5 arrested for muti murder
5 arrested for muti murder
Friday 11 February 2011 VOLUME 40 NO. 6 R3.00 incl. 5 arrested for muti murder FIVE people have been arrested in connection with the ritual murder of a 74 year old woman from Mahonisi village in Malamulele. Amongst those arrested is the son of the deceased. This is the second ritual killing in the area in two weeks. Tsatsawani Maria Macheke was found dead in her RDP house on Saturday morning. Her mutilated body was found on her bed with some body parts missing. Provincial police spokesman Col- onel Motlafela Mojapelo confirmed that five people aged 33 to 60 have been arrested. He said four of the suspects were males and the fifth one a female. "Prompt and intensive investigation by an appointed task team led to the arrest of the suspects, however more arrest are expected," said Mojapelo. The suspects appeared before Malamulele Magistrate's Courts on charges of murder on Tuesday. They will appear again on February 15 pending further investigation. Verskeie inwoners op hul voete na verneukspul ‘n SWENDELARY met gesteelde karre het verskeie Tzaneeners en ander inwoners van die omgewing honderde duisende rande laat skade ly. Na bewering het ‘n vorige inwoner van die dorp, Gerrie Jacobs, karre en bakkies aan verskeie mense in die dorp en omgewing verkoop. Na ‘n klopjag deur ‘n spesiale ondersoekspan van die SAPD is die meeste van diè voertuie, wat bykans almal kontant aangekoop is, op beslag gelê. Die koper verloor al sy geld wat na bewering aan Jacobs oorbetaal is en die SAPD verklaar die voertuig verbeurd en neem dit in besit. Skynbaar is die sindikaat, waarby Jacobs na bewering by betrokke kan wees, se modus operandi is om kode 3 (afgeskryfde voertuie) se papiere te kloon en dit dan oor te dra na gesteelde voertuie. Die koper aanvaar dus dat die registrasie van die voertuig reg is terwyl dit inderdaad ‘n bedrogspul met gesteelde voertuie is. Volgens ‘n woordvoerder van die SAPD is ‘n lasbrief reeds vir Jacobs uitgereik terwyl meer arrestasies binnekort gemaak sal word. WINKELS het winskopies, restaurante is vol bespreek en alles is rooi versier, want Maandag is Valentynsdag. Lees binne oor dié spesiale dag en die winskopies wat nou beskikbaar is. LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 2 Gemeenskap groet bekende sakeman HENDRIK van Vreden (86) is Saterdag oorlede. DIE baie bekende oud-sakeman van Tzaneen, Hendrik van Vreden is Saterdag oggend oorlede. Hendrik het in 1934 hom in die Letsitelevallei gevestig. Later jare was hy werksaam by Troye’s garage en het baie ambagsmanne opgelui. Sy werk was sy passie en volgens sy seun het persone van so ver as Kaapstad by Hendrik aangeklop om hulle karre te versien as hulle met vakansie in die omgewing was. Van Vreden (86) het die bekende Van Vredens paneelkloppers in 1968 begin. Hy was baie bekend en geliefd in die gemeenskap. Hy het diep spore getrap in die laeveld Sy familie het die volgende huldeblyk saamgestel: "Dit is met leedwese dat ons vanoggend u moet verwittig van die afsterwe van Hendrik van Vreden (snr.) Hy was die laaste vier maande woonagtig by God’s Haven versorgingskliniek. Sy gesondheid was baie goed en die versorging wat hy by God’s Haven geniet het was van hoogstaande gehalte. Saterdag oggend is hy omstreeks 06:15 dood aangetref by sy bed a g v natuurlike oorsake. Ons dank God vir die tyd wat Hy hom aan ons geleen het en dat hy vir ons so ‘n mooi voorbeeld gestel het, en dat hy altyd bedien het met raad en daad! Ons is ook dankbaar dat hy gesond in rus en vrede gegaan het, sonder lyding of pyn. Ons harte is seer en sy plek sal voorwaar in die besigheid en die samelewing gemis word deur die talle kliënte, assessors, versekeringsmaatskappye, versekeraars, ambagsmanne en kennisse wat deur die jare saamgekom het. Al was dit net om gou te kom inloer of om te groet of gesels. Begrafnis reëlings vir diegene wat belang sou stel om dit dalk by te woon is Vrydag 11 Februarie om 14:00, vanuit die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk (Tzaneen gemeente.) Die diens sal waargeneem word deur dr J H L Truter (Letsitele Gemeente.) Registration attracts over 200 000 MORE than 70 000 people visited voting stations in the province to either register as new voters or re-register by Sunday afternoon, the second day of the registration drive for the upcoming municipal elections. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Provincial Electoral Officer, Nkaro Mateta said the number excluded the thousands of others who also visited the voting stations to check their details. The total figure stood at 218 982. "We thank all the Limpopo citizens who have heeded our call to register, re-register and check their details over the past weekend. We call on all South Africans who have missed this opportunity to visit municipal offices during working hours to register, re-register or confirm their details on the voters roll," said Mateta. Saturday, the first day of the registration drive, was the quieter of the two days as only 14 669 registrations were recorded and 3 698 Continued on p 3... NEWS/CALENDAR GTFM now officially on air A NEW radio station officially went on air in the Greater Tzaneen area on Monday. Greater Tzaneen FM (GTFM) is broadcasting on 104.8. "The new radio station is the project of the Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency aimed at driving the economy of Greater Tzaneen, addressing social challenges and playing a leading role in the development of local communities," said the station‘s marketing manager, Martinus Nkoana. The station broadcasts in English, Afrikaans, Sepedi and Xitsonga within a 100km radius of Greater Tzaneen. A young and professional management team has been assembled to run the radio station. "Our presenters are a mix of experienced disc jockeys, as well as fresh and new talent identified within the local community," said Nkoana. In a bid to popularise the new station, they have embarked on a road show from Monday to next Monday, targeting areas such as Modjadjiskloof, Ga-Kgapane, Lenyenye, Nkowankowa, Letsitele, Tzaneen, Giyani and surrounding areas. For more information contact Nkoana on 071 873 8215 or 015 307 1388 or e-mail him at [email protected]. Kamer vereer sakelui tydens prestige funksie KAARTJIES vir die jaarlikse Prestige prysuitdelingsfunksie van die Tzaneense Sakekamer op Donderdag, 17 Maart, is besig om vinnig te verkoop en besighede en ander persone wat graag die geleentheid wil bywoon sal moet roer. Vandeesweek is die verskaffers van hardeware, Cashbuild, bevestig as die hoofborg vir die aand en dit gaan nog groter luister aan die geleentheid verleen. Die funksie vind by Tzaneen Country Lodge plaas. Tydens diè funksie word verskeie gesogte toekennings aan plaaslike besighede en sakelui oorhandig met die hoogtepunte die aankondiging van die sakepersoon van die jaar en die vriendelikste besigheid. Kaartjies kos R200 per persoon, wat ‘n spogete, wyn en ander versnaperings insluit. Besighede kan ’n tafel bespreek teen R2 000 vir tien persone terwyl daar ook nog ruimte is vir enkele ander borge wat die aand betrokke wil raak. Lede en ander persone word intussen genooi om nominasies in te dien vir die volgende toekennings: * Sakepersoon van die Jaar * Vriendelikste Besigheid * Persoon wat buitengewone diens aan klante lewer * Bestuurder van die Jaar * Besigheid met die Beste Spangees * Openbare Amptenaar van die Jaar * Sekretaresse/Ontvangsdame van die Jaar * Ontluikende Sakepersoon van die Jaar * Meriete Toekennings aan enige persoon of instansies wat ‘n positiewe verskil maak of gemaak het in en om Tzaneen. Vir kaartjies, borgskap of meer inligting skakel Elsabè op 072 869 1485. Tzaneen Sakekamer hou algemene jaarvergadering DIE ALGEMENE Jaarvergadering van die Tzaneense Sakekamer vind volgende Vrydag (18 Februarie) by Tzaneen Country Lodge plaas. Nominasies vir die nuwe bestuur word steeds ingewag. Dit moet ingedien word voor 08:00 op 18 Februarie. Volledige terugvoering oor die jaar se ak- tiwiteite sal tydens die vergadering, wat deur NTT Toyota geborg word, gelewer word. Nominasievorms is by die sekretaresse, Connie, beskikbaar. Besprekings vir die ete in Country Lodge se gazebo moet ook by haar gedoen word. Sy kan geskakel word op (015) 307-6394 of 076 391 0523. NUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 PAGE 3 Vee verkope oorskry R2miljoen merk Registrasie van kiesers verloop vlot GEREGISTREER om te stem! Johan Barnard het Saterdag by Jetty 3 seker gemaak hy is op die kieserlys vir die komende munisipale verkiesing. Lydia Lepulana en Kedibone Ramatsheba is die twee beamptes wat hom gehelp het. GROOT belangstelling was ‘n kenmerk van die eerste vee-veiling van die jaar wat Donderdag op Rubbervale deur Vleissentraal aangebied is. Meer as 360 stuks vee is aangebied en die omset van die veiling het R2miljoen oorskrei. Benewens die groot belangstelling was die hoë pryse wat behaal is ook buitengewoon vir diè tyd van die jaar. Koeie met kalwers is vir gemiddeld R10 733 van die hand gesit terwyl die bod vir dragtige koeie op gemiddeld R7 792 toegeslaan is. Verse is vir ‘n gemiddeld van R6 075 verkoop terwyl koeie teen ‘n gemiddeld van Attorney behind bars A FORMER attorney of Tzaneen, Robert Miller, will be spending the next five year behind bars. This after he pleaded guilty to theft in the Tzaneen Regional Court on February 2. Three years of his original eight year sentence were suspended. According to his attorney, Jan Tromp, Robert Miller had previously conducted a successful legal practice in Tzaneen. He became involved, however, in a number of business ventures, including a large shopping mall development and petrol station complex, DIE verkiesingsbeamptes het Saterdag gereed gestaan om kiesers te help registreer vir die munisipale verkiesing. Voor: Lydia Lepulana, Kedibone Ramatsheba. Agter Elvis Moroatshehla, waarnemende beampte. Thousands check their details Continued from p 2... re-registrations were processed. In addition, 60 391 visited the stations to inspect the voters roll. Sunday recorded 44 660 registrations and 9 552 re-registrations, while 158 591 inspected the roll. "We will know in the next few days what percentage of the 59 329 registrations will be attributed to the first time young voters aged between 18 -19 years," said Matheta. "More than 97 000 people visited the IEC website from Saturday morning until 11:00 on Sunday to check their details nationally. "Also, we received 129 000 sms’s from people wishing to reconfirm their registration details and more than 13 000 used IEC call centre facilities to enquire about their details nationally." He admitted however that they had challenges with their registration staff. In total they replaced 232 registration officials because some didn’t show up and others had family responsibilities. In some cases, objections were received from political parties and replacements were made after investigations. "Furthermore, 20 of our registration stations recorded zero or minimal activity due to threats related to demarcation, and in some cases, such as Tlotlanang in Lephalale, the miners indicated that they prefer to register at their original homes which would range from Eastern Cape to as far afield as the Western Cape. Our voter education programmes will be intensified in such areas," said Matheta. "In addition, we realised that rural communities were not aware of the home visit application facility that was available at all the registration stations. As a result the IEC intends to spread the message to particularly those citizens who are too sick to visit the stations." The final registration figures were due to be released on Wednesday. Registered voters are advised to either sms their ID number to 32810, contact the IEC call centre on 0800 11 8000 or visit the IEC website to check their registration details. R6 778 verhandel het. Tollies ligter as 250kg het ‘n gemiddeld van R3 899 behaal terwyl osse teen gemiddeld R4 784 verkoop is. Drie bulle van Theo Dicke wat ook aangebied is het gemiddeld R20 000 elk behaal. Riebert Pretorius en Bonnie Prinsloo was die grootste verkopers van aanteel-vee terwyl Adriaan van Niekerk, Piet Warren, Jacques Mostert en Wulf Schwerdtfeger die grootste kopers was. Die volgende veiling word op 3 Maart gehou en volgens Bennie van Vuuren, wat Vleissentraal se sake plaaslik hanteer, word daar weer baie groot belangstelling verwag. which caused him to incur much debt. Over time this led to his disbarring as an attorney as he used his clients' trust monies to keep his law practice afloat, intending to repay such monies when he could do so. He could never repay the monies and criminal charges were laid against him for theft. Miller recently voluntarily returned back to South Africa in order to face arrest and the criminal charges against him. He elected not to apply for bail and to plead guilty to all charges against him and to serve his sentence. Leka, leka L S A I C E P S D WE E K E N Special s valid fro Febr 3 1 0 m1 uary 2011 Owner has the right to limit quantity 1.5KG Freshers White & Red Grape Box R19-99 410g Peach Halves and Peach Slices each 2 for R15 CARROTS 5KG APPLES R11-99 R25 for 1KG 3 for Remember every Wednesday: Double Whammy Special @ Fruit & Veg City TZANEEN Tel: (015) 307 1288 Fax: (015) 307 1290 OPEN SATURDAY FROM 8:00 - 15:00 IN CASE OF POWER FAILURE WE ARE STILL OPEN 68917 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 4 FEATURE Klein bederfies beteken meer DAAR bestaan verskeie menings oor die oorsprong van Valentynsdag. Hoe dit ook al sy, 14 Februarie het met die verloop van tyd 'n viering van die liefde geword. 