year-olds with delays and disabilities are provided by the public schools in a
classroom setting, yet that wouldn’t be a safe
environment for Bella. Fortunately, New Perceptions’ Children’s Services now provides therapies for children age three and older. Tricia
continues to work with Bella weekly and Physical Therapist, Stephanie Bishop, provides services at Bella’s home several times a month.
She is progressing well and as you see from her
picture, is a very happy little girl!
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Art/craft supplies
Digital camera
Gift certificates for food, activities
Mirrors for art projects
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Did you know that you can donate quickly and
easily to New Perceptions by swiping your
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Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com to
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DON’T FORGET: You must renew each
Interested in learning more about New Perceptions? We would love to have you to our campus for a visit. You are welcome to stay awhile
too - there are volunteer opportunities of all
For more information, call Emily Prabell,
Director of Development & Community
Relations at 859.344-9322, ext. 55 or email
[email protected].
If you wish to be removed from New Perceptions’ mailing list, or if you would prefer to receive
this newsletter electronically, please contact the Development office at 859-344-9322 or email
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New Perceptions is a nonprofit organization and equal opportunity employer and service provider.