Winter - Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh


Winter - Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Winter 2009
St. Benedict Monastery
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
From the Prioress
By: Sister Benita DeMatteis, OSB
Fidelity, faithfulness, and commitment do not get much
reinforcement in our society or media. We’re more likely to
find articles encouraging spontaneity or a readiness to try
something new - often at the expense of a prior obligation
or promise.
I realize how fortunate I have been to be surrounded by examples of faithfulness
all my life. My mother adhered firmly and devotedly to us and to the needs of our
family for 64 years. She showed us that faithfulness does not know weariness.
Monastic life is also grounded in commitment and faithfulness. Underlying the
three vows we take is one commitment. The promise we sign at the altar is one
promise: a promise to commit one’s entire being to the life God has given (stability),
to change and grow in grace in this life (conversatio), according to the demands
and limits this life brings (obedience). Faithfulness is a spiritual guard that forces us
to stop running in order to encounter God, self, and others right now, right here.
Beyond the challenging and sometimes painful process of growth in a relationship,
there is the tedium of stability. One wakes up in a marriage to the same face, year
after year. There are the little habits and quirks that never seem to go away. And
it is tedium, found in the daily round of monastic prayer, rising at the same early
time every morning, sharing meals and recreation with the same people week in
and week out, and always in the same place or keeping a household going, that
forces us to stop running away so that we may find God in the here and now.
Both the marriage bond and monastic vows involve commitment and faithfulness
to years of difficult, often painful learning. Neither guarantees automatic peace of
mind. But each gives a firm foundation in which to enter into the inevitable difficulties
of growth, for we know that growth will indeed come through commitment.
“Never swerving from his instructions, then, but faithfully observing his teaching
in the monastery until death, we shall through patience share in the sufferings of
Christ that we may deserve also to share in his kingdom.” (RB Prologue)
St. Benedict spoke of progress in monastic life as a progress in faith. Faith means
something more than belief. It is steadfastness through the ups and downs of life
and our psychological responses to life. This is the sense St. Benedict has of the
word when he says the monk is a “man of faith.” The monastic is a person who is
faithful to the journey she has begun to follow. She is committed to that openness
which is a progression from the limitations of self into the limitless life of God.
Faithfulness to prayer bolsters us in hard times. Our prayer is a mirror of our life.
Commitment happens on a daily basis. It is something we grow into. On our
Profession day, we profess our vows to live a life of dedication to God, but each and
every day, we make a conscious decision again and again to live with faithfulness.
Commitment is being at home within ourselves. Whatever we do we do for a
purpose larger than ourselves.
The faithfulness of each of you, our friends and benefactors who have blessed
us so abundantly throughout this past year, is such an inspiration. Thank you for
the many ways in which you bless the lives of our Sisters and our ministries.
Mary, who lived faithfulness to its fullness holds our hand and leads us to Jesus,
our hope. One step at a time we can make small daily differences which, over time,
add up to big differences. This is faithfulness.
We are the
Benedictine Sisters
of Pittsburgh,
continuing 1500 years
of seeking God in
and Ministry.
BENEDICTINES is a publication of the
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh, PA
for families, friends and benefactors
of the Community.
Editor: Sister Judith Ann Criner, OSB
Editorial Board:
Sisters Susanne Chenot,
Dolores Conley,
Benita DeMatteis,
Evelyn Dettling,
Susan Merrie English,
Michelle Farabaugh,
Shelly Farabaugh,
Barbara Helder,
Kathleen Mack,
Michael Mack,
Elizabeth Matz,
Judith Nero,
Bridget Reilly,
Mary Catherine Stana,
Mary Damian Thaner,
Jeanne Ubinger,
Barbara Jayne Vopat
St. Benedict Monastery
4530 Perrysville Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15229-2296
Phone: 412-931-2844
Fax: 412-931-8970
Email: [email protected]
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Mark Your Calendar For:
Paul’s life as Gospel: Speaker is Mary Ann Getty Sullivan
March 14, 2009
April 18, 2009
Don Guergen, O.P. – Topic: Spirituality
June 21-27, 2009
Sisters Georgine Schweers, Nancy Booth, Janet Barnicle
July 4, 2009
July 31 – August 2, 2009
3:00 Vespers for
Sisters Elizabeth Matz &
Mary Edward Skovran
October 24, 2009
Table of Contents
Faithfulness:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Does It Have a Place in the 21st Century
Monastic Seekers Today.
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Focus On: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sisters Judith Nero and Mary Edward Skovran
SBA Class of 1958 Reunion
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Gifts of Sisters Eleanor Easly, . .
Ludmilla Rojik and Claudia Kunzler
Wish List
We are making our dining room more attractive
and comfortable since it is the second place where
we spend most of our time together as community
– the first being the Chapel. To assist us in our
endeavors, donations are needed for:
■ New dining room chairs
■ Replacement of our “burning out” serving
area with an area for hot and cold service.
■ A commercial soft serve ice cream machine
Mount and Missions .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Archival Echoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Faithfulness Through the Years
Prayers of Gratitude .
. . . . .
SBA Alumna Made University President .
The Gifts of 2007-2008
Needs for other areas of the Monastery are:
■ Digital TVs for the healthcare rooms in
Maurus Hall (rooms for our Sisters who
need some special care)
■ Large screen TV for the Community Room
so that our sight impaired sisters can see it.
■ DVD unit for the Community to utilize
■ 17” x 28” baking trays for the Bakery
■ Baking Rack to hold baking trays
. . . . . . . . .
Our Blessings for 2007-2008 .
Donor Honor Roll
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please remember the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh in your will and estate planning.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Does It Have a Place in the 21st Century
By: Sister Shelly Farabaugh, OSB
Toward the end of the year, often people
stop to evaluate their lives. Where am I going?
Is my career successful in the way I had hoped?
Are there relationships in my life that I need
to evaluate? Am I happy? The last question
is often the hardest since our definition of
happiness changes with each age and era.
Abraham Lincoln said: “People are about as happy
as they make up their mind to be.” When I was younger,
I hated that quote because it made me responsible for
something that I wanted to fall out of the sky and
land on my head. Does this mean I might have some
choice if I am unhappy in my life? And what is it that
contributes to happiness? People who use drugs might
say happiness means having no pain. Some people
might say happiness comes from getting what you want
for yourself and others. There was a recent movie
called “The Pursuit of Happyness” where a man lost
everything and continued to be an example of hope for
his son. He was not destroyed by adversity but took
the challenges that presented themselves and worked
hard to transform his life in order to be a good father
and example for his son.
As Benedictine monastics, we take a vow that used
to be called Conversion of Morals. Now it is more
appropriately called “Conversion according to the
monastic way of life.” That means that we never stop
trying to grow and learn. We never arrive at the end
Sisters at prayer in the original Monastery Chapel in Ross Township, PA.
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
As Benedictine monastics, we take a vow that used to be called
Conversion of Morals. Now it is more appropriately called
“Conversion according to the monastic way of life.”
“I baptize you…”
(Left to right) Sister Michelle Farabaugh and Sister
Barbara Jayne Vopat participate in the Rite of Entrance
to the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh.
point until we die. To be open to change, to let go
of our opinions, to let someone else do it their way
(when we think that our way is better) can be very
difficult – yet that is what this vow means. It calls us
to allow ourselves to be transformed by the life that
God presents to us. We are called to be faithful in
our pursuit of a higher good and to be transformed
by the journey.
Now some of you might say, but that is what I
do and I have never taken the vow of Conversion
of Life. You may have been baptized, formally or
informally, and you have chosen to allow your life to
be directed by something greater than yourself and
your own appetites and wants. As religious people by
our Baptism, as spiritual people by our commitment in
our lives, as Benedictines by our vow, we have decided
to allow the glory of God to be alive in us and to share
it with others. So how is this really important? We
are talking about fidelity to the song God placed in
our lives and hearts. A real meaning of happiness is
accepting things as they are and not just as we would
want them – to be different or to be smoother or to
be my way.
We are really talking about happiness that comes
from fidelity. Fidelity has synonyms like loyalty,
devotion, and piety. Fidelity means faithfulness to
something to which one is bound by pledge or duty.
And most especially, loyalty indicates faithfulness
Sister Susanne Chenot renews her profession as a Benedictine Sister of Pittsburgh
on the occasion of her 50th Anniversary.
in the face of temptation to renounce, betray, or desert
the process of being transformed by fidelity.
We live in a time of “seeking the easier way”, “what’s
the least I can do?”, and “that is too much trouble.”
I dare say transformation and fidelity have lost their
importance for many people in their pursuit of happiness.
Psalm 1 talks about the way to happiness which is
clinging to God’s way. The second chapter of Sirach
also spells out the process of fidelity:
“My child, when you come to serve the LORD,
prepare yourself for trials.
Be sincere of heart and steadfast,
undisturbed in time of adversity.
Cling to him, forsake him not;
thus will your future be great.
Accept whatever befalls you,
in crushing misfortune be patient;
for in fire gold is tested…”
(Sirach 2: 1-3)
As Benedictines, as Christians, as people of faith and
spirit, we are called to fidelity in the search for God in
our lives and in our world. If that search is a time of trial
for you, remember that others are journeying along with
you and can be a support and help in your transformation.
We need Conversion and Fidelity and Loyalty to be
pilgrims together on the way to true happiness.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Seekers Today
By: Sister Evelyn Dettling, OSB
In the Holy Rule, St. Benedict says: “The concern
must be whether the novice truly seeks God and shows
eagerness for the work of God, for obedience and
for trials.” This good zeal comes from a heart truly
motivated by love, a love that overflows in peace and
joy in the daily observance of the Rule. This is the
benchmark for an authentic monastic vocation. In
today’s world, there are people who still find this ageold injunction “to seek God in prayer and in service”
a compelling invitation.
A recent conversation with several women who are
interested in becoming vowed members of our monastic
community, made clear that this focus of St. Benedict
on seeking God, on obedience and loving service, on
remaining steadfast even in difficult situations is at
the heart of their attraction to religious life. Each
responded in her own way to the question, “Why are
you interested in monastic life?”
One woman said:
I came to the monastery because I wanted to seek
God in a deeper way and to discover ways to serve
God in and through others. I wanted to do this every
day, not just as a volunteer in my parish. I enjoyed my
career in the business world but found that it became
shallow and meaningless. I felt I was being called to
more. As I listened to the Spirit of God in prayer and
through those around me, I realized I desired a way
of life that would encompass my very being. I wanted
to live in community, to be engaged in communal
prayer from which would flow a ministry of service
to others. Each day I seek to continue on my journey
in seeking God in the present moment. Even though
this is not always easy, I witness the peace and joy of
those older sisters who have struggled faithfully to
live this life for many years, and I am at peace.
The front entrance of St. Benedict Monastery
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
“Let all, therefore, follow the
Rule in all things as their guide,
and from it let no one rashly
turn aside. Let no one in the
Monastery follow the will of her
own heart: nor let anyone presume
insolently to contend with her
Prioress, either within or without
the Monastery.”
Saints Benedict and Scholastica
(Original clay sculpture by Sr. Dolores Conley, OSB)
Benedictine spirituality teaches us that life in
Community is Christ-o-centric. The Prioress is
to represent Christ to her Community.
Another stated:
Women today live in a climate of radical change.
Our culture has slowly begun the hard work of
unveiling past structures and mindsets in order to
face the deep truths that set us free to claim our true
energy and become who we truly are. Religious life is
a viable, intentional path for seeking our inner soul.
We are looking to connect with our truest self, our
deepest identity that unites us with God. We want to
join our mission, our ministry, our cause with the
cause of all creation, with God. We can do this only
in the framework of sacred relationships. By living in
community, by sharing communal prayer and life’s
deep mysteries, we become one with each other, one
with creation, and one with God. Religious life is not
so much an answer to the mysteries of life, as the
road that leads to the fullness of life. The closer we
get, the more we see that we have been there all
along. The journey of monastic life is about learning
to know and trust ourselves, each other, and God.
A third woman who has been a vowed member of an
apostolic community for a number of years and now
wants to transfer to a monastic community noted:
I found here at St. Benedict Monastery a strong
commitment to living a vital, faithful, and meaningful
community life. The sisters treat each other with
reverence and help one another with mutual respect.
(Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 3
Fidelity to communal prayer, religious traditions and
customs like standing in “statio” on major feasts and
processing into chapel as a total community have
touched my heart. This supportive atmosphere and
common prayer have enabled me to minister wholeheartedly to people in need. Each day, I feel more at
home, more able to be myself within the community
working, playing, and praying together.
When asked about the challenges of living monastic
life today, all three women agreed that maintaining a
balance among prayer, ministry, and leisure is at the
head of the list. They mentioned that living simply
takes insight and determination to distinguish their
real needs from their wants and desires. For each of
them, there is a need for patience with the process of
incorporation. To grow into a community of friends
and disciples and attain a true sense of belonging and
“at homeness” takes time.
The spontaneous and unrehearsed answers of
these women support the findings of researchers like
Patrice J. Tuohy who states that women are drawn to
religious life today for an in-depth prayer life, immersion
in community, and meaningful service to God’s people.
Today’s vocation directors and discerners prove that
the wisdom of Benedict in the 6th century is still true,
viable and meaningful in our post-modern world.
“The concern must be whether the novice truly
seeks God and shows eagerness for the work of God,
for obedience and for trials.”
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Focus On: Sisters Judith Nero and Mary Edward Skovran
Sisters Susanne Chenot and Michael Mack, OSB
Sr. Judith Nero, OSB
Sister Judith Nero was born in
Canton, Ohio, of Italian immigrant
parents, Cipriano and Santella. She
was raised with her sister Jean and
received her education in both the
public and Catholic schools. As she
became acquainted with the Benedictine Sisters in her
parish, she had the desire to enter the Community
after the 8th grade, but due to her mother’s long term
illness, she deferred to her father’s wish that she stay
home and help with her care.
