september 2011 - Encinal Yacht Club
september 2011 - Encinal Yacht Club
SEPTEMBER 2011 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB From the President From the House Bar project nearing completion Page 3 Junior Sailing News “Socially it truly has been a lively “ Page 5 Bon Voyage, Mallory! Membership News Join us at the mix and match table. Page 13 Page 17 Photo by Rod Kidd Photo by Fred Fago EYC Photo Contest Submit your best photos to the 2011 Soundings Photography Competition Best entries will be published monthly in the new Soundings. See Page 20 for details... ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 2 SOUNDINGS 2011 Board of Directors President Vice President Treasurer Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Director Director Director Director Lew Lippard Tony Shaffer Chris James Tom Wondolleck Victor Early Christopher Hanson Peter Aschwanden Paul Delle Cese Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Committee Chairpersons Membership Finance Boat Yard Building & Grounds House Youth Cruise Captains Information Technology Long Range Planning Nominating Chris James Charles Eddy Peter Aschwanden Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Paul Delle Cese Stu & Julie Hill Darrell Powell-Ford Carol Blackburn Michael Sheck Appointed Officers Port Captain Small Boat Captain Power Boat Fleet Captain Committee Boat Member Liaison Club Counsel Soundings Editor Web Master Club Historians Michael Byroads Michael Andrews Christopher Hanson Chuck Wetteroth Vern Bendsen Christopher Hanson Nicki Powell-Ford Don Ahrens Debra Early Heidi Benson Marguerite Lawry Linda Bendsen Fred Rutledge Tony Shaffer Charles Hodgkins Rodney Pimentel Jennifer Rader NCPCA Delegate PICYA Delegates Staff Commodore Junior Staff Commodore Secretary Established 1890 1251 Pacific Marina Alameda, CA 94501 Office (510) 522-3272 Bar (510) 865-1303 Fax (510) 865-8630 Policies SOUNDINGS will be published monthly. Submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but no liability is assumed for them. All articles are subject to editing for content and space consideration. PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission directed to the Editor. DEADLINE: Articles and photographs are due by the 20h of the month prior to publication. Late submissions cannot be assured of publication. Articles may be dropped off or faxed to the Club, or emailed to the Editor at both [email protected] and [email protected] Office Hours Everyday ................................................................................ 9:00am – 5:00 pm Staff General Manager Junior Sailing Director Office Administrator Bar Manager Assistant Administrator Bookkeeper Caterer Encinal Yacht Club Mike Palmer Mallory McCollum Bozina Jessica Matamoros Mireille von Trapp-Hall Lisa Schoenfeld Virginia Hamilton Manny Rodriquez Dining Room Thursday - Saturday .................................. Lunch Service 11:30am – 2:00pm Thursday - Saturday ................................................Dinner 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm First Thursday (Buffet) – .......................................Dinner 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Sunday ................................................................. Brunch 12:00pm – 2:00 pm Sunday ....................................................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Bar Hours Wednesday (special menu available) ............................... 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Thursday – Saturday ........................................................ 12:00pm – 10:00 pm Sunday ................................................................................ 11:00 am – 9:00 pm ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 3 SOUNDINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT... Lew Lippard Another Delta Daze is over. It was great to be able to wake up to sunshine each morning instead of fog. A good time was had by all, with several “firsts” this year. A more complete review is located elsewhere in the newsletter. Our Junior Sailing Director Mallory McCollum Bozina has informed us that she will be leaving. She and her husband are moving to Oregon. Mallory has done an outstanding job for us and we are really very sorry to see her go. We wish her well with her new endeavor. Replacing Mallory will be Andrew Nelson. We