'n Dag waarop spesiale geskenkies en liefdesboodskappies uitgeruil word. Met Valentydsdag om die draai is jonk en minder jonk reeds besig om te beplan vir daardie baie spesiale bederfie vir hul geliefdes. Een wat met groot sorg uitgekies is.As jy nog nie besluit het wat jy vanjaar vir die spesiale liefde in jou lewe op Valentynsdag gaan koop nie - vergeet onmiddellik van die allerdaagse sjokolade of die immer gewilde bos rooi rose. Maak eerder self hierdie bederfie wat jou geliefde se knieë sal lam maak. Sjokoladekoekies versier met 'n bloedrooi malfa en 'n persoonlike liefdesboodskappie in 'n spesiale verpakking wat hy/sy saam moet neem werk toe. Valentines Day is... Kleuterskool hou Valentyns-opskop Dinge om te doen ‘op die rak’ DIE SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool hou op 12 Februarie ‘n Valentynsdans. Dit vind in Skousaal B plaas. Deur: Bertus de Bruyn OP die rak en wag vir die ridder op die wit perd? Gebeur ook net in movies. En wat is die kans dat jy ‘n padda soen en "tadda," ‘n prins verskyn? En as jy gedink het Raponsie gaan haar goue lokke laat afsak sodat jy haar kan red, vergeet dit ook. Deesdae se nuwe haarstyle sal jou na ‘n leer moet gaan soek om jou droomvrou te red, en teen die tyd dat jy bo uitkom pronk daar klaar ‘n blink monster van ‘n verloofring aan haar vinger, runnik ‘n perd onder en gebruik sy jou leer om uit haar toring van eensaamheid te klouter en saam haar ridder die skemer horison in te gallop! Dis dalk baie gal braak, maar alleen op Valentyns dag is darem regtig nie lekker nie. Dis bitter! Bitter om te sien hoe twee verliefdes by kerslig wine en dine. Kaartjies kos R120 per paar. Skakel die skool by 015 307 4255 vir meer besonderhede. 9DOHQWLQHV6SHFLDO BUY ANY LARGE PIZZA AND GET A 2 LITRE COKE FREE! Special valid from 11th - 14th February 2011. Scooters Pizza Tzaneen Shop 9A, Tzaneen Crossing Mall 27 Skirving Street Tzaneen Terms and conditions apply. Die ontvangs dame wat meer as twee dosyn langsteel rose afgelewer sien kry laat ook ‘n bitter smaak. Laat mens ook sommer dink aan Ingrid Jonker se: "Bitterbessie dagbreek bitterbessie son ‘n spieël het gebreek tussen my en hom." Of maak dit regtig saak? Dis net nog ‘n dag, soos elke ander dag. Gebaseer op ‘n ou man wat toenter jare paartjies in die geheim laat trou het toe sommer ook kon wegstap met die titel "Saint" Die van/woord, Valentyn in Latyn beteken sterk of gesond. Sterk sal jy staan. Alleen hierdeur sal jy kom. Dis net nog ‘n dag. Hou ‘n leer byderhand. Hou ‘n verkykker byderhand. Die ridder op die witperd is dalk aangelop op die horison. Mens weet nooit! EZEKIEL Naidoo of Little Eden believes that Valentines Day is a day of love, and that Jesus is love. NKULULEKO Phakula says Valentines Day is a day when someone gives him biscuits, a car and chips. Wolkberg Akademie hou Valentyns dans DIE Wolkberg Akademie bied Vrydag 11 Februarie ‘n heerlike Valentyns dans aan. Kaartjies beloop R60 p/p en sluit ‘n Bunny Chow in. Persone kan hulle eie koelhouer saam neem. Moet nie jou danskaartjie vergeet nie. Daar sal ‘n gelukkige trekking gehou word, en dalk is jy die wenner van ‘n heerlike naweek op ‘n wildsplaas. Die dans word aangebied by Wolkberg Akademie langs VenBeck. Skakel Elmari op 083 262 3098 of Annette: 079 054 5709 vir meer inligting. Moet dit nie misloop nie. ASIA van der Merwe from Little Eden says that Valentines Day means hugs. HITEKANI Lambane believes that Valentines Day is when you give someone something red if you love them, "like your mommy". JESSY Mothle says that Valentines Day is "a day when mommy and daddy love each other". LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 BYLAAG Dit is Maandag Valentynsdag! Skep 'n romantiese atmosfeer en verleen bekoorlike sjarme en skoonheid aan jou tuin deur jou met rooi blomme en bloeisels te omgewe. Wat is die kleure van romantiek? Elke persoon het kleure wat hul met romantiek asook die spesiale oomblikke in hul lewe assosieer. Sommige mag delikate pastelkleure verkies, maar die meeste persone verbind romanse met die ryk skakerings van rooi en karmosyn. Die mees romantiese plek in die wêreld mag selfs in jou eie tuin wees waar donkerrooi rose 'n liefdeslied aan die bome fluister, 'n digterstuin waar 'n tuinboog verborge tussen geurige rose pronk of waar maanlig in die stil waters van 'n poel weerspieël word. Heelwat blomme simboliseer liefde en ro- Go the personalised way mantiek deur hul geskiedenis, geur, blomtaal of kleur. Die lewe is 'n tuin waar romantiek deur hierdie plante versinnebeeld word: rooi rose - liefde, rooi kamelia - jy is 'n vlam in my hart, angeliere - verknogte liefde, dahlia - vir ewig joune, rooi angeliere - suiwere liefde, en celosia - het jy my lief? Kleintjies dink verskillend oor dag van liefde THEANÉ Duvenhage glo dat Valentynsdag bedoel is om "bederfies vir ons mammas te maak". PAGE 5 XANDER Perry van SAVF Kleuterskool Tzaneen sê dat hy lekker koekies op Valentynsdag bak en ook blomme vir sy mamma pluk. IT’S Valentines season again and that means that all across the world nervous men are rushing to the shops to try find a last minute gift for their loved ones (and probably a few women as well). If buying random, commercialised gifts doesn't do it for you, it's best to go the personalised way. Nothing conveys your heartfelt emotions better than a personalised gift. Here are a few ideas to help you make this Valentines Day one to be remembered. Make a special scrapbook of memories. Get as many photos of the two of you together as possible and paste them in the scrapbook, then make sure to fill it with personal quotes and feelings beneath every picture. The tried and tested route of making a personalised card is always a safe bet. However, why not go for a good old love letter (i.e. a letter - not just a card with one sentence in it) where you flatter your love and describe your feelings in full. MONIQUE O’Neill van SAVF Kleuterskool Tzaneen sê mens gaan party keer see toe op Valentynsdag. Nothing says you really care more than suddenly producing some piece of memorabilia from your first date. Frame that movie ticket or that pressed flower that has been hiding in your dictionary all this time and give it as a perfect gift. If you are good at knitting or making things with your hands, try to make something personal and meaningful. Your partner will definitely appreciate this. Of course, there are gifts that you can buy that have a personal feel - engraved jewelry is always a safe bet or mugs etc with your names/faces on them. Flowers and chocolates are always appreciated, but make sure that it doesn’t seem as though you just bought it half an hour before giving it. Valentines is supposed to show that you really care. Remember to take your loved one out for a romantic dinner or to prepare a fabulous meal for him/her - it’s the least you could do. CHA-MARI Bekker glo dat pa’s "iets" vir ma’s koop op Valentynsdag. ZOË Malherbe glo dat Valentynsdag dans beteken. PAGE 6 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 Help revive chamber music Skekinah House offers Retha joins conference THE well known Christian speaker and author, conference for women Retha Mc Pherson, will be visiting Polokwane SHEKINAH House is hosting "The Walk", a women’s conference taking place on February 25 and 26. The conference starts at 18:00. Early registration costs R200 per person, meal included. Late registration costs R250 per person, meal included. Anita Roux from Polokwane and Jessica van der Walt from Naboomspruit (Mookgophong) will be the speakers during this event. For more information contact the church office on 015 307 1729, Maryna on 079 524 8981, Denise on 084 358 4804 or Elsie on 083 393 1041. TZANEEN has produced scores of talented artists over the decades, but where does the talent go? There are individuals and groups of people who are all too happy to organise performances for the community, but some feel that not enough is being done. Erika Dando, who performed in a very successful fundraising concert in Tzaneen in 2003, would appreciate any artist interested in chamber music to contact her on 015 309 9497. Haydn Stanley, whom together with his wife performed in the same concert as Erika, feels that this could be a great opportunity to revive the cultural activity in the area. So phone Erika today and help revive the spirit of chamber music. in March for CJ Marketing and Promotions’ first ever Women's Conference. The conference is entirely focussed on the Lord and the message He has for women during 2011. In particular pertaining to Celebrating your Womanhood and Embracing your Uniqueness - the theme of the conference. Join Retha Mc Pherson from March 11 to 13 at Grin Court Polokwane. Times are: Friday, 19:00 to 21:00; Saturday, 9:00 to 13:00 and again from 14:00 to 16:00; Sunday, 9:00 till 12:00. The cost is R250 for the weekend package or R100 per session. If you would like any more details, do not hesitate to contact Cheray Jackson on 084 556 4956. VIA kom byeen DIE VOLGENDE vergadering van Vroue in Aksie sal op 14 Februarie om 15:00 by Arbor Park Lodge plaasvind. Die tema van die vergadering is "Lag-lag die nuwe jaar in". Nuwe ondersteuners moet asseblief hulle inskrywingsforms na die vergadering bring. Alle belangstellendes is welkom. Skakel vir Annaline Geldenhuys op 083 377 1312 of Elna Kriel op 083 278 3045 vir meer inligting. KALENDER SAAGA hou simposium Foto 18 is die wenner EN die fotowenner is....Foto 18 waarin Dean Fernandez by die wildtuin afgeneem is deur sy ma! Sophia Fernandez is die gelukkige wenner van Letaba Herald se jaarlikse vakansiefoto kompetisie. Dean ontvang die prys namens sy ma. Delmarie Geldenhuys, joernalis van Letaba Herald oorhandig die R500 geskenkbewys van Game. Chamber hosts gala function THE Greater Tzaneen Chamber of Commerce reminds its members that it is holding its Prestige Awards function on March 17. The function will take place in the Conference Centre of Tzaneen Country Lodge and will start at 18:30 for 19:00. Smart dress will be worn and the evening will cost R200 per person. RSVP with Elsabé Engelbrecht on 072 869 1485 or 015 307 1572. Deur: Gerhard Nortjé, tegniese bestuurder en navorsingskoördineerder DIE Suid-Afrikaanse Avokadokwekers vereniging se jaarlikse navorsingsimposium word vanjaar op 17 Februarie 2011 by Tzaneen Country Lodge gehou. Dit is 'n bietjie van 'n verandering aangesien tot en met 2010 die SAAGA simposium by die Magoebaskloof Hotel gehou is. Daar word ongeveer 200 boere en ander rolspelers in die industrie by dié gewilde geleentheid verwag. Voorafbesprekings sal weer gedoen moet word, maar probeer op die dag van die simposium registreer as daar laat geslaap is. Die program sal weer soos voorheen grootliks fokus op terugvoer en vordering met SAAGA befondste navorsingsprojekte van die afgelope 2010/11 jaar. Elke jaar bepaal SAAGA sekere navorsingsprioriteite en behoeftes en dien dan dienooreenkomstig fondse toe aan suksesvolle navorsingsvoorstelle. Die jaarlikse navorsingssimposium word dan gebruik om aan die industrie terugvoer te gee oor die vordering met die navorsingsprojekte. SAAGA-gefinansierde navorsingsresultate op dié simposium wat aangebied sal word is: "Marktoegang: Na-oes siektebeheer, die bestuur van die avokado koueketting en die onderhouding van koue temperature vir goeie vrugkwaliteitsbeheer. Terugvoer sal ook gegee word oor die hele politieke/handels-proses om marktoegang te bewerkstellig en die vordering met die proses. "Entomologie: Die ontwikkeling van ‘n voorspellingsmodel vir die beheer van avokado besies, IPM vir kokosneutbesies op avokados, en ‘n voorlopige verslag oor die vordering met kouebehandeling-navorsing op Bactrocera invadens (BI) in Kenya. Die effek van vlermuise op die beheer van stinkbesies. Daar gaan ook gepraat word ook die moontlike voordele van feromone in die toekomstige beheer van stinkbesies "Patologie: Die evaluering van deklae op die kwaliteit, opbrengs en voedingswaarde, en die evaluering van ultra-lae volume toedienings van swamdoders vir die beheer van avokado siektes en die toetsing van ‘n nuwe "pulsfog" masjien. Die formele praatjies sal afgesluit word met 'n kort opsomming van die vordering met die SAAGA navorsingsprojekte deur prof John Bower, tegniese direkteur van SAAGA. Die verrigtinge sal weer afgesluit word met 'n heerlike braai. Baie geluk aan Coenie Scheepers van Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat sy verjaardag op 9 Februarie gevier het, en aan Marna Jacobsz wat haar verjaardag op 11 Februarie vier. Congratulations to Cheslyn Andrews of Stanford Lake College who celebrated her birthday on February 8. Die inwoners van El Natan sê baie dankie vir heerlike suikermielies wat aan hulle geskenk is. Dit word opreg waardeer. Winners of the Bridge competition played on January 31 were Arthur Cowgill and Jane Rochester. Second were Daphne Heimann and Marie Liversage. Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag Mari du Plessis. Van Forms Media Tzaneen. PROMOTIONS/GENERAL LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 THEY AIM to please. Mediplus Pharmacy in Tzaneng Mall recently underwent a facelift in order to make shopping with them more convenient and pleasurable. Andricia van der Westhuizen and Tiny Pilusa are just two of the many friendly faces at Mediplus Pharmacy. Pharmacy has new look and layout PATRONS of Mediplus Pharmacy will be happy to know that the pharmacy now has a new, more user-friendly look and layout. After much planning, the pharmacy received a complete facelift to make products more easy to find, and to allow trollies to move through the isles freely. Even the colour chosen for the walls were selected specifically for its quality to make products stand out more, thus making it easier for customers to spot the products they are looking for. The new, brighter lighting installed also adds to a more pleasant shopping experience. Feel free to visit the revamped Mediplus Pharmacy in Tzaneng Mall, and while you’re there, why not take advantage of one of their many extra services? These include the clinic, run by clinic sister Jenny Pretorius; Mystique Beauty Studio run by Mariam Aboo, a qualified beautician; The Diet That Everyone Talks About, with help from Kira du Toit to get you back into tiptop shape; or Mediplus Nail Clinic where Cheryl Fourie will give you nails you only dreamed of. The pay points have also been set up to be more user- friendly. Another addition to the pharmacy is an office in the front of the store. This allows for a more one-on-one approach should a client require it. Leon Lombard and Jannie Degenaar, the pharmacists, are available to manage your wellbeing, so whether you are ill, looking for a special gift or trying to lose weight, there is no better, more convenient or user-friendly pharmacy than Mediplus Pharmacy. Contact them on 015 307 5038. They are open on Mondays from 8:30 till 17:30, Saturdays from 8:30 till 14:00, and Sundays and public holidays from 9:00 until 13:00. PAGE 7 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 8 PROMOTIONS Enjoy fragrant plants during long summer evenings FEBRUARY 2011: And so the rains continue. At least we had a few days of sunshine to get in and mow the knee-high lawn. The lovely long summer evenings must be enjoyed. There are some wonderful fragrant plants that flower this time of the year and if they are planted near patios or lapas, the fragrance released during the early evening will create a very relaxing atmosphere in and around your garden. With more rain forecast for the next few months, it is of vital importance that you keep the lawn mowed regularly and keep the weeds under control. Service the lawnmower and other machinery while it is raining thus ensuring that everything is ready to go as soon as the sun comes out. All fertiliser that has been applied will leach out very quickly with the high rainfall and you must continue with your monthly fertiliser programme. 2:3:2 is a balanced fertiliser that can be applied to the entire garden. Even though we love our gardens and we will do anything to get our chores done, there are some days that the relentless rain just won't allow us to get in and do certain things. On days like this we can repack the storeroom, repot those indoor plants that needed new soil months ago, cart away the garden refuse, prune some trees and shrubs, and most importantly weed the flower beds. Roses will have a spectacular show of flowers if you have been keeping up with the pest control. Towards the end of the month you must prune your roses back by approximately two thirds. It is also an excellent time of the year to plant new roses. Prepare a planting hole approximately double the size of the plant bag. Mix two spades compost and a handful of bonemeal into the hole. Never plant the rose deeper than the level of the soil in the plant bag. Your vegetable garden must be prepared for the busy time to come. Towards the end of the month you will start sowing vegetables for the cooler months. Instead of sowing everything at once, sow the seed with two week intervals. This will ensure that everything is not ready at the same time. Also do that little bit extra to give to someone needy or donate to the old age home. As mentioned during the January Green Finger Tips, there is an exciting garden competition planned for the Tzaneen area during 2011. There will be different categories with many discretionary awards. The competition will officially be launched during March with judging taking place in September and October. Great prizes will be up for grabs. For more information you can contact Wynand Espach on 082 929 3346. Focus Plant: Our focus plant for February is the Tibouchina tree. With the spectacular show of pink and purple everywhere in our area, it is a small tree that definitely makes an impression. It is a fast growing tree and can reach a height of up to 10 meters. Win a Plant: Question: What colour flowers does the Tibouchina have? SMS your name and answer to 082 929 3346. The winner will be announced in the next GreenFingerTips. Price sponsored by Complete Gardens. Winner: The winner of the last competition was Elsie Koekemoer. Congratulations! Ask your Questions: Should you have any gardenrelated questions, send it by e-mail to [email protected] and we will do our best to assist you with your queries. Rina is the lucky winner of the diamond THE WINNER of the Ickinger Jewellers Diamond Promotion has been announced. Rina Klaver won a 0,55ct diamond worth R17 000 after she had a ring made with Ickinger’s state of the art designing and manufacturing equipment. Rina doesn’t know what she wants to do with the diamond yet, but she is sure to return it to Ickinger Jewellers who will be happy to design and manufacture another piece of jewellery for her. Alta van der Walt of Ickinger handing Rina her prize. Donate blankets, food in ‘Golden Trolley’ HELP Shoprite and Checkers assist thousands of people who were left without shelter or food by the devastating floods recently. From Tuesday, February 1 until Monday, February 28 a special ‘Golden Trolley’ will be placed in front of all Shoprite and Checkers stores. Customers are asked to donate blankets, non-perishable food and baby food by placing them in these distinctly marked trolleys. All items collected will be handed over to local relief and rescue organisations to distribute amongst those left destitute by the storms and flooding. CUSTOMERS are urged to open their hearts and donate blankets and food to those left destitute after the devastating floods recently by placing the items in the marked trolleys in front of Shoprite and Checkers stores. TinaLouise Buttner in front of one of the special trolleys. (Photo right). PROMOSIES/BRIEWE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 PAGE 9 Alarm company offers more ALARMS, armed response, and now, protection against fire. Business owners in the area will have less restless nights now that Letaba Alarms, that celebrated its fourth birthday in January, has added a new sub-division to the company. Besides having spent the last four years perfecting their business of installing and monitoring alarm systems, and responding to alarms activations, Letaba Fire Alarms is now the only company in the area that is accredited by the Fire Detection Installers Association (FDIA) to install fire alarm systems (the only entity in the country that can give accreditation). They do installations according to all the country’s building regulations and issue you with the relevant certificates after installation and services (every six months). All members of Letaba Fire Alarms have been trained by FDIA and are accredited by them. The chairperson of FDIA will personally visit the area periodically to access the standard of Letaba Fire Alarms’ installations. Most people have security alarms installed in their homes and businesses, but what use are those if they’re burnt beyond repair? And why would you only want protection during a robbery or attack? Letaba Fire Alarms installs only the best equipment, and because of the battery of tests done during installation to ensure the system works optimally, every activation guarantees response from Letaba Fire Alarms - no calls first to assess the validity of the activation or the extent of the fire. The system has been designed to activate when there is a fire or any smoke that may be present. This service is aimed at businesses, lodgings, stores, mines or any other facility that welcomes the public, in the whole of Limpopo. Letaba Fire Alarms works closely with the designated fire departments in the specific areas, who also respond to your fire alarm’s activation. Letaba Fire Alarms also maintains and rec- tifies any systems installed by other companies. Also bear in mind that insurance companies are more lenient when it comes to reimbursement when a fire occurs. All installations are customised by computer according to your specific setup - all to scale and according to legislation. Leon Coomans, owner of Letaba Alarms, explains that it is relatively easy to install such a system, but to do it correctly and according to regulation is a different matter. Their systems all have a one year factory guarantee, and they guarantee a speedy installation. Coomans, who has since 2009 been through two operations to have tumours removed from his spinal cord, is still as hands on as ever when it comes to the running of the business, and keeps his staff well motivated. The fact that he has gone from having an incapacitating tumour to being back at work and walking with only a cane is testimony to his own level of commitment. Fire can have devastating effects. Fifteen people, 12 of them children, were killed when fire swept through an orphanage in Newcastle in February 2010. Twenty three residents of an old age home in Nigel died in August as a result of fire. Closer to home, millions were lost when fire engulfed a local pack house in September. Could the loss of life and millions of rands have been prevented with fire alarms? Why risk it when the perfect solution is available to you right on your doorstep? Custom packages are formulated for each business, so phone them today for the quote that could save your life and your valuables. Letaba Alarms’ premises have expanded to accommodate Letaba Fire Alarms, but feel free to phone Letaba Alarms (015 307 5544/66) for more information. Alternatively, contact the manager of Letaba Fire Alarms, Wikus Pienaar, on 083 310 0020. Their 24 hour monitoring team is ready to assist you. Jammer Werner... God’s Haven sê dankie EC Pendlebury van Tino's skryf: Ek wil graag weer eens vir Werner Strydom en sy geselskap verskoning vra vir die onaangename ondervindng hier by TINO'S PIZZARIA op 25 JANUARIE. Ten spyte van julle ongerief en terleurstelling met die kos was u deurentyd hoflik met die personeel en ook teenoor my, die eienaar. DIE inwoners, personeel en bestuur van God’s Haven sê weer eens dankie vir elke donasie wat ontvang is. Jaco de Wet vir vars melk. Forms Media Independent vir twee pakke fotostaat papier. Anoniem vir ‘n krat avokados. A Botha vir ‘n krat kersie tamaties. Alida Liversage vir ‘n krat mangoes. Cherry Faul vir doeke. Welmart Elektries vir ‘n krat tamaties en tydskrifte. THERE is no reason why large amounts of money, precious time or a human life should be lost due to fire at your establishment or business. Letaba Alarms, the only company in the area accredited to install fire alarm systems, introduces Letaba Fire Alarms. This is a new addition to their already impressive list of services. Front: Rudolf Osmers, technician, Erna and Leon Coomans, owners. Back: Wikus Pienaar, manager of Letaba Fire Alarms, Rudolph Beetge and Wynand Jansen, technicians. LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 10 ALGEMEEN Publiek help met poging MANY mouths can be fed with R5 000. The Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club donated this amount to the Tzaneen Primary feeding scheme in January. Estie Zietsman who runs the scheme receiving the cheque from Lions President Malcolm Banks. Lions donate towards feeding scheme FOOD is not only essential for a child’s growth, but also for his ability to concentrate and perform at school. The Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club recently donated R5 000 towards the feeding scheme at Tzaneen Primary, which depends on donations and contributions to feed the learners who cannot afford to bring their own lunch to school. Lions President Malcolm Banks handed the cheque over to Estie Zietsman at the end of January. Zietsman runs the feeding scheme and does a great job of ensuring the children get a well balanced and nutritious meal every day. She has a group of volunteers who cook for the children every day. The Lions Club challenges all other organisations and businesses to also donate money to this very worthy project. They feel that "It is the responsibility of every human being to make sure that the youth and children of our country have at least one nutritional meal per day, to help them grow physically and mentally". Phone Zietsman on 082 8262 517 to find out how you can contribute. Any donations are welcome. For more information on becoming a Lion and making a valuable contribution to your community through their various service projects, please contact Malcolm Banks on 083 631 1398. MEER as R4 000 is deur Hanna-Let van Tonder vir liefdadigheid ingesamel. Hanna-Let, wat beoog om Jool koningin te word en daarom geld vir liefdadigheid moet insamel, het kaartjies verkoop waarna daar Vrydag ‘n gelukkige trekking gedoen is. Twee Pretorianers het elk ‘n naweek vir twee, onderskeidelik by Marc’s Treehouse Lodge en Cheerio gewen. Marlize Kasselman van Tzaneen het ‘n behandeling by Salon de Beauté gewen. Hanna-Let het ook pryse gegee aan die individue wat die meeste kaartjies vir haar verkoop het. Jan-Carel van Niekerk en