May 2015 - Winnegamie Dog Club
May 2015 - Winnegamie Dog Club
October 2013 May 2015 Dog Safety About 4.5 million people are bi en by dogs each year. October 2013 October 2013 Twenty-‐one Teams pass the CGC Test On Saturday, April 11th, WDog Safety DC hosted its aDog Safety nnual Spring CGC Test. Twenty-‐four dog/handler Almost one in five of those who are bi en, about 885,000, require medical a en on for dog bite-related injuries; half of these are children. To reduce the risk of dog bites to children, Teach basic I'd like to ps and review them regularly: thank all the volunteers wen, about 885,000, require medical a ho helped make he test run seno son for dog bite-related injuries; half of moothly: Sandi & Roger Almost one in five of those who are bi safety Almost one in five of those who are bi en, about 885,000, require medical a en ton for dog bite-related injuries; half of About 4.5 million people are bi en by dogs each year. About 4.5 million people are bi en by dogs each year. teams participated, and 21 passed all ten exercises. Baerman, Teri Brown, Kari Bundy , Kathy Casperson, Janet Clark, Jennifer Cyborski , Penney these are children. these are children. Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Garbe, Susan Hayes , Kathy Issacson, Sue Kilgas, Do not run from a dog or scream. Carol Lenz, Lynn Lichterman, Jennifer Loy , Carol Remain mo onless (e.g., "be s ll like a tree") when approached by an unfamiliar Mason, Linda Milliren, Cheri Paisar, Jan Sartorelli , dog. Julie Siefert , Peggy Stevens , Chris Suelflohn , Dan & If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and be s ll. Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Fawn Tauber , Adam Zschaechner & Caoimhe. I hope Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. Do not run from a dog or scream. INSIDE to Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. see Do not run from a dog or scream. you all in October! -‐-‐Jolene Johnson, CGC Test Remain mo ll like a tree") when approached by an unfamiliar onless (e.g., "be s ll like a tree") when approached by an unfamiliar THIS ISSUE Remain mo onless (e.g., "be s Chair Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. dog. dog. Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, ea ng, or caring for puppies. If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and be s ll. If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and be s ll. Minutes: September 2 Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first. Membership Mee ng Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. INSIDE INSIDE If bi Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. en, immediately report the bite to an adult. Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. To reduce the risk of dog bites to children, Teach basic To reduce the risk of dog bites to children, Teach basic safety ps and review them regularly: afety ps and review them regularly: THIS Membership ISSUE THIS ISSUE Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. Though we are all familiar with dogs, do not forget the most important In the NWins & Achievements ewsletter: Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, ea ng, or caring for puppies. Minutes: September Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, ea ng, or caring for puppies. Minutes: September 2 basic safety precau ons. Any dog can bite under the right (or wrong) cir-‐ 2 Minutes: April Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first. Membership Mee ng Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first. Membership Mee ng Upcoming Events cumstances. Membership M eeting, If bi en, immediately report the bite to an adult. If bi en, immediately report the bite to an adult. Membership 3 3 4 6 Membership 3 New Membership, Volunteer Opportuni esEvents 7 3 8 4 Though we are all familiar with dogs, do not forget the most important hough we are all familiar with dogs, do not forget the most important 4 Volunteer Information Mark Your Calendars Wins & Achievements Wins & Achievements 4 Canine Good Ci 5 Spring Show zen Test basic safety precau ons. Any dog can bite under the right (or wrong) cir-‐ asic safety precau ons. Any dog can bite under the right (or wrong) cir-‐ For full event lis ng and details, see