Untitled - Singidunum International Tourism Conference
Untitled - Singidunum International Tourism Conference
SINGIDUNU TOURISM C Zbornik radova Međunarodna naučna konferencija Univerziteta Singidunum KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Book of Proceedings Singidunum University International Scientific Conference Tourism destination competitiveness Belgrade September 25, 2015. www.sitcon.singidunum.ac.rs Međunarodna naučna konferencija Univerziteta Singidunum KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Singidunum University International Scientific Conference tourism destination competitiveness Programski odbor / Scientific Committee ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ Milovan Stanišić, Singidunum University, Serbia Slobodan Unković, Singidunum University, Serbia Angelina Njeguš, Singidunum University, Serbia Danijel Cvjetićanin, Singidunum University, Serbia Danilo Golijanin, Singidunum University, Serbia Dragan Cvetković, Singidunum University, Serbia Dragoljub Barjaktarović, Singidunum University, Serbia Jovan Popesku, Singidunum University Serbia Milorad Stojić, Singidunum University, Serbia Miroslav Lutovac, Singidunum University, Serbia Mladen Veinović, Singidunum University, Serbia Olivera Nikolić, Singidunum University, Serbia Radmila Živković, Singidunum University, Serbia Slobodan Čerović, Singidunum University, Serbia Svetlana Stanišić Stojić, Sinigdunum University, Serbia Tijana Radojević, Singidunum University, Serbia Verka Jovanović, Singidunum University, Serbia Vesna Spasić, Singidunum University, Serbia Vladimir Džamić, Singidunum University, Serbia ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ Akin Aksu, Akdeniz University, Turkey Alexandru Nedelea, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Aurora Pedro Bueno, University of Valencia, Spain Biljana Crnjak Karanović, University of Split, Croatia Dinu Vasile, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania François Vellas, University of Toulouse, France Georg Christian Steckenbauer, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria Irfan Arikan, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria Jasmina Gržinić, University of Pula, Croatia Kerstin Wegener, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany Larry Dwyer, University of New South Wales, Australia Lidija Petrić, University of Split, Croatia Magda Antonioli Corigliano, Bocconi University, Italy Marjan Bojadjiev, University American College Skopje, Macedonia Mihalis Kavaratzis, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Milenko Stanić, Synergy University, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nellie Swart, University of South Africa, South Africa Rade Ratković, Business and Tourism Faculty of Budva, Montenegro Silvana Đurašević, Mediterranean University, Montenegro Sofronija Miladinoski, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid, “St. Kliment Ohridski” Bitola, Macedonia Stanislav Ivanov, International University College, Bulgaria Tadeja Jere Jakulin, University of Primorska, Slovenia Organizacioni odbor / Organizing Committee ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ Milovan Stanišić, PhD Mladen Veinović, PhD Dragoljub Barjaktarović, PhD Jelena Gajić, PhD Jovan Popesku, PhD Marko Šarac, PhD Nataša Sekulović, PhD Radmila Živković, PhD Slobodan Čerović, PhD Svetlana Stanišić Stojić, PhD Tijana Radojević, PhD Konkurentnost turističke destinacije / Tourism Destination Competitiveness Elektronska verzija / Electronic version Publisher: Singidunum University, Belgrade, Danijelova 32 Editor-in-Chief: Professor Milovan Stanišić, PhD Prepress: Novak Njeguš, MSc Design: Aleksandar Mihajlović, MSc Year of publication: 2015. Circulation: 250 Printed by: Singidunum University ISBN: 978-86-7912-615-3 ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ Vladimir Džamić, PhD Vesna Spasić, PhD Aleksandar Mihajlović, MSc Ana Petrović, MSc Danijel Pavlović, MSc Ivana Brdar, MSc Miroslav Knežević, MSc Nikola Minić, MSc Novak Njeguš, MSc Predrag Obradović, MSc Vladimir Lazović, MSc Access to articles: Singipedia (www.singipedia.com), Google (www.scholar.google.com) i ResearchGate (www.researchgate.net). Contact us: Singidunum University 32 Danijelova Street, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia Phone No. +381 11 3093220, +381 11 3093290, Fax. +381 11 3093294 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.sitcon.singidunum.ac.rs SitCon Copyright © 2015. Sva prava zadržana. Nijedan deo ove publikacije ne može biti reprodukovan u bilo kom vidu i putem bilo kog medija, u delovima ili celini bez prethodne pismene saglasnosti izdavača. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written permission of the publisher. O KONFERENCIJI SITCON 2015 Sa izuzetnim zadovoljstvom Vam predstavljamo Zbornik I međunarodne naučne konferencije iz oblasti turizma i hotelijerstva SITCON 2015, koja je održana 25. septembra 2015. godine na Univerzitetu Singidunum u Beogradu. Konferencija predstavlja idealnu priliku za učesnike da prezentuju svoje radove i rezultate istraživanja široj javnosti, kao i za razmenu iskustava i ideja sa drugim uglednim stručnjacima iz oblasti turizma i hotelijerstva. Konferencija SITCON 2015 je osmišljena i kao platforma za dijalog u cilju pružanja naučnog doprinosa u oblasti menadžmenta i marketinga u vezi sa konkurentnošću turističke destinacije s posebnim osvrtom na Srbiju, kao i na širenje osnova za bolje razumevanje ključnih sadržaja pojma konkurentnosti turističke destinacije. Na svečanom otvaranju i plenarnoj sesiji konferencije govorili su prof. dr Milovan Stanišić, rektor Univerziteta Singidunum; prof. dr Slobodan Unković, emeritus, Univerzitet Singidunum; prof. dr Lukrecija Đeri, državna sekretarka u Ministarstvu trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija Vlade Republike Srbije; Gordana Plamenac, direktorka Turističke organizacije Srbije; prof. dr Larry Dwyer, University of New South Wales, Australija; prof. Christian Maurer, IMC University of Applied Sciences – Krems, Austrija; i Natalia Vlasova, prorektorka za međunarodnu saradnju Uralskog državnog ekonomskog univerziteta, Jekaterinburg, Rusija (video obraćanje). Prijavljene radove su recenzirali ugledni članovi Naučnog odbora iz zemlje i inostranstva. Naučni odbor konferencije čini 19 profesora iz Srbije i 22 profesora sa 20 uglednih Univerziteta širom sveta (Australija 1; Austrija 2; Bosna i Hercegovina 1; Bugarska 1; Crna Gora 2; Francuska 1; Hrvatska 3; Italija 1; Južna Afrika 1; Makedonija 2; Nemačka 1; Rumunija 2; Slovenija 1; Španija 1; Turska 1; Velika Britanija 1). Ukupni statistički podaci, koji se odnose na primljene prijave i radove, su sledeći: ◆ Broj prijavljenih apstrakata: 76 ◆ Ukupno poslatih radova: 62 ◆ Broj prihvaćenih radova i apstrakata: 57 ◆ Broj neprihvaćenih apstrakata i radova: 16 ◆ Broj povučenih radova: 3 Od ukupnog broja pristiglih radova 43 je na engleskom jeziku, a 33 na srpskom. Prijavljeni radovi pripadaju sledećim tematskim oblastima konferencije SITCON 2015: ◆ Konkurentnost turističke destinacije: 9 ◆ Konkurentnost zemalja kao turističkih destinacija: 2 ◆ Pokazatelji konkurentnosti turističke destinacije: 3 ◆ Upravljanje turističkom destinacijom: 7 ◆ Menadžment u turizmu i hotelijerstvu: 12 ◆ Marketing u turizmu i hotelijerstvu: 9 ◆ Održivi razvoj turizma: 8 ◆ Turistička infrastruktura i suprastruktura: 4 ◆ Regulatorni okviri poslovanja i razvoja turizma: 3 ◆ Kvalitet usluga u turizmu i hotelijerstvu: 4 ◆ Upravljanje prirodnim resursima u turizmu: 2 ◆ Upravljanje kulturnim resursima u turizmu: 6 ◆ Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u turizmu: 4 Za učešće na konferenciji prijavilo se ukupno 147 autora iz 25 zemalja. Broj autora po zemljama je sledeći: Australija: 1; Bosna i Hercegovina: 3; Bugarska: 1; Crna Gora: 3; Grčka: 2; Gruzija: 1; Hrvatska: 3; Italija: 5; Izrael: 1; Kongo: 1; Mađarska: 1; Makedonija: 7; Nigerija: 2; Poljska: 2; Portugalija: 3; Rumunija: 3; Senegal: 2; Sirija: 1; Slovačka: 2; Slovenija: 2; Srbija: 92; Švajcarska: 2; Švedska: 1; Tajland: 2; Turska: 4. Svi prihvaćeni radovi u celosti su objavljeni i javno dostupni u okviru portala konferencije. Svakom radu dodeljen je DOI broj, referenca na Google Scholar-u, a zbornik radova nosi ISBN broj. Jedan rad je prihvaćen za publikovanje u časopisu Univerziteta Singidunum - The European Journal of Applied Economics. Navedeni podaci, kvalitet prihvaćenih radova i prisustvo velikog broja gostiju, eminentnih stručnjaka i naučnih radnika iz zemlje i inostranstva, ukazuju na značaj i važnost konferencije SITCON 2015, kao i njen međunarodni karakter i prihvaćenost u akademskoj zajednici. Poštovani čitaoci, u ime naučnog i organizacionog odbora konferencije SITCON 2015, želimo da izrazimo veliku zahvalnost svim učesnicima koji su svojim radovima i izlaganjem doprineli kvalitetu konferencije. Iskreno se nadamo da ćete uzeti učešće i u narednoj konferenciji koja će biti održana sledeće godine na Univerzitetu Singidunum, sa novim temama i originalnim radovima. Beograd, oktobar 2015. Organizacioni odbor međunarodne naučne konferencije SITCON 2015 III ABOUT SITCON 2015 It is our great pleasure to present the Proceedings of the first international scientific conference in the field of tourism and hospitality SITCON-2015, held on September 25, 2015, at Singidunum University in Belgrade. The Conference provided an ideal opportunity to present recent and ongoing research and papers to the general public, and an ideal platform for all attendees from the country and abroad to exchange ideas in the area of tourism and hospitality. The aim of SITCON 2015 conference was to provide a considerable scientific contribution in the field of marketing and management regarding tourism destination competitiveness, with an emphasis on the Serbian market, and further broadening of knowledge necessary for better understanding of the key concepts related to the area of tourism destination competitiveness. The speakers at the plenary session were: prof. Milovan Stanišić, rector of Singidunum University; prof. emeritus Slobodan Unković, Singidunum University; prof. Lukrecija Đeri, State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia; Mrs. Gordana Plamenac, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia; prof. Natalia Vlasova, vice-Rector for International Relations, Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russia (video addressing), prof. Larry Dwyer, University of New South Wales, Australia; prof. Christian Maurer, IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria. Our extensive team of reviewers did a successful job of handling the review process. The Scientific Committee comprised 19 reputable professors from Serbia and 22 professors from 20 renowned foreign universities: (Australia 1; Austria: 2; Bosnia and Herzegovina 1; Bulgaria 1; Croatia 3; France 1; Germany 1; Great Britain 1; Italy: 1; Macedonia 2; Montenegro 2; 1; Romania 2; Slovenia: 1; South Africa: 1; Spain 1; Turkey: 1). The overall statistics on the conference are the following: ◆ The total number of submitted papers- abstracts: 76 ◆ The total number of full papers submitted: 62 ◆ The total number of accepted papers-abstracts: 57 ◆ The total number of unadopted/rejected abstracts and papers: 16 ◆ Total number of withdrawn papers: 3 Out of the total number of papers submitted 43 are in English and 33 in Serbian. The number of submitted papers/abstracts according to SITCON 2015 conference topics: ◆ Tourism Destination Competitiveness: 9 ◆ Competitiveness of Countries as Tourism Destinations: 2 ◆ Indicators of Destination Competitiveness: 3 ◆ Tourism Destination Management: 7 ◆ Management in Tourism and Hospitality: 12 ◆ Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality: 9 ◆ Sustainable Tourism Development: 8 ◆ Tourism Infrastructure and Superstructure: 4 ◆ Regulatory Framework for Tourism Development: 3 ◆ Quality of Services in Tourism and Hospitality: 4 ◆ Natural Resource Management in Tourism: 2 ◆ Cultural Resource Management in Tourism: 6 ◆ Human Resource Management in Tourism: 4 A total of 147 authors from 25 different countries have submitted papers to SITCON-2015 conference. The number of authors according to their country of origin: (in alphabetical order): Australia:1; Bosnia &Herzegovina:3; Bulgaria:1; Congo: 1; Croatia: 3; Greece:2; Georgia: 1; Hungary: 1; Italy: 5; Israel:1; Macedonia: 7; Montenegro: 3; Nigeria: 2; Poland: 2; Portugal: 3; Romania: 3; Senegal: 2; Serbia; 92; Slovakia: 2; Slovenia: 2; Sweden: 1; Switzerland: 2; Syria: 1; Thailand: 2; Turkey: 4. All accepted papers are published and made publicly available within the Conference portal. Each paper is assigned its DOI number, reference on Google Scholar, and Conference Proceedings have an ISBN number. One paper is accepted for publishing in Singidunum University journal entitled in the European Journal of Applied Economics issued by Singidunum University. The above-given statistics, high-quality submissions and a large number of conference guests and tourism experts from the country and abroad, indicate the importance of SITCON 2015 as an international scientific conference, and testify that the conference has been well-accepted and highly-valued within the academic community in Serbia and abroad. Esteemed readers, on behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of SITCON 2015, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all participants for their valuable contributions. We sincerely hope that you shall take part in the next year’s conference held at Singidunum University, with a new theme and innovative scientific papers. IV Belgrade, October 2015. Organizing Committee of international scientific conference SITCON 2015 SITCON 2015 - CONTENTS SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS OSNOvE KONKURENTSKOg POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS 1-8 9 - 17 PODRŠKA RAZvOJU TURIZMA KAO fAKTOR KONKURENTNOSTI SRBIJE KAO TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Slobodan Čerović, Dragoljub Barjaktarović, Miroslav Knežević ADAPTED INTEgRATED MODEL Of DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS Jovan Popesku, Danijel Pavlović 18 - 22 AMAN SvETI STEfAN RESORT: A CHALLENgE fOR DESTINATION MANAgEMENT Silvana Đurašević 23 - 28 THE ROLE Of DESTINATION MANAgEMENT COMPANIES (DMC) IN IMPROvINg COMPETITIvENESS Of SERBIA AS A TOURISM DESTINATION vesna Spasić, Danijel Pavlović 29 - 33 CROSS MARKETINg IN SWISS TOURISM: MANUS MANUM LAvAT Michael J. Kendzia, Cary Steinmann 34 - 38 SAfETY AND SECURITY AS fACTORS Of TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS Ninela Kordić, Radmila Živković, Jelena Stanković, Jelena gajić 39 - 42 INNOvATION, BUSINESS SUCCESS AND LEADERSHIP IN TOURISM Slavka Drašković 43 - 46 POZITIvNI EfEKTI PROCESA gLOBALIZACIJE NA TURIZAM Ivana Brdar, vladimir Džamić, Tijana Radojević, Jelena Đorđević Boljanović, gordana Dobrijević 47 - 52 THE INfLUENCE Of gLOBALIZATION ON TOURISM AND IMPACT Of TOURISM ON OTHER ACTIvITIES WITH AN EMPHASIS ON gREENfIELD INvESTMENTS IN TOURISM Slobodan Čerović, Predrag vukadinović, Miroslav Knežević 53 - 57 EvENT TOURISM, vECTOR fOR A COMPETITIvE DESTINATION - CASE STUDY: TIMIŞOARA, ROMANIA Cipriana Sava 58 - 64 DEvELOPMENT PERSPECTIvES Of CITY TOURISM OffER Of RIJEKA Slobodan Ivanović, Romina Alkier, vedran Milojica 65 - 70 DIgITALIZACIJA PROMOCIJE BANJA SRBIJE - NA PRIMERIMA vRNJAČKE BANJE I SOKOBANJE verka Jovanović, Melita Jovanović Tončev 71 - 76 UPRAvLJANJE RAZvOJEM TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE NA PRIMERU BANJA SRPSKE TOPLICE Simonida vilić, Tatjana Dujaković 77 - 80 LANAC vREDNOSTI U ANALIZI IZvORA KONKURENTSKE PREDNOSTI DESTINACIJE BANJA DvOROvI Danica vuković 81 - 87 PROPOSED PRO-ACT DECISION MAKINg MODEL fOR TOURISM DESTINATION CHOICE IN DIffICULT TIMES: CONSUMER PERSPECTIvE Kadir Çakar V SITCON 2015 - SADRŽAJ 88 - 92 OPPORTUNITIES fOR DEvELOPMENT Of TOURISM AND SMALL ENTERPRISES IN DOJRAN MUNICIPALITY IN MACEDONIA Nako Taskov, Tanja Angelkova Petkova, Marija Magdinceva Sopova, Dejan Metodijeski 93 - 98 EvENTS AND TRADITION AS A POTENTIAL fOR INCREASED TOURISM DEvELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC Of MACEDONIA Ivanka Nestoroska 99 - 105 A COMPARATIvE STUDY Of PORTUgUESE AND SERBIAN TOURISM MARKETS Nikola Minić, vitor gomes Rodrigues, Catarina ferreira Dias Dinis, Ivana Stević fAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA COMPETITIvENESS fACTORS Of TOURISM ENTERPRISES VI 106 - 109 ANALIZA PODRUČJA POSLOvNOg ODLUČIvANJA HOTELSKIH PREDUZEĆA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Slobodan Čerović, Nikica Radović 110 - 114 STRATEgIJE I MODELI fORMIRANJA CENA U SEKTORU USLUgA SMEŠTAJA goranka Knežević, Jasmina gržinić, vule Mizdraković, Predrag vukadinović 115 - 121 ARHITEKTURA KAO fAKTOR KvALITETA HOTELSKOg PROIZvODA Đorđe Čomić 122 - 126 ODRŽIvA STOPA RASTA HOTELSKIH I UgOSTITELJSKIH PREDUZEĆA U SRBIJI Zoran Jović, Kosana vićentijević, Zoran Petrović 127 - 132 UPRAvLJANJE REPUTACIJOM – KLJUČNA KOMPONENTA KvALITETA U HOTELIJERSTvU Ljiljana Kosar, Nikolina Kosar 133 - 139 UPRAvLJANJE ONLAJN ZAJEDNICAMA U HOTELIJERSTvU Radmila Živković, Angelina Njeguš, Jelena gajić, Ivana Brdar, Ivana Mijajlović 140 - 145 UPRAvLJANJE ONLAJN KOMUNIKACIJOM S KORISNICIMA HOTELSKIH USLUgA Saša Mašić 146 - 149 LOW-COST fLIgHTS AND TOURISM: DEvELOPMENT AND CHANgES fROM BERgAMO-ORIO AL SERIO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Andrea Macchiavelli, Andrea Pozzi 150 - 154 ANALYTICAL INSIgHT INTO TALENT MANAgEMENT IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY IN THE SLOvAK BUSINESS ENvIRONMENT Michaela Sirková, viktória Ali Taha 155 - 160 KONCEPT KREATIvNOg gRADA U fUNKCIJI UNAPREĐENJA RAZvOJA HOTELIJERSTvA U NOvOM SADU Tamara Kliček, Tatjana vanić 161 - 163 ASPEKTI fISKALNIH OLAKŠICA/PODSTICAJA TURIZMU REPUBLIKE SRBIJE Kosana vićentijević, Zoran Petrović, Zoran Jović 164 - 167 BANKRUPTCY RISK EXPOSURE Of SERBIAN HOTELS IN THE PERIOD 2008-2012 vule Mizdraković, goranka Knežević, Nenad Stanić 168 - 174 OCENA fINANSIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI HOTELSKIH PREDUZEĆA KOJA gRAvITIRAJU gRADSKIM TURISTIČKIM CENTRIMA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Nataša Jovanović, Miloš Jovanović, Nikola Jovanović SITCON 2015 - CONTENTS 175 - 177 RAČUNOvODSTvENI ASPEKTI TURISTIČKIH USLUgA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Zoran Petrović, Zoran Jović, Kosana vićentijević 178 - 181 gLOBALIZATION AND CHANgES IN CONSUMER BEHAvIOR - IMPACT ON TRAvEL AgENCIES Tatjana Cvetkov-Čikošev, Andriela vitić-Ćetković 182 - 186 WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSfUL HOTEL REPUTATION MANAgEMENT STRATEgY: QUALITATIvE RESEARCH ON TRIPADvISOR HOTEL REvIEWS Edina Ajanović, Beykan Çizel 187 - 192 INDIKATORI KONKURENTNOSTI „CONDO“ HOTELA Jovan vukotić 193 - 197 THE IMPACT Of SUSTAINABILITY ON DEvELOPINg STRONg TOURISM BRANDS Milivoj Teodorović 198 - 201 A COMPARATIvE ANALYSIS ON HOTEL fINANCIAL PERfORMANCE Dušan Borovčanin RESURSI KAO fAKTOR KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE RESOURCES AS A fACTOR Of TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS 202 - 209 PODSTICAJNA PUTOvANJA I POSLOvNI TURIZAM KAO ELEMENTI RAZvOJA DESTINACIJA gEONASLEĐA SRBIJE Milan Čulić, Bojan Zečević, Igor Kovačević 210 - 213 PODELA ODgOvORNOSTI IZMEĐU UČESNIKA U ODRŽIvOM TURIZMU Marija Kostić, Melita Jovanović Tončev 214 - 221 ULOgA OPSERvATORIJA U ODRŽIvOM RAZvOJU TURIZMA Renata Pindžo 222 - 228 THE TRENDS Of RURAL TOURISM RESEARCH IN THE PAST fIfTEEN YEARS Szabó E. Orsolya 229 - 236 PRIMENA EUROgITES STANDARDA ZA PROCENU KvALITETA USLUgA U AgROTURIZMU Marko D. Petrović, Snježana gagić, Željko Bjeljac, Dunja Demirović, Karolina Simat 237 - 241 ANALIZA KvALITETA U vOJvOĐANSKIM RESTORANIMA Snježana gagić, Ana Jovičić, Irma Erdeji, Bojana Kalenjuk, Marko D. Petrović 242 - 247 TURIZAM ZASNOvAN NA BAŠTINI: IDEOLOŠKI PROCESI I IMPLIKACIJE Miloš Ničić 248 - 251 THE CASE Of LOUvRE-LENS: REgIONAL REgENERATION THROUgH CULTURAL INNOvATION Elena Borina, Ivan Paunović 252 - 256 THE ROLE Of PASSAgES IN URBAN TOURISM: TRABOULER IN LYON Brigitta Pécsek 257 - 259 RE-INTERPRETATION Of NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAgE SYMBIOSIS AS A TOOL fOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEvELOPMENT IN BELgRADE Sanja Iguman VII SITCON 2015 - SADRŽAJ 260 - 263 UPRAvLJANJE KULTURNIM RESURSIMA U fUNKCIJI UNAPREĐENJA PONUDE KULTURNOg TURIZMA vRNJAČKE BANJE Milena Podovac, Melita Jovanović Tončev 264 - 266 gORgES IN THE MUNICIPALITY Of PIROT AS A POTENTIAL fOR gEOTOURISM DEvELOPMENT IN SOUTH-EAST SERBIA Milica Began, Tamara višnić, Predrag Obradović 267 - 272 MODERN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAgEMENT - AN EXAMPLE Of HOTEL“ZIRA” Jelena Petrović, Pero Petrović 273 - 276 ZNAČAJ OBRAZOvANJA LJUDSKIH RESURSA U HOTELIJERSTvU Mirjana Šekarić, Marina Milovanović, Marina Kostić, Jelena Šekarić Sotirovski APSTRAKTI ABSTRACT PREvIEW VIII 277 UNDERLYINg DIMENSIONS Of DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS: A CASE STUDY Of SERBIA Tanja Armenski, vanja Dragićević, Larry Dwyer, Ljubica Knežević Cvelbar, Tanja Mihalič 278 OffER Of AUTHENTIC fOOD AS A CONDITION fOR gASTRONOMIC TOURISM DEvELOPMENT Bojana Kalenjuk, Dragan Tešanović, Snježana gagić, Irma Erdeji, Maja Banjac 279 SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY BASED HERITAgE TOURISM: A MODEL Of SUCCESS IN THE OLD CITY Of NAZARETH Alon gelbman, Daniel Laven SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-1-8 PODRŠKA RAZVOJU TURIZMA KAO FAKTOR KONKURENTNOSTI SRBIJE KAO TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Slobodan Čerović*, Dragoljub Barjaktarović, Miroslav Knežević Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt: Zahvaljujući prirodnim, geografskim, kulturno-istorijskim, klimatskim i drugim pogodnostima, Srbija ima veoma povoljne uslove za razvoj onih vidova turizma koji će u budućnosti opredeljivati pravce kretanja u međunarodnim relacijama i koji nude mogućnost za zadovoljavanje raznovrsnih potreba i zahteva savremenih turista. Uz to i dostignuti obim smeštajnih i drugih kapaciteta i ostale turističke infrastrukture daju dobru osnovu za značajnije valorizovanje tih resursa i za adekvatnije uključivanje naše zemlje u međunarodne turističke tokove, uključujući i brži razvoj domaćeg turizma. U radu je prikazano da turizam u Srbiji, po svim bitnim pokazateljima (devizna potrošnja, ostvareni turistički promet, zaposlenost, učešće u BDP-u, izvozu roba i usluga, investicijama i sl.), znatno zaostaje u odnosu na resursne i tržišne mogućnosti njegovog razvoja, što neminovno nameće potrebu za aktivnijom ulogom države u preduzimanju podsticajnih mera, kako bi njegova multiplikativna komponenta inicirala sveukupni privredni razvoj Srbije. Imajući to u vidu, osnovni cilj ovog rada jeste da ukaže na ključne aktivnosti države i drugih subjekata nadležnih za kreiranje i sprovođenje turističke politike koja će dovesti do valorizacije resursa kojima Srbija raspolaže. 1. UVOD U proceni efekata budućeg razvoja turizma u Srbiji i njegovog uticaja na ukupni privredni razvoj mora se poći od očekivanih trendova u razvoju međunarodnog turizma, kvaliteta raspoloživih resursa, razvijenosti materijalne osnove i spremnosti zemlje da se ovoj delatnosti u privrednom sistemu i merama ekonomske politike obezbedi ravnopravan tretman sa ostalom izvoznom privredom. Srbija je do sada kroz više razvojnih dokumenta (Koncepcija razvoja turizma Srbije iz 1986. godine, Strategija razvoja turizma iz 1999. i 2006. godine, Prostorni plan Republike Srbije) definisala polazne osnove i strateške ciljeve razvoja turizma, koji su uglavnom ostajali nerealizovani. Podsticanjem ove delatnosti, koja u globalnim okvirima po svim bitnim pokazateljima (brojem učesnika u međunarodnom turizmu, turističkoj potrošnji, učešćem u BDP, nacionalnom dohotku i broju zaposlenuh) zauzima jednu od vodećih pozicija u svetskoj privredi (Barjaktarović, 2013, str. 14), stvaraju se uslovi da Srbija, zahvaljujući bogastvu i raznovrsnošću resursa, geostrateškom položaju, gastronomskoj ponudi i gostoprimstvu, krene putem koji će joj obezbediti mesto na turističkoj pozornici interesantnoj i stranim i domaćim posetiocima. Samo uz značajniju podršku koja bi otklonila postojeće barijere, Srbija bi znatno povećala inostrani i domaći turistički promet i potrošnju stranih turista i sa postojećim kapacitetima i raspoloživim turističkim proizvodom. Generatorska uloga turizma u privrednom razvoju, kao i poznati * [email protected] Ključne reči: turizam, strategija, razvoj, resursi, podsticaji. multiplikativni efekti koje stvara ovaj sektor privređivanja, doprineće i povećanju direktne i indirektne zaposlenosti, naročito u nedovoljno razvijenim područjima u svim delatnostima komplementarnim turizmu. Zato smatramo da je ovu delatnost neophodno uključiti u prioritetne pravce razvoja (Čerović, 2002, str. 171). 2. USLOVI ZA RAZVOJ TURIZMA U SRBIJI Srbija, zahvaljujući prirodnim, geografskim, istorijskim, klimatskim i drugim pogodnostima, ima veoma povoljne uslove za razvoj onih vidova turizma koji će prema predvđanjima UNWTO u budućnosti predstavljati dominantne pravce kretanja u međunarodnim relacijama. Osnovu za to čine poznati i već afirmisani planinski (Kopaonik, Zlatibor) i banjsko -zdravstveni centri (Vrnjačka, Bukovička, Niška, Kanjiža, Soko i druge banje); reke (Dunav, Tisa, Sava, Drina); brojna jezera (Đerdapsko, Palićko, Vlasinsko, Srebrno i dr.); Pešterski mesečev pejzaž, Đavolja varoš, Caričin grad u kome je rođen rimski car Justinijan, Medijana, Trajanova tabla i ostaci Trajanovog mosta, Lepenski vir i Vinča i još mnogo prirodnih bisera i drugih znamenitosti intetresantnih za turističku valorizaciju. Ovu riznicu prirodne i kulturne baštine dopunjuju i brojni spomenici kulture, među kojima su najznačajniji manastiri Studenica, Sopoćani, Mileševo, Žiča, Stari Ras, Ravanica, fruškogorski i manastiri Ovčarsko - Kablarskog područja, Pećka patrijaršija, Dečani, Gračanica i još veliki broj znamenitosti. Deo ovih spomenika, zbog svoje izuzetne 1 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE vrednosti, uvršten je u svetsku kulturnu baštinu i pod zaštitom je UNESCO-a (Stari Ras sa Sopoćanima, Studenica, Romulijana…). Ovi spomenici, svojim postojanjem, pričaju istoriju Srbije tokom poslednjih deset vekova (Barjaktarović, 2008, str. 61). Ovome treba dodati i tradicionalno gostoprimstvo i bogatu i raznovrsnu trpezu sa velikim brojem prepoznatljivih nacionalnih jela i pića koja uz prepoznatljiv dizajn treba da prezentuju našu bogatu kulturno-istorijsku baštinu na međunarodnom turističkom tržštu, kao i brojne već afirmisane manifestacije, poput Guče i EXITA, koje značajno doprinose afirmaciji Srbije kao turističke destincije. Ovako kvalitetna resursna osnova, uz dosignuti stepen razvijenosti materijalne osnove i očekivane trendove u međunarodnim turističkim kretanjima, opredeljuje i orijentaciju nosilaca turističke i poslovne politike Srbije prema onim oblicima turizma (turističkim proizvodima) koji treba da otvore vrata međunarodne turističke pozornice. U tom kontekstu, kao ključni turistički proizvodi Srbije izdvajaju se (Službeni glasnik RS, 2006): 1) gradski turizam (gradski odmori, manifestacije i dr.). Gradovi koji su posebno interesantni za inostrane posetioce su: Beograd, Novi Sad, Niš, Subotica, Sombor i Kladovo; 2) touring (kružna i linearna turistička putovanja) ture/ putevi - nacionalnih parkova, planina, klisura, pećina, srednjovekovnih manastira, dunavskih motiva, salaša, vina i gastronomije, biciklizma, pešačenja, jahanja, lova, ribolova i dr; 3) poslovni turizam + MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exibitions); 4) banjski turizam (zdravstveni/balneološki, klimatski i wellness/rekreativni); 5) planinski turizam (na visokim planinama, na srednjim i niskim planinama); 6) nautički i drugi vidovi turizma na vodi (reke, jezera, kanali); 7) događaji (Events); 8) ruralni turizam (agroturizam i kombinovani seoski turizam); 9) turizam specijalnih interesa (verski, rekreativno sportske, avanturističko - eksternističke i druge aktivnosti). rizma privredi Srbije (sa direktnim i indirektnim efektima) oko 3%,7%1 u vrednosti izvozu roba i usluga, 29% vrednosti izvoza usluga, 1% u zaposlenosti direktno i 2,2% indirektno, i oko 1% u ukupnim investicijama (RZS, 2014). Zabrinjava činjenica da se broj zaposlenih kontinuirano smanjuje, uprkos povećanju broja registrovanih privrednih subjekata, posebno u sektoru smeštaja i ishrane, što upućuje na zaključak da je u ovom sektoru privređivanja sivo tržište u značajnoj meri prisutno. Broj zaposlenih, prema zvaničnim staističkim podacima se sa 27.000 u 2006. godine smanjio na oko 20.000 direktno, odnosno ova delatnost upošljava što direktno, što indirektno oko 45.500 radnika (RZS). Ono što posebno zabrinjava je kontinuirani pad domačeg turističkog prometa, posebno od 2010. godine i smanjenje smeštajnih kapaciteta. 2.1.1 Smeštajni kapaciteti Srbija danas raspolaže sa 43.657 smeštajne jedinice i 107.256 ležajeva, od čega 18.337 soba i 38.056 ležaja u osnovnim i 25.320 soba i 69.200 ležaja u komplementarnim smeštajnim kapacitetima (RZS, 2014). U okviru kategorisanih smeštajnih kapaciteta (356 objekata) hoteli (227) imaju dominantno mesto (63.66%), čiji stepen iskoršćenosti je 25% na nivou republike, a u Beogradu nešto oko 38%. Tabela 1. Ukupan broj kategorisanih objekata prema vrsti i kategoriji/2014. god. 2.1 Dostignuti nivo razvoja turizma Srbije 2 Dostignuti nivo razvoja turizma, uprkos postojanju kvalitetne resursne osnove, po svim bitnim pokazateljima znatno zaostaje u odnosu na resursne i tržišne mogućnosti njegovog razvoja. U periodu od 1989. do 2010. godine turistički promet u Srbiji je opao prosečno godišnje 3,4% u broju dolazaka i 2,9% godišnje u broju noćenja. Drugim rečima, Srbija je 2010 ostvarila tek 54% turističkog prometa iz 1989. godine mereno brojem noćenja (Unković & Zečević, 2011, str. 407). U poslednjih 10 godina, prema zvaničnim podacima nadležnih institucija, turizam u užem smislu (sektor smeštaja i ishrane) učestvuje u bruto domaćem proizvodu između 1 i 1,5%, pri čemu je najveći udeo bio uoči svetske ekonomske krize, najmanji u periodu od 2008. do 2011. godine, dok je u poslednje dve godine ponovo u porastu (RZS, 2014.). Može se proceniti da je danas ukupan doprinos tu- Vrsta objekta Broj objekatа Br. sm. jedinicа BrOJ ležаjа Hoteli 227 14604 24270 Apart hoteli 8 381 1069 Garni hoteli 94 1976 3162 Ukupno 329 16.961 28591 Moteli 13 301 498 Pansioni 3 78 119 Tur.naselje 4 215 384 Apartm. naselje 1 26 107 Kampovi 6 1055 Ukupno 356 17581 29609 Izvor: Statistički godišnjak RZS 2014. U ukupnoj hotelskoj ponudi (prema boju smeštajnih jedinica) dominiraju hoteli sa četiri (29,20%) i tri zvezdice (25,21%), zatim hoteli sa dve (14,9%)(RZS, 2014).Struktura hotelskih kapaciteta je izmenjena u poslednjih nekoliko godina kada je došlo do izgradnje novih, i to prvenstveno sa 4*, poznatih brendova (Radisson Blu, Crowne Plaza, Luxury Collection – Starwood, Falkeinsteiner, Holiday Inn, Best Western) i to pre svega, u Beogradu, Subotici, Novom Sadu i Nišu, kao i izgradnjom i adaptacijom jednog boja domaćih hotela (Grand, Mona, Izvor i dr.). 1 Izveštaj WTTC za 2014. godinu pokazuje da ukupno učešće turizma u BDP iznosi 6,1%, a direktno (smeštaj, hrana i piće 2,1% (WTTC, 2015) SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS godini, kada je registrovan i najveći broj turista u našoj zemlji od 1989. godine. U istom periodu broj ostvarenih noćenja domaćih i stranih turista kretao se između 6.173 i 7.334 miliona (tabela 2). 2.1.2. Ostvareni turistički promet Broj turista koji posećuju Srbiju u periodu od 2000. do 2014. godine kreće se između 1.889.771 i 2.306.558 u 2007. Tabela 2. Ukupan broj dolazaka i noćenja turista u Srbiji / 2000-2014. god. Dolasci turista Ostvarena noćenja turista Godina Ukupno Domaći Strani Ukupno Domaći Strani 2000 2.166.354 2.001.128 165.226 7.688.134 7.257.041 431.093 2005 1.989.367 1.536.321 453.158 6.499.241 5.507.138 992.087 2006 1.889.771 1.420.929 468.842 6.407.225 5.391.913 1.015.312 2007 2.306.558 1.610.513 696.045 7.328.692 5.853.017 1.475.675 2008 2.266.166 1.619.672 646.494 7.334.106 5.935.219 1.398.887 2009 2.018.466 1.373.444 645.022 6.761.715 5.292.613 1.469.102 2010 2.000.597 1.317.916 682.681 6.413.515 4.961.359 1.452.156 2011 2.068.610 1.304.443 764.167 6.644.738 5.001.684 1.643.054 2012 2.079.643 1.269.676 809.967 6.484.702 4.688.485 1.796.217 2013 2.192.435 1.270.667 921.768 6.567.460 4.579.067 1.988.393 2014 2.192.268 1.163.536 1.028.732 6.086.275 3.925.221 2.161.054 Izvor: Urađeno prema Statističkom godišnjaku RS, 2014. Kao što se vidi iz predhodne tabele, Srbiju je u 2014. godini posetilo 2.192,268 turista (približno isti nivo u odnosu na prethodnu godinu) koji su osvarili 6.086.275 miliona noćnja, (7% manje u odnosu na 2013. godinu). Domaćih turista bilo je 1,165.536 (8% manje u odnosu na 2013.), što čini 53% od ukupnog broja gostiju, a inostranih 1,028.732 (12% više u odnosu na 2013. godinu), odnosno 47% od ukupnog broja gostiju. Od 6.086.275 noćenja domaći turisti ostvarili su 3.925.221 (14 % manje u odnosu na predhodnu godinu), što čini 64 % od ukupnog broja ostvarenih noćenja, a inostrani 2,161.054 (9% više), ili 36 % od ukupnog broja ostvarenih noćenja (RZS, 2014). Najveći broj dolazaka i noćenja domaćih turista ostvaren je u banjskim mestima (42%), zatim slede planinska mesta (30%) itd. Inostrani gosti najviše su boravili u Beogradu (51%), Novom Sadu, Zlatiboru i Vrnjačkoj Banji. U strukturi inostranih gostiju dominiraju turista iz regiona (45%). Najveći broj noćenja ostvarili su turisti iz Bosne i Hercegovine (163.695 noćenja, što je za 5 % više u odnosu na 2013. godinu). Od ostalih tržišta značajno učešće ostvaruju turisti iz Rusije 8.6%, Italije 7.5%, Nemačke 7.6%, Turske 3.5% (RZS, 2014). Analizirajući ostvarene rezltate u turističkom prometu može se zakljčiti da u poslednjih nekoliko godina dolazi do značajnijeg slabljenja domaćeg turističkog prometa, što je rezultat pada životnog standarda, nedovoljno kvalitetne ponude i liberalizacije viznog režima. S druge strane, evidentno je povećanje broja stranih turista sa evropskih tržišta, što uz već tradicionalno visok nivo poseta iz zemalja regiona doprinosi značajnijem povećanju deviznog priliva po osnovu turizma. 2.1.3. Ostvareni devizni priliv po osnovu turizma Najznačajniji efekti turizma pokazuju se kroz rast deviznog priliva (posebno posle 2007. godine kada je došlo do promene meodologije obračuna potrošnje stranih turista i posle 2011., kada inostrani turistčki promet ostvaruje značajniji rast), što se vidi iz sledeće tabele. S druge strane, stanovnici Srbije za turistička putovanja u inostranstvo izdvajaju značajna sredstva. Prema nezvaničnim podacima Narodne banke Srbije i Nacionalne asocijacije turističkih agencija – YUTA - procenjuje se da je u 2014. godini broj naših građana koji su putovali u inostranstvo iznosio oko 1.350.000 i da su oni utrošili preko 1.1 mlrd. USD (YUTA, 2015). Tabela br. 3: Devizni priliv u Srbiji 2005 - 2014. godine u mlrd. $ God 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $ 307 290 617,2 845 617,2 604,9 710,1 707,8 900,2 1050 Ind. 1,39 0,94 2,13 1,37 0,73 0,98 1,17 1.00 1,27 1,17 Izvor: Obrađeno prema podacima Narodne banke Srbije (http://www.nbs.rs/internet/cirilica/90/sb.html) 3 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 3. CILJEVI DUGOROČNOG RAZVOJA TURIZMA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE U cilju potpunije valorizacije raspoloživih turističkih resursa u funkciji podsticanja privrednog rasta, regionalnog razvoja zemlje, povećanja zaposlenosti i boljeg pozicioniranja Srbije kao turističke destinacije na domaćem i međunarodnom turističkom tržištu, mogu se definisati sledeći cilje 1. Podsticanje ukupnog privrednog razvoja kroz potpunije korišćenje postojećih resursa2 Realizacija ovog cilja zahteva intenziviranje i kompletiranje turističke ponude, obogaćivanje novim sadržajima i podizanje nivoa kvaliteta usluga, prvenstveno u mestima koja su u određenoj meri turistički afirmisana. To je moguće ostvariti: ◆ unapređenjem i razvojem ukupne putne i druge infrastrukture (izgradnja započetih i planiranih najvažnijih magistralnih i regionalnih puteva, modermizacija železničkih putnih pravaca, unapređenje plovnog saobraćaja, rekonstrukcija postojeće i izgradnja nove vodovodne i kanalizacione mreže i dr. u skladu sa rešenjima iz Prostornog plana, Službeni glasnik RS, 2010a), ◆ podizanjem kvaliteta smeštajne ponude i izgradnjom novih hotelskih kapaciteta više i visoke kategorije, zelenih hotela, apartmanskih i turističkih naselja i rekreativnih sadržaja (spa, velnes, tenis tereni, golf i sl.), sa orijentacijom na korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije, na područjima utvrđenim detaljnim urbanističkim planovima, s obzirom da isti garantuju kvalitetniju uslugu, veću popunjenost i bolje finansijske, ◆ standardizacijom usluga zasnovanom na međunarodnim standardima kvaliteta i uvođenjem savremenih informacionih tehnologija u svim segmentima poslovanja privrednih subjekata iz ove delatnosti, ◆ efikasnijim upravljanjem prirodnim i kulturnim resursima, zaštitom korisnika usluga, životne sredine i svih učesnika u lancu kreiranja i isporuke turistčkog proizvoda, ◆ intezivnijim promovisanjem kulturno – istorijskih, arheoloških i drugih prirodnih vrednosti i lokalnih običaja i tradicije. 2. Pozicioniranje Srbije kao turističke desinacije na međunarodno turističko tržište Pozicioniranje Srbije kao turističke desinacije, u eri globalnog zaokreta prema novim i neistraženim destinacijama koje nude nove doživljaje i iskustva, zahteva: ◆ definisanje misije Srbije kao turističke destinacije, definisanje ciljeva budućeg razvoja inostranog turizma, primenu savremenih koncepcija (marketing, menadžment i dr.) u turističkoj privredi i jasno definisanje smernica preko kojih će i misija i ciljevi biti operacionalizovani (Čerović, 2007). Pri tome, poseb2 4 Jedan od brojnih ciljeva prethodnih strategija razvoja turizma bio je slično postavljen: Intenziviranje ukupnog razvoja kroz potpunije korišćenje postojećih kapaciteta (1999) i Podsticanje privrednog rasta, zapošljavanja i kvaliteta života stanovnika putem razvoja inostranog turizma (2006). Orijentacija prema ukupnom razvoju i domačeg i inostranog turizma opredeljuje i predložnu formulaciju ovog cilja. nu pažnju treba usmeriti na uspostavljanje savremenog sistema upravljanja na nivou turisičke destinacija i njihovu čvršću vezu sa Nacionalnom turističkom organizacijom, što zahteva promene strateškog marketing plana kojim će se na bolji način promovisati identitet Srbije. ◆ profilisanje onih proizvoda koji imaju šansu na inostranom turističkom ržištu. To su, pre svega, proizvodi povezani sa korišćenjem prirode i ekoturizma, zdravljem i rekreacijom, aktivnostima specijalnih interesa, ruralnim i kulturnim turizmom, rečnim krstarenjem, nautikom, kao i poslovnim turizmom i MICE, jer za ovim proizvodima u svetskim razmerama postoji veliko interesovanje. Stvaranje povoljnijeg imidža i bolja pozicija na međunarodnom tržištu upućuje na upostavljanje mreže turističkih predstavništava na ciljim turističkim tržištima i značajnije povećanje turističkog budžeta, uz korišćenje savremenih sredstava i tehnologija promocije. Realizaciju ovako postavljenih ciljeva moguće je ostvariti: 1. Uspostavljanjem privrednog ambijenta koji će stimuliativno delovati na razvoj turizma, kroz mere ekonomske politike koje će obezbediti da ova delatnost postane jedan od ključnih generatora ukupnog privrednog razvoja. Te podsticaje, prvenstveno, treba usmeriti na područja infrastrukturnog opremanja, stimulisanja domaćih i stranih investitora za ulaganja u turizam, uvođenja međunarodnih standarda koji opredeljujuće deluju na kvalitet turistčkog proizvoda, primenu savremenih informacionih i drugih tehnologija i bolju promociju turističkih resursa na turističkom tržištu. 2. Unapređivanjem organizovnosti na svim nivoima donošenja odluka, bolju saradnju javno - privatnog sektora, bolju organizovanost turističke privrede i njenu jaču povezanost sa privrednim delatnostima koje učestvuju u formiraju turističkog proizvoda (trgovina, proizvodnja organski zdrave hrane, saobraćaj, ribarstvo, vinogradarstvo, zanatstvo, komunalne delatnosi i dr.). Ovo zahteva značajno jaču ulogu menadžmenta turističkih destinacija, specijalizovanih javnih preduzeća za razvoj turizma i asocijacija turističke privrede, njihovu edukaciju na svim nivoima, edukaciju zaposlenih u svim segmentima ove delatnosti i potpuno obezbeđenje informatičke podrške razvoju turizma kroz uspostavljanje jedinstvene turističke statistike (smeštajnih kapaciteta, turističkog prometa i deviznog priliva) sa svetski uporedivim parametrima. 4. MERE ZA PODSTICANJE RAZVOJA TURIZMA3 Dinamičniji razvoj turizma, koji bi mogao biti snažna poluga ukupnog privrednog rasta, zahteva podršku u sledećim područjima: 3 Polazna osnova za izradu Mera za podsticanje razvoja turizma su radni materijali “Program mera i aktivnosti za ostvarivanje ciljeva Strategije razvoja turizma Srbije do 2025” i “Ključni elementi infrastrukture u prioritetnim turističkim destinacijima”, koji su autori ovog teksta pripremili za izradu navedenog dokumenta. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS 1) dogradnja i unapređenje zakonske regulative i njeno usaglašavanje sa evropskim standardima, 2) unapređenje i razvoj saobraćajne, turističke, komunalne i ostale infrastrukture, 3) stimulisanje ukupne investicione aktivnosti, 4) vođenje stimulativne fiskalne politike, 5) podsticanje razvoja inostranog i domaćeg turizma. 1. tegorije i novih turističkih sadržaja sa orijentacijom zaokruživanja već postojećih turističkih centara, a ne otvarenja novih sa nepotpuno uređenom infrastrukturom, turističkim sadržajima i neadekvatnim ljudskim resursima. Ovo neminovno vodi ograničavanju i zaustavljanju neplanske (divlje) gradnje i neplanskog razvoja turističkih kapaciteta uz harmonizaciju razvoja smeštajnih kapaciteta i drugih sadžaja. ◆ Dogradnju i unapređenje propisa koji će dovesti do značajnijeg smanjena sive ekonomije (uvođenje nelegalnog poslovanja u legalne tokove), koja je u oblasti ugostiteljstva dostigla kritičnu tačku kroz: - pooštravanje kaznenih normi u domenu radnog zakonodavstva kroz jačanje uloge inspekcijskih službi i oštro sankcionisanje kršenja propisa; - unapređenje zaštite korisnika turističkih usluga; - efikasniju kontrolu sprovđenja propisa; - izgradnju sistema upravljanja informacijama i kvalitetom. Uspostavljanje institucionalno - pravnog okvira za dalji razvoj turizma Ključne aktivnosi nosilaca turističke politike u domenu poboljšanja zakonske regulative u oblasti turizma mogće je ostvariti kroz: ◆ Unapređenje (dogradnja) zakonske regulative kojom se uređuje privređivanje turističke delatnosti. Kvalitetna i usklađena zakonodavna infrastruktura je preduslov uspešnog upravljanja turističkim razvojem. Poslovanje ove delatnosti uređeno je brojnim zakonskim, podzakonskim i dugim akatima za čije su predlaganje i sprovođenje zaduženi različiti organi i organizacije državne uprave. Radi se, pre svega, o onim zakonima koji direktno uređuju poslovanje ove oblasti, kao što je Zakon o turizmu, zatim set Zakona iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine, čijim rešenjima treba obezbediti efikasniju ekološku zaštitu i unapređenje turističkih prostora, Zakon o banjama, Zakon o nacionalnim parkovima, Zakon o planiranju i izgradnji i dr. Od značaja za ovu oblat su izakoni o: zaštiti i očuvanju kulturnih dobara, šumama, vodama, zaštiti potrošača i dr. Rešenja u ovim propisma su neusklađena, zastarela i nedorečena, pa kao takva otežavaju njihovo sprovđenje, što nameće potrebu nihove dogradnje, odnosno međusobne usklađenosti i usklađenosti sa kretanjima na savremenom turističkom tržištu; ◆ Završetak započetog procesa privatizacije hotelsko - ugostiteljskih preduzeća (hotela u sastavu SUP-a, vojske, javnih preduzeća, RHC i drugih hotelsko ugostiteljskih preduzeća koja nisu završila ovaj proces poput hotela ”Slavija”, UP ”Vranje”, UP ”Evropa” Surdulica i dr.) i ostalih oblika transformacije kroz: - dogradnju postojeće zakonske regulative vezane za utvrđivanje porekla sredstava, preciziranje rokova za privatizaciju, veću ulogu matičnog ministarstva, kontrolu izvršenja ugovora o kupoprodaji, pre svega u delu izvršenja investicionog programa, i dr.; - rešenje statusa hotela koji zbog neadekvatne privatizacije i nerešenih imovinsko pravnih odnosa već duže vreme ne rade ili delimično rade (hotel „O Zone”, hotel ”Zelenkada”, HTP ”Fontana”, hotel ”Balkan”, hotel “Prag”, hotel ”Prezident” , hotel ”Patrija” i dr.). ◆ Donošenje regulacionih planova koji će obezbediti da se razvoj planske dokumentacije sa master i prostornih planova prebaci na regulacione planove i planove marketinga i konkurentnosti koji su do sada vrlo retko rađeni. Tim planovima treba opredeliti lokacije na prioritetnim turističkim destinacijama za izgradnju novih kvalitenih hotela više i visoke ka- 2. Unapređenje i razvoj saobraćajne, turističke, komunalne i ostale infrastrukture Unapređenje i razvoj ukupne infrastrukture treba da se ostvaruje kroz realizaciju prostorno – planskih dokumenata prema prioritetnim turističkim destinacijama (Službeni glasnik RS, 2010) u sledećim pravcima: ◆ Poboljšanje postojeće i izgradnju nove saobraćajne infrastrukture prema glavnim turističkim centrima (Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Stara planina, Vlasina, Vrnjačka Banja, Golija, Tara, Divčibare...) i mestima u okviru turističkih destinacija, što zahteva rekonstrukciju postojeće i izgradnju dela nove putne mreže, aerodroma za sletanje manjih aviona (Ponikve, Sombor, Morava), mostova, pristupnih puteva, modernizaciju železničkih pruga i pristupnih puteva prema železničkim stanicama, unapređenje plovnog saobraćaja i uređenje rečnog priobalja; ◆ Poboljšanje komunalne infrastrukture u turističkim centrima, rekonstrukcija postojeće i izgradnja nove vodovodne i kanalizacione mreže u skladu sa prioritetima utvrđenim regulacionim i detaljnim planovima; ◆ Razvoj i unapređenje turističke infrastrukture (kompletiranje i izgradnja sportskih objekata, tematskih parkova, bazena, golf terena i sl., unapređenje turističke signaliazcije, uređenje javnih površina unutar turističkih mesta, širenje mreže pešačkih i biciklističkih staza, otvaranje zanatskih i umetničkih radionica (kolonija) koje bi radile i prodavale suvenire, delikatesne stvari i sl. turistima, otvaranje novih i osavremenjavanje postojećih turističkih informativnih centara, trgovinskih i ugostiteljskih radnji i dr. u skladu sa opredeljenjima iz master i prostornih planova pojedinih turističkih destinacija); ◆ Stvararanje skladnog ambijenta između arhitekture i prirodno - kulturnog ambijenta uz zaštitu kulturnog nasleđa, zaustavljanje degradacije, revitalizaciju i uređenje prostorno kulturno - istorijskih celina, kako onih proglašenih, tako i onih koje to nisu, a posebno starih gradskih jezgara (Beograd, Novi Sad, 5 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Subotica, Sombor, Niš) i arhitektonsko usaglašavanje novoplaniranih objekata u tim prosorima sa postojećom arhitekturom. U tom pravcu sredstva pristupnih i drugih fondova EU i dugih međunarodnih finansijskih institucija prioritetno treba usmeravati na zaštitu prirodnih i kulturnih resursa i izgradnju turističke infrastrukture, pre svega u zaštićenim prostorima. Zaštita ovih prostora, inače je u prioritetu finansiranja regionalnih projekata iz fondova EU, a Srbija raspolaže brojnim zaštićenim prostorima i nije u stanju da ove projekte finansira sopstvenim sredstvima. 3. 6 Podsticanje investicione aktivnosti u turizmu Investicije u turizam u ukupnim investicijama u prethodnom periodu u Srbiji uglavnom su pratile udeo sektora u BDP-u, što znači da na ovaj sektor privređivanja u Srbiji otpada oko 1% ukupnih investicija (RZS, 2014). Težnja za stvaranjem uslova da turizam bude jedan od pokretača privrednog razvoja nameće kao neophodnost jačanje investicionih aktivnosti radi postizanja značajnih efekata turističkog razvoja. Uvažavajući budžetska ograničenja, ali uz očekivano povećavanje interesovanja za ulaganja u Srbiju, rešenje je moguće naći kroz: ◆ Povećanje i restrukturiranje javnih investicija u turizmu, kao i aktivnija politika koja će dovesti do značajnog povećanja inostranih investicija u ovom sektoru. U tom smislu neophodno je godišnje održavati barem jednu turizmu posvećenu investicionu konferenciju, odrediti instituciju koja će biti zaduženju za informisanje potencijalnih investitora za ulaganja u ovu oblast (uslovi za ulaganja, podsticaji i sl.) i uraditi Kataloga projekata za ulaganja u turizam; ◆ Obezbeđenje projekata koji mogu koristiti sredstava pristupnih i drugih fondova EU i drugih finansijskih instiitucija, kao što su: - projekti na Dunavu kao jednom od ključnih razvojnih projekata EU, pri čemu su tržišni potencijal i atrakcijska baza za razvoj ovog proizvoda neosporni (European Movement in Serbia, 2015), - izgradnja turističke infrastrukture, pre svega u zaštićenim prostorima, jer je zaštita ovih prostora u prioritetu finansiranja regionalnih projekata iz fondova EU, a Srbija raspolaže brojnim zaštićenim prostorima i nije u stanju da ove projekte finansira sopstvenim sredstvima; ◆ Davanje zemljišta bez naknade (koncesije) investitorima za ulaganja u turističku infrastrukturu, uz smanjenje poreskih, komunalnih i drugih dažbina (oslobađanje od plaćanja poreza na dobit ostvarenu po osnovu prihoda od predmeta koncesije na određeni rok i dr.); ◆ Obezbeđenje povoljnijih kredita za izgradnju smeštejnih kapaciteta (soft loans) na prioritetnim lokacijama (gde je urađena kompletna planska dokumentacija). Radi se o instrumentu direktnog podsticanja privatnih investitora sa kamatnom stopom od 1% na godišnjem nivou na period do 84 meseca po isteku odloženog roka u trajanju od 12 meseci. Ovi krediti u dosadašnjem periodu nisu u dovoljnoj meri korišćeni zbog ročnosti, ali treba nastaviti sa njihovim odobravanjem (uz odgovarajuće relaksiranje rokova) i to za: turističku infrastrukturu, izgradnju, rekonstrukciju i uređenje hotelskih i drugih smeštajnih objekata,nabavku i adaptaciju plutajućih objekata, prevoznih i rekreativnih sredstava namenjenih posetiocima i turistima,dizajn, pripremu za proizvodnju i proizvodnju turističkih suvenira (Turizam i putovanja, 2013); ◆ Obezbeđenje finansijskih i drugih oblika podsticaja i olakšica za ulaganja u hotelske kapacitete viših i visokih kategorija na prioritetnim lokacijama (poreske olakšice, smanjenje komunalnih dažbina na zemljište uključujući i dažbine na uvoz opreme i rezervnih delova za potrebe turisičke privredei dr.) (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 48/2010) i kapitalne investicije u turističkim centrima u slučaju da se kroz takve projekte obezbeđuje otvaranje značajnog broja novih radnih mesta.U tom kontekstu posebno je bitno zadržavanje postojećih rešenja vezano za: - Pravo na oslobađanje od plaćanja poreza na dobit u periodu od 10 godina poreskom obvezniku koji uloži više cca. od 4 mil. evra (po važećem zakonu 6 miliona evra) i u periodu ulaganja dodatno zaposli na neodređeno vreme najmanje 100 lica, - Pravo na oslobađanje od plaćanja poreza na dobit u periodu od 5 godina poreskom obvezniku, koji obavlja delatnost na području od posebnog interesa za Republiku, pod uslovom da je u osnovna sredstva uložio iznos veći od cca. 70 hiljada evra i da u periodu ulaganja obveznik dodatno zaposli na neodređeno vreme najmanje 5 lica; ◆ Obezbeđenje sredstva za subvencije (bespovratna sredstva i povoljniji krediti) za podsticanje razvoja kvaliteta turističke ponude određenih turističkih mesta i prostora (uključujući i razvoj ruralnih područja) uz striktno pridržavanje kriterijuma na bazi kojih se sredstva i dodeljuju i kontrolu njihovog utroška (Službeni glasnik RS, 2013). 4. Vođenje stimulativne fiskalne politike Fiskalni nameti (porez na dobit, porez na dodatnu vrednost i druga opterećenja) značajno su veći nego u zemljama okruženja i predstavljaju veliki teret u poslovanju ove delatnosti. Stopa poreza na dobit povećana je sa 10% (bila među najnižim u okruženju) na 15%. Stopa PDV na smeštaj povećana je sa 8% na 10% i veća je nego kod zemalja u okruženju (Hrvatska 10%, Slovenija 8,5%, Crna Gora 7%, Bugarska 7%), dok je stopa PDV-a na hranu i piće sa 18% povećana na 20%. U funkciji povećanja konkurentnosti turizma, neophodno je kontinuirano pratiti efekte postojećih fiskalnih opterećenja i sagledavati mogućnosti njihovog smanjenja (posebno kada je u pitanju: PDV na usluge smeštaja koje koriste inostrani turisti, porez na dobit, porez na zarade i druga primanja, doprinos na zarade, oslobađanje od plaćanja komunalnih i drugih davanja i dr.) ili ukidanja. Primera radi agencijama, hotelima ili drugim organizatororima kongresa ili dugih skupova, koji organizovano dovode inostarne turisteu našu zemlju, uz njihovu obavezu da ostvare sinergiju sa ostalim delatnostima (poljoprivreda, trgovina, zanatstvo i dr.), kako bi se osigurao kvalitet po konkurentnim cenama. 5. Stimulisanje razvoja inostranog turizma Nacionalni turistički marketing i menadžment, pre svega zbog nedovoljnog budžeta, još uvek nisu na potrebnom konkurentskom nivou pa se u tom segmentu uz manje budžetske impulse i jači upravljački angažman mogu napraviti značajniji efekti i u kraćem roku. Taj zaokret moguće je obezbediti kroz: 1) izdvajanje većeg iznosa sredstava za promociju turističke ponude Srbije u inostranstvu povećanjem turističkog budžeta za promociju u iznosu od 1% od ostvarenog deviznog priliva od turizma u predhodnoj godini, što je i preporuka UNWTO; 2) osnivanje mreže predstavništava sa predstavništvima nacionalnog avioprevoznika, PKS i drugim organizacija na ciljim turističkim tržištima (Čerović, 2002, str. 181); 3) stimulisanje prodaje robe domaćeg porekla stranim turistima kroz: ◆ obavezu slobodnih carinskih prodavnica (DFŠ) da u svojim prodavnicama drže najmanje 20% robe domaćeg porekla, ◆ povraćaj dela PDV (10 ili 20%) na kupljenu domaću robu (TAX FREE) prilikom izlaska iz zemlje uz odgovarajuću dokumentaciju (REF i fakturu), ◆ simulisanje turisičkih agencija koje dovode strane turiste u Srbiju. 6. Podsticanje razvoja domaćeg turizma U cilju intezivnijeg razvoja domaćeg turizma i boljeg korišćenja smeštajnih kapaciteta u turističkim mestima neophodno je: ◆ izvršiti disperziju školskih raspusta prema regionima (okruzima), kao i izvršiti preusmeravanje đačkih ekskurzija prema nacionalnim (ili regionalnim) turistčkim centrima i njihovo edukativno - programsko osmšljavanje prema nastavnim programima, ◆ obezbediti dotacije hotelima i drugim smeštajnim objektima za boravak turista u njima tokom (manji iznos sredstava) i izvan glavne turističke sezone (veći iznos sredstava), ◆ obezbediti raznovrsne “instant-programe” učenja stranih jezika, plesa, folklora, sportskih veština, kulinarstva i dr. (Čerović, 2007, str. 184), ◆ usklađivanje infrastrukture, javnih službi, usluga, rekreacije i sporta sa istovremenim potrebama stalnih stanovnika i turista. 5. REZIME Srbija nema prepoznatljiv imidž turističke destinacije jer, osim Beograda, Kopaonika i još nekih drugih destinacija, ne nudi međunarodnom tržištu prepoznate proizvode. Ništa povoljnija situacija nije ni na domaćem tržištu, koje kontinuirano opada (posebno u banjama) zbog smanjenja kupovne moći, neadekvatne ponude, ali i liberalizacije uslova putovanja. Inostrano tržište raste uglavnom u segmentu individualnih i poslovnih putovanja. S obzirom da se ulazi u fazu ozbiljnih privrednih reformi za očekivati je da će Srbija u narednom periodu više pažnje SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS posveti ovoj delatnosti i stimulativnim merama podstaći njen razvoj čime bi se obezbedilo: ◆ povećanje izgradnje hotelskih kapaciteta, posebno onih sa višom kategorijom i njihov veći udela u ukupnim smeštajnim kapacitetima; nastavak tendencije povećanja inostranog turističkog prometa na nivou i znatno dinamičniji rast domaćeg turističkog prometa (10-12%), što bi u dogledno vreme (5-7 godina) dovelo do udvostručenja ukupnog turističkog prometa, veće iskorišćenosti kapaciteta, povećanja deviznog priliva, povećanja broja zaposlenih u ovoj delatnosti i delatnostima komplementarnim turizmu, uz zadržavanje odliva mlađeg stanovništva i povećanog udela turizma u BDP-u. Na nosiocima poslovne i turističke politike je realizovanje ovih pretpostavki. LITERATURA Barjaktarović, D. (2008). Menadžment hotelskog preduzeća na savremenom turističkom tržištu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Barjaktarović, D. (2013). Restoratersko poslovanje. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Čerović, S. (2002). Strategijski menadžment turističke privrede Srbije. Beograd: Želnid. Čerović, S. (2007). Podsticanje razvoja turizma Srbije. U: Ekonomska politika u 2006. godini (str. 303-313). Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet. Čerović, S., Barjaktarović, D., & Knežević, M. (2015). Radni materijal “Program mera i aktivnosti za ostvarivanje ciljeva nove Strategije razvoja turizma Srbije do 2025”. Beograd: Ministarstvo turizma, trgovine i telekomunkiacija. Čerović, S., Barjaktarović, D., Knežević, M., & Pavlović, D. (2015). Ključni elementi infrastrukture u prioritetnim turističkim destinacijima, Prilog za izradu Strategije razvoja turizma do 2025. godine. Beograd: Ministarstvo turizma, trgovine i telekomunkiacija. European Movement in Serbia. (2015). Dunav-Najjača veza sa Evropskom unijom. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa http:// www.emins.org/sr/aktivnosti/projekti/dunav/o_dunavu.pdf Narodna banka Srbije. (2015). Statistički bilten. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa http://www.nbs.rs/internet/cirilica/90/ sb.html Republički zavod za statistiku. (2014). Statistički gošnjak Republike Srbije. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa http://pod2. stat.gov.rs/ObjavljenePublikacije/God/SGS2014.pdf Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. (2006). Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srbije. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 91/2006. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa http://mtt.gov. rs/download/3/Strategija%20razvoja%20turizma,cir.pdf Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. (2010). Uredba o vrsti, količini i vrednosti robe na koju se ne plaćaju uvozne dažbine. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije br. 48/2010. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. (2010a). Zakon o prostornom planu Republike Srbije od 2010. do 2020. godine. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije br. 88/2010. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. (2013). Uredba o uslovima i načinu dodele i korišćenja kreditnih sredstava za podsticanje kvaliteta turističke ponude. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije br. 22/2013. 7 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Todosijević, R. (2004). Faktori izbora strategijske opcije za turističku destinaciju. Marketing hotelske kuće: više od realizacija / V naučno-stručni simpozijum Hotelska kuća 2004 (str. 82-103). Beograd: Poslovno udruženje hotelsko-ugostiteljske privrede “Hores”. Turizam i putovanja. (2013). Krediti za turizam i ugostiteljstvo po odličnim sulsovima. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa http://www.turizamiputovanja.com/krediti-za-turizamugostiteljstvo-po-odlicnim-uslovima/ Unković, S., & Zečevć, B. (2012). Ekonomika turizma. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet. Weaver, D., & Lawton, L. (2010). Tourism Management. Milton: Wiley & Sons. WTTC. (2015). Economic impact research. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa http://www.wttc.org//media/files/reports/economic%20impact%20research/countries%202015/serbia2015.pdf). YUTA. (2015). Turističke agencije. Preuzeto 5. juna 2015. sa www.yuta.rs/sr/yuta/turisticke_agencije.asp. SUPPORT TO TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AS A FACTOR OF SERBIAN TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Abstract: Due to its exceptional natural, geographic, cultural - historical, climate and other resources, Serbia boasts highly favorable conditions for development of those forms of tourism that will represent the dominant future movements in international relations and offer possibilities for meeting the diverse requirements and needs of modern tourists. Also, the achieved level of accommodation and other facilities concerning tourism infrastructure provide a good basis for significant valorization of such resources and adequate involvement of our country in international tourist flows, including faster development of domestic tourism. This paper shows that tourism in Serbia, in terms of all relevant indicators (foreign consumption, realized tourist traffic, employment, contribution to GDP, exports of goods and services, investment, etc.), is significantly lagging behind compared to resource and market opportunities for its development, which inevitably requires a more active role of the state in taking incentive measures, in order to initiate its multiplicative component and development of the overall Serbian economy. Having that in mind, the principal purpose of this paper is to highlight the key activities of the state and other entities responsible for creating and implementing tourism policies that would lead to valorization of Serbian tourism resources. 8 Key words: tourism, strategy, development, resources, incentives. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-9-17 ADAPTED INTEGRATED MODEL OF DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Jovan Popesku, Danijel Pavlović* Singidunum Univeristy, Danijelova 32, Belgrade, Serbia Abstract: The improvement of competitive position is one of the fundamental preconditions for tourism destination’s survival on the market. Accordingly, long-term tourism development in the destination refers, among other things, to the establishment of a continuous tourism destination competitiveness measurement process, based on the permanent monitoring of competitiveness indicators. This paper proposes the adapted integrated model of destination competitiveness, using the example of Serbia as a tourism destination. Basically, the proposed model is based on Dwyer’s and Kim’s model, previously tested on several tourism destinations (Australia, Korea, Slovenia, and Serbia). The paper presents a theoretical basis for the application of the proposed model. The proposal includes additional indicators to measure competitiveness and two groups of stakeholders that are to be surveyed in order to perform the assessment of competitiveness: tourism demand - tourists and foreign tour operators. 1. INTRODUCTION Changes in tourism demand and tourist flows on competitors’ side are driving tourism destination towards more efficient and effective models of tourism development management. Accordingly, new possibilities for achieving or sustaining the competitive position are opening. Continuous measurement of indicators, based on which the assessments and basis for the improvement of competitiveness will be created, makes the basis for defining the key areas in the process of further tourism development. In the process of competitiveness measurement and improvement, the important role is given to tourism destination management, as the basic driver for achieving the tourism destination competitiveness (management of resources, attractions, consumers’ added value, and similar). The role of tourism destination management is to use and develop existing resources, or to overcome the lack of these, with clear and efficient strategies and creation of added value for tourism demand. On the other hand, destination management should be supported in these efforts by stakeholders who become the inevitable factor in the process of measuring and improving the destination competitiveness (Gomozelj & Mihalič, 2008). Based on the adapted model herein proposed, the assessment of tourism destination competitiveness is derived from the survey among the internal stakeholders in a destination (stakeholders on the supply side in a destination and other stakeholders, in* [email protected] Key words: tourism destination, competitiveness, competitiveness indicators, integrated model of destination competitiveness, Serbia. stitutions, tourism experts, etc.) and external stakeholders among which the special emphasis is given to the tourists and foreign tour operators. According to the World Economic Forum reports, Serbia is not holding a significant competitive position on the international market. In 2015, Serbia is ranked as 95th among 141 countries listed (WEF, 2015, p. xvi), and assumes weaker ranking than in 2013 when it was at the 89th position among 140 ranked countries, and also in 2012 when it was ranked as 82nd in line with the competitive index value (WEF, 2013, p. xvi). According to the data in the 2015 report, among 37 European countries Serbia is ranked as 35th (WEF, 2015, p. 292). Subsequently, there is the issue of necessity to research the factors that contribute to the poor competitive position of Serbia as a tourism destination. The aim of this paper is to formulate the proposal of competitiveness model in order to define essential weaknesses of the Serbian tourism and create guidelines for further improvement of its competitive position. The importance of this paper is reflected in using the advantages of integrated model of destination competitiveness on the example of Serbia, through assessment of five competitiveness factors: natural and cultural resources, created resources, supporting factors, destination management, situational conditions, and through introducing two new factors by involving two survey groups (external stakeholders) based on whose replies the independent assessment is derived (comparing to the internal stakeholders). 9 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 2. LITERATURE REVIEW: TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS AND ASSESSMENT 10 Tourism destination competitiveness has become a very important research field in tourism (Crouch & Ritchie, 2008). Nation’s competitiveness concept, based on the nation’s competitiveness diamond, was firstly introduced by Porter (Porter, 1990, pp. 74-75). Competitiveness diamond can also be applied for the tourist destination competitiveness issues. The starting point is that the tourism destination competitiveness represents “ability of the place to optimise its attractiveness for residents and non-residents, to deliver quality, innovative, and attractive tourism services to consumers and to gain market shares on the domestic and global market places, while ensuring that the available resources supporting tourism are used efficiently and in a sustainable way” (Dupeyras & MacCallum, 2013, p. 14). On the other hand, there is a great importance of the specific role of the tourist destination management, especially because the type of services, the resources available in a destination (natural, cultural, created) and relationships between all involved stakeholders inside and outside the destination, determine the way in which tourism development will be managed. The influences of trends on the competitive market make this process even more complex. Because of that, there is an emerging need for tourism destination strategic management. N. Evans et al. (2012, p. 8) stress that “the overall aim of strategic management is thus to develop a framework for thinking ahead – strategically”. Considering the role of the management, it has to be supported by the public and private sector having in mind that tourism industry creates the value of tourist experience in a destination (Dwyer et al., 2014), while public sector supports and creates the framework for tourism development. Thereby, the importance of public-private partnerships is also immense, especially in striving for sustainable tourism development and reaching competitive position on the market. Destination competitiveness can be connected to its ability to deliver an experience that is more satisfying compared to other destinations (Vengesay, 2013, p. 639). The experience delivery should be real, unsullied and rooted in the destination (Cooper & Hall, 2013, p. 27). Competitiveness is derived and it depends on the tourist choices in relation to alternative tourist destinations (Ritchie & Crouch, 2000). Sustainable tourism destination competitiveness requires systematic assessment of the comparative advantage uniqueness that offers long-term attractiveness in defined market segments (Hassan, 2000). Comparative advantage is based on the abundance of factors classified in five groups: human resources, natural resources, knowledge resources, capital and infrastructure (Porter, 1990). Having in mind that tourism is a specific economic activity, it is also necessary to include historical and cultural heritage as two additional categories, and allocate tourism superstructure besides infrastructure (Ritchie & Crouch, 2003, p. 20). Resources make the basis for achieving tourism destination competitiveness. On the other hand, the ability for achieving the destination competitiveness advantage is also reflected in using these resources in responsible and sustainable way (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999; Ritchie & Crouch, 2000; Ritchie & Crouch, 2003). Inherited resources, to- gether with created resources (like infrastructure, tourism superstructure) represent a tool for achieving the competitiveness. Smart tourism destination resources exploitation should lead to economic results in order to increase competitiveness advantage (Popesku & Pavlović, 2013). Comparative advantage implies resources that are available in a destination, while competitive advantage refers to the ability of a destination to use these resources effectively and in a long-term (Ritchie & Crouch, 2003, p. 23). Tourism destination competitiveness is also multi-dimensional because it implies the following dimensions of competitiveness: economic, political, socio-cultural, technological and environmental (Ritchie & Crouch, 2003, p. 2). Achieving of competitiveness is a simultaneous process with the continuous assessment of competitiveness indicators, thus the competitiveness researchers are upgraded with the issue of its assessment. As stressed by Dwyer and Kim (2003), the tourist destination competitiveness indicators can be classified in variables that can be measured objectively or subjectively. Objectively measurable indicators are those that do not contain subjective assessments and that are quantitatively measurable. Subjectively measurable indicators are qualitatively measurable and are related to the consumers’ perception. Based on this approach, as also stated by Kozak (1999), indicators can be generally classified as quantitatively and qualitatively measurable. Competitiveness measurement, or continuous measurement of tourism destination competitive position, should be approached as a continuous process that is an integrated part of tourism destination management. Measurement results create the basis for targeted improvement of tourism destination competitiveness elements. It is necessary to understand that there are not universal and generally applicable competitiveness models that can include all indicators, in a broader sense of detailed analysis, which are generally applicable to every tourist destination. Accordingly, the characteristics of one tourist destination, or the characteristics of its product, point out to the necessity of establishing the model that is basically applicable for a specific tourist destination and its competitive set. This further implies that, generally speaking, the approach should be limited to defining models that include relevant competitiveness indicators distinctive to a defined competitive set. Kozak and Rimmington (1999, p. 296) stress that, while defining tourist destination competitive set, it is necessary to begin with the established criteria for defining of direct competitors (defining of competitors based on a common tourist destination market segment, etc.). There is also a special issue of choosing the relevant competitiveness indicators. Defining of indicators implies the detailed analysis that must result in choosing the indicators by criteria of their applicability in case of a specific tourism destination. Therefore, it is very important to define what is needed to be assessed and with which destination it is necessary to compare. As Crouch (2008, p. 4) claims, while defining competitiveness measurement indicators it is: It is quite likely that some of the attributes of destination competitiveness will be much more important than others in terms of their impact. A destination seeking to improve its competitive performance would therefore be wise to focus its attention and limited resources on those attributes that are likely to have the greatest beneficial impact. Besides defining the competitiveness measurement indicators in relation to the competitive set, it is important to emphasise Porter’s stand (1980) about the selection of important components in competitiveness measurement. He claims that it is necessary to analyse the existing competitors, which is basically connected with the defined competitive set, but also the potential competitors that may come on the scene (Porter, 1980, p.49). There are different approaches to the competitiveness measurement that resulted in proposals for indicators and different models. Primarily, the development of many competitiveness models is based on Porter’s diamond, which represents the competitiveness model of the national economy and is primarily related to the economic competitiveness (Porter, 1990). The next step was made by introducing the principles of competitive success (Poon, 1993): the environment first makes tourism a lead sector, strengthens the distribution channels in the marketplace, and builds a dynamic private sector. Keyser and Vanhove (1994) suggested five key competitiveness indicator groups for competitiveness assessment of tourism policy, macro-economic, supply, transport and demand factors. Go and Govers (1990) measured the competitiveness based on seven attributes: facilities, availability, service quality, overall accessibility, image, climate and environment as an attribute and attractiveness of a destination. Kim’s model (Kim & Lee, 2005) assesses the competitiveness by dividing indicators to primary sources of competitiveness, comprised of environment, subjects and resources, and secondary sources of competitiveness – politics, planning, management (methods for running tourism policies and tourism management), investments, taxes and prices, and tertiary sources of competitiveness – tourism infrastructure, system for accommodating tourist, attractiveness of resources, labour force. The model also sets aside resultants of the sources of competitiveness – tourist demand, tourism employment, success of tourism and international tourism income. Ritchie and Crouch (Crouch, 2006, p. 7) developed and presented their model of competitiveness in 1999, complemented over the years with several factors. It comprises of five indicator groups: supporting factors and resources, core resources and attractors, destination management, destination policy, planning and development, qualifying and amplifying determinants. Ritchie and Crouch model predominantly served as a very good basis for creation of the integrated model of destination competitiveness (Kim & Dwyer, 2003) because a certain number of variables, defined in Ritchie and Crouch model, was included in the integrated model (Dwye, Liviac & Mellor, 2003, Armenski et al., 2011b). Testing of the validity and data accessibility of integrated model confirmed that its structure covered the most important tourism destination competitiveness factors and indicators (Dwyer et al, 2014). As basic indicator groups, or competitiveness factors, this model implies: natural and cultural resources, created resources, supporting factors, destination management, situational conditions and demand conditions. The model was primarily applied in competitiveness assessment of Korea and Australia (Kim & Dwyer, 2003). The same methodical approach was used in competitiveness assessment of Slovenia as a tourism destination (Gomozelj & Mihalič, 2008) as SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS well as competitiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination (Armenski et al., 2011, 2011b; Popesku & Pavlovic, 2013) 3. STUDIES ON COMPETITIVENESS OF SERBIA AS A TOURISM DESTINATION The analysis of competitiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination requires a comprehensive study with a great number (participation) of criteria and indicators (Popesku & Pavlović, 2013), and therefore, it is necessary to review previous significant studies that are completely or partially related to the issue of competitiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination. One of the conclusions on the competitive position of Serbia as a tourism destination is given in a study that dealt with defining the appropriate measures in order to stimulate tourism development in Serbia. The study defines tourism product of Serbia as very fragmented, selected through several offers, mainly based on facilities, or hotels, concentrated primarily in Belgrade and to a lesser extent throughout the country. The study points out that the main advantage, which should be transformed into competitive advantage of Serbia as a tourism destination, is its geographic position, specifically the geographic location and distance of Serbia from the main travel and tourism generating markets, as the basis for defining the main competitors in relation to whom Serbia must position itself (Krupka & Zečević, 2003). The research conducted within the USAID project A Brand Strategy for Serbian tourism (USAID, 2004), for the purpose of brand strategy development, pays special attention to the SWOT analysis of Serbian tourism. The main conclusion of the project was that the analysis of the priority markets should point out to the key competitors of Serbia as a tourism destination. The analysis of competitive position of Serbia as a tourism destination is covered by the World Economic Forum. Tourism Competitiveness Index Reviews of the position of Serbia, based on this report, are given in Tab.1 where global and European levels are covered. Table 1. Competitiveness of Serbia (WEF T&TCI) – global and European level 2015 2013 2011 2009 2008 Rank (global) 95/141 89/140 82/139 88/133 78/130 Rang (Europe) 35/37 40/42 38/42 38/42 37/42 Index value 3,34 3,78 3,85 3,71 3,76 Source: Comparative analysis is made based on the data from reports: WEF T&TCI: 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2008 Methodological approach used for competitiveness assessment of Australia and Korea, as well as Slovenia as a tourism destination, based on the integrated model of destination competitiveness, also found its application in competitiveness assessment of Serbia as a tourism destination. Competitiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination is tested by analysing six defined groups from the integrated model (Armenski et al., 2011b). It is concluded in this study that Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and inherited resources compared to destination management. Also, the other competitiveness determinants of the integrated model were assessed: inherited resources, created 11 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE resources, supporting factors, destination management and situational conditions (Armenski et al., 2011b). In the pilot research (Popesku & Pavlović, 2013), two indicator groups were tested, defined with determinants: natural and cultural resources and management. These studies have provided the basis for further analysis and competitiveness indicators assessment of Serbia as a tourism destination by means of the the integrated model. The results of these studies indicate that Serbia is more competitive in the area of cultural and natural resources than in the area of destination management. These studies point out that the foundation in assessed competitive position of Serbia as a tourist destination is based primarily on good resources. Besides the above-mentioned, the implementation of the most common models for competitiveness assessment of Serbia was also used for determination of competitiveness of Novi Sad as a regional convention tourism destination (Dragićević et al., 2009). In this study, the authors are referring to the possibility of applying the model suggested by Ritchie and Crouch. This model surely has a wide scope of implementation, and it also explores “the relevance or importance of key competitiveness variables to destinations at different development or evolution stages” (Wilde & Cox, 2008). Besides this, this model was also tested in the analysis of tourism competitiveness in the Autonomous province of Vojvodina, as a tourism cluster of Serbia (Dragićević et al., 2012). The latest studies related to tourism competitiveness of Serbia refer to IPA analysis, the assessment of the importance of different activities within tourism development of Serbia and its competitiveness, as well as perceptions of performances of these activities by tourism industry. Studies identified activities related to tourism in Serbia that are seen by stakeholders as important for sustainable tourism industry development, in line with their assessments of destination performances related to those activities. Research results are useful since they can enable destination management and private sector to develop action plans focused on achieving and sustaining destination competitiveness (Dwyer et al., 2015). 12 4. PROPOSED MODEL FOR COMPETITIVENESS ASSESSMENT OF SERBIA AS A TOURISM DESTINATION Adapted model in this paper is essentially based on the integrated model of destination competitiveness. Basically, five factors of integrated model are included. Namely, the first factor, inherited resources, is basically connected to the attractiveness of a tourism destination (natural and cultural resources). Natural resources make a destination attractive to visit and build foundations upon which a successful tourism industry is established (Dwyer & Kim, 2003), while the culture and tradition are the main forces for attracting future visitors (Ritchie & Crouch, 2003). The second factor refers to created resources. The third indicator group are supporting factors that are the basic infrastructure in a destination (Dwyer & Kim, 2003), which Ritchie and Crouch (2003) specifically divide: accessibility, facilitating resources, hospitality, enterprise, and political will. For created, inherited resources and supporting factors, it is typical that, being the part of the resource basis, together make a destination attractive for tourists and create the basis for successful tourism development. Destination management, as the forth indicator group, according to the original model refers to the destination management organizations, destination marketing management, destination policy, planning and development, human resource development and environmental management (Dwyer & Kim, 2003); the fifth group refers to situational conditions, which could represent certain influences to competitiveness (economic, socio-cultural, political influences, technological development, incentives, partnerships, etc.). They filter the impact of other factors, and thus have positive or negative effects on competitiveness (Dwyer & Kim, 2003). Image 1 shows the scheme of adapted integrated model. Besides the existing factors of integrated model, the analysis includes competitiveness indicators assessed by tourists through their tourist experience. In line with this, indicators contained in the demand factor, the original Image 1. Adapted integrated model of destination competitiveness - Serbia part of integrated model, are included into the factor tourist experiences which contain more indicators that can be assessed from the tourist point of view. Tourists in this way assess indicators based on the “components of destination attractiveness among the services they consume (Armenski et al., 2011b), and precisely based on tourist experience. Besides this, adaption is also related to the introduction of the respondents group comprised of foreign tour operators as external stakeholders. In this way, the assessment of tourism destination competitiveness is derived from the tour operators’ perception. The essence of the model herein presented is related to providing three competitiveness assessments based on different perceptions. The first assessment is obtained based on questioning of internal stakeholders in a destination. The second and the third assessment are obtained based on the questioning of external stakeholders: survey of tourist demand and establishing the connection between the experience and competitiveness: tour operators’ perception as a result of the survey of foreign tour operators. Determination to include tourist demand, or tourists as separate stakeholders, represented by carefully defined respondents group, and defining of indicators which this group assess, arises from the importance of tourist demand and its experience for the overall tourism destination competitiveness. Understanding the needs and desires of tourists (travellers), as Buhalis and Amaranggana (2015) claim, is of key importance for tourism destination competitiveness. Pearce (2015) concludes that in a view of tourism destination management, tourists are an extremely important stakeholder group. Emphasising tourists as stakeholders is not only related to positioning of tourists (needs, wants etc.) in the focus of destination management and marketing, but also to managing impacts generated by tourists. Simplified, it can be said that the destination is competitive if the experience of tourists in a destination is higher, better and more complete compared to their experience in other destinations. Therefore, tourist satisfaction can be considered as “a main tool for increasing tourism destination competitiveness in the globalization conditions” (Pavlic et al., 2011). Accordingly, Hoarau and Kline (2014), point out that the value of tourist experience is not created only by service providers, but that the value is merely an integral part of experience in wider social and spatial sense. Based on their experience during travel, tourists can point out to importance of different assessment units for establishing the perception about experienced competitiveness in relation to the destinations they visited before. This especially refers to indicators directly connected to tourism destination competitiveness. Established elements of experience during travel and stay in a destination in relation to the proposed indicators in this model are displayed in Tab. 2. The importance is given also to the elements that refer more precisely to tourists’ attitudes about the awareness and perception of a destination compared to previously visited destinations. The indicators mentioned in Table 2, which refer to the perception and awareness of destination, were initially covered by integrated model within the factor of demand (image, brand, etc.). The impact of tourist demand on tourism destination competitiveness is multiple. The assessment based on the tourist demand survey is grounded on the perception, awareness and preferences of tourists, which creates the SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS quality of experience during travel, and especially during the stay in a destination. Based on the quality of experience assessment in relation to other destinations, it is possible to establish the basis for the overview of competitive position and also establish basic activities for the improvement of destination’s competitive position. Points of view in the literature (Gartner & Bachri, 1994; Buhalis & Laws, 2001; Bastakis, Bulter & Buhalis, 2004; Čavlek, 1998, 2002; Mansfeld & Pizam, 2006; Curtin & Busby, 1999; Xin & Chan, 2014; Budeanu, 2009; Spasić, 2013; Budeanu, 2009a; Čavlek, 1998; Kozak & Baloglu 2011; Dolores et al., 2008; Chand & Katou, 2012; Duke & Persia, 2015; Meyer, 2003) refer to the conclusion that the role of tour operators, in the context of their contribution to tourism in a tourist destination, is reflected in: distribution – including of a destination in their own package tours; role in the field of promotional activities; direction and control of tourist demand flows; contribution to tourism development in a tourism destination; contribution to tourism destination sustainable development; impact on tourists’ behaviour while choosing tourist destination; impact on creating the awareness among consumers about the destination; impact on the demand perception about the safety and security in tourism destination; impact on image creation of tourism destination; role in providing/selling of tourist experiences linked with a destination; implementation of corporate social responsibility in tourism destination development. The importance of tour operators’ perception about the destination competitiveness can also be stressed. The approach based on this assertion was used in order to create the “competitive identity” of Armenia as a tourism destination (USAID, CAPS, 2010). Indicators displayed in a part of Tab. 2, based on which it is possible to obtain competitiveness assessment of Serbia, are assessed by tour operators that include the destination in their product because they can be seen as relevant subject that has sufficient information about the destination. The starting point is the assumption that destination is competitive as much as foreign tour operators are ready to include it in their programmes. Their perception of competitiveness can be assessed by measuring previously specified indicators that can be basically assessed from the aspect of knowledge about the destination, market and competitive tourism destinations. This approach can also be used for tour operators that do not organise package tours for Serbia. In this case, it would be necessary to define precisely the indicators that these tour operators could assess. Here, the relevance and weighting of indicators is definitely assumed, but also the respondent group itself. Accordingly, from tour operators that do not organise trips to Serbia, it would be more desirable to obtain the information about the reasons for not including a destination in their product, as well as about the general perception of destination within the competitive environment. The proposal for tourism destination competitiveness assessment, based on the perception of foreign tour operators and also tourist experience, contains competitiveness indicators that are primarily based on the integrated model indicators of Dwyer and Kim. Indicators set up in the Tab. 2 are adjusted to the respondent group itself, based on the defined criteria that determine indicators that can be assessed by tour operators and tourists. 13 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Table 2. Indicators – external stakeholders Demand – tourist experience Foreign tour operators - perception Access to information about the destination The suitable climate for tourism Quality of transport infrastructure to Serbia Uniqueness of resources (natural, cultural, traditions, historical, architectural features, etc. ...) The quality of local transport infrastructure and transport system in Serbia The quality and variety of accommodation facilities in Serbia Time necessary for travelling to destination in Serbia Quality of transport infrastructure to Serbia The suitable climate for tourism The quality of local transport infrastructure and transport system in Serbia Uniqueness of resources (natural, cultural, traditions, historical, architectural features, etc.) Tourism superstructure quality (restaurants, visitors’ centres, theme parks, stadiums, zoos, airports, rent-a-car locations, convention centres, etc.). Tourism superstructure quality (restaurants, visitors’ centres, theme parks, stadiums, zoos, airports, rent-acar locations, convention centres, etc.). The diversity of offered activities and programs in Serbia Accessibility to tourist sites and attractions (parking lots, signs, walks, etc.). Time necessary for travelling to destination in Serbia The quality and variety of accommodation facilities Accessibility to tourist sites and attractiveness (parking lots, signs, walks, etc.). The diversity of offered activities and programs The attractiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination Performing daily activities (exchange availability, the use of foreign languages, the ease of ordering and making reservations, etc.). Value for money Service quality Service quality Hospitality of the local people towards tourists Tourist safety in Serbia Serbia’s interconnection as a tourism destination with tourist companies (travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, hotel chains ...) Serbia’s image as a tourism destination Regulations adaptation to the tourists needs (access to museums, monuments etc.) Quality of Serbian tourism product Value for money Recognition of Serbian tourism product Ratio between perceived experience in Serbia and your tourism needs and expectations Serbian tourism brand as a guarantee of quality Cleanness and hygiene The quality of the tourist experience in Serbia (in relation to the previously defined competitors) Tourist safety in Serbia Serbia’s interconnection as a tourism destination with tourist companies (travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, hotel chains ...) Recognition of Serbian tourism product Cleanness and hygiene Serbia’s image as a tourism destination Serbian tourism brand as a guarantee of quality The quality of the tourist experience in Serbia in relation to previously visited countries 14 Source: Indicators are adjusted based on Meng (2006) and integrated model of destination competitiveness 3. SUMMARY The main issue of tourism destination competitiveness is related to the challenge of competitiveness assessment. In this context, importance is given to the assessed indicators and factors that point out to the overall picture of tourism destination competitiveness. In the context of the model proposed in this paper1 and the possibility of its application in case of Serbia and its competitors, the competitiveness assessment is essentially comprised of three separate assessments. The model shows that the competitiveness assessment derived from the survey of internal stakeholder’s points to the assessment from the aspect of key players in destination’s tourism industry, as well as among experts and professional associations in tourism, regulatory bodies etc. For this purpose, previously used approach defined in the integrated model was applied. The second assessment is derived from the assessment of the tourist experience by comparing the destination with previously visited destinations Competitiveness assessment based on tourist experience can offer important information about the destination perception from the tourist’s point of view and it defines, from their aspect, strengths and weaknesses of the destination’s competitive position. The third assessment is related to the perception of foreign tour operators who, besides the indicator assessment itself, can also present the reasons for including or not including the destination into their product. In this way, it is possible to make conclusions that would be the basis for further improvement of competitiveness (conclusions on potential products, brand, market flows, etc.). Generally speaking, the model also refers to defining the differences in assessments among different respondent groups of internal and external stakeholders, which leads to further interpretations, analyses and conclusions. It is clear that different stakeholder groups cannot assess identical indicators in total. Therefore, this model sets indicators that are identical for all groups and based on which it is possible to perform a comparative analysis, to find relations and to make conclusions on further destination’s activities. On the other hand, the advantage of the model is also reflected in the assessment of other indicators that are not the same for all groups, which leaves the possibility to make conclusions about the competitiveness that could not be made only from the aspect of internal stakeholders. Accordingly, in the process of obtaining the final results, it is necessary to use complex methods of statistical analysis in order to further examine the causes of the obtained assessment. The model also sets the basis for defining the strengths and weaknesses of competitive position. Based on the assessment, it is possible to define indicators with positive and negative effects on competitiveness. Their identification offers further possibilities for the establishment of fields where it is necessary to direct activities in further tourism development and destination competitiveness improvement. The study of the specifics of the process of achieving the solid competitive position on the market is a complex process that makes the support to shaping the strategies of long-term and sustainable development. For this very 1 Suggested model is part of the wider long term study of the authors, especially during the PhD studies of D. 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The main aim of this paper is to highlight the necessity of establishing an integrated management structure by destination management organisations at the micro locality of a unique destination – the island of Sveti Stefan in Montenegro. The arrival of investors to the Sveti Stefan hotel has brought about numerous changes. Apart from the need to provide economic benefit to investors, the benefits also need to be secured for the local population, as well as the overall prosperity of the destination. The paper presents the views of respondents from among the local population regarding the role of this hotel in building the destination’s image, as a basis for achieving greater competitiveness. The negative attitudes of this group indicate that the hotel has not been fully integrated at the destination, and that the hosts have not yet embraced the newcomers. These findings suggest that the destination competitiveness can only be achieved through a clearly defined managerial structure by destination management organisations. Besides bibliographic research, relevant data was obtained by surveying the local population, in addition to the personal knowledge of the author, who has been involved in the tourism industry in this region for many years. 1. INTRODUCTION 18 The analysis of stakeholders doing business at this authentic tourism site, of existing institutions in tourism, of local government bodies and of the local population – which is highly monocultural, having lived from tourism for more than fifty years – served as a catalyst for us to use this unique destination to examine the need to introduce tourism destination management. As many destinations have matured, the influencing forces in their external and internal environments have become more complex, which has been the impetus for the rise of the modern-day tourism destination management model (Đurašević, 2015). Thus Bornhorst presents the tourism destination as a highly complex system which can be defined as a geographical region, a territorial/administrative region or as an important attraction, which seeks to offer its visitors experiences ranging from those acceptable to those unforgettable (Bornhorst et al., 2009). Such way of thinking enabled us to gain necessary information for considering the unique site of Sveti Stefan as a microdestination of particular value, with its “important attraction”, Aman Sveti Stefan resort, which can be considered a fully-developed attraction in its own right. * [email protected] Key words: new investors, branded hotel, tourism destination, value chain, destination management organizations. The natural surroundings of the remarkable island of Sveti Stefan connect the villages of Šumet and Pržno with their pearly beaches, as a key development resource. The beach to the left and right of the isthmus, running along the coastal part of the village of Šumet, continuing unbroken along the long Miločer Beach which inland blends into the Miločer Park with its exclusive Miločer Hotel. Further on is the most beautiful beach, Kraljičina Plaža (the Queen’s Beach), with a number of villas set back from it, to the beach in the village of Pržno, once an authentic fishing village with its distinctive Maestral Hotel. Such opulent diversity demands that this micro-locality be considered in the context of the natural environment it belongs to. There are four religious buildings on the island, which is protected as a monument of culture. Along with the adapted summer residence of Queen Marija in the Miločer Park, this wealth of unique local, centuries-old natural and cultural heritage and authentic beauty demands that the community respects the criteria of sustainable development and integrated destination management. Or as Poon suggests to the main principals at the destination, to be competitive requires a strongly sustainable environment which makes tourism the leading sector and strengthens the distribution channels in the market and builds a dynamic private sector (Poon, 1993). 2. THE ANALYSIS OF PRESENT CONDITIONS AND KEY TRAITS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The need for introducing destination management and improving competitiveness of Sveti Stefan as a tourism destination should be considered in its geographical, historical, socio-cultural, demographic and economic context, as part of the overall tourism product of Montenegro. It is unique as it is comprises elements that cannot be found at competing destinations. The achievement of management objectives of this unique tourism destination depends on the capacity of the destination to meet the needs and desires of tourists. Richie considers the relationship between stakeholders at the destination and the ways in which they can come together to better manage the consumer’s experience (Richie & Crouch 2003). This requires fundamental knowledge of the market, good organisation and coordination of all activities and all stakeholders influencing the value chain at the destination. According to Buhalis, the main objectives in tourism destination management are: meeting the needs of consumers, maximising profitability of local companies, securing long-term prospects for the local population and optimising the existing resources through sustainable development (Buhalis, 2000). With the pre-transition period behind us, when the leading role in development and operational management was taken by state-owned tourism companies, the task placed before tourism institutions in Montenegro at all levels, both the main “players” in the industry and numerous companies that are new to the sector, has been to establish new organisational and management forms at the destination level. Thus, the key question arising at this level of development refers to management structures to which destination management is entrusted at the most exclusive destination on the Montenegrin coast. In order to ensure management function for this destination, a suitable strategy needs to be adopted that will be implemented by management structure of the destination management organisation. With the lease of the Sveti Stefan complex of hotels to the Singapore Aman Resorts brand in January 20071, its subsequent takeover by investors Restis Group in 2009 and then the third takeover of the lease in 2013 by Greek businessman Petros Stathis, the most attractive portion of Montenegrin coast ceased to be of interest to the former lead organisation in the development of the destination, HTP Budvanske Rivijere, and contact between the current leaseholder and the local population has not been established, but remains in an ongoing state of latent tension. This can be seen in a number of issues: the use of beach resources and their management, access to the churches on the island, the use of paths through park areas and parking spaces and the loss of tennis courts that were previously used by guests of the hotels and tourist villages, as well as by the local population. In July 2015, an annex to the agreement signed with the company Adriatic Properties managing the complex of hotels in Sveti Stefan and Miločer, was approved, reducing the lease payments by 30% and extending the lease from 30 years to 42 years. An annex to the agreement for the Queen’s Beach extended the lease from 30 to 90 years and envisaged the sale of 66 out of 126 apartments, with the rest remaining for use by the hotel. (RTCG, 2015.). 1 The price agreed then for the lease of the Sveti Stefan complex was 1.96 million euros. The tenant was to pay this in three installments annually. Of the agreed sum, 1.29 million euros is paid to the Budvanska Rivijera hotel group, and the remaining 670,000 euros to the government’s company HTP Miločer for lease of the Kraljičina Plaža Hotel. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS There is also certain understandable dissatisfaction among the local population that it took six years for the hotel to be brought into operation. During these years, the image of the destination, not to mention Montenegrin tourism as a whole, was negatively impacted. With the lease of Sveti Stefan, massive brand-centred value went with it, a unique trademark that made Montenegro worldwide famous and brought the world’s jetset and political establishment to the island. The fact that the hotel was not working had a negative impact on the economy of the local population, which was based on tourism. No improvements could be observed in terms of living conditions, work on the infrastructure, the road network, garage space and promenades or any improvement to the town at all, and the location during that time was either a building site or the hotel was closed. A destination cannot be given exclusivity by a single, grandiose hotel accommodating around a hundred tourists if the environment is not also made equally inviting, since the guest perceives the destination as a single whole. Another possible question refers to whether the Aman Sveti Stefan Resort, Miločer and other facilities are to be open-or closedtype. Will the uniqueness of natural and cultural resources herein presented serve to facilitate the expected interaction among the people who live together in the area, use the same roads, parks and beaches and breathe the same air? Is cohesion and adaptation on both sides – that of the locals and the foreign investors – possible by restructuring and changing the model at this locality? As regards the workforce, it should be noted that entire families were once employed in one facility or other of the former Sveti Stefan Hotel. Most of them lost their jobs on various grounds. Today, there are just few local employees working in administrative jobs. The remainder are in support jobs or are employed on a seasonal basis. Considering that this is an exclusive hotel, demanding a competent workforce, it is understandable that key positions in the hotel are held by foreigners with experience in working at this type of resorts. However, for other positions, it is our opinion that priority should be given, under equal conditions, to local workforce. This would also be acceptable to the hotel considering the cost savings for various reasons. The analysis showed that the employment service in Budva records in its books 33 unemployed hospitality industry workers with vocational high-school qualifications, 9 qualified workers, 45 waiters, 21 cooks, 12 specialised waiters, 3 specialised cooks, 8 tourism economists, 9 hotel and tourism managers, 7 graduates of economics, 12 law graduates, as well as a range of other vocations available at one of the Aman Resorts facilities. As regards the need for the Aman Resorts facilities to be accessible, it is necessary to remember that much-lauded Sveti Stefan, which was an embodiment once of Yugoslav, now of Montenegrin tourism, acquired its status partly because it was accessible to people – they could visit it, experience its charm and admire its mediaeval architecture. It was and has remained a matter of prestige to be seen on Sveti Stefan, even if just to take a photo or have a cup of coffee. The competitive advantage of Sveti Stefan must be built on a basis of natural resources, local culture, historical heritage and the range and quality of its products and services. These are the integral elements to the quality of this destination, which marketers should use to build their story and for visitors to get unforgettable experience. Satisfied guests create further demand and repeat custom, and thus value is created in the market, further creating this desirable brand. This analysis 19 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE raises the question of whether the future trademark of this fascinating site will be an identity centred on its unique local characteristics and features intrinsic to this destination. The question also arises as to the existence of any place in this story for the local population and their entrepreneurial ideas. There are various approaches in transition times that can be taken towards further development. In the case of the Sveti Stefan complex, those in charge chose the long-term lease model as the most rational solution. Without entering into discussion about the effectiveness of the solution, we may ask the question concerning the destination management strategy the lease-holder has planned. It is also necessary to answer the question as to whether the revenues from the lease of the most attractive, naturally self-contained site on the Montenegrin coast, lying between the villages of Sveti Stefan and Pržno, in the period of development before us, will be reinvested in the development of this destination. Such an approach would partly justify the chosen transitional model, as an innovative and modern tourism product comes with prestigious hotels, which will encourage the local development of tourism and its integration into the process of progressive change in the international tourism market. 3. RESEARCH METHOD Secondary research was based on the available bibliographic resources. For the primary research, surveys of the local population were used, which were processed using statistical analysis. The survey was carried out primarily using a structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions, for which the subjects were offered answer choices which were not suggestive and did not take a great deal of the subjects’ time. A minority of questions analysed respondent attitudes, obtained using a semi-structured portion of the questionnaire with open-ended questions, where participants were asked to give detailed responses. The emphasis was placed on the local population, who should be participants in further destination development and experience the benefits of doing so. The questions were directed at their level of involvement in work at the hotel, their satisfaction with the arrival of the Aman brand and the benefits, innovations but also negative effects of the investor’s arrival. A sample of 105 respondents was analysed, aged between 20 and 55, with 64 women and 41 men, of employed (primarily in tourism) and unemployed status. The group was heterogenous in structure and encompassed all types that are of relevance for understanding the attitudes of the population towards the key destination development issues. 4. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The attitudes of the local population confirm that this destination is an attractive and prestigious tourism resource, primarily due to its environmental, cultural and historical value, natural characteristics of architecture and religious structures on the island itself. They emphasize poor accessibility of parks and paths, and use of beaches, which due to the pricing policy remain affordable only to high-paying clientèle.2 As regards the access to the Aman Sveti Stefan Resort, they note that the situation has improved this year as entry to the island has been allowed in two timeslots during the day, with a guide for 2 20 The price of daily rental of beach accessories for two people is 75 euros on the hotel beach in Sveti Stefan and Miločer. a group of up to 10 people.3 “Demand in tourism takes special account of the expected benefits and what is actually received for the price – not just the quantity, primarily the quality of services. This is a critical success factor for a company in the tourism market, in particular international market” (Čačić, 2010). Parking fees also apply, which makes it difficult for the locals to come to the beach by car if they need to. The access to to the Queen’s Beach is not allowed, and 80% of respondents object to this as they would like to walk through the Miločer Park beside the sea outside the bathing season, as they once did. Moreover, 33% of those surveyed complained that they could not go to the church on the island. Access is only possible for services agreed between the hotel and the Church, most commonly for religious holidays, or weddings, baptising etc. The answers to questions concerning the number of family members employed in the hotel were rather unfavourable. Only 12% of those surveyed said that they or a member of their family was employed in the hotel. The respondents also showed great dissatisfaction (93%) regarding the attitude of the company towards the activities at the destination. In the absence of managers at the destination, and of the destination management organisation coordinating the activities of numerous companies and other participants at the destination, “in practice it is usual for an active attitude to be taken by the company towards activities at the destination. In other words, this is an opportunity for the company to assume the leading role in development of the destination as a whole” (Čačić, 2010). Lundberg gives the example of Sheraton Hotel in Colorado that took over the strategic development of the tourism destination. The town is a well-known ski centre, which was achieving good occupancy rates in the winter season, but needed to address the issue of the summer season. The hotel established contacts with the locals, accepting part of their culture and traditional way of life, and launched a product under the slogan The Way it Was, organising some 50 traditional activities the local population has been engaged in for decades, such as rafting, Indian games, cowboy-style camping, ‘shoot-outs’ in the street, shows of various kinds, horse riding and more. With the involvement of stakeholders from the value chain (airlines, local agencies and the local population), the hotel effectively single-handedly developed business at the destination, without waiting for regional organisations and other coordinators. Occupancy rate in summer months rose from an average of 8% to 58% during the summer season (Lundberg, 1990). By analysing the opinions of the local population, we can conclude that Sveti Stefan is still in the third phase of development as a tourism destination, the mass-tourism phase, which has the characteristics that “the interests of visitors, companies and the local community are still not sufficiently harmonised, and conflicts can arise in their relationships” (Laws,1991). Those surveyed bemoaned the decline in the image of the destination as a result of the poor accessibility of the Aman Sveti Stefan Resort, both to visitors and the local population. They opposed to the idea of the creation of a “ghetto” in the midst of centuries of tradition and the heritage of the Paštrovići4 region. They expect greater inclusion through employment and involvement in joint local development, cultural and entertainment projects, and emphasise the need to create parking space and accompanying infrastructure. The guests of Aman resort cannot reach the hotel without passing through the village, which itself does not reflect the exclusivity it should have 3 4 Price of entry is 20 EUR per person. Paštrovići – the traditional name of a Montenegrin coastal tribe as an integral part of the destination. Car parks, pavements and other basic elements expected in a modern, developed urban environment are lacking. The guests of Aman, just as any guest accommodated in the village, will want to take a walk, see the town, get to know the people and customs and visit the local restaurants and cafés. Hence, it needs to be developed, with shared management. In their responses, the subjects also placed particular emphasis on the lack of involvement of the local authorities in addressing the issues concerning the town. In local infrastructure plans, items related to construction of a sewage collector on the Sveti Stefan beach and Lungo Mare promenade were carried forward from year to year. In order to encourage development of this village, the need for interaction also needs to be met – the promenade is of vital importance to all tourists, guests of Aman and others. The promenade would go handin-hand with small traditional restaurants and bars which could breathe in new life and preserve the local identity and attract tourists. Manente says that a lack of destination management organisations and the need for them to come in and coordinate activities between different groups, leads to “suffering as a result of the consequences of conflict between political objectives and market demand” (Manente & Minghetti, 2009). Table 1 shows the frequency of responses regarding the strengths of the tourism destination; Table 2 gives frequencies of responses concerning the weaknesses of the tourism destination of Sveti Stefan. Table 1. Frequency of responses concerning the strengths of tourism destination Response offered Based on the responses and information provided by the author, it can be seen that respondents are least happy with the attitude of the leaseholder towards the village, along with the issue of employment of the locals, maintaining infrastructure and the interests and needs of the local population. They believe that it also damages the reputation of Sveti Stefan; the general opinion is that before the arrival of the Aman brand, the previous company Montenegroturist took considerable care to ensure that the needs of the local population were met, as well as those of the village itself – developing beaches, maintaining olive groves, lawns and flowerbeds and preserving tradition by organising traditional events with the opportunity to try local specialities. In other words, it took on the leadership and management role, as was the case for Sheraton in Colorado. 5. POTENTIAL PROGRAMMES AND PARTICIPANTS IN DEVELOPMENT If Sveti Stefan is considered a highly-rated holiday destination, then luxury hotels and private accommodation providers, together with small, traditional hospitality businesses and both natural attractions and those that are man-made – based on centuries-old culture, legends, the Paštrovići Court and the peace council and the Bankada, after which the island was named the “place of justice” – cultural programmes based on the four churches on the island, Paštrovići cuisine and much more, should comprise a single whole, provide a unified experience and build a shared, recognised image. An illustration of Sveti Stefan is given in Figure 1. Frequency Environment 96 Attractiveness 99 Cultural and historical resources 88 Summer stage events 35 Possibility of entry to Aman Sveti Stefan hotel 49 Restaurants 56 Amusement park for children 79 Table 2. Frequency of responses concerning the weaknesses of tourism destination Response offered SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Frequency Decline of destination image 86 Poor accessibility of beach 91 Poor accessibility of roads and paths through Miločer Park 88 Lack of parking space and fees payable 92 Poor employment of the local workforce 99 Lack of involvement of local authorities 95 Attitude of Aman towards activities at the destination 98 Poor accessibility of religious sites 35 Unauthorised sale of souvenirs in front of entrance gate 56 Figure 1. Sveti Stefan Source: http://photo-montenegro.com/ The initiative for development of a new brand image for the most exclusive resort on the Mediterranean, as it is frequently acclaimed, should be sought amongst the specialists of Aman Resorts and other brands that may be observed in this area, to the benefit and satisfaction of both the investor and the local population, which would take the leading role in these activities. The leading tourism experts have for years been warning that one of the primary prerequisites for a destination to be competitive is for tourism development to be accepted by the locally resident population, to whom it brings increased quality of life and well-being, preservation of the local identity amidst the trend of globalisation and permeation of culture, where the overall attraction and tourism experience must be superior in relation to alternative destinations (Richie & Crouch, 2003; Dwyer et al., 21 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 2001). The nucleus of a destination management organisation (DMO) must be found in private and public partnership to begin with, even in the most modest form. In this respect, potential participants in development of Sveti Stefan as a tourism destination need to include: ◆ leaders of existing initiatives (at the state and municipal levels) ◆ leaders of investment programmes (public and private) ◆ programmes open to capital investment ◆ potential participants in development (citizens, associations and cooperatives) ◆ scientific, professional, educational and non-governmental organisations One category of potential partners in the DMO are local people interested in becoming involved in the tourism industry, whether by letting rooms or providing other services. Their involvement will depend on their ability to organise themselves cooperatively or create associations. Only if organised in this way, will the locals be able to become partners and take part in all phases of development processes by participating in the DMO on an equal footing. Regardless of the level at which a new organisation operates, a DMO must have: ◆ full financial, administrative and political support from the local authority. ◆ influence on decisions and solutions of the relevant departments ◆ the authority to initiate change and gain support ◆ the full support of the private sector ◆ competent and professional staff (who for the most part have yet to be trained) CONCLUSION As we continue into the third millennium, the issues faced by governments and the tourism industry will become much broader and will be difficult to resolve without some form of cooperation between the public and the private sector as complementary participants in tourism product creation (Đurašević, 2008). All countries in the region have become aware of the necessity to introduce changes in the way tourism is managed and organised using a destination management organisation (DMO). This is the way ahead for Montenegro too. Further development in the hotel industry will require answers to at least the following two questions: what to build or modernise in order to provide new hotel or auxiliary facilities, and how to organise activities in companies and destinations and manage development (Čačić, 2008). The analysis carried out on the example of Sveti Stefan points to the need for professional and effective development of the value chain at this exclusive location. This means establishing an institution that would be operationally responsible for the implementation of the Master Plan for the area. The institution must be professional and competent, comprising relevant representatives of desti- 22 nation development. The objectives of Aman Resorts and other “big players” at the destination must coincide with the wishes and needs of all stakeholders in order to be competitive and ensure prosperity over a sustainable time period. The story of Sveti Stefan rings true universally. Most destinations have, or will soon have, a similar situation in their own backyards. That is why it is necessary to establish a model that can be applied in such situations. In this specific case, the destination must ensure that it has its own management through partnership between the key players at the destination: management, investors, lessors, local authorities, citizen’s associations and NGOs. REFERENCES Bornhorst, T., Ritchie, J.R.B., & Sheehan, L. (2009). Determinants of Tourism Success for DMOs & Destinations: An empirical examination of stakeholders’ perspectives. Tourism Management, 31 (5), 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2009.06.008. Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing the Competitive Destination in the Future. Tourism Management, 21 (1), 97-116. doi: 10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00095-3. Čačić, K. (2008). Očekivane tendencije u hotelijerstvu Srbije. Singidunum Revija, 5 (1), 126-130. Čačić, K. (2010). Poslovanje hotelskih preduzeća. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. 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Tourism, technology, and competitive strategies. Wallingford: CAB International. Portal Montenegrina. (2015). Kulturna kapija Crne Gore. Retrieved August 2, 2015 from http://montenegrina.net/ pages/pages1/ Ritchie, J.R.B., & Crouch, G.I. (2003). The competitive destination: A sustainable tourism perspective. Oxon, UK: CABI Pub. RTCG. (2015). Prošao Sveti Stefan, ne i Mamula i Kraljičina plaža. Retrieved August 2, 2015 from http://www.rtcg. me/vijesti/ekonomija/99366/prosao-sveti-stefan-ne-imamula-i-kraljicina-plaza.html SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-23-28 THE ROLE OF DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANIES (DMC) IN IMPROVING COMPETITIVENESS OF SERBIA AS A TOURISM DESTINATION Vesna Spasić, Danijel Pavlović* Singidunum University, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 32 Danijelova St., Belgrade Abstract: Turbulent changes in the tourism value chain, especially in distribution chains of tourism products and services, have created conditions for intensive activities and have triggered the new role of incoming travel agencies, and led to the emergence of destination management companies (DMC). This new type of travel agencies (DMC) is oriented towards a wider range of activities within the destinations and assumes an important role in creating more complex products. The aim of this paper is to indicate possible positive effects of DMC on tourism destination development, and particularly, enhanced competitiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination. So far, such contribution of DMCs in our country can be visible in the area of the so-called MICE tourism (meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions). Owing to the DMC activities, positive effects could be achieved by offering new tourism products. This paper starts with the evaluation of previous trends related to the activities of domestic incoming agencies and highlights the necessity for strengthening the role of DMC based on the collaboration between the private and the public sector. 1. INTRODUCTION Turbulent changes in the tourism value chain, triggered by constant innovations and the Internet technology, especially in distribution channels of tourism products, have created necessary conditions for the new quality role of incoming travel agencies. Fundamental changes are primarily visible in abandonment of conventional role of ground operators. Traditionally, they operated within the destination dominantly as intermediaries between service providers at the destination and tour operators from generating tourism and travel markets, providing simple services such as: transfers, meet-and-greet at airports, local excursions etc. The expansion of the Internet and information and communication technologies has encouraged new approach to generating markets, and created new possibilities for service providers within the destination. At the same time, tourists emerge more and more as individual travellers who are organizing their travel independently using different tools available on the Internet. The individualization of tourist demand, and tendency towards development of direct sales channels by different service providers in tourism and travel industry, has threatened the basic intermediary role of traditional travel agencies and led to the process called the “Reintermediation phase” (Cheung & Lam, 2009; Spasić, Pavlović & Stanić, 2015). These tendencies were particularly intensive in the US market at the beginning of the 21st century, and have also emerged on developed tourism and travel generating markets of European countries (Great Britain, Germany) (Beiderman, 2008; Holloway, 2004; Buhalis, 2003). * [email protected] Key words: Destination Management Companies (DMC), tourism development, destination competitiveness, Serbia. Along with the process of elimination of travel agencies as traditional intermediaries, new types of intermediaries – online agencies (OTA), have emerged. They based activities on the Internet which brought about new possibilities in communication with consumers and services providers in the travel and tourism industry. In addition, a new part of incoming travel agency activities has shown a positive trend. These are the activities that can be emphasised as part of the process of strengthening the DMC role. This research is primarily focused on the Serbian tourism market. The analysis is based on the effects that domestic travel agencies have on attracting foreign tourists and providing services throughout their stay. Difficulties in the analysis stem from the fact that there is no extensive research that provides more accurate data on the structure of foreign tourist expenditure in Serbia. Also, there are no precise data on the share of travel agencies in the distribution of different products and services. The initial step in the analysis is based on the available statistics, obtained from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, on foreign tourists who visit Serbia using the services of domestic travel agencies. Based on the statistical data, we come to the conclusion about the trends during the period from 2007 to 2013. These data provide only a partial basis for assessing the role of travel agencies, and in support of that, we shall highlight several conclusions: ◆ Incoming agencies offer is directed towards all segments of tourists coming to the country (individually or organized by foreign tour operators, cruise lines, travel agencies, meeting planners etc.), and includes a set of different products and services. Accordingly, 23 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE the effects are far greater than it could be assessed based solely on the role in attracting foreign tourists and providing them with accommodation services. ◆ The analysis based only on the number of visitors and the number of overnights stays, does not provide a reasonable basis for the adoption of appropriate conclusions. The effects can be analysed only on the basis of the analysis of foreign tourists’ expenditure and distribution of complex and innovative products. For these reasons, the next step in the research was the analysis of the existing travel agencies offer intended for foreign tourists. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the current offers available on the websites of the travel agencies, that according to YUTA classification belong to the group of incoming tour operators in Serbia (YUTA). This group includes 27 travel agencies. In this paper, we shall attempt to estimate the next phase in DMC development in Serbia and their orientation to different segments of leisure travel. We shall also to try to determine whether there are few isolated examples of real domestic DMC in Serbia that struggle for the position on the international tourism market. This is a necessary step because without quality incoming agencies that assume the role of DMC, there are no basic conditions for the achievement of significant economic effects of tourism in a country. 2. THE TERM AND ROLE OF DMC 24 A destination management company is a professional management company specializing in the design and delivery of tours, events, local transportation and other different activities based on local knowledge and expertise. This type of company is locally- based and uses local resources to provide products and services and satisfy interests and needs of individual clients and groups within a specific city, region or a country. Its local knowledge and experience allows designing products for clients such as: outgoing travel agencies and tour operators, meeting planners and other event organizers, as well as for independent travellers at the destination (USAID, 2015, p. 5; ISMP, 2015; ADMEI, 2015). The term “Destination Management Company” emerged in the USA as a result of the expanded role of this type of agencies. Ground operators (incoming or handling agencies) were usually small local enterprises providing basic services such as, transfers, meet-and-greet at airports, local excursions and different kinds of sport and recreational activities. In the beginning, DMC started to add numerous new products and services as local experts and they were primarily oriented towards business travellers (organization of congresses and other types of meetings, incentive programs, organization of different business events etc.). The next step was their orientation towards leisure travellers when they started to offer complex and specialized products. Modern DMC are characterized by complex activity, more sophisticated products and more independent market approach. Some of them took over the role of incoming tour operators, specializing in a specific destination and creating products for unknown customers. DMC are developing appropriate distribution channels by using the advantages of the Internet communication. Online channels are used for direct sales to individual customers. On the other hand, they also make more complex distribution channels based on the creation of network with tour operators, travel agencies, meeting planners and other companies from generating markets. The growing experience of potential tourists in mature tourism and travel generating markets and their readiness for organizing holidays based on the principle “do-it-yourself” is an important factor for incentive DMC. Tourists show a high level of trust towards agencies within the destination that have precise knowledge and information about the resources and the overall situation within the destination. Also, a stimulating factor for strengthening the role of DMC in the distribution channels comes from social networking in destinations with special benefits for service consumers. On the contemporary tourism market, such effects are particularly present in the field of MICE tourism, but also in the whole range of leisure programmes. 3. THE ASSESMENT OF BUSINESS TRENDS IN THE INCOMING AGENCIES IN SERBIA The development of incoming travel agencies in Serbia is in the initial stage and positive effects have so far been achieved in the field of MICE tourism. According to ICCA 2014 Country & City rankings, Serbia assumes the 46th place among the top 50 destinations worldwide, based on destinations’ meetings-related performance on a global scale (SCB, 2015). Data providers for this ranking are hotels, venues, travel agencies, transport companies and other service providers. According to the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia, there are 30 travel agencies in Serbia oriented towards congresses and other forms of MICE tourism, with different size and market position (TOS). Some of them are organized as DMC and have achieved certain level of success in promoting and selling their products in the international market (Spasić, Njeguš & Pavlović, 2014). In order to attempt to assess the role of domestic incoming agencies, we have used available statistical data. The data are used for the comparative analysis of trends in foreign tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Serbia realized by domestic travel agencies for the period from 2007-2013. The results are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Foreign tourist arrivals and overnight stays, 2007-2013 Year Total arrivals Total nights By domestic travel agencies arrivals By domestic travel agencies nights 2007 696.000 1.476.000 34.034 87.950 2008 646.000 1.399.000 32.487 76.449 2009 646.000 1.469.000 27.726 59.378 2010 682.681 1.452.156 23.794 68.765 2011 764.167 1.643.054 21.648 56.398 2012 809.967 1.796.217 20.139 56.522 2013 921.768 1.988.393 21.449 62.432 Source: Statistical office of the Republic of Serbia, Statistical Yearbook, 2008-2014 During the period from 2007-2013, negative trends are observed in the number of foreign tourists coming to our country, organized by domestic travel agencies; During the observed period, the number of visitors arrivals via agencies decreased by 159%, whereas the number of overnight stays decreased by 141%. A slight increase was recorded in the last observed year (2013), when 21.449 foreign visitors came to Serbia via agencies (+6.5% compared to 2012) and generated 62.432 overnight stays (+10.4%). Predominantly negative trends can be observed compared to the results of the overall number of foreign tourists during the reporting period: the number of total visitors increased by 32.4% and the number of overnight stays by 34.7%; That led to a drop in relative participation of travel agencies in bringing foreign tourist from 4.9% in the number of visitors and 6% in the number of overnight stays in 2007, to 2.3% in the number of visitors and 3.1% in the number of overnight stays in 2013. The important fact is connecting with the average length of stay: foreign tourists coming via domestic travel agencies stay longer (2.9 days) compared to the results in the overall foreign tourism turnover (2.2 days based on the data in 2013). Changes in the number of arrivals and overnight stays of foreign tourists are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Foreign tourist arrivals and overnight stays, 2007-2013 – by domestic travel agencies The aim of qualitative analysis of the group comprising 27 incoming tour operators, the members of YUTA (National association of travel agencies of Serbia), is the evaluation of the complexity of products and services that include Serbia as a tourist destination, as well as the degree of orientation towards international markets. The analysis is based on the current products and services available on the official sites of agencies, bearing in mind the necessity of websites as an instrument of modern communication with the global market. The analysis started from some basic questions. Do agencies use web sites for promotion and selling purposes? The analysis of websites indicates that the answer is negative for 2 agencies (they don’t use the possibility of presentation by web site), while for one another agency, it could be observed that the web site is in the process of renovation. Are the web sites used as an instrument of communication with business partners and individual tourists from SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS foreign markets? The answer is positive in the case of 9 incoming tour operators that also have presentations of their offer in English (30% of the total number of tour operators in the particular group). Further analysis indicates that only 3 tour operators (Magelan, Glob Metropoliten Tours and Eurojet - with 2 brands focused towards incoming tourism: SerbiaIn and Go2Serbia) have presentations in 3 or 4 languages. The particular group of 9 incoming tour operators, having presentation in English, is the subject to further analysis. Tour operators based in Belgrade (6) dominate in the group, followed by Novi Sad (2), while one tour operator has its headquarters in Uzice. The products of MICE tourism are represented by almost all tour operators from the observed group. In addition, the products of agencies in this group are focused on leisure market: classic tours (Balkan tours, as well as tours that include only Serbian destinations), city breaks and sightseeing tours. The products are given in a form of guaranteed tours, suggested tours, as well as the possibility of creating tailor-made products, while a number of tour operators (3) have special brochures focused on international market, which can be downloaded from the site. Some incoming tour operators create innovative products, such as special tours, for instance “Rafting on the Tara river”, “Bird watching”, Roads of rakia and raspberry, Cruising on Serbian rivers, trips that include a variety of events – concerts, festivals, sports events etc. An important question for our study is related to whether there are agencies whose operations have characteristics of DMC operations. Magellan and Bon Voyage, the agencies from Novi Sad, declared their operations as the business of DMC, but complexity of created products and services, as well as the way of presentation focused on the international market, led the authors to the conclusion that Glob Metropoliten Tours can be included in this group. Magellan emphases its leading position as DMC in Serbia that annually provides 3000 foreign tourists in Serbia (Turistički cvet, 2015). The research leads to the conclusion that domestic tour operators that “declare” as incoming, are not focused on international market, and that, with a few noted examples, we can state that only initial steps have been taken in positioning of DMC on the leisure market and that we can expec intensive activities in the future. 4. THE NECESSITY OF STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF DMC IN IMPROVING COMPETITIVENESS OF SERBIA AS A TOURISM DESTINATION Without incoming agencies that seriously take the role of DMC, it is not possible to realize significant economic effects in the Serbian tourism market, especially, having in mind the necessity for redirecting tourism flows to relatively unknown destinations in the country. It is well-known that Belgrade is the leading incoming destination in Serbia and that the processes of activating other destinations and involving them in programs for foreign tourists would be an important task for DMC. A significant part of potential tourism demand will not turn into reality without stimulating the role of travel agen- 25 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE cies. In support of this thesis stands the fact that, in global tourism market, the role of tour operators and travel agencies increased in the case of including new and unknown destinations in the market, and particularly if there are significant difficulties in connecting the destination with the most important generating countries. When it comes to complex package tours, travelling from distant source markets, especially those associated with a high degree of risk, the role of tour operators and travel agencies is far more important since higher number of users choose organized tours as opposed to the number of tourists who opt for individual travel. The breakthrough into the distant markets such as, for instance, Chinese, is impossible without various forms of cooperation between tour operators and agencies. In addition, the trends towards more individualized travel, reliability, security and guarantee of quality, when they represent the hallmark of tour operators business, can be the supporting factors for potential tourists in making decisions about buying travel packages. In the tourism value chain, DMC occur as an irreplaceable link to the destination, especially in providing a range of services to individual tourists and tourist groups. Their considerable knowledge about destinations and connections with various participants on the side of tourism supply, enable them to create and deliver high-quality products at the lowest cost. Foreign tour operators need quality DMCs that are, on the other hand, reliable partners in servicing tourist groups at the destination. The distribution of tourism products and services is one of the crucial factors for successful positioning of destinations in the international market. It is important to establish effective channels connecting the supply and demand. On the other hand, supply is sometimes trying to eliminate intermediaries, not realizing their key benefits: better knowledge of travel and tourism generating markets, cover of a wider potential market, successful market communication and lower total marketing costs. For enterprises on the side of tourism supply, a distinct advantage of agencies and tour operators, as part of distribution channels, is particularly apparent when the supply is higher than demand. Through S POSITIVE NEGATIVE • Expert knowledge of available resources in the domestic market. • Relatively well-developed DMC operations in the field of MICE tourism. • The agency business is dominated by small businesses that do not have the means for a significant orientation towards foreign markets. • Lack of qualified staff with good knowledge of foreign markets. • Lack of interest in local agencies for receptive business. • Lack of cooperation with representatives of the public sector at the destination. • Unwillingness of certain part of tourist offer to cooperate with DMC. • Lack of adequate capacity, in terms of volume and quality in some areas. • Undeveloped transport infrastructure and the unavailability of certain tourism sites. • The increasing interest for Serbia as a tourism destination, with the emergance of new markets (China, Turkey). • The emergance of new market segments and increase in demand in the field of tourism of special interests . • The possibility of forming new products (e.g. Wine tours, adventure trips, bike tours etc.). • The available natural and built resources inside the country. • Advantages of modern technology that enable presence on the global market at low cost. • Lack of quality destination management at many destinations in Serbia. • Lack of professionalism in the work of the public sector in particular local communities and lack of willingness to cooperate with local agencies. • Lack of interest of certain part of tourism offer to cooperate with DMC. INTERNAL EXTERNAL O 26 its activities, tour operators and travel agencies can make a positive contribution to the extension of the tourist season in tourist destinations. Development of correct relationships is a condition of mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation based on the positive economic effects for both sides. In the upcoming period, conditions for intensifying the role of DMC should be created. The role of the DMC in organization of different activities, especially those connected to the enrichment of the activities for tourists, indicates their importance in contribution to the improvement of tourist destinations competitiveness, tourist expenditure and foreign exchange earnings. DMCs activities contribute to the quality of the products offered in the destination and also its activities contribute to the destination competitiveness at the international market. These companies can use their considerable knowledge about destination attractiveness, and detection of unknown destination resources, to create new products, which can lead to increased consumption. In this way, they attract new market segments and create added value on the destination product. The inclusion of, so far, insufficiently activated attractiveness into the tourist product and, particularly, the extension of the tourist season can significantly contribute to better utilization of already built accommodation capacities in certain destinations. In rural tourism in Serbia, accommodation capacity utilization is only 4% (UNWTO, 2011). Activation of the available natural and man-made tourist attractions and better utilization of accommodation capacities would be a chance for greater employment of rural population and rural areas development. In such a way, the DMC could achieve a stimulating role in the overall more balanced regional development of Serbia. The possibility for product and services delivery to foreign tourists should be seen as part of contemporary tendencies in the Serbian market and potential benefits that arise for local agencies. In recent years, intensive crisis in the travel agencies activities in Serbia could be observed, and therefore, there is a need for new strategies that will lead to improvement of the competitive position. This is Figure 2. SWOT analysis of DMC in Serbia W T based on the estimations of the world’s leading analysts who estimate that future intensification of global competition with the further expansion of large multinational companies should be expected. Although still at an early stage, these processes are already present on the Serbian market, primarily the growing trend of direct booking and purchasing via the Internet. In addition, the leading German tour operators, TUI and DerTour, have been present on the Serbian market for several years. In conditions of the growing global competition in tour operators and travel agencies business, we should consider that besides global mega companies, local agencies that are well-familiar with the market and can specialize in offering a range of attractive products at the destination, will have a significant role in the future (UHPA, 2011). Despite the present trend with an emphasis on travel individualization, numerous studies in Serbia show that the role of the DMC should not be viewed only in organizing more attractive stay for tourists, but also in the fact that its activity can contribute to resolving some of the current difficulties foreign tourists face at the destination. The fact is that certain segments of public transport in the country are almost completely undeveloped and there is no possibility of access to most tourist attractions in the interior of Serbia using the public transport. Difficulties for domestic and foreign tourists also appear due to the lack of traffic and tourist signs. The absence of high-quality and experienced guides, with the possibility of interpretation in several languages, is one of the deficiencies of Serbia’s tourist offer. Creation and implementation of new programs that should include the interior of the country would have great benefits for tourists, and with the exception of Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbia represents an undiscovered destination in the European and global market. All this indicates that there are significant opportunities for DMC in the domain of creation and selection of quality products that can affect the competitiveness of Serbia as a tourism destination. In accordance with these observations, Fig. 2 shows the SWOT analysis of DMCs in Serbia. The realization of the potentially significant role of DMC in improving Serbia’s competitiveness as a tourism destination, is possible under the condition that the growing number of travel agencies focus on creation of new complex products, for the purpose of discovering new and undeveloped tourist sites, inclusion of the local population and their products into the programs that offer authentic products and apply the principles of sustainable tourism development instead of mass tourism products. 5. SUMMARY By analysing the available programs that were the subject of this research, it can be concluded that there is no directing of the receptive agencies to two important strategic directions for future development of Serbia, namely the tourism of special interests and event organization. The special benefits of DMC can be achieved in products intended for tourists with special interests. Dynamic changes in modern tourists’ demands, with the appearance and narrow market niche, can be the basis for specialization and authentic quality products based on the available SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS resources where Serbia has numerous comparative advantages. An abundance of opportunities can be found in offering a wide range of new and authentic products, among which we can allocate certain products that can already be observed with the initial positive results, such as wine tours or bicycle tourism. Another potentially significant product group are events that according to the Serbian Tourism Strategy are marked as the so-called Quick win products. Not taking the opportunity to note the quality of many events that take place in Serbia, may indicate only the lack of professionalism in the organization, and the consequences are minimal effects in attracting domestic and foreign tourists. One of the important activities of modern DMC worldwide refers to a variety of events, and this professional role exists in Serbia only in the field of MICE tourism. It is obvious that the professional role of DMC in the organization of events aimed at tourism market in Serbia is still pending. The experience of successful and well-positioned tourist destinations indicates that the quality of complex tourist products based on authentic values and preserved natural and built environment, significantly affects the overall attractiveness of a tourist destination. DMC can only be successful as part of an overall quality destination management based on coordination and joint action of all participants in the area, especially mutual cooperation of the private and public sector. Cooperation of incoming agencies with various participants from the Serbian public sector is still at the initial phase. Positive examples can be observed for agencies from the region of Belgrade and Novi Sad (Novi Sad Magellan, Glob Metropolitan Tours, and others) and those are usually joint promotional activities at fairs. In general, cooperation can be described as insufficient and receptive agencies are often in a competitive relationship with the local tourist organizations. Public sector contribution is essential in generating market research and joint appearance. Previous experience has shown that for positioning on the new travel and tourism generating markets, the investments in a period of 2 or more years are necessary until the first positive economic effects appear. Small agencies, that dominate the agency sector in Serbia, have neither financial assets nor enough professional staff necessary to lead long-term programs in order to conquer foreign markets. The coordination and cooperation of all stakeholders in the tourism destinations is also very important, because through product placement, DMC provides a range of other services at the destination (accommodation, meals, sightseeing tours and tourist attractions, services in the field of sport and recreation, entertainment, adventure). The public sector has a particularly responsible role, whose task is to create conditions for development of private initiatives in the area, and it also represents the basic mechanism in providing necessary cooperation of all participants in destination management. Continuous efforts towards improving the quality of services of all participants in the tourist offer of a destination is also an important task of the public sector, which is based on different aspects of employee education in the tourism sector. Recent experiences in some neighbouring countries (Croatia, Macedonia) have shown that positive effects can be achieved within a relatively short period of time, owing to the support mechanisms aimed directly at receptive agencies that are primarily focused on attracting foreign tourists. 27 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE In the upcoming period, DMC can achieve a competitive advantage when creating new products based on the use of their own knowledge, considerable knowledge referring to available resources in the domestic market, but also the use of new technologies in communication with foreign markets. REFERENCES ADMEI-Association of destination management international. (2015). What is a DMC? Retrieved August 30, 2015, from http://www.adme.org/dmc/what-is-a-dmc.asp Biederman, P.S. (2008). Travel and Tourism: an industry primer. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Buhalis, D. (2003). eTourism: Information technology for strategic tourism management. 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Modern information technologies application in destination management companies, SINTEZA 2014; Impact of Internet on Business activities in Serbia and Worldwide; E-Business in tourism and hospitality industry, pp. 772-776, 2014. DOI: 10.15308/SInteZa-2014-772-776. Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. (2008). Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Serbia 2008. Retrieved August 25, 2015, from http://pod2.stat.gov.rs/ObjavljenePublikacije/G2008/pdf/G20082003.pdf Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. (2009). Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Serbia 2009. Retrieved August 25, 2015, from http://istmat.info/files/uploads/47438/ statistical_yearbook_of_the_republic_of_serbia_2009.pdf 28 Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. (2010). Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Serbia 2010. Retrieved August 25, 2015, from http://istmat.info/files/uploads/47439/ statistical_yearbook_of_the_republic_of_serbia_2010.pdf Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. 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Retrieved August, 30, 2015, from http://www.uhpa.hr/clanak/talebrifai-turisticke-agencije-buducnosti-32993 UHPA - Association of Croatian travel agencies. (2013). Destinacijske menadžment kompanije. Retrieved August, 30, 2015, from http://www.uhpa.hr/publikacija/destinacijske-menadzment-kompanije UNWTO, UN Joint Programme ″Sustainable Tourism for Rural Deelopment″. (2011). Strategy for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia. In Master Plan for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia. Madrid: UNWTO. Retrieved October 14, 2012, from http://www.turizam.merr.gov.rs /images/ stories/ UNWTO/Novi fajlovi 21042011/ VOLUME II STRATEGY for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia_190411.pdf. USAID. (2015). Destination Management Company Training Manual for USAID. Retrieved September 5, 2015, from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnadl944.pdf YUTA-Serbia National Association of Travel agencies. Retrieved August 30, 2015, from http://www.yuta.rs/en/ SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-29-33 CROSS MARKETING IN SWISS TOURISM: MANUS MANUM LAVAT Michael J. Kendzia, Cary Steinmann* ZHAW School of Management and Law, The Department of International Business, Stadthausstrasse 14, Winterthur, Switzerland Abstract: The paper sets out the role of cross-marketing in Swiss tourism. So far, theory and research have failed to provide the appropriate definition of this phenomenon. By applying a system model of brand antecedents and consequences, the authors reveal the widespread usage of Switzerland as a brand. Regarding the two detected images, it seems that the positioning of a brand is inconsistently applied. On the one hand, there is the modern image of Switzerland, including its openness and competitiveness within a highly developed environment and commonly known brands, such as Rolex, UBS, or Nestlé. On the other hand, there exists the fantasy image of Switzerland, including figures, such as Heidi and William Tell, reflecting a world, to put it mildly, which has nothing in common with reality. The authors conclude that Switzerland as a brand is positioned rather indistinctively. Key words: advertising, brand, cross-marketing, Switzerland. 1. INTRODUCTION The relationship between marketing and the wealth of people has always been controversially discussed. Ever since, different beliefs concerning the nature of advertising have contributed to this discussion (Shapiro, 1980; Tremblay & Tremblay, 1995). In this context, the often discussed notion of advertising (Bishop, 1997) or information overload is nothing new and has received a lot of attention since the 1970s (Jacoby, 1984). Brands would still exist, even if no money was spent on advertising by companies. This has a lot to do with the simple function of brands and branding: Brands enable identifying products and services, which have already proven their usefulness, through distinguished characters, such as name, color, shape, etc. Thereby, customers’ search costs can be reduced significantly and purchase decisions might become more efficient. In contrast, it is also possible that a satisfied consumer, the so-called satisfier, tends to stick to the proven product, instead of looking for an alternative, or maybe better options. Such kind of behaviour, in turn, would result in inefficiencies (Keller & Lehmann, 2006). In this paper, the authors deal with cross-marketing in view of a highly specific brand: Switzerland. In order to do so, it is important to understand the conditions in which consumer behaviour and brands are embedded. * [email protected] Figure 1. A System Model of Brand Antecedents and Consequences Source: Keller & Lehmann (2006, p. 753) 29 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 30 velopment of new products (Sing et al., 1997). A possible Figure 1 indicates the relationship between the decisions taken by companies and their impact on customers. The explanation for proliferation of partnerships between firms, ‘Company actions’ symbolize the input made by the comin particular with regard to marketing efforts, might be the pany, which can be measured quantitatively by marketing far reaching internationalization process within the business expenditures or qualitatively by consistency or clarity of the environment (e.g. Aulakh et al., 1996). marketing program. This might result in the ‘What customUsing the notion of Williams et al. (1998), this phenomers think and feel about a brand’, described by the ‘Five As’, enon might be expressed by arguing that these dynamics touching on areas, such as awareness, associations, attitude, force companies ‘to cooperate in order to compete, and in attachment, and activity. Nonetheless, in addition to one’s some cases, in order to survive.’ As a consequence, firms own experience gained by the utilization of a product, the attempt to share risks and resources. Nevertheless, to cut experiences made and spread by others, e.g. through word a long story short, Cross Marketing wants to achieve more of mouth, may also influence the customers’ view of a brand. for less. Therefore, companies partner in strategic alliances According to this model, the actual reaction of customers in order to optimize the Marketing effectiveness. Intertakes place on the market place, ‘What customers do about estingly, there is no clear and single-minded definition of a brand’ by e.g. buying or ignoring the brand. And finally, ‘Cross Marketing’ in the contemporary literature. Business the market capitalization of the company is addressed – applies, but theory and research do not define (yet) the isdescribed herein as the ‘Financial market impact’. This insue. We recognize general descriptions like ‘strategic and/ cludes the reaction of the financial market in view of the or operational cooperations of two or more brands’ - what performance of the company and it represents an essential is clear is - once again: benefit up, costs down. parameter, which is closely related to the product market However, reducing the risks and costs of doing business (Keller & Lehmann, 2006). is not the only the advantage of cross-marketing. By cooperIn the following paper, the model is used to analyze the ating closely in the area of marketing, firms are also enabled phenomenon of Cross Marketing in Swiss tourism. The topto quickly entry new markets and circumvent potential baric has been chosen against the background of mainly three factors: Firstly, a widespread use of Switzerland as a brand riers (Aulakh et al., 1996). To realize cross-marketing is not has been witnessed in recent years, leaving a large scope for always that easy, as there is a risk of failure. As mentioned business-related scientific research on this issue. earlier, the observed phenomenon of cross-marketing can Secondly, it seems increasingly questionable to apply thus be described as a legitimate answer of firms given a Switzerland as a brand without taking into account the exact highly dynamic world business environment. framework conditions, under which the brand is perceived In Swiss Tourism, the suppliers into tourism (Swiss worldwide. Thirdly and lastly, a striking yet rarely acknowlInternational Airlines, Swiss Federal Railways SBB CFF, edged aspect is the development of a brand in conjunction Zurich Airport, UBS, hotelleriesuisse, Swisscom, American with Cross Marketing. Closely following a psychoanalytic Express, Europcar) and from tourism (Chocolate Frey, Apapproach for the treatment of a patient, the authors use the penzell Beer, Axpo, Switzerland Cheese Marketing, Gastrosubsequent methodology: After a thorough anamnesis and Suisse, Chambray SA, Ricola, Butcherer) are cooperating on diagnosis with respect to this relatively new phenomenon, the platform MySwitzerland.com, representing the official the paper aims at setting the patient on the right path for federal marketing organization of Swiss Tourism (ST). therapy. This enhances the opportunities to perceive the market On the one hand, we have an immense surplus of offers and the brand ‘Switzerland’ and it also enables the opening and brands in the markets. In Switzerland in 2012, for inof new distribution and communication channels. Marketstance, you may find 40 different car brands with statistical ing Tools in use are in general Co-Branding, Ingredient 416 models, including different equipment, setups, motoriBranding, Product Bundling, Coupling and Cross Promozations etc. On the other hand, we have an information overtions. The structure of this particular kind of collaboration flow of over 98% in the western societies. Communication can be described by our model (see Fig. 1). Yet, ‘company reaches its limits with up to 1’500 advertising messages per actions’ must be replaced by a series of companies and consumer per day. Brands are perceived as interchangeable. actions affecting ‘What customers think and feel about a Be that as it may, when everything is the same, the price brand’. Thus, the ‘Five As’ of our model, describing the becomes crucial. That’s how the price war can be explained ‘heart and soul’ of a brand, are not influenced by a single in many industries (Gijsbrechts et al., 2008), as well as the company or rather marketing department, but by many. declining profit margins (Baker & Powell, 2005). Cross Marketing appears to be a Table 1. Export revenue of main sectors in Switzerland new ‘magic formula’ when it comes to Marketing. In general, Cross Mar2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 keting is related to companies, not being in direct competition, which 1. Chemical industry 71.9 71.8 75.9 74.6 79.0 partner and bundle activities in mar2. Metal and machine industry 74.0 58.1 63.6 64.0 59.4 keting and communication to create more visibility and touch points 3. Watchmaking industry 17.0 13.2 16.2 19.3 21.4 with fewer resources (Spengler et al., 4. Tourism 15.6 15.4 15.4 15.2 15.0 2010). Moreover, Cross Marketing activities are considered a helpful 5. Textile industry 4.5 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.1 instrument for a more effective deSource: STF, 2013. Today, besides the chemical industry, the metal and machine industry, as well as the watch-making industry, the tourism sector represents the fourth biggest branch in terms of the overall export revenue in Switzerland. In principle, the services provided in a restaurant are not tourist. However, when goods are being consumed by a tourist, they become touristic. That is, in accordance with data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) and the interpretation made by the Swiss Tourism Federation (STF), tourism is determined by the demand side. In other words, both the export of goods and the spending of a tourist in Switzerland have the same influence on the Swiss balance of payments (STF, 2013, pp. 8-10). The first remarkable element of Switzerland’s unique branding is its reference to classical antiquity. Its official Latin name, Confoederatio Helvetica (i.e. ’Swiss Confederation’, hence its abbreviation CH), which was admittedly coined as late as 1848, and it defines Switzerland as a federal republic, comprising 26 cantons, with Berne being the seat of the federal authorities. A country whose name is associated with the classical period must undoubtedly also distinguish itself with other elements of classical culture: a world-class education system, a multicultural and multilingual environment (Switzerland has three main cultures and four official languages), and a touch of sophistication (Steinmann, 2012). As a small and open economy, Switzerland depends heavily on the internationalization of its business and demonstrates regularly and forcefully its adaptation to this process. That is why the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2013 confirms Switzerland’s top place among the most competitive economies (WEF, 2013). With a GDP per head of 54.128 USD in 2013 (OECD, 2014), Switzerland benefits to a large extent from its competitiveness and belongs to the wealthiest economies. According to the human development index (HDI), an index created by the United Nations, examining health, education and incomes, Switzerland, with a figure of 0.913 in 2012, ranks among the top ten in the world (UNDP, 2013). Against this background, another element of Switzerland as a brand constitutes its relationship with its obvious affluence. It is one of the world’s richest countries and reports the highest wealth-per-adult ratio in the world. However, Switzerland does not evoke the nouveaux-riche luxury of Monte Carlo or Dubai. Due to the down-to-earth mentality of the Swiss people, and to some degree also influence of the Reformation brought to various parts of the country by Zwingly, Farel, and Calvin, modesty is valued very highly in Swiss society. As a result, Switzerland stands for unostentatious wealth and understated luxury. The third important brand characteristic is identification. The Swiss have a strong sense of belonging to their country, despite the fact that they are not a nation with a common ethnicity or linguistic identity. Yet, the Swiss celebrate their history, their shared values of federalism and direct democracy, and the symbolism of the Alps. In accordance with our model (see Fig. 1) and to gain further insights into the brand ‘Switzerland’, it is necessary to shed light on ‘What customers think and feel about a brand’. In 2002, one of the authors of this article conducted a study amongst strategic planners from over 30 countries, analyzing what is loved or hated about Switzerland from a global point of view. It did not SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS come as much of a surprise that Switzerland is loved for representing a cosmopolitan lifestyle, quality, diversity, efficiency, but also effective design, cleanliness everywhere, organization skills, politeness, and a sense of safety. By contrast, what was perceived as negative about Switzerland was the impression that it is expensive, cold, and boring and that its people are too rich, too conservative, and too introverted. If it is true that strong brands tend to polarize, then these results indicate that Switzerland is a strong brand. An interesting thing about the findings of this survey is the absence of mountains, cows, cheese, chocolate, and the other Swiss clichés. Perhaps the interviewees, due to their profession, were more reflective than the average participant. The results nonetheless underline the fact that Switzerland as a brand has the ability to project a modern perspective on the country and people, one that transcends the traditional Swiss world of ‘Heidi’ (a novel about the life of a young girl in her grandfather’s care in the Swiss Alps written in 1880 by Swiss author Johanna Spyri). The modern view of Switzerland as a brand is strongly related to world-famous companies such as Nestlé, Novartis, Credit Suisse, UBS, USM, Rolex, Swatch, as well as Omega and all the other Swiss luxury watch labels (Steinmann, 2012). It is also most likely the result of the achievements of some of Switzerland’s distinguished ambassadors in the fields of art, science, and sports: Herzog & de Meuron, for example, the architects who built the Bird’s Nest in Beijing (2008 Olympics) and the Tate Modern Gallery in London, film producer Arthur Cohn, or Kurt Wüthrich, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2007. Others include athletes like Roger Federer, the Swiss U17 soccer team, which won the World Cup in 2009, or the team of the Alinghi, who successfully defended their title at the 2007 America’s Cup. Switzerland is a Janus-like brand, looking at two worlds. On the one hand, there is the modern reality of financial security, an outstanding infrastructure, and very high quality of life, with the three major Swiss cities of Zurich, Geneva, and Berne ranking among the world’s top ten according to the Quality of Living Survey of Mercer Consulting 2011. On the other hand, there is the Disneyland-like dramatization of a world full of folklore, clichés, and kitsch that seems to come straight from a children’s book (Steinmann, 2012). Such Switzerland can be observed at every tourist destination of the country: Visitors get the impression that the Swiss are country folk, strong and honorable like William Tell (who may never have existed) or innocent and helpful like our beloved Heidi. They are shown to live in the mountains on picturesque farms wearing traditional national costumes, drinking healthy milk, and eating Swiss cheese. In fact, the Swiss tourism industry supports these idealized notions by emphasizing Switzerland’s unspoiled natural beauty, clean air, healthy livestock, and happy people. Sometimes, however, the two worlds collide: Visitors arriving at Zurich Airport’s Terminal E take the Skymetro, a subterranean air cushion cableway, to the main building of the airport. Inside, they can read signposts such as ‘Heidi 30 Sec.’ (indicating the time of the ride), watch a short movie (e.g., of the Matterhorn), and listen to the sound of cowbells, mooing cows and bleating goats over the speaker system. This is an outstanding example of a brand paradox (Steinmann, 2012). 31 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Janus-faced appearance of Switzerland entails two diametrically opposed images, following the common view of marketing. On the one hand, there is the modern image of Switzerland, including its openness and competitiveness within a highly developed environment and commonly known brands, such as Rolex, UBS, or Nestlé. On the other hand, there exists the fantasy image of Switzerland, including figures, such as Heidi and William Tell, reflecting a world, to put it mildly, which has nothing in common with reality. In reference to the chosen model (see Fig. 1), ‘What customers do about a brand’, closely related to the market reaction concerning a brand, we find that the demand for Swiss tourism has remained stable and constant over the past five years (see Tab. 1). When the Reputation Institute attempted to find out about the most reputable countries in the world, it asked its interviewees, beside their ‘good feelings’ regarding the country, whether they admire, trust and respect the mentioned country. According to this survey, Switzerland became the third highest ranked country in 2013 (Forbes, 2013). A year before, Switzerland even topped the Country Brand Index. The study, conducted by a global brand consultancy named FutureBrand, measures and ranks global perceptions of the world’s nations (FutureBrand, 2012). Considering this, it seems that our alleged patient enjoys good health. However, carrying out a sound evaluation in view of the ‘financial market impact’ of the brand ‘Switzerland’ in accordance with our model, remains challenging, as the company ‘Switzerland’ is not traded on the stock market. Although many of the companies involved in MySwitzerland.com are listed on the Swiss Market Index (SMI), attempting to find any positive correlation between the brand ‘Switzerland’ and the national stock market index would be far-fetched. Therefore, the aspect ‘financial market impact’ of our model has not been further considered within our investigation. In view of the two detected images of Switzerland as a brand, it seems that the positioning of the brand is inconsistently applied. Anyway, when one hand washes the other (in Latin - Manus manum lavat), it is likely that both images do not compete with each other. Rather, both images are not mutually exclusive. To conclude, Switzerland as a brand is positioned somewhere ‘in the middle of the doughnut’, which means that its image is not very distinct. According to brand theory, a brand with such ambivalent positioning cannot be successful. However, the case of Switzerland seems to be an exception to the rule and absolutely unique (Steinmann, 2012). 3. SUMMARY 32 In this paper, the authors deal with cross-marketing in view of a highly specific brand: Switzerland. In order to analyze the phenomenon of cross-marketing in Swiss tourism, a system model of brand antecedents and consequences is applied. According to this model, the actual reaction of customers takes place on the market place, by, for instance, buying or ignoring the brand. The topic has been chosen owing to three reasons: Firstly, the widespread use of Switzerland as a brand has been observed in recent years. Secondly, it seems increasingly questionable to apply Switzerland as a brand without taking into account the exact framework conditions, under which the brand is perceived worldwide. Thirdly, a rarely acknowledged aspect is the development of a brand in conjunction with cross-marketing, as cross-marketing appears to be a new ‘magic formula’ when it comes to Marketing. Generally speaking, cross-marketing is related to companies, not being in direct competition, which enter into partnerships and bundle activities in marketing and communication to create more visibility and touch points with fewer resources. That is, companies partner in strategic alliances in order to optimize their Marketing effectiveness. Today, besides the chemical industry, metal and machine industry, as well as the watch-making industry, the tourism sector represents the fourth biggest branch in terms of the overall export revenue in Switzerland. Switzerland constitutes a rather Janus-like brand, looking at two worlds. On the one hand, there is the modern reality of financial security, outstanding infrastructure, and very high quality of life. On the other hand, there is the dramatization of a world full of folklore, clichés, and kitsch. However, it is likely that both images do not compete with each other. Rather, they might not be mutually exclusive. REFERENCES Aulakh, P., Kotabe, M., & Sahay, A. (1996). Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships: A Behavioral Approach. Journal of International Business Studies, 27 (5), 1005-1032. Baker, H.K., & Powell, G.E. (2005). Understanding Financial Management: A practical guide. Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing. Bishop, N. (1997). Advertising overload. Marketing Magazine, 15 (42), 58-64. Forbes. (2013). The World`s Most Reputable Countries, 2013. Retrieved March 15, 2015, from http://www.forbes.com/ sites/susanadams/2013/06/27/the-worlds-most-reputable-countries-2013/ FutureBrand. (2012). Country Brand Index 2012-13. Retrieved March 15, 2015, from http://www.futurebrand. com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/CBI_2012-Final.pdf Jacoby, J. (1984). 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Journal of Business Research, 42 (2), 135-143. doi: 10.1016/S0148-2963(97)00109-4. 33 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-34-38 SAFETY AND SECURITY AS FACTORS OF TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Ninela Kordić*, Radmila Živković, Jelena Stanković, Jelena Gajić Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia Abstract: Competitiveness on the global market represents one of the key factors and challenges for tourism industry and all its activities. The aim of the paper is to highlight the significance of tourism industry for economic development and employment, as well as to discuss and conclude on the importance of safety as a factor of competitiveness of the Republic of Serbia as a tourism destination. The analysis has been carried out in order to gain insight into Serbian competitiveness, in relation to destinations inside the region of Southern and Western Europe. Also, the time series have been used to present the specific pillars of tourism destination competitiveness and development of Serbia, especially safety and security pillars. In this paper, we shall present some of the implications of the current positioning of Serbia as a tourism destination, based on the use and analysis of the competitiveness index of the Republic of Serbia. 1. INTRODUCTION 34 According to the database of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the tourism industry has recorded a considerable rise despite the crises and natural disasters. Globally, international arrivals increased from $25 million in 1950, to $278 million in 1980, and from $527 million in 1995, to $ 1,133 billion in 2014. Also, the incomes from international tourism industry have increased from $2 billion in 1950, to $104 billion in 1980, and from $415 billion in 1995, to $1245 billion in 2014 (UNWTO, 2015a; UNWTO, 2015b). The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) states that tourism industry provides 277 million working places, and participates in the global GNP with 9,8% in the year 2014 (WTTC, 2015b). The competitiveness of the state is the capability of the country to specialize and implement its resources for the purpose of increasing its real income and maintaining positive equilibrium of the current account balance, based on a transparent and effective national macroeconomic policy and strategies in its different industries. The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos issues annually the reports on the competitiveness of countries, such as the Global Competitiveness Report starting from 1979. For tourism and travelling purposes, the Global Travel and Tourism Report has been issued biennially ever since 2007. * [email protected] Key words: safety and security, competitiveness, tourism destination, index of competitiveness, the Republic of Serbia. 2. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SAFETY AND SECURITY FACTORS The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report (WEF, 2015) offers methodology for measuring tourism competitiveness. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) represents the measure of factors and policies that enable sustainable development of travel and tourism sectors that contribute to the overall competitiveness of the country. The TTCI is published and presented every two years. In 2015, there were 141 countries participating in the index calculation and measurement. The global index includes 4 sub-indexes (favourable production conditions, travel and tourism policies and incentives, infrastructure, and natural and cultural resources). Each of these sub-indexes is divided into pillars (14 in total), and each pillar is divided into indicators (90 in total). Over the past recent years, (WEF, 2015), the terrorism has been on the rise, while the world has been facing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and Ukraine, South East Asia, fear and threats of global crisis on the travel and tourism industry such as safe travelling and accommodation for leisure and business travellers etc. So far, the effects of the mentioned troubling factors and effects have been treated differently in diverse countries. While some countries faced a significant decrease in inbound tourism, other countries did not have that problem. In the future, one can expect that the issue of uncertainty of the travel and tourism sector will continue. On one hand, the developed economies are facing low rates of economic development while developing countries are facing slow economic development. On the other hand, the world is in the process of constant globalization. Having that in mind, the theme of the WEF TTCI report for year 2015 is “Growing through Shocks”. This report represents the current global context and complexity of the situation, which has to be solved in order to contribute to future economic development. The tourism market is sensitive to social or political instability within a destination. Accordingly, significant decline in tourist arrivals occurs during the periods of warfare or other conflicts. The negative effects of war on tourism are not necessarily confined to the actual war zone or period of conflict. The decline in arrivals was, in large part, due to global uncertainty, associated with both the prelude and aftermath of a particular incident (Weaver & Lawton, 2010). Deliberate targeting of tourists and tourism facilities by terrorists represents an increasingly disturbing trend that resulted in several factors. Among these factors is the knowledge that disruption of tourist flows can have severe economic and socio-political repercussions on the countries where this sector makes a significant contribution to GNP. Beyond the macro level forces of war, unrest and terrorism, destination viability is affected by the extent to which tourists perceive a place to offer a high level personal safety in terms of everyday health and well-being. Dissuasive factors include high crime levels, susceptibility to natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, unsafe drinking water and food, and the prevalence of diseases such as malaria and AIDS. Tourist deaths and injuries associated with traffic-related and other accidents can also generate negative market perceptions, prompting some destinations to pursue strategies to minimize their occurrence. Tourism is sensitive to crisis caused by economic factors, and crises caused by non-economic factors. Also, tourism has proved the high extent of ability for its recovery, which resulted in a positive tendency in its development, accompanied by occasional periods of stagnation caused by negative environmental factors. Negative environmental changes have led to changes in tourism activities in terms of reducing the number or redirecting of the regular travel (Živković, 2014). Special attention to travellers and tourist safety was intensified in the 80s, along with the development of the trend of increased number of dangerous situations tourists were facing. The problem of safety and security became the problem of tourism institution and the entire country, since guaranteed safety increases the likelihood of visits to a particular destination. Panic and insecurity among tourists, especially in hotel industry, is usually caused by fire. Tourist health can be seriously jeopardised by poor hygiene and infections (TripAdvisor, 2015). However, ecological catastrophes and epidemic are by far the most dangerous threats to tourists and tourism development. Most commonly, travellers experience abrupt and dramatic changes of ambient conditions, which can negatively SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS affect their health and well-being. Travelling also includes changes in altitude, temperature, and humidity, as well as being exposed to the bites of dangerous exotic animals and insects. Negative contact with accidental changes in the environment can be reduced by taking precautions measures (Popesku, 2008; Becken, 2010). Environmental security is always seriously jeopardised by local and regional crisis whose main characteristic is their abruptness. Those crises usually accompany some global change or disaster, such as: civil riots and wars, ethnic conflicts, illegal migrations, trafficking, smuggling of narcotics and weapons (Shelley, 2014). Tourism itself is sensitive to changes in political and security environment, especially in terms of war and terrorism risks (Mata-Lima et al., 2013). 2.1. Unfavourable state of environment and natural disasters Natural disasters are caused by climate changes, hydro meteorological and biological activities, which directly influence natural and urban environment (Mata-Lima et al., 2013). One of the common characteristics of natural disasters is their abruptness, like with earthquakes and landslides. However, contemporary science and modern technologies enable prediction of some of the disasters, their time, place and intensity. One can conclude that disasters are pretty complex in their nature. Thus, the consequences of accidents could be enormous and disastrous, leading to serious disruptions in natural and social sphere, followed by human and material loss, spread of diseases etc. Natural catastrophes should be approached by complex prevention, through establishing strong cooperation between science, high technologies and civil education when dealing with changes and their consequences. Among numerous aspects of natural disasters, climate changes are one of the strongest and should be pointed out. Climate changes exert a strong impact on the operation activities in the tourism industry. One of the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) 2014 was that climate changes are unambiguously the result of human activities, especially CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The fatal emission changes are clearly visible in all regions worldwide: global warming, green house effect, etc. (CISL, 2014). There have been strong attempts towards establishing connection between positive climate activities, the existing tourism destinations and sustainable development. Important factors that should be considered and included in the process include air temperature, wind chill effects, humidity, radiation etc. Also, some other elements, such as wind speed or snow depth may be important when planning recreational activities, in particular tourism destinations. The climate parameters can be jointly considered into a single index, which is used to indicate adequate places for planning and managing specific tourist activities (Becken, 2010) 2.2. Political uneasiness and security situation According to numerous research tourism connect great deal of uncertainty and concern with personal physical unsafety, which is extremely visible during political and 35 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Data in this report are essential for contributing to risk management of future terrorist attacks in countries with low levels of movement. Key factors which determine tourist exposure to risks (World Health Organization, 2015) include: ◆ destination ◆ length of visit ◆ purpose of visit ◆ accommodation and hygiene ◆ tourist behaviour. Traffic accidents have become the most usual cause of tourist accidents. Traffic accidents and violence impose significant risk for travellers in many countries, especially in developing countries, where professional help is usually poor and not always on disposal. Accidents and injuries may occur in different places, such as recreation facilities, swimming pools, scuba and surfing spots, etc. The most significant risks for tourist health are drowning, head and spinal injuries. The data show that at least half a million of deaths are caused by drowning every year. Also, one of the key causes of death in tourism is freezing. The possibility of infection is high in shore water, as a result of large number of pathogen microorganism inhalation due to human and animal factor, and water pollution effects (World Health Organization, 2009). Tour operators, tourist agencies, airline and shipping companies should be responsible for health protection of their travellers. Health protection and tourist safety should be the primary interest of the entire tourism and travel industry. The goal is to reduce and avoid potential issues while travelling abroad. Thus, highly professional tourist agencies organize meetings with tourists before trips and journeys, in order to inform them about the situation at the destination (World Health Organization, 2009). 2.3. Epidemics, road traffic accidents, violence and injuries 3. SERBIAN TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMPETITIVENESS Every travelling is connected with health risks. Most of the risk can be avoided or significantly reduced through proper education of people, health promotion, prevention of diseases, and environmental protection. These activities require responsibility of professionals such as tourism and health workers, as well as tourists themselves. Health protection and safety risks, especially those connected with tourism companies, are related to business risks as they come from business processes that are highly labour intensive. Tourism product is complex and comprises a wide range of service elements. It is being consumed on the spot, while being produced, and requires interaction not only between the personnel and natural, physical environment (facilities, equipment etc.), but also with the tourists who actively participate in creating tourism products. Accordingly, professional, health, and safety risks are being multiplied, which increases adverse effects on the business goals and strategies of tourism companies, as well as on employees and tourists themselves (Dimitrov, 2009). Insufficient health protection can be regulated by poverty perception connected with the tourism destination, as well as with the incidence of different diseases such as malaria, cholera, AIDS, hepatitis etc., which represent a serious threat to the health of tourists and their fear connected with the destination. Direct contribution of Travel and Tourism sector (T&T) to Serbia’s GDP was 2.1% in 2014, with the anticipated rise by 5.2%, from 2015-2025 (2.5% of total GDP). The total contribution was 6.1%, with long-term forecasts by 7.2% of total GDP. In 2014, T&T sector directly supported 35.000 jobs (2.6% of total employment). In 2014, the total contribution of Travel &Tourism to employment includes jobs indirectly supported by the industry and equals 6.4% of total employment (87,500 jobs) (WTTC, 2015b). According to the WEF available data from 2008, a decline in Serbian ranking is evident according to the related factors. The decline can be traced to factors such as TT human (5.1 in 2008 - 4.29 in 2014), cultural and natural resources (2.73 and 2.27 in 2008 – 1.61 and 1.90 in 2014) and TT regulatory framework (4.27 in 2008 and 3.83 in 2014) (WEF, 2015). Enabling Environment embraces general assumptions necessary for the development of activities of the country: 1. Business Environment, 2. Safety and security, 3. Health and hygiene, 4. Human resources and labour market, 5. Capability to use information and communication technologies. Table 2 gives an overview of global and regional index, as well as the values of five pillars engaged in Business Environment in the tourism sector of the Republic of Serbia and some countries of Southern and Western Europe. war crisis. Nowadays, terrorism represents the strongest threat to physical safety. Most people agree that the world has changed after the attacks in London, Madrid, and New York. Terrorist attacks could occur anytime and anywhere. The Global Terrorism Index shows the direct and indirect influence of terrorist attacks in 162 countries, expressed through particular indicators. This study is produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), and is considered the most comprehensive global dataset on terrorist activity. According to the GTI, over 80 per cent of lives were lost due to terrorist activity in 2013 in only five countries – Iraq (10), Afghanistan (9.39), Pakistan (9.37), Nigeria (8.58) and Syria (8.12)1. In 2014, ranking and score for the countries in region were the following (Table 1): Table1. Rang and scores, Global Terrorism Index, 2014 rang 75 86 87 89 105 107 124 country Macedonia, FYR Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro Serbia Croatia Albania Slovenia GTI 1.45 0.76 0.7 0.58 0.23 0.19 0 Source: Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) 36 1 GTI ranks and scores (1-10), 2014 Table 2. T & T index and Enabling Environment Pillars, values, 2015 country Global rank Southern and Western Europe rank Spain France Germany Croatia Slovenia Montenegro Macedonia, FYR Serbia Albania S&W Europe average 1 2 3 33 39 67 82 95 106 1 2 3 19 23 33 34 35 36 Business Environment 4.09 4.52 5.32 3.65 4.03 4.39 4.87 3.38 4.11 4.56 SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Safety and Security Health and Hygiene Human Resources and Labor Market ICT Readiness 5.97 5.44 6.06 6.00 6.20 5.69 5.75 5.46 5.34 5.95 6.11 6.52 6.85 6.33 6.05 5.71 5.99 6.04 5.22 6.23 4.87 4.96 5.18 4.41 4.69 4.85 4.47 4.29 4.68 4.87 5.26 5.55 5.51 5.03 5.07 4.42 4.47 4.45 4.07 5.14 Source: Adapted from http://www.weforum.org/issues/travel-and-tourismcompetitiveness/ttci-platform Security is a key factor which determines tourism sector competitiveness. There is a great likelihood that tourists are to refrain from travelling to dangerous countries or regions, which makes this sector less attractive for development in these destinations. For the purpose of calculating the security index, the total cost incurred will be taken into consideration, arising from crime, violence and terrorism, as well as to the extent one can rely on police forces in providing protection from crime. Table 3 presents an indicator structure of security index for Serbia for the year 2015. The first three indicators presented in Table 3 are derived from the World Economic Forum’s Executive Opinion Survey, and are always expressed on a scale of 1 to 7 (1=the worst score, 7=the best score). The other two are derived from other relevant international databases, such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). Table 3. Safety and Security value structure, and global rank, Serbia, 2015 Safety and Security 5.5 59 Business costs of crime and violence† 4.2 86 Reliability of police services† 3.8 89 Business costs of terrorism† 5.5 58 Index of terrorism incidence* 7.0 79 1 30 Indicators Homicide rate* Source: T &T Competitiveness Report, 2015 Regarding Safety and Security, together with Health and Hygiene, Serbian tourism is better positioned compared to other pillars, especially International Openness Pillar, Infrastructure Pillars and Natural and Cultural Resources Pillars. Nevertheless, according to the WEF T&T Competitiveness Index 2015, in the Southern and Western Europe, Serbia assumes second-to-last place. 4. SUMMARY According to the results of the survey on competitiveness in 2015, and additional quantitative and qualitative data and analysis, T & T industry continues to grow and could be considered “shock-proof”. In addition, new trends are emerging, which provides benefits to the countries capable of using new potentials for development. Growth and development of T & T sector create potential for development of other countries regardless of their wealth, offering employment positions at different levels, which is also very important for Serbia as a tourism destination. A favourable geographical position and accessible natural and cultural resources contribute to tourism development throughout year and positioning of Serbia as a tourism destination. According to the World Economic Forum, the downturn in Serbian competitiveness ranking is obvious. The downturn is apparent in the human resources sector, as well as in cultural and natural resources sector. Especially, significant downturn is evident in policy regulations sector, which can be explained by incompatible access to development strategy in tourism sector accomplished by national institutions. In this paper, we have also presented that the Republic of Serbia, as a tourism destination, still does not use sufficiently all its benefits and potentials, based on the factors and indicators from the period 2007-2014. Risk perception, in the context of tourism industry, can be defined as perception of tourist experience in the process of purchasing and consuming tourism products and services, based on possible dissatisfaction or problems related to it. The concept comprises different risk categories, among which the most significant would be financial, physical, psychological, social, political (instability and crisis), health, terrorism, etc. In order to promote and develop Serbia as a competitive tourism destination, continuous research and analysis has to be established between risk perception and travel intentions of tourists and visitors. Identification of safety and security risks, and their reduction, should contribute to elevating tourist satisfaction and building of a better image of Serbia as a tourism destination. 37 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE REFERENCES Becken, S. (2010). The Importance of Climate and Weather for Tourism, 2010. Retrieved August 15, 2015 from http://www.lincoln.ac.nz/PageFiles/6750/WeatherLitReview.pdf Dimitrov, P. (2009). Measuring Occupational Health and Safety Risks in Tourism Companies. Ege Academic Review, 9 (3), 889-902. European Climate Foundation. (2014). 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SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-39-42 INNOVATION, BUSINESS SUCCESS AND LEADERSHIP IN TOURISM Slavka Drašković* English School of Business Belgrade, Cara Uroša 17, Belgrade Abstract: This paper analyses the relationship between innovation and business success and the role of a leader in such relationship. The main question addressed herein refers to how can a leader uses innovation to influence competitiveness and business success in tourism in an increasingly global competitive environment. The paper introduces the Scheme of success and applies it to the issue of leadership, innovation and business success in tourism. Results indicate that a leader’s influence on a company’s success through innovation is very high and that it is quite different in today’s conditions of global competitiveness than it used to be. A leader can influence competitive advantage through innovation development in two basic interconnected ways: being innovative himself/herself i.e., undertaking a pioneering endeavour; and developing an innovative, learning organization, based on an organizational culture that supports innovation at all organizational levels. This second approach to leadership influence is a novelty compared to the time of mass tourism and competition before it became global. Practical implications for effective leadership in tourism are also addressed and recommendations for further research are provided. 1. INTRODUCTION Tourism is one of the fastest growing global market industries. In order to maintain this growth and keep up with an increasingly growing global competition, a number of countries have declared innovation to be one of the key factors for future growth and sustainable competitiveness. Key figures in tourism industry such as Thomas Cook or Vladimir Raitz, or pioneers in the hotel sector such as Conrad Hilton and J.W. Marriott, have shown how innovation can lead to a leadership position in the business world. The Scheme of Success based on the author’s qualitative research of the American leaders’ business success, including prominent Serbian Americans, shows that a leader has to be innovative and undertake a pioneering business of some sort in order to ensure competitive advantage and the top leadership positions in business (Drašković, 2010). Global competitiveness has placed even more demands for innovation on leadership. The paper addresses the following questions: what characterizes innovations in tourism and how can a leader use innovation to influence competitiveness and business success in tourism in the global competitive environment. It examines the ways of gaining competitiveness in tourism through development of innovation and leadership interventions. The global competition environment presents new challenges to leadership in tourism. The challenge is to always be innovative and different in order to be competitive. Therefore, leaders have to assume a pioneering approach. In fact, innovation-pioneering endeavours are an inevitable part of every top leadership position. Those endeavours are * [email protected] Key words: innovation, elements of success, scheme of success, tourism competitiveness, leadership. generally based on sustainable or disruptive business model innovation, but hypercompetitive global market places even more need for transformational business model innovation. The examination of the connection between leadership, innovation and business success in tourism has led to another conclusion, that a leader today has an additional new challenge: to develop and support new knowledge development in an organization - the learning organization - based on an organizational culture that supports innovation at all organizational levels. The paper is structured as follows: Section 1 introduces the question of innovation in tourism and possible connection between innovation, business success and leadership. It also highlights the main findings. Section 2 discusses the ways in which innovation in tourism has been explored and deals with types of innovation in tourism. Afterwards, it explores the environment in which tourism organizations operate, and introduces the Scheme of Success based on the author’s qualitative research showing that an innovation-pioneering endeavour is an inevitable part of every top leadership position. Examples of pioneers in the tourism industry are presented, as well as research results. In Section 3, concluding remarks are given together with practical implications of the conclusions for effective leadership in tourism and recommendations for future research. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The research field dealing with innovation in tourism is relatively new. Studies conducted on innovation in tourism reveal a lack of innovation and slow change in innovation 39 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 40 behaviour in tourism (Weiermair, 2006; Myer, 2009; Kvam & Straete, 2010). Some researchers claim that innovation in tourism is very low and that the tourism industry primarily adjusts to changes, copies innovation in other fields and is very little innovative itself (Myer, 2009; Kvam & Straete, 2010). Research on innovation, and types of innovation in tourism, has been done mostly based on Schumpeter’s work and adapted to the services sector. One of the researches was done by Hjalager who defined five types of innovation in tourism: product innovation; process innovation; management innovation; logistics innovations; institutional innovation (Kvam & Straete, 2010). Hjalager’s typology of innovation in tourism is commonly used and is itself the basis for other typologies on innovation in tourism. For example, typology developed by Mayer, in addition to Hjalager’s five types differentiates 14 more types of innovation in tourism, in total 19 types of innovation in tourism (Mayer, 2009). On the other side, many of the business model innovation have been developed based on the work done by Clayton Christensen who identifies 3 types of competitive innovations: Sustaining Innovation – when the service providers make innovations to meet costumers’ demands and in order to remain competitive in the existing market; Disruptive Innovation – when an existing competitive market is entered with the new business model that offers transformation of an existing product or service in a way to be much cheaper and/or easier to use; and Transformational Innovation creating a totally new product or service that customers do not know about and there is no demand for it as nothing similar existed before (Christansen, 2012). In tourism industry research, Christensen’s work has been used by Crotts and Gupta as a base for discussing prospects for developing business model innovation that can increase competitiveness in tourism. Crotts and Gupta give, as an example of a disruptive innovation in industry of tourism and hospitality, the launch of the Holiday Inn hotel chain in early 60’s, as it offered products/services that are far more affordable and simple for a larger population to use, than offered by the existing models at the time (Christensen, 2012; Crotts & Gupta, 2013). They concluded that although Christensen’s work can give an important framework for research in competitiveness and innovation business models in tourism, it cannot be applied and adopted as it is (Crotts & Gupta, 2013). However, Crotts and Gupta have opened the subject, and the issue of innovating business models in tourism has yet to be developed and researched. Organizations operating in the area of tourism face an increasingly dynamic and competitive environment. It is characterized by constant and rapid change. Information and knowledge have become the key resources (Yakl, 2010; Blanco, 2011). Global competition is basically different than traditional competition – it is called „hypercompetition“. It is radically increased competition where positioning is based not only on price–quality ratio, but on creation of new knowhow and on the “first mover” product/service provider. That means that there is still demand for the best price–quality ratio, but it is not enough. There is another key factor: creating new know-how – the advantage of the “first mover” (Lieberman & Montgomery, 1988). An economy is essentially based on innovations – on new knowledge development and implementation. In all industries, competitiveness increasingly depends on the way people collect, organize and commercialize their know-how (Yukl, 2010; Radun, 2010; Drašković, 2011). Not only that organisations have to predict future trends and act accordingly, but to go ahead of the changes, to create changes. In order to be competitive, companies have to be different rather than better than the competition. The key words are innovation and difference. Therefore, there is a need for continuing education of human resources and for developing organizations and people to be innovative and adaptive (D’Aveni, 1995; Yakl, 2010). Accordingly, knowledge-based society and the impetus of the “first mover” have increased the need for innovation in the tourism industry. According to the UNWTO, two tourism areas have undergone major changes: The first area is the marketing of tourism destinations, products and services, because of different online marketing channels such as internet marketing, social network marketing, search engine marketing, mobile and location-based marketing, etc. The second area in tourism where major changes have occurred is the infrastructure of the organization in a way that allows greater flexibility and readiness to respond to customer requirements (Sakulsureeyadej, 2011). Both of the mentioned areas of change in tourism relate mostly to development of sustainable and/or disruptive business models innovation (Crotts & Gupta, 2013). However, the hypercompetitive global market places a need not only for sustainable and disruptive business model innovation, but even more for transformational innovation. Leadership in the tourism industry should look up to information technology industry where transformational innovation business model is used from IT beginnings. Some of the basic inventions in the IT industry as we know it are based on transformational innovation, including the Internet (that we did not know about or have demand for before it appeared), lap tops, USB devices, or iPhones, iPads, etc. So, in addition to the idea that there is a need for being innovative and meeting demands and consumers’ new needs in tourism (Sakulsureeyadej, 2011), there is an idea behind transformational innovation that consumers are buying as “there is a job to be done” (Crotts & Gupta, 2013) - so if there is a solution in some totally new, so far unknown product/service, they will take it. Terms “innovation” and “technological change” have become an inevitable part of global tourism vocabulary (Blancoj, 2011), but, there is still lack of innovation and slow changes in innovation behaviour in tourism (Weiermair, 2006; Myer, 2009; Kvam & Straete, 2010). It is up to leadership in the tourism industry to create change, move changes ahead, and introduce innovative business models in tourism. The research on the business success of more than 50 leading American and Serbian American business leaders found the following elements of their success: 1) Innovation - Pioneering endeavours and novelties that the leader introduced; 2) Crisis and risk - overcoming critical situations in which the leader found himself/herself; 3) Hard work, long- working hours; 4) Help from other people and institutions; 5) Personality traits that led to success; and 6) Maximizing opportunity, taking advantage of favourable circumstances (Drašković, 2010). The scheme provided below supports the above-stated. Not until all six elements are combined together can higher level change occur – the change that can bring a competitive advantage. Innovation/Pioneering undertaking is the first of the six common elements of the US business leaders’ success stories. Every one of them was an innovator SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Fig.1: Success Scheme Source: Drašković (2010) and a pioneer in their fields of business (Drašković, 2010). It is the same in tourism where innovation laid the foundation for the modern age hospitality and tourism industry. There are several people that should be taken into consideration. Firstly, Thomas Cook who was an inventor and pioneer of commercialized mass tourism as he organized the first excursions ever, the first organized tours; Secondly, Vladimir Raitz, who pioneered the first mass package holidays abroad with charter flights; and Ellsworth Statler who led the hotel industry into the modern age with his innovations in hotel engineering and design with the first private bath etc. Many have followed their example including the current pioneers of web-based disintermediation, new tourism intermediaries, tourism marketing through social media etc. However, there is an important difference between the pioneering endeavours in the 20th century businesses and in today’s global business environment, because today the impetus of innovation has not been required just at the top management level. Innovation culture today means innovation diffusion and knowledge transfer/ dissemination through organizations at all levels (Yakl, 2010). There is a need to have people at every level who are oriented towards learning and continuous improvement. The leadership in tourism should assume the key roles in nurturing innovative behaviour, flexibility and culture of constant learning and change in organizations. Learning organization is the term for the organizations that learn rapidly and use knowledge to develop people and become more effective through innovation and new knowledge (Chawla, 1995; Sengi, 2003). Consequently, competitive advantage in tourism through innovation can be achieved through changes in organizational culture in tourism organizations. Therefore, there is a need for leadership to develop flexible infrastructure in order not only to be able to respond to travellers’ expectations of new and personalized products and services, but even more importantly, to develop business models, products and services, or the way of advertising them, which are not yet in demand in modern tourism. There are organisations in tourism that have already developed the innovative and knowledge-based organisational culture. The Association for Talent Development has made a yearly list of learning organisations and the „2014’s Very BEST Learning Organizations“list. They include 42 companies of which two are the companies in the tourism and hospitality sectors: MGM Resorts International and Hilton Worldwide (ATD 2014). There are also some studies on learning organisations in tourism and the hospitality industry like the one discussing weaknesses in the „adventure of becoming a learning organization“ (Bayraktaroglu & Kutanis, 2003) or the one researching if learning organization concept can be applied in the context of tourism destination management (Schianetz, Kavanagh & Lockington, 2007). They both concluded that although organizational learning may be an important factor in building an organization’s competitiveness, it cannot guarantee success in today’s fiercely competitive markets and they suggested that this approach should be further utilized and explored (Bayraktaroglu & Kutanis, 2003; Schianetz, Kavanagh & Lockington, 2007). All this suggests that research on the subject of learning organisations in tourism has just commenced, and that the subject of leadership roles in that context is yet to be considered. 3. SUMMARY The competitive environment encourages companies to quickly and efficiently innovate products or services. Although traditionally innovation is more related to products, there is no doubt that its popularity is growing significantly in the services sector. Innovation is found to be one of the key elements of business success in tourism at the individual level concerning the big leadership figures in tourism industry, but also as part of today’s “learning organizations” in tourism. Even though innovation has always been important for leadership and business success (Drašković, 2010, 2011), innovation has spread to lower levels of the organization in the modern global economy. Practical consequences for leadership/management in tourism are that they are forced to intervene through development of innovative, adaptive, flexible learning organization and to develop business models that would give an advantage to a “first mover”. The concept of a learning organization is connected to the culture that involves experimenting, risk taking and the right to make mistakes. Leaders/managers in tourism should be encouraged to experiment on a small-scale and test new ideas. That creates opportunity to try new ideas without the risk of major change of programs/models/services and products in tourism. Guidelines for increasing learning and innovation listed by Yakl (2010) can be useful if adapted for competitiveness in tourism and applied by the country and economy leaders, 41 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE as well as leaders in tourism organizations. The Guidelines include as follows: Encourage appreciation for flexibility and innovation; Set innovation goals; Encourage and facilitate learning by individuals and teams; Help people to improve their mental models; Leverage learning from surprises and failures; Encourage and facilitate sharing of knowledge and ideas; and Reward entrepreneurial behaviour (Yukl, 2010, pp. 324-326). Further research in the field of innovation and business success in tourism should include the role of a leader and focus more on innovation business models in tourism. The other field that is opened for researchers is the field of advantages and disadvantages of developing learning organisations in tourism, and leadership and managerial role in such context. REFERENCES ATD. (2014). 2014’s Very BEST Learning Organizations . Alexandia, USA: ATD Publiuctions. Retrieved September 02, 2015, from https://www.td.org/Publications/Magazines/TD/TD-Archive/2014/10/BEST-Intro Bayraktaroglu, S., & Kutanis, R. O. (2003). Transforming hotels into learning organisations: a new strategy for going global. Tourism Management, 24 (2), 149–154. doi:10.1016/S0261-5177(02)00061-4. Blanco, J. (2011). Understanding and managing innovation and technological change: a major opportunity for tourism organizations. In World Tourism Organization (Ed.) Technology in Tourism (pp. 5-6). Retrieved September 02, 2015, from http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfront.net/ sites/all/files/pdf/unwtodigitalresources_volume1_techtourism_eng_0.pdf Christensen, C. (1997). The Innovators dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Retrieved September 02, 2015, from http://jhqedu.com:1042/upload/books/ Book1010/20140311115729871.pdf Chawia S, & Renesch, J. (1995). Learning Organizations: Developing Cultures for Tomorrow’s Workplace. New York: Productivity press. Crotts, J.C., & Gupta, S. K. (2013). Innovation and Competitiveness: What we can learn from Clayton Christensen. In J. Crotts, S. K. Gupta, and S. C. Bagri (Ed.) Innovation and competitiveness in hospitality and tourism (pp. 1-11). New Dehli, India: Kaniska Publishers. D’Aveni, R. A. (1995). Coping with hypercompetition: Utilizing the new 7S’s framework. Academy of Management Executive, 9 (3), 46. Drašković, S. (2011). Učenje na daljinu kao deo nove paradigme razvoja privrede i društva. In A. Vraneš, Lj. Marković (Ed.), Digitalizacija kulturne i naučne baštine, univerzitetski repozitorijumi i učenje na daljinu. 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Izazovi konkurentnosti u ekonomiji znanja. Novi Sad: Viša škola za poslovne sekretare i menadžment. Sakulsureeyadej, A. (2011). How technology is changing global tourism. In World Tourism Organization (Ed.) Technology in Tourism (pp. 9-11). Retrieved September 02, 2015, from http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfront. net/sites/all/files/pdf/unwtodigitalresources_volume1_ techtourism_eng_0.pdf Schaintz, K, Kavanagh, L., & Lockington, D. (2007). The Learning Tourism Destination: The potential of a learning organization approach for improving the sustainability of tourism destinations. Tourism Management, 28 (6), 1485–1496. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2007.01.012 Sengi, P. (2003). Peta disciplina: umeće i praksa organizacije koja uči. Novi Sad: Adižes. Živković R., Gajić J., & Brdar I. (2012). Turisti kao pokretači inovacija u turizmu, VII Međunarodni skup „Mediteranski dani“, Trebinje (str. 260-267). (In Serbian). Weiermair, K. (2006). Product Improvement or Innovation: What is the Key to Success in Tourism. OECD Publishing. Retrieved August 08, 2015, from http://www.oecd. org/cfe/tourism/34267947.pdf Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in Organizations. Global Edition: Pearson. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-43-46 POZITIVNI EFEKTI PROCESA GLOBALIZACIJE NA TURIZAM Ivana Brdar*, Vladimir Džamić, Tijana Radojević, Jelena Đorđević Boljanović, Gordana Dobrijević Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt: U radu autori analiziraju pozitivne uticaje globalizacije kao sveobuhvatnog društvenog procesa na turizam kao privrednu granu. Posebno su naglašeni nivoi globalizacije u turizmu, kao i ključne sociokulturne, ekonomske, tehnološke i društveno-političke karakteristike globalizacije u turizmu. Autori u svom istraživanju ukazuju na pozitivnu korelaciju između pojedinih dimenzija globalizacije sa povećanim migratornim kretanjima stanovništva u svrhu turizma. Takođe, analizira se značaj slobode kretanja ljudi u kontekstu evropskih integracija , kao i uticaja koje povećano kretanje turista ima na BDP države. 1. UVOD Proces globalizacije jedna je od ključnih determinanti savremenih međunarodnih ekonomskih odnosa. Globalizacija, koja se danas nalazi u takozvanoj trećoj velikoj eri, utiče na živote ljudi svojom ekološkom, vojnom, ekonomskom i sociopolitičkom dimenzijom. Takođe, globalizacije unutar svake od ovih dimenzija proizvodi značajne posledice na mezo i mikronivoima. Zahvaljujući redefinisanju osnovnih tradicionalnih postulata na kojima počiva država, nacionalne granice postale su propustljivije, državni suverenitet (politički i ekonomski) značajno drugačiji, a sloboda kretanja robe, usluga, kapitala i ljudi – temelj takozvanog novog svetskog poretka i liberalnog kapitalizma. Kako globalizaciju karakteriše velika mobilnost kapitala, ljudi, ideja i informacija na svetskom nivou, turizam i grane privrede koje ga prate nisu nikako mogle da ostanu imune na ovakva kretanja. Turizam predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih privrednih aktivnosti jer uključuje kretanja robe i usluga i ljudi, što zapravo predstavlja jedan od najvećih uticaja globalizacije. Youell (1998) navodi da je geografsko pove* [email protected] Ključne reči: nivoi globalizacije, slobodno kretanje ljudi, ekonomska globalizacija, evropske integracije, turizam. zivanje destinacija širom sveta postalo je jedno od glavnih faktora internacionalizacije turizma, kao i stvaranja većih globalnih tokova turista, dok su Shaw & Williams (2002) dodali da je turizam, na mnogo načina, jedan od najmoćnijih primera globalizacije s obzirom da je njegov geografski obuhvat danas veći nego ikad, uzimajući u obzir da se poslovne interakcije odvijaju na sve većim udaljenostima i u sve širim krugovima. 