June 2016 - Redwood Electric Cooperative
June 2016 - Redwood Electric Cooperative
POWER LINE June 2016 “A TOUCHTONE ENERGY COOPERATIVE” Redwood Electric Cooperative 60 Pine Street ● Clements, Minnesota 56224-5000 The Journey To Become A Lineman What it takes to become a certified Journeyman Lineman Office Hours & Contact Information Monday-Friday 7:00 AM-3:30 PM (507) 692-2214 or (888) 251-5100 Michael Ourada started at Redwood Electric Cooperative as an apprentice linemen in the fall of 2011 after graduating from Minnesota State and Community College in Wadena, MN. Once Michael was hired at REC he en- [email protected] www.redwoodelectric.com Pay By Phone: 844-846-2696 tered into the Merchant Job Training & Safety, which is a 4 year apprentice program to become a Journeyman Lineman. Michael successfully completed the program and passed the credentialing exam . He received OUTAGES (507) 692-2214 or (888) 251-5100 24 HOURS A DAY his certification as a Journeyman Lineman in April of this year. Becoming a Journeyman Lineman is a long process even after college. This process requires entering into a 4 year apprentice program with extensive training, along with classroom, on-the-job training, professional experience and passing a credentialing exam. After this is completed and are a certified Jour- neyman Lineman they are required to attend continuing education and have recertification every few years. Lineman come in contact with dangerous equipment and situations every day. Therefore, continuous education and training helps keep our lineman safe. Our office will be closed on JULY 4th to observe Independence Day! *CALL BEFORE YOU DIG* Gopher State One Call (800) 252-1166 General Manager Ronald Horman Board of Directors Werner Fischer Dick Nelson Michael Baune Dan Tauer Leo Mertens Dean Fultz Energy & Money Saving Tips From Willie Set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible in the summer. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be. Jill Weber VanDerWal STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Redwood Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter by mail to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. SEND ME YOUR Grandma’s Rhubarb Crunch 4 cups rhubarb (chopped) 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup oats 1 1/4 cup light brown sugar (packed) 1/2 cup melted butter 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Chop rhubarb and set aside. Mix together the flour, oats, cinnamon, brown sugar and melted butter. Press one-half of crumb mixture into buttered 7”x11” or 8.5”x11” baking dish. Sugar Sauce: 1 cup granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 cup cold water, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. FAVORITE RECIPE 60 Pine St. Clements, MN 56224 Or email me at [email protected] Whisk sugar, cornstarch and water together in glass bowl. Microwave until thick, clear, and bubbly. Approximately 3-5 minutes. Remove from microwave and whisk in vanilla. Add chopped rhubarb atop pressed-in crumb mixture in the baking dish. Pour sugar sauce evenly over rhubarb. Top with remaining crumb mixture. Bake at 350º until edges are bubbling and crumb topping is browned, about 30-40 minutes. “Worry-Free Solar from Redwood Electric Community Solar” Construction has been Lineman putting together member gift bags Member Door Prizes completed on our Redwood Electric Community Solar array. Information on how you can participate will be coming soon. Front Row: Dick Nelson (President), Jill Weber VanDer Wahl, Dean Fultz, Leo Mertens, Werner Fischer. Members listening to the speaker Second Row: Ron Horman (General Manager), Jeff Whitmore (Attorney), Mike Baune (Sec/Treas.), Dan Tauer (Vice President) Be Safe & Prepared for Severe Storms Severe storms are more common in the spring and summer, but can occur anytime of year. Make sure you are prepared and know how to stay safe. Stay Safe: When venturing outside, stay away from downed power lines and be alert to the possibility that tree limbs or debris may be covering an electrical hazard. If you are driving and see a downed power line or hit a pole and the power lines are damaged, stay in your vehicle, warn others to stay away and contact our office and emergency personnel. CALL 1-507-692-2214 or 1-888-251-5100 when there is a power outage and have your location or account number readily available. C -OP Community SOLAR