Report Annual - Lincoln Park Zoo


Report Annual - Lincoln Park Zoo
LINCOLN PARK ZOO is constantly renewing
itself. Every year is marked with new arrivals,
eager visitors and landscaped gardens, all
signs of the zoo’s growth and change.
Change was evident to all over the past fiscal year as the zoo embarked on
the transformation of the South Pond into Nature Boardwalk at Lincoln Park
Zoo. While zoo grounds continued to introduce guests to the wonders of
wildlife, the pond in progress was busy with workers and architects realizing
a vision for a new urban ecosystem.
Crumbling concrete walkways were removed to make room for new,
natural shorelines. The pond bottom was dredged and deepened to provide
a refuge for fish, turtles and other aquatic inhabitants. Education programs
were scripted, conservation monitoring began and the zoo prepared to
introduce guests to this green oasis in the shadow of skyscrapers.
As Lincoln Park Zoo readied its newest exhibit, it also looked back to honor
the group of dedicated supporters who made the zoo what it is today. The
Lincoln Park Zoological Society celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2009 with
a tribute gala at the Kovler Lion House.
Founded with the goal of expanding and modernizing the zoo, the
Zoological Society succeeded beyond the building boom they inspired on
zoo grounds. They transformed our concept of the zoo, changing it from a
park facility that housed animals to a worldwide leader in conservation,
science, education and care. The Zoological Society continues to inspire and
lead as the zoo’s governing body.
That leadership responsibility is shared by Lincoln Park Zoo CEO and
President Kevin J. Bell. But in addition to guiding Lincoln Park Zoo over the
past year, Bell was also named Chair of the Board of Directors for the
Association of Zoos and Aquariums. This prestigious position enabled Bell
to lead the nation’s largest zoological organization, inspiring new efforts in
education, conservation and care in 221 AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums
throughout the country.
As Bell inspired zoos everywhere to expand their efforts, Lincoln Park Zoo
was busy planning its future. Last year the zoo unveiled a new strategic plan,
a document that will guide the zoo as it transitions into a preeminent 21stcentury zoological institution.
Of course, the fuel that drives the zoo’s continued excellence is our dedicated
base of members, friends and donors. We are thankful to have your support
in these challenging times. As we celebrate our achievements in animal care,
conservation, science and education over the past year, beyond anything,
we appreciate your continued commitment.
Animal Care
AS A LIVING INSTITUTION, Lincoln Park Zoo is constantly growing. The past twelve
months have been no exception, as new arrivals graced the grounds throughout the year
through the zoo’s participation in Association of Zoos and Aquariums Species Survival Plans®.
In April 2009, six red wolf pups were
born at the Pritzker Family Children’s
Zoo. Four of these pups were placed with
a “foster” pack in the wild in North Carolina, marking the first time a litter born
at Lincoln Park Zoo was contributed to
this program. (The second contribution
would follow in spring 2010.)
The Helen Brach Primate House welcomed a new Bolivian gray titi monkey
in April 2009 and a Francois’ langur in
March 2010. Both are thriving within
their very social families, where aunts
clamor to care for the wee ones.
The Kovler Lion House received a
young female red panda to complement
the resident male. This pair has a breeding recommendation, and while they
have assimilated to each other nicely, staff
had yet to see breeding as of spring 2010.
At the south end of the zoo, a Bactrian
camel was transferred to the Antelope &
Zebra Area to join the existing herd.
The McCormick Bird House welcomed a host of hatchlings last year.
Three laughing kookaburras arrived in
April 2009—the first time this species
has bred at Lincoln Park Zoo. Other new
arrivals included a Blyth’s hornbill chick,
three Guam Micronesian kingfishers,
three piping plovers, a green woodhoopoe and a masked plover.
On the chilly side over at the Kovler
Penguin/Seabird House, a rockhopper
penguin and common murre chick
joined the collection.
Bird-care staff was happy to welcome
three trumpeter swan cygnets, which
dutifully paddled after mom in the Hope
B. McCormick Swan Pond for a few
months before being released to the wild
as part of Lincoln Park Zoo’s ongoing
participation in the Iowa Trumpeter
Swan Restoration Project.
Nearby at Regenstein Small MammalReptile House, staff welcomed clutches
of dyeing poison arrow frogs as well as a
shingleback skink neonate.
Two eastern massasauga rattlesnakes
found during a monitoring mission were
added to Lincoln Park Zoo’s collection
as part of the recovery program for the
species. The female arrived pregnant and
gave birth shortly thereafter, which was
welcomed by all since this species is endangered in Illinois. The zoo plans to
breed this species while continuing to
monitor wild populations.
Close by at the Waterfowl Lagoon,
hooded merganser hatchlings (which
resembled dark, furry tennis balls)
splashed in the water. Three pairs of
northern pintails were introduced to the
habitat, as were three female wood ducks.
In May 2009, the rhinoceros yard at
the north end of Regenstein African
Journey was renovated, offering more
space and new features (such as a mud
wallow) to the big creatures and better
sight lines for visitors. Populating the
expanded space was a male, who had
joined the two resident rhinos (male and
female) in October. The renovation will
enable the zoo to hopefully breed this
species once the female matures a bit. It
will also facilitate research that will guide
the zoo’s conservation and management
programs for wild rhino populations in
Tanzania and South Africa.
“Planned arrivals, like the ones we
welcomed in the past year, are often critical to the management of zoo species,”
explains Vice President of Animal Care
Megan Ross, Ph.D. “But they’re also an
engaging way to educate zoo visitors.
New life inspires new ideas about the
world around us.”
OVER THE PAST YEAR, Lincoln Park Zoo scientists continued to build the body of knowledge surrounding animal
behavior, conservation and care with research near and far.
Tanzania was home to some of the zoo’s
most-exciting findings in the past year.
Researchers with the Gombe Ecosystem
Health Project, led by zoo collaborator
Beatrice Hahn, Ph.D., had a paper published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. The study, conducted in
partnership with former Vice President
of Conservation & Science Dominic
Travis, D.V.M., and Elizabeth Lonsdorf,
Ph.D., director of the Lester E. Fisher
Center for the Study and Conservation
of Apes, showed that chimpanzees with
Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (the
primate homologue to HIV) are more
likely to die than uninfected chimpanzees. These findings reversed the
previous consensus on SIV and invite
new research on the disease.
Research Biologist Lisa Faust, Ph.D.,
also published a paper summing up
more than a decade of observations
from an elephant population recovering
from poaching in Tanzania’s Tarangire
National Park. Her findings confirmed
that elephants are capable of rapid population recovery under the right conditions—a positive sign for those working
to bolster the presence of these magnificent creatures in the wild.
Zoo researchers published additional
findings on rabies elimination in the
Serengeti, viruses in the Gombe chimpanzee population, chimpanzee tooluse strategies for termite fishing and
honey extraction in the Republic of
Congo and breeding strategies for the
endangered island fox.
Lincoln Park Zoo grounds were also
home to a range of new discoveries.
Supervisor of Behavioral and Cognitive
Research Steve Ross published a number of papers on ape cognition and tool
use with Fisher Center collaborators.
The research detailed the ability of apes
at Regenstein Center for African Apes to
sequence items on a computer touch-
screen and acquire nut-cracking behaviors. The scientists also studied the linkage between space use and animal
welfare as well as hunting of local
wildlife by zoo apes. Ross and former
Research Assistant Katie Gillespie (now
in graduate school in Oregon) also published a survey of zoo visitor behavior—
a valuable tool for helping Lincoln Park
Zoo better communicate its mission of
conservation and care.
Zoo population biologists applied
their expertise to saving at-risk species.
Senior Vice President for Conservation
Programs Steve Thompson, Ph.D.,
and Alexander Center for Applied
Population Biology Director Joanne
Earnhardt, Ph.D., assessed the risk of
extinction for the zoo population of the
endangered Bali mynah. Scientists also
released a new version of the PopLink
population biology software, helping
zoos across the country plan healthy
long-term animal populations.
Zoo scientists also produced findings
on the management of small canine
populations, iron absorption in strawcolored fruit bats and pollination
services in the greater Chicago area.
Meanwhile, the zoo endocrinology
laboratory continued to enhance animal
management by using fecal samples
collected by animal-care staff to provide
real-time data on stress and reproductive
“These diverse findings highlight the
breadth of the zoo’s scientific expertise,”
says Thompson. “Our researchers work
across disciplines to advance animal
conservation and care.”
LINCOLN PARK ZOO continued to make strides in protecting wildlife and wild ecosystems
with studies stretching from the zoo’s backyard to the world’s wildest places. Tanzania, the Republic of Congo and northeastern Illinois were hot spots for zoo conservation.
The zoo’s conservation work received
welcome recognition at the 2009 Annual
Meeting of the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums. Lincoln Park Zoo was
awarded top honors in International
Conservation for its chimpanzeeconservation efforts in Tanzania’s
Gombe National Park. Scientists from
the Lester E. Fisher Center for the Study
and Conservation of Apes and Davee
Center for Epidemiology and Endocrinology have long partnered with the
Jane Goodall Institute to study the park’s
famous chimpanzees.
Naturally, their research continues,
with a number of zoo scientists traveling
to Africa during the past year to advance
zoo conservation work. At Gombe,
graduate student Matt Heintz studied
chimpanzee play, post-doctoral researcher
Carson Murray, Ph.D., examined the
mother-infant relationship and Fulbright
Scholar Emma Lantz studied stress and
The Goualougo Triangle Research
Project also received special recognition
with a feature in the February 2010 issue
of National Geographic. “The Truth
About Chimpanzees” showcased the
conservation work of Research Fellow
David Morgan, Ph.D., and collaborator
Crickette Sanz, Ph.D., in the Republic of
Congo’s remote Goualougo Triangle.