page 7. All events are held at the WDC Training 5 For Upcoming Events Sale/Wanted Upcoming Events 6 cumstances. umstances. Membership Renewal Center unless otherwise noted. Saturday-Sunday, October 12-13 • May 17: WDC Membership Mee ng Trials @ OKC WDC Membership Mee ng Obedience/Rally Saturday, October 5 turday, October 5 • Obedience & Rally Trials at WDC May 17: Spring All-‐Breed Show @ Expo Center Winnebago Pet Expo Saturday, October 19 Winnebago Pet Expo turday, October 5Saturday, October 5 Canine Good Ci zen Tes ng Ring Steward Volunteer Training10:00 am Ring Steward Volunteer Training10:00 am Saturday-Sunday, October 12-13 turday-Sunday, October 12-13 Obedience & Rally Trials at WDC Obedience & Rally Trials at WDC Saturday, October 19 turday, October 19 Canine Good Ci zen Tes ng Canine Good Ci zen Tes ng 6 Wall Plaque 6 9 WDC Wish List, Beth Knotts Volunteer Opportuni Volunteer Opportuni es Library 7 News es Thursday, October 3 Agility, Wall Plaque 10 WDC Membership Mee ng Mark Your Calendars Canine Good Ci Mark Your Calendars 7 Wins a nd A chievements Canine Good Ci zen Test 8 zen Test Saturday, October 5 8 Brat Fry Upcoming Classes/ 11 For full event lis ng and details, see page 7. All events are held at the WDC Training r full event lis ng and details, see page 7. All events are held at the WDC Training Winnebago Pet Expo • Center unless otherwise noted. May 1: Agility Run-‐Throughs at WDC Membership Renewal 9 Class Schedule Membership Renewal 9 Contact Info nter unless otherwise noted. Saturday, October 5 • Thursday, October 3 May 7: WDC Monthly Membership Meeting ursday, October 3 Ring Steward Volunteer Training10:00 am MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2 Wall Plaque 10 7 8 9 10 November News Deadline June News Deadline Upcoming Classes/ Upcoming Classes/ Please Please submit ar submit 11 articles cles by by Contact Info Contact Info October 15 to 11 May 15 to [email protected] November News Deadline [email protected] November News Deadline Please submit ar cles by Please submit ar cles by October 15 to October 15 to May 2015 Page 2 MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES-‐ April 2, 2014 Meeting was called to order Program: Mary Wallshlager, a Certified NACSW Instructor for Nose Work gave a short presentation and d emo on this new and exciting canine training activity that is exploding in popularity. M ary also answered many questions from the members. Intro to Nose Work class is being set to start in M ay. Secretary’s Report: March’s membership meeting minutes were approved as published in the newsletter. The March board meeting minutes were read. Treasurers Report: March’s financial report was given. Membership: Prospective new members were introduced and welcomed. Paul also mentioned that we will be having a 50/50 raffle with the drawing shortly after the meeting ends. Presidents Report: Don thanked the trainers for taking the time out of their busy lives and helping with our classes, it is greatly appreciated. When using the yard please read the rules and follow them and also when picking up poop u se the pooper scoopers and not the plastic bags that are there, they are to used in the garbage cans. Don also mentioned that we have a very n ice library and to check it out. We also have items from our boutique out on display. Don’t forget to take a look after the meeting. If you would like to see a book or a new boutique item added to either the library or boutique say something and we will try to get them. Our club has a wish list and on it are items that we can use or projects we would like to see d one around here. We will be getting copies of it posted soon. Agility Trial: Nancy Zolkowski said we h ave our agility trial coming up on August 8 & 9th. It will be h eld at the Oshkosh Kennel Club. No experience necessary we will train on the job. Agility Run-‐throughs: Bruce Ziesemer mentioned that this Friday April 3 we will be offering them here at the club. Only $5 for two runs with check in at 6 PM and runs starting at 6:30. Agility Seminar with Beth Knotts still has a couple open slots so get signed u p while you can. It will be on April 18th. May Obedience/Rally Trials: Gayle Kukulka asked for help for Sunday May 17th for our trials that will