

Volume 15 Issue 2
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July 2010
Experience Your Good Now
Learning to Use Affirmations
Louise L. Hay
HC & CD $24.95
For more than
25 years, Louise
Hay has helped
people throug hout the world
to discover and
implement the
full potential of their own creative
powers for personal growth and
self-healing. In this little gem of a
book, she discusses the power and
importance of affirmations. “Very
simply, an affirmation is anything
you say or think … You have to
retrain your thinking and speaking
into positive patterns if you want
to heal your life.” On the enclosed
CD Louise offers helpful information about affirmations that you
can listen to whenever you’d like
positive thoughts and ideas to permeate your consciousness and fill
you with hope and joy.
The Power
Rhonda Byrne
HC $34.95
our special price (until end September)
At last! The long
awaited sequel to
Rhonda Byrne’s
outrageously successful The Secret.
This new release
is so ‘secret’ that
there is an embargo on its release
until 17th August, 2010. The publishers haven’t even told us what
it’s about! But if her last one was
anything to go by, we can’t wait.
You can pre-order your copy now,
at the special T.S. Bookshop price
of $24.95 (until the end of Sept).
126 - 128 RUSSELL ST
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An In-Depth Guide
Ian Gawler & Paul Bedson
PB $35.00
so thick is that we have explained
each step in great detail.” In Part
Two, they address how to use
meditation in response to particular needs, including health, healing
Meditation is in- and wellbeing. “If you want to
creasingly recom- learn from the best teachers
mended for relaxa- around, this is the book for you.”
tion and stress
management, and How Philosophy Can
to enhance many Save Your Life
other areas of our 10 Ideas that Matter Most
lives. In Part One Marietta McCarty
PB $19.95
of Meditation, an In-Depth Guide, the
Gawler Foundation’s Ian Gawler
Discover how the
and Paul Bedson introduce Mindgreatest thinkers of
fulness-Based Stillness Meditation.
all time can help
They explain how to build a satisyou live a more
fying meditation practice, using
mean ingf ul
the four easy to learn steps of
peaceful life. This
preparation, relaxation, mindfulinspiring new book
ness and stillness. “Learning to
f rom
Mari ett a
meditate using Mindfulness-Based McCarty reveals how the heartStillness Meditation is very simple. beats of philosophy - clear thinkThe main reason why this book is ing, quiet reflection and good con-
T.S. Bookshop
versation - are essential ingredients
in a well-lived full life. How Philosophy Can Save Your Life is framed
around ten “big ideas” - simplicity,
communication, perspective, flexibility, empathy, individuality, belonging, serenity, possibility and
joy. McCarty explores each theme
and its significance, and then applies the work of two philosophers
to each subject. You can just curl
up and relish this book on your
own, or use the discussion ideas
and activities to create your very
own “Philosophy Club” with
friends and colleagues.
Path to a New Consciousness
Marian Van Eyk McCain (editor)
PB $34.95
“The radical vision
Gr ee nS pi r it
brings together the
rigor of science, the
creativity of artistic
expr essi on,
passion of social
action and the core
wisdom that exists within the spiritual traditions of all ages.” Marian
Van Eyke McCain has drawn together “many voices” to present a
comprehensive picture of GreenSpirit, both as an organization and
as a philosophy of life. The book is
divided into four main sections,
dealing with the themes of Understanding, Spirit ual Path ways,
Greening our Culture, and Walking
Our Talk. Within those sections,
the contributors present ideas on
cosmology, creation spirituality,
deep ecology, gaia theory and
ecopsychology. “When the two
come together - the ‘greening’ of
our lives and the longing for those
lives to have more of a spiritual dimension to them - a spark is created
that lights up the whole sky.”
page 2
July 2010
Orbs Cards
Diana Cooper & Kathy Crosswell
Pack $30.00
Diana Cooper & Kathy Crosswell are responsible for introducing the concept of “orbs as spiritual beings” to the world. This set of 44 Orbs
photograph cards features many Archangels,
Seraphim, Ascended Masters, Unicorns and other
angelic beings. The 40 page booklet has detailed explanations about the
Orb phenomenon and its special significance at this time of our spiritual
evolution, as well as the messages brought to you by the beings of each
Orb photograph. Enjoy them for personal and universal healing.
