2012 Headmistress Report


2012 Headmistress Report
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2011 · 2012
Headmistress Report
2 0 1 2 H ead m is t re s s R e p or t
W hy R eg i s ?
Why Regis? is the 2011-2012 Headmistress Report of The Regis School of the Sacred Heart.
For any questions or comments, please contact Priyanka Agarwal at [email protected]
Schools of the Sacred Heart
commit themselves to educate to a
personal and active faith in God.
Dr. Nancy O. Taylor
Publication Team
Priyanka Agarwal
Director of Advancement
Susan Ellerbe
Director of Communications
and Alumni Relations
Priyanka Agarwal
Andrew Alford
Good Project
Susan Ellerbe
Photographs courtesy of
Jennifer Granger
Edna Marie Free
Jeff Grass
Dr. Nancy Taylor
Julie Soefer
Elizabeth Vargo
Regis parents, faculty and staff
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit
themselves to educate to a deep
respect for intellectual values.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit
themselves to educate to a social
awareness which impels to action.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit
themselves to educate to the building
of community as a Christian value.
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an equal opportunity school and does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, age, national or ethnic origin in administrative policies, admission policies, and
scholarship programs.
The 2011 - 2012 Headmistress Report is a record of financial giving to The Regis School of the Sacred
Heart during the fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. In compiling this report, we have made a sincere
effort to ensure that our listings are complete and accurate. Please accept our deepest apologies for any
errors or omissions and notify the Advancement Department at 713.682.8383, ext. 5134, so we can
correct our records.
Schools of the Sacred Heart
commit themselves to educate
to personal growth in an
atmosphere of wise freedom.
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart
7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 | 713.682.8383 | www.theREGISschool.org
A member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the United States
Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED)
Accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS)
Embedded in the Sacred Heart philosophy, Regis offers a
learning environment purposefully designed to suit the
educational needs of boys. The 2011-2012 Headmistress
Report shares our mission through the eyes of our
community: students, parents, alumni, faculty and staff.
. . .t he be ne fi t s of sin gle gen der programs,
especially for boys, are rich and compelling...
through the simple fact that schools devoted to single gender models are typically, and
especially in the case of The Regis School, devoted first to “differentiation and diversity”
in teaching and learning. Single gender is part of a broad continuum of differentiation,
including multiple intelligences, learning styles, and personality strengths.
— Linda Karges-Bone, Ed.D., Professor, Charleston Southern University and Director, Education InSite
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
the greatest benefits and blessings of single gender programs emerge, in my opinion,
Regis is a learning academy where the emph a sis
is put
on the whole b oy. We have the time and resources to
not only teach academics, but to nurture the character of our boys.
— Courtney Stiles, 4th Grade Teacher
L e t t e r f r o m D r . Tay l o r
Dear Regis Community,
Why Regis? My response is why ever not Regis? The education of boys is the art that lifts my soul. In my mind’s eye
are multiple snapshots of boys. I love the pure freedom of boys being boys, running and laughing with each other on
the playground or meeting the challenge of competitive games on the athletic field. I love the inquisitive minds and
busy fingers as boys engage in lessons that pique their curiosity with increasing rigor. A confident or even “macho”
exterior often conceals the tenderest heart and the most caring of ways. It is a deep pleasure to share a boys’ world
where we glimpse their ideas, hopes, and experiences in an all boys’ school designed purposefully to be.
Why Regis? Regis would be my pick because of the experienced teachers who enjoy teaching in a boys’ world,
influencing them spiritually and relationally. In terms of years of service, forty-four teachers equate to 776
collective years of nurturing and instructing children, 304 of them spent at Regis.
“...chasing happily
around the playgrounds,
concentrating on
that lay up shot on
the basketball court,
pondering a math
This year, through the goodness of many planners and benefactors, our world became infinitesimally better with
the addition of our long awaited Student Life Center. This beautiful new building completes our campus to date
with a stage, a cafeteria, basketball court, and athletic facilities. For the first time, our community can enjoy indoor
recreational activities and P. E. classes. For the first time, students can have lunch together indoors. For the first time in
a very long time, we can come together as community for celebrating Mass and all the important occasions as a school.
The excellent news is that Regis continues to evolve and grow as so many caring people have wished us well. We
are most grateful for our blessings and invite you to share our joy.
problem, dissecting a
critter in the science lab.”
Nancy Taylor
Letter from Jeff Manley
Friends of Regis,
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
As this school year progresses, I am so
pleased with how our school community has
embraced the transition into the new Student
Life Center. How impactful the new facility
has been in expanding our program offerings
for all Regis students! Throughout this report,
you will see the many accomplishments and
highlights from our most recent school year;
again, one of the best years in our school’s
history. The Board is committed to always be
forward looking so that each year may be our
best year. We are on our way!
Parents, think back to that time when you
selected Regis as the school for your son.
Why Regis? Our family was compelled to
choose Regis, and have experienced “The
Regis Advantage” that we believed in. How do
I define the Regis advantage? We see certain
values and attributes demonstrated daily at
this school. I value the academic focus; the
desire for a rigorous learning environment
where boys are challenged and expected to
perform at an above average level. I appreciate
the low student to teacher ratio, where my son
receives more personal attention. I like the
single gender aspect, focusing peer activities
on boys, learning and athletics. I know there
is plenty of time for socializing, but for those
few short hours in part of the school day, the
beautiful girl next door isn’t competing for my
son’s attention! And, the tie that binds all this
together is the opportunity to learn, grow, and
develop in a Christian school environment; and
not just a parish Catholic school environment,
but one that is focused on educating the
“whole” child. Parish schools are fantastic
resources for our community because they
share their mission with taking care of multiple
constituents, with the parish coming first. With
a 200 year legacy focused on educating the
“complete” child, a Sacred Heart education
offers a unique environment. This is the Sacred
Heart advantage and the Regis advantage. This
is why there is no other choice like Regis. My
son has already exceeded my expectations,
and I gladly share the credit for this with the
greater Regis Community. Parents, if you are
as proud of your son as I am of mine, look no
further than how and where he spends the
better part of every weekday—and you, too,
will beam with pride at making the best choice
possible for his education.
Lastly, I’d like to offer a special thanks to
all the parents and members of our greater
Regis community who embraced our ongoing
capital campaign and allowed our dreams to
come bursting into life. We are so thankful
that we have received enough pledges and
commitments to grasp the future and commit
to building the new Student Life Center. We
have the utmost faith in our community. Regis
still needs to raise funds to see the completion
of the facility, and we sincerely appreciate
your prayerful consideration to help us see our
campaign through to completion.
Thank you for your tireless support and your
unfailing enthusiasm. We live and exist for
your boys!
Warmest Regards,
Jeff Manley
Chairman, Board of Directors
Letter from Susan Ellerbe
Dear Regis Friends,
Last year, we collectively achieved many
fundraising milestones. The Capital Campaign
for the new Student Life Center transformed
the face of the school. With enormous
gratitude, we thank our Chairs, Cindy and
Kendall Miller for their unparalleled hard work
and dedication in helping us realize our dream.