Morgan and Sanz (left) study ape behavior, tool-use and the impact of logging
on these endangered animals.
Gombe and Goualougo weren’t the
only sites for African conservation. Graduate student Anna Czupryna traveled to
the Serengeti to study domestic-dog
demography as part of the Serengeti
Health Initiative. Across the continent,
Endocrinologist Rachel Santymire,
Ph.D., continued to contribute to blackrhinoceros recovery in South Africa’s
Addo Elephant National Park by collect-
ing hormonal data to monitor stress and
reproduction in these endangered animals.
The zoo’s African conservation efforts
were enhanced with the hiring of Felix
Lankester, D.V.M., as the zoo's new director of Tanzanian programs. Lankester
will oversee fieldwork in Gombe and
the Serengeti.
Closer to home, researchers with the
Alexander Center for Applied Population
Biology, led by Director Joanne Earnhardt, Ph.D., are working with Illinois
conservation authorities to save the endangered eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
A recovery program is gathering snakes
from the wild to contribute to a breeding
program aimed at eventual reintroduction. Scientists are also studying stable
populations in Michigan to learn more
about population dynamics and massasauga behavior.
Also in the zoo’s backyard, the Urban
Wildlife Institute announced a number
of new hires to build the zoo’s local conservation network. Wildlife Ecologist
Seth Magle, Ph.D., Research Coordinator
Alison Willingham and Coordinator of
Wildlife Management Vicky Hunt are establishing a regional monitoring network
for local wildlife. The data they collect
will advance the ultimate goal of minimizing conflict between nature and
urban development in the region.
Finally, the AZA Population Management Center (PMC), housed at Lincoln
Park Zoo, provided assistance to 318
AZA Conservation Programs, including
105 Species Survival Plans®. PMC input
on breeding and transfer plans is crucial
for ensuring the long-term health of zoo
“These projects represent just some of
the zoo’s efforts to protect wild ecosystems, plan sustainable populations, enhance animal health and bring species
back from the brink,” says Senior Vice
President for Conservation Programs
Steve Thompson, Ph.D. “Lincoln Park
Zoo is proud to contribute to conservation around the globe, from the zoo’s
backyard to the world’s wildest places.”
JUST AS LINCOLN PARK ZOO is broadening its scope with the creation of Nature Boardwalk, the educators here have expanded and diversified their outreach in the past twelve
One of their showcase efforts, Young
Researchers Collaborative, is a new program that helps educators make inquirybased science a key component of the
classroom curriculum. The program
focuses on animal-behavior studies,
conducted both at schools and on zoo
grounds, as a vehicle to teach students
research skills such as making observations, collecting and analyzing data,
drawing conclusions and communicating
The first pilot year of the program
welcomed eight teachers from six different
public and private Chicagoland schools.
Their approximately 200 participating
students ranged from second to eighth
graders and shared the results of their
projects at the zoo’s Science Celebration
on April 22.
Lincoln Park Zoo provided learning
opportunities for educators as well as
students through several professionaldevelopment programs. More than 200
classroom educators connected with
Lincoln Park Zoo educators through
workshops and meetings to learn more
about tapping into zoo resources and connecting with the classroom curriculum.
In addition, the zoo is now part of a
special partnership focused on longterm, multiple-contact professionaldevelopment programming. Early Elementary Science Partnership (E2SP) is a
school-based professional development
program currently entering year two of
the five-year pilot. Lincoln Park Zoo, in
partnership with The Field Museum, the
Chicago Children’s Museum, Peggy
Notebaert Nature Museum, CPS Office
of Science and Northwestern University,
provides E2SP educators with training at
partnering institutions, university-based
coursework in science and pedagogy, and
field trips to enhance science instruction.
E2SP is generously supported by the
Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust and Polk Bros. Foundation.
To further support classroom teachers
in creating a meaningful field trip experience, a new resource—Zoo Tracks—
was created last year. These thematic
curriculum brochures provide teachers
with information to create a self-guided
visit to the zoo linked to state educational
standards. Each brochure leads students
through the zoo to explore biological
concepts such as predator-prey relationships, adaptations and animal social
The newly expanded Guest Engagement Program delivered impressive
results in 2009, reaching an average of
100,000 guests per month during peak
attendance—more than 3,200 guest
contacts each day. The education team,
including volunteers and staff members,
delivered an outstanding on-grounds
experience, showcasing an enhanced selection of programs specially designed
for our guests’ enjoyment.
Zoo educators launched several new
public programs in 2009, including
Bedtime Buddies, a family-focused
program that provides access to the zoo
after-hours. Other new programs
included Winter Animal Photography
(which taught young attendees how to
best focus on wild targets), Monkey
Around (celebrating the diversity and
unique characteristics of monkeys) and
Table for 1,200?! (exploring the ins-andouts of zoo nutrition and what it takes to
feed so many animals). All were warmly
Last summer, Conservation Camp
again thrilled kids who transformed the
zoo into the wildest camp around. The
program offered a series of two differently themed weeklong sessions to
accommodate some 560 campers, two
dozen of whom earned full scholarships
thanks to support from HSBC North
The adults weren’t overlooked, either.
The inaugural offering of Wine &
Wildlife: The Truth about Chimpanzees
celebrated a sold-out audience with 150
participants. Conservation biologists
David Morgan, Ph.D., and Crickette
Sanz, Ph.D., of the Goualougo Triangle
Ape Project, shared groundbreaking
discoveries about the great apes.
Finally, the great work of Lincoln
Park Zoo educators was recognized by
the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
The Exploring Ape Behavior program,
which provides adults and children
(ages 12 and older) the opportunity to
participate in a behavioral research program delivered by the zoo’s research
staff, received the Significant Achievement award at the 2009 AZA conference
in Portland, Oregon.
“The past year has been an exciting period of growth for us,” says Vice President of Education Rachel Bergren.
“We’ve continued to expand our reach.
We’ve enriched the programs we offer to
our varied audiences. Most importantly,
our programs shared the message of Lincoln Park Zoo each and every day.”
Right, top: Board of Directors Chairman David Bolger
with Women's Board President Gale Gottlieb, Zoo Ball
2009 Chair Patricia Cutilletta and Kevin Bell. Below:
Guests enjoy Spooky Zoo Spectacular. Center: (left to
right) Harry Pfaff, Lori Lynch, Tara Marsh and Kevin Bell
enjoy Spring Benefit “Moonlight Migration.” Bottom:
Kids of all ages enjoy Conservation Camp 2009.
WHILE PREPARING FOR the opening of Nature Boardwalk at Lincoln Park Zoo was a priority in the past year, the
zoo also produced a host of exciting activities.
From old favorites to new initiatives,
the events staff kept busy keeping the
zoo’s calendar full.
United Run for the Zoo, held on June
7, 2009, attracted 4,250 participants to
lace up their sneakers and hustle to raise
funds for the zoo. United Airlines, New
Balance Chicago, Saint Joseph Hospital
and Starfruit Café helped make this
event—which sold out in advance—a
huge success.
SuperZooPicnic, held on June 19, welcomed members to picnic and party at
this exclusive event. More than 3,000
guests enjoyed tasty Lifeway kefir while
celebrating the summer weather.
Jammin’ at the Zoo drew some 12,000
music lovers to Lincoln Park Zoo for
three concerts during summer 2009.
Headliners Sister Hazel, Matt Nathanson
and Five For Fighting enlivened the
wildest venue in town. Our partners
101.9 The MIX, Mirassou Winery, Bud
Light, Pepsi, United Airlines and Calihan
Catering helped make this event possible.
Harvest Days, held at the Farm-in-theZoo Presented by John Deere, proved to
be a hit with families, who posed for pictures in the pumpkin patch and created
cool crafts. Support from Whole Foods
and Lifeway ProBugs made the event
extra festive.
The annual winter celebration ZooLights hosted record-breaking audiences
between November 27 and January 3.
Some 325,000 people (a 69-percent increase from the previous year) came to
marvel at the lights, sip cocoa and enjoy
the crisp night air. Presenting sponsors
ComEd and Charter One, as well as CLEAR
WiMax, Pepsi, United and WBBM-AM,
helped make these nights magical.
In fiscal year 2009, the Auxiliary Board
raised nearly $100,000 for the zoo and its
conservation and science efforts. On May
29, the Board hosted its 24th annual
Spring Benefit, “Moonlight Migration,”
with a new progressive party format highlighting some of the most popular spots
within zoo grounds. Partygoers enjoyed
delicious passed hors d’oeuvres and cocktails among the wonderful creatures in
Regenstein African Journey. Guests then
migrated to Café at Wild Things for dancing and desserts under the stars with views
of the zoo’s pride of lions. In October,
the Board also hosted Spooky Zoo Spectacular, a free community event that
provides a safe, fun and educational
Halloween experience for children and
their families. Some 25,000 people, many
donning costumes themselves, took part in
this spooky celebration.
The Women’s Board was equally
active. On July 10 they held their hallmark event—Zoo Ball. With the theme
of “Spots & Stripes Forever,” the event
raised more than $300,000 toward their
pledge to Nature Boardwalk at Lincoln
Park Zoo. On February 9, the Women’s
Board hosted its ZooLA event, an intimate live auction that raised more than
$140,000 in a single evening. On April 22,
Earth Day, the Board hosted the sixth
annual Science Celebration. Approximately 200 Chicagoland students took
part in the celebration at Café Brauer.