Following high school and work in the business field,
Sr. Judith did enter the community. Her experiences
were, and still are, ones in which she has used her
creativity. As she puts it: “Perhaps what is typical
of my years in ministry is my readiness to take on
Sister Mary Edward Skovran, OSB
Sister Mary Edward Skovran has called Pittsburgh
home from the early 1920’s when her parents immigrated
to America with 5 children. Eventually 5 more children
were born. To be even more specific, she grew up on
the North Side and attended St. Mary School which was
staffed by the Benedictine Sisters. Her high school
education was at St. Benedict Academy. “To become
Benedictine was a whole lifetime experience. Their
examples led me to listen for the call from God.” Now
this is not so unusual when we learn that her mother
was a Benedictine Oblate and an older sister, Sister
Andrea, entered the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
ten years before Mary Edward did.
Education, as a teacher and principal, was her main
ministry in Pennsylvania and Ohio for most of her years
in Community. After those years in education, there were
other ministries; and to name a couple, she worked at
an Adult Day Care Center, in the Nutrition Center at
a Senior Citizens Center, and as a volunteer in an
elementary school. Recently, Sister was granted the
opportunity to “retire”. She enjoys the time that she
new ventures, the ability to adjust and adapt to new
circumstances, applying education, formation and
experience in pastoral ministry to new situations.”
Sr. Judith is one woman who has the talent to “think
outside the box”! She has been teacher, Parish Social
Ministry, DRE, Pastoral Care Associate, Campus
Minister, Coordinator of Elderly Services for Catholic
Charities, Community Vocation Director, and more.
What keeps Sister Judith faithful? Judith states that
experiencing the fidelity and constancy of family, sisters
in community and others enables her to be faithful. She
remembers the promise of the presence of God when
the going gets rough: “I will be with you always”, and
“I can do all things in God who strengthens me.”
Regarding the future of the community, Sister Judith
hopes that we embrace the world, not afraid of adjusting
to new circumstances, addressing new challenges to
continue this way of life known as Benedictine.
now has for herself and remains a
vibrant, full of life, willing to help,
and always smiling member of
So what keeps Sr. Mary Edward
Skovran faithful to her Benedictine
commitment? “The grace of God;
Community living and prayer; the
companionship of my Sisters and their acceptance and
affirmation of who I am and what I do” is her unhesitant
response. And when it gets a little rough, what keeps
her steady? With her beautiful smile, she states: “Simply
placing all in the hands of God. Smile and be happy;
help others in need; spread God’s love to others.”
Speaking about faithfulness, Sr. Mary Edward will
be celebrating her 60th Anniversary in Religious Life
in 2009! Her hopes for the future of the Community
are that “… the Community remains a spirited one
with the Sisters involved in the ministries of the time
that give witness to the love of God. Above all, the
Sisters should be a witness and/or advocates for those
in need. Work for PEACE here and now for
the entire world.”
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
SBA Class of 1958 Reunion
By: Sr. Judith Ann Criner, OSB
The SBA Class of 1958 joined the Benedictine Sisters for Morning Praise
and Eucharistic Liturgy as a part of their 50th Reunion celebration.
The picture collage shows them celebrating with one another as well as with former
teachers and other members of the Monastic Community that supported them during
their years “on the Mount”.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
The Gifts of
Sisters Eleanor Easly, Ludmilla Rojik and Claudia Kunzler
By: Sisters Elizabeth Matz and Judith Ann Criner, OSB
God called three of our Sisters one by one to come to their eternal home.
Sister Eleanor Easly, OSB
Sister Ludmilla Rojik, OSB
Sister Claudia Kunzler, OSB
Sister Eleanor Easly, OSB
Sister Ludmilla Rojik, OSB
Sister Eleanor Easly’s gracious gentleness was conveyed
to the hundreds of young children she educated. Through
her many years as an educator, Sister Eleanor’s deep
love of the Eucharist became an example for the little
children as she prepared them for First Holy Communion.
You could readily see Sr. Eleanor’s love for her students
as they would surround her with their bright, eager
faces. Sister said that it was a “toss up” as to who
benefited the most in her classroom – the children in
their pursuit of learning or Sr. Eleanor as she received
their warmth and love.
Sister Eleanor was a faithful presence at the Divine
Office and Eucharist, the love of her life. She participated
in all of the prayer times of the community even when
it became difficult for her. The rhythm of prayer was
an important part of Sr. Eleanor’s life.
The gift of laughter was an important part of Sister’s
make-up. Whether it was her hearty laugh when she won
a round of pinochle or her appreciation of something
humorous, Eleanor had an infectious laugh and smile.
The members of the Community would delight in any
visit of “Agnes” at our many community gatherings.
This was a time when Sister Eleanor (the former Agnes
Easly) would regale the community with stories, jokes
and quips while attired in her “Agnes” dress and finery.
Sister Eleanor went to our gracious God on July 9,
2008. May she live in peace.
Sister Ludmilla Rojik heard the words of the Prophet
Isaiah “…with divine recompense God comes to save
you…” Sister’s long life of 101 years was a witness to
the fullness of fidelity, abiding friendship, reverence for
the young and the old. Throughout her 83 years of
monastic life, she spent much time in front of the Blessed
Sacrament praying Divine Office, attending Eucharistic
Liturgy and quietly reading or praying the rosary.
Her love of all was evident, particularly during
her years of ministry. Sister taught for 53 years in the
elementary schools of the Pittsburgh and Greensburg
dioceses. After caring for her elderly mother, Sr. Ludmilla
came home to the Monastery to continue to serve her
Monastic family in a variety of ways.
Sister Ludmilla appreciated the monastic value of
stewardship. Later years would find her beautifying
special nooks of the Monastery. Sr. Ludmilla really
enjoyed caring for plants. Her “green thumb” could
make a “stick” take on lush foliage. She also had
an artistic bent that was expressed in her crocheting
projects. Many an infant wore the delicate creations
that her crochet hook had produced.
Like Sr. Eleanor, Sr. Ludmilla had a lively sense of
humor. With a perfectly straight face and a twinkle in
her eye, she would share a quip that made one truly
appreciate her and her insight into a situation.
Sister Ludmilla followed the call of the Guardian
Angels on October 2, 2008. May she sing with the
angels on High.
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Sister Claudia Kunzler, OSB
Following a brief hospital stay, Sister Claudia
Kunzler returned to her heavenly Father on
October 27, 2008.
Sister was one of three sisters who entered the
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh. She was preceded
in death by Sister Anna Marie Kunzler. Sister Carolyn
Kunzler continues to reside at the Monastery.
When asked about why she entered the Benedictine
Sisters of Pittsburgh, Sister Claudia responded, “For
me, the best way I could fulfill my Baptismal call to
know, love and serve God, was to give myself totally
to God through my vowed life as a Benedictine Sister.”
During her 61 years of Monastic life, she spent as
much time as possible in quiet prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament. Sister Claudia had great devotion
to the Blessed Virgin. The rosary was an important
part of her personal prayer life.
Ministry to others was also very important to
Sr. Claudia. For 55 years, she educated primary
children in the Dioceses of Pittsburgh, Greensburg
and Altoona-Johnstown. One of the “best” parts of
her teaching experience was the preparation of second
graders for their First Holy Communion. Sr. Claudia
felt deeply honored to assist these little ones in coming
“to the Table of the Lord”. One of her pastors, Fr. Ted
Maida, said of her, “No matter what Sister Claudia
does in the classroom, her love for God radiates
through her example and teaching.” Sister Claudia was
a recipient of the Golden Apple Award in recognition
for her contributions to teaching excellence.
Following her teaching ministry, Sister Claudia
served as Nutrition Director at the Benedictine Senior
Center. She also became a beloved member of the
Life Pittsburgh Program during her later years.
The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh continue to
miss Sr. Claudia’s winning smile and her witness of
unwavering dedication to God.
SBA Alumna Made
University President
By: Sister Jeanne Ubinger, OSB
Helen Zaremsky Sobehart, SBA Class of 1966,
who had been Associate Provost and Associate
Academic Vice President at Duquesne University,
was chosen in May, 2008, to become the first
lay president of Cardinal Stritch University in
Milwaukee, WI.
Cardinal Stritch University is a Franciscan
University, founded in 1937 by the Franciscan
Sisters of Milwaukee.
Helen attended Saint Benedict Academy and
graduated in 1966. Following graduation, she
earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree at Slippery Rock
University. She went on for a Masters Degree at
Duquesne University, and holds a Doctorate of Arts
Degree from Carnegie Mellon University.
Dr. Sobehart is a nationally and internationally
known speaker and writer. She is devoted to
community involvement and public service, having
served on boards focusing on the homeless, minority
scholarships and foster children and women in
educational leadership.
Helen is married to Joseph Sobehart and they
have two grown children and a grandson.
We are proud to applaud this alumna.
“For me, the best way I could fulfill my
Baptismal call to know, love and serve God,
was to give myself totally to God through
my vowed life as a Benedictine Sister.”
Sister Claudia Kunzler, OSB
Dr. Helen Sobehart, SBA 1966, is shown wearing the hood and
holding the staff at her ceremony of installation as the newly
appointed President of Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, WI.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
a Certificate of Achievement from the County’s Area Agency
on Aging in recognition of 100% compliance with the Senior
Community Center Validation Process.
Sr. Audrey Quinn recently had her picture in the paper as
the Director of the Salvation Army Service Center for Greene
County. Sisters Audrey and Susan Fazzini have long been
involved in serving the needy of Greene County through a
variety of volunteer projects.
Sr. Barbara Helder, our community secretary and liturgist,
can be found in her office these days continuing to create
beautiful and meaningful prayer services or printing out the
worship aides in the print shop. Her creative writing talents
continue to bless the community and guests.
Following Their Call
By: Sister Susan Merrie English, OSB
Here on the Mount, our Sisters continue to faithfully serve
God through their ministries. Even though the ministries
vary, the mission is always the same – to seek conversion
of life in all humility through their daily work of service
to others. In this column, we recognize both the ordinary
and extraordinary events that lead to the conversion of
life or “conversio morum” in the daily lives and ministries
of the Sisters.
The Benedictine Senior Center received a “face lift” with new
carpeting and freshly painted walls thanks to a bequest from a
former member, Ann Rose Smith. Sr. Evelyn Dettling, who
served lovingly as the community subprioress for the past ten
years, is now the new Director of the Center. Sr. Mary Agnes
Gmuer, who served as the procurator/building manager in
charge of housekeeping and maintenance for the past seventeen
years, is developing new talents as the Secretary of the Center.
Sr. Corinne Moeller sadly relinquished her job at the local food
bank to return to the Center as the Information and Referral
contact. Sr. Norma Weigand transferred her culinary skills from
Meals on Wheels to the Nutrition Center where she organizes
and distributes meals to the seniors. These three Sisters join with
Sr. Georgine Schweers, Finance Director, and Srs. Valeria
Osterrieder and Mary Kay Easly, loyal volunteers, as they
carry out their respective ministries. The Center recently received
Sr. Barbara Jayne Vopat led a pilgrimage to the Holy Land
with Fr. Dan Begin in December. The trip is a fundraiser for
the community.
Sr. Benita DeMatteis, our new prioress, and Sr. Michael Mack,
our new treasurer, attended NATRI (National Association of
Treasurers of Religious Institutes) in Denver from November 17 to
November 21. Even though this was their first NATRI meeting
in their new monastic leadership roles, this was actually the last
NATRI meeting as NATRI is merging with the Legal Resource
Center for Religious. The new organization will be called the
Resource Center for Religious Institutes. Dan Ward, OSB, will
be the Executive Director.
Sr. Bridget Reilly was an adult leader at a Kairos Retreat for
Juniors and Seniors at Quigley Catholic High School this past
Fall. She led a meditation on the Challenge of Christ. During
the retreat, the students developed a deeper understanding of
Christ, of others and of themselves that will help them grow
into mature adults.
Sr. Donna Wojtyna was busy making baskets for her Christmas
orders in December. Sr. Donna will be offering more basketry
classes, workshops and retreats in the spring as well as sculpture
classes. Both beginner and experienced artisans are welcome.
Call the Monastery at 412-931-2844 for more information.
Sister Jeanne Ubinger went to Milwaukee to attend the
Inauguration of Dr. Helen (Zaremsky) Sobehart ’66 as president
of Cardinal Stritch University. (Sister Jeanne attended Cardinal
Stritch and graduated with a Masters Degree in Special Education
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
in 1973.) This event gave Sister an opportunity to meet with
many friends from the past as well as attend a beautiful Mass,
a wonderful ceremony, and a delightful dinner with excellent
Sr. Joann Hothersall accepted a position as counselor at
Mercy Behavior Health – Ross Center. Sister is working with
mentally challenged adults. Currently the center has 35 clients.
She feels blessed and is learning how to live and love God to
the fullest through this ministry.
Sr. Karen Brink, principal at St. Teresa of Avila School is proud
to report that her students teamed up with the children served
by our Benedictine mission in Greene County and provided
150 pairs of new athletic shoes and 50 pairs of flip flops as
well as a donation of $1300.00 for shoes for needy children.
In addition, during Advent, the students will donate new
scarves, hats and mittens or cash for Christmas gifts for children
in Greene County. Srs. Susan Fazzini and Audrey Quinn are
the directors of the Greene County mission. Sr. Karen recently
trained as a facilitator for the Protecting God's Children
Program for the Diocese of Pittsburgh. This program is a
workshop in which all adults who work with children in any
church related capacity must participate.
Sr. Lucille Snyder, who recently returned from care-giving for
her mother in Florida, and Sr. Monica Silan, who recently retired
as secretary of the Senior Center, have both taken on a new
ministry as weekday portresses. The Portress is the person who
greets visitors at the front door of the monastery. In addition,
Sr. Lucille continues to care for her 100 year old mother who
is now living at the Monastery.
Sr. Marcia Koluder keeps herself busy making crafts for the
gift shop. She is assisted by Sr. Catherine Murphy. Anyone
looking for a miscellaneous button, ribbon, or scrap of fabric
can usually find it in their cheery workroom.