To date, the campaign has raised an amazing
$4.3M, which we hope will yet grow to complete
the $6M campaign by the end of the 2012-2013
school year. From our humble beginnings
more than 20 years ago, our generous Regis
community has supported us with their gifts of
interest, time, talent, and treasures.
celebrate, and give generously. Many thanks
to our dynamic Chairs, Annelyse Frugoni and
Judy Herrera, and their fabulous committees
for putting on a memorable event that raised
monies to help the school in countless ways.
support at all levels, and your tireless efforts,
The Regis School would not be able to thrive
as a place that educates and inspires our
future leaders. We cannot thank you enough
for all you do.
Our community has continued to demonstrate
its deep faith in an all boys’ Sacred Heart
education by contributing to The Regis Fund,
the most important giving opportunity for our
school. The Regis Fund touches every facet of
the school life, making a positive difference
each day, for each student and faculty, whether
in the classroom, on the field, or on the stage.
The Advancement team was also very busy
with strategic changes in the school’s outreach
to our community. We initiated a complete
redesign of our website. Our presence in the
local media increased substantially, and we
went green with our first electronic newsletter.
Knights Connection became the name of our
revitalized alumni program as we strive to
maintain our connections with our alumni
wherever they are. This year, we designed two
new Regis memorabilia, a lapel pin and a tie.
At our Father-Son Mass, the boys presented
the lapel pins to their dads which many of
them proudly wear. The Class of 2012 became
the first recipients of the Regis tie during the
graduation ceremony when they officially
became Regis alums.
Prom Knight, our most successful auction
ever, offered our community a chance to come
together in their past prom outfits to have fun,
In the end, it is our Regis community that
makes this school the special place that it is.
Without you, your generosity and financial
Susan Ellerbe
Director of Advancement
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
B oa r d o f D i r e c to r s
Mr. Brett Agee
Mr. Guillermo A. Amtmann
Mrs. Cecilia Devetski
Mrs. Ellen Ginty
Mr. Art Fano
Rev. Patrick Fulton, C.S.B.
Mr. Bill Garner, Jr.
Mr. Weldon Granger
Mrs. Janet Gustafson
Mr. David N. Hotze, Sr.
Mrs. Jill Jenkins
Mr. Jeff Manley, Chairman
Mr. Kendall Miller
Sister Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ
Mr. Carlos Roman
Sister Diane Roche, RSCJ
Mr. John Rossettie
Mrs. Jacque Townend
Dr. Nancy O. Taylor (ex officio)
In the Early Childhood Program, many of our activities involve gross motor movement and messy,
hands-on learning opportunities. We provide a wide variety of activities to appeal to the “boy” in each
Regis student to keep
them actively engaged in learning, to capture
their excitement as they acquire new skills, and to foster their love of a Sacred Heart education.
— Joan Ezell, 3PreK Teacher
$1 MIL
C a p i ta l C a m pa i g n
*As of June 30, 2012
$6 MIL
Amount Remaining
2011-2012 Gifts
2011-2012 Pledges
$5 MIL
Prior Amount Raised
$4 MIL
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
$3 MIL
$2 MIL
$1 MIL
*As of June 30, 2012
Amount Remaining
2011-2012 Gifts
C a p i ta l C a m pa i g n D o n o r s
St. John Francis Regis
$500,000 to $999,999
The Kendall Miller Family
St. Madeleine Sophie
Barat Society
$250,000 to $499,999
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Amtmann
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kalman
St. Philippine
Duchesne Society
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
$100,000 to $249,999
Agee Family Foundation
Natalie and Brett Agee
Bayou Well Services
The Cullen Foundation
Weldon, Fran, and Jennifer Granger
The Henry Family
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze
and Family
Manley Family
Stephen and Elizabeth Turtur
Vivian L. Smith Foundation
Mater Admirabilis
$50,000 to $99,999
Gary and Joyce Groves
Roger and Jill Jenkins
Fay and Paul Lewis
Lonnie and Mary Ann McKinney
Jacob and Adelina Monty
Matt and Stacy Schicke
Ms. Denise Wolf and Mr. Steve Wolf
Coeur de Jesus Society
$25,000 to $49,999
Christopher and Anita Bryant
The Ellerbe Family
William S. Garner and Kathy McCoy
Jim and Ellen Ginty
Michael A. Hren
The Kielty Family
William C. Long and David A. Duet
M. D. Anderson Foundation
Mr. Edward A. and
Rev. Genevieve T. Razim
David and Marina Rogers
John and Julie Rossettie
Tim and Michelle Ruch
Dr. Nancy O. Taylor and
Mr. Tom MacHamer
Terry and Jacque Townend
Mr. and Mrs. Herve M. Wilczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Winstone
Tres Bien Society
$10,000 to $24,999
Ms. Melissa Loyd and
Mr. John Barquin
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bieser
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M.
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Bryan
Larry A. Campagna
Paul and Anne Storey Carty
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charlton
Mrs. Kathleen Bradley and
Mr. John Cope
Devetski Family
Dr. Sonia Moncayo-Duarte and
Dr. Jaime Duarte
Kenneth and Kim Frank
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Freysinger
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
Gustafson, Sr.
The Hewitt Family
The Jakab Family
Jenny and Chris Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kuryla
Victor and Angela Longo
The Lyons Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney
Dr. Darlene Makulski and
Mr. Martin Makulski
Pauline and Robert Mertensotto
The Muller Family
Mr. and Mrs. Brenden R. O’Neill
Gregory and Cynthia Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robertson
Mrs. Maria Moretti and
Mr. Hernan Scolari
Ms. Debbie Acebo and
Mr. Wendel Skolaski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Sterling-Turner Foundation
Andrea Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Falco
Mark and Annelyse Frugoni
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glover
Javier and Raquel Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Jubi Hillery
William Hobbs
Shining Knight Society Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kilgore
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maher IV
Dr. Eva Aruffo and Mr. Paul Aruffo
Steve and Monica Markovich
Carina Energy LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Breno L. Miguel
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Fuentes
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller
Goulas & Associates, Inc.
Tina and Fikri Ozcelik
The Kluczniks
Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pardey
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr.
Barbara and Tom B. Price, Jr.
The Orosco Family
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Summerville
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Parlette IV
Viviana Tastard
Kay and Marvin Pickett
Armando and Annette Vela
Linda and John Powell
Dr. Jennifer Ward and Mr. Jeff Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Seureau
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shields
Merci Beaucoup Society
Strake Foundation
Up to $999
Andrea and Trent Tellepsen
ADP Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Nitin Agarwal
Cong Tong and Lily Luu
Ronald M. Weil
Dane and Kenna Whitehead
Willard M. and Ruth Mayer Johnson
Charitable Foundation
Ana Maria and John Wood
Pride of the Knight
$1,000 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Ripoll
Mr. Robert A. Archer
Jordi and Carmen Baizan
Paola Ballesca
Paul and Meg Britton
The Akers Family
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alford
Ms. Gail Bartlett
Ms. Grace B. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bice
Ms. Betty Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Burke, Sr.
The amounts include personal pledged amounts, The Kendall Miller Family
Match, and any company matching gifts received through June 30, 2012.
Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. John Clemency
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dierker
Dr. and Mrs. Colin Dinney
Mr. James Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dornbach
Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Ehlinger
Ms. Donna Piga and
Mr. Steven Eisenberg
Ms. Mary Ann Fenlon
Dr. Sharon Lundgren and
Mr. Peter Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Free
Rev. Patrick Fulton, CSB
Mrs. Ruth Gorman
Ms. Jennifer Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin
Dr. Dixie G. Hamilton, Jr.
Dr. Helen Marie Haney and
Dr. Peter Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Harrington
Hill and Hill - Attorneys at Law
Mr. Cody J. Hill, ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marcus Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hill
Mr. Zane Hill, ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Junghans
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kennedy
Ms. Mary L. Kister
Mrs. Lisa Kline
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Kotlarek
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Langlois
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. LaPorte
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Leibold III
Phil and Deedee Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Loeffler
Dr. and Mrs. John LoMonaco, Jr.
Ms. Allison Marich
Mrs. Elizabeth McDaniel
Mrs. Annalisa Maci and
Mr. Mauro Melena
Joan, Robert and Melissa Mendell
Greg, Kelly, Austin and Andrew Miller
The Mills Family - John, Tammy,
Morgan and Dillon
Mr. James Moehlman
Ms. Randa Moore
Ms. Paige Ohlenburg
Mr. Martin Perez, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pfeifle
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pitera
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock
Jon and Janie Pollock
Mr. Joe Powers - Powers Brown
Mr. Robert Rabalais
Patricia Reed and Frederick Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reiner
Sister Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ
Sister Diane Roche, RSCJ
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Russell
Rev. Ronald G. Schwenzer, C.S.B
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scott
Mrs. Lyn Shivshanker
Karen and Morty Skolnik and Family
Miss Laura Smith
The J. Larkin Stallings Family
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Stephens
Mr. Scott Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Stiles
Steve, Carla, Brooke and Brad Strake
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Sung
Ms. Dana Gannon and
Mr. Michael Tabert
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tracy
The Hogan Turner Family
Union Pacific Railroad/Benton Bond
Michael and Rachael Valka
Mr. John Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Zehawi
Operating Revenue
Statement of Activities for the year ended June 30, 2012.
Tuition and Fees
Contributions$228,649 5%
Special Events
Other Revenue
Operating Expenses
$369,533 $22,953
Program Services - Instructional
Management and General
Fundraising $435,08710%
Tuition and Fees
Program Services - Instructional
Management and General
Special Events
A Sacred Heart Education encompasses any parent’s aspirations for their child—a rigorous education, an active
and sincere faith in God, compassion for others and a sense of community. The Sacred Heart Goals as they are
practiced at The Regis School are truly the living embodiment of
faith, hope , and love .
— Geyer Dybesland, Regis Early Childhood and Duchesne Lower School Parent
The Regis Fund
From the day of first arrival, the Regis School community draws you in to a relationship that continues to flourish
over time. As each ensuing year unfolds, an understanding of the mission of Sacred Heart schools deepens and a
partnership is built. A sincere focus on providing the strongest educational routines for boys compels our families
and friends to support The Regis Fund, our annual gift program.
On behalf of each of our 252 students, and our more than fifty faculty and staff, we are grateful to all our donors
for their thoughtful support of our 252 Reasons to Give—our 2011-2012 Regis Fund Campaign. Thanks to their
unwavering belief in the mission of The Regis School of the Sacred Heart, we raised $183,109.08.
Board of Directors
100% Participation
Faculty, Staff
and Administration
100% Participation
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
72% Participation
Leadership Society
St. Madeleine Sophie
$10,000 or more
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall A. Miller
St. John Francis Regis
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Agee
Mr. and Mrs. Gislar Donnenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Granger
Mrs. Rosario Spinoso and
Mr. Steve Harter
Shining Knight
$2,500 to $4,999
Ms. Melissa Loyd and Mr. John Barquin
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Benge
Dr. and Mrs. Raul Caffesse
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Klucznik
Ms. Fay Lewis and Mr. Paul Lewis
Mr. Bill Long and Mr. David Duet
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Long
Dr. Ana Lopez and Mr. Manuel Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertensotto
Reverend Genevieve Razim and
Mr. Edward A. Razim III
Mr. and Mrs. David Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke
Mrs. Barbara Shears
Dr. Nancy Taylor and
Mr. Tom MacHamer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Townend
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Herve M. Wilczynski
Grand Club
$1,000 or more
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Agee
Mr. and Mrs. Don Aviles
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ballesca
Dr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Bayardo
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Benge
Dr. and Mrs. Raul Caffesse
Ms. Bailey Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Art Howe
Mrs. Mary Razim
Mrs. Barbara Shears
Ms. Janet Clark Smith
General Gifts Club
Pride of the Knights
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Agee
Dr. Eva Aruffo and Mr. Paul Aruffo
Mr. and Mrs. Don Aviles
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ballesca
Dr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Bayardo
Mr. Tristan Berlanga, Jr./Bercon, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charlton
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Dybesland
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ellerbe
Mr. and Mrs. Trent A. Foltz
Mrs. Kathy McCoy and
Mr. Bill Garner, Jr.
Ms. Bailey Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ginty
Ms. Jennifer Granger
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kielty
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Lagos
Dr. Melonie Dutton Lewis and
Mr. Therron Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Markovich
Ms. Maria Fernandez and
Mr. Sebastian Moretti
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Brenden R. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Orosco
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Pineda/
Ramon Pineda MD
Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Price, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Razim
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John Rossettie
Mr. and Mrs. Beinmonyo Spiff Rufus
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scott
Ms. Janet Clark Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Steward
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Whitehead
Ms. Denise Wolf and Mr. Steve Wolf
Regis Court
$250 to $999
Mrs. Claudia Baldini and
Mr. Alessandro Castellani
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett J. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Amador Lopez, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hotze
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela
Dr. Laura LaCroix and Mr. Damian
LaCroix/Sugar Land Dental, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Leibold III
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney
Dr. Darlene Makulski and
Mr. Martin Makulski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller
Dr. Adelina Monty and
Mr. Jacob Monty
Mr. and Mrs. Blake E. Rizzo
Mr. Lenny Saizan, Jr.