Mientjie Stone is die laerskool leerders wat die meeste kaartjies verkoop het. Neels Strydom en Richard Wernich is die hoërskool leerders wat die meeste kaartjies verkoop het. Sulette Jordaan het van al die volwassenes die meeste kaartjies verkoop. Hulle pryse het ingesluit ‘n behandeling by Anzinique Salon, rolprent kaartjies van Savannah Mall, horlosies van L’Detz en ‘n skaatsplank geborg deur Tzaneng Apteek. Apple iPhone 4 32GB MEER as R4 000 is vir liefdadigheid deur ‘n meisie van Tzaneen ingesamel om haar kanse vir Jool koningin te verbeter. Hanna-Let van Tonder het kaartjies verkoop waarna daar Vrydag ‘n gelukkige trekking gedoen is. Die gene wat die meeste kaartjies vir haar verkoop het is ook vergoed. Voor: Jan-Carel van Niekerk is een van die laerskool leerders wat die meeste kaartjies verkoop het. Hy het ‘n skaatsplank wat deur Tzaneng Apteek geborg is gewen. Agter: Sulette Jordaan is die volwassene wat die meeste kaartjies verkoop het en het ‘n behandeling van Anzinique Salon ontvang. Willané van Niekerk het ook baie kaartjies verkoop; Hanna-Let van Tonder hoop om die jaar die Jool koningin te wees. Apple iPhone 4 32GB Subscription fee Subscription fee R449 PM x24 on MTN AnyTime 200 R479 R209 R209 You get SIM & Connection Once-off Rand of airtime 200 pm PM x24 on MTN AnyTime 200 (incl. VAT) 25 SMS MTN 1-4-1 points + 150MB Internet Bundle You get SIM & Connection Once-off Rand of airtime 200 pm (incl. VAT) 25 SMS MTN 1-4-1 points + 250MB Internet Bundle exclusive to: TZANEEN CELLULAR Shop 16, Tzaneen Crossings Mall, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 7110 l Cell: 073 161 6303 68921 ADVERTISEMENT LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 PAGE 11 GENERAL LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 12 Police help out off the streets, but the maintenance on the pool is very expensive. The shelter is presently accommodating about 20 children between the ages of 2 and 4 years old as well as two mentally ill mothers who cannot take care of their babies. They receive three meals per day as well as education in the form of books and educational toys. The success of the day was not only thanks to the Crime Intelligence women, but also due to the generous donations from various parties: Phalaborwa Spar donated beef, chicken, vegetables, sweets, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste for 51 people; Phalaborwa MBA Security sponsored a jumping castle for the children and Charles and Martie Lloyd travelled to Lulekani to set it up and collect it again; Giyani Spar's donation included vegetables and fruit; Giyani Check You Indian Shop and other similar stores donated cash; Tzaneen Spar's donation included vegetables, fruit, rice and maize meal; Tzaneen Boxer Superstore donated vegetables and fruit; Tzaneen Roots Butchery gave meat and Tzaneen Sasco donated fresh bread. -Issued by “BRIDGING THE SKILLS GAP” Our Vision: The creation of a skilled workforce to meet the health and social Phalaborwa SAPS Lidevelopment needs of all South Africans. Our Mission: The HWSETA endeavours to create and aison Officer, Sgt M Health and Welfare Sector implement an integrated approach for the Education and Training Authority development and provision of an appropriately Makgopa. skilled workforce that will be empowered to render WOMEN from the Mopani District's Crime Intelligence Police visited Leka Gape in Lulekani on January 28 to give the ladies of this shelter a day off. Leka Gape is a community project founded by Michael Powane and his wife Petra, that was established to shelter women, children and abuse victims, and assist orphan-headed families. The police women spent the day cooking for the children and personnel of the shelter, handwashing blankets and playing with the children, and realised that running the shelter is no child's play. The children however are happy and very well disciplined, and thrive on love and attention. It is hard to believe that the shelter can accomplish so much with so few volunteers. Out of the 40 volunteers who assisted at Leka Gape, there are only four left. The shelter generates funds through entertaining tourists, donations and fundraising campaigns as well as Initiative Africa. The shelter managed to establish a non-profitable bakery in Lulekani which sells bread for job creation. However, they had to retrench 11 employees during November. They also managed to build a swimming pool for the community's children, to keep them Registration no. 11/HWSETA/01/04/05 quality health and social development services that are comparable to world-class standards. WOMEN from the Mopani District’s Crime Intelligence Police spent a day cooking, cleaning and playing with the kids of Leka Gape shelter in Lulekani. Some of the kids enjoying a meal during the visit on January 28. Expression of Interest Special Funding 2010-2011 The Health and Welfare SETA invites all registered employers, ESDAs and specific associations addressing the needs of persons with disabilities to make application for Special Funding. The Expression of Interest is available on the HWSETA website at www.hwseta.org.za You may also access the application form for the Expression of Interest by logging on to this website. Only original copies hand-delivered or couriered by 16:00 on 28 February 2011 will be accepted. For more information, please contact Maria Singh at (011) 607-6900 or [email protected] OMUT134035/E Human Communications 72853 Introducing our THE GAS COOKER Classic Six hob tops, built in wok, special simmer plates, double ovens and multiple shelf heights. Get the combination right and you can enjoy almost every conceivable cooking experience. Investment Collection Designed by the Old Mutual Investment Group The same principles apply to investing. Old Mutual Unit Trusts brings you our Classic Investment Collection. A range of five superbly crafted unit trusts expertly designed to suit your specific investment needs and managed to deliver impressive results time and time again. To find out more, call 0860 INVEST (468 378) And, if one day you’d like to own the ultimate cooker, do it today. do great things To invest, contact your Old Mutual ⇒nancial adviser or broker. 0860 INVEST (468378) I www.investmentcollection.co.za Old Mutual Investment Group (South Africa) (Pty) Limited is a licensed ⇒nancial services provider. Unit trusts are generally medium to long term investments. Past performance is no indication of future growth. Shorter term ⇓uctuations can occur as your investment moves in line with the markets. Fluctuations or movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down. Unit trusts can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. Fund valuations take place on a daily basis at approximately 15:00 on a forward pricing basis. The fund’s TER re⇓ects the percentage of the average Net Asset Value of the portfolio that was incurred as charges, levies and fees related to the management of the portfolio. LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 GENERAL/SCHOOL NEWS PAGE 13 Local schools go green SEVERAL schools in the area received awards at the Wessa/WWF Eco-School Green Flag ceremony held in Polokwane in January. These schools included Stanford Lake College, Driehoek Primary School, Mogoboya Primary School, Morutsi Primary School, Legkolo Primary School, Tsekere Primary School and Seripe Primary School. All of these schools are successfully improving the environmental education within their school curricula. Teachers, learners and the community worked together on various action projects throughout 2010, tackling matters such as biodiversity. In recognition of the schools' efforts to be sustainable, the MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Pitsi Moloto, Polokwane Executive Mayor, Freddy MEC FOR Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Pitsi Moloto and various stakeholders launched the Limpopo Marula Festival on Friday at Sefapane Lodge in Ba-Phalaborwa. The seven-day festival is due to commence next Saturday with a 4x4 challenge. Chief Executive Officer of Limpopo Tourism and Parks, Rob Tooley, LEDET Marula Festival Organiser, Moses Ngobeni and MEC Moloto, drinking the marula beer after the launch of the festival. MEC launches Marula Festival By: Given Sebashe THE MUCH anticipated Limpopo Marula Festival was launched by the Limpopo MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Pitsi Moloto, together with Limpopo Tourism and Parks and the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality on Friday at Sefapane Lodge. The festival, now in its sixth year, starts next Saturday with a 4x4 challenge at Hlolwa Lodge, outside Phalaborwa. A variety of activities will be offered during the festival including a golf challenge, street parade, marathon, open air concert and cuisine ala marula food competition. Moloto said at the launch that the festival aims to stimulate tourism and will continue to back the local economy of the province, but most importantly continue to promote heritage. “The festival must be used as a tool to showcase the cultural diversity in Limpopo and preserve heritage,” he said. Moloto further said that beside the tourism treasures in the province, Limpopo has a unique cultural diversity. More than 4 000 litres of marula beer have been secured from Limpopo Mukumbi Industry, a cooperative funded by the department and also beneficiary of the festival’s profits. The open air concert will feature Liquid Deep, Professor, Revolution, Malatji featuring Candy, Judith Sephuma, DJ Beef, DJ Cube and many more local artists. Ticket fees for the festival are R80 for adults and R20 for children. Moloto said they were expecting 30 000 people to attend the event. Phone: 076 386 8605 Maskew Miller Longman LITERATURE AWARDS in all 11 official languages Practical Playwriting workshops Are you a new writer in need of inspiration and guidance or an experienced writer looking for useful tips? As the focus of this year’s Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards is on drama, we have invited Cecilia du Toit, winner of the 2008 Literature Awards for her drama Boetie, Beter, Bester, to host workshops to assist playwrights with their entries for the 2012 competition. Dates of the workshops are as follows: Durban: 15 Feb 2011 Cape Town: 16 Feb 2011 Midrand: 22 Feb 2011 Mafikeng: 21 Feb 2011 Polokwane: 23 Feb 2011 Send a one-page motivational letter, indicating which workshop you would like to attend, to Natasha Phillips: at fax 021 531 0716 or e-mail: [email protected]. To find out more about the competition contact Natasha at: 021 532 6000 alternatively visit our website: www.mml.co.za/drama_awards_2012.htm Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! L Literature Grever, and Miss Earth South Africa 2010, Dondyebo Dzingwa, presented certificates to the schools. Over 100 schools in Limpopo submitted portfolios. Each portfolio demonstrated how our local environment is a teaching tool enabling learners to develop skills and knowledge to look after the environment. The project in Mopani is sponsored by Wessa/WWF-SA Eco-Schools, Rand Merchant Bank, the Department of Local Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, the Department of Water Affairs and Environment, and De Beers. For more information about the Eco-Schools programme, contact Shelley Milstein, Giyani Node Coordinator, on 084 262 8488 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Alternatively visit www.wessa.org.za. LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 14 SKOLENUUS Klofie atletiek blink LAERSKOOL Duiwelskloof het Saterdag 'n baie suksesvolle prestige FNB atletiekbyeenkoms aangebied. Hulle verwerf 67 medaljes in totaal waarvan 25 goud, 23 silwer en 19 brons. Voor: Kgabo Mamorobela, Delux Jooste. 