Sr. Mary Damian Thaner volunteered to lead Bible Reading
as one of the regular activities at Life Pittsburgh starting last
November. Life Pittsburgh is an organization sponsored by
Allegheny County Department for the Aging and advocates
independent living for the elderly. Sister has enjoyed responding
to some of the challenging questions posed by the group
participants. Sister Mary Damian and Sister Judith Ann
Criner attended a community meeting at the Divine Providence
Motherhouse to answer questions regarding the Life Pittsburgh
program. The Divine Providence community was hosting an
informational meeting as they considered options for their
senior sisters.
Sr. Mary Edward Skovran has taken on the ministry of
prayer for the community. She includes all those in active
ministries, the sick, and all those who “are in between.” Since
her “retirement” from “outside” ministry she has enjoyed
extra time to be in chapel with the Lord. Sister keeps busy
with exercise classes, helping with daily chores in the dining
room, working on her jigsaw puzzles and creating a family
tree. She reports that God has blessed her with many happy
years in this Benedictine Community
Sisters Nancy Booth and Judith Nero accepted the invitation
of Saint Benedict Church in Canton, Ohio, to attend their
85th anniversary celebration on November 9 at an 11 AM
Mass followed by a dinner in the church hall. The parish also
invited Sister Elizabeth Matz and Sister Evelyn Dettling
who were unable to attend. These four Sisters entered the
Benedictine community from that parish. Srs. Nancy and Judith
enjoyed seeing the recent renovations, getting reacquainted
with old friends, and being remembered by past students.
Sr. Judith was delighted to find her own 8th grade graduation
picture hanging among the photo displays!
Sr. Rosalyn Soller, novice director, and Sr. Linda Larkman,
novice attended the Benedictine Eastern Formation Conference
in Bristow, Virginia, last October. The main speaker was
Sr. Judith Heble, OSB, and the discussions centered on the
meaning of Benedictine Life. Both Sisters felt it was a meaningful
experience well worth the time and travel.
Sr. Shelly Farabaugh recently received a promotion at work.
She is now Clinical Manager for Behavioral Health Services
for UPMC Health Plan. This gives Sr. Shelly the opportunity to
help both members and providers get the care needed for
Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services. UPMC recently
integrated the management of physical health, mental health
and substance abuse care in order to more effectively serve
the whole person. Sr. Shelly was also appointed to the Board
for HEARTH and serves on the Program Committee where she
helps the women and children at Benedictine Place achieve
their goals for successful transition to permanent housing and
identify barriers that might impede their goals.
Sr. Susan Merrie English is preparing to teach in the new
Professional Coach Certification Program being offered at
Duquesne University starting in April. The classes are being offered
through the School of Leadership and Professional Advancement.
For more information go to
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Faithfulness Through the Years
By: Sister Kathleen Mack, OSB
It is the Monastic woman’s belief that “to be faithful
through the years” means that she must walk the path
that Jesus walked. This does not mean simply to know
how to pray, or to suffer, or to teach religion. It is the
ability to bring a loving touch of concern to those
with whom we are working. As monastic women, we
learn early in our religious lives to bring God into our
dealings with others.
As I was thinking about this article and the theme,
Faithfulness, I received a letter from a former student
sharing with me a thesis she wrote while attending
John Carroll University. The theme of the thesis was
about religious women who were certainly spiritual
women but also were human beings. She used as her
models, St. Therese of Lisieux and Dorothy Day. These
two women she says lived the ups and downs of daily
life in a spiritual manner. They succeeded in capturing
and sharing their religious experiences with others.
In her letter to me, she states that “these were holy
women… of whom I consider you one…” and she
continues…”you have been such a mentor to women
who strive to be righteous. I often think about the
powerful demeanor you convey through such a
peaceful manner. You were touchable yet always
respected. You accomplished so much, changed lives,
and taught us all to believe in God and in ourselves.
A Benedictine Sister of Pittsburgh with her class – circa 1890.
So often in life people don’t embrace both tenets of
a truly authentic being.”
Her letter continues: “I desire a journey here that will
ultimately lead to personal transformation and eternal
happiness. I am not seeking a grandiose existence but
only to act as a mere instrument to promote Godliness
in ‘everyday-ness’ to the lives of those I love.”
Reading her letter and the way she addressed
“everyday-ness” in her thesis, the word, Faithfulness,
came to my mind. This is what we mean by “Faithfulness”
… following God day by day, facing the daily ups and
downs in a manner that will touch others and bring
them closer to their Creator.
A class in the 1950’s is taught mathematics by a Sister Carol Ann Ciccotelli, OSB.
Sister Kathleen Mack
(Photo taken as Principal of St. Benedict Academy)
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Planned Giving
Sisters Evelyn Dettling and Alice Rock enjoy a Fiesta as a part of a Community day
of information and enrichment.
The Sisters continue to make plans
for the future of ministries to the needy
of the regions where they serve and
reside. In order to more adequately
prepare for future ministry, they have
taken steps to initiate a planned giving
program. The program will encompass
bequests, insurance, charitable gift
annuities (through the Diocesan program),
charitable remainder trusts, memorials,
endowments, gifts of property, securities
and cash. As our planning progresses,
you will see more material explaining
each of these areas and how you may
become involved in any of them. The
revised website will devote an area that
will provide more information to pursue
at leisure.
Credit Card Donations
Sister Anne Lazar shown working with
her former pastor, Fr. Len Stoviak, at
St. John Baptist Parish in Scottdale, PA.
Sister Rose Budicky tenderly cradles a
young visitor who enjoys a nap.
Share Your DTV Coupons
Even if you don’t need the two free $40 government coupons
that help defray the cost of TV converter boxes to prepare for
the switch to digital television signals on February 17, 2009,
you could apply for them anyway. A donation of these coupons
could be used by the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh to utilize
in our healthcare rooms and the rooms of several of our senior
Sisters. While basic cable is available in several areas of the
Monastery, the Maurus Hall healthcare rooms do not have
access to cable. Your donation of the DTV coupons would be
gratefully appreciated.
From our letters to you, you are
probably already aware of the use of
credit cards to donate toward the
ministries of the Benedictine Sisters of
Pittsburgh. The Community initiated this
service in response to the request of a
number of individuals who asked for the
ease of using a credit card for multiple
donations throughout the year. After much
research and exploration, the Benedictine
Sisters chose to accept Master Card or
Visa credit card donations through a
very secure banking arrangement.
It is our hope that this arrangement
will enable individuals to more easily
participate in assisting the Sisters in
ministry to the needs of others.
The Sisters continue to make plans for the future of ministries
to the needy of the regions where they serve and reside.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Gifts of 2007-2008
Sr. Judith Ann Criner, OSB
2007-2008 Donations
The past year has blessed the Benedictine Sisters
of Pittsburgh with many Partners of St. Benedict
and other benefactors who have been very generous
in supporting the ministries of the Sisters.
Through their active participation in our outreach
to those in need, our donors have assisted the Sisters
in educating youth in grade schools, high schools and
college; serving parishes as parish coordinators, pastoral
ministers, administrative personnel, RCIA directors
and teachers; caring for the elderly; fostering children
and serving the needs of the needy in Greene County
and Phelps, KY; caring for those with special needs,
mental challenges, the homeless and those alienated
from society. They have assisted the Sisters in promoting
the Benedictine values of stewardship, peace and justice
in Western Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Our Partners
of St. Benedict and benefactors have reached out in
service to the hundreds of individuals who are served
by the Benedictine Sisters.
Throughout the year, donors have responded to
our appeals with enthusiasm and support. They have
contributed $418,552.50 in outright donations and
many thousands of dollars in in-kind and donated items
and services.
Without such generosity, the Benedictine Sisters
of Pittsburgh would not be able to continue to
carry out our ministry to those who are in need.
Without them, the Sisters would not be able to
adequately give witness to the Word of the
Gospel message or the Rule of St. Benedict.
Restricted Income .
Annual Appeal.
$ 39,664.00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 34,682.00
Benedictine Bonanza .
Christmas Appeal
General Needs .
$ 33,656.00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 46,324.50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 43,057.00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 144,920.00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 51,171.00
Most Needed .
NRRO Grant
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ministry Appeal .
Founders Appeal .
Total .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 18,776.00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 418,552.50
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Prayers of
“The ancient rabbis said that anyone who enjoys
the pleasures of this earth without a blessing is a
thief! … This sense of gratitude should find expression
not only in our celebration of the Mass, the liturgy
of thanksgiving, but also in our awareness of such
common gifts as the sunrise, a new pair of shoes,
or even a hot shower!
To pronounce a blessing prayer is to be reminded
that we are, today, in the middle of the divine flow
of gifts. The mystery of God’s love for us is all
around us, alive and dynamic.”
(Edward Hays)
As a part of a Community Meeting prior to
Thanksgiving, the Sisters gathered to pray for all of
the blessings that they experienced individually and
communally during the previous year.
Since this issue of BENEDICTINES lists all of our
donors and the blessings that they have gifted us with
the past year, we thought that you might like to read a
sampling of the gratitude papers written by our Sisters.
I am grateful “for the challenges and opportunities
to be the ‘Glory of God.’”
I am grateful for Community Members who are
loving, caring and reliable.
I am grateful for the support my Sisters in
community give me each day. This, in turn,
reminds me of my responsibility to be a joyful
influence for them.
I am grateful for our Liturgical life because it
draws us closer as a Community.
• I am ever grateful for our Community Prayer.
It is what initially drew me to enter … and it is
the ‘glue’ that keeps us who we are.
Sisters join in a service
of Thanksgiving in the
Monastery dining room.
I am thankful
• For various ministries
• For daily prayer and Eucharist
• For the people who guided me, supported me,
affirmed me and helped me to grow
For warm smiles, kind words
For the love and support I receive from community
• For food, shelter and clothing
• For the opportunities of service that have been given
to me throughout my years in Community
For my parents,
family and friends
For challenges and
For material needs
and comforts
For the example of
loving service from
community members
Breads of Thanksgiving
For being able to assist others
For those who are gifts to us and share their blessings
The prayer service ended with these words read together:
“May our giftedness always help us
remember those who have less.
May our comforts always help us
remember those who are suffering.
May our wants always be
distinguished from our needs.
Fr. William Fay, Monastery
Chaplain, raises the Word
for the congregation to see
before proclaiming the
Gospel. The Eucharist is the
main liturgical celebration of
thanksgiving and gratitude
for the Benedictine Sisters.
May we live always with an attitude of appreciation,
rather than an attitude of entitlement.
May we live with open hearts, receive with open
hands, and pass our blessings on to others everyday.
May we begin and end each day
with hearts overflowing with thanks.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Our Blessings for 2007-2008 DONOR HONOR ROLL July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008
$500 - $999
Allegheny Plywood Co
Mr. Jesse Davidson
Mrs. Agnes Haller
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Krutko
Mrs. Doris Lang
Mr. & Mrs. John Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tisch
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Troianos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert White
Ms. Diane Antonette
Mr. Michael Barbush, Jr.
Ms. Doris Bates
Mr. & Ms. Richard Boyd
Ms. Ellen Brosnan
Mr. Edward Campeau
Mrs. Patricia Casano
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Chenot
City Theatre Company
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Conley
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Dunn
Rev. William Fay
Mrs. Carole Filtz
Mrs. Sally Fullman
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Hunkele
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Klein
Mrs. Carolyn Kozik
Ms. Mary Lackner
Mr. & Mrs. A. Gregory Lintner
Mrs. Margaret Llewellyn
Mrs. Helen Makowski
Ms. Mary Marciano
Mr. Steven Massaro
Matthews International Corp
Mrs. Dorothy Morin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mura
Mr. & Mrs. James Newman
Rev. Jerome Purta, OSB
Ms. Kathleen Reuter
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reynolds
Ms. Theresa Rose
Mrs. Marian Saffer
Mr. & Mrs. G. Frederick Schott
Ms. Grace Ann Slavinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Torbin
Mrs. Deborah Vrbanic
Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Wildenhain
Ms. Jean Wilson
Mr. Albert Zajko
Mrs. Carol Zehfuss
$1,000 - $4,999
Ms. Meredith Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Antal
Ms. Patricia Bernhardy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Callaro
SBA Class of '63
Mr. Michael Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Criner
David and Patricia Schubert Fund
Mrs. Sylvia DeMarco
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis English
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Farabaugh, Jr.
