lake scene - Lake Life Realty, LLC
lake scene - Lake Life Realty, LLC
the LAKE SCENE on Wapogasset Bear Trap VOL. 33 - No. 3 June 28, 2014 MAKE MEMORIES . . . JULY 4th 2014 LIGHT UP THE LAKE ... July 3rd Where: Shore-to-Shore on WBT Time: 9:45p.m. ... and not a minute before :) FIREWORKS ... July 3rd ... note: raindate is July 5th Where: Fireworks shot from Bible Camp beach Time: immediately following Light-Up WBT 5K RUN ... July 4th Where: Deronda - Harvey Stower Seven Lakes State Trail (County Rd. F near intersection CtyPP) Time: Registration starts at 8:am Run begins at 9:00 Fee: $5 for Run - $20 for Run + T-shirt (limited quantities so come early!) July 4th ... TURTLE RACES ... KIDS’ RACES ... CAKE WALK Where: Garfield Park Time: 11:00 All Events FREE Turtle Races - Small - Medium - Large Kids’ Races - Ages 0 thru 12 yrs Cake Walk - Ongoing ... until the cookies/cakes or bars run out! BOAT PARADE ... July 4th Pre-Register by calling Karen Ohm 715-2685735 (see inside for details) Time: Parade starts at 3:00 p.m. Where: Meet at the North Bay of the YMCA camp and travel North. Judging at Waterside. SEE PAGE 5 for FULL DETAILS on all of the above EVENTS! CALENDAR OF EVENTS - 2014 June 29 July 3 July 4 July 6 July 12 July 13 July 15 © Bible Camp Beach Worship Service 9:20 Light Up & FIREWORKS Raindate 5th WBT Runs/Turtle Race/Boat Parade Bible Camp Beach Worship - 9:20 Trustee Meeting 8a. YMCA Camp Bible Camp Beach Worship Service 9:20 FLOTILLA -6p - Garfield Park Published by Lake Life Realty & Mort’s Marina, Amery, WI. 54001 Aug 9 Aug 19 TBD Aug. 31 Sept. 13 Sept.12-14 Annual Meeting, 9a. YMCA Camp FLOTILLA - 6p - Garfield Park Kids Day at Mort’s Marina Last “Boat-in” worship - 9:20 Trustee Meeting, 8a. YMCA Camp Amery Fall Fesitval 33rd Year of Publication Page 2 CLEAN BOATS CLEAN WATERS CREDITS Publisher..........................................Mort’s Marina Editor...............................................Kathy Mortensen Contributing Writers: Association:.................................Joe Ziglinski, Mike Seidl, Sanitary District:.......................Dave Erspamer Julie Sellie Features:.........................................Kathy Mortensen .........................................................Phantom Fishermen ... by Rick Bazille VOLUNTEERS NEEDED !!! The Lake Scene is published by LAKE LIFE REALTY & MORT’S MARINA for Lake Wapogasset and Bear Trap residents. Seven issues will be delivered to your door by Lake Association Trustees on weekends nearest the 15th and 30th of each month starting Memorial Day weekend and ending Labor Day weekend. Please submit all news articles at least seven days before delivery date. Send to Kathy Mortensen, 826 121st St., Amery, Wi. 54001 or call 715-268-6678 or 715-497-0200. NOTICES: • LAKE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership notices were included with the Spring Assn Letter. Show your support by sending $20 dues to: Wapogasset Bear Trap Association, Box 345, Amery, WI. 54001. • THE LAKE SCENE SUMMER SCHEDULE: The Lake Scene will be delivered to your door by Lake Association trustees on June 28, July 19, Aug 2, & Aug 30th. See ONLINE ... at www.lakewapogasset. com - OR - pick up a copy at the Marina. Recent Amery High School Graduates and new Clean Boats/Clean Waters employees Broden Schock and Michael Elbing prepare to hand out freezer packs to anglers on June 14th. Our program participated in the DNR “Drain Campaign”, encouraging anglers to drain live wells and place their catch on ice before leaving the landing. Unfortunately, it was a rainy weekend with few anglers on our lakes. We will combine this message with the DNR sponsored “Boat Landing Blitz” promotion over the 4th of July weekend. • SUMMER HOURS: OPEN - Wed.