foothill presbyterian hospital - Citrus Valley Health Foundation
foothill presbyterian hospital - Citrus Valley Health Foundation
INSIDE: Golf tournament nets $52,000 – p. 4 Ludwicks receive award – p. 8 Donors and Friends for Life – p. 9 Welcome philanthropy expert – p. 11 Leaders with a vision – p. 20 FPH Friendship Card – p. 23 P U B L I S H E D F O R T H E D O N O R S A N D F R I E N D S O F T H E F O O T H I L L F O U N D AT I O N Still caring for the community Dr. John DiMare Jr., one of the first physicians at Foothill Presbyterian Hospital, remembers his early days – p. 6 FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 The Foothill Foundation Development Council A new year brings a new direction CHAIR: Wes Purkiss Dear Friends, CHAIR EMERITUS: Art Ludwick The holidays are upon us, and while this is usually a time to reflect on the year past, I am eager to look to the year ahead. VICE CHAIR: Barbara Latasa John Bettfreund Mary Jane Bettfreund Jacqueline Bracy, MD Joanne Herman Ken Herman Dottie Hilliard Keith Hilliard Carlo Latasa Audrey McAfee Orv Mestad, DDS Emeritus Member Ron Padilla Chris Purkiss Judi Rudd Lynda Siminske Doug Tessitor Honorary Member Ed Tronaas, EdD Ex-officio Member I have enjoyed serving on the Foothill Development Council since 2003 and will be completing my two-year term as chairman in early January. I am pleased that my successor is Barbara Latasa, a valuable member of the Development Council since January 2006 and a longtime resident and business owner in Glendora. Leadership of the Foothill Foundation itself is also changing hands. As you know, Mike Foxworth, executive director of The Foothill Foundation for the last five years, is now on long-term medical leave to address his ongoing battle with cancer. (He reports that his doctors are giving him encouraging news and good test scores as he focuses on returning to good health.) In Mike’s absence, the team that is running the office includes Sherry Heinrich and JoAnne Wilson under the guidance of Irene Bourdon, CVHP senior vice president of Strategic and Corporate Development. They are being assisted by Brian Gauthier, Senior Partner from The Littlejohn Group, a consulting firm that specializes in best practices in community hospital philanthropy. The Foothill Foundation is also working on implementing new strategies based upon a series of recommendations from The Littlejohn Group. One that has been heartily endorsed by the members of the Foothill Development Council and Citrus Valley Health Foundation was the need to be more collaborative with each other and to capitalize on ways that will enhance the philanthropic efforts of both. The groups met in September and are now developing a strategic plan, integrated with the needs of CVHP. Our plan will be operational as we start the New Year. With great hopes for an improved economy and good health to you and yours, please enjoy the holidays and help us make 2010 a wonderful year for The Foothill Foundation. Sincerely, WES PURKISS Development Council Chairman 2 Healthwise F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L Commitment to our community remains strong Dear Friends, As we end 2009, I would like to take a moment to give thanks and reflect on a few highlights, as well as an interesting observation. Let me first speak to the obvious, which is that we have all faced a number of challenges as a result of the economy. While we have made some changes here at Foothill, we continue to be firm in our commitment to provide quality care to the individuals we serve. It is as a result of our commitment to our community that in spite of the economy we have continued to invest in capital equipment throughout the hospital to ensure that we provide state-of-the-art community care. Some of these investments have been made possible through generous donations. In addition, we continue to examine opportunities to enhance services that have resulted and will continue to result in greater efficiencies. One example of this is the fact that we now have much shorter wait times in the Emergency Department, which has definitely aided us during this busy flu season. Next I feel compelled to share with you something I learned as a result of a recent study. This study revealed that most of the patients who utilize Foothill Presbyterian Hospital, as well as a number of community members, are unfamiliar with the Citrus Valley Health Partners system of which Foothill has been a part for approximately 13 years. Hence I believe it is important for us to continue to educate our community about all of the important resources available within the Citrus Valley Health Partners organization, which in addition to Foothill is comprised of Citrus Valley Medical Center – Queen of the Valley Campus in West Covina and Citrus Valley Medical Center – Inter-Community Campus in Covina, as well as Citrus Valley Hospice and Home Health. Within our system of hospitals we have the expertise, equipment and technology to meet the medical needs for the acutely ill newborn, the father who requires heart surgery or the family struggling to make end-of-life decisions for their grandmother’s care. It is good to know our patients will always be directed into hands best prepared to heal them. Finally, as we fast approach the holiday season I want to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and look forward the New Year. Sincerely, DIANA ZENNER, RN, BSN, MBA Administrator & Senior Vice President/Chief Nurse Executive Foothill Presbyterian Hospital FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 3 Golf tournament nets more than $52,000 for FPH he Foothill Foundation and the FPH Executive Club held the 18th annual Golf Tournament on October 12 at the Glendora Country Club. The 136 golfers on hand were treated to a continental breakfast – plus breakfast burritos courtesy of Sergio’s Mexican Restaurant – and then a hot lunch courtesy of In-N-Out Burger. The day also included a helicopter ball drop in which participants had the chance to win $2,500 if their ball landed closest to the hole or $1,000 for the ball that landed farthest from the hole. The helicopter was provided courtesy of Orbic Air, LLC out of Van Nuys – and piloted by Jason Hassler and co-piloted by Michael Ower. T The evening’s festivities included a dinner, awards presentation and a silent auction. The silent auction featured such prizes as prime tickets to a Lakers-Clippers game (donated by Brian Gauthier of The Littlejohn Group), a three-night stay at the two-story Big Bear victorian home of Carlo and Barbara Latasa, sports memorabilia and golf packages. The tournament raised more than $52,000 for Foothill Presbyterian Hospital. All of the golfers enjoyed the day, including Dan Smith, CVHP Vice President of Facilities Greg Landers, CVHP Corporate Director of Materials Management Cindy Cervelli and Nicolas Mavridis. Volunteers like Lu Cronin, Marion Tilton, Pat Gowder and Audrey McAfee always help make the tournament a success. 