b e held at the Oshkosh Kennel Club. Any questions please ask her after the meeting. A sign-‐up sheet was sent around. May Conformation Show-‐Ring stewards needed: Gail V. sent around a sign-‐up sheet for ring stewards for our conformation show to be held on Sunday May 17th at the Sunnyview Expo Center at the Winnebago County Fairgrounds in Oshkosh. Barn Hunt: Becky Heiner asked for help for our club’s barn h unt coming up the weekend of July 4 & 5th and it will be held here at the club. If you are unsure about how you can help, Becky will gladly answer your questions. Old Business: None New Business: Don said that he would like to see some needed electrical work done at the club. This would include new lighting in the back room, more electrical outlets and the lights will be operated with switches instead of circuit breakers in both front and back rooms. He said the cost would be $4000. A motion was made. Motion: Upgrade our club’s electrical with new lighting and electrical outlets in the backroom, and the lights would be operated with switches instead of circuit breakers in both front and back rooms. Approved. Cry and brag was conducted Motion made and approved to adjourn Respectfully Submitted; Gail VanDenLangenberg Secretary April 2015 Membership First Meeting Kay Gunther (I) 877 Fullers Way Menasha, WI 54952 920-‐257-‐8746 German Shepherd [email protected] Ann Peterson (I) 1221 Division Street Green Bay, WI 54305 920-‐609-‐6500 Sheltie [email protected] Tim Jensen Rymer & Tracey Rymer (H) 1903 Mimosa Lane Neenah, WI 54956 920-‐915-‐8458 French Bulldogs [email protected] Meg Novrosky Schmieder (I) 1178 Kenwood Street Green Bay, WI 54304 920-‐471-‐8893 Multiple Breeds [email protected] Membership Second Meeting Anne Kasuboski (I) 1035 Division Street Green Bay, WI 54303 920-‐619-‐2799 Shetland Sheepdog [email protected] Eric Madsen (I) 41574 Bedford Drive. Canton, MI 48187 734-‐576-‐3777 Australian Shepherd [email protected] Christine Suelflohn (I) Types of 3595 Cty Hwy C Membership: Oconto Falls, WI 54154 L=Lifetime 920-‐639-‐5764 H=Household Shetland Sheepdog I=Individual [email protected] Page 3 Events • • • • • • • • • • • May 1: Agility run-‐throughs @ WDC May 7: Monthly Membership Meeting @ WDC May 16-‐17 HAWS Seminar at Ixonia May 16-‐17: Spring All-‐Breed Show @ Expo Center May 17: Obedience/Rally Trials @ OKC May 22: Obedience/Rally run-‐throughs @ OKC May 23: Brat Fry Fundraiser at Festival Foods in Darboy June 5: Agility run-‐throughs @ WDC July 4-‐5 WDC Barn Hunt Trial July 18-‐19: Brat Fry Fundraiser at Festival Foods in Darboy August 8-‐9: WDC Agility Trial @ OKC Canine Good Citizen Test May 2015 October 2013 Page 7 Page 4 Volunteer Opportunities COMMITTEE HELP NEEDED OBEDIENCE/RALLY TRIAL Saturday – Sunday, October 12 and 13 Contact: Gail VanDenLangenberg Contact (set up/clean up/kitchen): 920-‐ 725-‐2047 or 740-‐1222 Jolene Johnson 920-749-1158 Contact (ring stewarding): Meeting Snacks Carol Mason Earn t920-734-4268 wo hours by attending monthly meetings and bringing [email protected] NURSING HOME VMEETING SNACKS ISITS COMMITTEE HELP NEEDED Contact: Contact: Earn two hours by attending monthly Pam Siebert Gail VanDenLangenberg [email protected] meetings and bringing a snack. 920-725-2047 or 740-1222 Prerequisites: Contact: [email protected] • Must Available Posi ons: be an approved member Bridget Mercury [email protected] Chief Ring Steward (Conformation) • Your dog must be at least one year old and have earned or sign up on the club bulletin board for Winter Show (January 11, 2014) its Canine Good Citizen certificate Conformation Chairperson (will • Receive approval from Pam Siebert (contact Pam to Dates: First Thursday of the month have assistance for fall session) (except June, July & December) schedule an evaluation) Tracking Chairperson a snack. Also looking for areas in which to track! CLEANING Class Help Needed: Set Up (4-5 people needed) Dates: First Thursday of the More help is needed with teaching and Most Fridays beginning at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 11 (3P) month assis ng. It’s a fun way to share your Help is needed to clean the building. Contact Stan to confirm NURSING HOME VISITS (except June, July, & December) knowledge with students