backlist - Bayard foreign rights


backlist - Bayard foreign rights
Frankfurt 2014
Novelty, Early years
Table of contents
Early Years
• Lapremièrebibliothèquedebébé
• Clothbooks
• Bubble&Cie
• BlackandWhiteseries
• Regarde,touche,écoute
• Mesimagiersàtoucher
• Mesgrandsimagiersàtoucher
• Lescontesàtoucher
• Lescontesàécouter
• Mesdocsàtoucher
• Monlivreanimé
• Legrandlivreanimé
• Capoupascap
• PetitPaulrentredel’école
• Anatole
• OscaretMinaàl’écoledesjouets
• Lessacsàcolère
• Lessacsàbisous
• Boucled’Oretles3ours
• Les3petitscochons
• Mondoudou
• Mastationspatiale
La première bibliothèque
de bébé
Illustrated by Marianne Dubuc
For the first time, baby’s own bookshelf presents
4 little books with different materials and a variety of
Rights Sold
• abath book whereLittleZebrascrubshisback,LittleLionwashes
• atouch’n’feel board booktolettheveryyoungdiscoverthings
• a“cuckoo”book(withflaps,hidingplaces,mirrors)
• abookwithyogaandmassagestohelpbabyfeelrelaxed
Technical Specifications
Box : 215 x 235 mm
Books : 100 x 100 mm
Cover top with acetate
Retail Price: 20,95 E
Age Group: For toddlers
Each book is made of different materials to arouse baby’s curiosity with contrasting colours, games, stories with surprises, pages to discover with little fingertips.
Books baby can open, close, touch, chew, leaf through and crush, with easy-toread pictures and hiding places to discover...
Marianne Dubuc qualified in graphic design at the University of Quebec in Montréal.
She illustrates books but she also writes them. Books for children, and all sorts
of things.
She is the author of international success such as Devant ma maison (La courte
échelle) and Un éléphant qui se balançait... (Casterman).
About the author
Bayard Group
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Cloth books
Awareness books for babies in a new series of bigger
cloth books that focus even more closely on the
development of the senses.
Key points
• Avarietyoftactilefabricsandinteractivefeatures
• Thismiddletoup-marketproducthasprovedsuccessful
• Anoriginalandpleasingvisualidentity
• Anattractiveformatwithelegantpackagingforaqualityproduct
Those new books, with their larger format and pleasing design, put baby
firmly at the heart of the reading experience thanks to their sound, hideand-seek and mirror games, so popular with tiny tots who can actively
participate by lifting flaps, stroking the various textures, and pressing to
set off a noise…
Mes animaux tout doux
By Xavier Deneux
A black and white book board to better observe nocturnal animals.
Beautiful materials to awaken the senses and arouse the curiosity of the very
• Ma petite ferme
By Xavier Deneux
Featuring: cow’s spotted hide; sheep’s fleecy coat; donkey’s soft hide; pig’s
rough skin; duck’s thick plumage; hen’s soft plumage
• Ma petite savane
Illustrated by Julia Wauters
Featuring: monkey fur on the cover; hippopotamus looking in the mirror; bird
hiding under the elephant’s ear; crocodile crouching in the greenery; ostrich’s
thick plumage; lion’s heavy mane; lion’s smooth fur
• Cache-cache
Illustrated by Nathalie Choux
6 Titles Available
Mes bébés animaux
Maman les petits bateaux
Ma petite ferme
Ma petite savane
Mes animaux tout doux
Technical Specifications
From birth
Format: 200 x 200 mm
Pages: 8
Retail Price: 14, 95 €
Featuring: bear covering its eyes with its paws; snail behind a leaf; dolphin
behind waves; tortoise behind rocks; hedgehog behind a bush; cat in tall grass;
bird behind a cloud.
Rights Sold: Spain, Basque, Catalan, Portugal, Galician
Bayard Group
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Bubble and Co...
A bath book and an inflatable object to read
and play in the water, in the company of…
a crocodile, a dolphin and even a turtle!
The bath book also shows you how to draw
on the bathroom tiles!
Key points
• Novelbathtimebooks,thattellastoryandletyouplayatthesame
• Stylishandmodernillustrators:SylvainDiez,XavierDeneux,Edouard
La pêche à la ligne
Who can catch the most beautiful fish? A fishing rod that’s easy to use with a hook to
catch fish in the bath.
200 x 240 mm • 12 months and + • 13,95 e
Le courageux petit pirate
A day in the life of a little pirate. An adventure on the high seas, battling against a giant
octopus and dangerous waves... but it all ends well in the bathtub.
170 x 170 mm • 12 months and + • 13,95 e
Ca flotte ou ça coule ? Plouf !
What floats ? What sinks ?
A first scientific approach to Archimedes’ principle to test in your bath!
Have fun finding answers to the questions and check them by lifting a flap. The answer is
presented in context for young children.
170 x 170 mm • 12 months and + • 13,95 e
Non, non pas le bain !
180 x 180 mm • 8 months and + • 12,95 e
Rights sold : Italy, Portugal
7 Titles Available
La pêche à la ligne
Le courageux petit pirate
Ca flotte ou ça coule ? Plouf !
Non non pas le bain !
Mon arrosoir de bain
Mon épuisette de bain
Qu’est-ce que je lave?
A little story that will make bathtime lots of laughs.
An original presentation, with die-cuts that make it easy for kids to find their way in the
Animals – young children’s favourite theme
Bayard Group
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Mon arrosoir de bain
Glouglou, the watering can, starts work at bath time. He has to look after absolutely everything: the sponge, the Toe family, not forgetting the clouds of soap!
A watering can inserted in the book • 180 x 185 mm • 2 years and + • 12,50 e
Mon épuisette de bain
“Let’s look around the bathtub while the fisherman’s gone away…” Who’s that singing
in your bath? It’s the little fishes. How many can you catch in your net? Careful, they slip
out so easily!
A fishing net with fishes inserted in the book • 185 x 185 mm • 2 years and + • 13,50 e
Qu’est-ce que je lave?
A bath book to learn how to wash yourself, just like a grown-up!
Hair, knees, face... The child turns the funny machine to find out what part of the body to
wash next. And when the pointer stops at rinse... Ploof! The child dives under the water.
A wheel to turn to choose the part of the body to wash • 180 x 185 mm • 2 years and + • 12,95 e
5 Titles Available
Baba the Whale
Small Snail
Bath time, Little Croc!
Seraphin the Dolphin
Turtle Lulu
Rights Sold
Spain (trade, club),
Korea, Greece
Technical Specifications
Format: 17,5 x 17,5 cm
Pages: 10
+ blow-up animals
Retail price: 8,95 !
Age group: 3 and up
Bath Books & Blow-up Animal
Bayard Group
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The Black & White series
Because toddlers only notice very contrasting
shapes at first, the picture book series
Black&White has been specifically designed for
The illustrator, Xavier Deneux, has produced
elegant images composed of gentle pleasing
shapes for this new collection!
Key points
• Apleasuretohandle:all-boardsbookswithafoam-linedcover,
• Asurpriseoneverypage:atouchofcolour,adie-cut,aflap
• Entertainingpicturebooksfortiny-totswhoarelearning
• XavierDeneuxaddsgentleillustrations,withastyleofhisown
5 Titles Available
Mes Animaux
Mon Cirque
Au Dodo les Animaux
Mes Animaux plush set
Mes rêves
250 000 copies
Mes animaux tout doux
A black and white picture book to better observe nocturnal animals. Beautiful materials
to to awaken the senses and arouse the curiosity of the very young.
The highly contrasted black and white images are easier to read for the very young.
• A
• Anentertainingbook,withclearlyreadableblackandwhitepictures.
• Poeticandsensitive.
Not a sound, cat and
mouse, in the greenery...
Format : 170 x 170 mm
Pages: 6 spreads
Age group: 12 months and up
Retail Price: 13,95 €
Black, short fur
on the cat
the panda plays with
the butterflies...
flocking on
the mouse
Technical specifications
Bayard Group
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Mes rêves
Following the success of Mes animaux, Xavier Deneux adds a book to the Black &
White series: lovely visual surprises in store around the
themes of light and darkness. Young readers will see different things when they look
at the book in daylight or at night, under the bedcovers … then they’ll see the Moon
appear, fireflies, stars, a window lit up in the night…
Board Book • 16 x 16 cm • 8 double spread pages • silver and glow in the dar inks • Foam-lined
cover • 11,65 E
Mes animaux - My Animals
Board Book - with a Plush!
16 x 16 cm
20 pages
Foam-lined cover
19,95 E
Board Book & plush set
Rights Sold
Spain, Mexico, USA, UK,
Germany, Sweden, Norway,
The Netherlands, Belgium, Korea,
Japan, Italy, Portugal, Brazil,
Mon cirque - My Circus
Board Book
16 x 16 cm
20 pages
Foam-lined cover
9,05 E
Board Book
Rights Sold
Au dodo les animaux - Bedtime
Mes petits animaux
Format: 16 x 16 cm
Cloth Book
With noisy flaps
Retail price: 14,95 E
Format: 160 x 160 mm
Pages: 6
Retail price: 10,99 €
Age group: 6 months and up
Mes petits animaux
Spain, Mexico, USA, UK,
Germany, Belgium,
Japan, Italy, Brazil, China,
Bayard Group
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Regarde, touche, écoute!
What a wonderful way for youngest learners
to explore their world in a hands-on,
multi-sensory way!
A charming board book that incorporates classic,
high-quality touch-and-feel elements in a babyfriendly word book format.
Mes premiers mots à toucher
After the successful Regarde, touche, écoute, a touch
and feel picture book to awaken the senses and
arouse the curiosity of the very young.
A book that encourages the child’s sensorimotor
development and the acquisition of basic everyday
vocabulary on the basic notions: seasons.
An entertaining picture book wiuth clear, uncluttered
illustration that young children can easily
Technical Specifications
• Version with sounds
Format : 160 x 160 mm
Pages : 10
Material to touch and sounds
Cloth cover, rounded corners
Retail price : 12,95 E
• Version without sounds
Format : 119 x 200 mm
Pages : 10
Material to touch
Cloth cover, rounded corners
Retail price : 10,95 E
Rights Sold
The Netherlands, Belgium,
Norway, Italy, Portugal,
English (worldwide)
Whether it’s touching the soft fuzzy fur of a little
puppy or feeling the rough texture of a chick’s newly
hatched shell, each image will immediately capture
the attention of the very youngest child, stimulating
inquisitiveness and an understanding of essential
Bayard Group
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Mes imagiers à toucher
A touch and feel series for the toddlers to enjoy every
moment of the every day life.
Thanks to moderne art and material to touch,
the very young will name objects and easily
recognized them.
From the bathroom to the kitchen; at bedtime or
dressing time, the kid will enjoy
to learn the exact word and be proud of his knowledge
thanks to the material to help him.
Key points
• Arobustbookidealforlittlefingers,withlargeareas
• Originalityandrealismofthematerials
• Warm-hearted,modernillustrations
• Asimplelay-out
• Athemeclosetotheveryyoungreader’sdailyinterests:
• Averyattractiveprice,idealforafirstpresent
12 Titles Available
Picture book
Je me couche
Je me lave
Je m’habille
Je mange
Je vais à la ferme
Je vais au parc
Je joue
Je vais à la mer
Mon anniversaire
Je roule
Je fais le marché
Bath book
Bath time
Swimming time
Rights Sold
Spain (Castillan, Catalan),
Portugal, Italy, The Netherlands,
Belgium, Taiwan, Croatia,
English (worldwide), Korea
Bedtime - Je me couche
Technical Specifications
Materials to touch
Format : 19 x 19 cm
Pages : 14
Retail price : 9,90 !
Age group : 6 months and up
13 materials to touch
• Picturebook
• Satinofabuntingbag
Woodensparsofthecot • Pyjamasonthecover
Amélie Graux’s expressive and elegant illustrations are especially effective with very
young children. A simple lay-out with one big picture per page reveals all their charm.
Tiny tots will identify with the babies in the drawings.
