The annual Logistics meeting
The annual Logistics meeting
SIL2010 BARCELONA The annual Logistics meeting 12th International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition Transport and logistics systems, infrastructures a cations and IT solutions. Transport and logistics BARCELONA e-business, telecommunications and IT solutions • SIL2010 From the Mediterranean to the World From 25th to 28th May 2010, the International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition returns for the 12th consecutive year at Barcelona´s Gran Via Venue of Fira de Barcelona. It is an Exhibition which, as a result of sector involvement, has consolidated itself as the leading Exhibition in Spain and Southern Europe, as an international point of reference where all logistics sectors are represented. At the 2010 Exhibition, we will celebrate our 13th Symposium as well as our 8th Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum, accompanied by our already traditional sector meetings, all of them filled with outstanding figures in logistics, plus support from the main institutions related to the sector. All of this will, without a doubt, once again lead us to beating all the attendance, contacts and business records and therefore we recommend that you do not miss it. Over these last 11 years, Barcelona has become the annual logistics meeting point, as an effective and profitable tool for doing business and making contacts in a professional, international and friendly climate that is difficult to match. The team that I preside over is motivated by your loyalty and trust, so I will be expecting you at this new edition. Thank you all. Sincerely yours, Enrique Lacalle Chairman The annual Logistics meeting SIL2010 8 th Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum 3 rd Mediterranean Ports Summit nd real estate • Storage, equipment and material systems, infrastructures and real estate • Storag BARCELONA Transport and logistics systems, infrastructures a SIL2010 SIL2010 600 exhibiting companies and more than 50,000 professional visitors from more than 55 countries worldwide participated in SIL 2009. Growing internationalism Total SIL 2009 exhibiting companies: 600 Total SIL 2009 professional visitors: 50,321 National 55% National 80% International 45% International 20% Represented countries at SIL: Europe: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom. America: North Central America: Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Panama. South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru. Asia: China, Japan, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, South Korea, United Arab Emirates. Africa: Algeria, Benin, Cape Verde, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia. Oceania: Australia. México, United States of America. handling • Telematics, e-business, telecommunie, equipment and material handling • Telematics, BARCELONAequipment and material and real estate • Storage, SIL2010 Who exhibits at SIL2010? Transport and logistics systems, infrastructures and real estate: • Transport • Logistics operators • Transport companies • Vehicle leasing • Logistics platforms • Ports • Airports • Transport safety • Vehicle manufacturing • Administrations and public entities • Tax-free areas • Development companies • Chambers of commerce • Integrated real estate management Storage, equipment and material handling: • Transport elements • Cranes and lifting elements • Storage equipment • Containers, pallets and recipients • Packaging • Furniture and storage • Industrial solutions • Textile machinery Telematics, e-business, telecommunications and IT solutions: • Communication systems • Data processing systems • E-commerce and e-business systems • Transport control and data processing equipment • Integrated Traffic Management Systems • Research and development Transport and logistics systems, infrastructures a cations and IT solutions. Transport and logistics BARCELONA e-business, telecommunications and IT solutions • SIL2010 Flexible and efficient promotion SIL2010 SIL2010 An active exhibition Throughout the year, SIL widely promotes the Exhibition: • Website with more than 40,000 monthly visits and a total annual volume of 226,532 visits. • 6 Newsletters to more than 200,000 logistics sector professionals around the world. • Advertising in technical press: we insert ads in 53 national publications and in 30 international publications in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. • Advertising in daily press: more than 45 ads inserted in 5 national widely-circulated media. • Advertising on radio and TV: almost 7 hours of ads. • Promotional brochures: we print and distribute 25,000 copies nationally and 50,000 internationally. • International ACC1Ó CIDEM/COPCA Network: through this entity, we promote SIL’s internationalism in Great Britain, Italy, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, China, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Morocco. • Invitations sent out: 500,000 invitations and more than 15,000 VIP cards aimed at logistics consumers. • Collaboration agreements with the most prestigious universities. • Collaboration agreements with ASCAME (Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry) which includes more than 350 chambers of commerce. Events SIL is an active exhibition that offers a large variety of parallel debate and knowledge events through forums that offer the most up-to-date information in an international atmosphere. Highlights: • 13th SIL International Symposium • 8th Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum • Sectorial Technical Conferences (Free Zones and Bonded Warehouses, Port Logistics, Railway, Material Handling and Storage, ANFAC, Logistics Operators, Supply Chain Outsourcing Forum, Information Logistics Systems, BCL and Consumption) As wells as: • Business Meetings to foster the international investments and to increase Networking • Invest in MED (a new EU co-funded project aimed to attract investments and to build cooperation relationships between the UE partners and the Mediterranean countries) Who visits SIL2010? Professional Visitor’s Profile Position: Director/Manager Head/Department Manager Chairman/President Logistics Student/Professor Technician Delegate Sector of Activity: 48% 24% 11% 7% 4% 4% 2% Heavy industry 32% Logistics and transport 36% Foreign trade 4% Services 10% Automotive 4% Mass consumption 5% Distribution 2% Metallurgical/Iron and steel industry 1% Chemical/Pharmaceutical industry 6% nd real estate • Storage, equipment and material systems, infrastructures and real estate • Storag SIL2009 PARTICIPATING COMPANIES • Transport and logistics systems, infrastructures A. P. P. A. (Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía) abertis logística ABX Logistics ACTE ACTUALIDAD LOGISTICA ADIF AENA / CLASA AGENCIA NAVARRA DEL TRANSPORTE Y LA LOGÍSTICA (ANL) AIR ALGERIE CARGO AIU. PARQUE LOGISTICO INDUSTRIAL DE MAGAN AJMAN FREE ZONE AUTHORITY ALFALAND SISTEMAS ALIMENTARIA ALISFOUR, S.L. - MAIN MEMORY - IHG AL ROOMI SHIPPING AGENCIES AMBROGIO S.A., SARL PEYROT AMLOG (Association Marrocaine pour la Logistique) AND SOFT ANDALUCÍA SISTEMA PORTUARIO Y LOGÍSTICO ANDRADE GUTIERREZ S.A. ÀNGEL MIR ANTT – AGENCIA NACIONAL DE TRANSPORTES TERRESTRES APPORTT ARAGON LOGISTICA ARANCO ARAUJO IBARRA Y ASOCIADOS ARESTANT ARGENTINA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PROMOCIÓN DEL TRANSPORTE MARÍTIMO DE CORTA DISTANCIA ASSOCAP FORMACIO ASTI ATISREAL - BNP ATOX AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA BAHIA ALGECIRAS AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE ALMERIA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE BILBAO AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE CARTAGENA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE CASTELLÓN AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE FERROL AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE HUELVA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE LA BAHIA DE CADIZ AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE MÁLAGA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE MOTRIL AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE PASAJES AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE SANTANDER AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE SEVILLA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE VALENCIA AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE VIGO AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE VILAGARCIA DE AROUSA AWEX - FOREIGN INVESTMENTS BAN & PER BARCELONA – CATALUNYA CENTRE LOGÍSTIC BEIRUT PORT BEJAIA MEDITERRANEAN TERMINAL BENTRAS BP ESPAÑA BRASIL BUSINESS EUMED CAEN RFID CALIPAL CANARIAS CARPAS HISPANIA CCI INTERNACIONAL NORD PAS DE CALAIS CCI NARBONE/PORT DE PORT LA NOUVELLE CENTRO ESPAÑOL DE LOGÍSTICA - CEL CÉVITAL CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION CORPO SALUD CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DES DEUX-SÈVRES CIMALSA CMA-CGM CMEC INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION COBRA CÓDIGO 84 COLEGIO OFICIAL DE AGENTES DE ADUANAS DE BARCELONA COLOMBIA COMETI CONCERTO EUROPEAN DEVELOPER CONSTRU-VALLS CONSULADO MARÍTIMO DE PANAMÁ CORREOS CUBIC 33 DAMIETTA CONTAINER & CARGO HANDLING DAMIETTA PORT AUTHORITY DANDONG RIQIAN LOGISTICS EQUIPMENT CO., LTD DANCOP - KNUFFI DATACOLLECTION DETECTOR DIARIO MARITIMAS DRAGADOS SPL DSV DUPONT PRODUCT SA DYNARAX LEAN AND KAIZEN SYSTEMS EASY HANDLING S.L. EDICIONES RODA SL EFACEC EGIPTIAN CONTAINER LINE EGIPTOIAN EUROPEAN MARITIME CO. EUROEGIPTO EGYPT AIR CARGO EISENMANN EL CONSORCI DE LA ZONA FRANCA DE BARCELONA EL ECONOMISTA EL VIGIA EMBALEX & CYDETRANS EN CARRETERA ENTERPRISE PORTUAIRE D’ALGER ENTERPRISE PORTUAIRE DE SKIKDA ESTADO DE SINALOA ETB KERROUR ETPH DIDA BOUJELLAL EUROMERCI/ASSOLOGISTICA EURL LOGIST EWALS CARGO CARE FARMA INDUSTRIAL FEM – AEM ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE MANUTENCIÓN FERRMED FETEIA-OLT FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE TRANSITARIOS FIDENS FRIGORÍFICOS COLLBATALLÉ FUJAIRAH FREE ZONE AUTHORITY FUNDACION FITS FUNDACIÓN ICIL FUTUR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT FTA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA GEZAIRI TRANSPORT GLOBAL LOGISTICS MAGAZINE DELIVER GOBIERNO NACIONAL PANAMÁ GOKBORA GOT CARGA GRIMALDI GROUP GRUPO COMSA GRUPO DIARIO GRUPO I68 GRUPO LOGISTICA Y TRANSPORTE GRUPO TARIC GSE HANDLING & STORAGE HUMILIS FINANCE ITD HUNGARY I.S.T. SL I.T.S MAROC ICIL IFTEM IGEOTEST GEOTECNIA PORTUARIA INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE INFORMATICA INTEREMPRESAS INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF NAVIGATION IN BEIRUT INTERNTAIONAL COMPANY FOR PETROLLEUM AND INDUSTRIAL SERVICES (INCOME) INTERNATIONAL GROUP FOR INVESTMENT (IGI) INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SERVICES (I.M.S) INTERPORTO CAMPANO INTERROLL DYNAMIC STORAGE ESPAÑA INVEST LR ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ISTANBUL TICARET ODASI J. MARQUES DOS SANTOS, LTDA. JBT CORPORATION JMB JOBTRANSPORT - WEB DE EMPLEO JSV INFORMATICA I COMUNICACIONS, S.L. JUNGHEINRICH DE ESPAÑA, SAU KHEDIVIAL MARINE LOGISTICS (K.M.L) KNAPP IBERICA SL KNAPP LOGISTIK AUTOMATION KRALNET Konexiona LA RAZÓN LA VANGUARDIA LASRY MAROC LA VOIE