welcome him to our organization and look forward to working with him. to the members. This was strongly reinforced by the essay comments added to the survey. Aware of this even before the survey was taken; we have been working to rectify this situation. We recently have changed tacks toward a solution and we have already received some positive response from this new approach. We are reviewing all the areas that the survey respondents indicated needs attention, and will take the appropriate action about them. Addressing the Clubhouse and Grounds improvements are dependent upon available funding, and will be addressed as soon as we can make funds available to do this. We want to express our appreciation to everyone who completed the survey and who added additional comments. It is this kind of feedback that will allow your Board to meet and improve upon member’s expectations. As stated last month, the conversion of our accounting system is continuing. We are now getting The member’s survey has been closed. We received a response from forty percent of our Regular our regular monthly financial reports. Don Ahrens, the Web Master, has begun the implemenmembers. Nearly half of the respondents have tation of the “Member’s Only” area. This is a very been members for over 10 years. Almost all reimportant feature of the system. You will be notispondents have visited the Club once a month or fied when this will be available to you. Information more – nearly one third of them visited multiple regarding how to access this feature will be providtimes per week. ed at that time. While a majority thought the Clubhouse was fine, The last phase of our bar project, the bar stools, is forty percent indicated this area could stand imnearing completion. Soren Hansen has inprovement. The comments received cited the formed us that the stools will be available later this downstairs, although improved, still needs much month. If you want to see the progress being made work; the appearance and especially the locker/ on them, got to the Encinal web site, bathrooms. Also cited were the appearance and and check them out. We look fornumber of tables in the bar lounge area and the ward to this last piece of the bar renovation project sound level throughout the bar area. being completed. In case you haven’t noticed, in A majority also thought the Club Grounds were addition to the great looking race bulletin board, fine; but also forty percent indicated this area the bar donor’s plaques are mounted in a similar could stand improvement. The comments about fashion on the wall opposite the race bulletin this area stressed the poor condition of the docks board. Both of these pieces are in keeping with the and the need for more shade around the pool. bar itself, and enhance the room. Soren has done a We are pleased that a high number of respondents great job with all of this. rated Events and Office Staff satisfactory or better. Both Anita Mahoney and the Office Staff, especially Jessie Matamoros, deserve our appreciation for the high rating. The other areas in the final question were rated less than satisfactory. By far the strongest complaints had to do with service ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 4 SOUNDINGS FROM THE BRIDGE... Tom Wondolleck Congratulations to EYC’s Michael Andrews and crew on his Santana 22 Bonito for taking top honors at the 2011 Santana 22 National Championship down in Monterey. I believe this makes it three years in a row for Michael. You can see the Santana National Champion Perpetual Trophy proudly displayed in the trophy case in the bar area. Good Job Michael! The family cruise out to Angel Island was well attended and a great weekend (although a bit on the foggy side). The kids and parents had a great time playing on the beach, treasure hunting, geocaching and hiking. We ended the cruise out Saturday night with a group bbq and piñata bashing. Big thanks to Michelle Shaffer for organizing this wonderful event and Debra Early for putting together the traditional treasure hunt. On September 10th, EYC’s Vice Commodore Victor Early will run the InterClub Series. The InterClub Series is hosted by the Encinal, Island, Oakland, South Beach, BAMA and TI Yacht Clubs, with each club responsible for running one race starting in April through September. The InterClub Series is sailed in the South Bay and is well attended. I highly recommend this