
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage PAID
Permit # 575
Kalamazoo, MI
October 2009 – Number 928
Worship Services at 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School & Adult Forum at 9:45 am
504 S. Westnedge Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49007-6004
Church phone 269-344-6181
Web Site: http//
Trinity Staff
Office Administrator
Organist/Director of Music
Youth Ministry
Young Adults
Web Master
Rev. Ken Johnson
Trudi Giffin
William Musselman
Maryann Hubbell
Dan List
Margaret Stevenson
Alex Aivars
Church Council
Financial Secretary
Christian Education
Evangelism, Fellowship
& Communications
Service & Social Ministry
Stewardship & Finance
Worship & Music
Tim Snow
Teri Koretsky
Linda Jones
Chris Allen
Tara Borges &
Eric Cleasby
Donna Gardner &
Kim Tilma
Larry Gardner
Joyce Cleasby &
Brien Leonard
Jerry Molitor
Mike Spresser
Carolyn Albert
Mary Bittner
Maryann Hubbell
Sunday School Co-Superintendents
Mary Johnson
Lori Davis
Trinity Foundation Members
Gerard Molitor
Linda Jones
Steve Bittner
Evan Kokales
Jim Allen
Pastor Ken Johnson
Mark and Sonya Wuerffel/
Wycliff Bible Translators
Larry Yarger/ California
Eisleben Church, Germany
Council Highlights from October
Passing the Peace in Flu Season
Many churches and in some instances whole
dioceses have been altering some liturgical
practices during this upcoming and possibly very
virulent flu season. Schools have been closing,
and we do not want to reach that point as a
church, but we do want to take some precautions
to help prevent the passing of germs and flu
We are placing hand sanitizer bottles throughout
the church facilities. Please understand that
some of our members have quite acute medical
conditions, and a handshake, and possible
passing of germs is the last thing they need. If it
comes to a drastic outbreak in Kalamazoo, we
may ask people to “suspend” the shaking of
hands during the passing of the peace. During
the passing of the peace it is those words of the
peace of Christ which we can focus on. A wave or
a nod of the head is just as meaningful as a handshake at this time. An announcement will be
made if this is the case.
For the distribution of Holy Communion I have
always washed my hands right before the service,
and now I am even washing them again during
the offering when I go into the sacristy. Our Altar
guild has always washed and sanitized the
chalices after every service. Utilizing intinction
instead of the common cup also dramatically
lessens the chance for the passing of germs. As
has been the case throughout the centuries, for
those who cannot drink wine, the bread of the
sacrament is sufficient.
Almost every visitor who has come to Trinity has
remarked on how friendly a congregation we are.
We can still accomplish this generous hospitality
even in the midst of a flu outbreak. Let us all just
try to be much more cognizant of how we might
help prevent the passing of the flu during this
upcoming season.
Shalom, Pr. Ken
Please note the “Important Information” articles
regarding the ELCA discussions.
•Have you had flowers on the altar and forgot
to remit a check? Please do so as soon as
possible as there is quite an amount
•Trinity has received the final distribution from
the Grace Liehr estate: $16,000 to the memorial
fund and $16,000 to the Graduate Student fund.
We remember Grace with gratitude for making
these generous bequests to Trinity.
•The nursery continues to struggle to find folks
to supervise on Sunday mornings. A stipend is
now being offered of $15 for each service.
Do you know someone who would be interested
in this position? It is hoped that more people
will step forward to volunteer to staff this very
important service to the church
•Dates to be aware of:
-The Folklife Benefit concert this year will be
November 14
-Pastor will chair a forum on the state of the
ELCA between services on November 15.
- New members will be received on
November 22.
•The nominating committee will be seeking
people to stand for election for five open
positions on the council. Watch for information
in your Sunday bulletin and in News and Notes.
These positions must be filled so please prayerfully consider filling one. For more information,
talk to any current member of the council.
• Watch for the nametag display to be moved
upstairs to the narthex on the first Sunday of
the month. Wear yours!!