EXPRESS LD LINES LE MONITEUR DU COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL LIFE’S COOL LINDE MATERIAL HANDLING IBÉRICA LOCATEL FLOTAS LOGICA LÓGICA ORGANIZACIÓN EMPRESARIAL DE OPERADORES LOGÍSTICOS LOGIMA LOGIS EXPO 2010 – FERIA DE ZARAGOZA LOGISNET - MARGE BOOKS LOGISTIC LOGÍSTICA HOJE LOGISTICA PROFESIONAL LOGISTICS BUSINESS MAGAZINE LOGWEB LORRY RAIL LYL INGENIERIA MADRID PLATAFORMA LOGISTICA MANUTENCION Y ALMACENAJE MARINE & ENGINEERING SERVICES CO (MESCO) MARSY TRANSPORT MASHREQ GROUP MECA-SYSTEM, S.L. MECALUX LOGISMARKET MEDGENCO MEDHUB MENDES JÚNIOR TRADING ENGENHARIA SA MEXICO MINISTÉRIO DAS RELAÇOES EXTERIORES MINISTERIO DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIAS DE PANAMÁ MINISTERIO DOS TRANSPORTES MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS & TRANSPORT MONETTI MELFORM MOSTOLES INDUSTRIAL, S.A. MOVILOC MRE-MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES DEPARTAMENTO DE PROMOCIÓN COMERCIAL / SECOM – CONSULADO DO BRASIL EM BARCELONA MP2 OCS OFFICE NATIONAL DE CHEMINS DE FER - ONCF PACA LOGISTIQUE PAKI LOGISTICS GMBH PALEURO PARC LOGISTIC DE LA ZONA FRANCA PESCA INTERNACIONAL PICK TO LIGHT SYSTEMS PINGUIM GROUP PLATAFORMA LOGISTICA AQUITAINE-EUSKADI PONT LOGISITQUE ORAN ALICANTE / SPA PORT AUTHORITY OF NAPLES PORT DE BARCELONA PORT DE CALAIS PORT DE SETE SUD DE FRANCE PORT DU HAVRE PORT LA NOUVELLE PORT OF BEJAÏA PORTEL, SERVICIOS TELEMATICOS PORTS ALGERIENS PORT SAID CONTAINER & CARGO HANDLING( P.S.C.C.H ) PROINTEC PROMEXICO PROLOGIS PRS TECNOLOGÍAS DE ALMACENAJE PSION TEKLOGIX PUERTA CENTRO HERCESA PUERTO BRISA S.A. PUERTO DE SANTA MARTA PUERTO QUETZAL GUATEMALA PUERTO SECO AZUQUECA / GRAN EUROPA PUERTO SECO DE MADRID PUERTOS DE ESPAÑA PUERTOS DE INTERÉS GENERAL DE ANDALUCIA QINGDAO INDUSTRIAL SOURCE TRADING COMPANY., LTD QUEIROZ GALVAO RAFIMAR RED LOGISTICA DE ANDALUCIA REED BUSINESS INFORMATION REGION DE LORENA REGION LANGUEDOC-ROUSILLON RENFE REVISTA LOGISTEC REVISTA STOCK RFID MAGAZINE ROS SPAIN ROUTING INTERNATIONAL SAN LUIS LOGÍSTICA – GOBIERNO DE LA PROVINCIA DE SAN LUIS SARE DISTRIBUCIÓN SARL MAILLE SATDATA TELECOM SATO IBERIA, S.A. SCM LOGISTICA SHIP & C.R.E.W EGIPTO SECRETARIA DE DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO SEPES - ENTIDAD PÚBLICA SERTARRACO S.L. SICILIAN PORT AUTHORITIES – PORT OF PALERMO SICILIAN PORT AUTHORITIES OF MESSINA SILFORMACION – IFTEM SITL REED EXPOSITIONS SNTL SOCIETÉ MARITIME DU CENTRE SMC-BAHIRA SOLRED SOLUTIONS CARGO S.A. DE C.V. STCMA (Service Transport Combine Maroc) STUMAR SUNCRUISE ANDALUCIA SYNDICAT MIXTE PLATAFORME PYRÉNÉES MÉDITERRANÉE SYSTEMPREF TAIZHOU HUANGYAN FAR-SAIL IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. TANGER MED PORT AUTHORITY TATOMA TELEROUTE TERCAT TGS THE PROPELLER CLUB BARCELONA TIFFANY CARGO SYSTEMS TIMOCOM SOFT- UND HARDWARE GMBH TIRSO INTERNATIONAL TOBALINA CONSULTING TOP MANAGEMENT TOPSYSTEM SYSTEMHAUS GMBH TOPTRANSPORTE.COM TRACTEL IBERICA TRADISA, OPERADOR LOGISTICO, S.L. TRANPORTES J. CARBÓ TRANSFENNICA TRANS-KRAL TRANSKAL TRANS MAR SHIPPING TRANSMEX SPA FILIALE DU GROUPE SONELGAZ TRANSPORTE 3 TRIMEX TUSCAN PORT AUTHORITIES TUSCOR LLOYD TYCON (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd ULMA CARRETILLAS ELEVADORAS ULMA HANDLING SYSTEMS UTA LOJISTIK VALEC ENGENHARIA, CONSTRUÇÕES E FERROVIAS S.A. VEHCO VEINTEPIES.COM VEFCA S.L. VEGA VGG APLICACIONES, S.C.P. VICINAY CEMVISA VITRONIC WEBPICKING.COM WORLDWIDE CONTAINER SERVICES WORMS ALEXANDRIA CARGO SERVICES WTRANSNET WWW.MERCADOINDUSTRIAL.BIZ YUCATAN STATE, MEXICO ZAL BARCELONA ZHEJIANG HAND BRAND LIFTING MACHINERY CO., LTD ZHEJIANG SHUANGNIAO MACHINERY CO., LTD Organized by: Main sponsors: Sponsors: • [email protected] • [email protected] • +34 932 638 150
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