-Sun. 11:00am The Boat Landing Blitz encourages all boaters to comply with the laws regarding the cleaning of boats, trailers and equipment to slow the spread of aquatic invasive species. • HAPPY HOUR Wed/Thurs 5-6p - Fri: 3-6p • FREE Domestic Beer 11:45p-Midnight • Friday FISH Fry starts at 11:am • Entertainment/Drink Specials - Friday & Saturday Volunteers are still welcome for the 4th weekend. Call Rick Bazille at (715)268-2916. UW WA N D E R O O S Open: WeTh: 4p - 9p FrSaSu: 11a to close DJ & Karaoke Fri. & Sat. Night 715.268.5005 full menu on 715.268.9217 Daily: 10a-Close nightly specials: 5-9p Mon: 1/2# Burgers 1/2 price! - Tue: $1Tacos Wed: BBQ Ribs /$2 Windsor Thur: French Dip • BBQ Wings Fri: Fish or BBQRibs - Sat: Shrimp • Steak/Shrimp Sun: Chicken Dinner or Take Out Chicken •Breakfast Bloody Bar - Sat/Sun • DAILY Happy Hour •Live MUSIC in Summertime .. UW Outback Saloon New Construction • Remodeling • Additions • Siding • Roofing • References • Insured 715.263.3796 cell: 715.491.0435 Gary Bruce Page3 white spinner back around docks an swim rafts. As the day goes on fish deeper with plastics, worms or crayfish, especially off drop-offs and weed lines . PHANTOM WORD SEARCH HERE IT IS! THE FIRST OF THE YEAR! The first one in the door with the correct solution to our puzzle gets a FREE one-item candy counter shopping spree. PHANTOMS SPLASH 3 2014 WHAT’S BITING….? You mean that annoying itch in your left sock? Can mosquitoes bite through socks? Just kidding around. OK, phriends of phish, EVERYTHING is biting now. Well just about everything. The Crappies are tailing off which means that that instead of dropping your naked pink jig off your dock, you’ll have to get in your boat and look a little deeper – and you may have to tip your jig with a minnow. Or do like Larry and Larry (Swartz and Berenbaum) do: Try a tiny Mister Twister spinner with a red and white tube jig. Keep moving ‘till you find ‘em. WHAT ABOUT SUNNIES….? The Sunnies and Blue Gills are on their spawning beds about now in three feet of water or so. Use a little leech or a worm under your bobber. Because the water has been so clear, you may have to cast so they don’t see you. You may want to stifle the urge to yell at your brother-in-law for awhile, too. Fish can hear, you know. OUR READERS ASK… BASS TACTICS…. Over 20 years in Business LLC LANDSCAPING • RETAINING WALLS • ROCK SHORELINES • BRICK PAVERS SHORELINE RESTORATIONS + MUCH MORE MARK OMAN BOBBER CRAPPIE RAPALA YCAMP SPINNERBAIT CASTING MORTS SUNNIE WALLEYE COMING NEXT ISSUE… After the spawn, the bigger Bass will often head for deeper water. But at dusk or dawn, you might find them feeding in the shallows. Try a chartreuse or 715-268-6480 BASS CHICKENJIG MUSKIE PHANTOMS WAPOGASSET 805B 115th St. Amery, Wi. 54001 Repurposing your used Light Up The Lake Flares… Create amazing red Lincoln Log-like structures in your own home! • Climbing hard to reach trees • Turf friendly stump grinding • Wood chip delivery • Brush Removal • Pruning of deciduous, conifers & shrubery • Removal of dead or undesirable trees • Cabling for structural weakness Commercial • Residential New Richmond, WI Page 5 sponsored by the WBT Lake Association You won’t want to miss a minute of the fun and festivities scheduled over the 4th of July weekend. Here are all the details you need to know so you’re in the right place at the right time! JULY 3rd ... LIGHT-UP-THE-LAKE Your shore trustee should have a good supply of flares available for purchase this weekend ... $2 each. Mort’s Marina will also have flares available NOW ... or until they close at 7:00p.m. on the 3rd. Plan to get your flares EARLY to be sure you’re frontage is not left in the dark! 9:45pm Raindate: July 5th light up JULY 4th ... starting at 11am at Garfield Park TURTLE RACES ... Start training your turtle NOW - then let it compete with others in Small - Medium and Large categories! Kids’ DASH ... for youngsters up to 12 yr No need to register ... Five age groups: 0-2 years ... 