•The Rummage Sale sponsored by the Social
Service committee raised $931 for the
Emergency Fund. Thanks to everyone who
contributed and worked to make the sale a
•The council voted to discontinue use of the
Celebrate! Insert in the Sunday bulletin. All
readings will be incorporated into the body of
the bulletin.
• Advent offering envelopes have been inserted
into your envelope boxes in early November
this year instead of December. The offerings at
the midweek Advent services will be used
toward the Pastor’s Emergency Fund.
It’s early, but…
Pantry Patter
Our boxes of offering envelopes this year
contain an “OOPS”. We ordered one undated
Advent envelope to replace the coin cards we
have used previously. We received that one; but
there are also four additional Advent envelopes
included with the Sundays in November—not
the Sundays of Advent in December. Having
Advent envelopes appear in sequence in the
offering envelope boxes before the arrival of
the Advent season could cause some
confusion. In the hope of eliminating that
confusion, the council has directed that the
monies received in the Advent envelopes will
be split ½ to the General Fund (as adopted in
the budget) and ½ to the Emergency Assistance
designation for the Advent Fund monies is not
determined until the November council
meeting; however, the designation was made
early this year so that those who choose to use
the Advent offering envelopes when they
appear in the boxes will know where the
special offerings will be directed.
Please prayerfully consider using one (or more)
of these envelopes during this trying time for
many in the area.
The 2010 offering envelopes have arrived and
they are as we ordered.
Don Schaefer
Sam Evans
Janet Ellstrom
Sharon Padgett
Larry Lager
Paul Running
First, we want to thank TLC's Youth Group
members, the Youth Director (Maryann Hubbell),
and parents of the youth... who did an outstanding Fall clean-up job on our Pantry rooms.
We, and our clients really appreciate their fine
Our most URGENT need presently is for more
volunteers who are willing to work ("in the
trenches") actually handing out food to our client
families. This activity occurs Monday through
Friday from 12:30 pm until 3:00 pm, does not
require any heavy lifting and merely involves
accompanying the client as she/he walks
through the pantry with a shopping basket to
choose the items available to them. A very brief
orientation is all that is needed inasmuch as this
is not rocket science! Even volunteering one time
per month would be helpful to us! Interested
individuals should contact Sharon Kokales at
344-9892 for more information and to confirm
their interest.
As to food items we require: Plain old sliced
white bread continues to be needed (apparently
this is an increasingly expensive item for Loaves
and Fishes to purchase); Snacks of all kinds
seem always to be in short supply: Especially
cookies, granola bars, pop tarts, crackers, small
boxes of cereal, pretzels, pop corn...those types
of things.
As always we thank you all for your generosity
and willingness to help feed Kalamazoo's
hungry. God bless us all.
Your Pantry Coordinating Committee.
Thoughts from Martin Luther...
….and another “thank you”
“I have so much to do (today) that I should
To Rich Ellstrom for the beautiful lamp that is
now in our lounge. The base of the lamp shows
off his woodworking skills with a wooden cross
connecting the vertical pieces. Stop by and see
it. It is especially lovely during the evenings.
spend the first three hours in prayer”
“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of
music is the greatest treasure in the world.”
From Social Ministry
News from the SCRIP Table
A new project “Coupons for Service People
Overseas” started in October. We ask that you
now cut and trim coupons from newspapers or
magazines and place them in the same place
you did before. We have help in our congregation for mailing and a family in Okinawa who
will place them in the PX. They are delighted to
receive them. We will have more info later as to
which coupons are most helpful. Thanks for
your help.
Including our September 2009 rewards of
$105.11, we have earned a total of $6,527.50
from the Meijer Community Rewards program!
Our Harding’s eScrip members added another
$10.55 in the month of August. More of our
profits are now going to furnish bus tokens
for residents of the neighborhood due to the
increased need. Thanks for helping us help
others get to work, the doctor, the grocery
store, etc.
