Vol. 9 Issue 20
Vol. 9 Issue 20
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School News you can use VOL. 9 Issue: 19 January 4, 2016 Wednesday, January 13, School Advisory Board Meeting 6:00pm Mrs. Cain’s room Friday, January 15, 5:30pm PVO meeting Mrs. Cain’s room IT’S ALMOST HERE!!! LIGHTS CAMER A Auction A Night for our OLV Stars! Friday, January 22, Auction Mtg. 6pm Mrs. Cain’s room Friday, January 29th GEO BEE 11am at Mat-Su Central 4 16 16 HOT LUNCH Price: $5 UPCOMING DATES: January 31-February 6th Catholic School’s Week - Volunteers needed 1/30 Auction Ticket Sales begin 2/10 Ash Wednesday Mass 9am 2/12 & 2/15 No School Teacher Work Days 2/19 OLV Stations of the Cross & Soup Supper 2/22-29th Re-Enrollment &New Enrollment begins for current families 3/1 Open enrollment for PK-5th grade only TUESDAY 1/12: Chef Marion Meatloaf, vegetables, dessert and drink THURSDAY 1/14: Chef Liz Spaghetti & meatballs, salad, dessert and drink GEO BEE: For those students that are in the Geo Bee the first competition is January, 29th at 11am at Mat-Su Central. Please inquire with Mr. Lund for more details at [email protected] ROBOTICS: A new vendor to Mat-Su Central, Learning Point Alaska, will be starting a robotics workshop in the new year (date to be announced). There will be an opening for up to 12 students in a week long after school Robotics program from 3:45pm-4:45pm or a two day a week program for 3 weeks. It is open to K-8th students. The class will be held at the school. The cost is $125 per student and it can be directly billed and paid through Mat-Su Central. If you are interested please reply back or let the OLV office know. Have a great week!! ~Karen Smith 907-232-6416 BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUTS JANUARY 8-Dylan Hsu 15-Laurel 19-Edward 23-Phoebe MRS. VERNA GIANI - PRESCHOOL What a great first week back! We had a ton of fun exploring in our space unit, it was out of this world! Last Friday we made astronaut pudding, ask them what they thought of having to eat out of a bag. This week we are going to introduce the letter Q and dive into the planets. If you haven’t done one yet make a rocket with your kiddo this weekend to bring in and share with the class, it does not have to be big and fancy just some tissue and cardboard, simple things that you have around the house. I wanted to let you all know that I have been amazed beyond belief at how caring and helpful the children have been this week adjusting to the crutches and my temporary lack of mobility. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and thank you all so much. I hope you all have an amazing week, and as always please contact me with any questions or concerns. MRS. WAISANEN’S WISE ONE’S K-1 YAY!!! Mrs. Verna is back and is doing well getting around with her crutches and walker. We were both impressed at how nurturing and helpful all the children were to be sure she stayed safe while getting around in the classroom. We made a rule that if you need help, ask three people before asking her. My older children were quick to help take care of their younger friends and I am thankful for all their help they display in the classroom with their peers. We will continue to learn about the solar system this week and will make dehydrated food throughout the week to sample. Using powdered milk and pudding, last week we made Astronaut Pudding in plastic bags and ate it through a straw. (Luckily we were on earth for the King’s cake so we could eat it the normal way!) Feel free to send in your rockets anytime during the week. There are no rules on designing one out of items found around the room, except you MUST have fun working on it together. Report cards will go home tonight and I want to take this opportunity to once again thank you for the support you give at home. It is obvious and simply amazes me to see these young children come in learning letters and are now taking off on reading books by themselves! Most important is that they all want to read and I can’t ask for anything more. Thank you! Thank you, Dylan’s mom, for coming in to listen to the children read most mornings. If you are free to spend an hour to listen to little ones read or play a reading game, please let me know. Have a great week! MRS. LUND’S 2-3 CLASS Bible Verse for this week is: “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven.” John 20:23 Religion words for this week are: confess absolve 2nd & 3rd graders wrote and illustrated incredible amazing Epiphany stories. Students incorporated their required vocabulary and followed their amazing interpretation of that remarkable event. Many of the students are experts at spelling the names of the gifts, naming the kings and understanding the profound consequence when the Wise Men changed their return route. Students frosted their Kings’ bread and three happy students found the baby, (almond) baked in each circular braided loaf of purple, gold, green and white sparking crown shaped loaves. Making and wearing their cardboard crowns adorned with jewels culminated this biblical lesson. The liturgical season of Epiphany will end on Maudy Tuesday, (Fat Tuesday) the day before Ash Wednesday. Thank you parents and students for resuming our homework regime. Homework habits begin early in a child’s educational career. The additional minutes each night results in a profound difference in your child’s ability to retain learned information. Our science focus will be investigations of “magnets and magnetism.” If you have any extra magnets and would like to contribute to our magnet box, please label them and allow your child to bring them to school for the duration of this unit. In