February 22, 2015 - Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church
February 22, 2015 - Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church
St. Martin Church 21304 Church Avenue Parish/School Website www.mqpcatholic.org Parish Office Hours Monday: noon—4:00p Tues.—Thurs. 9:00a—4:00p Friday: 9:00a—noon Life/Death Emergency Number 763-428-9283 Parish Phone Number 763-428-2585 21304 Church Avenue Rogers, MN 55374 St. Walburga Church 12020 Fletcher Lane WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00pm St. Walburga PRAYER LINE— Please call Terry 428-2618. Sunday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM — Baptisms are scheduled the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month for registered parishioners only. Call the parish office to schedule. ****9:00am St. Martin 11:00am St. Martin 6:00pm St. Martin ****NURSERY AVAILABLE IN CHURCH BASEMENT DURING MASS September—May WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Wednesdays 8:30am –St. Martin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45p—St. Walburga Sunday 8:00-8:45am—St. Martin Parish Staff SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE — An immediate family member must be a registered parishioner of Mary Queen of Peace for at least one year or more. Arrangements must be made with the pastor. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK — Call the parish office or emergency number. Office Manager/Pastoral Assistant Carol Lutgen— [email protected] Director of Religious Education/ Confirmation Betty Zahler— [email protected] Youth & Family Apostolate Coordinator Laura Selken— [email protected] Music Director Dianna Anderson– [email protected] Mary Queen of Peace School Principal Michael Gerard MARY QUEEN OF PEACE AUCTION Meeting Monday, February 23rd 6:30pm St. Martin Social Hall Volunteers are still needed for sub-committees. Parishioners are encouraged to attend this meeting. Donations will be accepted soon! KC FISH FRY Friday, Feb. 27th 5:00pm -7:00pm St. Martin Hall COST: 4 yrs & under - Free 5 yrs – 12 yrs - $6.00 13 yrs & older - $9.00 Family Maximum - $40.00 MENU INCLUDES: Fish, Macaroni & Cheese, Baked Potatoes, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Dinner Rolls, Cookies & Beverages Sponsored, cooked, & served by the Northwest-Hennepin Knights of Columbus council # 11941 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 22, 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTERS FEBRUARY 28 & MARCH 1 ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 5:00pm Anthony Coins Sunday 9:00am Nolan Farnam Need 1 Volunteer Sunday 11:00am Sam Miller Dylan Timm Sunday 6:00pm Ben Kopp Zack Kopp READER Barb Scharber Mike Coleman Susan Miller Confirmation Students EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Michelle Coins Jeanette Fricke Elva Weber Mike Coleman Arlene Lensing Jerry Knapp Linda Knapp Tracy Shakal Susan Miller Lisa Eiden Need 1 Volunteer Tammy Erikson USHERS Kevin & Jennifer Rymanowski Pat & Alberta Fitzsimmons, Phil & Vonnie O’Brien Mark & Jon Eiden Confirmation Students MASS INTENTIONS Feb. 25—Mar. l Weds. (8:30a) +Phillip Reiser Sat. (5:00p) +Marie Lynch Sun. (9:00a) +Larry Leither Sun. (11:00a) +Helen Schacher Sun. (6:00p) For the People EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Please call Terri Hawkins 428-5292 by noon on Saturday if you would like a visit on Sunday. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Weekend 2-15-15 139 Adult $ 5,892.00 Plate 962.50 Children .50 $ 6,855.00 Auto Withdrawal 2,050.00 $ 8,905.00 HOST: CUP: Please continue to pray for our parish as we await the assignment of a new pastor. SCHOOL NEWS Wednesday 8:30am Mass Friday Living Stations 2:10p MQP Catholic School Open House March 26th 5:00-7:00pm Preschool-5th Grade Open House Meet the Teachers & Tour The School For more information contact the school office for a tour. MQP SCHOOL PRESENTS FEBRUARY MONTHLY COLLECTION FOR C.R.O.S.S. COOKING OIL RAMEN NOODLES C.R.O.S.S. is our local food shelf. Collection boxes will be at the back of both churches for your donations. THE WIZARD OF OZ Thursday, February 26th 6:30pm St. Martin Church All are welcome to attend this performance! STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays during Lent 7:00pm St. Martin Church Please join us in welcoming the newest little members to the Catholic Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism: Carson John, son of Garrett & Katrice McConnach Ellie Rose, daughter of Matthew& Somer Blum EASTER FLOWERS If you would like to