Women Food and God
An Unexpected Path to
Almost Everything
Geneen Roth
PB $25.00
After three decades
of studying, teaching and writing
about what drives
our compulsions
with food, Geneen
Roth adds a profound new dimension to her work in Women Food and
God. She begins with her most basic
concept: the way you eat is inseparable from your core beliefs about
being alive. Roth powerfully urges
us to pay attention to what we truly
need, which cannot be found in a
supermarket. She provides seven
basic guidelines for eating, and
shares reassuring, practical advice
that has helped thousands of
women. Ultimately, she reveals
how our relationship with food is
the doorway to freedom and what
we want most: the demystification of
weight loss, and the luminous presence that so many of us call ‘God’.
duces us to Archange l
Raph ael,
who has long been
regarded as the
he al in g
an ge l.
“This is a nondenominational book
about the archangel named Raphael, a powerful celestial being who heals people and
animals. Raphael is the supreme
healer in the angelic realm.”
Whether it’s a life-threatening condition, a painful injury, or a troubling health issue, Archangel
Raphael is able to heal it. Virtue
explains how to ask Raphael for
help, and how to recognize his
health-saving advice. The true stories of miraculous healings give us
hope and faith that Heaven really
does hear us.
Atlantis and 2012
The Science of the Lost Civilization
and the Prophecies of the Maya
Frank Joseph
PB $27.95
Frank Joseph explains that the Mayan calendar was
Healing Miracles of
invented by the
Archangel Raphael
combined genius of
Doreen Virtue
PB $24.95
Atlantis and Lemuria, and deDoreen Virtue is a clairvoyant who
scribes how it preworks with the angelic realm. In dicts an eternal cycle of global
this latest of many books, she intro- creation, destruction, and renewal.
T.S. Bookshop News
Drawing deeply on the readings of
Edgar Cayce regarding Atlantis
and Lemuria, and also on more
than 25 years of his own research
around the globe, Frank Joseph reveals that the Mayan calendar was
brought to Mexico by survivors of
Atlantis. “As such, answers to
questions posed today by the rapid
approach of 2012 may lie in the calendar’s profoundly ancient origins
among memories of Atlantis.
There only, at its true source, a
code to unlocking the enigma may
yet be found.”
The Pleiadian Initiations of Light
A Guide to Energetically Awaken You
to the Pleiadian Prophecies for Healing
and Resurrection
Christine Day PB & 2CDs $37.95
July 2010
processes and initiations, so that
you will be empowered to access
personal answers and make positive, healing changes in your life.
“The Pleiadians will hold energetic platforms for you to initiate
into, which will bring you to an
alignment with the light of your
Self.” Included are two CDs
which contain exercises and meditations that correspond to each
chapter of the book.
The Universal Guide
Nathaniel Altman
PB $30.00
of research and experience by
palmist, Nathaniel Altman.
Dreams Speak
But what are they really saying?
Therese E. Duckett
PB $30.00
Vi ct or ia n
ps ychologist, Therese
Duckett, has spent
many years researching and understanding
si gn ific an ce
In this
enlightening book, she shows how
our dreams are important in helping us understand our lives and improve our health and wellbeing.
Using a host of examples from her
own casework, she outlines the
most common dream symbols
(food, animals, death, clothing, vehicles and others) and explains their
significance. She also guides us
through the fascinating dimension
of the ‘Collective Unconscious’
mind, and explains its importance
to us all as human beings. “Once
you have learned to access this
[inner] wisdom and begun to understand your dream language, you
may find that the way you live your
life will begin to change as you
identify what is right for you intrinsically.”
Our hands offer
insights into who
we are, where
we are going,
In this new book,
and who we
take with us on
an d
ch an nele r
our life journey.
