`SEMINAR ON PUBuE)f`J1bW~ltrff`ffR~8lfr~P8~cfANIZED BY
`SEMINAR ON PUBuE)f`J1bW~ltrff`ffR~8lfr~P8~cfANIZED BY
UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR ROYAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE PERAK No.3, Jalan Greentown, 30450 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan. Tel: (605) 243 2635 Fax: (605) 243 2636 Website: www.perakmed.edu.my DISTRIBUTION LIST Dear Dato'/Datuk/ Dati~/ Prof/Assoc Prof/ ~Madam/Ms Through Professor Dr Osman Ali Dean, Faculty of Medicine . PROF. DR. Q~AN AU ~d~R. SHAIFUL BAHARIISMAIL MD (UKM), MPH (TULANE), MBA (OUM), PhD (UKfvi) Pemangku Oekan Dean 1 Professor of Public Health Pusat Pe~gaj 1 an Sains Perubatan MMC 24159 K;mpus Kesihatan UmKL RCMP Faculty of Medicine UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR Universiti Saios Malaysia 16150 Kubang Karian, Kelsntan INVITATION TO 'SEMINAR ON PUBuE)f'J1bW~ltrff'ffR~8lfr~P8~cfANIZED BY UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR ROYAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE PERAK ON 20 & 21 OCTOBER 2015. With due respect, the above matter is referred. The Preclinical Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak is pleased to invite you to participate in our 'Seminar on Publication 2015' program at UniKL RCMP, lpoh, on 20 & 21 October 2015. This seminar will bring together the specialists, academics, researchers, medical officers and health care professionals to discuss and share their experience on journal article and book publication. Topics to be discussed are as follow: Drafting a manuscript Where to publish Malaysian Citation Centre: Understanding "Journal Impact Factor'' concept Malaysian Citation Centre: How research should be evaluated Introduction to statistical (epi info & SPSS) and referencing (End-note) softwares What is a book? Book publication: A-to-Z Guideline Special Inspirational Talk: A motivation to write and to self-publish 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Registration fee: RM 500. Seats are limited and are based on first-come first-served basis. We look forward to your response. Kindly email us at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] to confirm your attendance by 9 October 2015. Enclosed herewith is the program brochure for your reference and information. For further information and assistance, please contact 05-243 2635 ext 210/213 or Fax at 05-253 6637. Your kind cooperation is very much appreciated. Thank you. ,, Yours faithfully - ,.--~""t·2t ~~ _,/t;~ -~ I NORAIN AB.LATIF Chairperson of the Organizing Committee Seminar on Publication 2015, Facult\ABftwtedll1t\~l·iR~lied \sft0\J..--0 - _b Managed by: P.C.M. Sdn. Bhd (477486-U) A Subsidiary of Universiti Teknikal MARA Sdn. Bhd. (570132-T) Wholly Owned by MARA SEMINAR ON PUBLICATION 2015 20 & 21 October 2015 Multipurpose Hall, Level 1, UniKL RCMP Registration Fee: RMSOO Otfaltisod Oy ProeiJiHieae lJopartHtoHt , 'ttel48ty ol ModieiHo For further information please contact: Pn. Norain I Pn. Nikki Amura I Datin Mashidah 05-243 2635 ext: 2131210 or Fax 05-253 6637 ,, Address: UniKL RCMP, No 3, Jalan Greentown, 30450 lpoh, Perak Website: www.rcmp.unikl.edu.my .. REGISTRATION FORM COURSE DETAILS SEMINAR ON PUBLICATION REGISTRATION FEEa RM 500 PER PERSON Name: ......................................................................... Salutation: .................................................................... Institution :................................................................... • • • • Postal Address: ......... ................................................... Includes course notes, certificate and meals CPO Points will be given for MMA member Limited to 40 participants only Target Groups: Academicians, Researchers, Medical Officers and Health Care Professionals Please send complete form together with payment details before I by 9 October 2015 via emai to: 0 D Gender: Male Female Norain Ab.Latif ([email protected]) Tel: ............................................................................. Fax: ............................................................................. Email: .......................................................................... Signature: .................................................................... . 1/We hereby enclose the registration fee to participate in Seminar on Publication with amount of RM ... ........... . 019-7121624 Preclinical Department Nikki Amura Zanial Abidin ([email protected]) 017-5609827 International, Industrial & Institutional Partnership (IIIP) Unit Registration Fee: RM500 Method of Payment (Please tick your option): t' Cash Bank Draft Cheque _ _ Local Order (LO) Bank in (P.C.M.Sdn Bhd ) _ __ Payment through bank draft/cheque/bank transfer are accepted. Payment shall only be made after we have confirmed your registration by email. lJpon receiving the receipt of payment or clearance of cheque, we will notify and secure your confirmation of attendance. : h Account No. I 80-0479166-4 Account name I P.C.M.$DN BHD ,, Bank name I CIMB BANK Bank address I No. 112, Jalan Sultan ldris Shah, 30000 lpoh, Perak i:- 1~ - Seminar on Publication 2015 Datin Mashidah Baharrudin ([email protected]) International, Industrial & Institutional Partnership (IIIP) Unit Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak Faculty of Medicine No 3, Jalan Greentown 30450 lpoh, Perak Tel :05-243 2635 Ext: 213/210 Fax: 05-253 6637 20 &. 