4 Healthwise F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L The 18th annual Foothill Presbyterian Hospital Golf Tournament Results October 12, 2009 Glendora Country Club SCRAMBLE FORMAT FPH Administrator and Chief Nurse Executive Diana Zenner was on hand to thank tournament sponsors like Gordon Shipp from Medic-1 Ambulance Service, Inc. 1ST PLACE Barry Shawver Allen Wetters Vinny Curluini Danny Hayes Score 58 Card Off Back Nine (29) 2ND PLACE Brian Wood Frank Firmon Tom Tucker Mike Brocki Score 58 Card Off Back Nine (30) 3RD PLACE TEAM Al Gilpin Jr. Al Gilpin III Larry DeSoto Score 61 Card Off Back Nine (31) Last 6 20 • • • SPECIAL EVENTS Collectibles and memorabilia were up for grabs during the silent auction. CLOSEST BALL TO FLAG Hole #2 Bruce Bush, MD Hole #7 Carol West Hole #13 Danny Hayes Hole #15 Larry DeSoto CLOSEST #14 LENGTH 4’ 6” 9’ 3” 44’ 9” 3’ 3” LINE Robert Ower TO THE LONGEST DRIVE CONTEST #9 Men Danny Hayes #9 Ladies Linda Coniglio PUTTING CONTEST Al Gilpin III Score 7 (Putt-Off) Golf balls fell from the sky thanks to the helicopter drop by Orbic Air, LLC. FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 5 Dr. John DiMare Jr.: One of our first physicians remembers Foothill’s early days r. DiMare loves to reminisce. In fact, he’s thought about planning a reunion of physicians who were among the first to serve on the staff of Foothill Presbyterian Hospital (FPH), complete with wine and cigars! D Appropriately enough, Dr. DiMare’s first encounter with FPH was at the official open house for the new hospital, held in March 1973. He was so impressed with the new facility – with its modern construction, the layout and floor plan, up-to-date equipment and its patient amenities – that he was pleased that he had applied for active staff privileges at this beautiful hospital. “I was particularly impressed with how the hospital was designed, with the foresight to leave room for expansion,” notes Dr. DiMare. “Foothill was a definite step above the hospital where I’d been working.” Dr. DiMare was also encouraged to join FPH by several colleagues from his previous hospital, including Dr. Melvyn Krause, Dr. Robert Allen, Dr. George Coloviras and Dr. Sidney Siegel. Dr. DiMare and his colleagues were correct to trust their instincts about the new hospital. Patient census grew quickly at the facility, as did his practice. “Within six months, I was as busy as I wanted to be!” remarks Dr. DiMare. “I think one of the reasons the hospital grew so quickly is that, as a nonprofit facility, it was supported by both the medical community and the public right from the start,” Dr. DiMare continues. “At the time, there was a for-profit hospital in town, yet the physicians preferred to support Foothill due to its nonprofit status.” Other physicians involved in the hospital’s early days, which focused on primary care, included Drs. Stanton, Kramer and Van Vranken. “Don Adams, who was CEO when the hospital opened, was also key to our early success,” notes Dr. DiMare. “Don was a very dynamic leader who was particularly skilled at managing both the medical staff and the hospital’s finances. Some years later, Don and Dr. Stanton both became ill and were admitted to the hospital they had helped establish. We were honored to take care of both of them.” And just like it had done three decades earlier, the philanthropic support of its physician community continues to help the hospital flourish and grow. One of the first major fund-raising campaigns to actively involve physicians was the renovation of the maternity unit several years ago. Next, 6 Healthwise F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L “It’s important that the Medical Staff show their commitment to the hospital. You’ve done all your work here and all of your patient care here. It’s important as a physician to donate back to the hospital so this medical institution will be here in the future,” says Dr. DiMare. Dr. DiMare retired from his private practice in 2004 and currently serves as the Chief Medical Officer at FPH. And since 2000, Dr. DiMare has been a member of the Board of Directors of Citrus Valley Health Partners, which governs FPH, Citrus Valley Medical Center – Queen of the Valley Campus, Citrus Valley Medical Center Inter-Community Campus and Citrus Valley Hospice. Originally a resident of Pasadena, Dr. DiMare and his wife, Helen, moved to Glendora in 1975. Their children, Dawn and John III, were raised and educated in Glendora. Dawn now lives in Foothill Ranch with her husband, Nicolas, and young children, Charlotte and William. John III lives in Long Beach and is in a master’s program in Child and Family Counseling. In 1994, Dr. DiMare and Helen moved to Laguna Beach; he commutes to Glendora by both car and Metrolink train. “The goal of Foothill Presbyterian Hospital has always been to maintain the highest quality of care and to be responsive to the needs of the community,” explains Dr. DiMare. “Thanks to our very cohesive Medical Staff, our dedicated nursing staff, and all our other employees, Foothill has been able to maintain its quality and its dedication to the community over the years.” “What I saw in 1973 is still there,” concludes Dr. DiMare. “The quality of care, the Medical Staff, and the community support. While the introduction of managed care was definitely a challenge and a struggle at first, we were able to persevere – in fact, I believe Foothill made the transition more easily than most hospitals. We’ve definitely had to adjust with the times – but have kept alive our culture of quality care and community.” Health care is a complicated business By Robert Curry, President & CEO Citrus Valley Health Partners elping individuals and communities thrive is not simply a matter of accessing the latest breakthroughs in medical technology. Cutting-edge care must go hand-in-hand with a sincere commitment to quality, compassion and customer service, key elements in any prescription for health. It is a rare combination of ingredients in a health care facility, and I am proud to say that Foothill Presbyterian Hospital gets it right, offering a remarkable array of programs and services enhanced by its affiliation with Citrus Valley Health Partners (CVHP). H Through its three hospital campuses and hospice, CVHP provides communities throughout the East San Gabriel Valley with a comprehensive continuum of care, from family-centered maternity services in the Carl E. Wynn Newborn Inn at Foothill to a state-of-the-art newborn intensive care unit at Citrus Valley Medical Center – Queen of the Valley Campus to compassionate end-of-life care at Citrus Valley Hospice. At CVHP, we take an integrated approach, ensuring that our facilities work together to join patients and providers in strong, collaborative partnerships that keep people well in body, mind and spirit. Our philosophy is simple: Whether they are turning to CVHP for around-the-clock emergency See Complicated business, page 14 FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 ▼ physician leaders played vital roles in the campaign to expand the emergency department. 