Bayard Group
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I get washed - Je me lave
Materials to touch
• F aceclothwithrough
• Textureofcream
• Softsoap
• Clothpyjamas
• Bottleofshowergel
• Stickytoothpaste
• Bathrobeonthecover
• Denimskirt
• Bonnet
• bodysuitonthecover
I get dressed - Je m’habille
Materials to touch
I eat - Je mange
Materials to touch
• Alittleglasspot
• Shinydecoration
• Stickystewedfruit
• Forkhandle
Bayard Group
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I Go to the Farm - Je vais à la ferme
Materials to touch
• sheep’sfleece
• hideofcowandpig,
• goat’shorns,hooves
• cow’smilk
• straw
• chicksonthecover.
I Go to the Park - Je vais au Parc
Materials to touch
• metalgate
• lawn
• wheelsandcanvas
• squirrel
I Play with My Toys - Je joue
Materials to touch
• f urrysurfaceonsoft
• canvasplaypen
• doll’sdress
• woodencar
• shapesinthebox
• toydog’searsandleash
• plastickeyson
• xylophone
I Go to the Seaside - Je vais à la mer
Materials to touch
• softplasticarmbands
• grainsofsand
• foamonwateraround
• m
• seaweed,star-fish
• plasticbucket
• clothofswimmingsuit
• canvascap
• plasticsunglasses
Bayard Group
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It’s Christmas - Noël
Materials to touch
• p
• feltslipper
• plasticgarland
• balltreedecoration
• SantaClaus’swhite
• thereindeer’scoat
• decorationonwindow
• snowman
• crumpledgiftpaper
• softtoy
• creamoncake
• Christmaswreath
• woollybonnet
It’s My Birthday - Mon anniversaire
Illustrations d’Amélie Graux
Materials to touch
Un imagier à toucher pour apprendre
ses premiers mots.
• icingoncake
• balloon
• waxcandle
ISBN : 978-2-7459-5814-3
10,90 €
© 2012 éditions Milan – 300, rue Léon-Joulin,
31101 Toulouse Cedex 9, France.
Droits de traduction et de reproduction réservés
pour tous les pays. Toute reproduction,
même partielle, de cet ouvrage est interdite.
Loi 49.956 du 16 juillet 1949 sur les publications
destinées à la jeunesse.
Dépôt légal : 3e trimestre 2012 - Imprimé en Chine
Dans la même collection :
je joue
je mange
je me couche
je me lave
je m’habille
je vais à la ferme
je vais à la mer
je vais au parc
CV_MONANNIV.indd 1-3
26/04/12 14:36
Bath books with a face-cloth
Thanks to the success of the core series,
a new bath books series !
New in this sector: a picture book that teaches basic notions (to recognize and
name the objects used at bathtime) with a facecloth in the shape of an animal.
Irresistible to children… and to parents!
Baby’s bath time: a moment of sharing and a pleasure for parents! What could be
better to make bathtime even more fun than a beautiful picture book with a face
cloth to play with while bathing!
Key Points
• Theanimalfacecloth,funforchildrenandusefulforparents
• Bringsstructuretoamomentthatparentsandkiddieslovetoshare
• Alovelylittlebook/objectwithtransparentplasticsurround
In these books, ten episodes feature the main objects used at bathtime, those
the child is familiar with, touches and uses. The setting helps the child recognize
them so transmitting the first words – all this in a playful bathtime atmosphere!
This is not a gadget bath book; it contains attractive pictures and a face cloth
that’s both useful for the parents and fun for the child.
Picture books for bath time, to increase the very young child’s vocabulary and
parents’ pleasure. Lots of fun to share for parents and children.
Technical Specifications
Format: 15 x 15 cm
Pages: 12
Retail price :11,50 €
Age group : 6 months and up
• Warm,lovingIllustrations,simplelay-out,adaptedtotheagegroup
Bayard Group
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Mes grands imagiers
à toucher
This is the first touch’n’feel picture book for the very
young with more than 30 materials to discover with
little fingertips. An unequalled selection of materials
to give tiny tots a totally new picture book.
The very young reader will discover more than
a hundred and fifty objects with their names,
organised by category to give them meaning.
Key points
Contents - Material to touch
• Animals with feathers
(chick and parrot)
• Short-haired animals
(zebra and horse)
• Long-haired animals
(tiger and wolf )
• Smooth-skinned animals
• Rough-skinned animals
(pig and starfish )
• Animals with scales
(fish and turtle)
• Fruits and veg from the
market (peach, orange,
aubergine, basket)
• Breakfast time (an egg)
• Sweet things (chocolate
spread, sugar pancakes)
• Things I eat (baby’s
bottle and sponge)
• When I sleep (cover)
• When I play
(little wooden car)
• When I wash (mirror)
• When I dress
(jacket and trousers)
• When I travel
(car, plane, boat)
2 Titles Available
Mon grand imagier à toucher
Mon grand imagier des couleurs
à toucher
Technicals Specifications
Format : 24 x 24 cm
Pages : 24
Retail price : 18 e
Age group : 2 and up
Rights sold
• Theconstantpopularityofpicturebooks.
• Bigareasofmaterialtotouch.
• Highqualityofmaterials.
• Abigformatandathickbookformaximumvisibility.
• XavierDeneux’sdesign,perfectlyadaptedforveryyoungreaders.
Bayard Group
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Les contes à toucher
Take some great classic tales, add a pinch of
interactivity, and what you get is a superb collection
to arouse the senses of the very young.
Lots of animations and textures to stroke, rub and
A delight for the youngest readers!
Key points
• Lotsandlotsofanimationsandmaterialstotouch
• Aboardcoverandrobustpages
• Arealdemandfromthepublicandbookshopsforthiscollection
Ali Baba
Ali Baba
Mr. Peanut
Pirouette cacahuète
Illustrated by Marie Caillou
Illustrated by Cristian Turdera
• Ali Baba’s rich satin clothes on the cover
• Ali Baba’s rags when he’s poor
• Jewels in the treasure
• Fur of the thieves’ donkey
• Leather pouch where Morgan’s metal
carafe is hidden
• Head thief’s false curly beard
• Blade of the knife Morgan uses to kills
• Morgan’s veil, Ali Baba’s velvet clothes
when he has become rich
• Mr Peanut
• Paper stairs
• Walls of board
• Postman’s envelopes
• Golden thread
• Pretty Charlotte’s Apricot Dress
• Nose
+ final pop-up with jet plane
16 Titles Available
Ali Baba
Pirouette Cacahuète
Père Noël, es-tu là ?
Dame Tartine
Les musiciens de Brême
Le chat botté
Blanche Neige
Hansel et Gretel
Le vilain petit canard
Le petit chaperon rouge
La petite poule rousse
Les trois petits cochons
Le petit poucet
Boucle d’or
Jack et le haricot magique
Petit bonhomme en pain d’épice
Rights Sold
Spain (Catalan, Castillan)
Portugal, Greece,
Italy, Norway, Brazil
Technical Specifications
Format : 21 x 20,5 cm
Pages : 14
Retail price : 11,50 !
16 titles available
Toute la journée, Cendrillon devait nettoyer, astiquer, ranger
la maison. Toute la journée, les deux sœurs se moquaient
d’elle ou de ses vêtements usés et déchirés.
Il était une fois une belle demoiselle
qui s’appelait Cendrillon.
Hélas, son père s’était remarié
avec une femme fière et cruelle.
Cette femme avait deux filles,
aussi méchantes que leur mère…
Bayard Group
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Santa Claus, are you there?
Père Noël, es-tu là?
Dame Tartine
Dame Tartine
Illustrated by Ninie
Illustrated by Anouk Ricard
Material to touch
• Santa Claus’s bonnet
• Santa Claus’s bed cover
• Trim on Santa Claus’s trousers
• Santa Claus’s leather boots
• Santa Claus’s coat
• Pompom on Santa Claus’s bonnet
• Santa Claus’s sack
• Dame Tartine’s Gown
• Butter Palace
• Dame Tartine’s Jam
• Mr. Gimblette’s Honey Shoes
• Pretty Charlotte’s Apricot Dress
• Pretty Charlotte’s Apricot Dress
• Sweets
• Aubergine-shaped witch
• Walls of sugar
• Liquorice Ribbon
+ a final pop-up where Santa Claus is
about to leave on his sleigh to distribute
his gifts.
The Musicians of Bremen
Les musiciens de Brême
Puss in Boots
Le chat Botté
Illustrated by Nathalie Choux
Illustrated by Dan Kerleroux
Material to touch
• Cat fur on the cover
• Bags of flour
• Donkey’s coat
• Cock’s comb
• Dog’s coat
• Bandits’ knife
• Bandits’ cloak
Materials to touch:
• Puss’ boots
• Puss’ satchel
• Rabbit fur
• The King’s hat
• The ogre-lion’s mane
• The ogre-mouse’s body
• The long train of the bridal gown
• Flaps
• A final pop-up where the donkey bucks
in front of one of the thieves
• A flap you lift to find Puss in Boots
• A big pop-up of Puss in Boots pouncing
on the ogre-mouse
Bayard Group
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Snow White
Blanche Neige
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel et Gretel
Illustrated by Fabrice Turrier
Illustrated by Fabrice Turrier
Material to touch
• A glossy plastic cover
• A Mirror
• A Lenticular image
• Glitter
• Braided straw for the thatched roof
• The Dwarf’s beard
• The Witch’s cape
• The poisoned apple with glitter varnish
Material to touch
• A roof made of dummy sweets
for the cover
• A crumpled sweet paper
for the wall
• A copper-coloured dungeon door
• A broom
• An imitation cake in jelly
• A sparkling treasure
• A flap door
• A big pop-up finale that folds out (the
kiss between Snow White and Prince
• A die-cut forest
• A flap door
• A folding flap floor
• A pop-up oven
Ugly Duckling
Le vilain petit canard
Illustrated by Marion Billet
Illustrated by Dan Kerleroux
Material to touch
• Hot stamping and glitter
• Chamois for duster
• Relief varnish on parquet
• Gems / Jewel shape
• Star shape
• Prince dances with Cinderella, the
couple slip into a slot
• Shoe in expanded PVC (silver with stars)
• Orange plastic pumpkin
• Dark beige cotton cloth for rags
• Hot stamping around fairy
• 2 different materials for Cinderella’s
dress: light blue and red
Material to touch
• Grey boa material
• 4 egges in EVA foam ‘off white’
• Foam stamping red on turkey’s goitre
• Hot stamping on rifle
• Dog hair material
• Feather on hunter’s hat
• Pearlescent ink on trees
• White fur on swan
• Pop-up for the pumpkin-coach
• Hinge animation on chicken’s head
• Holographic foil stamping
on the lake
• Double spread pop-up
on the last page
Bayard Group
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Les contes à écouter
A new series of audio books! Well-known and
traditional nursery rhymes with big round buttons
to switch on, and superb illustrations: a unique and
entertaining concept yet so simple!
Key points
• 7recordednurseryrhymesof20seconds
• Asoundboxintegratedintothebookitself
• Nurseryrhymetitlesononeside,Talesontheother
15.000 copies
sold in 3 months
6 Titles Available
Les trois petits cochons
Le petit chaperon rouge
Boucle d’Or
Le Petit Poucet
Petite Poule Rousse
Comptines des Animaux
Technical Specifications
From 18 months up
Format: 185 x 210 mm
Pages: 16 for the all boards
+big flap in board
Retail price: 14, 50 €
Thanks to its sound box and seven easy-to-operate buttons, toddlers can listen
to their favourite nursery rhymes on their own. By simply pressing on a button,
kiddies can play the nursery rhyme they want to hear, thereby automatically
creating a link with the simple and sensitive illustrations, which are designed to
appeal to this age range.
This book is ideal for toddlers, who can handle it without risk of breaking it
thanks to its solid cardboard structure. Soon, they won’t want to go anywhere
without it!