geography, students are eagerly learning the names of all the continents and oceans for our study of maps and globes. I will send home a study map guide so that each student can also locate the continents and oceans on a world map. The date of the test will be announced next week. See the world study map in your child’s homework folder. (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica) (Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean) Have a blessed week and thank you for all the random acts of kindness and generosity you give OLV. MRS. GRISSO’S 4-5 CLASS Today the students will be coming home with their 2nd quarter report cards. Be sure to check their backpacks or ask your child to view them. In religion, we studied the Epiphany which comes from the Greek verb meaning, "to reveal." The Epiphany marks the end of the twelve days of Christmastide when the Three Kings come to pay homage to the Son of God in the town of Bethlehem meaning, "House of Bread." In science, the students performed 2 labs which concentrated on color afterimages. When the eyes stare at a colored object or shape such as a red square for 40 seconds or more and then quickly look at a white sheet of paper, the afterimage will appear on the white sheet as the color blue-green which is red's complementary color. The cells in the eyes that detect the color red become fatigued by staring at the same colored object, and for a few seconds the cells that detect the color red shut down; therefore, the human eye picks up only the color's complementary color. These colors are located directly across each other on the color wheel. The second lab the students performed focused on 3 dimensional images. The students made their own pair of 3D glasses and drew a 3D image to view through their glasses. They learned the difference between monocular vision versus binocular vision as well as the fact that 3D objects allow us to see height, width, and depth. We also finished the book, King George: What was His Problem? This by far was one of the most interesting books written about the Revolutionary War for kids. It was clear and concise, and the students learned quite a plethora of information pertaining to the war and our great nation! We are now beginning our reading study on the Civil War. Our new class novel is entitled, Meet Abraham Lincoln. In history, we have reached page 100, and we learned about the settlements of New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. The students also wrote persuasive essays on trying to convince a person from Western Europe to come settle in America. Have a blessed and holy week! Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions. --G.K. Chesterton MRS. CAIN’S 6-8 CLASS We had a wonderful first week back! We were very busy and accomplished a lot! Here’s what we did last week… Social Studies We began our unit on the Revolutionary War and spent some time reading about the lead up to the war and working with maps of the thirteen colonies. Did you know that present day Maine was originally part of Massachusetts and present-day Vermont was divided between New York and New Hampshire? Science We are continuing our unit on Chemistry and have an upcoming test this Thursday, January 14. A study guide is going home with this week’s homework packet. We had fun creating words using the periodic table and practicing our Bohr Models and Lewis Structures! ELA We will continue working on vocabulary, grammar (diagramming sentences with adverbs and adjectives), and reading Johnny Tremain. Check out our pictures of OREO persuasive writing! The acronym OREO helps us to remember to structure our persuasive essays with O-opinion, R-reasons, E-evidence, and O-restate our opinion. We tried out this structure with “The Correct Way to Eat an Oreo!” Religion We finished our Nicene Creed puzzles and learned about some of the hard to understand words in the Creed. We also discussed the origin and celebration of the Epiphany, read Ch. 2 in the Gospel of Mark (focusing on the Pharisees), and had a questionanswer session with Spencer Hodgson, a seminarian. Reminder…Second quarter report cards, work, and graded book reviews/reports go home today! Check your child’s backpack! Have a great week! Mrs. Cain PVO CORNER Dear Parents, PVO meeting this Friday, January 15th at 5:30pm in Mrs. Cain’s classroom. Upcoming activities: Catholic Schools Week. January 31-February 6th. Volunteers needed to plan activities, carpool, etc. Friday Stations & Soup Supper: February 19th 6pm. Volunteers needed for soup, bread, serving and clean up. Thank you!! Peter & Brenda Scott If you have not had a chance please complete the Safe & Sacred certification. go to www.archdioceseofanchorage.org website Safe Environment tab, adult online training etc. Please make sure to login to Sycamore regularly for updates and volunteer opportunities. Thank you for your active participation! Peter & Brenda Scott, PVO President [email protected] Amanda Weglin, PVO Vice President [email protected] Ivy Massie, PVO Secretary [email protected] Auction News Corner Co-chair contacts: Verna Giani and Julie Gag All hands on deck! We are roughly 100 days until the auction. We need your help and support now. Please attend the next auction meeting on Friday January 22nd from 6-7pm. The auction cannot happen without everyone working together. This is a priority for our school right now and we still have so much to be done. Please allot the time to attend the meetings, see you all there. Thank you! Have a blessed week! Verna Contact: Verna Giani, email: [email protected] Julie Gag, email: [email protected]
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