2. GLOBALIZACIJA I TURIZAM Iako se pojam globalizacije smatra prikladnijim za oblast trgovine i industrije, neminovan je njen uticaj i na druge privredne grane, između ostalog i na turizam. Đurašević (2008) razlikuje posredno i neposredno delovanje globalizacije na turizam. Posredno delovanje se ostvaruje kretanjima u ekonomiji, infrastrukturnoj povezanosti i drugim oblastima društva, dok se neposredno delovanje globalizacije na turizam ogleda kroz realizaciju samih turističkih globalnih kretanja. Hjalager (2007) navodi da se globalizacija u turizmu može izraziti u nivoima, što je prikazano u tabeli 1. 43 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Tabela 1. Nivoi globalizacije u turizmu Odlike Naziv nivoa Logički Manifestacija u turizmu Visoki profil globalizacije Nizak profil globalizacije Misionari na tržištu Prekogranične integracije Fragmetacija lanca vrednosti Pristup novim profitabilnim tržištima sa postojećim proizvodima. Korišćenje tržišnog pristupa i profilisanje brenda stranom tržištu. Stvaranje profitabilnosti u uslugama i pristupačnost posebnim materijalnim i nematerijalnim resursima. Dodavanje vrednosti integracijom ekonomske logike u druge sektore. Turistički odbor za predstavljanje i operacije na tržištu. Transnacionalne integracije kroz poslovne investicije i merdžovanje. Podela lanaca vrednosti. Razvoj, produkcija i marketing znanja. Međunarodna marketing saradnja sa regionalnim/ nacionalnim turističkim preduzećima. Uvoz i izvoz poslovnih koncepcija kroz franšize i licenciranje. Fleksibilni ljudski resursi i unapređenje međunarodnog tržišta rada. Prelaženje u nove lance vrednosti Prodaja tržišne pozicije i ekstenzija brenda. Turizam u produkciji globalnih medija. Tržišno širenje većih turističkih preduzeća. 44 Prema Peric (2005) globalizacija u turizmu ima određene karakteristike koje se mogu podeliti u nekoliko grupa i to su: 1. Ekonomija ◆ Horizontalne i vertikalne integracije turističkih preduzeća; ◆ Strana ulaganja; ◆ Globalni turistički menadžment; ◆ Globalna konkurencija. 2. Tehnologija ◆ Globalni sistem za rezervacije; ◆ Standardizovana tehnologija u transportnim sistemima. 3. Kultura ◆ Svetski turista: uniformno ponašanje putnika; ◆ Stvaranje „svetskog turističkog sela“. 4. Ekologija ◆ Turizam kao „sindrom ekoloških problema“; ◆ Klimatske promene i njihov efekat na destinacije. 5. Politika ◆ Povišena značajnost međunarodnih turističkih organizacija; ◆ Neophodnost svetske koordinacije i regulacije protoka turista i dr. Globalizacija je donela brojne koristi turizmu i doprinela je njegovom razvoju i bržem širenju. Kako globalizacija utiče na „ukidanje granica“ između država, povećava se broj ljudi koji se uključuju u turistička putovanja i sve destinacije na svetu danas postaju pristupačne. Prema Shaw & Williams (2002), proces globalizacije je značajno napredovao kroz tehnološka dostignuća u oblasti transporta i komunikacija, posebno interneta, kompjuterskih rezervacionih i globalnih distributivnih sistema i e-trgovine. Buhalis & Law (2008) analiziraju uticaj savremene tehnologije iz tri aspekta: tehnološke inovacije uopšteno, njihov novih tehnologija na turističku tražnju, kao i njihov uticaj na poslovanje turističkih preduzeća. Navedeno potvrđuje i Page (1999), koji navodi da su informacione tehnologije doprinele pravoj revoluciji u organizaciji i upravljanju turističkim preduzećima, što je omogućilo fleksibilnije i efikasnije poslovanje. Kako globаlizаcijа doprinosi porаstu trgovine, kаpitаlа i ljudskih tokovа i generiše rаst – ona na taj način omogućava otvaranje novih rаdnih mestа u privredаmа širom sveta. Takođe, ona je povećаlа rаzvoj i nаpredаk turizmа kroz podsticаnje ulаgаnjа u turističku infrаstrukturu, posebno u nerаzvijenim regionimа, čime utiče i na poboljšаnje njihove pozicije nа međunаrodnom tržištu. Spasić (2012) ističe da se može očekivati i intenzivnije povezivanje među turističkim preduzećima kako bi se obezbedio rast preduzeća, i to najčešće korišćenjem franšiznog sistema, ugovora o menadžmentu, akvizicija, merdžovanja i sl. Dakle, turizаm je imаo koristi od globаlizаcije sledeći globаlne principe društvenoekonomskog, ekološkog i kulturno-održivog razvoja, što doprinosi poboljšаnju svetа kаo mesta u kojem se živi i rаdi (Reisinger, 2009). Globalizacija turističke privrede dovela je i do fragmentacije turističkog proizvodnog sistema (Novak et al., 2010) i transnacionalizacije vlasničkog sistema (Cohen, 2012). Reid (2003) smatra da je, iako mnogi autori navode da izloženost uticajima poslovanja velikih transnacionalnih sistema može da bude „nezdrava“ za turističku industriju, taj uticaj neminovan. Iz tog razloga, turizam se tradicionalno posmatra uglavnom iz ekonomske perspektive i glavni nosioci razvoja turizma u svetu su kompanije koje posluju na globalnom turističkom tržištu. Globalizacija ima i negativan uticaj na turizam. Sa gubitkom granica, širi se tržište što direktno utiče na povećanje konkurencije. Internacionalizacija poslovanja doprinela je smanjenju broja nacionalnih kompanija. Kulturne promene koje nastaju na globalnom tržištu dovele su do stvaranja globalne, homogene kulture, koja ima izrazito negativan uticaj na lokalne kulture, koje su veoma značajne za atraktivnost destinacija. Takođe, potrebno je pomenuti i povećano korišćenje tehnologije u procesu komuniciranja, kao i jezičke i kulturne barijere. Kako globalizacija utiče na „ukidanje granica“ između država, u turizmu se zapošljavaju ljudi iz različitih zemalja. Nepoznavanje jezika i različitih kultura često može dovesti do otežane komunikacije sa turistima (Reisinger, 2009). Kao što je već pomenuto, današnji turista je iskusan i osposobljen da koristi nove informacione tehnologije, što direktno ugrožava turoperatore i posrednike u prodaji. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Kao što se uočava u tabeli, koeficijent korelacije (R) iznosi 0.674 što označava povezanost i zavisnost između prihoda i BDP-a per capita. Tabela 4. Rezultati regresione analize Koeficijenti 3. REZULTATI ISTRAŽIVANJA I DISKUSIJA Kako bismo pokazali da je globalizacija izvršila određene uticaje na turizam u Srbiji, posebno sa ekonomskog aspekta, analizirali smo odnos broja stranih turista, prihoda od turizma i kretanja bruto domaćeg proizvoda po glavi stanovnika (BDP). Republički zavod za statistiku objavljuje vremensku seriju podataka o bruto domaćem proizvodu prema novoj metodologiji nacionalnih računa – ESA 2010, i to: revidirane podatke BDP-a od 2007. do 2012. godine; konačne rezultate obračuna BDP-a za 2013. godinu, kao i procenu BDP-a za 2014. godinu (kao zbir četiri kvartala). Obračun bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP) i izrada makroekonomskih računa za Republiku Srbiju vrše se u skladu sa međunarodno usvojenim standardima, Sistemom nacionalnih računa 2008 (SNA 2008) i Evropskim sistemom računa 2010 (ESA 2010), koji predstavljaju metodološki okvir za definisanje i vrednovanje osnovnih kategorija, primenjenih klasifikacija i načina obračuna. U tabeli 2. su prikazani podaci o ukupnom broju stranih turista u Srbiji, BDP po stanovniku, izražen u dolarima i prihodi od turizma izraženi u hiljadama u dolarima. Podaci su preuzeti iz Statističkih godišnjaka Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, za period od 2007. do 2014. godine. Sa povećanjem broja turista, povećavali su se i prihodi, što je uticalo i na BDP per capita. Kako bismo potvrdili navedeno, koristili smo metodu regresione analize primenom statističkog programa IBM SPSS 21.0. za utvrđivanje međuveze prihoda od turizma i BDP. Rezultati regresione analize prikazani u tabelama 3. i 4. i pokazuju povezanost između povećanja BDP-a i prihoda od turizma. Tabela 2. Pregled broja stranih turista, BDP per capita i prihoda u turizmu u Srbiji u periodu od 2007. do 2014. godine Strani turisti Godina BDP per capita (USD) Prihodi od turizma (USD) u 000 2007 696045 5463.74 531.30 2008 646494 6696.89 944.20 2009 645301 5830.58 865.40 2010 682681 5399.53 798.40 2011 764167 6422.87 991.70 2012 809967 5650.16 906.10 2013 921768 6352.77 1052.90 2014 1028732 6128.55 1139.00 Tabela 3. Regresiona analiza Model 1 B Std. Greška (Konstanta) 4411.974 719.667 Prihodi USD 1.750 .782 Model R R Kvadrat 1 .674a .455 .364 Std. Greška procene 381.84204 Standardizovani koeficijenti t Sig. 6.131 .001 2.237 .067 Beta .674 Daljom analizom utvrđeno je da je Sig. <0.05, što predstavlja da je linearna povezanost BDP per capita i prihoda od turizma statistički značajna, odnosno da nezavisna varijabla (prihod od turizma), koja se nalazi u toj vrsti, značajno utiče na zavisnu varijablu (BDP per capita). Sve navedeno pokazuje da je globalizacija uticala na veće kretanje ljudi – u ovom slučaju povećanje broja stranih turista, a to je direktno doprinelo rastu prihoda, koji je dalje uticao na povećanje BDP po glavi stanovnika. Kako bismo utvrdili stavove stanovništva o globalizaciji u turizmu, posebno sa geografskog aspekta “ukidanja nacionalnih granica”, sprovedeno je online, anonimno istraživanje na uzorku od 567 ispitanika. Poznato je da je Evropska unija krajem 2009. godine ukinula vize građanima Republike Srbije i, s tim u vezi, ispitani turisti su se složili da im je to omogućilo da više i lakše putuju u inostranstvo (oko 73% ispitanika), ali isto tako oko polovine njih se ne slaže sa izjavom da izbegavaju druge ino-destinacije za koje je potrebna viza da bi ih posetili. Kako globalizacija podrazumeva i ukidanje nacionalnih granica, proverili smo i stavove ispitanika po pitanju pristupanja Srbije Evropskoj uniji u kontekstu turističkih putovanja. Može se zaključiti da su mišljenja po pitanju toga podeljena – oko 40% turista se slaže da će im ulazak Srbije u EU omogućiti da češće i lakše putuju, dok se oko 37% njih ne slaže sa tom izjavom. Tabela 5. Korelacija stavova stanovništva o viznom režimu i integracijama Ukidanje viza omogućilo mi je da više i lakše putujem u inostranstvo. Pregled rezultata modela Prilagođeni R Kvadrat Nestandardizovani koeficijenti Ulazak Srbije u EU će mi omogućiti da više putujem. Pirsonova korelacija Ukidanje viza omogućilo mi je da više i lakše putujem u inostranstvo. Ulazak Srbije u EU će mi omogućiti da vise putujem. 1 .396** Sig. .000 N 567 567 Pirsonova korelacija .396** 1 Sig. .000 N 567 567 45 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE U cilju shvatanja percepcije stanovništva Srbije o viznom režimu i integracijama sagledaćemo i korelaciju koja se odnosi na navedeno. Kao što se može videti u tabeli 5. postoji izvesna korelacija između izjave da je ukidanje viza omogućilo turistima da više i lakše putuju u inostranstvo i stava da će im ulazak Srbije u EU omogućiti da više putuju. Kako je već pomenuto ranije, globalizacija, između ostalog, donosi političke i ekonomske integracije koje donose brojne prednosti. Nepostojanje državnih granica omogućava ljudima lakše kretanje što je, sa aspekta razvoja turizma, veoma značajno. Vizni režim može da utiče na slabiji rast međunarodnog turizma jer određen broj ljudi može da odustane od putovanja u određenu zemlju za koju im je potrebna viza. 4. REZIME Globalizacija kao sveobuhvatni proces neminovno ima pozitivne uticaje na razvoj turizma u XXI veku. Veća migratorna kretanja populacije u svrhe turizma, povezivanje različitih kultura i širenje različitih, novih društvenih vrednosti koje se nameću kao univerzalne, samo su neke od pozitivnih efekata koje globalizacija ima. Veća propustljivost granica i politički procesi integracija u Evropi, omogućili su ne samo slobodniji promet robe, kapitala i usluga, već i slobodnije kretanje turista, a konsekventno i pozitivne efekte na bruto društveni proizvod država. Pored svih pozitivnih efekata na turizam, globalizacija svakako ima i izrazito negativne efekte. Narušavanje životne sredine usled velikih migracija turista, promena kulturnih obrazaca i gubitak nacionalnog i kulturnog identiteta, samo su neki od negativnih aspekata globalizacije. LITERATURA Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progres in information technology and toruism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet – The state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29(4), 609-623. doi:10.1016/j. tourman.2008.01.005 Cohen, E. (2012). Globalization, Global Crises and Tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 37(2), 103-111. Đurašević, S. (2008). Turistička putovanja: savremeni koncepti prodaje. Podgorica: CID. Hjalager, A. (2007). Stages in the economic globalization of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 437-457. Novak, J.J., Petit, S., & Sahli, M. (2010). Tourism and Globalization: The International Division of Tourism Production. Journal of Travel Research, 49(2), 228-245. Peric, V. (2005). Tourism and Globalization. 6th International Conference of the Faculty of Management Koper Congress Centre Bernardin, Slovenia, 24–26 November 2005. str. 33-41. Reid, D.G. (2003). Tourism, Globalization and Development Responsible Tourism Planning. London: Pluto Press. Reisinger, Y. (2009). International Tourism: Cultures and Behavior. Oxford: Elsevier. Republički zavod za statistiku. (2007-2014). Statistički godišnjak Republike Srbije. Preuzeto 3. Maja 2015. sa http:// webrzs.stat.gov.rs/WebSite/ Shaw, G., & Williams, A.M. (2002). Critical Issues in Tourism: A Geographical Perspective. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Spasić, V. (2012). Poslovanje turističkih agencija i organizatora putovanja. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Youell, R. (1998). Tourism: An Introduction. London: Pearson, Longman. THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION ON TOURISM Abstract: In this paper, the authors analyze positive effects of globalization as a comprehensive social process on the overall tourism industry. Special emphasis is placed on the levels of tourism globalization, as well as the key socio-cultural, economic, technological and socio-political characteristics of tourism globalization. The authors highlight a positive correlation between certain dimensions of globalization and increased migratory population movements for tourism purposes. Furthermore, this work assesses the importance of freedom of movement in the context of European integration, as well as the impact of increased tourist movements on a country’s GDP. 46 Key words: levels of globalization, freedom of movement, economic globalization, European integration, tourism. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-47-52 THE INFLUENCE OF GLOBALIZATION ON TOURISM AND IMPACT OF TOURISM ON OTHER ACTIVITIES WITH AN EMPHASIS ON GREENFIELD INVESTMENTS IN TOURISM Slobodan Čerović, Predrag Vukadinović, Miroslav Knežević* Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia Abstract: Globalization process has already affected each sector of the world economy, including tourism as an important and ever-growing industry and economic activity. To that end, this paper attempts to examine the extent and effects of globalization on tourism. Also, tourism as an economic activity exerts a significant impact on other activities, and thus, considerable attention should be devoted to measuring the extent of globalization impact and the ways in which it is reflected. Finally, since tourism cannot develop without direct foreign investment, the authors shall attempt to present the position of tourism in relation to other activities concerning the number and value of greenfield investments. 1. INTRODUCTION Global changes have affected almost every segment of our lives, including social, political, cultural life and the economy. Global changes in the economy are manifested through neutralization of practically every barrier, which resulted in liberalization of international trade, competition, free movement of capital and workforce independent of national borders, free movement of investments etc. Tourism as an increasingly important activity manifests all of these changes, especially mass tourism which can be seen in all dimensions of global changes. Tourism is an example of the strong impact of globalization, especially when looking at the development of information technologies, communication, transport etc. As an example of rapid growth and its increasingly important role in the world market, tourism has a significant impact on other directly or indirectly related industries. The initial idea that tourism is a consequence of economic development has evolved with empirical research into a new idea that tourism is rather becoming an important factor of economic development. Taking that into account, tourism is becoming a strong engine of development for other related industries. Also, tourism is gaining considerable potential for development having in mind the fact that this commercial activity connects the sale of goods and services, and its characteristic to bring the consumer to the producer and not vice versa. The influence of tourism can also be seen in creating possibilities for small business* [email protected] Key words: tourism, globalization, economy, foreign direct investment, Greenfield investments. es to expand and develop their business activity which, in other conditions, wouldn’t be able to breach global supply chains. Foreign direct investments (FDI) are unavoidable in the context of tourism development, and as a factor of growth dynamics, they especially need to use developing countries and economies. Regardless of the importance of FDI as a factor of tourism development, many problems occur in the analysis of this field. This happens mostly because tourism isn’t labeled as a formal tourism industry in the classifications of the national accounts, which means that there isn’t a trustworthy and single evidence of FDI directly connected with this industry. This situation creates many methodological issues having in mind that there is no single methodology for recording FDI in this industry. The initial efforts for outlining a single methodology have been made by forming twelve separate national accounts connected to tourism activities. When analyzing FDI forms, one can observe that mergers, acquisitions and privatization are more common forms of entering foreign markets than greenfield investments. However, greenfield investments have an advantage in certain cases having in mind their character and effects on employment, maintaining invested capital, as well as the transfer of new technologies, management, introduction of new kinds of long term services etc. Having in mind the listed characteristics, greenfield investments in the sector of hotels and restaurants have been analyzed (by the classification of UNCTAD), taking into account that tourism does not have full evidence of FDI. 47 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This research is based on three elements that are in the focus of this analysis: tourism in relation to globalization, the relationship between tourism and economic development and influence of tourism on other industries and FDI in tourism. 2.1. Tourism and globalization 48 Globalization as a global phenomenon, has affected almost every sphere of social life especially in the post-war period. Definitions of this concept are numerous, so the complexity of this concept in both science and literature initiates different approaches. Global economy, as a specific dimension of globalization has triggered various changes, firstly in the liberalization of international trade, competition, free movement of capital and work force, investments etc. A special characteristic of this phenomenon is the removal of barriers for capital, goods, financial and investment flows (Vukadinović et al., 2013). One of the more important economic activities in the process of globalization is tourism. This view is especially related to mass tourism which is considered one of the visible manifestations of globalization, so that development of tourism can be seen in every dimension of these processes: economic, social, cultural and even political (Halowiecka et al., 2011). The same authors, based on the huge significance of tourism in global economy, stress the importance and popularity of researching these relations, particularly connected to economic dependence between tourism and globalization on a global or regional level. In research and theory, tourism is standing out as an example of a very strong influence of globalization. Important characteristics of globalization influence on the development of tourism are progress and transfer of technology, efficient transportation of travelers, open borders and other factors. Some authors (Pantelescu & State, 2008) assert that tourism is one of the examples of globalization that is the most visible because people are given the chance to spend their free time comfortably. Also, many companies feel globalization’s fundamental influence. Air traffic is growing exponentially (the time it takes to get to the destination is shorter, which leads to more time spent at the touristic location itself), borders have opened, as well as free markets. Globalization has opened new possibilities for the development of tourism through development of electronic technology, communication and transport. The Internet, fast communication and smaller costs of air travel are becoming more important every day. The Internet has drastically lowered costs by reducing the importance of intermediaries or excluding them all together, it has also become one of the most sought after perks of comfortable accommodation. In general, a large number of authors agree that globalization has increased interdependence of economies, countries and people. This interdependence doesn’t only include mega companies, but it also includes small and medium-sized enterprises and family businesses. The process of globalization has affected the creation and functioning of the global tourism market which expects competition on an equal basis regardless of the country of origin. Finally, globalization has opened completely new possibilities for general development and development of tourism market. One can say that globalization has a crucial role in the growth of international tourism in the world market. The contribution of globalization in economic, political and cultural terms also affects evolution of tourism in the context of increase of travels both outside and inside borders. Globalization, the openness of borders, growth of all types of transport, especially air traffic, the Internet and increase in the number of people who can afford to take vacations and travel outside the national borders, have all influenced the strengthening of international over domestic tourism (Nedeljković et al., 2013). 2.2. Tourism and economic development-tourism impact on other areas of the economy History of the importance of tourism for economic development and its impact on development of other economic areas ranged from views that tourism is a consequence of economic development to the actual position that tourism is a factor of economic development. According to (Bošković, 2009), it has long been widely accepted that tourism is a consequential phenomenon of economic development, based on the premise that tourism could have an impact on economic development, but with the previously achieved certain level of economic development. This view is based on the notion that the most significant factors driving the tourism development are also primarily the results of economic development. Later studies, however, have pointed out that tourism affects other economic activities, which have in fact established tourism as one of the factors of economic development. In the context of globalization, international tourism continues to strengthen its role in relation to domestic tourism. Given the ever-growing importance of international tourism, Table No. 1 shows the indicators of international tourism development: Globally, tourism has shown a steady increase in the number of tourists over the last 24 years (for the period 1990-2014). In 1990, the recorded number of tourists was 435 million and this number reached a level of 1,133 million tourists by 2014, i.e. 2.6 times more than in 1990. This trend is also present in developed economies, where the number of tourists rose from 296 million in 1990 to 619 million, or 2.09 times. In developing economies, this number grew from 139 million tourists in 1990 to 501 million in 2014, or a incredible 4.7 times. Regional growth in the number of tourists is also constant. Europe has recorded growth in the number of tourists from 261,5 million in 1990 to 581,8 million in 2014, or by 2.22 times. Asia and the Pacific are becoming increasingly important tourism destinations, as the number of tourists rose from 55,8 million in 1990 to 263,3 million in 2014, or 4.72 times. America also has an increased number of tourists from 92,8 million in 1990 to 181 million in 2014, or 1.95 times. Africa is rapidly progressing towards becoming an interesting tourism destination, with the number of tourists growing from 14,7 million in 1990 to 55,7 million in 2014 or by 3.78 times. The Middle East also follows the trend of growth in the number of tourists, as their number has increased from 9,6 million in 1990 to 51 million in 2014, or by 5.31 times, which is also the largest regional increase in the number of tourists. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Table 1: Development of international tourism – quantitative indicators International Tourist Arrivals (in millions) Market share (%) Change in growth (%) Yearly percentage (%) Year 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 2014 2014* 12/11 13/12 14*/13 World 435 527 674 809 949 1,087 1,133 100 4.2 4.6 4.3 3.8 Developed economies 296 336 420 466 513 586 619 54.7 4.0 4.7 5.8 3.2 Developing economies 139 191 253 343 435 501 513 45.3 4.4 4.5 2.4 4.6 Europe 261.5 304.7 386.4 453.0 488.9 566.4 581.8 51.4 3.9 4.9 2.7 2.8 Asia and the Pacific 55.8 82.1 110.3 154.0 205.4 249.8 263.3 23.2 6.9 6.8 5.4 6.1 Americas 92.8 109.1 128.2 133.3 150.1 167.5 181.0 16.0 4.5 3.1 8.0 3.5 Africa 14.7 18.7 26.2 34.8 49.5 54.4 55.7 4.9 4.8 4.7 2.4 5.4 Middle East 9.6 Source: UNWTO (2015, p. 4) 12.7 22.4 33.7 54.7 48.4 51.0 4.5 -5.3 -3.1 5.4 4.7 Regions by UNWTO: The analysis of growth rate in the number of tourists in 2014 compared to 2013, shows that the achieved growth rate at a global level was 4.3%, developed economies achieved a growth rate of 5.8%,while developing economies recorded a growth rate of 2.4 %. At the regional level, the highest growth rate was achieved by America- 8%, followed by Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East with a growth rate of 5.4%, then Europe with 2.7% and Africa with 2.4%. The highest average annual growth rate in the analyzed period (1990-2014) was recorded in Asia and the Pacific with a growth rate of 6.1%, indicating the growing attractiveness of tourism destinations in the region, followed by Africa with 5.4%, Middle East with 4.7 % and Europe with 2.8%. Developed countries had an average annual growth rate of 3.2% in the number of tourists, while developing economies recorded an average annual growth rate of 4.6%. The global average annual growth rate in the number of tourists was 3.8%. In addition to these quantitative indicators, the financial indicators also point to the intense tourism development, as shown in Table No. 2. On a global level, international tourism revenues have grown from 1,197 billion USD to 1,245 billion USD, which shows a growth rate of 3.7%. This kind of growth was also recorded in developed economies where revenues rose from 784 billion USD in 2013 to 815 billion USD in 2014, or 3.2%. In developing economies, revenues rose from 413 billion USD in 2013 to 430 billion USD in 2014, or 4.6%. Revenue growth has also been recorded on a regional level. Namely, Europe had the biggest revenue growth amounting to 17.2 billion USD, which shows the growth of 3.6%, while the smallest growth was observed for Africa, amounting to 0.9 million USD, or 2.9%. The effect of tourism on the development of the economy, i.e. the economic effects of tourism can be treated as direct and indirect. The direct effects of tourism on the economy can be viewed through a few of the most important effects: effects on the domestic product and national income, development of economic industries related to tourism sector, balance of payments, the population and employment, investments and effects on insufficiently developed areas and countries. The indirect effect is related to the industries that usually follow tourism activities; and these are primarily agriculture, industry and construction (Bošković, 2009). The effects of tourism on other economic activities are presented in “Image No. 1”: Table 2: Development of international tourism-financial indicators International tourism revenues (% of change) Year Market share (%) Revenues (USD billion) per tourist 11/10 12/11 13/12 14*/13 2014* 2013 2014* 2014* World 4.6 3.9 5.1 3.7 100 1,197 1,245 1,100 Developed economies 5.8 3.7 5.7 3.2 65.5 784 815 1,320 Developing economies 2.5 4.4 4.0 4.6 34.5 413 430 840 Europe 5.0 1.9 4.2 3.6 40.9 491.7 508.9 870 Asia and the Pacific 8.6 6.7 8.6 4.1 30.3 360.7 376.8 1,430 Americas 4.6 4.7 4.7 3.1 22.0 264.2 274.0 1,510 Africa 2.3 6.0 2.6 2.9 2.9 35.5 36.4 650 -15.6 0.9 -6.9 5.7 4.0 45.2 49.3 970 Regions by UNWTO: Middle East Source: UNWTO (2015, p. 5) 49 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Image 1: The influence of tourism industry on other service industries and production Source: UNCTAD (2007, p. 21) Tourism presents an important development potential. This constant comes out of the fact that tourism cross connects both sales of goods and services, such as accommodation, transport, entertainment, sales of agricultural products etc. An important fact is that tourism enables the consumer to come to the producer and not the other way around, so that even the smallest transaction becomes part of the global economy. Every sale of goods or services to foreign tourists has a significant positive effect on small businesses, which otherwise would not be able to breach the global supply chains (UNCTAD, 2007). Apart from direct and indirect effects on the economy, it is also important to show possible positive and negative effects, as displayed in Table No. 3: Table 3: Possible effects of tourism POSITVE EFFECT NEGATIVE EFFECT Increase of revenues/increase of standard of living Big dependence on tourism Employment possibilities Increased costs of living- accommodation, food and services Tourism infrastructure improvement Pollution and traffic congestion Increase of tax income TNC* dominate the touristic market Raising awareness and increasing resources for cultural and natural heritage Harmful effects on cultural and natural heritage Capital inflows Sensitivity of business cycles and changes of business attitude Transfer of professionalism and managerial skills Little control of tourism development Market connections Unacceptable form and volume of development Visible effects for local entrepreneurs Invasion of open spaces *TNC- Trans National Companies 50 Source: UNCTAD (2010), expanding on UNESCAP (2001) and on Kusluva & Karamustafa (2001) 2.3. Foreign direct investments in tourism Foreign direct investments (FDI) are a factor of growth dynamics which should be principally used by developing countries i.e. developing economies. However, a small number of empirical analysis exist in this field, keeping in mind the small number of empirical indicators showing the effect of FDI on the development of tourism in the global economy (UNCTAD, 2007). The main problem in the research is the fact that tourism is not considered a formal tourism industry in the classification of national accounts. The complexity of tourism as an industry and the absence of a single methodology for recording FDI in tourism creates methodological problems, meaning that for example FDI in hotels and catering facilities can be found under “real estate”, FDI in transport is presented as “transport, communications and warehousing”, this in general makes big problems in the quantification of FDI in tourism, especially when related to properties, revenues or employment. However, in more recent times (WTO, 2004, pp. 13-14) and with the approval of the Statistical Commission of the United Nations (2000), a new methodological framework has been recommended, which includes twelve separate national accounts related to tourism activities. This methodology includes companies that are directly incorporated into the production and consumption of tourism services and companies that are incorporated indirectly. Research conducted by UNCTAD shows these twelve activities for which it can be assumed that are a characteristic of tourism activities in a direct or indirect way through the TSA model (Tourism Satellite Account), wherein an indicator of FDI frequency in these activities is formed. The model presents the most common TSA frequencies: hotels and similar structures, restaurants and “second homes”, occasional FDI frequencies related to transport of travelers and rent of goods and services of railway transport, and scarce FDI frequencies in air traffic services, waterway transport, services that are in the function of traveler transport, tourism agencies, cultural services, sports and other recreational services. When it comes to FDI forms, we can conclude that mergers and acquisitions are more common forms of FDI for entering foreign markets because it is more efficient and simple to buy an existing distribution network rather than starting a business from scratch, which is the characteristic of greenfield investments, and this is why they are not so frequent as mergers and acquisitions (M&A), (UNCTAD, 2010). Foreign companies will invest in international markets if the following three terms are fulfilled simultaneously: 1) Ownership: the company has to have ownership as an advantage to be able to efficiently compete with the local companies; 2) Location: companies use the advantages of relocating to the foreign country (big land areas, cheap workforce, rich cultural heritage and pleasant climate; 3) Internationalization: the company benefits because it directly controls the business activity rather than relying on services of the local company; This principle is otherwise known as the “OLI” principle (ownership, location, internationalization). The analysis of the number and value of greenfield investments has been done based on the facts shown in Table 4 and Table 5 (M&A), (UNCTAD, 2010). SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Table 4: Number of greenfield projects by industries, 2010-2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 7 533 8 422 8 066 7 816 7 280 Electricity, gas and water 335 394 285 319 237 Construction 176 166 198 176 223 Trade 805 810 712 859 638 Hotels and restaurants Transportation, warehousing and communication 268 176 128 170 76 954 1 019 996 1 140 963 Financial services 1 321 1 569 1 401 1 141 1 198 Business services 3 321 3 898 3 945 3 698 3 622 Education 102 113 127 71 68 Health and social services Social and personal service industries 64 82 60 39 71 142 164 186 163 150 Other services 45 31 28 40 34 Services Source: UNCTAD (2015) In the observed period, a total of 818 greenfield projects have been implemented in the tourism industry, with the largest number of projects implemented in 2010. Namely, in this year the decrease of these projects also begins from 268 to 76 in 2014. The largest number of greenfield projects was implemented in the business services sector amounting to 18.484 projects. The tourism industry assumes the seventh place based on the number of implemented projects out of eleven analyzed industries. The value of implemented greenfield projects is visible in Table No. 5: Table 5: Value of greenfield projects by industries, 2010-2014 (million USD) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Services 331 654 355 508 318 019 402 615 340 773 Electricity, gas and water 67 990 90 258 65 543 93 638 65 054 Construction 36 793 36 426 57 389 38 510 63 257 Trade 29 400 25 899 19 426 26 606 23 808 Hotels and restaurants 26 684 18 568 13 801 20 815 8 955 Transportation, warehousing and commu- 52 697 56 445 42 355 65 883 60 522 nication Financial services 43 278 48 577 44 437 36 253 36 073 Business services 62 587 67 346 58 908 112 268 72 659 Education 1 468 1 618 1 662 864 898 Health and social services Social and personal service industries 2 012 1 291 2 040 399 2 331 6 237 6 309 10 912 6 183 6 611 Other services 2 510 2 773 1 546 1 197 605 Source: UNCTAD (2015) 51 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 52 The value of implemented greenfield projects in the observed period in the tourism industry has accounted for 88.821 million USD. The largest value of implemented projects was generated in the energy industry and amounted to 382.482 million USD. The tourism industry assumes the seventh place in terms of the value of implemented greenfield projects out of a total of eleven analyzed industries. new models are being developed to overcome this issue. So far, the accepted models used to define the quantification of the effect of FDI on the development of tourism are: the TSI model and “Oli” model. According to the UNCTAD classification, there are eleven service industries in the statistical database. Tourism assumes the seventh place according to the number and value of greenfield projects. 3. CONCLUSION REFERENCES Globalization as a process had brought about significant changes in all spheres of social, political and economic life. Global economy, as a result of the globalization impact, has also led to certain changes that can be seen primarily in the liberalization of international trade, free movement of capital, workforce and goods, as well as the provision of services breaking down the barriers. Tourism is an industry that can be considered an increasingly important industry within the global economy, especially mass tourism. We can also conclude that the globalization processes, which have initiated changes in the field of transport, communications, new technologies and the Internet, exert a strong impact on tourism development. This influence can be observed in a constant rise in the number of tourists and travels, as well as in constantly rising revenues in the tourism industry with continuous reduction of costs, through industries following tourism. It can be concluded that globalization processes which have been causing changes in the global economy, especially in tourism-related industries, have severely affected tourism development, principally mass tourism. The development and progress of tourism also produce certain changes that exert a strong impact on related industries. In that sense, the view of tourism as a consequence of economic development has evolved into a new view of tourism as a factor of economic development. A conclusion like this is grounded on the fact that tourism cross connects certain industries so that their interdependence becomes greater and the dependence on tourism development. The economic activity of tourism has direct and indirect effects on economic development which are increasingly visible in time so the fact that tourism influences economic development and not vice versa cannot be ignored anymore. Foreign direct investments are an important factor of tourism development dynamics, especially in developing countries. However, there are many methodological problems of quantifying the effect of FDI on tourism development in this field, and thus Bošković, T. (2009). Turizam kao faktor privrednog razvoja. Škola biznisa, 2, 23-28. (In Serbian). Enugu State Tourism Board. (2015). Enugu State Tourism Board. Retrieved August 6, 2015, from http://enugustatetourismboard.com Holowiecka B., Grzelak-Kostulska E., Kwatkowski G.,(2011), Impact of Globalization on Tourist Preferences and Activiti, U: In the scale of globalization. Think Globalli, Change Individualy in the 21 st. Century, 2011, (55-62), Ostrava: University of Ostrava; Marin-Pantelescu, A., & State, O. (2008). The consequences of globalization upon “safe” tourism. Academica Tusistica, 1 (2), 8-14. Nedeljković, O., Jovanović, R., & Đokić, M. (2013). Trendovi razvoja i uticaj globalizacije na turizam. Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije, 5 (1), 73-86. doi: 10.7251/EMC1301073N (In Serbian). UNCTAD. (2007). FDI in Tourism: The Development Dimension. New York, Geneva: United Nations. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from http://unctad.org/en/Docs/ iteiia20075_en.pdf UNCTAD. (2010). Promoting Foreign Investment in Tourism. New York, Geneva: United Nations. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from http://unctad.org/en/Docs/diaepcb200916_ en.pdf UNCTAD. (2015). World Investment Report. New York: UNCTAD. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from http:// unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/wir2015_en.pdf UNWTO. (2015). UNWTO Tourism Highlights. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from http://mkt.unwto.org/publication/ unwto-tourism-highlights-2015-edition Vukadinović P., Knežević G., & Mizdraković V. (2013). Globalizacija i strane direktne investicije u Srbiji, In: Globalizacija i savremeno poslovanje (pp. 57-64). Bijeljina BiH: Univerzitet Sinergija. (In Serbian). SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-53-57 EVENT TOURISM, VECTOR FOR A COMPETITIVE DESTINATION – CASE STUDY: TIMIŞOARA, ROMANIA Cipriana Sava* Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management Timişoara, Christian University “D. Cantemir” Bucharest, Romania Abstract: Established tourist destinations worldwide annually attract a significant share of the total number of visitors. Very popular are the world’s cities that have become true tourism destinations, especially for short stays. In Europe, the project “European Capital of Culture” was launched for the promotion of culture and cities as tourism destinations. The possibility of holding this title has led the authorities of many cities to mobilize and engage with civil society in order to highlight their heritage. One way of attracting a greater number of tourists to such destinations is by organizing events and directing their activities towards event tourism. Timisoara is an urban tourism destination in Romania, known as the “capital of Banat”. Currently, the city, through its representatives in the local administration and other NGOs, is trying to get this European title for 2021 with the hope that the number of tourists will increase considerably, as will the revenues from this sector, and Timisoara will become an appreciated tourism destination. 1. INTODUCTION Over the years, people have tried to spend their free time in the most pleasant way possible, preferably outside their residence. The duration of leisure time, income, tourist offer, prices and tariffs, degree of urbanization, level of preparedness of the population, transportation performance were important factors influencing their decision. The reasons are multiple and subjective, from the desire to rest to the need for knowledge. Therefore, the locations chosen for leisure are diverse and varied. A tourism destination can be defined as an area, region, country, city which has a rich anthropogenic and / or natural heritage. In other words, it is “that geographically delimited area perceived by tourists as a distinct/self-contained entity that has a unitary policy and legal framework” (Buhalis, 1999). According to some experts, any tourism destination has the following elements (Rotariu, 2009): ◆ Fundamental (geographical location, climate, river network, fauna, flora, i.e. natural conditions on site, as well as archaeological and historical sites); ◆ Natural Peripheral (surroundings, local population, general ambience); * [email protected] Key words: tourism destination, event, event tourism, competitiveness. ◆ Created Peripheral (accommodation infrastructure, food, transportation, entertainment facilities, and commercial services). Basically, natural and anthropogenic resources, overall localization, education and hospitality of the population, basic and general infrastructure, events that attract visitors give the tourism destination specific features. The legislative and regulatory framework in the field of tourism, security and reliability offered influence the selection of tourism destinations. All tourism destinations are in constant competition to attract most visitors and to achieve the highest revenues. The competitiveness of a tourism destination is also given by the perception and image that tourists have, and can be measured by the number of accommodation facilities, number of tourists accommodated, and number of overnight stays, average stay, and revenues. An increasingly growing number of tourists consider cities to be interesting travel destinations due to their history and culture. Major cities in Europe are competitive tourism destinations, popular with people all around the world, the number of visitors and annual revenues standing evidence (Table 1). 53 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Table 1. Top European cities preferred by visitors in 2014 No. City - a tourism destination No. of visitors (millions) Revenues from tourism (billion US $) 1. London 18,69 19,3 2. Paris 15,57 17,0 3. Istanbul 11,6 9,4 4. Barcelona 7,37 11,2 5. Amsterdam 7,23 4,4 6. Milan 6,82 5,3 7. Rome 6,79 5,6 8. Vienna 6,05 5,6 9. Prague 4,93 3,8 10. Munich 4,90 5,6 Total 89,95 87,2 Source: Global Top 20 Top Destination Cities by International Overnight Visitors (2014), Hedrick & Choong (2015) Given that, in 2014, according to the statistics of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (World Tourism Barometer, 2015), the number of tourists arriving in Europe was 588 million, the first ten cities on the continent attracted 15.29% of this total. Revenues from tourism in these cities in the same year accounted for 17.13% of the total tourism revenues across Europe (508.9 billion US $). It can be said that the interest in European cities is evident, and for their promotion and other such destinations, a successful project “European Capital of Culture” was launched in 1985. This title is conferred annually by the European Parliament to two cities from different countries, one in Western Europe and one in Eastern Europe. One of Romania’s cities, Sibiu, received this title in 2007, and for 2021 another Romanian city will be chosen. Timişoara is one of the candidate cities. In order to increase the attractiveness of tourism destinations, in general, organizing and holding of events on different topics is quite appreciated. 2. EVENT TOURISM 54 The events organized in major cities try to get tourists out of the mundane, to attract their attention, to create strong emotions and memories. They are organized with a particular purpose, they are marketing tools. Organizing an event requires (Sârb, 2013): ◆ Establishing targets; ◆ Establishing the target audience; ◆ Choosing the type of event; ◆ Choosing the concept of the event; ◆ Choosing the date and the location of the event; ◆ Establishing the program; ◆ Budgeting and resource planning; ◆ Establishing the performance indicators; ◆ Choosing the promotion channels. The benefits that an event can bring to the tourism destination are: ◆ An approach to the public (tourists); ◆ Attracting new categories of tourists; ◆ Promoting the destination with a brand; ◆ Controlling sent messages; ◆ Increasing revenues. The adequate event categories for a tourism destination would as (Florea & Belous, 2004): ◆ Entertainment and recreation (music, dance); ◆ Cultural (concerts, theatrical performances, magic shows, exhibitions, religious events); ◆ Scientific / educational (congresses, conferences, workshops); ◆ Sports (international competitions). Event tourism has become constantly present in the urban tourism destinations, bringing them a competitive advantage. By event tourism, we mean the form of tourism whose main purpose is participation of tourists in one or several events organized at a specific date within a particular destination. This form of tourism generates the following effects: ◆ Establishing an image and reputation for the tourism destination; ◆ Increasing the number of tourists; ◆ Knowledge of and interaction with other cultures; ◆ Efficient use of tourism resources; ◆ Elimination of seasonality; ◆ Raising the standard of living of the resident population; ◆ The emergence of business opportunities for local people; ◆ Specific and general infrastructure development; ◆ Developing new markets. Orientation towards event tourism in recent years has brought major benefits and good reputation to the tourism destination and created unforgettable memories and impressions for visitors. 3. TIMIŞOARA AS A TOURISM DESTINATION Romania is a European country located in the south-east Central Europe, having an area of 238,391 km². There are 320 cities in Romania, one of which rank 0 (Romania’s capital) and 13 rank 1 (municipalities of national importance, with potential influence at European level) (Romanian municipalities, 2015). The tourist potential of the country is rich, varied but poorly valued. There were 7,943,153 persons registered as tourists in 2013, and 8,465,909 persons in 2014. The most visited cities are large cities rank 0 and 1, plus the city of Sibiu (rank 2), which has become a tourism destination also due to the 2007 title of “European Capital of Culture”. Table 2 includes the hierarchy of Romanian cities according to the number of tourists arrived and registered in 2014. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Table 2. Top visited cities in Romania 2014 No. Name of city Number of tourists 1. Bucharest 1510222 2. Constanţa 439496 3. Braşov 423630 4. Cluj Napoca 262578 5. Sibiu 258834 6. Timişoara 235692 Total 3130452 Source: TEMPO Online, TUR 104E and Public information, 2015 The six most visited cities in 2014 attracted 39.41% of all tourists arriving in Romania, which means that tourists preferred business, sightseeing, seaside, mountain, cultural, and event tourism. Timisoara is a city with a rich history and continuous development, located in the west of Romania, in the divagation area of the Timis and Bega rivers in the historical region of Banat. The city’s area is 129.2 km2, to which we add the metropolitan area of 1070.4 km2. Its population is of 319 279 inhabitants, which ranks it third among the cities of the country. Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Roma and other nationalities live in harmony, this city being a model of multiculturalism. The access to the city is easy and is done by road, rail and air at Traian Vuia International Airport. The city mentioned in documents in 1222 or 1226 was built on the ruins of the Roman fortress Zambara. We know that Timişoara, “capital of Banat” is the city of firsts, namely (Timişoara, 2015): ◆ 1718 - the formal mention of the oldest beer factory in Romania; ◆ 1728 - the beginning of the drainage of the river Bega, the first navigable canal in Romania; ◆ 1745 - the construction of the town hospital, the first in Romania (24 years before the one in Vienna and 34 years before the one in Budapest); ◆ 1753 - Timişoara, a town with permanent theatre performances (third town in the Habsburg monarchy, after Vienna and Budapest); ◆ 1760 - the first town of the monarchy with streets lit by lamps; ◆ 1771 - the editing of the first newspaper in Romania, and at the same the first German newspaper in south-east Europe: „Temeswarer Nachrichten”; ◆ 1815 - Joseph Klapka’s library, the first public library in the Habsburg Empire and in the Romanian territories; ◆ 1823-1826 - Janos Bolyai, serving at the garrison in Timisoara, worked to develop the non-Euclidean geometry; ◆ 1847 - in the courtyard of the beer factor, the first concert outside Vienna of Johann Strauss, the son; ◆ 1854 - the first telegraph service in a city of present Romania; ◆ 1855 - the first town of the Habsburg Monarchy with streets lit by gas; ◆ 1881 - the first telephone network on the present territory of Romania; ◆ 1884 - the first European town with streets lit by electricity with 731 lamp posts; ◆ 1886 - the first ambulance station in Hungary and Romania; ◆ 1895 - the first paved street on Romania’s territory; ◆ 1897 - the first film screenings in our country; ◆ 1899 - the second electric tram in a city in present Romania, after the one in Bucharest in 1894 ◆ 1938 - world premiere, the first welding machine for rail and tram tracks, invention of professor Corneliu Micloşi; ◆ 1953 - the only European town with three state theatres in Romanian, Hungarian and German; ◆ 1989 - the beginning of the Romanian revolution against the communist regime in Romania and the first free city The anthropogenic tourist resources are numerous and arouse the interest of tourists. From the architectural point of view, the city inherits a vast patrimony of historic monuments (about 14.500), being the largest in the country. They are grouped into the districts Cetate, Iosefin and Fabric, and the predominant style was the Viennese influenced Baroque. Concurrently, the town has a number of museums, art galleries, and cultural institutions. Being a cosmopolitan city, its cultural life marks its development. A series of events are organized annually, some of them are already well-known, such as performing arts, festivals of music, film, theatre, literature, fashion, dance and combined arts. Among the events organized in Timisoara we include (Annual events, 2015): ◆ March: Culture Week, Cinecultura Film Festival, Bookfest; ◆ April: the Spring Fair, Kafecultur, Musical Academic Timişoara; ◆ May: Romanian Drama Festival, Europe’s Day, “Musical Timișoara” International Festival, Chamber Music Festival, Ezoteric Fest, European Film Festival, Studentfest, Euroregional Theatre Festival (TESZT); ◆ June: The Banat Ethnic Groups Festival, Street Delivery, Acces Art; ◆ July: the Hearts’ Festival, JazzTM Festival; ◆ August: Timişoara’s Day, “Blues for Timişoara” Festival, Opera and Operetta Festival; ◆ September: Timişoara’s Prayer, PLAI Festival, “George Enescu – Bela Bartok” Musical Days, Early Music Festival; ◆ October: the Wine Festival, Simultan Video and Media Arts Festival; ◆ November: Jazz Timişoara International Festival, the Blues Jazz Kamo Gala, Eurothalia theatre Festival; ◆ December: Romania’s National Day, the Sacred Music Days, and the Christmas Fair. 55 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE All these make the town on the Bega a serious candidate for the title of “European Capital of Culture”. The multitude of events clearly shows the intent for development and promotion of event tourism. The evolution of tourism indicators can provide the image of a competitive tourism destination. The evolution of these factors is illustrative to understand the representation of Timişoara as a tourism destination (Table 3 and 4). In the last five years under consideration, we notice a tendency to increase the number of accommodation facilities and that of accommodation capacity. This is because of businessmen who see Timisoara as a future important European tourism destination, and they request a certain type of accommodation facilities. Unfortunately, the city currently has no hotel accommodation facilities of five-star category. Table 3. The evolution of accommodation facilities and accommodation capacity in Timisoara Indicator unit 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Accommodation facilities number 79 86 102 107 100 Existing accommodation capacity No. of beds 4421 4739 5421 5547 5348 Functioning accommodation capacity Beds - days 1400855 1562912 1745628 1802919 1809947 Source: TEMPO Online, TUR 101C and 103D, 2015 Table 4. The evolution of the number of tourists arriving in Timisoara and overnight stays Indicator unit 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Tourist arrivals persons 176912 210879 227546 224471 235692 Overnight stays in accommodation facilities - 331997 388104 430440 456000 482074 Source: TEMPO Online, TUR 104E and 105H, 2015 The number of tourists arriving to this city was of 235,692 people in 2014, with 58,780 people in absolute increase compared to 2010. Table 5. Monthly distribution of tourist arrivals in Timisoara in 2014. 56 Month Tourist arrivals January 13868 February 15997 March 18790 April 18997 May 21599 June 20496 July 21114 August 18338 September 23308 October 24556 November 21638 December 16991 Source: TEMPO Online, TUR 104H, 2015 According to monthly distribution of tourist arrivals in the last year (Table 5), January and February are less preferred months, while October is the most preferred month. In the two winter months, when tourists are less numerous, we notice that there are no events organized. A more accurate image of distribution of tourist arrivals in 2014 can be seen in Figure 1. Hence, it follows that a rather important part of tourists come specifically to attend various festivals and events organized in the city. Figure 1. Monthly distribution of tourist arrivals in Timişoara in 2014 SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Table 6. Evolution of occupancy rate and average stay in Timisoara Indicator unit 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Occupancy rate % 23,7 24,8 23,9 25,3 26,6 Average stay days 1,9 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,0 Previous data allowed us to highlight the evolution of the degree of occupancy of average stay in Timişoara (Table 6). With the increasing number of tourists, vacancy in accommodation facilities dropped, reaching 26.6% in 2014. The occupancy rate is low, but we must take into account the increasing accommodation capacity and especially the tourist motivation (business, knowledge, entertainment, participation in events) and the average length of stay. Timisoara is one of Romania’s urban destinations, which attempts to create a positive image among tourists. To that end, we can use the existing tourist resources, the specific and general infrastructure and the events organized. 4. CONCLUSIONS Event tourism contributes to development of tourism destinations, and more and more cities worldwide are trying to obtain a competitive advantage over other such destinations by using the events organized. Romania is still not among the top tourism countries, although it has sufficient and undiscovered resources. Timisoara can become a competitive European tourism destination by promoting event tourism and city-breaks, and the benefits would be economic, social, and environmental. In support of this are geographical location, local history, multiculturalism, cultural and artistic heritage, economic development, general infrastructure, hospitality of local people. The analyzed indicators show an annual increase of tourists’ interest as far as Timişoara is concerned. The listed events are held annually and some of them are already internationally recognized. Organization is conducted by associations, NGOs, other institutions in the city and also by local populations. This contributes significantly to the development of the city both as a tourism destination and “European Cultural Capital”. REFERENCES Autoritatea Naţională pentru Turism. (2015). Public information. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from www.turism. gov.ro Buhalis, D. (1999). Marketing in the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, 21 (1), 97-116. doi:10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00095-3. Florea, C., & Belous, M. (2004). Events Organisation and banquets in reception facilities. THR-CG Publishing House. Hedrick-Wong, I., & Choong, D. (2015). Master Card: 2015 Global Destination Cities Index. Retreived September 12, 2015, from http://newsroom.mastercard.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/06/MasterCard-GDCI-2015-Final-Report1.pdf Hedrick-Wong, I., & Choong, D. (2014). Master Card: 2014 Global Destination Cities Index. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from http://newsroom.mastercard.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/07/Mastercard_GDCI_2014_ Letter_Final_70814.pdf Institutul Naţional de Statistică. (2015). Ultimele actualizari pe TEMPO Online. Retrieved August 20, 2015, from http://statistici.insse.ro/shop/ Rotariu, I. (2009). Dezvoltarea destinaţiei turistice (Developing the tourism destination), course notes, Sibiu, Ed. Alma Mater, p. 27. Sârb, C. (2013). Organizarea de evenimente, activitate de bază în PR. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from http://ctrld.ro/tips-and-tricks/organizarea-de-evenimente-activitate-de-baza-in-pr/2013 Timișoara Info. (2015). Principalele evenimente artistice și culturale ale anului 2015. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from http://www.timisoara-info.ro/ro/evenimente/evenimente-anuale.html UNWTO. (2015). World Tourism Barometer. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from http://tourlib.net/wto/UNWTO_Barometer_2015_02.pdf Wikipedia. (2015). Municipiile Romaniei. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipiile_Romaniei Wikipedia. (2015a). Timișoara. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timisoara 57 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-58-64 DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVES OF CITY TOURISM OFFER OF RIJEKA Slobodan Ivanović1, Romina Alkier1, Vedran Milojica2* 1 Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija Primorska 42, Opatija, Croatia 2 Rijeka, County of Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Croatia Abstract: The demand for city tourism product is growing on a daily basis. The specificity and uniqueness of its tourism resources enable creation of a unique tourism offer, for a city to become recognizable, and compete on the international tourism market. In the Republic of Croatia, one of the cities with a significant predisposition to become recognizable on the European and world level is the city of Rijeka. The purpose of the paper is to indicate importance of city tourism as a selective tourism form for the purpose of achieving competitiveness of the city of Rijeka and the Republic of Croatia on the tourism market, while the goal of the paper is to present theoretical characteristics of the city tourism offer, current tourism offer of the city of Rijeka with the use of statistical indicators and results of empirical research, and to propose possible developmental guidelines for upgrading its future tourism offer. 1. INTRODUCTION 58 In the last two decades of 20th century, cities attracted a growing interest of tourists. Tourism is seen as a new discovery in some cities following the big changes in the economic and social system of a city in the last years and is recognized as a helpful activity for the overall services sector of the city. Within the context of growing new destinations on the world tourism market, the cities could be seen as a permanent attracting factor for tourists. Old European cities, with great history and cultural heritage, beautiful architecture and special »spirit« are popular destinations and have many economic benefits from tourism, but at the same time they have to deal with the specific problems which arise with tourism development (Smolčić-Jurdana & Magaš, 2006). Cities are constantly changing; they are built, transformed and continuously growing and in a constant state of change to provide its visitors the experiences and products they expect and these products and experiences are also constantly changing in order to adapt to an increasing demand. All this triggers a constant investment in infrastructure, promotion and conservation ultimately benefiting tourists and local residents. Cities appeal to a broader market, they are easy to reach and they have a lot * [email protected] Key words: city tourism, tourism offer of Rijeka, Republic of Croatia, competitiveness. to offer, this also brings a new spending pattern that can go from those staying in budget hotels to the five star hotel customer, but all have one thing in mind: they want to discover and visit other cities. Cities need to assess their products and understand which of their products offerings appeal to the market (UNWTO, 2012). According to Kolb (2006), cities can be described as being in one of three stages of economic health: economically strong, in decline, or in transition. An economically healthy city will have expanding business and industry sectors that induce new residents to move to the city due to employment opportunities. Such a city will probably already have an established tourism industry because its positive image attracts tourists. In fact, local residents might even complain about the negative effects caused by (the great number of tourists) the many visiting the city. City tourism has been promoted and made easier in a more globalized, and for many, more prosperous world. Boundaries and barriers of many sorts have been dissolving. Higher disposable incomes and changing working patterns have allowed more spending on leisure travel, and encouraged additional short breaks, for which cities are especially suitable, with their ease of access and range of activities (Maitland, 2009). Cities are multi-purpose destinations. They attract many visitors to friends and relatives because they have a large population. They draw visitors to their attractions and events because these are often much better developed than in other types of destination area. These amenities are being further developed at the moment as a deliberate policy on the part of the cities that expand their tourist industry. Museums, concert halls, theatres, arenas, stadiums are being built or improved and potential tourism quarters redeveloped. Cities also have other advantages to attract tourists. With airports and scheduled services, they are easily accessible. Usually, there are many hotels intended to serve business travelers, which are underused at the weekend. Accordingly, cheap weekend breaks can be offered (Smolčić-Jurdana, 2012 according to Law, 1997). For the city it can be justifiably said that it combines the offer of other numerous selective tourism forms whose elements are continuously upgraded, and their uniqueness and particularity make an integral and competitive tourist product. Selective tourism forms presented in the following table are part of the City Tourism offer. Cities usually attract different market segments. The cultural heritage of the city attracts the educated population of tourists, while an elderly population is likely to appreciate both cultural heritage and experience active outdoor holidays. Young people, on the other hand, are more attracted to the excitement found in the city, the entertainment, and night life and sports events. As a destination for a business traveler, cities boast the facilities available for meetings and SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS trade shows, access to education, and different logistics services (Smolčić-Jurdana, 2012). The city of Rijeka possesses a high potential of even more competitive development of City Tourism offer in relation to the present state. However, in order to achieve higher level of success, it is necessary to continuously monitor the "pulse” on the European and World Tourism Market, respectively, the desires and tendencies of contemporary tourists, adapt the present tourist offer to their preferences, while applying the best practice in relation to the world competitive cities, bearing in mind the importance of preserving their own identity, and necessity of application of sustainable development postulates. Taking all that into consideration, the authors have set the following hypothesis: Further successful development of city tourism offer development can contribute to the development of the Croatian tourism product, and achieving a competitive advantage on the tourism market. The purpose of this paper was to present how city tourism as a selective tourism form can contribute to achieving competitive advantages of the city of Rijeka (and the Republic of Croatia) on the contemporary international tourism market, while the goal of the paper was to present some theoretical characteristics of the city tourism offer, current state of the tourism offer of the city of Rijeka, using statistical indicators and the results of the conducted empirical research, and finally to propose possible developmental guidelines for its tourism offer. In this paper, the authors used the following research methods: method of analysis and synthesis, statistical method based on secondary data sources, classification and comparative method. Table 1. Selective tourism forms as part of the city tourism offer Selective Tourism Forms Characteristics Cultural Tourism Numerous museums, galleries, cultural-historical monuments, archaeological excavations, buildings which represent important historical and other facts about the city, and are typical for that city. Health Tourism Plays an important role in preserving health, improving their psycho-physical condition, reducing stress caused by everyday dynamic way of life. Conceived on the combination of natural healing subjects, such as healing mineral water sources, healing mud or pheloid, climate, etc., and healing objects such as spas, healing centers and thalassotherapy, as well as various contents available within these objects (adapted according to Gračan et al. 2008); Religious Tourism Tourists visit the destination to visit numerous religious buildings such as churches, mosques, temples, etc., as well as shrines with a goal of spiritual renewal. Education Tourism Visitors visit the destination mostly for education and research work (students, postgraduates, researchers on scientific and professional projects). They use their free time to explore tourist products and services. Shopping Tourism Visits to the world renowned destinations for the purpose of shopping (mostly clothes, jewelry, etc.). Event Tourism Tourists visit the destination exclusively to attend a certain event, or they can attend and experience it "by the way", respectively, if they accidently happened to be at the destination while the event was taking place. Events can be cultural-historical, gastronomic, enological, sports, etc. They reflect the specificity of a tradition of a destination, and provide a possibility of creating a recognizable image and branding. Business Tourism Scientists visit the destination to participate in scientific-professional conferences, etc., business professionals attend business meetings, exhibitions, fairs, etc. In the past, it was normal that they visited the destination exclusively for business reasons, and left it after finishing the obligations. Today´s contemporary trend points to increasing visits accompanied by their families and partners, as well as extension of their stays at the destination (which significantly reflects on the increasing of the tourist turnover). Gastronomy and Wine Tourism Gastronomy and wine offer differs from one country to another, from one region to another one (i.e. Eastern and Northern Croatia). Tourists visit the destination to rest, and enjoy various specialties and high- quality wines and spirits. Source: Author´s analysis 59 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE tural events such as the famous Rijeka Carnival and others, good connection with the neighboring countries (such as Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, etc.), which is a significant pre-condition for achieving success on the tourism market. The opinion of the authors is that the true potential has not still been completely reached. In order to propose adequate and efficient guidelines for further development of tourism offer, the authors will further present the statistical indicators which present the state of tourism offer development, the grade of tourist satisfaction with Rijeka´s tourist offer, and finally, propose strategic developmental guidelines for development of a competitive city tourism offer. Data presented in the previous table show the achieved tourist arrivals and overnight stays for the period 2004-2014. When monitoring overall tourist arrivals, it is evident that in the period 2004-2014, there were some significant turbulences until 2013, when the number of arrivals increased. Namely, 90.717 tourist arrivals were achieved in 2014, which compared to the year 2004 represents a growth of 68.33%. However, during that period significant oscillations were observed in the number of domestic and foreign tourist arrivals. As regards tourist overnights, 173.549 tourist overnights were achieved in 2014, which represents the growth of 64.04% compared to the year 2004. However, when monitoring domestic and foreign tourist overnight stays during this period, some serious oscillations can also be observed. 2. REVIEW OF CURRENT TOURISM OFFER OF RIJEKA Modern perspectives look at the city as more than a mere concentration of people, and consider it a hub of trade, culture, information and industry. Because of the increasing urbanization, cities play ever more important roles in their country’s economic development and may perform a crucial role in global or regional networks. As such, cities are increasingly competing with one another to attract visitors, investors and residents, and to host international events or corporate headquarters (Alvarez & Yarcan, 2010 according to UN-Habitat, 2006). In the period 2009-2013, there was a significant increase of 47% of city holidays (World Travel Monitor 2013), meaning that interest in city tourism is rapidly growing, and countries need to invest their efforts in the development of this selective form of tourism. In Croatia, a huge emphasis was rightfully being placed on the capital city of Zagreb, followed by Dalmatian cities Split, Zadar, Dubrovnik, followed by Istria peninsula and cities of Umag, Novigrad, Pula, and many others. However, the city of Rijeka was insufficiently mentioned, which encouraged the authors to write this paper. As a tourist destination, every city has something special and particular that makes it special and different from other destinations. When discussing the role of the city of Rijeka in tourism offer development, it is necessary to point out that it possesses all natural, cultural-historical and other resources, organization of cul- Table 2. Achieved Tourist Arrivals in the City of Rijeka in the period 2004-2014 Tourist Arrivals Tourist Overnights Year Foreign Domestic Total Foreign Domestic Total 2004 34.226 19.665 53.891 72.441 33.355 105.796 2005 30.889 19.763 50.652 65.750 33.466 99.216 2006 40.582 22.177 62.759 78.838 38.988 117.826 2007 48.522 21.132 69.654 91.802 37.828 129.630 2008 44.955 21.334 66.289 79.990 37.287 117.277 2009 47.600 18.238 65.838 91.262 32.765 124.027 2010 51.082 17.336 68.418 95.381 31.962 127.343 2011 53.781 17.016 70.797 101.935 33.845 135.780 2012 52.997 16.695 69.692 102.016 33.564 135.580 2013 58.646 17.653 76.299 112.656 33.521 146.177 2014 69.541 21.176 90.717 132.238 41.311 173.549 Source: http://press.visitrijeka.hr/Statisticki_podaci Table 3. A review of the number of beds in the city of Rijeka in the period 2004-2014. Category 60 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Index 2014/2004 Hotels 456 387 502 515 515 554 554 554 554 554 554 121,49 Hostels ... ... 61 61 61 61 61 91 120 448 429 ... Priv. accommod. 42 63 92 105 126 173 189 213 272 411 573 1.364,29 Camps 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 100,00 Lodging 882 882 882 882 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 42,86 Campuses* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 .... Beds total 1.730 1.682 1.887 1.913 1.430 1.516 1.532 1.586 1.674 2.141 2.400 ... Source: http://press.visitrijeka.hr/Statisticki_podaci * In the city of Rijeka, Student´s accomodation facilities are situated on different locations, away from the faculties the students attend, while in the USA, i.e., the faculties and accomodation capacities are situated on the same grounds. Data in the previous table point to some significant changes in the structure of accommodation capacities for the period 2004-2014. During that period, the highest increase of beds was achieved in private accommodation (13 times), and in hotels (21.49%). There were no changes in the number of beds in camps, while a decrease in the number of beds in the lodgings (57.14%) was observed. Hostels were introduced in 2006, and campuses in 2014, so it wasn´t possible to compare their growth and state with other types of accommodation during the period 2004-2014. Accordingly, daily consumption of tourists of the city of Rijeka will be presented. Table 4. Daily consumption of tourists of the city of Rijeka (%) Amount in Less than EURO 30 € Rijeka 40.4 30-50€ 50-100€ More than 100€ 31.9 25.5 2.2 Source: Tourism Destination Research (2012, p. 33) The highest number of tourists (40.4%) spends less than 30 Euro on a daily basis, 31.9% of them spends between 30-50 Euro, 25.5% of them spends 50-100 Euro, while only 2.2% of tourists spends over 100 Euro. The presented data indicate a low level of tourist consumption. Along with the results of tourists, the elements of tourist offer of the city of Rijeka will be presented. Likert Scale, with range 1-7 (1-the worst grade, 7-the best grade), was used for the purpose of this research. Table 5. Tourist satisfaction with the elements of tourism offer in the city of Rijeka Rank Elements of tourism offer in the city of Rijeka Grade 1 Space, resources, environment 5.64 2 Organization of the destination 5.55 3 Facilities 5.47 4 Inhabitants, employees in tourism 5.40 4 Recognizability, safety, level of information 5.40 Source: Tourism Destination Research (2012, p. 43) Data in the previous table undoubtedly show that tourists are most satisfied with the preservation of space, resources and the environment (5.64). The second highest graded element was the organization of the destination (5.55), followed by the offer of tourist facilities (5.47). A bit lower grade (5.40) was given to hospitality of domestic population and employees in tourism, as well as recognizability, safety, and the level of reachable information in and about the destination. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Table 6. Tourist satisfaction with the facilities of tourist offer of the city of Rijeka Rank Facilities Grade 1 Entertainment facilities 5.85 2 Accommodation capacities 5.79 3 Events 5.60 4 Restaurants 5.55 5 Field-trips offer 5.51 6 Nautical offer 5.47 7 Local gastronomy 5.45 8 Facilities for health tourism 5.38 9 Historical-cultural heritage 5.26 9 Facilities for children 5.26 10 Relation of price and quality 5.21 10 Meetings and Conferences 5.21 10 Cultural facilities 5.21 11 Sports facilities 5.04 Average grade 5.47 Source: Marković et al. (2012, pp. 43-44) Tourist facilities represent an important part of the total tourist offer of a destination, particularly because their diversity enables satisfaction of all types and preferences of tourists. According to the data from the previous table, in the city of Rijeka, the tourists are most satisfied with entertainment facilities (5.85) and the offer and quality of accommodation capacities (5.79). They are followed by organization of events (5.60) such as the Rijeka Carnival, and other events. The offer of restaurant capacities (5.55), organization of field trips (5.51), nautical offer (5.47) were graded slightly lower. Local gastronomy was graded lower in relation to its potentials and possibilities (5.45). Considering that the city of Rijeka does not possess significant resources for health tourism development, the lower grade was to be expected (5.38). Historical-cultural heritage was also graded lower (5.26) despite numerous historical-cultural resources. What is most concerning is the lower grade of relation of price and quality, Meetings and Conferences (offer of MICE tourism) and cultural facilities (5.21). Sports facilities were the lowest graded (5.04). The average grade of the total offer of tourist facilities is 5.47. Previously presented results indicate that certain changes will have to be made in order to improve the quality of the overall tourism products and offer and increase the level of competitiveness of the city of Rijeka on the international tourism market. 3. STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPETITIVE CITY TOURISM OFFER OF RIJEKA In order to enable maximum tourist development of the city of Rijeka, the weaknesses and threats of the tourist offer need to be eliminated or reduced to the minimum, while strengths and opportunities need to be used as an advantage in achieving competitiveness on the tourism market. The following table presents the SWOT analysis of the tourism offer of the city of Rijeka. 61 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Table 7. SWOT analysis of City tourism of the city of Rijeka STRENGTHS - WEAKNESSES Rich and preserved resource base for city tourism development. Pleasant climate, clean sea, clean air. Good traffic connections and easy access. Recognizability on traditional tourist generating markets (Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany, etc.). - Kindness of the population and employees in tourism. - Insufficiently profiled offer. Lack of innovation. Lack of organization. Insufficient value for money. Insufficient recognizability on the new market niches. OPPORTUNITIES - Development of selective forms of tourism within the city tourism offer. - Possibility of achieving greater recognizability on traditional tourist generating markets (Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany, etc.). - Creating of a brand of city tourism. - Investment in knowledge. - Development of new experiences based on the unique tourist offer of Rijeka. - Sustainable tourism development. - Raising of general quality of the facilities. - Creation of synergy between culture and tourism. - Public-private partnership. - New possibilities for project funding (Cohesion Funds of the EU, public-private partnership, development incentives by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia). THREATS - Pollution of the environment. Uncoordinated development. Rapid growth of new markets. Creation of competitive destinations and products. Source: Authors’ adaptation according to Cerović et al. (2014) Previously presented SWOT analysis indicates the complexity of development of a city tourism product. Its development must be carefully planned at all levels, along with undertaking adequate marketing activities. Bearing in mind all previously mentioned, the authors recommend using the following model “Chain of Values in City Tourism offer”. Its application will certainly contribute to development of a successful and competitive city tourist offer. Figure 1. Chain of Values in City Tourism offer 62 Source: Authors’ adaptation according to Alkier Radnić et al. (2012) The previously presented model shows the value chain of a successful and competitive city tourism offer. Its application conditions a successful planning and development of the offer of city tourism, which will enable tourists to satisfy their needs for rest, relaxation, acquisition of new knowledge about the culture and tradition, learning languages, feeling welcome, and achieving value and experience for money. The market and competition are forcing tourist destinations to design a product that is considerably more complex than the uniform product. The tourism product is defined as the destination´s product, and is the result of the destination´s entire tourism experience. By bringing together different kinds of services, this product offers a complete experience laced with the specific features of the local community. In order to design such a product, the application of market and marketing concepts is required. Creating a destination product exceeds the competences and authority of the tourism sector, making it an issue of interest for the entire tourism destination, and implying the coordinated activities of various agents within the destination: tourism development policy makers, destination management, quality control, providers of tourism sub-products, market intermediates, human resource education providers, guests and residents (Authors´ adaptation according to Alkier Radnić, 2006). The necessity for further development of City tourism is growing on a daily basis, and considerable research is being conducted in order to rethink further developmental guidelines and strategies. In 2012, the United World Tourism Organization published an important publication Global Report on City Tourism AM Reports: Volume Six, where they proposed the following developmental guidelines for City Tourism development: ◆ Raise awareness of the economic and social impact of city tourism on national and local economies. ◆ Integrate urban tourism as a key pillar of government policies at all levels. ◆ Establish effective and renewed instruments for partnerships between all stakeholders involved with tourism in order to ensure sharing of information, initiatives and knowledge to benefit the destination, tourists and local residents. ◆ Highlight the importance of human capital and consequently, invest in professional training. ◆ Favour measures to encourage, foster and recognize sustainable local policies and initiatives that can serve as models and guides for all international tourism actors. ◆ Implement innovative strategies to provide the city with new and more specialized products with high added value, addressing niche markets and upgrading the quality of the visitor experience. ◆ Advance towards the concept of ‘Smart Cities’, urban destinations that prioritize strategies and actions that include sustainable policies and innovative technological developments as integral elements. Previously mentioned developmental guidelines brought by the UNWTO need to be taken into consideration and applied in order for the city of Rijeka to reach a higher level of development of its tourism offer. It is necessary to: ◆ form a high quality tourism offer which will enable whole year business (particular accent on cultural, religious and event tourism) and would result in re- SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ duction of oscillations in tourist turnover, as well as an increase of the tourist consumption; apply in practice the value chain of city tourism offer previously presented in the paper, with a goal of profiling a recognizable image and forming a recognizable tourist brand; show the real importance and benefits of development of tourism for the city to domestic population; enable additional learning educational programs for tourism and hospitality staff based on the European and world´s best practices, which will enable them not only to learn how to provide even higher quality of services in restaurant business, but also to selfdevelop and increase their level of satisfaction, which is of high importance for achieving competitive business results; enable higher level of information availability regarding the tourism offer of Rijeka increase the level of recognizability on the tourism market through suitable marketing activities and application of the latest marketing tools; assure adequate level of safety and point that to potential tourists, considering that terrorist attacks and natural hazards occur quite often on the world level. The recognizability of the destination as a safe one is an important factor affecting consumer´s decision to visit the destination; Through adequate marketing activities to form a unique and recognizable image and brand the tourist offer of Rijeka. 5. CONSLUSION Contemporary tourism trends on the European and world level point to the growing importance of city tourism, and its possible contribution to formation of an integral and recognizable tourist product, capable of meeting the requirements of various tourist profiles. The level of Rijeka´s tourist offer development still hasn´t reached its true reach. In order to achieve further success, positive experiences of the competing cities as tourist destinations will have to be implemented, while preserving its own uniqueness and specificity. Further development will result in numerous socio-economic advantages for the domestic population, the county of Primorje-Gorski Kotar, and the Republic of Croatia, as it will improve the level of recognizability on the tourism market. The hypothesis set forth in this paper has been successfully proven by the use of statistical data and the results of the conducted empirical research. Based on the research results, the authors offered some developmental guidelines which, in their opinion, can contribute to successful development of Rijeka´s tourism offer. REFERENCES Alkier Radnić, R. (2006). Marketing Determinants of Qualitative Trends in EU Tourism. In 18th Biennial International Congress TOURISM & HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY 2006: New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, May 3-5 2006 (pp. 422-428), Opatija. 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United Nations World Tourism Organization. Retrieved May, 22, 2015, from http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfront.net/sites/all/files/pdf/ am6_city_platma.pdf SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-65-70 DIGITALIZACIJA PROMOCIJE BANJA SRBIJE - NA RIMERIMA VRNJAČKE BANJE I SOKOBANJE Verka Jovanović*, Melita Jovanović Tončev Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt: Primena savremene tehnologije u promociji banjskih turističkih destinacija uslovila je promene kako na strani ponude, tako i na strani tražnje. Kreatorima marketing aktivnosti određene destinacije pružila je niz mogućnosti za uspostavljanje brzog, ekonomski isplativog, informativnijeg, geografski pokrivenijeg kontakta sa potencijalnim posetiocima. Sa druge strane, savremenim turistima koji imaju sofisticiranije želje i preferencije omogućila je detaljnu vizuelizaciju i upoznavanje sa destinacijom i pre odlaska u istu, kao i postavljanje fotografija, video zapisa i komentara o posećenoj banji. Ovaj rad izučava veb sajtove i društvene medije koje destinacijski menadžment može iskoristiti za potrebe promocije i postizanje vidljivosti ne samo na domaćem, već i na međunarodnom tržištu. Cilj rada je da se putem analize strukture veb sajtova, foruma, blogova, vlogova, Facebook-a , Pinteresta, Instagrama, Twitter-a Vrnjačke i Sokobanje, kao dve najposećenije banjske destinacije Srbije, ustanovi stepen digitalizacije promocije i predlože smernice za dalju upotrebu online promotivnih tehnika u Vrnjačkoj Banji i Sokobanji. 1. UVOD Tradicionalne marketinške komunikacije koje uspostavljaju jednostranu, veoma često neefikasnu komunikaciju sa turistima, poslednjih godina 20. veka i početkom 21. veka bivaju obogaćene digitalnim komunikacijama čija je osnovna karakteristika brza, efikasna, dvosmerna, interaktivna komunikacija. Putnici sve češće svoje putovanje počinju pretraživanjem veb stranica određene destinacije na Internetu. Postavljanjem fotografija, deljenjem sadržaja, statusa, lokacija, informacija, turisti i sami postaju kreatori stranica društvenih mreža. Sa druge strane, učesnici na strani ponude moraju biti svesni da je pojavljivanje na društvenim mrežama proces koji kontinuirano traje i zahteva svakodnevni angažman i ažuriranje podataka. Pravilnom upotrebom društvenih mreža, kreatori marketinških aktivnosti mogu postići prepoznatljivost, atraktivnost, ojačati brend, povećati broj turista, a samim tim i prihod turističkog mesta. Rasprostranjeno je mišljenje da su korisnici društvenih mreža uglavnom tinejdžeri i studenti i da oni nisu ekonomski nezavisni te ne mogu postati značajniji korisnici turističkih usluga. “Međutim, podaci o starosti korisnika Facebook-a pokazuju drugačiji trend. Možda je tako bilo u prvim godinama nakon uvođenja Interneta, ali studenti koji su pre pet godina koristili Facebook više nisu studenti. Većina njih je ekonomski nezavisna. Uskoro će doći do izjednačavanja u statistici između tinejdžera i ljudi od 28-45 godina. U ne tako dalekoj budućnosti imaćemo približno isti broj penzionera na društvenim mrežama.”(Stojanović, 2013) * [email protected] Ključne reči: digitalizacija promocije, društvene mreže, banje Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, Sokobanja. 2. FUNKCIJE DRUŠTVENIH MREŽA I NJIHOVO KORIŠĆENJE U TURIZMU Društvene mreže koje imaju najveći broj korisnika su Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Yahoo Answers, Linkedin, Instagram, Turnbir i Tagged (Boone et al., 2015). Njihovim korišćenjem DMO može postići bolju vidljivost destinacije i približavanje korisnicima koji su sve više online. Facebook je društvena mreža koja ima najveći broj korisnika. Najpre je bio dostupan isključivo studentima Harvarda, da bi u septembru 2006. godine bilo koji korisnik koji je imao email adresu i bio stariji od 13 godina mogao postati učesnik na Facebook-u. Osnovni elementi Facebooka su profil, status, fotografija i deljenje (Stankov et al., 2014). Neophodno je naglasiti da otvaranje profila koji predstavljaju određeni turistički objekat prema pravilima Facebook-a nije dozvoljeno. Otvaranjem profesionalnog profila krše se pravila Facebook-a i obmanjuju poslovni saradnici i potencijalni turisti. Ograničeni broj prijatelja od 5000 ( iako je ovo delimično rešeno opcijom Subscribe-Follow), takođe limitira mogućnosti promocije putem Facebook-a. Grupa na Facebook-u (organizovanje ljudi koji imaju zajednička interesovanja) takođe ne predstavlja mesto na kome bi trebalo promovisati destinaciju. Najadekvatnije je kreirati Facebook stranu (Facebook Page) kod koje ne postoji ograničenje u broju fanova. Oni su pozvani da lajkuju stranice, da komentarišu ili da se taguju na fotografijama. Prednosti Facebook stranice u odnosu na 65 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 66 profil je što poznati pretraživači kao što je Google, indeksiraju strane, a ne i profil. Na taj način, korišćenjem pretraživača Google, Facebook strana može se naći na boljoj poziciji nego veb-sajt destinacije. Osnovni cilj Facebook-a je prikupiti što više lajkova. Međutim, destinacijskom menadžmentu nije važan broj lajkova, već broj turista koji će posetiti destinaciju, pročitati svaki status, lajkovati, deliti (šerovati), proslediti i preporučiti prijateljima i na taj način dovesti nove turiste. Twitter je društvena mreža koja beleži sve veći broj korisnika i koji ima svoju primenu i u turizmu. Početak korišćenja Twittera predstavlja otvaranje profila i postavljanje naslovne i profilne slike. Dok je na Facebooku sadržaj u vidu fotografije, video klipova i slično na Twitter-u je prioritet na informacijama. Status (tvit) na Twitter-u je ograničen ograničen na 140 karaktera uključujući i linkove koji se postavljaju (Stojanović, 2013). Praćenjem (followunfollow) moguće je saznati šta neko piše. Korišćenjem haštaga # ispred nekog pojma klasifikuju se tvitovi na osnovu različitih kriterijuma (#Sajam Turizma). Klikom na taj link moguće je pročitati šta su ostali korisnici tvitovali pod tim haštagom. Na Twitter-u se otvaraju profili, a ne strane kao na Facebook-u. Komunikacija je ležernija, ali jasna i precizna. Kako bi korišćenje Twittera u promociji destinacije bilo efikasno, neophodno je tvitovati o “turističkoj ponudi, informacijama o turizmu, pratiti osobe i organizacije koje se bave turizmom, kao i konkurenciju” (Stojanović, 2013). Instagram je društvena mreža za deljenje fotografija i može se reći da je jednim delom Flickr, a drugim Twitter. Kako bi se napravila dobra strategija sadržaja na Instagramu, potrebno je identifikovati potencijalne pratioce na osnovu afiniteta pratilaca konkurenata. Postavljanjem fotografija koje njih interesuju, moguće ih je navesti da postanu pratioci destinacije koja se promoviše. Veoma je važno da se objavljuju fotografije odmah nakon fotografisanja, jer tada pratioci stiču utisak da im se prezentuje aktuelna situacija. Na Instagramu je moguće postaviti kratke video klipove koji predstavljaju sadržaj koji je do sada nedostajao na Instagramu. Korišćenjem dve vrste haštagova (haštag koji nosi ime Brenda i uopštenih haštagova koji su relevantni za ponudu), postiže se veoma laka dostupnost fotografija potencijalnim korisnicima turističkih usluga. Pinterest je društvena mreža koja je osnovana 2010. godine. To je mreža oglasnih tabli (boards) koja služi korisnicima da prikupljaju ideje, zanimljivosti i informacije u vidu fotografija o odeđenoj turističkoj lokaciji. Table kreiraju sami korisnici prema sopstvenim interesovanjima. Fizička lica na Pinterestu postavljaju nalog i kreiraju privatni profil, dok je za poslovne svrhe najbolje napraviti poslovnu stranu (Business Page). Postavljanje fotografija na Pinterestu naziva se pinovanjem, a same fotografije pinovi. Oni se razvrstavaju po albumima (tablama). “U praksi, kada korisnik pronađe nešto interesantno on može da pinuje svoje interesovanje u svoju tablu. Od kombinacije reči pin i interest nastao je i naziv ove društvene mreže.” (Minazzi, 2015). Deljenje fotografija (šerovanje na Facebook-u i retvitovanje na Twitter-u) se postiže putem repinovanja. Za korisnike koji žele da svoju promociju obavljaju i putem Pinteresta veoma je važno da: ◆ integrišu Pinterest sa sajtom i ostalim društvenim mrežama, ◆ pinuju samo kvalitetne fotografije, ◆ uvek imaju na umu da je Pinterest društvena mreža, ◆ prate, mere i ocenjuju svoje aktivnosti, ◆ postavljaju relevantan sadržaj, ◆ prave odgovarajuće albume (table), ◆ budu konstantni (Stojanović, 2013). Foursquare je geolokacijska društvena mreža, koja u osnovi ima deljenje trenutnih lokacija sa prijateljima uz pomoć GPS-a sa mobilnog telefona(Stojanović, 2013). Osnovna aktivnost na Foursquare je check-in. Ukoliko turista boravi na nekoj novoj lokaciji, on se čekira. Na ovoj mreži se može pratiti i kretanje prijatelja. Ostali korisnici mogu lajkovati (klikom na znak srce). Za turiste je veoma bitna ova društvena mreža, jer na njoj mogu pročitati komentare ostalih korisnika o određenoj destinaciji i njihovoj turističkoj infrastrukturi. Čekiranjem na deset različitih lokacija, turista postaje vlasnik Adventure bedža, dok će postati Explorer ukoliko se čekira na 25 različitih lokacija. Čekiranjem u 20 različitih picerija može postati vlasnik tematskog bedža. Putnik koji se čekira više puta u jednom istom objektu u poslednjih 60 dana postaje vlasnik titule Mejdžora za neki objekat. Na taj način se turisti motivišu da se čekiraju i ostavljaju komentare o određenim lokacijama. Svoja iskustva mogu podeliti sa ostalim korisnicima ove mreže klikom na opciju Leave a tip. Google+ je društvena mreža jedne od najvećih informacionih kompanija u svetu - Google. Broj njenih korisnika je sve veći (343 miliona). Postati korisnik navedene mreže je veoma bitno, jer će prilikom pretraživanja na osnovu određene ključne reči biti favorizovana strana ove društvene mreže, a ne neke druge. Zatim, sve je više korisnika Google Translate, Google Maps, Google Docs. Google pomenute servise sve više vezuje za svoju društvenu mrežu čime privlači ljude da se registruju i koriste ovu društvenu mrežu (Stojanović, 2013). Na Google+ je takođe važno za privredne subjekte da kreiraju Google+ stranu, a ne profil. Ova mreža funkcioniše po principu krugova. Prilikom predstavljanja određene turističke destinacije važno je napraviti krugove putem kojih je moguće pratiti “sve relevantne subjekte unutar destinacije (smeštajno-ugostiteljske objekte, saobraćajna preduzeća, organizacije, ustanove, institucije), ali i druge destinacije u okolini” (Stojanović, 2013). 3. ISTRAŽIVANJE O UPOTREBI VEB-SAJTOVA I DRUŠTVENIH MREŽA U PROMOCIJI VRNJAČKE BANJE I SOKOBANJE Implementacija informacione tehnologije u turističku privredu Srbije počevši od 1996. godine (kada je Internet prvi put uvede u Srbiji), za rezultat je imala promene u rezervacionim, distributivnim sistemima, kao i u promociji ponude i načinu kupovine turističkih usluga. Želeći da zadovolji težnju turista za detaljnim i aktuelnim informacijama, turistička organizacija Srbije (TOS) je doprinela kreiranjem veb portala koji će se “koristiti za prezentaciju turističkog potencijala Srbije, privlačenje domaćih i inostranih gostiju i za pružanje korisnih informacija. Najpoznatiji domaći veb portali su VisitSerbia.org i TouristGuide. com”(Milićević et al., 2013). Svako ko počinje u svojim promotivnim aktivnostima da koristi Internet, najpre postavi veb-sajt. Kako bi veb-sajt na adekvatan način vršio svoju funkciju, a to je efikasna promocija date destinacije, neophodno je da ispuni određene uslove koji se tiču kako tehničkih karakteristika, tako i sadržajnih. Ukoliko se želi efektivno organizovati promocija putem sajtova destinacijski menadžment (ili angažovani stručni saradnik) bi trebalo da optimizira online marketing strategiju, navigaciju sajta, sadržaj stranice, istovremeno je integrišući sa offline marketing strategijom, PR-om i kanalima komunikacije (Kliffton, 2014). Želeći da ukažemo na značaj koji dobro struktuiran vebsajt može imati za promociju određene turističke destinacije, analizirali smo sajt Vrnjačke Banje po zadatim kriterijumima prikazanim u tabeli 1. Osnovni parametri koji su razmatrani prilikom ove analize se odnose na tehničke karakteristike, kao i na mogućnosti primene određenih instrumenata promocije. Tehničke karakteristike sajta su analizirane posmatranjem samog obeležavanja, zatim strukture sajta, kao i vidljivosti na primarnim i nacionalnim pretraživačima, dok su mogućnosti primene instrumenta promocije analizirane putem tehnika internet oglašavanja. Posebno su analizirane pogodnosti i promene koje sajt nudi u domenu distribucije (mogućnosti online rezervacija, pretraživanja ponude i sl.). Analizom veb prezentacije Vrnjačke banje došli smo do zaključka da je domen adekvatan. Struktura veb-sajta je dobro organizovana, jer postoji glavni meni koji vodi turistu u odeljke koje on klikom bira. Sajt je dinamičan, dolazi do SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS smene različitog sadržaja. Ponuda je veoma detaljno opisana, kao i svi proizvodi koje nudi banja kao destinacija. Sajt Vrnjačke Banje omogućava turistima upoznanje sa destinacijom i pre posete putem virtuelnih tura. Opcije online rezervacije takođe postoje. Boje upotrebljene na sajtu omogućavaju jasno čitanje sadržaja sajta. Postoji previše banera koji oglašavaju smeštajnu ponudu banje. Njihov broj bi trebalo prilagoditi koncepciji sajta. Sajt Vrnjačke Banje je 2012. godine dobio nagradu „Najbolje na domaćem vebu“. Posmatranjem i analizom elemenata internet prezentacije Sokobanje došli smo do zaključka da je tehnički dobro struktuiran sa adekvatnim sadržajem prema tipu sajta. Takođe je i zadovoljavajući kvalitet prezentacije sadržaja, jer postoji glavni meni na svim stranicama, kao i opcija brze pretrage. Mogućnosti promocije putem ovog sajta su prikazane u tabeli broj 2. Domen sajta Sokobanje je adekvatan bez ekstenzije nacionalnog karaktera. Sajt nudi opciju brze pretrage. Vidljivost sajta je veoma dobra. Broj banera je veliki. Najveći nedostatak ove prezentacije je nepostojanje mogućnosti pristupa sadržaju na nekom od stranih jezika. Upotreba društvenih mreža u svrhu promocije banjskih destinacija analizirana je takođe na primeru Vrnjačke Banje i Sokobanje, kao destinacije sa najvećim brojem turista i broja noćenja (prema podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku). Analizirano je korišćenje Facebook--a, Twitter-a, Instagrama, Pinteresta, Foursquare, postojanje blogova i vlogova u vezi promocije pomenutih destinacija. Tabela 1. Analiza strukture veb-sajta Vrnjačke Banje Kategorija 1. Domen 2. Tip veb-sajta prema funkcionisanju 3. Početna stranica (doorway) 4. Adekvatnost sadržaja prema tipu sajta 5. Kvalitet prezentacije sadržaja Elementi posmatranja Adekvatnost domena prema predmetu sajta a) Navigacija Glavni meni na svim stranicama Funkcionalnost Opcija brze pretrage Mapa veb-sajta b) Dostupnost sadržaja na stranim jezicima c) Osnovne boje sajta d) Kontrast boja 6. Vidljivost na primarnim i nacionalnim pretraživačima Google Yahoo Metasearch.rs Krstarica 7. Tehnike Internet oglašavanja Linkovi drugih sajtova Postojanje banera Broj banera Tip banera 8. Tehnika odnosa sa javnošću Sekcija za vesti Chat Forumi Anketa 9. Distributivni elementi veb-sajta Online rezervacija * označene karakteristike koje analizirani veb-sajt poseduje. Izvor: Sopstvena analiza na osnovu: Stankov (2008, str. 8) Predviđena situacija Adekvatno* - Neadekvatno Statičan - Dinamičan* Postoji* - Ne postoji Adekvatan* - Delimično adekvatan Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Potpuna - Delimična Engleski - under construction Bela i tamne boje Dobar* - Loš Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Broj banera: 14 Statični - Dinamični* Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji 67 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Tabela 2 Veb-sajt Sokobanje 1. Domen Kategorija 2. Tip veb-sajta prema funkcionisanju 3. Početna stranica (doorway) 4. Adekvatnost sadržaja prema tipu sajta 5. Kvalitet prezentacije sadržaja Elementi posmatranja Adekvatnost domena prema predmetu sajta Statičan - Dinamičan* Postoji* - Ne postoji Adekvatan* - Delimično adekvatan a) Navigacija Glavni meni na svim stranicama Funkcionalnost Opcija brze pretrage Mapa veb-sajta b) Dostupnost sadržaja na stranim jezicima c) Osnovne boje sajta d) Kontrast boja 9. Vidljivost na primarnim i nacionalnim pretraživačima Google Yahoo Metasearch.rs Krstarica 10. Tehnike Internet oglašavanja Linkovi drugih sajtova Postojanje banera Broj banera Tip banera 11. Tehnika odnosa sa javnošću Sekcija za vesti Chat Forumi Anketa Mogućnost učlanjenja 12. Distributivni elementi veb-sajta Online rezervacija Facebook stranica Vrnjačke Banje je analizirana i primarno istraživanje koje je sprovedeno 01.07.2015. godine ukazuje da je tog dana imala 6699 lajkova. Poslednja objava je bila 27.06.2015. što ukazuje da se pomenuta strana redovno ažurira. Na Facebook strani postoji link ka veb strani www.vrnjackabanjainfo.com, čime se posetioci Facebook-a usmeravaju na informacije prezentovane i na veb strani. Takođe postoji i opcija poziv prijateljima da označe ovu stranicu što je veoma važno prilikom deljenja sadržaja. Osim linka ka veb-sajtu, postoji i link ka #vrnjackabanja#spa#srbija#leto čime se posetilac upućuje sve informacije koje su objavljene pod ovim haštagovima. Na Facebook stranici Vrnjačke banje je ispoštovano preporučeno pravilo da fotografije čine 90% sadržaja, a promocija, odnosno tekst samo 10%. Objave su vezane za manifestacije koje će se organizovati (Karneval od 12-19. jula 2015.), kao i za religijske svetinje koje se nalaze u blizini Vrnjačke Banje. Twitter Vrnjačke Banje koji nosi oznaku @vrnjacka_banja ima 1425 tvitova, 22 onih koje prate i 391 pratilaca. Na ovom profilu postoji i link koji vodi ka sajtu www.vrnjacka-banja.co.rs. Poslednji tvit na ovom profilu je bio 14.06.2015. godine, što ukazuje da se na ovoj društvenoj mreži s vremena na vreme tvituje. Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Potpuna - Delimična Ne postoji sajt na stranom jeziku Bela i plava Dobar* - Loš Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji - Ne postoji* Postoji* - Ne postoji Broj banera: 12 Statični* - Dinamični Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji Postoji* - Ne postoji * označene karakteristike koje analizirani veb-sajt poseduje. Izvor: Sopstvena analiza na osnovu: Stankov (2008, str. 8) 68 Predviđena situacija Adekvatno* - Neadekvatno Tabela 3. Upotreba društvenih mreža u promociji Vrnjačke Banje i Sokobanje VRNJAČKA BANJA SOKOBANJA Facebook 6,7 K, otvorena 2012. 4,4 K, otvorena stranica 2009. Twitter @vrnjacka_banja, 1425 tvitova, 22 onih koje prate i 391 pratilaca. Ne koriste Instagram 290 pratilaca, 25 postova, link ka sajtu, ne koriste # 24 pratilaca, link ka sajtu, ne koriste # Pinterest Ne koriste Ne koriste Google+ Ne koriste 1 krug-smeštajni kapaciteti, 128 ljudi Foursquare Ne koriste Ne koriste Blog Ne koriste Ne koriste Vlog Ne koriste Ne koriste Forum Forum Krstarice, tema Vrnjačka Banja 17911 poruka, 2394 tema, 2229 članova, 7.2.2015. poslednja poruka Izvor: Sopstvena analiza na osnovu: Facebook (2015a); Facebook (2015b); Twiter (2015); Sokobanja (2015) Analizom Facebook stranice Sokobanje je utvrđeno da je ona otvorena 2009. godine, kao i da ima 4400 pratilaca. Na ovoj stranici se najčešće najavljuje održavanje određenih manifestacija i promoviše Akva park kojim se želi privući mlađa populacija turista u ovu banjsku destinaciju. Za razliku od Vrnjačke banje, Sokobanja ne koristi Twitter, ali je kreiran profil na Google+. Na forumu Sokobanje je obrađeno 2349 tema i zabeleženo 17911 poruka. 4. SMERNICE ZA KORIŠĆENJE DRUŠTVENIH MREŽA U PROMOCIJI BANJA SRBIJE Uzrok ne postizanja ciljeva određenih veb prezentacija ne nalazi se u odsustvu kreativnosti ljudi koji su osmislili i postavili veb prezentaciju, već u nedostatku strukturisanog razmišljanja o tome šta su istinski ciljevi koji se žele postići veb kampanjom, kao i nedostatak merenja performansi veb-sajta koje bi identifikovalo uzroke neuspeha (Kaushik, 2015). Zbog toga je veoma važno stalno biti u kontaktu sa korisnicima, osluškivati njihove želje i preferencije, poboljšavati performanse sajta kako bi se zadovoljile želje i preferencije posetilaca i bila im pružena tražena informacija. Ukoliko se Facebook-om žele postići četiri osnovne funkcije društvenih mreža, a to su: evaluacija, odgovor, širenje i vođenje potrošačevog ponašanja (Dival et al., 2012), neophodno je promociju putem ove društvene mreže organizovati u svrhu pružanja značajnih i korisnih informacija koje potencijalnim turistima mogu biti od pomoći. Potrebno je slediti pravilo 80:20 odnosno stranicu organizovati da prikazuje 80% tekstualnog sadržaja u vidu korisnih informacija i 20% promocije turističkog banjskog proizvoda. Veoma je važno „slušati“ svoje fanove, redovno odgovarati, biti zanimljiv i duhovit. Takođe je značajno organizovati stranicu da bude bogatija fotografijama i video klipovima. Prema nedavnoj studiji Hub Spot-a, postovi sa slikama imaju 53% više lajkova i 104% više komentara od tekstualnih (Stojanović, 2013). Korišćenje anketa kako bi se prikupilo mišljenje fanova, praćenje komentara koje posetioci banjskih destinacija postavljaju na odgovarajućim servisima, predstavlja povratnu informaciju koja će pomoći da se razume stav turista prema destinaciji, kao i iskustvo koje su oni doživeli posetom. Povezanost veb sajta sa Facebook stranom (i ostalim društvenim mrežama) je veoma bitno za postizanje vidljivosti na evropskoj turističkoj mapi. Moguće je ponuditi i popust turistima koji se čekiraju u destinaciji i to podeliti na Facebooku, Twitteru, Foursqueru. Postavljanje reklame sa desne strane (Facebook ads), takođe može doprineti efikasnosti promocije. Facebook ad je veoma sličan banerima koji se postavljaju na sajtovima, ali je bolji način prikupljanja pravih fanova strane. Dodatna promocija svakog pojedinačnog statusa može se postići opcijom boost post (Stojanović, 2013), koja se koristi kada se želi obavestiti veći broj fanova o promociji, popustima, specijalnim ponudama. Veoma je važno imati na umu da je korišćenje društvenih mreža stalni proces i da se mora neprekidno tvitovati. Google indeksira tvitove i stoga je neophodno koristiti ključne reči prilikom tvitovanja. “Zbog veoma kratke dužine poruke od 140 karaktera, mikro-blogeri kako se još i nazivaju korisnici Twitter-a, veoma često postavljaju link ka sajtu ili ka tradicionalnim blogovima kako bi se omogućila potpuna SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS informacija o određenim temama” (Minazzi, 2015, str. 10). Ukoliko ciljnu grupu turista čine stranci, potrebno je tvitovati i na engleskom, francuskom, italijanskom. Osim toga, ukoliko da putem Twitter-a postignemo efikasniju promociju sopstvene destinacije, neophodno je da pratiti praznike i slobodne dane u tim zemljama i na osnovu toga pripremiti odgovarajuću turističku banjsku ponudu. „Jedna od najčešćih tema na Twitter-u je uticaj koji pojedini korisnici ove društvene mreže imaju u poređenju sa ostalim korisnicima. Uticaj podrazumeva da te osobe mogu svojim tvitovima, sugestivno privoleti korisnike na neku akciju, promenu mišljenja, kupovinu proizvoda” (Stojanović, 2013). “Na Instagramu je moguće čekirati opciju Add to your photo Map čime se postiže označavanje lokacije na fotografijama i potpuno novi nivo interaktivnosti sa pratiocima” (Stojanović, 2013). Takođe je moguće osmisliti i nagradnu igru što bi podstaklo pratioce da postavljaju fotografije koje odgovaraju određenoj tematici. Postavljanje fotografija na Pinterestu i njihovo organizovanje u albume će privući veću pažnju potencijalnih turista i povećaće interakciju sa njima. To će podstaći korisnike da lajkuju, šeruju i komentarišu. Svaka promotivna aktivnost podržana setom fotografija biće efikasnija i doprineće prepoznatljivosti destinacije. Veoma bitna osobina Pinteresta je što “svaki pin u sebi sadrži adresu sajta sa kojeg je pinovan, tako da korisnici Pinteresta jednim klikom bivaju preusmereni na određeni sajt” (Stojanović, 2013). Ova mreža omogućava subjektima na strani ponude da saznaju kada je potencijalni turista zainteresovan za posetu određenoj destinaciji. Ukoliko je dodao pinovanjem u listu destinacija koje planira da poseti to se može videti u tablama koje se nazivaju “Mesta za letovanje”, “Mesta koja moram posetiti”. Na kreatorima destinacijske ponude je da težnja turista da posete određenu destinaciju bude i realizovana na osnovu njihove odgovarajuće ponude. Destinacija koja za svoju promociju koristi Foursquare društvenu mrežu bi trebalo da beleži čekinove (prijave), lajkove, komentare kako bi bila svrstana u liste koje kreiraju korisnici. „Što se više interakcije beleži, bolje će biti pozicionirana na rezultatima pretrage na ovoj društvenoj mreži” (Stojanović, 2013). Postavljanjem fotografija, video zapisa ili nešto dužih tekstualnih opisa na Google +, moguće je turistima pružiti detaljnije i potpunije informacije o destinaciji. Promociju različitih manifestacija je moguće prikazati putem opcije Kreiranje događaja (Event). Kao i kod ostalih društvenih mreža veoma je važno povezati Google+ vidžet+1 sa vebsajtom. Na taj način je posetiocima sajta pružena informacija o aktivnostima na ovoj društvenoj mreži. Međutim, kako se broj društvenih mreža iz dana u dan povećava, tako se od DMO-a zahteva i veća radna i vremenska angažovanost na upravljanju marketingom putem ovih medija. Prema McCabeu, “menadžment socijalnih medija može pomoći upravljanje ulaznim i izlaznim online interakcijama zajedno sa ostalim marketinškim aktivnostima na veoma efikasan način” (McCabe, 2010). Dakle, promocija putem veb prezentacija i društvenih mreža nije jednokratan čin koji se završava postavljanjem veb prezentacije ili otvaranjem stranica na socijalnim medijima, već zahteva analitički pristup, redovnu angažovanost i integrisanost sa ostalim kanalima promocije. 