They displayed original research projects,
demonstrating how the zoo and the
community serve as a “living laboratory.”
The Lincoln Park Zoological Society
Statements of Financial Position
March 31, 2010 and 2009
of our donors, members and millions of visitors,
Lincoln Park Zoo ended the year with a balanced operating budget. To view a complete
version of our FY10 year-end financials, please
Operating Budget
Pledges and grants, net
Other assets
Property and equipment, net
$ 1,353,168
$ 1,355,603
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
$ 85,159,103
$ 74,192,093
Accounts payable
Annuities payable
Accrued expenses
Commercial Paper
MARCH 31, 2010.
David P. Bolger
John Alexander, Jr.
Chairman Elect
John R. Ettelson
Vice Chair of Finance
Rodney L. Goldstein
Vice Chair
Sarah Pang
Kevin J. Bell
President and CEO
Trisha Rooney Alden
Mary Burrus Babson
Tracey Benford
Michael Canmann
Joseph S. Carr
Johnathan Choe
Sean J. Conlon
E. Ronald Culp
The Hon. Richard A.
Francesca Maher
Marc S. Feldstein, M.D.
Jamee C. Field
Andrew J. Filipowski
John D. Fornengo
David D. Grumhaus
Charles C. Haffner III
Caryn Harris
Stephanie Field Harris
Barbara A. Higgins
Roger G. Hill II
Rich Jernstedt
Elizabeth Karlson
Judy Keller
Barbara Malott Kizziah
Jennifer Ames Lazarre
Alexander R. Lerner
Lawrence F. Levy
The Hon. Lynn Martin
Michael N. Mayo
John V. N. McClure
Courtney J. McEniry
Mark G. McGrath
Thomas L. McLeary
Randall E. Mehrberg
Elizabeth A. Mihas
Stuart C. Nathan
James M. Neis
David L. Nichols
Carleton D. Pearl
Gregory Y. Pearlman
Anne R. Pramaggiore
Mayari Pritzker
Jay D. Proops
James M. Rauh
Susan Regenstein
Myra Reilly
Tierney Remick
Carole B. Segal
Richard L. Sevcik
Brian P. Simmons
Thomas D. Vogelsinger
Hossein Youssefi
Deborah Ellison Barr
Gale M. Gottlieb
Timothy J. Mitchell
Briana Pompei
William C. Bartholomay
William E. Bennett
Gerald K. Bergman
Terrance J. Bruggeman
Raymond H. Drymalski
Dr. Lester E. Fisher
Mrs. Donald E. Gross
John H. Hart
Jonathan Kovler
Dr. Howard C. Morgan
Mrs. William L. Searle
Marion E. Simon
Abra Prentice Wilkin
The Hon. Richard M.
Ruth Dunbar Davee
Marshall Field
Robert W. Lane
Robert A. Pritzker
Gale M. Gottlieb
Abby D. Zanarini
Vice President,
Caroline Huebner
Vice President,
Sally Engels
Vice President,
Shawn Ingall
Kirsten Rider
Mrs. Duncan B.
Katherine Wood
Reggie Beckman
Alice Beninati
Dr. Kimberley Bolden
Alison Hefele Bonney
Carol Brandt
Adrienne Barnaby
Janice M. Brown
Rhonda Buss
Bridget Hughes
Martha E. Cannis
Jennifer Caruso
Debra M. Clamage
Mrs. Thomas C. Clark
Marcia S. Cohn
Cynthia P. Curtis
Patricia G. Cutilletta
Margaret Dickerson
Karen L. DiJohn
Karen S. Eisenbart,
Susan Erler
Susan Flynn
Tara Fowler
Leann Gariti
Mrs. Peter
Francis Geraci
Denise Stefan
Katie Gledhill
Carol Whittaker
Dr. Vicki Greene
Ms. Pamela Hanratty
Josephine E. Heindel
Lesli K. Henderson
Beth Hughes
Mrs. George Jackson
Kathryn Gibbons
Rosemary Jones
Wendy I. Krimins
Sonia Blicharz Larkin
Rita Lashmet
Mrs. Grace H. Leffel
Kate Livingston
Mary C. MacGregor, D.O.
Courtney J. McEniry
Suzanne Meder
Charlotte K. Monhart
Samantha Capen
Brigid Najarian
Nan Nygaard
Kimberly J. Orput
Mary O'Brien
Karen V. Peterson
Martha A. Peterson
Carolyn Kae Phillips
Cindy Polayes
Allyson Pooley
Ms. Molly Porterfield
Sarah Potter
Myra Reilly
Kim Rice
Susan Lynn Tuck
Joan Leydon Siff
Peggy Snorf
Andrea Spiegel
Leslie Sulger
Frances Swerdlow
Melinda Sherman
Jessica Tampas
Kimberly Theiss
Mrs. Robert D. Tice
Christine Tierney
Susan Toma
Adrienne Traisman
Dana Shepard Treister
Kimbra DeFeo Walter
Mrs. Vasiliki Weiden
Amy Welzer
Trudene Giesel
Denise Whennen
Eileen M. Whennen
Peggy White
Mrs. Karen C. Williams
Leslie Zentner
Jenny C. Adams
Mrs. James H. Anderson
Mrs. Ralph W. Applegate, Jr.
Mary Jo Arndt
Mrs. James H. Bankard
Mrs. Howard E. Bedford
Penny Powers Beitler
Mrs. John V. Crowe
Mrs. Bonnie Deutsch
Linda L. Fifield
Mrs. James M. Flanagan
Mrs. Kenneth J. Gimbel
Karen Goodyear
Betty Koenig Greenwald
Chandra A. Greer
Mrs. Donald E. Gross
Jean Hagerty
Mrs. David R. Hamilton
Mrs. Allen R. Hochfelder
Nancy C. Jennings Kelley
Mrs. John Kinsella
Donna LaPietra
Mrs. Victor L. Lewis, Jr.
Betsy C. McCormick
Mrs. Frank A. Monhart
Roberta Olshansky
Mrs. Michael O’Malley
Elizabeth A. Parker
Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Marlene W. Phillips
M. Kay Proops
Shirley Welsh Ryan
Diana M. Senior
Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr.
Maureen Dwyer Smith
Diane Sprenger
Mrs. William D. Staley
Nancy A. Trainer
Bonnie McBride Uhlir
Joan Sulzer Werhane
Janice Wong
Mrs. Charles A. Ault III
Mrs. Richard M. Daley
Mrs. Margaret Dunne
Judy Keller
Jeanine McNally
Mrs. Barbro T. Reeve
Mrs. Keith K. Stocker
Abra Prentice Wilkin
Courtney M. Cavatoni
Pamela L. Goldie-Morrison
Anne S. Heller
Sarah Reilly Thomas
Deborah Ellison Barr
Dugan Schwalm
Vice President
Elizabeth Hood
Tracy Lyerly
Robert Adam
Justin Alden
Nicholas Apostal
Jennifer Arquilla
Mary-Audrey Atteberry
Sarah F. Back
Cassandra Becker
Ramona M. Biliunas
Andrew Bleiman
Dawn Boney
Chuck Brewer
Lindsay Caraher
John Casper
Jessica Q. Coleman
Katie Davies
Christina Davis
John Davis
Jill Driscoll
Frank J. Favia, Jr.
Kristin Finney-Cooke
Kelly FitzSimons
C. Andrew Fritz
William S. Hackney
Hillary Tate Haugen
Lindsay Humphreys
Kristina M. Jakstys
Ali Jubelirer
Melissa Kearney
Andrew Kelly
David Kimball
Tim Kominiarek
Elissa J. Lafayette
Robert R. LeClercq
Kevin Lloyd
Bill Lyerly
Lori Lynch
Regan Lynch
Amanda M. Manning
Joseph Manzella
Jennifer Martay
Gregory C. Mayer
James McCormick
Jodi McNally
Chad Mendell
Lisa Shapiro Mendell
Lars M. Montag
Jeffery Mote
Joseph J. Needham
Betsy Nelson
John N. Newell
Erin O’Brien
Bridget A. Ochsner
John Pellettiere
Isabelle Perrault
Heather A. Pflanz
Brent Ray
Anne Rockey
Robin Rosen
Jason Schmitt
Daniel Silverfield
Dana Snodgrass
Annessa Staab
Lori Stanovich
Keith K. Stocker, Jr.
Tara Dunne Stocker
Mark P. Styles
Edi Thimons
Baomy Truong
Nicholas Verceles
Melanie Walsh
Kelly Warner
Seth Weis
Steven Wolf
Alice M. York
Sarah Zaute
James W. Adams, Jr.