The First Annual Rummage Sale is over for this
year. We netted $931.08 for Pastor’s
Emergency Assistance Fund. People who visited
got a wonderful deal from the goods you
brought and many warm clothing items were
taken to Ministry With Community. We gained a
lot of new friendships with members of the
community and the women of the Greek Church
across the street. They will let us know the
date of their Bake Sale.
The remainder of the goods not sold is going to
KY when the next truckload is full. Thanks to
all who donated, bought and helped.
If you are thinking of trying the new Martell’s
(formerly the Black Swan), we have gift cards
which include that as well as Epic Bistro,
Fieldstone Grill, and The Union (all on one
card with an 8% rebate to Trinity). Christmas
is not that far away, and these would make a
great gift! Also for the holiday season: Target
cards are now available in $25 as well as $50.
Plans are underway to provide a meal for
Campus Ministry on November 1st. Also, we
have promised to provide more meals when
asked. Pastor Mark gave us a warm Thank You.
W/ELCA has informed us that Trinity has
donated items with a fair market value of over
$1,000.00 from May thru September.
The Sr High Group will take One hundred &
thirty quilts, over a hundred Health Kits, and
boxes of soap to St. Michaels on Sunday,
Oct 17th for Lutheran World Relief. Fifteen to
eighteen women meet monthly to make these
quilts and they are deeply appreciated. Liz
Menck wrote the story of the Quilters if you
wish more information. All people are welcome
to come & join the fun.
If you are stumped for ideas for Christmas gifts,
use ELCA Good Gifts. For only $10.00 you can
purchase ten baby chicks to put a family in a
position to feed their family and start a
business. More information will be available
when Advent material is available.
We have many retailers and cards ranging
from $5 to $100 in value. A number of
groups have bought cards from us to use as
prizes for a variety of occasions and/or
contests; recently two young ladies from
Trinity pooled their resources to purchase a
restaurant card for their parents’ anniversary
Please stop and see what we have that you
can use, and thanks for helping us help
News from the S.W.E.L.L. Partnership
(Volunteers from area Lutheran churches
supporting LSSM’s foster care programs)
Coming soon! Our “fall line” of Cookies in a
Jar will be available before Thanksgiving,
followed by our Christmas line in December.
Proceeds will help foster kids and families
including those ageing out of the foster care
system into Supported Independent Living
situations (including some attending WMU).
We appreciate all who saved or returned jars
for this project and/or bought ingredients.
Your donations enabled us hold the price at
$5 again this year. Thanks for your support!
1 - Chuck VanZoeren
- Larry Nielsen
2 - Susan Hughes
4 - Erika Wattrick
5 - Noah Kramer
7 - Alexandra Pines
- Timothy Snow
8 - Mary Bittner
- John Pawlak
- David Runstrom
9 - Jodi Ernstes
- Ellen Nelson
- Ashley Super
10 - Maryann Hubbell
- Monica Hurley
- Zachary Sellin
11 - Max Shugars
- Lyle Vogt
12 - Sam Adams
- Donna Gardner
- George Kuhl
13 - Paul Running
14 - Michael Yarzebinski
16 - Gordon Reinel
- Hannah Beck Snow
18 - Rasma McMullen
20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -
Max Anable
Sandy Eschelbach
Cleaette Sandmeyer
T. J. Kana’an
Kay Nielsen
Bradley Kraft
Carl Kwast
Gary Belleville
Rolley Miller
Michael Vigen
Raili Nelson
Dottie Geis
Charles Molitor
C. J. Shoemaker
Joan Hamlow
Jonathan Sandstrom
Richard Ellstrom, Jr.
Georgia and Paul Running - 1943
Jean & Steward Sandstrom - 1994
Trudi & Hank Girr - 1959
Vivian & Gene Wood - 1963
Pastor Ronnie & Ione Peterson - 1963
Three kinds of giving
Dan and Melissa List
were married on
October 2
Curt and Jennifer Musselman
were married on
October 17
We pray that God will bless them
as they begin their lives together.
“There are three kinds of giving: grudge giving,
duty giving and thanksgiving. Grudge giving
says, ‘I have to’; duty giving says, ‘I ought to’;
and thanksgiving says, ‘I want to.’ The latter
comes from a full heart. Thanksgiving is an
open gate into the love of God.”