2de ry: Prince Mabunda, Mogoshi Maseta, Ruan Groenewald (2 goud), Hlogi Moselenyane, Kesia Pohl. 3e ry : Prince Maswanganyi, Dalmari Ackermann, Heini Ferreira. Agter : Precious Setwaba, Skumbuza Mohlele, Bernice Claasen (2 goud), Mpho Mokoena (4 goud.) HIERDIE Plasie swemmers het onlangs aan die Limpopo Skole swem Proewe deelgeneem en goed presteer. Voor: Clarissa Combrinck, Samuel Varrie en Leandi Toerien. Agter: Adri Venter, Heinrich Pienaar, Timothy Varrie, Machiel Botha en Francois Maritz. Afwesig: Mikyle le Roux. Plasie swemmers maak golwe DIE Limpopo Skole swem Proewe het Vrydag 4 Februarie en Saterdag 5 Februarie plaasgevind waar 9 Merensky swemmers deelgeneem het. Die swemmers het baie goed gevaar. Timothy Varrie het deelgeneem in die Seuns 17-19 jaar kategorie en het 'n silwer medalje in die 400m vryslag verower. Timothy het ook brons medaljes verower in die 200m rugslag, 200m vryslag en 100m rugslag. Samuel Varrie wat in die Seuns 14-16 jaar kategorie deelgeneem het, het 'n brons medalje vir sy 400m vryslag verower. Adri Venter het in die Meisies 17-19 jaar kategorie deelgeneem en het baie goed gevaar en silwer medaljes verower vir haar 400m vryslag, 200m vryslag en 50 m borsslag. Verder het Adri ook brons medaljes in die 200m borsslag, 100m borsslag en 100m vlinderslag verower. In die Meisies 14 jaar kategorie het Leandi Toerien 'n goue medalje vir haar 100m borsslag verower, asook silwer in die 50m borsslag en brons in die 200m borsslag en 100m vlinderslag. Francois Maritz het in die Seuns 17-19 jaar kategorie deelgeneem en 3 silwer medaljes verower in die 200m, 100m en 50m borsslag. Francois het ook nuwe rekords opgestel by die 100m en 200m borsslag. DIE klofies het geblink op die atletiekbaan tydens die FNB atletiekbyeenkoms. MPHO Mokoena, links, is aangewys as senior Victrix Ludorum en Ruan Groenewald, regs as senior Victor Ludorum. Vossies spog met top-sterre DIE top 10 gr11 leerders van Ben Vorster vir siklus 4 van 2010 is aangewys: Vlnr: Nicolene Burger, Ashley Kriel, Anri Winter, Anrie Venter. Agter: Mariette Grobler, JC Lombard, Jannes Dry, Leylene Kruger. Afwesig: Samantha Mangwane, Ferdi Bloem. DIE Vossie gr10 se top 10 leerders is aangewys vir siklus 4, vlnr: Luan Louw, Leander Steenkamp. Middel: Marcel Linde, Sheri Maritz, Nicolie vd Zee, Eme Steyn. Agter: Basani Bambisa, Charlene Mhlari, Fumani Mongwe, Mapula Mhlango. CLASSIFIEDS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 PAGE 15 Classifieds Klein Advertensies Ready made curtains on wholesale price! Lots of new variety. Visit Magic Builders Centre 015 307 4408 0006 Church Services AGS VAN SA, ZWARIRIRYLAAN, MODJADJISKLOOF Pastoor: Johan P i e t e r s e 082-925-8746 Kantoor/ faks: 015-309-9275 / Sel nr: 079-509-1500 Visevoorsitter: Adriaan Badenhorst 082-850-2166 Tienerkerk: Gr8 - 12 8h30 Oggenddiens: 09h00 Kinderkerk: 3jr - Gr R; Gr1 - Gr7 Tydens diens. S e l g r o e p : Woensdagaand Kerksaal 18h30 IT023887 AIDS CENTRE S.A.I.M.R. Education, training, resources, referrals, counselling, company policies and consulting. Tel: 011-725-0511 011-725-3009 011-725-6651 IT023886 Christ Embassy Tzaneen Giving your life a meaning .... Welcome to our Sunday Fellowship. Time: 10h00 Venue: Roman Catholic hall, Voortrekker str opposite Silver Palm Lodge, Aqua park. For your continued connectivity let`s meet at Tzaneen library study room every Monday from 17h15 to 19h00 for our cell meetings. For more information contact 082-808-4823 or 083-749-7126 IT023888 Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte Rd, opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen. Courses are run throughout the year relating to Pre-marriage, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce Care for adults and children, Grief Share and Personal Growth. Contact Maryna at 015-307-2527 or 015-307-4729 IT023890 HERVORMDE KERK LETSITELE Oggend dienstye: Sondae 9 uur by Laerskool Dr Annecke. Bybelstudie: Woensdae oggende 9 uur. 082-808-0802 IT023891 True Life Ministries A ministry available to all Bikers and anyone in need of the Word of God. Cell Groups - Monday 19h00. Service at 09h00 IT023892 starts please phone for details. HOPE METHODIST f u r t h e r Contact Kobus & CHURCH Fransie Dippenaar Modjadjieskloof 0 8 2 3 4 6 -9098, (Duiwelskloof) 015-307-5434 Corne Boltman Street Sunday Service: 082-574-8395. Email 08:00 Tuesday ladies k o b u s d i p p e n a a r meeting: 0 9 : 3 0 @tzaneen.co.za IT023894 W e d n e s d a y Fellowship: 18:30 0007 Contact Pastor Attie Employment & Liz Botha Tel: 015-309-8594 HERVORMDE KERK TZANEEN Eensgesind in die geloof tot eer van God. Eredienste elke Sondag 9vm. Skakel 015-307-4508 IT023917 MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD MINISTRIES Come let us bow down in worship. Psalm 95:6 A prayer meeting, for everyone who has a need, or needs the peace of God. A new church is being established in Tzaneen. You think church is boring? Being hurt by the church? Had challenges and stopped believing in God? And etc. Jesus is the answer. Jesus wants to meet you, and transform your life. Sundays. Venues: no 2 fees street Sanloo Manor. Tzaneen. Time 12:30 - 2:30 pm. more info, call Desmond 082-901-3869. Email: mydesdes @yahoo.com IT023910 PPK PINKSTER LIGHUIS Tzaneen. H/V Pearlman - en Frank May straat, Premierpark. Dienstye: Sondag: 9:30 Oggenddiens en Kinderkerk 18:00 Aanddiens Woensdag: 19:00 Biduur. Kontakpersoon: Pastoor B. Wilken 083-717-4043 p a s t o r i e 015-307-1111 AVAILABLE Admin. Data Entry capturing available. Steady income. Tutorial backup. full/ part time. For info application sms name/ address to 072-813-6062 IT024102 Betrekking vakant Benodig `n b e t r o u b a r e , middeljarige dame om vakante pos as winkel assistent te vul. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Skakel 082-472-8483 slegs gedurende kantoor ure. IT023903 EMPLOYMENT OFFERED Wanted: Freelance or half day journalist with excellent English. Preferably own computer and publishing/ design skills a bonus. Send your CV to m o t s w e d i @vodamail .co.za o r f a x 086-614-4789 IT023992 VACANCY/ VAKANTE POS `n Werksgeleentheid of `n kans om jou eie klein besigheid te begin. Verdien `n lewenslange inkomste. A work opportunity or a chance to start your IT023908 own business. Earn a lifelong income. Vir meer inligting / For SHEKINAH HOUSE more information We`re about loving 082-064-7186 God & loving people! IT024094 Services: 9:00 & 18:00, 9:00 Child0008 ren`s Church, 12:00 Employment Sotho/Shangaan Wanted service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, Gesoek Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen. Pastor Betroubare huishulp soek werk, goeie Bryan Varrie/Pastor verwysing beskikbaar, Rassie Pretorius goed met kinders, praat 0 1 5 - 3 0 7 - 4 7 2 9 Afrikaans en kan 0 1 5 - 3 0 7 - 6 9 5 4 inslaap. Skakel Marna Affiliated " T H E 082-773-1376 IT024107 C H R I S T I A N NETWORK" IT023889 ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH Cnr of Agatha and Hermanus Street. Services each Sunday at 09:15 am. For more details tel 015-307-3534 nc IT023893 Wanted I`m looking for a job. I can work in a shop. Please phone 074-644-9305 IT024099 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a builder, carpenter, painter, welder or I can do tiling. Please phone 082-405-5818 IT024075 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a cashier. I can speak English. Please phone 078-658-3101 IT024092 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a chef, cleaner or packer. Please phone 073-803-3560 IT024057 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a cleaner, builder, packer or computer programmer. Please phone 084-982-2247 IT024060 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a cleaner, personal assistant or domestic worker. I can cook. Please phone 084-472-3459 IT024080 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner or chef. Please phone 071-101-7831 IT024059 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can clean, cook and look after children. I can not sleep in. Please phone 082-482-6967 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or general worker. Please phone 076-524-1290 IT024081 IT024072 Wanted IT024046 Wanted I`m looking for a job as Wanted a domestic worker or I`m looking for a job as I`m looking for a job as waitress. Please phone a marketer, deli a domestic worker. I 078-777-6135 assistant, stock taker or IT024023 cleaner. Please phone can cook. I can not sleep in. Please phone 078-105-1817 Wanted IT024078 078-526-9939 I`m looking for a job as IT024074 Wanted a domestic worker or Wanted cleaner. I can cook and I`m looking for a job as I`m looking for a job as look after children. I can a security. I`ve got a domestic worker. not sleep in. Please Code C & siera. I am also computer literate. Please p h o n e phone 071-296-6846 IT024067 P l e a s e phone 083-497-1987 IT024086 078-148-8296 Wanted IT024090 Wanted I`m looking for a job as Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or a domestic worker. I cleaner. I can cook and I`m looking for a job as can sleep in or out. I look after children. I can a shop cleaner. Please can look after children. not sleep in. Please phone 078-062-6288 IT024070 Please p h o n e phone 078-701-0353 IT024068 072-559-0119 IT024034 0009 Wanted Money Wanted I`m looking for a job as I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or Data Entry Jobs & a domestic worker. I office worker. I can Training can clean, cook and speak English. Please With / no computer. look after children. I can phone 078-386-1035 Earn between IT024052 not sleep in. Please R4000.00 - 9000.00 phone 079-688-3435 Wanted IT024047 p.m. No experience I`m looking for a job as needed. Work own Wanted a domestic worker or hours. For information I`m looking for a job cleaner. I can speak brochure SMS full name as a domestic English and Afrikaans. & address to phone worker. I can work 2 P l e a s e 073-760-1079. RL000696 or 3 days a week and 078-636-8078 IT024087 I can cook. Can not Wanted sleep in. Please Wanted I`m looking for a job as phone 073-587-3521 I`m looking for a job as IT024032 a domestic worker, office assistant or I can Wanted work in a lodge. I can I`m looking for a job as speak English. Please a domestic worker. I phone 076-863-4213 can cook and look after IT024049 children. I can not sleep in. Please phone Wanted I`m looking for a job as 072-784-6363 IT024044 a domestic worker. I Wanted can look after children. Please p h o n e I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I 082-358-1130 IT024100 can work Mondays and Thursdays. Please Wanted phone 082-052-9050 IT024091 I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I Wanted can cook, look after I`m looking for a job as children and sleep in. I a domestic worker. I can speak Afrikaans. can look after children Please p h o n e and cook. Please phone 082-841-1599 079-068-7011 IT024089 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can look after children. Please phone 076-721-4181 IT024097 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can not sleep in. Please phone 071-951-8375 IT024053 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can cook, look after children and I can sleep in. I have Code 10 drivers license. Please phone 072-267-7514 IT024058 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can speak Afrikaans, sleep in or out. Please phone 072-574-3111 IT024095 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can sleep in or out. Please phone 073-303-9023 IT024096 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a administrator, messengar, receptionist or office cleaner. Please phone 083-662-4768 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can cook and look after children. Please phone 078-074-7344 IT024082 IT024098 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a general worker or I can work in a guest house. Please phone 083-240-8979 a domestic worker or general worker. Please phone 078-636-8078 IT024088 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or office cleaner. I can not sleep in. Please phone 076-868-9301 IT024101 IT023920 Pretoria Ruim Skoon Oornag Toegeruste Tuinwoonstel. TV, veilige parkering R220 enkel R110. Skakel G r o e n i e 012-332-3225 IT023923 PRETORIA WONDERBOOM-SUID Toegeruste w/stel daagliks te huur. Sentraal geleë. Veilige Parkering. Skoon & Netjies. Beslis waarde vir geld. Skakel A n n e m a r i e 083-602-7901 / 012-335-1922 IT023895 Te huur Skoon en netjiese selfsorg woonstelle en kamers te huur. Pretoria op daaglikse 0010 basis. Veilige Business for Sale parkering. Reg van toegang voorbehou. For sale S k a k e l General Dealer and 012-807-3272. Fish & Chips Take away at Tzaneen Mall N a - u r e Taxi rank. R290,000.00 0 1 2 - 8 0 4 - 2 7 6 1 neg. incl. stock. Contact B e d a g s o f Andrew 078-139-2770 0 8 2 - 5 5 6 - 3 3 8 0 / IT024029 082-821-2946 'J 0011 Business to Let IT023924 kantore met lugversorging in elke vertrek. Groot erf met baie parkering beskikbaar. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R6400.00 pm. Skakel L. Botha 083-389-3915 IT023905 Wegbreekplek O p soek na Netjiese kantore te wegbreekplek reg huur in Phalaborwa langs Tzaneen dam? Uitstekend geleë op netjiese hoofpad na die Kruger S k o o n , IT024036 Nasionale Park, reg akkommodasie Wanted oorkant die Total beskikbaar. Skakel I`m looking for a job as Garage. Ontvangs en 4 083-304-0172. Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or office cleaner. Please phone 073-544-7550 a driver. I`ve got Code 10 and a PDP, or sales, cleaning or any other IT024093 general work. I can speak English. Please Wanted I`m looking for a job as phone 074-383-5520 IT024035 a domestic worker. I Wanted can work 6 days a week. I can look after I`m looking for a job as children, sleep in or out. a driver. I`ve got Code Please p h o n e EC1 and PDP and over 15 years experience. 071-594-9221 IT024051 P l e a s e phone 076-182-1759 Wanted IT023935 I`m looking for a job as Wanted a domestic worker. Please p h o n e I`m looking for a job as a driver or assistant 076-507-2036 IT024042 mechanic. I`ve got Code 10 with EC / 04 Wanted PDP. Please I`m looking for a job as with a domestic worker. I phone 072-966-3941 IT024085 can look after children Wanted and speak English. Please p h o n e I`m looking for a job as a gardener. Or I can 078-138-0716 IT024077 work in a shop. I can do tyre repairs. Please Wanted I`m looking for a job as phone 072-773-0937 or a domestic worker. I 074-607-2872 IT024037 can look after children. Wanted Please phone I`m looking for a job as 073-960-2424 IT024084 a general worker. Please phone Wanted I`m looking for a job as 072-928-6098 IT024071 a domestic worker. I Wanted can sleep in or out. Please p h o n e I`m looking for a job as a general worker. 