donate Easter Flowers in memory of a loved one, please put your donation in an envelope marked “EASTER FLOWERS” and drop it off at the parish office or the weekend collection. Please also include the individual(s) name(s) you are remembering with flowers. We have many Mass intentions available for weekend Masses in 2015. If you would like to schedule a Mass for a loved one or special intention, please contact the parish office 428-2585. CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL RAFFLE Tickets are $5 each, and a ticket provides the opportunity to win $45,000 in prizes, which includes a 2015 Ford Escape or $25,000, vacation pack ages and more. 100% of every ticket sold stays with Mary Queen of Peace. Tickets will be sold at after weekend Masses through March 8th, at the school office or parish office daily. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Sunday School classes: March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. CLASSES FOR GRADES 1 THOUGH 6: Feb. 25, March 4 & 25. NO CLASS March 18. CLASSES FOR GRADES 7, 8, 9: March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Net Retreat for Grades 8 and 9 Sunday April 12 from 10:30 am until 7:00 pm. Required attendance. Speaker for Grades 7 and 8 students and parents Sunday April 19 at 7:00 PM. Required attendance. Grade 8 will attend Feed My Starving Children on Feb. 23. Bus will leave MQP at 5:15 return at 8:00/8:15. Attendance is required. Service hours will be given for this event. We are in great need of 7 chaperone volunteers , Religious Education Matching Grand Breakfast is March 22, 8:30 to 12:30. Please come meet other parents, help with this only fund raising for our yearly activities. SCRIP UPDATE All SCRIP cards are used the same as cash/credit/debit card. You can purchase them from MQP to give as gifts or purchase items from the store. We are your one-stop-shop. A variety of SCRIP cards are available and more that can be special ordered. SCRIP will be sold again Sunday, February 28thafter the 9am and 11am Masses AND on Fridays from 8:209:00am at MQP School. You can find a complete listing on the MQP School website. Any questions contact Mary 428-8486. Please join us in welcoming the new members of Mary Queen of Peace who recently joined the parish: Chad & Missy Sinkler, Agnes Villanti & Family, Scott & Jacquelyn Welle & Family, Chad & Christina Schmidt & Family. ATTENTION YOUTH DO YOU WANT TO ATTEND WORLD YOUTH DAY IN KRAKOW POLAND IN 2016? If you will be 16 years old on or before 2016, you are welcome to come and learn about this amazing opportunity. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in learning more by sending an email to [email protected] Once we have an interest level, we will set-up a meeting to learn more about this amazing journey. ADORATION CHAPEL NEWS God is always with us, but there is no way that we can always be aware of His Presence. We all need to spend some time each day just relaxing in awareness that God is close to us and loving us unconditionally. Where can we go to be alone with God? The Adoration Chapel is the PERFECT place for intimate, heart to heart conversation with Him. Especially during this Holy Season of Lent. OPEN HOURS: WEDNESDAY 8:00am FRIDAY 2:00am, 11:00am PRAYER PARTNERS NEEDED: Monday 3:00pm Thursday 10:00pm REMINDER: You are always welcome to come to the chapel and adore Jesus in the Tabernacle at anytime. Please call Ellie to commit to an hour 428-2172. 2015 Catholic Services Appeal “Be Imitators of Christ” Thank you to those parishioners who have already donated to this year’s CSA. When our parish reaches its goal, 25% of all funds received will be returned for use to support ministries in our parish. If you haven’t donated yet, there are also envelopes at the end of each pew in both churches. Your financial support for the work of our parish and vital ministries throughout this local Church is one way to express this gratitude. Thank you. Please join us for our Speaker Series!! March 4th 6:30 – 7:45pm St. Martin Church Our topic for March is “The Holy Spirit in Our Hearts” Faith, Hope & Charity and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit how they are active in our world and in our hearts. Our speaker this month is Dr. Kristin Towle: Dr. Kristin Towle grew up in Owatonna, Minnesota. She completed her undergraduate degree in Catholic Studies and Spanish at the University of St. Thomas. After a year of MA Theology courses at Boston College, she went on to complete a Ph.D. in Theology at Ave Maria University in south Florida. Kristin