Mrs. Leona Farabaugh
Mrs. Donna Finley
Gateway Health Inc
Mrs. Mary Lou Geist
Mr. & Mrs. Robert German
Mrs. Andrea Grazzini
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. John Horn
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lacny
Mr. John Lally
Ms. Leona Lazar
Mrs. Karen Leiner
Mr. Charles Levak
Mrs. Patricia Liebman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Long
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lorinc
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Marotta
Massaro Company
Ms. Regina McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Metz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Monfort
Ms. Kathleen Monier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morasco
Mrs. Patricia Niederst
Bro. Terence O'Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rapp
Dr. Cheryl Rosato
Ms. Marian Saffer
Mrs. Velma Sharbaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Stept
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William Stumpf
Ms. Darlene Viggiano
Mr. Gilbert Wagner
Dr. Diann Westrick, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wuller
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zuck
$135 - $499
Mr. Mark Answine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barbour
Mrs. Lucille Baughman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bauroth
Ms. Fran Ubinger Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beemer
Mrs. Margaret Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bernhardy
Mrs. Frances Blackwell
Ms. Kathleen Blauth
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Boles
Mr. Stephen Botos
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brashear
Dr. Carole Brennan
Mrs. Christine Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brill
Mr. & Mrs. John Brogan
Ms. Barbara Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bublak
Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell
Mrs. Genevieve Carr
Ms. Julia Coll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Colville
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Corbett
Ms. Keren Crawford
Mr. Emile Criner
CSC Insurance Options
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis
Mr. Joseph Demeter
Mrs. Hildegard Droter
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dryburg
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Duerig
Ms. Eileen Dunn
Ms. Alice Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Efkeman
Ms. Theresa Esber
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Evanchick
Miniotas Family
Mr. & Mrs. Regis Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Fazzini
Mr. & Mrs. George Ferrance
Ms. Alice Ferris
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. William Foerster
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fontana
Foundation Coal Corp
Mr. & Mrs. David Gaertner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gariano
Mrs. Carol Gaus
Gemm Enterprises Inc
Mrs. Mary Glorioso
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gmuer
Ms. Paula Good
Ms. Carroll Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Green
Mr. M. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hagenbuch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Harnett
Mr. Terence Hart
Mrs. Marie Hartung
Ms. Christine Hartung
Mr. & Mrs. David Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hines
Ms. Esther Hofstetter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hope
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hovan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hovan
Mrs. Mary Lynn Howard
Mrs. Mary Lou Hrach
Mrs. Rosanne Hudok
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jablonski
Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston
K. A. Hamilton & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kemper
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kilheeney
Ms. Catherine Mary Kimmel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klems
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kline
Mr. & Mrs. William Koch
Ms. Caroline Kolman
Mrs. Evelyn Krajovic
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Krall
Mr. & Mrs. William Kredel
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kress
Ms. Janet Kreuer
Mr. M. Kubicki
Dr. Cynthia & Dr. John Labriola
Mr. Jay & Dr. Barbara Lambert
Ms. Pat Lawton
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Leinweber
Dr. Patricia Liehr, PhD RN
Mr. Charles Linhart
Rev Edward Litavec
Mrs. Alice Logrip
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lowe
Mrs. Marlene Maiese
Sr. Julia Makowski Friends & Family
Mr. Adolfo Marche
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marcucci
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Markl
Mashuda Corp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Matoka
Mr. & Mrs. Martin McAndrew
Mr. & Mrs. John McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McLaughlin
Mrs. Donna Melnick
Mrs. Lynn Mendelsohn
Mr. Robert Meyer
Mr. William Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mockenhaupt
Mr. & Mrs. John Moraca
Mrs. Mary Mucciola
Mr. & Mrs. John Murrin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Musselman
Mrs. Virginia Muth
Dr. & Mrs. Ray Naar
Dr. John Nemec
Ms. Carolyn Nichols
Northview Animal Hospital Inc
Mrs. Kathleen Pagan
Mr. Nicholas Parrendo
Ms. Pauline Peacock
Mr. Dennis Pearson
Ms. Darlene Phillips
Col. & Mrs. Michael Poore
Mr. Paul Potts
Mrs. Judith Price
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Psuty
Mr. Austin Puvogel
Mr. Bryan Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly
Mrs. Marie Reilly
Ms. Barbara Jo Rendine
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Riley
Mr. Michael Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Rombach
Mr. & Mrs. V. Timothy Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Roos
Mrs. Philomena Ross
Ms. Georgiann Schaefer
Mrs. Julia Scheide
Ms. Sheila Schlag
Mount St. Scholastica
Mrs. Elizabeth Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Scully, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Sekula
Shellhaas Funeral Home
Mr. Carl Sieg
Ms. Norma Jean Simmons
Ms. Millie Skovran
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Slanina
Ms. Cheryl Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sobczak
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Soller
Mr. Joseph Sporak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stabile
Ms. Eileen Stansbury
Ms. Charlotte Stefanics
Ms. Rebecca Steidle
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stover
Mrs. Veronica Strathmann
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Ms. Jo Ann Sukitsch
Mrs. Linda Sukitsch
Mr. Thomas Svrcek
Mrs. Mary Swany
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tambling
Ms. Patricia Tate
Mr. Floyd Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Towse
Mrs. Virginia Trovato
Mrs. Margaret VanFossan
Mrs. Patricia Verbena
Vitti & Associates PC
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Vogel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wallace, Sr
Ms. Nancy Welfer
Ms. Suzanne White
White Heating Inc
Rev Dr. Josephine Whitely-Fields
Ms. Sue Ann Whittick
Mrs. Ruth Wickham
Ms. Marian Wild
Mrs. Michele Wilt
Mrs. Mary Winter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wood
Ms. Rosemarie Yahner
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Accamando
Ms. Norma Aceves
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Achkio
Mrs. Florence Ackerman
Mrs. Mary Ackermon
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Adamchik
Mrs. Suzanne Adamonis
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ager
Mr. Timothy Aguglia
Mrs. Roberta Aguglia
Ms. Dorothy Aland
Mrs. Gertrude Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aleva
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Alioto
Allison Park Travel Services Inc
Alston Construction
Mr. & Mrs. John Altdorfer
Mrs. Jean Amend
Mrs. Frances Amer
Mrs. Marianne Anderson
Mrs. Eleanor Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson
Mr. Robert Apap
Mrs. Shirley Apel
Mrs. Jean Arendosh
Aries Sprinkler Protection
Mr. Joseph Armstrong, III
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Armstrong
Ms. Catherine Artman
Ms. Gail Atkinson
Ms. Carol Augustine
Mr. & Mrs. C. Fred Aul
Mrs. Mary Auth
AWK Consulting Engineers Inc
Mrs. Linda Azen
Mrs. Barbara Babcock
Mrs. C. Babicka
Mr. & Mrs. William Babik, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Babilon
Rev. John Bachkay
Mr. & Mrs. John Bachman
Ms. Rosemary Badertscher
Mrs. Clare Baer
Ms. Carole Baierl
Mr. & Mrs. William Bailey
Mrs. Barbara Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. William Bair
Mrs. Patricia Baker
Mrs. Patricia Balas
Mrs. Mary Baldacchino
Mrs. Barbara Balestreire
Dr. Michael Ban
Mr. Frank Banasick
Mr. & Mrs. William Banazek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barbour
Mrs. Margaret Barch
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Barilla
Rev. Martin Barkin
Mrs. Dorothy Barkley
Ms. Joan Barkovich
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barnhart
Ms. Diane Barnum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barrett
Mrs. Eleanor Bartolowits
Ms. Virginia Bartoszewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Basilone
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bassett
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bassett
Mrs. Ruth Bastyr
Mr. Edward Bastyr
Mrs. Rita Batts
Mrs. Kathleen Batykefer
Mr. Edwin Bauer
Ms. Nancy Baumgartner
Mrs. Eileen Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bayly
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Beadnell
Mrs. Marian Bearer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bearer
Ms. Judy Bearley
Mr. & Mrs. John Beck
Ms. Arlene Becker
Mrs. Jennie Becker
Mrs. Kathleen Becker
Mr. Kurt Bedole
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bedore
Mrs. Virginia Beggs
Mr. Regis Beggs
Ms. Rose Behe
Ms. Janet Behon
Mr. & Ms. Richard Beisel
Ms. Marie Beitler
Mrs. Jeanne Belcher
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bell
Mr. & Mrs. John Bellono
Ms. Elizabeth Belz
Mrs. Christine Benevent
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bengel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bennardo
Mr. & Mrs. William Benzinger
Ms. Juanita Beran
Mrs. Catherine Berard
Ms. Marge Berckmiller
Ms. Mary Berecky
Ms. Lorraine Berenda
Mrs. Anna May Berger
Mrs. Arlene Berger
Ms. Agnes Bernauer
Mrs. Stephenie Berneburg
Ms. Lois Ann Berner
Dr. George Berry
Mr. Donald Berry
Mr. & Mrs. William Best
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bich
Mr. & Mrs Alan Biel
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Biglan
Mrs. Helen Billetz
Ms. Margaret Birsic
Ms. Salema Bishop
Mrs. Geraldine Bittel
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Black
Ms. Elizabeth Black
Ms. Joann Blackburn
Mrs. Adele Blackburn
Ms. Erma Blair
Ms. Helen Blank
Ms. Beth Blankenship
Ms. Joan Blasinsky
Mrs. Dolores Blasko
Ms. Mary Blaylock
Mrs. Elizabeth Bleiweiss
Ms. Rita Blieszner
Rick and Bob
Ms. Susan Bogan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bogdanowicz
Mrs. Lois Bogel
Ms. Yvonne Bogut
Mr. & Mrs. John Bohaychick
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Boland
Ms. Betty Bolton
Mrs. Carol Booker
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Boone
Mr. & Mrs. George Bope
Mrs. Marianne Borrelli
Ms. Patricia Borza
Mrs. Donna Borza
Ms. Ingeborg Bostwick
Mrs. Kathleen Bouch
Ms. Mary Bove
Ms. Patricia Bowers
Mr. Mark Bowler
Ms. Marcella Bowman
Ms. Edith Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boylan
Ms. June Boyle
Rev. Robert Boyle
Mrs. Olive Bracken
Mr. & Mrs. David Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. O. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brandenberger
Ms. Kathleen Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. William Brasco
Mrs. Kathleen Braun
Mrs. Margaret Braun
Ms. Anna Brecht
Mrs. Sylvia Bredl
Mrs. Armella Bredl
Mrs. Jean Breen
Ms. Lorraine Brenckle
Mrs. Doris Brevard
Ms. Helyn Brickler
Mrs. Anita Bridge
Mr. & Mrs. David Briggs
Mrs. Marjorie Brill
Mr. & Mrs. James Broadbent
Mr. & Mrs. John Brogan
Mrs. Marion Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Ms. Eileen Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bruggeman
Ms. Rose Brunner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bruno
Ms. Flora Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant
Ms. Marguerite Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buck
Mr. & Mrs. William Bucklad
Mrs. Patricia Bucsek
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buczkowski
Buerkle Inc.
Ms. Sarah Bujak
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bukauskas
Bulldog Office Products Inc
Ms. Caroline Bundick
Mr. & Mrs. William Burgunder
Ms. Linda Burke
Mr. Martin Burkhart
Mr. & Mrs. John Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burnos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burns
Mrs. Geraldine Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Burwinkel
Mrs. Rose Bushofsky
Mr. & Mrs. John Butcher
Mr. David Buttignol
Mrs. Camille Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. James Byrnes
Mr. Leonard Calderone
Mrs. Catherine Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Noshirwan Cama
Mr. Thomas Camarda
Ms. Madeline Cameron
Mrs. Annette Cammarata
Mr. Laross Campbell
Mrs. Donna Campbell
Mrs. Ruth Campbell
Mrs. Mary Campbell
Ms. Mathilda Campbell
Ms. Mary Canny
Ms. Katherine Cantwell
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Capo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carabellese
Mr. & Mrs. William Cardille
Mrs. Angela Cardone
Mr. & Mrs. William Carey
Mrs. Margaret Caringola
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cario
Ms. Mary Carr
Mr. James Carr
Mrs. Sandy Carroll
Mrs. Judith Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Caruso
Dr. Julie Caryl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Casher
Mrs. Marianne Caufield
Ms. Mildred Cavanaugh
Mrs. Ruth Cavic
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Caye
Mr. & Mrs. William Celik
Partners of St. Benedict
The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh greatly depend
on the generosity of those who support our mission
and ministries by prayer, good will and financial
assistance. We are grateful to all who participate in
a significant way as partners in helping us to make
our mission statement a reality.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh gratefully
acknowledge all gifts received during the period
July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. Your
contributions enable the Benedictine values of
peace, hospitality and seeking God in all things
to flourish in the many ministries in which the
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh serve. If your
name has been inadvertently omitted, please call
our Community Advancement Office for correction.
Your name is important to us.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cervas
Mr. John Chapman
Mrs. Rebecca Charlton
Mrs. Patricia Checca
Mrs. Eleanor Cheetham
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chegas
Mrs. Lena Chelko
Mrs. Catherine Chereck
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cherup
Mrs. Terri Chesebrough
Mrs. Louise Chiappini
Mr. Joseph Chiaramonte
Ms. Olga Chickos
Dr. James Childress, Jr., DVM
Mrs. Kathleen Chiocca
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Chionchio
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cholock
Mrs. Patricia Chopski
Mrs. Catherine Ciccone
Mrs. Marie Ciccone
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Cieslak
Mrs. Elaine Cenker
Mr. Michael Cenker, Sr.
Ms. Connie Clark
Ms. Mary Jo Clarke
SBA Class of 1947
SBA Class of 1957
Ms. Deborah Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clifford
Mrs. Catherine Clydesdale
Mr. Donald Coan
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Coccimiglio
Mr. Russell Coe
Mr. & Mrs. George Coholich
Mr. & Mrs. William Colaner
Mrs. Denise Colbert
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Coleman
Ms. Elsa Collinger
Mrs. Shirley Collins
Ms. Olive Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Colman
Ms. Mary Colombo
Ms. Joanne Brodrick Colt
Mrs. Mary Combs
Ms. Mary Grace Comport
Mrs. Mary Conley
Mrs. Kathleen Conley
Ms. Grace Conlon
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Conlon
Mr. Charles Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conners
Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Conners
Ms. Suzanne Conroy
Mrs. Marian Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Cooley
Ms. Marcie Cooper
Mrs. Grace Corbett
Mrs. Eleanor Corcoran
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Corcoran
Mrs. Patricia Coreris
Ms. Gretchen Corrado
Mrs. Doris Corsello
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Corsello
Ms. Nancy Cortinovis
Ms. Christine Costa
Ms. Helen Costello
Ms. Lucy Cottone
Mrs. Rita Coultas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Couvreur
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Crescini
Ms. Laurette Cribbins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cribbins
Mr. Andre Criner
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Criner
Mr. & Mrs. John Criner
Mrs. Rosemarie Criscella
Ms. Patricia Croke
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Crooks
Mr. & Mrs. John Culkin
Mr. Joseph Cullen
Ms. M. Rosanne Cully
Mrs. Andrea Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Czarnik
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Czuchan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D'Alessandro
Mrs. Winifred Daly
Ms. Cecilia Daly Astarb
Mr. William Dalzell
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict D’Angelo
Mrs. Marilyn Danley
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dannenmueller
Mrs. Irene Danylo
Mr. & Mrs. William Darney
Rev. Joseph Dascenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dashner
Mr. & Mrs. James Datovech
Mrs. Rosemarie Dauer
Ms. Margaret Davis
Mrs. Charlotte Davis
Mrs. Margaret Davis
Mrs. Sandra Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Davis
Mr. & Mrs. James Dawson
Ms. Anna Dax
Ms. Cindy DeAlmeida
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Debor
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Debruce
Mrs. Christine Degonish
Mrs. Ernestine Deiss
Ms. Melva Deitt
Del Monte Foods Pittsburgh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delligatti
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. Silvis DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Demichele
Mrs. Deborah Demos
Mr. Eugene Dendinger
Mr. & Mrs. John Denisi
Ms. Marilyn DePalma
Mrs. Rosemary Depp
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Depp
Ms. Patricia Depp
Mr. & Mrs. John Dereich
Mrs. Rebecca Derek
Mrs. Diane Derescavage
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Desko
Dr. & Mrs. John Detriquet
Mrs. Georgina Deuber
Ms. Rosemarie Devereaux
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. Nickola DiCicco
Elizabeth Didiano
Mrs. Sandra Dietrich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dietz
Mr. Ronald Dietz, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Armando Digiovine
Fr. Joseph Dilettuso
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiMatteo
Mrs. Dolores Dimeo
Mrs. Dianne Dinatale
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dionise
Mr. Thomas Dionise
Ms. Eileen Diorio
Mr. Guy DiPaolo
Ms. Jacqui DiPasquale
DiPietros Ristorante, Ltd.