21 October 2015 Multipurpose Hall, Uvel1 Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak Orgciitised by Preclinical Department Faculty of Medicine ~ I INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES Academic publication has now become a crucial demand in various institutions and bodies. It is somehow used as a benchmark of the prestige and performance of a personnel in various institutions. Through publication, a university or institution will get multiple citations in journals from all over the world, which in the long run will elevate the institution's name and credibility. The proposed program is designed to achieve the following objectives: For a university, it is generally known that the world ranking system uses publication as one of the measuring tools to rank a university. Publication also is an indicator of the number and quality of research activities taking place in a particular university. Therefore, apart from research, academic writing and publishing activities have become the main priority in all universities across the world. Seminar on Publication 2015 will be the third seminar of its kind. In the last two years, this seminar managed to grab the attention from both academic and non academic participants. This year, Seminar on Publication will be conducted in two days so that ample emphasis could be given to statistics and referencing software lessons. Slots on book publication are also included to cater for participants who are interested in translating their writing into a book. • To further fortify the knowledge on academic writing skills among academics, researchers, medical experts and scholars • To encourage and promote journal writing and publishing activities among academics and non academics • To give further exposure to participants regard. ing journal impact factor • To give some guidance to participant on softwares commonly used for publication • To give some guidelines to participants on what can become a book and the step-by-step process of. book publication • To build and expand academic and professional linkages with academics, researchers, medical experts and scholars 20 October 2015 (Tuesday) TIME PROGRAMME 8.00 am • 8.30 am Registration of participants 8.30 am • 9.00 am Doa recitation Welcoming and Opening Speech 9.00 am • 10.30 am Talk 1: The Art of Publishing 1: Drafting a Manuscript , Speaker: Prof. Dr. Onn bin Haji Hashim 10.30 am· 11.00 am PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION & TEA BREAK 11.00 am· 12.30 pm Talk II: The Art of Publishing II: Where to publish? Speaker: Prof. Dr. Onn bin Haji Hashim , LUNCH 12.30 pm · 2.00 pm 2.00 pm • 3.30 pm Talk Ill: Scholarly communication 1: Understanding Journal Impact Factor Speaker: A.P. Dr. Abrizah Abdullah 3.30 pm • 4.00 pm TEA BREAK 4.00 pm • 5.30 pm Talk IV: Scholarly communication II: How research should be evaluated? Speaker: A.P. Dr. Abrizah Abdullah 21 October 2015 (Wednesday) INVITED SPEAKERS TIME Editorial Board Member Registration of participants 8.30 am • 9.30 am Demonstration 1: Introduction to Statistical Softwares (epi info & SPSS) Facilitator: Dr. Sandheep Sugathan 9.30 am • 10.30 am Demonstration II: Introduction to Referenc· ing Software (End-note) Facilitator: A. P. Dr. Noorzaid Muhamad 10.30 am· 11.00 am TEA BREAK 11.00 am -12.30 pm Talk V: What is a book? Speaker: Pn. Resni Mona Biomarker Research Head, Department of Molecular Medicine ASSOC. PROFESSOR DR. ABRIZAH BINTI ABDULLAH Research Fellow PROGRAMME 8.00 am • 8.30 am PROFESSOR DR. ONN BIN HAJI HASHIM Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya This seminar is suitable for beginners, intermediates and professionals who are keen to further improve theit writing skills and publishing activities. Therefore,." we hope that this 2-day seminar could somehow fulfill the needs of many academics, researchers, medical experts and scholars in their battle to produce and publish a good writing piece whether it be a journal article or a book. PROGRAMME ! 12.30 pm • 2.00 pm LUNCH 2.00 pm • 3.30 pm 3.30 pm • 4.30 pm Talk VI: Book Publication: A-to-Z Guideline Speaker: Pn. Resni Mona Special Inspirational Talk: A motivation to write and to self-publish Speaker: Prof. Dr. Osman bin Ali 4.30 pm • 4.45 pm Closing ceremony 3.30 pm • 4.00 pm TEA BREAK & END OF SEMINAR Malaysian Citation Center Ministry of Education Malaysia I REGISTRATION FORM SEMINAR ON PUBLICATION 2015 20 & 21 OCTOBER 2015 Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Level 1, UniKL RCMP PARTICULARS Name: ____________________~----------------------------------------------Title: Dato'I Datin I Prof I Assoc Prof I Dr I Mr I Mrs I Ms (Please circle accordingly) Gender: Male D Female D Organization/Affiliation: --------------------------------------------------------Department: __________________________________________________________________ Position: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Correspondence Address: --------------------------------------------------------- Post code:------------------ C i t y : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State:----------------Email address:---------------------------------------------------------------Fax: ____________________________________ Telephone:------------------------Diet/Meal Preference: Vegetarian Nationality: Malaysian REGISTRATION FEE FOR WORKSHOP D D Non-Vegetarian Non-Malaysian B .. ----------~- -----~------------<..-C------------------------~ Registration Fee I RM500.00 Registration and receipt of payment should be send to the secretariat via fax or email before 09 October 2015. Cancellation request will not be entertained MODE OF PAYMENT Please tick('\/) your option Amount RM: ________________________________________________________________ ~ Cash(Bankin~PCMSdn.Bhd.): __________________________________________~ ~ Bank Cheque No. *(For Malaysian Banks Only):--------------------------------~ ~ Bank Slip No:--------------------------------------------------------- ~ Local Purchase Order *(Malaysians only):-------------------------------------*All payment shall be made payable to: Account number Account name Bank name Bank address SQ-04 79166-4 P.C.M. SON BHD CIMB BANK BHD No. 112, Jalan Sultan ldris Shah, 30000 lpoh, Perak '' ' . . Page 1 of2 .,i<\~:~~,,.,- / I Please email scanned copy of the registration form together with proof of payment to:Puan Nikki Amura Zanial Abidin /Datin Mashidah Babarrudin Secretariat Seminar on Publication 2015 Faculty of Medicine UniKL Royal College of Medicine Perak No. 3 Jalan Greentown, 30450 lpoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel :05-243 2635 ext 213/210 Fax: 05-253 6637 14.5.2015 '\ Page 2 of 2