Stephen C. Baker
Sally Burma Beatty
Christopher Broyles
Joseph S. Carr
Susan Chernoff
Cynthia P. Curtis
John E. De Vine III
Jonathan E. Dedmon
Stephanie L. Degen
Michael Devine
Renée A. Diver
Paige Drymalski
John D. Fornengo
Hollis R. Hanover
James P. Hickey
Roxanne Hori
Christine M. Jack
Karen Stone Kaplan
Elizabeth J. Kelly
Barbara Malott Kizziah
Tina M. Koegel
Keith R. Kretchmer
Howard S. Lanznar
Leslee A. Larson
Gail Q. McCarthy
Samantha C. Muldoon
Alexandra G. Nikitas
Gregory Y. Pearlman
Neal L. Pearlman
Harry Pfaff
Allyson Pooley
Jeaneane J. Quinn
Stacey Riddell
Wells Ryan
Richard L. Sevcik
Tempel J. Smith
Hossein Youssefi
Meredith A. Cline
Michael Kahn
Tiffany Makaus
Mike Moore
Carolyn Parr
Cherie A. Richardson
Pamela Schroeder
Jessica M. Swift
Jesse Willis
$100,000 and above
Mrs. Sally B. Searle and
the Searle Family
$50,000 to $99,999
Emily and John Alexander
The Ellison Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pritzker
$25,000 to $49,999
Ms. Jamee C. Field
Mr. Jonathan and Ms. Sally
Meyers Kovler
Alexander and Marianne
Ms. Susan Regenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P.
$15,000 to $24,999
Mr. Jesse F. Abelson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barrett
Mr. David P. Bolger
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Haffner III
Mary P. Hines
The Hon. Lynn Martin and
The Hon. Harry D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G.
Ms. Sarah Pang and
Mr. Bruce Munies
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Regenstein III
Mrs. Nancy D. Toomey
$10,000 to $14,999
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C.
Sue and Jim Colletti
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz L. Duda
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ettelson
Miss Shirley M. Evans
Mr. Andrew J. Filipowski
Caryn and King Harris
Mr. Warren J. Hayford
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas
Ms. Sharon Karsten and
Mr. Frank M. Malone
Judy and John Keller
Barbara and Keith Kizziah
Mr. and Mrs. John V. N.
Ms. Fredericka Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine
James M. and Ilona S. Neis
Ms. Anne R. Pramaggiore
and Mr. Michael E.
Kay and Jay Proops
Mr. Robert D. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I. Segal
Manfred and Fern Steinfeld
$5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. E. M. Bakwin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A.
Jean, Jack and Tim Barry,
Greg McKee and
The McKee Family
Mr. William C. Bartholomay
Mr. Kevin J. Bell
Tracey and Ed Benford
Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan Choe
Mr. Sean J. Conlon
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ronald Culp
Bob and Cathy Daly
Mrs. Patricia K. DuffyJohnson
Francesca Maher
Mrs. Virginia F. Faesen
Mr. John D. Fornengo
Mr. Gerald Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gates
Denise Stefan Ginascol
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L.
Bertha Haeberli*
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Gretchen M. Hoffmann
and Mr. Joseph S. Doherty
Rich and Jeani Jernstedt
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kainz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Ms. Elizabeth J. Kelly
Laird and Diedre Koldyke
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kovas
Ms. Courtney J. McEniry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
McNally IV
Mr. Randall E. Mehrberg
and Ms. Michele Schara
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Niemi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Mr. Carleton D. Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Y.
COL (IL) J.N. Pritzker, IL
ARNG (Ret.)
Mayari and Robert Pritzker
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rauh
Tierney and Rick Remick
Ms. Cindy Scalzo and
Dr. Henry G. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Barre Seid
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Taylor III
The Inadomi-Wolfe Family
and the Adam-Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Zell
$2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (4)
Mrs. Margaret B. Allyn
Glen and Ann Argall
Mr. Troy D. Baresel
Aaron and Priscilla Barlow
Meta S. and Ronald Berger
Family Foundation
Patricia Buehler Blankenship
Christine A. and Paul W.
Phil and Mary Beth Canfield
Susan and Michael S.
Robbin Carroll and
Eugene Lipov
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Dr. Dave, Kendal, William
and Kyle Charnota
Marcia S. Cohn
Mr. Stanton R. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A.
Forrest and Deborah Danson
Joann and Nathan Dardick
Judy and Bill Davis
Ellis Family
Harley P. Esposito
Mrs. Jerome L. Ettelson
Dr. and Mrs. Marc S.
Mr. Jeffrey J. Filippelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Flynn
Christopher Foreman and
Laura McCain-Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W.
Jim and Karen Frank
Marcia Franklin
Monique and Stanley
Brent and Katie Gledhill
Jean McBride Greene
Mrs. Jean A. Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. David D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z.
Hayward, Jr.
Josephine E. Heindel
Diane and David Heller
Dr. Elizabeth A. Holland
and Mr. Gene S. Brandt
Ms. Janice L. Honigberg
and Mr. John A. Hedges
Mrs. Arnold Horween
Rose Marie Houston
William and Vanessa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lazarre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martay
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
John Caldwell Meeker
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Dr. and Mrs. Howard C.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mostofi
The Myers Family
Mr. David L. Nichols
Mr. Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr.
Brad and Susan Oltmanns
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Reilly
Ward C. Rogers Foundation
Renee and Edward Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Scholl
The Schroeder Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Linda Sherline and Karen
Bessie Shields Foundation
Rose L. Shure
Mr. and Mrs. Romolo Sidoli
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Staley
Mr. Keith E. Steinberg
Dr. Steven D. Thompson
and Ms. Debra Kerr
John and Susan Washburn
Carrie and Jay Weaver
Elliot Weisenberg, M.D., and
Clara Orban, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. White
Mr. and Mrs. Hossein
$1,500 to $2,499
Anonymous (5)
Mary and Mike Abroe
Christine Albright and
Lawrence Gill
Geoffrey A. Anderson
Animal Care Expediters, Inc.
Mary Jo and Paul W. Arndt
Ms. Jennifer J. Arquilla
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R.
Dean Balice
The Baranek Family
Johny Beaugez
Ms. Reggie K. Beckman
and Dr. Timothy N. Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G.
Norma Z. Bennett
Mr. Terrance J. Bruggeman
and Ms. Dianne
Ms. Judith A. Buntain*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carlotti
Richard and Ann Carr
Ms. Mimi F. Cummings
Dr. Anthony and Mrs.
Patricia Cutilletta
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Day
Mr. Jonathan E. Dedmon
Stephanie L. Degen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Vicki and Larry DeMar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Dokmo
Mrs. Arthur L. Dunne
Lisa and Geoffrey Dybas
Enivar Charitable Fund
Dr. Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farley
Mary and Bruce Feay
Mr. Robert L. Finch and
Ms. Melissa Lain-Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Fischer
Dr. Lester E. Fisher
Paul and Christy Fisher
Mrs. James M. Flanagan
Rhoda L. and Henry S. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Friedman
Gavlin Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A.
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo A. Ghiron
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M.
Mr. John C. Goodall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Goodyear, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Gottlieb
Sue and Melvin Gray
Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel
The Hehmeyer Family
Ms. Joyce E. Heidemann
Anne and Andy Heller
Van and Kimberly Hemphill
Angeline S. and John P.
Higginson, Jr.
Mrs. J. Dillon Hoey
Jeff and Carol Holden
Dr. Grayson N. Holmbeck
and Dr. Anne L.
Ms. Roxanne Hori and
Mr. Robert Felsenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Mr. and Mrs. David L.R.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones
Kennedy Junior High
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Koglin
Mr. Howard R. Labkon
Mrs. Josephine P. Louis
Mrs. Clara Lyle
Drs. Mary and Scott N.
Mr. Paul W. Makray, Jr.
Sandy and Jerry Manne
Barbara and John Massey
Gail and Bill McCarthy
Mr. Andrew W. McGhee
Barbara McGraw
Bill and Millie McIntosh
Christine and Thomas
Mr. Ted Oppenheimer
Mr. Nat P. Ozmon
Palmer School - Rm. 202
Ms. Phyllis S. Parish
Ms. Elizabeth A. Parker and
Mr. Keith S. Crow
Carrie and Matt Parr and
Casey and Shirl Paw
Lynne and Gary Penrith
Pereiras-Leive Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Perkaus, Jr.
Jean Perkins and Leland
Gordon and Ineke Phillips
Pretzel and Stouffer, Chtd
Mr. and Mrs. David Polayes
Mr. Todd Ricketts and
Ms. Sylvie Legere
Norm and Edith Riley
Dr. June K. Robinson and
Mr. William T. Barker
Judith F. and Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Ms. Linda E. Salisbury
Robert E. and Cynthia M.
Stephen and Kathleen
Richard and Sandra Schaefer
Mr. Michael C. Schaeffer
and Ms. Michelle L. Maton
Karen and Frank Schneider
Pam and Tom Sheffield
Cynthia Shevlin and
Robert Swanson
Marion E. Simon
Mrs. Victoria M. Skala
Bob and Audrae Stephen
Ms. Lisa C. Stiffel
Ms. Jennifer Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Theiss
Mr. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr.
Howard and Jane Tiffen
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Tobey, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Phil and Paula Turner
Mr. James C. Tyree
Mr. and Mrs. L. Byron Vance III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Vlerick
Dan and Patty Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. David B.
The Welzer and Greisch
Trudene and James
Nancy and Steve Yacyshyn
Ms. Tracy Yannias
Ronald Yenerich and
Will Urban
Ms. Christine M. Zrinsky
$1,000 to $1,499
Anonymous (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Whitney W.
Dr. Kris Alden and Mrs.
Trisha Rooney Alden
Teresa and Matthew
Mr. Vernon Armour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Bacon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F.
Bandi, Jr.
Deborah and J. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Gerry and Joan Bergman
Mr. J.J. Betts and
Ms. Mandy Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.