and help them Stewards dates/times a t 9 20-‐ 7 22-‐ 8536 train their dog to its full poten al. A Contact: Contact D awn V eith a t Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13 Pam Siebert private training session will be held. [email protected] A stewarding training session will be held [email protected] Vacuuming a er Obedience classes is at WDC prior to the trial (date/time TBD) 920-‐687-‐1283 NEW VOLUNTEER POSITION! also needed. This takes about 30-45 Prerequisites: minutes each day. Hours are flexible. If Kitchen (2 people needed) Assistance is needed during classes to help with the training Must be an approved member interested in helping, contact Deb Zierler Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13 Your dog must be at least one year equipment. W e s ell a v ariety o f p roducts to help with training, at harves [email protected]. CLASS HELP NEEDED (star ng at 8A). Food is already old and have earned its Canine Good and we need volunteers to help keep track of payment, receipts, prepared; just re-heat, serve and cashier. Citizen certificate Ring Steward and fittings during classes. Several volunteers are needed. Times Receive approval from Pam Siebert More h elp i s n eeded w ith Cleanup (4-5 people needed) would r un a pproximately 5 :45 p m-‐ e nd o f c lasses for the night, (contact Pam to schedule an Anyone interested in learning about teaching and assisting. It’s a Sunday, October 13 (star ng about 2-3P) depending of the classes being held. evaluation) upon equipment needs Obedience ring stewarding is invited to fun way to share your *see page 5 for nursing home visit dates Please contact: a end a training session on Oct. 5 at Other posi ons available! knowledge with students and Paul Thiel at [email protected] or 920-‐364-‐9921 or Steve 10:00 in the front room. All the No experience needed; training will be help them train their dogs to its mysteries will be explained and all the Van Wie at [email protected] or 920-‐757-‐9702. provided. CLEANING full potential. A private training fun outlined! Experienced stewards are Most Fridays invited to come for a review and to help session w ill b e h eld. CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST beginning at 8:00 a.m. mentor newcomers. New members are Vacuuming after Obedience Saturday, October 19 especially invited to a end. Contact: classes is also needed. This 9A – 12N Help is needed to clean the building. Carol Mason, Chief Steward Contact: takes about 30-‐45 minutes each Contact Stan to confirm dates/times. Jolene Johnson day. H ours are flexible. If 920-749-1158 Contact: interested in helping, contact Available Posi ons Need 15-20 volunteers from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to help with the CGC tes ng, set up and takedown. No previous experience needed. Don “Stan” Stanislawski 920-722-8536 or 850-3927 Beth Knotts Agility Seminar May 2015 Page 5 SPRING SHOW MAY 17, 2015 Sunnyview Expo Center at Winnebago County Fairgrounds, Oshkosh, WI It’s that time of year again to think about our spring show. We need workers and this is a great way to earn your hours and have fun while doing it. Ring Stewards: Conformation: Contact Kim Polasek, at 470-‐1566 or email her at [email protected] If you have any questions on what is involved, just ask Kim and she will gladly answer them. Hospitality: Becky Reider and Lori Piette are handling the hospitality for both judges and workers on Sunday. Becky’s contact information is-‐ phone: 788-‐6503 or email [email protected] Gate: Contact Gail Anthony-‐Her number is 731-‐1687. Let’s give her plenty of help. You would be selling catalogs and collecting for parking. Grounds: Tom Wiesler is in charge of this. Because Tom also helps at the obedience trial held at the OKC building he could use help in the morning and early afternoon until he can get to the fairgrounds. He needs help keeping the grounds around the show site picked up-‐both on the grass and in the parking lot. Let’s step up and give Tom a hand. This is a very big job. His contact information is-‐phone 851-‐0338 and email: [email protected] . Trophy Table: Contact Renee Hoelzel if you will be able to help at the trophy table. Her phone number is 729-‐1239 or email [email protected] . Your job would