Bayard Group
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Little Red Riding Hood
Le petit chaperon rouge
Little Red Hen
La petite Poule Rousse
Illustrated by Christian Guibbaud
Illustrated by Leo Timmers
Materials to touch:
• Red Riding Hood’s hood
• Red Riding Hood’s basket
• The Wolf’s fur
• Grandmother’s blanket
• The wolf’s ear
Materials to touch:
• Little Red hen’s feathers
• Pig’s body in felt
• Little Red hen’s canvas bag
• The Cat’s fur
• Corn pastry
• Ankle bracelet to pull
• The Wolf’s eyes
• A pop-up of the Wolf’s jaws
• Elastic cord to tie up the Wolf
• Pull the tab to see the seeds growing
• The Windmill’s blades
• The Hen eating grains
The Three Little Pigs
Les trois petits cochons
Tom Thumb
Le Petit Poucet
Illustrated by Xavier Deneux
Illustrated by Denis Cauquetoux
Materials to touch
• The pigs’ bodies in felt
• Straw, wood, bricks, to build houses
• The Wolf’s fur
• The roof
Material to touch
• Pebbles in relief
• A leather purse
• Eyes glowing in the woods
• Bird feathers
• A silver knife
• Felt for hats
• Golden crown
• Pigs running away
• The Pot in three dimensions
Boucle D’or
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack et le haricot magique
Illustrated by Annelore Parot
Illustrated by Laurent Richard
Material to touch
• Goldenlocks’ hairr
• Bears’ furry bodies
• Straw for the chairs
• The soup ingredients
• Cloth cover
Material to touch
• Cow hide
• Bean pippins
• Stem of the beanstalk
• Ogre’s gold coins
• Hen that lays golden eggs
• Golden harp
+ one flap and one pop-up
• Pull the tab: Glodenlocks under the
• Goldenlocks running away
• Two tabs to pull
• Pop-up in 3 dimensions
Bayard Group
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Mes docs à toucher
This new non-fiction series for tiny-tots has opted for
an interactive and hands-on approach.
A highly-illustrated, fiction-like treatment; facts
presented briefly and precisely; large textured
surfaces to touch… Here, interactivity is the chosen
method of learning and communicating for young
Key points
• Adurableproductspeciallydesignedforlittlehands,
• Thequalityandrealisticnatureofthematerials,
• Amixtureoffictionanddocumentaryspeciallytailoredfortheage
• Themesthatappealgreatlytotoddlers:TheFarm,EarthandSky,The
Sales of the series
Ma ferme: 137 000 cps.
Mes dinosaures: 38 000 cps.
Ma savane: 92 000 cps.
Mon chantier: 28 000 cps.
Mes animaux familiers: 39 000 cps.
copies sold
since April
My little bugs - Mes petites bêtes
Illustrated by Hélène Convert
Materials to touch and
• The ladybird’s rounded
• The bee’s fuzzy down
• The wasp’s striped
• The fly’s shimmering
• The butterfly’s shining
• The worm’s sticky body
• The grasshopper’s ribbed
abdomen and legs
• The rose chafer’s metallic
green shell
• The stink bug’s grainy
• The snail’s spiral shell
• The ant’s smooth body.
17 Titles Available
The Farm
Earth and Sky
The Savannah
The Building Site
Animals from the Sea
Animals from the Artic
Baby Animals
Animals from the Mountain
Animals from the forest
Little Bugs
Rights Sold
Sweden, Spain (Spanish,
Catalan), Italy, Greece,
Finland, Portugal, Belgium
Croatia, China, The
Netherlands, Japan
Technical Specifications
Illustrated by Deborah Pinto
Format : 23 x 20 cm
Pages : 16
Retail price : 13 !
Age group : 3 and up
Materials to touch
• The hedgehog’s prickles
• The feathers of the
blackbird’s wing
• The snail’s ribbed shell
and its slimy trail
• The robin redbreast’s
• The soft fur of the rabbit
• The mole’s velvety fur
• The dormouse’s coat
• The shimmering wings of
the butterfly
• The phosphorescent
• The hairy body of the
• The threads of the
spider’s web
Animals in My garden - Mes animaux du jardin
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Animals from the Forest - Mes animaux de la forêt à toucher
Illustrated by Ilaria Falorsi
Materials to touch
• textured cover
• wild boar’s bristles
• black and white badger’s
mask and sharp claws
• fox’s fur
• fawn’s coat
• black woodpecker’s
• squirrel’s bushy tail
• ant’s abdomen
• slow-worm’s scales
• toad’s skin
• slug’s runny trail
• marten’s soft fur
The Savannah - Ma savane à toucher
Illustrated by Xavier Deneux
Materials to touch
• Flocking with long hair
on the cover title
• One glued flap
• Hairs of the lion
• Dark brown hair for the
• Grey skin of the elephant
• Embossed UV spot
varnish for the horns
• Zebra fur
• One glued flap in the
shape of an egg (opening
on the top)
• Skin of the crocodile
• Girafe’s fur (spotted)
• Raised gloss spot varnish
for the pikes of the
• Pink feathers for the
Baby Animals - Mes bébés animaux à toucher
Illustrated By Julie Mercier
Materials to touch:
• Textured cover
• Little turtle’s shell
• Kangaroo fur
• Baby hippopotamus’ skin
• Foal’s coat
• Baby bear’s skin
• Lamb’s fleece
• Lion kid’s fur
• Baby bird’s skin
• Calf’s coat
• Hen’s feathers
• Koala’s coat
• Chick’s feathers
• Baby elephant’s hide
Pets - Mes animaux familiers
Illustrated by Xavier Deneux
Materials to touch
• Textured cover
• Tortoise shell
• Cat’s fur
• Mouse’s coat
• Labrador’s short coat
• Dwarf rabbit
• Guinea pig’s fur
• Hamster’s coat
• Canary feathers
• Gerbil’s fur
• Scales of a fish
• Scaly skin of the iguana
+ flaps
The Farm - Ma ferme à toucher
Illustrated by Xavier Deneux
Materials to touch
• Green coloured flocking
on the cover
• Brown short-hair fur for
• Long-hair chick yellow
• Pink felt pig
• Rough hairs for goat’s
• Die-cut tree shape
• Verso die-cut tree
• Curly white wool sheep
• Black and white spotted
fur for cow
• Large area of green
Circus - Mes animaux du froid à toucher
Illustrated by Deborah Pinto
Materials to touch
• Canvas of the big tent
• Trapeze artist’s safety net
• Clown’s shoes
• Lion’s fur
• Pierrot’s costume
• Tightrope walker’s rope
• Torches
• Contortionist’s box
• Juggler’s balls
• Walrus hide
• Acrobat’s springboard
• Rabbit’s furs
• German wheel
• Dove’s feathers
The Building Site - Mon chantier à toucher
Illustrated by Christian Guibbaud
Materials to touch
• Protection helmet
• Security jacket
• Traffic cones
• Site notice board
• Wheels of the dumper
• Chains of the bulldozer
• Fresh cement
• Bag of cement
• Wooden beams
• Plaster
• Window panes
• Brick wall
• Metal of the crane
•Windows of a building
Sea Creatures - Mes animaux des mers à toucher
Illustrated by Nathalie Choux
Materials to touch
• Water effect on the cover
• Whale skin
• Fish scales
• Jellyfish skin
• Octopus ink
• Tortoise shell
• Octopus sucker
• Seagull feathers
• Shark skin
• Starfish
• Dolphin skin
• Ray skin
• Flaps
Transport - Mes transports à toucher
Illustrated by S. Bessard
Materials to touch
• Wheels of a car,
• Wings of a plane,
• Engine of a motorbike,
• Canvas of a hot-air
• Garbage truck,
• Gondola of the hot-air
• Train,
• Hull of a trawler,
• Luggage in a train
• Inflatable boat
• Seats in a train,
• Shutters and a big foldout page.
Dinosaurs - Mes dinosaures à toucher
Materials to touch
• Raised gloss spot UV
varnish + opaque glued
glass on the cover
• Reptile skin
• Diplodocus skin
• Two bunches of feathers
for the microraptor, one
blue, one red
• Long hair flocking for the
• Brown PVC with small
balls inside for the
• Foam for dinosaurs’ eggs
• Red glitter for the
Illustrated by Ninie
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Pony Club - Mes poneys à toucher
Illustrated by Christine Roussey
Materials to touch
• flocking on the cover
• the pony – the horseshoe
• the roof of the box – the
soft brush
• the grass in the meadow
– the carpet
• the fetlock – the saddle
• the curry comb – the
riding hat
• the pony’s tail – rubber
• the reins – the floor of the
• the black pony’s coat–
the speckled pony’s coat
Earth and Sky - L’espace à toucher
Illustrated by Benjamin Becue
Materials to touch
• Deep blue metallic foil
paper on cover
• A plastic pocket of blue
water for the oceans
• Expanded polystyrene
foam for the relief on the
surface of the moon
• Spot varnish highlights
the 7 orbits of the planets
• Yellow glitter for the sun
• Glitter flocking on the
rings of Saturn
•Ink that changes colour
when rubbed for the
comet tail
• Silver paper star
• Phosphorescent effect
shows in the dark the
Animals from the Mountain - Mes animaux des montagnes à toucher
Illustrated by Ilaria Falorsi
Materials to touch
• textured cover
• bear’s fur
• camel’s short-haired coat
• ibex horns
• wolf’s fur
• marmot’s long-haired fur
• ears of the lynx
• mountain hare’s fur
• feathers of golden eagle
• scales of the viper
• mouflon’s horn
• short-haired coat
of the shrew mouse
Animals from the artic - Mes animaux du froid à toucher
Illustrated by Julie Mercier
• Narwhal tooth
• Bear fur
• Killer whale skin
• Walrus tusk
• Arctic fox fur
• walrus hide
• Beluga whale skin
• Reindeer antler + flaps
• Ice
Materials to touch
• Special ice effect
on the cover
• Penguin plumage
• Reindeer coat
• Baby seal fur
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Mon livre animé…
Totally different from the usual picture book
or pop-up for older children, this book - with its
interactive and playful approach – is the perfect ‘first
discovery through experience’ for the very young.
10 titles in a series with excellent sales.
More than 30 movable features in a truly interactive
Book shop sales of the series:
• Nursery School (pub. September 2009): + de 16 000 cps.
• Nature (pub. April 2010): + de 9 000 cps.
• The Sea: (pub. June 2010): + de 5 000 cps.
• Christmas (pub. October 2010): + de 7 000 cps.
• Paris (pub. April 2011): + de 7 000 cps.
• The Human Body (pub. May 2010): 5 000 cps.
Key points
• Lotsofanimatedfeatures,
• Aplayapproachthatputstheaccentoninteractivitytohelpchildren
• Abigformat,thickcardandrobustanimations,
• Theapproachisalwaysfocusedonthechild,whattheycando
Contrary to traditional children’s non-fiction, here, the child plays a role, manipulating the moving features to gain understanding, acting to anticipate and learn:
a truly pedagogical approach based on the child’s contribution and implication.
12 Titles Available
Human body
Fortified Castles
Garage and Cars
Sports d’hiver
Rights Sold
Spain (Castillan, Catalan),
Portugal, Italy, Norway,
Technical Specifications
Format: 23 x 20 cm
Pages: 26
Retail price: 14,90 !
Age group: 3 and up
A wide variety of movable features (flaps, wheels, comb, tabs to pull…) bring an
authentic interactive experience even to the youngest readers.
Mon livre animé des sports d’hiver
In 12 double pages, this non-fiction pop-up book invites young children to discover, step by step, winter sports and the ski station. By directly addressing the reader, this book allow a personal discovery through many animated features: driving the snowplough around the parking lot and the groomer on the ski slopes,
get the tiny skier out of the ski kindergarten’s tunnel, make the instructor bend
his knees, slide the door of the gondola lift, push the skier forward on the button lift when the light is green, etc. Living in a ski resort is now possible for 3 to
Illustrated by Didier Balicevic
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Illustrated by Géraldine Krasinski
With twelve double pages, this non-fiction pop-up book invites children to discover the conquest of space. It directly addresses the reader, who enters into
the space adventure through a generous number of animated features: pilot the
moon module to land on the moon; twirl the astronaut who’s training in a multiaxis seat, float him around in the weightless atmosphere; drive the shuttle on
the space station; discover what they keep in the hold of the shuttle… with lots
of movement and illustrations, life in space becomes accessible to 3-8 year-olds.
