Publication - Business World Magazine
Publication - Business World Magazine
2 | Kineticom F ew would dispute that Kineticom’s hours, what we bring to the equation is the got technology chops. The 13-year- human capital that’s necessary to enable the old organization is an ISO-certified technology.” talent firm with specific focuses on technol- ogy recruitment and service delivery, and it’s BUILDING A FOUNDATION got a slew of awards that illustrate that it not The San Diego-based company was founded only does what it says – but does so at a level in 2000 by partners Simon Billsberry, Steve comparable to only the best of the best in the Orr and Paul Roebuck, and among its first industry. successful operations was the reengineer- The prowess is no accident. In fact, says ing and outsourcing of staffing functions at CEO Mike Wager, it’s a direct result of the Metapath Software International. A project emphasis the company puts on the people it consultation was initiated with Flextronics brings through the front door. within a year, and inaugural staffing place- “We’re the human capital piece of the ments were at local offices for both Sprint equation,” he says. and Ericsson. “Whether that’s on a staff-augmentation basis or a project solution basis where we’re Shortly thereafter, international specialist working with clients and are focused more teams were deployed to Latin America for on deliverables and results versus billable Ericsson, a first staffing service contract was Kineticom | 3 secured with T-Mobile, a three-year con- dustry’s fastest-growing private company. tract was awarded by Cingular Wireless for It was a quick rise to some, but all part of nationwide operations and maintenance the initial plan, Wager says. staffing, a United Kingdom subsidiary was launched and a deal to support IT and engi- POSITIVE FEEDBACK neering needs was struck with Amazon. And it’s the recurring ability to deliver con- By 2005, Inc. Magazine placed Kineticom sistently that’s kept the agreements coming. at No. 33 on its list of 500-fastest growing Kineticom has been deemed a “Best of companies that year, the San Diego Business Staffing” award-winner in each of the last Journal tabbed it as the city’s second-fastest three years by Inavero, an Oregon-based or- growing company that same year and Staff- ganization – the only one of its kind - that ing Industry Analysts Inc. labeled it the in- gathers and reports information regarding 4 | Kineticom could build and implement a business model in which a company would deliver a unique client and candidate experience in the wireless market,” he says. “It’s the high level of service across the wide number of projects that brings me the pride – the consistency over such a period of time. “Anybody can hit a good shot once, but it’s the ability to be so consistent across a broad spectrum of clients over the years that represents truly great achievement.” The first step is associating with the right people, which, in this case, are those possessing a passion for customer service – whether client and talent satisfaction through online surveys. To qualify, firms must generate revenue in North America from placing temporary, contract or direct-hire employees. A minimum number of clients and employees take a three-question survey and a company is recognized if its satisfaction score exceeds a set benchmark, a standard achieved by only 1 percent of the staffing industry “With their acute expertise in the wireless industry, the founders decided that they Kineticom | 5 Blair Bonde Jonathan Langley Casey Marquand Anne Fitzgerald Fred Mercado Mark Healy 6 | Kineticom they’re dealing with clients internally or externally. “You can’t be successful without all the elements of the organization working together,” Wager says. “We’re looking not just for high-achievers, but also those who understand that staffing is a sophisticated industry and that it’s only by playing a team game that we can be successful for the end client.” PERFECTING THE PROCESS Once the right people are brought in, it’s all about process, process, process – whether it’s crafting a solution for a specific business model, or deploying people to perform specific tasks. “There’s a particular method we’ve developed as a business. We Jennifer Williams have a process and we adhere and conform to it,” he says. “The fact that we’re ISO-certified is evidence of that. We’ve brought on the right people, developed them the right way and created a success-based culture. It’s a much more exciting environment than you would typically walk into when visiting a staffing company. It sounds cliché, but if you hire great people who can work together, they can produce outstanding results. “We provide the development. But the people are the ones who bring the energy, the desire and the motivation to exceed and excel.” A wholly-owned subsidiary, K2COM Services LLC, was founded in 2013 to supply skilled technicians – foremen, top hands and climbers – within the tower-climbing niche of the wireless industry. Mike Wager “I’m very proud of how it came about,” Wager says. “We Kineticom | 7 worked with a client over an extended pe- ture with similar plans for evolution. riod of time and they were so pleased with It’s expanded from a centralized San Diego the results we provided and the confluence base to regional offices across North Ameri- of process and predictable results that they ca – including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los asked us to expand our skill base with addi- Angeles, San Francisco, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. tional talent in an entirely new sector. and Virginia Beach, Va., along with Calgary, Because they’re on the front lines of a rap- Toronto and Vancouver in Canada – and has idly evolving technology industry, it’s little plans to continue growth, both in terms of surprise that Kineticom looks toward the fu- infrastructure investment and addition of 8 | Kineticom staff. Truth told, the evolution is mandatory “We’re committed to expanding the for any company with a fighting chance at brand with new clients in the wireless space remaining current. and on the IT side of the business,” Wager “The industry is expanding at such a rap- says. “We’ve made some investments in terms id pace, and, because of the introduction of of upgrading our back-office operations and new technology and the required upgrades automating some functions, but the greatest of existing networks, it will continue to drive investment is people – both in terms of in- immense demand for our services. It’s an ex- novation and development.” citing time to be in this business.” Kineticom | 9
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