3-5 years ... and 6-8 ... 9-10 ... 11-12. CAKE WALK ... 6 FIREWORKS What a way to start the weekend! Our jawdropping fireworks display is brought to you through the efforts of the Sanitary District and the Bible Camp with donations from WBT residents, the Lake Association and others. The fireworks will be shot off near the narrows at the Bible Camp. USE CAUTION if you plan to boat to that area ... make sure all your boat/pontoon lights are working properly ... and please travel SLOWLY! Raindate: July 5th JULY 4th ... WBT 5k RUN REGISTRATION 8A - RUN 9A Run to COMPETE ... or walk just for the FUN of it! New location this year ... in Deronda - out and back course toward Wanderoos on the Harvey Stower Seven Lakes State Trail. Trophies to top 1st, 2nd and 3rd - Male & Female in 10 age groups. Registration forms available NOW at the Marina. The number of cookies, cakes, bars will determine how long the cake walk lasts. Bring them along, or Call Karen Ohm 715268-5735 for pick-up/delivery. JULY 4th ... 3:00pm THE BOAT PARADE eee NOTICE ... PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED to compete for prizes and trophies! Call Karen Ohm at 268-5735. An answering machine will be on if she is unavailable. Leave message with the following: • Family Name • Theme of your boat/pontoon/ whatever • Call-back phone number (important to leave this phone contact number so Karen can give you your registration number. PARADE ROUTE: Gather just before 3:00 in the North Bay of the YMCA Camp. You will be travelling toward Waterside (judging area) then South along Sunrise Beach. Be sure to post your entry number on the FRONT ... RIGHT side of your boat. Trophies and gift certificates to top place contestants. clip coupon clip coupon BIDON CONSTRUCTION Prompt Professional Service 715.268.4933 ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION ALSO HANDYMAN SERVICE call Mark Bidon ... “no job too small” FREE ESTIMATES ... LICENSED ... INSURED Healthcare Services & Everyday Needs From People You Know Amery’s Full-Service Pharmacy & Full-Line Drug Store In the Heart of Downtown Amery 715-268-8121 Specializing in Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Treats Fresh Ground Espresso Drinks and Gourmet Coffee Downtown Amery - next to Chet’s Open Daily Until 10:pm present coupon for .50 off any item over $1 clip coupon Page 4 LAKE WAPOGASSET BEAR TRAP SANITARY DISTRICT ... working for you by Dave Erspamer Warmest wishes to all as we approach the official beginning of Summer. Water temperatures are rising and hopefully we can all look forward to many lazy days enjoying the lakes! I’d like to update on the idea of weed harvesting on our lakes. Before I do that, however, I wanted to remind you about the Fireworks. If you have not already contributed, we would once again appreciate your consideration. The fireworks are scheduled for July 3 with an alternate day of July 5. The fireworks are entirely self-funded with 100% of the contributions going toward the display. If you have already given, Thank You! Also a big Thank You to the Wapo Bible Camp for allowing the use of the soccer field. Updates on Weed Harvesting. We continue to move towards meeting the requirements of the DNR in order to help with eligibility for a grant to partially fund a weed harvester. We’ve contracted with a service to make a comprehensive map of the curly leaf locations. The contractor will identify locations that should respond positively to harvesting, including looking at the quantity of the plant, the depth