Ms. Carol Brandt and
Mr. William Blaha
Amy D. Brody
John and Leslie Burns
Mr. Timothy Burroughs and
Ms. Barbara Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Buss
Ann B. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Caruso
Ms. Julie A. Christopher
Robert & Terri Cohn Family
Mrs. Gary C. Comer
Barbara A. Cook
Patricia Cox, Katie and
Will Hunckler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiJohn
Dr. Naomi Donnelley and
Mr. Joseph Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Edelson
Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Fahl
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dodge
Honor and Gene Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field
Sue M. Fogarty
Foley Family Foundation
Ginny and Peter Foreman
Eileen Fricke
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D.
The Law Office of Peter
Francis Geraci
Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberg
Mrs. Donald E. Gross
Hamill Family Foundation
Sarah and Joel L. Handelman
Mrs. Marguerite DeLany
Mr. and Mrs. Craig W.
Roger and Eva Hill
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hogan
Mr. Thomas J. Hulseman
Mr. and Mrs. Verne G. Istock
Kathryn and Bruce Johnson
Marybeth and Scott Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Ms. Tina M. Koegel and
Mr. Ron Vesely
Lottie Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R.
Josef and Margot
Mrs. Elizabeth Lane
Edward and Anne Laumann
Ms. Jo E. Lay
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Steve and Mady Lesnik
Lincoln Park Recreation
Mr. and Mrs. Brad
Mrs. Robert R. Lipsky
Longfellow Elementary
School 3rd Grade Class
Ms. Deborah J. Lucas and
Mr. Frederick Snider
Mr. James W. Luce
Mr. and Ms. William M.
Jamie B. MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Magers
Ms. Gigi Mahon
Ms. Joanna Mallers
Barbara F. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald
Nancy A. McDaniel
Jim and Charlotte Monhart
Mr. Richard M. Morrow
New Prospect Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Neyer
Mrs. Melvin A. Olshansky
Ms. Laurie A. O'Shea
Carol M. Overman
Mr. Mark A. Perlow
Mr. Brian Platnick and
Ms. Bryna Kra
Ms. Allyson Pooley
Mrs. Charles S. Potter
Mrs. Kelly L. Pownall-Moran
and Mr. Terrence Moran
Ms. Kim Rice and
Mr. Michael P. Werling
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D.
Rider, Jr.
Phyllis J. Robinson
Robert and Nancy Rotering
Roycemore School
Mrs. Ann Meeker Ryan and
Mr. Steven M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Siff
Walter and Kathleen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Spore
Carol D. Stein
Phillip and Leslie Stern
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Svoboda
Mr. Paul A. Svoboda
Tengelsen Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Ms. Christine M. Tierney
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Weiden
Lyman and Deana Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Susan and Michael Wolz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J.
Robert W. Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zimmer
$500 TO $999
Anonymous (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D.
Marilynn W. Alsdorf
Mr. Nicholas Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Arado
Mr. Robert M. Armbruster
Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Aron
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ault III
Richard Bail and Janice Bail
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K.
Michael and Joanne Balogh
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G.
Mr. William T. Bartholomay
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Bass
Alben F. Bates and Clara G.
Bates Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Dawn and John Beery
Ms. Jennifer Beightley and
Mr. Kristopher Fador
Mrs. Penny Beitler
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Rev. and Mrs. Benjamin B.
Maryellen and Robert
Stacey Kruger Birndorf of
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III
Mr. John P. Blosser
Ms. Corinne H. Blotnicki
George and Nancy Bodeen
Miss Cynthia Bogs and
Mrs. Arlene Bogs
Ms. Alison Hefele Bonney
Lee and Catherine Boyce
Mrs. Theresa B. Bricker
Adrienne Barnaby Brown
Budlong School
Mr. Robert Buchsbaum and
Ms. Elyse Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burke
Mr. Phillip L. Cacioppo
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Callahan
Brenda L. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cannis
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Mr. and Ms. Philip J. Cavatoni
The Arthur E. Clamage
Mrs. Thomas C. Clark
Mr. Peter L. Clerkin
Rebecca M. Coleman and
Jeffrey J. Thomas
Ms. Alice I. Coyle
Mrs. Betty A. Cratty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Ms. Donna M. Curtis
Ms. Liese A. Dallbauman
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas
Miss Christina A. Davis
Dr. John G. Davis
Ms. Inge de la Camp
Bob and Jill Delaney, Jr.
Ms. Judith M. Desenis and
Mr. Scott Peterson
Mr. John H. Dick
Dr. Margaret Dickerson and
Dr. Robert Fliegelman
Ms. Leonora Dickson
Dr. J. A. Dillon, D.V.M.
Mrs. Gwen Dragutinovich
Raymond Drymalski
Ms. Ann P. Duffy
Harvey and Sheila Dulin
Dr. Ruth Durchslag and
Mr. Stephen Durchslag
Mr. Josh Earl
Ms. Carol P. Eastin
Mr. and Dr. Thomas R.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Engels
Sidney and Sondra Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Erler
Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Fabbri
Molly and Frank Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fiedler
Ms. Linda Fifield
Linda M. Finland
Kelly FitzSimons
Fleming Family
Frank B. Foster Charitable
Ms. Tara Fowler and
Mr. Paul H. Fricke
Mr. and Mrs. Wells L. Frice
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Susan and Sy Frolichstein
Mr. John F. Fyfe and
Mrs. Joan Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Gabbard
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gariti
Ms. Julie L. Gentes
Ellen L. George
Elizabeth Gillette and
David Lively
Goldberg-Remington Family
Stanford and Ann Dudley
Debra L. Grand
Stanley and Nan Graves
Dr. Vicki M. Greene
Ms. Chandra A. Greer and
Dr. Steven J. Moravec
Margaret E. Grinnell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C.
Barb and Glenn Grossklags
Mr. and Mrs. John Gude
Ms. Sandy M. Guettler
Christopher and Susan Gust
Katherine and Ray Haase
Mirja and Ted Haffner
Ms. Lili Hall Scarpa
Dr. and Mrs. C. Rollins Hanlon
Tom Hanrahan
Ms. Pamela M. Hanratty and
Mr. Jeffrey Coburn
Ms. Jeanne M. Hansen
Ms. Alice E. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Heal
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M.
Mrs. Lesli K. Henderson and
Mr. Steven R. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hill
Mr. Mark D. Hollick and
Ms. Anne Fitzpatrick
Elizabeth B. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Susie and Christopher
Mrs. Vivian C. Humphrey
Patricia J. Hurley
Mr. Jeff Husserl and
Ms. Valerie Ware
Robert and Saran Hutchins
Peter and Lindsay Ianello
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Ingall
Mr. Ronald Janish
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jozwiak
Junior Girl Scout Troop
Mr. and Mrs. Irv Kagan
John D. Kann Family
Robert, Barbara and
Cory Kappler
Nicholas A. Karris Family
Heidi and Ed Keenan, Jr.
Melissa and Dennis Kelly
Priscilla and Steven Kersten
Mr. Christopher D. Kiergan
and Ms. Kristina Pauley
Ms. Linda E. Kimbrough
Mr. and Mrs. John Kinsella
Erika Kohler and Timothy
Ms. Rachel S. Kohler and
Mr. Mark S. Hoplamazian
Sarah Kozlowski and James
Ms. Wendy I. Krimins
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kron
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kushen
Mr. Mark Landolt and Family
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lane
Dr. Bradley G. Langer and
Ms. Julie Langer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S.
Ms. Flora Lazar and
Mr. Lee Greenhouse
C. Lazaroff
Dr. John G. Lease
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Mrs. Grace H. Leffel
Ms. Ruth W. Lekan
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Levy
Mr. Burt P. Lewis
Donald and Nancy Lewis
and Family
Mr. Graham D. Lewis and
Mrs. Elizabeth Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Tadd and Dana Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Long
Ms. Lori J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mabie
Jo Anne Maczulski
Ms. Margaret L. Maczulski
Mr. Joseph M. Manzella and
Ms. Ashley Gold
Dr. Elizabeth A. Marcus and
Mr. Ira J. Belcove
MaryLou Marek and Ray T.
The Marquardt Family
Mrs. Beatrice C. Mayer
The Howard and Kennon
McKee Charitable Fund
Ms. Carlette McMullan and
Mr. John J. Gibbons
Mr. Sean McNeely
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meder
Ms. Marion J. Meganck
Dr. Erika Melchiorre
Dr. Alice Lee Melchor and
Mr. Gregory L. Melchor
Laura L. Metzger
Ms. Jackie Minzes and
Mr. Brian Joenk
Mrs. Frank A. Monhart
Jeffrey A. Mono, M.D.
Mr. R. Lawrence Montgomery
Richard and Beverly Moody
Ms. Dorothy H. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Ms. Lois Morrison and
Mr. Justin Daab
Kerry and Gloria Morrissey
Helga Muench
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Muldoon
Mr. John Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Najarian
Ms. Mary Nalbandian
Ms. Ellen J. Neely and
Mr. Jeffrey S. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Aram Nikitas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
William and Susan Pappas
Bob and Carol Passaneau
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J.
The Pearlman Families and
Harry Katz
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Ms. Carol W. Penz
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Perlow
Ms. Martha A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Phillips Family
Mrs. Marlene W. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J.
Mr. Michael J. Pifko
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H.
Andy Pitler
Bliss and Richard Pleet
The Tim Pohl Family
Ms. Carol Proesel
Ms. Melanie Radler
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rafilson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt
Mr. Joseph R. Rasdale*
Chuck and Cathy Reiter
Esther Reiter
David and Kathy Riddell
Don and Julie Rocap
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Rockey
Laurie and Scott Rose
Mr. Louis F. Rosenthal and
Ms. Sharon Faigin
The Sacchetti Family
St. Jerome School
Janice and Irwin Saltz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaff
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Schaffer
Meg Schaul
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C.