69 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 5. ZAKLJUČAK Vrnjačka Banja i Sokobanja, kao destinacije sa najvećim brojem posetilaca u Srbiji, promociju svoje turističke ponude ostvaruju i putem kreiranja veb prezentacija, kao i korišćenjem mogućnosti društvenih mreža. Analizom određenih karakteristika veb prezentacija utvrđeno je da su sajtovi pomenutih banja adekvatno struktuirani, kao i da veoma precizno prikazuju banjsku turističku ponudu. Reč je o dinamičnim tipovima sajtova, veoma dobro dizajniranim, koji omogućavaju posetiocima potpune informacije kako o sadržaju banjskog proizvoda, tako i o njegovoj distribuciji, odnosno mogućnostima rezervacije i online kupovine. Dakle, kreativnost i informatička pismenost kadrova koji su učestvovali u kreiranju pomenutih veb prezentacija je veoma dobra i ne može biti okarakterisana kao nedostatak. Međutim, u cilju poboljšanja komunikacije sa potencijalnim posetiocima trebalo bi uvesti interaktivniji pristup. Na taj način bi korisnici banjskih usluga komentarisali svoja iskustva u vezi turističke ponude i boravka u destinaciji. Jedno od mogućih rešenja je redovno anketiranje ili postavljanje linka ka forumima na kojima se komentariše banjska turistička ponuda. Osim interaktivnosti, sledeća osobina koju bi trebalo da poseduje dobro strukturirana veb prezentacija je kontinuiranost. Online oglašavanje je proces i neophodno je da destinacijski menadžment bude fokusiran ka dnevnom ažuriranju internet prezentacije. To bi omogućilo potencijalnim korisnicima informacije u realnom vremenu o zbivanjima u analiziranim destinacijama. Onlajn promocija putem društvenih mreža je još uvek u začetku. Kao što se može i zaključiti iz prikazanih podataka Facebook je mreža koja se uglavnom koristi. Twitter u promociji koristi Vrnjačka Banja, dok je Sokobanja počela upotrebu Google+, što je veoma značajno prilikom pretraživanja Googla od strane potencijalnih turista. Upotreba Instagrama nije toliko značajna, dok se ne koriste mogućnosti Pinteresta. Analiza upotrebe društvenih mreža je i pokazala osnovne nedostatke u korišćenju društvenih mreža u promociji banjskih destinacija. Uglavnom je reč o ad hoc nestrukturiranoj i neadekvatno vođenoj promociji. Umesto takvog pristupa, neophodno je ustanoviti integrisanu komunikaciju sa korisnicima putem društvenih mreža koja će sve marketinške napore na Facebook-u, Twitter-u, Pinterestu, Google+, povezati u smislenu celinu i društvene mreže koristiti kao medije. Osim pisanja blogova i postavljanja video sadržaja na vlogovima, potrebno je aktivirati korisnike da sami putem društvenih mreža postanu zagovornici posete destinaciji. Osim toga neophodno je i ulagati određena novčana sredstva i u plaćene oglase na pretraživaču Google, Facebook-u i ostalim društvenim mrežama. Dakle, ukoliko žele da postanu destinacije banjskog turizma prepoznatljive i na svetskom turističkom tržištu, Vrnjačka Banja i Sokobanja bi trebalo da svoju promotivnu aktivnost putem društvenih mreža strategijski isplaniraju, ali i mere, kontrolišu i koriguju. Neophodno je upravljanje marketingom onlajn aktivnosti, kao i integrisanje sa oflajn promotivnim aktivnostima. LITERATURA Boone, L., & Kurtz, D. (2015). Contemporary Marketing. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Clifton, B. (2014). Advanced web Metrics with Google Analytics. Indianapolis: Wiley. Dival, R., Edelman, D., & Sarazzin, H. (2012). Demystifying social media. Preuzeto 16. juna 2015. sa www.mckinsey. com Facebook. (2015a). Vrnjačka Banja. Preuzeto 23. juna 2015. sa https://www. facebook.com/vrnjackabanjaonline Facebook. (2015b). Sokobanja. Preuzeto 23. juna 2015. sa https://www.facebook.com/sokobanja.018?fref=ts Kaushik, A. (2015). Digital Marketing and Measurement Model. Preuzeto 16. juna 2015. sa www.kaushik.net/ avinash/digital-marketing-and-measurement-model McCabe, L. (2010). What is Social Media Management, and Why Should you care? Preuzeto 29. Juna 2015. sa www. smallbusinesscomputing.com Milićević, S., Podovac, M., & Sekulić, D. (2013). Uloga i značaj informacionih tehnologija na razvoj turizma Srbije. 13th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI 2013, Kopaonik, Serbia. Minazzi, R. (2015). Social Media Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality. Cham: Springer. Soko-banja. (2015). Sokobanja. Preuzeto 23. juna 2015. sa https:// soko-banja.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=203 Stankov, U. (2008). Uloga Interneta u promociji turizma Srbije: magistarska teza. Novi Sad: Fakultet za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo. Stankov, U., Jovanović, T., & Dragićević, V. (2014). Facebook travel related usage patterns of tourism students. Uticaj interneta na poslovanje u Srbiji i svetu: Međunarodna naučna konferencija Univerziteta Singidunum Sinteza 2014. doi: 10.15308/SINTEZA-2014-743-749. Stojanović, M. (2013). Primena društvenih mreža u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu. Preuzeto 16. juna 2015. sa www.turizamiputovanja.com Twitter. (2015). Vrnjačka Banja. Preuzeto 23. juna 2015. sa https://twitter.com/vrnjacka_banja, DIGITALIZATION OF PROMOTION OF SERBIAN SPAS – VRNJAČKA BANJA AND SOKOBANJA 70 Abstract: The use of modern technology in promoting spa tourism destinations has brought about certain changes, both on the supply and demand side. It provided creators of marketing activities of specific destinations with a range of options for establishing a rapid, cost-effective, informative and geographically-covered contact with potential visitors. At the same time, modern tourists, with sophisticated needs and preferences, got the opportunity for more detailed visualization and getting to know the destination prior to visiting it, as well as for uploading photos, videos, and comments about the spa. The subject of this paper are web sites and social media, which can be used by destination management to promote and achieve greater visibility on both domestic and international markets. The aim is to analyze the structure of web sites, forums, blogs, vlogs, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter profiles of Vrnjačka Banja and Sokobanja, as the two most visited Serbian spas, in order to determine the level of digitalization of promotion, and propose guidelines for further use of online promotion techniques in these two spas. Key words: digitalization of promotion, social networks, Serbian spas, Vrnjačka Banja, Sokobanja. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-71-76 UPRAVLJANJE RAZVOJEM TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE NA PRIMERU BANJA SRPSKE TOPLICE Simonida Vilić*, Tatjana Dujaković Univerzitet za poslovne studije, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska Apstrakt: Trend banjskog turizma dostiže globalne razmere. Banje postaju turističke destinacije koje se ponovo otkrivaju, integrišu i brendiraju kako bi stvorile novu globalnu industriju koja koristi širok spektar elementa iz drugih industrijskih grana. U radu se analiziraju rezultati sprovedenog primarnog istraživanja o percepciji koju turisti imaju o Banjama Srpske Toplice kao turističkoj destinaciji. Cilj istraživanja jeste definisati ključne komponente za pozicioniranje i razvoj Banja Srpske Toplice kao turističke destinacije. Na temelju sprovedenog istraživanja došlo se do jasnih pokazatelja koji ujedno odražavaju stav i preferencije turista koji su posetili Banje Srpske Toplice, o tome šta je čini jedinstvenom i privlačnom za turistička putovanja. 1. UVOD Globalno turističko tržište fokusirano je na potrošačke preferencije koje se iz dana u dan menjaju, a planiranje i upravljanje razvojem turizma na svim nivoima nemoguće je bez poznavanja svetskih trendova. Novi turizam, onaj po meri čoveka, namenjen je pojedincu, individualcu koji zazire od toga da bude zrno peska u pustinji, broj u paket aranžmanu, izgubljen među hiljadama spavača u velikom hotelu. Savremeni turista želi doživljaj ambijenta u kojem boravi, kontakt s lokalnim stanovništvom, upoznavanje istorije i kulture sredine koju je odabrao na osnovu njenih atrakcija. Konkurentnost i partnerstvo su dva bitna elementa novoga turizma. Konkurentnost turističke destinacije se ne stvara izvan nje, nego u njoj samoj. Zbog toga je neophodno partnerstvo svih zainteresovanih za razvoj turističke destinacije, javnog i privatnog sektora unutar same destinacije. Prema podacima UNWTO-a, jedan od rastućih trendova novog turizma koji postepeno dobija globalne razmere jeste i banjski turizam. Terapije u banjama su prisutne od davnih vremena kroz različite forme i oblike zavisno od kulturnog, socijalnog i političkog miljea u kom su postojale, ali su sada ponovo otkrivene, integrisane i brendirane kako bi stvorile novu globalnu industriju koja koristi širok spektar elementa iz drugih industrijskih grana (Cohen & Bodeher, 2008). Analizirajući Strategiju razvoja Republike Srpske za period 2011-2020. godine, možemo uočiti da Republika Srpska, iako nema imidž turističkog regiona, zbog neizmernog bogatstva prirodnih resursa ima značajne potencijale da po* [email protected] Ključne reči: turistička destinacija, upravljanje, razvoj, banjski turizam. stane prepoznatljiva na mapi Evrope ukoliko se fokusira na razvoj i promociju banjskog turizma, avanturizma, ekoturizma, sportsko-rekreativnog i seoskog turizma. Jedan takav potencijal predstavljaju i stare banje na području Gornjeg Šehera, današnjih, Srpskih Toplica, koje se nalaze u podnožju brežuljaka Banj Brda (Šehitluka), na svega 6 kilometara od centra grada Banja Luke. Poznate po svojoj jedinstvenoj vodi, prosečne temperature od 20 do 36 stepeni celzijusa, koju karakteriše visok stepen alkalnosti, po svojoj gustoći i prisustvu najvećim delom CaCO3 (kalcijev karbonat), sumpora, magnezijuma i minerala, ove banje predstavljaju pravi svetski raritet. Izvori sa ovakvom vodom daju vidne rezultate u lečenju bolesti krvnih žila, oboljenja zglobova, tetiva, mišića, ginekoloških bolesti, pa i psihosomatskih bolesti, za lečenje i oporavak kardiovaskularnih, reumatoloških, neuroloških i postraumatskih oboljenja i stanja, što je između ostalog postalo posebnost i prepoznatljivost ovih banja (Predstavništvo RS, 2011). Upravljanje destinacijom predstavlja složen i dugoročan proces, čiji je primarni cilj da obezbedi dostizanje visokog kvaliteta životnog standarda domicilnog stanovništva, a da ujedno očuva resurse turističke destinacije. Proces upravljanja turističkom destinacijom može biti defisan kao proces donošenja strateških, organizacionih i operativnih odluka da bi se upravljalo procesom definisanja, promocije i komercijalizacije turističkog proizvoda destinacije i kreirao uravnoteženi i održivi promet posetilaca/turista koji je dovoljan da zadovolji ekonomske potrebe lokalnih aktera u destinaciji (Franch & Martini, 2002). 71 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Efikasno upravljanje turističkom destinacijom počinje analizom okruženja. Za menadžment turističke destinacije od presudnog je značaja situaciona analiza. Tokom situacione analize ocenjuje se destinacijska konkurentnost korišćenjem SWOT analize (strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Da bi se sagledala objektivna slika turističke destinacije Banje Srpske Toplice urađena je SWOT analiza pomenute destinacije, koja je prikazana u tabeli 1. Tabela 1. SWOT analiza turističke destinacije Banja Srpske Toplice SNAGE (Strenghts) SLABOSTI (Weaknesses) Izvori lekovite vode. Objekti velike ambijentalne vrednosti. Tradicija banja. Bogati prirodni resursi. Reljefna raznolikost. Gostoljubivost. Bogata gastronomska ponuda. Raznovrsno geonasleđe. Reka Vrbas. Nedostatak smeštajnih kapaciteta. Loša infrastruktura. Turistička nevalorizovanost. Nepostojanje marketinških aktivnosti i nedostatak imidža destinacije. Nedostatak saradnje sa turističkim organizacijama i agencijama. Nedostatak stručnog kadra iz oblasti turizma i hotelijerstva u državnim institucijama. PRILIKE (Opportunities) PRETNJE (Threats) Bogato kulturno-istorijsko nasleđe. Razvoj atraktivnosti i pratećih sadržaja. Blizina grada Banja Luke. Mogućnost razvoja avanturizma, ekoturizma i sportsko-rekreativnog turizma. Privlačenje stranih investitora. Nestabilna političkoekonomska stabilnost. Niska kupovna moć stanovništa. Nedostatak saradnje privatnog i javnog sektora u oblasti turizma. Nedovoljna usmerenost na inostrane turiste. Nedostatak finansija za razvoj. Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora 72 Sadašnje stanje razvoja turističke destinacije Banje Srpske Toplice nije na zadovoljavajućem nivou, jer destinacija nije turistički valorizovana, a nedostatak smeštajnih kapaciteta utiče na povećanje turističkog prometa. Zbog toga je neophodno formulisati strategiju upravljanja razvojem turističke destinacije Banje Srpske Toplice. Dostignuti i planirani obim turističkih aktivnosti u destinaciji uslovljava potrebu za planiranjem turističkih aktivnosti, definisanjem infrastrukture potrebne za projektovani rast destinacije, kontrolom kvaliteta, posebno u vezi sa pitanjem zaštite životne sredine (Popesku, 2011). Da bi Banje Srpske Toplice postale konkurentna turistička destinacija, trebaju razvijati specijalizovanu turističko-zdravstvenu ponudu koja će predstavljati simbiozu resursne i sadržajne osnove. Resursnu osnovu čine navedene snage turističke destinacije, dok sadržajna osnova podrazumeva razvoj svih turističkih atrakcija, koje prilikom boravka, mogu zadovoljiti individualne potrebe za lečenjem i oporavkom, ali uz unapređenje zdravlja, upražnjavanje rekreacije, upoznavanje kulture i učešće u događajima (Wisnom & Capozio, 2011). Banje Srpske Toplice su turističko mesto koje ima šansu da postane prepoznatljiva i privlačna turistička destinacija u svim godišnjim dobima, ukoliko bi svoju ponudu zasnovala na: kvalitetnom poboljšanju ukupne turističke ponude sa fokusom na izgradnji smeštajnih kapaciteta, očuvanju mikroklimatskih uslova, pejzažne autohtonosti i tradicionalnih vrednosti, razvoju i racionalnom korišćenju postojećih potencijala, razvoju savremenih spa i zdravstvenih programa, razvoju avanturizma, ekoturizma, sportsko-rekreativnog i kulturnog turizma. Da bi se to realizovalo prioritetni cilj treba da bude dopuna turističke ponude programima i sadržajima koji prate savremene turističke trendove i obezbeđuju joj status elitnog banjskog mesta. Razvojem kvalitetnih i raznovrsnih dopunskih sadržaja u destinaciji, u velikoj meri bi se obogatila turistička ponuda. Kako bi se turistička destinacija Banje Srpske Toplice bolje pozicionirala, sprovedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio utvrditi motive i stavove turista, kao i ocenu ponude turističkog proizvoda Banja Srpske Toplice, uvideti kakva je slika koju turisti imaju o Banjama Srpske Toplice kao korisnici usluga, kao i šta bi trebalo inovirati u ponudi destinacije. Na temelju te analize kreiraće se polazišta za izradu strategije upravljanja turističkom destinacijom koja će na najbolji način predstaviti identitet destinacije, njene vrednosti i jedinstvene atrakcije. U tom smislu istraživanje bi trebalo pružiti odgovor na sledeća pitanja: ◆ Kakva je trenutna percepcija Banja Srpske Toplice posmatrana iz perspektive turista? ◆ Kakav je status Banja Srpske Toplice kao turističke destinacije i izaziva li kod turista želju za ponovnom posetom? ◆ Kakav bi status i poziciju Banje Srpske Toplice trebale imati u budućnosti? ◆ Šta je to što će Banje Srpske Toplice učiniti jedinstvenom i privlačnom destinacijom za turistička putovanja? U prethodnom delu rada korišćene su metode deskripcije i analize, a kod sakupljanja primarnih podataka korišćena je metoda ispitivanja. U realizaciji terenskog istraživanja kao sredstvo za korišćenje metode ispitivanja upotrebljen je anketni upitnik. U anketnom upitniku postavljena su pitanja zatvorenog tipa kod kojih se od ispitanika traži da odaberu jedan ili više odgovora u odnosu na ponuđene odgovore. Uzorak obuhvata 60 slučajno odabranih ispitanika, različite starosne strukture koji su u periodu od 1.06.2015. godine do 31.07.2015. godine boravili u Banjama Srpske Toplice, Republika Srpska, BiH. 2. REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA Za potrebe ovog rada sprovedeno je istraživanje, čiji je cilj bio obrazložiti potrebu, temelje i elemente kvalitetnog upravljanja razvojem turističke destinacije Banja Srpske Toplice, opisati postojeće i predložiti buduće, odnosno, željeno stanje, ponuditi moguće scenarije i planove razvoja turističke destinacije Banja Srpske Toplice. U realizaciji terenskog istraživanja kao sredstvo metode ispitivanja korišćen je anketni upitnik. Uzorak obuhvata 60 slučajno odabranih ispitanika, različite starosne strukture koji su u periodu od 1.06.2015. godine do 31.07.2015. godine boravili u Banjama Srpske Toplice, Republika Srpska,BiH. U anketnom upitniku opšte karakteristike turista obuhvataju pitanja koje se odnose demografsku strukturu ispitanika: pol, zemlju iz koje gosti dolaze, nivo obrazovanja, kao i učestalost (broj) poseta Banjama Srpske Toplice. Dobijene podatke o opštim karakteristikama turista smo veoma ilustrativno i pregledno predstavili u tabeli br. 2. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Tabela 2. Opšte karakteristike ispitanika GODINE STAROSTI POL ZEMLJA IZ KOJE DOLAZE NIVO OBRAZOVANJA UČESTALOST POSETA Muški 38,4% 20-30 10% Republika Srbija 18,33% SSS 48,33% 1-5 8,33% Ženski 61,66% 31-40 15% Bosna i Hercegovina 81,66% VŠ 16,66% 6-10 18,33% 41-50 50% VSS 21,66% Više od 10 51-60 16,66% Mr 3,33% Preko 60 8,33% Dr 10% 73,33% Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Istraživanje je pokazalo da 61,66% anketiranih turista pripada ženskoj populaciji, dok je 38,4% anketiranih turista u skupini muške populacije. Prema starosnoj dobi najbrojnija je grupa između 41 i 50 godina (50%), dok najmanje imamo turista preko 60 godina (8,33%). S te strane činjenica je da, barem u BiH, starija populacija ne prati trendove u svetu povodom povećanja želje za putovanjima (koja je doduše posledica znatno boljeg standarda života). Najveći broj (od 60 anketiranih ispitanika) turista 81,66% u Banje Srpske Toplice dolazi iz Bosne i Hercegovine, a preostalih 18,33% dolazi iz Srbije. Takođe, vrlo važan podatak je i nivo obrazovanja anketiranih turista. Iako je većina ispitanih turista sa srednjom stručnom spremom 48,33%, veliki udeo anketiranih turista čine i visokoobrazovane osobe koje su završile fakultete, diplomske, magistarske ili doktorske studije 34,99%. Što se tiče odgovora na pitanje koje se odnosilo na učestalost poseta Banjama Srpske Toplice, možemo uočiti da je 8,33% turista posetilo Banje Srpske Toplice 1-5 puta tokom sprovođenja ankete, 18,33% ispitanika posetilo Banje Srpske Toplice 6-10 puta, dok je najveći broj ispitanika posetilo grad Banje Srpske Toplice više od 10 puta. Ovaj podatak nam ukazuje da se mora raditi na promociji turizma na način koji će privući nove goste i podstaći ih da se rado vraćaju. Turisti su u sledećem delu anketnog upitnika imali zadatak oceniti u kojoj se meri slažu s navedenim stavovima na postavljenoj lestvici (od 1 = nedovoljno, do 5 = odlično). Na taj način gosti su ocenjivali smeštajne objekte, kulturno-istorijske atrakcije, usklađenost kvaliteta usluge i cene, lokalnu gastro ponudu, gostoljubivost i ljubaznost lokalnog stanovništva, jedinstvenost kulture i običaja, noćni život i zabavu, autohtono-tradicionalne proizvode, lokalnu infrastrukturu, dostupnost turističkih informacija, predele/prirodne atrakcije i nezagađenost životne sredine. Odgovori na postavljena pitanja prikazani su u tabeli 3. Turisti se slažu da su top pet ključnih vrednosti Banja Srpske Toplice kao destinacije: Lokalna gastro ponuda 81,66%, predjeli/prirodne atrakcije 78,33%, jedinstvenost kulture i običaja 73,33%, gostoljubivost i ljubaznost lokalnog stanovništva 61,66% i nezagađena životna sredina 58,33%. Najnižu ocenu od navedenih atributa dobila je lokalna infrastruktura 81,66% i dostupnost korisnih turističkih informacija 75%. Takođe, važno je istaći da nijedan ispitanik nije ocenio visokom ocenom kvalitet smeštajnih objekata, a najveći broj ispitanika ocenio ga je sa slabom ocenom 73,33%. To znači da bi se u narednom periodu poboljšao imidž Banja Srpske Toplice potrebno je raditi na ispravljanju utvrđenih slabosti turističkog sistema, a pre svega izgraditi kvalitetne smeštajne kapacitete, unaprediti lokalnu infrastrukturu i aktivno uključiti turističke organizacije i agencije u promovisanje ove turističke destinacije. Tabela 3. Ključni atributi Banja Srpske Toplice OCENA Odličan Vrlo dobar Dobar Slab Nedovoljan - - 18,33% 73,33% 8,33% Ponuda kulturno-istorijskih atrakcija 48,33% 21,66% 16,66% 10% 3,33% Usklađenost kvaliteta usluge i cene 31,66% 46,66% 18,33% 3,33% 6,7% Ocena lokalne gastro ponude 81,66% 10% 8,33% - - Gostoljubivost i ljubaznost lokalnog stanovništva 61,66% 38,4% - - - Jedinstvenost kulture i običaja 73,33% 18,33% 8,33% - - - - 51,66% 23,33% 25% 40% 23,33% 28,33% 8,33% - Lokalna infrastruktura - - - 18,33% 81,66% Dostupnost korisnih turističkih informacija - - - 25% 75% Predeli/prirodne atrakcije 78,33% 21,66% - - - Nezagađena životna sredina 58,33% 26,66 11,66% 3,33% - Kvalitet smeštajnih objekata Noćni život i zabava Ponuda autohtono-tradicionalnih proizvoda Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora 73 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Analizirajući odgovore na pitanje šta Vas je motivisalo da koristite Banje Srpske Toplice, gde su ispitanici mogli da izaberu više odgovora, uočavamo da su glavni motivacioni faktori za korišćenje Banja Srpske Toplice zdravstveno stanje i rehabilitacija 100%, kao i lekovitost izvora Banja Srpske Toplice 100%. Pored ovih motiva, uočavamo da polovina ispitanika kao motiv vidi ljubaznost osoblja 53,33%, kao i kvalitet termalnih voda 41,66%. Takođe, uočavamo da su kvalitet pruženih usluga 16,66% i ekološka sredina 16,66% najslabiji motivi za korišćenje usluga Banja Srpskih Toplica. Grafikon 1. Izvori informisanja o Banjama Srpske Toplice Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Kao izvori informisanja koji su podstakli da se donese odluka o putovanju se ističu preporuka prijatelja, kolega ili rođaka 100% koji ukazuju na snagu word-of-mouth komunikacije.Takođe, zadovoljstvo prilikom prethodne posete destinacije je bilo presudno da 100% turista ponovo dođe Banje Srpske Toplice, što ukazuje na to da se turisti rado vraćaju u destinaciju koja uspe da odgovori na njihove zahteve i očekivanja. Dobijeni rezultati nam pokazuju da konvencionalni oblici turističke promocije (turističke reportaže, vodiči, katalozi, brošure, sajamski nastup) upotpunosti nisu imali nikakav uticaj na turiste, što se može objasniti nezainteresovanošću medija za destinaciju, ali i lošim marketing menadžmentom same turističke destinacije. Grafikon 4. Zadovoljstvo zdravstvenim stanjem nakon korišćenja tretmana Banja Srpske Toplice Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Analizirajući zadovoljstvo ispitanika svojim zdravstvenim stanjem nakon korišćenja tretmana Banja Srpske Toplice, uočavamo da je najveći broj ispitanika 93,75% zadovoljan, što znači da Banja ima pozitivan učinak na zdravstveno stanje. Grafikon 2. Sa kim ste došli u Banje Srpske Toplice Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Analiziranjem odgovora na pitanje sa kim ste došli u Banje Srpske Toplice, vidimo da ispitanici najviše dolaze porodično 61,66% ili sami 16,66%, dok najmanji broj ispitanika 8,33% dolazi sa partnerom. To znači da Banje Srpske Toplice treba da kreiraju posebne vikend spa pakete, koji bi svojom ponudom privukli i korisnike koji žele da posete banje sa partnerom. Grafikon 3. Motivacioni faktori za korišćenje Banja Srpske Toplice 74 Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Grafikon 5. Vera ispitanika u lekovitost koju pružaju Banje Srpske Toplice Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Na pitanje da li verujete u lekovitost koju Vam Banje Srpske Toplice pružaju, svi ispitanici su dali potvrdan odgovor 100%, pa možemo zaključiti da je lekovitost koju Banja pruža jedan od glavnih razloga korišćenja njenih usluga. Grafikon 6. Nedostaci u pružanju usluga Banja Srpske Toplice Izvor: Podaci su rezultat istraživanja autora Analizirajući odgovore ispitanika koji se odnose na nedostatke u pružanju usluga, vidimo da su kao najveći nedostatak okarakterisali nedostatak smeštajnih kapaciteta 58,33%, što znači da bi u strategiji razvoja Banje u Srpskim Toplicama, trebalo veću pažnju posvetiti izgradnji smještajnih kapaciteta i uređenju termalnih izvora, kao i prostora oko njih. Takođe, 25,01% ispitanika smatra da treba uvesti dodatne sadržaje na lokalitetu, dok 16,66% ispitanika ističe da postoje nedostaci u medicinskim uslugama i fizikalnoj terapiji, što znači da bi trebalo unaprediti medicinske usluge kroz edukaciju zaposlenih i uvesti savremene aparate za fizikalnu terapiju. S obzirom na balneo-resurse, turističku infra i supra strukturu, tradiciju, banjski turizam predstavlja jedan od generatora razvoja turističke privrede Republike Srpske (Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srpske 2011-2020). Ukoliko Banje Srpske Toplice žele da postanu konkurentne na tržištu potrebno je da ponude atraktivan turistički proizvod koji će udovoljiti potrebama kako domaćih, tako i stranih turista. To znači razvoj konkurentnih banjskih kapaciteta bez ugrožavanja objekata velikih ambijentalnih vrednosti, razvoj pratećih sadržaja visokog kvaliteta uz očuvanje termalnih resursa i ekološko turističkih potencijala, kombinovanje tradicionalnih i savremenih tretmana u spa, wellness i zdravstvenim programima, simbiozu sa avanturizmom, ekoturizmom i kulturnim turizmom. Takođe, najveći deo prirodnih i turističkih resursa treba da bude uključen u institucionalne planove i programe razvoja ovog područja. U situacionoj analizi, ali i kroz podatke o informisanju turista o destinaciji prikazanim u istraživanju, uočavamo da turističke organizacije ne kontaktiraju nosioce banjskog turizma na ovom području, u nameri da im pruže određene preporuke, ideje, ali i da učestvuju u rešavanju brojnih problema koje pritiskaju ovaj vid turističke ponude. Zbog toga je neophodno da se javni i privatni sektor zajedno uključe u upravljanje turističke destinacije Banje Srpske Toplice, pre svega u marketinškim aktivnostima i promociji destinacije. U svemu tome važnu ulogu treba da ima selektivan, tržišno orjentisan, pravilno koordiniran i na vreme pripremljen strateški plan za razvoj i upravljanje destinacijom. 3. REZIME U godinama koje slede potrebno je ozbiljno pristupiti pozicioniranju Banja Srpske Toplice kao turističke destinacije na turističkom tržištu i to sa četiri aspekta ekoturizma, banjskog, sportsko-rekreativnog i kulturnog turizma. U tom pogledu jedan od prioritetnih zadataka koji stoji pred gradom Banja Luka i njenom turističkom organizacijom sa jedne strane, i svim faktorima turističke ponude sa druge stane, bi bilo da turistički valorizuje destinaciju i radi na izgradnji imidža, koji bi sa jedne strane lakše pozicionirao turističku ponudu ovog kraja prema potencijalnim tržištima, a sa druge strane zainteresovao potencijalne turiste. Na temelju istraživanja motiva i stavova turista Banja Srpske Toplice, dobijena su polazišta koja mogu poslužiti kao polazna osnova za formulisanje strategije upravljanja destinacijom Banja Srpske Toplice. Kada posmatramo analizirane rezultate istraživanja uočava se u smer u kojem bi se Banje Srpske Toplice kao turistička destinacija trebale pozicionirati i razvijati, a čime su gosti bili posebno zadovoljni. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Inovativna pokretačka snaga mogu biti sledeći turistički proizvodi: ◆ Izvori lekovite vode, ◆ Predeli/Prirodne atrakcije, ◆ Gostoljubivost i ljubaznost lokalnog stanovništva koji čine boravak ugodnijim, ◆ Lokalna gastro ponuda, ◆ Kulturno istorijske atrakcije. Analiziranjem rezultata istraživanja dolazi se do zaključka da bi se Banje Srpske Toplice trebale usmeriti ka ciljnoj populaciji. Tako se segmentiranjem dolazi do nekoliko ciljnih grupa: ◆ Turisti sa zdravstvenim potrebama, ◆ Turisti s posebnim interesima (porodice, deca, mladi), ◆ Turisti koji preferiraju kulturnu baštinu i druge tradicionalne vrednosti, ◆ Ljubitelji prirode i čistog vazduha, ◆ Avanturisti, rekreativci, sportisti. Banje Srpske Toplice imaju potencijala da postanu konkurentna turistička destinacija u globalnoj banjskoj industriji ukoliko se koristi holistički pristup upravljanja destinacijom u čijem je fokusu zdravlje čoveka. Racionalno korišćenje i očuvanje prirodnih i turističkih resursa, njihovo vrednovanje kroz planski i održivi razvoj turizma, izgradnja i renoviranje turističkih kapaciteta, uvođenje savremenih atraktivnih turističkih sadržaja i programa, visok stepen kvaliteta usluge, investiranje u znanje i stručnost, rešavanje problema vlasništva, dobar destinacijski menadžment, jačanje marketinških aktivnosti, spadaju u ključne generatore upravljanja turističkom destinacijom ovog područja, a samim tim doprinose i ukupnom razvoju grada Banja Luke. Takav koncept iziskuje materijalna ulaganja za koja je neophodna podrška državne vlasti Republike Srpske i lokalnih instutucija grada Banja Luke. Za kvalitetno upravljanje resursima i razvojem turističke destinacije Banje Srpske Toplice neophodna je saradnja svih stakeholder-a u destinaciji, dakle svih zainteresovanih za njen razvoj u javnom i privatnom sektoru. Bez te saradnje, utemeljene na zajedničkoj viziji, strategiji i ciljevima, nije moguć održivi razvoj, koji će doprineti blagostanju domicilnog stanovništva, zaštititi resurse za budućnost i omogućiti kvalitetan boravak turista u destinaciji. LITERATURA Bakić, O. (2002). Marketing menadžment turističke destinacije. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet. Cohen, M., & Bodeher, G. (2008). Understanding the global spa industry: Spa management. London: Routledge. Franch, M., & Martini, U. (2002). Destinations and destination management in the Alps: A proposal for a classifi cation scheme in the light of some ongoing experiences, Université de Savoie. Knežević, M., Šaula, M., & Dujaković, T. (2014). Značaj zdravstvenog turizma Republike Srpske za razvoj turizma regiona. Poslovne studije, 11-12, 133-155. doi: 10.7251/POS1412133K. Kotler, P., Bowen, J., & Makens, J. (2003). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Magaš, D. (2003). Menadžement turističke organizacije i destinacije. Opatija: Fakultet za turistički i hotelski menadžment. 75 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Morrison, A. (2013). Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations. London: Routledge. Osmančević, N. (2007). Gornji Šeher – kolijevka Banjaluke. Banja Luka: Dnevne nezavisne novine. Popesku J. (2011). Menadžment turističke destinacije. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Predstavništvo Republike Srpske. (2011). Bilten 9. Preuzeto 28. Avgusta 2015. sa http://predstavnistvorsbg.rs/pdf_ dokumenti/2011/bilten_9_lat.pdf Smith, M.K., & Puczkó, L. (2009). Health and wellness tourism. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srpske. (2011). Preuzeto 28. Avgusta 2015. sa http://ferijalnirs.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi Wisnom, M., & Capozio, L. (2011). Spa Management: An Introduction. Boston: Prentice Hall. MANAGING TOURISM DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF SRPSKE TOPLICE SPAS Abstract: The tendency of spa tourism, as a core business within wellness tourism, has reached global proportions. Namely, spas are becoming tourism destinations that are being rediscovered, integrated and branded with the aim to create a new global industry that utilizes a wide range of elements from other industries. The paper analyzes the results of the research conducted concerning tourist perceptions about Srpske Toplice spas as a tourism destination. The principal aim of the research was to identify the key components for positioning and development of Srpske Toplice as a tourism destination. On the basis of the research conducted, we have reached clear indicators that also reflect the attitude and preferences of tourists who have visited Srpske Toplice spas, regarding the segments that make it unique and attractive for tourist travels. 76 Key words: tourism destination, management, development, spa tourism. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-77-80 LANAC VREDNOSTI U ANALIZI IZVORA KONKURENTSKE PREDNOSTI DESTINACIJE BANJA DVOROVI Danica Vuković* Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt: Lanac vrednosti određuje aktivnosti, funkcije i procese koji sprovode turističke kompanije i primenjuje se na konkretnoj destinaciji. Za potrebe analize korišćen je primer banje Dvorovi kao turističke destinacije i banjsko-rekreacioni turizam, kao noseći vid turizma u regionu Semberije i šire severoistočne Bosne. Za korišćenje superiorne vrednosti za turiste i potencijalne turiste, kao osnove za stvaranje konkurentske prednosti, potrebno je razumevanje lanca vrednosti turizma. Različiti tržišni uslovi nameću različite zahteve konkurentskim turističkim poslovnim subjektima. Zapravo, postoji hijerarhija, prioriteti u željama i opredeljenjima turista koji postaju sve zahtevniji. Zbog toga je važno da turistička kompanija, odnosno turistički subjekti na konkretnoj destinaciji, mogu da ispune zahteve turista i suoče se sa problemima na sve kompleksnijem i specifičnom turističkom tržištu. Turistička kompanija na destinaciji Semberije, odnosno banje Dvorovi trebalo bi da ima takvu hijerarhiju veština koja će joj, u skladu sa njenim lancem vrednosti, obezbediti veću konkurentnu sposobnost, uzimajući u obzir i druge destinacije u BiH i regionu. Izvori konkurentske prednosti na posmatranoj destinaciji su niski troškovi i jedinstvenost, a nalaze se u svim aktivnostima u lancu vrednosti (i primarnim, i u aktivnostima za podršku). U slučaju da turistička kompanija koristi izvor niskih troškova za postizanje konkurentske prednosti, onda je ona okrenuta više ka zadovoljenju zahteva efikasnosti naspram zahteva efektivnosti, dok je situacija obrnuta ukoliko kompanija koristi jedinstvenost za postizanje konkurentske prednosti. Cilj ove kratke analize jeste da se turistička kompanija banje Dvorovi opredeli za jednu od ove dve varijante s aspekta primene lanca vrednosti na ovoj konkretnoj destinaciji. 1. UVOD Regija Republike Srpske bogata je prirodnim resursima, ima dobar geografski položaj, bogato kulturno i istorijsko nasleđe, postojeću turističku infrastrukturu, poznate turističke proizvode i usluge u pojedinim delovima regije, multietnički karakter regije i različite tradicije, a to sve čini dobre preduslove za razvoj profitabilnih turističkih aktivnosti. I pored toga, turizmu u ovoj regiji nedostaje partnerstava i promocije na tržištu, nedovoljno je putnih veza između turističkih centara, nizak je nivo propratnih usluga, nedostaju obrazovani turistički stručnjaci, nerazvijena je svest o okolini i turizmu kod građana, nizak je nivo promocije domaćeg turizma, u nekim delovima regije je zastarela i prevaziđena turistička infrastruktura. U severoistočnom delu Republike Srpske, između reka Save i Drine, na udaljenosti od 6 kilometara od Bijeljine, nalazi se banja Dvorovi (Vikipedija, 2015). Banja je formirana posle otkrića termalne vode bušenjem za potrebe istraživanja nafte 1957. godine u Semberiji. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jeste lanac vrednosti u analizi izvora konkurentske prednosti turističke destinacije banje Dvorovi. Motiv rada je unapređenje ponude banjsko-rekreativnog turizma na destinaciji banje Dvorovi. * [email protected] Ključne reči: banja Dvorovi, banjsko-rekreacioni turizam, lanac vrednosti, konkurentska prednost. 2. ANALIZA TURISTIČKE PONUDE NA TURISTIČKOJ DESTINACIJI BANJE DVOROVI Najveći obim turističkog prometa u Republici Srpskoj, meren brojem noćenja, ostvari se u banjama. Trend rasta obima turističkog prometa je stalan. Počiva na sve kvalitetnijem turističkom proizvodu koji, sem balneofunkcije, čine usluge iz sfere kongresnog, manifestacionog i sportskog turizma (Strategija razvoja turizma u RS, 2009). Banja Dvorovi je smeštena u severo-istočnom delu Republike Srpske, između reka Save i Drine na udaljenosti od 6 kilometara od Bijeljine. Nadmorska visina banje je 93m, dubina izvora termo-mineralne vode je 1345 m, temperatura vode je 75°C, a voda je natrijumsko-kalcijumsko-hidrokarbonatno-hloridna (Vikipedija, 2015). Banja je formirana posle otkrića termalne vode bušenjem za potrebe istraživanja nafte 1957. godine u Semberiji. Rezultatima testiranja bušotina su potvrđene hipoteze o velikom hidrogeotermalnom resursu na kome banja može planirati svoj intenzivan razvoj. Zacrtanim projektima u banjskom kompleksu, 1981. godine je izgrađen bazen za decu, 1988. godine juniorski bazen za rekreativne potrebe, a nakon toga grade se još dva manja bazena, uz hortikulturno uređenje banjskog prostora. Uz prve banjske sadržaje izgrađen je i restoran ,,Izvor”. 77 Ljudski resursi Tehnološki razvoj Nabavka Slika 1. Lanac vrednosti turističkih destinacija 78 Izvor: Porter (1990, str. 33) Profitna marža Infrastruktura Dobit od prodaja Pomoćne aktivnosti Praksa smeštaja Osnovne aktivnosti Interna logistika Destinacija se smatra lancem, odnosno nizom povezanih aktivnosti koje su potrebne da bi se stvorila i ponudila na tržištu vrednost koja je superiorna u odnosu na onu koju nudi konkurencija. Za korištenje superiorne vrednosti za potrošače kao osnove za stvaranje konkurentske prednosti, potrebno je razumevanje lanca vrednosti turizma. To znači da je neophodno identifikovati subjekte i aktivnosti koje učestvuju pri stvaranju i dodavanju vrednosti koja će ličiti na konačnu ponudu određene turističke destinacije (Čerović, 2009). Lanac vrednosti, sa stanovišta nosilaca turističkog proizvoda, predstavlja koordiniranu aktivnost različitih subjekata od upravljača destinacijom i atraktivnostima, do putničkih agencija i prevoznika, davalaca usluga smeštaja, ishrane, zabave, rekreacije, trgovine, vodiča, proizvodnje i prodaje suvenira i lokalnih proizvoda, bankarskih i menjačkih usluga, održavanja automobila, zdravstvenih usluga, informacione i komunikacione tehnologije i dr., dok sa stanovišta turista, obuhvata različite aktivnosti koje turista obavlja od pripreme za putovanje, preko putovanja i boravka na destinaciji, do povratka kući i naknadne brige o gostu (Jegdić & Marković, 2011). Marketing prodaja 3. ANALIZA LANCA VREDNOSTI TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE BANJE DVOROVI Analiza lanca vrednosti omogućava razumevanje koliko turistička destinacija dodaje vrednosti proizvodu i uslugama u odnosu na troškove koji su nastali korištenjem svih potrebnih inputa za njegovu proizvodnju. Dodatna vrednost se može povećati na dva načina (Evans et al., 2005): 1. Smanjujući troškove proizvodnje po jedinici proizvoda/usluge/niže od konkurenata; 2. Menjajući percepciju potrošača vezano za proizvod tako da on bude spreman da plati višu cenu za određeni proizvod, nego za neki drugi njemu sličan. Postizanje konkurentske prednosti analiziraćemo preko Porterovog koncepta lanca vrednosti. Sl. 1 pokazuje Porterov koncept lanca vrednosti. Analiza banjskog turizma u Republici Srpskoj (Strategija razvoja turizma u RS, 2009). Stanje i problemi: ◆ po osnovu broja noćenja na drugom mestu, ◆ znatno veći broj domaćih u odnosu na strane goste, ◆ kvalitet turističkog proizvoda relativno zadovoljava, ◆ posećenost tokom čitave godine, ◆ mali broj hotela visoke kategorije i sa većim smeštajnim kapacitetima, izuzev Banje Vrućica, ◆ jednoobraznan turistički proizvod /uglavnom zdravstveni turizam Neophodne mere: ◆ promovisati banje kao kao destinacije zdravstenog, kongresnog, rekreativnog turizma ◆ obogatiti turistički proizvod sekundarnim motivima /sport, zabava, odmor,rekreacija, gastronomija…/ ◆ podstaći ulaganja u proširenje smeštajnih kapaciteta i sadržaja turističkog proizvoda Ciljne banje: ◆ sve Ciljna tržišta: ◆ Primarno - domaće ◆ Sekundarno - Srbija, Crna Gora, Slovenija, Hrvatska ◆ Tercijarno - Austrija, Italija, Nemačka Tržišni segmenti: ◆ Individualni /zdravstvo, wellnes/ ◆ Parovi sa decom /zdravstvo, wellnes, izlet.../ ◆ Parovi bez dece / zdravstvo, wellnes/ Spoljna logistika Godine 1989. izrađena je bušotina dubine od 1.500 m, sa temperaturom vode od 80°C. U toku rata 1993. godine završava se prva faza nove banje Dvorovi sa 42 sobe i svim pratećim sadržajima za fizikalnu i balneoterapiju. Početkom rata u banji se zapošljavaju izbegli i prognani lekari specijalisti za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju, fizioterapeuti i medicinski tehničari, sa drugim osobljem. Prvi pacijenti bili su borci - ranjenici sa teškim povredama, kao i civili ranjeni tokom ratnih operacija. Po završetku rata u banji se i dalje nastavilo lečenje i medicinska rehabilitacija teških ranjenika i drugih bolesnika (Gligić, 2010). U teškim ekonomskim uslovima i sa drugim brojnim poteškoćama banja je danas funkcionalno opstala i sadržajno obnovljena, za sportske i rekreativne potrebe proširena, razvijajući se, iako sporo, u modernom pravcu, kao zdravstvena, zdravstveno-turististička i sportsko-rekreativna ustanova. Praksa doživljaja SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE ◆ Grupe /veće i manje/ kongresi, skupovi, edukacija, wellness, fitness.../ Markenting: ◆ Promocioni paketi, publicitet, publikacije, internet stranica... Kanali distribucije: ◆ Mediji, agencije, turoperatori, hoteli, globalni rezervacioni sistemi, sajtovi destinacija. Podaci o turističkom prometu (broj dolazaka i noćenja turista) prikupljeni su redovnim mesečnim izveštajem (obrazac TU-11). Izveštaji se sastavljaju na osnovu evidencija u knjigama gostiju, pružanja smeštajnih usluga turistima ili samo posreduju u pružanju tih usluga. Tabela 2. Broj dolazaka i noćenja turista u Republici Srpskoj Godina 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. Ukupno 397 976 489 441 561 995 625 842 564 091 577 802 614 637 629 648 629 663 Banjska mesta 169 189 199 245 220 740 237 400 189 080 223 188 259 095 256 700 225 400 Izvor: Republički zavod za statistiku RS (2009, 2014) Konkurentnost regionalne turističke ponude, turistički prihodi i zaposlenost u regiji mogli bi se povećati pripremom dobre strategije za razvoj turizma, kompletiranjem takve turističke ponude sa proizvodima i uslugama po kojima će regija biti prepoznatljiva, poboljšanjem aktivnosti marketinga, poboljšanjem kvaliteta turističkih usluga, uređenjem i unapređenjem postojeće i razvojem nove infrastrukture, razminiravanjem turističkih turističkih lokacija koje su bile zahvaćene ratnim dešavanjem, unapređenjem smeštajnih i hotelskih kapaciteta, izgradnjom infrastrukture neophodne za potrebe izvorišta termo-mineralnih voda, uređenjem rečnih obala i jezera, zaštitom prirodnog i kulturnog nasleđa. Lokacija turističke destinacije banja Dvorovi je izuzetno povoljna, jer se nalazi pored regionalnog puta koji ide od granice sa Srbijom, od Rače prema Bijeljini, u srednjem delu Semberije, najbogatijem poljoprivrednom području Republike Srpske. Banjski kompleks od nekoliko desetina hektara zemlje, odvojen je od puta hortikulturno uređenim površinama, gde se nalazi i glavni izvor lekovite vode. Izgrađeni hotel “Sveti Stefan”, ima 43 dvokrevetne i trokrevetne sobe i 2 apartmana. Hotel poseduje kongresnu salu, a u sklopu banjskog kompleksa nalazi se restoran “Izvor” kapaciteta 400 mesta. Tabela 1: Stanje infrastrukture banje Dvorovi Smeštajna infrastruktura Ukupan broj kreveta Broj smeštajnih jedinica Apartmani Banja Dvorovi 125 43 2 Izvor: Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srpske za period 2010-2020. godine (2009, str.47). SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Prema podacima sakupljenim metodom ankete, banja Dvorovi trenutno ima 84 radnika, od kojih je 76 u stalnom radnom odnosu, a 8 na određeno vreme. Rukovodstvo banje Dvorovi nema marketinški plan i ne popunjava postojeće kapacitete. Kapital banje Dvorovi iznosi 5,2 miliona KM, a ima dug od 1,2 miliona KM. Banja se oslanja velikim delom na sporazum sa Fondom zdravstvenog osiguranja Republike Srpske, a trebala bi da se uključi u tržišnu utakmicu i predstavi na regionalnom i evropskom tržištu. Što se tiče tehnološkog razvoja, banja Dvorovi ne prati savremene tokove i stanje u vezi sa tehnologijama i tehnološkim rešenjima, tehnološkim projektima i programima. Takođe, nerazvijeni su poslovi planiranja, organizovanja izgradnje i organizovanja održavanja koji se odnose na podršku informaciono-komunikacionih funkcija. S obzirom da nema svoj veb-sajt, banja nema svoju internet promociju, ne podržava online booking, otežana je dostupnost informacija potencijalnim turistima, kako o banji tako i o proizvodima koje ona nudi, otežana je komunikacija sa putnim agentima i slično. Trenutno se menja pravna forma banje, tako da će biti preregistrovana iz javne ustanove u akcionarsko društvo, čime se stvaraju pravni uslovi za dokapitalizaciju, što bi znatno ojačalo turističku ponudu Semberije. Kompleks banje Dvorovi ima ambiciozan plan izgradnje akva-parka, spa-centra i novog hotela za čiju je realizaciju potrebno 14,5 miliona KM. Banjsko-rekreativni centar Dvorovi trebalo bi da ime sledeće sadržaje: komforne smeštajne kapacitete, ugostiteljske kapacitete ishrane, rekreativno-zdravstvene sadržaje, trgovačko-prodajne kapacitete, rekreativno-sportske objekte, objekte za zabavu i parkiralište. Sve to otvara širok prostor investicionog ulaganja. Dakle, svako unapređenje u lancu vrednosti smanjuje operativne troškove i podiže vrednost prihvatljivosti za turiste, što indirektno povećava konkurentnost. Upravo ova interakcija i međuzavisnost različitih učesnika i njihovo zajedničko delovanje ključ je uspeha svake destinacije. ZAKLJUČAK U današnje vreme, internet predstavlja bitnu pokretačku snagu koja ima snažan uticaj na način na koji preduzeće postiže konkurentsku prednost, jer dovodi do sniženja troškova obavljanja aktivnosti u lancu vrednosti i omogućava diferenciranje. Predlažemo efektnije i efikasnije korištenje informacionih sistema, koji bi se u nedostatku sredstava mogli instalisati po osnovu donacija odobrenih iz fondova EU. Potom, predlažemo komplementarnost ponude sa ostalim mikro-destinacijama, a po osnovu diversifikacije turističkog proizvoda, sa jedne strane i podizanja nivoa kvaliteta ljudskih resursa, sa druge strane. Takođe, osim pridobijanja drugih potencijalnih turista na ovoj destinaciji, neophodno je poraditi na lojalnosti dosadašnjih turističkih potrošača, odnosno zadržati postojeći obim potrošnje „starih gostiju“, a potom obezbediti povećanje obima potrošnje po osnovu priliva novih gostiju. Takođe, važno je da istaknemo značaj prevencije. Dakle, ljudi ne moraju biti bolesni da bi otišli u banju da se leče. Svi programi u banji mogli bi da se koriste preventivno, da se tokom boravka u banjama ne vrši samo proces rehabilitacije, već da se pacijenti podučavaju novom načinu života. 79 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE U banjsko-rekreativnom turizmu neophodno je više elemenata turističke ponude, koja mora biti kvalitetnija, kompletnija i sa kvalitetnom medicinskom uslugom iz oblasti rehabilitacije i prevencije. Smatramo da je potrebno da se turistička kompanija banje Dvorovi opredeli za postizanje konkurentske prednosti koristeći prvo izvor niskih troškova, da bi privukla turiste, a zatim da iskoristi svoju jedinstvenost, da bi ih zadržala i dalje povećavala broj svojih posetilaca. LITERATURA Čerović, S. (2009). Strategijski menadžment u turizmu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Evans, N., Campbell, D., & Stonehouse, G. (2005). Strategic management for travel and tourism. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Gligić, P. (2010). Upravljanje turističkom destinacijom i njeno tržišno pozicioniranje na primjeru regije Sjeveroistočna BiH. Doktorska disertacija,Univerzitet u Novom Sadu. Jegdić, V., & Marković, D. (2011). Menadžment turističke destinacije. Novi Sad: Univerzitet Edukons, Fakultet za sport i turizam. Porter, M. E. (1990). The competitive advantage of nations. New York: Free Press. Republički zavod za statistiku Republike Srpske. (2009). Statistički bilten broj 5, Ugostiteljstvo i turizam. Banja Luka: Republički zavod za statistiku. Republički zavod za statistiku Republike Srpske. (2014). Statistički bilten broj 10, Ugostiteljstvo i turizam. Banja Luka: Republički zavod za statistiku. Strategija razvoja turizma u RS. (2009). Strategija razvoja turizma u RS od 2010-2020. Preuzeto 25. avgusta 2015 sa http://laktasiturizam.org/sajt/doc/Zakonska-regulativa/ Strategija_razvoja_turizma_u_RS_od_2010-2020.pdf Vikipedija. (2015). Banja Dvorovi. Preuzeto 25. avgusta 2015 sa https://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/Banja Dvorovi THE ROLE OF VALUE CHAIN IN ANALYSING THE SOURCES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF SPA DVOROVI Abstract: The value chain determines activities, functions and processes performed by travel agencies and is applied to a specific destination. The spa Dvorovi is covered in the analysis, as a tourism destination and spa-recreational tourism, as the prevailing type of tourism in the region of Semberija and north-east Bosnia. In order to use the superior value for tourists and potential tourists, it is necessary to understand the value toruism chain as the basis for creation of competitive advantage. Different market conditions impose diverse demands to competitive tourism business subjects. Actually, there is a hierarchy, priorities concerning the wishes and preferences of tourists, who are becoming increasingly more demanding. Therefore, it is important that a travel company, i.e. travel subjects on a concrete destination can fulfill tourist demands and face the issues on an increasingly complex and specific tourism market. A travel company operating on the destination of Semberija, i.e. the spa Dvorovi should have such kind of hierarchy of skills that will, according to its value chain, provide greater competitiveness, taking into consideration other destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the region. The sources of competitive advantage on the observed destination are low expenses and originality, and they can be found in all activities in the value chain (both primary and support activities). In case that the travel company uses the source of low expenses to achieve the competitive advantage, then it is directed more towards satisfying the efficiency requirement versus effectiveness requirement, while the reverse situation is observed when the company uses originality to achieve the competitive advantage. The aim of this short analysis is to enable the travel company of the spa Dvorovi to choose one of these two options from the aspect of application of value chain on this concrete destination. 80 Key words: spa Dvorovi, spa-recreational tourism, value chain, competitive advantage. SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-81-87 PROPOSED PRO-ACT DECISION MAKING MODEL FOR TOURISM DESTINATION CHOICE IN DIFFICULT TIMES: CONSUMER PERSPECTIVE Kadir Çakar* Institute of Social Sciences, Akdeniz University, Dumlupınar Boulevard 07058 Kampus, Antalya, Turkey Abstract: Over the last two decades, tourism has faced a number of critical incidents threatening destinations’ image whose detrimental effects have spread rapidly worldwide. Also, such major crises have occurred in the past decades that have had a negative impact on tourism and travel demand. Consumers are forced to seek new alternative ways which entail an effective decision making process in terms of travel destination choice. This paper focuses on analysing motivational factors associated with the crisis that influence tourists’ pre- and post-purchasing behaviour. Tourist behaviour can vary during the crisis due to several external and internal factors. In order to avoid high risk and uncertainty, the decision making process enables travellers to overcome the issues through implementation of Pro-Act approach. Furthermore, the present research strives to provide a theoretical guide through extant literature using the Pro-Act approach from consumer behaviour perspective, by which travellers may reach the desired objectives regarding the choice of destination. This theoretical study is also an attempt to simplify the individual decision-making process from both consumer and marketing perspectives in difficult times using the concept of Pro-Act approach, which encompasses five main steps (Problem, Objectives, Alternatives, Consequences, and Trade-Offs) besides Uncertainty, Linked Decisions and Risk Tolerance. 1. INTRODUCTION It has always been a problematic issue to make a determination or a decision for travellers in difficult times, referring to critical incidents such as crisis and disaster. However, within the tourism context, the type of tourist behaviour is a developing issue whether it occurs as homogenous or heterogeneous during the crisis, which is becoming increasingly debatable among scholars, as well as researchers. It can be assessed that tourist behaviour is heterogeneous only in times of economic crisis (Martin & Soria, 2014). Also, the decision making process is deterrent and frustrating in difficult times whether man-made crisis or natural influenced disaster. Particularly, since 2001, the tourism industry has collapsed due to several critical incidents, which have had adverse effects on tourism and travel demand. The major events threatening travel and tourism demand in the previous decade are: September 11, 2001 (Goodrich, 2002; Blake & Sinclear, 2003; Mühlberger et al., 2005), Foot and Mouth disease in 2001 (Miller et al., 2003), the terrorist attack on * [email protected] Key words: crisis and disaster, Pro-Act approach, tourist behaviour, destination choice, consumer behaviour. Indonesia’s province of Bali in 2005 (Hitchcock & Putra, 2005), post SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemics in 2003 (Wen et al., 2005; Tew et al., 2008; Mao et al., 2010), Tsunami 2004 in Asia (Kondraschow, 2006; Henderson, 2007), Global economic and financial crisis in 2008 (Li et al., 2010), Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011 (Forgash, 2011; Rittichainuwat, 2012; Takamatsu, 2014), volcano eruption of Icelandic occurred in 2010 (Nassar, 2011; Bird et al., 2010), the bombings in Madrid and London (Boniface & Cooper, 2009), and lastly the outbreak of attack on Bardo National Museum in Tunisia. Such emerging unprecedented events have dramatically changed consumer behaviour and consumer trends. Thus, considerations of travellers towards selecting the destination, the decision-making process, have become much more complex than in the past. The basic logic behind this reason is fear and anxiety that emerged as a result of such critical incidents. From this point of view, it is notable that attitudes, perceptions, images and motivation are seen as ultimate determinants of individual decisionmaking process concerning travel decisions (Cooper, 2005). 81 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE By proposing a new perspective, the specific objectives of this research are designed: a) to investigate how consumers manage risk and uncertainty in times of crisis that travellers faced during their decision-making process; b) to show the extent to which the Pro-Act approach is applicable to individual decision-making process in difficult times in terms of holiday destination choice; c) to simplify the decision-making process in difficult times regarding the selection of destinations and hotels offering Pro-Act approach, which encapsulates multidimensional and hierarchical ladder; d) to propose a unique theoretical model that can be accommodated into practice in line with individual decision-making; and e) to justify if tourist behaviour exhibits itself as reactive or proactive during the decision-making process in times of crisis. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 82 There is no identical type of tourist behaviour which refers to homogeneity. It depends on society, social group and historical background. In other words, there is no single variety of tourists sharing similar and universally accepted traveller experience commonly held in all times (Urry, 2009). The significance of heterogeneity was dealt with in the context of determination of destination by majority of researchers that heavily depend on the components such as past environmental-friendly behaviour explicated at the destination, motivation and vacation styles (Boksberger et al., 2011). Generally speaking, the tourist behaviour reveals itself as heterogeneous since motivation consists of several components (Mascardo et al., 2014). In this context, in times of crises, it can be risky and complex to make a decision regarding the choice of destination. The issue of complexity can be high in case of lacking information about the alternatives they have in terms of destinations and hotels (Dellaert et al., 2014). In order to support this idea, one can assert that tourists are more likely to pursue self-confidence as a goal while making generic decisions (Decrop & Kozak, 2014). However, during the crisis, tourist motivation can be distorted due to the increased perceived risk, which can significantly influence external and internal motivation factors. The consumer behaviour arises as a fundamental tool and the most important factor affecting the decision making concerin g the destination choice and purchasing behaviour. Generally speaking, consumer behaviour is based on four fundamental elements: a) Energisers of demand; b) Effectors of demand; c) Roles and the decision-making process; and d) Determinants of demand (Cooper, 2005). There is a positive relationship between external (e.g., need recognition) and internal factors (e.g., information search, evaluation of alternatives, consumption, and postconsumption) (Demir et al., 2014). Further research has been led by several authors in regards to decision-making process of tourists with respect to the choice of destination. Hong et al. (2009) distinguishes types of decision-making processes into three stages that are called nominal, extended and limited decision making. Choi et al. (2012) deals with the decision making-process within the context of multi- dimensionality, sequential nature, and hierarchical dimensions. From Sönmez and Graefe (1998)’s perspective, there is a strong relationship between past travel experience and future travel behaviour, which primarily influence behavioural intentions. Also, the degree of safety and issue of risk perceptions play significant role in shaping the future travel choices. In their study, Han et al. (2011) examined traveller decision making process by using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) within the context of exemption visa, which can potentially influence tourists’ decision making process to a considerable extent. During the course of the decision making process of travellers, information (word-of-mouth) is postulated as the most effective element in determining and influencing tourist perception (Murphy et al., 2007). According to psychologists, purchase attitude is shaped and determined by several different ways such as classical conditionality, instrumental conditionality, social learning via observation and communication with others and through people’s opinions, through getting information from media (Albu & Nicolau, 2010). As can be seen from the above-given statements, tourist motivational factors consist of internal motivation triggered by external compulsory measures and travel bans (Wen et al., 2005). The motivation notion, which is seen as the most influential and prominent in the selection of vacation destinations, has been extended by a number of authors (Baloglu & McCleary, 1999; Kozak, 2002; Jang & Cai, 2002; Beerli & Martin, 2004; Bansal & Eiselt, 2004; Kim & Prideaux, 2005; Nicoletta & Servidio, 2012; Chen & Xiao, 2013). Considering the given extant literature related to travellers’ decision making process, one can assume that the decision making process is risky and stringent. It is also revealed that external stimuli and past experiences are the most significant determinants for traveller’s decision (Martin, 2010). One of the most important consumer’s decisionmaking models has been developed by Angel, Blackwell & Miniard. This model covers five stages that begin with problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase behaviour (Noh, 2008). Lastly, the travel decision-making process has been addressed by Mathieson and Wall (1982) distinguishing five categories namely travel needs or desire, information collection and evaluation, making the travel decision, travel preparation and travel experience, and travel satisfaction evaluation (cited in Su & Wall, 2010). A purchase-consumption system in travel and tourism is distinctly stressed by King and Woodside. Their primary assumption is that through Purchase-Consumption System (PCS), travellers can maximize the opportunity to seek the possible streams of trip or travel decisions, consisting of multiple destination options applied to leisure travel. According to Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard (1986), the degree of search or problem solving is divided into limited problem-solving models (LPS) and extended problem-solving (EPS) (cited in Cooper, 2005). However, this study is designed to identify the decision-making process over the concept of extended problem-solving rather than limited problem-solving, since the purchasing attitude and decision-making process are heavily characterized by the perceived risk and uncertainty, generating the departure point of the Pro-Act approach. Further models of extended problem-solving pertaining to consumer behaviour are presented in the below-given table: Table 1: Evaluation Process of Consumer Behaviour Models in Tourism Author(s) Model Dimensions No tangible return on investment, considerable expenditure in relation to earned income, purchase is not spontaneous or capricious and expenditure involves saving and preplanning. Wahab, Crampon & Rothfield (1976) DecisionMaking Process Schmoll (1977) Model of the Travel Decision Process Mayo & Jarvis (1981) Three-Level Decision Making Approach Extensive, Limited and Routinised. Mathieson & Wall (1982) Five-Stage Process of Travel Buying Behaviour Tourist profile, Travel awareness, Destination resources and characteristics and Trip features. Activity-based model of destination choice Marketing Variables/ External Inputs, Traveller’s Socio-psychological variable, Images of Destinations, Destination Choice and Destinations. Mascardo et al. (1986) Motivations, Desires, Needs and Expectations as Personal and Social Determinants of travel behavior. Source: Adapted from Cooper, 2005. In Table 1, considering the dimension of consumer behaviour models in tourism, less emphasis appears to be placed on psychological dimensions, affecting traveller’s decision-making processes. In this regards, the Pro-Act approach is an attempt to fill this gap by providing multipurpose and hierarchical decision-making model to remove troubles in difficult times that travellers face. In other words, the uniqueness and originality of the Pro-Act approach have become more apparent in this study, which is suitable among other models aiming at focusing on invisible part of difficulties rather than visible one. 3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF PRO-ACT APPROACH: A MIND-MAP FOR MAKING SMART CHOICES IN DIFFICULT TIMES Pro-Act refers to the process affecting the decision making strategy with which people faced daily routine life in all spheres of life in solving their complexity problems. A number of disciplines from various fields dealt with the use of this approach. In other words, this approach means the ability to think analytically and make decisions towards challenges which minimize and avoid negative impacts derived from consequences of the incidents. It is also likely to play significant role to mitigate the degree to which perceived risk and uncertainty consumers embraced with complex decision problems. It can be assumed that it should be assessed proactive rather than reactive one, which strives SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS to make an effective long-term decision to reach particular results. In the essence, Pro-Act approach can be categorized into five main stages as follows: Problem, Objectives, Alternatives, Consequences, and Trade-Offs along with Uncertainty, Linked Decisions and Risk Tolerance (Hammond et al., 1999). Considering the above-mentioned hierarchical steps, the first step commences with the evaluation of the existing problem. Determining the current problem more precisely, subsequent steps would simplify in developing best alternatives. The next step is followed by the Objectives, encapsulating hopes, needs and expectations that can potentially increase traveller’s satisfaction. Thirdly, Alternatives phase is determined by the travellers heavily driven by the motivational factors whether external or internal. The fourth step consists of Consequences meaning the degree to which Alternatives chosen would create the desired outcome. The last section comprises Trade-off, which is a stage that entails generating several proper alternatives in which one can sacrifice things to choose the best one. In addition to these five steps, there are also three elements affecting the decision making process, namely Uncertainty, Risk tolerance and Linked decisions (Hammond et al., 1999). Uncertainty addresses the requirement to think about different possible detrimental outcomes likely to occur of which people should be aware. Risk tolerance refers to the ability to undertake initiatives, the level of risk in choosing the best alternative. It depends on the person’s past experience, beliefs, and social status. Linked decision reflects correlation among decisions taken at present and its possible effects on future choices (Throop & Castelluci, 2010; Hammond et al., 1999). Such emerging eight steps allow people to simplify the complex decision-making process by eliminating risks factors in all spheres of life. The next section deals with tourists’ destination choice in difficult times they often faced within the context of the proposed theoretical decision-making model of Pro-Act approach. 4. PRO-ACT APPROACH DECISION MAKING MODEL: HETEROGENEITY OF TOURIST BEHAVIOUR DURING CRISIS This section encompasses decision-making process regarding the choice of destinations within the scope of ProAct approach. Generally speaking, the purchase consumer stages are composed of three main categories that intertwined with each other and are classified as consumer and marketing considerations. The ingredients of such purchase phases consist of pre-purchase stage, purchase stage and post-purchase stage (Cooper, 2005). The question emerges as to whether consumers’ beliefs, past experiences, and attitudes influence those purchasing stages. Taking into consideration the above-given Pro-Act approach decision-making mode, tourist behaviour has been classified according to the impact level of crisis. Considering the classification, one can clearly assume that types of crisis are evaluated on three different levels: PerceivedRisk Level, Domains and Dimensions that derived from “scope” and “depth”. The concept of “scope” means the geographical aspects of a crisis while “depth” refers to the effects of the events. Natural disasters, earthquakes, volcano eruption, political unrest, civil movements, local or 83 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Table 2: Heterogeneity of tourist behaviour during crisis Pro-Act Approach Decision Making Model Applied to Tourism: Heterogeneity of Tourist Behaviour in a time of Crisis Perceived Risk Level Domains Dimension(s) Alternative(s) Scope of TradeOffs High Global Macro None/Limited Narrow Moderate and Low Global, Regional & Local Micro & Macro Multiple Moderate Terrorism, War and Civil Movement(s) High Global, Regional & Local Micro & Macro Single/Limited or None Narrow & Moderate Natural Disaster(s) High, Moderate and Low Local or Regional Micro Multiple Narrow & Moderate Political Unrest/ Instability Moderate and Low Local or Regional Micro Multiple Broad Social & Cultural Low Local or Regional Micro Multiple Broad Type of Crisis Pandemic/Epidemic disease(s) Financial and Economic Source: Modified from Hammond et al., 1999 and Bronner & Hoog, 2011, 2014. 84 regional economic and financial stagnation/recession are categorized under the “scope” whose impacts are limited in space and time. In other words, such events are restricted within a country or certain regions. Given the notion of “depth”, the adverse effects can be seen on individual travellers concerning disposable income during the financial and economic crisis (Bronner & Hoog, 2011, 2014). The following components are shaped by these three elements since the type of crisis precipitates distinct detrimental impacts, influencing alternatives and trade-offs. In assessing the type of crisis shown in the table above, each event has different consequences while their negative effects can be seen as expansive at a global scale, such as pandemic or epidemic diseases and wars. As impact level of such emerging postulations has become more apparent, the devastating results create high perceived risk level. In this context, travellers’ options in connection with alternative destinations appear non-existent and subsequently trade-offs are narrow. Given the financial and economic crisis, it is clear that travellers show less tendency to cancel or give up their holiday plan altogether. Their possible responses arise as much as higher, turning into a multidimensional way. Given the economic theory in case of any macroeconomic recession and stability, household consumption depends on disposable income since luxury goods, such as travelling and tourism expenditure strongly affect tourism demand and tourists tend to cut their travel expenditures (Martin & Soria, 2014). Problem: This phase posits the most important stage in which the current problem should be determined precisely and concretely in order to determine better objectives and proper alternatives. At this stage, travellers concentrate on making decisions as to whether to make travel or eliminate vacation plan altogether after the emerging crisis. This process covers the types of crisis if it occurs due to financial and economic, political unrest, crime or war etc. The dimensions and domains of detrimental effects of such emerging devastating events also play an influential role in choosing the destination and consumer decision-making process. Here, determining the main problem concisely and clearly would likely affect the next step reflecting the set of extant alternatives. When we consider this issue from travellers’ point of view, one can clearly assume that making holiday plan in times of crisis constitutes the crucial step. According to the research conducted, during the economic crisis, travellers tend to bring down holiday expenditures and priorities of main holiday instead of secondary holidays rather than giving up travelling altogether (Bronner & Hoog, 2011). Objectives: The phase of objectives is followed by problem. After determining the real problem, the following step would be to represent the alternatives. This stage is designed to generate a list of particular destinations and holiday characteristics (e.g., long haul, taking short but frequent trip, seasun-sand tourism, cruise, cultural tourism, etc.) which are exacerbated by past experiences, current needs, and expectations. At this point, motivational factors arise as an essential variable in determining objectives. It is commonly held that destination images affect tourist behaviour and decisionmaking process of travellers (Nicoletta & Servidio, 2012). In this sense, one can assert that there is a correlation between travel motivations and destination choices (Jang & Chai, 2002). However, there are significant differences between tourists, meaning that tourist behaviour is more likely to be heterogeneous. For instance, German tourists can more likely have cultural and natural oriented motivational factors, while British tourists prefer to have fun (Kozak, 2002). In this sense, selection of a type of vacation destination is exacerbated by motivational factors, past experiences and attitudes impact on purchase stages. In addition, needs and expectations of travellers become apparent in the decision making-process. Generally speaking, types of holiday (e.g., cultural tourism, sea-sun-sand tourism, cruise tourism, safari, golf or medical tourism etc.) are categorized at this stage. In other words, the question of whether the traveller is likely to choose to visit the destination was selected before due to high perceived risk. Objectives should have potential to meet the needs and expectations of travellers based on the requested characteristics of holiday travel experience preferred by tourists at the desired destinations. The objectives determined should potentially meet the needs and expectations of tourists and also be satisfactory. In this sense, the most significant determinant for selection of vacation destinations and hotels derive from past experiences. The destinations affected by the crisis are eliminated owing to high perceived risk factors. Nevertheless, to a lesser extent, many tourists prefer to display “wait and see” approach (http://m. tourism-review.com/-african-tourism-hit-hard-by-ebolaand-media-coverage-news4280, 2014). The most important point one needs to keep in mind is that the objectives are identified by types of vacation to be selected. However, some vacation types are irreplaceable (e.g., business trips, congress or convention tourism etc.) since the tourism is assessed as an outcome deriving from such types of activities while majority are replaceable that comprise a wide variety of alternatives (e.g., cultural tourism, sea-sun-sand tourism, cruise tourism, safari, golf or medical tourism etc.). From this perspective, in case of crisis and disaster, travellers who prefer to realize their vacation as business trips, congress or convention tourism, a number of alternatives remain rather limited due to perceived high risk on both macro and micro levels. In this situation, their possible reaction emerges as to give up or cancel holiday or trip altogether since critical incidents exposed them to impede the decision making process. The same situation applies for epidemic or pandemic crisis whose effects are widespread and adverse impacts can be seen globally. In both cases, creating alternatives is impossible because of the increased high perceived risk factors due to fatality of such emerging epidemics. On the other hand, in such cases linked to the alternatives, trade-offs become narrow deriving from the absence of alternatives. Alternatives: The phase of alternatives means multicategory decisions relying on several different categories rather than focusing on one choice deriving from interdependencies such as social status, disposable income, past experiences etc. Another way of statement of this step that framing broad scope of decisions over the entire the course of decision-making in constituting alternatives from diverse range of normative stages appear vital. Better options would only come true by properly identified alternatives, representing broader perspectives. Tourists can form in this stage travel choice and type of vacation within the context of objectives tentatively determined by travellers. In this sense, travelling abroad or staying at home are generating alternatives. Similarly, if tourists are willing to satisfy expectations in abroad, their possible reactions would create options for those who intend travelling abroad are exposed to choose 5 or 4 star hotels, staying in cheaper accommodation (Scenario A) (Martin & Soria, 2014). Another possible vacation type would be visits to countries attractive in terms of cultural and geographical segments such as Egypt, Israel or Turkey (Scenario B) (Bronner & Hoog, 2012, 2014). The tourists who are willing to experience safari prefer to choose several different locations in Africa as an attractive destination (Scenario C). SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Consequences: Consequences represent and follow options that are clearly defined in previous phases. Also, uncertainty, risk tolerance and linked decisions to be taken into account to reach better and desired objectives (Hammond et al., 1999). In this context, this stage entails to ask if to what extent the selected and determined objectives and alternatives satisfy expectations. In addition, the issues of consequences which can likely occur occupy an important place at this stage. Considering Scenario A, people having moderate disposable income level either prefer to visit closer destination or select 4 star hotels instead of 5 star hotels at the same location abroad (Martin & Soria, 2014). According to Scenario B, another possible vacation type would be visits to countries attractive in terms of cultural and geographical segments such as Egypt, Israel or Turkey. In case of any critical incidents that can potentially precipitate high perceived risk in Egypt and Israel, travellers may choose travelling to Turkey (Bronner & Hoog, 2012, 2014). Scenario C, in case of pandemic disease in selected destination, like Ebola, would likely cause health concern. During the decision-making process, travellers face two options: either giving up holiday altogether those who perceived high risk or those who select particular safety location at the same destination due to perceived low risk. Trade-Offs: In this section, subsequent to the previous stages, the options that are preferred reasonably should satisfy and meet the needs that have less potential risks and uncertainties. There needs to be a delicate balance between alternatives and consequences which can heavily impact trade-offs. One of the most important factors is that past experiences those tourists have had in certain re-visited destinations emerge “push factor” as an encouraging tool for the decision-making process (Martin & Soria, 2014). Reasonable and concrete alternatives are constituted in the trade-offs stage. Most importantly, during this process, the alternatives that are likely to compete with each other to a considerable extent can be sacrificed for best or ideal one since they have potential to conflict with each other (Hammond et al., 2009). In other words, in this stage, travellers can make a substitution for ideal one than others. Trade-offs filters whole alternatives in a logical way than they should be. The following three scenarios explain the possible and proper options referring to trade-offs: Scenario A: Tourists having moderate income level will prefer either 4 star hotels bringing down the duration of stay or would prefer closer destinations. On the other hand, travellers who possess disposable income below average cannot spend their holiday abroad. Instead, they often cancel or give up holiday plan by cutting back expenditures for spending money for essentials s like clothing, food and housing. Furthermore, consumers placed in the low average disposable income will prefer day trips of local scope, such as visiting adventure or theme parks (Bronner & Hoog, 2012, 2014). In other words, in times of economic and financial crisis, travellers more likely choose travelling to closer destinations instead of spending time abroad. In this regard, shorter trips would create less expenditure, than consumers exposed to cutting second trips (Ispas, 2010). It means that travelling abroad is sacrificed in favour of shorter trips. Similarly, during the Easter, Semester and Christmas holiday, travellers mostly prefer to spend their holiday at closer destinations to minimize economic expenditures. This kind of preferences provides both cutback expenditure and saves time. Most possible predictions should be evaluated in order to overlap alternatives with identified objectives. 85 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 86 Scenario B: In case of any critical incidents (e.g. wars, political unrest, civic movements etc.) in any region such as the Middle East, Turkey will arise as the most probable alternative destination rather than Egypt and Israel because of an increased perceived risk factors deriving from political unrest or instability. The fact that Turkey possesses the same cultural and heritage commonalities and seems to be less risky destination attracts high demand. However, travellers may alternatively or less likely choose the Greece instead of Turkey in case of any risky events that can potentially emerge in Turkey, due to similarity between these two countries in relation to types of tourism offered, in particular for cultural or natural (sea-sun-sand) tourism attractions. Scenario C: If the horrendous or negative effects of Ebola are not expansive across the selected country, travellers opt for participation and realizing Safari in cities where adverse effects of endemic are not seen or free Ebola disease. More concretely, if the Ebola injection spreads to the cities of West Africa where Safari is seen as the most preferred tourism style such as Congo, Guinea, Sierra, Leone and Liberia, then travellers will show tendency to choose to spend their time in Ghana, which is identified as unaffected or Ebola free location (http://www.tourism-review.com/traveltourism-magazine-minister-of-tourism-ghana-will-remainebola-free-article2564, 2014). These three scenarios can be increased in different several variables, possible vacation types, destination alternatives, and accommodation types. of information than before. Traditional type of tourists concentrating on limited source of alternative has turned into a new tourist profile that tends to be more multidimensional, which can predominantly help in determining travel choices and decision making. This study revealed that by utilizing the proposed conceptual Pro-Act approach model, the new tourist profile may expand the capacity to problem-solving by which the desired goals are reached through effective decision-making. One of the most important points of the present study is that new tourist profile, during the buying decision process, mostly prefers to holiday plan in a multidimensional and inter-temporal way, meaning within a broader context rather than single way. In other words, one can conclude that tourist behaviour incorporates particular processes which encapsulate several distinct phases. Most importantly, this study attempts to overcome the issue of the complexity of the decision-making process in terms of destination choice through Pro-Act approach. Also, it tried to investigate whether the Pro-Act approach is applicable and utilitarian model in response to challenges occurring during the decision-making process. This study also proves that in difficult times, tourist behaviour embraced proactive approach during the decision-making process rather than reactive one, which was the one of the hypothesis of the present research. 5. CONCLUSION Albu, G.R., & Nicolau, C.L. (2010). Changing Attitudes in Tourism: A Possible Way to Win The Battle with the current Economic Crisis. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series V: Economic Sciences, 3 (52), 201-206. Baloglua, S., & McCleary, W.K. (1999). A Model of Destination Image Formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26 (4), 868-897. Bansal, H., & Eiselt, A.H. (2004). 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Journal of Vacation Marketing, 17 (3), 185-195. Bronner, F., & Hoog, D.R. (2012). Economizing Strategies during an Economic Crisis. Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (2), 1048-1069. Bronner, F., & Hoog, D.R. (2014). Vacationers and the Economic “Double Dip” in Europe. Tourism Management, 40, 330-337. Chen, G., & Xiao, H. (2013). Motivations of Repeat Visits: A Longitudinal Study in Xiamen: China. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30 (4), 350-364. doi: 10.1080/10548408.2013.784152 The purpose of this study was to offer a theoretical model of Pro-Act approach, which adapts itself into the individual decision-making process within the context of tourism destination choice, with an emphasis on addressing multidimensional and hierarchical ladder. It also strives to simplify the decision-making process which is seen as highly questionable and problematic from travellers’ point of view, offering Pro-Act approach model for selection of vacation destinations and hotels. Moreover, challenges that travellers faced during crisis have been investigated in this study to show to what extent Pro-Act approach is applicable for a choice of vacation destination. In essence, the Pro-Act approach proposes travellers five simple steps through which effective decisions can be made in difficult times with practical implementation of proper solutions. After emerging a series of devastating critical incidents, traditional consumer behaviour has changed, prioritizing more health and safety concerns as ultimate determinants during the decision-making process on travel. In doing so, the purchasing process of new tourist profile is oriented towards mitigating and minimizing risk factors determining proper objectives and alternatives in terms of destinations and accommodation opportunities. The present study also stresses that there is no single type of tourist behaviour reflecting homogeneity. 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In terms of the activity performed, the majority of small enterprises in Dojran region or 57.5% are registered as enterprises for accommodation and realization of activities for preparing meals and serving food, 15% carry out trade entrepreneurial activity from the area of wholesale and retail trading, 7.8% produce plant and animal products and deal with hunting and services, fishery and aquaculture, 6.7% of small enterprises are pursuing entrepreneurial activities in the field of land transport and 4.3% of small enterprises are pursuing other entertainment activities. Part of the structures and capabilities that make tourism (tourism facilities and infrastructure, natural resources, etc.), represent strong side of the municipality, where the advantages should be used as a platform for taking measures and actions for its strengthening, and treats (unused touristic capacities, insufficiency of skilled labor, etc.) should be used to work on elimination of such occurrences and building a foundation for their improvement and transformation into strengths. The promotion of tourism and small-size enterprises in the municipality will affect the realization of other economic and social strategic goals, set out in other priority areas. 1. INTRODUCTION 88 Besides tourism development and urbanization, the quality and diversity are also important parts of urban infrastructure. Therefore, in tourism planning, greater importance is assigned to planning sustainable development of urbanization that will meet the expectations of both the hosts and guests. In the case of Dojran, local economic development largely depends on the quality of tourism offer of Lake Dojran. By raising the water level in the lake, Dojran has increased the number of tourist visits in recent years, and is gradually but surely returning the glow of Dojran, regarding the Lake Dojran. The lake tourism is considered an important development priority for the Southeastern region, because it offers numerous opportunities for business development and new jobs, but also because it supports the goal of regional development in exports and direct investment. The local government in Dojran in the Strategy for Local Economic Development and Rural Development Strategy has set out the priority objectives to improve the living conditions, especially for the citizens who are directly or indirectly involved in tourism, where the ultimate goal will be increased income from tourism and increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists. All this leads to realization of the goals set. * [email protected] Key words: tourism destination, tourism, small enterprises. Maintaining manifestations, such the D Festival, Dojran authenticity, Dojran Fig Festival, and many others, give hope that some of the goals are achievable. Such events need to be supported and expanded with the promotion of Dojran dairy farm for fish (mandra). Through sustainable development, local government should aim to reduce the negative effects on the environment with the aim of long-term keeping and protecting of biological diversity. It’s a question of long-term sustainable tourism because it leads to a net profit for the social, economic and cultural environment in the region of the municipality of Dojran. However, the local population has to support the efforts of local authorities to actively participate in such development, as every benefit for the city is their personal benefit. Dojran will become economically self-sufficient and environmentally developed municipality and wishful tourism destination, providing necessary conditions for the welfare of all its residents and visitors. The municipality is committed to improving the quality of life, through raising public awareness, strengthening and development of its own capacities. It boasts great potential for socioeconomic development, strives to develop all types of tourism, environmental protection and promotion of agriculture through implementation of strategic goals and implementation of projects in different areas and attracting new investments. The living standards of the local population will be improved through development of tourism and environmental protection. The goals will be achieved by involving the public, private and civil sectors in developing their strategy and partnerships for implementation of programs and projects. 2. GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MUNICIPALITY OF DOJRAN AND LAKE DOJRAN The municipality of Dojran is located in southeastern region of the Republic of Macedonia, on the western shore of Lake Dojran. Being positioned in the southern part of the country, the municipality borders with Greece. It covers three sides between the mountain Belasica at north (1883m), Mount Karabalija at west (697m) and Mount Krusa at east (860m), while it is open through Dojran Valley to the south. The terrain is mostly hilly. Figure 1. Map of Macedonia and Dojran Lake Dojran has very rich historical and cultural past. The overall climate in Dojran is characterized by warm and dry summers and wet winters. The annual duration of sunlight is 2440 hours (Nikolovski, 1990, p. 101). This area is characterized by the amount of rain caused by the Mediterranean climatic influence, mostly in November, 88 mm, and the least in July, 33.5 mm. The municipality is composed of 13 administrative units, New Dojran, Old Dojran, Sretenovo, Furka, Crnicani, Nikolic, Gjopcheli, Kurtamzali, Durutli, Organdzali, Sevendekli, Dzumabos and Caushli. The diameter of the lake is 9 km long and 7 km wide. The average depth is 6, 7 mm, and the largest 10 m. The lake is at 146 m asl, and the west coast is 160-250 m asl. The natural values of Dojran were perceived by the scientific and expert public in Macedonia and as a result, the lake was proclaimed for “Natural Monument” – a third category of protected area according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN). In terms of biodiversity, Lake Dojran has a particular importance of aquatic and mud macrophyte vegetation SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS in the coastal part. According to the Strategy for protection of biological diversity in the Republic of Macedonia1 and the Action Plan, this type of habitat is a priority for Macedonia and is to be put under protection. Its contribution has the newly built system JPVHS Dojran2 in 2002 for filling the lake. Although it now works at a lower intensity of about 400-600 liters per second (projected for 1000l/s), its contribution to the improvement of the situation is apparent. This year, with heavy rains, the lake level has increased significantly, and has brought back the old look of the former tourism city of Dojran. 3. FISHING AS THE MAIN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF DOJRAN FOR DEVELOPING RIVER TOURISM Fishing in Dojran has always been the main economic activity for locals and residents of the surrounding areas who are actively involved in recreational fishing. In the past, the world scientific literature represented the lake as one of the most productive lakes in Europe, playing an important role in providing the local population with fish. The average annual catch represented 50% of the total national fish catch in the Republic of Macedonia (before starting the intensive construction of artificial ponds). Dojran is also known for its unique method of fishing with unique methods that only old fishermen called “Masters of the Lake’’. Since ancient times, local residents have been using special fish traps, with different shape, design and size (dairy farm for fishes (mandra)). The fishermen are hunting waterfowl, and cut their primary feathers and keep them close to the dairy farm for fish (mandra). These birds are actually used as a pursuer of fishing traps. This old fishing technique is very effective because only one dairy farm for fish (mandra) can catch from 20.000 to 30.000 kg of fish. These data apply to the annual catch of fish from the lake and show a trend of reduced fish catch, as can be seen from the table below: Table 2. Data for fish catch until 2003 Year Amount of cached fish (in tons) 1999 145 2000 72 2001 66 2002 25 2003 88 These data are as of 2003, as the enterprise concerned with fishing, ceased its activity due to bankruptcy in late 2003, and now there is a new decision to use – a concession to fish stocks in the fishing area of Dojran was awarded in October 2005 for the first time. 1 2 Strategy for the protection of biological diversity in the Republic of Macedonia and the Action Plan are adopted by the Government in 2003 with implementation period until 2010 Public Enterprise for water supply of hydro system Dojran established in 2002 to save Lake Dojran from ecological disaster 89 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 4. OPPORTUNITIES FOR TOURSIM DEVELOPMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF DOJRAN 90 Tourism is the most important industry in the municipality of Dojran. A trend of re-increasing the number of tourists and overnight stays has been observed in the last few years, as a result of increasing water level of Lake Dojran. Dojran is a tourist resort with about 4.000 populations, with majority of tourists coming from our country and eastern part of Macedonia, as well as from the neighboring countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Netherlands, America and other countries. The development of tourism in this area is influenced by many factors, such as the natural values of Lake Dojran, the beneficial climate condition, proximity to the main European corridor E-75 Skopje – Thessaloniki, regional road links with Gevgelija, Valandovo and Strumica, border crossing – Dojran, as well as the small-size enterprises (enterprises for accommodation and realization of activities for preparing meals and serving food, wholesale and retail trade enterprises, producing machines and supplies, plant and animal products and dealing with hunting and services, fishery and aquaculture, etc.). Small enterprises have a great capacity for rapid change of the type of business that is performed in order to always meet the requirements of customers / tourists. Direct contacts are established with customers, suppliers and employees to strengthen the relations between the owners of the company with external entities. Through direct contacts, the owner recognizes the characteristics of consumers, their needs and requirements and adjusts the operations of the enterprise. Specifically for small business owners in the Dojran region, the information received from direct contacts is very important because it can be used to quickly adjust the company to the needs of tourists. The simplicity of the decision-making process comes from the fact that all decisions of the enterprise are carried by the owner who is also the manager. Because of that, decisions are made quickly and the commencement of operations or change of already adopted decisions depends on the will of the owner of the company. The advantages in the operation of small enterprises or their strengths need to be used in order to enrich the tourist offer and tourism development in the Dojran region. Hence, bearing in mind the results of the conducted practical research on the number of small enterprises, it is necessary to encourage the process of starting the entrepreneurial activity through establishment of small enterprises in the services sector based on the web technology for promotion of tourism offer, small business - travel agencies for animation of tourists, offering daily engagements to fully meet the leisure tourists, the establishment of small enterprises that would offer a completely new line of products and services, recreational facilities, small enterprise rehabilitation services and treatment spa and fitness centers. If we made an overview of the types of tourism in Dojran, or how tourism can positively influence the development of Dojran, we would notice that lake tourism is a predominant form. Lake tourism is mainly tied to recreational tourist activities. These activities take place in a form of swimming and sunbathing on the lake which, according to climate, hydrological and other previously listed features. Besides that, there’re conditions that allow for long and pleasant walks along the lake that offers striking aesthetic properties of natural values and fresh and pleasant air. This kind of tourism, especially in Dojran, emphasizes seasonality because it depends on climate characteristics in the tourism area. Here, the emphasis is placed on summer tourism rather than on winter tourism, which attracts only athletes who prefer outdoor sports. Due to the proximity of the main European corridor and border crossing, Dojran is a tempting destination for transit tourists as well. Transit tourism covers clientele (mostly from Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovenia and fewer tourists from Germany) that this place uses as a passing station towards their targeted destinations.. These tourists are retained for several reasons, such as longer or shorter break from the trip, an overnight stay, breakfast. Therefore, it is of vital importance to discuss possible ways to retain such tourists to spend more time here. Above all, it is necessary to pay special attention to those facilities that will highlight tourist value and attract attention and open curiosity for learning the values offered by the city. Tourism is an increasing biological and cultural need, product of awareness and culture, market of satisfaction, imitations of life full of surprises, experiences and adventure. Culture in general and special cultural and entertainment events, galleries and museums, historical monuments and other forms of entertainment are more connected and intertwined with tourism. There is quite developed cultural and entertainment tourism that contributes to avoiding monotony and boredom among visitors. They need entertainment and dynamics during their stay. Part of entertainment alternative tourism, includes visits to cultural and historical monuments. This kind of tourism itself pulls gastronomy as its offer is part of the culture. This offer is included in the program of cultural and entertainment tourism. Because of the fact that the tourist stay depends on the needs, desires and possibilities of visitors, it is necessary to devote special attention to leisure activities, i.e., sports and recreational activities. There are two types of programs of sports and recreation tourism where visitors are direct participants and directly involved in the same and other type where visitors are relatively passive viewers. We have hunting and sport-fishing tourism, which includes hunting and fishing activities that attract tourists for overnight stays. Excursions and student tourism prevail in May and feature a predominantly low power consumption and extremely small radius of movement. The picnics are organized in the exact place. As underdeveloped types of tourism, that have enough potential to be funded, and attract more visitors are health thermal and herbal tourism. It is already well- known that the percentage of seaweed and iodine at the lake is large. Moreover, there are many illegally collected herbs near the hill that rises above the town. A good program can upgrade this kind of tourism and bring benefits to all visitors. 5. TOURIST ACCOMMODATION The tourists can choose between hotel accommodation and private accommodation. Hotel accommodation is accounted to quite small percentage due to the fact that most of the existing hotels are ruined and closed, while private housing in recent years has slowly began to meet customer needs. For this purpose, the registration of accommodation capacities has been conducted for years and they’re ranked by the municipality. According to the new Law on hospitality and Law on tourist activity, there is an authorized municipal inspector who supervises the application of these laws. Figure 2. Touristic table As for the categories and criteria that need to be fulfilled by the service providers in order to obtain a Decision of categorization, and with that a categorization of the current accommodation, the commission comes on site, issues the categories according to the Rules and conditions for categorization of facilities for hospitality activity (Official Gazette of RM num. 62/2004). There is the first and second category with the number of pelicans, two (comfort) and one (standard) for houses, apartments and rooms for rent. At each entrance of the hospitality facility, you may notice purple board with the registration number and category, according to the Register, and accurate data on the number of apartments, number of rooms, telephone number. 6. SPORTS – RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AS PART OF TOURIST OFFER OF DOJRAN Although Dojran is a small resort, it still has quite developed sports tourism. The already built hotels with the conditions necessary for this kind of tourism, despite small investment for development in this sector, succeed every year in attracting a large number of athletes and sports enthusiasts. Sports tourism has made a lot of progress in recent years, and the tourists themselves embrace this type of tourism, because of their free time now is filled with different kinds of sports and recreational activities, improving their health and human habits by practicing everyday use of sport not only when they can but in everyday use. Based on the development of sports tourism in Dojran, besides some of basic sports, such as football, other important sports events are maintained. Other sports that are still practiced include triathlon (compilation of three sport units: running, biking and swimming). Dojran has all the SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS necessary conditions for sports development. Apart from the significant sports events, various seminars are held in Dojran as major contributors to development of sports tourism. According to the data presented, Dojran has lots of opportunities for the development of sports tourism. Besides the sports that have been developed, Dojran offers excellent opportunities for development of other sports. Mild winters and favorable terrain allow stay of athletes from other sports such as athletics, cycling, canoeing, beach volleyball, motorcycling and other sports. 7. OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH TOURISM The lake with its healing properties (although not sufficiently studied), and favorable climate enables development of medical tourism for treatments of a number of diseases: bronchial, cardiovascular, rheumatic, skin and others. With GUP3, from the research made for the purpose of building a Center for the rehabilitation of patients with pulmonary, cardiac and rheumatic diseases, is planning a construction by the lake in Star Dojran with total area of 0.46 ha. Apart from of the guests who have already stayed in Dojran, and felt better after bathing and putting mud from the lake, especially noticeable is the treatment of the wounds on the body. The healing features of mud in Dojran have been known for a long time, because the combination of lake water rich in seaweed and iodine and the Mediterranean climate has always been natural remedy for wrist pain. The elderly population in Dojran remembers that some of the guests in the 80-ties dived for mud from the bottom of the lake and later spread it on their body. Research samples from the black mud from Dojran were taken to the Bulgarian Institute several years ago under the jurisdiction of the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, which confirmed that this mud has healing properties and can be used for treating rheumatism, degenerative diseases of the immune system and chronic dermatitis. Many medical personnel recommend Dojran for postoperative rehabilitation during the summer. Dojran is suggested as the ideal place to stay for postoperative patients suffering from respiratory diseases, but also from rheumatism and sciatica. Some have found the cure in the lake water, some in the lake mud. Lately, the idea has emerged to develop eco-health tourism in Dojran through delivery of attractive, alternative, natural, sustainable and environmental health - recreational services to all tourists who visit Dojran, as well as for attracting owners and visitors from spa centers and users of organic cosmetics. Competition and this type of service in these areas will enrich tourist offer and open the possibility of connection with the existing tourist facilities in Dojran, Gevgelija and Strumica. The only thing required is quality, good marketing and promotion of cosmetic products and mud processes, whose production ensures long-term and sustainable profitability of the initiative and launching onto the broader market as a recognizable, respected and desirable brand that will significantly contribute to the economic development and prosperity of Dojran and the entire region. 3 General Urban Plan 91 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 8. CULTURAL ENTERTAINING AND MANIFEST TOURISM In order to overcome the monotony of lake tourism, there are quite many historical monuments as a result of its long history. Some of the landmarks of this city are: the Clock Tower, St. Ilija, Bath – Turk hammam, an outdoor museum (all bunkers, shelters and observation made by the strongest material reinforced with obstacles for a closer look of the suffering of the local population, the destructive power of war of the World War I), Museum of World War I, Kolede/Vasilica (Old New Year), St. Trifun, April Fools’ Day, Dojran gourmet festival, Fig festival (Festival of jam from wild figs), The D Festival, Dojran authenticity, Skillfully Woman, Dojran handshakes and many more. 9. CONCLUSION The analysis of Macedonian tourism offer, and tourism offer of Dojran, indicate insufficient care for the content of tourist residence, which is lagging behind the developed tourism countries. The development of tourism in Dojran region is of great importance to small enterprises that are an important factor for the development of the national economy. They create new opportunities for growth and development and are essential factors for improving the economic situation in the local communities. The advantages of small businesses are to be put into operation to encourage development of the local community or tourism development in Dojran region. The research results show that the number of small enterprises is continuously increasing in the municipality of Dojran, but it is necessary to streamline the activities of small enterprises. Dojran features natural, material and human factors for tourism development, which are insufficiently explored. As for the hotel accommodation in Dojran, there are few hotels – the number of hotel rooms to the number of the population is an indicator of the investment in tourism in one country and in Dojran. Each participant in tourist movements, besides fulfilling the basic needs for food and accommodation, has shown an interest in other circumstances, and because of that it is necessary to pay special attention to the leisure time of visitors, meaning the time that should be filled with various activities. All these activities must be related to sports and recreation, cultural and entertainment activities, sightseeing and walking tours, and in line with other activities that would lead to enriching the content of stay. In this context, we are speaking of animation in the tourism, which represents one of the most important factors for tourism development. Tourism development can be observed in the context of sustainability. Lake tourism is quite developed, but it demands daily efforts on expansion, purification, grading, landscaping and equipping of beaches and coasts, hygiene of paths for strolling along the lake shore. As an alternative tourism on the lake, there are various water activities in the lake (swimming, water skiing, various water games, etc.) The cultural-historical monuments are present, which means we just need to give visitors information about their 92 existence, information that will initiate interest and desire even in those visitors for whom familiarity with cultural and historical values is not one of the main reasons to travel. Some of the manifestations can be maintained precisely near the historic environments, and these monuments have an inspiring effect. The tradition of hunting fish with birds – dairy farm for fish (mandra) can be a real tourist attraction. A part of the local population is interested in renovating the fishing shacks and their adjustment to visiting tourists, and they are authentic to Dojran and the Lake. Inside of them, it is possible to cook fish on a reed, a specialty one can hardly resist, and other ways of preparing fish, which are typical for Dojran. It is of vital importance for each visitor to communicate the shortcomings and advantages during their stay before leaving Dojran, as well as their ideas for better development and progress of tourism destination. Dissatisfied guests will not only make a negative assessment of Dojran, but will recount to their friends, and colleagues negative impressions, while the satisfied guests will certainly use other services and will plan to return to the resort, but most importantly of all, they will perform positive travel propaganda. REFERENCES Dojran Info. (2015). Dojran. Retrieved August 15, 2015 from, http://www.dojran-info.com/ Kajdamov, K. (2006). Dojran through the ages. Skopje Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy. (2010). Sector for Agricultural Policy Anasysis, Skopje. Ministry of local self-government of Republic of Macedonia. (2015). Retrieved August 15, 2015 from, http://www. mls.gov.mk/ Municipality of Dojran. (2006-2012). Local action plan for the environment (LEAP) of Dojran. Macedonia: Municipality of Dojran. Municipality of Dojran. (2008). Profile of the Municipality of Dojran. Macedonia: Municipality of Dojran. Municipality of Dojran. (2010). Rural development strategy of Dojran: FAO project TSP/RER/3101. Macedonia: Municipality of Dojran. Nikolovski, K. S. (1990). Macedonian holocaust. Skopje, p. 101 Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia. (2004). Law for company societies. Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia 28/2004 Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia. (2004). Law for tourist activity. Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia 62/2004, 89/2008, 12/2009, 17/11, 47/11, 53/11, 123/12, 164/13 and 27/14. Retrieved August 15, 2015 from http:// www.pravo.org.mk/documentDetail.php?id=655 Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia. (2004). Law of hospitality activity. Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia 62/2004, 89/2008, 115/10, 53/11, 141/12, 164/13, 187/13) Taken August 2014, http://www.pravo.org.mk/ documentDetail.php?id=656 State Statistical Office. (2015). Tourism. Retrieved August 5, 2015, from http://www.stat.gov.mk/ Strategically plan of Municipality of Dojran. (2007-2011). Strategic plan of Municipality of Dojran. Made from commission for planning of Municipality of Dojran SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-93-98 EVENTS AND TRADITION AS A POTENTIAL FOR INCREASED TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Ivanka Nestoroska* Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality-Ohrid, Kej M. Tito 95, Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Abstract: Holding a variety of events is often directly related to tradition as an important segment of life throughout development of human civilization. The beginnings in researching events and tourism date from the late 20th century and are associated with the opportunities for increased economic effects on the destination, and their role in increasing the overall competitiveness. Development of events and their relation to tourism is particularly expressed when they began to be more exploited for promotion of tourism destinations, in which cultural values and tradition are mostly included through a new form of tourism - event tourism. Given the contents that include elements of tradition, they themselves are unique in representing specific tourism offer. Tradition as an inherited socio-cultural continuity is often included in the organization of cultural tourism events in a form of cultural celebrations, entertainment and art programs, and is an important component of cultural tourism offer. This paper explores the importance of events for increased tourism development in the Republic of Macedonia through assessment of the scope and types in order to identify their role in tourism through implementation desk research method, quantitative and qualitative analysis. 1. INTRODUCTION Continuing increase of different events contributes to their differentiation as a specific sector identified and established as event industry within international framework and is often closely related and connected to event tourism. As evidenced around the world, festivals and events are among the most successful tools available to communities, regions and even countries to enhance tourism, create powerful and memorable branding and imaging opportunities, bond people together, encourage positive media coverage, increase economic impact, and add to the quality of lives for those who live there (Schmader, 2014). According to IFEA data, the average number of events held worldwide is estimated to include about 5 million festivals and events, not including other events as corporate celebrations, weddings, religious gatherings, school carnivals, etc. (IFEA, 2014). Many tourism countries face with challenges as to how to create an offer that will contribute to increased competitive position on tourist market by attracting more tourists. It opens possibilities for comprehensive tourist offer. The content of tourism offer understands an active attitude towards the treatment of different natural and cultural values. Based on that, it should get to an optimal use of available resources and encourage selectivity in the performance on tourism market, which is one of the most modern trends in the development of this activity. For that purpose, different cultural values and resources are an important segment of tourism offer, and the basis for creation of specific * [email protected] Key words: events, tradition, tourism development, event tourism, competitiveness. cultural activities and events. It is evidenced internationally that they are among the most successful tools for increasing tourism demand not only within the communities as destinations, but also regions and even countries. The specific of events is their capacity to create memorable experience to visitors, enhance economic impact and increase the quality of life for residents. Therefore, events are an important motivator for tourism and very often are included in development planning, and marketing of numerous destinations. According to Ali-Knight and Robertson, “culture” is difficult to define (Bladen et al., 2012), since it consists of beliefs, customs, arts, thinking, behaving or working within a particular society, group, place, or time. It is “the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviour shared by a group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next one” (Matsumoto, 1996). Related to definition of culture, cultural events are also difficult to define taking into consideration their anthropological and aesthetic diversity that ranges different types of events which mostly include tradition, art and music. The relationship between tourism and culture is not new since it is mostly the reason for visiting different places. Inclusion of culture in tourism is manifested as cultural tourism that may appear as a new term, but the phenomenon is not new (Yeoman et al., 2006). As Getz explains, events and festivals with different cultural context have potential to satisfy residents and visitors to foster local organizational development, leadership and networking, all of which are part of the community-based tourism development (Getz, 1997). 93 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE It also contributes to destination sustainable development for a longer term. Events, where elements of tradition are included, have potential to attract visitors to a place or region that otherwise they would not visit. Some destinations have seasonality issues which can be overcome through organization of such events by attracting more visitors. Simultaneously, inclusion of such events in tourism offer implies qualitative complement of tourism destination’s offer, particularly if they are connected to elements of tradition and offer rich and diverse programs through which socio-cultural and economic effects come to expression. Utilization of culture and tradition in development of specific, selective and current tourist offer is significantly more important for tourism development in the Republic of Macedonia and its positioning as a competitive tourist destination in the region and broader. 2. CULTURE, TRADITION, AND EVENTS IN TOURISM 94 The variety of events can be observed since the beginnings of human civilization and, within different historical periods, reflecting culture and tradition in everyday life. Development of events and increased research interest concerning their relation to tourism has been especially notable from the 1980’s onwards when different values of culture, tradition, sport and recreation included in different events became orientation in order to promote destinations and attract tourists. Tradition can be defined as an inherited socio-cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs and institutions and is a characteristic of behaviour in a particular environment and within particular period. As content it is often present in the organization of cultural events for tourism in the form of cultural events, festivals, celebrations and different programs, and is an important component of cultural tourism offer. The constant increase in the volume of different types of events contributed to differentiate them as a separate economic activity as “event industry”. This specific type of tourism offer includes a wide range of accompanying tourism programs and contents that attract many visitors. Holding of events contributes to creation of a unique image of the destination and is an incentive for increased competitiveness on the regional, national and international level. In many countries, traditions are at risk of disappearance with different factors contributing to this situation, mostly industrialization and globalization. Usually, customary celebrations are among the traditions that are interesting to include in different cultural events for two main reasons: (1) to preserve and maintain traditions that are part of everyday life of a community /nation, and (2) to promote it among younger generations and to “others” who are mostly visitors or tourists belonging to other nationalities, ethnic groups and countries. Utilization of the tradition as a basis for creating specific, selective and modern tourism offer is becoming increasingly important in tourism development in many places, and also for increasing and diversifying tourism offer in the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, it is essential for the country as tourism destination to take a place on the map of competitive destinations in the region and broader within the diverse and comprehensive tourist offer. Tradition also refers to use of resources through different periods at same or similar manner. Thus, not only attractions as material heritage are the basis for development of tourism products, but they are enriched with traditionalism, as a complementary category to the cultural heritage. Also, through evaluation, tradition has a treatment as attraction in itself. It preoccupies tourist attention as incorporated attraction of tourism offer and as part of other values. Tourists are able to follow traditions and be active participants in this segment of tourist values. Utilization of tradition in events enables optimal use of resources for encouraging each community or destination to join the long-term, strategic approach to tourism events, and thus to plan and develop in order to understand their full potential. Regardless of the content, scope and character of the events organized, they all have one aim: to gather people at one place at the same time and gain new cultural experiences. Based on the reason upon which events are organized (Bowdin et al., 2006; Getz, 2007; Goldblatt, 1997), the following typology of events is generally accepted: ◆ According to the content - Cultural events cultural celebrations (festivals, carnivals, religious events, parades, tradition / heritage memorials) arts and entertainment (concerts, exhibitions, ceremonial awards, performance) - Recreational events (sports competitions (amateur / professional) sports and recreational fun games) - Business and commercial events (meetings, conventions, exhibitions, trade shows, fairs) - Educational and scientific (conferences, congresses, seminars, trainings) - Individual events (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, parties / social gatherings) ◆ According to the purpose of organization - Individual - Public / social - Volunteer ◆ According to the spatial scope and importance for the destination - Local events (can be organized periodically or once and are characterized by weak demand and low value) - Regional events (can be organized once or periodically and are characterized by average tourist demand) - Recognized (hallmark) events (organized periodically and are characterized by high tourist demand and high value) - Occasional mega events (high tourist demand and high value) This is a usual typology, and a starting point towards understanding diversity and scope of events which, after all, have common characteristics that are very important, and certain preconditions are necessary for their organization: ◆ Event’s size from the point of program content ◆ Complexity and diversity of provided services to the visitors ◆ Number of participants, their expenses, activities’ time frame and technical conditions ◆ Interaction with visitors, contacts and experiencing satisfaction Regardless of the size and type of events, the following is evident: there is an increasing interest in the so-called “unique cultural experience” enabled by the content provided through various elements of tradition as an integral component of the overall cultural tourism offer (Getz,1997). Furthermore, in favor of these experiences, the most common offered content are festivals and events which provide authenticity and uniqueness in the experience, especially if such events are based on inherited traditional values coupled with accommodation facilities and theme. Such approach to organizing events enables establishing connection between the following three basic elements that lead to “a unique cultural experience” (Figure 1): TRADITION AND CULTURE - Authenticity - Uniqueness DESTINATION - “unique cultural experience” EVENTS - Theme - Authenticity - Uniqueness Fig 1. Basic elements for ’’unique cultural experience” The events play an important role for the destination, especially having in mind their importance as “attractiveness, image creator, animator and catalyst for future tourist destination development” (Getz, 1997). Even more important is their role in reducing the negative effects of mass tourism and its contribution to sustainable development of the destination, reducing seasonality, introducing new season, strengthening the awareness of cultural traditions and values equally in promoting to the domestic population and to tourists, strengthening the relationship between domestic population - visitors / tourists, enriching the socio-cultural values of the destination and the quality of life. According to Goldblatt (1997), event is defined as a special event that recognizes the unique moment in time with rights to meet the specific needs of participants. They include elements of tradition while contributing to the establishment of a connection with the lifestyle destination in familiarizing participants with the socio-cultural dimension and it also makes them animated with traditional values. Their maintenance allows animation of local residents and visitors and contributes to promoting the destination and creating an image of the tourist market. Depending on the type and size of events, some destinations are recognizable around the world because they host spectacular festivals and events such as Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Calgary stampede in Canada, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, USA, Munich’s Oktoberfest and others (Bladen et al. 2012). Holding the events is in very close relationship with two main aspects of management: destination management and event management. In destinations where events SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS are held, special attention needs to be addressed to spatial management and resources as important elements in the process of determining the role of the destination and show the “magical” to the visitors. Here, especially important is the role of all stakeholders. Managing the events as a framework includes research, detailed planning, implementation and evaluation (Yeoman et al., 2006) Events allow destination cultural development as a result of the complexity of relations that such events produce during their maintenance. Destinations “share their culture with others” through events and offer “cultural content” as part of tourism offer, thus providing them with cultural experience. In this way, socio-cultural, economic and environmental dimensions become more evident and contribute to increased promotion, image and identity of destinations. 3. POTENTIAL OF EVENTS FOR INCLUSION IN TOURISM OFFER IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA The wealth of cultural values in the Republic of Macedonia is an important potential for tourism offer aimed at creating events. Their distribution throughout the country highlights the ability of all regions to proceed towards enriched tourist offer by exploiting these potentials. Their involvement and appropriate diversification across regions is the basis for creation of tourism offer that will cover the entire territory of the country. Such potential contributes to development of event tourism that is usually based on two concepts: ◆ utilization of already existing events related to tradition, and ◆ creation of new events with content that will include elements of tradition. Utilization of the existing events related to tradition is the basis for approaching towards future planning of this type of tourism offer and paying special attention to the experiences of the maintenance of existing events and their promotion aimed at increased tourist flows by attracting visitors from wider domestic and international environment. In this context, follows the review of the scope of already existing events evidenced by the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism (APST) of Republic of Macedonia. The current review of APST by municipalities was the basis for preparation of quantitative analysis of events in the regions (Table 1). Data shows that 401 recorded events are held yearly, which are by their content mainly linked with the tradition of the population. However, it should be noted that there is a number of events with an extremely local importance whose capacity is not sufficient to attract a wider audience of local population. Following the conducted qualitative analysis, the actual number of events that have the capacity to attract visitors from the wider environment is 300. Temporal distribution of events suggests that January and August are the months in which most events are held (30%), followed by May, June and July, with about 34%. In reality, more than half of the events were held during these five months, i.e. 64%. However, it should be noted that it is associated with the tradition of the population in which most of the events are interrelated with these time dimensions (Figure 2). 95 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Table 1. List of events in the Republic of Macedonia by months and regions, 2013 Number of existing events by months in Planning Regions Region Number of events by months TOTAL Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1-12 Vardar 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 2 4 4 / 29 Eastern 11 1 5 4 6 9 8 13 11 6 1 3 78 Southwest 10 2 6 4 7 13 7 17 3 1 4 7 81 Southeast 5 2 / 2 6 3 3 4 1 2 3 2 33 Pelagonija 10 1 6 1 15 8 16 15 8 8 4 7 99 Polog 5 1 / / 3 1 3 5 1 1 / / 20 Northeast 5 / 1 3 2 2 2 4 3 4 / 2 28 Skopje 6 1 1 4 8 2 4 3 / 2 2 / 33 TOTAL 55 9 20 19 49 41 47 65 29 28 18 21 401 Source: ASPT of the Republic of Macedonia (2014) The spatial distribution reveals that most of the events are organized in Pelagonija (99), South West (81) and Eastern (78), representing 59% of the total number of events held in the country. The representation of events in these regions indicates their orientation towards enriching the tourism offer with events that contribute to realization of greater attendance. However, what it lacks is the absence of a record of the number of participants in most of the events, which would contribute to identification and differentiation of another market segment of tourists, those who are participants in cultural tourism and event tourism. This lack of recording of such an important market segment will be overcome with the introduction of this record of the event. It will contribute considerably to follow up on the trends and demands of this market segment in tourism. Considering that events contribute to sustainable development of communities throughout the year and increase in the number of visitors, there is a need for greater involve- 96 ment of other regions in the creation of the tourism offer. However, although share of these three regions according to the number of events is quite large compared to others, it is notable that in the structure of many events there are more of those with local importance and many of the events are with same thematic content and overlap not only in time, but also in space, i.e. a significant part of events is held simultaneously within the same region. This venue overlap does not contribute to creation of attractive and unique content that would attract a much larger number of visitors. The analyzed situation of the events in the Republic of Macedonia indicates an obvious need for stronger horizontal and vertical coordination at the national, regional and local level, not only within the institutional framework, but also in the business sector and NGOs. Such coordination between these three sectors will more easily contribute to a well-defined and designed tourism offer of the regions not only within the national but also international framework. Fig 2. Number of existing events per months in the planning regions This will allow differentiation of each region’s offer on the basis of selection of themes related to culture and tradition as the best way to reflect and promote their heritage. Therefore, identifying and creating such an offer should be performed by all interested and involved stakeholders. The events have the potential to strengthen their cooperation and mutual networking, which is a key element towards encouraging the development of tourism in municipalities or local communities. The result of this concept of horizontal and vertical coordination is tourism development through preservation of authenticity and simultaneously realizing the needs of both domestic population and tourists, as the basis for sustainable community development. On the other hand, socio-cultural development of communities is the result of complex relationship established not only between visitors but also among domestic population, and domestic population and visitors to the community as participants in the events. Events provide all involved with the “Now” which is related to intercultural communication and experience and represents the basis for organizing future events. The feeling that visitors perceived for the community by participating in events is indescribable complexity of services and experiences. The contents of the events that promote tradition and culture of living through tourism experience to tourists, and simultaneously promote and represent local and regional distinctive characteristics are advantage for those who organize them. Thus, they create an increasing interest in “specificity” of the region, contribute to creation of added value in destination communities, promote and preserve their identity and create an opportunity to achieve prosperity of all stakeholders. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Research and analysis of the current situation and potentials for utilizing tradition and events in favor of the increased tourism offer in the Republic of Macedonia that SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS can contribute to tourism development indicate a need for greater involvement of stakeholders. The quantitative analysis shows a satisfactory number of events organized in different regions, for which different structure of accommodation facilities, cultural and educational institutions, associations and NGO-s and public administration support their organization and realization. According to the State Statistical Office (2014), potential, scope, dynamic and spatial distribution of accommodation capacities have good potential for providing different accommodation services to participants of different events (Graphic 2). Heterogeneous demands and expectations of participants in different events have enabled establishing the balanced relationship with diversity of accommodation facilities in the country. The qualitative analysis conducted for the content of the currently organized events (ZELS, 2009) shows that the structure of events includes the following: ◆ Events related to tradition (these events are dominant). ◆ Music events (festivals and competitions). ◆ Theater events. ◆ Educational events. ◆ Events related to celebration of international days. Many of the events are related to tradition (ZELS, 2009). The analysis of recourses enables performing the classification of recognizable products of such kind in the tourism offer of the Republic of Macedonia. The heterogeneity of the nature of events allows the choice within a relatively wide range of events. Their characteristics vary for religious holidays, festivals, fairs, carnivals, gastro events, creative events, memorial events, etc. The Republic of Macedonia is characterized by remarkable cultural heritage connected with ethnographic and ethnological characteristics within numerous events created for different purposes. Tradition is considered one of the most important values of different entities in this area that creates opportunities for comprehensive tourism offer Fig 3. Percentage relations of accommodation facilities that can be used in event tourism Source: The State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia (2014a) 97 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE based on a variety of values. Tradition and events are vital cultural elements of the Republic of Macedonia. The connection between tourism and tradition and events will lead to an improved position of the country not only on tourism market, but also within the cultural identity worldwide. 5. SUMMARY Tourism sector in the Republic of Macedonia is constantly facing various challenges related to the adjustments to current trends and changes in the tourism market. The situation in this sector demands appropriate balance between tourist potentials and developmental needs for achieving the competitive position in the region. Such approach enables reasonable use of culture as an essential component of tourist offer. According to the research conducted, the findings about the scope and structure of the existing events in the Republic of Macedonia indicate that tradition and events are recognizable segments of tourism offer generating increased tourist flows. As a component of tourism offer, events and tradition are closely related to appropriate tourism demand, which is why it is important to define market segments through identification of emitive tourism markets and their segmentation. Namely, segmentation relies on differentiated types of events and visitors as their participants. However, there is still a need for the improved quality content of this offer with attractive and unique events that will become recognizable as part of Macedonian tourism offer. Even though many events are overlapping, there is a need for synchronized creation of events’ calendars within the regional event program’s offer with other types of events that will contribute to enriching the tourism offer of the regions and sustainable tourism development. REFERENCES Allen, J., O’Toole, W., & McDonnell, I. (2002). Festival and Special Events Management. Queensland: John Wiley and Sons. ASPT of Republic of Macedonia. (2014). Calendar of Events. ASPT Bladen, C., Kennell, J., Abson, E., & Wilde, N. (2012). Events management:an introduction. London: Routledge. Bladen, C., Kennell, J., Abson, E., Wilde, N., & KennedyEden, H. (2012). In: C. Bladen, et al.(Ed.), Events management: an introduction (pp. 326-357). London: Routledge. Bowdin, G., Allen, J., O’Toole, W., Harris, R., & McDonnel, I. 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Retrieved July 23, 2015, from http://www.zels.org.mk/Upload/Content/ Documents/Dokumenti/EN/zels_gi_ENG.pdf SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-99-105 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PORTUGUESE AND SERBIAN TOURISM MARKETS Nikola Minić1*, Vitor Gomes Rodrigues2*, Catarina Ferreira Dias Dinis2, Ivana Stević2 Singidunum University, Danijelova 32, Belgrade, Serbia University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal 1 2 Abstract: As tourism presents one of Portugal’s most valuable economy sectors, as well as the emerging sector in Serbian economy, the aim of this research is to provide an insight into Portuguese and Serbian tourism markets. In order to accomplish that, a statistical overview of the two mentioned tourism markets is conducted, as well as a comparison of available and potential tourism products. Furthermore, the paper includes a comparative analysis of several tourism policies based on each national strategic plan for tourism, as well as a brief review of their effectiveness. Bearing in mind that Serbia is a landlocked country, sun & sea product of Portugal was analysed separately. 1. INTRODUCTION A growing demand for tourism and leisure presents a global phenomenon that is directly linked to economic development, which significantly increases incomes of tourism destinations on both micro and macro level. Tourism presents one of the most important tourism sectors in Portugal, making a total of 15,7% share in the country’s GDP in 2014 (WTTC, 2015a), with the anticipated rise of up to 17% in 2025. On the other hand, tourism presents one of the emerging sectors of Serbian economy, making a total contribution of 6,1% in the overall country’s GDP (WTTC, 2015b), with the anticipated rise of up to 7,2% in 2025. The paper presents a comparative study of the two tourism markets, with the analysis of tourist arrivals and overnight stays, as well as implemented and planned tourism policies. Key words: statistical overview, tourism products, tourism policies, national strategic plans for tourism, tourism analysis. way, independent in terms of the development of strategies of their own territories, but being in line with those policies imposed by the national level/authority. On the other hand, national and regional policies have become complementary, in the way that they share common objectives, such as the development of Portugal as a tourism destination and the supply side management. 2. NATIONAL TOURISM STRUCTURE 2.1. Portuguese Tourism Clusters As part of the national tourism strategies and with the aim to facilitate the grouping of different statistical data, Portuguese territory is organized in 7 distinctive regions, also known as NUTS II (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) – Oporto and North, Centro, Lisbon, Alentejo, Algarve, Autonomous Region of Madeira and Autonomous Region of Azores (Figure 1). Although being covered by the tourism national polices, these regions are, in certain * [email protected]; [email protected] Figure 1. Portuguese tourism clusters Source: Own elaboration, based on NUTS II 99 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE 2.2. Serbian Tourism Clusters 3. STATISTICAL OVERIEW Tourism Development Strategy proposes creation of four tourism clusters in order to better position Serbia as a tourism destination, as well as to create regional tourism brands, based on the geographical location, tourism resources and common traditions and customs. Those four clusters are (Strategija razvoja turizma Srbije, 2006, p. 13): 1. Vojvodina; 2. Belgrade; 3. South-western Serbia; 4. South-eastern Serbia. 3.1. Portuguese Tourism Market Figure 2. Tourism clusters as defined by Tourism Development Strategy Source: Tourism Development Strategy (2006) 100 Each of these clusters had different strategic positioning, based on the available products, attractions, activities, and predicted experience. Out of these four defined clusters, only Belgrade is fully developed, while the other three have never been fully developed as planned by the strategy. However, for the purpose of statistics on the regional level, the country was divided into five statistical regions, which are further analysed in this paper. Those regions include as follows: (Uredba o nomenklaturi statističkih teritorijalnih jedinica, 2010): 1. Belgrade region; 2. Vojvodina region; 3. Šumadija and Western Serbia region; 4. Eastern and Southern Serbia region; 5. Kosovo and Metohija region. Over the last decade, and with special emphasis on the last five years, Portugal has registered a continuous growth in the tourism industry. In practical terms, this means that, year after year, the tourism sector achieves new records, a fact proved by its performance during 2014, when the number of tourists surpassed 16 million (>6% than 2013) (Turismo de Portugal, 2015c) and the revenue exceeded the record of 10 billion euro (>6% than 2013) (Turismo de Portugal, 2015e). In order to better understand the sectors’ performance, a brief analysis of its main indicators was conducted, with an emphasis on variables such as tourist flows (number of tourists), tourism revenue and overnight stays, throughout the period from 2010-2015. Since 2010 until 2014, the number of tourists visiting Portugal rose at an average pace of 4% per year. Although with a slight decrease in 2012, driven by a decrease of domestic demand, it can be said that the global demand was systematic. During this period, the number of foreigners was constantly superior to the number of domestic tourists, as shown in Figure 3a, representing, on average, 55% of the total number. Regarding the foreign tourists, it is interesting to underline the most represented outbound markets. The top outbound markets, representing approximately and on average 33 % of the total number of tourists are: (1) United Kingdom; (2) Spain; (3) France; (4) Germany; and (5) Brazil. Tourism revenue is an economic indicator directly associated with the number of tourists. Achieving 10.4 billion euro in 2014, the tourism revenue in Portugal also registered a substantial increase during the given period, growing at an average rate of 6% per year. Using the same analysis pattern, five outbound markets with the highest expenditure are emphasised. In this case, it is necessary to point out that in 2010 and 2011, Brazil was part of the top five, but since 2012 was surpassed by Angola. In comparison with the previous indicator, this group has higher representativeness, accounting for 62% of the total number: (1) France; (2) United Kingdom; (3) Spain; (4) Germany; and (5) Angola. By observing the overnight stays chart (Figure 3b), almost an instant conclusion is that there is great superiority of the foreign demand. During the given period, international tourists were responsible for 68% of total overnight stays, which contributed to a new record of 46.1 million, in 2014. Once again, five markets were highlighted: (1) United Kingdom; (2) Germany; (3) Spain; (4) France; and (5) Holland. On the other hand, so as to comprehend the tourist behaviour within the Portuguese territory, a brief analysis of tourist preferences was carried out at the level of Portuguese regions. Using the statistical data, it was concluded that Lisbon, Algarve and Oporto and North were the main regions visited during 2014, although Madeira emerges as the third largest region in terms of overnight stays (Figure 4). The combined contribution of Lisbon, Algarve and Oporto and North reaches 71% of the total number of tourists. When it comes to overnight stays, Algarve, Lisbon and Madeira totalize 75%, especially owning to a better performance related to the average stay. On the other side, Azores and SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Figure 3. Domestic and foreign tourist flows and tourism revenue (left) and overnight stays (right) Source: Own elaboration, based on Turismo de Portugal (2014b, 2014c, 2015c, 2015d, 2015e, 2015f) Figure 4. Tourist flows and overnight stays by regions in 2014 Source: Own elaboration, based on Dinis (2013) and Silva (2015) Alentejo arise as the regions with lowest percentage, representing altogether only 7% of the total number of tourists and 5% of the total number of overnight stays. 3.2. Serbian Tourism Market In 2014, Serbia recorded 2.196.268 visitors, which presents a slight decrease compared to 2013 (Republički zavod za statistiku, 2015). Domestic tourism recorded 1.163.536 visitors (decrease 8,4%, share 53% in total number of visitors), while international tourism recorded 1.08.732 visitors (increase 11,6%, share 47%). Figure 5 shows the data from 2010 until November 2014. It can be seen that tourist flows were increasing throughout the 4 year period (2010 to 2013) and slightly dropped by the end of 2014, due to the decrease of national tourism flows, despite the increase of international visitor flows. As for the country of origin, the five outbound markets with the largest number of foreign visitors are: (1) Bosnia & Herzegovina; (2) Slovenia; (3) Croatia; (4) Montenegro; and (5) Germany. It should also be noted that there has been an increase of arrivals from Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey and Greece in recent years. The tourists from Portugal recorded 2.775 arrivals in 2014, and 1.337 during the period January-July 2015. 101 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Figure 5. Domestic and foreign tourist flows and tourism revenue* (left) and overnight stays (right) * Data for tourist flow in 2015 is given for period January-July 2015, while tourism revenue is an estimate for 2015. RSD – Serbian dinar. Source: Own elaboration, based on data from Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia for tourist flows and overnight stays (2015) and The World Travel & Tourism Council for tourism revenue (2015) Figure 6. Tourist flows and overnight stays by regions in 2014 Source: Own elaboration, based on data from Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2015) 102 In 2014, Belgrade region recorded an increase in the number of visitors of +4,8%. Besides Belgrade, only Vojvodina recorded an increase in the number of arrivals (+7,0%), while the other two regions, Šumadija and Western Serbia and South and Eastern Serbia recorded a decrease of 6,8% and 1,6% respectively. In terms of overnight stays, domestic tourists were dominant in all regions except for Belgrade, amounting to 3.925.221 of overnight stays (3,4 nights per tourist), while foreign tourists amounted to 2.161.054 of overnight stays (or 2,1 night per tourist), making 6.086.275 of overnight stays in total. Five outbound markets with the largest amount of overnight stays are: (1) Bosnia & Herzegovina; (2) Russia; (3) Montenegro; (4) Croatia; and (5) Germany. Tourists from Portugal recorded 6.869 overnight stays in 2014, and 3.678 during the period January-July 2015. 4. TOURISM OFFER 4.1. Portuguese Tourism Products Due to the diversified territory with vast resources, Portuguese authorities were able to develop ten main strategic products during the period between 2007 and 2015: ◆ Sun and Sea; ◆ City Breaks; ◆ Gastronomy and Wine; ◆ Golf; ◆ Meetings Industry; ◆ Health and Wellness; ◆ Nature Tourism; ◆ Cultural and Scenic Touring; ◆ Nautical Tourism; ◆ Resorts and Residential Tourism. The study of each strategic product per region allowed to understand their stage of development, through the use of a proper matrix, (Ministry of Economy and Employment, 2013): (1) Emergent, (2) Complementary, (3) Under Development or (4) Consolidated. According to the above –given Portugal tourism clusters, Sun and Sea is a consolidated product in the Algarve Region, being under development in Madeira. The other regions are in a secondary phase (Complementary) with the exception of Azores where it has no expression; City Break is a primary product in Lisbon and in Oporto and North (mainly in Oporto city) it is under development; Gastronomy and Wine is a Complementary Product in seven regions, thanks to a great variety of unique gastronomic resources; Golf has its main expression in Algarve, being Lisbon Under Development and Madeira and Oporto and North Complementary. Meetings Industry is Consolidated mainly in Lisbon city, and has secondary expression in Algarve and in Oporto and North (mainly Oporto city) is a Complementary product; Health and Wellness has a major impact in Oporto and North and in Centro, being at its second stage in Lisbon, Algarve and Madeira; Nature Tourism is Consolidated in Azores and Madeira, Under Development in Alentejo, Centro, Oporto and North, Algarve and Lisbon; Cultural and Scenic Touring is a Consolidated Product in Lisbon, Oporto and North, Centro, Madeira and Alentejo, being Under Development in Azores and Complementary in Algarve; Nautical Tourism in Under Development in Alentejo, Algarve, Lisbon, Madeira and Azores and Emergent in Oporto and North; Resorts and Residential Tourism is a Consolidated Product in Algarve, Under Development in Lisbon and Emergent in Madeira and Alentejo (Ministry of Economy and Employment, 2013). 4.2. Serbian Tourism Products Tourism Development Strategy has defined a group of tourist products of special interests as potential development drivers, whose eventual commercialization could be applied to other investment and technologically demanding products. These products are the following (Strategija razvoja turizma Srbije, 2006): ◆ City break; ◆ Roundtrips (Touring); ◆ Business tourism + MICE; SITCON 2015 - KEY ISSUES ON TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS ◆ Health tourism (Spa/wellness); ◆ Mountain and lake holidays; ◆ Nautical tourism; ◆ Events; ◆ Rural tourism; ◆ Special interests. City break, which includes sightseeing, shopping, museums and galleries, festivals and other events, as well as MICE (Jovanović, 2013, p. 93) is bound to larger cities, such as Belgrade and Novi Sad, which are defined as primary city breaks and MICE destinations, while Niš, Kragujevac and Subotica are secondary destinations. According to the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, 581 events were registered in 2010 (Jovanović, 2013, p. 151), which makes the events one of the main tourism products. There are already several worldwide festivals, such as Dragačevo trumpet festival in Guča, EXIT festival in Novi Sad, Belgrade Beer Fest and Nišville Jazz Festival in Niš. As for roundtrips (or touring), wine and cultural routes emerge as the main products. The main vineyard regions are along the three Morava Rivers (South, Western and Great) and Sava, Danube and Tisa, with one along the Timok River in Eastern Serbia. The main wine routes are (Turistička organizacija Srbije, 2013a): Palić wine route, Fruška gora wine route, Vršac wine route, Smederevo wine route, Oplenac wine route, Negotin wine route, Knjaževac wine route and Župa wine route. The main products of cultural routes are (Turistička organizacija Srbije, 2013b): Route of the Roman emperors, Transomanica and Fortress on the Danube, which present three routes through three periods of Serbian history. Besides these three, potential cultural routes could be: Ibar zone of medieval heritage, and Morava zone of antic times and medieval heritage (Maksin, 2012, p. 173). With over 1.000 springs of cold and warm mineral water (Turistička organizacija Srbije, 2013c), and over 53 thermal localities, health tourism presents one of the main tourism products that should be further developed, with Vrnjačka Banja as the primary destination, and Sokobanja, Jošanička Banja, Banja Koviljača and Prolom Banja as alternative destinations. For mountain holidays, the Strategy defined Kopaonik, Tara and Zlatibor as the main destinations, and Đerdap Lake as the main lake holiday destination. Besides Đerdap Lake, the river Danube is defined as the main nautical tourism destination, with Sava and Tisa as alternatives. Based on a study conducted in 2008 for the Framework of sustainable development of rural tourism in Serbia, the following regions were defined and studied in detail, which could represent the main rural tourism products (Jovanović, 2013, p. 115): Eastern Serbia (Pirot, Knjaževac, Zaječar, Dimitrovgrad and Negotin); Lower Danube (Veliko Gradište, Golubac, Majdanpek and Kladovo); South Banat (Alibunar, Bela Crkva, Kovin and Vršac) and Central Serbia (Valjevo, Ljig, Gornji Milanovac, Kosjerić and Mionica). 5. NATIONAL TOURISM REGULATION AND STRATEGY 5.1. Tourism Regulation in Portugal Portuguese tourism sector exerts great impact not only in economic terms, but also within the social framework, being an indispensable tool for regional and national development 103 SITCON 2015 - OSNOVE KONKURENTSKOG POLOŽAJA TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE (Fazenda, Silva, & Costa, 2008). Tourism sector is integrated within the Ministry of Economy, in a smaller structure called Tourism Secretary of State. Turismo de Portugal, I.P. is known as the maximum authority, being responsible for management and stimulation of tourism industry. Identified as a public entity, its main obligations include the elaboration of Portugal Tourism Policies, but also the promotion and enhancement of the national tourism activity. As described in the Decree-Law 191/2009, dated August 17th, the National Tourism Policy has the following primary objectives (Ministry of Economy and Innovation, 2009): (i) the increase of tourist flows, average stay and average spending of domestic and foreign tourists; (ii) the contribution to social and economic development of the country, employment generation, GDP growth and decrease of regional disparities; (iii) the reinforcement of the tourism regional organization, in order to provide a better understanding between the local communities and different stakeholders; (iv) access improvement of tourism benefits to the residents; (v) better accessibilities to handicap or disabled individuals; (vi) the stimulus to international competitiveness of tourist activity through a qualified supply side and through innovation and creativity; (vii) the development of favourable conditions to enhance private investment in tourism; (viii) the development of the national tourism identity; (ix) the incentive to create public-private partnerships; (x) introduction of compensatory mechanisms to local communities, due to the use of the territory for tourism purposes. The document “Turismo 2020 – Cinco princípios para uma ambição” (five principles to an ambition), which defines a wide range of policies and strategies for the tourism sector for the period between 2016 and 2020, replaces the National Strategic Plan for Tourism (2007-2015) and was elaborated with the aim of changing the existing paradigms of “a prescriptive, closed and state plan” (Tourism Secretary of State, 2015). This document defined a very clear objective for Portugal: make it the most agile and dynamic destination in Europe, always taking into account competition and qualification issues. In that sense, this ambition requires that Portugal will: ◆ have to be a sustainable destination with high quality patterns; ◆ be a destination with very competitive enterprises; ◆ turn in an entrepreneur destination; ◆ become interconnected to the rest of the world; ◆ be managed in an effective way; ◆ be an unforgettable destination. Furthermore, the ambition of the new national tourism policy considers a set of five fundamental principles – People, Freedom, Openness, Knowledge and Collaboration. Those factors have influenced all previous public actions and it is certain that they will continue to make the difference in order to turn Portugal into an excellence destination. In this sense, all the strategies of this new Plan intend to create a dynamic and agile destination, to grow faster than the main competitors and be more competitive (Tourism Secretary of State, 2015). 5.2. Tourism Regulation in Serbia 104 In Serbia, tourism related regulations, policies and laws fall under the authority of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications. The ministry is further divided into sectors, among which the tourism sector operates in the tourism area. Its responsibility is to perform actions that relate to (Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, 2015): (i) Implementation of the Tourism Law and Tourism Development Strategy on the national level; (ii) Monitoring and analysis of the system solutions, law regulations and economic policy measures for operation and development of the tourism economy; (iii) Proposition of measures for tourism product and services’ quality improvement and tourism offer competitiveness; (iv) Implementation of the adopted master plans; (v) Monitoring of the development, proposition of measures and implementation of activities for education and training of tourism workers, with the aim of increasing the employment rates; (vi) Integrated planning of tourism development and development of tourism related activities; etc. In 2006, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Tourism Development Strategy for the period until 2015. This is the third document of this kind to be adopted. In 1986, the Government adopted the Concept of Tourism Development until 2000 and in 1999 the Tourism Strategy with the development goals until 2010 and the vision until 2020. According to Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the Tourism Law (Strategija razvoja turizma Srbije, 2006, p. 6), the objectives of the Serbian Tourism Development and tourism interests of the Republic of Serbia are the following: 1. Stimulating the economic growth, employment rates and residents’ life quality through international tourism development; 2. Ensuring the development of positive national image at the international level; 3. Ensuring long-term protection and integrated management of natural and cultural resources, which contributes to sustainable tourism development; 4. Ensuring international quality standards for tourism consumers’ protection in line with the contemporary European practices. Within the tourism strategy, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications (2006) has developed a very complete and thorough Strategic Marketing Plan at the national level, positioning each tourism region and discussing each tourism product, mentioned in the Chapter 4.2. Marketing goals are defined as follows (Strategija razvoja turizma Srbije, 2006, p. 25): 1. to position Serbia as a tourism destination at the global tourism market; 2. use the maximum sales efforts to increase multiple times the number of foreign visitors and domestic tourism traffic, in line with the life standard capacities of the country’s population; 3. to establish and operationalize country’s marketing system at the national, regional and local levels. 6. CONCLUSION There is space for further tourism development in both of the surveyed countries, and each should define development perspectives. As for Serbia, a new tourism development strategy should be adopted, and steps should be taken towards implementation of aims and tasks defined, and further improvement of its infrastructure, including activation of other airports in the country, especially in the western part like Užice and Kraljevo. Also, Serbia should particular- ly define its primary outbound markets towards which further marketing plans would be aimed. Regarding Portugal’s future strategic actions, and bearing in mind that Portugal is a destination extremely dependent on the so called “traditional outbound markets” (e.g. United Kingdom, Spain, France), it’s imperious to look forward to new emergent markets such as the People’s Republic of China, India and Russia, which can add a significant value to the Portuguese tourism and economic sectors. Besides a closer look to the outbound markets, the authorities of both countries should continue to enhance promotion campaigns, with charming strategies, in order to increase the number of visitors and reinforce human resources training actions, becoming more effective and efficient to better understand the needs of visitors. To conclude, it’s also fundamental to captivate new private investment to strengthen tourism offer, without neglecting the legislative and supervisory role of the state, which brings us to the necessity of establishing equilibrium between these two sides. REFERENCES Dinis, C. (2013). Investimento público e desenvolvimento local no norte de Portugal, Dissertação de Mestrado. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. Fazenda, N., Silva, F., & Costa, C. (2008). Política e planeamento turístico à escala regional: o caso da Agenda Regional de Turismo para o Norte de Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 18, 77-100. Jovanović, V. (2013). Tematski turizam. 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Lisboa: Ministério da Economia. Turismo de Portugal. (2014a). Dormidas em estabelecimentos hoteleiros, aldeamentos e apartamentos turísticos e outros (2004-2013). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2015a). Dormidas em estabelecimentos hoteleiros, aldeamentos e apartamentos turísticos e outros (2013-2014). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2015b). Dormidas em estabelecimentos hoteleiros, aldeamentos e apartamentos turísticos e outros (2015). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2014b). Hóspedes em estabelecimentos hoteleiros, aldeamentos e apartamentos turísticos e outros (2004-2013). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2015c). Hóspedes em estabelecimentos hoteleiros, aldeamentos e apartamentos turísticos e outros (2013-2014). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2015d). Hóspedes em estabelecimentos hoteleiros, aldeamentos e apartamentos turísticos e outros (2015). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2014c). Receitas turísticas da rúbrica “Viagens e Turismo” da Balança de Pagamentos (créditos) (2004-2013). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2015e). Receitas turísticas da rúbrica “Viagens e Turismo” da Balança de Pagamentos (créditos) (2013-2014). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turismo de Portugal. (2015f). Receitas turísticas da rúbrica “Viagens e Turismo” da Balança de Pagamentos (créditos) (2015). Lisboa: Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Turistička organizacija Srbije. (2013c). Banje i klimatska mesta. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from http://www.srbija. travel/destinacije/banje-i-klimatska-mesta/ Turistička organizacija Srbije. (2013b). Putevi kulture. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from http://www.srbija.travel/ kultura/putevi-kulture/ Turistička organizacija Srbije. (2013a). Putevi vina. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from http://www.srbija.travel/destinacije/putevi-vina/ Uredba o nomenklaturi statističkih teritorijalnih jedinica. (2010). Službeni glasnik RS 46/2010 . WTTC. (2015a). Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2015 Portugal. The World Travel & Tourism Council. WTTC. (2015b). Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2015 Serbia. The World Travel & Tourism Council. 105 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-106-109 ANALIZA PODRUČJA POSLOVNOG ODLUČIVANJA HOTELSKIH PREDUZEĆA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Slobodan Čerović, Nikica Radović* Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt: Proces donošenja poslovnih odluka u hotelskom poslovanju uslovljen je specifičnostima poslovanja koje karakterišu ovu delatnost. U ovom radu akcenat je stavljen na ispitivanje zastupljenosti različitih poslovnih odluka u procesima hotelskog poslovanja. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 38 menadžera hotela sa tri, četiri ili pet zvezdica. Osnovni cilj istraživanja u ovom radu odnosi se na analizu i utvrđivanje načina poslovnog odlučivanja u hotelskim preduzećima u Republici Srbiji. 1. UVOD 106 U svakodnevnom poslovanju menadžera sveprisutno je donošenje odluka, kao rezultat mnogobrojnih situacija u kojima se mogu naći. „Donošenje odluka je najvažnija menadžerska aktivnost“ (Petković, Janićijević, & Bogićević, 2003) i zastupljena je u svim menadžment strukturama preduzeća. U skladu sa tim, definišemo operativne i strategijske odluke. Operativne odluke se odnose se na dnevne i rutinske poslovne odluke kojima se uspešno rešavaju tekuće poslovne aktivnosti, a donose se na nižim nivoima u organizacionoj strukturi preduzeća. Strategijske odluke se odnose najčešće na: definisanje ciljeva poslovanja preduzeća, investicione odluke, proces budžetiranja, politiku cena i slične koji utiču na rezultate budućeg poslovanja preduzeća, a donose se u vrhu organizacije. Hotelijerstvo predstavlja složen i specifičan sistem poslovanja u okviru kog su zastupljene i operativne i strategijske odluke, pa je veoma važno pravilno poslovno odlučivanje (Radović & Radojević, 2015). Poslovanje hotelskih preduzeća karakterišu određene specifičnosti (Barjaktarović, 2013): ◆ Uslužna delatnost koja je uslovljena zadovoljstvom korisnika uz nezaobilaznu platežnu sposobnost; ◆ Sezonalnost kao vremenska dimenzija poslovanja izražena kod velikog broja smeštajnih kapaciteta; ◆ Nedeljivost usluge zato što se proces proizvodnje i konzumiranja hotelskih usluga odvijaju istovremeno; ◆ Ograničenost ponude u zavisnosti od veličine (broja) smeštajnih kapaciteta koje preduzeće ima na raspolaganju; ◆ Visok stepen interpersonalnih odnosa zaposlenih i gostiju hotela; ◆ Visoki fiksni troškovi itd. * [email protected] Ključne reči: hotelsko poslovanje, poslovno odlučivanje. Uslovljenost navedenim specifičnostima hotelskog poslovanja ukazuje na važnost poslovnog odlučivanja u više poslovnih područja i na različitim menadžment nivoima. S tim u vezi, možemo definisati više vrsta specifičnih odluka koje se vezuju za delatnost hotelskog poslovanja: odluke o kapacitetima, odluke o određivanju asortimana usluga, odluke o politici cena, odluke o upravljanju troškovima, odluke o budžetiranju, odluke o finansiranju tekućih aktivnosti, investicione odluke i slično. 2. ANALIZA PODRUČJA POSLOVNOG ODLUČIVANJA HOTELSKIH PREDUZEĆA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI U cilju upoznavanja i analize područja poslovnog odlučivanja u poslovanju hotelskih preduzeća u Srbiji, krajem 2014. godine realizovali smo istraživanje na uzorku od pedeset hotelskih preduzeća koja posluju na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Kao instrument istraživanja primenjen je anoniman anketni upitnik koji je poslat u elektronskoj formi, a na anketu je odgovorilo 38 ispitanika, što čini 76% uzorka. Zadatak istraživanja je bio da se sagledaju specifičnosti poslovnog odlučivanja u hotelijerstvu, sa aspekta poslovnog odlučivanja prema nivoima organizacione strukture i vrstama poslovnih odluka. Na osnovu sagledanih rezultata ankete, uočeno je da su u istraživanju obuhvaćeni hoteli, prema kategoriji, sa tri zvezdice 34%, četiri zvezdice 53% i pet zvezdica 13%. Poslovanje hotelskog preduzeća je složen sistem koji u svom sastavu ima zastupljeno više nivoa menadžmenta (niži, srednji, visoki) raspoređenih u više sektora poslovanja u zavisnosti od veličine hotelskog preduzeća i organizacione strukture koja je određena (sektor soba, sektor hrane i pića, sektor održavanja, sektor finansija, sektor marketinga i sl.). Imajući u vidu da se donošenje poslovnih odluka odvija na svim nivoima menadžmenta, u svim sektorima poslovanja, pri analizi rezultata sprovedene ankete može se zaključiti da su učesnici bili ispitanici iz strukture srednjeg menadžmenta (43%) i visokog menadžmenta (57%) (grafikon 1). Grafikon 1. Pozicije u menadžment strukturi učesnika ankete Na donošenje poslovnih odluka utiču priroda, obim i intenzitet poslovnih aktivnosti, pa u zavisnosti od pozicije na kojoj se, prema organizacionoj strukturi u hotelskom preduzeću, nalazi učesnik ankete različita je zastupljenost vrsta odluka u čijem donošenju i realizaciji zaposleni učestvuju. Na osnovu grafikona 2. možemo zaključiti da 58% učesnika ankete učestvuje u donošenju svih poslovnih odluka anketiranih hotelskih preduzeća. U procesu donošenja odluka o asortimanu usluga učestvuje 21% anketiranih menadžera, o politici cena odlučuje 16% učesnika, dok svega 5% učesnika učestvuje u odlukama koje se odnose na upravljanje troškovima. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES iz svakodnevnog poslovanja učestvuje u odlučivanju o asortimanu usluga, a u manjoj meri i kod politike cena. Grafikon 3. Analiza menadžment pozicija i poslovnih odluka u koje su uključeni Jedna od specifičnosti koja karakteriše hotelsko poslovanje je da nema mogućnosti skladištenja usluga, a koje su osnovni proizvod u ovoj delatnosti, stoga je veoma važno pravilno raspoređivanje i poslovno planiranje prilikom kreiranja budžeta koji predstavlja finansijski plan za određeni vremenski period poslovanja hotelskog preduzeća (Hales, 2005). U procesu kreiranja budžeta u poslovanju hotelskih preduzeća u kojima su zaposleni učesnici ankete 74% je uključeno u proces, dok 26% nije uključeno (grafikon 4). Grafikon 4. Stepen učešća u kreiranju budžeta u poslovanju anketiranih učesnika Grafikon 2. Udeo menadžera u donošenju poslovnih odluka Komparacijom nivoa menadžment struktura na kojima se učesnici ankete nalaze i vrsta poslovnih odluka koje donose potvrđeno je pravilo da visoki (top) menadžment učestvuje u kreiranju ključnih – strategijskih odluka u poslovanju preduzeća. Na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata ankete moguće je uočiti učešće visokog menadžmenta, kao i zastupljenost u donošenju odluka u odnosu na srednji menadžment (grafikon 3). Naime, na osnovu rezultata ankete na pitanje o nivoima menadžment strukture i vrstama odluka koje donose, prezentovanih grafikonom 3, jasno je da u hotelskim preduzećima čiji su zaposleni učesnici ankete visoki menadžment učestvuje u najvećem broju slučajeva u svim ključnim odlukama: odlukama o kapacitetima, o određivanju asortimana usluga, o politici cena, o upravljanju troškovima, odlukama prilikom kreiranja i sprovođenja budžeta i slično. Srednji menadžment na osnovu iskustava Primenom određenog budžeta menadžment hotelskog preduzeća je u mogućnosti da kontroliše, poredi planirane i ostvarene vrednosti u poslovanju svog preduzeća i na taj način ima uvid u rezultate svog poslovanja, kako bi mogao permanentno da vrši korekcije u cilju sprečavanja loših poslovnih rezultata, kao i da organizuje dalje poslovne aktivnosti (Guilding, 2002). Istovremeno, imajući u vidu da u hotelijerstvu svaka prazna soba predstavlja trošak u poslovanju veoma je važno praćenje i analiza u okviru kog se permanentnim monitoringom zauzetosti smeštajnih kapaciteta prati realizacija usvojenog budžeta i prilagođava tržištu, sa ciljem maksimalnog iskorišćenja kapaciteta uz ostvarivanje optimalnih prihoda (Radović & Radojević, 2015). Na osnovu analiziranih rezultata sprovedene ankete na pitanje Da li u toku poslovne godine pratite planirane i ostvarene vrednosti prema usvojenom budžetu za poslovnu godinu? 79% ispitanika primenjuje ovu značajnu tehniku u poslovanju, 13% delimično prati, dok 8% učesnika ankete ne prati vrednosti prema usvojenom budžetu (grafikon 5). 107 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Grafikon 5. Stepen primene usvojenog budžeta u poslovanju anketiranih učesnika Primarna delatnost hotelskih objekata su usluge smeštaja i ishrane, pa je u skladu sa tim važna maksimalna iskorišćenost kapaciteta kojim raspolažu kako bi cilj poslovanja, maksimizacija profita, bio što bliži ostvarenju. Veliki broj hotelskih preduzeća radi ispod praga rentabilnosti poslovanja koji se smatra prihvatljivim, „a to je sa popunjenošću od 50% do 60% kod hotela sa celogodišnjim poslovanjem, dok je kod hotela sa sezonskim poslovanjem poželjna veća popunjenost kapaciteta, ali u skladu sa cenama.“(Čačić, 2010) Procenat popunjenosti smeštajnih kapaciteta u korelaciji je sa prelomnom tačkom rentabilnosti koja predstavlja tačku u kojoj prodaja usluga smeštaja i/ili ishrane po određenoj ceni pokriva fiksne i varijabilne troškove poslovanja hotelskog preduzeća. Prema dobijenim rezultatima sprovedene ankete analizirani su objekti prema kategorizaciji i procentu iskorišćenosti kapaciteta i grafikonom 6. predstavljeni su rezultati koji ukazuju da su najbolji rezultati poslovanja kod hotela sa četiri zvezdice imajući u vidu da se 11 učesnika ankete zaposlenih u objektima sa četiri zvezdice izjasnilo da im je popunjenost kapaciteta 60%, a da 4 anketirana objekta rade sa više od 60% iskorišćenosti kapaciteta. Problem je u poslovanju objekata sa tri zvezdice koji u najvećem broju ispitanika posluju ispod 60% ili na granici iskorišćenosti kapaciteta. formiranja i prezentovanja prodajnih cena formira različite cene u zavisnosti od vrste sobe tj. prave razliku da li je u pitanju jednokrevetna, dvokrevetna, trokrevetna soba, apartman, studio (1/1, 1/2, 1/3, app, st) i slično. Postoje i hotelska preduzeća koja u formiranju i prezentovanju prodajnih cena polaze od cene po osobi za noćenje/aranžman i to 31% učesnika, kao i 18% učesnika ankete koji cene formiraju i prezentuju po sobi za noćenje/aranžman, bez obzira koliki broj gostiju će u njoj boraviti. Kada donose odluku o prodajnim cenama 55% učesnika ankete izjasnilo se da prati kretanje cena kod konkurencije, što je čini se veoma važno kada su u pitanju destinacije na kojima je pozicioniran veći broj smeštajnih objekata (Zlatibor, Kopaonik), u cilju prihvatljivosti od strane gostiju. Grafikon 7. Procentualno učešće hotelskih preduzeća prema politici u pristupu formiranju prodajnih cena Diferencirane cene su cene istog proizvoda ili usluge koje su na različitim tržištima ili prema uslovima poslovanja različite, tj. isti proizvod ili usluga se na dva ili više tržišta prodaju po različitim cenama. U poslovanju hotelskih preduzeća diferencirane cene su zastupljene u širokom obimu, a učesnici ankete su se izjasnili da sezonske cene primenjuje 53% učesnika, 24% primenjuje vikend cene, dok se 45% učesnika izjasnilo da primenjuje CRM (Customer Relationship Managemet) tj. da vodi računa o stalnim (lojalnim) gostima i primenjuju drugačije cene za ovakvu vrstu gostiju. 3. REZIME Grafikon 6. Procenat iskorišćenosti kapaciteta prema kategorizaciji objekta 108 Pitanje iskorišćenosti kapaciteta povezano je sa cenama usluga koje hotelska preduzeća definišu, s tim u vezi veoma je važna politika cena sa kojom se hoteli pozicioniraju na tržištu. Prema Milisavljeviću (2003) „planski pristup donošenju odluka o cenama omogućava uspostavljanje neophodnog mosta između dugoročnih ciljeva i realnosti privrednog poslovanja u kratkom roku.“ Analiza odluka koje se odnose na politiku cena u poslovanju anketiranih hotelskih preduzeća, na osnovu dobijenih i analiziranih rezultata ankete u grafikonu 7. uočljivo je da 84% učesnika ankete prilikom U hotelskom poslovanju menadžeri se u svakodnevnim poslovnim aktivnostima susreću sa raznovrsnim problemima u donošenju poslovnih odluka. Imajući u vidu da je hotel „živi poslovni sistem“ i da su u poslovanju zastupljene određene specifičnosti, često se pojavljuju novi poslovni zahtevi i situacije koji se razlikuju od ustaljenih usluga u poslovanju. Menadžeri su tada u situaciji da moraju brzo i efikasno da reaguju u cilju donošenja odgovarajuće odluke kako ne bi bili ugroženi definisani poslovni procesi, a što može negativno da utiče na goste hotela ili poslovne partnere i na taj način da ugrozi poslovanje i imidž hotela. Sprovedeno istraživanje odnosilo se na sagledavanje stavova poslovnog odlučivanja prema nivoima organizacione strukture i vrstama poslovnih odluka, a pokazalo je da visoki menadžment učestvuje u kreiranju ključnih poslovnih odluka kao što su odluke o određivanju asortimana usluga, o politici cena, odluke o upravljanju troškova i slično, dok drugi nivoi menadžmenta imaju ulogu realizacije i ispunjenja zadatih ciljeva poslovanja. Važnu ulogu prilikom donošenja poslovnih odluka ima dobro osmišljen budžet, svojevrstan finansijski plan poslovanja za određeni vremenski period. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da 74% učesnika ankete tj. 28 menadžera učestvuje u kreiranju budžeta za poslovanje svog hotela, a 79% tj. 30 anketiranih menadžera se izjasnilo da prati planirane i ostvarene vrednosti prema usvojenom budžetu. Pitanje iskorišćenosti kapaciteta je prema rezultatima ankete na prilično lošem nivou, a povezano je sa kategorizacijom objekata, asortimanom usluga i cenama za iste koje hotelska preduzeća definišu. Naime, veoma je važan pristup u donošenju odluka o politici cena imajući u vidu da upravo cene usluga hotelskog preduzeća na tržištu mogu uticati da se gosti odluče za određeni smeštaj. Polazeći od postojanja različitih ciljnih grupa, ponašanja konkurencije na destinaciji, kretanja ponude i tražnje, uz nezaobilazan stepen kupovne moći, veliki broj hotelskih preduzeća odlučuje se za proces diferenciranja cena kako bi bili atraktivni na tržištu, ostvarili prihode i održali svoje poslovanje. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES LITERATURA Barjaktarović, D. (2013). Upravljanje kvalitetom u hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Čačić, K. (2010). Poslovanje hotelskih preduzeća. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Guilding, C. (2002). Financial Management for Hospitality Decision Makers. Oxford: Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann. Hales, J. (2005). Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry. Oxford: Elsevier, ButterworthHeinemann. Milisavljević M. (2003). Marketing. Beograd: Savremena administracija. Petković, M., Janićijević, N., & Bogićević, B. (2003). Organizacija. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet. Radović N., & Radojević T. (2015). Primena tehnike upravljanja prinosima u hotelijerstvu u Srbiji. Zbornik radova/ Međunarodna naučna konferencija iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija i savremenog poslovanja (str. 516518). Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. doi: 10.15308/ Synthesis-2015-516-518 THE ANALYSIS OF CORPORATE DECISION-MAKING IN HOTEL COMPANIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Abstract: The decision-making process in the hotel industry is conditioned by the specifics of the business operations that characterize this industry. The paper places an emphasis on testing the use of various business decisions in the hotel industry. The research included 38 managers working in three, four and five star hotels. The principal aim of the research was to perform the analysis and determine the appropriate decision-making process in hotel companies in the Republic of Serbia. Key words: hotel business, corporate decision-making. 109 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-110-114 STRATEGIJE I MODELI FORMIRANJA CENA U SEKTORU USLUGA SMEŠTAJA Goranka Knežević1*, Jasmina Gržinić2, Vule Mizdraković1, Predrag Vukadinović1 Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Republika Srbija 2 Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Zagrebačka 30, Pula, Hrvatska 1 Apstrakt: U ovom radu pokušali smo da analiziramo strategije i pristupe formiranju cena u sektoru usluga smeštaja. Nestabilni tržišni uslovi u vidu sve učestalijih ekonomskih kriza, imaju značajan uticaj na poslovanje hotela i celokupnog sektora usluga smeštaja. Takvi uslovi zahtevaju od uprave hotela da redovno prilagođavaju cene smeštaja trenutnim uslovima, pri čemu je fleksibinost od velikog značaja. Stoga, neophodno je da privredna društva iz sektora usluga smeštaja pažljivo osmisle strategiju formiranja cena i odaberu odgovarajući model za njeno formiranje. U radu je objašnjen značaj strategija formiranja cena, njihovi ciljevi i najčešće korišćeni modeli. Imajući u vidu karakter tržišta Republike Srbije, predlažemo da uprave hotela koriste modele formiranja cena koji uzimaju u obzir troškovnu komponentu cene, nivo ponude i tražnje, kao i specifičnosti smeštajne jedinice. 1. UVOD 110 Određivanje cena proizvoda i usluga u svakoj delatnosti, kao elemenata marketing miksa, nije, kako se to često smatra, jednodimenzionalan proces. Ovaj proces uključuje, pored marketing stručnjaka koji analiziraju ponudu, tražnju, tržišne segmente, satisfakciju korisnika, ponovljene kupovine, lojalnost, prepoznavanje brenda, i računovođe. Većina pristupa određivanju cena ima efekte na prihode, a time posledično i na profit ostvaren u određenoj delatnosti. Zato je aktivno učešće računovođa važno, kako sa aspekta informacija koje računovođa poseduje vezano za troškove obavljanja usluge ili proizvodnje proizvoda, koji se moraju nadoknaditi iz ostvarenog prihoda, već i sa aspekta ostvarenih profitnih marži koje su najčešće predmet budžetiranja i shodno tome moraju biti adekvatno postavljene. Značaj određivanja cena za dugoročni opstanak preduzeća je primarni faktor uspeha u nekoj delatnosti i osnovni element marketing miksa. Sa aspekta određivanja cena usluga hotelskog i ostalog smeštaja, proces određivanja cena obuhvata cene soba iz kojih je potrebno nadoknaditi kako direktne troškove pružanja usluge, tako i indirektne troškove (amortizacija, grejanje, osvetljenje, električna energija, održavanje higijene i slično). Određivanje cena u sektoru usluga smeštaja je posebno značajno sa aspekta da cene za usluge smeštaja nisu jednoznačne. U pojedinim hotelima za uslugu smeštaja moguće je imati preko 20 različitih cena smeštaja, koje zavise od kvaliteta usluge koja se nudi, kao i dodatnih usluga koje * [email protected] Ključne reči: hoteli, tržišni uslovi, određivanje cena. su u to uključene. To dalje znači da je određivanje cena u sektoru smeštaja proces u kojem su diskreciona prava menadžmenta veoma velika. Cene su sa aspekta menadžmenta hotela jedan od najvažnijih elemenata marketing miksa koji se jednostavno i brzo može prilagođavati uslovima na tržištu, dok su sa aspekta gosta cene ono što gost žrtvuje/ razmenjuje da bi mogao da konzumira uslugu tokom trajanja boravka u hotelu. Cenovna osetljivost korisnika usluga u ovoj delatnosti stavlja korisnika (gosta) u centar pažnje prilikom određivanja cena i potrebu da se, usled ograničenosti ponude, cene usklađuju sa kretanjem tražnje na tržištu. I u ovoj delatnosti zastupljeni su različiti modeli određivanja cena, koji se u načelu mogu podeliti na tri kategorije: a) modeli zasnovani na troškovima , b) modeli bazirani na tržišnim cenama ili cenama konkurencije i c) modeli bazirani na sintetičkom ili dinamičkom pristupu. Postojanje većeg broja modela je zato nužna posledica velikog broja faktora koje određivanje cena usluga smeštaja mora pokriti. Zato se u poslovnoj praksi najčešće sreću kombinovani modeli, iako su u teoriji posebno razmatrani i formulisani pojedinačni modeli određivanja cena usluga smeštaja. Problematika određivanja cena usluga smeštaja obrađena je kroz četiri dela. U prvom delu razmatramo ciljeve određivanja cena u sektoru smeštaja, u drugom se bavimo pristupima određivanja cena zasnovanim na troškovima, u trećem delu pristupima zasnovanim na tržištu, dok je u četvrtom delu obrađena problematika sintetičkog pristupa određivanju cena usluga smeštaja. 2. CILJEVI FORMIRANJA CENA U SEKTORU USLUGA SMEŠTAJA Određivanje cena u sektoru usluga smeštaja ne treba shvatiti olako, jer kao što smo naveli, cena usluge odrediće konačno i uspešnost poslovanja hotela. Imajući u vidu da je ovaj sektor zahteva viskok nivo kapitala, profitabilnost, ali i raspoloživost likvidnim sredstvima od velike je važnosti za normalan razvoj privrednog društva. U suprotnom, poslovanje hotela bi moglo biti okončano sprovođenjem stečajnog postupka i prodajom imovine. Stoga, veoma je važno da uprava kroz ciljeve određivanja cena tačno zna u kom pravcu se kreće poslovanje hotela. Na taj način, možemo imati jasniju sliku šta da očekujemo u budućnosti i kojim instrumentima možemo da odredimo da li su postavljeni ciljevi i ostvareni. Tabela koja sledi prikazuje osnovne ciljeve određivanje cena prema mišljenju velikog broja autora, a koje bi uprava hotela mogla imati u vidu prilikom određivanja cene smeštaja (Vanhove, 2005). Tabela 1. Ciljevi određivanja cena Maksimizacija profita Ostvariti zadovoljavajući nivo profita Maksimizacija prodaje smeštaja Ostvariti zadovoljavajući nivo popunjenosti smeštaja Maksimizacija tržišnog učešća Ostvarivanje zadovoljavajućeg nivoa u tržišnom učešću Povećanje tržišnog učešća Pokrivenost troškova ROI (Prinos na uloženu investiciju) ROA (Prinos na uložena sredstva) Popunjenost postojećih kapaciteta Održavanje nivoa likvidnosti Diferencijacija cena Vođstvo u kvalitetu usluge Zadovoljenje potreba korisnika Stvaranje pozitivnog imidža Stabilnost cena Izbegavanje „ratova cena“ Stabilnost popunjenosti kapaciteta Razvoj tržišta Barijera ulaska novih konkurenata Postizanje sličnog nivoa cena sa konkurencijom Zadržavanje postojećih korisnika Zadovoljenje potreba korisnika Određivanje „fer“ cena sa aspekta korisnika Privlačenje novih korisnika Održivi razvoj i očuvanje poslovanja Ostvarivanje društvenih ciljeva Source: (Vanhove, 2005) SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Na osnovu prethodne tabele, može se zaključiti da ciljeve formiranja cena možemo podeliti na kvalitativne i kvantitativne (Avlonitis & Kostis, 2005). Ova podela ciljeva je izvršena prema njihovoj prirodi, a na osnovu nje mogu se i odrediti instrumenti na osnovu kojih se može izmeriti da li su ciljevi ispunjeni. Tako, na primer, kvantitativni ciljevi mogu biti: neto rezultat, prihod od prodaje, tržišno učešće, popunjenost kapaciteta; dok kao kvalitativne ciljeve možemo odrediti: zadovoljstvo korisnika, kvalitetna usluga, društveni ciljevi, kontinuirano poslovanje i drugi. Ovde dodajemo i rezultate istraživanja sprovednih od strane autora Avlonitis i Kostis (2005) na 170 privrednih društava iz sektora usluga u Grčkoj. Autori su zaključili da anketirana privredna društva uglavnom slede kvalitativne ciljeve, dok su kvantitativni ciljevi u manjoj meri zastupljeni. Takođe, kvalitativni ciljevi se uglavnom odnose na korisnike (privlačenje novih korisnika, zadržavanje postojećih i povećanje zadovoljstva korisnika), što je za očekivati sa aspekta prirode industrije. Kao što se može primetiti, neki od ciljeva koje smo prethodno nabrojali su po vremenskom periodu ostvarivosti kratkoročni (ostvarenje pozitivnog neto rezultata), dok drugi imaju dugoročni karakter (kontinuitet poslovanja). Iako kvalitetno određeni kratkoročni ciljevi i njihovo ostvarenje u planiranom roku pozitivno utiču i na one koje bismo okarakterisali kao dugoročne, insistiranje na definisanju i realizaciji kratkoročnih ciljeva može nepovoljno uticati na poziciju privrednog društva u budućnosti (Avlonitis & Kostis, 2005). Nakon što uprava hotela odredi ciljeve koje želi postići formiranjem cene usluga smeštaja, potrebno je odrediti odgovarajući pristup formiranja cene. Za svaki cilj određivanja cene prema (Jones & Lookwood, 2004, str. 96) postoji odgovarajući metod određivanja cena. Tako prema ovim autorima svi metodi određivanja cena mogu se podeliti u sledeće kategorije prema ciljevima kojima služe: profitno orijentisane metode (metode zasnovane na stopi prinosa, marginalne metode, bazično određivanje cena i integrisano određivanje cena), prihodno orijentisane metode (metode koje se baziraju na marketingu, psihološke metode), konkurentski orijentisane metode (metoda “slediti lidera”) i troškovno orjentisane metode (metoda prelomne tačke, metoda “troškovi plus”) . U našim narednim izlaganjima bavićemo se metodama koje su najčešće u upotrebi radi određivanja referentne cene hotelskog smeštaja. 3. PRISTUPI FORMIRANJU CENA U SEKTORU USLUGA SMEŠTAJA ZASNOVANI NA TROŠKOVIMA I PROFITNO ORIJENTISANE METODE U računovodstvu se najstariji pristupi određivanju cena baziraju na troškovima. Razlog leži u tome što su troškovi pružanja usluga objektivna činjenica od koje se polazi, i na to se dodaje odgovarajuća profitna stopa. Ovaj pristup u praksi ima naziv i „trošovi plus“. Klasična metoda troškovi plus”primenjuje se kako u uslužnim delatnostima, tako i u proizvodnoj delatnosti. Formula za izračunavanje cene prema ovoj formuli je sledeća (Ketabchi, 2008, str. 21): CPP ={VC+ (PC x FC) + PG}, 111 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA gde je; CPP = cena po metodi “troškovi plus”, VC = varijabilni troškovi usluge, FC = fiksni troškovi usluge, PC = kapacitet, PG =željena profitna stopa. 112 U sektoru usluga smeštaja u praksi se koristi kao jedna od varijanti metoda zasnovanog na troškovima i metoda koja nosi naziv „$1 za $1.000“. S obzirom da je delatnost pružanja usluga smeštaja kapitalno intenzivna, sa značajnim ulaganjima koja veoma često imaju dug period povraćaja, određivanje cena usluga smeštaja direktno utiče i na povraćaj investicije. U tom smislu investitori su razvili pristup koji se bazira na zdravoj logici i nazvali ga „$1 za $1.000“. Suština je da se na svakih $1.000 investicije u hotelski smeštaj, cena soba mora povećati za $1. Tako da (Spasić & Čerović, 2013) navode primer da ukoliko izgradnja hotela košta 6.000.000 novčanih jedinica za hotel veličine 200 soba, troškovi izgradnje hotela po sobi iznose 30.000 novčanih jedinica (6.000.000/200). Prema ovom pravilu cena sobe bi minimalno morala biti 30.000/ 1.000 = 30 novčanih jedinica. Osim jednostavnosti, koja je na strani ovog modela, nedostaci su u tome što uzima u obzir istorijske troškove izgradnje hotela i što predviđa prodajne cene ekstrapolacijom trenda (Spasić & Čerović, 2013). Profitno orjentisani modeli za cilj imaju maksimizaciju profita vlasnika i postizanje njegovog zadovoljstva. Model koji se primenjuje u ovoj grupi modela ima naziv po originalnom autoru ovog modela Roy-u Hubbart-u i zove se „Hubartova formula“. Ovo je zvaničan model prihvaćen za određivanje cena hotela od strane Američkog hotelskog udruženja. Model uzima u obzir pokriće svih troškova i to direktnih i indirektnih troškova pružanja usluge smeštaja. S obzirom na to da su svi troškovi vidljivi, model je često u upotrebi i razumljiv za menadžere. Hubartova formula pripada grupi modela „odzdo na gore“(bottom up). Ovaj model polazi od neto ulaganja vlasnika na koje se obračunava zahtevana stopa prinosa na sopstveni kapital i tako se dobija očekivana neto dobit. Na ovaj iznos se dodaju porez na dobit, ostali troškovi, oduzima se dobit od ostalih profitnih centara koji nisu profitni centar- smeštaj i dobija se ukupan prihod. Nakon toga se prihod deli sa godišnjim brojem iskorišćenih soba da bi se dobila dnevna cena po sobi ili ADR (average daily rate). Dnevna cena po jednoj sobi zavisi od predviđene popunjenosti kapaciteta hotela, da li je hotel otvoren cele godine ili samo tokom sezone, kao i od stepena preciznosti predviđanja troškova koji ulaze u obračun. S obzirom na veliki broj informacija koje treba uzeti u obzir prilikom predviđanja dnevna cena po hotelskoj sobi predstavlja samo orjentacionu granicu isplativosti ulaganja u hotel. Često se Hubartova formula koristi za ex ante aktivnosti, kada investitor tek treba da odluči da li želi da investira ili ne. Hubartova formula se može posmatrati i sa aspekta koliko je prihoda potrebno ostvariti dnevno po jednoj sobi u hotelu da bi se pokrili troškovi i ostvario odgovarajući profit za vlasnike. Prilikom utvrđivanja cene sobe prema Hubartovoj formuli slede se odgovarajući koraci koji su prezentovani u nastavku (Vanhove, 2005): a) utvrditi željeni dobitak uzimajući u obzir ulaganja vlasnika u hotel pomnožena sa stopom prinosa na ovo ulaganje koje vlasnik zahteva, b) utvrditi dobit pre poreza deljenjem neto dobiti sa 1stopa poreza na dobit, c) dodati sve fiksne troškove i menadžerske provizije, d) dodati sve poslovne rashode, e) oduzeti dobit ostvarenu u drugim odeljenjima koja nisu usluge smeštaja (restoran, SPA centar i slični), f) utvrditi prihod od prodaje soba da se ostvari odgovarajuća stopa prinosa (tačke od a do e), g) utvrditi godišnji broj iskorišćenih soba, h) utvrditi dnevnu cenu po sobi deljenjem ukupnog prihoda od smeštaja sa godišnjim brojem iskorišećenih soba. Prednosti ovog modela su što polazi od utvrđene stope prinosa na ulaganje koju zahteva potencijalni investitor, kao i od svih troškova pružanja usluge smeštaja koje je iz cene potrebno nadoknaditi. Nedostaci modela su što nije moguće od korisnika očekivati da nadoknadi stopu prinosa na kapital koju zahteva investitor, pogotovo ako je ta stopa nerealno postavljena. 4. TRŽIŠNI PRISTUP FORMIRANJA CENA USLUGA SMEŠTAJA I PRIHODNO ORJENTISANE METODE Korišćenje tržišnog pristupa u određivanju cena posebno je značajno u uslovima pružanja usluga smeštaja, jer tržište diktira po kojim cenama će se soba moći prodavati uzimajući u obzir ponudu i tražnju, konkurenciju, transparentnost u određivanju cena, položaj hotela na tržištu, prepoznatljivost brenda i druge faktore. Ovaj model podrazumeva da je tržište jedini i konačni verifikator određene cene, odnosno da je osnovni cilj ostvariti što više tržišno učešće i prihod. Stoga se ove metode nazivaju prihodno orjentisane metode. Tržišni modeli se stoga baziraju na interdisciplinarnom pristupu i mogu se podeliti na ekonometrijske modele i modele koji se baziraju na ponašanju potrošača (korisnika usluge). Ekonometrijski modeli polaze od pretpostavke da tri faktora utiču na formiranje cena: osobenosti hotela, visina fiksnih troškova i ravnoteža ponude i tražnje (Shaw, 1992). Naime, dva od nabrojanih faktora postavljaju gornju i donju granicu cene smeštaja, a poslednji određuje konačnu cenu. Naime, visina fiksnih troškova koji se moraju pokriti predstavlja donju granicu ispod koje hotel neće postaviti cenu (logika se krije u formuli prelomne tačke), dok iznos novca koji je korisnik spreman da plati kako bi koristio usluge određenog hotela predstavlja gornju granicu. Konačna cena se formira između gornje i donje granice i na nju najviše utiče odnos ponude i tražnju na tržištu, odnosno nivo konkurencije (Shaw, 1992). Ukoliko hotel ima samo jednu ili nekoliko grupa korisnika, onda su modeli koji se baziraju na ponašanju korisnika usluga efikasniji za upotrebu. Naime, ovi modeli podrazumevaju anketiranje korisnika, kojima se postavlja pitanje koliko oni smatraju da je boravak u hotelu skup i kakva očekivanja imaju od hotelske usluge. Na ovaj način određuje se tržišni segment u kojem hotel kokuriše i podešavanjem cene usluga prema očekivanjima korisnika utiče na tražnju ovog segmenta. Na osnovu analize odgovora, mogu se postaviti donje i gornje granice cene, odnosno može se odrediti referentna cena, dok će konačna cena zavisiti od trenutne situacije na tržištu, visine troškova i ostalih faktora (Lewis & Shoemaker, 1997). Nedostatak ovog modela može biti činjenica da ukoliko nije dobro određena ciljna grupa korisnika, referentna cena biće neodgovarajuća. Takođe, u nestabilnim tržišnim uslovima, gde je neophodno učestalo prilagođavanje cena, anketiranje korisnika učiniće ovu metodu skupljom. Treba imati u vidu i to da će odgovori korisnika vremenom postati subjektivni, te je neophodno uzeti referentnu cenu sa rezervom. Suštinski, ova metoda određivanja cena zavisi od metodologije prikupljanja podataka, koja sadrži inherentne rizike. 5. SINTETIČKI ILI DINAMIČKI MODELI FORMIRANJA CENA USLUGA SMEŠTAJA Svi prethodno analizirani modeli imaju opravdanu osnovu za izvođenje cene smeštaja, međutim njihova kombinacija bi mogla rezultirati postavljanjem najoptimalnije cene. Primenom sintetičkih ili dinamičkih modela, kombinuju se različiti modeli formiranja cena. Termin sintetički pristup formiranju cena koristio je (Arnold et al., 1989), a kao najznačajniji model definisao je model diferencijalne premije (differentiation premium approach). Prema originaloj formuli diferencijalna premija je funkcija sledećih faktora: premija dostupnosti, premija ugleda, premija lojalnosti i premija senzitivnosti na cenu. Prema (Arnold et al., 1989, prema Ketabchi, 2008) svaki od pomenutih faktora se može vrednovati na skali od -1 do +1 dok je cena koja se može naplatiti jednaka premiji diferencijacije pomnoženoj sa prosečnom cenom konkurencije, što prikazuju i sledeće dve formule: DP = f (Ap, Rtp, CIp, Psp) i Pdp (SL) = (1+ DP) x ACP gde je tumačenje varijabli sledeće (Arnold et al., 1989, prema Ketabchi, 2008): Ap = premija za dostupnost kapaciteta, Rtp = premija za ugled ili reputaciju, CIp = premija za lojalnost, Psp = premija za cenovnu senzitivnost, Pdp = cena usluge smeštaja nakon uključivanja faktora, DP = premija diferencijacije i ACP = prosečna cena konkurencije za istu uslugu (tip smeštaja). Viša cena na osnovu uključivanja faktora diferencijacije se postiže ukoliko postoji kapacitet za datu uslugu, ako hotel ima veći ugled i lojalnost korisnika usluge, kao i ako isti nisu senzitivni na promene cene. Na osnovu ovog modela definisan je višestepeni model određivanja cena koji polazi od toga da tržišno određena cena ili Pdp u prethodnoj formuli zavisi od cene konkurencije uvećane za premiju diferncijacije. Prema višestepenom modelu, nakon određivanja pozicije hotela na tržištu i konkurentske prosečne cene i premije diferencijacije, određuje se cena hotela prema modelu “troškovi plus”. Nakon toga se obe cene porede i ako je Pdp viša od cene na osnovu modela “troškovi plus” onda se Pdp uzima kao cena usluge u tom hotelu. Ako to nije slučaj menadžeru na raspolaganju stoje sledeće alternative: da uzme Pdp cenu kao osnovnu, a da cenu “troškovi plus”tretira kao internu informaciju ili da unapredi program diferencijalne premije (Ketabchi, 2008). SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Prethodno izlaganje sintetičkih modela određivanja cena za cilj je imalo da pokaže da je proces određivanja cena kompleksan i multifaktorski determinisan i da kao takav predstavlja jedan od najsloženijih zadataka za menadžment hotela. Osim toga, sintetički pristup pokazuje da u hotelijerstvu nije dovoljno poznavati troškove i željenu profitnu stopu, već se zbog prirode posla u obzir moraju uzeti i subjektivni faktori koji zavise od percepcije korisnika vezano za tu uslugu (lojalnost, dostupnost kapaciteta, transparentnost cena hotelskih usluga, cenovna senzitivnost). Kako se percepcije menjaju, menja se i premija diferencijacije, čime se vraćamo na početnu hipotezu da je zadovoljstvo korisnika “condition sine qua non” za određivanje cene koju je moguće postići za datu hotelsku uslugu. Prema (O’Fallon & Rutheford, 2011, str. 339) smatraju da je određivanje cena hotela zapravo jedna kombinacija nauke, umetnosti i intuicije. 6. ZAKLJUČAK Formiranje cena u hotelima i privrednim društvima koja vrše usluge smeštaja obično se vrši jednom godišnje kada se na osnovu sastavljenih budžeta i ostalih faktora formira cena. Međutim, ukoliko uprave hotela žele da ostvare određene ciljeve, prilagođavanje formiranih cena mora se vršiti nekoliko puta u toku godine. Razlozi za to mogu biti: loša popunjenost kapaciteta, poseta većih grupa korisnika, aktivnosti konkurencije, sezonska ponuda smeštaja. Nestabilno tržište Republike Srbije zahteva od uprave hotela da uzme u obzir više faktora pri formiranju cena. Pre svega, potrebno je utvrditi nivo planiranih troškova, to bi moglo da posluži kao donja granica ispod koje nije ekonomski opravdano poslovati. Sledeći korak bio bi segmentiranje tržišta i određivanje ciljnih grupa korisnika. Potrebno je otkriti koji vid usluge i koje karakteristike hotela motivišu korisnika da plati veću cenu za uslugu smeštaja. Imajući u vidu da su tržišta u razvoju, kakvo je tržište Republike Srbije, atraktivna stranim investitorima, potrebno je imati u vidu i aktivnosti realne i potencijalne konkurencije. Prethodno pomenti koraci trebalo bi da dovedu do formiranja cene smeštaja koj bi omogućio realizaciju ciljeva poslovanja i obezbeđenje kontinuiteta poslovanja privrednog društva. LITERATURA Arnold, D.R., Hoffman D.K., & McCormick, J. (1989). Service Pricing: A Differentiation premium approach. Journal of Service Marketing, 3 (3), 25-33, prema Ketabchi, M.H. (2008) Service Pricing strategy in the Application of Hotel industry, Ketabchi, M.H. , Luela University of Technology Avlonitis, G., & Kostis, I. (2005). Pricing of Services: An Empirical Analysis from the Greek Service Sectors. Journal of Marketing Management, 21 (1), 339-362. Jones, P., & Lookwood, A. (2004). The management of hotel operations. London: Thomson. Ketabchi, M.H. (2008). Service Pricing strategy in the Application of Hotel industry. Ketabchi, M.H., Luela University of Technology. Lewis, R., & Shoemaker, S. (1997). Price-sensitivity Measurement. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 38 (2), 44-54. 113 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA O’Fallon, M.J., & Rutheford, D.G. (2011). Hotel management and operations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Shaw, M. (1992). Positioning and Price: Merging Theory, Strategy and Tactics. Hospitality Research Journal, 15 (2), 31-39. Spasić, V., & Čerović, S. (2013). Ekonomsko-finansijska analiza poslovanja preduzeća u hotelijerstvu i turizmu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Vanhove, N. (2005). The Economics of Tourism Destinations. Burlington: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. PRICING STRATEGIES AND METHODOLOGIES IN THE HOTEL AND LODGING INDUSTRY Abstract: In this paper, we attempt to analyze strategies and perspectives in determining prices in the hotel and lodging industry. Unstable market conditions leading to frequent financial crises exert considerable impact on hotel business and pricing strategies applied by hotel managers. Such conditions require that hotel managers adjust room rates on a daily basis so as to comply with the market conditions, with flexibility being particularly important in setting up prices. Therefore, all companies in this sector must thoroughly investigate market conditions and set up an adequate pricing strategy in order not to cease its operations. This paper highlights the relevance of pricing strategies, their goals and the most widely used pricing methodologies by hotel managers. Bearing in mind the market conditions in Serbia, we advise hotel managers to use pricing methodology based on costs, demand and supply, and the specificity of their accommodation facilities. 114 Key words: hotels, market conditions, pricing methodology. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-115-121 ARHITEKTURA KAO FAKTOR KVALITETA HOTELSKOG PROIZVODA Đorđe Čomić* Visoka hotelijerska škola strukovnih studija, Kneza Višeslava 70, Beograd, Republika Srbija Apstrakt: Arhitektura je bitan faktor koji utiče na vizuelni identitet hotela, njegov imidž, ukupni doživljaj i intenzitet satisfakcije od strane potencijalnih korisnika. Imajući u vidu da su u praksi retki hoteli koji su umetnički vredni, originalni i jedinstveni, u ovom radu će se analizirati neka ključna pitanja hotelske arhitekture kao integralnog faktora kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. U prvom delu razmatra se koncept kvalitetne hotelske arhitekture, koji se bazira na određenim empirijskim istraživanjima i relevantnim analizama slučajeva kojima se identifikuju ključne determinante kvaliteta: obogaćivanje kulturne ponude, promocija nacionalnog turizma, izgradnja korporativnog identiteta, brendiranje posredstvom arhitekture, komparativne prednosti, životni stil, duh vremena i mesta, kvalitet boravka gostiju i zaposlenih, održivost, interesovanje medija, itd. U drugom delu rada se, na osnovu analize teorijskih radova, izvode osnovni principi „arhitekture sreće“ koji mogu poslužiti kao smernice pri projektovanju hotela: veza sa okolinom, originalnost, red, ravnoteža, elegancija i koherencija. Na osnovu primene prikazanih principa izvršena je kritička analiza arhitektonskog oblikovanja hotela Falkensteiner u Beogradu. 1. UVOD Teoretičari socijalnog razvoja savremeno društvo sukcesivno ili simultano etiketiraju kao „potrošačko“, „globalno“, „informatičko“, međutim, javljaju se sve češće i pojmovi kao što su „društvo doživljaja“ i „društvo spektakla“, odnosno „carpe diem društva“ koja su bazirana na „principu zadovoljstva“ (Frojd). To praktično znači da ljudi u savremenom društvu sve više traže različite vrste proizvoda i usluga, odnosno prijatne doživljaje i spektakle, koji će im omogućiti da „sada i ovde“ (hic et nunc) iskoriste dan uživajući u nečemu. Ovde se, bez sumnje, radi o jednom „radikalno hedonističkom“ sistemu vrednosti u kome se najviše ceni užitak po sebi, a uspešnost sopstvene egzistencije se meri akumulacijom prijatnih doživljaja u jedinici vremena (tokom dana, nedelje, godine i života). Većina teoretičara se slaže da je ovakva životna filozofija posledica, između ostalog, razočaranja u „veliku naraciju“ i istorijske promašaje velikih religija i ideologija, što je dovelo do i nihilizma iz koga se izrodio postmoderni ironični odnos prema dominantnim vrednostima i okretanje ličnom zadovoljstvu kao najvišoj vrednosti. Kada je reč o hotelijerstvu, Baum (1985) smatra da je prava mera uspeha u hotelskom poslovanju upravo - zadovoljstvo. Da bi se to ostvarilo, hotel treba da bude tako projektovan, izgrađen, organizovan i opremljen kako bi proi* [email protected] Ključne reči: estetika, doživljaji, zadovoljstvo, principi, diferencijacija. zveo i ponudio kao robu spektar različitih zadovoljstava po određenoj ceni. Ukoliko je sve dobro urađeno i usklađeno, ono što gost doživljava tokom boravka i čega se seća je upravo zadovoljstvo (intenzitet satisfakcije). Ono što gosti žele je određena posebna vrsta uživanja u sofisticiranim doživljajima koje samo hoteli mogu da pruže. Najzad, intenzitet doživljene satisfakcije tokom boravka je bitan faktor koji utiče na lojalnost gostiju, odnosno na njihovu želju da se ponovo vrate u isti hotel ili ga preporuče drugima. Zadovljstvo hotelskim proizvodom nije homogena kategorija, već se sastoji od brojnih komponenti koje se međusobno prepliću. Tako, na primer, izvor zadovoljstva može biti lokacija, usluga, gastronomska ponuda, zaposleni, animacija, društveni život ali i arhitektura zgrade. Eksterijer i enterijer hotela se u ovom kontekstu javljaju kao estetski objekti koji mogu da izazovu estetske doživljaje kod gostiju, a ti estetski doživljaji utiču na osećanje zadovoljstva (pre, tokom ili posle boravka u hotelu). Različita empirijska istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu da savremeni gosti sve više traže i očekuju od hotela da im pruži „totalni estetski doživljaj“, bilo da se radi o izgledu same zgrade, o društvenim prostorima, restoranima, banket salama ili sobama. Pri tome gosti očekuju da nameštaj (stolovi, stolice, fotelje, kreveti), brojni dekorativni elementi (draperije, prekrivači, vaze, lampe, umetničke slike i skulpture), uređaji i oprema (televizori, lavaboi, slavine, radijatori), ali i 115 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA hrana i piće koji se nude takođe budu dizajnirani i prezentirani u skladu sa visokim estetskim standardima. To praktično znači da u „estetizovanom društvu“ sve podleže estetskom oblikovanju i „totalnom dizajniranju“, odnosno da je estetika integralni deo kvaliteta svakog proizvoda i da od nje u velikoj meri zavisi uspeh na tržištu. Umetnička vrednost i lepota hotelske zgrade, njenog eksterijera i enterijera, kao i celokupnog sadržaja koji se u noj nalazi, ne predstavlja više neku odvojenu, dodatno nakalemljenu kategoriju, već čini nerazdvojni, inherentni deo ukupnog kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. Imajući to u vidu, predmet analize će biti arhitektura kao faktor kvaliteta, kao i neki ključni opšti principi i konkretne smernice za realizaciju „kvalitetne hotelske arhitekture“ koja može da izazove prijatne estetske doživljaje, doprinese većem intenzitetu satisfakcije gostiju i njihovoj sreći. 2. KONCEPT KVALITETNE HOTELSKE ARHITEKTURE 116 Poznato je da turistički najatraktivnije i najposećenije kategorije kulturno-istorijskog nasleđa određene zemlje čine različite građevine. Upravo one najviše fasciniraju turiste, kako zbog toga što su u stanju da posmatračima pruže nezaboravne estetske doživljaje, bilo da se posmatraju spolja sa distance ili da se ulazi u njihovu unutrašnjost (što omogućava osećanje analogno ulasku u skrivenu unutrašnjost ili utrobu). Predmet interesovanja turista su vredna arhitektonska dela koja su nastajala u različitim civilizacijama i geografskim prostorima tokom istorije (od Piramida u starom Egiptu, preko antičkih hramova u Grčkoj i Rimu, do čuda savremene arhitekture kao što su Brazilija Oskara Nimajera ili Gugenhajm muzej Ričarda Gerija u Njujorku u Bilbau, zgrada opere u Sidneju, itd. To praktično znači da arhitektura predstavlja glavni oslonac kulturnog turizma. Ona je turistička atrakcija per se i zato se svaka turistička zemlja trudi da što bolje očuva, konzervira ili rekonstruiše arhitektonsko nasleđe i promoviše ga na međunarodnom turističkom tržištu kao nerazdvojni deo nacionalnog identiteta. Pored toga, turistička industrija investira ogromna finansijska sredstva u izgradnju i arhitektonsko oblikovanje brojnih novih objekata, među kojima hoteli, u kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom smislu, zauzimaju najvažnije mesto. Izgradnja ovakvih objekata oblikuje pejzaž i životnu sredinu ljudi koji žive u određenoj zemlji, regiji ili mestu, ali utiče i na kvalitet i intenzitet doživljaja brojnih posetilaca koji tu privremeno borave. Te nove građevine mogu svojim položajem, gabaritom i izgledom unaprediti estetski kvalitet pejzaža, biti neutralne ili mogu uticati na degradaciju pejzaža i umanjenje njegove turističke privlačnosti. To je nažalost češći slučaj, posebno u obalnim i planinskim regijama u kojima hoteli više degradiraju nego što unapređuju estetski kvalitet pejzaža. Naime, zbog odsustva bilo kakve teorijske osnove i koherentne koncepcije planiranja gradova i turističkih mesta, često dolazi do nekontrolisanog i haotičnog razvoja što proizvodi totalni urbanistički i arhitektonski haos. Kako bi se onemogućio ovakav negativan i autodestruktivan razvoj turizma, neophodno je veoma dobro koncipirati i osmisliti politiku razvoja turističke arhitekture u skladu sa specifičnostima svake zemlje kada je reč o njenom kulturnom i istorijskom nasleđu, kao i dugoročnim ciljevima razvoja turizma. U red retkih istraživanja koja se neposredno bave odnosom između turizma i arhitekture, s ciljem da se njihove veze povežu sa konceptualnim, teorijskim i naučnim pristupom, spada i austrijska studija koju su sproveli Savezno ministarstvo za privredu i rad (Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Arbeit) i Privredna komora Austrije (Wirtshaftskammer Ostereeich). Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se identifikuju veze između ekonomske i kulturne tražnje koja se odnosi na turističku arhitekturu Austrije. Zaključci i preporuke do kojih su došli autori nemaju samo lokalni značaj, već poseduju znatno širu upotrebnu vrednost, pa se mogu veoma lako primeniti i u drugim zemljama. Iz pomenute studije su preuzeti, dopunjeni o prilagođeni određeni ključni elementi koji se mogu primeniti i u Srbiji. Imajući u vidu navedeno, koncept kvalitetne hotelske arhitekture ima sledeće ključne karakteristike: potencijal da pozicionira nacionalni turizam na međunarodnom tržištu i da proširi kulturnu ponudu receptivne zemlje; utiče na funkcionalnost i dobrobit (well being) korisnika što doprinosi intenzitetu njihove satisfakcije; doprinosi diferencijaciji korporativnog identiteta hotelskog lanca ili pojedinačnog hotela; pozitivno utiče na proces donošenja odluka o izboru hotela, a takođe se dugo pamti i ostavlja utisak koji ostaje duboko urezan u sećanje; stvara komparativne prednosti; uključuje istorijske i kulturne karakteristike nacionalnog i lokalnog okruženja i daje hotelu mogućnost da stvori kontrapunkt univerzalnoj standardizaciji i da se tako pozitivno diferencira od konkurencije; odražava životni stil i duh vremena (zeitgeist); privlači pažnju javnosti svojim impresivnim vizuelnim oblicima, kreira i šalje poruke u obliku ikoničnih simbola ili pratećih priča (story telling) koje postaju atraktivne teme za komunikaciju; izaziva uzbuđenje, što pojačava interesovanje javnosti, a njeno predstavljanje posredstvom globalnih medija postaje ključan element promocije i propagande; utiče na kvalitet rada, produktivnost i zadovoljstvo zaposlenih; stvaraju stimulativan radni ambijent koji doprinosi i većem samopoštovanju zaposlenih; bazira se na održivosti i može se lako prilagoditi promenama zahteva tražnje tokom vremena, pa je u tom smislu ona troškovno efikasna; vrednost i specifični stil brenda mogu biti doživljeni, odnosno tipični, posebni, jedinstveni i distinktivni elementi brenda se materijalizuju preko arhitekture i prenose ciljnim tržišnim grupama; uspostavlja delikatni balans između specifičnosti identiteta brenda, s jedne strane, i jedinstvenosti duha mesta, s druge strane, kako ne bi došlo do međusobne kolizije ili poništavanja; povećanje vrednosti proizvoda posredstvom arhitekture, kao i vrednost doživljaja koje generiše hotel i, najzad, inovativna ideja i kreativna koncepcija kvalitetne arhitekture doprinose ukupnom intenzitetu zadovoljstva i sreće gostiju. Dakle, koncept kvalitetne arhitekture je kompleksan i dinamičan. On se nikako ne može poistovetiti sa vizuelno dopadljivim, pomodnim, ikoničnim i monumentalnim zgradama koje privlače masovne turiste. Kvalitetna arhitektura, pre svega, mora da poseduje određene estetske kvalitete, da ima umetničku vrednost, da bude u skladu sa duhom mesta i vremena, ali da bude funkcionalna i ekonomski efikasna. Sve to ne znači da ona ne treba i ne može da bude istovremeno atraktivna, ikonična ili monumentalna. Naprotiv, arhitektonska ideja koja uspe da na harmoničan način objedini i međusobno uskladi sve ove kontradiktorne zahteve verovatno će dobiti najviše ocene od stručne javnosti, investitora, korisnika i široke publike. 