Mrs. Patricia Ditmore
Ms. Marla Ditzler
Ms. Rita Dixon
Mrs. Mary Dixon
Mrs. Joyce Dobson
Ms. Mary Dolinar
Ms. Martha Dolinich
Mr. Thomas Donahoe
Mrs. Geraldine Donahue
Dr. Margaret Donahue
Ms. Mary Donahue
Ms. Marion Donas
Mrs. Jean Donatelli
Ms. Betty Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dorn
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dorsch
Mrs. Dolores Dorst
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Douce
Mr. & Mrs. George Dovillers
Mr. & Mrs. James Downey
Mr. & Mrs. James Downs
Mr. & Mrs. William Drake, Jr.
Mrs. Lorraine Dreves
Ms. Ruth Driggs
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Drozynski
Ms. Margaret Drury
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dudro
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Duerig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duffley
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dumont
Mrs. Mary Jane Dunlap
Ms. Joanne Dunn
Mr. Michael Dvorchak
Mrs. Mary Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Easly
Mrs. Florence Ebert
Mr. Anthony Eberz
Mrs. Christine Ebken
Mrs. Marian Ebner
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Eckinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Ecroyd
Ms. Rosemary Edelman
Mrs. Dorothy Edmondson
Mr. Herman Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. Edmund Effort, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Efkeman
Ms. Josephine Eggert
Mr. Joseph Ehrenberger
Mrs. Elizabeth Eisenhauer
Ms. Susan Elder
Ms. Rose Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. John Elms
Mrs. Catherine Emish
Mr. & Mrs. Cleo Emmendorfer
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Emmerling
Mr. & Mrs. J. Enany
Energy Savers Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Enzerra
Mrs. Susan Eoannou
Mr. Fred Erbst
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Erdely
Mrs. Ellen Erhart
Mrs. & Mrs. Joanne Esposito
Mrs. Mary Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Evans, Jr.
Mrs. Louise Ewing
Mrs. Betty Faber
Mr. & Mrs. John Fabian
Ms. Marie Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Farabaugh
Mrs. Judy Faranda
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Farina
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Farrell
Ms. Ann Fazzini
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fazzini
Ms. Carole Fazzini
Ms. Elizabeth Fazzini
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fec
Ms. Betty Fedell
Ms. Marion Feeney
Ms. Alice Fehl
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Feingold
Mrs. Sandra Feitl
Mr. & Mrs. James Fernald
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fernandez
Mrs. Angela Ferrans
Mrs. Tessie Ferraro
Mr. Joseph Fertig
Dr. & Mrs. John Fetchero
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fiehler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fields
Mr. Richard Fiesta
Mr. John Fiesta
Mr. & Mrs. David Fife
Mrs. Linda Filardi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Filiaggi
Mr. & Mrs. John Fillippa
Mrs. Carolyn Finch
Mr. & Mrs. James Finn
Miss Mimi Finnerty
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Fioravanti
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fischer
Ms. Bernice Fischer
Ms. Constance Fischer
Mrs. Barbara Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. John Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald
Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald
Mrs. Rose Fitzgerald
Ms. Mary Fitzgerald
Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Mildred Flaherty
Ms. JoAnn Flamgletti
Mr. & Mrs. John Flavin
Mrs. Iris Flinn
Mr. Serafino Floro, Esq.
Ms. Mary Ann Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flynn
Mrs. Georgeann Foerster
Ms. Lynne Foerster
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Mrs. Bernie Foran
Mrs. Marguerite Ford
Ms. Jean Ford
Ms. Ruth Forman
Mrs. Margaret Forster
Ms. Kathleen Forsythe
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Forsythe
Ms. Emma Forsythe
Ms. E. Joan Foryan
Mr. Thomas Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. James Fowler
Ms. Mary Ann Fox
Mr. Richard Francis
Franciscan Friars
Rev. Robert Michael Franco
Mr. Henry Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Franz
Mrs. Janet Fratto
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Frazier
Ms. Cathleen Marie Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. William Froehlich
Mr. & Mrs. William Fromme
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fuehr
Mrs. Betty Furar
Mr. & Mrs. William Gabig
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gabos, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn Gabos
Ms. Linda Gabosch
Dr. Virginia Gaffney
Mr. & Mrs. John Gahagan
Ms. Martha Gaidos
Ms. Pamela Galda
Ms. Mary Jane Gallagher
Ms. Patricia Gapinski
Ms. Julie M Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Garufi
Rev. James Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garvey
Ms. Stella Gasior
Mrs. Mary Gasior
Mrs. Judith Gaughan
Mrs. Carolyn Gaus
Ms. Ann Gavaler
Mr. Martin Gavin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gavran
Ms. Catherine Geary
Bro. Patrick Geary
Ms. Veronica Geche
Mr. & Mrs. William Geisler, III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas George
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gerlach
Getto & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Giambarresi
Giant Eagle Market
Mrs. Patricia Giegel
Mrs. Mary Lou Gierl
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gilbert
Dr. Paula Gilchrist
Mrs. Virginia Gill
Mrs. Donna Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giovanazzi
Mr. & Mrs. John Giovengo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Giusti
Mrs. Mary Glazer
Mrs. Joan Gloor
Dr. Richard Gobbie
Dr. Mary Goessler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Golasz
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Golden
Ms. Teresa Goldner
Mrs. Christine Gorajewski
Ms. Janet Lee Gorda
Mrs. Kathryn Goswick
Mrs. Bernadette Gottron
Mr. & Mrs. K. Grace
Miss Lorraine Graf
Mr. & Mrs. John Graham
Mrs. Lois Graham
Ms. Genevieve Graham
Mrs. Susan Graif
Mr. Gary Grassinger
Mrs. M. Gloria Grau
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gray
Ms. Mary Grechus
Sr. Carmella Greco, RSM
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gregory
Mr. Frank Greppi
Mr. & Mrs. John Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Griffiths
Mrs. Beatrice Grogan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gronsky
Ms. Judith Groskopf
Mrs. Rose Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Grubbs
Ms. Janice Gruber
Mrs. Rebecca Gruber
Ms. Arlene Gualtieri
Mr. Donald Guckert
Mr. & Mrs. John Guenther
Mrs. Mary Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hartong
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hartung
Ms. Mary Hartung
Mrs. Bernadine Hartz
Ms. Susan Hartzell
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hatala
Ms. Julia Hatcher
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hatter
Mrs. Mary Hauck
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hauck
Mr. & Mrs. James Haun
Mrs. Catherine Havko
Hearth Staff & Board of Directors
Ms. Jane Heep
Ms. Jennifer Heid
Mr. Charles Heidenreich
Mrs. Audrey Heilman
Mrs. Charlotte Heine
Mrs. Roberta Heinl
Mrs. Lorraine Helbling
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Helder
(Facing camera from left to right) Sisters Rose Budicky,
Wilfrid Palladino and Carolyn Kunzler participate
in a group discussion with visiting Sisters.
Mr. & Mrs. George Guenther
Ms. Gloria Gugliotta
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Guilfoyle
Mr. & Mrs. John Gulick
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Guter
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Haase
Ms. Mary Irene Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hagan
Mrs. Marilyn Hagan
Ms. Mary Ellen Haley
Mr. Douglas & Dr. Audrey Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hall
Mrs. Barbara Haller
Mrs. Sally Halsey
Mr. & Mrs. Don Haman
Ms. Myrna Hamilton
Mrs. & Mrs. Beverly Hamilton
Mrs. Marianne Hampton
Deacon & Mrs. John Hanchin
Ms. Cheryl Hanks
Ms. Linda Hansen
Ms. Prudence Harclerode
Mrs. Marilyn Harcum
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. James Harkrider
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Harper
Mrs. Diane Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Butch Hart
Ms. Albina Hart
Ms. Dorothy Helffrich
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Henciak
Mrs. M. Henderson
Ms. Rosemarie Henderson
Mrs. Emma Mae Hendrick
Mr. Richard Henne
Mrs. Val Henzler
Mr. J. Patrick Herald
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Herda
Mrs. Ann Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Herman
Mrs. Elma Herrick
Ms. Dorothy Herrle
Mrs. Jacqueline Hertweck
Ms. Joan Hespenheide
Ms. Eloise Hess
Mrs. Virginia Hess
Mrs. Karen Hessel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hierholzer
Ms. Bernadette Higgins
Mrs. Linda Hilberg
Ms. Sally Jo Hilderhoff
Ms. Dorothy Hillenbrand
Ms. Ilse Hilliard
Ms. Nancy Hirsch
Ms. Anna Hirtzy
Ms. Eleanor Hitchak
Ms. Paula Hiteshew
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Hittner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoehn
Mrs. Cynthia Hoffman
Mrs. Annette Hofmann
Ms. Catherine Hohman
Ms. Caroline Holben
Mrs. Irene Holihan
Mrs. Nancy Hollinger
Mrs. Dorothy Hollinger
Mrs. Marie Homza
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Homza
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Honeygosky
Mr. Regis Hoolahan
Mr. Michael Hopey
Ms. Joan Horgan
Mrs. Erma Horgan
Mrs. Aldene Horn
Mrs. Susan Hosey
Mrs. Marlene Hosick
Ms. Judith Ann Hostert
Mrs. Carol Hotta
Mrs. Virginia Houghtelin
Ms. Joan Howe
Mrs. Theresa Hrach
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hricak
Ms. Helen Hromy
Mrs. Arlene Huber
Mrs. M. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Huckestein
Ms. Eleanor Hudek
Mr. & Mrs. Clay Hull
Mr. James Hull
Ms. Antoinette Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunkele
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hunkele
Ms. Virginia Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hurray
Ms. Lois Hurray
Ms. Florence Huson
Mrs. Marge Huxtable
Mrs. Roberta Hyatt
Ms. Patricia Illig
Mr. & Mrs. David Immonen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Imrich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Incorvati
Mrs. Nanette Beggs Iorio
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Irlbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jack
Mr. John Jackline
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jacko
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jackovic
Ms. Michele Jackson
Ms. Louise Jacobs
Ms. Margaret Jacoby
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jahn
Mr. Richard Jahn
Mr. & Mrs. George Jahn
Mr. George Jakabcsin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jalbert
Ms. Victoria Jamison
Mrs. Marian Jamison
Ms. Michelle Jamison
Fr. Benedict Janecko, OSB
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Janosik
Mrs. Joann Jarvis
Mrs. Lois Jencka
Mrs. June Jenkins
Ms. Nancy Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Johnson
Ms. Marcia Johnson
Mrs. Judith Johnson
Ms. Lee Ann Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jones
Mrs. Margaret Jones
Mrs. Frances Jones
Mrs. Barbara Joos
Mrs. Bernadette Jordan
Mrs. Elaine Jorden
Mrs. Judy Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Julian
Mr. & Mrs. Etienne Jungo
Mrs. Kimberly Kahler
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Cdr & Mrs. Robert Kahler, Ret.
Mrs. Dorothy Kaiser
Mrs. Marion Kalbacker
Ms. Anne Shirley Kalnas
Mrs. Cara Kaminski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kaminsky
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kannegieser
Mr. Stephen Kapetanovich
Mrs. Marcella Kaplonski
Ms. Joanne Kapp
Ms. Allison Kappeler
Mr. & Mrs. Girard Kardos
Mrs. Helen Kasakevics
Mr. & Mrs. John Kasper
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kassick
Sr. Grace Kathryn
Mrs. Mary Kaule
Ms. Nancy Kay
Mrs. Mildred Kearns
Mrs. Mary Lou Keay
Mr. & Mrs. John Kebblish
Mrs. Ruth Keefe
Mrs. Patricia Keister
Ms. Carol Keller
Mr. & Mrs. James Kello
Mrs. Frances Kelly
Mrs. Virginia Kelly
Mr. Paul Kelly
Mrs. Dolores Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly
Mrs. Margaret Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. David Kelsch
Ms. Colette Kelso
Mrs. Jacqueline Kenderski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. James Kerin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kessler
Ms. Gertrude Keys
Ms. Denise Kielar
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kilburg
Mrs. Helen Kilzer
Mr. & Mrs. Norman King
Mr. & Mrs. William King
Ms. Maureen Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kirsch
Mr. Robert Kirschner
Ms. M. J. Kirwin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kiss
Mrs. Leona Klaus
Ms. Lorraine Klauscher
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Klein
Ms. Rita Kline
Mrs. Susan Klingensmith
Mrs. Lori Klingman
Mr. & Mrs. John Klinkner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klosky
Mr. & Mrs. John Klosky
Mr. Clarence Klueber
Mr. Dennis Knauss
Mr. & Mrs. John Knepper
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Kniedler
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Knobeloch
Ms. Catherine Baker-Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Knollinger
Mrs. Marion Koch
Dr. Patricia Koehler
Ms. Kristin Kolesar
Mrs. Anne Koller
Mrs. Ruth Kolling
Ms. Helen Jean Kolo
Ms. Dolores Koluder
Mrs. Gloria Koluder
Mrs. Regina Koms
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Konefal
Ms. Cindy Konefal
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Konefal
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Konopka
Mr. Richard Kontrik
Ms. Mary Kopchak
Mrs. Joan Koppin
Ms. Anna Korade
Mr. & Mrs. John Korecki
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kornick
Mrs. M. Kosowan
Mr. & Mrs. James Kostelnik
Ms. Jessie Koury
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kovach
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kovacs
Mr. Regis Kowalski
Ms. Helenann Kozminski
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Kozuch
Mrs. Karen Kramer
Mrs. Marie Louise Krappweis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kraski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kravic
Ms. Kathleen Krebs
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Krebs
Ms. Ruth Krepp
Mrs. Carol Kreske
Mr. Jack Kress
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kress
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kress
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kress
Mrs. Christine Kretz
Mrs. Jean Kretz
Ms. Margot Kreutzer
Mrs. Dolores Krey
Ms. Betty Krisinsky
Ms. Mary Ann Krupper
Ms. Virginia Kryl
Mr. & Mrs. K. J. Kuczynska
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kuemmerle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kuhar
Ms. Therese Kuhs
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kundrat
Mrs. Mary Kunic
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kunzler
Ms. Dolores Kunzler
Mrs. Laverne Kurlich
Mrs. Julia Kurtek
Mrs. Nellie Kuruc
Mrs. Katherine Kutcher
Mrs. Grace Ladesic
The Laffey Family
Ms. Margaret LaGamba
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Lama
Mrs. Bertha Lamanna
Ms. Mary Lancaster
Ms. Bernadette Landis
Mrs. Helen Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lane
Ms. Mary Jo Lang
Robert & Helen Lang, Sr.