series! One of the final races on the 2011 schedule is the Commodore’s Cup to be sailed on September 18th. The Commodore’s Cup is an EYC member’s only race which gives the membership a chance to race against the Commodore. The race starts at the mouth of the estuary, continues around Treasure Island (either direction) and finishes in front of the club. So come on out and show your stuff! After the race please join in and enjoy the prize giving in the bar area. On Friday September 23rd Saturday 24th we will be hosting the PICYA 145th Annual Wheel Chair Regatta. This event provides individuals (mostly veterans) confined to wheelchairs with the rare opportunity to experience a power boat cruise on the Oak- See you on the water! Tom ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 5 SOUNDINGS FROM THE HOUSE DIRECTOR... Anita Mahoney By the time you receive this our summer will have ended and a busy one it was. Socially it truly has been a lively one at the club with all the club activities, outside events, cruise outs and races. We are looking forward to much more this fall. We had our first Family Night and Camp Out on the lawn at EYC. It was so exciting to see parents and kids setting up their tents on the beautifully new planted lawn that seemed to have survived the evening. All enjoyed a fabulous Taco Buffet from our galley, Scavenger Hunt, Big Outdoor Screen Movies, S’mores with giant marshmallows and a real camp out breakfast the next morning. I would like to thank, Mike Byroads for helping me organize the event and finding those COLOUSSAL marshmallows, Lisa Roben for putting together the Scavenger Hunt, Ronnie Grimm for movies, Cindy and Tom Wondolleck for offering their time and contributions to make the Saturday morning breakfast possible along with the Gardiner’s who contributed fruit, eggs and bacon and the Nicosia/Dawson’s for juice. Michael Rossi for taking his time to come down to be sure the screen and equipment were placed and working. I can never forget our staff for being there for all those last minute details!!! This will definitely be an event we will repeat for next year and hope that more families will be able to participate in this really fun evening for everyone. Football season is ready to kickoff! The Monday Night Football Schedule is posted at the bar and the sign-up sheet for chefs who want to show their skills is ready. The first game is Monday, September 12th. Everyone is invited and is a great way to meet new friends at the club. Bring an appetizer to share. The cost for the meal is a small donation. Any questions contact John Becket, MNF chairman at See You Around The House Anita Fashion Splash! Saturday October 1 5pm Make sure to make reservations at the EYC office or by calling 510-522-3272. Adults are $40.00 and Children are $10. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 6 SOUNDINGS Angel Island Family Cruise Another successful Family Cruise Out to Angel Island. We had 7 boats join us for a cool and foggy weekend. We still managed to have a great time with just a couple of minor adjustments. All boats arrived safely by Friday evening. Saturday morning started off bright and early with a treasure hunt on the beach. The pirates found a ton of loot on the beach. The best goodie of all was provided by Andy, Betsey and Cleo Signol. All the children that attended the cruise out received their own 2011 Angel Island Family Cruise Out –Pirates in Training shirt. Wow, what a surprise. Thank you Signols. While the wind was still blowing and the sun rarely peeked out, many families went on the tram ride to learn more about the island followed by geocaching. I understand treasure was found on the geocaching trip. Thank you Victor for plugging those coordinates into your GPS. While the coals were getting warm a baseball game was started by the kids. Man, there are some ringers on that team. Maybe EYC should form a baseball team! After dinner the piñata came out. A few issues with the piñata but improvising proved successful. The piñata needed to be wrapped up in a garbage bag due to a malfunction. It did not seem to matter, after multiple solid hits the goods were all over and there were some happy children. Thanks Moses Tabak, nice hit! Sunday morning mimosas and bread was served on Bladerunner for a nice end to a wonderful weekend. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 7 SOUNDINGS Encinal Yacht Club 2011 Cruising Calendar Date Cruise Name/ Location Leader Oct 8-9 Circle Raft up Jeff and Adrienne Rodgers October 22-23 China Camp Dave and Susan Sherrill November 11-13 Berkeley Karen and Mark Brunelle December 2 Cruising Award Dinner Stu and Julie Hill Thank you to all of our family and friends who joined us for another fun time at Angel Island. Tom, Cindy and Dylan Wondolleck, Victor, Debra, Laurel and Mark Early, Andy, Betsey and Cleo Signol, Tony, Michelle and Samantha Shaffer, Mike, Jen, Josie, Genna and David Serpan, Mike Pernitzke, Ina Tabak, Mark , Deb and Moses Tabak, Phil, Bill Gardner and Zack Kaplan, Bob, Anna, Andre ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 8 SOUNDINGS The Delta Daze 2011 cruise out was a blast! We had strong winds going up and strong winds coming back. We had good weather, clear skies, and a grand finale! The mission of our cruise out was to have no plans, and it worked out perfectly. Every morning we had a morning net where all the cruisers would check in on the marine radio and we would exchange ideas, make requests, and plan our day. Everyone rallied and pitched in for running the net and every day our cruisers shared fabulous appetizers for our evening cocktail parties. While there, we celebrated Vivian James’ birthday and enjoyed homemade margaritas and fabulous appetizers. After the cocktail parties, who needed dinner! In addition to the cocktail parties we also had our first ever Ice Cream Social hosted by Chris and Vivian James. It was so good we repeated the event later in the week. Another “first” was the Delta Daze Kayak Relay Race, organized by Peter and Melinda Darbee. This was an event that both adults and kids participated in. What fun! The ice cream social and the kayak relay races were huge hits and we’re hoping to see these events repeated in future Delta cruise outs. Another first for our Delta Cruisers was a photo shot, brought to you by GoPro, the latest in technology in photo cameras. We all brought our burgees to Sashay; the camera was hoisted up the mast, and, bingo! What was amazing was that this photo shot was NOT pre-planned and the EYC burgees that emerged from the hulls of our boats were truly amazing! Check out the photo (on the front page of the soundings)… in addition to the EYC members, we had two special critters join us in our photo, Hanna and Teddy, two dogs! See if you can find them in our photo. The spirits of our EYC members were high and the patriotism of our EYC members showed through. Peg and I would like to give special thanks go to Flicka & Mike Gorman (Wings), John Beckett (Aventura) and Anita, Mitzie & Charlie Eddy (Snug Harbor), and Barbara & Lew Lippard (Fantasy) for hosting the cocktail parties. Special thanks also go to Chris and Vivian for hosting our 1st Ice Cream Social, and Melinda & Peter Darbee for organizing our 1st Kayak Relay Race. Our Grand Finale of the week was a gorgeous sunset while the full moon was rising. The next morning, when Sashay departed Three River Reach, we had the full moon setting and a beautiful Delta sunrise. Gorgeous setting full moon, fabulous sunrise! The visual is just too difficult to describe something so beautiful! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 9 SOUNDINGS Herman’s and Helen’s did not disappoint us. Within a short dinghy ride we had access to a store for ice, fuel, and food. The marina is under new ownership. If you’re going to be in the Delta any time soon, check out H&H’s new restaurant menu. The food and service is good, they’re doing a great job and we hope they will still be around for next year’s Delta Daze. 2012 Delta Cruise is only 11 months away. If you were on the fence for attending this year’s cruise out, you have lots of time to plan for next year. Don’t miss out on this week-long, fun adventure on your own boat, and hanging out with your fellow EYC members. It’s as much fun for the kids as it is for the adults. Looking forward to seeing you all next year! Peggy & Rod Kidd S/V Sashay 2011 Delta Daze Fleet Captains Delta Daze Denizens (on front cover) On port side going forward: Melinda and Peter Darbee from Kismet, Barbara & Lew Lippard from Fantasy, Flicka and Mike Gorman from Wings, Vicki Newcomer from Choices, John Becket from Aventura. On starboard side going forward: Klaus & Jennifer Kutz from Pacific Flyer, Stephanie Ahern from T/T Bay Roamer, Craig Adams from Tail