Ms. Dana Gannon and
Mr. Michael Tabert
Mr. Anuar E. Tager
Reverend Sharon Turner and
Mr. Michael Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Vela
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villarreal
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jubi Hillery
Mr. and Mrs. Les Parlette IV
Dr. Sharon Lundgren and
Mr. Peter Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Kotlarek
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mouton
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neill
Ms. Lily Luu and Mr. Cong Tong/
TCNL Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Devetski
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Junghans
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calderwood
Ms. Marla Tseng and
Mr. Rafael Del Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo A. Fano
Mr. and Mrs. Quinto Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glover
Mrs. Colleen Holbert
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kuryla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maher IV
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Martinez
Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and
Mr. Roman O. Martinez
Mr. Max Moudy
Mr. and Mrs. William Van Pelt IV
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shields
Dr. Vivana Tastard and
Dr. James Tastard
Dr. and Mrs. Efren Vega
Dr. Jennifer Ward and Mr. Jeff Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood
Coat of Arms
Up to $250
Mr. and Mrs. Nitin Agarwal
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Aurisano
Mrs. Carole Bartay
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Belveal
Mrs. Cathy A. Boates
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bocock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bradley
Ms. Christine Broadston
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Broadus
Dr. and Mrs. Rodger Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Brunel
Mr. and Mrs. JD Burkhart
Sr. Ann Caire, RSCJ
Mr. Larry A. Campagna
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cogan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Colville
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Cryar
Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne C. Dancy
Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Delpit
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Doyle
Ms. Donna Piga and
Mr. Steven Eisenberg
Ms. Maya M. Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ezell
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Falco
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Finn
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
Mrs. Annalisa Maci and
Mr. Mauro Melena
Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pardey
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Amelang
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Amtmann
Mr. Robert A. Archer
Ms. Paola Ballesca
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Busa
Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Caldwell
Dr. and Mrs. Luis Camacho
Dr. Nielo Chow
Mrs. Kathleen Bradley and
Mr. John Cope
Dr. and Ms. Kyle F. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Docherty
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel George
The Big Brother/Little Brother
Program was one of my favorite
traditions at Regis.
i really
enjoyed being with
my lit tle brothers
and learned a lot from them,
especially patience. My little
brothers helped prepare me for
my volunteer work that I am
required to complete for service
hours at Strake Jesuit. I have been
volunteering at a local preschool,
and the time I spent with my
little brothers at Regis definitely
prepared me for this.
— Sammy Townend, Class of 2011,
Sophomore at Strake Jesuit
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price, Sr.
Ms. Carolyn Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Reynolds III
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Ripoll
Sister Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ
Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Roberts
Sister Diane Roche, RSCJ
Ms. Nita Rogers
Mr. Carlos Roman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Russey
Mrs. Eva Salmeron
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Seureau
Mrs. Margie Sipe
Miss Laura Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sodek
Miss Lauren Stallings
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Sung
Ms. Charlotte Taylor
Mrs. Ana Marcela Touchstone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Valka
Mr. and Mrs. William Valka
Miss Elizabeth Vargo
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Verheeck, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Villadiego
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Waters
Mr. and Mrs. John Weathington
Mr. and Mrs. John Weathington III
Mrs. Lolita Wegmann
Ms. Anita Weindorf
Mrs. Wesley Wise
Ms. Amy Witten
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Zehawi
Class Donations
Class of 2022
3 Pre-K
13 out of 18
72% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis
Dr. Melonie Dutton Lewis and
Mr. Therron Lewis
Ms. Jennifer Granger
Mrs. Rosario Spinoso and
Mr. Steve Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holub
Mr. and Mrs. John Kobe
Dr. Darlene Makulski and
Mr. Martin Makulski
Ms. Allison Marich
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Markovich
Ms. Maria Fernandez and
Mr. Sebastian Moretti
Mr. and Mrs. William Mouton
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang
Class of 2021
4 Pre-K
15 out of 18
83% Participation
Ms. Melissa Loyd and
Mr. John Barquin
Ms. Scheli Mason and
Mr. Tristan Berlanga
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bocock
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charlton
Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Dancy
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Dybesland
Dr. Laura LaCroix and
Mr. Damian LaCroix
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Lagos
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Orosco
Mrs. Loan Tran and Mr. Hoang Phan
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang
Dr. Viviana Tastard and
Dr. James Tastard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Valka
Class of 2020
14 out of 21
67% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Amelang
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Bryan
Ms. Jennifer Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Long
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Markovich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertensotto
Ms. Maria Fernandez and
Mr. Sebastian Moretti
Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Roberts
Ms. Denise Wolf and Mr. Steve Wolf
Class of 2019
First Grade
15 out of 23
65% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan
Mrs. Claudia Baldini and
Mr. Alessandro Castellani
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Foltz
Mr. and Mrs. William Green
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
Ms. Tara Hill
The Honorable Alexandra
Smoots-Hogan and Mr. Eric Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley
Ms. Fay Lewis and Mr. Paul Lewis
Mrs. Annalisa Maci and
Mr. Mauro Melena
Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pardey
Mrs. Ana Marcela Touchstone
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villarreal
Class of 2018
Second Grade
19 out of 23
83% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Agee
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Bocock
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard
Ms. Marla Tseng and
Mr. Rafael Del Castillo
Ms. Susan Dickson and
Dr. Kyle Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Herrera
Mr. Bill Long and Mr. David Duet
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Amador Lopez
Dr. Ana Lopez and Mr. Manuel Lopez
Dr. Joi Shaw and Dr. Jimmy Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Muller
Mrs. Angela LaGrange-Scott and
Mr. Erik Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Seureau
Ms. Lily Luu and Mr. Cong Tong
Mrs. Ana Marcela Touchstone
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Pelt IV
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Fischbach
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Free
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frugoni
Rev. Patrick Fulton, C.S.B.
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Gonzalez
Dr. Kim Farina-Graham and
Mr. Joseph Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Granito
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Greaney
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez
Dr. Helen Marie Haney and
Dr. Peter Haney
Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Haveman
Ms. Catharine Head
Mr. and Mrs. William Herrera
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill
Ms. Tara T. Hill
The Honorable Alexandra
Smoots-Hogan and Mr. Eric Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Holub
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurst
Ms. Dawn Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kilbride
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kobe
Miss Kallie LeBrasse
Miss Katie Lochte
Mr. and Mrs. Binh Luong
Ms. Allison Marich
Mr. and Mrs. John McCafferty
Mrs. Dorothy Monsarrat
Mr. Shawn Morado
Dr. Joi Shaw and Dr. Jimmy Morrison
Mrs. Colette Hemingway-Moudy and
Mr. Max Moudy
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nicholson
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Parlette III
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peterson
Class of 2017
Third Grade
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
25 out of 29
86% Participation
Dr. Eva Aruffo and Mr. Paul Aruffo
Ms. Paola Ballesca
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Quinto Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fischbach
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frugoni
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Junghans
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kielty
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Les Parlette IV
Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Pineda
Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. David Rogers
Mr. Lenny Saizan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke
Mr. Anuar Tager
Dr. Viviana Tastard and
Dr. James Tastard
Dr. Jennifer Ward and Mr. Jeff Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilson
Ms. Amy Witten
Class of 2016
Fourth Grade
16 out of 23
70% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Docherty
Ms. Maya M. Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holub
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Klucznik
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kuryla
Mr. Bill C. Long and Mr. David Duet
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maher IV
Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and
Mrs. Roman O. Martinez
Mrs. Colette Hemingway-Moudy and
Mr. Max Moudy
Reverend Genevieve Razim and
Mr. Edward A. Razim III
Mr. and Mrs. Beinmonyo Spiff Rufus
Mr. Lenny Saizan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Steward
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Verheeck, Jr.
Class of 2015
Fifth Grade
14 out of 22
64% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Brunel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Busa
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo A. Fano
Dr. Sharon Lundgren and
Mr. Peter Fisher
Mrs. Kathy McCoy and
Mr. Bill Garner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr.