of the plant, and whether harvesting at that location would harm the native plants already there. In addition, we met with DNR officials to discuss the impact of harvesting in general. Our plan remains that we will apply for a grant in 2015 to help with the cost of equipment. In addition, we are now looking at various choices for equipment on the lake. The good news is that Steve Schieffer, local HS biology teacher, had a class out monitoring the lakes from June 2-5. He reported that he had never seen Wapo so clear! As always, we will keep you updated thru the Lake Scene, our website (, and other mailings. Sanitary Sewer. We all derive significant benefits from having the system. Unlike other lakes without a sewer, we don’t have to worry about failing septic systems allowing waste into our lakes. I would like to remind you, our employees are like silent sentinels, needing to work at all hours of the day, whatever the weather and no matter if it’s a holiday or weekend. Their job is complicated by construction and excavating which sometimes can damage the main lines. Our recent heavy rains resulted in partial flooding in some locations. Our team is always working toward maintaining the service. You can help by making sure that no one in your household flushes anything that can be caught in our pumps. That includes the following: diapers, baby wipes, personal care wipes, mop heads, towels, large amounts of dog hair, or other products that advertise they “are flushable”. Best wishes to all as we look forward to the upcoming holiday weekend. Each year, I look forward to seeing the sea of boats, silhouetted against the shore with the flares, and then the spectacular fireworks display. If you are new to our lakes, you in for something special! Hope you all have a healthy and happy holiday weekend and the rest of the summer! Note: Send FIREWORKS donations to: WBT Sanitary District ... 777 So. Shore Drive - Amery WI. 54001 PORTER CONCRETE QUALITY TRADE LAKE CANVAS 715-268-7656 715-220-1340 (cell) • BOBCAT WORK • LANDSCAPING • RETAINING WALL • FIREWOOD • SNOWPLOW • BLACK DIRT CUSTOM BOAT & LIFT COVERS ALL CANVAS REPAIR MARINE UPHOLSTERY 715-371-0012 Luck, WI Page 6 LAKE WAPOGASSET BEAR TRAP ASSOCIATION ... working for you June 12 Trustee Meeting FOURTH OF JULY ... SPECIAL HOURS OPEN: June 30th through July 13th Monday - Saturday: Open at 10a ... close at 7p Sunday: Open at 11a ... close at 5p Look for the FLAG ... when it’s flying, we’re OPEN BEER TASTING at MORT’s HIGHLIGHTS: • Amery Fall Festival committee requested an annual donation from the Lake Assn. for 2014. Motion/second to approve increasing the donation to $250 in 2014 - approved. • Lake Improvement Committee Report: Mark Jacobson reported on behalf of Lee Rickard that Secchi Disc readings were taken the week of June 9th. Both lakes were very clear this year; Wapogasset was 14’ deep which was clearer than Bear Trap at 9’ deep. Another reading will occur next week and Mark suggested the results of future readings are printed in the Lake Scene. • Clean Boats/Clean Waters: Rick Bazille reported the WI DNR is sponsoring a drain campaign to eliminate fisherman from taking live fish from the lake by draining live wells and putting fish on ice. Ice packs will be given away by the DNR. It was a rainy miserable day outdoors ... but turned out to be a FUN ... and busy afternoon at Mort’s Marina for the first Beer Tasting Event of the Summer! THANKS ... to the many people who stopped by! Of the nine Wisconsin and Minnesota Specialty Beers sampled, AMBERGEDDON was chosen as the FAVORITE. Spotted Cow - Two Women - Farmers Daughter were also favorites. Batch 19 was also a top contender. Stop by over the 4th holiday and take some home for your OWN beer tasting! ICE ... and Frozen ICY drinks also available! • Water Patrol: The water patrol in ON THE LAKE! Jeff Hahn, who supervises the water patrol will speak at the annual meeting on Aug 9. • Spring Social: Dave Nelson reported 134 people attended the spring social on Sat. June 7th. • Membership: 365 members have paid their dues ... Goal is 500 members in 2014. • Weed Harvester: Ready to apply for the permit and submit the requiest for DNR grant. The next Trustee Meeting is July 12 - 8a - YMCA 268-8774 Tony Wolter Wed. - Sat. 4-closing Sunday open at 10a. On Pike Lake ... just one mile North of Amery on Hwy. 46 - 1/2 mi. West on Cty. Rd. H • FRIDAY NITE FISH FRY • SATURDAY NITE PRIME RIB • SUNDAY BREAKFAST - BELGIAN WAFFLES FEATURING AGED BLACK ANGUS STEAKS Page 7 MUSIC on the RIVER michael park amery, wi July 18th 7:00p.m. Mighty Wheelhouse Band with Niff Naffer from 5:30 - 7:00 FUN NIGH, Bazaar, Car Show & Cruise-In BREW • WINE • FOOD Outdoor Family MOVIE Night E E FR Friday - July 11 - at Dusk Feature Movie: Pitch Perfect at Michael Park - behind DQ in Amery BUY • Sell • TRADE FOR SALE: 2600 lb aluminum vertical boat lift with 21’ canopy, wheel kit (with rubber tires). Newer stainless steel cables on the front and back. 9’ wide. On Bear Trap - $1800.00 715-222-0450. FOR SALE: 1200lb Shoremaster Boat Lift. Cantilever, 84 inches wide. Was used to store 16 ft fishing boat with 40hp motor. $300. 714-268-2824. FOUND: Swim Raft - Call 715-268-5735 Caramelized Onion Dip ... continued Stir together onions, sour cream and chives in a medium bowl. Stire in remaining 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Cover and chill 30 minutes or up to 2 days. Serve with potato chips. Note: light sour cream may be used. FARMERS’ MARKET SOO LINE PARK - Downtown Amery SATURDAY - 9am to noon MONDAY - 3p to 6p ... Special Guest: Douville Bakery RECIPES CARAMELIZED ONION DIP ... Kelly Mortensen 2 Tbsp. Butter 2 medium-size yellow onions, chopped 1 teaspoon salt, divided 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper, divided 1 - 16 oz. container sour cream 2 Tbsp. chopped Fresh chives Potato Chips ... Melt buter in nonstick skillet over med-hi heat; add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, 20min or until browned and tender. Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. pepper. remove from heat and let stand 30 minutes. (continued next column) Request for Recipes ... If you’ve discovered a new recipe over the winter months, please consider sharing it with fellow lake residents. send to: [email protected] Page 8 visit ... celebrating the joy of lake life office: 715.268.6678 REDUCED $875K Kathy cell: 715.497.0200 $599K Ryan cell: 612.875.7502 ED C DU RE 4 45 $419K $ 802 Flo’s Court 6,621 sq. ft. 6bd/6ba 1161 Jeans Lane 3,222 sq. ft. 5bd/3ba 706 So. Shore Drive 2,504 sq. ft 3bd/3ba 970 Sunrise Beach Dr. 2,012 sq. ft 3bd/3ba 810B Wapogasset Lk Ln CABIN TWO $299K $248K reduced $344K for both CABIN ONE 1,050sq. ft. 2bd+loft /2ba 806 Flo’s Court 1,156 sq. ft. 2bd/2ba 748sq.ft 2bd/1ba ced u red 8K $28 942 Sunrise Beach Dr 832 sq. ft 3bd/1ba $348K 782 So. Shore Drive 1,208 sq. ft 2bd/2ba $ 718 Bear Trap Lane 1,324 sq. ft 3bd/2ba $378K 4K 9 $1 ced r u ed 982 Sunrise Beach Dr. 1212 So Shore Ct. 2,176 sq. ft 2bd/2ba 540 sq. ft 2bd/1ba E KR 4 25 ED C DU 882 Walleye Ct 1,102 sq. ft. 2bd/2ba $384K pending 726 So. Shore Dr. 2,800 sq. ft. 3bd/2ba $497K d sol 681 Bear Trap Ct 3,220 sq. ft 4bd/4ba Backlot - So. Shore Dr
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lake scene - Lake Wapogasset
Publisher..........................................Mort’s Marina
Editor...............................................Kathy Mortensen
Contributing Writers:
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