Susan and Gary Schuman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Mr. Dugan Schwalm
Mr. David Scott
Gloria and Bill Sedlacek
Mr. and Mrs. Guenter Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. L.
Patricia Shah-Nazaroff
Ruth and Jason Sharps
Mary Beth Shea
The Shipp Family
Nancy and Henry Silverman
The Mike and Linda Simon
Charitable Fund
Ms. Wilma J. Smelcer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byron
Smith, Jr.
Mick and Sue Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Peggy Snorf
Darren and Anne Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Mr. Matthew E. Steinmetz
Liz Stiffel
Mrs. Louise A. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Sulger
John and Penny Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John Supera
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Dr. Linda J. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Blake H. Swift
Ms. Jessica E. Tampas and
Mr. Richard B. Lazar
Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Thimons
Edward O. Thomalla
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thomas
Ms. Suzy F. Thompson
Mr. Joseph S. Tiritilli and
Ms. Phyllis Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Toma
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Toulouse
Jennifer Kamp Tretheway
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J.
Ms. Frances E. Tuite and
Mr. Simon Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Turula
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Tuszynski
Mr. Thomas E. Usher, Sr.
Ms. Elsa Vaintzettel
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Vinson
Mr. Brian S. Vito
Mr. Matthew Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Weiss
Linda and Michael Welsh
Mrs. Joan Werhane
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Whennen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Williams III
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Willis
The Winsor Family
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wolff
Abby D. Zanarini
The Zucaro Family
Foundation, Inc.
$250 to $499
Anonymous (5)
Active Roofing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adam, Jr.
Ms. Susan Adler
Mr. Justin Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Aldridge
Ms. Susanna J. Allshouse
and Mr. Steve McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Alter
Jackee Ames and
Richard Alan Strauss
Mr. Nicholas H. Apostal
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan B.
Ms. Lori A. Baas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Back
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Bakal
Mr. Nicholas Baker
Mrs. Julie Ball
Ms. Valerie Barnes
The Bassett Family
Mr. and Dr. Bradford Beatty
Ms. Cassandra A. Becker
and Mr. Andy Loulousis
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beninati
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A.
Lieselotte N. Betterman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve S.
Michael and Diane Blake
Mr. Andrew W. Bleiman
The Bobins Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H.
Dr. Kimberley M. H.
Bolden, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle
Ms. Dawn Boney
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D.
Ms. Megan A. Brann
Mr. Charles Brewer
Noelle and David Brock
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bross
Larry and Susanne
George and Jacqueline
Mr. John R. Buchanan
Ms. Patricia J. Buchholz
Barbara and Richard Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Buss
John Wm. Butler, Jr. and
John M. VanderLinden
Mrs. Priscilla U. Byrns
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Cahoon
Edward J. Calkins
Mr. Nick D. Campanario and
Ms. Noah Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Carr
Mrs. Julie A. Carr and
Mr. Daniel P. McAnally
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Susan Chernoff
Mr. Michael Y. Chiang
Dr. and Mrs. Nessim J.
Ms. Carol A. Cleave
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cleland
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Clements
Mr. Robert B. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Coletta
Miss Constance S. Coning
Marla and Donald
Nancy Corral
Mr. Lawrence O. Corry
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Cox
Mr. Frank R. Cureau
Mr. and Mrs. Craig P. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Michael Danforth and
Eva Nielsen
Ms. Diana DeBoy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Caroline E. Devlin
Mrs. Sharon Dewar
The Hon. Loleta A. Didrickson
and Mr. Charles E.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony
Ms. Roberta S. Dillon
Salvatore P. diMenza
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dobbin
The Dobell Family
Mrs. Jacqueline K. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dow
Dr. and Mrs. James Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Bud and Lois Dungan
Ms. Lorraine E. Egebrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Sharon Ephraim and
Mr. David W. Kite
Erika Erich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V.
Mr. Frank J. Favia, Jr.
Ms. Kim Feil
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C.
Kim M. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Justin M.
Ms. Jane Fouser
Arthur L. Frank, M.D.
Dave and Stephanie Free
Ms. Cecilia Friberg and
Mr. Ronald Edwards
Mr. John R. Fronko
Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Gabbard
J. Patrick and Anne M.
Carol and Thomas Galuhn
Kathryn C. Gamble, D.V.M.
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Gendleman
Ms. Mara Georges and
Mr. Michael Mutz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Ms. Georgean Goldenberg
The Goldenberg Family
Ms. Dorothy G. Goos
Ms. Christy Goudeau
Ms. Ingrid E. Gould and
Mr. Robert C. Hsiung
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Grainger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gray
Cathryn Gries
Holley Hall
J.M. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. John Hass
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Mrs. Thomas Hebda
Michael Held and Bonnie
Ms. Joyce K. Herdliska
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Herring
Ms. Debra J. Hinze and
Mr. Gary Crews
Richard and Joyce Hirsch
Mark Hoffmeister and
Kathy Bentley
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Mr. Harvey J. Hong
Mr. Richard T. Hough
Ann and Bruce Howat
Ms. Christine M. Jack
Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson
Mr. James Jacobs
Shirley and Richard Jaffee
Ms. Kristina M. Jakstys
Dr. Kenneth James
John and Lenore Janecek
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Jarrow
Mr. Kenton P. Johnson
Thor and Darlene Jondahl
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Jones
Miss Judith Kadish
Mrs. Mary S. Kaiser
Ms. Stephanie Kanter
Ms. Faye Katt and
Mr. Ganesh Natarajan
Mr. Jeremy Kaufman
Ms. Melissa A. Kearney
Ms. Denise A. Kelley
Mr. Basil Kezios and
Ms. Carole Heiman-Kezios
Mr. David Kimball
Ms. Mary Anne Kirchschlager
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
Mrs. Mary I. Klotz
Amy Kontrick
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kozak
H. Maxine Kramer
Mr. John La Marre
Ronald La Voie
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R.
Ms. Donna LaPietra and
Mr. William H. Kurtis
Ken and Liz Larsen
Marie R. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lashmet
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F.
Mrs. Julie Latsko
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi
Barry and Veronica Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Lewis, Jr.
Alex Lin and Susan Takacs
Alissa B. Lipson
Ms. Patricia L. Loeffler
Jim and SuAnne Lopata
Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe
Bill and Teri Lowry
Luecke-Telford Family
Ms. Kelley Lynch
Ms. Regan Lynch
Ms. Veronica Lynch
Mrs. Margaret P. MacKimm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Ms. Tiffany Makaus
Mr. Dave Malecek
Elaine and Floyd Manilow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H.
Susan Marie Marzec
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.
Dr. and Mrs. James Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Matlin
Ms. Helen J. Maxwell
Greg and Heidi Mayer
Mr. Raymond McBride
Betsy McCormick and
Steven Lelyveld, M.D.
Mr. James McCormick
Carrie McNally and
Rick Maechling
Mrs. Jodi McNally
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Dr. Jean G. Meyers and
Mr. Robert L. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mihalec
Mr. Lars M. Montag
Mr. Michael D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E.
Mr. and Mrs. David Mui
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Mr. James W. Nelson II
Jon and Kathy Newcomb
Mr. John N. Newell
Alexandra and John Nichols
Mr. Gregory A. Nie
Mr. and Mrs. Edward U.
Amy and Tom Novicki
Ms. Erin E. O'Brien
Mr. Michael J. O'Brien
Ms. Bridget A. Ochsner
Mr. Brian J. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. David Oliver
Mr. Richard Orsan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Palasz
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pape
Mr. Adrian Park
Mr. David S. Parkes
Dr. Angira Patel
Frank and Kristin Pellicori
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Perlman
Ms. Mary Perrotti
Rebecca and David Perry
Ms. Karla D. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Meline and Allan Pickus
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Dr. and Mrs. William K. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Ralf R. Pohl
Ms. Bronwyn T. Poole and
Mr. Peter G. Schmitz
Ms. Molly Porterfield
Grant and Margaret
Ms. Sarah Potter and
Mr. Richard D. Ryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Poy
and Family
Dianne Goren Radtke and
Steven Radtke
Ms. Jill M. Rappis
Mr. and Mrs. Brent P. Ray
Mr. James L. Reed, Jr. and
Mr. K. Steven Blake
Mrs. C. Richard Reinisch
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. Andrew L. Ribeiro
Ms. Dorothy R. Richards
Ms. Cherie A. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald F.
Diane and Bill Ritchie
Deborah Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P.
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M.
Jill and Ron Rohde
Benjamin and Barbara
Ms. Robin Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Matt R.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenson
H. Cary Ross
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ruder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Mrs. Colwell W. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Ryan
Kathy and Gordon Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. John Scala
Robin Schapiro
Ms. Julie Schaul
Mrs. Sue Schell
Mr. Jason Schmitt
Herbert and Renée Schneider
Jim and Anna Schwartz
Mrs. Mary A. Schwartz and
Mr. Richard H. Brewer
Muriel and Maurice
Dr. Neena B. Schwartz
Kent Shafer and Allison
The Shein/Snellback Family
Mark and Nikki Shields
Nancy and Tom Silberman
Mr. Daniel Silverfield
Diana and Robert Simon
Mr. Jeffrey Simon and
Ms. Marilyn Nance
K.C. and Carl Simon
Mr. William S. Singer and
Mrs. Joanne Cicchelli
Ms. Charlene C. Sirotzki and
Ms. Sharon Swanson
Miss Mallery Skelton
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smilie
Mr. and Mrs. Carter E. Smith
Patty and Marshall Smith
Mr. Craig D. Sokol
Mrs. Sumner M. Sollitt
Richard C. Sorenson
Mr. David Spadafora
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Spain
Mr. Jon Spainhoun
Michael Sparhawk
Mr. David J. Stagman
Mr. Gus S. Stamatakos and
Ms. Nancy Laho
Barbara and John Stechman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stein
Dr. Donald F. Steiner
Philip Stillitano
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stratton
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Stukel
Mrs. Sally L. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Swift
Mr. Robert J. Sypniewski
Ms. Fui Lian Tan and
Mr. Robert Inger
Mrs. Kimberly Tharin
Drs. Henry and Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tocher
Bill and Chris Tompsett
Miss Claudia Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Towers
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turner
Virginia and Fred Uhlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Ullman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Upton
Ms. Megan R. Van
Bernadine G. Vehrs
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vespa
W.F. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. Liam Walsh
Mrs. Kristie Walstrum
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P.