Mrs. Rosario Spinoso and
Mr. Steve Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertensotto
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villarreal
Mr. and Mrs. Herve Wilczynski
Class of 2014
Sixth Grade
18 out of 25
72% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Amtmann
Mrs. Doe Tong and
Mr. Kenneth Belveal
Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Caldwell
Mrs. Kathleen Bradley and
Mr. John Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Devetski
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ellerbe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Kotlarek
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Martinez
Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and
Mrs. Roman O. Martinez
Dr. Adelina Monty and
Mr. Jacob M. Monty
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robertson
Ms. Dana Gannon and
Mr. Michael Tabert
Class of 2013
Seventh Grade
20 out of 28
71% Participation
Mrs. Emily Acosta and
Dr. Luis Camacho
Dr. Nielo Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Delpit
Mr. and Mrs. Devinah Finn
Dr. Kim Farina-Graham and
Mr. Joseph Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Jubi Hillery
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Brenden O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Les Parlette IV
Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Price, Jr.
Reverend Genevieve Razim and
Mr. Edward A. Razim III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Townend
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Vela
Mr. and Mrs. John Weathington III
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood
Class of 2012
Eigth Grade
15 out of 24
63% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Amtmann
Mr. Robert A. Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calderwood
Dr. Nielo Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Gislar Donnenberg
Dr. Sharon Lundgren and
Mr. Peter Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. George
Mr. and Mrs Javier Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab
Mr. and Mrs. Art W. Leibold III
Dr. Adelina Monty and
Mr. Jacob M. Monty
Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Price, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Whitehead
After experiencing a Sacred Heart education with our girls at Duchesne,
we didn’ t h ave to
think t wi ce a b ou t s ending our s on to regis. What better way to educate
than to teach the whole child...focusing on rigorous academics while nurturing the child’s social, moral and
spiritual growth. Our son started at Regis as a child, but will graduate as a leader, a scholar and a gentleman.
— Anna Charlton, Regis Kindergarten and Duchesne Second Grade Parent
Annual Auction
Prom Knight
Annual Auction 2011 - 2012
Prom Knight, Auction 2011 - 2012, will go down in Regis history as a milestone gala and an evening of tremendous
good time! This stellar event generated $410,957—the highest auction revenue ever raised in the school’s history!
More than 300 attendees donned prom attire to enjoy the evening at The Westin Hotel perhaps remembering
their own proms. The live and silent auctions accompanied by the music of Molly and the Ringwalds escalated an
already magical evening.
Pre-auction activities, including the Regis Family School Directory, Oktoberfest, Poker Knight, and Regis Uncorked,
enhanced Prom Knight’s phenomenal success. These events were more successful than ever in generating valuable
underwriting revenues.
We are most grateful to our Prom Knight Team—Auction Chairs Annelyse Frugoni and Judy Herrera, all auction
committee members, and the many volunteers who worked tirelessly, day after day, to ensure the gala’s success. We
sincerely acknowledge all Regis parents, alumni, Board of Directors, faculty, staff, and friends whose participation
and overwhelming generosity made this a record-setting evening.
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
Auction Chairs
Annelyse Frugoni
Judy Herrera
Director of
Special Events
Audio Visual Production
Debbie and Gary Treese
Graphic Designer
Jennifer Shank
Poker Knight
Steven Bass
Jennifer Ward
Kim Farina-Graham
Jean Junghans
Jennifer Fuentes
Lauren Summerville
Prom Parade
Stacey Bond
Andrea Maher
Linda B. Powell
Michelle Ruch
Isken Ward
Anita Bryant
Regis Directory Sales
Edna Marie Free
Edna Marie Free
Auction Committees
Jennifer Behan
Kate Robertson
Class Baskets
Mary Jakab
Laurie Kilgore
Anna Charlton
Regis Uncorked
Natalie Agee
Wendy Foltz
Kathryn Kobe
Sign Up Parties
Stacy Schicke
Table Sales
Judy Shields
Jeff Ward
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
Scholarship Program
The Regis School Scholarship Program extends the benefits of a Sacred Heart education by providing tuition
assistance to qualified students. The 2011-2012 Scholarship events, Stella and Dot Trunk Show and the 7th Annual
Steps for Students 5KRun/Walk generated $41,966 in revenue. This was an exceptional year! Although the Steps for
Students 5KRun/Walk was cancelled due to unforeseen weather, the generous spirit of our many Regis benefactors
prevailed. Thanks to their committed support, we still surpassed our goal!
We are very appreciative for the outstanding leadership of the 2010-2011 Scholarship Program chairs, volunteers,
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
our community, friends, and organizations who believe in extending the opportunity of a Sacred Heart education.
Steps for Students
Stella and Dot
Trunk Show
Traci Bocock
Monica Rizzo
Gretchen Smith
I was most influenced by
Sacred Heart Goal II: A
deep respect for intellectual
values as it defines how
the school has laid the the
foundation for my success in
high school. While I was at
Regis, i
wa s a lways
encou rage d to
le ar n a s mu c h
as i cou l d.
This has
set me up for success in critical
thinking and problem solving
skills which are critical and
all too often lacking in high
school students.
— Scot Freysinger, Class of 2009,
Senior at Strake Jesuit
Th e Re gi s S ch ool H ea dm ist re s s Re po rt
D o n o r O r g a n i z at i o n s
300 Houston
A. D. Players Theater
Abejas Boutique
Adams Automotive
ADP Houston
Adventures in Birds
Amegy Bank
American Girl
Arsham Metal Industries
Athletic Orthopedics and
Knee Center
Awesome Events
Backstreet Café, Hugo’s and Prego
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Baseball USA “The Yard”
Baskin Robbins
Bath Junkie - River Oaks
Bayou Bend Collection & Gardens
Bayou Well Services
BBVA Compass Bank
Beautique Salon & Day Spa
Beck’s Prime
Bella Flori
Bellaire Dermatology Associates
Benjy’s Modern American Cuisine
Benson Commodities, LLC
Bercon, Ltd.
Bikram Yoga College of India Houston
Bill Walker Clothier
Biron Gymnastics, Inc.
Bliss on 19th
Block 7 Wine Company
Blow Dry Bar
Blue Willow Bookshop
BP Matching Fund Program
Bradley’s Art and Frame
Brio Tuscan Grille
Brown Sims, P.C.
Bubbles Car Wash
Buffalo Bayou Partnership
Busivo Construction, LLC
Cal-a-Vie Spa
Camp Lonehollow
Camp Olympia
Carina Energy LLC
Carl Moore Antiques
Cheesecake Factory
Chick-fil-A Memorial City Mall
Chocolate Pizazz
Cinco Vodka
Cinnamon Shore
Cleburne Cafeteria
Coiling Technologies, Incorporated
ComedySportz Houston
Container Store
Cookies by Design
Cordua Restaurants
Costco Wholesale
Courtney & Company Home Interiors
Cozen O’Connor
The Cullen Foundation
Curves of Houston
Custom Creations Furniture
Da Camera of Houston
Danny Clark Photography
David Gonzalez, D.D.S., P.C.