7 FOOTHILL PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Diana Zenner, RN Administrator & Chief Nurse Executive Greg Landers Vice President – Facilities & Materiels Management THE FOOTHILL FOUNDATION Mike Foxworth Executive Director of Development Sherry Heinrich Donor Relations Officer Ludwicks receive distinguished award from Citrus Valley Health Foundation he contributions of Arthur and Sarah Ludwick to the Glendora community and beyond were recognized during Citrus Valley Health Foundation’s 20th annual Autumn Nocturne gala fund-raiser on October 3 at the Pacific Palms Conference Center and Resort in Industry Hills. T The Ludwicks were honored with the foundation’s prestigious Laband Award for their longtime service and philanthropic support to the hospitals of Citrus Valley Health Partners and to numerous charitable organizations in the community. Art Ludwick accepted the award that evening on behalf of his wife. Established in 1990, the Laband Award recognizes individuals or groups that have significantly improved the San Gabriel Valley and have demonstrated a commitment to furthering Citrus Valley Medical Center’s mission to provide quality, compassionate health care to the community. More than 350 people attended the event, which featured a black tie dinner, live and silent auctions and a special opportunity drawing with a chance to win $5,000. Entertainment was provided by The Fab Four – a renowned Beatles tribute band – and the Citrus College Night Shift band. Proceeds benefit Citrus Valley Medical Center. JoAnne Wilson Special Events Officer ■ Robert H. Curry President & CEO, CitrusValley Health Partners Arthur Ludwick, center, receives the 2009 Laband Award from Dawn Henn, left, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Citrus Valley Health Foundation, and Irene Bourdon, CEO of the Citrus Valley Health Foundation and senior vice president of Strategic and Corporate Development for Citrus Valley Health Partners, at the Autumn Nocturne event October 3 at the Pacific Palms in Industry. 8 Healthwise F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L Thank you to our many Donors and Friends for Life... from the Board and Officers of The Foothill Foundation — THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2009 (BASED Humanitarians ($250,000-above) The Ahmanson Foundation Carl E. Wynn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. Eldred Foothill Presbyterian Hospital Auxiliary Dan and Heidi Hanson Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Johnston Mr. Anthony LaFetra Mrs. Mary E. LaFetra Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ludwick Mr. and Mrs. Erik A. Ludwick Monrovia Growers and George Brierly and Susan Corder Brierly The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Rain Bird Corporation Weingart Foundation Benefactors ($100,000-$249,999) Anna Memorial Cancer Foundation – Geleris Family Michael and Kathleen Garvey Elbridge and Mary Stuart Foundation EmCare, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fischer In loving memory of our son, John Thomas Fischer Foothill Independent Bank Henry L. Guenther Foundation Ludwick Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayer Southern California Building Foundation Keith and Eileen Van Vliet Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vanderhoop Jack and Connie Watson Patrons ($25,000-$99,999) Aerojet General Corporation — Dr. and Mrs. George Edwin Baxter Harry A. and Gary E. Biszantz Fred Blair In memory of Betts Blair Mr. and Mrs. John V. Bock Cliff and Mary Booth Vincent and Helen Capitano Family Yong S. Chen, MD Colley Motors Incorporated Gertrude Coloviras Gary and Debbie Cooper Deukmejian Family In memory of George and Jean Michael D. DeYoung, MD FPH Medical Staff Larry Fetters Foothill Presbyterian Hospital Men’s Club General Telephone of California Glendora Civitan Club Glendora Rotary Club Bob and Sandy Graves Healthcare Equipment Center of San Gabriel Valley Ken and Joanne Herman Honeywell, Inc. The Huffman Manufacturing Company Jean and Grant Hunter In-N-Out Burger Dr. and Mrs. Jack Japenga John Gogian Family Foundation Johnston Pump Company Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kramer Carlo and Barbara Latasa Mayflower Markets Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Mestad Miller Brewing Company Julian and Karen Montes Matthew Liutauras Namikas, MD Norman M. Nelson, MD Neptune & Thomas Associates Oakdale Memorial Park & Mortuary Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Odell Ormco Corporation Cleve Patton See Patrons, page 10 FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 ▼ Names appearing in bold are new to the Donor Wall classification. ON CUMULATIVE GIFTS ) 9 Patrons cont’d Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Entwisle Younger Philip Presbyterian Church Questar Construction Bill and Barbara Robinett John and Margaret Rowe SGV Consulting Pathologists Medical Group, Inc. – E. R. Pocock, MD Leon and Diane Scruton Craig and Arlene Silvers Mr. and Mrs. Roland Smith Southern California Edison Company Southern California Gas Company Elvin H. Stanton, MD and Ruth E. Stanton Sutherland Trust Mr. and Mrs. Chip Sturniolo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tscharner Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Vranken In memory of Richard M. Ferguson and Dorothy Anne Van Vranken Tom Warner and Sharon Ludwick-Warner White’s Funeral Home – Azusa Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Wood The Zalta Family Marci Louise Zalta Memorial Dr. and Mrs. Edward Zalta Sponsors ($10,000-$24,999) Michael and Virginia Bevilacqua Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Blatter Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bollinger Sr. Jane Tessitor Braun Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Burrows California Indemnity Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Colley The Crocker Bank Dan and Susan Derby – ISU Derby Insurance Associates, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John J. DiMare Jr. In memory of my father, John J. DiMare Dr. and Mrs. Neil E. Doherty III Walter A. and Martha S. Eggers Fund Robert and Martha Ewry Fairmont Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Farr Richard M. Ferguson Memorial Dr. and Mrs. Tim Ferguson Chet and Stephanie Fortney – A-1 Event & Party Rentals Michael and Dee Dee Foxworth GTE Foundation 10 Healthwise Henry and Rosemary Garcia In memory of Robin Sealander Glendora Church Homes Glendora Radiological Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gongwer Phil and Carol Gray Ibrahim Hanna, MD Ron and Pam Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hitt Huntington Provider Group E. Scott