Vicki and Kurt Warning
Sandra and Bruce Wechsler
Mr. Seth Weis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M.
Ms. Mary Agnes Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wendt
Mrs. Barbara H. West
Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Whitlock
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S.
Tom Wiltzius and Patricia
Windy Citizen
Carolyn J. Winje and
Michael Kravitz
Ms. Paula D. Wise and
Mr. Roy Slovenko
Ms. Carol K. Wittwer
Mr. Steven E. Wolf
Dr. Ira S. Wolke, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wood
Thomas and Sharon
Mr. Lawrence R. Yablonicky
Anthony, Andrew, Lisa and
Ted Yaghmour
Mr. Kenneth A. Youga
Mrs. George B. Young
Drs. Joan and Russ
Zajtchuk, M.D.
Ms. Hilary Zankel and
Mr. Jay Gottfried
Ms. Elizabeth Ziegler
Ms. Lois Zoller and
Mr. James C. Mills
Gregory Zrazik and
Ellen Best*
$25,000 to $49,999
Field Museum of
Natural History
Mr. John D. Fornengo
$10,000 to $24,999
Jean McBride Greene
John Hart and Carol Prins
Stephen L. Hickman Family
Ms. Tracy Hickman and
Mr. Chad Munger
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K.
Ginny and Peter Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. David Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Niemi, Jr.
$2,500 to $4,999
Lisa and John Curran
Mary and Bruce Feay
Nancy A. McDaniel
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III
Christine A. and Paul W.
Sue and Jim Colletti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S.
Dr. Kathryn C. Gamble, D.V.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat
Ms. Katharine C. Gross
Mrs. Henry G. Hart, Jr.
J.B. Charitable Trust
Jewish United Fund of
Metropolitan Chicago
Judy and John Keller
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward S.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sacks
South Suburban Cage Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Tilton
Zoological Society of
Buffalo, Inc.
$2,500 and above
The Abra Wilkin Fund
$1,500 to $2,499
Jean, Jack and Tim Barry,
Greg McKee and
The McKee Family
Mrs. Donald E. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
McNally IV
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
$1,000 to $1,499
Dr. Judith S. Bensinger and
Dr. Peter B. Bensinger
Mr. and Mrs. David D.
John Hart and Carol Prins
We honor individuals who
have made a commitment
to the zoo through their
estate plans.
$500 to $999
Emily and John Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R.
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Mr. Terrance J. Bruggeman
and Ms. Dianne
Susan and Michael S.
Mrs. Robert F. Carr III
Charter One Bank
ComEd, An Exelon Company
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ronald Culp
Mr. Jonathan E. Dedmon
Raymond Drymalski
Mr. and Dr. Thomas R.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ettelson
Dr. Lester E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Daggett Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Ms. Elizabeth J. Kelly
Barbara and Keith Kizziah
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lazarre
Alexander and Marianne
The Hon. Lynn Martin and
The Hon. Harry D.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard C.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Parker and
Mr. Keith S. Crow
R.B. Industries, Inc.
Mrs. Stacey R. Sather
Mrs. Clarke Stayman
Mr. and Mrs. Keith K.
Anonymous (24)
Dr. Farida Ahmed, M.D.
Mr. Jonathan S. Alter
Geoffrey A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Arnam
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C.
E. M. Bakwin
Johny Beaugez
Mr. Kevin J. Bell
Susan Bernstein
Gerald Berstell
Mr. John A. Beton
Drs. Vanice (Van) and
Ernest Billups
Mr. David P. Bolger
Mr. Jerome Broekema
Mr. Terrance J. Bruggeman
and Ms. Dianne
George* and Jacqueline
Ms. Judith A. Buntain*
Robert G. Cappaert
Carol Christiansen
Debra M. Clamage
Sue and Jim Colletti
Vivian Conner*
Alice Cooperman
Ms. Mary P. Cusack
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doak
Raymond Drymalski
Miss Shirley M. Evans
Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D.
Mary and Bruce Feay
Honor and Gene Ferretti
Ellen Filurin
Dr. Lester E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fryer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
Ms. Linda Fuller
Ms. Jean F. Funk*
Matthew A. Gelbin
Trudy Giesel
Lyle Gillman
Denise Stefan Ginascol
Mr. Jack Goggin
Ms. Georgean Goldenberg
Miss Mary D. Gray
Jean A. Griggs
Barb and Glenn Grossklags
Mr. and Mrs. David D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Haffner III
Ms. Beth M. Halevy
Mr. Richard Halvorsen
Ms. Jeanne M. Hansen
Josephine E. Heindel
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R.
Elizabeth B. Hood
Ms. Dorothy Horton*
Caroline and Charles K.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
$250 to $499
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Adams, Jr.
Event Solutions, Inc.
Mr. John D. Fornengo
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Gottlieb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Judy and John Keller
Mrs. Grace H. Leffel
Malott Family Foundation
Ms. Courtney J. McEniry
Mrs. Sally B. Searle and the
Searle Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I.
Marion E. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M.
Mrs. Sue M. Tice
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Trainer III
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. White
Abby D. Zanarini
Robert A. Johnson
Dr. Anne M. C. Juhasz
Jack Kanuk
Roberta and Don Karper
Judy and John Keller
Mr. Mark F. Klaus
Ms. Patricia Klemz
Tania M. Kokott-Schmidt
Mr. Dennis J. Kravetz
Ms. Mary E. Kreppel and
Mr. David W. Diehl
Grace H. Leffel
Ms. Ruth W. Lekan
Lynn Leon and Vicky Miller
Ms. Wilhelmine E. Long*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lysy
Jo Anne Maczulski
Ms. Margaret L. Maczulski
Mr. Gregory J. Mader
Ms. Mary E. Mako
The Hon. Lynn Martin
and The Hon.
Harry D. Leinenweber
Ms. Winifred A. Martin
Mr. Edward J. Matusek
Nancy A. McDaniel
Barbara McGraw
Thomas McLeary
Leah Melber, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Niemi, Jr.
Ms. Jo Ann Noble
Ms. Clarice R. Norin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen
Carol M. Overman
John W. Palma, Jr. and
Gina H. Harris
Ms. Elizabeth A. Parker and
Mr. Keith S. Crow
Ms. Nancy Peterson and
Mr. David Benacka
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F.
Ms. Maxine R. Philipsborn*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Gordon and Ineke Phillips
Bliss and Richard Pleet
Robert and Mayari Pritzker
Catherine F. Quinlan
Mrs. Alan L. Rappaport
Ms. Susan Regenstein
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Relias
Miss Kathleen Rice and
Mr. Barry Sears
Michael O. Rigg
Deborah Ritter
Ms. Anita J. Rogers
Ben and Barbara Rooks
Mr. Philip C. Roth
Dr. Olivia M. Scarse
Carl and Barbara Schwebel
Ms. Henriette Simon
Marion E. Simon
Mr. Roy Slovenko and
Ms. Paula D. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. Thomas W. Stephenson
Dr. Mark W. Stolar
Ms. Mary A. Taft
Ms. Karen Thomas
Eugene Tkalitch and
Jill Peterson
Ms. Marilyn T. Trice
Linda G. Ulreich
Mr. Robert G. Walberer
Dr. Margaret M. Walsh-Reitz
and Mr. Roger L. Reitz
Ms. Elizabeth K. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
Ms. Bessie Weintraub
Ms. Gay Weissenberger
Mr. Ken C. Whitener, Jr.
Virginia L. Whittaker
Mr. Charles H. Wilson
Ms. Patricia A. Wood
Ronald Yenerich and
Will Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Hossein
Drs. Joan and Russ
Zajtchuk, M.D.
Ms. Candise Zake
Tom and Sherry Zimmerman
Christine M. Zrinsky
These dedicated friends
choose to create a legacy by
including the zoo in their will
or trust. We gratefully remember these individuals
from whom we received
gifts this year.
Annalee Ayers
Nancy M. Buckley
John M. Condit
Ross I. Conner
Vivian E. Conner
Shirley Jackson
Florian Latek
Ruth McLaughlin
Gwendolyn V. Norton
Geraldine Parker
Doris Stern
Veda Stern
$25,000 and above
Sears Holdings Corporation
$10,000 to $24,999
Baxter International Inc.
The Brickman Group, Ltd.
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
S & C Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Corn Products
International, Inc.
Deere and Co.
General Iron Industries
Charitable Foundation
Jones Lang LaSalle
Americas, Inc.
McMaster-Carr Supply
Mesirow Financial
Morgan Stanley Foundation
The Pepper Companies, Inc.