be to hand out prizes won and sell catalogs. Red Cross Table: Contact Len Hoehne if you can help out at all during the day, it would be greatly appreciated. You may call him at 427-‐0057 or email him at [email protected] . Len will be glad to explain to you what needs to be done. Clean-‐Up after the show: It is a really important after the show to get the site back to its pre-‐show condition. Everyone wants to get home after a long day, including me, so helping hands are always welcome. Contact me with questions about what is involved in this. Gail VanDenLangenberg, Spring Show Chair Phone: 725-‐2047 Cell Phone: 740-‐1222 Email: [email protected] Obedience/Rally Trials May 17, 2015 Held at the Oshkosh Kennel Club Our obedience/rally trials will be held at the Oshkosh Kennel Club which is a few minutes from the fairgrounds. If you can help in any way please contact Gayle Kukulka at 688-‐0562 or [email protected] For Sale or Wanted If you have items you would like to post in the newsletter you can email [email protected]. If there is space in the newsletter your items will be posted. Please adhere to the following guidelines: • Members only • No posting for puppies or animals of any kind • Only dog-‐related items • Non-‐commercial ads only • No fee ** The WDC Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse to post items at their discretion** May 2015 Page 6 Library News Time to clean and reorganize our library!!! WDC is very fortunate to have available for its members a wide variety of information. We have over 400 books, tapes, and DVDs. All tapes are being dubbed over to DVDs for those who no longer have VHS capability. In addition to the many breed related resources, there are items covering activities (conformation, obedience, rally, tracking, etc.),and general information (dogs in art, grooming, nutrition, etc.). This is a daunting task that we hope to have completed by the end of May. The library is available to any member in good standing. Three items, or one boxed set, may be checked out for the period of one month and all materials are the responsibility of the member who has signed them out. The library will be open during the monthly meetings and by appointment the third week of the month. We ask that you refrain from checking out any item during the month of May so we can get the reorganization completed. Thank you for your cooperation. --Mary Moreau Beth Knotts Agility Seminars Thirteen dogs and handlers participated in the Beth Knotts Agility Seminars on Saturday, April 18th. In the morning session, handlers learned how to train, cue , and execute a blind cross. In the afternoon session, handlers were able to try a variety of handling techniques on some challenging sequences to see which handling maneuvers were most effective for their dogs. Dogs and handlers had an enjoyable and informative day. For more photos, go to : WDC Wish List Items: • Envelopes (small preferred, but any size will do) & Large Coolers WDC always has needs for items to run and maintain our wonderful training facility. Starting this month, and in newsletters to follow, we will request donations for an item or items that the club is in need of. If you have items you can donate or wish to provide these items, please either contact a board member to arrange your donation or drop your items off during regular class hours. Also, If you have something you think the club can use, please also contact a board member. Thank you in advance! May 2015 Page 7 Wins and Achievements Dachshund Nationals overview - Barb Skaer and Anne Schmidt: Stardust's Good Luck Charm - won her very large bred by class (a 5 pt major just in her class) and reserve Winners Bitch at the Cumberland Valley show, also won her sweeps class Stardust's Black Lightning von Skaer - winner of the B & T open class every day GCH Stardust Stargazer Lily von Skaer - made the final cuts in specials each day Bronze GCH DC Stardust's Simply Irresistible - winner of the female Dual CH class (her nephew won best Dual in show) Clipper Ringleader von Skaer - winner of his 6-9 puppy class 3 of the 3 days Sleepy creeks Smooth Cruzn owned, shown, and bred by Hannah and Candy Janke Cruz was awarded Best of Winners and Best Bred by at the 2015 Papillon National held