Isbell, MD Dybby and Lloyd Jackson Kiwanis Club of Glendora Dr. and Mrs. Melyvn H. Krause Dr. and Mrs. Shigeo Kuwahara Mr. and Mrs. Greg Landers Florence L. Landon Trust George and Karen Langley Richard and Barbara Lee McGregor Van De Moere, Inc. Medic-1 Ambulance Service, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Metzger Dr. and Mrs. George Michel Tom and Corinne Miller Helen Otto Pacific Western Bank Howard and Jean Palmer Dr. and Mrs. William Pfisterer Physical Therapy Service Corporation Plato Products, Inc. Rick and Jan Presnell Wes and Chris Purkiss Drs. Michael F. and Marion A. Quinn Dr. and Mrs. Donald Sievert Lisa L. Thomsen MD Dr. and Mrs. David B. Underwood Irene Ferguson Van Vranken In memory of Matthew R. Ferguson Western Disposal Co., Inc. Wayne and Annette Whistler John M. Wormley, MD Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yoshioka Donors ($2,500-$9,999) Charles and Mary Adams Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams JoAnn W. Adams Dr. and Mrs. George Ajalet Scott R. and Catherine Q. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen Alliance Imaging, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Alliapoulos F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L Alcoholics Anonymous American Medical Response, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell A. Andrews Anonymous Michael and Susan Anthony Ardus Development Company – Mr. and Mrs. Dick Paulus – Mr. and Mrs. Wes Menard Argent, LLC Frederic and Pauline Astin Robert and Marina Austin Avery Label Systems Azusa Kiwanis Club Azusa Pacific University The Bacher Family In memory of Albina Suganski Bette A. Bailey BankAmerica Foundation Mrs. Maude Baxter Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beavers Michael and Jean Beckman Richard and Jean Bentwood Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Bergemann Mr. and Mrs. Walter Berger John and Mary Bettfreund Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bird Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Blayney Glen and Irene Bourdon Skip and Anne Marie Christ Bruce Bocking and Nancy Gorey Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Bollinger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bollinger In memory of Donald E. Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bonet Najib Bouz, MD Jacqueline Bracy, MD Tony and Carol Brassfield Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bridegroom Paul C. Briede, MD Memorial Wolfgang and Marion Buehler Dr. Bruce Bush and Alma Bush Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Bushman Paul and Diana Butler Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Byrne C & D Bonding & Insurance Services California Amforge Corporation California Portland Cement Company Calmark Corporation Dr. and Mrs. John D. Camp Mr. and Mrs. Howard Canter Lois Carlson Carnation Company oted leader in health care philanthropy Brian Gauthier has added a new title to his impressive résumé: acting executive director of development of The Foothill Foundation. Stepping in on an interim basis while Executive Director Mike Foxworth is on medical leave, Gauthier has assumed responsibility for the organization’s continued support of Foothill Presbyterian Hospital. He will be assisted by Sherry Heinrich and JoAnne Wilson, who have been managing the day-to-day operations. N As senior consultant with The Littlejohn Group, which offers strategic guidance focused on community hospital development, Gauthier brings a wealth of experience to the position – and an understanding that people are a foundation’s greatest asset. “The donors, staff and executive leadership of The Foothill Foundation make this a truly special place,” he says. “I am excited to get to know our many stakeholders, and to work with them to further the foundation’s efforts.” See Philanthropy expert, page 14 ▼ Gauthier has made institutional advancement the central emphasis of a long and ▼ See Donors, page 12 Foundation welcomes philanthropy expert FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 11 Donors cont’d Miki Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cate Dr. and Mrs. Onn T. Chan Charter Oak Woman’s Club In memory of Esther Hurlburt In loving memory of Lois J. Christensen Lois and Jim Christensen Citrus Valley Hospice and Home Health George J. Coloviras Jr., MD Frank H. Connor, DDS Lois M. Conyers Craig Medical International, Inc. Crestview Cadillac West Covina Crothall Laundry Services Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Curry Allyn C. and Jacqueline Cutler Edward Davis, MD Margaret and Bertram Depew Jean Deukmejian Lois L. Doe Jill Donahue and Ted Hopson Carl and Marilyn Donmoyer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eilken FHP Health Care Robert B. Ferguson In loving memory of Ann Fetters Mayor and Mrs. Joe M. Finkbiner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Robert A Fitzgerald Foothill Ford, Inc. Foothill Microsystems Foothill Presbyterian Hospital (Employees Forum) Foothill Presbyterian Hospital Junior Auxiliary Lisa and Hank Foust The Fulcrum Group GE Medical Systems Gatherer Properties Robert and Shirley Geimer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glaze Glendora Church Homes Glendora Farmers Market Association Volunteers 1999-2004 Glendora Lions Club Glendora Pediatric Medical Group, Inc. Glendora Woman’s Club Glenkirk Presbyterian Church Ed Goebel Walter and Patsy Gorrell Gourmet Gourmet Halbert, Hargrove/Russell, LLC Marc Gutin, MD In memory of Ruth and Aaron Gutin 12 Healthwise Ruth A. Hamad, MD Kathleen Hangge Elaine E. Harper In memory of Dr. Elvin H. Stanton The Hartford Mrs. Catherine B. Hawkins Alfred and Grace Hays Heathcare Equipment Center of San Gabriel Valley Lillian Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Henderson MaryAnn Heydenreich Louise Hild Thom and Sheryl Hill Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Hilliard Hughes Development Corp. Imperial Savings & Loan, Assoc. Integrated Security Solutions Leelama Isaac Said Jacob, MD, MPH Ruth James Richard G. Johnson, MD Gurjeet Kalkat, MD Naji Kandalaft, MD Naim Kassar, MD Kiwanis Club of Glendora Leonard and Elaine Knight Naida Koelliker Richard and Linda Lambert Lemar Hardwood & Door Co. Jonathan Leung, MD Marissa G. Llanera, MD Los Angeles County Medical Association Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ludwick In memory of Ann Fetters Diana Lugo-Zenner John and Mary Lundstrom Lynne and Fulton Lytle Ellen MacDonald Makeitright, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe R. Madison Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Madsen Magan Medical Clinic (Medical Staff) Magparts Managed Care Support Systems, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Manley R. M. Martinez-Ferrer, MD Doris Maule Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. May In memory of John A. McAfee John and Audrey McAfee Mr. and Mrs. William