has been an editor for Sapientia Press and the theological journal Nova et Vetera. She has been an adjunct theology professor at the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity since 2012, and she has taught courses on prayer and spirituality, Christian virtues, the Eucharist, and the Catechism. She is in charge of formation for the Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry at the seminary. She and her husband, Michael, currently reside in St. Anthony Village, with their four small children, where they attend St. Charles Borromeo parish. Take this time from your busy schedule to sit back and enjoy a good discussion and get to know others in our parish. MARY QUEEN OF PEACE GALA SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 5:00pm Crown Room—Wellstead of Rogers EVERYONE INVITED!!! Come support Mary Queen of Peace by attending this year's MQP Gala on March 14th! It's a great night out with your spouse and/or friends - the night includes a complimentary happy hour, dinner, silent/live auction, dance, wall of wine, photo booth, and many other activities! Registration information can be found on the web at http:// school.mqpcatholic.org/gala/ or by contacting Jenn Edison at (612) 387 -5159, or [email protected]. Please consider supporting our parish and the school by registering for this years Gala! Some live auction items for this year's Gala include: John Deere Tractor - Make life easier and your lawn beautiful with a John Deere D110 Lawn Tractor Ten (10) tons of material from Hassan Sand and Gravel — Have you started thinking about outdoor summer projects yet? Get a head start with any material from Hassan Sand and Gravel! Taylor Swift Tickets — Bring your friend or your daughter with great seats to this sold out show! We have two tickets for Sunday night, Section C5, Seats 7 & 8. The Original Aqua Lily Pad — This hot item is PERFECT for both adults and kids and adds an all new experience to LAKE FUN!! A weekend at Ruttger's on Bay Lake — Grab your spouse or a friend for a much needed weekend getaway to a beautiful resort on Bay Lake! This experience includes two nights, 18-holes of golf for two with cart, and a gift card for a facial at the Fine Line Spa located on resort grounds. Adirondack Chairs — Get ready to spend some time outside watching others mow their yards with a push mower with the ever popular Adirondack Chairs donated by the Amish Showroom! Hardwood Floor Installation/Finishing - Get those hardwood floors you always wanted with a credit of $500 towards installation, finishing, refinish or hardwood floors by Duane's Floor Service. A Hole Hog - stock up your freezer! Clam Fish Trap Nanook - A two-person, instant set-up portable low profile fish house allows two anglers to fish comfortably side-by-side. New to Mary Queen of Peace? Welcome! Our parish family is growing and we are so glad you are here. If you are new and would like to join the parish, please contact the parish office or you can register online at: mqpcatholic.org The 2015 Gala committee is excited to announce that Carol Lutgen will be honored at the MQP Gala as the recipient of the 3rd Annual Legacy Award! We all appreciate the hard work and dedication Carol has provided the church and school over the past 17 years. Carol will receive her award at the Gala on March 14th. K.C. BINGO Sun. March 1st Starts promptly at 1:00p St. Martin Church Social Kids are welcome to play! $7 – 1 card, $12 – 2 cards, $15 – 3 cards *25 regular games with $10 - $20 prizes *Progressive $ $ Cover-All game *PLUS 5 “Half the Take” games Snacks & beverages available Sponsored by N.W.-Hennepin K.C. Council #11941 SAVE THE DATE!! MQP “SonSpark Labs” Vacation Bible School (Pre-k through incoming 4th grade fall 2015) Monday July 20 – Thursday July 23 (VBS Drama Team Rehearsal week is Monday July 13 – Thursday July 16 MQP 8th Annual Middle School Mystery Trip (all youth incoming 6th grade – outgoing 8th grade Fall 2015) Sunday August 2 – Tuesday August 4 MQP 3rd Annual High School Mystery Trip (all youth outgoing 9th grade – incoming 12th grade Fall 2015) Friday August 7 – Sunday August 9 Look for registration forms and more information on these events in April!! Sun Sunday School 9 2 Mon MARY QUEEN OF PEACE 1 KC BINGO 2:00p-STMH Sunday School Class: Grades 7, 8 & 9 8 16 MQP School Hosts 9:00am-Donuts & Coffee following Class: Grades 7, 8 & 9 15 KC mtg. 7:00p-STMH Sunday School Class: Grades 7, 8 & 9 23 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MARCH, 2015 14 Sat Thu 13 MQP GALA—Wellstead of Rogers Fri