076-288-5644 IT024055 P l e a s e phone 072-755-8697 Wanted IT024069 I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker/ Wanted cleaner. I can cook and I`m looking for a job as look after children. I can a general worker. not sleep in. Please P l e a s e phone phone 078-595-3197 072-643-8669 IT024066 facilities, linen + full time servants. Up to 13 people R3500.00 per day. Up to 25 people or more R4000.00 per day. Contact 082-552-7722 or 078-111-5320 or 015-307-7384 IT024073 IT023860 0016 Professional Services APPROVED HARVEY THATCH ROOFING Professional thatch roof and wooden deck builder. Walt 082-872-5530 OFFICE SPACE AND HALLS TO RENT @ SHOW GROUNDS IT023916 Weddings, year end functions up to 500 Finansiële State, alle people. Office space Belasting opgawes, Belasting advies, a v a i l a b l e Boedelberedding, immediately. Registrasie Affordable prices! (virNCR Kredietverleners / Contact Ingrid / Cash Loans) Oprigting M e l i s s a van BK`s en Trusts, 015-307-2725 / 3509 Debietorder Stelsels en IT023998 To rent 100sq.m. prime office space available in Boundary Str. R4900.00 excl. VAT. Contact Uys de Villiers 078-472-3187 IT024054 0015 Accommodation BUSHVELD LODGE HOEDSPRUIT Team building weekends or family r e u n i o n s . Accommodate up to 25 people. Self catering. Includes: Jacuzzi, swimming pool, boma, braai Huislenings. Professionele Rekenmeesters (SA) Skakel Jaco De Wet 082-804-4158 of 015-307-6202/3 IT024125 0017 Services AAAA In need of cash I buy Antique furniture. I also buy old Gold, Diamond rings and chains. ALL FOR CASH A N D V E R Y DISCREET. Your friend in need. Call J o h a n n @ 083-680-3270 IT024045 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 PAGE 16 KLEIN ADVERTENSIES Classifieds AFKAP EN WEGRY Van bome en vullis! Skakel Marinda 082-651-6211 IT023897 ALGEMENE HERSTELWERK: HANDYMAN Algemene Bouwerk. Alle tipe verf en teëlwerk. Daklekkasies, omheinings, diefwering, draad, ens. Alle tipe Loodgieter werk. Skakel vir `n gratis k w o t a s i e 082-875-5580 Tino Ceronio alle ure of 082-651-6211 IT023896 CLEANING For all your carpet & upholstery cleaning requirements, call E l o u i s e 071-783-7112 IT023899 DANS KLASSE Trou u en weet nie hoe om te dans nie, of wil u net leer dans vir die pret daarvan? Matriekafskeid? Skakel my gerus 078-320-1427 IT024033 DASS 015-307-1798 082-898-0468 Refrigeration & Air conditioning. Speed Queen - Whirlpool Defy. Service, Spare & Repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Rd. Tzaneen. We collect and deliver. IT023911 ENRICO`S INSTALLATION For DSTV. Antenna, DVD & Surround Sound Systems. For Quality service. Call Enrico @ 083-582-2442 or 078-026-4321 IT023904 For Hire Beautiful, Original centre pieces and chairs with white or black covers (fits like a glove) for hire. Phone 074-196-7927 IT023901 KINDERPARTYTJIES Met volledige dekor, tafels, toeltjie, oortreksels en tiebands. Asook tema partytjie benodighede (bordjies, glasies ens. vanaf Ben 10k, Toy Story, Barie, Tinkerbell daar is meer as 20 temas om van te kies.) Bekostigbare pakkette ook beskikbaar wat jou sak sal pas. Aflewering en opstel van jou partytjie sluit in by pakket. Ons d o e n o o k verjaarsdag koeke asook cupcakes ens... Skakel ons g e r u s b y 083-236-2833 of 082-788-5209 W e b s i t e : www.kiddiesparty. yolasite.com Beste pryse en beste Diens!!! IT024129 LOODGIETER: Flinke Diens •Afslag vir pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno R o s s o u w : 082-322-8992 015-307-4063 of 082-550-1357 IT023900 MODELLING CLASSES AT LIMPOPO BEAUTY MODELING ACADEMY Models receive training for rampwork, interview, photographic modeling etc. Models needed for fashion show in Polokwane. Contact Katryn 078-371-0909 IT024027 MR LAWNMOWER Lawnmower repairs. Tree felling. Contact 082-476-3939 IT023922 MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 Tzaneen Country Lodge Onvergeetlike troues/ Funksies/ Jaareind IT023918 funksies by Tzaneen Country Lodge. Pryse en spyskaarte TRANSPORT TO HIRE vir elke begroting. High side 8 Ton truck with driver. Call for Skakel Sandra quote 083-280-3557 015-304-3290/ IT024038 078-021-5455 VERVOER & IT023921 VERPAK VAN VOCAL LESSONS MEUBELS FROM SKAKEL ESTABLISHED MELODY VIR SINGER KWOTASIE Classes will cover: 0 1 5 - 3 0 7 - 6 7 3 7 / voice development, 0 8 4 - 6 2 7 - 0 9 5 6 / mic techniques, 0 8 3 - 4 4 4 - 8 3 2 6 / choreography, 082-851-7139 choosing songs, e p o s : troktrek preparing for @mweb.co.za competitions etc. w e b : Contact K a t r y n www.steynbergmeubel 078-371-0909 vervoer.com IT024026 4 U VEHICLE BROKERS Voorkom swartlys Voertuie gevra Motors, bakkies, bote, motorfietse en karavane - Sukkel u om u paaiement te betaal? Is u voertuig oorboek? Het gekeurde kliënte om voertuig paaiemente oor te neem agterstallige gelde word gedelg Voertuie ook beskikbaar. Vir professionele diens skakel Secunda 072-887-4601 IT024131 VERVOER/ TRANSPORT Steynberg trok & trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R13.00/km + BTW een rigting. Skakel vir kwotasie. 083-444-8326/ 082-851-7139 of 015-307-6737/ 084-627-0956 IT024130 R.W. MAWILA TRADING ENTERPRISE Loans from R1000.00 up to R100,000.00 Garnished and blacklisted clients welcome. Same day payout. Contact 079-092-7908 / 015-307-3359 IT023521 0019 Pets Corner DIERE Bermese Luislang: ±1,8-2m lank = R2000. Jenday bonure pappegaai = R400. Chileon Rose Tarantula (10cm legspan) = R500. Veiled Chameleon = R1000. Kontak 072-397-1937. RL000687 Te koop Labrador hondjies te koop. Beskikbaar 15 /02/2011 Skakel 083-235-5176 IT023946 For sale 2 x 21ha plots near the Eiland. Intensive facility. 3 x nethouses, pack shed, big soil dam, strong boreholes. Very nice farm house with beautiful gardens. Please phone me for more info. Jeanette 083-258-5862 IT024149 For sale 3 Bedr house with flat and sparate entrance to flat. Swimming pool and entertainment area. View of dam. R1,980,000.00 Niekie 072-673-7756 IT024134 For sale 5 Bedr all en suite bathr, 3 garages, billard room, 2 servant quarters, study, linen cupboard, veranda, gym, jacuzzi, dressing room, kitchen with granite tops, scullery, laundry, dining room, 2 lounges one with fire place, tv room, bar inter leading onto veranda with braai and swimming pool on a 2,7ha with a big s o i l d a m , R7,500,000.00 neg. J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 Te koop 1060HA Bees/ Wildsplaas in Alldays IT024151 omgewing. Huis, For sale store en Jagkamp. secure R4,900,000.00 Fanie Attractive, home: 3 Bedr, 2 082-777-7549 tv lounge, IT024137 bathr, scullery, 2 aircon, Te koop double garage, lapa, 1700HA Wildsplaas lovely garden, micro met lodge vir onthale irrigation, pop up (troues). 10 Chalets sprinklers, heated en groot oornag pool, private seller. klientebasis. Baie R980,000.00 Phone wild. R12,800,000.00 083-259-8844 IT024132 Fanie 082-777-7549 IT024139 For sale Block of 6 flats, Te koop 800HA Wildsplaas space for 6 more in met 2 naweek huise Modjadjiskloof. Fully elk met 2 kamers en rented. Income of pm. braai a r e a . R16,500.00 R5,200,000.00 Fanie R 1 , 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 J e a n e t t e 082-777-7549 IT024138 083-258-5862 A MUST SEE! 3 Bedr house in Medipark (residential 3). Excellent buy at just R1,830,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 0018 Entertainment IT023805 IT024145 0023 Properties for Sale IT023915 TZANEEN RINGBALKLUB nooi die hele familie om te kom ringbal speel. Oefening tye is Maandae & Donderdae 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting skakel S a r i e 083-456-3466 of N a t a s h a 082-804-3253 Farms for everyone!! 30HA Mango farm for R2,200,000.00 42HA cash crop farm with nethouses for R3,300,000.00 208HA Banana farm for R11,000,000.00 Game farms and lodges up to R110,000,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT024153 IT024065 IT023945 HERSTEL EN DIENS RAMADIPA van y s k a s t e , BOOKKEPPERS v r i e s k a s t e , BOERE/ FARMERS/ lugversorgers, koel INDIVIDUALS/ en vrieskamers. SAKE Skakel Gert •VAT Claims 072-123-1868 (Unpaid) •BTW Eise IT024031 (Uitstaande) •VAT/ BTW Rekons/ Het jy enige ou Recons •Cash Flow/ videos wat gekrap K o n t a n t v l o e i is of nie meer werk • B u d g e t s / nie? B e g r o t i n g s Of dalk funksies wat • B e s t u u r s t a t e / op video kamera M a n a g e m e n t opgeneem is? Ek sit A c c o u n t s •Fin dit oor op DVD. Ek Beplanning/ Fin neem ook trou fotos, Planning •Finansiële trou videos/dvd`s, advies / Financial funksie fotos, funksie Advice •Betaal Staat videos/ d v d ` s , / Payroll •Monthly/ matriekafskeid fotos maandeliks •Rekons of enige ander fotos. / Recons. Skakel Skakel my gerus 084-266-8781 drbs 076-515-2857 @telkomsa .net IT023919 Te koop Labrador x hondjies. R300.00 Ingeënt en ontwurm. Skakel S t e p h a n i e IT024028 073-148-6529 of M a u r i t s TEA GARDEN Mangela Teetuin en 084-205-6230 IT024076 Diereplaas. Kinder partytjies elke dag 0020 9h00 tot 17h00. Transport / Taxis Skakel Annemarie / Couriers 082-436-3477 Services DSTV Dish Installations. Saturdays & Sundays. Contact 071-603-2794 IT024148 0022 Farms & Plots Excellent properties!! 8.5HA ±9km from town. Big, spacious, modern house. Magnificent garden. ±700 macs, 700 mangos, 55 avos 17 litchis, 25 naartjies. Deutz 2004 tractor + 2 lifts, mechanical grass cutter, tiller, grader. Price R1.785 mil. ONO. 2 Price reduced!! 11ha 12km from Tzaneen. Highly profitable with 2 well built, neat dwellings. ±8ha litchis and guavas. Rest under nethouses. Price R1.785 neg mil. No land claims. Both sold as going concern. For full details phone Ben S.E 082-338-7560 IT024126 BARGAIN BUY!! Tzaneen CBD. Commercial building f o r s a l e . R1,650,000.00 S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT024141 Barra/ Inhambane (Mosambiek): lodge te koop 12- Bed toegeruste lodge met see- uitsig. R1.3 miljoen. Koop die lodge as eenheid, of koop `n aandeel. Skakel Piet 082-852-3789 For sale Commercial building in Tzaneen. This property is situated in one of the most popular streets in Tzaneen. Very good i n c o m e . R8,700,000.00 J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 IT024154 For sale Excellent investment opportunity! Office building in sought after area. High monthly income, low e x p e n s e s . R2,700,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 IT024146 balcony, braai & Eco Tilo R440,000.00 Premier Park, fantastic investment, 2 flats for R330,000.00 (Income R3000.00 pm you show me better. Central small modern complex with 4 buildings zoned office in Boundary Str. Income over R20,000pm offers around 2.4 million. Contact Peter at Reward Estates 082-890-8845 TZANGENI I have beautiful houses for sale in Tzangeni from 3 Bedr, 2 bathr and double garage for R990,000.00 to 4 bedr, 3 bathr with entertainment area and loft for R1,450,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 tv room, kitchen, built in braai, swimming pool and double g a r a g e . R1,750,000.00 Niekie 072-673-7756 IT023859 IT024143 URGENT SALE OWNER EMIGRATING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN HAENERTSBURG IT024133 Building suitable for offices and or shops situated in main street For sale 082-871-5347 Very neat 4 bedr of village. for details. Agents house, office room, welcome IT024135 For the developer A stand where you can build 8 townhouses in a security complex for R1,300,000.00 A stand for 12 townhouses near the Mosque for R1,000,000.00 and a stand for 18 flats for R2,600,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT024144 GIVE AWAY!!! Big batchelors. Riverview`s for sale R270,000.00 each. J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 IT024150 GREAT DEALS!! 2 x Town houses for sale in sought after part of Tzaneen. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen and lounge. Tiled t h r o u g h o u t . R660,000.00 each. S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT024140 ON SHOW!!! 6 Bedr, 3 bathr, kitchen, scullery, wash up, lounge, dining room, 7 aircons, swimming pool, lapa, double garage, servant quarters and remote gate. R1,700,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 IT024147 For sale Stands in Golden Acres and Tzangeni!! TE KOOP Prices from PRIVAAT R240,000.00 for a BATELEUR PARK 534sq.m. stand up to 3 Slaapk eenheid. for 2 Prys IT024123 R720,000.00 R680,000.00 beautiful stands. Tel: 083-633-1213 For sale IT024128 S a l o m i e 2 Bedr townhouse 082-920-8744 IT024142 nicely redone, built in Te koop braai. Below market For sale Geen agente. 2.2ha value. R480,000.00 Town houses, 1 geleë in Pretoria. S a l o m i e bedr, open plan, Bon Accord. 4 082-920-8744 lounge, kitchen, Slaapk, 2 badk, 2 IT024152 private garden, toilet. Oopplan security, b r a a i kombuis (baie groot) For sale Eco 1 Motorhuis. Granny 3 Bedr house in R330,000.00 Aquapark. Double Kaya your choice, flat. Stoorkamer, 2 garages. Big stand. ground floor or 1st boorgate, baie sterk R 1 , 0 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 floor, 2 bedr, open water. Skakel Ryna m o d e r n 072-678-0870 Niekie 072-673-7756 p l a n , IT024136 kitchen, IT024025 full bathr, 0024 Properties to Let AQUAPARK 2 Slaapk woonstel te huur vanaf 1 Feb. R2300.00 pm. + Dep vooruitbetaalbaar. Tel: 015-307-5859 of 082-533-2647 IT024043 Macadamia Village, Tzaneen Phase two To let, 2 bedr, new build, fitted kitchen and full house bathr. Very large lounge with French windows onto large shaded deck, single garage. Available April 1st. Tennants to pay Water, electric and sewage. Owners will pay rates and levies. Applicants must be over 50 years of age. Please no pets or smoking. Rent 4200.00 pm. Phone 015-305-4438/ 082-853-9950 Tig/ 082-862-2797 Phil IT024024 Macadamia Village, Tzaneen Phase two To let, 2 bedr, new build, fitted kitchen and full house bathr. Very large lounge with French windows onto large shaded deck, single garage. Available April 1st. Tennants to pay Water, electric and sewage. Owners will pay rates and levies. Applicants must be over 50 years of age. Please no pets or smoking. Rent 4200.00 pm. Phone 015-305-4438/ 082-853-9950 Tig/ 082-862-2797 Phil IT023944 MACADAMIA VILLAGE - Tzaneen a secured village with retirement facilities on site 3 Bedr, 2 bathr house with double garage, all floors tiled, well designed kitchen with granite tops, spacious under roof patio everything and more!. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr house with double garage, under roof patio, overlooking the Tzaneen dam, a must to view. Contact Hettie 082-446-2738 or Trudie 082-979-7666 IT024106 LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 SKOLENUUS Modjadjiskloof 3 Slaapk, 2 badk huis te huur. R3000.00 pm. + dep. Skakel 072-140-7027 IT024079 Selfstorages Minifactories to let Selfstorages 18 to 36sq.m. from R500.00 pm. Minifactories 72 to 120sq.m. from R2000.00 pm. C o n t a c t 079-802-9576 IT023909 Te Huur KINGSPARK Veilige en netjiese 1 slaapk woonstelle met oopplan sitk /kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier en wasmasjien in kompleks. Sekuriteits omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R2000 pm Tydens kantoor ure 083-254-6559 Te koop 2006 Toyota Corolla 1.4i. CD Player, A/C, Mags, Wit. Gesoek. 8 5 , 0 0 0 0 k m . 1. 3 Reddings R80,000.00 Skakel baadjies (PFD): S, M 082-464-8921 en large indien IT024039 moontlik. 2. 3 VERDIEN JY blokfluite (in goeie R1500.00 PM? kondisie) 3. Krieket uitrusting (been Jy kwalifiseer vir skutte, arm guards, motor finansiering!! helmet, kolf en sak) Enige jaar model vir 9 jarige. Skakel tussen R10,000.00 en R150,000.00 082-771-0777 IT024120 Skakel Limpopo motors vir meer Gesoek Buks S c r a p m e t a l / inligting. of s k r o o t y s t e r . 082-885-3248 Frans 082-979-4935 Elektriese motors ens. sny op/ sorteer/ Mail: buksjoubert@ verwerk. Ons kom telkomsa.net IT023936 haal. Skakel 082-476-3939 WE BUY IT024063 Second hand trailers, canopies and caravans. Contact 082-303-6305 or 015-307-2828 0026 Wanted IT024103 0035 For Sale BOU MATERIAAL o Boustene: ±800 stene = R800. o Vensterraam: ±2m x 3m = R300. Kontak 072-397-1937. RL000686 INSTANT LAWN LM & SWAZI GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 IT023997 PORTCHIE SKILDERY TE KOOP Gemengde medium. Pot met blomme. 63x51cm sonder IT024104 raam. 100cm x 110cm met `n raam. WE BUY Second hand trailers, R25,000.00 Skakel canopies a n d 083-275-4419 IT024041 caravans. Contact 082-303-6305 or TRAILER & 015-307-2828 IT023792 IT023906 0029 Motorcycles Te huur 2 Slaapk woonstel. 0027 Ruim oopplan Vehicles kombuis/ sitkamer. R3600.00 pm W&L For sale uitgesluit. Dep 2 0 0 5 Toyota b e t a a l b a a r . 4.2 Beskikbaar 1 Maart. L a n d c r u i s e r Skakel 082-924-8917 Diesel R199,900.00 can arrange IT024108 We f i n a n c e . 015-307-2828 IT024105 Te huur For sale 2 Slaapk woonstel. Uitsig oor die dam. 2006 Opel Corsa Utility 1.4, FSH, P/S, CD/ Grasperk voor. Radio, 90,000km. R 3 5 0 0 . 0 0 sleuteldeposito. W&L Contact 082-838-8630 IT024048 uitgesluit. Beskikbaar Kontant vir jou vanaf 1 Maart 2011. Motor Tuindienste ingesluit. Skakel 015-307-5361 Kontant vir jou Motor, Bakkie, Kombi, of 083-276-7884 IT024061 T r e k k e r , 4x4 wielmotorfiets, Sleepwaentjie, Te huur Swaarvoertuie, 2 Slaapk woonstelle P l a a s i m p l e m e n t e , te huur 10km buite Karavane ens. Bring Tzaneen. N u u t dit vir Oom Kallie o o r g e d o e n , 072-021-8534 of v e i l i g h e i d s 082-339-8178 IT023902 omheining. Water en tuin dienste ingesluit KYK HIER in die h u u r . Ek verkoop jou Beskikbaar vananf 1 voertuig in `n jap Feb 2011 Skakel trap. Koop ook Naomi vir meer voertuie op vir i n l i g t i n g . kontant. Het ook 015-307-4070 / goedkoop voertuie te 082-332-6656 koop beskikbaar. IT023995 Skakel Frans De Bruyn 082-979-4935 IT023912 0025 To Hire For sale Sprite Super Sport 1995. R45,000.00 C o n t a c t 082-303-6305 or 015-307-2828 Motors te koop Ford Mondeo Motor 1999 model, 2liter. Kragstuur en radio. In baie mooi toestand. Prys R35,000.00 Skakel 015-307-3979 of 072-738-1815 ASEMROWENDE VERSKEIDENHEID SPRINGKASTELE EN GLYBANE TE HUUR IT024050 Skakel Elsie kantoor u r e A S B Motors 015-307-4384 Vir alle fabrikate nuut IT023898 en gebruik. Skakel my vir beste pryse en diens. Skakel Erl TO RENT 083-993-3266 Storage space to IT023907 let (Tzaneen). Rent Te koop storage space by the sq.m. various 2002 1.6 IS Opel options available. Corsa Sport 3 deur. Rent from 10sq.m. 126,000km, silwer. A to 500sq.m. For /C, P/S R50,000.00 more info contact o n d e r h a n d e l b a a r . kondisie. M a r k Goeie Skakel 082-994-3225 071-876-8969 IT023949 of 076-533-6097 IT024127 For sale K a w a s a k i KMX125, 1999 model, good running condition. R5500.00 Phone 083-463-9417 IT024121 For sale KDX 200 - 2006 model R15,000.00 Robuster 260 Automatic ATV 2007 Model. R15,000.00 C o n t a c t 082-898-1934 IT024083 For sale Quad bike 100cc R6000.00 Ideal for children. 2005 Model. For sale 082-476-3939 IT024064 0030 Livestock For sale Pedi Sheep for sale. Contact Natalie 082-578-4449 or 015-307-4175 IT023709 Tzaneen: Sheep for sale Sheep for sale R750.00 - R1500.00 and goats from R750.00 sheep eves with lambs R1500.00 Young Jersey bull R3500.00 Chicken/ bird cages 1.8m x 1.8m from R2500.00 Incubators / Hatchers from R6000.00 Adult pot belly pigs R250.00 each. Jaco 082-804-4158 IT024124 0034 Boats & Caravans Caravan Jurgens Classique 1989 R29,000.00 C o n t a c t 082-303-6305 or 015-307-2828 IT023791 Caravan Sprite Super Sport 1995. R45,000.00 C o n t a c t 082-303-6305 or 015-307-2828 IT023790 KARAVAAN VENTER TRAILER 5ft = R3000. SPRITE SWIFT KARAVAAN = R15 000. BERGFIETSE X2 TRACER SNIPER = R800 (R400 elk). Kontak 072-397-1937. RL000688 TRANZANITE AND DIAMONDS AT TRADE PRICES. Buy Certified Gemstones. Top quality stones available. For more info contact Mark 071-876-8969 IT023950 URGENT SALE Bakery Machinery for sale. With all accessories. At R55 000.00 neg. Serious buyers. Call 072-708-1895. RL000695 PAGE 17 LEGALS BOEDELKENNISGEWING BOEDELNOMMER: 5597/2010 IN DIE BOEDEL VAN WYLE: FRANS SLABBERT GEBORE OP: 28/07/1923 IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 230728 50370 801 ADRES: GOD'S HAVEN, SIRKEL 31, TZANEEN KENNIS WORD HIERMEE GEGEE DAT DIE EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIEREKENING EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING TER INSAE SAL LÊ VIR 'N TYDPERK VAN 21 DAE B Y D I E M E E S T E R VA N D I E HOOGGEREGSHOF TE P O L O K WA N E , VA N A F : 11 F E B R U A R I E 2 0 1 1 LANDDROSKANTOOR TE TZANEEN. NAAM VAN EKSEKUTEUR, OF AGENT: FPN HENNOP PROKUREUR/ ATTORNEY. POSTNET SUITE 27, PRIVATE BAG X1 QUEENSWOOD, 0121 TEL: 012 329 6453 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 32/2010 In the case between: SHINGANGE C J (EXECUTION CREDITOR) and BADY NGOBENI (EXECUTION DEBTOR) PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 30 April 2010 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 12 DR ANNECKE STREET, LETSITELE, on 25 February 2011 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X KIC DEEP FREEZER, 1 X LG HI-FI, 1 X 4 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE. DATED at TZANEEN on 18 JANUARY 2011 (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS F O R E X E C U T I O N C R E D I TO R JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 AGATHASTREET, TZANEEN Tel: 015 307-5792 Ref: JS/sdj/AA6148 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GIYANI HELD AT GIYANI CASE NUMBER: 682/2010 In the case between: THOMAS N K AT E K O H L U N G WA N E (EXECUTION CREDITOR) and MABUNDA BOTTLE STORE (1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR) TREVOR MTHOMBENI (2 N D EXECUTION DEBTOR) PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate GIYANI given on 13 October 2010 the under mentioned goods will be sold IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF'S STORE, LIMDEV BUILDING, MAIN ROAD GIYANI on 3 March 2011 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X ALL STOCK IN TRADE, 2 X COMPUTER TILLS DATED at TZANEEN on 26 JANUARY 2011 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS OFFICE 206, 2 N D FLOOR, OLD MUTUAL BUILDING, GIYANI. Tel: 015 307-5792 Ref: J STEYN/sdj/LW1443 KENNISGEWING Neem kennis dat Ben, Hans en Isak Lombard onskuldig bevind is op alle aanklagtes in die hofsaak in Tzaneen Hof, waar hulle aangekla is dat hulle Leon, Wighardt en Gerhardt Van der Gryp aangerand het met die opset om ernstig te beseer. Daar was ook geen sprake dat enige van die Lombards betrokke was by enige brandstigting nie. Vir enige navrae, kontak Johan Steyn Prokureurs, (015) 307 5792. DIE senior Victor en Vixtrix Ludorum tydens Merensky se interhuis atletiek is aangekondig as AJ Brits en Sally Oosthuyse. Hulle ontvang hul trofeë vanaf Marnus Steyn, die hoof van Plasieland. DIE Plasies het aan die einde van Januarie hul interhuis atletiek byeenkoms gehou. Jance Geldenhuys en Marno van der Meulen ontvang hul trofeë vir die Junior Vixtrix en Victor Ludorum vanaf die hoof, Magnus Steyn. Merensky geniet interhuis atletiek DIE reën het die Plasies uiteindelik kans gegee om hul interhuis atletiek byeenkoms af te handel op Maandag, 31 Januarie. Dit was 'n dag vol pret, maar ook uitstekende prestasies. AJ Brits is aangewys as die senior Victor Ludorum en Sally Oosthyse as die senior Victrix Ludorum, en die Juniors was Marno van der Meulen en Jance Geldenhuys. Claudia de Jager en Dian van Rooyen is bekroon as die beste senior veldatlete en Jance Geldenhuys en Rynhardt de Lange as die beste juniors. Die beste senior baan atlete was JP Vermeulen en Sally Oosthuyse en die juniors, Marno van der Meulen en Elmien Marais. Hoewel die kompetisie sterk en die deelname oorweldigend was, het die Ribbokke skoonskip gemaak deur die sang- en wenbekers in te palm en die bekers is trots deur hul spankapteine Jessica Oosthuyse en Hernu Matthee ontvang. Die Plasies sien uit na 'n opwindende atletiek seisoen. PAGE 18 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 SKOLENUUS Plasie atlete geniet atletiek byeenkoms DIE Hoërskool Merensky het die afgelope naweek aan 'n vriendskaplike atletiek byeenkoms in Louis Trichardt deelgeneem ter voorbereiding vir die interhoër wat Vrydag, 25 Februarie op die Polokwane Stadion plaasvind. Hier is Solly Mukhutu tydens die seuns onder 17 hoogspring. SCHOOL NEWS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 PAGE 19 R1m up for grabs in schools cup REGISTRATION for the 2011 Sanlam Kay Motsepe Schools Cup has opened, and R1 million is up for grabs. Financial services company Sanlam, the Motsepe Foundation and Ubuntu-Botho are encouraging every school in all nine provinces, whether private, independent, township or rural, to register to compete in the 2011 edition of the competition which kicks off in March and in which any school stands a chance of winning the grand prize of R1 million. Schools have until February 28 to register no matter where they are situated. "One of the key objectives of this sponsorship is to get as many football players as possible between the ages of 15 and 19 to compete and possibly to be seen by soccer scouts. Players who stand out will then be recruited into development structures to be nurtured and shaped into professional footballers," said Frank Louw, Sanlam’s Sponsorships Manager. Being open to all schools makes the Sanlam Kay Motsepe Schools Cup the biggest schools tournament in the country, with the most prize money: R3,4m in total. The winning schools can utilise the money for any development project that enhances or advances the mission and objectives of the school and/or its immediate community, for example building of extra classrooms or upgrading the soccer pitch. The Motsepe Foundation endorses the objectives and rationale behind the sponsorship: "Look at Patrice Motsepe, the founder of the Sanlam Kay Motsepe Cup. He achieved success by setting goals and working hard to ensure he reached them, which often meant sacrifice," said Kenneth Makhanya, representative of the Motsepe Foundation and Ubuntu-Botho. The Sanlam Kay Motsepe Cup was initiated by Motsepe through the Motsepe Foundation in memory of his mother and to recognise the integral role she played in his life, encouraging him through school then university and helping him through the dark times as well. "This is what we want for the South African youth, and Sanlam, having the same vision, has created an ideal partnership," said Makhanya. To register to compete in the Sanlam Kay Motsepe Cup, contact the South African Schools Football Association on 011 567 2010 or Frank Louw at Sanlam on 021 947 2093 before February 28. Winners' prize money: 1st place - R1 million, 2nd place - R600 000, 3rd place - R500 000, 4th place - R400 000 and the nine provincial winners will receive R100 000 each. SESTIEN swemmers van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op 4 en 5 Februarie aan die Limpopo swemkampioenskap deelgeneem te Polokwane. Die Vossies het puik presteer. Vlnr: Iseldri J. v. Rensburg, Japke Engelbrecht, Carla Nel, Nadine Engelbrecht. Middel: Daniel Conradie, Sheri Maritz, Ockert Maritz, Heinrich Steenkamp. Agter: Nicholas v.d. Nest , Allan Conradie, Wessel Ludick, Hendus J. v. Rensburg, Leander Steenkamp. PLASIE boogskuts het die afgelope twee naweke deelgeneem aan die Pretoria en die Gauteng binnenshuise kampioenskap en uitstekend presteer. Plasie boogskuts presteer Vossie swemmers maak amok in kampioenskappe SESTIEN swemmers van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op 4 en 5 Februarie aan die Limpopo swemkampioenskap deelgeneem te