McCadden Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. McClurg William and Ann McCormick Drs. Joy and Jack McElwee F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L In memory of Carl R. Sharp Shearson Lehman Hutton William Simpson Construction Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Sirney Sitter Associates Bob and Caroll Smith Michelle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edmund O. Smyth Bryon T. Song, MD SoroptImist Club of Azusa-Glendora Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sparling Ruth Stanton Mrs. Bonnie Stauffer Paul and Margrit Stern Dennis Strum, PhD Cynthia Stuart, MD Sutro & Company In memory of Raymond and Barbara Swearingen Swenson Accountancy Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Teter Theresa Latasa Thomas Time Finance Company Dr. and Mrs. Ed Tronaas Helen Tronaas In memory of Lloyd Tronaas Linda Tsang, MD Mr. and Mrs. Gary Underhill United Way Campaign Martin and Opal Usrey Michael and Sandy Valentine-Matthews Betty and Andrew Van Vliet Mrs. Ralph Van Vranken The Venberg Family Pamela and Robert Vermons In memory of Sharon Rae Nowell Rogers Roman and Edie Versch Daniel G. Vogt, MD Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Walker Dr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Weimer Mrs. Edna V. Welch Bill and Carol West Mr. William West Mrs. Annette Whistler In memory of Wayne Whistler and Vivian Bradvica John and Janet Wichman Arthur H. Williams, MD Ken Wilmarth Laurie M. Woll, DO Harold and Cece Workman Kathy Wright Raymond Yen, MD Praveena Yetur, MD See Donors, page 14 FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 ▼ Mr. and Mrs. G. McGuire Medical Measurements Corporation Metrex Valve Corp. Samy K. Metyas, MD L. Ned Miller Lawrence L. Misko, MD Mobil Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Moller Patrick K. Moore Law Corporation Mrs. Lucinda Morey Dr. and Mrs. William R. Morgan Munsen Sporting Goods Gene and Maura Murabito William P. Neil Foundation Howard K. Newman, MD Gordon and Diane Norman Drs. Jacob and Michelle O’Neill Oaktree Funding Corporation Lori Oberon Dr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Odell OfficeMax Al and Chris Ohrmund Oil and Solvent Process Company Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oki Optimal Print Source, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Otting Orthopaedic Medical Group and Athletic Rehabilitation Center, Inc. Owen Healthcare Incorporated Robert and Donna Ower Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Panasiti The Patron Saints Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pederson Bruce Philip Physician Associates of the Greater San Gabriel Valley Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Pihlak Pinpoint Industries, Inc. – The Padilla Family PRIME Consulting, UBS Financial Services, Inc. Professional Hospital Supply, Inc. Prudential Financial Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Raab Ruth Richardson and Hilda Costen Max V. and Lois Riley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Rogers San Dimas Community Hospital Dr. and Mrs. Antoine S. Sayegh, DDS Walter and Patti Schaub Dr. and Mrs. Jaime M. Schvartzman Robert A. Seidel Dr. and Mrs. Donald Seivert George W. Selby, MD Dr. and Mrs. Paul Senise Patricia Serio Mrs. Liette C. Sharp 13 Complicated business cont’d Donors cont’d care or for our comprehensive cardiac and cancer services, we support community members with exceptional care in a nurturing environment that understands – and caters to – their needs. With more than 3,000 employees and over 1,000 physicians dedicated to making a tangible difference for so many patients, it’s little wonder that CVHP has such a positive impact throughout the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. Mrs. Dorothy D. Zadach J. Manuel Zozaya, MD Your philanthropic support of Foothill Presbyterian Hospital allows this continuum of care to continue because your donations impact more than just this facility; they impact a whole health system. On behalf of those of us in the extended CVHP family, thank you for helping us help to help others to live richer, fuller and healthier lives. Philanthropy expert cont’d distinguished career. A specialist in strengthening community hospital systems, he has led philanthropy programs and provided consultation to health care institutions ranging from Verdugo Hills Hospital in Glendale to St.Vincent’s Medical Center in Los Angeles to Daniel Freeman Hospitals in Inglewood and Marina del Rey. He was instrumental in raising the primary funding for the Prostate Cancer Research Institute, and recently helped revitalize a foundation for the St. Joseph Regional Health System in Texas as that organization’s interim executive vice president. Gauthier’s expertise extends beyond the realm of health care philanthropy. He previously served as assistant vice president of Pepperdine University and executive director of external affairs for the Darden School of Business Foundation at the University of Virginia, and in a remarkable partnership with Cornell University, he ran the most successful library fund-raising campaign in Ivy League history. With a diverse skill set, including major and principal gift development, strategic planning and organizational management, Gauthier is a welcome addition to The Foothill Foundation family. 14 Healthwise Friends ($500-$2,499) A&B A. Dermatology Hair Transplant Medical Clinic Dr. Glen Adams Margaret “Peggy” Addy Robert and Sara Adler Air Pro Services, Inc. Alandale Insurance Company Albertsons, Inc. – Glendora Moshen Ali, MD Dr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mari Almond, RN, CEN Alta-Dena Certified Dairy Kimberly J. Amato American Financial Concepts Corp. American Savings & Loan Ameritec Foundation Andrew E. Amodei, DDS Edwin and Annette Anderson Helen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William T. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andreville Gary and Connie Andrews Joseph E. Anthony, DDS Sharon Anthony Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Antunez ARCO Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Armstrong Arrow Arrow Truck Bodies & Equipment, Inc. Arthur Young & Co. Athens Services George Au, MD Azusa Glendora Association of Realtors Azusa Greens Country Club B.M.E. Manufacturing, Inc. Jo and Dutch Bader Dorothy Bailey Dorothy B. Baker Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ballew Bank of America Lorlynn E. Barcus In memory of Grayson Hoyt Barcus Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barnett Michael and Sara Baron Virginia Barrett, MD Michelle A Bart F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L Carrier Corporation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Cassara Isabel Castañeda Mr. and Mrs. Philip Castruita Mr. and Mrs. John Cennamo Chris and Retha Champion Dr. and Mrs. Tachun Chen Karen M. Christopher Chevrolet Clippinger, Inc. In memory of James M. Christensen Jeannine Mackey Christensen In memory of Jim and Lois Christensen Chad and Carisa Christensen In memory of Jim and Lois Christensen Michael J. Christensen and Natasha Christensen In memory of Jim and Lois Christensen Paul and Sue Christensen In memory of Jim and Lois Christensen Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christopher Citrus Valley Urologic Medical Group, Inc. City Plumbing, Inc. City Refuse Service of Glendora Clare Corporation George L. Clarke, DDS William G. Clevenger Gary and Linda Clifford Karol L. Cloud Coffey Communications Nadja A. Cole Wayne and Lois Coleman The Colonies Partners, LP Community Care Hospice Betty and Ed Conly Paul Consoli Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Cook Jr. Michael Cook Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. Jack and Penny Copeland Cordell, Inc. Gary L. Corderman Mr. and Mrs. Ugo A. Coty Mr. and Mrs. William Crain Zella Cramer Crestwood Corporation Bob and Lu Cronin Barbara Crow In memory of Olga F. Loyless Donna Crowther In memory of Tim Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cummings Frank and Judith Davidson Marilyn E. Davidson See Friends, page 16 FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 ▼ Kathleen Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Baumgaertner Richard and Georgia Bazard Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beavers Gloria M. Beckford Charles Beckwith Benedictine Sisters – St. Lucy’s Priory James R. and Nancy Bennett Susan Benson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bergstedt Mr. and Mrs. Elger A. Berkley Alec Berkman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Berry The Bittner Family Blair-Martin, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blair Bock’s Variety Toy Store Mrs. Grace Bock Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Boiu Laureen and Darryl Bolstad William J. Boone John and Mary Borger Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyer George Charles Brace Vivian and George Bradvica Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bresee Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Brewer Jr. Jane H. Brewer Brian Wood Automotive, Inc. Mrs. Eva D. Brooke In memory of William P. Brooke David and Eileen Brooks Brookside Savings & Loan In Memory of Clifford Brown Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Bryan Donna Bulot In honor of Christine and Camille Bulot Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff Bunker Chris and Jennifer Burgan CHI/Optima C.M.R.E Management Cal. Medical Receivables Exchanges Celso Caagbay Cabinet Officers Association of the Glendora Unified School District California Day Fresh Foods, Inc. California Portland Cement Company California Turbo, Inc. – Mr. Leslie E. May Jean Marie Campbell In memory of Warren B. Campbell Mary Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Caporaso Daniel Cardona Steve Carlson 15 Friends cont’d In memory of Val E. Davidson Davis & Deal CPAs Davis Wright Tremaine Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Davis Robert L. and Joan M. Davis dba Sierra Madre Exploration Ken and Myra DaVola Richard M. Day Dr. and Mrs. Anthony N. DeCarbo Bob and Bonnie Deering Gerald A. DeFreece, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Denison Michael F. and Merrie N. Denton The Robert L. DePew Family Erlinda Desotell C. George Deukmejian Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Dinette Christina M. Domme Lori Doniak Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Donnelly Sr. The Donut Man Mr. and Mrs. James Dowell Alexander W. Duguid Mrs. Adeline Durston Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Durston Ruth Durston E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Company EMS Biomedical & Clinical Services, Inc. Carol Echols Dr. and Mrs. Jay F. Edwards Rev. and Mrs. Wiert Eekhoff Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Eissler Christensen and Van Hall Ellingsen Encompass Therapeutic Support Systems Arthur Engwald Family Enserv West LLC Ernst & Young Todd Everton Shirley and Larry Evans Lani and Betty Exton FPH Jr. Auxiliary FPH Medical Staff In memory of Ann Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Favero Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Felby Mr. and Mrs. D. Femino George Ferenczi, MD Irene Ferguson Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ferguson David V. Ferrari Family Douglas Ferrell 16 Healthwise Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fields Steve and Renee Foley Foothill Family Practice Medical Group Foothill Federal Credit Union Foothill Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Forgy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fortney Lois Foster Pete and Elvia Foulke In memory of Ann Fetters Wayne E. and Dorothy D. Fountain Mrs. Bonnie Lambert Fox In memory of Ernest L. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Fricke Jr. In memory of Genevieve Alice Garland Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Garwood Melodie Gaskill James and Angela Gates Mike and Cindy Ghandour Fred Gilham Girard, Ellingsen, Christensen & West Samuel and Bonnie Giron Glenbrook Hospital & Mental Health Center Glendora City Employees Association Glendora Jaycees Glendora Kiwaniannes Glendora Ministerial Association Glendora Optical Services Glendora Police Benefit Association Glendora Pride Ride Glendora Rotary Charities Glendora Trophy – Penny and Dick Paulus Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gomer Elizabeth M. Gonzalez Karen A. Goodyear, PhD Carol Gordon John and Sherrill Gordon Daniel E. Gormley, MD Bill and Pat Gowder Bonnie Grajewski Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Grandall Mrs. Marion S. Grandall Graves Prestesater Financial & Retirement Planning, LLC Ronald Gray, MD Griswold’s Inn James Guest Narendara K. Gupta, MD Dr. and Mrs. James Gustin Mr. and Mrs. Orval Haines Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Halderman James Harold Hall Bud and Annette Hallman Dr. and Mrs. Khan Hameed F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L Marie Kinslow Virginia “Ginny” Kirby In memory of Harvey Kirby Mark and Raquel Kislinger Kiwanis Club of So. El Monte Raymond H. Klinder In memory of Lila B. Klinder Susan Kline Dr. and Mrs. Wilber S. Knupp Jean Kochman Barbara Kolkebeck Kotoni Trading, Inc. In memory of Alfred T. Kozaka Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kozaka Toki Kozaka and Family In memory of Alfred T. Kozaka Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kraght Tom and Lieske Kramer In memory of Melvyn H. Krause, MD Ann Kuns Elliot Kushell, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kuske L & B Foods, Inc. Michael W. and Carolyn Lagos Mr. and Mrs. Greg Landers In memory of Ann Fetters Florence L. Landon Dorothy Landrey Jenward and Adelina Lao Edward Larkin Alisa Nicole Larsen Mrs. Louise Lawton Leatherby’s