Knights of Columbus - San Marco Knights of Columbus Council #6344
Knights of Columbus - San Marco Knights of Columbus Council #6344
Knights of Columbus San Marco Council 6344 P.O. Box 417 - Marco Island, FL 34146 - 239-389-5633 Charity - Unity - Fraternity - Patriotism In Solidarity with our Priests NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID NAPLES, FL PERMIT #20026 Check out our new website: J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 5 SK John Fusco (left) with GK Joe Fatony is a relatively new Knight but freely offers his time and talents. John helped construct this year’s float and finished all four degrees in a year. Knight of the Month John Fusco District Deputy District Warden State Deputy Supreme Knight Field Agent SK Al Bismonte SK Joe Domiano SK Paul Koppie SK Carl A. Anderson Alan Juliano (239) 961-9996 (216) 905-9999 (727)-785-2684 ( 239) 450-7347 Sir Knight Bob and Lady Trish Wilcox are valuable assets to the Knights, Columbiettes and the church. Bob, a PGK and PFN, devised and constructed this year’s float. Trish is PP of the Columbiettes and a tireless worker for Knights. Family of the Month Bob & Trish Wilcox Bishop Frank Dewane Pope Francis Websites: State KOC San Marco Council San Marco Church (941) 484-9543 (239) 389-5633 (239) 394-5181 Calendar FEBRUARY 2015 JANUARY 2015 6 Off. Mtg. 7PM Coun. Mtg .7:30PM 3 Off. Mtg. 7PM Coun. Mtg. 7:30PM 8-15-22-29 Bingo Doors Open 5:30 PM 5-12-19-26 Bingo Doors Open 5:30PM 14 Assembly Comedy Night 9 Free Throw Contest 16 Spaghetti Dinner 4:30-7:00PM 17 Social 5:30 PM (18 Ash Wed.) 20 Social 5:30PM 20-21-22 Tootsie Roll 24 Columbiettes Dinner Dance 20-27 Fish Fry 4:30-7:00PM 26 Knight Time Event 24 Assem. Mtg.7:30PM (7PM Rosary) 27 Assem. Mtg. 7:30PM (7PM Rosary) 28 Kof C Dist Free Throw Championship All Meetings in the San Marco Parish Community Center Officers Meetings In a classroom. Council Meetings In the conference room or the social hall. Social Meetings In the social hall. Assembly Meetings on the 4th Tuesday each month at 7:30 PM In the conference room. Rosaries at 7:00 PM in the Chapel. Hilda Brosky Reports: K of C Float & Christmas Island Style Parade Samantha Lauren MARCH 2015 3 Off. Mtg.7:00PM Coun. Mtg. 7:30 PM 5-12-19-26 Bingo Doors Open 5:30PM 6-13-20-27 Fish Fry 4:30-7:00PM 14 St. Patrick/St. Joe 6:30PM 17 Social (Ladies Night) 5:30PM 17 Free Throw Contest Winners 18 S/D Erin Spaghetti Dinner 4:30-7PM 21 Special Olympics Summer Games 21-22 Membership Drive 24 Assem. Mtg. 7:30PM (7PM Rosary) APRIL 2015 5 Easter Sunday 7 Officers Meeting 7:00 PM 7 Council Meeting 7:30 PM 9-16-23-30 Bingo Doors Open 5:30PM 10- 17 Fish Fry 4:30-7:00 PM 13 St. Vin De Paul Spag. Din 5:30 PM 21 Social 5:30 PM 25 Golf Tournament 28 Assem. Mtg 7:30 PM (7PM Rosary) MAY 2015 3 Mass for Deceased Knights 5 Officers Meeting 7:00 PM 5 Council Meeting 7:30 PM 7 Bingo Doors Open 5:30P.M. 7 Spaghetti Dinner (Tentative) 19 Social 5:30 PM 26 Assembly Meeting 7:30PM (7PM Rosary) Rosary for Life: Mondays at 6:30 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Saturdays at 10:00AM at Planned Parenthood in Naples. Call Bill Christ for further information (389-0945). PRAY FOR THE UNBORN 2 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Grand Knights Message SK Joe Fatony Fellow Knights: December was an active time for our council. On December 9th, SK Joe Granda oversaw the construction of the manger at the church, along with Sk Bob McArdle, Deputy Grand Knight John Caltabiano, Sk