Polokwane. Die Vossies het puik presteer. Hulle het altesaam 13 goue, 11 silwer en 19 bronsmedaljes ingepalm. Hulle het ook sewe nuwe rekords opgestel. Die swemmers se afrigter, Johan Grobbelaar is baie trots op hul prestasies! Die volgende swemmers het medaljes verower: Carla Nel, Mo/14 (2 goud, 3 silwer, 1 brons en verbeter twee rekords,) Nadine Engelbrecht, Mo/14 (2 brons,) Japke Engelbrecht, M0/15-16 (5 goud, 1 silwer en verbeter een rekord,) Iseldri J. v. Rensburg, M0/15 (1 brons,) Sheri Maritz, M0/17-19 (1 brons,) Heinrich Steenkamp, S0/14 (2 brons,) Nicholas vd Nest, S0/14 (1 brons,) Ockert Maritz, S0/15-16 (3 silwer, 4 brons, en verbeter 1 rekord,) Daniel Conradie , S0/15-16 (1 silwer, 1 brons,) Leander Steenkamp, S0/17-19 (3 goud, 1 silwer, 1 brons,) Hendus J. v. Rensburg, S0/17-19 (1 silwer, 4 brons,) Allan Conradie, S0/17-19 (1 brons,) Wessel Ludick S0/17-19 (3 goud, 1 silwer.) DIE Hoërskool Merensky se boogskuts het die afgelope twee naweke deelgeneem aan die Pretoria en die Gauteng binnenshuise kampioenskap. Johan Wagner wen ’n goud by die Gauteng en ‘n silwer by die Pretoria kampioenskap. Hy kwalifiseer ook vir die sesde keer op nasionale vlak en is op die kortlys om gekies te word vir die junior Protea-span wat later vanjaar aan die wêreldkampioenskap gaan deelneem. Chrizanne Wagner en Arno Harmse, wat in die senior afdeling skiet, kon daarin slaag om op die Pretoria kampioenkskap provinsiale kwalifiseerders te word. SJ van der Walt het op junior vlak gekwalifiseer vir sy provinsiale kleure. Johan skiet 299 uit 300 en Arno 298 uit 300. PAGE 20 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 SCHOOL NEWS SLC out in final THE 1st cricket team of Stanford Lake College made it to the finals of the Standard Bank Schools Pro20 tournament held on February 2. Stanford won the toss against PHS and elected to bat first. After a slow start, Michael and Gavin Pirie started to play more fluently, with Michael scoring an entertaining 44 off 33 balls. Unfortunately, with the loss of Gavin, the run rate slowed down and the SLC side only managed 103/8 in 20 overs. The bowlers struggled to build any pressure, bowling both sides of the wicket. The fielders did not fare any better. Gavin was the most impressive bowler, taking two wickets in his four overs. PHS scored the runs with three wickets down. Although it was a disappointing final, Stanford played some good cricket to get there. THE 1st cricket team of Stanford Lake College played in the finals of the Standard Bank Schools Pro20 tournament, held on February 2. Front: Ryan Botha, Luke McDonald, Burtram Thomas, Michael Pirie and Stewart Watson. Back: Henry Thomas, Gavin Pirie, Hlulani Mayimele, Shane Friedrichs (coach), Brandon Wentzel, Tam Johnson, Gerhard du Toit, Reinhardt Smidt and Dillen McGaffin. Jaco skop stof in opponente se oë TWO OF Stanford Lake College’s finest competed in the Limpopo Province School Swimming Championships on February 4 and 5. Lyla Adams came home with four medals and Tarryn Brent came home with three. Lyla, Tarryn do Stanford proud TWO OF Stanford’s finest took part in the Limpopo Province School Swimming Championships in Polokwane on February 4 and 5 and brought home medals for nearly all their events. Lyla Adams (U/17 - 19) came fourth in the 50m backstroke and received bronze for the 50m butterfly, silver for the 100m breaststroke, and gold for both the 50m and 200m breaststroke. Tarryn Brent (U/17 - 19) received a silver for both the 200m individual medley and the 200m breaststroke, and a bronze for the 50m breaststroke. ‘n GRAAD 9 leerder van Hoërskool Merensky, Jaco Moller, is Saterdag, 22 Januarie bekroon as die 2010 Northern Region Off Road Quad Racing Champion in die 450cc klas. Hy beklee tans die 13de plek op die SA Ranglys. BV verloor finaal teen Waterkloof BEN Vorster se sewe aan ‘n kant rugbyspan het die naweek in die doodsnikke van die finale wedstryd teen Waterkloof verloor. Die eindtelling was 20 vir Waterkloof en 10 vir Ben Vorster. Dit bly nog steeds ‘n pragtige prestasie, veral as in ag geneem word dat hulle verskeie sportverpligtinge gehad het in die paar dae voor die groot wedstryd. Ben Vorster het sy groepwedstryde maklik gewen en die tellings was soos volg: Ben Vorster 17 vs St Albans 5. Ben Vorster 40 vs Penrynn College 0. Ben Vorster 56 vs Oosterland 0. Tydens die semi-finaal speel Ben Vorster teen sy buurskool en klop Merensky met 21 teenoor 14. Deelnemende skole was: Oosterland, Brandwag, Waterkloof, Baberton, Wonderboom, Merensky, Sybrand van Niekerk, Lowveld High, Volksrust, St Albans, Penrynn, Witbank en Carolina. ‘n Hartlike woord van dank en waardering gaan aan die afrigters, André Hey, Hein Wagner en Werner Cloete. Die skool bedank graag hulle borge: Nashua Mobile Limpopo (Marcus Viljoen,) asook Debo Motors (Deon Botha en sy vrou,) wat die naweek se verblyf moontlik gemaak het. SPORT/SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 Dr Annecke bied Loskop Bonanza LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke bied weer vanjaar die Loskop Bonanza visvangkompetisie by Loskopdam aan. Dit vind op 26-27 Feb plaas vanaf 06:00 Saterdagoggend tot om 06:00 Sondagoggend. Bespreek vroegtydig slaapplek by Forever Resort Loskopdam. Skakel die oord vir verblyf besprekings by 013-262 3064. Vyf spesies kan gevang word nl kurper, karp, baber, moddervis en swartbaars. Die swaarste van elke spesie kry R5 000 kontant. Die swaarste gesamentlike gewig van baber en karp oor 15kg wen 'n Sting Bowrider met 130hp Evinrude E motor. Die swaarste gesamentlike twee verskillende spesies wen ‘n Sting Centre Console 115hp Evinrude E Tec motor. Daar is ook baie ander pryse op die spel. Skakel Pieter Vermaak vir meer inligting oor die kompetisie 082 491 7743. Twelfth annual Mile in March AMID the wondrous mountain scenery, misty roads and magnificent waterways of the Heanertsburg area the 12th annual Ebenezer Mile swim is once more edging closer. Sunday, March 20, will be the big day for the Mile swim as well as the 3 000m race. There will be many prizes for different categories, courtesy of the many generous sponsors, and food and refreshments will be sold. Last year the race was delayed by mist but with true endurance, most of the swimmers remained for a long while in the cold and misty conditions and made their swim when the mist lifted, once more earning the admiration of all for their dedication and endurance and making the day a great success. Entries can be done online at www.entrytime.com as well as on March 19 at the venue, which is again the yacht club at Ebenezer. Information is also available on www.swimmersguide.co.za or from Jack Holloway on 083 659 1227, Robin Gardener on 083 447 6789 or Adi Rech on 082 454 5434. Plasie krieketers klop Kempton Park DIE Plasies se 1ste krieketspan het die Saterdag, 5 Februarie, teen Hoërskool Kempton Park se 1ste krieketspan gespeel in Kempton Park. Die blad was baie klam en moeilik om op te speel in nat en koue toestande, maar Merensky het onder dié moeilike omstandighede steeds ge- seëvier. Merensky het die loot gewen en gekies om eerste te boul. Die Plasie boulers het baie goed gevaar met Steven Herbst wat in 8 beurte 2 paaltjies geneem het en Marnus Marais wat in 6 beurte, 4 paaltjies geneem het, en slegs 28 lopies afgestaan het. Merensky het Kempton Park uitgeboul vir slegs 90 lopies. Die Plasies het daarna goed gekolf, met Nsovo Baloyi wat die hoogste telling aangeteken het met 28 lopies. Die Plasies wen die wedstryd met 5 paaltjies. Groot visvang kompetisie in Februarie GROOT visse beloof om te byt op 19 Februarie wanneer Lede in Christus Jeugaksie ‘n visvang kompetisie vir die publiek aanbied. Die kompetisie vind van 05:00 tot 16:00 by Piesangdam te Letaba Landgoed tussen Tarentaalrand en Nkowankowa plaas. Daar is verskeie groot pryse te wen, soos ‘n rooibok, vlakvark en baie geskenkbewyse, asook ‘n gelukkige trekking. Kaartjies is reeds by Pieter en Pieta beskikbaar. Skakel hulle op 073 304 5508 (Pieter) of 082 370 8242 (Pieta). Kaartjies beloop R100 per persoon vir twee stokke, en sal ook by die dam te koop wees. Daar sal ook deur die dag yskoue koeldrank, water en eetgoed te koop aangebied word. Ondersteun Lede in Christus Jeugaksie en maak ‘n lyn nat op 19 Februarie. Betterball at Orangedene A BETTERBALL tournament is to be held at Orangedene golf course on Saturday. The day will be Valentine themed and will no doubt offer great fun and fantastic PAGE 21 prizes. Orangedene would also like to invite you to become a member of the golf club. Membership costs R850 per year. For more information, contact Sheriff Mashile on 083 452 1084 or Nataniël Khoza on 073 785 8728. GRETA Bekker, links voltooi 42,2km en is die eerste veteraan vrou. Martie Rudder 21,1km en is die tweede vrou in die afdeling 35 – 39. Lé Club geniet wedloop LEDE van Le’ Club het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die BMW 4-in-1 padwedloop in Polokwane. Le’club se vroue het in elke wedloop iemand gehad wat presteer het. Greta Bekker voltooi 42,2km en is die eerste veteraan vrou. Martie Rudder voltooi die 21,1km en is die tweede vrou in die afdeling 35 – 39. Ander uitslae: 10km: Erika Human is die eerste vrou in die afdeling 45-49 en voltooi dit binne 57min30sek. Shani Rudder: junior afdeling 59min. 21km: Riaan Jansen van Rensburg - 1h37. Martie Rudder - 2H06 – Tweede vrou in die 35 - 39 afdeling. Raymond Rudder - 2H06. 42,2km: Greta Bekker eerste vrou in die 50-54 binne ‘n tyd van 4h04. PAGE 22 STYWE lyne! Edward Makwela wat weggestap het met die eersteprys tydens die kurper visvang kompetisie. Sy vangs het die skaal op 1.270kg laat staan. LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 SPORT Kurper kompetisie ‘n reuse sukses DIE 20 wenners wat deelgeneem het aan die NG gemeente laeveld se kurper visvang kompetisie. DIE NG gemeente Laeveld se kurper visvang kompetisie was weer eens ‘n groot sukses. Die kompetisie is aangebied op die plaas, Bongani by die Manjelaandam. Van links: Ds Dewald Vermaak, Zanie Pohl wat derde geëindig het met sy vangs van 1.130kg, Edward Makwela, eerste met sy vangs van 1,270kg, Deon Koekemoer 2de, 1.155kg en Wally van Dyk. LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 11 Februarie 2011 PAGE 23 PAGE 24 LETABA HERALD - Friday 11 February 2011 SPORT Rugby klubs, ondersteuners slaggereed vir drieë-fees DRIEDRUK gees loop vanjaar behoorlik hoog en klubs en ondersteuners is slaggereed vir die eerste ronde van diè kompetisie wat volgende Vrydagaand op Phalaborwa afskop. Daar word verwag dat Bosveld van Hoedspruit meer gedug gaan wees omdat hulle Lugmagbasis Louis Trichardt se rugbyspelers ook betrek terwyl Phalaborwa se opbou-program goed gevorder het en die klub jaarliks van krag tot krag gaan. Vir die eerste keer gaan ‘n Letaba Barbarians span aan die kompetisie deelneem as die vierde klub. Simpsons Motors, een van die borge van die kompetisie saam met die HERALDGROEP koerante, het gevoel dat die kompetisie eksklusief vir Limpopo klubs moet wees en daar was eenstemmigheid daaroor. Tweedeliga ontwikkeling klubs, soos Universiteit van Limpopo, moontlik Nkowankowa en ander, sal genooi word om as die Letaba Barbarians se tweedespan in die kompetisie te speel. Vir die eerste keer gaan Budget Vervoer ook betrokke wees met die onthaal van klubbesture, bestuurslede van die Blou Bulle Rugby-unie en ander gaste. Hulle gooi hulle gewig in agter die HERALD-groep koerante en Simpsons Motors van Tzaneen en Phalaborwa wat vanjaar vir die tiende jaar saam as borge optree. Die Herald-groep het die kompetisie sedert sy ontstaan geborg en is vanjaar vir die dertiende jaar betrokke. Daar gaan ook weer vanjaar gepoog word om Bulletjie-spanne by al die rugby-aande te betrek. Die volledige bepalings is soos volg: 18 Februarie op Phalaborwa: 18:30: Letaba 2 vs Ontwikkelingspan 19:30: Phalaborwa 2 vs Lugmag 2 20:30: Barbarians 1 vs Letaba 1 21:30: Phalaborwa 1 vs Lugmag 1 25 Februarie op Hoedspruit: 18:30: Phalaborwa 2 vs Ontwikkelingspan 19:30: Lugmag 2 vs Letaba 2 20:30: Barbarians 1 vs Phalaborwa 1 21:30: Lugmag 1 vs Letaba 1 4 Maart op Tzaneen: 18:30: Lugmag 2 vs Ontwikkelingspan 19:30: Letaba 2 vs Phalaborwa 2 20:30: Barbarians 1 vs Lugmag 1 21:30: Letaba 1 vs Phalaborwa 1 Die eindstryde sal op 11 Maart op Phalaborwa plaasvind. Marno van Wyk, gr9 leerder van Hoërskool Merensky het die groot eer te beurt geval om gekies te word vir die Afrikaans Eie Volkskool (AVS) se 0/14 bokkiespan wat in Italie gaan toer... Marno op pad na Italië Deur: Bertus de Bruyn OP pad na Italië. Rugby is in sy bloed en dis geen verrassing as jy hoor wat sy droom beroep is nie....’n professionele rugbyspeler natuurlik. Marno van Wyk, gr9 leerder van Hoërskool Merensky het die groot eer te beurt geval om gekies te word vir die Afrikaans Eie Volkskool (AVS) se 0/14 bokkiespan. Slegs 3 jong manne in Limpopo het die eer te beurt geval en Marno is een van hulle. Hy sal uitdraf in sy nommer 2 trui as hakker Op 1 April vertrek hulle na Italie waar hulle aan ‘n rugbytoer gaan deelneem. Hulle gaan onder meer speel teen Mantova, Gran Parma/Noceto rugby klub, Viadana en ‘n moontlike streekspan. Marno het sy merk al duidelik gemaak op die rugbyveld en speel al van bulletjie dae af rugby. Hy wil graag almal hartlik bedank vir hulle bydrae om dit vir hom moontlik te kan maak om die rugby toer te kan mee maak. Danksy al die ruim bydrae sal dit vir hom moontlik wees om aan die toer deel te neem. En klaar professioneel sê hy dat hy onderneem om net sy beste spel te lewer en Suid-Afrika se naam hoog te hou!