Demeris Bar-B-Q
DermaHealth Laser Associates
Designs by Phyllis G
Destiny Limousine
Discount Awards
Discover Gymnastics
Disneyland Resort
Dragon Products, Ltd.
Dry Comal Creek
Duchesne Academy of
the Sacred Heart
Educere Tutoring
Educere, Inc.
El Rey
Elaine Turner Designs
EnTrust Immediate Care
Epicurean Group, LLC
Fiesta Mart, Inc.
Finck Cattle Company
Finish Strong
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
Floors, Inc.
FM Designs Custom Florist
Focus Wealth Advisors, LLC
Four Seasons Punta Mita
French Cuff Boutique
Fundamentally Toys
Galveston Historical Foundation
Gorman’s Cleaners
Goulas & Associates, Inc.
Grand Lux Café
Greater Houston Transportation
Gulf Greyhound Park
Gurrola Reprographics, Inc.
Gymboree Play & Music
Handwerker Hren Legal Service
Search LLC
Haney and Whipple Portraits
Har-Con Mechanical Contractors
Heaven Sent Angels
Helfman Dodge, Inc.
Hill and Hill - Attorneys at Law
Holiday Inn Express
Hollister Grill
Holmes Chiropractic
Home Maintenance Professionals
Houston Academy of Dance
Houston Astros
Houston Center for
Contemporary Craft
Houston Cycling Centers
Houston Dynamo
Houston Golf Association
Houston Grand Opera
Houston Marriott
Medical Center Hotel
Houston Museum of
Natural Science
Houston Polo Club
Houston Rockets
Houston Swim Club
Houston Symphony
Houston Texans
Houston Trunk Factory/
Bag ‘n Baggage
Imagination Toys and Shoes
Northwestern Mutual
Insurance For Life & Health
Island Carts and Scooters
Isle Pedi Spa
Jackson and Company
James Coney Island
James F. Krivan, D.D.S., Inc.
Janet Wiebe Antiques
JD Designs
Jeff Grass Photography
Jo Ann’s Boutique
Jos A. Bank Clothiers
Joyce Horn Antiques, Ltd.
Kemah Boardwalk
KidVenture, Inc.
Klein’s Jewelry
I like the commitment to service that everyone at Regis seems to have and the
brother hoo d that forms bet ween classmate s.
— Dominic Vela, Eighth Grade
Monty Partners, LLP
More Than You Can Imagine
Moss Landscaping, Inc.
MSR Houston
Muse Boutique
My Table Magazine
Nacol & Co
Nazar’s Fine Jewelry
Niko Niko’s Catering
Norton Ditto
Nucerity International
Office Effects, Inc.
Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeons
of Texas
Orange Leaf Yogurt
Parlette Realty
Party City
Peck & Co.
Pet Depot
The Phillips Law Group, P.C.
Pie in the Sky Pie Company
Pink Pokka Dot
Pinot’s Palette
Pleasant Hill Winery
Powers Brown Architecture
Proteus Services, LLC
Ragin Cajun
Rainbow Lodge
Ramon Pineda MD
Reckling Insurance Group, LLC
Reliant Park
Rice University Athletics
River Oaks Chamber Orchestra
River Oaks US Mens Clay Court
River Ridge Golf Club
Robin Jackson Photography
Rockin’ R River Rides
Roula’s Nail Spa
Rover Oaks Pet Resort
RoyalCrest Cotons
Russo’s New York Pizzeria
Sacred Heart Emergency Center
SADL Construction, Inc.
Saint Street Swim
SBM Atlantia, Inc.
Schlitterbahn Waterparks
Scrub-A-Dub Dog Wash
Seg City Tours - Galveston
Sensia Studio & Japanese Day Spa
Sessions Music
Shade Restaurant
Shannie Girl
Ship Channel Properties for Lease
Shipley Donuts
Silhouettes Etc. by Suzanne Marsh
Ski Masters of Texas
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
KMA Wine Specialists, LLC
Lady Holiday, LLC
Laser Quest
Laura Rathe Fine Art
Learning Express
Lloyd Gite Enterprises Inc.
The Lyons Foundation
M. D. Anderson Foundation
Maida’s Belts & Buckles
Main Street Theater
Mariquita Masterson, Inc.
Mark Anthony Florist
Mark’s American Cuisine
Master Hitch
Materials Marketing Limited
Mathnasium of Memorial City
Me and You
The Meadows Foundation
Memorial Wine Cellar
Memorial-610 Hospital for Animals
Mercury Baroque
Messina Hof Winery
Metromarketing Services, Inc.
Mia Bella
Mo Mong
Money Makers
Sky High Sports
Smiles for Kids
Soteria Skin
Sounds of DJ Alex C
Southwell’s Hamburger Grill
Sports Quest, Inc.
Sprinkles Cupcakes
St. Thomas High School
Stacey Webb Bond Attorney at Law
Sterling Structures, Inc.
Stetzer Builders
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Streettalk Advisors
Studio Movie Grill
Sugar Land Dental, P.A.
Sugar Land Ice & Sports Center
Swoon Party Planning
Synchronized Kneads, Inc.
TCNL Electric, Inc.
The Texas Children’s
Dental Universe
Texas Rangers Baseball Club
Texas Renaissance Festival
Texas Rock Gym
The Arrangement
The Blues Jean Bar
The Children’s Museum of Houston
The Colonel Museum
The Cynthia Woods
Mitchell Pavilion
The Do Bar
The Glassell Junior School
The Lift
The Mad Potter West
The Menil Collection
The Monogram Shop
The Motherhood Center
The Stork Club
Theatre Under the Stars
Tony’s Mexican Restaurant
Torque Baseball
Tory Burch
Town & Country Orthodontics
Train with Lanie
Treebeards Restaurant
TXR Paintball
Union Pacific Railroad
University Co-Op
Uptown Dance Centre
USA Shutters and Blinds, Inc.
Valobra Master Jewelers
Vitol Travel Services, Inc.
Vivian L. Smith Foundation
West Side Tennis and Fitness
White Tiger Martial Arts
“Who Made the Cake!”
Willard M. & Ruth Mayer Johnson
Charitable Foundation
Winrock Animal Clinic, P.C.
Yuppie Dog Daycare and Grooming
A Sacred Heart education has been an experience that transcends the word ‘school’. Regis is a
‘home’ for children. A place where they learn to achieve both academically and spiritually. It is not a
religious education but a spiritual one.
reg is make s our s on feel like he
i s part of s ome thi ng b igger and important.
He feels special
about himself and about the life around him. Even as parents we have found our home at Regis.
— Karina Amelang, Regis Lower School and Duchesne Middle School Parent
The sports league that our boys participate in emphasizes the
right value s for youn g
athlete s to l e a r n before and after a game, thanks are given to the Lord by players and/or coaches.
Personally it was a great experience and opportunity to get to know students, parents, and faculty at Regis.