La nature
Illustrated by Ninie
In 12 double pages: the park, the vegetable garden, the orchard, the weather
forecast, spring, summer, autumn, winter, the forest, protecting nature at
home…). This book is an invitation to children to get to know nature better, step
by step. Addressing the readers directly, it draws them into a new world where
they will discover all about Nature. But especially, unlike more traditional nonfiction, this book encourages its readers to do something: use the activities to
gain better understanding, act in order to anticipate and learn.
Illustrated by Deborah Pinto
This book is an invitation to children to prepare Christmas. All the different events
to leave before the famous day. A moment to share with parents in order to prepare to welcome Santa Claus!
Animations and surprises will enreach this exciting moment.
Le corps Humain
Illustrated by Didier Balicevic
Discover the human body in twelve double pages. ‘Lift’ the skin to see the skull
and discover how the blood circulates, identify the different emotions and their
physical demonstrations, flex the muscles, turn on a radio, play with the five
Illustrated by Emmanuel Ristord
Visit Paris In twelve double pages. Lift a flap to discover the underground catacombs, take the little cable car up to Montmartre, turn on the Stravinsky fountain
in front of Beaubourg, switch on the lights at the Eiffel Tower, play hide and seek
among Buren’s columns… no danger of getting lost with the big folding map at
the end of the book!
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La mer
Book of the Sea with Animated Features
Illustrated by Ninie
In 12 double pages, this book invites children to get to know the sea, step by
step. Addressing young readers directly, it draws them into a whole new world to
discover. The text always starts out with the child and his or her daily life, before
going on to explain the sea. What can they catch in it? How can the child’s possible anxiety (bathing for the first time, what’s the bottom of the sea like?...) be
L’école maternelle
Illustrated by Ninie
In 12 double pages : in the morning, before school/parents say goodbye/ workshops/ the toilets/ lunch time/ the dormitory/ playtime/parents’ return - time to
go home), this book shows life at school, step by step. Speaking directly to the
young readers, it introduces them into this new world they will soon discover for
Châteaux forts
Illustrated by Julie Mercier
In 12 double pages, a step-by-step discovery of life in a fortified castle. Addressing readers directly, this book involves them in the learning process with a multitude of movable features: make the archer shoot between the crenellations,
explore the castle’s rooms, lift the drawbridge, dress the knight in his shining
armour and animate the battle, take part in an attack on the castle …
Garages et voitures
Illustrated by Olivier Latyk
In 12 double pages, a step-by-step discovery of the world of automobiles. Addressing readers directly, the book involves them in the learning process with a multitude of movable features: lift the hood of the car, take out the damaged engine,
tow the car away after a break-down, turn the steering wheel, use the warning
lights, change the wheels of a Formula 1 racing car…
All the fascinating life of the automobile adapted to children from 3 to 6 yearsold!
La ferme
Illustrated by Hélène Convert
In 12 double pages, a step-by-step discovery of the farm and all its activities.
Addressing readers directly, the book involves them in the learning process with a
multitude of movable features: open the barn doors, feed and wash the animals,
make apple juice, tend to the vegetable patch, then the orchard… The scenario is
a school visit to a teaching farm. All the excitement of life on the farm adapted to
children from 3 to 6 years-old!
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Mon grand livre animé
Rich and complete animated books gathering
all vehicles that kids will want to know!
Let’s play with the flaps, slide zips and wheels....
Château fort
A generous animated book to know everything about Castles, from the
construction to the attack of the enemies. The author Anne-Sophie Baumann, investigates to recount the history oh this middle age fortified
structure. How was the construction, what was the life in a Castle, how
was the preparation of the tournaments?
More than 60 animations on the book, each spread has flaps, pull tabs,
pivots, etc..
3 Titles Available
Engins et machines
Châteaux forts
Bâtir (Fall 2014)
• Those you find on a building site, capable of demolishing houses: those
with articulated arms (jackhammers, backhoes...).
• Those you find on a building site, capable of building houses: a concretemixer truck, a chariot elevator to carry a load that the crane will move (a
flap shows the crane driver’s cabin...).
• Maintenance vehicles: how the garbage truck works, pull the tab to let
the window cleaner reach a whole building., etc...
Rights Sold
• Engins
et machines:
Sweden, Slovenia,
Russia, Portugal,
Italy, Hungary, Finland,
Spain (Spanish, Catalan),
Denmark, Croatia, Dutch
• Châteaux
forts: Italy,
The Netherlands, Belgium
Technical Specifications
Format : 250 x 330 mm
Pages: 28
Retail price: 19,95 !
Age Group: 4 and up
Engins et Machines
A big pop-up book in which vehicles are organised thematically.
Bayard Group
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Cap ou pas cap?
by Nicole Maubert
A Touch’n Feel book that will provoke roars of
laughter! On each page there’s a monster - scary or
disgusting - and a dare: “Touch it if you can!”
Key points
• Abookthathelpsyoungreaderstalkandlaughaboutthings
• Amaterialtotouchorasurpriseoneverypagetoawaken
• Tender,funillustrations.
Technical specifications
Format : 21 x 21 cm
Pages: 20
Retail price: 14,90!
Age group : 2 and up.
The child is invited to stroke the hairy spider, scratch the plump monster’s belly,
touch the poisonous snake’s slimy tongue and the shark’s pointed teeth, kiss the
witch’s spotty face. They must find the courage to lift up the cover and find out
who’s hiding under the bed, and even put their hands into the jaws of a leaping
At the end, children discover their own face reflected in a deforming mirror with
the caption ‘The most terrifying little monster of all!’
Defusing the fear of phantasmagorical monsters and repulsive creatures through
fun and laughter, this book revives all the fun of playing at being scared.
The Author
Nicole Maubert lives in Chavornay in Switzerland. Under the Océchou brand, she
designs stationery, toys, decorative and fashion accessories for babies up to children of 8. She has published a book with stickers about firemen, published by
Deux Coqs d’or. This is her first book with Milan.
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Petit Paul rentre de l’école
by Marie Paruit
Going home at the end of the school day, little Paul
goes through the park, watches a circus parade in the
street, stops in at the supermarket...
Just like in real life when we meet others, young
readers will manipulate the moving features in this
picture book to lift a little corner of the lives of the
characters Paul meets on his way home from school.
Technical specifications
Format: 240 x 180 mm
Pages: 24
Moving features: wheel, tags to
pull, flaps to lift, zips, pop-ups
Retail price: 14,99 €
Age Group: 4 and up
Rights sold
He runs into lots of people who have a story to tell,
their story...
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A lovable little hero for 2 year-olds and up, Anatole
takes children into different environments thanks
to a very special technique which combines sound
animations and touch’n feel materials.
As tiny tots stroke the lion’s fur, they hear him roar
with pleasure!
Key points
• 6combinationsofsoundandmaterialstotouch
• Aboardcoverandrobustpages
• IllustratedbyDeborahPinto
Deborah Pinto is a talented young illustrator whose rounded figures are beginning to attract attention in the world of comics (Editions 6 Pieds sous terre) and in
children’s books and magazines published by Nathan, Tourbillon and especially
Milan, where she has already illustrated several books for very young children
including Le Bon Roi Dagobert in the ‘Contes et comptines à toucher’ series, and
Mon livre animé de Noël, Mon cirque à toucher…
First Notions Books
Anatole et les chiffres
6 Titles Available
Anatole’s house is just a mess. One slipper, three balloo, five little boatd…the
perfect occasion to learn how to count all the objects to tidy up!
Once all is over, time to count the stars…
Anatole et la météo
Anatole et les chiffres
Anatole et les contraires
Anatole et les couleurs
Anatole et le pot
Anatole et les petits mots polis
Anatole is about to meet his friend outside, but what’s the weather like ? If it’s
raining, he must take is umbrella, if it’s freezing, they might be able to skate…
Perfect to discover the weather’s words.
Anatole et les contraires
At the funfair, Anatole will learn all about contraries. Go and play with him!
Anatole et les couleurs
This time, it’s during a lovely day at the beach that Anatole discovers all about
the colors.
Rights Sold
Technical Specifications
Format: 15,5 x 16 cm
Pages: 24
Retail price: 7,90 E
Age Group: 2 and up
Anatole et la météo
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Sound Books
Anatole à la ferme
Anatole au zoo
• Black and white fur - mooing
• Pink felt - grunting
• Tight, woolly curls - Baa-ing
• Yellow fur - bleating
• Brown fur - yelping
• White curly material - snoring
• Orangey yellow fur - roaring
• Elephant skin - trumpeting
• Black fur - wailing
• Scales - whistling
• Blue plastic - squeaking
• White curly material - laughter
Anatole sur la route
Anatole fait son cirque
• On the cover, the tricycle horn sound of the horn;
• The windscreen of a racing car car engine;
• Red metal foil on the fire engine the siren;
• Black glossy foil on the steam
locomotive /train whistle;
• Blue metal foil on the wing
of the plane /roar of the engine;
• Sail of the boat - foghorn;
• Anatole’s tummy - cries of joy.
• On the cover, drum - roll of the drum;
• Gold foil on the trumpet - sound
of the trumpet;
• Horse’s coat - galloping sound;
• Glossy foil on the pates - sound
of breaking china;
• Tiger’s fur - roar of the tiger;
• Clown’s red nose - beep-beep’;
• Anatole’s tummy - applause.
Au lit Anatole
Le Noël d’Anatole
• on the front cover, Anatole’s
blanket - snoring
• baby’s bottle - gurgling
• bath water - running water
• duck for bath - duck’s squeaking
• terry towel robe- rubbing dry
• CD player - nursery rhyme
• Anatole’s tummy - kiss
• On the cover, a large sock Jingle Bells;
• Teddy bear fur - little bells;
• Pine needles - crackle of a tree
decoration breaking;
• Musical box - We Wish You a Merry
• Reindeer fur - ‘magical’ melody
8 Titles Available
Format: 20 x 20 cm
Pages: 14
Retail price: 14,95 E
7 combinations of sound and
Age Group: 2 and up
Anatole au zoo
Anatole à la ferme
Au lit Anatole
Le Noël d’Anatole
En route Anatole
Anatole au cirque
Anatole et les chiffres
Anatole et la météo
Technical Specifications
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Oscar et Mina
à l’école des jouets
What do toys get up to when children are at school?
An animated, fun-filled book to learn all about
colours, shapes, numbers, and lots of other things…
Key points
• Awiderangeofanimatedfeatures,flapstolift,tabstopull…
• Atender,colourfuluniversethankstoArmelleBoy’s
• Aperfectcombinationoffunandeducationalcontent.
First double spread
Mina the doll and Patoune the bear have all they need to enjoy their day: a doll’s house, a
game of dominos, modelling clay, a suitcase full of clothes, a box of gouache paints and
a drawing pad…
Rights sold
Slovenia, Norway, The
Netherlands, Belgium
Second double spread
Children will have fun dressing Mina with the paper clothes in the suitcase (15 garments
and a mirror).
Third double spread
Tea time. Mina and Patoune eat cakes of different shapes, and it’s up to the young reader
to find the right one (a wheel and 8 different shapes – flaps with rodhoid).
Technical Specifications
Format: 260 x 290 cm
Pages: 12
Retail price: 18 e
Age group: 3 and up
Fourth double spread
Time for some maths! What does 6 + 4 make? Children find the answer then check to
see if they’re right. They can also try placing the correct domino between those already
displayed (a wheel, a flap, eight paper dominos, two pull tabs).
Fifth double spread
Here, children will arrange the furniture in the doll’s house, and make a little car run
along. (11 pieces of furniture, an arm with joint)
Sixth double spread
On the left, a box of 10 colours; on the right, a drawing pad… children can colour in as
much as they like by sliding the colours into the drawings.
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Les sacs à colère
Here come two “Bags of Bother’ from Magali
Le Huche, with pretty little coloured bags to catch
all the nasty creatures that bother us every day!