—Robert N. Rodenmayer
We thank our dedicated teachers, helpers and
musicians who are providing an enjoyable,
educational experience for our children.
Preschool: Ashley Super, Becky Schreiner and
Chris Flagler
Kindergarten – Grade 2: Vonda Yarzebinski
and Vicky King
Grades 3-5: Mary Johnson
Jr. High: Ken Rathert & Kathy Paul
Sr. High: Maryanne Hubbell & Laura Woodruff
Open Forum on the state of the ELCA and recent
Assembly decisions.
Sunday, November 15th, 9:45 am
in Fellowship Hall.
Pr. Ken will lead a discussion concerning recent
events within the ELCA. This will be both a presentation as well as time for questions and discussion.
The topic of the recent Sexuality statement will be
addressed and discussed, but that will not be the
only topic. News and trends, theology and the
future direction of the ELCA will also be presented.
Opening Music Leaders:
Preschool - Lori Davis
Grades K-5 - Mary Johnson & Janet Gullickson
Pianist: Marissa Uchimura
Note: Substitutes are always needed, as well as
a leader for our Children’s Christmas Program.
Could you help?
If you would like to send a gift of love at
Christmas time to a child who has nothing,
please consider filling a shoebox with toys,
candy, school supplies and personal care items.
It is is called Operation Christmas Child and is
sponsored by Samaritan's Purse by way of Billy
Graham's son, Franklin. YOU MUST GET THE
BROCHURE which has the envelope for the $7
postage and handling fee and the label for
"BOY" or "GIRL" and age level. The brochure
contains suggested items to fill a shoebox and
items NOT to be included. The message of
Jesus Christ is also spread through the distribution of these boxes. Please prayerfully consider
doing one box or more. This would be a great
project for you and your children/grandchildren.
Please see Linda Ward for the brochure. She
also has some extra shoeboxes.
Shoeboxes will be due at Trinity by Sunday,
November 15th.
Questions about ELCA benevolence?
Please talk to Pastor Ken if you have any questions
regarding the topic of ELCA benevolence. Our
overall percentage giving of “benevolence”
money outside of the church is not going to
change. If less money is sent to the ELCA by the
desire of members, then more benevolence money
will be sent to other charities (both Lutheran and
non-Lutheran) locally, statewide, and internationally. We will still be supporting and possibly
increasing giving to such Lutheran agencies as
Lutheran World Relief, World Hunger Appeal,
Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, etc.
New members will be received on November 22.
Those who are interested can attend the orientation class either on November 1st between services
or November 15th after services.
Council Elections…
Please review the inserted information sheet
regarding our upcoming elections for church
council. These leadership positions are very
important to the mission of Trinity, so we hope
that each member will prayerfully consider how
their gifts might be utilized in service to our
church by serving on our council.
The Lord holds me always in His love.
Always there,
Always loving,
Always giving,
Always healing.
At my weakest,
The Lord is strongest.
The Quilt by T. Davis Bunn
I hope that this wet and chilly fall finds you wrapped warmly in God’s love. We are off to a good
start with a great group of youth, of all ages! Many exciting ideas are flying; the challenge will be
to pick which ones to accomplish!
What a great turn out for our service project of cleaning the Trinity pantries. Many hands make
work light and appreciation was expressed for our efforts! Thank you to all who helped! A warm
thanks to the youth that assisted in the quilt delivery as well. Our next service project will be fall
leaf raking on Nov. 1st (no rain please!!) We’ll grab something quick to eat after the 2nd service
and be on our way. Please bring rakes, leaf blowers and servant hearts.
Anyone for Farkle? It’s a fun dice game that we played last spring and are “game” to do it again! It
will be a fund raising event that is fun for all ages, so if you don’t know how to play, we will teach
you! Put Nov. 21st at 6:00pm on your calendar for an evening of fun. A light meal of chili will be
The youth group is looking into adopting a flock of flamingoes! This caring group of young people can help you out if you know of any flamingoes looking for a new and exciting living arrangement. Please call Maryann at Trinity, discretion will be used.