3. PRINCIPI KVALITETNE HOTELSKE ARHITEKTURE Arhitektonska forma predstavlja centralnu kategoriju pri definisanju, vizuelnom isticanju i diferencijaciji hotelskog proizvoda. Oblik arhitektonskog dela, njegova koncepcija i veličina čine aspekte koji nisu jednostavno i mehanički izvedeni iz funkcije. Plan nikada nije posledica zadatih parametara, s obzirom da tu uvek postoji i komponenta estetske i formalne organizacije. Kako će građevina izgledati iz određenog ugla, koje forme, boje i materijali će biti odabrani, leži u domenu projektanta – umetnika. Arhitektura u izvesnom smislu predstavlja i „ambalažu“ ili strukturalnu komponentu hotelskog proizvoda. Arhitektura zgrade čini spoljni izgled (omotač) hotela koji može da privuče ili odbije potencijalne kupce, bez obzira na kvalitet sadržaja. Vizuelna sofisticiranost i raznovrsni stilski koncepti hotela odražavaju rastući uticaj arhitektonskog oblikovanja kao umetnosti i kulturne istorije. Arhitektonski dizajn utiče na način percepcije i doživljavanja hotela od strane publike – korisnika, tj. na njegov vizuelni imidž. Svaki hotel ima svoje «lice» koje mora biti lepo, dobro uočljivo, privlačno, prepoznatljivo i originalno. Najbolji hotelski dizan je onaj gde su glavne dizajnerske poruke izvode spoljnim izrazom i omotačem hotelske zgrade, ali to ne znači da enterijer ne treba doslovno da prati eksterijer. Savremenu hotelsku arhitekturu karakteriše trend koji se sastoji od individualizacije i kompleksnosti prostorne strukture. Ovaj estetski imperativ posebno važi za hotele više kategorije (na atraktivnim lokacijama) koji veliku pažnju moraju posvetiti vizuelnom kontaktu sa publikom i potencijalnim gostima, od pristupa, brze identifikacije i pogleda na celinu. U gore pomenutom hedonističkom sistemu vrednosti savremenog društva princip „uživanja“ sve više potiskuje princip „rada“ a uspešnost života se meri sukcesijom prijatnih trenutaka koji nas ispunjavaju zadovoljstvom. Svi oni zajedno doprinose osećanju sreće u životu, pa se u tom kontekstu postavlja i pitanje u kojoj meri arhitektura (hotelska u konkretnom slučaju) doprinosi našoj sreći kada se nađemo u ulozi turiste i gosta. U tom smislu britanski filozof De Botton (2007), u svom kapitalnom delu „Arhitektura sreće“ (The Architecture of Happiness), upravo pokušava da dokaže tezu da „arhitektura značajno doprinosi sreći ljudi“. On veruje u značaj arhitekture i njenu sposobnost da nas usreći, navodeći pri tome i detalje kao što su boja zida ili oblik vrata. Da bi postigla svoj cilj da nas učini srećnim, arhitektura mora da se pridržava određenih estetskih principa i zakonitosti kako bi ostvarila lepotu. Međutim, kao što je nemoguće utvrditi egzaktne naučne zakonitosti dobre literature tako je i veoma teško formulisati i objektivne, univerzalne zakonitosti kvalitetne arhitekture. Teoretičari turističke i hotelske arhitekture takođe imaju velikih teškoća pri formulisanju opštih, univerzalnih principa koji kodifikuju naučna načela uspešne gradnje. To je sasvim očekivano, jer čim se formulišu neki racionalni principi, zagovornici relativizma brzo pronalaze uspešne primere iz prakse koji ih diskredituju. Tako, na primer, ukoliko se uzme intimnost kao princip, njega brzo demantuje primer veoma uspešnih hotelskih lanaca koji svoje hotele grade na principu monumentalnosti. To naravno ne znači da istovremeno nemaju uspeha i pojedini hoteli koji su građeni na principu intimnosti (butik i art hoteli). Isto važi i za primenu principa simetričnosti ili asimetričnosti, kao i za brojne SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES druge aspekte arhitektonskog jezika (proporcije, materijali, dekoracija). Sve navedeno ukazuje na poznatu činjenicu da se uspešna arhitektura može realizovati čak i ukoliko se prekrše svi principi koje je postavila neka prethodna epoha, umetnički stil ili teoretičar. Snažni kreativni umovi su u stanju preokrenu sve prihvaćene vrednosti, ideje i rigidne zakone, da ih proglase naivnim, apsurdnim ili da ukažu na njihov utopijski karakter. Sve to ukazuje na relativnost principa i neuhvatljivost tajni kvalitetne arhitekture. Međutim, uprkos tome, ljudski um je tako sazdan da neprestano traži objašnjenja, nove teorije i principe. Istorija nauke je istovremeno i istorija sukoba i sukcesije različitih teorija, pri čemu one koje su se pokazale kao pogrešne silaze sa istorijske scene i ustupaju mesto novim. Analogno tome, ne prestaju ni pokušaji da se formulišu racionalni principi uspešne “arhitekture sreće”, uključujući i hotelske. Imajući u vidu navedene rezerve i ograničen domet univerzalnih principa, moguće je identifikovati određen broj smernica za kvalitetno arhitektonsko projektovanje hotela na osnovu komparativne analize teorijskih radova određenog broja afirmisanih istraživača u ovoj oblasti (BaudBovy & Lowson, 1977; End, 1978; Rutes & Penner, 1985; De Botton, 2007; Trampitsch, 2010; Motta, 2010). Veza sa okruženjem. Lokacija je ključna determinanta arhitektonskog oblikovanja hotela, a to znači da uže i šire okruženje utiču na izbor stila gradnje, materijala, gabarita, boja, itd. Hotelska arhitektura se najčešće prilagođava prirodnom ili izgrađenom okruženju (npr. korišćenje prirodnih materijala kao što su drvo i kamen, stilizacija tradicionalnog stila gradnje u datoj regiji, ograničenje visine kako se vizuelno ne bi ugrozio primat glavne turističke atrakcije u pejzažu, itd.). Interakcija između zgrade i okruženja, odnosno povezanost sa duhom podneblja i mesta utiče na način na koji gosti doživljavaju određeni prostor i aktivnosti u njemu. Prema mišljenju Tablera (1985), hotelska zgrada treba da odražava karakteristike podneblja u kome se nalazi. Ona nije obična stambena zgrada u kojoj su ljudi primorani da žive, već spada u onu kategoriju objekata u gradskom tkivu ili turističkim mestima koje se po svom položaju, lepoti, originalnosti i monumentalnosti izdvajaju od okolnih «običnih» zgrada. Hotelu je neophodna specifičnost koja se crpi iz duha mesta (genius loci) kako bi se klijenti privukli ili vratili, jer on ne prodaje samo usluge već i doživljaje i emocije koje generiše dato mesto. Međutim, pojedini hoteli imaju i per se veoma jak karakter, pa zbog toga nisu pogodni za svakoga, već za specifičan tržišni segment. Glavna ideja u ovom kontekstu je de se ljudima pruži jedinstveni ambijent i doživljaj. Hotelska arhitektura može na različite načine da se uklopi u svoje šire i uže okruženje. To se može postići izborom različitih koncepcija, gabarita, formi, boja i materijala. Međutim, u nedostatku objektivnih i univerzalnih kriterijuma za odgovor na pitanje «šta znači arhitektura prilagođena pejzažu» opšti nivo pojedinih respektivnih zahteva za hotelsku arhitekturu mora biti utvrđen u svakom konkretnom slučaju. Za odnos između zgrade i okruženja postoje dve mogućnosti: ◆ Integracija i prožimanje zgrade sa okruženjem. U ovom slučaju radi se o dobrom uklapanju u sredinu i pejzaž. Cilj je da se struktura novog hotela integriše u prirodno ili izgrađeno okruženje, preuzimajući in- 117 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 118 spiraciju iz njega. Polazna tačka se odnosi na dobro razumevanje specifičnosti ambijenta date lokacije, zatim na njeno povezivanje sa pejzažom i brisanje granice između mesta i hotelske zgrade. U ovom slučaju akcenat se takođe stavlja na interakciji između eksterijera i enterijera – dijalogu između hotelskih gostiju i okolnog pejzaža. Zgrada, kako smatra De Botton (2007), ne treba samo da uskladi svoje različite elemente, već mora biti usklađena i sa okruženjem u kome se nalazi, pri čemu treba da odražava najvažnije vrednosti i karakteristike lokacije i epohe. Ona treba i da odslikava kulturni kontekst i karakteristike lokalne arhitekture, a ne da negira karakter mesta i bude u sukobu sa njegovom prošlošću. Sadašnjost i prošlost treba da koegzistiraju na harmoničan način. Nažalost, brojna neuspela i kič rešenja ukazuju na teškoće u pronalaženju modernih oblika koji bi uspešno integrisali i interpretirati tradicionalne kulturne karakteristike podneblja. Nacionalni arhitektonski identitet, slično nacionalnom identitetu, je pre stvaran kroz istoriju nego što je nastao pod uticajem tla. Privilegija arhitekte u ovom kontekstu je da izabere koje će aspekte lokalne kulture istaći u svojim delima. Adekvatno kontekstualizovane zgrade mogu biti definisane kao one koje obuhvataju neke od najznačajnijih vrednosti i najviših aspiracija sopstvenog vremena i mesta. To podrazumeva sintezu lokalnog i internacionalnog, istorijskog i savremenog, kao i modernu reinterpretaciju i stilizaciju tradicionalnih arhitektonskih stilova, pri čemu tradicionalne forme i moderni materijali vode kreativni dijalog između prošlosti i sadašnjosti. ◆ Zgrada kao antiteza okruženju. Znatno je ređi slučaj kada hotelska arhitektura ne mora da se prilagođava sredini jer je ona neatraktivna, pa se hoteli javljaju kao glavne turističke atrakcije i nosioci transformacije prostora. U slučajevima kada je dati prostor neatraktivan po sebi, odnosno „slab“ u estetskom smislu, hotelska zgrada može da se javi kao „jaka“ atraktivna antiteza, što arhitektama pruža potpunu kreativnu slobodu, prepuštanje slobodnoj imaginaciji i radikalnim inovacijama. Kada turistička arhitektura ne mora nužno da se prilagodi određenom mestu i lokaciji, ona može sebi da dozvoli originalnost, parodiju, pa čak i izvesnu „otkačenost“ (tematski hoteli u Las Vegasu građeni kao glavne turističke atrakcije usred neatraktivne pustinje Nevada), čime će se kompenzirati nedovoljna privlačnost sredine. Hotel treba da bude povezan i sa socijalnom sredinom u kojoj se nalazi, u tom smislu on može da postane privlačno mesto za različite društvene grupe, organizacije i pojedince, bilo da se radi o poslovnim sastancima ili zabavi. Ovakvi hoteli mogu izazvati entuzijazam i podršku lokalne zajednice, a takođe doprinose infuziji nove energije i uzbuđenja u grad. Kao takvi, oni mogu postati značajne društvene institucije, jer podstiču susrete, interpersonalnu i interkulturnu komunikaciju, kao i zajedničke doživljaje gostiju i domaćina pod hotelskim krovom. Originalnost. Danas su očekivanja koja se odnose na komfor i usluge u hotelijerstvu homogenizovana posredstvom globalizacije standarda i međunarodnih putovanja, tako da je oblikovanje hotela često u skladu sa principima „međunarodnog oblikovanja“ (Internacionalnog arhitek- tonskog stila). Imajući to u vidu, standardizacija dovodi do toga da se u hotelima međunarodnih lanaca nalazi na stotine sličnih ili identičnih soba, pri čemu se dešava da praktično nema razlike između soba u hotelu koji se nalazi u Americi, Evropi ili Aziji. Međutim, kada je reč o hotelskoj arhitekturi pojedini gosti (alocentrici) traže nešto novo i ne-doživljeno. To je težnja za radikalnom promenom, želja za potpuno različitim (inverznim), što se materijalizuje kroz diferencirane forme (u funkciji očekivanja različitih segmenata tražnje) čiji je cilj da se izbegnu monotonija i sličnost koju izazivaju standardizacija i repetitivnost, čime se ugrožava jedinstvenost doživljaja. Pojedini klijenti osećaju potrebu da budu iznenađeni nečim nepredviđenim i jedinstvenim, kako bi se osećali „daleko od kuće“. U tom smislu dizajn hotela mora biti uzbudljiv i upečatljiv. Tome doprinose forma, tekstura, tkanje, materijali, svetlo, zvuci, jer svi ovi elementi čine integralni deo oblikovanje hotela i koji stimulišu sva čula i stvaraju uzbudljiv ambijent. Neutralni hotelski lanci koji se upravljaju zakonima komfora i efikasne usluge, a koji se beskrajno ponavljaju po svetu, gube korak u odnosu na diferenciranu ponudu luksuznih i glamuroznih hotela. Ovaj novi trend je direktno transponovan u formu i stil koji su postali ključne vrednosti ponude ovakvih hotela. U ovom kontekstu diferenciranja arhitekture, različiti aspekti lokalne umetnosti i zanatstva dobijaju sve više značaja prilikom projektovanja zgrade. Korišćenje tipičnih i tradicionalnih lokalnih elemenata treba da zameni anonimni i bezlični internacionalni stil gradnje, što omogućava arhitekturi da ostavi utisak autentičnosti. Pored toga, upravo u turističkoj arhitekturi je moguće dozvoliti novine i inovacije jer je čovek na odmoru spremniji da prihvati neuobičajene arhitektonske oblike koji bi mu u svakodnevnom životu izgledali suviše avangardno i ekscentrično. Kada je reč o projektovanju hotela neophodno je, znači, napraviti ravnotežu između kontradiktornih zahteva, odnosno između osećanja avanture i osećanja kao kod kuće (psihocentrična rekonstrukcija intimne sfere sopstvene sobe). Ova kontradikcija može biti razrešena razumevanjem specifičnosti datog prostora i primenom adekvatnog arhitektonskog oblikovanja. Međutim, težnja hotela da omogući gostu intenzivni doživljaj mesta i lokalnog ambijenta u kome se nalazi, ne sme biti ostvarena na štetu primene najviših međunarodnih standarda uređenje i opremanja hotela. Da bi se ostvarila različitost neophodno je težiti originalnom, autentičnom i inovativnom dizajnu hotela koji stimuliše sva čula i um. Ovakav hotel treba dugo da odoleva promenama koje donosi vreme, ali koji će istovremeno biti u stanju da se fleksibilno menja (renovira i rekonstruiše) u skladu sa duhom vremena, jer su promene nužne kako bi se opstalo u tržišnoj utakmici. U savremenom svetu promene su sve brže, pa i u oblasti arhitekture i uređenja enterijera. U tom smislu arhitekte i projektanti su neprestano bombardovani novim informacijama. Imajući to u vidu, investitori sve češće traže od projektanata takve hotelske objekte „koje niko drugi nema“, kako bi hotel bio potpuno drugačiji, kako bi se radikalno diferencirao od konkurencije i ostao na vrhu ponude. Inovacija je ono što većina investitora traži od specijalizovanih projektantskih firmi. Inovacija pruža komparativnu prednost datom hotelu i stavlja ga na sam vrh ponude, pa samim tim dovodi investitora u povoljnu poslovnu poziciju. Najzad, gosti očekuju da hotelske sobe poseduju određen luksuz koji imaju kod kuće ili čak više od toga. Probirljivi gosti traže više od udobnog kreveta za odmor i spavanje, a njihovi zahtevi su sve veći kada je reč o tehnološkim inovacijama, impresivnom i sofisticiranom uređenju enterijera ili odgovornom korišćenju prirodnih resursa i energije. Red. U kontekstu principa reda, De Botton (2007), daje veoma indikativan primer odnosa između simetrije i asimetrije u arhitekturi. Kada je reč o simetriji, utisak lepote i zadovoljstva se vezuje za kvalitet regularnosti, koherentnosti, linearnosti, uniformnosti, repetitivnosti i harmoničnu progresiju. U srcu ove vrste arhitektonske veličine leži koncept poretka. Simetrične zgrade su lepe, kako smatra Le Corbusier, jer usred očigledne nekoheretnosti prirode ili gradova, oni su mesta geometrije, oblast u kojoj praktično vlada matematika. Možemo da se oslonimo na pravilnost i predvidivost i da odmorimo naš um. Međutim, nova arhitektonska dogma koja je preuzela dominaciju u arhitekturi u romantičarskom periodu, stavila je na pijedestal veru u povezanost između arhitektonske veličine i originalnosti. Zbog toga su se arhitekte utrkivale da neprestano smišljaju originalne i nove stilove, što je narušilo vizuelnu harmoniju i poredak, koji su nam omogućavali da izbegnemo dezorijentaciju i haos. Ipak, zaključuje De Botton, naša ljubav prema redu nije bez granica. Preterana simetrija može da provocira osećanje zamora, iritacije ili dosade. Zbog toga je neophodno održavanje tenzije između poretka i haosa. U tom smislu on citira Novalisa je umetnicima savetovao: “U umetničkom delu, haos mora da svetluca kroz veo reda” Ravnoteža. Važna karakteristika dobre arhitekture je i ravnoteža. Lepota se postiže samo onda kada arhitekte vešto uspevaju da uravnoteže brojne suprotnosti kao što su, na primer, staro i novo, prošlost i sadašnjost, prirodno i stvoreno, rustično i geometrijsko, luksuzno i skromno, ruralno i urbano, muževno i ženstveno, itd. Iako dramatično različiti po stilu i materijalu, novi i stari delovi zgrade mogu ipak ostvariti privlačnu harmoniju, kao i čudnu međuzavisnost (npr. kamen i beton, drvo i beton). Ovde se balansiranjem kontrastnih elemenata ostvaruje sinteza i mire suprotnosti. Tako, tenzija između krivih i pravih linija odražava i koliziju između razuma i emocija u nama samima. Kao i zgrade, mi takođe posedujemo unutrašnje kontradikcije koje moraju biti uspešno kontrolisane, antiteze koje moraju biti harmonizovane. Iz ovoga sledi da ravnoteža koju nalazimo u arhitekturi utiče na mentalno zdravlje i sreću. Elegancija. Kao primer elegancije De Botton (2007) uzima savršeno delikatan betonski most (Maillart bridge) koji sa prividnom lakoćom i bez greške povezuje dve strane ambisa. Time privlači našu pažnju i izaziva zahvalnost. On deluje kao da ga je Bog bacio s neba, ali kao delo ljudskih ruku izaziva naše divljenje zbog toga što odoleva uništavajućim silama kao što su toplota, hladnoća, gravitacija ili vetar. Dirnuti smo i zgradama kao što su katedrale, oblakoderi, hangar, tuneli i stubovi, koji kompenziraju našu nesposobnost da prelazimo planine ili nosimo kablove između gradova. Mi na emocionalan način reagujemo na dela koja nas prenose preko daljina koje nikada ne bi smo mogli sami da pređemo ili ona koja nas štite tokom oluje. Izgleda da su utisak lepote i emocionalna snaga arhitektonskih dela proporcionalno povezani sa intenzitetom prirodnih sila koje ona savlađuju. Most predstavlja paradigmu ovakve koncepcije elegancije. On je projektovan kao snažna konstrukcija, a njegova lepota je u tome što deluje kao da svoj teški zadatak SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES obavlja bez napora. Ali pošto mi znamo da to nije tako, utoliko više se divimo i čudimo. Mostu pripada podkategorija lepote koja se može označiti kao elegancija, kvalitet koji je prisutan uvek kada arhitektonsko delo uspeva da odoli snažnom otporu – drži, nosi, štiti – sa elegancijom i snagom, a da pri tome poseduje skromnost koja ne privlači pažnju na teškoće neophodne za savlađivanje prirodnih sila i ostvarenje njegove svrhe. Koherencija. U arhitekturi postoji i opasnost od stilske nejedinstvenosti (npr. između horizontala i vertikala) i konflikta između konstitutivnih elemenata. Zgrada nikada ne govori jednim glasom, već predstavlja hor sastavljan od različitih vokala koji mogu biti skladno usaglašeni ili disonantni. Imajući to u vidu, arhitektonski neuspešne zgrade su one koje nisu uspele da prevaziđu suprotnost između komponenti i namera. Arhitektonska in(koherencija), međutim, nije ograničena samo na pojedinačne zgrade, već i na geografski i istorijski kontekst. Nasuprot tome, uspešnu arhitekturu karakterišu jedinstven stil i beskompromisna koherencija. U ovom slučaju zgrada je uspešna jer je postigla da u svojoj estetici objedini i uskladi različite elemente u logičnu celinu. Lepota je, znači, rezultat koherentnog odnosa između sastavnih delova. 4. ANALIZA SLUČAJA: HOTEL FALKENSTEINER U BEOGRADU Hotel Falkensteiner Beograd otvoren je 2012. godine. Hotel sadrži 175 soba, različitih kvadratura od kojih su 36 soba kategorije rojal i apartmani. Površina zgrade iznosi 7000 metara kvadratnih i raspolaže čitavim spektrom različitih namena koje su po standardima hotela najvišeg ranga. Slika 1. Slika 2. Slika 3. 119 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 120 Hotel je projektovao poznati arhitekta Boris Podreka. Kritičari su ga veoma povoljno ocenili, pa tako Mitrović (2013) smatra da je Podreka, kao protivnik istosti, izgradio originalno i osobeno delo visokih umetničkih dometa: prestižnu poslovnu zgradu i hotel visoke kategorije kao jedinstven gradski objekat. Razdvojio je njihove namene u dve arhitektonske celine koje se internom komunikacijom međusobno povezuju ali likovno potpuno razlikuju. Ovu izraženu dihotiomiju Podreka objašnjava na neuobičajen način tako što kaže da je onaj veći plošni puristički čist kubus sav odeven u otmeno crno maskulinum, koji pod ruku drži nešto nižu femininu u svečano čipkastoj haljini, tvoreći jedan sasvim novi provokativni gradski prizor. Daleko od istosti, nije samo fasada osnovni kvalitet građevine, iza njene likovne opne stoji čvrsta racionalnost i čist funkcionalizam svih sadržaja, što je pružilo podlogu za ostvarenje reprezentativnih i atraktivnih enterijera. U ovom kontekstu se logično postavlja i pitanje u kojoj meri hotel Falkensteiner odgovara prikazanim principima hotelske arhitekture: ◆ Veza sa okolinom. Hotel je smešten u samom centru Novog Beograda, okružen je zgradama koje su nastajale u različitim fazama razvoja ovog dela grada. Nije učinjen vidljiv napor da se uspostavi veza sa prošlošću i postojećom arhitekturom. Hotel ima solipsistički karakter, odnosno predstavlja diskontinuitet u odnosu na susedne zgrade, a posebno na poslovnu zgradu „Energoprojekta“ (Slika 1), od koje se razlikuje kako po stilu i gabaritima, tako i po korišćenju različitih materijala (sirovi beton nasuprot zelenkastom staklu). Hotel se takođe vizuelno veoma razlikuje od nešto udaljenijeg „Yu Biznis Centra“ (sirovi beton i crveno obojeni dekorativni elementi od metala). Ova stilska neusklađenost sa okruženjem ne mora po sebi da bude promašaj, posebno u konkretnom slučaju kada nijedna od zgrada u susedstvu nema neku značajniju umetničku vrednost (estetski „slaba“ arhitektura), pa projektanti novih zgrada imaju slobodu da kreiraju nove, estetski „jake“ objekte, kao antiteza postojećim. Istovremeno, hotel se stilski nadovezuje na čitav niz novih poslovnih zgrada koje se sukcesivno ređaju duž bulevara Mihaila Pupina od „Merkatora“ do šoping centra „Ušće“, čime poštuje duh vremena. To znači da se ovaj hotel, na sebi svojstven način, uključio u najnoviji trend novobeogradske arhitekture. On, u izvesnom smislu, anticipira i njegov budući izgled, što je svakako kvalitet koji treba uvažiti. ◆ Originalnost. Svojim neuobičajenim i pomalo ekscentričnim, nepravilnim vizuelnim oblikom hotel privlači pažnju i deluje kao zanimljiv kontrapunkt okruženju, čime razbija monotoniju. On se definitivno izdvaja od okolnih zgrada i deluje potpuno različito, drugačije po svaku cenu. Originalnosti doprinosi razuđena fasada koju čine naizgled haotično disperzirani fasadni otvori i pod različitim uglovima istureni prozori koji izlaze iz ravni fasade, što naglašava njen reljefni izgled, proizvodi utisak napetosti i snažne energije koja pod pritiskom teži da se izlije ili čak eksplodira iz unutrašnjosti zgrade ka spoljašnosti. To doprinosi diferencijaciji korporativnbog identiteta brenda Falkensteiner i imidža samog hotela, što je sa marketinške tačke gledišta poželjno (primena principa AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) i predstavlja komparativnu prednost za hotel u odnosu na konkurenciju. ◆ Red. Ukoliko red prihvatimo kao esencijalni kvalitet arhitekture i urbanizma, koji je usko povezan sa kategorijama kao što su koherentnost, linearnost, uniformnost i repetitivnost, onda ovaj hotel ne poštuje ovaj princip, jer njegova preterano drugačija, razigrana i haotična fasada izaziva nemir kod posmatrača. Ovakva vrste upadljive drugosti hotela remeti vizuelni utisak reda. On izaziva dezorijentaciju, narušava linearnost, vizuelnu harmoniju i uniformni poredak. Time se stvara impresija nepredvidivosti, a izaziva i određen stepen diverzije u prostoru. Nasuprot tome, susedna poslovna zgrada, koja je projektovana kao jedinstveni kompleks sa hotelom, deluje smireno i može se svrstati u kategoriju arhitektonskog reda. ◆ Ravnoteža. Ovde se pre svega postavlja pitanje da li su navodni maskulini karakter susedne poslovne zgrade i feminini karakter samog hotela, kako tvrdi autor, zaista u ravnoteži (Slika 2). Moj je utisak da ovako konceptualizovan antitetički par nije sasvim skladno međusobno uravnotežen i međuzavistan, kao i da nije ostvareno estetsko jedinstvo suprotnosti. Glavni razlog za ovo je napadna razigranost i vizuelni egzibicionizam feminine fasade hotela (kao da se radi o preterano dezeniranoj haljini), koja ne želi da bude u komunikaciji i skladu ni sa jednom okolnom zgradom, uključujući tu i svog krupnijeg maskulinog partnera na koga se neposredno oslanja (a koji je obučen u svečano, tamno odelo). Sve je učinjeno da hotel privuče pažnju posmatrača, da se istakne i nametne, dok je poslovna zgrada samo diskretna pratnja, a ne ravnopravni partner. Uprkos tome što je arhitektonskim jezikom diskretno nagovešteno međusobno stilsko prožimanje suprotnosti (delimično korišćenje istog zelenkastog stakla na fasadi hotela kojim je obložena cela poslovna zgrada), po principu Jing i Jang, ostaje utisak da nije prevaziđena međusobna otuđenost i uzajamna indiferentnost dve susedne zgrade. ◆ Elegancija. Hotel Falkeštajner definitivno ne odgovara kriterijumima elegancije koje je postavio De Botton (2007). Hotel svakako nije povezan sa intenzitetom prirodnih sila koje savlađuje, niti bez prividnog napora obavlja neki težak građevinski zadatak. To uostalom nije ni cilj većine hotela, pa se ovakav restriktivan koncept elegancije u hotelskoj arhitekturi može zanemariti. Međutim, ova zgrada ne poseduje neke druge bitne karakteristike elegancije. On ne deluje ni lako ni delikatno, a ne poseduje ni bilo koju manifestaciju stilske čistote linija, sofisticiranosti i rafiniranosti, već se vizuelni koncept svodi na prenaglašenu repetitivnost istih ili sličnih elemenata i boja. Takođe on ne odražava ni skromnost koja ne privlači pažnju. Naprotiv, preterano bogata feminina tekstura „čipkaste fasade“ i vizuelna agresivnost, bez uvažavanja neposrednog okruženja i poslovne zgrade na koju se oslanja, deluju samodovoljno i razmetljivo, pa se hotel nikako ne može doživeti kao elegantan (Slika 3). ◆ Koherencija. Hotelska zgrada je po sebi stilski koherentna, jer je uspostvaljena određena ravnoteža između konstitutivnih elemenata, čemu doprinosi “mondrijanovska igra geometrijskih slagalica“ (Mitrović, 2013), odnosno bezbrojna siva polja sličnih dimenzija u različitim nijansama sive, kao i mnoš- tvo, pod uglom isturenih prozora uokvirenih crnim staklom. Međutim, kako svaka koherencija obavezno ne rezultira lepotom, to ne znači da je i u ovom konkretnom slučaju koherencija automatski proizvela i estetski doživljaj lepote. Naime, ovde se ne radi o vrsti koherenciji koja izaziva osećanje reda, ravnoteže, elegancije, smirenosti i sreće, već pre izaziva utisak preteranosti, agresivnosti, i haosa. Kada je reč o odnosu sa susednom poslovnom zgradom, kao što je već navedeno, ne može se govoriti o njihovoj stilskoj koherentnosti, niti o realizaciji skladnog odnosa između njih. Ove dve zgrade pre deluju kao dva strana i međusobno otuđena bića koja ne komuniciraju, pa samim tim ne uspevaju da ostvare ni nekakav oblik „jedinstva suprotnosti“. Prikazana kritička analiza hotela Falkensteiner u Beogradu, bazirana na prethodno identifikovanim konceptu i principima „kvalitetne arhitekture“ i „arhitekture sreće“, nema pretenzije da daje nekakve definitivne i apsolutne estetske sudove, već da izazove nesaglasnost i pokrene polemiku. Naime, imajući u vidu pomenutu relativnost estetskih kriterijuma i procene, kao i individualnih doživljaja, ovu kritiku, kao i brojne druge, treba uzeti sa određenom rezervom i distancom, ali istovremeno i kao poziv za razmišljanje i podsticaj za sučeljavanje različitih stavova u ovoj oblasti radi unapređenja i razvoja kritike turističke i hotelske arhitekture u našoj zemlji. 4. ZAKLJUČAK Arhitektura, dakle, predstavlja integralni deo hotelskog proizvoda, odnosno značajno doprinosi percepciji kvaliteta, kao i povoljnom imidžu datog brenda. Arhitektonsko oblikovanje hotela mora istovremeno da zadovolji različite, često međusobno kontradiktorne zahteve, među kojima su najvažniji sledeći: želje i očekivanja klijenata, odnosno ciljnih segmenata tražnje kojima je hotel namenjen; umetnička vrednost hotela po sebi, o čemu ocenu daje stručna javnost i specijalizovani kritičari; funkcionalnost sa tačke gledišta investitora i korisnika; usklađenost sa očekivanjima lokalnog stanovništva, kao i harmonična uklopljenost u SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES postojeći ambijent uz poštovanje duha vremena (zeitgeist) i duha mesta (genius loci). Da bi se zadovoljili svi ovi zahtevi, neophodno je da se uz glavnog projektanta angažuje i multidisciplinarni tim stručnjaka koji će obezbediti relevantne informacije i smernice koje treba ugraditi u proces projektovanja. Međutim, uprkos brojnim koncepcijama i smernicama, nemoguće je napraviti univerzalni model uspešnog projektovanja koji bi važio u svim konkretnim slučajevima, pa zbog toga kritičko razmišljanje o hotelskoj arhitekturi nikada nije okončano, naprotiv to je stalno otvoren proces, bojno polje za sučeljavanje argumenta i kontraargumenata, novih ideja i koncepcija. LITERATURA Baud-Bovy, M., & Lawson, F.R. (1977). Tourism and recreation development. Boston: CBI Publisihing Company. Baum, J. (1985). Foreword. In W. Rutes & , R. Penner (Ed.), Hotel Planning & Design. London: Architectural Press. Čerović, S., & Čomić, Đ. (2013). Projektovanje i izgradnja hotela. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum De Botton, A. (2007). The Architecture of Happiness. London: Pinguin Books. End, H. (1978). Interiors of Hotels. New York: Watson-Guptil. Lasansky, D.M., & McLaren, B. (2004). Architecture and Tourism. Oxford: BERG. Mitrović, M. (2013). Podreka najzad u Beogradu. Politika, 5.1.2013. Motta, D.R. (2010). Refuge for Adventure, Hotel Architecture. Hong Kong: Design Media. Platou. (2007). Architecture in Tourism: Analysis of the interaction between architecture and tourism. Preuzeto 5. novembra 2015. sa http://www.platou.at/portal3/images/stories/Download/amg_summary.pdf Rutes, W., & Penner, R. (1985). Hotel Planning & Design. London: Architectural Press. Tabler, W. (1985). Prologue. In W. Rutes & , R. Penner (Ed.), Hotel Planning & Design. London: Architectural Press. Trampitsch, G. (2010). Journey in Design, Hotel Architecture. Hong Kong: Design Media. ARCHITECTURE AS A FACTOR OF HOTEL PRODUCT QUALITY Abstract: Architecture is an important factor that influences visual identity of a hotel, its image, the overall impression and level of satisfaction of potential guests. Bearing in mind that it is rare to find in practice a hotel that is artistically worthy, original or unique, the paper will analyze some key issues of hotel architecture as an integral factor of product quality. The first part discusses the concept of quality hotel architecture, based on certain empirical research and relevant case studies that enable identifying some of the key quality determinants: cultural offer enrichment, national tourism promotion, building corporate identity, branding through architecture, comparative advantages, lifestyle, spirit of the time and place, guest and employee accomodation quality, sustainability, media interest, etc. The second part, based on theoretical research, presents some basic principles and guidelines of „architecture of happiness“ and quality hotel design: connection with the environment, originality, order, balance, elegance and coherence. Finally, based on the application of the previously shown principles, the critical analysis of architectural design of the hotel Falkensteiner in Belgrade has been performed. Key words: aesthetics, experiences, satisfaction, principles, differentiation. 121 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-122-126 ODRŽIVA STOPA RASTA HOTELSKIH I UGOSTITELJSKIH PREDUZEĆA U SRBIJI Zoran Jović1, Kosana Vićentijević2, Zoran Petrović2 Univerzitet Singidunum, Poslovni fakultet u Valjevu, Železnička 5, Valjevo, Srbija 2 Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Danijelova 32, Srbija 1 Apstrakt: Sva profitabilna preduzeća, a među njima i hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća, mogu doći u finansijske teškoće pa čak i bankrotstvo ukoliko rastu sporije ili brže nego što je to optimalno. Ocena presporog ili prebrzog rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća postiže se upoređivanjem sa njihovom održivom stopom rasta. Sama održiva stopa rasta predstavlja maksimalnu stopu rasta koju jedno preduzeće može ostvariti bez dodatnog zaduživanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da se utvrdi održiva stopa rasta za pojedina hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća u Srbiji u 2012. i 2013. godini i da se utvrdi da li postoje razlike između ovog sektora i drugih privrednih sektora u Srbiji po ovom pitanju. Pored toga, istraživanje nastoji da utvrdi i realnu održivu stopu rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u Srbiji uzimanjem u obzir aktuelne stope inflacije u posmatranim godinama, kao i da pojasni uzroke neslaganja između nominalnih i realnih održivih stopa rasta. Realne održive stope rasta analiziranih hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u Srbiji služe kao orijentir u donošenju zaključka o razvojnom potencijalu ovih preduzeća i oslonac u pronalaženju adekvatnih internih i eksternih podsticaja za dalji potencijalni rast ovih preduzeća. 1. UVOD 122 Održiva stopa rasta (SGR – sustainable growth rate) jednog preduzeća predstavlja maksimalnu stopu rasta koju to preduzeće može da ostvari bez dodatnog zaduživanja. Ukoliko jedno hotelsko ili ugostiteljsko preduzeće raste po nižoj stopi od održive stope rasta to ga može dovesti do stagnacije i gubitka konkurentske pozicije, što u dužem vremenskom periodu može rezultirati i bankrotstvom takvog preduzeća. Takođe, ako jedno hotelsko ili ugostiteljsko preduzeće raste prebrzo, odnosno ukoliko raste po stopi koja je viša od održive stope rasta, to ga može dovesti do finansijskih problema uzrokovanih prezadužavanjem, do nelikvidnosti, a u krajnjem slučaju, u dužem vremenskom periodu, taj proces takođe može voditi preduzeće ka bankrotstvu. Načini finansiranja ubrzanog rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća mogu biti dvostruki, odnosno interni i eksterni. Interno, ova preduzeća mogu povećavati efikasnost svog poslovanja, ubrzavati obrt ukupne imovine i svih njenih pojedinačnih delova, a eksterno se mogu, s jedne strane, oslanjati na povećanje zaduženosti, ili s druge strane, na dokapitalizaciju putem dodatne emisije akcija. Neobuzdani rast može da bude u suprotnosti sa finansijskom politikom preduzeća (Higgins, 1997). Ukoliko povećanje prodaje ide preko održive stope rasta, to preduzeće uvodi u finansijske probleme jer zahteva nova zaduživanja * [email protected] Ključne reči: održiva stopa rasta, hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća, dividendna politika. za finansiranje ubrzanog rasta. Povećanje prodaje hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća može biti rezultat povećanog obima pruženih usluga ili rezultat povećanja cena usluga. Zbog toga je neophodno razmotriti i uticaj inflacije na održivu stopu rasta (Higgins, 1981). Važan zadatak vlasnika i menadžera hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća je utvrđivanje održive stope rasta. Utvrđivanje SGR je utvrđivanje najviše stope rasta koju preduzeće može da održi bez povećanja svog finansijskog leveridža (Brealey & Myers, 2003). Model održivog rasta predstavlja efikasno sredstvo za finansijsko planiranje i usmeravanje poslovne politike ka stimulaciji rasta u pojedinim privrednim granama (Clouse & McFaddin, 1994). Utvrđivanjem odnosa između investicione odluke o optimalnom rastu i politike isplate dividendi proširen je Higinsov model održivog rasta modelom koji optimizuje održivu stopu rasta i racio isplate dividendi (Chen et al., 2013). U istraživanju su korišćene osnovne naučne metode analize i sinteze, indukcije i dedukcije, metoda komparacije, statističke metode i hipotetičko-deduktivne metode. Za prikupljanje podataka korišćena je metoda analize sadržaja dokumenata. U fokusu ovog istraživanja su profitabilna hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća iz Srbije, jer samo preduzeća sa pozitivnim finansijskim rezultatom, tj. preduzeća koja ostvaruju dobit, mogu ostvariti i određenu održivu stopu rasta. Analizirano je 8 hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća čijim akcijama se trguje na Beogradskoj berzi. Pažnja je usmerena na hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća jer zahvaljujući svojim prirodnim predispozicijama i geografskom položaju Srbije, turizam, hotelijerstvo i ugostiteljstvo imaju značajan razvojni potencijal u Srbiji. Otuda i interesovanje autora istraživanja za analizu održive stope rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u Srbiji. U istraživanje je uključena i prerađivačka industrija u Srbiji kao kontrolni sektor nezavisan od hotelskog i ugostiteljskog sektora, kako bi rezultati hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća mogli biti upoređeni sa rezultatima drugih grana. Istraživanjem je izvršena komparativna analiza održive stope rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća i prerađivačkih preduzeća za 2012. i 2013. godinu. Takođe, analiziran je odnos između održive stope rasta ovih preduzeća i stope inflacije u posmatranim godinama sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li postoji realni potencijal rasta analiziranih hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća. U istraživanju se polazi od sledećih predloženih hipoteza: H1: Ne postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća i prerađivačkih preduzeća. H2: Ne postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta hotelskih, ugostiteljskih i prerađivačkih preduzeća u 2013. godini u odnosu na 2012. godinu. H3: Ne postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta i stope inflacije u 2012. godini. H4: Ne postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta i stope inflacije u 2013. godini. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES 2. ODREĐIVANJE ODRŽIVE STOPE RASTA HOTELSKIH I UGOSTITELJSKIH PREDUZEĆA U SRBIJI Za utvrđivanje održive stope rasta koristi se formula: g = b x ROE pri čemu g označava održivu stopu rasta; b označava racio dobiti koji nije isplaćen kroz dividende, tzv. retention rate, odnosno deo dobiti koji ostaje u preduzeću za dalji razvoj; ROE – return on equity odnosno stopa prinosa na sopstveni kapital ili popularno: profitna stopa. U postupku izračunavanja održive stope rasta, ROE se primenom DuPont analize razlaže na sledeće komponente: profitnu maržu, racio obrta poslovne imovine i multiplikator sopstvenog kapitala (Stowe, 2000). Prema prethodno utvrđenoj metodologiji izračunate su održive stope rasta (g) za 8 uzorkovanih hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u 2012. i 2013. godini, a rezultati su prikazani u tabelama 1 i 2. Može se uočiti da je dividendna politika analiziranih hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u obe posmatrane godine nepromenjena i ujednačena. Naime nijedno posmatrano preduzeće nije isplaćivalo dividende iz ostvarene dobiti u obe godine, odnosno sva dobit je reinvestirana. Zbog toga je i retention racio (b) jednak jedinici za sva preduzeća u obe godine, što nije uobičajeno za preduzeća iz drugih privrednih Tabela 1. Održive stope rasta uzorkovanih hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u 2012. godini Preduzeće Astoria, Beograd Excelsior, Beograd Palisad, Zlatibor Tisa, Senta Avala, Požarevac Golubački grad, Golub. Madera, Beograd Pomoravlje, Beograd b ROE Profitna marža Racio obrta ukupne imovine (1) 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 (2) = (3*4*5) 0,14 0,70 2,29 0,15 38,08 1,22 4,78 1,15 (3) 0,42 2,68 1,14 0,91 66,28 3,80 4,72 75,87 (4) 0,29 0,17 0,62 0,13 0,34 0,22 0,97 0,01 Multiplikator sopstvenog kapitala g (5) 1,14 1,56 3,25 1,23 1,70 1,47 1,05 1,05 (6) = (1*2) 0,14 0,70 2,29 0,15 38,08 1,22 4,78 1,15 Multiplikator sopstvenog kapitala g Izvor: Prikaz autora na osnovu podataka iz www.belex.rs Tabela 2. Održive stope rasta uzorkovanih hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u 2013. godini Preduzeće Astoria, Beograd Excelsior, Beograd Palisad, Zlatibor Tisa, Senta Avala, Požarevac Golubački grad, Golub. Madera, Beograd Pomoravlje, Beograd b ROE Profitna marža Racio obrta ukupne imovine (1) 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 (2) = (3*4*5) 2,47 3,75 0,19 2,79 17,77 1,83 2,98 0,03 (3) 7,18 15,06 0,12 12,06 23,31 4,01 3,58 3,23 (4) 0,31 0,16 0,30 0,20 0,48 0,27 0,79 0,01 Izvor: Prikaz autora na osnovu podataka iz www.belex.rs (5) 1,12 1,59 5,25 1,18 1,58 1,70 1,05 1,07 (6) = (1*2) 2,47 3,75 0,19 2,79 17,77 1,83 2,98 0,03 123 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA grana. Neisplaćivanje dividendi iz ostvarene dobiti pozitivno utiče na visinu održive stope rasta, ali zbog niske profitne stope preduzeća iz ove privredne grane, krajnji rezultat koji se u uslovima kada je retention racio jednak 1 izjednačava sa profitnom stopom, je takođe skoman. Značajnu održivu stopu rasta u obe godine je imalo samo preduzeće Avala iz Požarevca (38,08% u 2012. godini i 17,77% u 2013. godini). Skromnu održivu stopu rasta su imala preduzeća Madera iz Beograda (4,78%) i Palisad sa Zlatibora (2,29%) u 2012. godini i Excelsior iz Beograda (3,75%), Madera (2,98%), Tisa iz Sente (2,79%) i Astoria iz Beograda (2,47%) u 2013. godini. Ostala posmatrana preduzeća su imala gotovo zanemarivu održivu stopu rasta u obe analizirane godine. Da bi se hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća uporedila sa preduzećima iz drugih industrijskih grana, u analizu su uključena različita preduzeća iz prerađivačke industrije, takođe njih 8 u 2012. i 2013. godini (tabele 3 i 4). Uočljiva je razlika u dividendnoj politici ovih preduzeća u odnosu na hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća. Polovina ovih preduzeća (4 od 8) je u 2012. godini isplaćivalo dividende, a u 2013. godini čak 5 od 8 preduzeća je isplaćivalo dividende, što se vidi po retention raciju (b) koji je manji od 1. No i pored toga održive stope rasta (g) preduzeća prerađivačke industrije su u obe posmatrane godine na znatno višem nivou nego kod hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća. Razlog tome je i znatno viša profitna stopa prerađivačkih preduzeća kao proizvoda profitne marže, racia obrta ukupne imovine i multiplikatora sopstvenog kapitala. Otuda se može zaključiti i da hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća pripadaju nisko profitabilnoj privrednoj grani u Srbiji i da sama, oslanjajući se na sopstvenu održivu stopu rasta ne mogu napraviti bitan razvojni pomak, bez pomoći i intervencije spolja, bilo kroz eksterni priliv kapitala, bilo kroz osmišljenu državnu intervenciju i pomoć u oblasti kreiranja povoljnih načina finansiranja. Da bi se ustanovila realna vrednost izračunatih održivih stopa rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća, kao i prerađivačkih preduzeća u 2012. i 2013. godini, u analizu u tabelama 5 i 6 je uključena i stopa inflacije koja je merena indeksom potrošačkih cena i koja je iznosila 12,2% u 2012. godini i 2,2% u 2013. godini (Ministarstvo finansija, 2014). Pošto je stopa inflacije u 2012. godini imala značajan nivo od 12,2%, ispostavilo se da je samo jedno posmatrano hotelsko preduzeće u toj godini imalo pozitivnu realnu održivu stopu rasta, odnosno da je posedovalo realni potencijal za rast od 25,88% (Avala, Požarevac). Sva ostala posmatrana preduzeća iz ovog sektora ostvarila su negativnu realnu održivu stopu rasta, tj. njihova ostvarena nominalna održiva stopa rasta je bila niža od stope inflacije, odnosno ova preduzeća nisu imala realni potencijal za samostalni održivi rast u 2012. godini. U 2013. godini, situacija je znatno drugačija, ne zbog bolje održive stope rasta ovih preduzeća, već zbog niske stope inflacije od samo 2,2%, što je uslovilo da 5 posmatranih preduzeća ostvare pozitivnu realnu održivu stopu rasta, a samo 3, veoma nisku negativnu realnu održivu stopu rasta, odnosno da je za većinu ovih preduzeća postojao realni potencijal za samostalni rast u 2013. godini. Tabela 3. Održive stope rasta uzorkovanih prerađivačkih preduzeća u 2012. godini Preduzeće Alfa plam, Vranje Bambi, Požarevac Goša FOM, Smed. Palanka Imlek, Beograd Impol Seval, Sevojno Milan Blagojević, Smederevo Neoplanta, Novi Sad Žitobanat, Vršac b ROE Profitna marža Racio obrta ukupne imovine (1) 1,00 0,80 1,00 0,83 0,93 1,00 1,00 0,52 (2) = (3*4*5) 20,53 25,87 3,52 25,21 16,08 36,08 8,84 8,17 (3) 25,54 13,48 1,90 13,12 3,59 19,40 5,96 3,17 (4) 0,66 0,98 0,73 0,86 1,31 1,12 0,89 1,60 Multiplikator sopstvenog kapitala (5) 1,21 1,95 2,53 2,24 3,42 1,66 1,67 1,61 g (6) = (1*2) 20,53 20,70 3,52 20,92 14,95 36,08 8,84 4,25 Izvor: Prikaz autora na osnovu podataka iz www.belex.rs Tabela 4. Održive stope rasta uzorkovanih prerađivačkih preduzeća u 2013. godini Preduzeće Alfa plam, Vranje Bambi, Požarevac Goša FOM, Smed. Palanka Imlek, Beograd Impol Seval, Sevojno Milan Blagojević, Smederevo Neoplanta, Novi Sad Žitobanat, Vršac 124 b ROE (1) 0,55 0,80 1,00 0,49 0,89 1,00 1,00 0,62 (2) = (3*4*5) 7,27 33,69 0,58 22,09 9,82 22,94 3,61 6,07 Izvor: Prikaz autora na osnovu podataka iz www.belex.rs Multiplikaobrta uku- tor Profitna marža Racio sopstvenog pne imovine kapitala (3) 9,82 18,86 0,35 10,87 2,33 17,39 3,53 2,54 (4) 0,65 1,10 0,85 0,78 1,34 1,00 0,78 1,84 (5) 1,15 1,63 1,94 2,61 3,14 1,32 1,31 1,30 g (6) = (1*2) 4,00 26,95 0,58 10,82 8,74 22,94 3,61 3,76 Tabela 5. Realne SGR hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u 2012. godini g – održiva stopa rasta stopa inflacije realna održiva stopa rasta Astoria, Beograd 0,14 12,2 - 12,06 Excelsior, Beograd 0,70 12,2 - 11,50 Palisad, Zlatibor 2,29 12,2 - 9,91 Tisa, Senta 0,15 12,2 -12,05 Avala, Požarevac 38,08 12,2 25,88 Golubački grad, Golubac 1,22 12,2 - 10,98 Madera, Beograd 4,78 12,2 - 7,42 Pomoravlje, Beograd 1,15 12,2 - 11,05 Preduzeće Izvor: Prikaz autora g – održiva stopa rasta stopa inflacije realna održiva stopa rasta Astoria, Beograd 2,47 2,2 0,27 Excelsior, Beograd 3,75 2,2 1,55 Palisad, Zlatibor 0,19 2,2 - 2,01 Tisa, Senta 2,79 2,2 0,59 Avala, Požarevac 17,77 2,2 15,57 Golubački grad, Golubac 1,83 2,2 - 0,37 Madera, Beograd 2,98 2,2 0,78 Pomoravlje, Beograd 0,03 2,2 - 2,17 Izvor: Prikaz autora Sasvim drugačija situacija je zabeležena kod prerađivačkih preduzeća (tabele 7 i 8) kod kojih je 5 preduzeća u 2012. godini zabeležilo pozitivnu realnu održivu stopu rasta, a samo 3 negativnu, a u 2013. godini, čak 7 preduzeća pozitivnu, a samo jedno negativnu realnu održivu stopu rasta, zahvaljujući prvenstveno zavidnoj visini nominalnih održivih stopa rasta, proisteklih iz značajnih nivoa profitnih stopa. Otuda proizilazi konstatacija da prerađivačka preduzeća poseduju znatno veći realni potencijal za rast od hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća. Tabela 7. Realne SGR prerađivačkih preduzeća u 2012. godini g – održiva stopa rasta stopa inflacije realna održiva stopa rasta Alfa plam, Vranje 20,53 12,2 8,33 Bambi, Požarevac 20,70 12,2 8,50 Goša FOM, Smed. Palanka 3,52 12,2 - 8,68 Imlek, Beograd 20,92 12,2 8,72 Impol Seval, Sevojno 14,95 12,2 2,75 Milan Blagojević, Smederevo 36,08 12,2 23,88 Neoplanta, Novi Sad 8,84 12,2 - 3,36 Žitobanat, Vršac 4,25 12,2 - 7,95 Preduzeće Izvor: Prikaz autora Tabela 8. Realne SGR prerađivačkih preduzeća u 2013. godini g – održiva stopa rasta stopa inflacije realna održiva stopa rasta Alfa plam, Vranje 4,00 2,2 1,80 Bambi, Požarevac 26,95 2,2 24,75 Goša FOM, Smed. Palanka 0,58 2,2 - 1,62 Imlek, Beograd 10,82 2,2 8,62 Impol Seval, Sevojno 8,74 2,2 6,54 Milan Blagojević, Smederevo 22,94 2,2 20,74 Neoplanta, Novi Sad 3,61 2,2 1,41 Žitobanat, Vršac 3,76 2,2 1,56 Preduzeće Izvor: Prikaz autora Tabela 6. Ralne SGR hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u 2013. godini Preduzeće SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES REZIME Sprovedenim istraživanjem postavljene hipoteze su delom potvrđene, a delom opovrgnute. H1 je opovrgnuta jer je dokazano da postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća, sa jedne strane, i prerađivačkih preduzeća sa druge strane. H2 je potvrđena u smislu da ne postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta hotelskih, ugostiteljskih i prerađivačkih preduzeća u celini u 2013. godini u odnosu na 2012. godinu, iako razlika postoji kod manjeg broja pojedinačnih preduzeća. H3 je opovrgnuta jer je utvrđeno da postoji značajna razlika između održive stope rasta i stope inflacije u 2012. godini i da je prvenstveno kod hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća stopa inflacije znatno nadmašivala njihovu održivu stopu rasta. H4 je delimično potvrđena u odnosu na hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća čija je održiva stopa rasta približno bila na nivou inflacije u 2013. godini, ali je opovrgnuta u odnosu na prerađivačka preduzeća čija je održiva stopa rasta znatno premašivala stopu inflacije u 2013. godini. Obzirom na geografski položaj, prirodne karakteristike i povoljne klimatske uslove, hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća u Srbiji kao sastavni deo turističke industrije zemlje imaju značajan razvojni potencijal i predispozicije da postanu važan segment razvoja ekonomije čitave zemlje. Zbog toga bi se moglo očekivati da preduzeća ovog sektora imaju značajnu održivu stopa rasta. Međutim, u poređenju sa različitim preduzećima prerađivačke industrije, pokazalo se da hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća znatno zaostaju u tom pogledu. Pored niske profitabilnosti kao specifičnosti ove privredne grane, za koju su odgovorna sama hotelska i ugostiteljska preduzeća kao i okruženje i uslovi u kojima posluju, tu su i makroekonomski faktori koji podjednako (negativno ili pozitivno) utiču na sve privredne grane. Ovde se prvenstveno misli na makroekonomsku stabilnost koja se iskazuje kroz cenovnu stabilnost odnosno stopu inflacije. Pokazalo se da je u posmatranim godinama veći uticaj na visinu realne održive stope rasta preduzeća iz analiziranih privrednih grana imala visina stope inflacije koja uvek preti da obezvredi postignuti nominalni rezultat, nego što je imao sam njihov ostvareni poslovni uspeh i finansijski rezultat. Niska održiva stopa rasta hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u Srbiji označava njihov nizak potencijal za samostalni rast bez dodatnih zaduživanja, a ubrzani rast ovih preduzeća preko održive stope rasta uz dodatna ili čak pre- 125 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA komerna zaduživanja, može ovim preduzećima stvoriti likvidnosne probleme, a u težim slučajevima, čak ih uvesti i u bankrotstvo. Ista opasnost preti ovim preduzećima ukoliko odustanu od rasta i ne iskoriste ni nivo održive stope rasta, jer ih to vodi u stagnaciju, gubitak postojeće tržišne pozicije, a u krajnjem slučaju takođe ih može voditi u bankrotstvo. Za dalji ubrzaniji razvoj hotelskih i ugostiteljskih preduzeća u Srbiji, interno je potrebno stalno unapređivati efikasnost i profitabilnost ovih preduzeća na mikro nivou, dok je eksterno na makro nivou potreban napor države da obezbedi stabilne, zdrave uslove poslovanja, a posebno da održi cenovnu stabilnost tj. nisku stopu inflacije i da osmisli adekvatne stimulativne mere za podsticanje rasta i razvoja preduzeća iz ove delatnosti i obezbedi pristup jeftinijim i namenskim, specijalizovanim izvorima finansiranja i zaduživanja. Sprovedeno istraživanje može da posluži kao osnova za dalja istraživanja na ovu temu i različita komparativna sagledavanja realnih potencijala rasta grupa delatnosti unutar turističke grane privrede. LITERATURA Beogradska berza. (2012-2013). Održive stope rasta uzorkovanih preduzeća. Preuzeto 12. juna 2015. sa htp://www. belex.rs/ Braley, R., & Myers, S. (2003). Principles of Corporate Finance. New York: McGraw-Hill. Chen, H.Y., Gupta, M.C., Lee, A.C., & Lee, C.F. (2013). Sustainable growth rate, optimal growth rate, and optimal payout ratio: A joint optimization approach. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37 (4), 1205-1222. Clouse, M., & McFaddin, S. (1994). Sustainable growth in the US gas utility industry. Resources Policy, 20 (2), 117-123. Higgins, R.C. (1977). How Much Growth Can a Firm Afford? Financial Management, 6 (3), 7-16. Higgins, R.C. (1981). Sustainable Growth Under Inflation. Financial Management, 10 (4), 36-40. Ministarstvo finansija. (2014). Osnovni indikatori makroekonomskih kretanja. Preuzeto 12. juna 2015. sa htpp:// www.mfin.gov.rs/ Stowe, J. (2000). Analysis of Equity Investments. Boston: Association for Investment Management and Research. SUSTAINABLE GROWTH RATE OF HOTEL AND CATERING ENTERPRISES IN SERBIA Abstract: All profitable enterprises, including the hotel and catering companies, may get into financial difficulties and even bankruptcy if they grow slower or faster than expected. The assessment of extremely slow or rapid growth of hotel and catering businesses is achieved through comparison with their sustainable growth rate. The sustainable growth rate is the maximum growth rate a company can achieve without additional borrowing. The aim of this study is to determine the sustainable growth rate for individual hotel and catering enterprises in Serbia in 2012 and 2013 and determine whether there are differences between this sector and other industry sectors in Serbia concerning this issue. In addition, the study seeks to establish a realistic sustainable growth rate of hotel and catering enterprises in Serbia by taking into account the current inflation rate in the observed years, as well as to clarify the causes of discrepancy between nominal and real sustainable growth rates. The identified real sustainable growth rates of analyzed hotel and catering enterprises in Serbia serve as a landmark in drawing conclusions about the development potential of these enterprises and provide support in finding the appropriate internal and external incentives needed for further growth of these companies. 126 Key words: sustainable growth rate, hotel and catering enterprises, the dividend policy. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-127-132 UPRAVLJANJE REPUTACIJOM – KLJUČNA KOMPONENTA KVALITETA U HOTELIJERSTVU Ljiljana Kosar1*, Nikolina Kosar2 Visoka hotelijerska škola strukovnih studija, Kneza Višeslava 70, Beograd, Srbija Visoka turistička škola strukovnih studija, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152a, Beograd, Srbija 1 2 Apstrakt: Polazeći od suštinskog značenja kvaliteta uopšte, a posebno u hotelijerstvu, u radu se reputacija tretira kao ključna komponenta kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. Upravljanju reputacijom pristupa se kao procesu neodvojivom od procesa upravljanja kvalitetom. Kvalitet je dinamična i promenljiva kategorija koja se može i mora meriti. U okviru metodologije i instrumenata merenja, odnosno ocene i kontrole kvaliteta, pojavljuje se reputacija kao nezaobilazan pokazatelj. Radi se pre svega o onlajn reputaciji koja sve više dobija na značaju. Međutim, u domaćoj hotelijerskoj teoriji i praksi još uvek se nedovoljno pažnje posvećuje upravljanju reputacijom. Zbog toga ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj da se ukaže na značaj reputacije za kompleksnu ocenu kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. To istovremeno podrazumeva značajan iskorak u prevazilaženju tradicionalnog pristupa kvalitetu, u pravcu stalnog praćenja uticaja faktora od ključnog značaja za reputaciju, identifikovanja promena, planiranja, organizovanja, vođenja i kontrolisanja efekata aktivnosti preduzetih u cilju poboljšanja reputacije hotelskih objekata, što u krajnjoj liniji znači poboljšanje kvaliteta. 1. UVOD Danas je kvalitet imperativ uspešnog poslovanja, bez obzira o kojoj je delatnosti reč. Što je konkurencija jača, to su zahtevi za uspostavljanjem kvaliteta koji će zadovoljiti klijente, veći. Poslovna strategija kvaliteta odražava trajno opredeljenje za prilagođavanje komponenti i performansi sopstvenih proizvoda i usluga željama, potrebama i zahtevima klijenata. Složeni i kompleksni proizvodi dvojake uslužno-proizvodne suštine, kakav je hotelski, specifični su i zahtevni u kontekstu definisanja, uspostavljanja i održanja kvaliteta. Ovde dolazi do izražaja dinamičan pristup kvalitetu kao tržišnoj kategoriji koja se može i mora meriti. Realnu meru kvaliteta hotelijerske ponude može predstavljati struktura kapaciteta po kategorijama na određenom prostoru. Ovde se radi o minimalnom obaveznom kvalitetu koji je garantovan dodeljenom kategorijom. Nema sumnje da je polazni osnov za utvrđivanje kvaliteta hotelijerske ponude određene turističke destinacije prostorna distribucija i struktura ugostiteljskih kapaciteta za smeštaj po vrstama i kategorijama. Kategorija je, dakle, važna komponenta kvaliteta za sve zainteresovane strane u hotelijerstvu. Međutim, uspešno poslovanje u drugoj dekadi 21. veka nameće hotelijerstvu visoke zahteve u domenu održavanja kontinuiteta u radu i konkurentnosti, pozicioniranja i repozicioniranja na tržištu. Neophodno je izgraditi imidž, brendirati sopstveni tržišni identitet, odnosno uzdići se na status brenda. Rečju – neophodno je izgraditi reputaciju i upravljati njome. Zbog toga je cilj ovog rada da pokaže kako je upravljanje reputacijom ključna komponenta kvaliteta * [email protected] Ključne reči: reputacija, upravljanje, kvalitet, hotelijerstvo. hotelskog proizvoda, tim pre što se o reputaciji nedovoljno piše i govori u domaćoj hotelijerskoj teoriji i praksi. Potrebno je prvo razjasniti pojam „reputacija“, objasniti njegove relacije sa značenjima pojmova „imidž“ i „brend“, ukazati na ključnu ulogu onlajn reputacije. Onlajn reputacija je svojevrsni fenomen s kraja prve i s početka druge dekade 21. veka i shodno istraživanjima u oblasti hotelijerstva, koja sprovode razvijene zemlje, a pre svega SAD, njen uticaj na poslovanje i ekonomske rezultate hotelskih kompanija, je merljiv i evidentan. Pregled raspoloživih istraživanja i dobijenih rezultata iz oblasti upravljanja reputacijom u hotelijerstvu treba da doprinese uspostavljanju i širenju svesti o neophodnosti zaživljavanja ovog koncepta u praksi domaćeg hotelijerstva. 2. POJAM I SUŠTNA UPRAVLJANJA REPUTACIJOM Rasvetljavanju koncepta upravljanja reputacijom prethode bliža objašnjenja pojedinih pojmova, kao što su pre svega poverenje, imidž, brend, pa i sama reputacija. Poverenje predstavlja predmet interesovanja teoretičara i praktičara različitih, čak na prvi pogled suprotstavljenih naučnih oblasti, kao što su sociologija, psihologija, filozofija, ekonomija, biznis, pravo, informacione tehnologije. Postoje brojni više ili manje uspešni pokušaji definisanja poverenja. Ovom prilikom izdvojena su dva oblika poverenja: pouzdano, odnosno procenjeno poverenje (reliability trust, evaluation trust) i poverenje odluke, odnosno izbora (decision trust). Procenjeno poverenje je subjektivna verovatnoća 127 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 128 (procena) na osnovu koje pojedinac očekuje od druge osobe da će izvršiti određenu radnju, aktivnost, odnosno postupiti na način koji pojedincu donosi korist, odnosno dobrobit. Poverenje izbora je spremnost pojedinca da se osloni na drugog u uslovima relativne sigurnosti, odnosno čak i u situaciji kada su moguće negativne posledice (Bhyiuan et al., 2010). Poverenje je verovanje koje se može meriti, u smislu da više verujemo osobi A nego osobi B, a opet osobi B više nego osobi C. Poverenje je usmereno. Kompanija može verovati klijentu da je dobro platežan, ali klijent ne mora verovati kompaniji da je njena roba vredna kupovine s njegove strane. Poverenje je vremenski ograničeno. Ako je osoba ili klijent A verovao osobi ili kompaniji B u prošlosti, ne znači da će joj verovati i u budućnosti. Poverenje je dinamička kategorija zato što varira u zavisnosti od toka preduzetih aktivnosti. Može se povećavati i smanjivati. Kada se radi o poslovnoj saradnji, poverenje u organizaciju ne znači automatski i poverenje u njene članove (Dimitrakos, 2003). Analiziranje pojma poverenja potrebno je radi boljeg razjašnjenja pojma reputacije. Reputacija se tretira kao mišljenje ili stav o nekoj osobi, ili entitetu, s tim što entitet može biti kompanija, proizvod ili usluga. Reputacija će pomoći klijentima u procesu poklanjanja poverenja kompaniji u situaciji nedovoljne informisanosti o proizvodima i uslugama iz portfolija pomenute kompanije. U poslovnom smislu, poverenje i reputacija se međusobno povezuju i uslovljavaju. Ipak, postoje izvesne razlike između ova dva pojma. Reputacija je rezultat percepcije formirane na osnovu prethodnih aktivnosti kompanije, dok je poverenje subjektivno očekivanje bazirano na predvidivom ponašanju determinisanom ranijim poslovnim susretima (Mui et al., 2002). Za bliže objašnjenje pojmova poverenja i reputacije mogu se koristiti i pojmovi imidža i brenda. Prema definiciji Američke asocijacije za marketing (AMA) brend predstavlja ime, termin, znak, simbol i dizajn, ili njihovu kombinaciju, čija je osnovna svrha identifikacija proizvoda i usluga određenog proizvođača i/ili prodavca i njihovo diferenciranje u odnosu na konkurenciju (Rakita & Mitrović, 2007). Kompleksniji pristup definisanju brenda insistira na uvećanoj vrednosti proizvoda ili usluge, determinisanoj načinom opažanja od strane kupca koji je doživljava kao relevantnu, jedinstvenu, održivu dodatnu vrednost i koja zadovoljava njegove potrebe na najbolji način (Veljković, 2010). Ovde se teži poistovećenju brenda ne sa bilo kakvom, već sa uspešnom markom proizvoda ili usluge, koja je prihvaćena od strane potrošača. Dakle, svaki brend je tržišna marka, ali svaka tržišna marka nije brend. Nova i nepoznata tržišna marka ne izaziva nikakve emocionalne reakcije potrošača, pa se smatra da ne može biti brend. Brend je prepoznatljiva marka, oznaka ili ime nekog proizvoda ili usluge, koje odražava snažan i trajni identitet tog proizvoda ili usluge, garantuje njegov kvalitet i obezbeđuje njegovu prisutnost u svesti potrošača, izazivajući osećanja poverenja, korisnosti, dobrobiti i sigurnosti (Kosar & Bradić, 2014). Za imidž brenda koriste se i izrazi ”personalitet” ili ”karakter” brenda, što ukazuje na presudan uticaj stavova i mišljenja potrošača za tržišno pozicioniranje brenda. Imidž brenda je kreativan proces koji se formira u svesti potrošača na osnovu selektivnih utisaka, utemeljenih u konkretnu mentalnu sliku. Proces formiranja imidža brenda zavisi od sinergetskog delovanja različitih faktora. Svojstva proizvoda sadržana u elementima identiteta brenda i iskustva korisnika stečena konzumiranjem prepliću se u „memorijsku mrežu“ čiji sinergetski efekat predstavlja imidž brenda (Kosar & Bradić, op. cit). Imidž brenda odražava stepen tržišne reputacije određene kompanije. Kompanija gradi identitet tržišne marke kako bi ostvarila željeni imidž u svesti potrošača. Visok stepen usaglašenosti između identiteta i imidža brenda upućuje na visok stepen reputacije. U nedostatku ličnih i iskustava iz neposrednog okruženja, klijenti poklanjaju poverenje kompanijama sa izgrađenom tržišnom reputacijom. Zbog toga je upravljanje reputacijom ilustracija strategijskog usmerenja na kvalitet s jedne, odnosno imperativ uspešnosti poslovanja, s druge strane. Uvidom u literaturne izvore, mogu se sistematizovati sledeće koristi od reputacije (Gruning & Hung, 2002): veće tržišno učešće, smanjenje tržišnih i distrbutivnih troškova, mogućnosti naplate premija, mogućnosti preživljavanja u teškim vremenima, veća produktivnost zaposlenih, sposobnost privlačenja i zadržavanja talenata, sposobnost privlačenja investitora, obezbeđenje pristupa novim tržištima, obezbeđenje veće medijske propraćenosti. Reputacija kompanije je od izuzetne važnosti za sve zainteresovane strane. 3. SLOŽENOST KVALITETA HOTELSKOG PROIZVODA Kvalitet turističke destinacije može biti dobar primer za ilustraciju značenja integrisanog kvaliteta. Turistička destinacija se može shvatiti kao univerzalni prostorni okvir za funkcionisanje različitih, uzajamno komplementarnih delatnosti koje sačinjavaju tzv. ”industriju turizma”, ili joj gravitiraju. U tom kontekstu se i o hotelskom proizvodu može govoriti kao o parcijalnom (na nivou organizacije) i integrisanom (na nivou destinacije). Dakle, značenje izraza integrisani kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda odnosi se na kvalitet proizvoda svih hotelskih organizacija u prostornim okvirima turističke destinacije. Tržišno pozicioniranje turističke destinacije opredeljuje tržišni obuhvat integrisanog hotelskog proizvoda, odnosno orijentaciju na veći ili manji broj segmenata i ciljnih grupa. U tom kontekstu integrisani kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda se oblikuje prema željama, potrebama i zahtevima dominantnog segmenta, odnosno ciljne grupe. Integrisani kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda predstavlja, dakle, stepen do koga se kvalitetom parcijalnih hotelskih proizvoda ostvaruje usaglašenost za zahtevima dominantnih tržišnih segmenata na nivou turističke destinacije ili šire prostorne celine. Kvalitet materijalne osnove, odnosno integrisani kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda umnogome definiše reputaciju turističke destinacije. U kontekstu primene strategije globalizacije, integrisani kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda izlazi iz okvira turističke destinacije. Pri tome se, pre svega, misli na međunarodne lance hotela, gde kompanija - kreator autentičnog hotelskog proizvoda, ostvaruje prostornu ekspanziju - uključivanjem postojećih ili novoizgrađenih objekata u sopstveni poslovni sistem, što zahteva usaglašavanje kvaliteta priključenih hotelskih proizvoda sa kvalitetom proizvoda matične kompanije. Na taj način se postiže integrisani kvalitet međunarodnog hotelskog lanca, koji se u ovom kontekstu može shvatiti kao prelazna faza ka dostizanju globalnog kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. Globalna tržišna prepoznatljivost u stvari je globalna reputacija hotelskih brendova, sistematski sticana decenijama. U uslovima oštre konkurencije i transparentnog informatičkog društva teško je očuvati reputaciju. Tim je teže imajući i vidu da kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda nije homogena kategorija. Naprotiv, radi se o specifičnom proizvodu heterogene i složene strukture koji se realizuje plasmanom usluga u različitom poslovnom okruženju sa stanovišta tehnologije i procesa, uglavnom u okviru jedinstvene prostorno-građevinske celine (Kosar & Rašeta, 2005). Stvaranje kvaliteta je u stvari proces stalnog usaglašavanja tehničkih, tehnoloških, organizacionih i kadrovskih odlika proizvodnje sa zahtevima, potrebama i željama korisnika. ”Agregiranje” (spajanje, pripajanje) komponenata čija svojstva, međusobno povezana, daju kvalitet u smislu ispoljavanja suštinskih odlika proizvoda, označava se kao integralni kvalitet. Integralni kvalitet je odrednica složenih i heterogenih proizvoda kakav je i hotelski. Integralnim kvalitetom se obezbeđuje usaglašenost kvaliteta parcijalnih komponenti proizvoda sa utvrđenim zahtevima. Ukoliko su utvrđeni zahtevi zasnovani na očekivanjima korisnika, tada možemo govoriti o odnosu između očekivanog i ostvarenog kvaliteta. Dakle, očekivanja su ta koja treba ispuniti, da bi percipirani kvalitet bio na željenom nivou, odnosno da bi gost bio zadovoljan. Faktori od ključnog uticaja na formiranje očekivanja korisnika menjaju se u eri onlajn trgovine. 4. ONLAJN REPUTACIJA U HOTELIJERSTVU Internet je najvažnija marketinška alatka. Prema istraživanjima kompanije ”E-marketers” koja se bavi istraživanjima digitalnog marketinga i medija, u 2013. godini na onlajn oglašavanje po glavi stanovnika najviše je trošila Norveška – 209 američkih dolara, zatim, SAD – 201 dolar, pa Australija sa 191 dolar. Među deset vodećih zemalja nalaze se i Švedska, Kanada, Danska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Finska, Japan i Nemačka (Manjgura, 2015). Internet postaje najvažnija alatka i za planiranje putovanja. Potencijalni putnici u 85% slučajeva koriste internet da bi se informisali o destinaciji i smeštaju. Prosečan putnik poseti oko 22 stranice vezane za putovanje i to 9,5 puta pre nego što se odluči na rezervaciju (Dešković, 2012). Hotelske kompanije moraju biti osposobljene za elektronsku prodaju. Prvi korak je informisanost o ponašanju potencijalnih turista. Preko 50% putnika postavlja fotografije sa putovanja na društvenim mrežama. Udeo od 49% individualnih i čak 57% poslovnih putnika uživa u čitanju izveštaja i informacija od strane drugih putnika. Čak 45% individualnih i 54% poslovnih putnika planira putovanje na osnovu izveštaja i iskustava drugih. Putnici su skloni da gledaju video priloge vezane za putovanja i to najčešće pri izboru destinacije - 66%, pri osmišljavanju putovanja - 64%, pri izboru smeštaja - 59% (Dešković, op. cit). Da bi se izgradila odgovarajuća logistika kao osnovna pretpostavka uspešne prodaje, treba znati da potencijalni putnici prvenstveno gledaju zvanične web i video sajtove. Zbog toga je neophodno dizajnirati adekvatan sadržaj ponude i obezbediti višestruku onlajn distribuciju, povezivanjem sa poslovnim partnerima, uključujući globalne distributivne sisteme, onlajn putničke agencije (OTA), vodeće društvene mreže (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, You Tube, Delicious) hotelske i onlajn rezervacione sisteme, ho- SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES telske veb sajtove. Na taj način se povećava onlajn vidljivost i istovremeno olakšava dostupnost potencijalnim korisnicima. Klasične marketinške kampanje treba prilagoditi novim uslovima, odnosno primeniti e-marketing, fokusirati se na određene ciljne grupe specifičnom ponudom kao što su aplikacije za mobilne telefone i sl. Prilikom onlajn prodaje hotelskih kapaciteta treba težiti maksimalnoj funkcionalnosti, odnosno jednostavnosti upotrebe, uz obezbeđenje pune informativnosti za potencijalnog gosta. Pri tome se pre svega misli na trenutne informacije o zauzetosti i ceni, izboru željenog smeštaja na jeziku gosta, mogućnosti direktne naplate putem platne kartice. Dalje unapređenje onlajn prodaje hotelskih kapaciteta zahteva stalno širenje mreže prodajnih kanala, što bolje pozicioniranje na društvenim mrežama, poboljšanje sadržaja ponude, pojednostavljenje pristupa i povećanje vidljivosti, merenje efekata preduzetih aktivnosti. Drugim rečima, unapređenje onlajn prodaje upućuje na upravljanje onlajn reputacijom hotelskog proizvoda. Onlajn reputacija u hotelijerstvu prevashodno tretira izveštaje gostiju. Kako pokazuju mnoga istraživanja, ovi izveštaji bitno determinišu potrošačko ponašanje. Upravljanje onlajn reputacijom (Online Reputation Management – ORM) je proces praćenja, izveštavanja i reagovanja povratnim informacijama na izveštaje korisnika. Negativni izveštaji mogu mnogo da naškode reputaciji kompanije. Ako gost ima problem, rešenje mora da se pronađe što pre. Kada on postavi izveštaj o svom nezadovoljstvu na društvenoj mreži, bez obzira što će problem biti rešen ili već jeste, šteta je učinjena. Lojalnost u tom slučaju pada sa 60,2% na 26,4% (Market Metrix Hospitality Index, 2011). Izveštaje gostiju treba redovno pratiti i analizirati. Na njih se mora odgovarati. Upravo se u prepoznavanju efekata odgovora na izveštaje korisnika od strane hotelskih kompanija ogleda uspešnost upravljanja onlajn reputacijom. U tom kontekstu potrebno je uspostaviti tzv. ”pozitivan ciklus upravljanja reputacijom” (Craig, 2010), kako je prikazano na slici br. 1. Izveštaji gostiju i odgovori hotelijera Unapređenja kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda Povećana prodaja Lojalnost i propagiranje hotelskog proizvoda Slika 1. Pozitivan ciklus upravljanja reputacijom Izvor: http://reknown.com/2010/11/how-to-cope-with-bad-reviews-2/ Da bi predstavljeni ciklus dobro funkcionisao potrebno je uspostaviti odgovarajući sistem upravljanja reputacijom, tako što će se grupisati izveštaji, ne samo rangiranjem na pozitivne i negativne, već i po sadržaju i profilu korisnika, kako bi se na pravi način reagovalo odgovorom, s jedne, odnosno ispunjenjem obećanja datog u odgovoru, s druge strane. 129 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 130 Istraživanjima je potvrđen uticaj pozitivnih izveštaja na ekonomsku efikasnost hotela. Studija sprovedena od strane specijalizovane kompanije za upravljanje onlajn reputacijom „Trust You“, uz podršku Centra za turizam i hotelijerstvo Univerziteta Preston u Njujorku, ilustruje, između ostalog, ovu tvrdnju sledećim podacima: putnici se 3,9 puta češće opredeljuju za hotele sa višim ocenama od strane korisnika; od ukupnog broja anketiranih putnika čak je 76% spremno da plati više za iste usluge u hotelu koji ima više ocene na društvenim mrežama (Ady & Quadri-Felitti, 2014). Rezultati ovog istraživanja od izuzetne su važnosti za politiku cena hotelskih usluga. Stabilan kvalitet potvrđen pozitivnim mišljenjem na društvenim mrežama bitno određuje onlajn reputaciju. Međutim, uvek ima prostora za poboljšanja, odnosno za povećanje prosečnih ocena prezentiranih putem parametara zasnovanih na izveštajima gostiju. Jedan od tih parametara je TripAdvisor indeks popularnosti. Ovom prilikom treba napomenuti da je TripAdvisor daleko najveći putnički sajt na svetu koji je dosegao obim od čak 340 miliona poseta mesečno. Više od 225 miliona izveštaja pokriva više od 4,9 miliona ugostiteljskih objekata, organizacija i atrakcija. Među njima je 950.000 hotela i sličnih oblika smeštaja, 2,7 miliona restorana itd. TripAdvisor raspolaže sa više od 32 miliona fotografija. Svakog minuta se pošalje 139 priloga. TripAdvisor ima više od 78 miliona članova širom sveta, sa adresom elektronske pošte. Veoma je izražena aktivnost na forumima, gde se u proseku svakog dana pošalje oko 2600 novih pitanja, od čega je čak 85% komentarisano od strane brojnih učesnika. Blizu 190 miliona ljudi koristi TripAdvisor aplikacije za mobilne uređaje. Ova kompanija, koja je osnovana 2000. godine posluje na 28 jezika u 45 zemalja, uključujući i Srbiju. Prema podacima iz marta 2015. godine, zapošljava više od 2900 ljudi (TripAdvisor, 2015). Imajući u vidu globalnu rasprostranjenost i popularnost TripAdvisor-a, jedan od glavnih ciljeva upravljanja onlajn reputacijom u hotelijerstvu treba da bude što bolji TripAdvisor indeks popularnosti. Ovaj indeks se zasniva na tri osnovna kriterijuma: kvantitetu, kvalitetu i učestalosti izveštaja napisanih o jednom objektu. Zbog kriterijuma kvantitet, gosti su često podsticani od strane hotelijera da pišu izveštaje. Međutim, podsticanje mora ostati u granicama poslovne etike, dakle ne sme uključivati nikakve povlastice za goste, kako bi se zadržala objektivnost ocenjivanja. Isto se odnosi i na drugi kriterijum kvalitet, gde objektivnost i iskrenost autora izveštaja dolaze do punog izražaja. Kriterijum učestalosti se odnosi na aktuelnost izveštaja. Sigurno da su noviji izveštaji objektivniji u odnosu na starije, s obzirom na pristup kvalitetu hotelskog proizvoda kao promenljivoj, dinamičkoj kategoriji. Radi održanja sopstvene reputacije, TripAdvisor je propisao standarde za pisanje izveštaja od strane korisnika hotelskih usluga. Prvi se odnosi na stil i rečnik koji mora biti u skladu sa porodičnom komunikacijom, dakle lišen svih kompromitujućih izraza, konotacija, insinuacija i asocijacija. Prihvataju se izveštaji o iskustvima iz prve ruke, koji su konkretni, a ne uopšteni. Sadržaj izveštaja treba da bude važan za druge putnike. Jedinstvenost i nezavisnost se odnosi na pravilo da jedna osoba može da napiše jedan izveštaj o jednom objektu, kako bi se postigla objektivnost prilikom vrednovanja kriterijuma kvantiteta. Izveštaj mora biti originalan, što znači da nije dozvoljeno koristiti informacije iz drugih onlajn izvora. Karakter izveštaja je nekomercijalan, što znači da ne sme služiti autoru u promotivno-propagandne svrhe. Izveštaj mora da se odnosi na odgovarajuće objekte koji su u sistemu TripAdvisor-a. Izveštaji koje pišu osobe mlađe od 13 godina ne uzimaju se u obzir. Za autore se zahteva ispravna e-mail adresa, kao i poštovanje određenih ograničenja u pogledu pisanja izveštaja. TripAdvisor zadržava pravo povlačenja bilo kog izveštaja ili odgovora na izveštaj iz bilo kog razloga. Izveštaji su subjektivni izraz članova ove virtuelne asocijacije, a ne menadžera i zaposlenih. Dakle, sledeća faza pomenutog ciklusa su stvarna poboljšanja kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda koja zatim imaju pozitivne posledice povećanja lojalnosti i propagiranja, odnosno zastupanja proizvoda od strane gostiju, što dalje izaziva povećanu prodaju, veća očekivanja, više napora da se prevaziđu potencijalne neusaglašenosti i zadovolje gosti. Ciklus, dakle, neprestano funkcioniše, uz širenje manevarskog prostora za povećanje cena i spremnost gostiju da ih plate. Ipak, prevashodno oslanjanje na onlajn izveštaje gostiju upućuje na jednostran pristup upravljanju reputacijom. To pokazuju i istraživanja Market Metrix kompanije, sprovedena tokom 2011. i 2012. godine (Barsky & Waite, 2013). Trend plaćanja hotelskih izveštaja na društvenim mrežama je u porastu. Smatra se da je čak 15% hotelskih izveštaja plaćeno. Naravno, radi se o pozitivnim izveštajima. Takođe, veruje se da je 40% izveštaja lažno. Čak 69% izveštaja ne zahteva potvrdu boravka gosta u hotelu. Ove relacije bacaju ozbiljnu senku na objektivnost upravljanja onlajn reputacijom i postavljaju pitanje poslovnog morala. Ima još razloga zašto upravljanje reputacijom ne treba svoditi isključivo na onlajn aspekt. Prema rezultatima istraživanja kompanije Market Metrix samo 56% stanovnika SAD učestvuje na društvenim mrežama. Pripadnici populacije starosti do 29 godina prisutni su na društvenim mrežama u procentu od 83%. Istovremeno, oni najmanje troše kao korisnici hotelskih usluga, što je i razumljivo, s obzirom na relativno nizak standard i još neizgrađen društveni status. Korisnici starosti između 30 i 49 godina, u pogledu prisutnosti na društvenim mrežama i njihovom korišćenju za putovanja, učestvuju sa 67% i troše znatno više na hotelijerske usluge. Ipak, kategorija starijih od 50 godina, vidno je manje prisutna na društvenim mrežama (samo 20%). Istovremeno, to su najbolji turistički, odnosno hotelijerski potrošači. Svođenjem upravljanja reputacijom samo na njenu onlajn dimenziju, ovaj značajan tržišni segment bio bi potpuno zapostavljen. Zbog toga je reputaciji kao komponenti kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda potrebno pristupiti znatno kompleksnije. 5. KOMPLEKSNI PRISTUP UPRAVLJANJU REPUTACIJOM U HOTELIJERSTVU Upravljanju reputacijom treba pristupiti u kontekstu upravljanja kvalitetom. Drugim rečima, trajnim strategijskim usmerenjem na kvalitet i doslednim istrajavanjem na tom putu gradi se korporativni identitet na osnovu koga nastaje tržišni imidž, koji dalje vodi do korporativne reputacije. U procesu stvaranja korporativne reputacije od ključne je važnosti praćenje odnosa između korporativnog identiteta i imidža. Pri tome treba imati na umu da je korporativni identitet ono što organizacija u suštini jeste, što je definisala elementima kao što su slogan, logo, grafički standardi, kodeks ponašanja, poslovni prostor i sl. Korporativni imidž nastaje na osnovu percepcije korporativnog identiteta SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES od strane stejkholdera. Stepen usaglašenosti između korporativnog identiteta i imidža odslikava nivo reputacije. Građenje i dostizanje željenog nivoa reputacije za hotelske kompanije znači individualni pristup stejkholderima. Nema sumnje da su korisnici hotelskih usluga najvažniji stejkholderi, ali se do njihovog zadovoljstva može stići jedino izgradnjom odgovarajuće reputacije i u percepciji ostalih zainteresovanih strana, kao što su zaposleni, dobavljači, vršioci autsorsing usluga, ostali poslovni partneri, investitori, društvena zajednica i dr. Danas se smatra da je korporativna reputacija resurs koji obezbeđuje tržišnu konkurentnost. Ovo tim pre što se u uslovima jake konkurencije podižu tehničko-tehnološki standardi kvaliteta. To znači da komforan hotel sa udobnim ležajem i prostranim sobama teško može obezbediti stabilne tržišne pozicije. Drugim rečima, materijalni resursi hotelijerstva su u uslovima globalne tehničko-tehnološke razvijenosti dostigli određeni nivo kvaliteta koji se očekuje i zahteva, pa se, samim tim ovi resursi ni ne mogu tretirati kao „differentia specifica“ koja će doneti konkurentsku prednost. Nematerijalni, intelektualni resursi su upravo ono što hotelskoj kompaniji može doneti konkurentsku prednost u 21. veku. U ove resurse ubraja se reputacija kao ključna komponenta kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. S obzirom da je kvalitet merljiva kategorija, razvili su se i metodi za merenje reputacije. Jedan od osnovnih izmeritelja je indeks korporativne reputacije koji integriše različite komponente (proizvodi i usluge, stvaranje vrednosti za potrošača, zaposleni na svim nivoima, eksterno okruženje, inovacije, finansijska snaga, strategija, kultura, nematerijalne obaveze), sa izgrađenim merilima za vrednovanje postignuća svake od njih (prema: Cravens et al., 2003, preuzeto iz Mitić, 2009). Drugi pokazatelj je koeficijent reputacije, kreiran još 1999. godine od strane stručnjaka Instituta za reputaciju iz SAD i kompanije „Harris Interactive“. Sastoji se od šest ključnih elemenata (emocionalni apel, proizvodi i usluge, društvena odgovornost, finansijske performanse, vizija i liderstvo, radno okruženje). Za svaki od navedenih elemenata razrađeni su atributi kao i merila njihovog vrednovanja. U okviru elementa emocionalni apel, npr., pojavljuju se sledeći atributi: poštovanje, divljenje, poverenje, doživljaj prijatnosti i satisfakcije i dr. (Mitić, op. cit.). Upravljanje reputacijom, posebno reputacijom hotelskog proizvoda je, pre svega zbog velikog broja različitih stejkholdera, veoma ozbiljan, stručan i odgovoran posao. On zahteva prevazilaženje klasičnog pristupa kvalitetu, koji je zasnovan pretežno na tehničko-tehnološkim elementima. Uspešno bavljenje ovim poslom nameće konceptualno osmišljavanje, ali i organizaciono prestruktuiranje unutar hotelskih kompanija. Poveravanje ovih poslova specijalizovanim kompanijama po principu autsorsinga, takođe se ne isključuje. Pri tome eventualne visoke troškove ne bi trebalo tretirati kao ograničavajući faktor realizacije ovog poduhvata, s obzirom na činjenicu da se ulaganje u reputaciju po pravilu višestruko isplati. Posebna pažnja se poklanja izveštajima gostiju i odgovorima menadžmenta na te izveštaje. Ipak, veoma je važno istaći da reputaciju bilo koje hotelske kompanije ne treba svoditi samo na njenu onlajn dimenziju. Građenje reputacije je dug i mukotrpan proces koji uključuje doslednost u orijentaciji prema kvalitetu, uvažavanje ključnih principa sistema menadžmenta kvaliteta, među kojima su najvažniji usmerenje na korisnika, uzajamno korisni odnosi sa isporučiocima, uključenje zaposlenih, stalna poboljšanja. Drugim rečima, reputacija se gradi negovanjem odnosa sa svim stejkholderima, baziranim na uvažavanju i doslednoj primeni osnovnih principa poslovne etike kao što su iskrenost, poštenje, poštovanje drugih, održavanje obećanja. Kada se reputacija hotelske organizacije postavi na zdrave osnove, onda se njena onlajn varijanta pojavljuje kao logična posledica i izraz prilagođavanja ponašanju potrošača 21. veka. U Srbiji se, nažalost, još uvek nedovoljno pažnje poklanja reputaciji, u kontekstu kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. Autori su ovim radom imali za cilj da ukažu ne samo na značaj, nego i na neophodnost ozbiljnog, profesionalnog i kontinuputaciranog bavljenja reputacijom u hotelijerstvu Srbije. To je izuzetno težak zadatak kada se uzme u obzir reputacija naše zemlje kao turističke destinacije u globalnim razmerama. Prema najnovijem izveštaju Svetskog ekonomskog foruma (WEF) u pogledu konkurentnosti iz oblasti putovanja i turizma, Srbija zauzima 95. mesto u konkurenciji 141 zemlje (Tanjug, 2015). Indeks turističke konkurentnosti je vrednosni pokazatelj koji meri uspešnost zemalja u oblasti putovanja i turizma i obuhvata 14 ključnih kriterijuma u okviru sledećih kategorija: poslovno okruženje, uslovi za putovanja i turizam, infrastruktura i prirodna i kulturna bogatstva. Španija je na vodećem mestu, dok druga i treća pozicija pripadaju Francuskoj i Nemačkoj. Na četvrtom mestu po uspešnosti turističke delatnosti našle su se SAD, ispred Velike Britanije i Švajcarske. Srbija u oblasti poslovne klime zauzima nisko 133. mesto, u oblasti bezbednosti 59., zdravlja i higijene 38., ljudskih resursa i tržišta rada 89., informacione i komunikacione tehnologije 56., tretiranja putovanja i turizma kao prioriteta 113., međunarodne otvorenosti 101., cenovne konkurentnosti 78., ekološke održivosti 72., infrastrukture za avio saobraćaj 102., infrastrukture puteva i luka 98., infrastrukture turističkih usluga 63. mesto. U oblasti prirodnih resursa, Srbija je na 135. mestu, a kulturnih resursa i poslovnih putovanja na 67. mestu. Prvi korak mora biti znatno bolji tretman putovanja i turizma sa aspekta razvojnih prioriteta. To podrazumeva prihvatanje krupnih promena koje treba da dovedu do vidnog poboljšanja poslovne klime. U stimulativnom poslovnom okruženju stvaraju se preduslovi za poboljšanje reputacije, a samim tim i konkurentnosti u svim predstavljenim oblastima. U tom kontekstu, kvalitet i reputacija hotelskog proizvoda mogu bitno da doprinesu popravljanju pozicije Srbije kao turističke destinacije. 6. REZIME LITERATURA Reputacija je važna komponenta kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda. Ona se tretira kao nematerijalni, intelektualni resurs hotelske organizacije. U informatičkoj eri onlajn reputacija postaje sve važniji faktor uspešnosti poslovanja. Razvija se koncept upravljanja onlajn reputaciojom u hotelijerstvu. Ady, M., & Quadri-Felitti, D. (2014).The Effect of Reviews on Hotel Conversion Rates and Pricing. Preuzeto 29. novembra 2015. sa http://www.trustyou.com/travelreviews-impact-hotel-conversion-rates-pricing-12883. html 131 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Barsky, J., & Waite, M. (2013). For Hospitality, Social Media Is Too Little Too Late. Market Metrix. Preuzeto 29. novembra 2015. sa http://invattur.aimplas.es/ficheros/ noticias/116133043MMx_Social_Media_Too_Little_ Too_Late.pdf Bhuiyan, T., Josang, A., & Xu, Y. (2010). Trust and reputation management in web-based social network. In Usmani, Zeeshan-Ul-Hasan (Ed.) Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agents. InTech, pp. 207-232. Craig, D.E. (2010). How to cope with bad reviews. Preuzeto 29. novembra 2015. sa http://reknown.com/2010/11/ how-to-cope-with-bad-reviews-2/ Dešković, N. (2012). Kako do gosta putem interneta, ITDE (International Travel and Destination Experience), Split, www. internetpartner.hr Dimitrakos, T. (2003). A Service-Oriented Trust Management Framework. International Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, Bologna, Italy (pp. 53-72). Freedman, O. (2013). Reputation Management. Corporate Citizenship Conference, Auckland. Preuzeto 29. novembra 2015. sa http://legacy.grow.co.nz/corporatecitizenship-conference/ Grunig, J.E., & Hung, Ch. (2002). The Effect of Relationships on Reputation And Reputation on Relationships: A Cognitive, Behavioral Study. PRSA Educator’s Academy 5 th Annual International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, Florida, March 8-10, 2002. Kosar, Lj., & Bradić, M. (2014). Osnove poslovanja međunarodnih lanaca u hotelijerstvu. Novi Sad: Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF. Kosar, Lj., & Rašeta, S. (2005). Izazovi kvaliteta: menadžment kvaliteta u hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Viša hotelijerska škola. Manjgura. (2015). 10 zemalja koje najviše ulažu u online oglašavanje. Preuzeto 29. novembra 2015. sa http://manjgura.hr/blog/10-zemalja-koje-najvise-ulazu-u-online oglasavanje/#sthash.VJp8V3lY.dpuf Mitić, S. (2009). Korporativna reputacija i konkurentska prednost. Marketing, 40 (3), 155-164. Mui, L., Mohtashemi, M., & Halberstadt, A. (2002). A Computational Model of Trust and Reputation. Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Science. Preuzeto 5. maja 2015. sa http://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/hicss/2002/1435/07/14350188. pdf Rakita, B., & Mitrović, I. (2007). Brend menadžment. Beograd: Savremena administracija. Tanjug. (2015). Srbija na samom dnu svetske liste turizma u društvu Ruande i Tanzanije. Preuzeto 5. maja 2015. sa http://www.blic.rs/Vesti/Svet/556803/Srbija-na-samomdnu-svetske-liste-turizma-u-drustvu-Ruande-i-Tanzanije TripAdvisor. (2015). TripAdvisor. Preuzeto 22. juna 2015. sa www.tripadvisor.com Veljković, S. (2010). Brend menadžment. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet. REPUTATION MANAGEMENT AS A KEY QUALITY COMPONENT IN HOTEL INDUSTRY Abstract: Proceeding from the essential meaning of quality in general and, in particular, the hotel industry, the paper focuses on reputation as a key quality component of hotel products. Reputation management is a process that is closely connected to the process of quality management. Quality is a dynamic and changeable category that can and must be measured. Reputation appears as an indispensable indicator within the methodology and instruments of measurement i.e., assessment and quality control. It is primarily related to online reputation that is gaining considerable importance. However, in the domestic hospitality theory and practice, insufficient attention is still paid to reputation management. Therefore, this paper attempts to highlight the importance of reputation for complex quality evaluation of hotel products. At the same time, it represents a significant step towards overcoming the traditional approach to quality and implies constant monitoring of the effects of factors essential for reputation, change identification, planning, organizing, leading and monitoring of the results of activities undertaken with the aim to improve the reputation of hotel facilities, which further contributes to upgrading the overall quality of hotel products. 132 Key words: reputation, management, quality, hotel industry. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-133-139 UPRAVLJANJE ONLAJN ZAJEDNICAMA U HOTELIJERSTVU Radmila Živković*, Angelina Njeguš, Jelena Gajić, Ivana Brdar, Ivana Mijajlović Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Apstrakt: Rast društvenih medija u velikoj meri je uticao na alate i tehnike komunikacija hotela sa korisnicima. U današnje vreme hoteli koriste društvene medije u cilju reklamiranja, privlačenja novih, održavanja odnosa sa postojećim korisnicima i članovima online zajednica. Cilj rada je ukazati na ulogu menadžera zajednice (Community manager - CM) u interakciji sa gostima hotela i drugim korisnicima online zajednica kako bi se pratili njihovi stavovi, mišljenje, kao i zadovoljstvo pruženim uslugama. Za razliku od CRM sistema koji podržavaju komunikaciju jedan prema jedan između preduzeća i korisnika, CoRM podržavaju komunikaciju više prema članovima zajednice. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da su hotelijeri prepoznali značaj ovakve komunikacije koja im omogućava donošenje upravljačkih odluka koje utiču na profitabilnost hotela, lojalnosti gostiju i konkurentnost. 1. UVOD Menadžeri turističkih preduzeća uprkos rastu broja društvenih i drugih digitalnih medija, nedovoljno koriste njihove prednosti radi sticanja konkurentske prednosti. Deo problema leži u tome što se danas mešaju korisnici (Customers) sa onlajn članovima društvenih zajednica (Community Members) i to usled sve veće popularizacije termina društveni sistemi za upravljanje odnosima sa korisnicima (Social CRM). Članovi zajednice na mreži ne moraju obavezno biti i korisnici preduzeća, stoga Ang (2011) predlaže termin Upravljanje odnosima sa članovima zajednice (Community Relationship Management, CoRM). Praćenjem onlajn korisnika zajednice, sagledavanjem njihovih aktivnosti, uključivanjem i angažovanjem odnosno, sveukupnim upravljanjem odnosima sa članovima zajednice, preduzeća mogu poboljšati svoju vidljivost, razvijati nove proizvode i usluge, negovati javno mnjenje, kreirati i plasirati reklame, smanjiti troškove opsluživanja, izgraditi lojalnost, poboljšati prodaju itd. Učešće kolektivne inteligencije potencijalnih kupaca i postojećih korisnika mogu poboljšati različite poslovne ciljeve uz pomoć društvenih medija. Prisustvo u društvenim medijima pretpostavlja kao osnovni princip, sposobnost da se prihvati kritika od svih vrsta interesnih grupa, kao i da se na nju otvoreno odgovori (Kreutzer et al., 2015). 2. UTICAJ DRUŠTVENIH MEDIJA NA PONAŠANJE KORISNIKA U TURIZMU Društveni mediji uključuju različite tehnologije kao što su: blogovi i mikroblogovi (npr. Tumblr), sajtovi za deljenje videa (npr. Youtube), sajtovi društvenih mreža (npr. Facebook), sajtovi za deljenje slika (npr. Flickr), virtuelni društveni svetovi (npr. Second Life), kolaborativni projekti (npr. Crowdsourcing), sistemi za upravljanje sadržajem (npr. WordPress), sajtovi za deljenje sadržaja (npr. Slidesha* [email protected] Ključne reči: društveni mediji, onlajn zajednice, community manager (CM), hotelsko preduzeće. re), forumi i mnoge druge. Korisnici društvenih medija su podstaknuti da objavljuju, dele interesovanja i da se sve više angažuju. Dve najbitnije karakteristike društvenih medija su: povezivanje ljudi i interpersonalni odnosi (Rodríguez, 2009). Generalno, društveni mediji se mogu podeliti u dve velike grupe. Prvu grupu čine društvene mreže koje su bazirane na spremnosti korisnika da budu u kontaktu sa prijateljima i poznanicima i dele informacije o svom životu. Drugu grupu čine servisi kao i sajtovi koji su bazirani na specifičnoj temi koja je glavni razlog okupljanja ljudi koji razmišljaju na sličan način (Juslen, 2009 ). Mnogi autori ističu značaj društvenih medija za preporuku određenih turističkih proizvoda. Brojna istraživanja ispitivala su uticaj društvenih medija poput Twitter-a, Facebook-a i Youtube na ponašanje korisnika u oblasti turizma. U istraživanju koje je sprovedeno 2011. godine od strane Google-a pokazano da čak polovina ljudi priznaje da na njihove planove u vezi putovanja utiču preporuke drugih ljudi (International IPK, 2012). Postavlja se kao logično pitanje u čemu je tajna uticaja preporuka sa društvenih medija na ponašanje korisnika. Kao jedan od glavnih faktora izdvaja se poverenje u istinitost date informacije. Istraživanje koje su sproveli Fotis et al. (2012) u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, pokazalo je da čak 82% potrošača čita on-line komentare sa namerom da donese odluku o putovanju. Ispitanici smatraju da su komentari sa društvenih medija pouzdaniji nego informacije koje se mogu naći na zvaničnim sajtovima, u turističkim agencijama ili u reklamama. Većina ljudi priznaje da su komentari sa društvenih medija uticali na njihove planove u vezi putovanja, pri čemu, više od polovine ispitanika (65%) izveštava da su napravili određene izmene u svom originalnom planu, dok 15% ispitanika priznaje da su napravili velike promene u svom prvobitnom planu, a koje su direktna posledica iskustava drugih ljudi koja su dostupna na društvenim medijima. 133 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Istraživanja sugerišu da je uticaj društvenih medija na-ročito vidljiv prilikom preporuke hotela, destinacije i lokacije. Razlog leži u činjenici da su putnici spremni da podele svoja iskustva sa putovanja na društvenim medijima pri čemu daju brojne relevantne informacije u obliku komentara, video zapisa, fotografija. Što se tiče Facebook-a, pojedini autori smatraju da je za kompanije bolje da kreiraju Facebook stranice umesto grupe. Stranice su javne i svima lako dostupne, vidljive u internet pretraživačima. Osim toga moguće je videti sadržaj određene stranice pre nego što se ta stranica počne pratiti. Na kraju, bitno je naglasiti da se novosti sa stranice ažuriraju čime se osigurava da potencijalni korisnik bude u toku. Osim Facebook-a, hoteli mogu da koriste ostale sajtove poput Youtube-a, Flickr-a, blogove kao i Twitter za kreiranje i deljenje sadržaja koji za cilj imaju privlačenje novih i zadržavanje starih korisnika. Juslén (2009) ističe prednosti vođenja blogova za poslovanje kompanije. On smatra da kompanije koje vode blogove sugerišu svojim korisnicima da su otvoreni za razgovor umesto jednostrane komunikacije koja je usmerena na prodavanje proizvoda tj. usluge. Jedan od oblika vođenja bloga je i takozvani mikrobloging (eng. Micro-blogging) koji se najčešće odnosi na vođenje profila na Twitter-u. Ideja je da se u 140 karaktera artikuliše zanimljiva poruka, takozvani tweet, koji bi trebao da zainteresuje korisnike. Na osnovu analize, dolazi se do zaključka da je najbolja strategija koristiti nekoliko društvenih platformi za promovisanje sopstvenog poslovanja što dovodi do povećanja vidljivosti. Postoje podaci koji sugerišu da ukoliko se žele privući turisti iz različitih delova sveta isti medij neće dati iste rezultate. Tako se procenjuje da čak 74% internet korisnika u Japanu čita blogove, dok je u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama taj procenat značajno manji i iznosi samo 27% internet korisnika (Kotler et al., 2010). Prisustvo neke kompanije na društvenim medijima osim što utiče na njenu vidljivost pruža i pregršt informacija koje data kompanija može da iskoristi za planiranje novih aktivnosti, omogućava i merenje rezultata prethodnih akcija i slično. (Lappas, 2011) Neki od ključnih podataka koji se lako mogu pratiti su: broj posetilaca sajta, njihova aktivnost na sajtu, broj novih korisnika do kojih se došlo preko sajta kompanije ili veb pretraživača. Neke od korisnih veb alatki su: Google AdWords i Google Analytics. Google AdWords je alatka bazirana na ključnim rečima i služi za povećanje vidljivosti, ali i za reklamiranje. Kompanije koje koriste ovu alatku imaju priliku da samostalno odrede vidljivost reklame definišući region i jezik, biranjem ključnih reči kao i teksta reklame i određivanjem budžeta. Ono što ovu alatku čini posebno atraktivnom je činjenica da je kreiranje reklame besplatno, kasnije se plaća po principu “pay per click”. Drugim rečima, kompanije plaćaju samo kada je potencijalni korisnik zaista kliknuo na reklamu umesto da ju je samo pasivno video (https://www.google. com/adwords/). S druge strane, Google Analytics (http://www.google. com/analytics/) je alatka koja služi za praćenje i analiziranje onlajn aktivnosti na nekom veb-sajtu. Google Analytics daje informacije o tome odakle su posetioci veb-sajta, šta rade na sajtu, u kom trenutku napuštaju sajt. Osim toga, moguće je izdvojiti najbolje ključne reči. Bitno je istaći da Google Analytics može da analizira i aktivnost na socijalnim mrežama iako neke od njih već imaju svoje alate (npr. Facebook). Društvene mreže su bogat izvor informacija o svojim korisnicima, pa tako većina korisnika rado izveštava o svojim interesovanjima, hobijima. Osim toga, oni često prate određene stranice i sadržaje koje su u vezi sa njihovim interesovanjima. Ove informacije omogućavaju slanje personalizovanih reklamnih poruka određenom korisniku. Dakle, umesto prikazivanja svih reklamnih poruka ili umesto prikazivanja reklamnih poruka slučajnim izborom, sada postoji način da se na osnovu prethodnih interesovanja predvidi koji bi sadržaj mogao da zanima pojedinačnog korisnika. Na taj način i samo reklamiranje postaje efektnije. Slika 1. Uloga menadžmenta zajednice 134 Izvor: Maggi (2011) Sistemi za personalizovano reklamiranje najčešće se baziraju na data mining-u (Zhou et al., 2007). Za funkcionisanje ovakvog sistema neophodno je najpre prikupiti informacije o konkretnom korisniku (veb istorija, informacije prilikom registracije, aktuelno ponašanje na Internetu), ali i analizirati reklamne poruke. Kada dođe do preklapanja ovih rezultata tada se određena reklamna poruka prikazuje konkretnom korisniku. Dakle, korišćenjem personalizovanog reklamiranja, kompanije uspevaju da se istaknu u velikom broju reklama kojima su svakodnevno izloženi internet korisnici, a koje neretko izazivaju dosadu pa čak i frustriranost korisnika. Prikazivanje reklama samo onima koje bi taj sadržaj mogao zanimati utiče i na same troškove reklamne kampanje. Osim toga, smanjuje se mogućnost razvijanja negativnog odnosa korisnika usled prezasićenosti onim sadržajima koji ga možda, samo trenutno ne zanimaju. 3. ZNAČAJ UPRAVLJANJA ONLAJN ZAJEDNICAMA Upravljanje zajednicama (Community Management) je važna tačka konekcije između preduzeća i ljudi, koja podstiče komunikaciju i angažovanost kroz zabavu, razgovor, učestvovanje, podršku, kupovinu, znanje ili socijalizaciju (slika 1). Postojeći sistemi za upravljanje odnosima sa korisnicima (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) se pre svega odnose na primenu strateških, analitičkih i operacionih alata koji će automatizovati sveukupne odnose sa postojećim korisnicima. CRM uključuju upravljanje životnim ciklusom korisnika, razvoj portfolija, migraciju sa jednog segmenta na drugi, upravljanje iskustvima i dr. Korisnici mogu, ali i ne moraju koristiti društvene medije. Za razliku od CRM-a, CoRM obuhvata praćenje korisnika društvenih zajednica koji koriste društvene medije radi povezivanja, konverzacije, kreiranja ili saradnje (Slika 2). SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Slika 2. Odnos CRM-a i CoRM-a Izvor: Ang (2011) Hotelijeri su odavno otkrili da informacije u komentarima njihovih gostiju omogućavaju donošenje upravljačkih odluka koje utiču na profitabilnost hotela i povećanje lojalnosti gostiju (Rosman et al., 2013). Za razliku od CRM sistema koji podržavaju komunikaciju jedan prema jedan između preduzeća i korisnika, CoRM podržavaju komunikaciju više prema članovima zajednice. Da bi opstao konkurentan u digitalnom svetu, hotel mora da se bavi svojim korisnicima preko društvenih medija, kako zbog povećanja svesti o brendu, tako i zbog izgradnje odnosa sa novim i lojalnim potrošačima. Sa druge strane, komunikacija pomaže interpersonalnoj edukaciji zaposlenih i efikasnijem procesu pružanja usluga (Lim, 2010). Većina velikih hotela formirala je namenske timove koji dnevno prate komentare korisnika na društvenim mrežama, obezbeđujući brze odgovore na svako njihovo pitanje. Nova uloga community manager (menadžera zajednice) u hotelima ima zadatak da koristi savremene alate u cilju upravljanja društvenim zajednicama (Slika 3). Slika 3. Zadaci menadžera zajednice Izvor: https://www.enterpriseirregulars.com/66024/todays-community-manager-skills-savvy-engagement-social-data-business/ 135 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Zadovoljstvo potrošača i profitablinost su usko povezani sa kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga (Živković, 2014). Svaka interakcija sa korisnikom ili gradi ili narušava vrednost u tom odnosu utičući na budući kontakt. Upravo zbog toga, community manager predstavlja veoma važan deo u komunikaciji hotelskog preduzeća i korisnika kojima se obraća. To je osoba koja je zadužena za održavanje korporativnih profila hotela na društvenim medijima kao što su Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn i slično. Zadatak community manager-a (CM) hotelskog preduzeća je da, osim što objavljuje sadržaj na društvenim medijima u ime hotela, bude moderator komunikacije između članova zajednice okupljenih na različitim društveno-mrežnim odredištima koje povezuje neki zajednički interes. Ovu zajednicu mora dobro da poznaje, da zna njene reakcije, kada je aktivna, a kada neaktivna. CM ima zadatak da traži i da kreira sadržaj koji će biti interesantan, koristan i dovoljno vredan da ga posetilac nagradi svojom pažnjom, lajkuje ili komentariše. Samo kvalitetan i relevantan sadržaj može biti ono što će držati pažnju posetilaca prezentacije. Pored toga, CM je u konstantnoj komunikaciji sa posetiocima i upoznat je sa tržištem, trendovima, konkurencijom. Njegov posao je da zastupa hotel na društvenim medijima i da bude onlajn ambasador brenda hotela koga predstavlja (The Community Roundtable, 2015). Prema istraživanjima Laroche et al. (2012), gde je bio uključen 441 ispitanik, prikazano je da aktivnost u društvenim zajednicama ima direktan, pozitivan efekat na poverenje i poboljšanje lojalnosti brendu. Za korisnike zajednica, CM bi trebalo da bude stalno dostupan. Njegovo radno vreme bi trebalo da zavisi od ritma zajednice njegovih fanova i pratilaca. Na pitanja korisnika bi trebalo da odgovara u što kraćem roku i da je uvek raspoložen za neobavezan razgovor s njima. CM treba da prati ponašanje i navike svojih korisnika koristeći metrike društvenih medija. Statistika, izrada izveštaja, prikaz rezultata i praćenje aktivnosti na društvenim medijima je važan aspekt ovog posla i rezultira vrednim pokazateljima prilikom planiranja budućih aktivnosti hotelskog preduzeća. Prezentacija pravih podataka, na pravi način i u pravo vreme je ključna za menadžment hotela u cilju uspešnijeg poslovanja hotela. Potrebno je da CM ulaže dosta vremena u edukaciju i praćenje svih novina u svetu društvenih medija, tehnologija i trendova. Jedna naizgled mala promena u algoritmu pri- kaza objava korisnicima Facebook-a ponekad znači pravu revoluciju. CM, osim što treba da bude upoznat sa svim promenama sa kojima se svakodnevno susreće na društvenim medijima, konstantno mora da testira mogućnosti za poboljšanje odnosa s korisnicima i predlaže ideje kojima će zajednicu još više osnažiti, povezati i povećati. Pristup strategiji nastupa na društvenim medijima uvek mora biti proaktivan, pri čemu veliku ulogu ima kreativnost, jer smisliti Facebook status ili objavu na Twitter-u od 140 znakova zahteva puno više truda i promišljanja nego što bi se na prvi pogled moglo učiniti. On ponekad mora biti kratak i jasan, ponekad opširan, ponekad ozbiljan, ponekad duhovit, a neretko zanimljivošću prikriveno promotivan. Budući da je format ograničen, veoma je važno da je svaka reč odgovarajuća i u skladu sa gramatikom i pravopisom. Intervju (Mackenzie, 2015) sa CM-om hotelske korporacije Fairmont, koji ima više od 128.000 pratilaca na Twitter-u, objašnjava Twitter strategiju tog hotelskog lanca za komuniciranje sa budućim, sadašnjim i pređašnjim korisnicima. Naime, Taylor ističe da su glavni ciljevi njihove Twitter strategije: razvijanje svesti o njihovom brendu kao i podsticanje na dijalog svih zainteresovanih strana sa ovim hotelskim lancem, kako bi se saznalo šta oni žele da znaju o njima i o čemu žele da razgovaraju. Taylor priznaje da oni sa svojim pratiocima dele sve ono što misle da je vredno. Iako Twitter nije primarno zamišljen kao alat za prodaju, on smatra da, ukoliko imaju ponudu sa odličnom cenom, istu će rado podeliti sa svojim pratiocima na Twitter-u. On je takođe priznao da se trude da svoje pratioce obaveste o detaljima koje ranije nisu znali, a vezani su za njihov brend. Postoje mnogi alati koji olakšavaju posao community managera. Jedan od alata čije će se funkcionalnosti prikazati u ovom radu je Commun.it, alat za upravljanje Twitter zajednicom (Slika 4). Funkcionalnosti ovog alata su: nadgledanje (monitoring) šta članovi zajednice pišu o brendu ili poslovanju kompanije; sagledavanje ko je sve linkovan na veb-sajt kompanije; prikupljanje informacija o novim članovima; sagledavanje ko je sve uključen u zajednici; praćenje relevantnih članova; sagledavanje koji članovi prate (follow), a koji su se nedavno odjavili; segmentiranje članova u grupe kako bi se lakše upravljalo zajednicom; upravljanje višestrukim nalozima sa jednog mesta; izveštavanje o angažovanosti članova zajednice. Slika 4. Prikaz ekrana Commun.it 136 Izvor: https://commun.it 4. ANALIZA IZABRANIH PLANINSKIH HOTELA SRBIJE I BUGARSKE PREMA AKTIVNOSTIMA KORISNIKA NA DRUŠTVENIM MREŽAMA Trend društvenih medija nije zaobišao ni Srbiju. Istraživanje (Bulut et al., 2012) potvrdilo je da i korisnici društvenih medija u Srbiji koriste društvene mreže u svrhu informisanja o putovanju (i to čak 68%) pri čemu više od polovine ispitanika (53%) tvrdi da dele samo pozitivna iskustva, dok 28% deli kako pozitivna tako i negativna iskustva. Na kraju značajan broj ispitanika (47%) je rekao da komentari drugih ljudi na društvenim mrežama utiču na donošenje odluke o putovanju. Strateško korišćenje tehnologije je jedna od najvažnijih marketinških mogućnosti koje hotelsko preduzeće ima u ovom trenutku. Sa ciljem da predstavimo aktivnosti na društvenim medijima u hotelskoj industriji, urađena je analiza planinskih hotela Srbije i Bugarske, kako bi se sagledalo angažovanje domaćih planinskih hotela u odnosu na hotele susednih zemalja. U radu su analizirane aktivnosti sledećih hotela: ◆ hotel Grand & Spa, Kopaonik, ◆ hotel Falkensteiner, Stara Planina, ◆ hotel Jat Apartmani, Kopaonik, ◆ hotel Premier Luxury Mountain Resort, Bansko, Bugarska ◆ hotel Festa Winter Palace, Borovec, Bugarska i ◆ hotel Pamporovo, Pamporovo, Bugarska Period praćenja i analize aktivnosti odabranih hotela vršena je u dvonedeljnom periodu od 07.05.2015. do 20.05.2015. Rezultati analize su prikazani u tabeli 1, gde je predstavljen uporedni pregled zastupljenosti i aktivnosti hotela na društvenim medijima. Veb-sajt Facebook Twitter YouTube Linkedin TripAdvisor Virtual Tour Tabela 1. Pregled zastupljenosti i aktivnosti hotela na društvenim medijima Grand hotel & Spa Kopaonik Falkensteiner hotel Stara planina Društveni mediji Hoteli JAT apartmani Kopaonik Premier Luxury Mountain Resort Bansko Hotel Pamporovo Pamporovo - - profil - - - Festa Winter Palace Hotel Borovec - Prvo mesto u ovoj analizi zauzima hotel Premier Luxury Mountain Resort, iz bugarskog planinskog centra Bansko, koji je dostupan na većini popularnih medija i spreman da odgovara na pitanja, primedbe i pohvale gostiju. Mogućnost SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES onlajn rezervacije, onlajn razgovora sa operaterima, kao i odlične ocene na društvenoj mreži Facebook i sajtu TripAdvisor govore o spremnosti hotela da pruži kvalitetnu uslugu i uvek sasluša mišljenja svojih gostiju. Poslednje mesto u ovoj analizi pripada hotelu Pamporovo, čiji menadžment još uvek nije shvatio važnost popularnih društvenih medija u odnosima sa potrošačima. Naime, ovaj hotel koristi veoma zastarelu internet prezentaciju preko koje je komunikacija teška i spora. Ne koriste društvenu mrežu Twitter, a na Facebook-u koriste profil umesto stranicu. Stiče se utisak da se njihov profil na Facebook-u retko ažurira i da ne postoji interesovanje hotelskih radnika za komunikacijom sa potrošačima. Na TripAdvisor-u je čak primećeno da nezadovoljstvo njihovom hotelskom uslugom raste. Na osnovu sveukupne analize stanja aktivnosti hotela na društvenim medijima dolazi se do zaključka da hoteli iz Srbije i Bugarske nisu dovoljno otvoreni po pitanju prilagođavanja savremenim oblicima e-komunikacije u cilju održavanja boljih odnosa sa potrošačima. Alat Facebook Competitive Analysis pruža mogućnost uporedne analize konkurentnosti stranica od dva do deset preduzeća na Facebook-u tako što meri aktivnosti izabranih stranica u poslednje dve nedelje i analizira konkurentsku poziciju, performanse i udeo na tržištu. Zanimljivo je istaći da ovaj alat nudi preuzimanje analize u Excel i Power Point formatima kako bi se izveštaj lakše predstavio poslovnim saradnicima. U ovu analizu nije bilo moguće uključiti hotel Pamporovo jer koristi Facebook profil koji ne omogućava javni uvid u više informacija članovima ove društvene mreže. Sl. 5 prikazuje analizu kojom je utvrđeno da ukupan broj pratilaca tj. fanova odabranih hotela na društvenoj mreži Facebook iznosi 134.000. Na prvom mestu, po broju pratilaca, nalazi se hotel Premier Bansko Luxury Resort, sa 89.000 pratilaca. Potom slede: Hotel Grand & Spa sa 33.100 pratilaca, hotel Falkensteiner Stara Planina sa 10.100 pratilaca, hotel Festa Winter Palace sa 1.161 pratilaca i na kraju, hotelski kompleks Jat Apartmani sa 1.137 pratilaca. Važno je istaći da nisu svi pratioci aktivni u diskusijama, posećivanju stranica, kao i praćenju sadržaja koje ovi hoteli dele sa svojim fanovima. Na grafikonu 1 se prikazuje broj Facebook korisnika koji su bili aktivni u poslednje dve nedelje na stranicama hotela koje prate. Predvodnik u ukupnom broju pratilaca je hotel Premier Luxury Mountain Resort, dok je predvodnik po broju aktivnih pratilaca hotel Grand & Spa. Slika 5. Aktivni pratioci u periodu od 07.05.2015 do 20.05.2015 137 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA U nastavku ove analize ispitivana je aktivnost stranica odabranih hotela u dvonedeljnom periodu i utvrđeno je da su samo 3 hotela ažurirala svoje stranice dodavajući nove sadržaje i informacije i to Hotel Grand & Spa, kompleks Jat Apartmani kao i hotel Premier Luxury Mountain Resort. Ostala dva hotela, Falkensteiner Stara planina i Festa Winter Palace, poslednja ažuriranja na Facebook stranici beleže 24og, odnosno 20-og aprila 2015. godine. Sl. 6 prikazuje analizu koja pokazuje da su u posmatranom periodu objavljene 23 fotografije, koje su imale čak 728 interakcija. Primećeno je da se hotelski kompleks Jat Apartmani ističe po broju objavljivanja sadržaja na ovoj društvenoj mreži, ali i da se hotel Grand & Spa ističe po najvećem broju interakcija tj. sviđanja i deljenja objavljenih sadržaja od strane korisnika tj. pratilaca. Na grafikonu 2 je predstavljen uporedni prikaz objava i interakcija na stranicama pomenutih hotela. menadžmenta hotela o kvalitetu usluge, kao i odnosu prema potrošačima. Hoteli koji su na vreme prepoznali važnost kvalitetne usluge dobijaju više ocene na ovom turističkom sajtu. Hoteli čija usluga nije ispunila očekivanja korisnika beleže niže ocene, ali im se pruža prilika da iz iskustava, ocena i komentara svojih bivših gostiju saznaju načine unapređenja svojih usluga. Većina planinskih hotela Srbije i Bugarske je uključena u savremene vidove komunikacije sa potrošačima. Svaki od analiziranih hotela je dostupan preko više kanala, međutim u nedovoljnoj meri, jer pored mogućnosti komunikacije treba pokazati spremnost menadžmenta da u potpunosti komunicira sa potrošačima. Dobar primer svakako predstavljaju Facebook stranice hotela Grand & Spa, kompleksa Jat Apartmani kao i hotela Premier Luxury Mountain Resort. Loš utisak odaje hotel Pamporovo koji na pomenutoj društvenoj mreži koristi profil i ne pruža mogućnost javnog uvida u informacije. Na sajtu TripAdvisor ističe se hotel Premier Luxury Mountain Resort, čiji menadžment redovno odgovara na pozitivne kao i negativne komentare gostiju. Na osnovu sprovedene analize može se zaključiti da je, za uspešno hotelsko poslovanje neophodan dobar odnos sa korisnicima i svim zainteresovanim stranama. Potrebno je da hotel bude dostupan za razgovor preko što više kanala komunikacije. Stranice na medijima poput Facebook-a, Twitter-a, Youtube-a se moraju stalno dopunjavati i ne treba dopustiti da se potencijalni korisnici informišu na osnovu starih i neproverenih informacija. LITERATURA Slika 6. Prikaz aktivnosti na stranicama hotela u periodu od 07.05.2015 do 20.05.2015. U pomenutom periodu pratioci ovih hotela na društvenoj mreži Facebook nisu objavili nijedan komentar te analiza nije mogla da da odgovor na pitanje koji je procenat odgovora od strane hotela na komentare gostiju. Direktnim uvidom u ranije komentare dolazi se do zaključka da su gore pomenuti hoteli redovno odgovarali na pitanja pratilaca. Na kraju ove analize dolazi se do zaključka da je hotel sa najpopularnijom Facebook stranicom hotel Grand & Spa, koji iako nema najveći broj ukupnih pratilaca svakako ima najveći broj aktivnih pratilaca kao i najveći broj interakcija. 5. ZAKLJUČAK 138 Razvoj društvenih medija je promenio način poslovanja hotelskih preduzeća i njihov odnos prema potrošačima. Savremeni potrošači koriste sofisticirane tehnologije te su i bolje informisani, a samim tim i zahtevniji. Poznavanje potreba potrošača kao i održavanje odnosa sa njima predstavljaju ključnu kariku u uspešnom poslovanju hotelskog preduzeća i njegovoj konkurentnosti na tržištu. Zahvaljujući alatima za praćenje korisnika na društvenim medijima, hotelska preduzeća mogu da saznaju više o korisnicima. Community manager-i imaju ključnu ulogu u on-line komunikaciji sa korisnicima. Turistički sajt TripaAdvisor.com postaje prva stanica putnika koji na osnovu ocena i komentara ljudi koji su u određenom hotelu boravili, donosi konačnu odluku. Ovaj sajt, takođe menja svest Ang, L. (2011) Community relationship management and social media. Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 18, 31-38. doi:10.1057/ dbm.2011.3. Blackwell et al. (2006). Prema Rodríguez, I.L. (2009). Social Media in Tourism Behaviour. France: Bournemouth University, Universite de Savoie. Bulut, I., Radenković-Šošić, B., & Zeremski, A.V. (2012). Tourist destination branding on social networks. Industrija, 40 (2), 157-174. Fotis, J., Buhalis, D., & Rossides, N. (2012). Social media use and impact during the holiday travel planning process. Berlin: Springer. Google. (2015a). Analytics. Preuzeto 01. juna 2015. sa http:// www.google.com/analytics/ Google. (2015b). Adwords. Preuzeto 01. juna 2015. sa https:// www.google.com/adwords/ International IPK. (2012). ITB World Travel Trends Report 2012/2013. Berlin: Messe Berlin GmbH. Juslén, J. (2009). Netti mullistaa markkinoinnin: Hyödynnä uudet mahdollisuudet. Helsinki: Talentum. Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2010). Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Kreutzer, H.L. (2015). Digital Darwinism Branding and Business Models in Jeopardy. Berlin: Springer. Lappas, G. (2011). Social multimedia mining: trends and opportunities in areas of social and communication studies. In I. Ting, T. Hong & L. Wang (Ed.) Social Network Mining, Analysis, and Research Trends: Techniques and Applications Hershey. PA:Information Science Reference. Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R., Richard, M.O., & Sankaranarayanan, R. (2012). The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust and brand loyalty. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 (5), 1755-1767. Lim, W. (2010). The Effects of social media networks in the hospitality industry. Las Vegas: University of Nevada. Mackenzie, J. (2015). Fairmont Hotels explains their Twitter Strategy: Interview with PR Manager. Preuzeto 01. Juna 2015. sa http://www.hotelmarketingstrategies.com/fairmont-hotels-twitter-2494/ Maggi, S. (2011). The Connection between brands and people: News. Preuzeto 01. juna 2015. sa http://wearesocial.it Njeguš, A. (2010). Informacioni sistemi u turističkom poslovanju. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Rodríguez, I.L. (2009). Social Media in Tourism Behaviour. Chambéry: Bournemouth University, Université de Savoie. Rosman, R., & Stuhura, K. (2013). The Implications of Social Media on Customer Relationship Management and the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 14(3), 18-26. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES The Community Roundtable. (2015). What Defines a Community Manager? Preuzeto 01. juna 2015. sa http:// www.communityroundtable.com/definitions-bestpractices/what-defines-a-community-manager Universal McCANN. (2008). Power to the people Social media tracker: Wave 3. Preuzeto 01. juna 2015. sa http:// www.slideshare.net/mickstravellin/universal-mccanninternational-social-media-research-wave-3 Zhou, N., Chen, Y., & Zhang, H. (2007). Study on Personalized Recommendation Model of Internet Advertisement. In Integration and Innovation Orient to E-Society: Volume 2 (pp. 176-183). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-75494-9_22 Živković, R. (2014). Ponašanje i zaštita potrošača u turizmu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. ONLINE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALITY Abstract: The development of social media has significantly altered the communications tools and techniques used by the hotels in interaction with their existing and prospective customers. Nowadays, the hotels mainly use social media for advertising purposes, as well as for attracting new customers, maintaining ongoing relationships with the existing customers and members of online communities. The principal aim of the paper is to highlight the role of community managers (CM) in interaction with hotel guests and other users of online communities in order to be conversant with their attitudes, opinions, and satisfaction with the services provided. Unlike CRM systems that emphasize personalized interactions with customers, CoRM systems advocate communication with the members of the community. Research results indicate that hotel managers have recognized the importance of this type of communication as it enables them to make managerial decisions that affect the profitability of hotels and growth of customer loyalty and competitiveness. Key words: social media, online communities, community manager (CM), hotels. 139 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-140-145 UPRAVLJANJE ONLAJN KOMUNIKACIJOM S KORISNICIMA HOTELSKIH USLUGA Saša Mašić* Visoka hotelijerska škola strukovnih studija, Kneza Višeslava 70, Beograd Apstrakt: eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) portali imaju sve veći značaj na savremenom hotelskom tržištu, a posledično i sve veći uticaj na poslovne performanse hotela. Savremeni hotelski potrošači se sve češće informišu o hotelima koristeći iskustva drugih ljudi na eWOM portalima. Rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog za potrebe ovog rada ukazuju na rastuću sklonost potrošača da svoja iskustva u pogledu korišćenih hotelskih proizvoda podele sa drugima preko portala TripAdvisor. Tako je u 2010. godini na svakih 1.000 registrovanih dolazaka turista u destinacije uključene u uzorak registrovano 0,64 recenzija, da bi taj broj u 2014. godini porastao na 2,96. Brojni eWOM portali daju mogućnost menadžmentu hotela da odgovori na objavljene recenzije. Odgovor menadžmenta na publikovane recenzije je jedan od instrumenata koji može doprineti boljem imidžu hotela na eWOM portalima. S obzirom na značaj tih portala na savremenom hotelskom tržištu menadžment hotela mora pristupiti planski ovom problemu i razviti organizacione procedure koje bi obezbedile što bolju promociju hotela. Rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog za potrebe ovog rada ukazuju da je u 2010. učešće recenzija na koje je menadžment odgovorio iznosilo oko 8,5%, dok je 2014. godine ono bilo oko 40%. Prema rezultatima sprovedenog istraživanja spremnost menadžmenta da odgovori na publikovane recenzije na portalu TripAdvisor u vezi je sa kategorijom hotela. Tokom posmatranog perioda kod hotela najviše kategorije zabeležen je najviši procenat odgovora menadžmenta na objavljene recenzije. U isto vreme, odgovori na publikovane ocene kod hotela najniže kategorije nisu registrovani. 1. UVOD 140 Korišćenje interneta je postalo deo svakodnevice za veliki broj ljudi, pogotovo u razvijenim zemljama. Prema podacima portala Internet Live Stats broj aktivnih korisnika interneta u svetu premašio je 3 milijarde korisnika, što predstavlja oko 42,4% ukupnog broja stanovnika. Između kontinenata i regiona postoje značajne razlike. Najmanje učešće internet korisnika u populaciji je registrovano u Africi i iznosilo je 27,5%, dok je najveće učešće zabeleženo u Severnoj Americi – 86,9%, Australiji – 72,1% i Evropi – 70,4% (Internet Live Stats, 2015). Korisnici danas na Internet-u vrlo lako mogu pronaći čitav niz informacija o turističkoj ponudi kako na nivou turističkih destinacija tako i na nivou pojedinačnih pružaoca usluga, uključujući i hotele. Paralelno se razvijaju i različita softverska rešenja koja korisnicima omogućavaju međusobnu razmenu iskustava u pogledu korišćenja različitih proizvoda ili usluga. Potrošači hotelskih usluga na internetu mogu pronaći brojne informacije o hotelima koristeći različite informacione izvore. Oni mogu informacije potražiti na zvaničnim sajtovima hotela, na sajtovima različitih posrednika između * [email protected] Ključne reči: eWOM, upravljanje onlajn reputacijom, TripAdvisor, hoteli. potrošača i hotela, na društvenim mrežama, ali i na specijalizovanim portalima koji omogućavaju razmenu iskustava između korisnika usluga. Takvi portali omogućavaju elektronsku komunikaciju „od usta do usta“ i u literaturi se često nazivaju eWOM portali – electronic word-of-mouth (Hennig-Thurau & Walsh, 2003; Goldsmith & Horowitz, 2006; Litvin et al., 2008; Bronner & De Hoog, 2010; Purnawirawan, De Pelsmacker & Dens, 2012). Takve sadržaje na internetu nazivaju i „Travel 2.0”(Middleton et al., 2009: 266), sadržajima generisanim od strane korisnika (User Generated Content – UGC) kao sadržajima generisanim od strane potrošača (Consumer Generated Content – CGC). Tradicionalna promocija „od usta do usta“ (word of mouth-WOM), je u savremenim uslovima u značajnoj meri supstituisana elektronskom komunikacijom između korisnika koji se, za razliku od tradicionalnog modela (WOM) međusobno ne poznaju. Takođe komentari i kritike nisu više dostupni samo osobama kojima su direktno bili upućeni, već praktično svim zainteresovanim Internet korisnicima. Može se zaključiti da je eWOM uticajniji od tradicionalne promocije „od usta do usta“ i to zbog svoje brzine, komfora, izostanka pritiska koji se može javiti u komunikaciji ljudi „licem u lice“ i činjenice da je recenzija koju je napisao jedan potrošač dostupna velikom broju korisnika portala (Sun et al., 2006: 1106, prema Phelps et al., 2004). Ovaj aspekt komunikacije postaje posebno značajan u slučaju usluga imajući u vidu njihovu neopipljivost i teškoće u poređenju različitih alternativa tokom procesa kupovine (Litvin et al., 2008). Potencijalni potrošači na eWOM portalima imaju pristup iskustvima drugih korisnika koji su prethodno koristili usluge hotela za koje su oni zainteresovani. Ovakvi portali postaju izuzetno važan informacioni izvor za druge potencijalne korisnike hotelskih usluga (Pan et al., 2007). U literaturi se govori o tome da savremeni korisnici hotelijerskih usluga mogu unapred kreirati jednu vrstu posrednog iskustva jer oni i pre konzumacije hotelskih usluga formiraju određena očekivanja na osnovu iskustava drugih korisnika koje su oni podelili publikovanjem svojih recenzija na eWOM portalima (Sparks & Browning, 2011). Jasno je da savremeni potrošači postaju sve informisaniji i sofisticiraniji. Pored tradicionalnih faktora kao što su lokacija, brend, sadržaji, cena usluge, programi lojalnosti, na izbor hotela na savremenom hotelijerskom tržištu utiču i ocene i komentari korisnika njihovih usluga, dostupni na internetu (Mašić et al., 2014). eWOM se preovlađujuće koristi kao informacioni izvor na savremenom hotelijerskom tržištu i ima potencijal za značajan uticaj u procesu donošenja odluka od strane potrošača (Xie et al., 2011). U izveštaju World Travel Market 2013 Industry Report (str. 28) se kao glavni informacioni izvori pri planiranju putovanja britanskih turista navode rezencije sa eWOM portala kao što je TripAdvisor (27%), lične preporuke (18%), informacije sa portala turističkih organizacija (14%), turističkih priručnika (14%), specijalizovanih turističkih magazina (5%), novina (5%), blogova (3%), turističkih aplikacija (3%), društvenih mreža (3%) i ostalih izvora (8%). Anderson (2012: 7) u svojoj studiji prenosi rezultate istraživanja sprovedenog od strane Market Metrix-a, publikovanih u januaru 2010. godine u časopisu Hotel & Motel Management, a prema kojima čak 51% potencijalnih hotelskih gostiju pri izboru hotela koristi i analizira iskustva gostiju koji su već koristili usluge tog hotela. Prema statističkim podacima preuzetih sa portala Travelindustrywire.com onlajn recenzije na eWOM portalima su uticali na proces rezervacije hotelskih usluga kod čak 84% potencijalnih hotelskih gostiju (Wu, 2013: 12). Kod Tuominen-a (2011: 3). se navodi još veći procenat – 88%. Jasno je da sadržaji kojima su hoteli predstavljeni na eWOM portali imaju snažan uticaj na izbor hotela od strane potrošača. Vermeulen i Seegers (2009: 126) navode da je taj uticaj izraženiji u slučaju hotela koji ne posluju pod široko međunarodno prepoznatljivim brendovima. Potrošači su u većoj meri familijarizovani sa ponudom hotela koji posluju pod globalnim hotelskim brendovima koji podrazumevaju implementaciju čitavog niz standarda u svom poslovanju. Potrošači često imaju formirane stavove u pogledu kvaliteta usluge globalnih hotelskih brendova, dok to nije slučaj kod nebrendiranih hotela. Teže je menjati već formirane stavove potrošača u odnosu na situaciju kada ti stavovi još uvek nisu formirani – što je slučaj kod nebrendiranih hotela (Čačić & Mašić, 2013). U isto vreme međunarodne hotelske korporacije, često u saradnji sa pružaocima komplementarnih usluga, kao npr. velikim avio kompanijama, kreiraju stimulativne programe lojalnosti koji svakako za posledicu imaju izvesno slabljenje uticaja objavljenih komentara na eWOM portalima na izbor hotela. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Na internetu postoji veliki broj hotelskih eWOM portala. Značajan deo onlajn posrednika je na svojim sajtovima omogućio korisnicima da nakon korišćenja hotelske usluge koju su preko njih rezervisali dobiju i mogućnost da napišu recenziju koja je zatim dostupna svim zainteresovanim internet korisnicima. Tako je danas ta opcija dostupna recimo korisnicima portala booking.com, hotels.com i brojnim drugim. Jedan od ubedljivo najpopularnijih eWOM portal je TripAdvisor (Xiang & Gretzel, 2010; Anderson, 2012: 8). Prema podacima dostupnim na samom portalu TripAdvisor u proseku beleži oko 375 miliona poseta na mesečnom nivou. Na portalu je dostupno neverovatnih 250 miliona ocena različitih turističkih usluga. Na njemu je predstavljeno i ocenjeno preko 950.000 hotela. Pored mogućnosti pristupa sadržajima preko računara, TripAdvisor-u se može pristupiti i preko mobilnih platformi putem za tu svrhu razvijenih aplikacija koje je preuzelo i koristi 215 miliona korisnika. Informacije dostupne na eWOM portalima kao što je TripAdvisor-u nisu od značaja samo za potencijalne korisnike hotelskih usluga već i za menadžment hotelskih preduzeća i to po više osnova. Menadžment hotelskih preduzeća ove portale može koristiti kao izvore informacija o usklađenosti hotelske ponude sa očekivanjima gostiju. Gosti čija su očekivanja zadovoljena ili čak prevaziđena će to i napisati u svojim recenzijama, dok će oni čija očekivanja nisu ispunjenja često biti još jasniji ukazujući na elemente hotelskog proizvoda koji su izazvali njihovo nezadovoljstvo. Te kritike menadžment hotela treba da shvati ozbiljno i da ih posmatra kao jasan indikator nužnosti određenih promena u cilju prilagođavanja ponude zahtevima potrošača. Prilagođavanje ponude koje svoj izvor ima u recenzijama publikovanim na portalu TripAdvisor se u literaturi naziva i TripAdvisor efekat (Cunningham et al., 2010: 2). U isto vreme menadžment hotela može steći uvid i u nivo satisfakcije potrošača ponudom konkurentskih objekata i na taj način jasno identifikovati komparativne prednosti i nedostatke. Čak i pre pojave eWOM portala menadžment hotela je imao mogućnost obezbeđenja povratne informacije od strane potrošača o usklađenosti pojedinih segmenata hotelske ponude sa očekivanjima i zahtevima potrošača. To se postiže analizom anketnih listova koji su distribuirani gostima, kao i analizom sadržaja knjiga utisaka. Međutim popunjeni anketni listovi i njihova statistička obrada su bili dostupni samo menadžmentu pojedinog hotela, dok su u slučaju eWOM portala ti sadržaji praktično dostupni svim zainteresovanim internet korisnicima. Zato je za menadžment hotela od izuzetne važnosti da eWOM posmatra ne samo kao informacioni izvor, već i kao savremen i vrlo efikasan kanal promocije. S obzirom na značaj eWOM portala na savremenom hotelijerskom tržištu može se zaključiti da je vrlo važno upravljati onlajn imidžom hotela. Imajući u vidu trendove na tržištu, pogotovo u pogledu kanala prodaje hotelskih usluga kao i promene u ponašanju potrošača, jasno je da onlajn imidž direktno utiče na nivo ostvarenih prihoda hotela i samim tim je nešto suviše ozbiljno da bi bilo prepušteno slučaju. Anderson (2012: 11) navodi da poboljšanje prosečne ocene hotela za 1 poen (na petostepenoj skali) daje mogućnost menadžmentu hotela da poveća cene usluga za 141 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA oko 11,2%, a uz zadržavanje istog stepena popunjenosti kapaciteta i tržišnog učešća. On dalje navodi da povećanje prosečne ocene hotela za 1% obezbeđuje povećanje RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room – prihodi po osnovu realizacije usluge smeštaja po sobi) za 1,42%. Ye et al. (2009: 181) sugeriše da pozitivne onlajn recenzije mogu značajno povećati obim prodaje hotelskih usluga i nagoveštava da poboljšanje prosečne ocene od 10% obezbeđuje povećanje obima prodaje od 4,4%. Potrebno je kontinuirano pratiti sadržaje koje korisnici kreiraju i po potrebi i reagovati. Jasno je da uticaj eWOM portala na kojima korisnici ocenjuju kvalitet hotelskih usluga neprekidno jača. Tu činjenicu menadžment hotela nikako ne sme prenebregnuti jer bi takvo postupanje moglo imati značajne negativne implikacije na njihove poslovne rezultate. Portal TripAdvisor menadžmentu hotela daje mogućnost da na svaku recenziju uputi jedan odgovor. Odgovoriti se može kako na one izrazito pozitivne recenzije tako i na one negativne. Menadžment odgovorom pokazuje da im je stalo do mišljenja gostiju, da ih uvažava. S druge strane odgovor nije upućen samo potrošaču koji je recenziju napisao, već svim korisnicima kojima je dostupan. Na taj način menadžment je u poziciji da dodatno naglasi pozitivne aspekte kao i da iznese svoje viđenje događaja koji su izazvali nezadovoljstvo gostiju što je dovelo do negativnih komentara. Odgovori su, baš kao i sama recenzija, dostupni svim korisnicima interneta te ih je zbog toga potrebno dobro osmisliti. Oni trebaju biti visoko personalizovani, pogotovo u slučaju negativnih komentara, te je potrebno izbegavati korišćenje unapred pripremljenih formi kojima se ne dotiče osnovni uzrok nezadovoljstva gostiju. Istraživanje za potrebe ovog rada je sprovedeno na uzorku hotela glavnih gradova nekoliko zemalja regiona. Uzorak obuhvata hotele locirane u Beogradu, Zagrebu i Podgorici. Rad ima za cilj da odgovori na nekoliko pitanja: ◆ Da li se vremenom povećava sklonost hotelskih gostiju ka pisanju recenzija na portalu TripAdvisor? ◆ U kojoj meri menadžment hotela koristi mogućnost da odgovori na publikovane komentare na TripAdvisor-u i da li procenat komentara na koje je odgovoreno vremenom raste, stagnira ili opada? ◆ Da li je spremnost menadžmenta hotela na pružanje odgovora gostima na Tripadisor-u povezana sa kategorijom hotela? 2. METODOLOGIJA ISTRAŽIVANJA 142 U cilju identifikacije hotela koji će biti uključeni u uzorak preuzeti su spiskovi kategorisanih hotela i to sa portala Ministarstva trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije, Ministarstva turizma Republike Hrvatske i Turističke organizacije Podgorice. U uzorak je uključeno ukupno 159 hotela, od toga sa 5 zvezdica: 7 hotela, sa 4 zvezdice: 71 hotel, sa tri zvezdice: 64 hotela, sa 2 zvezdice: 14 hotela i sa 1 zvezdicom: 3 hotela. Za svaki od pojedinačnih hotela uključenih u uzorak izvršena je pretraga na portalu TripAdvisor kako bi se utvrdio ukupan broj ocena i to pojedinačno za svaku godinu iz analiziranog perioda. Istraživanje obuhvata period od 5 godina: 2010-2014 godine i sprovedeno je u aprilu 2015. godine. Kumulativno, za sve hotele uključene u definisani uzorak registrovano je 13.727 ocena. Utvrđen broj recenzija je stavljen u odnos sa registrovanim obimom turističkog prometa u analiziranim destinacijama. Podaci o registrovanom obimu turističkog prometa za Beograd dobijeni su od Republičkog zavoda za statistiku Republike Srbije (podatke priredila Turistička organizacija Beograda), za Zagreb - Državni zavod za statistiku- Saopštenje –Turizam (podatke priredilo i publikovalo Odeljenje za statistiku Gradskog ureda za strategijsko planiranje i razvoj grada Zagreba – mesečna saopštenja i periodične publikacije „Statistički ljetopis grada Zagreba“), za Podgoricu iz podataka Zavoda za statistiku Crne Gore – Tabela 7b: Dolasci i noćenja gostiju po opštinama i zemljama porekla. Detaljnom pretragom za svaki od pojedinačnih hotela pored ukupnog broja recenzija utvrđen i broj recenzija na koje je menadžment hotela uputio odgovor i to za svaku godinu pojedinačno. Registrovani broj odgovora menadžmenta je stavljen u odnos sa ukupnim brojem recenzija. Kako bi se utvrdilo da li postoji razlika u spremnosti hotelskog menadžmenta da iskoristi mogućnost i odgovori na recenzije hoteli su grupisani tako što je kao kriterijum korišćena zvanična kategorija hotela. Na taj način bilo je moguće utvrditi da li je menadžeri hotela pojedinih kategorija češće od ostalih koriste pruženu mogućnost. Na taj način posredno se može zaključiti i kakav značaj hotelski menadžment pridaje eWOM kanalima. 3. ANALIZA REZULTATA Kako bi se utvrdila sklonost hotelskih gostiju ka ocenjivanju kvaliteta hotelske usluge na portalu TripAdvisor ukupan broj identifikovanih recenzija za sve hotele u Beogradu, Zagrebu i Podgorici je stavljen u odnos sa registrovanim turističkim prometom. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je došlo do značajnog povećanja sklonosti hotelskih gostiju ka publikovanju recenzija na portalu TripAdvisor. Kumulativno posmatrano u 2010. godini registrovano je 0,64 recenzija na svakih 1.000 turističkih dolazaka, dok je taj broj u 2014. godini porastao na 2,96. Tabela 1. Broj registrovanih recenzija na 1.000 registrovanih dolazaka u periodu 2010-2014. Broj recenzija Lančani indeksi 2010 0.64 --- 2011 1.12 174.2 2012 1.78 159.6 2013 2.41 135.3 2014 2.96 122.9 Izvor: Sopstveno istraživanje Iz podataka prezentovanih u Tabeli 1 se može zaključiti da je tokom celog posmatranog perioda zabeležen konstantan rat broja publikovanih recenzija posmatrano relativno u odnosu na registrovan obim turističkog prometa. To sugeriše da je došlo do rasta popularnosti portala TripAdvisor među korisnicima hotelskih usluga. Za svaki od pojedinačnih hotela, za svaku od posmatranih godina, utvrđen je broj komentara na koje je menadžment hotela odgovorio. Ukupno, tokom posmatranog perioda menadžment hotela je odgovorio na oko 27,65% objavljenih recenzija. Posmatrano hronološki može se zaključiti da učešće komentara na koje je odgovoreno raslo iz godine u godinu. Tako je tokom 2010. godine odgovoreno na tek oko 8,5% recenzija, dok je 2014. godine taj procenat iznosio oko 40%. Iz dobijenih rezultata se jasno može zaključiti da je menadžment beogradskih, zagrebačkih i podgoričkih hotela vremenom postajao svesniji rastućeg značaja TripAdvisor-a na savremenom hotelijerskom tržištu. Grafikon 1. Učešće recenzija na portalu TripAdvisor na koje je menadžment hotela odgovorio u periodu 2010-2014. godine – po destinacijama. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Kako bi se utvrdilo da li je spremnost menadžmenta hotela na pružanje odgovora gostima na TripAdvisor-u povezana sa kategorijom hotela svi hoteli uključeni u uzorak su grupisani i prema tom kriterijumu, a zatim je za svaku od kategorija utvrđen ukupan broj recenzija koje su potrošači publikovali na portalu TripAdvisor kao i registrovani broj odgovora menadžmenta. Grafikon 2. Učešće komentara na koje je odgovorio menadžment hotela različitih kategorija – kumulativno za period 2010-2014. godine Izvor: Sopstveno istraživanje Grafikon 1. Učešće recenzija na portalu TripAdvisor na koje je menadžment hotela odgovorio u periodu 2010-2014. godine – po destinacijama Izvor: Sopstveno istraživanje Rezultati istraživanja prezentovani u Grafikonu 1 jasno pokazuju da je menadžment hotela uključenih u uzorak tokom analiziranog perioda razvio snažno interesovanje za sadržaje kojima su njihovi hoteli predstavljeni na portalu TripAdvisor demonstrirajući shvatanje značaja onlajn reputacije za poslovne rezultate hotela. Uočljivo je da su tokom 2010. godine samo zagrebački hotelijeri koristili mogućnost publikovanja odgovora na recenzije kao instrument za poboljšanje onlajn imidža. Od 2011. godine do kraja analiziranog perioda učešće komentara na koje je upućen odgovor je gotovo konstantno raslo što sugeriše da su u sve većem broju hotela razvijane poslovne procedure koje podrazumevaju kako monitoring sadržaja kojima su predstavljeni na TripAdvisor-u tako i neophodnost pružanja odgovora u cilju izgradnje što boljeg onlajn imidža. U Beogradu na publikovane recenzije menadžment hotela počinje da reaguje 2011. godine i u toj godini je odgovoreno prosečno tek na svaki 29. komentar dok je u 2014. godini menadžment odgovorio na približno 39% publikovanih recenzija. Kao što se može videti iz podataka prezentovanih u Grafikonu 1 slične tendencije su registrovane u Zagrebu i Podgorici. Pored kvantitativnih podataka koji se odnose na broj odgovora menadžmenta na upućene ocene na portalu TripAdvisor od presudnog značaja je i način na koji je odgovoreno. Tim pre jer je na recenziju moguće uputiti samo jedan odgovor koji će nakon publikovanja biti dostupan ne samo osobi koja je napisala recenziju na koju je odgovoreno, već i svim zainteresovanim Internet korisnicima. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljeni u Grafikonu 2 ukazuju da je odgovor na pitanje da li će menadžment hotela iskoristi pruženu mogućnost i odgovoriti na ocene korisnika povezan sa kategorijom hotela. Menadžment hotela viših kategorija značajno češće koristi datu mogućnost u cilju jačanja onlajn imidža hotela. Njihov menadžment je evidentno svesniji značaja ovog promocionog kanala na savremenom hotelijerskom tržištu. U slučaju hotela koji pripadaju kategoriji 2 zvezdice registrovano učešće broja komentara na koje je odgovoreno je značajno niže nego u slučaju hotela viših kategorija. Odgovoreno je tek na oko svaki trideseti komentar. Analizom prikupljenih podataka se može uočiti i da menadžment ovih hotela relativno kasno počinje da koristi datu mogućnost odgovora. Prvi odgovori menadžmenta hotela kategorije 2 zvezdice u analiziranom uzorku su registrovani tek tokom 2012. godine. U segmentu hotela kategorije 1 zvezdica tokom celokupnog posmatranog perioda u analiziranom uzorku nisu registrovani odgovori menadžmenta na publikovane ocene što ukazuje da njihov menadžment ili nije svestan te mogućnosti ili smatra da onlajn reputacija nema bitan uticaj na njihovo poslovanje. Ako posmatramo hronološki možemo konstatovati da je tokom posmatranog perioda registrovan sve veći broj recenzija na koje je odgovoreno i to u segmentu hotela kategorije 5 zvezdica, kategorije 4 zvezdice i kategorije 3 zvezdice. Najveći rast registrovan je na uzorku hotela kategorije 3 zvezdice i kategorije 4 zvezdice: U segmentu hotela kategorije 3 zvezdice u 2010. godini registrovan je odgovor menadžmenta tek na svaku 185. publikovanu ocenu (0,53%), dok je u 2014. godini odgovoreno u proseku na svaku 5. ocenu (20,14%); Kod hotela kategorije 4 zvezdice taj procenat je 2010. godine iznosio oko 1,22%, da bi se u 2014. godini kretao oko 42,38%. 143 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Ovaj podatak nije iznenađujući imajući u vidu rezultate pojedinih naučnih studija koje ukazuju da je uticaj eWOM portala na poslovne performanse hotela upravo i najizraženiji u segmentu hotela srednjih kategorija (Anderson, 2012; Čačić & Mašić, 2013). 4. ZAKLJUČAK eWOM portali, među kojima je TripAdvisor jedan od najuticajnijih, imaju rastući značaj na savremenom hotelijerskom tržištu. Brojne studije ukazuju da je došlo do promene u ponašanju hotelskih gostiju, a posledično i do promene u kanalima distribucije hotelskih usluga. Hotelski gosti sve češće koriste internet kako bi se informisali i to ne više samo na hotelskim veb sajtovima, već i iz čitavog niza različitih onlajn izvora među kojima su eWOM izvori među najznačajnijim. Potrošači se na internetu informišu koristeći različite izvore među kojima su od posebnog značaja upravo iskustva drugih ljudi koji su prethodno koristili usluge hotela o kojima oni razmišljaju. Nakon konzumacije hotelskih usluga potrošači sve češće objavljuju svoje utiske na portalu TripAdvisor, što i rezultati istraživanja za potrebe ovog rada potvrđuju. Menadžment hotela toga mora biti svestan, kao što mora biti svestan i rastućeg značaja onlajn reputacije i njenog sve snažnijeg uticaja na poslovne rezultate hotela. Rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog za potrebe ovog rada pokazuju da menadžeri hotela sve češće koriste mogućnost da upute odgovor na publikovane recenzije, kao i da je njihova sklonost ka korišćenju te opcije povezana sa kategorijom hotela kojom upravljaju. Registrovana je značajno veća sklonost menadžmenta hotela ka odgovoru na publikovane recenzije u uzorku hotela viših kategorija. Tako je u posmatranom periodu odgovoreno na preko 40% recenzija u uzorku hotela najviše kategorije. Taj procenat postepeno opada iz kategorije u kategoriju sve do hotela najniže kategorije kod kojih uopšte nisu registrovani odgovori menadžmenta. Treba imati u vidu da rezultati brojnih istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da onlajn reputacija ne utiče samo na poslovne performanse hotela viših kategorija, već i svih ostalih. Imidž hotela na TripAdvisoru je od isuviše velikog poslovnog značaja da bi bio prepušten slučaju. Hotelijeri moraju kontinuirano pratiti sadržaje kojima su hoteli predstavljeni i po potrebi reagovati. To nikako ne sme biti prepušteno pukom voluntarizmu pojedinaca već bi trebalo razviti organizacione procedure koje bi obezbedile da se tačno zna ko ima obavezu da prati sadržaje kojima je hotel predstavljen, u kojim slučajevima i na koji način treba iskoristiti pruženu mogućnost i odgovoriti na objavljene recenzije u cilju poboljšanja onlajn imidža hotela. LITERATURA 144 Anderson, C.K. (2012). The impact of social media on lodging performance. Cornell Hospitality Report, 12(15). Preuzeto 5. marta 2015. sa https://www.hotelschool.cornell. edu/research/chr/pubs/reports/abstract-16421.html Bronner, F., & De Hoog, R. (2010). Consumer-generated versus marketer generated websites in consumer decision making. International Journal of Market Research, 52(2), 231-248. Cunningham, P., Smyth, B., Wu, G., & Greene, D. (2010). Does TripAdvisor Makes Hotels Better? 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SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Xie, H.J., Miao, L., Kuo, P., & Lee, B. (2011). Consumers’ responses to ambivalent online hotel reviews: the role of perceived source credibility and pre-decisional disposition. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1), 178-183. Ye, Q., Law, R., & Gu, B. (2009) The impact of online user reviews on hotel room sales. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(1), 180–182. Zavod za statistiku Crne Gore. (2015). Dolasci i noćenja. Preuzeto 24. juna 2015. sa http://www.monstat.org/cg/ page.php?id=44&pageid=44 MANAGING ONLINE COMMUNICATION WITH HOTEL CONSUMERS Abstract: eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) portals are gaining considerable importance in modern hotel market, and are exerting a growing impact on the overall hotel business performance. Modern hotel guests rely more frequently on experiences of other guests posted on eWOM portals when seeking relevant information about the hotels. Research results indicate the growing inclination of hotel consumers to share their experiences with others via the Tripadvisor portal. In 2010, there were 0.64 reviews recorded for every 1,000 registered tourist arrival to the destinations included in the sample, and these figures rose to 2.96 in 2014. Numerous eWOM portals enable the hotel management to respond to the posted reviews. The management’s response to the posted reviews is potentially one of the most efficient instruments that could contribute to efficient hotel online reputation management. This requires a planned approach and development of organization procedures that would provide the best hotel representation, having in mind the relevance of e-WOM portals in the modern hotel market. The research results show that management responded to 8.5% reviews in 2010, while this rate amounted to approximately 40% in 2014. Also, the research shows that the management’s willingness to reply to the reviews is in positive correlation with the hotel category. During the surveyed period, the highest ranking hotels demonstrated the largest percentage of management responses to the posted reviews. At the same time, the lowest ranking hotels did not respond at all to the posted reviews. Key words: eWOM, online reputation management, Tripadvisor, hotels. 145 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-146-149 LOW-COST FLIGHTS AND TOURISM: DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGES FROM BERGAMO-ORIO AL SERIO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Andrea Macchiavelli1*, Andrea Pozzi2 University of Bergamo & Gruppo CLAS SpA University of Bergamo, Centre on Tourism Destinations and Heritage Interpretation (CeSTIT) 1 2 Abstract: Bergamo-Orio al Serio International Airport is the fourth busiest airport in Italy and its main characteristic is the large presence of low-cost carriers (LCCs), especially the Irish airline Ryanair. The large growth experienced by the airport has brought about new travellers and stimulated the development of local tourism, as shown by various sources. A close relationship between tourism and LCCs has been created over time, but the goals of airline companies differ from those of local tourism stakeholders and appear to be very sensitive to economic changes. The development of the route network has therefore influenced the profile of local tourists, which is now different in terms of the country of origin, purpose of travel and expenditure. 1. INTRODUCTION The development of Bergamo-Orio al Serio International Airport began in 2003, when the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair launched a new base of operation basing 3 aircrafts permanently and announcing 15 routes to EU destinations with daily flights (Sacbo, 2004). Factors influencing this decision can be summarized as follows: the ground handling services suitable to minimize the turnaround time and have higher flight frequency and lower cost units (WarnockSmith and Potter, 2005; Malighetti et al., 2009), the support of local decision makers and the proximity to Milan. In the following years, the number of passengers rapidly increased, from 1.3 mln in 2002 to 8,9 mln in 2014. During this period the annual growth rate was higher than the national average (17.6% vs 4.3%)1. Today, it is the fourth busiest airport in Italy after Rome-Fiumicino, Milan-Malpensa and Milan-Linate, and its main characteristic is the large presence of low-cost carriers. The low-cost airline Ryanair also contributed to providing new travel opportunities for people living in Lombardy and nearby the airports with direct flights to Bergamo-Orio al Serio thanks to low-fare tickets, new destinations and “do-it-yourself” travel. This new demand probably moved for tourism purposes, as occurred in other Italian regions (Donzelli, 2010; Pulina & Cortés-Jiménez, 2010; Alivernini et al., 2012a) and European areas (Lian & Denstadli, 2010; Rey et al., 2011; Kuljanin & Kalic, 2015). Tourism data related to the province of Bergamo – collected by the Tourism 146 1 own elaboration from ENAC data * [email protected] Key words: low-cost flights, airline strategies, tourism development. Office of Bergamo Department, the Italian National Institute of Statistic (ISTAT) 2 and the Bank of Italy3 – highlights the rapid growth of this sector (flows and accommodation), especially in Bergamo and its surroundings: as shown in the following paragraph, an increasing number of visitors arriving at the local airport decided to stay and visit the area. This paper updates the analysis carried out by the Research Centre on Tourism Destinations and Heritage Interpretation (CeSTIT) of the University of Bergamo (Macchiavelli 2010; Macchiavelli & Pozzi, 2015) and aims at highlighting the most significant facts that have characterized the development of tourism in the province of Bergamo, paying attention to foreign tourism flows arriving at the airport. Specifically, this paper will focus on: ◆ the close relationship between local airport development and growth experienced by the tourism sector in the province of Bergamo; ◆ changes occurred in the profile of local tourists, especially those determined by negative economic circumstances and strategies of LCCs; ◆ economic impact updated to 2014. 2 3 Data from the Tourism Office of Bergamo Department and ISTAT refer to the number of arrivals and overnight stays in the province of Bergamo. The Bank of Italy has conducted since 1996 a survey on international tourism based on interviews and counting of resident and non-resident travellers at the Italian borders (road and rail crossings, international ports and airports) (www.bancaditalia. it). The analysis uses data regarding specifically foreign travellers at Bergamo-Orio al Serio International airport spending at least one night in accommodation facilities. The final paragraph will analyse the effects on local tourism policies and individuate possible options aiming at reducing negative consequences. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Alps of Bergamo region and the Lake Iseo were the most popular leisure destinations in the province of Bergamo until the end of the 90s; the city of Bergamo has a rich cultural heritage but has been renowned only among business travellers (Gruppo CLAS, 1996; Macchiavelli, 2010). The growth experienced by the local tourism sector occurred simultaneously with the large development of the local airport, and it is reasonable to assume that it is a direct consequence: Fig.1 shows an increase in the number of tourist arrivals – especially foreigners – since 2003, when Ryanair launched a new base of operation at the local airport. Fig. 1. Evolution of tourist arrivals in the province of Bergamo. Source: ISTAT (2000-2013) and Tourism Office of Bergamo Department (2014). The data are remarkable: arrivals in accommodation facilities increased by +82.5% (from 516,965 in 2003 to SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES 943,321 in 2014) while overnight stays only by 34.7% because of a decrease in the length of stay. The growth rate of foreign arrivals is higher than of domestic ones (+102.3% vs 71.6%) and it is a direct consequence of the larger presence of travellers coming from abroad at the airport. Indeed, the range of destinations from Bergamo-Orio al Serio has constantly widened in the last ten years: in 2004 there were 43 destinations in 17 countries while in 2014, 107 in 32 countries (Fig. 2). The development of the route network was influenced by different factors, but closely interrelated: the large increase in the number of flights and passengers in Europe and in Italy (ENAC and KPMG, 2011); the rapid changes in routes by LCCs, which aim at achieving the highest load factor; to a minor extent, the recent economic crisis that affects all the European countries in different periods. Tab.1 shows that the countries of origin of tourist flows arriving at the airport have changed over time. A diversification of source markets is evident that involves also nonEuropean countries with and without direct flights to the airport. It is noticeable that: ◆ Today, there are several source markets and tourist flows seem to be equally distributed between countries (Spain, United Kingdom and Germany) and areas (Eastern Europe and Russia, other European countries, non-European countries). In particular, low-cost flights appear to have become very popular also among travellers from countries without direct flights to Bergamo-Orio al Serio. ◆ Spain and United Kingdom are the main source markets: Spain has rapidly become the largest one and remained at the top of the ranking despite recent decrease (2010-2014); The United Kingdom was the main source market at the beginning of the airport development (2004-2006), but it registered a fall in 2010, showing a sign of recovery only since 2012. However, both countries appear to be less important than in the past. Fig. 2. Evolution of the route network from/to Bergamo-Orio al Serio. Source: Sacbo. Maps: Google maps. 147 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Tab.1. Evolution of shares of foreign tourism flows by country of origin. Data between parentheses refer to the shares of tourism flows with destination Bergamo. 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Spain 7.3% (7.6%) 18.9% (19.4%) 26.2% (29.9%) 31.7% (34.1%) 24.1% (28.1%) 16.5% (11.7%) United Kingdom 16.5% (15.1%) 37.1% (41.9%) 21.8% (22%) 10.4% (10.5%) 17.3% (16.1%) 12.9% (15.2%) Eastern Europe* and Russia 4.2% (1.7%) 4.2% (4.2%) 12% (11.6%) 8.9% (10%) 17.6% (18.9%) 13.4% (13.6%) Germany 19.4% (25.0%) 10.0% (8.7%) 8.8% (8.9%) 11.1% (10%) 6.6% (8.4%) 6.5% (8%) Other European countries** 32.6% (38.4%) 21.6% (22.9%) 23.2% (23.5%) 32.1% (31.6%) 23.2% (21.3%) 30.3% (40.5%) 0% (0%) 0% (0%) 1% (0,3%) 0.8% (1.8%) 1.6% (1.2%) 2.7% (1.1%) 19.9% (12.2%) 8.2% (2.9%) 7% (3.8%) 5% (2%) 9.6% (6%) 17.6% (9.8%) Non-European countries with direct flights*** Non-European countries without direct flights * Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary. ** Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Island, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, Montenegro, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Monaco, San Marino, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland. *** Cape Verde (2004); Cape Verde (2006); Cape Verde, India, Morocco and Turkey (2008); Cyprus, Morocco and Turkey (2010); Cape Verde, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco and Turkey (2012); Cape Verde, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey (2014) (own elaboration on data from Sacbo). Source: own elaboration on data from Bank of Italy. ◆ It is reasonable to assume that the economic trends influenced the market share of Spain: the increase in the number of these tourists in Bergamo occurred simultaneously with the growth of Spanish economy, higher propensity to travel and the development of LCCs (ENIT, 2012a). The recent decrease (2010-2014) is a direct consequence of the crisis, which also affected outbound tourism: the number of holidays and expenditure of Spanish tourists in Italy felt in 2012 (Manente, 2013), and the increase of airport charges led Ryanair to cancel some routes and reduce the number of daily flights, also from/to Bergamo-Orio al Serio (Ryanair, 2012). ◆ Similarly, the depreciation of Sterling Pound (GBP) against Euro and reduction of household consumption expenditure in the United Kingdom due to the economic crisis negatively influenced propensity to travel, and the number of British tourists decreased over time in Italy (ENIT, 2012b; Alivernini et al., 2012b) and, consequently, in Bergamo. ◆ The countries of Eastern Europe, especially Poland, have acquired larger market share since 2004 also thanks to an increasing number of destinations and flights from/to the local airport; however, many travellers are not tourists. The diversification of source markets changed also the profile, behaviour and expenditure of the local tourists. Tab. 2 gives an estimation of the economic impacts in the province of Bergamo and highlights the most important facts and changes. The increase of the length of stay and reduction of tourist expenditure are strictly related to a continuous change in the profile of travellers arriving at the airport. In the province of Bergamo, high-spending leisure tourists from Western European countries (especially United Kingdom) have been replaced over time by low-spending ones from Spain and Eastern Europe. Also, the purpose of travel has changed, probably due to the crisis: tourists are less interested in cultural travels (-19.4% in the period 2008-2014) and seem to prefer longer stays. These trends are similar Tab. 2. Number and profile of tourists with destination Bergamo. 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Arrivals (estimated value) 103,300 190,305 268,244 316,870 198,417 161,269 Overnight stays estimated (estimated value) 571,069 508,933 901,385 1,472,661 939,066 758,781 5.5 2.7 3.4 4.6 4.7 4.7 Average daily expenditure per capita € 74.9 € 97.1 € 81.7 € 57.0 € 63.8 € 67.7 for accommodation € 45.9 € 40.1 € 31.7 € 25.3 € 28.7 € 26.3 € 42,768,607 € 49,425,404 € 73,617,370 € 83,943,010 € 59,955,685 € 51,379,813 Length of stay (days) Total tourist expenditure 148 Source: own elaboration on data from Bank of Italy. to those registered among tourist flows arriving at the airport, but less accentuated (cultural travels: -4.8%; mountain holidays: +0.6%; lake holidays: +2.6%); the only difference is the number of tourists visiting friends and relatives, which increases only among the second group (+3.4%) because of the growth of travellers moving to other provinces (+1.9% in the period 2008-2014) and outside Lombardy (+5.5%). In addition, these new tourists tend to prefer cheaper and flexible accommodations in the city and its surroundings, such as Bed and Breakfast, apartments and agritourisms (Macchiavelli & Licandri, 2013); the decrease of the accommodation expenditure (Tab. 2) highlights this trend. The consequence of these facts and changes is smaller economic benefit to the territory after the crisis. 3. SUMMARY The data show a close relationship between the local airport development and growth experienced by the tourism sector, as an increasing number of travellers decided to stay in the province of Bergamo for tourism purposes. The higher international visibility of the airport positively influenced attractiveness, especially among foreigners, and today Bergamo and its province can be considered holiday destinations. However, the analysis also shows a dependency between LCCs strategies and local tourism: the diversification of source markets and changes in the profile of tourists are consequences of the development of the route network. LCCs aim at opening profitable routes and increasing their market shares, and seem to be very sensitive to economic trends (e.g. Ryanair in Spain). It is therefore reasonable to assume that these two facts (LCCs strategies and economy) will influence local tourism flows in the future. In order to reduce negative impacts on tourism sector local stakeholders and the airport operator (Sacbo) should work together. LCCs strategies and economic changes are macroeconomic phenomena, and local policies tend to have little influence on them. Thereby, local stakeholders should be aware of these facts and develop adequate strategies. The first one may include common actions aiming at incentivizing the main airlines to choose routes more interesting for local tourism, also by using subsidies more carefully. The second one may regard marketing activities, for example, considering focused actions with a double approach (incentives for markets suffering a bad economic situation and promotional activities for new destinations connected to the airport). REFERENCES Alivernini, A., D’Ignazio, A., & Migliardi, A. (2012a). Cheap flights to smaller cities: good news for local tourism? Retrieved April 5, 2015, from http://www.congress. is/11thtourismstatisticsforum/papers/Andrea_Alivernini.pdf Alivernini, A., Breda, E., & Iannario, E. (2012b). Quindici anni di turismo internazionale in Italia. In: Il turismo internazionale in Italia: dati e risultati. 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A dynamic panel data model. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17 (3), 163-167. doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2015.03.009 Sacbo spa. (2015).Bilancio d’esercizio. Years 2003-2014, Bergamo. Warnock-Smith, D., & Potter, A. (2005). An exploratory study into airport choice factors for European low-cost airlines. Journal of Air Transport Management, 11 (6), 388-392. doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2005.05.003 149 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-150-154 ANALYTICAL INSIGHT INTO TALENT MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY IN THE SLOVAK BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Michaela Sirková*, Viktória Ali Taha University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Management, St. 17. novembra 1, Prešov, Slovak Republic Abstract: Tourism is of great importance and is considered one of the fastest growing sectors, which has contributed to the enormous increase of international trade in services. This paper deals with talent management in the specific context of hospitality and tourism sector in Slovak organizations. It also highlights the benefits of talent management implementation in this sector and specifies talent management processes used by tourism organizations. The paper draws attention to primary data survey of 87 respondents who were representatives of organizations working in the tourism sector. Key words: talent management, human resources, tourism, organizations, practices. Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the research grant VEGA 1/0513/14: Research on the possibility of measuring and evaluating the impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance. 1. INTRODUCTION 150 Tourism has undergone significant changes in recent years (due to “discovery” of new destinations) and has become one of the fastest growing and developing economic sectors worldwide and a key determinant of socio-economic development as evidenced by statistics. According to the UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2015, tourism represents 9% of GDP (direct, indirect and induced impact), 6% of the world’s exports and it employs 9% of the workforce (1 in 11 jobs accounted for this sector). International tourism (travel and passenger transport) accounts for 30% of the world’s exports of services and 6% of the overall exports of goods and services. Moreover, inbound tourism is an important contributor to the economic development of numerous countries by creating employment opportunities and further opportunities for development (UNWTO, 2015). In the report on the global tourism and hospitality industry, the International Labour Organization – ILO (2001, in Nickson, 2007) provides evidence suggesting that the industry globally is largely reliant on “marginal workers”, such as women, young workers, casual employees, students, relatively high number of part-timers and migrant workers. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (2015), declining youth demographics, baby boom generation retirement, rising female labour market participation, general shift towards more highly skilled (in terms of education) labour supply as older, less skilled workers retire, * [email protected] and the potential for reverse migration back to fast growing emerging economies, are the most important trends that will influence the future talent supply in the tourism sector. “Organizations and managers in the tourism and hospitality industry face real challenges in recruiting, developing and maintaining the committed, competent, well-managed and well-motivated workforce focused on offering a highquality ‘product’ to the increasingly demanding and discerning customers” (Nickson, 2007, pp. 2-3). This requires implementation of talent management i.e. the process of identifying, securing, developing, and managing relevant talent, which is important to meet the organization’s longterm strategic goals and ensure short-term productivity (Nilsson & Ellström, 2012). The functionality and vitality of the company’s talent management processes determine how well the company can groom its high-potential employees to fill strategic management roles (Ready & Conger, 2007). Talent management has developed as a response to many changes in the workplace such as industrial revolution, the rise of labour unions, globalization or outsourcing (Frank & Taylor, 2004). The given authors predicted in 2004 that “the real battle to attract, develop, motivate, and retain talent is going to heat up considerably” and “demographic time bomb will make talent management the top priority for organizations” (Frank & Taylor, 2004, p. 33). Nilsson and Ellström (2012, p. 27) point to the „shift from job security and life-long employment to life-long learning, employability, and talent management“. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) defined talent management as the “systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement, retention and deployment of those individuals who are of particular value to an organization, either in the view of their ‘high potential’ for the future or because they are fulfilling business/operation-critical roles” (CIPD, 2013). This concept could also be defined as “the capability to create and continuously optimize talent resources needed to execute a business strategy. This means attracting and developing them, guiding their performance towards optimal productivity in light of strategic goals and finding new sources of value in their performance through innovation and continuous improvement” (Sonnenberg, 2010, p. 2). According to Iles (2007, in D’Annunzio-Green, 2008), talent management is defined as a holistic approach to human resource planning aimed at strengthening organizational capability and driving business priorities using a range of HR interventions. These include a focus on performance enhancement, career development and succession planning. Lewis and Heckman (2006) point out that due to the confusion regarding definitions, terms and assumptions; it is difficult to identify the meaning of talent management. The authors attempted to address the question regarding talent management definition and determined three distinct strains of thought regarding talent management: (1) talent management as a collection of typical human resource department practices, functions, activities or areas such as recruiting, selection, development, and career and succession management; (2) talent management focused primarily on the concept of talent pools i.e. talent management as a set of processes designed to ensure an adequate flow of employees into jobs throughout the organization; (3) talent management perceived more broadly, without regard for organizational boundaries or specific positions (Lewis & Heckman, 2006) Human resources (HR) represent real value for organizations and one of the most important assets, while their role is irreplaceable, especially in the services sector. In this context, Bharwani and Butt (2012) point to the crucial role of employees in hospitality sector (all services sectors) since they become part of the service product and contribute to the image of the organization. That is why hospitality industry is considered the human resource-centered industry. In tourism, as in other areas/sectors, a paradox can be observed. On one hand, we face a lack of jobs, while on the other hand, there is a talent deficiency causing a problem to fill in vacancies (talent vacancies) by skilled and talented individuals. The World Travel and Tourism Council Final Report (2015) states that the talent market in travel and tourism industry is already challenged with high staff turnover, competition with other industry sectors for the best candidates, and in some cases, adverse supply trends, such as declining demographics. New regulations, new technology, shifts in customer service preferences, changing visitor markets and other industry drivers have the potential to transform the type of skills that employees working in travel and tourism industry will need to possess in future and employers will need to train staff in. A thriving travel and tourism sector will require companies and governments to implement and promote proactive and careful talent supply management policies, as well as regular monitoring and projecting of talent demand, supply and imbalances to pre- SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES dict in advance any looming shortages (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2015). D’Annunzio-Green (2008) notes that the concept of talent management is now recognized as a much broader concept (than original concept focused mainly on recruitment) aimed at attracting, retaining, developing and transitioning talented employees. When taking a look at the talent management processes, preliminary step in talent management strategy is the definition of the organizational talent - specification, designation of those who are considered to be talents i.e. people with potential and a great value for company/organization. It should be noted that there is considerable inconsistency in defining the “organizational talent”, because the definition of “talent” is determined by specific organizational conditions and settings, environment in which the organization operates, as well as by different requirements on employees necessary for performing a particular job. Also, according to Baum (2008, p. 720) “talent, in the context of hospitality and tourism does not necessarily mean the same thing as it might in other sectors of the economy“. Generally, talents refer to people with high potential, people with specific skills, competencies, abilities, attributes, experiences and behavior, who are able to achieve excellent results, and thus ensure good overall performance, viability and competitiveness of the organization (Ali Taha et al., 2014). As regards talent recruitment, the World Travel and Tourism Council (2015) recommends to significantly increase the salaries and attract staff from other sectors while underlining that some employee skills are transferable across travel and tourism sub-sectors or from other sectors in the economy, but some talent requirements are more specific and could be supplied from more narrow and well-defined sources. Moreover, flexible recruitment and retention practices are required in the area of workforce planning. Generally, the following strategies are very effective in managing talent: ◆ adapting talent sourcing to recruit more untapped talent pools, ◆ recruiting candidates outside the local region and country, ◆ partnership with educational institutions to create curricula aligned to talent needs and considering new locations to operate from where a larger and higher quality pool of talent exists (World Travel & Tourism Council, 2015, p. 20). 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our study provides analytical insights into talent management in the Slovak hospitality and tourism sector. Primary data was collected via questionnaire among managers or representatives of 87 tourism and hospitality organizations in Slovakia. Most of the surveyed organizations (71%) were medium-sized organizations (up to 100 employees), followed by small organizations (22%) and large organizations (7%). This composition corresponds to the structure of the organizations in tourism, with predominance of small and medium-sized organizations. Besides size, another important criterion is equity participation, while a sample involves 29% organizations with foreign capital/property participation. As regards the age structure, one of the most important demographic characteristics of 151 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA employees working in the surveyed organization, majority of employees in tourism are aged 26 – 35 years (43%); the second largest age groups of employees in tourism are people aged 36 – 45 years (34%). Other age groups are not significantly represented in the workforce of the surveyed organizations, while employees over 56 years represent only 2% of the workforce. This fact is not surprising, because tourism industry is very dynamic and companies largely employ young people. Another reason is the high proportion of seasonal work in this sector, which is particularly attractive for young people. Fig. 3. The benefits of developing talent in organizations Source: own processing Fig. 1. The reason for non-use of talent management Source: own processing We have examined the main advantages of talent development. Most organizations indicated that the talent development increased employee willingness to educate and improve their skills and increased employee motivation. Another important “benefit” is the wage increase (55% of the organizations). Surprisingly, at least organizations indicate “increased competitiveness and better competitive position of the organization” as an advantage of talent development (Figure 3). The survey showed that only 36% of the surveyed companies implement (to a greater or lesser extent) talent management. Organizations that are not yet implementing this concept were asked about the reasons. The main reason for non-use of talent management is the “lack of human resources” (50% of organizations chose this option), followed by the lack of financial resources. Figure 1 shows all answers. It should be added that 72% of these organizations are aware of the need for talent management (disagreed with the statement “We do not need talent management”). Fig. 4. Methods of talent development Fig. 2. Length of talent management implementation Source: own processing 152 In terms of the length of talent management implementation, the majority (48%) of organizations implementing talent management uses this concept within the range of 2 – 3 years. Only 6% of organizations use talent management for more than six years (Figure 2). Also, this finding is not surprising, as talent management in Slovakia is a relatively “new” concept and has been gaining awareness of the business community only in recent years. Source: own processing After that, we investigated the methods of talent development used in the Slovak tourism organizations. According to the results obtained, the most common methods of talent development are “taught courses” and “training”. This marked the option agreement and strong agreement of 74% of organizations. As can be seen (Figure 4), all organizations have expressed a positive view of the methods of talent development. However, they disagreed or strongly disagreed only regarding “conferences”, where only 59% of organizations surveyed this method of development and claimed that is not used or considered it least effective. Fig. 5. Type of training Source: own processing SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES typically neutral, which means that they consider such types of training not so important for the talent development in the organization. As can be seen (Figure 5), “direction training” was considered the worst option, as well as “training about the results” and are performed only in some organizations. Namely, 57% of organizations have expressed negative opinion about this option. Research results show that organizations most frequently retain and hire talented people for the position of “top/ senior manager” (51% of the surveyed organizations indicate this answer) and “accommodation manager” (48% of organizations). It can be assumed that both of the abovementioned positions are crucial, and therefore organizations devote considerable attention to filling in these positions and employing talented candidates. On the other hand, the position “restaurant manager” is not likely to be seen as significant because majority of organizations do not need to hire talents for this position (as evidenced by the prevalence of discordant or neutral responses). In hotels or restaurants, the position of “restaurant manager” can be carried out (and often is performed) by the head waiter. This phenomenon is typical for small and medium-sized organizations (which dominated in the survey sample). The least significant positions in terms of talent search and recruitment are “waiter/ waitress” (67% of organizations), “chef/cook” and the “receptionist”. Figure 4 shows the distribution of responses. 3. SUMMARY Fig. 6. Positions of hiring and recruiting talents Source: own processing We then investigated which types of training are most often used. The most common answer was in the affirmative called “personal training”. Strong agreement or agreement was provided by 64% of the organizations, which means that this form of training is most commonly used and mainly focuses on working with people. At the same time and based on the chart, it can be concluded that these organizations also focus on “communication” in the team and “teambuilding”. Communication training is used by 55% of the organizations to avoid undesirable situations not only with customers but also among the staff. As regards “IT and technology training”, organizations label these options The tourism business success lies primarily in the quality, accessibility and variety of services provided, as well as on building relationships with customers. This requires skilled, dedicated and committed employees. Employers make every effort to attract, hire and recruit the most appropriate people. Despite the lack of jobs in tourism and masses of the unemployed, talent insufficiency can be observed. Our analysis leads to some conclusions: (1) over a third of the surveyed organizations use talent management; (2) organizations retain and hire talents mainly for the position of “top/senior manager” and “accommodation manager”; (3) most organizations implement (at least some of processes and tools of) talent management within the range of 2 – 3 years; (4) talent development leads to employee willingness to educate and increased motivation. The research findings support the hypotheses that the use of talent management tools and processes are affected by the size of organization, and not by the (foreign) capital/property participation. REFERENCES Ali Taha, V., Sirková, M., & Bednárová, L. (2014). Talent management in Slovak organizations: insight into selected practices and processes. In: Intercathedra. No 30/2. Poznań (Poland): University of Life Sciences, Department of Economics and Wood Industry Management. Baum, T. (2008). 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Prema konceptu kreativnog grada, unapređenje samog grada počinje onda kada ljudi koji tu žive i borave počnu da prepoznaju specifične potencijale svog grada. Kreativni grad je grad u kome ljudi učestvuju u kreiranju atraktivnosti samog mesta, jer će samo onaj grad koji je pre svega, atraktivan svojim građanima, privući turiste i investitore. Zvanična važeća startegija razvoja grada Novog Sada zasniva se pre svega na njegovoj ekonomskoj održivosti, planiranju i izgradnji, u kojoj značajno mesto zauzima infrastruktura za unapređenje turizma. Pre svega, misli se na razvoj hotelijertsva, odnosno privlačenje stranih investitora. Pitanje na koje autori pokušavaju da daju odgovor u ovom radu jeste koliko jedan alternativni pristup razvoju turizma u gradu Novom Sadu, poput koncepta kreativnog grada, može da unapredi razvoj hotelijerstva koji je se meri “suvim” statističkim podacima. Rezultati ovakve kombinovane analize ukazaće na izazove, prepreke, ali i potencijale za razvoj hotelijerstva u Novom Sadu. UVOD U 21. veku broj stanovnika koji žive u gradovima širom sveta premašio je prvi put u istoriji, polovinu čovečanstva. Neki sociolozi koji se bave fenomenom grada idu tako daleko da tvrde da globalnog društvo u 21. veku prolazi kroz veliku promenu paradigme, jer iz društva nacionalne države prelazi u društvo grada (Khanna, 2011). Gradovi su oduvek bili, a i danas su fokus modernog društva i oni su socijalno, kulturno i ekonomski dinamični entiteti kojima treba upravljati, ali novo vreme nosi nove izazove. Koncept kreativnog grada naglašava prelazak sa geografskih i prirodnih resursa ka ekonomskoj vitalnosti koja zavisi od ideja i akcija ljudi koji žive u gradovima. Gradovi na ovaj način postaju i proizvođači i potrošači kreativnosti - bilo da se radi o kreativnosti u umetnosti, kulturi, tehnologiji ili drugim kreativnim aktivnostima (Landry, 2006). Ekonomsko planiranje i napredak gradova se sve više baziraju na proizvođačima i potrošačima kreativne ekonomije. Pokret kreativnosti traži interdisciplinarni pristup u kome prekršiti neka ili ponekad sva pravila koja vladaju u * [email protected] Ključne reči: kreativni grad, Novi Sad, hotelijerstvo, razvoj turizma. praksi „normalnog“ planiranja doprinosi okruženju koje odiše kreativnošću, inovativnošću i na kraju, ekonomskim napretkom. Traženje novih rešenja za postojeće probleme i donošenje neobičnih rešenja za nove izazove je odlika kreativnosti, a kreativnost je postala baza za rast i razvoj uspešnih gradova. Turizam je uvek, a pogotovo danas jedan od ključnih pokazatelja uspešnosti funkcionisanja privrede nekog grada. Tako se i u Novom Sadu posvećuje posebna pažnja razvoju ovog sektora. Kao jedan od prvih uslova koje turistička detinacija mora da obezbedi ukoliko želi da razvije ili poveća turizam je unpređenje smeštajnih kapaciteta. Savremeni trendovi u turizmu, a tako i u hotelskih industriji, praćeni su težnjom za otvaranjem većeg broja hotelskih objekata, što našu ponudu obogaćuje i čini je kvalitetnijom. U strategiji razvoja hotelske industrije pored kvaliteta hotelskog proizvoda koji se zasniva na hotelskim standardima, veliku ulogu za iskorišćenost hotelski kapacitet igra i kvalitet same destinacije. Predmet ovog rada je analiza povezanosti između razvoja hotelske industrije u Novom Sadu i celokupnog razvoja turizma u gradu na kreativan način. 155 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONCEPT KREATIVNOG GRADA Za neke autore, kreativni grad je grad koji ima auru (vibracije, energiju). Ta aura je posledica boja, osvetljenosti i zvukova koje grad ima. Kreativni grad je osećanje da se nešto dešava ili se može dešavati u gradu. To je osećanje pokreta i energije koja je prisutna u gradu. Ovakav pristup nije baziran na racionalnosti i ekonomskom pristupu, već u sebi sadrži neopipljivost čulnog doživljaja grada, koje proizilazi iz iskustva koje grad pruža ljudima (Reis & Kageyama, 2009). Kreativni grad je „grad koji uspeva da ispriča priču o sebi“ (Verhagen, 2009). Uspešno rešavanje i prevazilaženje problema su druga karateristika kreativnog grada. Samim tim, takav grad se sam konstantno inovira i menja. Ovo je zapravo ključna komponenta kreativnog grada – „da generiše dinamične i raznovrsne odgovore, odnosno da „kultiviše sposobnost upravljanja promenama“ (Melguizo, 2009). Kreativni grad je grad povezivanja i komunikacije i to ne samo između ljudi, već i između ljudi i prostora. Povezivanje ideja i uvida o gradu je suštinska karakteristika kad se govori o identitetu grada, gde je važno razumeti prošlost da bi se izgradila najbolja moguća budućnost grada (Lerner, 2009). Kreativni grad na ovaj način povezuje ekonomske i društvene aktere i tada se udvostručuje dinamika povezanosti ljudi i prostora. Houkins (Hawkins, 2002) u svojoj knjizi Kreativna ekonomija, kaže da se na ovaj način grad povezuje sa svojom kreativnom ekologijom, a promovisanjem elemenata sociokulturnog ekosistema dobija se produktivni ekosistem. Preko svoje kreativne ekologije, kreativni grad je povezan sa svetom, jer kreativni grad ima „teritorijalni kapacitet da da doprinosi rešenjima globalnih problema životne sredine“ (Chin-Rong, 2009). Kreativni grad je magnet ne samo za posetioce i turiste, već pre svega za takozvanu kreativnu klasu ljudi. Kreativni gadovi su gradovi koji stimulišu svoju sredinu da bude atraktivna za sve ljude, a ne samo za klijente koji se smenjuju i ne predstavljaju većinu onih ljudi koji koriste grad stalno (Florida, 2002). Danas, mnogi gradovi u svojim planovima, strategijama ili performansama koriste koncept kreativnog grada, obično proširen ili fokusiran na neku od prednosti ili potreba urbane revitalizacije. Tako gradovi širom sveta da bi povećali svoju atraktivnost i konkurentsnot, svoje potrebe da unaprede infrastrukturu, usluge, svoju ekološku sredinu, svoje socijalne i ekonosmke uslove pakuju u incijative koje su u suštini verzije kreativnog grada, poput: održivi gradovi, zeleni gradovi, digitalni gradovi, inteligentni, pametni, gradovi znanja, gradovi događaja, eko-gradovi, gradovi sa malom emisijom CO2 i sl. TURIZAM U KREATIVNOM GRADU 156 Prema rečima Žaima Lernera, bivšeg gradonačelnika brazilskog grada Kuritibe (Lerner 2009), “Grad će biti atraktivan za turiste samo onda kada je atraktivan svojoj populaciji. Grad ne treba da se priprema za turiste već za ljude i način da služi ljudima kao primer kvalitet života i tada će privući turiste“. Ovaj stav je ujedno i polazna tačka ovog rada, u kome za razvoj turizma nije dovoljno imati samo dobru infrastruktru i odlične smeštajne kapacitete, nego je na razvoju turizma u gradu važno raditi istovremeno na više frontova. I upravo ovde na scenu stupa koncept Kreativnog grada kao poziv na akciju gradovima da budu drugačiji, posebni, zdravi, inovativni, nesebični prema svojim građanima, autentični, atraktivni i onda privlačni i turistima, investitorima, jer i oni negde imaju iste potrebe kao i stanovnici gradova. Svi vole da borave u gradu koji lep, funcionalan i zelen – a to su osnovne odlike kreativnog grada (Verhagen, 2009). Karakteristike kreativnog grada prema holandskom profesoru i konsultantu, Roy van Dalm (2011) posle intenzivnog izučavanja kreativne klase ljudi i rada sa Ričardom Floridom, došao je do tri glavne karakteristike kreativnog grada, koje direktno utiču na urbanu turističku atraktivnost grada. Ove karakteristike je nazvao 3A : 1A: Autentičnost – je važna za brendiranje grada i njegov marketing. To nažalost, često znači da gradovi žele da budu nešto što nisu. „Eh, da smo kao Berlin, Barselona ili Amsterdam“, jednostavno ne funkcioniše. Svaki grad mora da otkrije svoju jedinstvenu urbanu priču. To je onda pravi brend, baziran na istinskom urbanom identitetu. Sajmon Anholt (Anholt, 2007) to naziva „konkurentni identitet“ (competitive identity). Konkurentni identitet daje gradovima koji su ga sačuvali ili pronašli, komparativnu prednost na turističkom tržištu urbanih destinacija. 2A: Aktiviranje – znači da ljudi treba aktivno da se uključe svojom kreativnošću u stvaranje svakodnevnice u gradu, ali i turističke atraktivnosti kreativnog grada. I Čarls Landri i Ričard Florida govore o tome koliko je ovo važno. „Kreativni grad je mesto na kome ljudi misle, planiraju i rade maštom“, (Landry, 2006). U istinski kreativnom gradu, kreativnost se koristi prilikom rešavanja raznih urbanih problema i razmatranje urbanih pojava i fenomena, pa i u razvoju i unapređenju turizma. Preduzetnički duh je od vitalnog značaja za grad i kada je u pitanju rešavanje urbanih problema i kod zarađivanja za život preko kreativnosti, ali i kod razvoja turizma. Upravo zato, mnogi autori, Kuritibu u Brazilu, smatraju najkreativnijim gradom na svetu. To je zbog načina na koji se ovaj grad nosi sa svojim urbanim rastom, favelama, pitanjima životne sredine i proizvodnjom hrane. Rezultat preduzetničkog aktiviranja ljudi u gradu je ekonomska dobit i razvoj turizma. O važnosti preduzetničkog duha u gradovima, piše profesor Ljubinko Pušić (2002) i on kaže da se „preduzetnička kultura i ponašanje se mogu razumeti kao iskonska težnja čoveka da ovlada uslovima svoje egzistencija. Ta težnja se izražava u čovekovom nastojanju da utiče na to šta će i kako raditi i u čijem interesu će biti to što će (u)raditi. Taj aktivizam čoveka je usmeren ka proširivanju granica slobode.“ I zato grad koji neguje preduzetnički duh svojih građana je slobodan i otvoren grad, a rezultat ovakve slobode je ispoljavanje još veće upornosti, hrabrosti i kreativnosti na najrazličitije načine, naročito u poslovanju i onim aktivnostima koje doprinose kvalitetu života i turistička atraktivnost. Da bi se obezbedila ovakva sloboda potreban je pojačan aktivizam građana. 3A: All-inclusive – znači da se uključuju svi ljudi. Kreativna ekonomija favorizuje kreativne ljude, visoko obrazovane, koji se bave kreativnim zanimanjima i koji su profesionalci. Ti ljudi su se obrazovali, učili kako da razvijaju svoje kreativne talente. Radnici znanja ili kreativna klasa se dobro snalazi u svetu globalizacije. Problem su radnici u uslužnom sektoru i oni koji se bave rutinskom proizvodnjom usluga. Tu postoji razmimoilaženje između kreativne klase i druge grupe građana koja tu ne spada. Ovo razmimoilaženje Florida (2002) naziva kreativnom podelom. Ukoliko grad želi da kreativnu ekonomiju pretvori u kreativno društvo treba da premosti ovaj prostor između dve grupe ljudi, koji se širio proteklih decenija. Za početak se može osmisliti tako da stručno obrazovanje bude više kreativno. Ipak, koncept kreativnog grada i turizma u kreativnom gradu prema Landriju (Landry, 2000), autoru koji je prvi uveo termin „kreativni grad“ kao pojam u literaturu i praksu, bazira se na kreativnosti svih ljudi, a ne samo kreativne klase. Turizam u kreativnom gradu je pre svega održivi urbani turizam sa elementima kreativnosti. Održivi turizam je prema Svetskoj turističkoj organizaciji (UNWTO): “Svaki vid turizma koji doprinosi zaštiti životne sredine, društvenom i privrednom jedinstva i unapređivanju prirodnih i kulturnih vrednosti na trajnoj osnovi“. Turizam je jedna od najjačih privrednih delatnosti na svetu i stalno napreduje. Kao takva, ukoliko bi bila pravilno usmeravana, mogla bi da pomogne zajednicama da budu održive i da se poboljša kvalitet života u njima. Sve rasprave o turizmu kao industriji se uglavnom odnose na njen ekonomski doprinos zajednicama, ali iz ugla turizma u kreativnom gradu, ova industrija se koristi da razvije i unapredi kvalitet života stanovnika u gradu, zatim da se sačuva i obogati priroda u gradu, potom da se sačuva kultura zajednice i da se održe i poboljšaju socijalni uslovi života u njoj. NOVI SAD – TURISTIČKI GRAD Srbija je pretrpela i trpi ogromna i spoljašnja i unutrašnja razaranja, a usput su stradali i njeni gradovi. Prema rečima Gordane Plamenac (2012), direktorke Turističke organizacije Srbije: „Turizam još nije prepoznat kao naša razvojna šansa i perspektiva. Kao privredna grana on je u drugom mestu u svetu, odmah posle energetike. Turizam ima najveće prelivanje u druge privredne grane, kao što su poljopriveda, trgovina, saobraćaj. Mi ne treba da gajimo iluziju da ćemo postati destinacija poput neke morske, ali s obzirom na nove trendove u turizmu, a to su pre svega, kreiranje doživljaja, mi imamo šansu da uradimo nešto“. Ona dodaje „ono što je preostalo još od bivše domovine, a što je i dalje atrakcija koja privlači turiste, jesu gradovi“. Strategija Evrope - Evropa 2020, zastupa stav da uspešnost i dinamičnost malih i srednjih gradova može igrati važnu ulogu u budućnosti, za blagostanje ne samo njihovih stanovnika, već takođe, stanovnika okolnih ruralnih područja. Mali i srednji gradovi su od suštinske važnosti za izbegavanje ruralne depopulacije i za promovisanje uravnoteženog teritorijalnog razvoja ne samo u Evropi, nego i u svetu. Stoga srednji i mali gradovi moraju biti atraktivni i privlačni da bi mogli ostvariti sopstvenu održivost u savremenom konkurentnom svetu. O tome svedoči projekat Evropska prestonica kulture, koji predstavlja dugogodišnji SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES projekat Evropske komisije za kultura, a koji traje od 1985. godine. Inicijativa ovog projekta iz 1983. godine je pokrenuta 1985. godine, da bi se pre svega istaklo bogatstvo i raznovrsnost evropske kulture, da bi se ljudi iz različitih zemalja doveli u kontakt jedni sa drugima i da bi se razvijao osećaj pripadnosti Evropi. Ipak, bilo je još vrednih pozitivnih efekata koji su dobijeni u istraživanjima, a to su: obnavljanje gradova, osnaživanje njihovih pozicija na međunarodnoj sceni, doprinos vitalnosti njihovom kulturnom životu, jačanje imidža grada kod samih stanovnika ovih gradova i nagli porast broja turista (European Commission, 2015). Evropska unija donela je odluku po kojoj Novi Sad može postati Evropska prestonica kulture 2021. godine, umesto 2020. godine, kako je bilo planirano. Da li će zaista dva labuda Novom Sadu doneti „moć najvećeg muzeja Evrope, bogatstvo najlepših priča, koncerte o kojima će se nadaleko čuti, ideje koje pokreću novi svet i dela kojima će aplaudirati cela Evropa?“ Da li će ono što se uradi u gradu u pripremi za Evropsku prestonicu kulture doprineti razvoju turizma u Novom Sadu, jer uprkos tome što broj noćenja u gradu raste iz godine uz godinu, Novi Sad još uvek nije turistički grad. Grad Novi Sad ima značajne prirodne i privredne resurse, što ga svrstava među razvijenije gradove u Srbiji. Zahvaljujući povoljnom geografskom položaju i lociranosti na važnim saobraćajnim koridorima, Novi Sad je obezbedio značajne komparativne prednosti. Zаhvаljujući svom geogrаfskom položаju turističkа ponudа Novog Sаdа je rаznolikа, аli opet orijentisаnа nа nekoliko vidova turizma koji bude interesovаnje kаko domаćih, tаko i strаnih turistа. Ključne atrakcije Novog Sada sa značajnim razvojnim potencijalom i atraktivnošću uključuju: ◆ kulturno-istorijske celine; ◆ muzeje i galerije; ◆ prirodne resurse i ◆ događaje. Ovo uključuje staro jezgro grada, Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu sa podzemnim vojnim galerijama, reku Dunav, Nacionalni park „Fruška gora“, salaše, EXIT festival i druge manifestacije. Turističke proizvode Novog Sada čine: gradski odmori, MICE, događaji i nautiku. Novi Sad zajedno sa Beogradom čini dva najvažnija administrativna, ali i turistička centra u Srbiji. Realizovan turistički promet u 2013. godini bio je 122 hiljada turista i 252 hiljade noćenja. Prosečna dužina boravka turista iznosila je 2,0 dana. Realizovan turistički promet u 2013. godini bio je najpovoljniji od turističkog prometa za posmatrani period. U 2009. godini uočava se smanjenje broja turista što je prouzrokovano opštim prilikama na tržištu (posledica ekonomske krize). Rast broja noćenja turista bio je nešto povoljniji od kretanja broja turista od 2010. godine. Prosečna dužina boravka turista kretala se od 1,8 do 2,0 dana. Struktura ukupnog turističkog prometa može se videti u narednoj tabeli. U strukturi ukupnog turističkog prometa u 2013. godini domaći turisti su učestvovali sa 37,7% od ukupnog broja dolazaka i 29,6% od njihovih noćenja, dok je učešće stranog turističkog prometa iznosilo 62,3% od ukupnih turista i 70,4% od ukupnih noćenja. Na početku posmatranog perioda struktura domaćih i stranih turista bila je znatno drugačija. Domaći turisti su u 2008. godini apsorbovali 56,0% 157 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Tabela 1. Obim i dimamika turističkog prometa Novog Sada od 2007. do 2013. godine Godina Broj turista u 000 Lančani indeks Broj noćenja u 000 Lančani indeks Prosečna dužina boravka 2007. 95 - 180 - 1,9 2008. 100 105,3 185 102,8 1,9 2009. 84 84,0 162 87,6 1,9 2010. 93 110,7 168 103,7 1,8 2011. 106 114,0 214 127,4 2,0 2012. 109 102,8 221 103,3 2,0 2013. 122 111,9 252 114,0 2,0 Izvor: Republički zavod za statistiku, Saopštenja UT10, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007. i autorov proračun Tabela 2. Struktura turističkog prometa za Novi Sad u % Godina Domaći Strami Br. turista Br. noćenja Br. turista Br. noćenja 2008. 56,0 48,6 44,0 51,4 2010. 45,2 40,5 54,8 59,5 2012. 42,2 34,4 57,8 65,6 2013. 37,7 29,6 62,3 70,4 Izvor: Republički zavod za statistiku, SaopštenjaUT10, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2008. i autorov proračun Tabela 3. Obim i dinamika deviznog priliva od turizma za Novi Sad od 2007. do 2013. godine u milionima EUR Godina 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. Priliv u mil EUR 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,6 2,3 2,4 3,3 Lančani indeks 100,0 93,8 106,7 143,8 104,3 137,5 Izvor: http://www.nbs.rs/internet/latinica/80/platni_bilans.html i autorov proračun 158 od ukpnog broja turista i 48,6% od ukupnog broja noćenja. Ovakva razlika između 2008. i 2013. godine je rezulatat privatizacije postojećih hotela, ali i izgradnje novih smeštajnih kapaciteta, što je doprinelo povećanju obima smeštajnih kapaciteta i podizanju kvaliteta usluga. Takođe u navedenom periodu formirana je Turistička organizacija koja je odgovorna za turizam grada, što je dovelo do intezivnije promocije na domaćem i inostranom tržištu. Devizni priliv od turizma za Novi Sad proračunat je na osnovu procentualnog učešća ukupnog broja stranih noćenja u Novom Sadu od ukupnog broj stranih noćenja u Republici Srbiji. Ovakav podatak predstavlja donju granicu iznosa, s tim da je potrošnja znatno veća. Na primer, turisti sa brodova koji u organizaciji domaćih turističkih agencija obilaze grad i okolinu (ručak im je organizovan na salašu u Čenejskom ataru) ne ulaze u statistiku, s obzirom da agencija troškove vezane za organizaciju plaća u dinarima kod poljoprivrednih gazdinstava, što se vodi kao prihod gazdinstva. Ostvareni devizni priliv za Novi Sad u 2013. godini iznosio je 3,3 miliona eura. Kretanje deviznog prihoda od turizma u posmatranom periodu bilo je povoljno, osim 2009. godine kada je ubeležen najniži prihod. Što se tiče Novog Sada, devizni priliv beleži porast u poslednje nekoliko godina datog pregleda, ali nije zadovoljavajući ako se uzmu u razmatranje svi raspoloživi resursi, koji bi trebalo da ostvare znatno veće rezultate. Preciznije podatke o deviznom prilivu od turizma mogu se očekivati sa uvođenjem Turističkog satelitskog računa (Tourism Satelit Account) koji predstavlja statističko-računovodstveni okvir u oblasti turizma, mereći dobra i usluge prema internacionalnim standardima, klasifikacijama i definicijama za validno poređenje sa ostalim industrijama od zemlje do zemlje. HOTELSKA INDUSTRIJA NOVOG SADA Tržište ugostiteljskih usluga za smeštaj Novog Sada pretrpelo je brojne promene tokom prve dekade 21. veka. U periodu od 2002. do 2013. godine hotelska industrija Novog Sada stigla je do određenog nivoa za koji se može reći da omogućava dalji rast i razvoj. Ako se uzme da je u 2002. godini poslovalo svega šest hotelskih objekata sa 1.145 ležaja, apartmansko naselje sa 84 ležaja i 9 nekategorisanih SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Tabela 4. Obim i struktura smeštajnih kapaciteta u Novom Sadu 2002-2013. godine Vrsta smeštaja Broj ležajeva 2002. Struktura u % Broj ležajeva 2013. Struktura u % Hoteli 1.145 78,4 1.843 69,3 Kapm 0 0 0 0 App/turističko naselje 84 5,7 116 4,4 Hosteli 0 0 68* 2,6 Ostalo 232 15,9 631* 23,7 UKUPNO 1.461 100,0 2.658 100,0 * Nepotpun podatak. Izvor: htpp://www.turizam.merr.gov.rs/index.php/sr, 2013. Gradska Novog uprava za privredu Grada Sada, 2002. i 2014. i autorov proračun smeštajnih kapaciteta sa 232 ležaja, dok je u 2013. godini na tržištu grada operisalo 23 hotela, mogu se potvrditi prethodno izneti stavovi. Pored već pomenutih šest hotela, otvoreno je 17 novih. Tokom pomenutog perioda privatizovano je svih šest hotela i turističko naselje na Ribarskom ostrvu, koji su bili u društvenom vlasništvu. Najveći obim rekonstrukcije i adaptacije pretpeo je hotel Park (nekada 300 soba i 620 ležaja, posle rekonstrukcije 225 soba i apartmana sa 358 ležaja) i bivši hotel Varadin (sadašnji Leopold I) na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi. Hotel Leopold I se nalazi na kuturno-istorijskom prostoru, tako da je zadržao sve karakteristike spoljne arhitekture. Od 2005. godine započinje izgradnja novih, privatnih hotelskih objekata, većeg kapaciteta sa pratećim sadržajima, sportskim terenima, wellness-om i spa centrima. Pri tome je i dalje prisutan problem nerešenih imovinsko-pravnih odnosa kod izgradnje novih objekata na top lokacijama, što se može rešiti na najpovoljniji način. Smeštajne kapacitete Novog Sada u 2013. godini činili su hoteli, turisičko naselje, hosteli, privatan smeštaj i ostali smeštaj sa ukupno 2.658 ležaja. U ponudi smeštajnih kapaciteta Novog Sada u 2002. godini bilo je šest hotela, apartmansko naselje i nekoliko objekata tipa prenoćišta, sa ukupno 1.461 ležajem. U strukturi, hoteli su obuhvatali skoro 80% raspoloživog smeštajnog kapaciteta. Skroman obim smeštaja nije rezultirao značajnijim turističkim prometom. U periodu od 2002. do 2013. godine obim smeštajnih kapaciteta je udvostručen. Hotelski kapaciteti apsorbovali su 69,3% raspoloživih ležajeva. Privatan smeštaj (domaća radinost i seosko turističko domačinstvo) funkcionisao je u 17 objekata sa 231 ležajem, dok su ostali smeštaj i hosteli imali 468 ležaja i obuhvatali su 26,3% od ukupnog broja ležajeva. Podatak za ostali smeštaj i hostele mora se uzeti sa rezervom, jer se za njih ne vodi posebna evidencija, nego su ovakavi objekata registrovani u Agenciji za privredne registre pod šifrom 5590 – Ostali smeštaj i ne podležu kategorizaciji. U zvaničnoj prezentacija grada Novog Sada stoji da je Novi Sad: ravničarski, zelen grad, kojim dominiraju građevine Petrovaradisnka tvrđava, Banovina Spens i NIS. To znači da Novim Sadom ne dominira nijedna lepa građevina koja bi predtsavljala hotel, sem ako izuzmemo hotel u okviru Petrovaradinske trvđave. Ovo bi se moglo shvatiti kao poziv onima koji upravljaju unapređenjem turizma u No- vom Sadu doprinesu celokupnoj turističkoj ponudi koja bi na taj način bila zaniljiva za turiste da se u relativno malom gradu ipak duže zadrže. ZAKLJUČAK Da bi se privukli strani investitori i da bi se pravili hoteli koji će biti iskorišćeni od strane turitsa, potrebno je raditi na celokupnoj turistuičkoj ponudi grada Novog Sada. Šanse Novog Sada su u okviru celokupne turističke ponude Srbije i Vojvodine, kao i koncepta kreativnog grada, a u odnosu na svetska kretanja ima mogućnosti da iskoristi: 1. Geografsku lociranost na važnim saobraćajnicama i Dunavu koje omogućuju određene komparativne prednosti u odnosu na druge destinacije u zemlji i regionu; 2. Trend ulaska na turističku mapu sve većeg broja manjih, novih destinacija, jer je broj turista koji traže i prihvataju nova iskustva u konstantnom porastu; 3. Da privuče znatniji obim investicija koje će biti u službi daljeg razvoja i unapređenja gradskog turizma. Razvoj hotelske indurstije u ovom radu zasniva se na konceptu kreativnog grada u kome se grad posmatra holistički kroz paradigmu održivosti. Upravo zato je koncept kreativnog grada vrlo širok i po njemu se grad može posmatrati sa više različitih aspekata i iz više uglova različitih stejkholdera. U ovom radu kreativan grad je proučavan sa aspekta razvoja hotelijerstva. Koncept kreativnog grada kao razvojni potencijal u svoj fokus stavlja kreativnost. Kreativni grad je katalizator različitih vrsta kreativnosti, ali jedna od najvažnijih je kreativnost samih građana, a ne samo profesionalaca (na čemu se zasnivaju teorije o kreativnoj klasi ljudi i kreativnoj ekonomiji). Prema Čarlsu Landriju (Charls Landry), engleskom teoretičaru i praktičaru koji se bavi socio-kulturnim urbanim pitanjima i koji je postavio teoriju o kreativnom gradu, kreativnost „običnih“ ljudi, građana predstavlja važan resurs urbanog razvoja. Jedna od glavnih odlika ljudi jeste kapacitet da misle. Oni hteli ne hteli, koriste svoju kreativnost kao potencijal za rešavanje problema i izazova, ulepšavanje i funkcionisanje svakodnevnog života u gradu. Zato je važno pitati, aktivirati „obične“ ljude da doprinesu novim načinima rešavanja prepreka, izazova i problema u javnoj i društvenoj sferi urbanog života. 159 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA REFERENCE European Commission. (2015). Culture. Preuzeto 3. avgusta 2015. sa http://ec.europa.eu/culture/ Florida, R. (2002). The Rise of Creative Class. New York, USA: Basic Books. Gradska uprava za privredu Grada Novog Sada. (2002, 2014). Rešenja o kategorizaciji ugostiteljskih objekata za smeštaj. Khanna, P. (2011). 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THE CONCEPT OF CREATIVE CITY AND HOSPITALITY DEVELOPMENT IN NOVI SAD Abstract: The Europe 2020 Strategy aims at achieving economic growth, social cohesion, along with knowledge as the key resource of the new age. The creative city is a city whose development is based on the knowledge of people living in it. According to the concept of creative city, improvement of the city itself, starts once the people living or residing in it, become aware of the specific potentials of their city. The creative city is a city in which people participate in developing attractions of the given place, as only the city that is attractive to its citizens, can attract prospective tourists and investors. The official valid development strategy of the city of Novi Sad is primarily based on its economic sustainability, planning and construction, with infrastructure assuming an important place. It is predominantly directed towards hospitality development, i.e., attracting foreign investors. The authors shall attempt to show how an alternative approach to tourism development of the city of Novi Sad, such as the concept of creative city, can enhance hospitality development measured by ‘’purely’’ statistical data. The results of such combined analysis shall indicate challenges, obstacles, as well as potentials of tourism development of the city of Novi Sad. 160 Key words: creative city, Novi Sad, hospitality, tourism development. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-161-163 ASPEKTI FISKALNIH OLAKŠICA/PODSTICAJA TURIZMU REPUBLIKE SRBIJE 1 Kosana Vićentijević1*, Zoran Petrović1, Zoran Jović2 Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Republika Srbija; 2 Poslovni fakultet Valjevo, Železnička 5, Valjevo, Republika Srbija Apstrakt: Tema ovog rada su fiskalne olakšice/podsticaji turizmu Republike Srbije. Predmet istraživanja je regulativa Republike Srbije koja propisuje fiskalne olakšice/podsticaje. Ispituje se i struktura turističke privrede kako bi se utvrdilo koliko je ona ograničavajući faktor korišćenja aktuelnih fiskalnih olakšica/ podsticaja Republike Srbije. Cilj rada jeste da pokaže da je za razvoj turizma u Republici Srbiji neophodno promeniti postojeće fiskalne olakšice/podsticaje jer oni ne odgovaraju strukturi turističke privrede Republike Srbije. Ključne reči: turizam, fiskalne olakšice, fiskalni podsticaj. 1. UVOD 2. POSTOJEĆE PORESKE OLAKŠICE Turizam kao grana privrede je važan segment koji daje mogućnost za ekonomski i socijalni razvoj društvene zajednice. Turistički proizvodi uključuju mnoge delatnosti koje ostvaruju prihode kroz turističku potrošnju. U većini razvijenih zemalja sektor usluga čini 60-75% društvenog bruto proizvoda i time prevazilazi fabričku proizvodnju i poljoprivredu (Popesku, 2013). Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su fiskalne olakšice/ podsticaji privrednim subjektima koji se bave turizmom u Republici Srbiji. Zbog toga se u radu istražuje relevantna poreska regulativa Republike Srbije koja propisuje fiskalne olakšice/podsticaje. Istražuje se i struktura turističke privrede, da bi se utvrdilo koliko je ona ograničavajući faktor korišćenja aktuelnih fiskalnih olakšica/podsticaja Republike Srbije. Cilj rada je dokazivanje da je za razvoj turizma u Republici Srbiji neophodno promeniti postojeće fiskalne olakšice/podsticaje jer oni ne odgovaraju strukturi turističke privrede Republike Srbije. Zbog toga je i polazna hipoteza u radu: H1 - da postojeće fiskalne olakšice koje se odnose na porez na dobit ne odgovaraju strukturi turističke privrede Republike Srbije. U radu dokazujemo i hipotezu: H2 - da je u periodu od 2001-2012. godine bilo značajnih poreskih olakšica/podsticaja koje su se odnosile na porez na dobit koje je mogla da koristi turistička privreda Republike Srbije. U svrhe potvrđivanja (ili opovrgavanja) ovih hipoteza istražili smo relevantne poreske regulative u Republici Srbiji i u periodu od 2002. do 2015. godine, kao i podatke koji pokazuju strukturu (po veličini) pravnih lica iz oblasti hotelijerstva u Republici Srbiji. U Republici Srbiji postoji trend da se u većim gradovima u Srbiji grade manji hoteli poslovnog tipa. I pored toga evidentan je nedostatak kvalitetnih hotelskih kapaciteta - kvalitet hotelskih usluga (proizvoda) čine njihova svojstva koja obezbeđuju zadovoljenje potreba i očekivanja korisnika tih usluga, pri čemu je korisnik usluge taj koji daje konačan sud o stepenu ostvarenog zadovoljstva (Barjaktarović, 2013). Ulaganje u hotelske kapacitete u značajnoj meri može biti podstaknuto odgovarajućim poreskim olakšicama. Prema “Strategiji razvoja turizma u Republici Srbiji” (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 91/2006) tipični primeri fiskalnih podsticaja/ olakšica su sledeći: 1. smanjenje poreza na dobit, 2. mogućnost ne plaćanja poreza iz dobiti sve dok se negativni poslovni rezultat iz nekih prethodnih godina poslovanja u celosti ne pokrije akumulisanom dobiti, 3. oslobađanje poreza na nekretnine, 4. preferencijalna cena energenata, 5. niži komunalni doprinosi i naknade u prvim godinama poslovanja, 6. smanjena carinska davanja na uvoznu opremu, 7. subvencije za kupljenu domaću opremu, 8. poresko oslobađanje za reinvestiranu dobit, 9. ostali podsticaji i olakšice (npr. programi stručne obuke za zaposlene, repatrijacija profita, mogućnost zapošljavanja stranih eksperata, marketinške aktivnosti sponzorisane od strane javne vlasti i sl.). Od navedenih poreskih olakšica u Republici Srbiji jedino je prisutna olakšica navedena pod rednim brojem 2. Ova olakšica povezana je sa obračunom i plaćanjem poreza na dobit pravnih lica. U Republici Srbiji obračun i plaćanje * [email protected] 161 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA poreza na dobit reguliše Zakon o porezu na dobit pravnih lica (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 25/2001). U vreme pisanja ovog rada ovaj Zakon je u pogledu poreskih podsticaja/ olakšica veoma restriktivan - pored već navedene olakšice navešćemo još dve poreske olakšice. Članom 46. ovog Zakona predviđena je sledeća poreska olakšica: “Oslobađa se plaćanja poreza na dobit pravnih lica za radno osposobljavanje, profesionalnu rehabilitaciju i zapošljavanje invalidnih lica, srazmerno učešću tih lica u ukupnom broju zaposlenih”. Dakle, radi se o poreskom oslobođenju koje ne mogu koristiti pravna lica iz oblasti turizma. Pored ove poreske olakšice članom 50a ovog Zakona predviđena je još jedna poreska olakšica: “...poreski obveznik koji uloži u svoja osnovna sredstva, odnosno u čija osnovna sredstva drugo lice uloži više od jedne milijarde dinara, koji ta sredstva koristi za obavljanje pretežne delatnosti i delatnosti upisanih u osnivačkom aktu obveznika, odnosno navedenih u drugom aktu obveznika, kojim se određuju delatnosti koje obveznik obavlja i u periodu ulaganja dodatno zaposli na neodređeno vreme najmanje 100 lica, oslobađa se plaćanja poreza na dobit pravnih lica u periodu od deset godina srazmerno tom ulaganju...” Imajući u vidu da je stopa poreza na dobit 15%, radi se, dakle, o veoma velikoj poreskoj olakšici. Međutim, veoma su visoki kriterijumi za njeno ostvarivanje: ◆ ulaganje u osnovna sredstva veće od 8,3 miliona EUR i ◆ zapošljavanje na neodređeno vreme najmanje 100 lica. Sa ovako visoko postavljenim kriterijumima većini turističkih preduzeća koja posluju na području Republike Srbije ovo poresko oslobođenje je nedostižno. Sektor turizma karakteriše izrazita heterogenost delatnosti koje učestvuju u zadovoljenju potreba turista uz postojanje velikih razlika u veličini privrednih subjekata i snažnu ulogu javnog sektora (Spasić & Čerović, 2014). Prema podacima Sektora za turizam Ministarstva finansija iz 2013. godine, u Srbiji posluje 318 kategorisanih objekata hotelskog tipa, sa 17.373 smeštajnih jedinica i 29.440 ležaja. Dakle, prosečno po kategorisanom objektu ima 93 ležaja. Ukoliko se kao prosečna cena izgradnje objekta hotelskog tipa uzme 25.000,00 EUR po ležaju (na osnovu izveštaja licenciranog procenitelja građevinskih objekata), proizlazi da je prosečna cena osnovnih sredstava po objektu 2,35 miliona EUR. To je daleko ispod navedenog kriterijuma za ostvarivanje prava na poresku olakšicu iz člana 50a Zakona. Sem toga najveći broj turističkih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji ima manje od 100 zaposlenih lica, pa nije ni realno očekivati da u nekom budućem periodu poveća broj zaposlenih za 100 i više lica. Može se izvesti zaključak da je u proteklih nekoliko godina samo nekoliko turističkih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji mogli da iskoristi navedenu poresku olakšicu. 3. PORESKE OLAKŠICE KOJE SU POSTOJALE U PERIODU OD 2001-2012. GODINE 162 Poreski sistem se stalno menja i usavršava prilagođavajući se društveno - ekonomskim sistemima postajući istorijska kategorija (Radojević, 2012). Donošenjem 2001. godine Zakona o porezu na dobit preduzeća (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 25/2001) privrednim subjektima su postale dostupne značajne poreske olakšice. U nastavku ćemo ih ukratko navesti i to na način koji pokazuje da je većina turističkih preduzeća iz Republike Srbije mogla da ih koristi. Članom 47. ovog Zakona dozvoljeno je obvezniku koji je ostvario dobit u novoosnovanoj poslovnoj jedinici u nedovoljno razvijenim područjima da umanji porez na dobit preduzeća u trajanju od dve godine, srazmerno učešću tako ostvarene dobiti u ukupnoj dobiti preduzeća - dakle, nije bilo ograničenja u visini ulaganja ili broju novozaposlenih lica, što je omogućavalo da i najmanje turističko preduzeće koristi ovu poresku olakšicu. Ova poreska olakšica ukinuta je 2012. godine (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 119/2012). Članom 48. ovog Zakona bilo je omogućeno obvezniku koji izvrši ulaganje u osnovno sredstvo u sopstvenoj registrovanoj delatnosti da umanji obračunati porez na dobit preduzeća za 10% ulaganja izvršenog u toj godini. Poreski kredit nije mogao biti veći od 50% obračunatog poreza u godini u kojoj je izvršeno ulaganje. Neiskorišćeni deo poreskog kredita mogao se preneti na račun poreza na dobit iz budućih obračunskih perioda, ali ne duže od pet godina. Obvezniku koji je prema zakonu kojim se uređuje računovodstvo razvrstan u malo preduzeće, pravo na ovaj poreski kredit priznaje se u visini od 30% izvršenog ulaganja, s tim što umanjenje obračunatog poreza u godini u kojoj je izvršeno ulaganje ne može biti veće od 70% - dakle, nije bilo ograničenja u visini ulaganja ili broju novozaposlenih lica, što je omogućavalo da i najmanje turističko preduzeće koristi ovu poresku olakšicu. Čak šta više, manja preduzeća su imala veću poresku olakšicu od srednjih i velikih preduzeća. Radi prikaza da je u pitanju velika i značajna poreska olakšica poslužićemo se sledećim primerom: Preduzeće koje je malo po veličini kupuje autobus za korišćenje u svrhe prevoza turista. Autobus je plaćen 50.000,00 EUR (Napomena: iznose prikazujemo u evrima radi bolje preglednosti). Prema članu 48. Zakona o porezu na dobit preduzeća pravo na poresku olakšicu je 15.000,00 EUR (50.000,00 EUR x 30%). U periodu od pet godina preduzeće je ostvarilo oporezivu dobit u iznosu od 120.000,00 EUR. Stopa poreza na dobit je bila 20%. Da preduzeće nema poresku olakšicu u ovom periodu platilo bi 24.000,00 EUR poreza na dobit. Međutim, preduzeće je platilo samo 9.000,00 EUR poreza na dobit, jer je koristilo poresku olakšicu od 15.000,00 EUR po osnovu ulaganja u osnovno sredstvo. Dakle, direktna ušteda je 15.000,00 EUR i realno gledano nabavka autobusa je preduzeće koštala 35.000,00 EUR (50.000,00 EUR /nabavna vrednost/ - 15.000 EUR /ušteda na porezu/). Napomena: Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o porezu na dobit preduzeća (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 84/2004) povećani su navedeni procenti poreskih olakšica: sa 10% povećan je na 30% i kod malih pravnih lica sa 30% na 40%. Ova poreska olakšica ukinuta je 2013. godine (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 108/2013). Članom 49. ovog Zakona bilo je omogućeno obvezniku koji na neodređeno vreme zaposli nove radnike da obračunati porez umanji za iznos koji je jednak iznosu koji čini 40% bruto zarada, odnosno plata, isplaćenih tim zaposlenima, uvećanih za pripadajuće plaćene javne prihode na teret poslodavca. Poreski kredit iz stava 1 ovog člana priznaje se za period od dve godine od dana zaposlenja, pod uslovom da se u tom periodu nije smanjivao broj zaposlenih, kao i da obveznik u periodu od 12 meseci pre dana zaposlenja nije smanjivao broj zaposlenih - dakle, nije bilo ograničenja u broju novozaposlenih lica, što je omogućavalo da i najmanje turističko preduzeće koristi ovu poresku olakšicu. Sem toga radilo se i o značajnoj poreskoj olakšici. Prikazaćemo to na primeru: Preduzeće je zaposlilo jednog novog radnika čija je godišnja bruto zarada (uvećana za doprinose na teret poslodavca) bila 3.600,00 EUR. Po ovom osnovu preduzeće je steklo pravo na poresku olakšicu u iznosu od 1.440,00 EUR. Preduzeće je ostvarilo oporezivu dobit od 20.000,00 EUR i iskazalo obavezu za porez na dobit od 2.560,00 EUR (stopa poreza na dobit je bila 20%). Iznos od 2.560,00 EUR se dobija na sledeći način: 20.000,00 EUR x 20% - 1.440,00 EUR /poreske olakšice/. Dakle, novozaposleni radnik preduzeće realno košta 2.160,00 EUR (3.600,00 EUR /bruto zarada/ 1.440,00 EUR /poreska olakšica/). Napomena: Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o porezu na dobit preduzeća (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 80/2002) navedeni procenat poreske olakšice od 40% povećan je na čak 100%! Ova poreska olakšica ukinuta je 2010. godine (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 18/2010). 3. ZAKLJUČAK Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su bile fiskalne olakšice/podsticaji privrednim subjektima koji se bave turizmom u Republici Srbiji sa stanovišta poreza na dobit. Doprinos turizma razvoju zaposlenosti u okviru uslužnog sektora a time i ukupnom privrednom razvoju može biti veoma značajan (Čačić, 2013). Da bi turizam dao svoj doprinos u punoj meri neophodno je postojanje odgovarajućih poreskih olakšica/podsticaja. Istraživanjem relevantne zakonske regulative u periodu od 2001. do 2015. godine potvrdili smo postavljene hipoteze: H1: postojeće fiskalne olakšice u vezi sa porezom na dobit ne odgovaraju strukturi turističke privrede Republike Srbije i H2: u periodu od 2001-2012. godine bilo je značajnih poreskih olakšica/podsticaja koji su se odnosili na porez na dobit koje je mogla da koristi i turistička privreda Republike Srbije. S obzirom da je učešće prihoda od poreza na dobit u budžetu Republike Srbije u 2014. godini relativno malo 6,24%, da značajan deo turističke privrede Republike Srbije čine mikro, mala i srednja pravna lica smatramo da SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES treba razmisliti o vraćanju nekih od ranije prisutnih poreskih olakšica u vezi sa porezom na dobit za mikro, mala i srednja pravna lica. U situaciji kada postoji budžetski deficit država se teško odlučuje na davanje većih poreskih olakšica/ podsticaja. Stvaranje prostora za dodatne poreske olakšice/ podsticaje moguće je smanjenjem tzv. sive ekonomije. LITERATURA Barjaktarović, D. (2013). Upravljanje kvalitetom u hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Čačić, K. (2013). Poslovanje hotelskih preduzeća. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. HORES. (2015). Pregled broja hotela, smeštajnih jedinica i ležajeva. Preuzeto 27. jula 2015. sa http://www.hores.rs/ docs/broj_hotela.pdf Ministarstvo finansija Republike Srbije. (2014). Zakon o porezu na dobit pravnih lica. Službeni glasnik RS br. 25/01, 80/02, 43/03, 84/04, 18/10, 101/11, 119/12, 47/13, 108/13, 68/14. Preuzeto 27. Jula 2015. sa http://www.poreskauprava.gov. rs/sr/pravna-lica/pregled-propisa/zakoni/307/zakon-oporezu-na-dobit-pravnih-lica.html Ministarstvo trgovine turizma i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije. (2015). Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srbije. Službeni glasnik br. 91/2006. Preuzeto 27. jula 2015. sa http://mtt.gov.rs/download/3/Strategija%20razvoja%20 turizma,cir.pdf Narodna skupština Republike Srbije. (2015). Zakon o budžetu Republike Srbije za 2014. godinu. Preuzeto 27. jula 2015. sa http://www.parlament.gov.rs/upload/archive/ files/lat/pdf/zakoni/2013/4174-13Lat.pdf Popesku, J. (2013). Marketing u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Radojević, T. (2012). Finansijsko poslovanje u turizmu i hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Službeni glasnik RS. (2015). Zakon o privrednim društvima. Službeni glasnik RS br. 36/2011, 99/2011, 83/2014 i 5/2015. Preuzeto 27. jula 2015. sa http://paragraf.rs/ propisi/zakon_o_privrednim_drustvima.html Službeni glasnik RS. (2004). Zakon o porezu na dodatu vrednost. Službeni glasnik RS br. 84/2004, 86/2004, 61/2005, 61/2007, 93/2012, 108/2013, 68/2014 i 142/2014. Preuzeto 27. jula 2015. sa http://paragraf.rs/propisi/zakon_o_ porezu_na_dodatu_vrednost.html Spasić, V., & Čerović S. (2014). Ekonomsko-finansijska analiza poslovanja preduzeća u hotelijerstvu i turizmu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. ASPECTS OF FISCAL FACILITIES/INCENTIVES TO TOURISM OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Abstract: The topic of this paper are fiscal facilities/incentives to tourism of the Republic of Serbia. The research examines the regulation of the Republic of Serbia that prescribes fiscal facilities/incentives. It also explores the tourism industry structure in order to determine the extent to which it limits the use of the current fiscal facilities/incentives of the Republic of Serbia. The principal aim of this study is to show that development of tourism in the Republic of Serbia requires changing the existing fiscal facilities/incentives, as they do not correspond to the structure of tourism industry of the Republic of Serbia. Key words: tourism, fiscal facilities, fiscal incentive. 163 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-164-167 BANKRUPTCY RISK EXPOSURE OF SERBIAN HOTELS IN THE PERIOD 2008-2012 Vule Mizdraković*, Goranka Knezević, Nenad Stanić Singidunum University, Danijelova 32, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the indebtedness level of hotels operating in the Republic of Serbia during the period from 2008-2012. It is presumed that the weakened worldwide economy resulted in the decrease of general business solvency and increase of bankruptcy probability in all industries. Service providers have certainly not been left out, and hotels have been in the focus of this paper. We have collected available financial statements of hotels operating in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2008-2012. We have calculated several bankruptcy prediction models including: Altman’s Z’ and Z’’-score, M-score, Kralicek’s df score and Z-score for hospitality industry. The results show that the average implicated bankruptcy probability increased in 2010 and 2011, and reached its peak value in 2011. When comparing 2008 and 2011, the average Altman’s scores recorded decrease of approximately 70% and other scores confirm the same results. Therefore, it can be concluded that hotel industry in Serbia recorded the weakest results and has been insolvent and had the greatest risk of going bankrupt in 2010, and especially in 2011. 1. INTRODUCTION 164 If we take into consideration that corporate bankruptcy figures in the United States in the first quarter of 2015 recorded high level since 2010 (Hals, 2015) and that property market soars 10% in 2015 (Boyce, 2015), we might be at the beginning of creation of another market bubble and the new financial crisis. At the times of crisis, the solvency of business entities gets affected by negative market contractions. In order to retain the normal business cycle functionality, entities need additional funds. According to Stanišić et al. (2013) business entities in Serbia that invested their capital in current assets respond better (noted higher results) to the negative effects of financial crisis in comparison to those that had fixed assets of high value. Therefore, if business entities retain the same financial strategies, they may end up indebted pretty soon. The risk of bankruptcy increases as the level of credit solvency decreases. Bankruptcy filing is the last chance for the entity to regroup through reorganization; however, only one out of ten debtors actually opens the reorganization in the Republic of Serbia (Mizdraković, 2012). Therefore, approximately 90% of debtors are liquidated in the process of bankruptcy proceedings. Their assets are sold at a very low value (usually 10-30% of the market value) and collected money is used to reimburse the creditors. The value of debtor’s bankruptcy estate is usually not enough to cover its debts, thus the creditors suffer in the process of bankruptcy, as well as the debtor. Also, a bankruptcy proceeding causes very high expenses; in Serbia they could be as high as 23% of the total value of debtor’s properties (Mizdrakovic, 2012). The hotel industry has some specifics; firstly, the value of fixed assets is very high due to * [email protected] Key words: indebtedness, bankruptcy prediction models, financial statements. good property locations. This could be both - a life belt, and a hole in the boat for hotel management. A high property value could help in capital generation, as it allows the approval of mortgage loans of higher amounts. On the other hand, as mentioned above, the capital invested in fixed assets cannot be easily transformed in liquid assets, especially in the times of need. Also, the hotel’s property does not possess high sales power, because when estate market is in decline, it will require more marketing time to make sales. Secondly, hotel industry is highly leveraged, because those valuable properties are usually financed by long-term debt financing. These two characteristics could easily cause problems with hotel credit solvency and force hotel management to file for bankruptcy proceedings. Therefore, it is very important for hotel management to notice red flags, react and avoid bankruptcy at all cost. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether Serbian hotel managements did notice the deterioration of the hotel credit solvency and at what level did they constrained bankruptcy risk. Actually, we wanted to find out when the indebtedness of hotel businesses in Serbia and their bankruptcy risk were at the highest level, throughout the period 2008-2012. Therefore, we have collected available financial statements of the hotels operating in the period from 2008-2012 and calculated several bankruptcy prediction models. This paper contributes to the existing literature on financial aspects of hotel industry in Serbia, which is quite modest. This is especially true when it comes to hotel bankruptcy prediction in the Republic of Serbia. The paper is structured as follows: The first part addresses the literature review; the second part presents research methodology used and the results, while the final part provides concluding remarks. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Table 1. Main financial positions of sample hotels in thousands of RSD Due to space constraints and since literature on corporate bankruptcy prediction is quite extensive and has already been explored by numerous authors (Bellovary, Giacomino, & Akers, 2007), this paper Average will only address bankruptcy prediction in the hospitality industry. Park and Hancer (2012) noticed that bankruptcy prediction in the hospitality industry has gained more interest with researchers since 1999. Since then, there were several papers till 2005 using MDA (Multivariate Discriminant Analysis) for bank- Median ruptcy prediction of restaurants, lodging companies and airplane companies. There were two more papers in 2006 addressing bankruptcy prediction of restaurants using Logistic Regression and MDA analyses, in which it has been concluded that low earnings before interest and taxes, and high total liabilities would likely lead to bankruptcy of the restaurant (Kim & Gu, 2006; Kim & Gu, 2006a). Similarly, Park and Hancer (2012) noticed that financial indicator total liabilities to total assets plays a great role in detecting when the business entity from the hospitality industry will go bankrupt. Kim (2011) focused on comparison of bankruptcy prediction models in his paper and found out that the following indicators had the highest discriminating power1, when discerning healthy hotels from bankrupt ones: Debt to Equity Ratio, Profit Margin, ROE, Account Receivable Turnover and Fixed Asset Turnover. Out of the aforementioned, Debt to Equity Ratio had the highest significance, which correlates with the previous studies. Finally, we had difficulty in finding any research paper addressing bankruptcy prediction in the hotel or hospitality industry in Serbia. 