Chaser, Paul Ahern from T/T Bay Roamer, Vivian James from E’Toile, Mitzie Eddy from Snug Harbor, Doug Perry from Choices, Charley Eddy from Snug Harbor. Center: Chris James from E’Toile, Peggy and Rod Kidd from Sashay.Picture taken aboard Sashay with GoPro SD Camera Participating Boats Jennifer & Craig Adams – Tail Chaser Peggy & Rod Kidd - Sashay Vicki Newcomer & Doug Perry - Choices Barbara & Lew Lippard - Fantasy Other EYC members and guests were: John Becket - Aventura Anita Mahoney &Vincent Jennifer & Klaus Kutz – Pacific Flyer Paul & Stephanie Ahern Vivian & Chris James – E’toile Carol & Neil Weinberg Mitzie & Charley Eddy – Snug Harbor George Bean Flicka & Mike Gorman - Wings Hal & Laurie Lynam Melinda & Peter Darbee - Kismet Lew’s Grandson Nic & his friend Adan. Twilight “Beer Can Races” Points for picking up “Wanna be” Racers Who is the best pick up artist? *See NOR for Details Photo submitted by Grant Hayes ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 10 SOUNDINGS BAYS #4 By Lindsay Willmore The penultimate regatta in the 2011 Bay Area Youth Sailing Summer Series was held during the first weekend of August. San Francisco Yacht Club played the host, sailing its competitors in the challenging shifts and sparse puffs of the surrounding inlets. The Optimist fleets settled in Belvedere Cove while the larger boats moved out to Richardson’s Bay. The event was smaller than many of the previous BAYS regattas. The concurrent Laser Nationals at California Yacht Club attracted some BAYS frequenters, and other ringers were on the Tom’s River in New Jersey training for the upcoming Bemis 420 Nationals. Encinal Yacht Club sailors remained in the Bay Area for this event, showing great enthusiasm and success. One EYC competitor even traveled from his new home in Seattle to participate; Thomas Rall flew in to crew for Lindsay Willmore in the 420 class, the team narrowly won by the end of the weekend. Other 420 sailors hailing from EYC included Guy Raber and Nina Anderson who placed fourth overall but headed in with a smile after finishing second in the final race on Sunday. In the Laser Radial, Andrew Godfrey took second overall. Three of the four FJs represented EYC; Sofia Kirkman and Victoria Oldham placed second, Nicklas Gardner and Miles Orozco third, Drake Hayes and Andrew Geist fourth. EYC Opti sailors included Ashley Adornato, Joseph Celentano, Meghan Oldham, Liam Orozco, and Thomas Zenner in the Green Fleet; and Jonathan Andrews, Kelsey Tostenson, and Matt and Owen Weisenfluh in the Championship Fleet. The conditions all weekend posed a considerable obstacle for all participants. Early Saturday, wind filled from the mouth of the Richardson’s Bay, giving the left side of the course the advantage. Then they watched breeze wash in sporadic streaks from the west, rolling through and around hills before spilling over the water. This forced the sailors to gamble on one side of the course or the other, hoping to catch the best breeze. A wrong guess often resulted in sitting on glass for half an hour, watching sailors on the other side rush forward. Lindsay and Thomas found that a conservative, middle-of-the-course strategy allowed for top-three finishes. Frustration abated when the race committee shifted the course deep into Richardson’s, where a gap in the hills allowed for consistently moderate winds. As coach Michael Grove put it, “The sailing got a lot simpler.” Winning boats simply had the best speed and tacked on the shifts. Sunday followed the same pattern—a slow start followed by smooth sailing on a reset course. All sailors appreciated the experience of sailing in such a wide variety of conditions. The SFYC race committee, staff, and volunteers were praised for a job well done. Looking ahead, the concluding BAYS will take place at Tiburon Yacht Club over Labor Day weekend. EYC sailors in contention for perpetual trophies in the BAYS Series include Willmore and Rall in the 420, Kirkman and Oldham in the FJ, and Godfrey in the radial. For information regarding BAYS #5 visit ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 11 SOUNDINGS 2011 Summer Sailing Awards OPPI BEGINNING SAILING - AM Outstanding Sailor….. Andrew Smith Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Zach Kaplan Most Improved….. Alexa Soucy OPTI INTRO TO RACE - AM Outstanding Sailor….. Ashley Adornato Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Saylor