Joe Domiano, Sk Ed Paltani, SK.Joe Swaja and myself. John Grossi 03 Patrick Latessa 03 Edward Skrzynski 03 Frank Ortiz 06 Al Bismonte 07 Frank D'Alessandro 08 Thomas Simota 08 Edward Valvano 08 Joseph Conti 10 Michael Stapleton 14 Philip Josberger IV 15 Thomas Walton 16 James Scallion 17 William Christ 18 Joseph Mazza 18 David Vergo 19 Christopher Ray 20 Walter Markel 21 Gary Krist 24 John Tillisch 26 Richard Peckham 29 Don Henderson 31 Robert Wilcox 31 On December 13th the Knights’ float led the Christmas Island Style parade. The beautiful float was built by SK Bob Wilcox, assisted by Sk Dan Moll and SK John Fusco. The theme was “A “Savior Is Born.” I want to thank Sk Lou Prigge and Lady Barbara who donated space on their property to build the float and supplied the truck to tow it in the parade. Bill Christ donated the trailer. We had a great turn out of Knights and Columbiettes led by Sk Bob Wilcox and Deputy Grand Knight John Caltabiano with the Knights Banner, Father Tim in Kathleen Reynolds convertible, I road in SK Bob McArdle’s car, followed by the float, and the Columbiettes President Barbara Derosa in Lady Barb Prigge’s convertible. Sal Sciarino road in Sk Joe Gianone’s convertible, and marchers included Sk John Aceri, Bob Phelan, Paul O’Neill, Jim Nuthals, Steve Vergo, and Joseph Vergo, Cathy Vergo, Bill Sullivan, Trish Wilcox, Barbara Fusco, Dennis and Joan Pidherny, John and Carmen Bingham, Bill Lewis, Joe Domiano, Ed Paltani. I apologize if I missed anyone but I am working from memory. A dinner for 65 marchers at Porky’s followed the walk and everyone had a wonderful time. Our Chrismas social featured an outpouring of gifts for local kids in need. The dinner honored John Fusco as Knight of the Month, a great addition to the council who is always willing to help. The Family of the Month was SK Bob and Lady Trish Wilcox. Bob is always has shared his knowledge whenever I have asked for his help. Deputy Grand Knight John Caltabiano showed a beautiful video of the Christmas program at Disney world. On A sad note we attended the funeral mass for Veronica Gibbons the wife of Brother Gerald Gibbons. Vera was a pillar of the church community and will be greatly missed. I am sure she is with God and will keep a watchful eye on all of us. My Wish for all is a healthy and happy New Year. Please remember the sick in your prays God Bless each of you and your families. Joe Fatony, Grand Knight, (917) 679-5573, [email protected] Council 6344 Officers 2014-2015 Grand Knight Dep. Grand Knight Chancellor Financial Secty Treasurer Recorder Advocate Warden Outside Guard Outside Guard Inside Guard Inside Guard Trustee 1 Trustee 2 Trustee 3 Lecturer Chaplain SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK Joe Fatony John Caltabiano Dan Moll Dave Hill Frank Caricato Joe Swaja Joe Granda John DeRosa Ed Eastwood Joe Batte Joe Bartucci Lee Cataldi Dick Shanahan, PGK, PFN Bob Wilcox, PGK PFN Ben Farnsworth, PGK, FN Mike Stapleton Fr. Tim Navin Assembly 2514 Officers 2014-2015 Faithful Navigator Faithful Captain Faithful Admiral Faithful Comptroller Faithful Purser Faithful Pilot Faithful Scribe Inner Sentinel Outer Sentinel Trustee 1 Trustee 2 Trustee 3 Faithful Friar Color Corp. Cmdr. SK Ben Farnsworth, PGK SK Joe Fatony SK Al Bismonte PGK, PFN SK Jack Hannigan SK John Bingham SK Ed Eastwood SK Don La Pato SK Bob Wilcox, PGK, PFN SK Joe Swaja SK Wayne Waldack PFN SK Ted Konuszy, PGK PFN SK Bill Lewis PGK PFN Fr. Tim Navin SK Wayne