Family Creamery, Inc. Juanita LeFay Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Lewis John F. Lobb Logan & Okamoto Orthodontics Los Angeles Cardiothoracic Surgery Paul and Brittany Lovell Mr. and Mrs. Ed Luce Art and Sarah Ludwick In memory of Matt Ferguson John W. Lundstrom In honor of Mary Lundstrom Mr. Real Estate C. A. MacDonald Law Offices of MacLeod & Soderwall George Madanat, MD Jack and Jill Maharg Carl Malkmus Gary Michael Manson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Martyns See Friends, page 18 FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 ▼ Cliff and June Hamlow Mary L. Hanes, MD Peggy B. and William G. Harding Jr. Jeff L. Hart Hart & Mieras Jim and Pat Hawley Cathryn Hays Naomi Hays Culver E. and Wanda Heaton Mrs. Isobel R. Hegedus In memory of Thomas J. Hegedus Linda Heinrich Sherry and Jerry Heinrich Richard and Lois Hemingway Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henley Mr. and Mrs. James L. Herschberg Mary Hidalgo Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hill Bruce and Wai-Wah Hillam Mr. and Mrs. Kazujuki Hiroshige Lucille Hoeger Carl E. Hoppe Karl and Louanne Hoff Karen Howard Melissa Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hoy Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hughes John Hunt, DC Ms. “Pinky” Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hupp Jeanne Hyatt Dr. and Mrs. E. Scott Isbell In memory of Ann Fetters Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Isensee Jackson & Jackson Insurance Agents & Brokers Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jackson Hickory S. and Lillian Jackson John and Sharon Jackson Ruth Jackson In memory of Jerry W. Jackson Wilma Jahn Craig James Charlene Janz Larry J. Jennings The Jett Family Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Johnson Douglas Jones Tom and Dixie Jorgensen Faye L. Joseph The Juds Mr. Aziz Khan Kindred San Gabriel Valley Hospital 17 Friends cont’d Donna Marx John Mathews Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mathews III Charles Maxwell The May Stores Foundation Mr. Leslie E. May Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayo Marjorie J. McAdam Jim McCord Peter McCormick Mae Crawford McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. McDonald Sr. Avanell L. McKenna Ms. Bea McLellan Judge J. Gordon and Catherine E. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McVey Medical Data Management Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Meissenbury Anna B. Mendenhall In memory of Ray W. Mendenhall Mr. John Mendez Blas Mercurio Family Mercy Ambulance Service, Inc. Messer MG Industries Gale and Donna Messick Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Middleton Dorothy J. Miller Mr. Irvin R. and Mrs. Gene S. Miller Linda Miller James L. Mills Phil and Drue Anne Minard David and June Mitts George Miyagi Barbara (Sam) Molz Mr. and Mrs. Roger Monroe Liz Montanez Luis and Susan Montenegro Catherine F. Montez Danny Montoya Jim and Helen Moretti Chris and Kathy Morey Kelly and Jenny Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Moritz Margaret and Edward Morris Patricia L. Moses Hendrika J. Namikas Mr. and Mrs. Walter Natzic D. S. Neukomm Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nickerson Nissan Harbor Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Norman 18 Healthwise Julie Norton In memory of Ron Norton Minerva Norton Dr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Norviel Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Oaktree Funding Corporation Madeline Oberon Clark G. Ochikubo, MD Odell Tire Service, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Vance Okamoto Michael and Joanne Olander Silvia Ortega PFF Bank & Trust Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Paap PacifiCare Pacific Emergency Specialists Pacific Precision Ralph and Vi Paich Darlene Palmer Mary Palmieri Paul Palsa Darlene Parks Mr. and Mrs. Ben Paroulek Rudy and Hassie Parzl Patricia’s of Glendora Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Pauly Vera Peckham Salvatore Pepe, MD The Perkin-Elmer Corporation Shannon Perrett Judith G. Perry-Shelton Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. James Phares Harvey Phifer Mary Jane Pick Barbara Pombo Kay and Jim Poorbaugh Portable Dialysis Services Mr. and Mrs. Ken Prestesater Melissa S. Preston Procurement Assoc., Inc. Naresh K. Pruthi, MD Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Pullen Rafael Quezada John and JoBeth Raabe – X-ray Copy Service Wilson Rabban, MD Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Randol Rasmussen & Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Chandra Mandyam Reddy James W. Redfern in memory of Helene Redfern Marie S. Redondo in memory of Chris L. Redondo F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed Carlyle and Colleen Regele Ms. Marian Reich A. D. Reider Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert N. Resendez Fermin and Martha Reyes Mr. and Mrs. James Rhodes Christopher L. Rice Eleanore W. Rich In memory of Bernard M. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Richter Dr. and Mrs. Robert Robison David Robitaille Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rodriguez T. Steven Roosevelt, MD, PhD, JD William and Lorena Routt The Routt and Vargas Families Mr. and Mrs. Max G. Ruf Norman Sakai, MD San Dimas Grange 658 San Gabriel Valley Center MRI Lyvia Sandell Virginia V. Santos Ken and Vi Schneider Mrs. Elaine Schoenick Bruce W. Schutte, DDS Rita F. Scott Robert and Loretta Searls George W. Selby, MD in memory of Roberta Armstrong, MD Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Sera Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Severtson Carl and Liette Sharp Jeffrey S. Shapiro, MD Terrie Sheehan Col. and Mrs. James H. Shelton Jr. Judith Sheperd Jane Simpson Richard Singer, MD Howard and Marian Sirney Gene and Phyllis Six Mrs. Bettie L. Smith In memory of Kathryn J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Smith In memory of Kathryn J. Smith Roland Smith Southern California Healthcare Systems Southwest Machine & Plastic Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Spaulding George S. Spragins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton Erna Stebbins Richard V. and Mary Speck Heidi J. Speer Dr. and Mrs. Seymour A. Spungin Debby Steele John W. Steele, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Horst K. Steinbicker Grace Sutherland Susan Wray Swarzkopf Sybron Dental Specialties, Inc. Levy Tagle Taylor & Associates Architects, Inc. Marvin and Judi Thornton Larry and Marion Tilton In memory of Larry Tilton Aida and Leo Tolentino Jess and Sharon Tomory Catherine E. Toneck Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Totten Toyoto Fairway Tri-Mark Corporation Lisa G. Tucker Joe and Bonnie Urban Jill Vago Emma Vasquez In memory of Manuel Aguirre Christopher Venuti Visiting Angels, Senior Homecare In memory of