The Sidley Austin Foundation
William Blair & Company, LLC
$1,000 to $4,999
Alberto-Culver Company
AMSTED Industries
Blackman Kallick
Code Hennessy & Simmons
Eaton Vance
Latham and Watkins
Novack and Macey LLP
Old Republic International
Robert Bosch Tool
Safety Service Systems, Inc.
Shure Incorporated
Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
Starbucks Foundation
$25,000 and above
Bank of America Foundation
HSBC North America
$10,000 to $24,999
$2,500 to $9,999
Animal Health
Zoological Society of
San Diego
$50,000 and above
Charter One
ComEd, an Exelon Company
Pepsi Beverages Company
$25,000 to $49,999
Joe & Ross
Lifeway Foods, Inc.
United Airlines
$10,000 to $24,999
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Association of Zoos
and Aquariums
Beam Global Spirits
E. & J. Gallo Winery
New Balance Chicago
Vienna Beef
$5,000 to $9,999
Chicago Public Library
Cutie’s Clementine’s
St. Joseph Hospital
$1,000 to $4,999
Crop to Cup
J&J Snack Foods
Alpha Baking Company
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
Beam Global Spirits
Calihan Catering
Newsradio 780AM
E. & J. Gallo Winery
Joe & Ross
Navy Pier IMAX
New Balance Chicago
R.J. Grunt’s
Sidley Austin LLP
United Airlines
Vienna Beef
Whole Foods
William Wrigley Jr. Company
ACE Charitable Foundation
Allstate Giving Campaign
Ameriprise Financial
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America
Bonneville International
CNA Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
FM Global Foundation
GE Foundation
Give With Liberty
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Illinois Tool Works
International Business
The John D. and Catherine
T. MacArthur Foundation
Johnson Controls Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Kraft Foods, Inc.
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
MacDermid, Inc.
Macy's, Inc.
McCormick Foundation
McDonald's Corporation
McMaster-Carr Supply
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Neiman Marcus
The Northern Trust Company
Pepsico Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
The Sidley Austin Foundation
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Time Inc.
Tyco International Ltd.
U.S. Cellular Corporation
W. W. Grainger, Inc.
WellPoint, Inc.
Winston & Strawn, LLP
Wrightwood Capital
Admin LLC
$100,000 and above
The John D. and Catherine
T. MacArthur Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
The Brinson Foundation
Helen Brach Foundation
$25,000 to $49,999
The Buchanan Family
The Efroymson Family
Fund, a CICF Fund
$10,000 to $24,999
Chauncey and Marion D.
McCormick Family
Edmond and Alice Opler
John R. Halligan Charitable
Makray Family Foundation
The Mayer & Morris Kaplan
Family Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
D & R Fund
Earth Share of Illinois
Fred J. Brunner Foundation
Jack and Goldie Wolfe
Miller Fund
Walter and Caroline Sueske
Charitable Trust
$2,500 to $4,999
Francis Beidler Foundation
Patrick and Anna M.
Cudahy Fund
Hoellen Family Foundation
Suzanne Smelcer Robinson
$1,000 to $2,499
The Bill Bass Foundation
Gerald A. and Karen A.
Foundation, Inc.
Geraldi Norton Foundation
William M. Hales Foundation
$100,000 and above
Arcus Foundation
Association of Zoos and
$50,000 to $99,999
Society for Conservation
$25,000 to $49,999
The Field Foundation
of Illinois, Inc.
$10,000 to $24,999
The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
Bowman C. Lingle Trust
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The Siragusa Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
The Elizabeth Morse
Charitable Trust
Harry F. Chaddick and
Elaine M. Chaddick
Foundation Inc.
The Regenstein Foundation
$100,000 and above
National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation
U.S. Department of
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
$5,000 to $10,000
Chicago Public Schools
$1,000,000 and above
Chicago Park District
The Regenstein Foundation
Women's Board of
Lincoln Park Zoo
$500,000 to $999,999
Brooks McCormick Trust
McCormick Foundation
Peoples Gas
$250,000 to $499,999
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Haffner III
Illinois EPA
Illinois Tool Works
Roxy and Richard Pepper
Tawani Foundation
Beth Daley Ullem
and Scott Ullem
$100,000 to $249,999
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C.
The Efroymson Family
Fund, a CICF Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Flynn
Midwest Generation,
An Edison International
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Proops
Segal Family Foundation
The Siragusa Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fiedler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lane
Ms. Courtney J. McEniry
The Northern Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.
$25,000 to $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
The Brinson Foundation
Ms. Jamee Field
HSBC North America
Kemper Educational and
Charitable Fund
Mr. Robert D. Rodgers
Kellee and Eric Joost
Holger and Lorraine
Lodge Management
Group, E.E.
Ms. Courtney J. McEniry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B.
Ms. Nancy Turner
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Ms. Stephanie L. Degen
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Gaylord and Dorothy
Donnelley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martay
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Niemi
Sandra and Earl Rusnak
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I.
$25,000 and above
J.N. Pritzker/Tawani
Military Library
$10,000 to $24,999
Sears Holdings Corporation
$5,000 to $9,999
Peggy and Brian White
$2,500 to $4,999
Arlen Music Consultants Inc.
Mrs. James M. Flanagan
Ms. Pamela M. Hanratty and
Mr. Jeffrey Coburn
Craig and Patty Henderson
Mr. Allan L. Maca
Elizabeth Parker and
Keith Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A.
Van Vlack
$1,000 to $2,499
Don and Suzanne Albanese
Abbe and Adam M. Aron
Ms. Marta H. Babson
Katherine and Harold
James and Elizabeth
John and Jacolyn
Miss Marcia S. Cohn
Mr. and Dr. Thomas R.
Kelle and Jack Frymire
Law Offices of Peter
Francis Geraci
Denise Stefan Ginascol
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Gottlieb
Ms. Josephine E. Heindel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Helms
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Hood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Grand Benefactors
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Abbott Nutrition
Ann Gerber (2)
Aon Corporation
Apollo Group/University
of Phoenix
Bank of America
Bruce and Deborah Crown
The Allstate Insurance
The Boeing Company
ComEd, an Exelon Company
Stephanie and John Harris
and Jamee C. Field
JPMorgan Chase
Katten Muchin Rosenman,
Muffy and Al Lerner
Pepper Construction
William Blair & Company
WB Guarantors
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F.
Susan and Bryan Erler and
Rosemary and
Gary Jones
Kevin and Susan Flynn
Law Offices of Peter
Francis Geraci
Jay and Gale Gottlieb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Ms. Courtney J. McEniry
Kimbra and Mark Walter
Adam Burish
American Vending Sales
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Karen and John Anderson
Anthony Luciano
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beninati
Bitter End Yacht Club
International, Ms. Dana
Hokin and Mr. Robert
The Chicago Blackhawks
Bryan and Susan Erler
Finesse Cuisine
Kevin and Susan Flynn
Food for Thought Catering
Four Seasons Georges V
Frost Lighting
Denise Stefan Ginascol
Halls Rental
HDO Productions, Inc.
Hefferman Morgan
House of Blues Chicago
The Ink Spot
Integrative Pet Care
J. Mendel
J&L Catering
John Reilly Photography
Rosemary and Gary Jones
Tom Kolovos, TheBest
Ms. Donna La Pietra and
Mr. Bill Kurtis
Peggy Lim
Limelight Catering
Gabrielle Lyon and
Paul Sereno
Marshall Pierce & Company
Moet Hennessy USA
N9NE Group
Neiman Marcus,
Michigan Avenue
Northern Possessions
Palms Casino Resort
PepsiAmericas, Co.
The Peninsula Chicago
Margaret Pothast and
Grant E. Pothast
PRP Wine International
Ralph Lauren
Rancho La Puerta
Roberto Cavalli
Robin Rotenier
Sears Holdings Corporation
Jill Steenhuis
Frances Swerdlow
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Swift
Sutton Studios
Kim and Steve Theiss
Trabert & Hoeffer Jewels
United Airlines
United Airways
Kimbra and Mark Walter
Windy City Linen
Wines for Humanity
$10,000 and above
Souder Family Foundation
U.S. Bank
$5,000 to $9,999
Chicago Dental Society
$2,500 to $4,999
Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Malott Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martay
McDonald's Owners and
Operators of
Chicagoland and
NW Indiana
Schiff Hardin LLP
Sweet and Sassy
Twin Trees Foundation
$1,000 to $2,499
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas
Ellwood Associates
Mrs. Jackalyn Marsh
Michigan Apples
Protiviti Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Thimons
$599 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R.
Safe Kids Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Carter E. Smith
Sprout Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Winsor
Adobo Grill
American Laser Centers
Andre Prost, Inc
Argo Tea
Blue Plate Catering
Café Ba Ba Reeba
Calihan Catering Inc.
Chicago Beverage System
The Colbert Report
Conlon & Co.
CVS Caremark Corp.
David Barton Gym
erin gallagher jewelry
Ferrara Pan Candy Co., Inc
Harpo Studios
Heaven Hill Distilleries
Heffernan Morgan
The Ink Spot
Itzy Ritzy
Jelly Belly
Kehoe Designs
Kellogg Company
McDonald's Owners and
Operators of
Chicagoland and
NW Indiana
Michigan Apples
Mon Ami Gabi
More Cupcakes
Old Town Social
Portraits by Sayles
Proverb Associates
Pump It Up
RJ Grunt’s
Sears Holdings Corporation
Stanley's Fruit and Vegetables
Storck, USA
United Airlines
Van Duzer Vineyards
William Wrigley Junior
Wow Bao