Christine Day, of- What are a person’s strengths and
fers her renowned weaknesses? How might he or she
ener gy behave in a relationship? What
enabl ing type of career could bring someone
you to birth a new the greatest amount of pleasure
self, free of fear and pain. “Our and self-fulfilment? Through hand
planet is going through huge di- analysis, we can not only learn
mensional changes, moving from a more about ourselves and others,
third dimensional planet to a fourth/ but we can also work through
fifth dimensional planet.” Pleiadian challenges and obstacles with opInitiations of Light gives you a di- timism and purpose. Uniquely
rect connection to the Pleiadians, illustrated with handprints, Palmand the opportuni ty to work first- istry: The Universal Guide is the Shamanic Egyptian Astrology
hand with some basic Pleiadian culmination of nearly forty years Your Planetary Relationship
to the Gods
Liquid Crystal Oracle
Linda Star Wolf and Ruby Falconer
Return of the Atlantian Way for the Children of Light
PB $27.95
Justin Moikeha Asar
Book & Cards $49.95
This is an ever-unfolding and enlightening ad- Shamanic Egyptian
venture through the Crystalline world. These po- Astrolog y
int etent cards will open the doors to the Atlantian grates the EgypEarth, and introduce the Master Crystal Devas— tian pantheon, the
the Mineral Kingdom’s creators—unlocking their ancient language
ancient and sacred knowledge. The 77 cards and of astrology, and
comprehensive guidebook create a powerful, life- shamanic pracchanging Crystal healing system.
tices, to promote
page 3
T.S. Bookshop News
a new way to interpret and work
with natal charts. Revealing the
cross-cultural mythology and astrological significance of the individual Egyptian gods and goddesses, the authors link each of the
12 zodiac signs and 11 celestial
bodies of Western astrology with
its Egyptian ancestor, introducing
new significance to their positions
and interactions in a horoscope.
For example, Leo is linked with
Anubis, Taurus with the Way
Shower Hathor, Venus with the
goddess Isis, and Jupiter with Horus. Each chapter includes sacred
invocations and shamanic rituals to
invite the wisdom of each Egyptian
deity into your life.
July 2010
Crystal Prosperity
Create abundance in
all areas of your life
Judy Hall
HC $24.95
Would you like to
discover an inner
sense of security
that is not dependent on outer circumstances? What
if you could attract
abundance of all
kinds into your life? Internationally renowned crystal healer and
author, Judy Hall, shows you how.
“Prosperity … is more than having
money and possessions … [it] is
about feeling satisfied and secure
with what you have, living an enWriting the Divine
riching and fulfilling life, sharing
Experience 33 Lessons
life’s bounty, feeling gratitude and
for Divine Guidance
trusting that the universe provides
Sara Wiseman
PB $32.95 appropriately for your needs.”
Hall examines the concept of prosWriting the Divine perity, and then discusses Crystal
is a unique guide Tools. She provides information on
to channeling and crystals suitable for particular areas
writ- of abundance, and suggests prepaing. Sara Wise- ration and rituals for specific outman believes that comes. Beautifully illustrated, with
channeling isn’t comprehensive profiles of the major
just for gurus and and minor prosperity crystals, Crysmystics: rather, each of us has the tal Prosperity shows you how to
ability to make a direct connection make or enhance your own fortune.
with a higher power. “Remember,
all paths lead to the Divine. Chan- There Were Giants Upon the Earth
neling and channeled writing are Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancesone way.” With humour and try: The Evidence of Alien DNA
warmth, she shares clear, step-by- Zecharia Sitchin
HC $39.95
step instructions for channeling
and channeled writing, including
Now in his 90th
preparation, what to expect, how
year, eminent bibto know “if you’re doing it right”,
lical scholar and
and how to use the Divine Guidinternationally acance you receive. The second half
of the book contains the 33 Lessons
Zecharia Sitchin,
Wiseman received from her own
has spent the past
spirit guides, including how to use
60 years researchtheir wisdom for personal transfor- ing and translating Sumerian clay
mation and profound life change. tablets and other ancient texts that
page 4
identify the Anunnaki and their
planet, Nibiru. From his first book,
The Twelfth Planet, he has asserted
that the Bible’s Elohim were the
gods of Sumer and Babylon - the
Anunnaki who had come to Earth
from the planet Nibiru. In this latest book, Sitchin reaches the stunning conclusion that The Royal
Tombs of Ur were the last resting
place of an Anunnaki goddess and
her demigod spouse. He then
makes a sensational revelation that
could provide conclusive physical
evidence for alien presence on
Earth in the ancient past, with an
unpre cedented opportunity to
track down the “Missing Link” in
humankind’s evolution.
The Mandala Workbook
A Creative Guide for Self-Exploration,
Balance, and Well-Being
Susanne, F. Fincher
PB $37.95
“Mandala is Sanskrit for ‘magic
circle’ and, in
the most basic
sense, a mandala is simply a
circle. Since ancient times in
many cultures the mandala has
had a powerful role in depicting,
containing, and expressing the sacred.” When you draw or paint a
mandala of your own, you’re making a portrait of your unconscious
at a particular moment in your life,
which, when carefully regarded,
can provide astonishing insights
into your own deepest truth. Art
therapist Susanne Fincher offers a
complete guide to mandala work,
based on the Great Round - the
twelve archetypal stages that represent a complete cycle of personal
growth. She suggests activities including colouring, drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and more.