Duckworth Most Improved….. Meade Jacobsen PICYA Youth & CHISPA Regattas Every year, Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association (PICYA) member clubs compete annually for 26 prestigious perpetual trophies including keel boat, youth, leadership, newsletter, and participation. This year, the PICYA Youth and CHISPA Regattas were hosted by Sequoia Yacht Club in Redwood City on July 30, 2011. A total of 22 sailors attended the event; six representing EYC. Andrew Godfrey placed 2nd in CHISPA which is sailed in Lasers and open to all ages. The Weisenfluh boys dominated the Optimist B fleet, with Matt winning the 1st place trophy, and Owen placing 2nd. Kelsey Tostenson also sailed Optis, placing 3rd. Olivia Godfrey and Maya Dornbrand-Lo represented EYC in the doublehanded division. They placed 3rd overall in the FJ fleet, and 1st place in the FJ all-female division! FJ BEGINNING SAILING - AM Outstanding Sailor….. Max Wolffe Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Kate Wolffe Most Improved….. Curtis Powell-Ford OPPI BEGINNING SAILING - PM Outstanding Sailor….. Joseph Baie Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Gemma Hansen Most Improved….. Alden Jacobsen OPTI INTRO TO RACE - PM Outstanding Sailor….. Mary Jane Howland Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Charlie McBride Most Improved….. Meghan Oldham FJ INTRO TO RACE - PM Outstanding Sailor….. Drake Hayes Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Surriento Wu Most Improved….. Andrew Geist 2011 Race Team Awards OPTI RACE TEAM Outstanding Sailor….. Matt Weisenfluh Outstanding Sportsmanship….. Joey Hansen Most Improved….. Jonathan Andrews ADVANCED RACE TEAM Most Improved: Sofia Kirkman Irene Lasar Perpetual Trophy for Outstanding Sportsmanship: Victoria Oldham Carl Schumacher Memorial Perpetual Trophy for Outstanding Teamwork: Guy Raber & Nina Anderson Dave Oliver Perpetual Trophy for the Most Consistent Racing Sailor:Lindsay Willmore Frank Ficker Perpetual Trophy for Outstanding Junior Sailor: Andrew Godfrey ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 12 SOUNDINGS Raise the Flag Fundraising Campaign As we close out the summer, please consider making a donation to our 2nd annual fundraising campaign, "Raise the Flag"! Our wonderful junior program cannot run without donations and parent support! Our 2011 fundraising goal is $20,000. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! Thanks to last year's donations, we were able to purchase brand new 420 race sails, Laser race sails and spars, 420 covers, two Lasers hulls, and replace our very old JYs with new beginner boats (Oppis). We could not make these purchases without your support! This year we have motor boat repair needs and equipment upgrades for all fleets, including new sails, tillers, and more! We encourage you to donate and support our program, so it can continue with the success we’ve had. We really appreciate all you have donated in the past and cannot thank you enough for your gracious support! Your donations have allowed us to manage the maintenance and growth of our program without a major fee increase. Checks can be mailed to the club (attn: jr sailing) or dropped off to the main office anytime. Please write all checks payable to Encinal Sailing Foundation and put 'Raise the Flag' in the memo. Your donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 13 SOUNDINGS Bon Voyage, Mallory! On behalf of the our Encinal junior sailors, instructor staff and parent volunteers, it is with mixed emotions that we announce the upcoming departure of Mallory McCollum Bozina, EYC Junior Sailing Director, at the end of this summer season. Mallory and husband Trevor will be relocating Hood River, Oregon, shortly after Labor Day. We share their excitement and wish them all the best with life’s adventures that await them in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. At the same time, we will miss having Mallory at the helm. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mallory for the dedication and professionalism she brought to her role over the past twelve months. In her relatively short tenure, Mallory accomplished a great deal, including shepherding the program to new heights of enrollment in both winter and summer sailing, and bringing improved organization to a sometimes frenetically growing program! Showing her commitment to the end, Mallory has been readying her affairs for a smooth change of leadership, and has even helped with our efforts to identify an outstanding candidate to be our new junior director (look for that announcement in the next Soundings!). We thank you, Mallory, and wish you bon voyage! Special Thanks! I am sure everyone who has been to the Club in the last couple of months has seen the burgees in the dining room on proud display. To insure that they do not sag or warp over time all of those little flag poles were custom made of fiberglass and the beautiful brass points were custom machined from billet material courtesy of members Mike and Cindy Meloy. Thank you Mike and Cindy for donating the time and effort to produce all 270+ of them. The burgees will be a central focus for many years to come! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 14 SOUNDINGS Editor’s Note….. Second Half Opener Update When we went to press for the August Soundings they were still rinsing the salt off the boats who participated in this years Second Half Opener and all the facts surrounding the tragic dismasting of Encinal member Tom Bliss’ beloved boat Lois Lane were a swirl of rumor and conjecture. Now that the dust has settled Tom wanted everyone to know the real story. It wasn’t neglected maintenance, termites, dry rot or operator error. As Shelly Bliss said “Everything engineered has a finite lifespan” and Lois reached hers early on Saturday. Tom had recently finished a five year retrofit which included some high tech upgrades to the rigging and a brand new sail. Just before crossing under the gate the boat’s bulkhead tabbing simply gave way with a loud pop and lifted through the deck several inches. The rig collapsed to the leeward (port side). 9 crew members were on board all wearing PFDs. 3 crew in the cockpit and 6 crew on the windward/starboard rail. The crew did not include Bliss’ wife Shelly who was racing on another boat and could only witness from a distance. After the rig collapsed, all crew was accounted for and uninjured. As they were still in the shipping lane with the rig attached to the boat Tom quickly assigned tasks to each crew member to free up the rig from the boat by removing pins from the turnbuckles, cutting halyards, lines, conduit and cables that were binding the rig to the boat. There were two pieces of advice Tom wanted to pass along to everyone. First, check your bulkhead tabbing and Second make sure you have the necessary tools to cut loose your rig in a hurry including a hack saw to cut the conduit used inside the mast for electrical wires. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 15 SOUNDINGS Friday Night Races Photos By: Fred Fago ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 16 SOUNDINGS Gracie and George 2011 With 10+ knot winds shifting out of the SW-W-NW “Faster, Faster!”, a Merit 25 helmed by Deb Fehr, “Crazy Eights” a Moore 24 driven by Kim Stuart, and the rest of the fleet played it safe with a starboard tack start but the Catalina 38, “Harp” with Linda Farabee at the wheel pulled off a clean port start and quickly took the lead. By the final (and only spinnaker leg) down Alameda/Oakland Estuary both Crazy Eights and Faster, Faster had regained distance on the leader, Harp. With a neck on neck finish it was Crazy Eights who benefited most from a good gust to squirt ahead for first to finish line honors. But Faster, Faster! Just minutes behind was indeed fast, correcting out just 22 seconds ahead to take first in her class, PHRF 121 & Results PHRF under 121 Linda Farabee Harp 1st Place PHRF 121 & over Deb Fehr Faster, Faster! 1st Place and 1st overall Kim Stuart Crazy Eights 2nd Place Heidi Schmidt Dominatrix 3rd Place Miriam Baskin Sea Spirit 4th Place ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMEBER 2011 17 SOUNDINGS MEMBERSHIP NEWS... Chris James Membership activity is starting to slow down. I wish I could tell you that we got another twenty new members like I did last month, but August ,though not twenty, is not shabby either. Later in this report I will announce the names of the seven new members who have chosen to join us at EYC. I would like to turn my report more to those members who feel that or practice of waiving the initiation fee is inappropriate. I hear things like "they have no skin in the game" or "I paid my initiation fee why can't they", or "they will all leave in the fall and will try to