Wed 5 Bible Study 9:30a-N Little Flowers 6:15p-M School Advisory Mtg. 7:00p-M Adult Choir 7:00pSTMC Stations of the Cross 7:00p-STMC Tue 3 4 Mass 8:30am-STMC Children’s Choir 2:45pSTMC Religious Ed 6:30p Speaker Series 6:30pmSTMC 20 21 ALTAR SERVER TRAINING 9:30A Religious Education Breakfast Set-up 1:00pSTMH 7 10 KC 4th degree dinner 11 Mass 8:30am-STMC 12 Children’s Choir 2:45pBible Study 9:30a-N STMC Adult Choir 7:00pSTMC KC FISH FRY 5:00pSTMH Stations of the Cross 7:00p-STMC 28 6 17 18 Mass 8:30am-STMC 19 Bible Study 9:30a-N Children’s Choir 2:45pFinance Council 7:00p-O STMC Adult Choir 7:00pReligious Ed 6:30p STMC NFP 7:00-M MQP Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser Day-All DayMaple Grove Location 27 Stations of the Cross 7:00p-STMC w/4th Degree Knights 24 Stations of the Cross 7:00p-STMC 31 SPACE ABBREVIATIONS: STMC-St. Martin Church STWC-St. Walburga Church STMH-St. Martin Hall S-School M-Modular Building PO-Parish Office 25 Mass 8:30am-STMC 26 Bible Study 9:30a-N Children’s Choir 2:45pSchool Open House STMC 5:00—7:00pm-S Religious Ed 6:30p Adult Choir 7:00pSTMC NFP 6:30p-M 30 Penance Service 7:00pm— St. Albert’s in Albertville 22 Sunday School RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MATCHING GRANT BREAKFAST ALTAR SERVERING TRAINING 12:00nSTMC Class: Grades 7, 8 & 9 29 Penance Service 7:00pm—Mary Queen of Peace—Rogers Sunday School Class: Grades 7, 8 & 9 Penance Service 7:00pm—St. John’s in Dayton Dehn’s Country Manor DUANE’S FLOOR SERVICE Sanding • Refinishing • Installation Estimates Cheerfully Given Troy & Neva Gullickson 20060-148th Circle No., Rogers • LUNCH • BANQUETS • DINNER • TAKE-OUT (763) 420-6460 Now Open for Sat. & Sun. Breakfast 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 11281 Fernbrook Ln., Maple Grove, MN 55369 (763) 428-8601 Fax (763) 428-8983 Knight Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. FUNERAL HOME 24 Hour Emergency Service Free Estimates on Installations 34 2nd St. NE Osseo, MN (763) 274-9945 Otsego Affordable Elegance In Assisted Living 763-428-8181 www.wellsteadofrogers.com 20500 S. Diamond Lake Road Rogers 763-424-4000 • Decorative Rock • Wood Mulch Sand & Gravel • Topsoil Rogers, MN www.hassansand.com 428-2393 T.B. NAILS www.TheWeddingWorkshop.co Professional Excellent Nail & Spa Pedicure Services Wedding & Prom Flowers in Rogers $3 OFF any service $25 or more (with this ad) Rogers 763-428-1674 Lorraine Gould, parishioner ROGERS PAULY PAINTING, INC. Reed Chiropractic and Sports Injury Management Interior - Exterior 21433 Pointe Drive, Rogers, MN WWW.SCHARBERS.COM 763-428-5350 PH: (763) 428-4107 AUTO BODY PLUS FUNERAL & CREMATION COLLISION & GLASS Window Tinting 763-428-1501 Rogers, MN 55374 805 MAIN ST. NW • ELK RIVER 763-441-1212 MICHAEL O’HALLORAN, OWNER TY B. SUNDERMAN, MANAGER & DIRECTOR • Dine In • Delivery • Carry Out • Catering Diamond Lake Crossing Rogers 763.428.9899 (763) 428-8636 “MENTION THIS AD RECEIVE 10% OFF ANY ORDER” Rogers, MN 763-428-3010 Anthony M. Gleason is a registered representative of and offers securities, investment advisory and financial planning services through MML Investors Services, LLC, member SIPC (www.sipc.org) 901 Marquette Ave., Suite 2600,Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 333-1413. Gleason Financial is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investors Services, LLC. 21370 John Milless Drive, Suite #115 Rogers, MN 55374 www.reedchiromn.com 20750 Rogers Drive Next Door to Church Practical advice for personal and business planning 763-670-4244 by appt. “Flowers that make memories.” Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 STORM DAMAGE SPECIALISTS • ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS ROGERS 763-496-1469 Are you ever alone? We brought back the jukebox, the neon and the fun. (612) 428-1574 13450 Rogers Dr., Rogers You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Rogers 763-428-6464 Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. Marc Macke, CIC 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free President & Parishioner • Business • Home • Auto • Life • Disability 763-551-1010 www.agency10insurance.com 918030 Mary Queen of Peace ST. MICHAEL-ALBERTVILLE “Proudly Made in the USA” CALL TODAY FOR SENIOR DISCOUNT Jay Fredrich 763-227-5818 Funeral Home and Cremation Services 300 N. Main St. St. Michael, MN 55376 21660 S. Diamond Lake Rd., Rogers, MN 55374 763-493-21ST (2178) Member FDIC www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Parishioner & Proud parent of MQP Student (763) 497-5362