Mrs. Dorothy C. Lang
Mrs. Dorothy E. Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lang, Jr.
Ms. Mary Alyce Langer
Mrs. Patricia Lansberry
Mrs. Florence Lansel
Ms. Marilyn Lanz
Mrs. Jill Lappe
Mr. Santo LaQuatra
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lasek, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Laubacher
Laurel Gardens Tire Service
Ms. Miriam Lavelle-Sams
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lazar
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lazar
Ms. Nancy Leach
Mr. Robert Leach, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie Leban
Ms. Barbara Lebbing
Mrs. Barbara LeClaire
Mrs. Carol Legler
Mr. Timothy Lehman
Ms. Jenifer Lehmeier
Mrs. Mary Lehrhoff
Mrs. Karen Leigh
Ms. Sharon Leinroth
Mr. & Mrs. William Leitsch
Mrs. Angeline Lencer
Ms. Kathleen Leonard
Mrs. Johanna Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. David Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Leone
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lepako
Mr. & Mrs. William Levak
Mr. & Mrs. John Levey
Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lewis
Mrs. Donna Lewis
Ms. Michele Lewkow
Ms. Delilace Ley
Mr. & Mrs. John Ley
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Liberati
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lichtenfels
Mr. & Mrs. August Liehr
Mr. Nicholas Liguori
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Linamen
Ms. Janet Lindner
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Ling
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Link
Mrs. Andrea Linkowski
Mrs. Joan Lippold
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Lis
Mrs. Margaret Lisjak
Mrs. Martha Little
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Litzinger
Ms. Stephanie Livshin
Mrs. Maureen Loebig
Mrs. Denise Loehlein
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lofgren
Mr. & Mrs. William Lofink
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lombardi
Ms. Margaret Lonett
Mr. & Mrs. James Long
Losasso Advertising, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lowrie, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Lowrie
Dr. & Mrs. Evan Lowry
Mrs. Mary Lozowski
Ms. Georgiann Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lucas
Mr. & Ms. David Lucas, Jr.
Mr. Michael Lucci
Mr. Tom Lundy
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lundy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Luteran
Rev Gerald Lutz
Ms. Marie Lynch
Ms. Mildred Lyon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. David Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. George Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. William Lytle
Mr. Paul Macey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mack
Mrs. Nancy MacKenzie
Mrs. Eleanor Madden
Mr. Ross Madia
Mrs. Anna Madia
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Madrishin
Ms. Barbara Magrini
Ms. Mildred Maguire
Mrs. Mary Mahafkey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mahofski, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mahoney
Mrs. Pauline Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Maire
Mrs. Esther Makowski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Malady
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maletic
Ms. Carol Mallick
Ms. Patricia Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mangan
Mrs. Janis Mangan
Mrs. Rita Mankowski
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Manning
Ms. Evelyn Manski
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marbella
Mrs. Dolores Marciniak
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Marraccini
Mrs. Patricia Marrone
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mars
Mr. David Marsolo
Mr. & Mrs. David Marsolo
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Marsula
Ms. Judith Marszalek
Mrs. Milly Martin
Mrs. Mary Louise Martin
Mrs. Barbara Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Martinac
Mrs. Barbara Martinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Martz
Mrs. Sara Maruccio
Mr. Donald Mascari
Mrs. Mary Mason
Mrs. Melinda Massucci
Mrs. Dorothy Massucci
Mrs. Dianne Mastascusa
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Mastrobuono
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Maszgay
Mrs. Carol Matessa
Mrs. Virginia Mathews
Ms. Kathleen Mathis
Mr. Richard Matoka
Ms. Louise Matoka
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matt
Mr. & Mrs. Al Mature
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Matvey
Mrs. Lois Maybee
Ms. Clementina Mazzeo
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence McAllister
Mrs. Wanda McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McAneny
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence McBride
Ms. Elizabeth McBurney
Ms. Gretchen McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCabe
Mrs. Barbara McCann
Mr. James McCann
Mrs. Patricia McCarthy
Mrs. Patrice McCarthy
Mrs. Mary McCarthy
Mr. Eugene McClain, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McClay
Mrs. Claire McCleary
Mrs. Joanne McCloskey
Mr. & Mrs. John McCormick
McCrory & McDowell LLC
Mrs. Sheila McDevitt
Mrs. Ruth McDonald
Bishop John McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. George McGannon
Mr. & Mrs. John McGinley
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McGinley
Mr. & Mrs. Martin McGinn
Ms. Virginia McGinnis
Ms. Deborah Wolf McGinnis
Ms. Nancy McGrady
Mr. & Mrs. James McIntosh
Mrs. Joan McIntosh
Mrs. Dolores McKenna
Mrs. Maureen McKenney
Mr. & Mrs. Albert McKenzie
Mrs. Mary McKeone
Ms. Kathleen McKevitt
Mr. Fred McKiernan
Mr. & Mrs. William McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. James McLean, Jr.
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Mr. & Mrs. George McMonigal
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McMullen
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence McNamara
Ms. M. McNamara
Ms. Virginia McPeak
Mrs. Patricia McWilliams
Mrs. Janice Meade
Mrs. Carol Mechler
Mrs. Patricia Meckler
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Meehan
Mr. Michael Meharra
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meinert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Meis-Plank
Rev. Robert Mellott
Mrs. Josephine Melodini
Mrs. Ivey Melton
Rev. David Menegay
Mrs. Barbara Meneghini
Ms. Joann Meneice-Kovic
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Mentzer
Mrs. Mary Meredith
Mr. Philip Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Merlino
Mrs. Mary Ann Merzlak
Mrs. Ronald Metz
Ms. Loretta Metz
Ms. Marie Metz
Ms. Ann Meyer
Mrs. Mary Micklos
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mieri
Mrs. Anne Mihailoff
Ms. Marguerite Mihaly
Mrs. Rosemary Mihm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mikush
Mrs. Carol Milanak
Mrs. Patricia Milburn
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Dr. & Mrs. William Miller
Ms. Dorothy Miller
Mrs. Laura Miller
Mrs. Cecelia Miller
Mrs. Mary Miller
Mrs. Margaret Miller
Ms. Donna Miller
Mrs. Barbara Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Miller
Rev. Robert Miller
Ms. Regina Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miller
Ms. Janie Miller
Mrs. Pamela Miller
John Miller Jr. Family Trust
Miller Screen & Design
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Milnes
Ms. Wilma Minnitte
Mr. Patrick Minnock
Mrs. Marie Minsky
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Mirasole
Ms. Martha Misson
Ms. Marianne Mitchell
Mr. John Mittereder
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Moeller
Mrs. Beth Mokulis
Mrs. Susan Mone
Mr. Dominic Mongiardo
Mr. William Monstrola
Ms. Joan Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. M. Thomas Moore
Mrs. Doris Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John Moretti, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Morgan
Mrs. Marjorie Morgan
Ms. Helen Moros
Ms. Angela Morreale
Mrs. Arlene Morris
Ms. Patricia Morrison
Mrs. Kathleen Morus
Mr. Charles Moss
Mrs. Elaine Mozzetti
Mrs. Joan Mrazek
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mucci
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Muckle
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mueller
Mrs. Dorothy Mueller
Mrs. Margaret Mueller
Mrs. Claire Muenz
Mrs. Cecelia Mueser
Mr. David Mullaney
Mr. & Mrs. John Mullen
Ms. Judith Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mumich
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Munk, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Munsch
Mrs. Frances Munson
Ms. Sharon Munson
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Murcko
Ms. Patricia Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Murphy
Ms. Helen Neeler
Dr. Richard Nelson, DDS
Mrs. Louise Nene
Ms. Jean Nero
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Nero
Mr. & Mrs. James Nero
Ms. Stephanie Nestor
Mrs. Kathleen Neudorfer
Ms. Barbara Neusch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Neusch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Newland
Mrs. Lois Newman
Mr. Michael Newman
Mrs. Serena Newsom
Mr. & Mrs. Salvadore Nicotra
Mrs. Esther Nist
Ms. Carol Nist
Mrs. Margaret Nist
Mrs. Lois Nistico
Mrs. Sharon Nock
Mrs. Susan Nock-Geppert
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Noga
Participants in a New Year’s Eve Peace Vigil which is
hosted annually at St. Benedict Monastery.
Ms. Estelle Murphy
Ms. Kathryn Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James Murray
Mrs. Mary Murray
Mr. & Mrs. John Murtha
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Musgrave
Mrs. Patricia Mussano
Mrs. Dolores Muth
Ms. Mary Ellen Muth
Mrs. Angela Myers
Mrs. Edith Myers
Mrs. B. Myers
Mrs. Margaret Myers
Rev. Msgr. William Myers
Mr. & Mrs. David Mylet
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Nagle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nakonezny
Mrs. Gail Nalepa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nalevanko
Mrs. Linda Nalitz
Mr. Raymond Nalley
Mrs. Martha Namiotka
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Napolitan
Mrs. Anne Nard
Mrs. Pearl Nash
Ms. Elaine Natowich
Mrs. Mary Naughton
Mr. Albert Naujelis
Mrs. Rosemary Naujelis
Ms. Sharon Navoney
Ms. Lucille Nolan
Ms. Janet Notaro
Mr. & Mrs. Gino Novi
Mrs. Rita Nowak
Mr. James & Dr. Mary Nowalk
Ms. Kathy Nussbaum
Mr. & Mrs. August Oberster
Mr. & Mrs. David O'Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'Brien
Mr. Emile O'Brien
Ms. Rita Obringer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Obuchowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Connell
Ms. Patricia O'Dea
Mrs. Mary Catherine O'Donnell
Ms. Mary O'Donnell
Ms. Mary O'Donovan
Janet of PAT
Mrs. Karen Ogilvie
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ogle
Mr. James O'Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Oleksak, Jr.
Ms. Elaine Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Olshavsky
Ms. Virginia Olszewski
Rev. John O'Malley
Mrs. Mary Ondrick
Mr. Brian O'Neill
Mrs. Frances Opiela
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Oresick
Ms. Dorothy Osborne
Mr. Thomas O'Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Osmanski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Osterrieder
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Osterrieder
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Oswald
Ms. Mary O'Toole
Ms. Mary Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Pacey
Mr. & Mrs. William Pack
Ms. Jacqueline Pacosky
Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Paczan
Ms. Dolores Palermo
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Palladino
Mr. Rudolph Pallan
Ms. Phyllis Palucka
Mr. & Mrs. David Paluselli
Mrs. Irene Pandrock
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Panneton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paolini
Mr. James Pappas
Mrs. Joyce Pappert
Mrs. & Ms. Mercedes Pappert
Ms. & Mrs. Thelma Pappert
Mr. & Mrs. John Pardi
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Parker
Mr. & Mrs. John Parks
Mrs. Margaret Partridge
Pasquinelli Insurance Agency
Mrs. Mary Patberg
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Pate
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Patterson
Ms. Gloria Patterson
Ms. Eileen Paul
Ms. Eleanor Paul
Mrs. Margaret Paulson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paumier
Mrs. Carol Pavlik
Fr. Emil Payer
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Peach
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Pearson
Ms. Rose Peckman
Ms. Brenda Pelto
Ms. Mary Penrod
Mrs. Clementine Percell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perhac
Mrs. Mary Perka
Ms. Mary Jane Peters
Mr. & Mrs. James Peters
Mrs. Carolyn Peterson
Mr. William Peterson
Mr. James Petonic
Ms. Bertha Petrak
Ms. Anna Petrakovich
Ms. Rita Petrosky
Mrs. Judith Petrovic
Ms. Susan Pettigrew
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pfeiffer
Mrs. Patricia Pfendler
Ms. Cheryl Pfennigwerth
Mr. & Mrs. William Pfrommer
Mrs. Catherine Phillips
Mr. Paul Pieffer
Mrs. Susan M. Pierce
Ms. Christine Pikna
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Piotrowski
Ms. Dorothy Pisula
Mrs. Bernadette Piwowar
Mr. & Mrs. William Plant
Mrs. Cynthia Plazek
Mrs. Estelle Plumb
Mrs. Lois Podnar
Mrs. Carol Poillucci
Ms. Jean Poland
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Polansky
Mr. & Mrs. John Policicchio
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Mr. Patrick Pollaci & Associates
Mrs. Carole Ponzio
Ms. Carole Popchock
Mrs. Joan Popchock
Ms. Joan Portman
Mrs. Irene Posati
Ms. Sharon Potochnik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Potter
Ms. Shirley Pozar
Ms. Jane Prantl
Ms. Marion Prementine
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Premus
Dr. Mary Preuss
Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Prezikowski
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pribilovich, Jr.