T.S. Bookshop News
Jung the Mystic
The Esoteric Dimensions of
Carl Jung’s Life and Teachings:
a New Biography
Gary Lachman
HC $49.95
Although he is often called the
“founding father
of the New Age”,
Jung —the
legendary Swiss
psychologist best
known for his
groundbreaking concepts such as
the collective unconscious, archetype theory, and synchronicity—
often took pains to avoid any explicit association with mysticism or
the occult. This bold, compact new
biography of Carl Jung fills a gap
in our understanding of the pioneering psychologist, by focusing
on the occult and mystical dimension of his life and work, a critical
but frequently misunderstood facet
of his career. In engaging and
vivid prose, the respected author,
Gary Lachman, shows how Jung,
journeying from Freudian disciple
to creator of a psychology focused
on the significance of dreams and
mythology, embodied the Western
mystical path.
Rumi’s Four Essential Practices
Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul
Will Johnson
PB $24.95
July 2010
Rudolf Steiner
The T.S. Bookshop is
pleased to advise that we
are now carrying a large
range of books by Rudolf
Steiner, and other Anthroposophical literature. We
are also increasing our
range of picture and craft/
activity books for children.
teenth century Sufi mystic and
poet, found that by following these
practices, he could loosen the rigid
confines of the self, thereby overriding its limitations, and achieving a transcendent merging with
his own divinity. Through clearly
written commentary, interspersed
with Rumi’s beautiful poems, Will
Johnson details Rumi’s four practices in a very precise way for us to
use today. “This books allow us,
through Rumi’s gentle guidance, to
touch the face of God that resides
deep within us all.”
Happiness in Life and After Death
An Islamic Sufi View
Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
“Mostly we think
PB $34.95
of spiritual practices and meditaThis book opens
tions as somewith
widething we do with
ranging sweep of
our minds, but all
death and dying
the practices that
as viewed in many
Rumi mentions cultures and religeating lightly, breathing deeply,
ions - from ancient
moving freely, gazing raptly - are
re ma rk ab ly bo dy or ie nt ed .” Egyptian and Zoroastrian sources,
Jalaluddin Rumi, the great thir- through to Judaism and Christian-
ity. Shaykh Haeri then provides a
lucid and inspiring account of life,
death, and the hereafter, according
to an Islamic Sufi perspective. “In
Islam death is seen as a continuation of life but in an entirely different domain.” Based on the Qur’an
and the Prophetic message, this
book offers a splendid collection of
revelations and spiritual teachings
that map a basic path towards a
wholesome way of living, without
forgetting death.
You Are Here
Discovering the Magic
of the Present Moment
Thich Nhat Hanh
HC $39.95
published in French,
and based on a retreat that the renowned
monk Thich Nhat
book offers a range of simple, effective practices for cultivating
mindfulness, including awareness
of breathing and walking, deep lispage 5
T.S. Bookshop News
te ni ng , an d sk il fu l sp ee ch .
“Mindfulness is not an evasion or
an escape. It means being here,
present, and totally alive. It is true
freedom ...” You Are Here also offers guidance on healing emotional
pain, and manifesting real love and
compassion in our relationships
with others. Simple, warm, direct,
and startlingly potent, this book
reveals the heart of the Buddhist
path, and helps us to reconnect
with the joy and wonder of being
alive, regardless of life’s challenging circumstances.
Awakening the Kind Heart
How to Meditate on Compassion
Kathleen McDonald
PB $28.00
Kathleen McDonald was ordained
as a Tibetan Buddhist nun in 1974.
She has taught for
decades as part of
the Foundation for
the Preservation of
the Mahayana Tradition (FMPT),
and is the author of the bestselling
July 2010
How to Meditate. In Awakening the
Kind Heart, McDonald focuses on
the “immeasurable thoughts” of
love, compassion, joy and equanimity. She includes plenty of information and meditations to help
you actualize these four profound
thoughts in your day-to-day life.