Daniel G. Vogt, MD Warren and Karen Walter Alice Vivian Watkins, PhD Jack L. Weber John and Ginny Wiedmann Bon and Barbara Wells Mrs. Jeanne S. West In memory of Merrill West Juliana P. Wieligmans-Jacobs Carl and Peggy Williams James G. Williams, MD JoAnne Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Wright Ronald A. Wright Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Florence Yanovitch Marcia S. Yaross Jennette Yates Sharon J. Yee, MD FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 19 FPH EXECUTIVE CLUB: Community leaders with a vision FPH Executive Club Steering Committee PRESIDENT: Ron Padilla PRESIDENT ELECT: Janet Hanson e are proud to recognize the members of the Executive Club and committees. Your efforts helped make 2009 a success. Thank you for your leadership, service and dedication! W SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Daniel Boyer Steve Carlson Michael Christensen Dan Derby John Doan Wai-Wah Hillam Anthony Macias Ron Padilla Lynda Siminske Robert Vermons Rick Williams The 2009 Scholarship Committee awarded $5,000 in scholarships to the following recipients: MEMBER AT LARGE: Rev. Karen Davis • G LENDORA H IGH S CHOOL – Garima Agrawal (St. Bonaventure University); Sachin Allahabadi (Rice University); Kimberly Merkley (Brigham Young University); and Dana Yeo (Stanford University) MEMBER AT LARGE: John Doan • C HARTER O AK H IGH S CHOOL – Kristyn Hernandez (Azusa Pacific University) and Alexandra Retana (University of Southern California) MEMBER AT LARGE: Bob Kuhn MEMBER AT LARGE: Anthony Macias PAST PRESIDENT: Bob Rendon FOUNDATION LIAISONS: Michael Foxworth and Sherry Heinrich ■ ■ ■ SPRING RUN COMMITTEE John Doan, Chair Steve Bishop Steve Carlson Dawn Cooper Michael Flenniken Ed Goebel Janet Hanson Jerry Heinrich Sherry Heinrich Therese Lowrie Robert Ower Ron Padilla Bill Rick Don Sumner Steve Sumner Maria Thompson JoAnne Wilson On May 9, 1,200 registrants enjoyed a morning of running /walking followed by the Children’s Health and Safety Fair. Run participants are primarily from the elementary and middle schools. ■ ■ ■ 20 Healthwise F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L BBQ & RAFFLE COMMITTEE Rev. Karen Davis, Chair Lu Cronin Mike Foxworth Pat Gowder Janet Hanson Culver Heaton Sherry Heinrich Dottie Hilliard Keith Hilliard Richard King Rona Lunde Audrey McAfee Nancy Miranda Diane Norman Helen Otto Ron Padilla Rita Scott Lynda Siminske JoAnne Wilson On June 5 the eighth annual Fiesta BBQ & Raffle was held at the Glendora Country Club. About 350 guests watched as the $10,000 grand prize was drawn. Additional cash prizes of $500 and $250 were also given away. ■ ■ ■ GOLF TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE Bob Kuhn, Chair Mike Clayton Gary Farr Mike Foxworth Janet Hanson Sherry Heinrich Janene House Keith Hilliard Richard King Greg Landers Rona Lunde Gordon Norman Ron Padilla Bill Rick Rose Settle Marion Tilton Rick Williams JoAnne Wilson A Helicopter Ball Drop was again included for the 2009 Golf Tournament, held October 12. $2,500 was awarded for the ball closest to the hole and $1,000 for the ball farthest away from the hole. Annual BBQ draws record crowd bout 350 guests attended the Foothill Foundation’s eighth annual Western BBQ & Raffle on June 5 at the Glendora Country Club. The crowd was the largest in the event’s history. A Two horses greeted guests at registration and the event also featured entertainment by a bluegrass band, a silent and live auction and a 50/50 drawing. Raffle winners were: $10,000 Grand Prize winner – Bill West; $500 winner – Dr. James Williams; $500 winner – Carl Williams; $250 winner – Diana Zenner; and $250 winner – Carlo and Barbara Latasa. Meaningful ways to remember your friends and loved ones... Call The Foothill Foundation at (626) 857-3348 for memorial donation envelopes The event was hosted by the Executive Club and raised money for the new Outpatient Surgery Unit at Foothill Presbyterian Hospital. FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 21 Foothill Presbyterian Hospital Auxiliary 34th annual “Homes for the Holidays” Thank you to everyone who helped make this event another great success! 22 Healthwise F O O T H I L L P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O S P I TA L FPH Friendship Card An important connection… hen you think of the word “friend” or “friendship” what comes to mind? Most likely, you first think about people in your life who have made a difference, right? But then, have you considered the ways in which local caregivers may become your friends, some you’ve never met? W That truth came so close to home during the last three years as Dee Dee and I fight the battle to beat cancer. The professionals and other support people at the health centers we needed to bring about our cure are all now “Friends for Life!” Our connections to vital, local health care providers of medical treatment are a lifeline not just for serious stuff, but also for everyday situations. This was never more apparent than on a recent day when checking on the health status of an FPH Dee Dee and Mike Foxworth. friend and his wife in Glendora. I sensed something was not exactly right so I asked an FPH nurse to call. It took some persuasion, but the friend was soon transported to the hospital for treatment that could not wait and may not have happened without the timely call from that nurse. Is this a typical story? Probably not! But it does underscore the value of community connections that aren’t going to receive much attention unless the story happens to you or a loved one. And this is one reason this friend and I subscribe to and hold an FPH Friendship Card (formerly known as the Gold Card). This is more than just a membership program – it is a real connection to people who may make an important difference in your time of need. For more information or to have a program brochure sent to you, please call the Foundation office at (626) 857-3348. Sincerely yours, MIKE FOXWORTH [email protected] P.S. My health and medical treatment require me to take an extended medical leave, but I look forward to joining you in our continued support of The Foothill Foundation. FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 23 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Glendora, CA 91740 Permit No. 188 Car. Rt. Presort 250 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91741 DO YOU KNOW? Healthwise is published twice annually by The Foothill Foundation. Between publications, check out The Foothill Foundation Web site: HOW TO CONVERT TAX DOLLARS INTO INCOME WE DO! (AND, WE’LL TELL YOU) for the latest news and information about Foothill Presbyterian Hospital and The Foothill Foundation. Join us for a FREE estate planning seminar presented by our local COMMUNITY PARTNERS. Phone: (626) 857-3348 Call (626) 857- 3348 for information. Fax: (626) 857-3010 To reach Foothill Presbyterian Hospital, call (626) 963-8411.