in Tulsa. To say the least we are very excited about our little boy. We would like to thank Dr. Steve Keating for the lovely comments regarding proper movement and type. Cruzn’s next stop...Crufts? We'll see on to agility for now. Maya's Summer Sunrise, MX, AXJ, OF, CGC,NAC,O-TN-N,HP-N,WV-N Adopted and loved by Jody Hergert-Andresen Two new agility titles for Maya! Maya and I completed two new AKC agility titles over the winter. First we earned our OF ( Open FAST) title. This title requires 3 legs and we earned three 1st places ! Our second title was the MX ( Master Agility Excellent) which requires 10 legs with a score of 100 out of 100 points at the Master level. We are having a great time running together! March 2015 October 2013 Page 9 Page 11 Spring Session Training Classes FALL SESSION Monday, May 4 Start Dates • 10:00 am-‐-‐ Puppy Obedience (front room) Monday, November 4 6:00 PM • 6:00 pBeginner Obedience (front room) m – Beginner Obedience (front room) 6:30 PM • 6:30 pBeginner Agilityback room) m—Beginner Agility (back room) -‐-‐FULL 7:00 PM Puppy Obedience (front room) • 7:00 pAdvanced Beginner Agility (back room) m – Puppy Obedience (front room) 7:30 PM Tuesday, November 5 Tuesday, May 5 9:00 AM Puppy Grad Obedience (back room) 10:00 AM • 9:00 aBeginner Obedience (back room) m – Puppy Grad Obedience (back room) 6:00 PM Puppy Obedience (front room) • 10:00 Puppy Grad Obedience (back room) am – Beginner Obedience (back room) 6:00 PM • 6:00 pBeginner Obedience (front room) m -‐-‐ Puppy Grad Obedience (front room) 7:00 PM 7:00 PM • 6:00 pPre-Novice Obedience (back room) m – Beginner Obedience (back room) 8:00 PM Novice Obedience (back room) • 7:00 pm – Puppy Obedience (front room) • 7:00 pm -‐-‐ Pre-‐Novice Obedience (back room) Wednesday, November 11 • 8:00 pRally Obedience (back room) m—Tricks Class (back room)-‐-‐FULL 9:00 AM Puppy Obedience (front room) 10:00 AM 6:00 PM Beginner Grad Obedience (front room) Wednesday, M ay 6 6:00 PM Rally Obedience (back room) 7:00 PM • 9:00 aBeginner Obedience (back room) m – Advanced Rally Obedience (front room) 7:00 PM Conforma on (front room) • 9:00am—Beginner Rally Obedience (back room) • 6:00 pm -‐ Rally Obedience (back room) Thursday, November 12 2:00 PM • 6:00 pIntermediate/Advanced Agility* (back room) m—Beginner Obedience (front room) 6:15 PM Intermediate/Advanced Agility* (back room) • 7:00 pm – Beginner Grad Obedience (back room) 7:00 PM Open Floor Obedience* (front room) • 7:00 pm-‐ Open Mat Conformation (front room) * Drop-in class: $5 per class (free for active WDC members) Thursday May 7 9:00 am—Conformation drop-‐in class (front room)* 6:00 pm—Puppy Grad Obedience (1st night, back room) Thursday May 14 • 2:00 pm – Intermediate/Advanced Agility (back room)* • 6:00pm—Intermediate/Advanced Agility (back room)* • 7:00 pm Open Floor Obedience (front room)* Special Class: $80.00 (6 weeks)-‐ Canine Nose Work Beginner (front room) -‐-‐FULL *This is a drop-‐in class — $5.00 per class (free for active WDC members) • • *Summer Training Classes will begin the week of July 6* Winnegamie Dog Club, Inc. Mailing Address P.O. Box 713 Appleton, WI 54912-0713 Telephone 920-731-6800 Website Facebook Training Center 2043 Manitowoc Road Menasha, WI 54952 The WINNEGAMIE DOG CLUB is an all-breed dog club affiliated with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Established in 1958, the WDC exists for the purpose of advancing the cause and welfare of dogs, both the purebred and the mixed-breed variety. OFFICERS President Don “Stan” Stanislawski (722-8536) Vice President Tom Wiesler (851-0338) Secretary Gail VanDenLangenberg (725-2047) Treasurer Marie Murphy (882-0809) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barb Hoffman (851-3350) Gayle Kukulka (788-0562) Paul Thiel (364-9921) Building Commi ee Don “Stan” Stanislawski (722-8536; cell 850-3927) Dog Club Librarian Melissa Pezzuto (203-1981) Hours Recorder Dianne Henning (984-3237) Newsle er Editor Liz Schleitwiler (608-574-9050) [email protected] Nursing Home Visits Pam Siebert (470-6634) Sunshine Commi ee Karen Wille (733-6814) Website Bruce Ziesemer (419-5546) [email protected] Winnegamie Dog Club, Inc. P.O. Box 713 Appleton, WI 54912-0713
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