return in the spring". All I can say is that it is difficult to sell a membership to a family with a heavy mortgage payment, or a coupe with two children in college, or a single person worried about the economy. Few practical people are comfortable forking up $ 1,000.00 for an initiation fee when they are unsure about the future of their employment. This year, as last year, we took away that barrier which allowed us to welcome a great group of new members to EYC. This year’s group is just as enthusiastic as those who joined last year and the class of 2011 is shaping up to be the biggest and best ever. Mix and Match One of our long time members, and an active participant on the Membership Committee, made a recommendation that I would like to announce to all our members. Floyd Hunter noticed that there were a lot of new members sitting by themselves in the EYC restaurant. Floyd recommended that we establish a table where members new and old can sit and anyone would feel free to join them. The table is called "Mix and Match". If you see someone sitting there they are shouting out "Please feel free to join us". Give it a try next time you are in the club. Please join me in welcoming our newest members: Remember, when you see someone with a "First Year" on their badge, shake their hand, introduce yourself, and welcome them to the club. Regular Memberships Thomas V. Abbott Gerard & Aida Ghaibeth Keith & Stephanie Love Todd and Laura Palmer Michael & Conni Rettie Racing Membership Aaron Kennedy Business Membership See you around the club! Chris Join us on August 24th 2011 We will be learning the East Coast Swing! Come down whether you have a partner or not! We can pair anyone up who wants to learn but does not have a partner $65.00 Single or $120.00 Couple This is a 5 week class beginning on 8/24/11 For more information please contact: Phil Albury ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 18 SOUNDINGS WHERE IS THE BURGEE?! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 SEPTEMBER 2011 19 SOUNDINGS Encinal Yacht Club 6th Annual SEPTEMBER 2011 For more info and events, check out our calendar! September 9 Summer Twilight #4 Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ 6:00pm Live Music with the Tony Raymann’s Edelweiss Band Monday Night Football September 12 starts Monday Night Football Begins September 12, 2011 September 23 Summer Twilight #5 $20 members, $25 non-members Admission Includes Dinner & Entertainment Please RSVP by Sept.20, 2011 Office: 510.522.3272 September 24 Wheelchair Regatta Oktoberfest October 1 Kids Movie Night “La Loupiote” September 9th Fashion Splash Movie Starts Promptly at 7:00pm Children 4 and Up Are Welcome Enjoy a dinner with friends upstairs while the kids watch a movie downstairs! Babysitters will be on duty for the evening between 7-9pm Get comfortable! Bring Pillows and Blankets Snacks are served! Popcorn, Juice and Manny’s Homemade Cookies! Meet You at the Dock! October 8-9 Join us for our first high flying circus act presented by “La Loupiote!” They will be preforming on Saturday October 1 and Sunday October 2 with show times of 11am and 1pm for both days. Guests of all ages will enjoy a show from the high flying acrobatic family as they transform their sailboat into a spectacular array with talented and choreographed grace and strength. This is a show you will not want to miss out on! Circle Raft Up Don’t forget to stick around for EYC’s first Tropical Splash Fashion Show! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 Photo by Erik Simonsen SEPTEMEBER 2011 20 SOUNDINGS CONGRATUALTIONS – OUR SEPTEMBER PHOTO OF THE MONTH WINNER! Every month one photo will be selected and featured in our “photo of the month” section. The winning submitter will receive a gift certificate that can be redeemed in the dining room ($50 value). Photos used elsewhere in Soundings or on the Encinal Web Site will receive attribution in the caption. Email submissions in a high resolution JPG, PNG or TIF file to [email protected]. Deadline is the 20th day of the month. By submitting your photos, you give EYC permission to use them in Soundings and on the EYC website. You may even see your photo used to promote the monthly contest! June Winner: Anneke Dury July Winner: RJ Pimentel ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 August Winner: Nicki PowellFord
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