Waldack PFN 3 3 Thinking of you January 2015 By SK Dan Moll REST IN PEACE It is with deepest sympathy that we announce the passing of Brother John (Jack) Ryan. With Sympathy also we announce the passing of Veronica (Vera) Gibbons, wife of Brother Gerry Gibbons, Columbiette Roseanne Christ's Mom Rose Rogan, and Anunsacion Bismonte, sister-in-law of SK Al Bismonte, DD, PGK, PFN. SICK CALL Please pray for the following ill Knights: SK Bob Butler home recovering from a stroke, Brother Dave Stonier, Brother Chris Ray and his wife Nancy, Brother Ed Valvano, Brother John Coretti and SK Anthony La Paglia. Please pray for the ill family members of brother Knights: SK Joe Swaja’s wife Kathi, SK George Schroll’s wife Joan, SK and Grand Knight Joe Fatony’s grand neice Victoria McNamara, SK David Hill’s granddaughter Zoe Alex Hill, SK Jack Hannigan’s wife Doris, SK Joe Domiano’s wife Julie, Brother Jerry Brosky's granddaughter Jessica Brech and nephew George Brosky III, SK Bill Lewis's sister Norma Ackman, SK Mike Stapleton's granddaughter Harper, Columbiette Pat LaPato’s sister Mary Margaret, PGN/PFN/DD SK Al Bismonte’s neice Salve Geron, Father Russell Ruggiero’s neice Julia, SK Bill Roche’s sister Betty, SK Phil Josberger’s sister-in-law Shannon Josberger, and SK Wayne Waldack’s friend Jeanne Patterson THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you. - Winston Churchill To include a family member in our Thinking Of You column, please email me at [email protected] or call 773-368-7200. Vivat Jesus, SK Sal Sciarrino, PGN PFN PDD, SK Dan Moll, Chancellor COLUMBIETTES Barbara DeRosa, Pres. Dear Sister Columbiettes: Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We welcome our four new members, Kathleen Eaton, Devon Imm, Ellen Peterson and Eileen Recchia who received their First Degree at our Dec. 2 meeting. We look forward to working with them and enjoying the many upcoming events. Please note picture: L to R, Eileen Recchia, Kathleen Eaton, Columbiette Chairperson Lynne Minnozi, Devon Imm and Ellen Peterson. We are especially thrilled to have Devon, a student at the Florida Gulf Coast University and daughter of our Secretary, Cindy Imm, join Aux. 6344. We hope more young women will make the commitment to join the Columbiettes in the future. We are off to a great New Year with the start of Bingo on Jan. 8, our upcoming Winter Wonderland Dinner Dance to be held on January 24, and Treasures in the Trunk on Feb. 7. God Bless, Barbara WELCOME NEW MEMBERS MEMBERSHIP IS OUR LIFE-BLOOD…..PLEASE INVITE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES TO BECOME KNIGHTS!! There will be 1st Degree exemplifications held just prior to the meetings when scheduled. 4 Insurance Corner Alan Juliano Dear Brothers, I would like to focus on PROTECTION. We all want to protect all that we hold dear, and the Knights were created to do just that. One of the best ways to protect your family is through the use of life insurance. The Knights have one of the most comprehensive life insurance offerings of any organization and as a Knight these are always available to you. The Knights offer a wide variety of term and permanent insurance options and are always looking for better ways to serve and protect our members. As an example, we have recently launched a new term product that allows members to secure protection for their families up to 80 years of age and allows for a modest increase in coverage during the policy's early years. Protecting our family and