Key points
• Lovelycasket-bookscontainingabook,alittlefeltfinger-puppet
• Storiesthatareshortandsweettohelpchildrensubduetheiranger
• Alittlefinger-puppettomimeandprolongthestory,
• ThehumourandtendernessofMagaliLeHuche’suniverse
Available titles
Le chagrin de Babog
Today, Babog is sad. He’s broken Robocosto, his favourite toy. Suddenly a
strange-looking little creature is sitting there beside him,and it’s crying too!
“Who are YOU, and why are you crying?” asks Babog.
“Me, I’m Weepy, and I’m crying because you’re crying, it’s so sad.”
2 Titles Available
Le chagrin de Babog
Colère, tu m’énerves!
“O-o-oh, I see-ee-ee.... it’s just too, too sad!!!” wail Babog and Weepy
Colère tu m’énerves !
“Chouky”, Mummy calls again, losing patience, “come and getyour bath!”
‘NO, I DON’T WANT TO!’ yells Chouky, getting angry.
All of a sudden, an ugly little thing all covered in hair appears,and shouts even louder
than him!
“So who do you think you are, yelling like that?” asks Chouky.
“Me, my name’s Anger, and I’m really mad!”
Technical Specifications
Format: 16,5 x 17 cm
Pages: 24
Die-cut cover +
1 puppet and bag
Retail price: 12,10 €
Age Group: 3 and up
Rights Sold
in chorus.
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Les sacs à bisous
If you want to save up all those kisses from people
you love, and take them with you everywhere you go,
what could be better than this little puppet and
her bagful of kisses?
Available titles
Mon petit loup est fort en tout
Today, Li’l Wolfie is performing his new balancing act:
- Look at me, Mum!
- Bravo Li’l Wolfie !
Mummy claps her hands and gives the greatest acrobat ever a big kiss!
Li’l Wolfie says he’s the best, but his brother doesn’t agree …
Mon petit lapin aime les bisous
What Li’l Rabbit loves best of all is when people ask for a kiss. He knows all kinds of
kisses. He knows how to give distinguished kisses, muscular kisses, delicate kisses…
Each person get one especially chosen for them! But be careful, too many kisses can
make people irritable…
Ma petite souris a mal partout
Little Mouse really loves her comfort. That’s why she carries all she needs around with
her: sweet-smelling cotton wool for her chin, strawberry syrup for her throat, not forgetting fluoride for her teeth! But when she gets hurt, she runs straight to her daddy who
sooths her pains with hugs and kisses.
3 Titles Available
Ma petite souris a mal partout
Mon petit lapin aime les bisous
Mon petit loup est fort en tout
Technical Specifications
Format: 16,5 x 17 cm
Pages: 24
Die-cut cover +
1 puppet and bag
Retail price: 12,10 €
Age Group: 3 and up
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Boucle d’or et les trois ours
Open up the valise book and enter into the world
of Goldilocks and the Three Bears!
After cutting out the characters, children can have
endless fun placing them in the different settings
the book offers.
Children will discover and rediscover the classic tales
in an entertaining way!
The amazing combination of a pop-up and a touch
and feel book for toddlers
2 Titles Available
Boucle d’Or
Les trois petits cochons
Rights Sold
Spain (Spanish Catalan),
Italy, Portugal, Belgium,
The Netherlands, Finland
Key points
• Auniquecombinationofpop-upandtouchandfeel
• Apop-upthat’sfullofsurprises,withdie-cutcharacters
• Anoriginalapproachtothetalewhichalsoarousesthechild’s
• Abrightlycoloureduniversefullofamusingdetails,
Technical Specifications
Format: 220 x 311 cm
Pages: 4 pop-ups
4 die-cut characters
+ 3 objects
material to touch:
flocking + silver paper
Retail price: 17,90 e
Age Group: 3 and up
and how about a nap in this nice warm bed?
Come into the the Three Bears’ kitchen!
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Mon Doudou
by Angels Navarro
Everything a child should know before the age of 3
Key points
• Theaccordionfoldsystemmeansthebookcanbefoldedoutentirely,
• Abeautifulobjectinitselfandaperfectgiftfornew-borns
• Avisuallyexcitinguniverse,richandrefined
Rights Sold
Catalan, Castilian
and Basque
Technical Specifications
In this 32-page inventory, everything that makes up the infant’s universe and new discoveries is presented with warmth and sparkle.
A poignant reminder of ‘first times’ and a lovely way to say ‘welcome to the world’. The
book opens up accordion style with surprises on every page: drawings, photos, die-cuts,
a mirror, 3D effect illustrations …. A joyful world the youngest readers will enjoy visiting
again and again.
Format: 160 x 160 mm
Pages: 32
Retail Price: 12, 90 €
Age Group: 6 months to up
Angels Navarro is the author of Regarde, regarde, Bonjour la nuit, Le tour du monde en
10 jeux, Jeux de lettres. This is his first book for the very young.
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Les trois petits cochons
Open up the valise book and enter into the world
of children favourite tales in a to play
with theater version!
After cutting out the characters, children can have
endless fun placing them in the different settings
the book offers. Children will discover and rediscover
the classic tales in an entertaining way!
2 Titles Available
Boucle d’Or
Les trois petits cochons
The amazing combination of a pop-up and a touch
and feel book for toddlers
Rights Sold
Key points
Spain, Italy,
Finland, Portugal
• auniquecombinationofpop-up,touchandfeelmaterial
• apop-upthat’sfullofsurprises,withdie-cutcharacters
• anoriginalapproachtothetalewhichalsoarousesthechild’s
• abrightlycoloureduniversefullofamusingdetails,
Technical Specifications
Format: 220 x 311 cm
Pages: 4 pop-ups
4 die-cut characters
Retail price: 17,90 e
Age group: 3 and up
The story unfolds in the following scenes:
Spread 1 : The three houses (straw, wood, bricks).
Animated features: a tab to pull makes the straw house rise up like a mushroom. A 3D
telescopic feature shows the construction of the house made of bricks.
Spread 2 : Exterior of the straw house.
Animated features: a hammock made of card, a 3D house (+3D furniture inside) with
cotton strings to “huff and puff ” and blow the straw house down.
Spread 3 : Exterior view of the wooden house.
Animated features: like a doll’s house, a voluminous interior with stairs, a mezzanine,
a stove… big enough to let the characters move around in. An acetate pool you can see
fishes in, and a rocking-chair.
Spread 4 : Inside the brick house. (no photo available yet, but coming soon)
Animated features: 3D fireplace and the ladle hanging from the beam by a string. A tab to
pull makes the flames (printed on acetate) flicker.
Watch out!
The wolf will
fall dawn
in the fireplace...
On the character sheet (foam backed card, like Goldilocks): one wolf, 3 pigs, and a ladder
for them all to climb up and down!
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Ma station spatiale
A space station on an unknown planet! Spaceships,
vehicles, a research centre and even some extraterrestrials... A complete décor that couldn’t be
easier to assemble, the perfect setting for fabulous
adventures in space.
Key points
• Afull-colourpop-up,5vehiclesdesignedforscientificexploration
• A24-pagebookcomeswiththeset
• 6charactersandpre-cutfeaturestoaddtothedecor,toactoutthe
Technical specifications
Format: 165 x 225
Pages: 16
Retail price: 16,95 €
Age group: 6 and up
The planet Alpha is in a bad way. At the space station, the situation is desperate; food is
getting scarce, just like the oxygen...
When Star, the only child in the station, teams up with an extra-terrestrial, their friendship
results in survival for the station and its inhabitants. A poignant story, sensitively told.
Bayard Group
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Early Years
Les saisons de l’arbre
by Maryse Guittet
This uniquely shaped board book celebrates the cycle
of the year with a tree that blossoms in spring, bears
fruit in summer, sheds its leaves in fall, and cradles
snow in winter.
Young readers follow the passage of seasons in a
succession of spreads, each filled with simple text
and intriguing lift-the-flaps that reveal the many
creatures—from owls to bumblebees—who all find
shelter in the tree’s boughs.
Technical Specifications
Format : 180 x 170 mm
Pages : 6
Description: Board book pages
with 6 Pantone colours
Retail Price: 8,50€
Age group: 18 months and up
Rights sold
English (worldwide), Basque,
Sweden, Finland,
Norway, Serbia, Catalan
Lift the flap
Lift the flap
Bayard Group
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Early Years
Mon livre puzzle des formes
by Madeleine Deny and Emilie Lapeyre
Circles, squares and triangles. Chunky shapes that
are easy for small hands to grasp.
On every page, there’s a new shape to place. Boldly
designed and hugely enjoyable, this book teaches
young children about fundamental shapes and
develops skills.
Key points
• Motorskills:appropriationofshapesbyholdingthem
• Visualidentification:findingtheshapeandplacingitinthecorrect
• Acquisitionoftheworddescribingtheshapethroughrepetitionby
Technical specifications
Format: 210 x 195 mm
Pages: 8
Board book with 4 die-cut
shapes: circle, square, triangle,
Retail price: 9,90 €
Age Group: 12 months and up
Die-cut shape
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Early Years
Mes premiers jeux
by Marie Paruit
Fun to share with all the family!
These all-board books with fabric tabs let tiny tots
choose a shadow puppet show or their first story by
Mes premiers jeux de doigts
Illustrated by Marie Paruit
With these finger games, kiddies make their hands and fingers dance and explore their
own faces. Their first nursery rhymes are easily memorised when associated with simple
gestures. Games and songs that parents and tots can enjoy together.
Mes premiers jeux de mains
Illustrated by Elisabeth Morais
A bird, a nest, a rabbit... games to play with their hands, shadow theatre that’s easy
for the very young. To gain control over movement and coordination while playing.
Playing with the hands improves:
• corporal expression (feeling the body and its limits)
• memorisation (repeating adult gestures then making them autonomously)
• motor skills (differentiating and moving each hand)
Technical specifications
Format: 180 x 180 mm
Pages: 12
Board book with 5 cloth tabs
Retail price: 7,50 €
Age group: 12 months and up
Rights sold
Author: Marie Paruit was born in Lyon in1982. She studied for four years at the Ecole Cohl,
working as an illustrator for children’s magazines from the very moment she began her
studies. She has illustrated over 90 books, which have been published in 12 countries.
Her irresistible, colourful little animals can also be seen in the press, on stationery, children’s games and children’s articles.
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Early Years
Vive le CP!
Combining information and movable features, this
book prepares children for their first year at primary
school and encourages them throughout the year.
Key points
• Apreciousaidandpreparatorytoolforbothchildrenandparents
• Examinedbyparentsandtestedwithchildrenbetween5and7
• Spiral-boundlikeapersonallogbook
• Featurestodetach:5pagesofstickers,4cardactivitypages,
• Livelyandentertainingillustrations
Technical Specifications
Age group: 5 to up
Format: 200 x 250 mm
Pages: 72
Retail price: 16 €
Divided into four parts: ‘Preparing for the new school term’, ‘New things to discover in school’, ‘The school year’, ‘What you learn the first year’. The contents are
arranged to follow the child’s evolution beginning with nursery school, then the
classes after the first year.
A log book to fill up alone or with an adult, to be dipped into throughout the year,
and one that will surely be conserved as a precious memento of the first year in
primary school.
Hélène Convert contributes regularly to the ‘L’imagerie Milan petite enfance’
series. She has also worked for Nathan, Larousse and Autrement, and works
extensively for children’s magazines.
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Early Years
A la crèche
Chez la nounou
A series of ‘first time’ books for toddlers about the
about Kindergarten and the child minder. Through
a typical day, children from birth to 3 can now take
advantage of the reassurance it brings in a new
Key points
• Asubjectrarelyfoundinbookshops
• Littledramatizedscenesthataresimpleandeasytoread
• Developstoddlers’powerofobservationandvocabulary
• Largeformatguaranteestheeasyreadingofimages
2 Titles Available
By reading about the daily lives of other children, young readers can find their
bearings and discuss things that worry or please them. The personalisation of
the characters helps readers identify with the scenes. Illustrated by the clear and
reassuring drawings of Nathalie Choux and Amélie Graux.