— Christopher Mahoney, Fifth Grade Parent and Athletic Volunteer
Other Gifts
Gifts in Kind
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Agee
Bayou Well Services
Floors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kilbride
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kilgore
Ms. Ramona Moreno
Dr. Cheri Post
Ms. Susanne Salas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Ms. Mary Jo Stone
Ms. Kelly Hammar and
Mr. Kirk Stulen
Matching Gift
BP Matching Fund Programs
Matching Gift Program
The Coca-Cola Foundation
ConocoPhillips Company
El Paso GivingStation
ExxonMobil Foundation
ING Financial Services Corporation
Murphy Oil Corporation
The New York Community Trust
Newfield Exploration Company
Reliant Energy Charitable Giving
Tribute Gifts
In memory of Mr. Barnes Arbuckle
The Akers Family
Ms. Gail Bartlett
Ms. Grace B. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bice
Dr. and Mrs. Colin Dinney
Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Ehlinger
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ginty
Mrs. Ruth Gorman
Ms. Jennifer Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marcus Hill
Mrs. Lisa Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Langlois
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. LaPorte
Phil and Deedee Livingston
Mrs. Elizabeth McDaniel
Joan, Robert and Melissa Mendell
The Mills Family - John, Tammy,
Morgan and Dillon
Mr. James Moehlman
Ms. Randa Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pfeifle
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips
Jon and Janie Pollock
Mr. Joe Powers Powers Brown Architecture
Patricia Reed and Frederick Waller
Karen and Morty Skolnik and Family
The J. Larkin Stallings Family
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Stephens
Mr. Scott Stevens
Steve, Carla, Brooke and Brad Strake
The Hogan Turner Family
In memory of Mr. David C. Benford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cogan
In honor of Mr. David Hotze
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hotze
In honor of Mrs. Sharon Makulski
Dr. Darlene Makulski and
Mr. Martin Makulski
In memory of
Mr. Charles Mertensotto
Mr. and Mrs. John Clemency
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dierker
Mr. James Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dornbach
Ms. Mary Ann Fenlon
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Loeffler
Greg, Kelly, Austin & Andrew Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pitera
Mr. Robert Rabalais
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reiner
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tracy
In honor of
Mrs. Mary Catherine Miller and
Mr. Kendall A. Miller
Ms. Betty Bonner
Dr. Dixie G. Hamilton, Jr.
Ms. Mary L. Kister
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wood
In honor of Mr. Les Parlette IV
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Parlette III
In honor of Mr. Blake E. Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock
In honor of Dr. Nancy O. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Freysinger
Alumni Successes
For twenty-two years, The Regis School has been successful in offering boys an exceptional Sacred Heart
Class of 2012 High Schools
educational experience. Regis’ seventeen graduation classes have enjoyed a distinguished history of attending the
finest high schools in Houston where the majority of our graduates are accepted into their preferred high schools.
Guillermo Ernesto Amtmann Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Over the years, our graduates have earned many distinctions including Boy Scouting’s Eagle Award, National
Alexander Robert Shears Archer St. Thomas High School
Merit Scholarships, Membership in the National Honor Society, Recognition as Advanced Placement Scholars,
Ander Carlos Baizan Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Academic Honor Rolls, Athletic Championships, and College Scholarships.
Nicolas Gabriel Baizan
St. Thomas High School
Ryan Scot Britton Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Jack Calderwood Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Ben W. Contant Memorial High School
Cyrus Elija Davis St. Thomas High School
Alexander Josef Donnenberg The Post Oak High School
Nathan Kyle Fisher Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Wyatt Edward George St. Thomas High School
David Andrew Gonzalez St. Thomas High School
Santiago Gonzalez St. Thomas High School
Michael Sebastian Gutierrez Cristo Rey Jesuit
Emery James Jakab, Jr.
St. Thomas High School
Matthew Sullivan Leibold St. Thomas High School
Sebastian Andrew Lyos Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Jacob Montilijo Monty, Jr. Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Martin Moses Perez, Jr. St. Thomas High School
Andrew Howard Price Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Dominick M. Sotis Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Craig Seth Ward Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Jacob Dylan Wardwell
St. Thomas High School
Gage Austin Whitehead
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Class of 2012
Class of 2008
Academic and Athletic Distinctions
Mr. Alex Hotze
• Joe Cook, Erik Dubec, Troy Harrington, and Christian Kelley, were
Berklee School of Music
Mr. Alex Ubaldo
inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS). Each student
Eckerd College
Mr. Alexandre Thirouin
demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership,
Elon University
Mr. Cameron Archer
Service, and Character to tearn membership of the society.
Louisiana State University
Mr. Christian Kelley
Northeastern University
Mr. Connor Purcell
• Erik Dubec achieved Commended Status in the National
Purdue University
Mr. Cristian Govea
Merit Scholarship Program. Commended Status is awarded in
Southwestern University
Mr. Erik Dubec
recognition of a student’s outstanding academic promise and
St. Edwards University
Mr. Jake LaPorte
it is based on a nationally applied Selection Index Score.
Texas A&M University
Mr. Javier Chavarria
Trinity University
Mr. Joe Cook
• Joe Cook, Erik Dubec, Andrew Ginty, Troy Harrington, and
University of Colorado, Boulder
Mr. John P. Puente
Christian Kelley were recognized as Advanced Placement
University of Houston
Mr. Jose Chapa, II
Scholars by St. Thomas High School. The AP Scholar program
University of San Diego
Mr. Matthew Garza
recognizes high school students who have demonstrated
University of Texas, San Antonio
Mr. Nils Reichert
college-level achievement through AP courses and exams.
University of Texas, Austin
Mr. Norman Jolly
University of Virginia
Mr. Richard Hammond
• Jose Chapa II and Trey Guidry received college scholarships
University of Wisconsin
Mr. Sameer Gulamani
in baseball and basketball.
Washington University
Mr. Sean Hildreth
Mr. Sebastian Maarraoui
Mr. Trey Guidry
Mr. Troy Harrington
Mr. Vincent Campagna
Class of 2008
The Regis Court
The Regis Court is a bi-annual social gathering of alumni mothers with the objective of rekindling Regis friendships,
cultivating enduring ties with the school, and strengthening the spirit of a Sacred Heart community.
Thank you to all alumni moms for participating in The Regis Court to celebrate and relive Regis memories.
I have always felt that our family
was in a true partnership with Regis
to p rovi de the be st
academic foundation for our son.
There is no doubt that his solid
character was also formed within
that same partnership.
— Jeffrey Hill, Alumni Mother
Ross Hill, Class of 2004; Rice University, Class of 2012; First year, South Texas College of Law
…what makes Regis so unique is the
attention we give to the fact that we
only have boys. We have the privilege of
educating these young men, helping them
to reach their potential in all areas of
their lives. We certainly cannot do it alone.
form i ng a tru e
partnership wi t h ou r
parent commu ni t y ,
“family feel” that permeates throughout
our campus would not be possible.
— Jennifer Glover, Director of Admission,
The Regis School
8th Grade Art Project
Pa r e n t s ’ A s s o c i at i o n
The 2011-2012 Parents’ Association invigorated the Regis community with their admirable leadership and
contagious enthusiasm. With the outstanding leadership of Donna Hotze, Parents’ Association President, and
more than fifty enthusiastic committee chairs, the PA delivered a record year of wildly successful events based on
increased participation and revenues raised.