financial assets are important to all of us and my responsibility is to meet with each member to review your protection needs. Solutions may include Life and disability insurance, long term care assistance or retirement planning and each of these solutions can be tailored to meet your own specific needs. You and your family can benefit by learning more about what your Knights have to offer. Please give me a call. I am here to help. Fraternally, Alan J. Juliano, Field Agent January weddings Harold Lee & Uschi Sklyer 05 Anthony & June De Lucia 09 Joe & Cathy Vergo 09 Lou & Barbara Prigge 10 Jerry & Diane Blevins 20 Patrick & Julia Carley 21 Ed & Caren-Jean Eastwood 22 239-450-7347 [email protected] LIFE INSURANCE LONG TERM CARE ANNUTIES DISABILITY There is no more highly rated insurer in North America than the Knights of Columbus Richard & Joyce Kaelin 26 Jerry & Rita Lawrence 28 We are seeking someone to assist in the publication of the Banner, one of our most important resources. Happy Anniversary Support Your Local Knights Advertise in the Banner Call Ben Farnsworth Assembly #2514 Ben Farnsworth Sir Knights: I wish to thank the members of the 4th Degree for their participation in the Christmas parade and their show of sympathy for the family of Vera Gibbons. Our prayers are with Gerry and his family. Reading the Pope’s message to the Curia last month was a lesson for me and I think all Catholics and Knights. The pope spoke of the sickness of considering oneself indispensable, of spiritual hardening, losing vivacity and boldness, the sickness of poor coordination and of rivalry, in which honors are more important than deeds. He spoke of the ailment of grumbling and gossip which sows discord rather than encouragement. The pope’s message can heal a lot of wounds. Please pray for cooperation in government to help our country remain “America the Beautiful.” Sir Knight Ben Farnsworth FN, PGK (239) 394-6105 [email protected] 5 The Vergo’s Since 1975 CMC 057023 EC13001516 LLC TURN TO THE EXPERTS D. Joseph Vergo Marco Island 239-394-8400 Phone: 239-389-9600 Fax: 239-389-9696 Over 100 years of CYCLING HISTORY 118 S. Barfield Dr. Ste. E Marco Island, FL 34145 SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS CASTLE KEEP ARMORY 20 Marco Lake Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 (239) 394-1400 Ed D’Alessandro Al Bismonte God Bless Our Troops Capri Fish House Restaurant on the Bay FISH, PASTA AND STEAK 203 Capri Blvd. Isle of Capri, FL. 34113 Mike & Theresa Castellano (239) 389-5555 LAKESIDE PAVILION Our best wishes and God’s blessings to all the Knights and their Families. Lynne & Mike Minozzi Gorman’s AUTO SERVICE CENTER 710 Elkcam Circle - Marco Island, FL 34145 239-394-3944 We built our new facility to serve you better….. Tim & Cathy Gorman [email protected] Cell 239 784-5456 Discount Newspaper Subscriptions You Deserve it DAILY FOR DINNER WWW.MARCOPRIME.COM (239) 389-BEEF 599 SOUTH COLLIER BLVD., #304 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 Independent JENNIFER L. IAVARONE, CARE AND REHABILITATION CENTER 2900 TWELFTH STREET NO., NAPLES, FL 34103 (239) 261-2554 EXT. 6804 FAX (239) 264-4540 [email protected] Naples 239-732-8400 Ristorante italiano 599 S. COLLIER BLVD., #215 Tel:(239) 389-1888 Fax:(239) 389-1872 ibr Hans Haedelt Realtor/Owner Hans [email protected] Marco Town Center Mall Off 239-3891711 1035 N. Collier Blvd. #312 Cell: 239-287-1163 Marco Island, FL 34145 Fax: 239-393-0115 Brokers Realty Ich Spreche