À la crèche
Chez la nounou
A la crèche
Discover what will be a day at the about Kindergarten: arriving, parents’ leaving,
development of life skills, indoor and outdoor awakening activities, toilet learning, afternoon nap, lunch, leaving together...
Technical Specifications
Age group: 3 to up
Format: 250 x 265 mm
Pages: 24
Retail Price: 13,50 €
Chez la nounou
The book describes a typical day in the home of a child minder: going there, morning games, manual activities, lunch, toilet break, afternoon nap, in the park with
the other children, time to go home...
Rights Sold
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Early Years
Ma petite bibliothèque
All tucked into a pretty cube, 5 little stories
that promise sweet dreams
Simple, poetic, each story can be told differently next
time. Totally accessible to children who
haven’t yet learned to read.
Key Points
10 Titles Available
• Anobjectinaminiatureformat,speciallydesignedforlittlefingers:
• Matoutepetitebibliothèque:ahighlysuccessfulcollection
Fairy Tales
Funny Stories
My Favorite Colors
Polo Stories
I love you Mummy
I love you Dady
Little girl sof the 4 seasons
Goodnight, Toupetit!
Atchoum, Tchà
Pouët! Pouët! La petite bête
In my little museum
Rights Sold
My favorites colors
(worldwide) Spain, Israel
Pouët! Pouët!
La petite bête
Atchoum Tchà!
Little Girls of the 4 seasons
I love you dad and mummy
(worldwide) Spain
Technical Specifications
Format: 80 x 80 cm
Pages: 12
Retail price: 9,90 €
Age group: 2 and up
Dans mon petit musée...
Funny Stories
Fairy Tales
I love you Mummy - I love youDad
Good night, Toutpetit!
Bayard Group
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Early Years
Histoire de parler
Young children discover key notions in three little
stories! An original offer in awareness books
for the very young.
Key points
• Earlyawarenessnotionspresentedinshortstories
• Anoriginalproduct,rareonthemarket
• ThereputationofMarie-HélèneDelvalandThierryCourtin
Maman Cane compte ses petits
Mummy Duck counts her ducklings: learn to count up to five.
Elephant is always happy: learn the names of hot things and cold things.
Jojo and Jacquot are so polite: learn to say Hello, Thank you, Sorry, Bye for now…
Hippopo va se baigner
2 Titles Available
Hippopo Goes for a Swim: to discover the parts of the body.
Here Come the Three Bear Brothers: to learn how to describe and compare heights.
How’s it Going, Little Panda?: to learn to describe emotions.
Little Tigre Can’t Sit Still: to learn the words that describe actions.
Hippopo va se baigner
Maman cane compte ses petits
Rights Sold
Spain (Spanish, Catalan)
Technical Specifications
Format: 18 x 18 cm
Pages: 34
Retail price: 9,90 €
Age Group: 1 and up
Bayard Group
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Early Years
Mes Bébés Docs
Mes bébés docs is the little sister of Mes p’tits docs,
one of Milan’s flagship series.For children from 1 to 3.
The main objective is to accompany very young
children in their discovery of the world, the time
when they learn their first words.
Key points
• Easilyidentifiable.
• Doublespageslinkthelearningfunctionandthepicturebook.
• IllustratedbyMarionBillet
• The ‘picture book’ part: on the left hand page, children see four big vignette
illustrations of objects, animals or human beings. Under each vignette, an
explanatory caption presents the picture and gives it meaning.
• The ‘non-fiction’ part: on the right hand page, each object or living creature is
seen in its environment and in its usual situation. By putting the words learned
into context, and so understanding their function, children are able to appropriate them and fix them in their memory.
• Different little heroes (a little girl and little boy) for each title!
12 Titles Available
Bath Time
To eat
Baby Animals
My Day
Technical Specifications
Format: 17,5 x 17,5 cm
Pages: 24
Retail price: 5,90 !
Age group: 1 and up
Rights Sold
To permit children to explore all the elements of their daily lives, things already
encountered or still to be discovered. Each double page presents a sub-theme of
the main title: the bathroom, the living room or the bedroom are sub-themes of
The Home; tools, kitchen garden, sand pit come under the theme of The Garden,
and so on.
• the illustrated pages combine the awareness picture book and children’s nonfiction: on the left there are isolated illustrations, on the right, young readers
have to find the corresponding objects in a big scene.
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Early Years
Mes p’tits docs
Beautifully illustrated, these documentaries will
satisfy the curiosity of 4-6 year-old. The short texts
on varied themes, such as the zoo and the space, are
printed on tearproof paper, making them the ideal
companion for discovery of the surrounding world.
1,450 M
copies sold
in France
Key points
• Simpleandinstructivetexts
• Beautifulillustrations
• Robustpaperthatwon’ttear
• Theperfecttooltoguidechildrenintheirdiscoveryoftheworld
Available titles
21. Ice Field Animals
22. Castles
23. Bush Animals
24. Musi
25. Lorries
26. Nursery School
27. Indians
28. Football
29. Trucks
30. Bread
31. The Moon
32. The Seashore
33. Gardening
34. Bread
35. Christmas
36. Hospital
37. Bath time
38. Knights
39. Lunch time
40. Paris
41. Boats
42. Swimming pool
43. At the office
44. Chocolate
45. Funfair
46. Dolphins
47. Robots
48. Veterinary
49. London
50. Trains
51. Olympic Games
52. Camping
53. Paris
54. Glasses
55. Bees
56. Judo
57. Cats
58. New York
59. Moving
60. First World War
61. Teeth
Rights Sold
Spain, China, Poland
Technical Specifications
Format: 19 x 19 cm
Pages: 32
Retail price: 6,50 !
Age group: 4 and up
60 titles available
1. Houses around
the world
2. Cars
3. Cro-Magnon Man
4. Dinosaurs
5. Travel by Plane
6. Ski Resorts
7. Babies
8. The Night
9. Building Sites
10. Space
11. Policemen
12. Firemen
13. At the Doctor’s
14. The Circus
15. The Farm
16. The Zoo
17. Handicaps
18. Princesses
19. Pirates
20. Travel by Train
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Early Years
Mes p’tites questions
How are babies made? Do all eggs become chicks?
How come the animals in the forest don’t get lost?
Can I become a professional footballer?
Mes p’tites questions is a big sister to Mes p’tits docs
in Milan’s best-selling non-fiction collection,
whose unfailing quality still attracts
the 5-7s in great numbers!
Key points
• Accessibletexts.
• Classicandup-to-datethemes.
• Awindowontheworld.
• Bigdrawings,lotsofvisualinformation,withatendertouch
• Formatadaptedforyoungreaders,robustpaperthatdoesn’ttear
The Mes p’tites questions collection covers classic non-fiction themes by posing
the kind of questions children really ask, with all their candour and detachment.
Each double treats one general question. The texts are divided into several paragraphs, never exceeding 800 characters per double page.
As usual, Milan assures that the texts transmit a thoroughly modern vision of the
world to the young reader: neither too sweet nor alarmist, an open window on life
that doesn’t stop at our borders.
Pourquoi est-ce qu’on n’aime
pas les piqûres
Il y a deux sortes de piqûres :
celles qui prélèvent une partie
du corps, du sang par exemple,
et celles qui envoient des
produits, comme les vaccins.
Souvent, les enfants (et même parfois les adultes !) ont peur
des piqûres. Ils imaginent que l’aiguille va être trop grosse, qu’elle va
les transpercer ou rester coincée dans le corps, que le trou ne va pas
se refermer, qu’on va leur prendre trop de sang… pas de panique :
tout ça ne peut pas arriver !
Après un vaccin, on peut parfois
avoir un peu de fièvre ou être
fatigué. Ce n’est pas grave et
ça ne dure pas longtemps.
Technical Specifications
Format: 22 x 22 cm
Pages: 40
Retail price: 9,50 !
Age group: 5 and up
Rights Sold
China, Poland
27 Titles Available
MPQ_int_bobos.indd 22
À quoi sert un vaccin
Se rappelle-t-on
de tous ses rêves
29/02/12 15:45
Les vaccins permettent d’éviter
d’attraper certaines maladies
comme la rougeole ou la tuberculose.
On envoie dans le corps une toute
petite dose de microbes de cette
maladie pour que l’organisme
les reconnaisse et apprenne
à s’en débarrasser tout seul.
MPQ_int_bobos.indd 23
C’est grâce aux souvenirs de nos rêves que nous savons que nous rêvons !
Mais nous n’avons pas tous la même mémoire des rêves.
nous faisons plusieurs rêves par nuit.
Mais celui dont nous nous souvenons
29/02/12 15:45
le mieux est souvent celui fait juste
avant le réveil ou alors le plus
impressionnant, qui nous a donné
une émotion très forte.
Après le réveil,
le souvenir du rêve
s’efface très vite !
Flora a raison d’en
parler tout de suite
à ses parents. noter
régulièrement ses
rêves dans un cahier
est aussi un très
bon moyen de
s’en rappeler de
mieux en mieux.
Flora étonne beaucoup ses parents : chaque matin, elle leur raconte
un nouveau rêve, même si souvent, ce n’est qu’un bout de rêve. Son frère,
lui, ne se souvient jamais de ses rêves. Et pourtant tout le monde en fait !
14/11/12 15:35
14/11/12 15:35
Tout le monde reçoit des piqûres, même les tout
petits bébés. Et ça continue tout au long de la vie.
Pour en avoir moins peur, c’est bien de poser des
questions : est-ce que ça va piquer fort ? Combien
de temps ça va durer ? On peut aussi s’installer
dans les bras de ses parents et souffler doucement
lors de l’injection. Il existe aussi une crème qui
permet de ne rien sentir du tout.
Primary School
Love and Babies
Fortified Castles
African Animals
Little Bumps and Bugs
Earth, Life and Universe
Poor and rich people
Bayard Group
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Early Years
Mes p’tits docs à coller
The success of the Mes p’tits docs series inspired
Milan to create a new non-fiction series of books with
The concept is simple but efficient: young children
acquire their first knowledge by placing stickers onto
big pictures.
The 3-7 year-olds learn the traditional basics for this
age group by placing stickers on the right spot.
An ideal way to get to know the world, and it’s fun to do!
Key points
than 80.000
copies sold
As well as the already published ‘P’tit doc’ on the farm, here is an interactive
extension that brings more fun and knowledge by putting the accent on child
All they need to know about the farm is transmitted as children place the animals
or elements of the farm in the appropriate place.
Some examples of the instructions: ‘The farmer wants to gather some ripe plums.
Place the ladder to help him’; ‘Use your stickers to give the farmer’s wife her
gardening tools’.
26 Titles Available
Nursery School
The Building
The Farm
Houses around
the World
The Sea
The Zoo
Technical Specifications
Format: 19 x 25 cm
Pages: 16 + 40 stickers
Cover: wire stitched, glossy
Retail price: 4,90 €
Age group: From 3 up
Rights Sold
• Acompetitivepriceforanewversionwithadifferentplacing
• Acomplementto‘P’titdocs’books
• Effectiveillustrationsandsimpletexts,idealforyoungchildren
• Canbeusedbychildrenalonewithoutthehelpofanadult
• 40stickers
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early Years
L’histoire de la vie,
du Big Bang jusqu’à toi
Notre histoire commence il y a très, très, très longtemps.
Il n’y a rien alors : ni la Terre, ni le Soleil, ni l’Univers.
Soudain, il y a 13,7 milliards d’années, une gigantesque explosion se produit.
L’Univers se crée… C’est parti !
La grande aventure de la vie racontée comme une histoire
dans un documentaire passionnant !
Key points
de la vie
du big bang jusqu’à toi
Bien plus tard, sur la toute petite planète Terre,
apparaîtront de minuscules bactéries, des animaux marins puis terrestres,
des reptiles, des plantes, des mammifères… et toi !