The final section of the book explores the subject of thought transformation (or lojong), based on The
Eight Verses of Thought Transformation by the eleventh century Tibetan meditation master, Geshe
Langri Tangpa. “We can transform
our mind from negative to positive, miserable to peaceful, because
our mind is impermanent, everchanging.”
Only That
The Life and Teaching of
Sailor Bob Adamson
Kalyani Lawry
HC $39.95
This is the biography of the Australian man, Sailor Bob Adamson,
whose apparent ordinary nature
and direct teachings have opened
the “extraordinary” to those with
whom he comes
into contact. Kalyani Lawry counterpoints the life of
the country born
knockabout with
the earnest spiritual seeker. This
straight-forward biography also
details his long and passionate
marriage and working life within
the searching. Sailor Bob’s story
weaves him into close personal
contact with modern spiritual
icons such as Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, Muktananda, and finally to
Nisargadatta Maharaj, where he
experiences a relationship of fierce
yet loving battles, until finally ...
“there was nowhere left to stand”.
The second section of the book
gives a taste of his teachings that
are held each week at his home in
Melbourne, where he embodies his
teaching: “So when we say there’s
nothing to acquire or get in the
way of enlightenment or realization, that’s what we mean - there is
nothing. You are simply already
That. You are That .”
CD & DVD Reviews
Music News In Brief:
Wendy Rule has produced Guided by Venus, $26.95, a series of
stirring songs where the Goddess is her muse.
Deepak Chopra & Donna D’Cruz have released a two disc 10th
anniversary edition of Gift of Love, $39.95, featuring interviews
with Deepak & Donna, 3 film clips and a 26 page booklet.
Stuart Wilde’s The Art of Meditation, 2CD $29.95, (which has
been unavailable for 2-3 years) has been reissued through local
label Quiet Earth.
Joseph Tawadros has released The Prophet: Music Inspired by the
Poetry of Kahlil Gibran, $29.95, a beautifully presented solo oud
recording with an accompanying booklet of Kahlil Gibran’s
meditations on life.
Two new releases on the Darla label featuring poignant ambionica, Sunflower Stories, $14.95, from guitarist Robin Guthrie,
and Little Windows, $19.95, by Harold Budd & Clive Wright.
The sublime voice of Persian vocalist Mahsa Vahdat meets the
soul/rhythm & blues of Mighty Sam McClain on Scent of Reunion: Love Duets Across Civilizations, $29.95, an inspired pairing
from6two diverse musical genres.
With One Voice
Awaken to the Reality That
Unites Us All
DVD/CD $53.95
Narrated by actor Peter Coyote, With One Voice gathers
spiritual teachers from traditional and contemporary schools and explores the underlying similarities these diverse paths share. The teachers are all contemplative/meditative or mystical teachers
and offer words of advice to the quandaries
of existence. A quote from Nisargadatta Maharaj included in the film may illustrate the
spirit of this film’s intention: “wisdom says I
am nothing, love says that I am everything, between the two my life moves”. Featuring
Wayne Liquorman, Rabbi David A. Cooper,
Joseph Goldstein, Father Thomas Keating,
John Daido Loori Roshi, and heaps more.
CD & DVD Reviews
Prayer for Compassion
David Darling
CD $31.95
Ahh, the warm sound of the cello: a balm suited for
cosy days indoors during winter. The music here is of
a classically inclined nature, albeit of a solo/small ensemble. David has recorded with an array of artists
along with his solo projects, and amongst these recordings a number
were produced by the German ECM label, whose motto is “The Most
Beautiful Sound Next to Silence” – and it’s fair to say that this recent release on the Wind Over Earth label lives up to this standard too. Musical
guests featured are: Joseph Firecrow – flute; Samite Mulondo – kalimba;
and Suze Villano and members of the Ars Nova Choir on vocals.
2013: Ecstatic Sonics
Jonathan Goldman
CD $31.95
This latest offering of ecstatic chants from sound
healer Jonathan Goldman features a range of chants
from various world sacred traditions. Many tracks are
‘enhanced’, or new versions of previously released titles, and some are debuted on this recording. This is a spacious recording and listening to it is almost like being in a vaulted church while a
divine choir sings. Overtone chanting, crystal bowls, tuning forks – all
combine to create an encompassing environment suited for relaxation,
ascension processes and shamanic journeying.