With grateful recognition for their contributions, we salute the Parents’ Association leadership, committee chairs,
and the many behind the scenes parent volunteers for the ways in which their devoted selfless service enriched
and made a difference in the Regis experience for 2011-2012.
Donna Hotze
President Elect
Karen Klucznik
Vice President, Communications
Tara Muller
Booster Club
Adelina Monty
Barbara Price
Box Tops for Education
Anita Bryant
Adela Parlette
Class Coordinator
Mary Jakab
Parent Ambassador Program
Tara Caldwell
Jennifer Fuentes
Jennifer Granger
Parent Education
Ana Maria Wood
Pizza Lunch
Magali Fano
Cynthia Phillips
Amanda Van Pelt
Heart to Heart
Megan Long
Kathleen Broussard
Donna Hotze
Karen Klucznik
Alumni Relations
Priyanka Agarwal
Debbie Kemple
Gretchen Smith
Social Awareness
Kenna Whitehead
Patty Kelley
Moms in Touch
Jennifer Behan
Spirit Wear
Jean Junghans
Colette Hemingway-Moudy
Standing Committee
Middle School Dance
Alishia Amtmann
Elizabeth Turtur
Kathy McCoy
Jennifer Fuentes
Lauren Summerville
Event Committees
Book Fair
Paula Kotlarek
Pauline Mertensotto
Family Bingo
Natalie Agee
Ramona Moreno
Field Day
Wendy Arsham
Go Texan Day
Tara Caldwell
Janet Gustafson
Grandparents’ Day
Tara Hill
Laurie Kilgore
International Feast
Aurora Brunel
Tatiana Stanek
Poker Knight
Steven Bass
Prom Knight
Annelyse Frugoni
Judy Herrera
Regis Uncorked
Natalie Agee
Wendy Foltz
Kathryn Kobe
Stella and Dot Trunk Show
Gretchen Smith
Steps for Students
Traci Bocock
Monica Rizzo
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
Vice President, Hospitality
Gretchen Smith
Art a la Carte
Mel Poet
Judy Shields
Uniform Resale
Joanna Mahoney
Aimee Verheeck
I enjoy the kind and loving family that Regis
has been to me. the
te ac hers have
very hig h exp ec tations,
yet at
the same time, they will listen to you and help
you solve your problems.
— Parker Robertson, Seventh Grade
A d m i n i s t r at i o n , Fa c u lt y a n d S ta f f
Dr. Nancy O. Taylor
Director of
Special Events
Mrs. Edna Marie Free
Dean of Students
(1st - 8th)
Mr. Scott A. Granito
Early Childhood
Division Head
(3PK - K)
Mrs. Linda Falco
Lower School
Division Head
(1st - 4th)
Dr. Nicholas Morgan
Administrative Staff
Mrs. Priyanka Agarwal
Mrs. Edna Bradley
Mrs. Diana Burkhart
Mrs. Laurie B. Cook
Mr. Shawn Morado
Mrs. Tina Nicholson
Mrs. Gay Russey
Mrs. Margie Sipe
Ms. Elizabeth Vargo
Mrs. Denine Whalen
Middle School
Division Head
(5th - 8th)
Mrs. Pilar López
Mr. Andrew Alford
Director of
Admission Mrs. Jennifer Glover
Director of
Mrs. Susan S. Ellerbe
T he Re g is S c ho o l He a dmi s tre s s Re po rt
Business Manager
Mrs. Elisha Aguirre
Mrs. Maria Aurisano
Mrs. Cathy Boates
Ms. Christine Broadston
Mrs. Jacqueline Brown
Mrs. Ellen Colville
Mrs. Patti Cryar
Mrs. Joan Ezell
Mrs. Linda Falco
Mrs. Jennifer Glover
Mr. Scott Granito
Mrs. Mary Alice Greaney
Mrs. Monica Gutierrez
Mrs. Catharine Head
Mr. Gary Holub
Mrs. Betsy Hurst
Ms. Dawn Kelly
Mrs. Megan Kilbride
Ms. Kallie LeBrasse
Ms. Katie Lochte
Mrs. Laura Luong
Mrs. Pilar López
Mrs. Kathy Manley
Ms. Allison Marich
Mr. John McCafferty
Mrs. Dorothy Monsarrat
Dr. Nicholas Morgan
Mrs. Sandra Peterson
Mrs. Donna Piga
Ms. Carolyn Quinn
Mrs. Maria Reynolds
Mr. Santiago Ripoll
Mrs. Gloria Russell
Mrs. Angela Scott
Mrs. Maria Sodek
Ms. Laura Smith
Ms. Lauren Stallings
Mrs. Courtney Stiles
Mrs. Patricia Sung
Mr. Rodney Villadiego
Mrs. Nichole Waters
Mrs. Elena Whittington
Mrs. Anne-Marie Zehawi
Fish Tessellation: All-School Art Project
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an independent Catholic school for boys in grades 3 Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade. It is the only all
boys’ Catholic school affiliated with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Established in 1991 by families whose daughters attended its sister school,
Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, Regis holds membership with the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, and is accredited through the Independent
Schools Association of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department.
As a Sacred Heart School, A Regis education encompasses intellectual, spiritual, moral, and leadership development. The school offers a challenging
core curriculum focused on the specific learning style of boys. Additionally, Regis prepares its students for continuation of their education at the finest
high schools in Houston.
You can now stay connected with The Regis School on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow Regis on www.facebook.com/RegisSacredHeart and @regisknights.
Why Regis? is the 2011-2012 Headmistress Report of The Regis School of the Sacred Heart.
For any questions or comments, please contact Priyanka Agarwal at [email protected]
Schools of the Sacred Heart
commit themselves to educate to a
personal and active faith in God.
Dr. Nancy O. Taylor
Publication Team
Priyanka Agarwal
Director of Advancement
Susan Ellerbe
Director of Communications
and Alumni Relations
Priyanka Agarwal
Andrew Alford
Good Project
Susan Ellerbe
Photographs courtesy of
Jennifer Granger
Edna Marie Free
Jeff Grass
Dr. Nancy Taylor
Julie Soefer
Elizabeth Vargo
Regis parents, faculty and staff
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit
themselves to educate to a deep
respect for intellectual values.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit
themselves to educate to a social
awareness which impels to action.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit
themselves to educate to the building
of community as a Christian value.
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an equal opportunity school and does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, age, national or ethnic origin in administrative policies, admission policies, and
scholarship programs.
The 2011 - 2012 Headmistress Report is a record of financial giving to The Regis School of the Sacred
Heart during the fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. In compiling this report, we have made a sincere
effort to ensure that our listings are complete and accurate. Please accept our deepest apologies for any
errors or omissions and notify the Advancement Department at 713.682.8383, ext. 5134, so we can
correct our records.
Schools of the Sacred Heart
commit themselves to educate
to personal growth in an
atmosphere of wise freedom.
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart
7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 | 713.682.8383 | www.theREGISschool.org
A member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the United States
Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED)
Accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS)
non-profit org
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2011 · 2012
Headmistress Report
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W hy R eg i s ?