L’histoire de la vie
du big bang jusqu’à toi
Pursuing our ambition to make ‘Mes p’tits docs’ a
reference in children’s non-fiction, we have enriched
the series by adding the first encyclopaedias. In this
book, Stéphanie Ledu - who can be relied upon
L’histoire de la vie
produce those clear explanations, accessible to young
readers, which have characterized the series since
its beginnings - focuses on the story of Life, from the
Big Bang all the way to you! A bigger format and even
more pages.
by Stéphanie Ledu
ISBN : 978-2-7459-6346-8 13,50 €
• Anaffordablepriceforatitlethatrepresentsthefirstsmall
• StéphanieLedu’swritingstyle:well-paced,concise,clearand
• CarolineHüe’sverypersonalstyle:lively,fulloffun,idealasafirst
CVencycloVIE.indd 1-3
18/07/13 16:48
Technical specifications
Format: 240 x 210
Pages: 80
Retail price: 13,50 €
Age group: 3 and up
80 richly-illustrated pages with a concise, linear text - to be read like a story introduce the youngest readers to the history of Life on Earth. Fully illustrated
pages alternate with those featuring vignettes, to be read like little comic book
stories that are told with all the vitality of Caroline Hüe’s pen. Divided into 6
parts, the book leads us from the appearance of the very first forms of life on
Earth to out times, taking in the adventure of the dinosaurs, the evolution of
mammals, the advent of the first humans... What vestiges of that vast history can
we still observe today? Bringing a little learning to adult readers while remaining
accessible to the young, Stéphanie Ledu strives to make the links between past
and present tangible.
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Early Years
Mes années pourquoi
Key points
The Human Body
In 5 parts entitled ‘You and others’; ‘Being Alive’; ‘The Five Senses’; ‘Looking After Your
Body’ and ‘Health’, children discover words we use every day: parts of the body and related themes: the organs, teeth, minor illnesses, handicaps… but also different movements
and the emotions we can feel about others.
In 4 parts, we see different types of dinosaurs and their physical specificities, but also
the most familiar species, how they lived, what they ate, how they protected themselves
and reproduced. disappearance.
The Circus
In 4 big sections, the daily life of the circus and its artists: touring, the ‘Big Top’, the
professions, what goes on behind the scenes: the artists get ready to perform, grooming
and training the animals… In Part 3, a performance with the evening’s programme: the
magicians, jugglers, acrobats and clowns…
20 Titles Available
A Day in my life
The sea
Dinner’s Ready!
Planes and Rocket
Human Body
Prehistorical Time
Horses and Poneys
Le record des animaux
Technical Specifications
Format : 19,7 x 24 cm
Pages : 96
Retail price: 13 !
Age group : 3 and up
Rights Sold
Spain, Italy,
Hungary, China, Sweden,
Finland, Mexico (A.L), Russia,
• Picturebooksthatputtheemphasisonvisualimpact:recounting,
• Amultidisciplinaryapproachtosubjectsthatwillsparkoffyoung
• Contemporaryillustrations,originalviewpointsmakethepictures
• 5encyclopaedicdoublespreadsattheendofeachbook,adding
• Cross-referencesthatcreatelinksbetweenonepartofthebook
• Adoublepageattheendofeachsectionforself-assessment,giving
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Early Years
A Day in My Life
In 3 generous sections entitled Who Are You?, Where Do You Live? and What Do You Do?,
children will learn the words they can use every day to describe their world: body, home,
school, meal, washing themselves, town, countryside, holidays (sea, mountain…), zoo,
supermarket, hospital…
With five main sections, entitled ‘Life in the Middle Ages’ ; ‘Becoming a Knight’ ; ‘’Equipment’ ; ‘The Battles’ and ‘Leisure Time’, the child will discover the entire universe of the
knight: medieval society, castles, life in the Middle Ages.
Mes années pourquoi
After picture books and bilingual dictionaries,
Milan keeps expanding the “Mes années pourquoi”
range by offering a series of posters. A new original
object lesson, very graphic and educational - but also
modern and timeless - to accompany children along
the years.
L’étendard est un drapeau
sur lequel figurent les armes du seigneur.
Les voitures
L’échauguette est
accrochée à une tour.
Depuis ce lieu, un garde
surveille les environs.
Le chemin de ronde couvert
permet aux gardes de circuler
bien à l’abri.
1 La formule 1 est une voiture de course
5 Chaque écurie automobile a son stand
6 Le panneau est vert : le pilote a le droit
2 Attention, le pilote fait une sortie de piste
à l’entrée de la chicane !
2 La haute cour est la partie du château réservée
au seigneur et à ses proches.
3 La basse cour est ouverte aux paysans et aux artisans.
Ils y travaillent et y vivent.
4 Le donjon est la partie la plus protégée du château.
C’est là que vivent le seigneur, sa dame et ses proches
11 Le commissaire agite le drapeau à damier :
8 Le commissaire de piste agite son drapeau
de cette formule 1, c’est ce que l’on appelle
le talonnage.
Vite, les pilotes quittent le cockpit, et le service
de sécurité vient éteindre l’incendie.
la ligne d’arrivée. C’est le vainqueur
de la course : il a terminé les tours de circuit
en premier.
et précis. Il ne faut pas faire d’erreur, sinon
le pilote risque l’accident.
à l’entrée de la ligne droite.
1 Au Moyen Âge, au sommet des collines, trônent
de gigantesques forteresses de pierre : les châteaux forts.
Ils sont la propriété de riches seigneurs.
10 Le pilote lève les bras, il s’apprête à franchir
d’entrer au stand, la place est libre.
7 Les mécaniciens doivent être très rapides
3 La voiture jaune tente un dépassement
4 Des étincelles jaillissent à l’arrière
9 Deux voitures se sont percutées : c’est l’accident !
de mécaniciens. Pendant la course,
les pilotes font un arrêt pour changer de pneus.
très puissante. C’est une monoplace :
il n’y a qu’une place, celle du pilote.
La chapelle
est le lieu de culte
du seigneur.
la course est terminée !
avant la zone de l’accident pour prévenir
les autres pilotes.
5 La forge est le four dans lequel le forgeron travaille.
Le pilote et la voiture de rallye
6 Le puits est un trou creusé au fond duquel se trouve
l’eau nécessaire aux habitants.
7 Le potager est une parcelle de terre
sur laquelle les légumes sont cultivés.
Le chemin de ronde fait
tout le tour de la forteresse.
Le pilote conduit la voiture de course,
c’est un professionnel. Le copilote l’assiste
et le guide sur le parcours à effectuer.
Le hourd est recouvert
de bois. C’est un lieu
protégé pour les soldats
lors des batailles.
L’aileron placé
à l’arrière de la voiture
sert à la stabiliser.
La voiture de rallye est très légère
et rabaissée pour rouler plus vite. L’intérieur
est renforcé à l’aide de tubes en métal.
Les gants
permettent de bien
agripper le volant.
La cagoule se met
sous le casque.
L’arrière de la voiture
est vidé de ses sièges.
Pendant les courses,
interdiction de transporter
des passagers !
Les ceintures de sécurité
sont renforcées pour que
les pilotes ne soient pas éjectés
au moment des chocs.
La combinaison
est ignifugée :
elle protège du feu.
La herse, lourde
grille de fer, est
hissée pour laisser
entrer les visiteurs.
Le casque
préserve la tête
des chocs.
La barbacane
est une fortification
qui surmonte la porte
Le groupe sanguin, la nationalité
et le nom du pilote et de son coéquipier
sont indiqués sur la voiture en cas d’accident.
Les chaussures
sont souples
et résistent au feu.
Le tableau de bord
l’arrivée d’air
la bougie
Le volant tourne pour diriger
la voiture dans un sens ou dans l’autre.
La pédale de frein bloque
les roues et arrête la progression
de la voiture.
Le donjon
L’attaque du château
Un seigneur ennemi décide de s’emparer du château, de ses richesses
et de ses terres. Accompagné de ses troupes, il s’installe tout autour
de la forteresse pour en faire le siège. Ses soldats construisent des machines
de guerre et lancent l’assaut. Les chevaliers du château doivent faire preuve
le cylindre
Le moteur fait avancer la voiture.
Pour l’activer, il faut tourner la clé
de contact. Cela enclenche
le démarreur, qui fait tourner le moteur.
6 Titles Available
le piston
De l’air et du carburant sont alors
aspirés par le moteur. à l’ouverture
des soupapes, ils s’introduisent dans
les cylindres, où les pistons les compriment.
L’air et le carburant s’embrasent
grâce à l’étincelle créée par la bougie :
c’est la combustion. Ce phénomène
produit de l’énergie qui permet au moteur
de fonctionner sans l’aide du démarreur.
La chaîne de montage
Les remparts, murs épais,
résistent aux redoutables
machines des assaillants.
Les douves sont des fossés
remplis d’eau qui entourent
et protègent le château fort.
La boîte de vitesses
permet d’adapter la vitesse
des roues à celle du moteur.
Pour accélérer, on passe
à la vitesse supérieure.
Pour ralentir, on rétrograde
à la vitesse inférieure.
La pédale d’accélérateur
sert à faire varier la vitesse.
Plus le conducteur appuie
dessus, plus la voiture roule
à vive allure.
La meurtrière est
une ouverture à travers
laquelle les soldats glissent
des arbalètes ou des arcs.
de carburant
la soupape
Le niveau d’huile,
la jauge d’essence
et le compteur de vitesse
sont les instruments
de bord les plus
La clé de contact est indispensable
au démarrage. Il faut la tourner
pour enclencher le moteur.
La pédale d’embrayage
permet d’actionner le levier
de la boîte de vitesses.
La tour est une haute
construction en pierre.
Les pneus sont larges
pour mieux « coller »,
adhérer à la route.
Le moteur à essence
Le tableau de bord est le poste de commande
du pilote. Il y trouve toutes les manettes nécessaires
à la conduite de son véhicule.
Le pont-levis
est abaissé
au-dessus des douves ;
les gardes le relèvent
en cas d’attaque.
Les rouleaux de métal
sont coupés et travaillés
pour constituer la carrosserie.
1 Le beffroi est approché au plus
près des créneaux. Puis le pont-levis
situé à son sommet s’abaisse,
libérant des centaines d’archers.
de ruse pour résister aux assaillants. Flèches enflammées, marmites d’eau
bouillante, tonneaux remplis d’excréments… tout est mis en œuvre pour
repousser l’ennemi ! Les habitants du château se réfugient dans le donjon,
l’endroit le plus protégé de la forteresse.
La découpe des plaques donne forme
au véhicule. Portes, toit et capot sont
les parties principales du véhicule.
L’assemblage est l’étape
de soudure des éléments.
La peinture recouvre
ensuite chacune des parties
de la carrosserie.
Compter de 1 à 100
Château fort
La vérification est l’étape finale
de la fabrication. La voiture est inspectée
à l’extérieur comme à l’intérieur.
Une frise historique
2 Le mangonneau fonctionne
comme une fronde. Les soldats
tirent sur une corde pour
abaisser le contrepoids,
et le boulet est catapulté.
Les latrines
sont les toilettes
du château.
Les excréments
tombent en dehors
du donjon.
Cela empêche
la propagation
des maladies.
le fardier de Cugnot – 1770
3 Le bélier sert à enfoncer
les portes. Les soldats cachés
à l’intérieur font aller et venir
une poutre de bois terminée
par une tête de bouc.
la Benz Patent-Motorwagen – 1886
la Jeep – 1942
La Jamais Contente – 1899
la deux-chevaux – 1948
la Ford T – 1908
la DS – 1955
l’Austin Mini – 1959
la traction avant – 1934
la Twingo – 1992
Les voitures de légende
La chambre
du seigneur est
surveillée par
un garde.
Dans la grande salle,
le seigneur et ses proches
prennent leurs repas.
Grâce aux saltimbanques
et aux musiciens,
c’est un moment festif.
4 Le trébuchet sert à projeter
des boulets de pierre, comme
le mangonneau.
7 L’échelle d’assaut
permet aux ennemis de monter
jusqu’en haut des murailles.
5 La baliste fonctionne comme
une arbalète ; elle envoie
des flèches.
8 Le mantelet est un grand
bouclier derrière lequel
les soldats s’abritent.
6 L’eau bouillante est
déversée sur les assaillants.