Nov. 1st Deadline for reservations for Michigan youth Gathering $75 deposit due. Gathering
Dates Dec. 27-30, 2009
We have condo space available for a trip to Boyne on Jan. 29-31st. Please sign up and turn in a
good faith deposit of $25 by Dec. 15th. This trip is for youth in confirmation class and in the high
school group (sorry 6th graders!) This trip is not just for down hill skiers (although it is a great
place to learn!), there is a water park, tubing, cross country skiing and toasty fireplaces to read by
God’s peace,
We are looking for volunteers,
11:30 AM
University Roadhouse
1332 W. Michigan Ave
If you have not already made your
reservation and would like to attend,
call Joanne Musselman at 344-1433
especially some souls willing
to climb a ladder, to put up
our Christmas decorations on 2 Saturdays,
December 5 and 12
1 Sunday, December 20
Please call Helen Howes at 375-0540
for more Information.
Kalamazoo Country Club
Meals must be paid for prior to the luncheon.
For more information or to make a reservation,
Call Jan Shugars 353-2522
It’s not too early to think about Christmas treats..
NOVEMBER 21st at 6:00 pm
This is an evening of fun for all ages! It is a fundraising event for our youth. It’s easy to learn to
play, so come and enjoy a light chili supper and
support our youth.
Vineyard Outreach Ministry will be making those
tasty roasted pecans again this year, both
sugared and spicy. Each bag is $5.00 and will be
available on December 6. They will be made by
the VOM board. See Don Nelson or Jan Forsberg to
place your order.
(They are a nice little gift…..
or a great single-serving snack !!
Thanksgiving Eve Service
November 25 at 7 pm
Count your blessings
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.
Happy Thanksgiving
Thankoffering Sunday
November 8
Rev. Biruta Puike from the Latvian Evangelical
United Church of Kalamazoo will be our guest
speaker. Members of her congregation will be
joining us and will be our guests at the potluck
that follows the 11:00 am service.
You will be receiving a call sometime during the
week of November 1 about the potluck.
This is also the day we bring an offering of food
or personal care products for the pantry.
The need is great!
Women of the ELCA Newsletter
November 2009
Circle Meetings
Esther Mary Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 24th at 7:00 at Ruth
Eiseman’s home.
Lydia Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:30 at Susan
Uchimura’s home. Kim Tilma will lead the Bible Study.
Martha Circle will meet on Thursday, November 19th at 10:00 at church.
Rebecca Circle will meet on Wednesday, November 18th* at 9:00 at church.
Vivian Wood will be the hostess and lead the Bible Study.
Women of the ELCA Purpose Statement
As a Community of Women Created in the Image of God, Called to Discipleship
in Jesus Christ, And Empowered by the Holy Spirit, We Commit ourselves to
Grow in Faith, Affirm our Gifts, Support one another in our Calling, Engage in
Ministry and Action, & Promote Healing and Wholeness in the Church the
Society and the World.
Christian Service Project
In November, we are asked to give our Offerings to What-So-Ever-Freebed and to
donate to Alma’s Mitten Tree. Thank you for your generosity!
Convention/Fall Retreat
Marianne Fuerst,, Katie Yarger, Linda Ward, and Rasma McMullen attended the
Convention/ Retreat this year at the Kettunen Center in Tustin. Sister Sue Tracy
was the guest speaker with John and Martha Kuch sharing music. President
Marianne will provide each Circle with a report.
LWR Quilt Packing
Quilts, health kits and soap will be sent overseas in mid October. Thank you to the
Quilters for packing the 120 quilts, to Teri Koretsky for putting together the 100+
health kits and to our Youth for toting the boxes to St. Michael Lutheran for
transport to countries overseas. We are blessed to have such talented and willing
Thankoffering Sunday is November 8th this year. Please join us to hear special
guest speaker Rev. Biruta Puika from the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran United
Church of Kalamazoo. Rev. Puika will also be speaking at the Adult Forum. The
Latvian Church initially met in our church basement when they first started out as
a congregation. Please plan to attend the service and stay for our annual potluck.