Ms. Mary Price
Ms. Mary Ann Prior
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pritchard
Mrs. Albina Proko
Mr. Richard Prostko
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Prostko
Ms. Margaret Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Purtell
Mrs. Carol Puskar
Mr. Charles Queenan
Mrs. Kathleen Quinlan
Ms. Suellen Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. James Quinn
Ms. Immaculate Quinto
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Quinto
Mr. Donald Quinto
Mrs. Karen Quirin
Mrs. Patricia Quolke
Mr. & Mrs. John Radick
Ms. Mercedes Rafferty
Mrs. Carol Raible
Mrs. Mildred Rain
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rak
Ms. Dolores Rak
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ramaeckers
Mrs. Marie Ranallo
Mrs. Rita Randazzo
Ms. Virginia Ranker
Dr. Mark Raphael
Mrs. Rose Rau
Mr. James Rauch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ravenstahl
Ms. Mary Raves
Mrs. Margaret Razum
Ms. Regina Reale
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rebel
Mrs. Marilyn Rebholz
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Rectenwald
Mrs. & Mrs. Mary Margaret Reel
Mrs. Mary Lou Reich
Mrs. Patricia Reichenbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. James Reilly
Ms. Ursula Reinersmann
Mr. & Mrs. Regis Reinersmann
Ms. Margaret Reinhardt
Mrs. Dorothy Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis James Rendine
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Renner
Mrs. Linda Renninger
Ms. Elaine Renzelman
Mr. Edward Reppa
Mr. & Mrs. William Rettig
Mrs. Cecilia Rettura
Ms. Mary Alice Reubi
Mr. & Mrs. John Reubi
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Reubi
Mr. & Mrs. John Rhoden
Mrs. Dolores Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rice
Mr. & Mrs. William Richard
Mr. & Mrs. James Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. John Riddell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rieger
Ms. Agnes Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Renald Rinier
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rish
Mrs. Mary Rishak
Ms. Ermalyn Ritter
Mrs. Winifred Ritter
Ms. Mary Ellen Rittle
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Rittle
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Rittle
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rizzardi
Mrs. Marion Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Robb
Mr. Charles Robertson
Mrs. Jean Rock
Mr. & Mrs. George Rock
Mr. Charles Rockey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rodgers
Mrs. Margaret Rodgers
Ms. Denise Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. William Rodgers
Mrs. Lucine Rupp
Ms. Judy Rushe
Mrs. Germaine Rusnic
Ms. Dolores Russ
Mr. Thomas Russell
Ms. Doris Rutkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rutschow
Mrs. Carol Rynk
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Saban
Mrs. Mary Sabo
Ms. Jean Sachs
Sacred Heart Rosary Altar Society
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Safron
Mrs. Annette Salinetro
Mrs. Joan Salomone
Mrs. Alice Sambol
Mrs. Patricia Sample
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Samuels
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Sanfilippo
Mrs. Sylvia Sanford
Mrs. Virginia Santisi
Mr. Vincent Sarni
In the Monastery Chapel, the prayer petitions and names
of all donors and Partners of St. Benedict are kept as a
daily reminder to all the Sisters and attendees at the
Liturgy of the Hours and at all Eucharistic Celebrations.
Ms. Rita Roegge
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rogal
Mrs. Ethel Rogg
Mrs. Lenore Rollinson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Romano
Mrs. Maureen Romano
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rombach
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Rombach, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rombach
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Rombach
Mrs. Kathleen Roos
Mr. Robert Roos
Dr. Robert Rosato
Ms. Grace Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenberger
Mrs. Helen Roskwitalski
Mrs. Rita Ross
Mrs. Teresa Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rossi
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rosynek
Mrs. Constance Roth
Ms. Eileen Rouda
Mrs. Joan Rouda
Mrs. Susan Royer
Ms. Anna Ruby
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rudy
Rev. James Ruggiero
Mrs. Priscilla Ruhe
Mrs. Monica Rumsey
Ms. Josephine Ruperto
Ms. Marguerite Saro
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Satariano
Ms. Ruth Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. James Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. David Savisky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Savko
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sawinski
Ms. Marjorie Sbuscio
Mrs. Rosemary Scally
Mrs. Rita Scanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Scanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scanlon
Mrs. Joann Schaaf
Mrs. Annette Schad
Mrs. Helen Schaefers
Ms. Madelyn Schaffer
Ms. Catherine Schatzel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scheid
Ms. Dorothy Schell
Mr. & Mrs. William Schell
Mrs. Helen Scheller
Mr. C.A. Schellhaas
Mr. Lawrence Schellman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scherer
Mrs. Carol Scherer
Ms. Adele Scherer
Ms. Shirley Scherling
Ms. Mary Ann Scherling
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schilling
Mrs. Rita Schindler
Mr. Lawrence Schirmer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schlanger
Mrs. Donna Schlosser
Mrs. Helen Schmiech
Mr. Elmer Schmitt
Ms. Judith Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schneider
Mrs. Linda Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Schneider
Ms. Nancy Schneider
Mr. Robert Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. James Schoenecker
Mr. & Mrs. William Schoentag
Mr. Thomas Schoffstall
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schonhardt
Ms. Diane Schorr
Mrs. Mary Ann Schrall
Mrs. Susan Schrauder
Mr. Richard Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. William Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schubert
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Schubert
Ms. Clare Schuler
Ms. Judith Schuler
Mrs. Ruth Schuljak
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schulte
Mr. & Mrs. David Schultz, Sr.
Ms. Dianne Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schultz
Mrs. Suzanne Schultz
Mrs. Alice Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schultz
Ms. Dorothy Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schurer
Mr. Raymond Schutzman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwab
Mrs. Carol Schwartz
Ms. Lorraine Schwartz
Schweiger & Associates
Mrs. Margaret Schwerer
Ms. Phyllis Sciullo
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sciullo
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Sebastiani
Mrs. Barbara Secord
Mrs. Rita Sedor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seethaler
Mrs. Mary Seidelson
Mr. & Mrs. James Seidl
Mr. Robert F. Seiler
Mrs. Regina Seiler
Mrs. Janet Sember
Mr. Samuel Seminatore
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Senatore
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Serago
Mr. Alan Serena
Ms. Rita Seretti
Mr. Frank Sevcik
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Severin
Mrs. Marcia Sgarlata
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shaffer
Ms. Carole Shanahan
Mr. Robert Shandorf
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shaufl
Ms. Veronica Shearer
Mrs. Arlene Shearer
Ms. Mary Shepard
Mrs. Nancy Short
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Showalter
Mrs. Louann Shrader
Ms. Rosemary Shuker
Mr. Joseph Shuster
Mr. Victor Siclari
Mrs. Elva Silay
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Silinskas
Mrs. Mary Anne Simile
Mrs. Marilyn Sismour
Ms. Alberta Sistek
Mr. & Mrs. James Skalos
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Skeen
Mr. & Mrs. John Skelly
Dr. Kenneth George Skena
Mr. & Mrs. John Skovran
Mrs. Mary Ellen Skovran
Mrs. Marie Skubak
Mr. & Mrs. John Slagel
Ms. Cindy Slebrich
Ms. Nicole Sloboda
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Smarto
Mrs. Jo Smith
Ms. Carole Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Smith
Ms. Kimberly Smith-Hornezes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Smiy
Mrs. Patricia Snyder
Mrs. Loretta Snyder
Ms. Barbara Snyder
Ms. Carol Snyder
Ms. Denise Soback
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Soisson
Sr. Miriam Richard Soisson, SC
Ms. Mary Jean Solanina
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Soller
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Soltesz
Mr. & Mrs. David Sopko
Mr. Raymond Soroka
Mr. Norbert Sosinski
Ms. Magdelene Soukup
Dr. Sheila Sousa
Ms. Valerie Sowa
Mrs. Rose Marie Spagnolo
Ms. Judith Spanos
Mrs. Barbara Sparrow
Mrs. Marie Spehar
Mr. & Mrs. James Spino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Spore
Ms. Michaeline Srsic
St Vincent DePaul Parish
St John The Baptist Parish
St Lucy’s Priory of Glendora
Ms. Mary Staab
Ms. Mildred Stack
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stadelman
Mrs. Mary Stalczynski
Mrs. Kathryn Stalder
Ms. Susan Stalter
Mrs. Dolores Stampfle
Ms. Maralyne Stanczak
Ms. Helen Stanley
Ms. Nancy Stark
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stauffer
Ms. Karen Steare
Mr. & Mrs. James Stebler
Ms. Betty Stecklein-Simone
Ms. Christine Stehle
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Stehle
Mr. & Mrs. Everette Stein, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Steiner
Mr. Thomas Steiner
Mrs. Mary Steiner
Mr. & Mrs. William Steiner
Mrs. Audrey Steinmetz
Dr. Marie Steinmetz
Mr. Paul Steinmiller
Ms. Anita Steinmiller
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Stelma
Mr. Richard Stempak
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Stephany
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stephens
Mr. James Stevens
Mr. Ronald Stevens
Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens
Ms. Mildred Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stewart
Ms. Barbara Stewart
Mrs. Donna Stewart
Mrs. Lois Stiene
Mr. Siggy Stiene
Mrs. Alice Stillwagon
Mrs. Joanna Stillwagon
Mrs. Beverly Stimmel
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Stinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Stinger
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stinnett
Ms. Bessie Stirling
Mrs. Ruth Stockert
Ms. Karen Stotler
Mrs. Rebecca Stout
Mrs. Dolores Stout
Fr. Leonard Stoviak
Mrs. Bernice Strahler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Straka
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Straka
Mrs. Sharon Strang
Ms. Elizabeth Stratigos
Ms. Gretchen Straub
Ms. Catherine Strong
Ms. Carol Ann Struth
Ms. Rose Struzzi
Mrs. Patricia Stuebgen-Way
Mr. & Mrs. David Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Summers, Jr
Mrs. Rosemary Sunseri
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Super
Mr. Frank Surdu
Mrs. Tracy Suto
Ms. Madelyn Svidergol
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Swazey
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sweeney
Ms. Mary Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. James Sweeney
Mrs. Helen Swegman
Mr. & Mrs. John Swez
Mr. Frank Swiderski
Mrs. Alice Sypolt
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Szakos
Ms. Patricia Tabor
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tabor
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taciuch
Mrs. Aileen Tapp
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tate
Mrs. Margaret Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Tecce
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tegethoff
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Tengowski
Mrs. Mary Agnes Terek
Mrs. Eileen Terjak
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ternyey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Teti
Dr. Ruth Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tima
Mrs. Martha Tischuk
Mr. & Mrs. James Tobin
Ms. Mary Tobin
Ms. Susan Tobolski
Mr. & Mrs. Adolf Toborg
Mrs. Frances Todorowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Toffolo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Toia
Mr. Jerry Tom, Jr.
Mrs. Anna Marie Tongel
Dr. & Mrs. Michel Toret
Mr. & Mrs. James Toth
Ms. Jennifer Totten & Mr. John Wilson
Mr. Paul Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Trader
Mrs. Myrna Trautvetter
Mrs. Joanne Trees
Mr. James Trovato
Mr. J. D. Trovato
Mr. J. Douglas Trovato
Ms. Dorothy Trovato
Mr. & Mrs. William Tschoepe
Ms. Simone Tuerlings
Mrs. Marlene Turner
Mrs. Frances Tyksinski
Mrs. Theresa Ubinger
Ms. Maura Ubinger
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Uhron
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Undereiner
Mrs. Margaret Unger
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ungerman
Ms. Patricia Unks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Urban
Mr. Albert Vaccaro
Rev. Benedetto Vaghetto
Mr. Anthony Richard Valletta
Mrs. Mary Ann Vallus
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Valvo
Mrs. Antoinette Van Schultze
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vancheri
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vandyke
Ms. Mary Ann Vangenewitt
Mr. & Mrs. John Varine
Rev. James Vasil
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vater
Ms. Jolene Veneziale
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Very
Mr. & Mrs. William Vescio
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Vierheller, II
Ms. Christine Vigna
Ms. Janice Vinci
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Vinson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Visokey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Vitunic
Ms. Ellen Vitunic
Mrs. Lorraine Vogel
Rev. John Vojtek
Mrs. Anne Vonderau
Mrs. Rose Vopat
Ms. Mary Vozar & Oppman family
Mrs. Gertrude Vrana
Mr. & Mrs. John Vuono
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Wagener
Mr. Roy & Mr. Ronald Wagner
Mrs. Janet Wagner
Mrs. Patricia Wagner
Ms. Fern Wagner
Ms. Kathleen Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walck
Mr. William Waldron
Mr. Gregory Walkauskas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Joseph Walko
Ms. Mary Joanne Wall
Ms. Lisa Wallace
Mrs. Maryann Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. James Wallace
Ms. Barbara Walls
Mrs. Agnes Walsh
Mrs. Barbarann Walsh
Ms. Janet Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Walter
Mrs. Gloria Walther
Mrs. Carol Wanner
Mr. Bernard Wanninger
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Warnke
Mrs. Adele Washington
Ms. Barbara Wassell
Mrs. Patricia Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Watson
Mr. & Mrs. James Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Weber
Ms. Barbara Weidenhof
Mrs. Lois Weider
Ms. Natalie Weider
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Weidler
Ms. Margaret Weidner
Sr. Kathleen Weigand, OSB
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Weigand
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weinzierl
Ms. Harriet Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. John Welgan
Mrs. Mary Weller
Ms. Deborah Wells
Mrs. Evelyn Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. William Wenning
Mrs. Marilyn Wentz
Ms. Anna Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. James Wenzig
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Werbaneth
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Werner
Mrs. Joan Wetmore
Mrs. Francine Whaley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whelan
Mr. J.A.C. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Whitacre
Mrs. Elizabeth White
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White
Ms. Angeline Whiteside
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Whittaker
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wiehagen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wielgomas
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wielgus
Mrs. Suzanne Wigle
Ms. Bernadine Wild
Mrs. Gloria Wildschutte
Mrs. Rose Marie Wilkes
Mr. & Mrs. James Will
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Williams
Mrs. Debbie Williamson
Mrs. Joan Willison
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Willman
Mrs. Magdalene Wilson
Ms. Susan Wilson
Mrs. Kathryn Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Winek
Ms. Audree Wirginis
Ms. Andrea Wise
All donors are remembered in the daily prayers
of the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh.