A Time To Cry
Rim Banna,
Nai Bargouti,
Jawaher Shofani,
Wissam Murad
CD $29.95
Subtitled A Lament Over Jerusalem,
this album is brought to you by the
Kirkelig label out of Norway, who
previously produced Lullabies From
the Axis of Evil. Recorded in a
lounge-room in East Jerusalem, a
city central to the three major
monotheistic religions, support for
this recording has been accorded
through the World Council of
Churches. A balance between
modern contemporary music and
regional ethnic/folk music have
combined to create a moving musical entreaty for peace. I cannot recommend this disc highly enough.
It has a degree of melancholy to
some of the works, but it also displays a profound serenity and deft
musicianship as well. Recording of
the year, bar none.
Desert Phase
Kaya Project
CD $27.95
Seb Taylor and
Natasha Chamberlin are Kaya
Project and they
play a rich mix of
dub/ethnic chillout music unafraid of acoustic instruments – including real drums!
If you are of a fan of the Six Degrees label, this is a band well
worth your time investigating. The
album was recorded in London,
Rajasthan, Morocco and Arizona
giving you an idea of the influences and feel you can expect.
The various guitar stylings of Seb
include Malian desert blues, blues
slide and dobro, all lending a musicality that is refreshin g to hear
in a genre that can often sound
too alike - not here though.
Thumbs up!
Kevin James
CD $29.95
It’s great to see some local Kirtan recordings on the
scene and One comes to you from the counter- culture
‘hub’ of Byron Bay. Kevin sings a pan-spiritual type
of Kirtan that includes some inspiring, uplifting lyrics
in English that are undoubtedly indebted to Buddhism, Yoga and Gaia
philosophy. Featuring a huge choir that create a stirring atmosphere, this
album was recorded live and it shows in that it sounds like you’re smack
bang in the middle of the gathering. Kevin says: “… I welcome you to
sing along & connect to the feeling of these heartsongs”.
Blind Spot
Adolfo Doring/Wallace Global Fund
DVD $35.95
In the tradition of An Inconvenient Truth and Who Killed
the Electric Car, Blind Spot looks at an environmental issue that has profound implications for mankind. In particular, it looks at the phenomenon of Peak Oil, i.e. that
oil supplies are finite. Once these supplies peak, they
diminish, and it is argued that the whole structure of our
modern civilization, including the world economy, will be under direct
threat of collapse. Even if steps are taken to adapt to a society less dependent on fossil fuels our civilization and way of living will have to alter dramatically. This is not a comfortable film to watch as its prognosis
is grim. Commentary is provided by scholars and experts – disallowing
any accusations of lunatic fringe scaremongering. Watch this space!
New Bargains - just arrived in! Limited stocks.
T.S. Bookshop News
Shapeshifting with Our
Animal Companions
Dawn Baumann Brunke
PB $11.95
Australian Wildlife Wisdom
Books of Knowledge &
Wisdom Cards
Trevor & Susan O’Sullivan
Pack $14.95
The Science of Getting Rich
Attracting Financial Success
Through Creative Thought
Wallace D. Wattles
PB $6.95
Return of the Great Goddess
Burleigh Mutén (ed)
PB $12.95
His Life Based on
the Earliest Sources
Martin Lings
PB $17.50
Kabbalah Inspirations
Mystic Themes,
Texts and Symbols
Jeremy Rosen
HC $12.95
Zen Inspirations
Essential Meditations
and Texts
Miriam Levering
HC $12.95
The Holy Grail
Sangeet Duchane
HC $9.95
The Templars’ Secret Island
The Knights, the Priest
and the Treasure
Erling Haagensen & Henry
Lincoln PB $14.95
The Grail Enigma
The Hidden Heirs of Jesus
and Mary Magdalene
Laurence Gardner
PB $9.95
Secret Societies
And How They Affect
Our Lives Today
Sylvia Brown
HC $14.95
Unlocking the Masonic Code
Secrets of the Solomon Key
Ian Gittins
PB $7.50
Gregorian Chants
The Illustrated History
of Religious Chanting
Colin R. Shearing
HC $19.95
This Is It
The Nature of Oneness
Jane Kersschot
PB $12.95
30 Essential Yoga Poses
For Beginning Students and
Their Teachers
Judith Lasater, Ph.D., P.T.
PB $17.95
Herbs for Healthy Living
Recognition, Gathering,
Use and Effect
Dr. Ute Künkele
HC $14.95