During the service, there will be a processional offering of our regular envelopes as
well as gifts to our pantry and Thankoffering donations. The blessings passed on
through our Thankofferings include our Women of the ELCA Rachel’s Day and
Children’s Sabbath programs for children in crisis; our commitment to anti-racism
by education, networking, and action; our commitment to cross-cultural and global
education; our commitments to radical hospitality, to healing the environment, to
world prayer; to discipleship, to faithful stewardship and service. Your
Thankofferings also go to the work of the Women of the ELCA church wide board,
training of syndical presidents and treasurers, training and support of Triennial
Gathering Promoters, the Triennial Convention and Gathering, and much more.
Thankofferings also support the operations of the church wide organization regular professional audits of our financial reporting, office space and equipment,
and technical services. None of this is possible without your generosity!
Advent Tea
Please mark Monday, November 30th on your calendars for this year’s Advent Tea!
The Advent Tea Stocking money will go to The Seita Scholars Program at WMU.
This program provides qualifying youth who have aged out of the foster care
system with free tuition to WMU. Rebecca Circle is working on a wonderful
program for us with the theme: “Celebrating Advent”. Please contact Kay Nelson
if you are willing to be a hostess.
To God’s Beloved: Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Session 3: Hope Does Not Disappoint
Theme Verse: “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God
in Jesus Christ.” (Romans 6:11)
In the world we live in, we need promises. Promises give us hope. God
reassures us over and over that we are loved and cared for. He promises to be our
God, never to leave us, to deliver us from danger, to forgive us, to hear us when we
pray, to give us courage and peace. Remember, I am with you always. - Matthew
28:20. Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the
door will be opened for you. - Luke 11:9-10. All things work together for good
for those who love God. - Romans 8:28.
Nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love of God that comes to
us in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39), and that’s a promise, a hope fulfilled.
Generous God, we thank you for your many gifts, and we thank you further that
you entrust us with passing on your gifts to others Grant us grace always to act
with bold and fearless generosity, seeing the face of your Son in all of your beloved
children throughout the world. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
In Christ’s Name,
Kay Nelson
Worship w/Holy Communion
8:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Adult Forum 9:45
Leaf raking- Jr & Sr.High 12:15 - ?
8 Thankoffering Sunday
Worship w/Holy Communion
8:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Adult Forum 9:45
Pantry 1-3
Kid's Klub 5 pm
Confirmation 6 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Handbell Choir 7 pm
Senior Choir 8 pm
Men's Bible Study 7 am
Ladies Lunch 11:30
Pantry 1-3
Pantry 1-3 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Confirmation 6 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Handbell Choir 7 pm
Senior Choir 8 pm
Worship w/Holy Communion
8:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Adult Forum 9:45 am
Worship w/Holy Communion
8:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Adult Forum 9:45 am
National Gathering Presentation
by youth 9:45
Martha Circle 10 am
Pantry 1-3 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Kid's Klub 5 pm
Lydia Circle 7:30 pm
Confirmation 6 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Handbell Choir 7 pm
Senior Choir 8 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Kid's Klub 5 pm
Esther Mary Circle 7 pm
Thanksgiving Service 7 pm
Advent Tea 7 pm
Folklife Concert 7 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Farkle Fundraiser 6 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Church Women United "Shine & Glow"
10 am - 2:30 pm
9:30 am -sacistry
Pantry 1-3
Rebecca Circle 9 am
Worship w/Holy Communion
8:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Adult Forum
9:45 am
Fair trade/Equal Exchange coffee,
tea and chocolate available
Sr. High Youth Group 12:15 -2:00
Pantry 1-3
Kid's Klub 5 pm
Council 7:00 pm
Pantry 1-3 pm
Pantry 1-3
Jr. High Meeting 12:15 - 2:00
Articles for the next newsletter
due November 15