Your personal petitions are kept in our Monastic
Chapel as a visible reminder of your presence with
us during the daily Liturgy of the Hours and the
celebration of the Eucharist.
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Mr. David Wishnosky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Withers
Mrs. Carolyn Wodzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woelke
Mr. Richard Wojtyna
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wokutch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wolf, Jr.
Ms. Meryl Wolf
Ms. Emma Wolff
Ms. Diana Wolford
Ms. Barbara Wolford
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wolkiewicz
Mrs. Christine Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Woods
Mrs. Shirley Woomer
Ms. Camilla Workman
Ms. Eileen Wukitch
Mrs. Maxine Wunderlin
Mrs. Angela Wunderly
Mr. Ronald Wuslich
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Yagelski
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Yahner
Ms. Stella Yanik
Ms. Judith Yankovic
Mrs. Marianne Yanosko
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Yarsunas
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Yeskey
Mr. John Yocca
Mr. George Yocum
Mr. Wynn Yocum
Mr. James Young
Ms. Doris Young
Mr. William Young, Jr.
Ms. Jeannette Young
Mrs. Sally Youngker
Mrs. Karen Yurkovich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yusavage
Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Zabela
Mrs. Mary Jane Zablocki
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zachocki
Ms. Judith Zahren
Mr. Zigmund Zajac
Ms. Dorothy Zajicek
Mr. & Mrs. William Zanieski
Mr. & Mrs. John Zanieski
Ms. Nancy Zapolski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zappa
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zavolta
Ms. Barbara Zawacki
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zelkovic
Dr. Audrey Zelkovic, MD
Mr. & Mrs. James Zentner
Ms. Mary Ann Zetwo
Ms. Rosemary Zidow
Mrs. Anna Ziel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zielinski
Mr. Richard Zientarsky
Mr. & Mrs. Silverio Zinno
Mrs. Lois Zobb
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zubritsky
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zugates
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Zulkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zunic
Mrs. Anna Zupan
Mr. James Zwick, Sr.
Sr. Donna Zwigart
Sr. Charlotte Abel
Joanne Brodrick Colt
Sr. John Paul Bauer
Sr. Elizabeth Matz
Benedictine Sisters
J. Patrick Herald
Ruth Blaney
James Garvey
Sr. Rose Budicky
Sr. Elizabeth Matz
Sr. Roberta Campbell
Marcella Kaplonski
Sr. Mary Christine Carlin
St John The Baptist Parish
Thomas Chelko
Lena Chelko
Sr Judith Ann Criner & Family Members
Jerry Criner
Rose & Albert Dannenmueller
Alfred Dannenmueller
Hildegard Droter
Richard Rosenberger
Sr. Eleanor Easly
Patricia Tate
Joanne Ehrenberger
Joseph Ehrenberger
Sr. Michelle Farabaugh
Sr. Raphael Frank
Family of Sister Raphael Frank
Doris Corsello
The Golden Jubilarians of 2007
Joseph Kenny
Sr. Christine Makowski
Patricia Tate
Sr Mary Ruth Miller
Anna Marie Tongel
Thomas Miller
June Stabile
Frances Misson
Walter Schulte
Sr. Irene Moeller
Dolores Graham
Dorothy Morin
Joanne Esposito
Kathleen Gahagan
Frank Czuchan
Leroy Markl
Irene Czuchan
Rita Morasco
M. Gross
Diane Antonette
Sr. Catherine Murphy
Eugene Murphy
John Burnett
Sr. Judith Nero
Mary Claire Marciano
Sister Linda Larkman and Sister Donna Wojtyna
share a moment together.
Barbara Henning
Sr. Christine Makowski
Our Diamond & Golden Jubilarians
Kurt Hunkele
Sr. Carolyn Kunzler
Carolyn Nichols
Georgeann Foerster
Anna Stephens
Carolyn Nichols
The Kunzler Family
Daniel Gardner
Kevin Dumont
Carolyn Wodzinski
James Seidl
Sr. Grace Kathryn
Mary Irene Hagan
Terrence McNamara
David Wishnosky
Sr. Grace Kathryn
Mary Irene Hagan
Sr. Maryann Lang
John Gahagan
Kenneth Stover
J. D. Trovato
Jenifer Bublak
Jonathan Clark
Sr. Conchetta LoPresti
Mildred Maguire
Sr. Florence Lynch
Kathleen Krebs
Sr. Valeria Osterrieder
Susan Tobolski
Carol Golasz
Paul Macey
Peter Golasz
Sr. Wilfrid Palladino
Jack Palladino
Albert Griffiths
Sylvia DeMarco
Lucille Baughman
Joseph Ogle
Sr. Bridget Reilly
Bryan Reilly
Sr. Jane Frances Reilly
Marie Reilly
Sr. Elizabeth Matz
Cecelia Miller
Sr. Alice Rock
Dolores Russ
Patricia Tate
Sr. Ludmilla Rojik
Kathleen Monier
Sr. Monica Silan
Agnes Haller
Sisters who taught at
Sacred Heart, Jeannette
Joseph Kilheeney
Sr. Mary Edward Skovran
Rosemary Scally
Andrea Cummings
Evan Skovran
Millie Skovran
Sr. Lucille Snyder
Paul Yeskey
Sr. Estelle Svezeny
Charles Heidenreich
Sr. Mary Damian Thaner
Dolores Russ
Kathryn Knollinger
Charles Linhart
Sr. Jeanne Ubinger
Sr. Marie Vigna
Patricia Verbena
Sr. Donna Wojtyna
Kathleen Krebs
Ralph & Theresa Zielinski
Judith Price
Marie Baker
Joseph Sporak
The Balfe Family
Mary Ann Fox
Catherine Bassett
Mary Ellen Skovran
The Benedictine Sisters
Veronica Strathmann
John Boles
Angel Boles
Donna Bono
Lena Chelko
Maynard Brennan
Carole Brennan
Pat Burke
Robert Fields
Thomas Campeau
Edward Campeau
Teddy Carrender
Family of Teddy Carrender
Anthony Chelko
Lena Chelko
John Conley
Sr. Elizabeth Matz
Cora Criner
Georgeann Foerster
Dolly & Alfred Dannenmueller
Alfred Dannenmueller
Dorothy Darney
William Darney
James Darney
William Darney
Sr. Rosemary Davidson
Millie Skovran
Eric Kilburg
Narinjan Hope
Lois Podnar
Erma Blair
Jesse Davidson
Andrew Dettling
Anna Dettling
Esther DiNucci
Rose Peckman
Guy DiPaolo
Guy DiPaolo
Carol Donovan
Betty Donovan
Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts
Charles Duerig
Alfred Duerig
Friend E.P.
Mary Fitzgerald
Cathy Evans
Donald Leinweber
Shandorf Family Members
Robert Shandorf
Fred Farabaugh
Fred Farabaugh
Leona Farabaugh
James Hull
Hearth Staff & Board of Directors
Lisa Wallace
Marla Ditzler
Prudence Harclerode
Mary Haman
Carole Fiesta
John Fiesta
Richard Fiesta
John Flaherty
Judith Price
Edward Gasior
Stella Gasior
The Geist Family Members
Marie Homza
Mary Gmuer
Virginia McGinnis
Sr. Gabriella Goncar
Rebecca Charlton
Ann Grabian
Edward Bastyr
Anne Grgurich
Germaine Rusnic
Dolores Grieve
Marian Wild
Henry Guentner
Joan Hespenheide
Thelma Guentner
Joan Hespenheide
Francis Hartung
Marie Hartung
Sr. Bernardine Hemberger
Agnes Riley
Edmund Effort
Sr. Regina Heyl
Harry Stephens
Eli Homza
Marie Homza
Florence Kearns
Mary Jane Dunlap
Sr. Demetria King
Mary Ann Fox
Sr. Pierre Klein
Terri Chesebrough
Rudolph Kovic
Joann Meneice-Kovic
Al Kowacz
Carolyn Nichols
Dolores Kowacz
Carolyn Nichols
Mary Kozlowski
Mildred Rain
Alice Kunzler
Sr. Anna Marie Kunzler
Kevin Dumont
The Kunzler Family
Sr. Leona Lacsny
Mark Hovan
Francis Lacny
Alice Laffey
The Laffey Family
Sr. Maryann Lang
Jonathan Clark
Kenneth Stover
Kathleen Gahagan
Virginia Trovato
Donald Leinweber
Catherine Hohman
Dorothy Trovato
Jenifer Bublak
Philomena Ross
Kristine McAndrew
Roxanne Wood
Cheryl Smith
Agnes Bernauer
Robert Lang
Michele Wilt
Arthur Lowrie
Catherine Havko
Catherine Lowrie
Catherine Havko
Frank Luksik
Millie Skovran
Nicholas Matoka
Robert Matoka
Mary Matoka
Steven Matz
Sr. Elizabeth Matz
Sr. Judith Ann Criner
Fr. Robert Mellott
Georgiann Schaefer
Paul Yagelski
Edith Boyd
William & Mary Miebach
Mary Matoka
Joan Miller
Sr. Bridget Reilly
Mary Lou Moore
Ruth Saunders
Nancy Leach
Marguerite Leinweber
Dennis Mura
Charles Mura
Gertrude Muth
Sylvia Stewart
Catherine Nalley
Raymond Nalley
Louis Nene
Eugene Dendinger
Raymond Soroka
Martha Tischuk
Mary Roos
Gary Grassinger
Margaret Birsic
Julia O'Donnell
Mary O'Donnell
Peter P. & Martha Peretic
Kathleen Neudorfer
Mary Peteresen
James Carr
David Pfendler
Patricia Pfendler
Terrilynn Pfendler
Patricia Pfendler
Joseph Prostko
Millie Skovran
Lucille Purcell
Millie Skovran
Sr. M. Camilla Puvogel
Charles Heidenreich
Virginia Santisi
C. Scott Rombach
Patricia Bernhardy
Aileen Tapp
Natalie D. Stiene Harnett
Mario, Michael and John Quinto
Dora Griffiths
Charles Reel
Mary Margaret Reel
Geraldine Reilly
Harry Reilly
Sr. Jane Frances Reilly
Christine Brennan
Millie Skovran
Agnes Bernauer
Patricia Niederst
Gloria Reilly
Grace Ann Slavinsky
Deborah Griffin
Nancy Zapolski
Sr. Henrietta Reinersmann
Angela Morreale
Paul Wolf
Helen Schmiech
Millie Skovran
Georgiann Schaefer
Paul Ritter
Ermalyn Ritter
William Rodgers
Michael Rodgers
Renee Rodrigues
Margaret Sajko
Carol Scherer
Tommy Sajko
Carol Scherer
Camille Sambroak
Marguerite Saro
Sr. Matilda Schoenecker
Karen Leiner
Edward Seethaler
Martha Weaver
Martha Seethaler
Martha Weaver
Mariann Sekula
Bernadine Sekula
Sendek And Matvey Families
Agnes Matvey
Inez Angeletti Sevcik
Frank Sevcik
Charles Shandorf
Joseph Silan
Sr. Elizabeth Matz
Agnes Haller
Sr. Monica Silan
Brenda Pelto
Samuel Sinatra
Bernadette Jordan
Annette Salinetro
The Ripple Sisters
Bryan Reilly
Edward Skovran
Millie Skovran
Lucille Skovran
Millie Skovran
Ralph Skovran
Millie Skovran
Rose Skovran
Millie Skovran
Stephen Skovran
Millie Skovran
Ethel Sosinski
Norbert Sosinski
Sam Spagnolo
Rose Marie Spagnolo
Irene Steinmiller
Paul Steinmiller
Richard Stillwagon
Alice Stillwagon
George Stringert
Joyce Dobson
Sylvia Stringert
Joyce Dobson
Josephine Strojan
Carole Detriquet
Joan Tarrant
Patricia O'Dea
K. J. Kuczynska
Elizabeth Bleiweiss
Meryl Wolf
Frank Carabellese
Katherine Cantwell
Robert Apap
Joan Horgan
Norbert Thaner
Estate of Norbert Thaner
Dorothy Trovato
Helen Moros
Sr. Terese Clare Ubinger
Elizabeth Stratigos
Angelina Verbena
Patricia Verbena
Peter Verbena
Patricia Verbena
Bro. Cassian Vigna
John Murrin
Patricia Verbena
Sr. Marie Vigna
Christine Vigna
Patricia Verbena
Jeanne Murrin
John Murrin
Jeanne Murrin
Christine Vigna
Millie Skovran
Sr. Genevieve Vincke
Marguerite Ford
Ruth Walter
Robert Brill
John Radick
Melvin Wentz
Anna Wentz
Sr. Janet Werner
James Zwick
William Ziegler
Kathleen Reuter
The Zajicek Family
Dorothy Zajicek
The Zwick Family
James Zwick
Mrs. & Mr. Cindy and Jose DeAlmeida
Mr. William Barnes
The Eichner Family Farm Markets
Mr. John A. Fiesta
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt F. Hunkele
Mrs. Roberta Hyatt
JB Mechanical, INC
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Kuemmerle
LeMont Restaurant
Lenski Family
Lincare Company
Ms. Dianne Natale
Mrs. Karen Marie O’Bryan
Ms. Maria Piantanida
Mr. Craig A. Schweiger
Ms. Millie M. Skovran
St. Vincent De Paul / Spark of Hope
Ms. Dianne Szoszorek
Ms. Patricia C. Tate
Dr. Frank A. Wisniewski
Mr. George Yocum
Mr. Robert Zurawka
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
4530 Perrysville Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15229-2296
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We are the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh,
continuing 1500 years of seeking
God in Community, Prayer and Ministry.