Deutsch Service, Maintenance, Repairs, Supplies Hot Tubs & Patio Furniture Sundance Spas Island Boy Lawn & Lot Lots for Less 559 Bald Eagle Dr. Marco Island, FL 34145 (239) 642-4844 Breakfast & Lunch Breakfast All Day Eggland’s Eggs Fresh Squeezed OJ Waffles French Toast Eat In Take Out Sandwiches Salads 267 N. Collier Blvd. (239) 394-2600 OPEN DAILY 7:30am to 2:00pm Call Captain Lou 239-389-0512 or 239-269-2148 CASUAL DINING CHILDREN’S MENU AVAILABLE 394-3433 527 Bald Eagle Dr. Marco Island, FL Take Reservations Out –Reservations Requested Take Out— Family Owned/Operated Since 1986 Prime Steaks Steaks -- Fresh Fresh Seafood Seafood -- Chef’s Chef’s Nightly Nightly Specials Specials Prime Lunch: Mon.-Fri Mon.-Fri 11-2:30pm 11-2:30pm Dinner: Dinner: Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 5-9 5-9 pm pm Lunch: Sunday Seasonal Seasonal 5-9pm 5-9pm Sunday Island Paradise DJ Service Carolyn Katchmar, LCSW, CAP Liscensed Psychotherapist Master Degree in Pastoral Theology Dr. Michael G. Madison With an experienced clinical guide and spiritual Companion, you can find insightful solutions to life’s most challenging issues. Parishioner 394-1784 Medicare Accepted 914 Park Avenue - Marco Island, Florida 34145 Telephone 39-394-3068 - Fax: 239-394-1078 394-2442 Board Certified Optometrist Steve Reynolds, DJ & MC 239-2856785 [email protected] Kathleen Reynolds MON-SAT 8 TO 5 RENT THIS MARCO VIEW FOR THE SEASON Monthly Dec thru May Weekly & Monthly June thru November Call Ben Farnsworth 239 394-6105 207 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 [email protected] GOD BLESS ALL THE KNIGHTS AND THEIR FAMILIES DICK SHANAHAN IN MEMORY OF OUR DECEASED KNIGHTS AND THEIR FAMILIES LEE CATALDI Megan A. Welker DDS GENERAL DENTISTR Y 1850 San Marco Road Marco Island, FL. 34145 394-3011 PHONE (239) 394-3657 Marco ACE Hardware Home Center YOUR HELPFUL HARDWARE MAN STEPHEN R. TRAFTON OWNER 880 ELKCAM CIRCLE MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 Marco Island Laundry “Let us do your dirty work” Sue Cassata Self-Service. Wash & Fold 277 North Collier Blvd., Marco Island, FL 34145 239-642-6635 Rusty & Sherri Johnson Owners 698 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 (239) 642-7846 [email protected] COLLIER PAINTING CONTRACTOR INC. Philip Penzo Direct Line - 239-659-4702 FREE ESTIMATES FULLLY INSURED CALL CHRIS 239-424-0002 PRESSURE CLEANING EXTERIOR/INTERIOR Roz Minicozzi Headquarters/Order Desk 220 Industrial Blvd. Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239-775-7513 Fax: 239-775-2335 239-389-0170 [email protected] NAZARKOG@@AOL.COM Bob Natale 297 N. Collier Blvd. 239/394-3854 tel: 239-325-2630 or: 239-530-1230 Waterfront Food, Spirits Phone: 394-3313 Ext. 210 Fax: (239) 394-7053 E-Mail: [email protected] Theresa Gangi - David Scott –Wayne Rose Knights of Columbus Insurance Alan Juliano Field Agent 239-450-7347 [email protected] Check out our 48 item salad bar with 2 soups daily LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY LONG TERM CARE ANNUTIES There is no more highly rated insurer in North America than the Knights of Columbus Two Locations: 670 North Collier 394-7009 147 S. Barfield 394-7004 Buy One 6” Sand. & Drink Get One 6” Free Sand. Bring This Coupon to Store Rookies Bar & Grill Support the Knights of Columbus 239-394-8727 Laura L. Bell Proprietor 239-394-6400 599 S. Collier Blvd. #105 Marco Island, FL 34145 And their work on Marco
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