9 L’arc permet de lancer
des flèches sur les soldats.
la Bugatti veyron
la Buick Sedanette
la Rolls-Royce Phantom VI
la Ferrari F40
Les habitants du château
la Porsche 911
la Ford Gran Torino
la Jaguar type E
l’Aston Martin DB4
Dans les cuisines,
le sanglier rôtit
dans la cheminée.
Oies, terrines,
potées et civets…
les repas sont
très copieux !
Le seigneur est
le propriétaire du château.
La dame est
l’épouse du seigneur.
Le héraut
colporte les nouvelles.
Le chapelain
est le prêtre.
Le saltimbanque
divertit le seigneur.
Le musicien
anime les repas.
Le chevalier
protège le seigneur.
aide le chevalier.
Le soldat
fait la guerre.
Le prisonnier est
enfermé dans le cachot.
Les réserves
de nourriture
sont entreposées
dans le cellier.
posterCHATEAUFORT.indd 1
La dame d’honneur
dirige les domestiques.
Le valet
sert le seigneur.
Le valet de chiens
participe aux chasses.
Le maître queux
est le chef cuisinier.
Le paysan
cultive les champs.
Le charpentier
construit des maisons.
Le forgeron
travaille le métal.
Le boulanger
fabrique du pain.
Le palefrenier
s’occupe des chevaux.
© 2013 éditions Milan. Illustrations de Cristian Turdera.
© 2013 éditions Milan. Illustrations de Julie Mercier.
Pour accéder à la porte
d’entrée, il faut emprunter
Technical Specifications
Format : 450 x 720 mm
Pages : 1
Retail price: 5,90 !
Age group : 3 and up
Les créneaux
surmontent les murailles.
Les soldats se cachent
derrière eux pour
se protéger.
Le fauconnier
dresse les faucons.
28/06/13 16:18
postervoiture.indd 1
28/06/13 15:33
Le château fort
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
Early Years
Le Derrière des Choses
A non-fiction series for children of 3 and up.
A large double spread with illustrations packed with
details and flaps to open.
The photos revealed when children lift the flaps
clarify and complete the information – their function
is realistic.
Key points
• Asurprisebookthathelpslittleonestounderstandtherealworld.
• Aframeworkforyoungmindsandemotions,withbeautifulphotos
• Asimpleandaccessibleconcept,presentedinahighlyoriginal
7 Titles Available
At the countryside
At the Zoo
Around the world
Vegetables Garden
At the Seashore
Baby Animals
Rights Sold
Spanish (Trade, Club)
Catalan, The Netherlands,
Technical Specifications
Format : 19,7 x 32,6 cm
Pages : 12 or 24
Retail Price : 10,50 !
Age group : 3 and up
7 titles available
A lively series of reference books for the very young,
that put the emphasis on interactivity and arousing
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
Early Years
Mon imagerie bilingue
An entirely visual bilingual picture book that aims
to become a reference for children and parents, and
schoolteachers of course!
Key points
• Apicturebookthatfocusesonvisualmemory
• Apicturebooksuitableforeveryagegroupandeverylanguagelevel
• Contemporaryillustrations,unclutteredpagesforclarityofimages
• Acontentspage,colourcodeandindexmakenavigationeasy
In sixteen themed parts, all the basic common nouns, adjectives and verbs in pictorial form, captioned in French and English with their article (where appropriate).
Readers can find any word they are looking for at a glance in an index at the back
of the book. Approximately eight words on each page leave plenty of space for
big, legible images, and the spacious layout makes the contents easy to view
so that readers will remember how the words are spelt. A book that children will
find useful from nursery to secondary school: 1000 words in English for primary
school level.The list of themes: first things we learn (numbers, colours, shapes,
bearings in space…), the human body, clothes, food, school, at home, in town,
places to visit, sport, transport, animals, nature, communication, jobs, music,
the world...
4 Titles available
Le visage - The face
les cils
le front
la tête
les cheveux
Rights Sold
le sourcil
le doigt
le ventre
le genou
le pied
le cou
le coude
la cuisse
les orteils
la joue
la main
le bras
les fesses
le mollet
le nez
le dos
China, Lebanon
Technical Specifications
From 5 and up
Format: 140 x 200 mm
Pages: 144
Retail Price: 13,50 €
les dents
le menton
la langue
la bouche
Le corps humain - The human body
Le corps - The body
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
early Years
Magnum photographic series
Books that explore basic concepts: numbers,
colours, opposites, etc. through images from famous
More than 40 coloured and black and white
photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Elliott Erwitt,
Martin Parr etc. to introduce children to the art
of photography.
Key points
• ThegreatestnamesfromtheMagnumAgencyhelpinglittleones
• Afirstandhighlyoriginalinitiationtotheartofphotography
Technical Specifications
Format: 225 x 230 mm
Pages: 96
Retail price: 14,95 !
Age group: 3 and up
Le petit monde d’Elliott Erwitt
In this picture book, Marie Houblon offers a new vision of youth as seen through the eyes
of the great photographer Elliott Erwitt. Funny, surprising and moving pictures are associated to verbs to think and stimulate imagination from 3 years up.
Technical Specifications
Format: 160 x 160 x 50 mm
A book of 22 pages
Cards of memory game
Retail price: 17,99 !
Age group: 3 and up
A memory book to learn how to look while having fun. Mon mémorimagier des chiens
includes 16 pictures taken by photographer Elliott Erwitt. The book comes with a 32-card
game, each of one picturing a detail of the chosen photo; the child has to recognise and
memorise these cards to assemble pairs.
Mon mémorimagier des chiens
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
Early Years
A new collection that offers a different approach
to the photo documentary!
Thanks to a large format that gives pride of place
to visuals, children from 3 to 6 will discover a set
of themes similar to those taught at nursery school.
A short explanatory text and games make the very
young active participants in the reading experience,
for greater understanding and memorisation
of the information presented.
Key Points
• Spectacularnon-fictionbooksatanaffordableprice
• Themesinspiredbynurseryschoolprogrammes
• Large-formatphotosforstrongvisualimpact
• Photosbigenoughtobeviewedbyoneormanychildren
• Apedagogicalmethodthataddressesthereaderdirectly
• Gamesmodelledonthoseusedatschool
Available titles
Available titles
From the egg to the hen
Who eats what?
Farm Animals
From the Earth to the Sky
Wolf who are you?
Animals Habitats?
Who Lives Where?
In this book, children will discover animals and their typical habitats. Who lives
in a hole? Who digs in the earth to make a home? Who hides on the ground? Who
lives in a nest? Who takes advantage of our homes? Who lives in a nice cool cave?
Who builds his nest on the river banks? Who lives in a shell?
Technical specifications
Format: 34 x 38,5 cm
Pages: 24
Retail price: 9,90 !
Age group: 3 and up
Wolf, who are you?
The wolf is frequently studied in nursery schools. In this book, the child can learn
the different characteristics of this cousin of the dog and its life as a hunter. Readers will also discover how the wolf marks its territory and communicates with
the other members of its pack which is just like a real family.
From one double page to the next, children will discover what the Earth is; how
far the sky extends; what the Sun, the stars and the Moon are; why the Moon
changes in appearance; how man first set foot on the Moon; whether it is possible to live in space; the planets of our solar system… and much more.
From Sky to Space
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
Early Years
Farm animals
Farm animals are studied in all nursery schools. From one double page to the
next, children will discover where and how cows, rabbits, ducks, hens and sheep
live; what their babies are called, and the males of the species; their physical
characteristics; their way of life; the reasons why they are bred in captivity…
From the Egg to the Hen
The hen, the egg and the chick are studied in all nursery schools. Double page
after double page, the young reader will discover what an egg is made of, how
the chick is born, how it feeds itself…
Who Eats What?
What animals eat, the difference between carnivores and herbivores, the food
chain… are studied in every school. Double page after double page, the young
reader will discover what kind of animal eats what sort of food, which are hunters, how they defend themselves, how balance is created in nature…
font-ils pour manger ?
À toi de
jouer !
Regarde les dents de ces animaux et devine ce qu’ils mangent : herbe ou viande ?
Comme l’homme, les animaux ont de très bons
outils pour manger : leurs dents !
Les animaux qui ne dévorent que de la viande
ont de longues dents très pointues : des crocs.
Ceux qui grignotent et croquent des herbes,
des fruits ou des fleurs ont des dents toutes
plates. Et ceux qui mangent de tout ?
Les dents longues et plates
de la marmotte.
Regarde les armes redoutables
du léopard.
Comme le cheval a de grandes
dents presque carrées !
As-tu reconnu les crocs
du loup ?
Les crocs pointus
et tranchants du chien.
L’ours a à la fois des dents
pointues et des dents plates…
Ils peuvent avoir les deux !
À chaque alimentation, ses dents !
Il existe trois groupes d’animaux, classés
selon ce qu’ils mangent : les carnivores,
les herbivores et les omnivores.
(La marmotte et le cheval grignotent de l’herbe dans les prés. Le léopard, le loup et le chien chassent les autres animaux
pour leur viande. L’ours mange des fruits et de la viande.)
Les crocs du lion sont
plus longs que ton pouce !
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
early Years
Big format
Technical Specifications
Format: 220 x 200 mm
Pages: 184, 96
Retail price: 19,90e or 13,90e
Age group: 3 and up
Board-books format
Technical Specifications
Format: 155 x 160 mm
Pages: 184
Retail price: 19,90!
Age group: 3 and up
Rights Sold
Brazil, English (World)
Technical Specifications
Format: 220 x 200 mm
Pages: 48
Retail price: 11,50 !
Age group: 3 and up
Available Titles
It isn’t the Same
Let’s Count
The Body
Picture Books core series
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
Early Years
Ouvre l’œil
A series of quality picture books for tiny-tots
from 3 up.
An amazing new way to learn all about animals,
to play and discover at the same time.
They provide the opportunity for parents to play
a “question and answer” game with toddlers:
Who has stripes? Who has spots? etc.
You have to lift up the flaps to see the answer!
Older children will find added information to help
them learn while having fun.
Books that are both interactive and entertaining!
Key points
• Eachpagebringsanewsurprisethankstotheflaps:
• Alivelyandclearly-expressedtextonthebackofeachflapprovides
• Full-pagephotos-surprising,funnyortender,willdelighttheyoung
Available Titles
A selection of animals with especially astonishing mouths.
14 Titles Available
Fur and Feathers
Animals from Behind
Amazing Plants
Feet and Footprints
Nests and Hiding Places
Baby Animals
Fruits and Vegetables
Animal droppings
Incredible Vegetables
Print and Trails
Prints and Trails
24 easily recognisable or surprising footprints.
Feathers or Fur
Everything you need to know about animals’ fur, feathers
and scales!
Where is the animal hiding in the countryside? A little zoom will help you locate it!
Rights Sold
Italy, Germany
Spain (Spanish, Catalan),
Latin America, Usa,
The Netherlands, Slovenia,
Lift up the flap and find out who’s looking at you
This time, you have to recognize the animal’s backside: not always so easy, but lots of
laughs guaranteed!
Animals from Behind
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet
Early Years
Amazing Plants
The reader is invited to recognize plants in a close-up photo.
An opportunity to discover the vegetable world and marvel at its beauty!
Feet and Footprints
Here, you have to recognize the animal by looking at its tracks: not always so easy, but
lots of laughs guaranteed!
Nests and Hiding Places
Nests, dens and other hiding places are in the spotlight here: so guess who lives here?
Baby Animals
The theme here is baby animals, always a favourite with veryyoung readers.
Delicious Fruits
The reader is invited to recognize the fruit in a close-up photo.
Rediscover familiar foods in nature and marvel at their beauty!
Animal Droppings
Droppings, a subject greatly appreciated by the young,are in the spotlight here: so what
animal left this behind?
Incredible Vegetables
24 vegetables were selected among those children know best, and those whose details
can be most surprising: garden peas, leeks, corn, radishes, peppers, runner beans...
Technical Specifications
Format: 21 x 21 cm
Pages: 24 + Flaps
Retail price: 12 !
Age Group: 3 and up
Bayard Group
Press - Publishing - Internet