3. METHODOLOGY Since the purpose of this paper was to determine the credit solvency level of Serbian hotels, we had to design the research sample of hotels operating in the observed period and collect their financial statements. Business entities in the Republic of Serbia have an obligation of financial reporting and financial statements preparation. Serbian Business Registers Agency collects financial statements and makes them publicly available via its Internet site. In that way, we have acquired the complete financial statements of 71 hotels in 2008, 87 hotels in 2009, 82 in 2010, 73 in 2011 and 75 in 2012. Sample hotels belong to the groups of small, mediumsized and large enterprises, according to the Serbian Law on Accounting. In the table No.1, we have presented the average and median values of the main financial positions of sample hotels. The collected financial statements have been used to calculate financial indicators to determine credit solvency level of Serbian hotels for the observed period. We have chosen the following models: Altman’s Z’ and Z’’ scores, M-score, Kralicek’sdf score and Z-score formulated for hospitality industry. The most renowned methodology of corporate bankruptcy risk assessment has been formulated by Professor Edward Altman. The formulas for updated original Z-score are as follows (Altman, 1968; Altman, 2002): 1 According to the results of Logistic Regression Analysis. Year Total Assets Sales Revenue Net Result Equity 2008 9,003,154 1,437,437 -243,767 6,894,513 2009 8,096,100 1,378,961 -63,109 5,755,335 2010 7,798,344 1,342,595 -18,994 5,062,357 2011 10,816,516 1,578,256 -143,588 6,854,571 2012 10,349,295 1,479,533 -276,794 6,320,317 2008 4,085,822 711,797 -1,597 2,459,453 2009 2,963,755 662,642 0 2,177,590 2010 2,739,553 708,969 0 1,454,328 2011 3,430,494 959,987 -23,212 2,018,130 2012 3,145,382 880,274 -21,567 1,958,714 Z’ = .717X1 + .847X2 + 3.107X3 + .420X4 + .998X5 (1) Z” = 6.56X1 + 3.26X2 + 6.72X3 + 1.05X4 (2) Where Xn represents: X1 - Working Capital/Total Assets, X2 - Retained Earnings/Total Assets, X3 - Earnings before Interest and Taxes/Total Assets, X4 - Book Value of Equity/Total Liabilities and X5 - Sales/Total Assets. These models should perform better than the original formula for bankruptcy prediction of Serbian hotels, because most of them are not public companies. The first formula should be used to predict corporate bankruptcy of private companies, whereas the latter one is more efficient for entities operating in emerging markets. Since both of the previous formulas are not modelled based on the data from the Serbian entities, we have decided to calculate M-score which is meant to be used for corporate bankruptcy prediction of Serbian business entities (Stanišić, Mizdraković, & Knežević, 2013)2: M = -.00039 X1 + .003786 X2 + .997167 X3 -1.900213 X4 (3) Where: X1 – EBITDA X2 – Number of Employees X3 – Debt Ratio X4 – Sales to Total Assets. We have also decided to calculate Kralicekdf score, because it is formulated based on the data from European (German, Austrian and Swiss) business entities. This author used MDA (Multiple Discriminant Analysis) and formed this model (Zenzerovic & Perusko, 2006): DF = 5,1 X1 + ,0 08X2 +10X3 + 5X4 + 3,0 X5 + 1,0 X6 (4) Where: X1 – Net Cash Flow to Total Liabilities, X2 – Total Assets to Total Liabilities, X3 – EBIT to Total Assets, X4 – EBIT to Total Revenues, X5 – Inventories to Total Revenues and X6 – Sales Revenues to Total Assets. 2 The training and test sample for this model predominately included business entities from processing and retail industry. The second reason why we have chosen this model is because it included entities from hospitality industry as well (though 5 out of 232). 165 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Finally, the last model applied in this research is the one formulated by already mentioned authors and it is specialized in bankruptcy prediction of entities operating in the hospitality industry (Park & Hancer, 2012): Z-score hospitality= –5.282 + 4.755X1 + 0.007X2 + 10.119X3 Where: X1 = Working Capital to Total Assets, X2 = Total Liabilities to Net Worth and X3 = Total Liabilities to Total Assets. All models used in this research have been formulated using either MDA or Logistic Regression Analysis. The remaining two bankruptcy scores show similar results as the previous ones. We have included the explanation for Kralicek’s default score in order to simplify the analysis, even though average and median values clearly show that the score is lowest in 2011. 5. SUMMARY Bankruptcy risk is a type of risk that business entities can influence by means of good financing strategies and maintaining regular cash flows. Due to high expenses of bankruptcy proceedings and several negative effects of bankruptcy on stakeholders of business entities, hotel manage4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ment should maintain the bankruptcy risk at lowest possible level. The research results suggest that from 2008 until 2011, Based on the collected annual financial statements, we the quality of Serbian hotel business deteriorated. According have calculated financial indicators required for further calto the Z’ and Z’’-scores implicated probability, the average culation of selected bankruptcy scores. The next step was Serbian hotel demonstrated approximately 30% and 37% to calculate scores. However, since their numerical values risk of going bankrupt in the following two years. Accordmight lead to a wrong conclusion, we have calculated iming to the Kralicek’s df score, the hotels in Serbia were in plicated bankruptcy probability for all of them, except for particular bankruptcy position during 2009-2012, with the Kralicek’s default score. lowest value observed in 2011. It should be noted that all bankruptcy prediction scores Table 2. Average and median values of implicated probability of Z’, Z’’ and M-score show better results in 2012, Z’-score Z’’-score M-score which illustrates the revival Year No No No probability probability probability of the Serbian hotel industry. 2008 71 23.48% 71 28.82% 60 46.24% Other studies point out that if 2009 87 25.79% 87 31.42% 74 47.75% the hotel management aims 2010 82 29.22% 82 35.31% 69 51.81% Average at running a healthy business 2011 73 30.92% 73 37.62% 61 52.60% entity, it should maintain pos2012 75 31.69% 75 36.21% 60 41.73% itive cash flows, good profit2008 71 20.87% 71 10.76% 60 36.20% ability, and most importantly, 2009 87 21.42% 87 11.29% 74 48.12% apply self-financing activities, 2010 82 24.34% 82 16.94% 69 61.51% Median since indebtedness is the cru2011 73 28.57% 73 17.60% 61 68.91% cial bankruptcy trigger for 2012 75 29.86% 75 12.79% 60 10.60% these entities. Further studies might focus on formulating a bankruptcy prediction model based on the data from finanBesides the implicated bankruptcy probability, we have cial statements of the Serbian hotels. The most evident obpresented the number of hotels that had all financial posistacle might be the research sample, since there are very few tions needed for bankruptcy scores calculation. Those that medium–sized or large hotels that have financial reporting didn’t fulfil this requirement were left out of the research. obligation, and even fewer of those that went bankrupt. It can be noticed from the analysis of the above-given table that in 2011 Serbian hotels, on average, faced the highest bankruptcy risk. In the table No. 3, we have presented the probabilities for the remaining scores. Table 3. Bankruptcy prediction scores and implicated probability of Z-score hospitality Average Median 166 Year No Z-score hospitality No Kralicek’s df score Explanation 2008 60 18.97% 70 -0.86 Medium insolvency 2009 74 21.91% 86 -1.76 Particular insolvency 2010 69 32.53% 81 -1.13 Particular insolvency 2011 61 36.00% 73 -2.27 Particular insolvency 2012 60 33.16% 73 -1.47 Particular insolvency 2008 60 4.67% 70 0.11 The beginning of insolvency 2009 74 5.13% 86 0.12 The beginning of insolvency 2010 69 11.22% 81 0.01 Medium insolvency 2011 61 14.94% 73 -0.50 Medium insolvency 2012 60 11.60% 73 0.09 The beginning of insolvency REFERENCES Altman, E. (1968). Financial Ratio, Discriminate Analysis and Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy. Journal of Finance, 23 (4), 589-629. Altman, E. (2002). Corporate Distress Prediction Models in a Turbulent Economic and Basel II Environment. 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Industrija, 41 (4), 145-159. 167 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-168-174 OCENA FINANSIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI HOTELSKIH PREDUZEĆA KOJA GRAVITIRAJU GRADSKIM TURISTIČKIM CENTRIMA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Nataša Jovanović1*, Miloš Jovanović2, Nikola Jovanović3 Ministarstvo finansija, Poreska uprava, Filijala Užice, Trg partizana 8, Užice, Srbija Visoka poslovno tehnička škola strukovnih studija, Trg Svetog Save 34, Užice, Srbije 3 Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija 1 2 Apstrakt: Upravljanje finansijama je bitan element u bilo kom turističkom preduzeću za ispunjavanje ciljeva vezanih za prihode i profitabilnost. U cilju procene finansijske sposobnosti hotelskih preduzeća koja gravitiraju gradskim turističkim centrima, pošlo se od relevantnih informacija iz računovodstvenih izveštaja reprezentativne ciljne grupe hotelskih turističkih preduzeća koja gravitiraju gradskom turizmu, na teritoriji Republike Srbije, u periodu 2008-2010. godine. Uporednim sagledavanjem finansijskih izveštaja i njihovom racio analizom, utvrđen je određeni broj finansijskih pokazatelja koji upućuju na činjenicu da je finansijsko poslovanje turističkih preduzeća u posmatranom periodu otežano, kako zbog eksternih, tako i zbog internih faktora samih preduzeća. Stoga je neophodno preispitati strategiju finansiranja paralelno sa strategijom nastupa na tržištu, i obezbediti konkurentsku prednost uz optimalnu kombinaciju instrumenata marketing miksa. 1. UVOD 168 Menadžment hotelskih turističkih preduzeća u postupku upravljanja preduzećem donosi odluke iz tri glavne oblasti poslovanja: proizvodnja, investiranje i finansiranje (Đuričin & Janošević, 2005). Odluke u domenu proizvodnje (tj. pružanja usluge kao krajnjeg proizvoda turističkog preduzeća) skoncentrisane su na profitabilnost kroz efikasno i efektivno korišćenje raspoloživih resursa. Suština strategije je izbor odgovarajućih elemenata kojima se uspostavlja balans sa cenama i aktivnostima konkurenata koje utiču na nivo prodaje. Ključni elementi ove strategije su: uslužni program, cena, ciljna tržišta, troškovi, kanali prodaje, promocija i sl. Investiciona strategija zahteva evaulaciju, izbor i implementaciju investicionih projekata koji podržavaju izabranu strategiju. To je pokretačka snaga svakog biznisa i svojevrsna podrška formulisanim konkurentskim strategijama koje koriste postojeća ili nova sredstva u tri glavne oblasti: obrtna sredstva (gotovina, hartija od vrednosti, potraživanja i zalihe), kapitalne investicije (zemljište, zgrada, oprema) investicije u strategijske svrhe (informacioni sistem, obuka zaposlenih, brendiranje i sl.). Finansijska strategija se odnosi na seriju izbora sa dugoročnim posledicama koji se odnose na izvore finansiranja redovnih aktivnosti preduzeća i investicionih projekata. Glavni fokusi finansijske strategije su upravljanje rizicima, stvaranje i održavanje odgovarajuće strukture finansiranja i politika raspodele. * Ključne reči: hotelska turistička preduzeća, gradski turizam, finansijski izveštaji, racio analiza, finansijski pokazatelji. Od finansijske funkcije preduzeća, kao jedne od bitnih poslovnih funkcija, očekuje se da, respektujući načele i pravila finansiranja, u saradnji sa ostalim poslovnim funkcijama, osigura kvalitetno i blagovremeno finansiranje rasta i razvoja preduzeća, stvara, jača i čuva dobar finansijski ugled (kreditini bonitet) preduzeća, maksimalno iskoristi povoljne trendove konjunkture, a naročito na tržištu kapitala i novca, minimizira negativne uticaje dekonjunkture i monetarnih poremećaja i minimizira finansijske rizike u poslovanju preduzeća. Za ostvarivanje svoje uloge podrazumeva preponatljiv korpus aktivnosti koje obuhvata (Rodić, 1993): 1) pribavljanje novca i kapitala, 2) ulaganje novca i kapitala, 3) oblikovanje strukture kapitala sa stanovišta vlasništva, 4) usklađivanje rokova imobilizacije sredstava, 5) naplatu potraživanja, 6) prodaju potraživanja i hartija od vrednosti 7) plaćanje obaveza, 8) otkup dugova i kupovina hartija od vrednosti, 9) osiguranje imovine, 10) kontrolu novčanih dokumenata i nadzor racionalnosti korišćenja sredstava. Od nje se, takođe, očekuje da, poznajući finansijske potrebe i kritične faktore uspeha svih drugih funkcija, relativizira konflikte među njima. Uspešna finansijska strategija turističkog preduzeća podrazumeva vrlo suptilno poznavanje kako unutrašnjih finansijskih tokova u preduzeću, tako i funkcionisanje eksternog finansijskog tržišta. Pored toga, procesi prestrukturiranja preduzeća, značajno osložavaju materiju finansijskog planiranja. Procesi prestrukturiranja mogu uključivati i ope- racije kao što su: divestment (smanjivanje aktive u cilju poboljšanja zdravlja i vrednosti preduzeća i time sprečavanje pada cene akcija), sell-off (prodaju dela preduzeća u cilju pribavljanja gotovine), spin-off (formiranje novih preduzeća uz zadržavanje vlasništva nad njima i/ili podela preduzeća na niz novih, posebnih entiteta u cilju poboljšanja pozicije na tržištu akcija), management buyout (otkup akcija od strane menadžmenta ili zaposlenih u preduzeću), going private (otkup akcija od strane određenih grupa i time njihovo povlačenje sa tržišta i prestanak statusa javnog preduzeća), share repurchase (ponovni otkup sopstvenih akcija), reverse takeover (otkup preduzeća putem razmene akcija) i sl. (Samuels et al., 1990). Za definisanje postojeće finansijske situacije interesantne su bilansne pozicije koje pokazuju: neto likvidna sredstva, tekuću aktivu, fiksnu aktivu, dugovanja i sopstvenu imovinu. Kritični faktori uspeha kod finansijske strategije su novčani tok i stopa održivog rasta (Đuričin & Janošević, 2005). Novčani tok (cash flow) predstavlja krvotok preduzeća. Da bi poslovni proces uspešno funkcionisao, potrebna je određena količina gotovine. Za preduzeće višak gotovine predstavlja problem slično kao i manjak gotovine. Višak gotovine govori da preduzeće neadekvatno koristi svoje mogućnosti, osnosno, da je u pitanju nedovoljan nivo kapitalizacije. Manjak gotovine govori da preduzeće nije u stanju da odgovori svojim obavezama, odnosno, da se nalazi u krizi likvidnosti. Stopa održivog rasta je maksimalna stopa rasta pri kojoj ukupan prihod raste bez prenapregnutog korišćenja finansijskih resursa. Odnosno, u pitanju je stopa rasta pri kojoj se ostvaruje profitabilan rast (rast bez udara na likvidnost). Ona može da se ostvari metodom statičkog i metodom dinamičkog finansiranja. 2. MAKROEKONOMSKI AMBIJENT Da bi se dala ocena finansijske sposobnosti hotelskih turističkih preduzeća koja gravitiraju gradskim turističkim centrima, na teritoriji Republike Srbije, uporednim sagledavanjem računovodstvenih izveštaja za period od 2008. do 2010. godine, potrebno je imati u vidu makroekonomski ambijent u istom periodu (Jovanović et al., 2013). Makroekonomski ambijent u Republici Srbiji u 2009. godini, bio je znatno nepovoljniji u poređenju sa prethodnih nekoliko godina, pre svega, usled efekata prelivanja svetske finansijske krize koji su uslovili pogoršanje osnovnih makroekonomskih pokazatelja. Snažan privredni rast, karakterističan za prethodne godine, u 2009. godine je prekinut, a bruto domaći proizvod kao najvažniji makroekonomski agregat kojim se meri ukupna ekonomska aktivnost zemlje beleži pad od 3.1% u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, da bi u 2010. godini zabeležio rast od 1.8%. Umereni oporavak privredne aktivnosti na tržištu rada je praćen daljim smanjenjem ukupnog broja zaposlenih i rastom stope nezaposlenosti, uz neznatan rast prosečnih zarada. Pored toga, posebno izražena negativna obeležja ukupnog privrednog ambijenta tokom 2010. godine bili su pojačani inflatorni pritisci i depresijacija kursa. Zabeležena je stopa inflacije od 11,5% i slabljenje domaće valute od 10,0% u odnosu na vrednost evra na kraju 2009. godine. Ovako nepredvidiv i rizičan poslovni ambijent, uz, i dalje prisutne negativne efekte svetske finansijske krize, uslo- SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES vio je pojačanu opreznost stranih investitora za ulaganja u Republiku Srbiju, pa je obim privučenih stranih direktnih investicija u 2010. godini smanjen gotovo za dve petine u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Prema podacima iz saopštenja o poslovanju privrede u Republici Srbiji u 2009. godini, koje je izdala Agencija za privredne registre, posmatrani sektor sa oznakom Ž-hoteli i restorani, koga čini 1905 privrednih društava, a koji čine 2% ukupnog broja privrednih subjekata imao je u 2009. godini 91,9% pokrivenost ukupnih rashoda ukupnim prihodima i 97,5% pokrivenost poslovnih rashoda poslovnim prihodima. Kreditno zaduženje ovih preduzeća je sa 1% učestvovalo u ukupnom kreditnom zaduženju privrede. Kumulirani gubici u ovom sektoru doveli su do smanjenja sopstvenog kapitala od 29,3%. Iznos kreditnog zaduženja ovog sektora je za 34,4% veći od kumuliranih gubitaka. Stopa prinosa na ukupna sredstva posle oporezivanja u 2008. i 2009. imaju negativan predznak, kao i stopa prinosa na sopstveni kapital posle oporezivanja. Racio pokrića kamata (pokriće rashoda kamata iz ostvarene dobiti) je takođe negativan, a racio sopstvnog kapitala (učešće sopstvenih sredstava u ukupnim izvorima finansiranja) je 47,6 za 2009. god. i 50,1 za 2008. godinu. Opšti racio likvidnosti je (mogućnost plaćanja kratkoročnih obaveza bez prodaje tekuće aktive) u 2008. godini 0,66, (NBS, 2009), a u 2009. godini 0,72 (APR, 2010). U 2010. godini privredna društva su iskazala blago povećanje ukupnih prihoda za 12.5%. Ukupni rashodi su povećani za 12,1%. Najveći deo prihoda privredna društva su ostvarila iz svojih osnovnih delatnosti pa učešće poslovnih prihoda u ukupnim prihodima iznosi 93,3%. S druge strane, u ukupnim rashodima najveće učešće od 88,5% imaju poslovni rashodi, pri čemu njihov najveći deo čine nabavna vrednost prodate robe i troškovi materijala. Međutim, uprkos ostvarenom poslovnom dobitku, još uvek nedovoljan obim aktivnosti i poslovanje u uslovima visoke zaduženosti, indukovali su dalji rast finansijskih rashoda, pre svega, rashoda kamata i negativnih kursnih razlika, pa su finansijski gubici premašili ostvareni poslovni dobitak. Posledično, privredna društva su u 2010. godini na ukupnom nivou iskazala negativan neto finansijski rezultat, koji je u odnosu na prethodnu godinu manji za 12,2% (APR, 2011). Navedeni pokazatelji ukazuju na činjenicu da su i turistička preduzeća, u uslovima krize, poslovala u najvećoj meri sa gubitkom i da su se zaduživala sa ciljem obezbeđenja tekuće likvidnosti. 3. METODOLOŠKI PRISTUP EMPIRIJSKOM ISTRAŽIVANJU U cilju ocene finansijske sposobnosti turističkih preduzeća, kao jednog od faktora poslovne kompetentnosti, potrebno ju je sagledati uporednim prikazom računovodstvenih izveštaja i analizom merila performansi određenog broja hotelskih preduzeća, da bi se sagledao uticaj tih rezultata na kvalitet donetih odluka menadžmenta, u smislu odabira izvora za sticanje konkurentske prednosti. Za potrebe dalje analize, sa sajta Agencije za privredne registre, preuzeti su objavljeni finansijski izveštaji, koje čine: bilans stanja, bilans uspeha i izveštaj o tokovima gotovine za 2008, 2009. i 2010. godinu za 60 velikih, malih i srednjih turističkih preduzeća koja čine reprezentativni uzorak. Na osnovu unetih podataka iz finansijskih izveštaja za svako 169 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA preduzeće pojedinačno, sačinjen je zbirni bilans stanja i zbirni bilans uspeha koji predstavljaju stanje imovine i uspešnost poslovanja turističke privrede Srbije tokom tri uzastopne godine. Obzirom da reprezentativni uzorak čine hotelska preduzeća koja delatnost obavljaju u gradovima, banjama, na planinama i u blizini reka i jezera, selektovan je uzorak svake grupe preduzeća. Da bi se analiziralo poslovanje hotelskih preduzeća u gradskim turističkim centrima, od pojedinačnih podataka, sačinjen je zbirni finansijski izveštaj poslovanja hotelskih turističkih preduzeća koja gravitiraju gradskom turizmu (Jovanović, 2013). Tabela 1. Zbirni bilans stanja hotelskih preduzeća RS koji gravitiraju gradskom turizmu u periodu 2008-2010. godine POZICIJA AKTIVA A. STALNA IMOVINA (002 + 003 + 004 + 005 + 009) I. NEUPLAĆENI UPISANI KAPITAL II. GOODWILL III. NEMATERIJALNA ULAGANjA IV. NEKRETNINE, POSTROJENjA, OPREMA I BIOLOŠKA SREDSTVA (006 + 007 + 008) 1. Nekretnine, postrojenja i oprema 2. Investicione nekretnine 3. Biološka sredstva V. DUGOROČNI FINANSIJSKI PLASMANI (010+011) 1. Učešća u kapitalu 2. Ostali dugoročni finansijski plasmani B. OBRTNA IMOVINA (013 + 014 + 015) I. ZALIHE II. STALNA SREDSTVA NAMENjENA PRODAJI I SREDSTVA POSLOVANjA KOJE SE OBUSTAVLjA III. KRATKOROČNA POTRAŽIVANjA, PLASMANI I GOTOVINA (016 + 017 + 018 + 019 + 020) 1. Potraživanja 2. Potraživanja za više plaćen porez na dobitak 3. Kratkoročni finansijski plasmani 4. Gotovinski ekvivalenti i gotovina 5. Porez na dodatu vrednost i aktivna vremenska razgraničenja IV. ODLOŽENA PORESKA SREDSTVA V. POSLOVNA IMOVINA (001 + 012 + 021) G. GUBITAK IZNAD VISINE KAPITALA D. UKUPNA AKTIVA (022 + 023) Đ. VANBILANSNA AKTIVA 170 POZICIJA PASIVA A. KAPITAL (102+103+104+105+106-107+108-109-110) I. OSNOVNI KAPITAL II. NEUPLAĆENI UPISANI KAPITAL III. REZERVE IV. REVALORIZACIONE REZERVE V. NEREALIZOVANI DOBICI PO OSNOVU HOV VI. NEREALIZOVANI GUBICI PO OSNOVU HOV VII. NERASPOREĐENI DOBITAK VIII. GUBITAK IX. OTKUPLjENE SOPSTVENE AKCIJE B. DUGOROČNA REZERVISANjA I OBAVEZE (112 + 113 + 116) I. DUGOROČNA REZERVISANjA II. DUGOROČNEOBAVEZE (114 + 115) 1. Dugoročni krediti 2. Ostale dugoročne obaveze III. KRATKOROČNE OBAVEZE (117 + 118 + 119 + 120 + 121 + 122) 1. Kratkoročne finansijske obaveze 2. Obaveze po osnovu sredstava namenjenih prodaji i sredstava poslovanja koje se obustavlja 3. Obaveze iz poslovanja 4. Ostale kratkoročne obaveze i pasivna vremenska razgraničenja 5. Obaveze po osnovu poreza na dodatu vrednost i ostalih javnih prihoda 6. Obaveze po osnovu poreza na dobitak IV. ODLOŽENE PORESKE OBAVEZE V. UKUPNA PASIVA (101 + 111 + 123) G. VANBILANSNA PASIVA AOP 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 AOP 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 2010 2009 2008 21.373.662 170.803 0 383.207 15.915.477 14.194.880 1.705.568 15.029 4.904.175 1.399.301 3.504.874 21.726.632 393.580 357.575 20.975.477 2.359.598 21.197 17.261.727 397.875 935.080 22.413 43.122.707 0 43.122.707 1.126.891 19.855.081 155.244 0 398.606 16.079.052 14.134.492 1.939.942 4.618 3.222.179 1.352.500 1.869.679 22.221.525 352.539 775.174 21.093.812 2.357.907 9.536 17.601.135 564.194 561.040 24.361 42.100.967 0 42.100.967 1.269.552 18.581.723 143.446 0 220.633 16.483.027 14.380.758 2.097.651 4.618 1.734.617 1.585.244 149.373 22.914.608 447.480 4.157.764 18.309.364 1.509.270 9.732 15.757.917 682.902 349.543 28.386 41.524.717 0 41.524.717 61.103 2010 2009 2008 26.987.302 17.097.195 9.396.001 827.554 576.571 8.987 8.648 2.871.735 3.684.463 97.630 16.080.506 13.012 6.503.139 4.123.412 2.379.727 9.564.355 2.996.580 204.200 3.041.674 782.485 2.431.178 108.238 54.899 43.122.707 5.371.252 28.364.898 17.171.023 155.244 9.965.890 608.901 8.987 8.362 3.251.136 2.767.730 20.191 13.605.970 3.519 6.200.342 4.018.606 2.181.736 7.402.109 2.606.939 55.524 2.094.798 463.811 2.054.943 126.094 130.099 42.100.967 1.397.276 27.597.208 17.234.528 143.446 9.900.497 710.783 8.097 33.309 2.244.683 2.611.101 416 13.826.339 2.976 5.565.241 3.679.138 1.886.103 8.258.122 2.003.725 199.845 1.871.190 794.782 3.329.497 59.083 101.170 41.524.717 195.158 4. FINANSIJSKA ANALIZA POSLOVANJA HOTELSKIH TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KOJA GRAVITIRAJU GRADSKOM TURIZMU Iz računovodstvenih izveštaja turističkih preduzeća koja gravitiraju gradskom turizmu za 2008-2010. godinu, uz ogradu da nisu svi računovodstveni izvštaji podlegali reviziji, SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES izračunati su ključni pokazatelji poslovanja koji su dati u Tabela 2, koja predstavlja pokazatelje opšteg stanja turističkih preduzeća, njihove akumulativne i kreditne sposobnosti, pokazatelje likvidnosti, strukture, rentabilnosti i aktivnosti. Reč je o 32 pokazatelja, koja nose oznaku od P1 do P32 (Jovanović, 2013). Tabela 2. Pokazatelji poslovanja turističkih preduzeća RS koji gravitiraju gradskom turizmu Pokazatelj Naziv podatka ili pokazatelja 2010 2009 2008 Opšte informacije P1 Ukupan prihod 8.112.471 8.395.422 9.384.548 P2 Ukupni rashodi 9.028.057 7.578.359 9.157.478 P3 Ukupan nto finans.rez. iz sfere redovnog poslovanja -915.586 817.063 227.070 P4 Neto finansijski rezultat -1.024.576 550.572 18.167 P5 Poslovni rezultat 435.261 388.757 756.783 P6 Procenat dobitka u ukup.prihodima -12,63% 6,56% 0,19% P7 Broj zaposlenih 3.277 3.916 4.761 P8 Promet po radniku 2.138 1.747 1.722 P9 Profit po radniku -313 141 4 Akumulativna i kreditna sposobnost P10 Stepen samofinansiranja 0,63 0,67 0,66 P11 Stepen kreditne sposobnosti 1,26 1,43 1,49 Pokazatelji likvidnosti P12 ACID- Test likvidnosti I stepena 0,04 0,08 0,08 P13 Test likvidnosti II stepena 2,23 2,95 2,72 P14 Test likvidnosti III stepena 2,27 3,00 2,77 Pokazatelji strukture P15 Odnos vrednosti kapitala i stalnih sredstava 126,26% 142,86% 148,52% P16 Odnos vrednosti dugoroč. kapitala i stal. sredstava 156,69% 174,09% 178,47% P17 Odnos kapitala i vred. stal. sred. i zaliha 123,98% 140,37% 145,03% P18 Odnos stalnih sredstava i obrtnih sredstava 98,38% 89,35% 81,09% P19 Udeo sopstvenog u ukupnom kapitalu 62,58% 67,37% 66,46% P20 Udeo tuđeg u ukpnom kapitalu 37,42% 32,63% 33,54% P21 Faktor poslovnog rizika 12,24 13,69 8,27 P22 Faktor finansijskog rizika 257,55 3,04 7,84 P23 Faktor ukupnog rizika -138,46 -213,51 539,71 P24 Obrtni fond na kraju godine 12.129.791 14.713.678 14.583.702 P25 Stanje dugoročne finans. ravnoteže 3.636.584 11.310.441 11.247.620 -3,80% 1,94% 0,07% Pokazatelji rentabilnosti P26 Stopa prinosa na sopstveni kapital ROE P27 Stopa prinosa na investicije ROI 0,74% 3,18% 3,47% P28 Racio pokrića kamate iz dobitka -0,76 0,70 0,01 P29 Odnos pozajmljenog i sopstv. kapitala 0,60 0,48 0,50 18,78 17,10 N/A Pokazatelji aktivnosti P30 Koeficijent obrta zaliha P31 Koef. obrta ukupne imovine 0,16 0,16 N/A P32 Prosečan broj dana naplate 123 126 67 171 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 172 Turistička preduzeća koja svoje poslovanje baziraju na odlikama i ponudi gradskog turizma imaju pad ukupnog prihoda za 13,6% i smanjenje rashoda za 1,43%. Neto finansijski rezultat u poslednjoj posmatranoj godini prelazi iz zone dobitka u zonu gubitka. Razlog tome je visoka stavka finansijskih i ostalih rashoda u 2010. u odnosu na prethodne godine. Poslovni rezultat, koji se dobija sučeljavanjem prihoda i rashoda koji su u funkciji poslovanja, je u 2010. nešto veći nego u prethodnoj godini, a manji nego u 2008. Preduzeća traže put da smanje rashode poslovanja, a povećaju prihode od prodaje. Posle značajnog pada prihoda u 2009. u odnosu na 2008., u 2010. godini se nakon preduzetih mera, ukupan prihod povećao ali samo za oko 3%. Prihode održavaju na sličnoj poziciji, a od rashoda uspevaju da značajnije utiču na stavku Troškova zarada, tako što je broj zaposlenih radnika smanjen za 31% u odnosu na 2008. godinu, što je doprinelo povećanju prometa po radniku. Uprkos preduzetim merama, neto finansijski rezultat je u 2010. godini sa negativnim predznkom, jer se, između ostalog, povećalo učešće finansijskih i ostalih poslovnih rashoda. Evidentno je značajno učešće fiksnih troškova, zbog velike vrednosti imovine kojom raspolažu i u koju su potrebna konstantna ulaganja u cilju kvalitetnog ostvarenja poslovne funkcije. Takođe je prisutno povećanje finansijskih rashoda, kao posledice visokih kamata na dugoročne izvore finansiranja. Sopstveni izvori finansiranja u 2010. godini učestvuju sa 63% a tuđi sa 37%. Prisutno je povećanje tuđih izvora finansiranja jer se iz sopstvenih sredstava, osim stalne imovine finansira četvrtina vrednosti obrtne imovine, a što je nedovoljno za očuvanje tekuće likvidnosti. Činjenica je da je uprkos zaduživanju, tekuća likvidnost jako niska, ali je likvidnost drugog i trećeg stepena iznad proseka grane. Očuvan je i neto obrtni fond, pa se može sa tog aspekta reći da preduzeća gradskog turizma posluju na način koji obezbeđuje dugoročnu finansijsku ravnotežu, iako je i ona znatno ugrožena u odnosu na prethodne dve godine. U prilog tome govore i pokazatelji poslovnog, a pre svega finansijskog rizika koji je u zadnjoj godini znatno veći nego prethodnih godina. Poslovni rizik predstavlja neizvesnost da će preduzeće ostvariti poslovni dobitak zbog prisustva fiksnih troškova poslovanja u ukupnim troškovima. Poslovni leverage predstavlja pravilo da kod preduzeća sa velikim udelom fiksnih troškova (kao što je slučaj sa hotelskim preduzećima), dolazi do iznadproporcionalnog rasta profita sa rastom obima prometa zbog degresije fiksnih troškova, odnosno da dolazi do iznadproporcionalnog rasta gubitka sa padom obima aktivnosti tj. prometa (Radojević, 2013). To znači da male promene obima prodaje izazivaju umesto poslovnog profita – poslovni gubitak. U ovoj analizi, poslovni rizik ima tendenciju pada u poslednjoj posmatranoj godini, s obzirom na to da su preduzeća otuđila deo stalne imovine i smanjila udeo fiksnih troškova. Sa većim obimom prodaje i većim prihodima od prodaje, bio bi veći poslovni profit preduzeću, uz manju opterećenost sa fiksnim troškovima. Pri tome je bitno da li je rast prihoda od prodaje posledica rasta cena usluge ili rasta tražnje? U slučaju pada tražnje za uslugama hotelskih turističkih preduzeća u gradskim turističkim centrima, prvi korak treba da bude smanjenje cena, a ne smanjenje obima prometa usluga. Finansiranje takvih preduzeća iz tuđih (kreditnih) izvora postaje neizvesno i rizično, što utiče na njihovu insolventnost. Finansijski rizik koji se izražava kroz finansijski leverage, odražava neizvesnost da će preduzeće biti sposobno da podmiri fiksne finansijske obaveze (kamatu, zakupninu i dr.) S obzirom da je faktor finansijskog leverage-a značajno veći u 2010. u odnosu na 2008. godinu, to znači da preduzeća značajno povećavaju učešće tuđih izvora finansiranja, pa čak i sa ciljem očuvanja tekuće likvidnosti. Ovakva zaštita likvidnosti preduzeća je kratkoročna i može se prihvatiti kao prelazno i nužno rešenje. Stopa prinosa na kapital, kao i stopa prinosa na investicije je i ovde, kao i u drugim oblicima turizma, zbog visokog stepena rizika poslovanja negativna, sa drastičnim padom u 2009. u odnosu na 2008. godinu, kada su stigli na naplatu kreditni aranžmani, a uslovi poslovanja značajno otežani (sve duži rok naplate potraživanja i dr.) Racio pokrića kamate iz dobitka je negativan u 2010. godini, a što se direktno odražava na stopu prinosa na sopstveni kapital (ROE), koji se u zadnje tri godine kreće od 0.07%, preko 1,94% do -3,80% (Slika 1). Upoređujući ga sa stopom prinosa na investicije (ROI), (Slika 2), zaključujemo da su preduzeća u gradskim turističkim centrima, zbog kamata na pozajmljnim izvorima izgubila 3,06% prirasta na uložen sopstveni kapital što znači da ova preduzeća ne uspevaju da iz poslovnog profita pokriju kamatu na pozajmljena sredstva, te su prinuđena da idu u nova zaduženja od bankarskih finansijskih istitucija. Slika 1. Stopa prinosa na sopstveni kapital ROE Slika 2. Stopa prinosa na investiciju ROI Pokazatelji aktivnosti su na nivou proseka grane, uz duplo lošiji rok naplate potraživanja u 2010. u odnosu na 2008. godinu. 5. REZIME Horizontalna, vertikalna i racio analiza zbirnog bilansa stanja i uspeha turističkih preduzeća koja gravitiraju gradskom turizmu je pokazala da ova preduzeća nastoje da ostvare povećanja kapitala dodatnom emisijom akcija, pri čemu se umesto porasta novčanih sredstava, povećavaju potraživanja za upisan a neuplaćen kapital. Ukupna kratkoročna potraživanja se smanjuju u odnosu na 2009. godinu, dok se obaveze iz poslovanja kao i poreske obaveze, kontinuirano povećavaju. Hotelska preduzeća usmeravaju svoju finansijku aktivnost ka dugoročnim finansijskim plasmanima u poslovanje drugih preduzeća. Efekt tih ulaganja se ogleda kroz poziciju finansijskih prihoda koji su, ukupno gledano, nedovoljni da anuliraju efekat finansijskih rashoda po osnovu pozajmljenih sredstava. Turistička preduzeća nastoje da se oslobode imovine koju su izdavali u zakup, a čiji troškovi održavanja opterećuju tekuće prihode. Poslovni prihodu su se u 2010. godini smanjili u odnosu na prethodni period, što u kombinaciji sa sporijim vremenom naplate potraživanja slabi prihodnu moć. Nesolventnost kupaca iz ranijeg perioda je dovela do otpisa potraživanja što je sa evidentnim manjkovima u poslovanju povećalo stavku ostalih rashoda u 2010. godini. Troškovi zarada se smanjuju ali ne srazmerno smanjenju broja zaposlenih, tako da se ostvaruje minimalan poslovni dobitak, koji dopunjen visokim finansijskim rashodima vodi turistička preduzeća u zonu gubitka iz redovnog poslovanja. Sprovedena analiza poslovnih performansi turističkih preduzeća ukazuje na to da su preduzeća učinila sve da dođu do potrebnih finansijskih sredstava ali projekti koji su odabrani za finansiranje nisu doneli dovoljan stepen prinosa (ROI 2008-3,47%; ROI 2010-0,74%). Alarmantno je i to da se iz navedneih ulaganja ne obezbeđuje pokriće troškova kamata (racio pokrića kamate u 2010 je -0,76). Na negativan trend poslovanja turističkih preduzeća u gradskim turističkim centrima Republike Srbije u posmaranom periodu su uticali eksterni razlozi (svetska ekonomska kriza, nizak životni standard stanovništva, nerazvijena infrastruktura, nedovoljno podsticajna državna politika i sl.) kao i interni faktora samih preduzeća (odsustvo vizije,sposobnosti i stručnosti menadžmenta, nezavršeni procesi restrukturiranja turističkih preduzeća, neadekvatna osposobljenost i stručnost zaposlenih, poslovanje bez pridržavanja standarda kvaliteta itd.) Zajedničko za sva preduzeća je visok stepen zaduženosti i neadekvatna alokacija pozajmljenih sredstava. Potrebno je preispitati strategiju finansiranja, kao i strategiju nabavke u cilju smanjenja svih rashoda i poboljšanja finansijskog rezultata, uz obavezno povećanje prihoda od prodaje što predstavlja imperativ u poslovanju. Da bi se taj cilj ostvario, potrebno je izvršiti analizu izvora za sticanje konkurentske prednosti, svakog preduzeće ponaosob, odabrati strategiju nastupa na tržištu uz optimalnu kombinaciju instrumenata marketing miksa i strategiju finansiranja rasta. Rast kapitala može da se ostvari kroz dva oblika (Radojević, 2013): 1) putem samofinansiranja, kada se preduzeće finansira iz sopstvenih izvora, akcionari se odriču prisvajanja dela dobiti vraćajući je u novčane tokove preduzeća, ili preduzeće sopstvene zalihe na rasprodajama prodaje po sniženim cenama, 2) drugi način je da akcionari povećaju novčane tokove ulaganjem dodatnog kapitala. U svakom slučaju, finansijska strategija treba da omogući da rast dovede do stvaranja vrednosti kroz dinamički balans imeđu prikupljenih i alociranih sredstava (Jovanović, 2013). Glavni deo finansijske strategije je stopa održivog rasta. Nekada održavanje finansijskog zdravlja preduzeća zahteva usporavanje rasta, pa čak, i negativan rast. Usporavanje rasta i negativan rast su privremene pojave zbog toga što na njih preduzeće reaguje prestrukturiranjem. Prestrukturiranje treba da obezbedi stvaranje pretpostavki za ponavljanje profitabilnog rasta. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Da bi se ostvarila stopa održivog rasta mora se harmonizovati upravljanje proizvodnjom (prometom usluga) sa upravljanjem finansijama. Brz rast, čak i kada je profitabilan, zahteva dodatnu gotovinu. Da bi se obezbedila potrebna gotovina, preduzeća idu na agresivnije korišćenje kreditnog kapitala što dovodi do rasta finansijskog leveridža. Uzdržanost banaka u vezi sa odobravanjem novih kredita može preduzeće kratkoročno da uvede u krizu likvidnosti. U nastojanju da reše krizu likvidnosti, preduzeća idu na korišćenje drugih, obično skupljih izvora finansiranja, što povećava njihovo finansijsko opterećenje i u kratkom roku ih dovodi u krizu likvidnosti a u drugom roku u krizu profitabinosti pošto troškovi kapitala erodiraju standardan nivo profitne stope. Kriza likvidnosti i kriza profitabilnosti su uvod u likvidaciju. Da bi se smanjio poslovni rizik, koji je evidentan zbog visokog učešća fiksnih troškova, najbolji lek su veći prihodi uz veći profit. Veći prihodi moraju biti posledica većeg prometa u svim sezonama u toku godine, tj. veće tražnje, a ne posledica većih cena. Da bi se taj cilj ostvario mora se obratiti pažnja na strategiju zapošljavanja stručnog kadra i stvaranja klime zadovoljnih zaposlenih da bi i potrošači usluge bili zadovoljni a time i lojalni. Potrebno je kontinuirano istraživanje potreba stalnih i potencijalnih korisnika usluge, unapređivanje uslužnog ambijenta i odabir nejefektivnijeg komunikacionog miksa. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na promociju preko interneta i zastupljenosti hotelskih turističkih preduzeća na veb sajtovima na kojima se nude usluge hotela iz svih zemalja sveta. Umesto rasta cena treba da raste kvalitet pružene usluge, a briga o kupcima ne treba da prestane danom kada isti napuste hotel. Ako se postigne prava i harmonična sinteza svih instrumenata marketing miksa uz visok nivo kvaliteta pružene usluge,hotelsko turističko preduzeće će se diferencirati od konkurencije i obezbediti veći tržišni udeo u svojoj ciljnoj grupi potrošača a time i veći prihod i profit. Dodatna sredstva koja se traže iz pozajmljenih izvora će doneti prinos koji će biti veći od troškova njihovog pribavljanja i predstavljati prinos kapitala, samo ako su angažovana na način koji predviđa jasna, temeljna i konzistentno osmišljena strategija usmerna na povećanje prihoda od prodaje usluga. LITERATURA Agencija za privredne registre. (2010). 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Beograd: Narodna banka Srbije. Radojević, T. (2013). Finansijsko poslovanje u turizmu i hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Rodić, J. (1993). Poslovne finansije i precena vrednosti preduzeća. Beograd: Ekonomika. Samuels, J.M., Wilkes, F.M., & Brayshaw, R.E. (1990). Management of Company Finance. London: Chapman & Hall. EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL CAPACITY OF HOTEL ENTERPRISES GRAVITATING TO URBAN TOURISM CENTERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Abstract: Financial management is an essential element in any tourism enterprise for achieving revenue and profitability objectives. In order to evaluate financial capacity of hotel enterprises gravitating towards major urban tourism centers, the initial source included relevant information in financial statements of the representative target group of hotel enterprises gravitating to urban tourism centers on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, for the period 2008-2010. A comparative review of financial statements and their ratio analysis, enables determining the exact number of financial indicators pointing to the aggravated financial operations of tourism entreprises within the surveyed period, due to both external and internal factors of those entreprises. It is necessary to examine the financial strategy along with the strategy of approach in the market, and achieve competitive advantage with the optimal combination of marketing mix instruments. 174 Key words: hotel enterprise, urban tourism, financial statements, ratio analysis, financial indicators. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-175-177 RAČUNOVODSTVENI ASPEKTI TURISTIČKIH USLUGA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Zoran Petrović1 *, Zoran Jović2, Kosana Vićentijević1 Univerzitet Singidunum, Danijelova 32, Beograd, Srbija Univerzitet Singidunum, Poslovni fakultet u Valjevu, Železnička 5, Valjevo, Srbija 1 2 Apstrakt: Tema rada su specifičnosti turističkih usluga iz ugla računovodstvenog obuhvatanja. Cilj rada je ste da se istraživanjem najbolje računovodstvene prakse obuhvatanja turističkih usluga ukaže na značaj pravilnog vrednovanja i evidentiranja turističkih usluga za realnost finansijskog izveštavanja. Specifičnost turističkih usluga utiče i na način obračunavanja poreza na dodatu vrednost. U radu se ispituje i usklađenost poreske regulative Republike Srbije sa relevantnim direktivama Evropske unije u oblasti turističkih usluga. 1. UVOD U savremenom svetu turizam je jedan od ključnih faktora razvoja ne samo pojedinih turističkih destinacija i zemalja već i globalne ekonomije. Delatnosti koje čine turističku privredu svrstale su se u red vodećih grana svetske ekonomije (Spasić, 2013). Ekspanzija uslužnog sektora ogleda se u konstantnom povećanju uloge ovog sektora u: međunarodnoj trgovini, bruto proizvodu i zaposlenosti (Barjaktarović, 2013). Podizanje produktivnosti i inovativnih rešenja u korišćenju resursa (rada, fizičkog i finansijskog kapitala, zemljišta) je značajno za konkurentnost i održivost dugoročne kapitalne vrednosti destinacije i podizanje plata i profitabilnosti ulaganja (12). Realno finansijsko izveštavanje o pruženim turističkim uslugama je preduslov za dalji razvoj turističke privrede Republike Srbije. Cilj rada je da se istraživanjem najbolje računovodstvene prakse obuhvatanja turističkih usluga ukaže na značaj pravilnog vrednovanja i evidentiranja turističkih usluga za realnost finansijskog izveštavanja. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su računovodstveni i poreski aspekti pružanja turističkih usluga sa stanovišta lica koja te usluge pružaju. Poslovni običaji koji nastaju iz ugovora o pružanju turističkih i ugostiteljskih usluga regulisani su Posebnim uzansama u turizmu (5). Zbog toga ćemo prvo navesti definiciju turističkih usluga koja je pogodna za predmet istraživanja u ovom radu. Pod turističkim uslugama shodno Zakonu o turizmu (9) i Zakonu o porezu na dodatu vrednost (7) se podrazumevaju: ◆ organizacija i pružanje usluga turističkih putovanja; ◆ posredovanje u prodaji turističkih putovanja; ◆ usluge turističkih profesija (usluge turističkog vodiča * [email protected] Ključne reči: turizam, računovodstvo, porez na dodatu vrednost, jedinstvena turistička usluga, direktive EU. i turističkog pratioca, turističkog animatora i lokalnog turističkog vodiča); ◆ specifične avanturističke i sportsko-rekreativne usluge u turizmu (skijanje, ronjenje, jedrenje i dr.). Turističke usluge su, dakle, veoma raznovrsne i kompleksne (10). Posledično tome pojavljuju se brojne specifičnosti pri njihovom računovodstvenom i poreskom obuhvatanju. Glavni izvor tih specifičnosti proizlazi iz činjenice da je uglavnom više učesnika u pružanju turističke usluge: na primer, turistička agencija, hotelsko preduzeće, prevoznik i dr. Sem toga neki od učesnika u pružanju turističkih usluga mogu biti i poreski nerezidenti Republike Srbije ili se može raditi o licu koje nije obveznik poreza na dodatu vrednost (PDV). U radu istražujemo i usklađenost domaće poreske regulative u vezi sa pružanjem turističkih usluga sa relevantnom regulativom evropske unije - posmatramo regulativu obračuna i plaćanja PDV. Cilj istraživanja je da utvrdimo da li domaća računovodstvena i poreska regulativa omogućavaju realno finansijsko izveštavanje pružalaca turističkih usluga i da li je ona usklađena sa relevantnim propisima EU. Zbog toga su nam polazne hipoteze: H1: domaća računovodstvena regulativa ne ometa realno finansijsko izveštavanje pružalaca turističkih usluga i H2: domaći poreski propisi u vezi sa obračunom i plaćanjem PDV su u velikoj meri usklađeni sa relevantnim propisima EU. U svrhe potvrđivanja (ili opovrgavanja) ovih hipoteza istražili smo relevantne računovodstvene i poreske regulative u Republici Srbiji i u Evropskoj uniji. 175 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 2. RAČUNOVODSTVENI ASPEKTI OBUHVATANJA TURISTIČKIH USLUGA - ISKAZIVANJE PRIHODA I RASHODA TURISTIČKIH USLUGA 176 Podaci iz finansijskih izveštaja omogućavaju sagledavanje osnovnih finansijskih informacija o privrednom društvu kao što su: ◆ Kolika je vrednost imovine kojom raspolaže društvo? ◆ Kolika je vrednost prodaje na godišnjem nivou? ◆ Koliko zaposlenih ima društvo? ◆ Koliko vredi vlasnički udeo u društvu? ◆ Da li je rezultat poslovanja pozitivan ili negativan? (Knežević, Stanišić & Mizdraković, 2013). Da bi navedene informacije bile tačne, neophodno je pravilno računovodstveno obuhvatanje pruženih turističkih usluga. A ono podrazumeva da svaki od učesnika u njenom pružanju u svojim poslovnim knjigama iskaže svoje pripadajuće rashode i prihode. Za računovodstveno obuhvatanje turističkih usluga, kao i za pravilan obračun i plaćanje poreza na dodatu vrednost neophodno je uočiti sledeće karakteristike turističkih usluga: 1. turističke usluge može pružati privredno društvo, preduzetnik, drugo pravno lice, strano pravno lice, ogranak domaćeg ili stranog pravnog lica (6); 2. turističke usluge se mogu pružati u sedištu ili van sedišta davaoca usluge (turistička agencija koja obavlja delatnost van sedišta, dužna je da u svakom poslovnom prostoru, odnosno mestu poslovanja obrazuje ogranak, odnosno prostor van poslovnog sedišta, koji se registruje u odgovarajućem registru i evidentira u Registru turizma) (11); 3. neki od učesnika u pružanju turističkih usluga mogu biti nerezidenti Republike Srbije (7); i 4. neki od učesnika u pružanju turističkih usluga mogu biti van sistema PDV Republike Srbije (7). Za pravilno iskazivanje prihoda i rashoda od pružanja turističkih usluga neophodno je poštovati sledeća pravila: 1. kada postoji više učesnika u pružanju turističke usluge neophodno je da svako od njih u svojim poslovnim knjigama iskaže svoje pripadajuće prihode i rashode; 2. u slučaju da na datum bilansa nije završeno pružanje usluge svaki od učesnika u pružanju turističke usluge mora priznati svoje prihode prema stepenu dovršenosti te transakcije na kraju izveštajnog perioda. Da bi se prihodi po osnovu nezavršene transakcije pružanja usluga priznali neophodno je da se rezultat transakcije može pouzdano proceniti. A on se može pouzdano proceniti kada su ispunjeni svi sledeći uslovi: ◆ iznos prihoda se može pouzdano odmeriti, ◆ verovatan je priliv ekonomskih koristi vezanih za tu transakciju u pravno lice, ◆ stepen dovršenosti te transakcije na kraju izveštajnog perioda se može pouzdano izmeriti i ◆ troškovi nastali povodom te transakcije i troškovi završavanja transakcije se mogu pouzdano izmeriti. U Republici Srbiji se tri vrste računovodstvene regulative primenjuju za finansijsko izveštavanje a samim tim i za priznavanje prihoda i rashoda od pružanja turističkih usluga: 1. Međunarodni standardi finansijskog izveštavanja (MSFI), 2. Međunarodni standard za mala i srednja pravna lica (MSFI za MSP) i 3. Pravilnik o načinu priznavanja, vrednovanja, prezentacije i obelodanjivanja pozicija u pojedinačnim finansijskim izveštajima mikro i drugih pravnih lica (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 118/2013 i 95/2014). Napomena: na osnovu članova 19-22. Zakona o računovodstvu (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 66/2013) svaki obveznik primene zakona određuje koju regulativu primenjuje. Pregledom ove računovodstvene regulative može se zaključiti da sve navedene regulative omogućavaju navedeno ispravno postupanje pružalaca turističkih usluga: ◆ MRS 18 Prihodi u okviru MSFI, ◆ Odeljak 23 Prihodi u okviru MSFI za MSP, kao i ◆ član 31. Pravilnika o načinu priznavanja, vrednovanja, prezentacije i obelodanjivanja pozicija u pojedinačnim finansijskim izveštajima mikro i drugih pravnih lica. Sem toga navedeno postupanje je u skladu i sa direktivom 2013/34/EU evropskog parlamenta i veća (od 26. juna 2013. godine). Zbog toga se može izvesti zaključak da u Republici Srbiji pružaoci turističkih usluga nemaju ograničenja po pitanju ispravnog iskazivanja prihoda i rashoda, kao i da po ovom pitanju za sada ne postoji potreba promene u vezi sa budućim pristupanjem Republike Srbije EU. 3. PORESKI ASPEKTI OBRAČUNA PDV U VEZI SA PRUŽANJEM TURISTIČKIH USLUGA Za pravilno obračunavanje PDV na pružene turističke usluge neophodno je razumeti termin “jedinstvena turistička usluga”. Pod ovim terminom se podrazumeva ona usluga koju pruža turistička agencija a koja u sebi sadrži dve ili više prethodnih turističkih usluga (kao što su na primer usluge: prevoza, smeštaja, ishrane, organizovanja izleta, angažovanje turističkog vodiča i sl.). Sa stanovišta Poreske uprave, ali i poreskog obveznika glavni problemi u vezi sa obračunom PDV su da ne dođe do dvostrukog oporezivanja PDV-om, ali i da ne dođe do neobračunavanja PDV. Prikazaćemo to na sledećem primeru: Turistička agencija “A” prodaje aranžman koji uključuje boravak u hotelu “B”. Turistička agencija “A” će od hotela “B” dobiti fakturu na iznos od 90.000,00 din. Vrednost aranžmana je 100.000,00 din. (90.000,00 din. će agencija “A” platiti hotelu “B” pa je usluga agencije “A” 10.000,00 din.). Ukoliko bi turistička agencija “A” obračunala PDV na iznos od 100.000,00 din. i ne bi iskoristila tzv. ulazni PDV od hotela “B”, krajnji potrošači turističkih usluga bi bili dvostruko oporezovani (ovo će se, dakle, desiti ukoliko turistička agencija ne povrati porez na proizvode i usluge koje su joj pružili drugi poreski obveznici - učesnici u pružanju turističke usluge). Zbog toga u slučaju kada turistička organizacija pruža jedinstvenu turističku uslugu PDV se ne može obračunavati po uobičajenom standardnom postupku, već se obračunava po posebnom postupku. Ovaj tzv. “posebni” postupak se sastoji u sledećem: od vrednosti prodajnog aranžmana oduzmu se svi stvarni troškovi prethodnih turističkih usluga koje turistička agencija plaća; tako dobijen iznos predstavlja vrednost u kojoj je sadržan PDV koji se izračunava preračunatom stopom. Ukoliko turistička agencija nema prethodne turističke usluge (ako pruža uslugu isključivo iz svojih sredstava, a to znači da ima sopstveni prevoz, sopstveni smeštaj, sopstvena ishrana i dr, onda se oporezivanje ne vrši po posebnom postupku, nego na uobičajeni način koji važi za sve ostale delatnosti. Direktiva 2006/112/EC predviđa poseban postupak oporezivanja PDV turističkih agencija (članovi 306-310). Regulativa EU u oblasti PDV ne određuje nacionalnu visinu stope PDV-a, ali zahteva da se na maržu turističkih agencija, primenom posebnog postupka oporezivanja, u svim državama članicama obračunava redovna ili najviša stopa PDV koja u Republici Srbiji iznosi 20%. Zbog specifičnosti pružanja turističkih usluga u Zakonu o porezu na dodatu vrednost (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 84/2004, 86/2004 (ispr.), 61/2005, 61/2007, 93/2012, 108/2013, 68/2014 (dr. zakon) i 142/2014) načinjen je izuzetak kada su u pitanju turističke agencije i to u delu njihovog poslovanja kada pružaju turističke usluge u svoje ime i za svoj račun. Naime, članom 35. stav 7. ovog zakona predviđeno je da turistička agencija za turističke usluge ne može da iskazuje PDV u računima ili drugim dokumentima i nema pravo na odbitak prethodnog poreza na osnovu prethodnih turističkih usluga koje su joj iskazane u računu koje dobija od svojih poslovnih partnera (napomena: videćemo da ona PDV obračunava ali na svoju uslugu). Imajući u vidu navedeno može se izvesti zaključak da je poreska regulativa u Republici Srbiji u vezi sa obračunom PDV na pružene turističke usluge usklađena sa relevantnom regulativom EU. Međutim, treba znati da tzv. “koncept transakcija unutar EU” ne predstavlja deo sistema PDV-a u Republici Srbiji i da se prilikom ulaska Republike Srbiju u EU to mora ugraditi Zakon o porezu na dodatu vrednost. 4. ZAKLJUČAK Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu bili su računovodstveni i poreski aspekti pružanja turističkih usluga sa stanovišta lica koja te usluge pružaju. Proučavanjem relevantne računovodstvene i poreske regulative u Republici Srbiji i u evropskoj uniji potvrdili smo postavljene hipoteze: H1: domaća računovodstvena regulativa ne ometa realno finansijsko izveštavanje pružalaca turističkih usluga i SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES H2: domaći poreski propisi u vezi sa obračunom i plaćanjem PDV su u velikoj meri usklađeni sa relevantnim propisima EU. U momentu ulaska Republike Srbije u EU neophodno bi bilo u Zakonu o PDV ugraditi tzv. “koncept transakcija unutar EU”. LITERATURA Agencija za privredne registre. (2015). Turizam. Preuzeto 28. jula 2015. sa http://www.apr.gov.rs/Регистри/Туризам. aspx Barjaktarović, D. (2013). Upravljanje kvalitetom u hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Knežević, G., Stanišić, N., & Mizdraković, V. (2013). Analiza finansijskih izveštaja. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije. (2001). Posebne uzanse o turizmu. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 33/2001. Preuzeto 28. jula 2015. sa http:// mtt.gov.rs/download/Posebne%20uzanse%20u%20turizmu.pdf Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije. (2015). Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srbije. Preuzeto 15. juna 2015 sa http://mtt.gov.rs/ download/3/Strategija%20razvoja%20turizma,cir.pdf/ Službeni glasnik RS. (2012). Zakon o turizmu. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 36/2009, 88/2010, 99/2011, 93/2012. Preuzeto 28. jula 2015. sa http://www.paragraf.rs/propisi/ zakon_o_turizmu.html Službeni glasnik RS. (2013). Zakona o računovodstvu. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 66/2013. Službeni glasnik RS. (2014a). Pravilnik o načinu priznavanja, vrednovanja, prezentacije i obelodanjivanja pozicija u pojedinačnim finansijskim izveštajima mikro i drugih pravnih lica. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 118/2013, 95/2014. Službeni glasnik RS. (2014b). Zakon o porezu na dodatu vrednost. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 84/2004, 86/2004, 61/2005, 61/2007, 93/2012, 108/2013, 68/2014 i 142/2014. Preuzeto 28. jula 2015. sa http://paragraf.rs/propisi/zakon_o_ porezu_na_dodatu_vrednost.html Službeni glasnik RS. (2015a). Zakon o zaštiti potrošača. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 62/2014. Preuzeto 28. jula 2015. sa http://paragraf.rs/propisi/zakon_o_zastiti_potrosaca. html Službeni glasnik RS. (2015b). Zakon o privrednim društvima. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 36/2011, 99/2011, 83/2014 i 5/2015. Preuzeto 28. jula 2015. sa http://paragraf.rs/ propisi/zakon_o_privrednim_drustvima.html Spasić, V. (2013). Poslovanje turističkih agencija i organizatora putovanja. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. ACCOUNTING ASPECTS OF TOURISM SERVICES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Abstract: This paper deals with the specifics of tourism services from the accounting perspective. Its principal aim is to point out to the importance of proper evaluation and recording of travel services for the reality of finance reporting, through exploring the best accounting practices including tourism services. The specificity of tourism services has an impact on the method of calculating the value added tax. The paper explores the compliance of tax regulations of the Republic of Serbia with the relevant EU directives in the field of tourism services. Key words: tourism, accounting, value added tax, unique tourist services, EU directive. 177 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-178-181 GLOBALIZATION AND CHANGES IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IMPACT ON TRAVEL AGENCIES Tatjana Cvetkov-Čikošev1, Andriela Vitić-Ćetković2* NIS a.d, Milentija Popovića 1, Belgrade, Serbia University of Montenegro, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Stari grad 320, Kotor, Montenegro 1 2 Abstract: The development of globalization process has influenced tourism to become the industry with a fierce competition, both among tourism destinations, and tourism enterprises. The increase in the number of participants in the global tourism market triggers numerous changes in market approach of travel agencies. They are required to adapt to a new consumer profile in tourism, new tourist expectations in terms of technology and environmental protection, to the demand for new tourism products etc. The analysis of globalization process in the world tourism market and competitive marketing responses in business of travel agencies, are in the focus of this research. The research results should propose necessary marketing performances for better understanding of consumers and improving competitiveness in travel agencies in Serbia. The research methodology is based on the questionnaire and secondary research (desk research). 1. INTRODUCTION 178 Competition in the tourism market has become much tougher over the last decades and it is not present only among the countries within a region, but also among regions on the global level. The competition growth is also a result of the expansion of services providing sector, which requires new business models in the tourism sector, including travel agencies. According to the Tourism Law of the Republic of Serbia, the travel (tourist) agency is: “a company, other legal entity, or entrepreneur, which performs activities under the terms prescribed by the Law within the registered business activity of a travel, or tourist agency, in order to make a profit.” In modern conditions of tourism development, tourism intermediaries, i.e. travel agencies provide the tourism consumers at their places of domicile with the information about a tourist destination and the comparison of destinations, improving this way the quality of offer. Development of tour operator business in the late 20th century had a crucial impact on business orientation of traditional travel agencies. They have retained the role of traditional intermediaries in the tourism market, regardless of whether their business has a predominately emissive or receptive character. Furthermore, tour operators have kept their leading intermediary position in the tourism market and they have got a special place and importance in the international tourism market as companies - tourism * [email protected] Key words: travel agency, globalization, marketing, consumer behavior. manufacturers. In modern circumstances big tour operators become the owners of hotel chains, airlines, transport companies, ship owners, etc. It is worth noting that the information and communication technologies have stressed the importance of marketing approach and led to the improvements in the internal operations of travel agencies by integrating so called back office (e.g. accounting, human resources, quality control, etc.) with so-called front office (e.g. dossiers of the current consumers, preparation of itineraries, communication with suppliers, issuing airline tickets, etc.), which enables agencies to achieve the significant synergy, efficiency and cost savings. At any rate, the travel agencies operate in a strongly competitive environment, so that the success is also measured by the level of service quality. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1. The impact of globalization on development and operations of travel agencies Globalization as a trend has had a prevailing impact on the development of intermediaries in tourism, including travel agencies. From an economic point of view, globalization spurs productivity growth and the use of volume economy. On the other hand, it encourages the competition in the sense that business uncertainty and risks are getting higher and constant changes and adaptability are required (Dulčić, 2005). In general, the following positive aspects of this megatrend are cited: higher competitiveness, encouraging of technological innovations, higher accessibility of ideas, lower barriers for access to service exchange, etc. (Vitić-Ćetković, Jovanović & Krstić, 2012). As for the negative aspects of globalization, its impact on unemployment growth, environmental degradation, etc., are also mentioned (Mandler & Goldsmith, 1996). When we talk about travel agencies, the business globalization process has mainly developed through: ◆ the division of travel agencies to tour operators and traditional travel agencies; ◆ expansion of various forms of business interconnections: horizontal, vertical, conglomerate type. It is considered that the travel agencies business globalization will mostly be influenced in the future by the following factors: ◆ faster tourism development; ◆ transport technology development; ◆ lifestyle changes; ◆ consumption structure changes etc. Under the influence of globalization process, tourism turns into a world leading industry. The key factor is a fast development of information and communication technologies. Instead of mass production and mass tourism in a post-industrial society, a sophisticated and well educated consumer emerges with special demands. In that respect, globalization will affect travel agencies in the way that there will be a need of stronger specialization and differentiation of products and prices. 2.2. On-line agencies and understanding of a modern consumer in tourism The priority in development of modern tourism belongs to IT support to tourism, but not necessarily in new investments, but in integration of knowledge and power of technology (Nuković et al., 2010). With the expansion of Internet technologies, many traditional travel agencies have faced a serious competition in the form of online travel agencies, because the users of their services can plan their trips on their own and adjust them according to their own preferences. Furthermore, they can see the accommodation, read and / or post comments on a travel agency, location, accommodation, etc. which is important for understanding the current and future consumers. In addition to this, online selling of package tours eliminates various regulations which must be observed by the agencies when they are physically present in a foreign market (Shapiro, 2000). It becomes harder and harder to meet the needs of modern consumers in tourism, because their demands and expectations are getting higher. In that SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES respect, some of innovative offers of online agencies include the following tourism products: adventure holidays, cultural holiday, bicycle tours, family holidays, honey-moon trips, luxury travels, safari, diving holidays, holidays in the wilderness, Robinson Crusoe tourism, etc. (Williams & Soutar, 2009). Competitiveness of online agencies is connected with their feature of enabling the creation of relationship with an individual consumer. They provide their services twenty-four hours a day throughout the entire year, so the consumers can get the required information at any time. However, regardless of fast growth of direct sales of travel services which has been particularly influenced by the Internet, the prevailing opinion is that the travel agencies will still be the most important intermediaries and organizers of tourist trips (Unković & Zečević, 2004). 2.3. Research of change monitoring in consumer behaviour by travel agencies in Serbia It is well-known that changes in the global tourism market driven by globalization require a modern marketing approach to business of travel agencies. For the purposes of this paper, a questionnaire was completed by the representatives of tourism organizations in Serbia and representatives of travel agencies who are members of YUTA in order to determine the level of monitoring the changes in consumer behaviour by travel agencies in Serbia. Namely, 268 e-mails were sent to available e-mail addresses with an invitation to take part in the survey. For the purpose of processing the data obtained in this survey, the techniques of descriptive statistics were used, including calculation of frequency and percentage, calculation of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of given answers, etc. The results of research of the frequency of current tourist demand (Fig. 1): Figure 1: Research of current tourist demand - frequency 179 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA The positive results of research of the current tourist demand are related to the fact that more than one half of agencies conduct research of the current tourist demand once a year. However, there is space for business improvement regarding this aspect because almost 1/4 of them do not conduct demand research at all. If the size of a company is taken into account, there are no differences in terms of non-conducting the research smaller agencies give this answer just a little bit more often. However, if we look at the research conducting frequency, it seems that big systems tend to rely on other sources more than on research, because only 40% of these agencies conduct research of demand once a year. When we look at the method they use for the current tourist demand research, 53% of the participants in the survey state that they talk with the their colleagues, 50% conduct surveys with the participation of the service consumers after every trip, while 1/3 of them conduct surveys with consumers of services from the previous year - about their plans for the following year (Tab. 1). The comments and opinions of visitors in offices, comments in social networks (Facebook), and research requested by third persons, i.e. research agencies, are monitored to a lesser extent. Table 1: Research of the current tourist demand - research method 180 their satisfaction depends on the services provided, while a slightly smaller number of them (63,3%) have stated that it depends on the desired destination and 46,7% of them relate the level of satisfaction to a specific destination (Tab. 2). It seems that more specific topics such as: the type of service, additional services, as well as the time and duration of travel are less covered. This is in some way logical, taking into account that the internal materials of each of these agencies can be informative enough. However, it is doubtful if the agencies are ready to react to the global changes in consumer behavior in tourism, and if they could impose themselves in the market with their offer which is different from the usual one. Table 2: Research of the current tourist demand - topics Frequency Percentage (%) Satisfaction with the services provided by the agency. 21 66,7 What are the desired destinations. 20 63,3 Satisfaction with a destination. 14 46,7 What type of services they expect type of hotel, meals, etc. 12 40,0 What type of additional services they are interested in. 10 33,3 Frequency Percentage (%) We talk with our trade colleagues. 17 53,3 In what period of the year they plan their travels. 8 26,7 We conduct surveys with consumers of our services after each trip. 16 50,0 How much time would they spend on those destinations. 5 16,7 We monitor the forums about travels. 10 33,3 In what period of the year they go on their travels. 5 16,7 We conduct surveys with consumers of our services from the last year about their plans for the next year. 10 33,3 We keep updated with the technical literature in the country and abroad. 8 26,7 We conduct surveys with the visitors to our website. 7 23,3 We conduct surveys with the visitors to our offices. 3 10,0 We conduct surveys, in cooperation with agencies, about travels and plans for the next period. 2 We follow the opinions and comments of our representatives, collect comments of our visitors in our offices, monitor comments on Facebook, etc. 1 Research related to the availability of programs for frequent users of services - Loyalty programs, shows that this business practice is applied by almost half of the agencies (48,4%), while just a little bit more than a half of them (51,6%) do not have them (Tab. 3). Table 3: Availability of Loyalty programs for frequent users of services Frequency Percentage (%) YES 15 48,4 NO 16 51,6 6,7 3,3 It is worth noting that the agencies whose dominant business includes initiative-based tourism state by far more often that they monitor forums on travels, which is actually logical, because this is exactly what their potential consumers of services do. In the research related to specific topics of tourist demand, 66,7% of the surveyed participants have stated that Do you have a Loyalty program (programs for frequent users of your services) in your travel agency Interestingly, there are no statistically significant differences in relation to independent variables, including the number of years of operation, number of employees, location of offices, etc., although one would expect that an agency with a longer period of operation and a greater number of employees provides the capacities and the need to have permanent consumers of services, i.e. create bonds by loyalty programs. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES 3. SUMMARY REFERENCES Under the influence of globalization, tourism has become the world’s leading industry. The ever-growing competition in the global tourism market requires the application of innovative methods in the business of travel agencies. Considering the research results, it can be said that travel agencies generally need to change their approach to business, and constantly adapt and learn about consumers in order to be more competitive. When talking about travel agencies in Serbia, their approach to business is still lagging behind the travel agencies from developed market economy countries, which are better integrated into the global technological, marketing, environmental and other processes. It is necessary to take into account the limits, i.e. the number of survey participants and the fact what we are talking about the indications of differences rather than statistically important differences. So, agencies in Serbia keep up with the development trends in terms of familiarity with the changes in consumer behaviour, but the implementation of a new marketing approach in business goes at a slower pace due to the lack of funds or other factors, which could be the topic of some future research. Cvetkov-Čikošev, T. (2014). Upravljanje ponudom turističkih agencija u savremenim tržišnim uslovima: magistarski rad. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet. Dulčić, A. (2005). Turističke agencije, poslovanje i menadžment. Split: Ekokon. Mander, J., & Goldsmith, E. (1996). The case against the global economy: And for a turn toward the local. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. Nuković, M., Nuković, J., & Azemović, N. (2010). IKT i njihov uticaj na razvoj savremenog turizma. Univerzitetska Hronika, 3 (1), 129-135. Shapiro, M. (2000). Internet travel planner: How to plan trips and save money online. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot Press. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. (2005). Zakon o turizmu, br.45/2005. Beograd: Službeni glasnik. Unković, S., & Zečević, B. (2004). Ekonomika turizma. Beograd: Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta. Vitić-Ćetković, A., Jovanović, S., Krstić, B. (2012). Determinants of Montenegro and Serbia Tourism Competitiveness Improving in the Terms of Globalization. Economic Themes, 50 (1), 47-63. Williams, P., & Soutar, G.N. (2009). Value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in an adventure tourism context. Annals of Tourism Research, 36 (3), 413-438. doi:10.1016/j. annals.2009.02.002. 181 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-182-186 WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL HOTEL REPUTATION MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ON TRIPADVISOR HOTEL REVIEWS Edina Ajanović1*, Beykan Çizel2 Institute of Social Sciences, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey 2 Tourism Faculty, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey 1 Abstract: Nowadays, the concept of reputation management in hospitality industry is related to the efforts of the hotel management to find the best solutions for handling the reviews and comments of hotel guests left on one of numerous social media channels. The introduction of Web 2.0 technologies has brought about innovation in terms of how contemporary society interacts, allowing people to generate unique content to be published on their preferred social media channel. Hospitality industry faces numerous challenges concerning handling of the user generated content, especially on travel review sites and is trying to be actively involved in creating and maintaining its reputation. The aim of this research paper is to address the vital elements of successful reputation management of a hotel property. In order to do so, the authors have conducted the content analysis of TripAdvisor reviews and responses to these for the hotel property targeted as an example of a good reputation management strategy. The research results will point out the aspects of reputation management hotel managers should pay attention to and should serve as a useful guideline for the hotel’s social media marketing activities. 1. INTRODUCTION 182 In today’s fast-changing and global market, organizations that were able to build and sustain strong corporate brand and reputation are on a good path to gain a competitive advantage compared to rival companies. In most organizations, the departments responsible for reputation management are marketing, communications and public relations (Martin & Hetrick, 2006). Reputation management is usually treated in the same way as public relations, even though these two concepts differ significantly. Public relations are viewed as a guidance which creates and maintains useful relationships between the organizations and public on which its success or failure depends (Cutlip, Center, & Broom, 2003, p. 6). The concept of public relations inquires a list of the main activities that make up practice such as publicity, advertising, lobbing etc. On the other hand, reputation can be defined as a social construction, based on the image we reflect in the eyes of others (Griffin, 2002). If we reflect this on the corporation’s reputation, it is based on what other people think about this company and the efforts of the company will make towards defining its reputation. What is more important is that reputation is not based solely on external perceptions, but on the behaviour supported by these perceptions (Griffin, 2002). Modern digital age has changed the way corporate reputation should be perceived and managed. The companies * [email protected] Key words: hotel reputation management, hotel social media marketing, TripAdvisor reviews, content analysis. should place more emphasis on information management, especially the information that may influence how people perceive the company. Along with technology evolution, communicating company’s business objective via the Internet as the basic channel for interacting with past and potential future guests has become of vital importance. The Internet has changed the traditional approach where organizations maintain and control its owner value. Nowadays, regular Internet users have the power to influence the corporate base by sharing their opinions on different travel web platforms. This means that companies are no longer able to strictly control the company’s information and content published on the web; and it will lead to tough struggle with the aim to preserve the positive image in the eyes of customers. Reputation management is a vital strategic issue for those companies that mainly rely on their intangible attributes in building competitiveness such as creativity, innovation, intellectual capital and high levels of services (Kay, 2004). Accordingly, the hotel industry is highly dependable on positive reputation that may affect customers’ purchasing decisions. When it comes to hotel business, reputation management usually addresses the proper use and proactive dealing with the content shared on travel review sites (TripAdvisor, HolidayCheck, Zoover, TopHotels etc.), different social media channels such as social network sites (Facebook, My Space), video and image sharing media (YouTube, Instagram) and personal travel blogs. Online platforms where travellers can share their experience, evaluations and comments about tourism products and services are accepted as an important data source. The evolution of e-trade in tourism industry started with development of the Internet and especially Web 2.0 technologies which introduced numerous opportunities. Owning to the introduction of Web 2.0 technologies, people are able to purchase, evaluate and share their thoughts on different social media platforms. Therefore, these new platforms and reviews shared on them can be used as an important source of data in today’s academic research. By engaging in these different channels within the virtual environment, the hoteliers are trying to maintain good relationships with their guests after their stay in the hotel, correct or at least state the awareness of negative issues that occurred during the stay and also leave the impression of the property that really cares about providing its customers with the ultimate hotel experience. Nowadays, this is one of the ways to retain the old customers by creating the firm relationships and attract new potential hotel guests promising the similar loyal bonds in the future. Regardless of the importance of a proper reputation management strategy on a hotel business performance and success, there is a lack of academic research on this topic. It is usually discussed in the professional hotel journals, web pages and online reputation management companies’ forums and blogs (some of them are hospitalitynet.org, tnooz.com, hotelmarketing. com, trustyou.com). The successful case studies and benefits of strategic approach towards reputation management issues prove its efficiency and encourage other industry representatives to pay more attention to it. This paper is among the first that tried to gain a deeper insight into the important aspects of successful online reputation management practices and provide hotel managers with some useful recommendations about how to strategically deal with the issue. The aim is to enrich the overall academic knowledge about successful social media marketing strategies in hotels and form a basis for future research on this topic. 2. RESEARCH AIM AND SCOPE The aim of this study is to attempt to identify the elements and aspects of positive hotel reputation management practices. After analysing the prominent web sites dealing with new hotel marketing strategies, the decision was made to use Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles Beverly Hills as a successful case study concerning reputation management strategy on the TripAdvisor comments. In this study, the authors conducted the content analysis of the hotel reviews left by the guests of Hotel Bel-Air on TripAdvisor and the replies of the hotel management to these reviews. The reasons why TripAdvisor travel review site has been chosen is because it can be considered one of the largest travel sites by millions of travellers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features. TripAdvisor branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, reaching 340 million unique monthly visitors, and more than 225 million reviews and opinions covering more than 4.9 million accommodations, restaurants and attractions (TripAdvisor, 2015). Travel review web sites such as TripAdvisor are some of the most commonly used when it comes to searching for information about tourism destinations and the main cri- SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES teria in decision making about tourism destinations (Black & Kelly, 2009). TripAdvisor web site is one of the most popular platforms used in academic research papers (Au, Buhalis & Law, 2014; Ekiz, Khoo-Lattimore & Memarzadeh, 2010; Kim, Lim & Brymer, 2015; O’Connor, 2010) in which content analysis is being the dominantly used method in examining the travellers’ attitudes towards hotel properties, effects of online reviews on hotel performance etc. Upon data collection process, researchers applied an objective coding scheme in order to derive systematically comparable information through content analysis (Berg, 2007, p. 238). Each of the researchers independently coded and categorized the data from the travel review replies into different categories. The categories researchers used in this content analysis were determined inductively with the ‘’researchers “immersing” themselves in travel review replies in order to identify the dimensions or themes that seemed meaningful to the producers of each message’’ (Abrahamson, 1983, p. 286). Differences in categorization between the researchers were discussed until a consensus was reached and the final category and sub-category structure was derived. 3. RESULTS & DISCUSSION Out of the total of 470 reviews found on Hotel Bel-Air Los Angeles TripAdvisor account by August 15, 2015, 364 reviews with hotel management’s replies were examined. Those that were not included in the analysis were either not in English or dated from the period when replies of hotel management on travel reviews were not provided. The hotel started with the practice of answering to both positive and negative TripAdvisor reviews in September 2010 and the management has written replies on almost all TripAdvisor reviews up to this date. As a result of the content analysis, the four elements of a successful online reputation management can be derived: creating unique content about the property, personalization, emphasizing property values and dealing with negative comments (Figure 1). Sub-categories under each category are presented in Table 1. Fig 1. The most important aspects of successful online reputation management 183 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Table 1. Elements of the hotel online reputation management Hotel Online Reputation Management Creating Unique Content Personalization Emphasizing Property Values Dealing With Negative Reviews Guest words Dealing with transition periods Appreciation Repeating customers’ experience Special treatment for loyal guests Property features Details Service quality Hotel stuff Encouraging customers to comment Throughout notification Personal engagement Creating unique content about property 184 In today’s Internet market, every company is in search for a unique, organic and interesting content that will position the company’s web site on the top of Google search lists. Therefore, many companies including the hotels are trying to make the best use of different channels found on the web and survey as many users as possible. If properly used, the replies to hotel reviews on TripAdvisor may be used as a perfect content generator coming directly from the users. Not only will the level of credibility and trust in the hotel rise, but it is also the great marketing and advertising of the hotel property with interesting slogans. “It is wonderful to hear you were “treated like an A-list star”- this is exactly how it should be” ‘’Thank you for considering us ‘the best place in the Los Angeles area to relax.’ “… I particularly like this room category because of the outdoor patio and its views on the canyon, and your description of your evening spent in “the hot tub with a glass of wine every night looking at the stars” sounds idyllic”. These direct quotations show how the hotel management uses the unique content coming from the guest to describe and promote their own property. This sentence is a great example of how to use the guest’s words for selfpromotion, and it is completely free. With the same strategy of using the user generated content, hotel management was able to successfully deal with the transition period such as a hotel renovation. ‘’..It is wonderful to read that you decided to stay with us since the reopening of the hotel, and that you found it “streamlined and modernized rather than changed.” We felt a tremendous responsibility to maintain the hotel’s beloved look and feel it is very comforting to know that you felt as if you were in the “same space.” This is a good example of how the manager skilfully uses the words and explanations from the guest to address the topic of renovation. With only two sentences, the manager was able to express the general attitude and responsibility of the whole hotel management to continue with the recognizable service (tremendous responsibility to maintain the hotel’s beloved look) and by repeating the guests word of mouth, it proves that these efforts were successful (streamlined and modernized rather than changed and felt as if you were in the “same space”). Personalization Every review reply was named on the regarding Trip Advisor use, and gratefulness for time and effort to write each review was expressed without exception. The manager constantly repeated all positive impressions of a certain guest. “…delighted to read that you enjoyed every aspect of your stay, “from the grown up atmosphere”, to the “renovated rooms and good casual al fresco steakhouse”, to the spa.” ‘’I am thrilled to hear you loved every aspect of your “little getaway” with us…from your room, to the beautiful gardens, to the pool and service.’’ In this way, it can be concluded that the person who wrote the reply really appreciated the time and the content written for the hotel. Therefore, the manager was paying special attention to devoting certain part of the reply to repeat the positive aspects of the guest’s stay. Not only does this confirm the importance the hotel gives to each positive word coming from a reviewer, but once again, it highlights positive features and aspects of hotel services provided in the hotel Bel-Air. When it comes to a review that comes from a loyal customer, it can be noticed that managers already know the person who wrote it, as he/she has been staying in this hotel and leaving positive reviews for years. Special warmth can be noticed in correspondence which goes beyond a regular review about the hotel stay and polite reply to it. A nice example might be found in one reply to the review that came from the guest who expressed its highly positive experience with this hotel while mentioning to be a loyal customer for years. Special emphasis was on enjoyment in the beautiful hotel atmosphere which was at the same time inspired him to write few chapters of his new book. The extract from the manager’s reply to this review was as follows: “I must also say that it is an incredible honour to know that Hotel Bel-Air was the inspiration for one of the chapters from “In His Name”. I look forward to reading a book and there is perhaps no higher compliment coming from an esteemed author like yourself.” This quotation not only shows that the manager knows which guests provided the positive review, but it has also given a space in the reply to name the title of the book on which the guest was working while staying in the hotel. In this way, it was also doing a beneficial activity for the guest and one’s profession as it was marketing book title form the esteemed author. Not only does this contribute to the positive and highly satisfactory loyalty relationship between the guest and the hotel management, but it is a real example to all potential visitors of the kind of treatment and relationship they can expect from the hotel. Emphasizing property values The majority of management’s replies on TripAdvisor guest’s reviews reveal that the great emphasis is placed on the hotel units such as restaurants, spa centres, good location and conformity of rooms, and they try to promote the quality of service throughout replies. “It’s great to know that you enjoyed every aspect of your stay...from your suite accommodations, to Wolfgang Puck at Hotel Bel-Air, to our La Prairie Spa.” Based on the hotel manager’s replies, it can be implied that hotel management greatly emphasizes their tendency to provide high quality services to all their guests. This is clearly stated through ‘’Five Star service’’ structure that repeats throughout reviews. ” …I very much appreciate your note about the Five Star service provided to you by our service professionals.” “…what means the most is to know that you received Five Star service throughout your stay.” The idiom Five Star service is something expressed and derived as the light motive through numerous other replies. Sometimes after a highly positive rating it is used as a great summary of all high class services provided to hotel guests. This can be a good way to express and promote business philosophy and goals of the hotel property. In hotel replies to TripAdvisor reviews, one can notice a special sense for details which carries greater importance than when being read in a regular guest review. “…and I am happy to know you enjoyed the bathrobes they are very popular with all of our guests!“ By emphasizing a small detail in the guest’s review such as enjoyment in bathrobes, leaves the impression that this hotel pays attention to every detail when providing its high class service. By writing about this detail in the reply, the manager managed to give special attention to this small detail, but with a simple sentence generalized the positive aspects it has on the hotel guests. By emphasizing property values, the authors refer only to promoting tangible but also intangible features of the hotel property. Therefore, the hotel that was subject of the analysis places special emphasis on the hotel staff. Every time when a staff member was mentioned by name, whether in a positive or negative context, general manager devoted special part of his reply to this aspect. If it the comment was negative, it was to be discussed with the responsible department and any valuable comment from the review would be notified to all the staff. If the positive comment was provided, the general manager would give full credits to this reply. “Please note I will make sure to share your lovely comments with all our team members, as it will mean a great deal to them. “I must also thank you for your feedback regarding our great team of service professionals, especially Juan in housekeeping. Please know that I will be sure to share your kind words with him, as it will mean a great deal to him to know that he had such a positive impact on your stay.” Dealing with negative comments Firstly, it can be observed that the management encourages guests to provide the hotel management with feedback about their negative experiences with the services provided. This will actually encourage the management to prevent them from providing Five Star service to all its guests, which is stated as the main goal of this hotel. “…I am sorry to hear about negative experience with the room service, but I appreciate your feedback as this is the only way we can improve our shortcomings.” ‘’Please know that I have been addressing all of these shortcomings with our team and working with them to ensure that we prevent them from occurring in the future’’ SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Almost all the reviews that had some negative aspects were followed by the reply clearly stating that the comment will the forwarded to the hotel team from different departments and authority levels and that all the efforts will be put into preventing that similar issues repeat. This is a good example of how much importance is assigned to each review no matter if it is positive or negative. ‘’I am, however, sorry to hear that your experience at the restaurant was disappointing and will have our restaurant manager, Rosie Butler, reach out to you to better understand where we fell short of your expectations’’. If there is a short in service even the name of the responsible manager could be provided so that it can get deeper insight into the problem. This is practically a continuation of hotel efforts to further investigate in order to provide high-quality services and their willingness not to leave it as only a few words mentioned in the negative context in the guest review. It gives a positive impression to a potential future visitor of this hotel, as this explicitly shows that the hotel is ready to deal with any issue that may occur during your stay, while giving the hotel guests’ reviews a full credit. “Thank you again for taking the time to share your valuable feedback. I truly hope that we will be able to welcome you back in the near future and restore your faith in us. I would ask that you reach out to me directly so I may personally oversee your next stay at Hotel Bel-Air.” In addition to notifying the department responsible for shortcomings in providing service, hotel manager offers the guests who had some negative experience during their stay to get in contact with them personally. This gives the additional assurance that in case of a repeated visit, the management wishes to guarantee the perfect stay showing how important it is for the management to provide the supreme hotel experience to each individual guest. 4. CONCLUSION Nowadays, when online technologies have been rapidly developing, all business properties, and especially hotels, have to keep properties to a high standard, awarded by the positive electronic word-of-mouth. In order to do so, the hotels should clearly define their business goals to be achieved and communicated in the Internet environment. Thus, hotel management should develop a comprehensive and effective strategy on how to manage different social media marketing channels. Due to the market coverage, good reputation and media that gather hundreds and thousands of users all over the world, Tripadvisor.com stands out as a vital media that the hotel should use as a starting point in building its online reputation. This paper examines the successful online reputation management strategy on this travel review site and proposes fundamental elements of the vital online reputation management: creating unique content about property, personalization, emphasizing property values and dealing with negative comments. In addition, there are several guidelines regarding reputation management strategy that may facilitate general efforts to improve social media marketing performance. Personalization with each guest that leaves review on the hotel Trip Advisor account; By expressing gratitude for taking extra time to write a review about the hotel and address each guest by its user name means that hotel 185 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA management appreciates the comment coming from each individual guest. It is necessary to maintain the aspects of hotel services and features that made the stay in a certain hotel positive, as it will leave an impression that management reads carefully the comments each guest provides and considers equally important every aspect that can guarantee supreme hotel experience. Once this type of bond has been established between the hotel and the guest, there is nothing that could prevent the guest from becoming one of the most loyal ones. New review - new chance; every new review is a good chance for a unique marketing and promotion activity stressing out the most important elements of a hotel offer. By repeating the most positively evaluated aspects of the reviews, the hotel management will be able to generate a unique content about property features and introduce guidelines for potential guests that are about to come to the hotel. Giving equal attention and importance to both positive and negative comments; after mentioning all positive aspects of one’s stay, it is also of vital importance to mention the points where hotel failed to fulfil guest’s expectations. These findings about the importance of responding to negative comments are consistent with those of Chen and Xie (2008) and Kim, Lim and Brymer (2015) , where it is also stated that the hotel willingness to make up for service failure will result in higher financial performance of the hotel. This will leave the impression among guests that this hotel pays full attention to all aspects of one’s review and it does not avoid but rather faces the problem wherever and whenever it occurs. If the management succeeds in leaving a positive impression and the sense of confidence with the reader, it means that these marketing and communication media are being successfully used. Hotel reputation management philosophy should become part of hotel business culture; taking care that both positive and negative aspects derived from the reviews found on one of the biggest travel review web sites is properly transmitted to each department and each employee. Each person in hotel business chain should know how to behave in order to improve the current services or continue maintaining a high level of professional services, taking into consideration the guests’ comments on social media. Gain trust and leave the impression of a highly reliable hotel property; Nowadays, most of the people will not visit the hotel’s official web page because they do not believe in the validity of information and experiences shared on it. 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(2010). Managing a hotel’s image on trip advisor. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19, 754-772. TripAdvisor. (2015). About TripAdvisor. Retrieved May 4, 2015, from http://www.TripAdvisor.com/PressCenter-c6-About_Us.html SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-187-192 INDIKATORI KONKURENTNOSTI „CONDO“ HOTELA Jovan Vukotić* HMC – Hotel Management Company, Beograd, Republika Srbija Apstrakt: Uspešnost rada CONDO hotela na određenoj turističkoj destinaciji, lokaciji i regiji direktno zavisi od niza uslova, faktora, pravila, organizacije i metodologije operativnog rada, pravilnog analitičkog sagledavanja, planiranja i postupanja uz najuspešnije upravljanje nizom indikatora, koji prepoznaju i omogućavaju potpunu konkurentnost „condo“ hotela na turističkom tržištu. Indikatori konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela kompleksan su i bitan putokaz u prepoznavanju i usmeravanju neophodnog niza stalnih aktivnosti, procesa i mera za ukupno upoznavanje, uspostavljanje, primenu, kontrolu i ocenjivanje konkurentnosti. Definisanjem „condo“ hotela i prepoznatih objektivnih i subjektivnih indikatora konkurentnosti jasno se nameću oblici i šira konkurentnosti „condo“ metoda rada, kao i odnosi koji određuju mesto primene i ocene uspešnosti. Kroz indikatore se uspostavljaju i definišu: okviri propisanih pravila i normi za izvršenje, poslovnoradni ambijent, okruženje i uslovi rada, kao i bitni opšti prirodni, ekonomski, politički, kadrovski i drugi hotelski i prateći programi. Takođe su bitne osnove plana organizacije i korišćenja šireg destinacijskog hotelskog prostora, niza aktivnosti za koncepcijske strategije rada i razvoja svih vrsta, kao i druga pravila, karakteristike i uslovi realizacije programa unapređenja i ostvarivanja planirane tražnje i pozicioniranja „condo“ hotela i ponuđenog hotelsko-ugostiteljskog i ukupnog turističkog proizvoda. Snažna međuzavisnost i promenljivost karaktera i uticaja raznovrsnih indikatora konkurentnosti koji utiču na uspešnost rada „condo“ hotela u realnim uslovima, vremenu i procesima, bez obzira na vrstu, oblik, razvijenu poziciju, snagu i obim uspostavljene i primenjene vrednosti, ukazuju na bitnu uzajamnu povezanost i potrebu sagledavanja i praćenja u primeni, na konkretnom primeru prepoznatog „condo“ hotela na domaćem turističkom tržištu. 1. UVOD U okviru turističkih destinacija prepoznate su usluge hotelskog smeštaja svih vrsta i modela kao jedna od bitnih karika u lancu vrednosti. Indikatori konkurentnosti hotela a svakako i „condo“ hotela na određenoj turističkoj destinacije bitan su pokazatelj u prepoznavanju i usmeravanju neophodnog niza stalnih aktivnosti, procesa i mera za ukupno upoznavanje, uspostavljanje, primenu, kontrolu i ocenjivanje konkurentnosti hotela svih vrsta, kao i destinacije u celini. Najčešće je konkurentnost hotela na određenoj lokaciji doprinela razvoju i planiranoj poslovnoj komercijalizaciji turističke destinacije a osnovni pokazatelj tržišne tražnje određene destinacije ne može se ni zamisliti bez definisanja pokazatelja konkurentnosti direktno hotelskih smeštajnih kapaciteta. U budućem razvoju „condo“ hotela ukupan poslovni uspeh ne može se zamisliti bez jasno definisane, ocenjene i u praksi primenjene konkurentnosti, koja doprinosi kako početnim implementacijama na lokacijama tako doprinosi punom uspehu i razvoju jasno zaokruženog tržišta tražnje na kome se „condo“ hotel uspešno i pozicionira. Uspešnost „condo“ hotela bitno se prepoznaje kroz primenu definisanih indikatora konkurentnosti posebno u delu * [email protected] Ključne reči: indikatori, konkurentnost, „condo“ hotel, međuzavisnost, promenljivost. inovativnih svojinsko-vlasničkih odnosa, upravljačkog menadžmenta, komercijalnih odnosa i efekata iz tržišnog pozicioniranja i plasmana kao i drugih prepoznatih prednosti i povoljnosti koje ovaj kombinovani model hoteskog smeštaja donosi na domaće turističko tržište sa obezbeđenom konkurentskom prednošću. 2. REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA 2.1. Osnova strategije konkurentne diferencijacije „condo“ hotela Hotelska industrija i hotelijerstvo u svim funkcionalnim svojstvima zauzima svakako najbitnije mesto glavnog aktera u realizaciji planiranih ciljeva turističkog proizvoda i određene turističke destinacije. Osnove strategije konkurentne diferencijacije hotela vrste „condo“ sastoje se u nizu generalnih i pojedinačnih postupaka i aktivnosti da u procesu realne implementacije i tržišne pozicioniranosti postigne veću tražnju, kvalitetnije zadovoljenje potreba gostiju i u celini postigne bolje merljive efekte od konkurentnih objekata. Bitnu osnovu konkurentne diferenciranosti „condo“ hotel postiže prepoznatim vrednostima koje upravo dolaze iz samog bića, predmeta i modela ove vrste hotela. 187 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Uobičajene karakteristike „condo“ hotela određuju se i prepoznaju kroz svojinu, zemljišno knjižno vlasništvo jednog ili više vlasnika nad smeštajnim hotelskim jedinicama sa upisanim teretom ugovorenog upravljanja objektom i smeštajnim jedinicama od strane menadžment kompanije (ugostitelja). Takođe pripadajući komercijalni ugovor u potpunosti uređuje bitna međusobna prava i obaveze između menadžment kompanije i vlasnika hotelske smeštajne jedinice. „Condo“ hotel je inovativan turistički proizvod koji već u začetku implementiranja ima prepoznate konkurentne vrednosti i razlikovanja koji ga čine jedinstvenim i bitnim turističkim proizvodom na domaćem turističkom tržištu. Znanje i novostvorene mogućnosti ulaganja u „condo“ hotele mogu se smatrati značajnim konkurentno diferenciranim indikatorom koji ovom novom turističkom proizvodu obezbeđuje značajnu i posebnu pažnju, zainteresovanost i bitnu tražnju. Razumevanje bitnih obeležja i specifičnosti „condo“ hotela kao i kondominijumskog „stila života“, kao specifične vrste kombinovanog stambenog korišćenja prostora sa karakterom klasičnog hotelskog proizvoda, čije su karakteristike konkurentnosti prepoznate i jasno primenjivo definisane i na domaćem turističkom tržištu, definišući potrebu intenzivne početne razrade kroz pripremu i implementiranje u domaću turističku praksu. Strategija konkurentnosti i diferenciranja hotelskog proizvoda vrste „condo“ postavlja se generalno kroz primenjivo implementiranje i neophodna je osnova tržišne prepoznatljivosti i tražnje uz realne različitosti od sličnih vrsta hotelskog proizvoda u domaćoj praktičnoj primeni i hotelsko-turističkom poslovanju. Kriterijumi definisanja konkurentne predosti teorijski i praktično su univerzalni i opšte primenjivi i na „condo“ hotele tako da: „Postizanje konkurentske prednosti korišćenjem strategije diferenciranja proizvoda može biti ostvareno primenom sledećih kriterijuma: ◆ kvaliteta proizvoda; ◆ pouzdanosti proizvoda; ◆ inovacije proizvoda povezane sa zaštitom patenata; ◆ inovacije proizvoda i liderstva u tehnološkim inovacijama; ◆ dodatnih usluga; ◆ karakteristika proizvoda (uvećani proizvod); ◆ usluge-servisa; ◆ imena firme-proizvoda“ (Popesku, 2009). 2.2. Osnove strategijskih elemenata marketinga u prepoznatoj konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela na turističkoj destinaciji 188 Strategijski menadžment turističke destinacije podrazumeva više sinhronizovanih i jedinstvenih elemenata kao što su definisanje strategijskog menadžmenta, strateško upravljanje na tržištu i organizaciono upravljanje, delokrug i obim poslovanja turističkog proizvoda na tržištu, definisanje ciljeva, sprovođenje analiza i dr. Navedeni elementi primenjivi na turističkoj destinaciji u svemu se prenose i implementiraju principom akcije i reakcije u odnosu na hotele, posebno „condo“ vrste, imajući u vidu sve zainteresovane učesnike u realizaciji i mogućnosti dodatnog komercijalizovanja a dobrim održavanjem od strane upravljača i povećanjem kapitalne vrednosti objekta (nekretnine)(Čerović, 2009). Proces strategijskog menadžmenta „condo“ hotela i turističke destinacije sa kojom je u neraskidivoj koheziji, može se osloniti na strategijsku analizu kao i na formulisanje i implementiranje strategije uspšnog marketinga u realizaciji. „Jedan globalni konceptualni okvir marketing menadžmenta turističke destinacije može se u celosti primeniti i na „condo“ hotele i treba da obuhvati sledeće elemente: 1. Situacionu analizu; 2. Formulisanje misije, ciljeva i smernica; 3. Formulisanje odgovarajućih globalnih strategija; 4. Definisanje strategijskih i taktičkih poteza za instrumente marketing mix-a; 5. Dizajniranje organizovanosti; i 6. Kontrolu aktivnosti. Svaki od pomenutih elemenata trebalo bi da predstavlja posebno područje fokusa menadžera na turističkoj destinaciji i realizaciji projekta, a razumevanje sadržine elemenata da postane „condito sine qua non“ budućeg rasta i razvoja destinacije, s jedne strane, ali i ukupne turističke ponude svakog pojedinačnog biznisa u tim okvirima, s druge strane.“ (Bakić, 2009). Vidna je komplementarnost i kohezija „condo“ hotela sa navedenim delovima globalnog koncepta strategije marketng menadžmenta turističke destinacije. Značajan element sa bitnom ulogom u sticanju konkurentnosti turističke destinacije u svakom smislu je prostor. Strategijski to je generalni i bitan konkurencijski obnovljivi resurs. „Prostor predstavlja osnovni opšti resurs postojanja, opstanka i razvoja ljudskog društva. Prostor jeste sistem, s osnovnim podsistemima: priroda, stanovništvo, ekonomske aktivnosti, javne službe (socijalna infrastruktura) i komunikacije (saobraćajna i tehnička infrastruktura i komunikacioni sistemi).“ (Bakić, 2009) Takođe u smislu stanovanja, prostor, mesto, lokacija, turistička destinacija može biti dominantan faktor kod domaćih banjskih i planinskih destinacija ili lokacija koje prepoznajemo kao pozicije budućeg primenjivog razvoja gde i gradske i druge sredine u potpunosti odgovaraju budućoj praktičnoj primeni. Bitan je način kako prostor predstaviti, prepoznati, urediti, očuvati, održavati jer se isti i organizuje, koristi, štiti, troši i oštećuje, čuva i obnavlja i isti se mora obezbediti i za dalje procese i dužu budućnost. Prostor kao bitan činilac konkurentnosti predstavlja i mesto opredeljenja i izbora određene turističke destinacije kada je u pitanju opšta univerzalnost „condo stila života“ Jedinstveni životni prostor je ujedno deo karaktera ukupne osnove bića „condo“ hotela te je značajno definisan u pozicioniranju i turističkoj tržišnoj tražnji i prepoznavanju indikatora konkurentnosti (Maksin, 2013). Navedene osnove strategijskih elemenata marketinga samo su temelj uspostavljanja najznačajnije prepoznate karakteristike i elementa: prepoznate i dugoročno (poželjno trajne) pozicionirane konkurentnosti uspešneog „condo“ hotela i turističke destinacije na jedinstvenom tržištu ponude i tražnje. Konkurentnost „condo“ hotela između ostalog treba definisati i usmeriti u dva osnovna područja generalnih aktivnosti i to: ◆ na nivou sinergijski uspostavljenog jedinstva svih činilaca na jedinstvenom makro prostoru turističke destinacije i pozicije „condo“ hotela (u okviru lokalnog, regionalnog i globalnog prostora) i ◆ u okviru hotela kao pojedinačnog privrednog subjekta kao direktnog i neposrednog izvršioca i pružaoca usluga gostu u konkretnom objektu, programu ili procesu. Tražnju turističkog proizvoda vrste „condo“ hotel i generalno turističke destinacije postavljamo u dominantan korelativni odnos prema primenjivoj i efikasnoj konkurentnosti na tržištu procenjujući rezultate u odnosu na konkurenciju. Osnova konkurentnosti turističke destinacije su više slojni nivoi, faktori i elementi. Višeslojnost konkurencije može se ogledati i u tome da se na najnižem a i najvišem nivou konkurencije odvija tržišna borba, od najmanjih tržišnih subjekata, do regionalnih, nacionalnih pa i višenacionalnih ili državnih korporacija na turističkom tržištu. Iz tih razloga se često pojam turističke destinacije, tako i „condo“ hotela, prepoznaje na području prostora koji se može definisati kao jedinstveno područje u smislu povezane tržišne sinergije koja daje i jedinstvenu i širu konkurentnu snagu. Jedinstveno je mišljenje da „osnovni elementi koji čine turističku destinaciju, odnosno destinacijski proizvod, i bez kojih se o njoj ne bi moglo ni govoriti jesu: atraktivnost, pristupačnost i uslovi za boravak“ (Popesku, 2008). U prilog tome je i saznanje da kvalitetan, prepoznat i tražen turistički proizvod mora biti osnova konkurentnosti određene turističke destinacije i stalan proces unapređenja i održivosti čemu trebaju da služe raznovrsne operativne i marketing strategije i politike. Uloga hotelskog smeštaja je nezamenjiva i može se reći u najvećem broju slučajeva dominantna, kako u razvoju tako i u daljem operativnom radu na destinacijskom, raznovrsnom poslovnom prostoru. Poznati su primeri privrednih sredina gde su hoteli oslonac i podrška ekonomskog organizovanja i razvoja (poslovni hoteli). Poznati su primeri hotelskih objekata i kompleksa koji su na direktan način uticali na razvoj konkretnih destinacija kao što su: Hotel Palisad i značaj za razvoj Zlatibora kao prepoznato jedne od najsnažnijih planinskih i uopšte domaćih turističkih destinacija. Takav uticaj takođe su ostvarili: na Kopaoniku hotel Grand; na Divčibarama hotel Divčibare; na Tari hotel Omorika, na Vrdniku hotel Termal, i mnogi drugi. Značaj i uloga organizovanog hotelskog smeštaja i rad „liderskih“ hotela, nemerljivo je značajan za konkurentsku pozicioniranost turističke destinacije. Vredan svake pažnje je univerzalan, opšte primenjiv naučni stav Majl E. Portera, o snagama koje upravljaju konkurencijom u turističkoj delatnosti, po modelu pet osnovnih sila čija zajednička jačina određuje krajnji potencijal jedne delatnosti da ostvari profit među kojima je posebno interesantna opasnost od novih konkurenata. Ozbiljnost ove pretnje definiše šest glavnih barijera i to: 1. Ekonomiju obima; 2. Diferencijacija proizvoda; 3. Zahtev za kapitalom; 4. Troškovna inferiornost nezavisno od veličine; 5. Pristup distributivnim kanalima i 6. Dražavna politika (Porter, 2008). Navedene barijere se najvećim delom mogu primeniti na hotelima vrste „condo“ u kom slučaju se mnoga pitanja uspešno rešavaju poštovanjem ugovorenog pravila obavezujućeg uvođenja menadžment kompanija koje upravljaju, vode projekte i potom operativno poslovanje u svim sferama i fazama rada na najprofesionalniji i potpuno odgovoran i komercijalno održiv način. Hotelski menadžment u svim fazama i modelima, konsaltinga, inženjeringa projekt menadžmenta, pre openinga, developiranja i operativnog vođenja projekta i poslovanja, kada je vođen od strane stručnih i odgovornih stručnjaka ili kompanija, davao je u stvorenim uslovima najbolje rezultate, što je dokaz domaća SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES hotelsko-ugostiteljska delatnosti u tranzicionim i tekućim periodima poslovanja i operativnog rada istih. Jedan od ciljeva uspešne tržišne konkurentnosti je konstantno unapređuje turističkog proizvoda i destinacije stalnim operativnim i izvodljivim aktivnostima, podizanjem kvaliteta, tržišne tražnje i ostvarivanjem planiranih programa i rezultata. Zadatak konkurentnosti je privući što više turista i gostiju, ostvariti bolje trendove poslovanja i prometa uz planiran rast produktivnosti kao bitnog pokazatelja održivog poslovanja i razvoja određene destinacije i ekonomsko životnog prostora. Navedeni ciljevi i zadaci nisu jednostavni, posebno ne u konstantnim i turbulentnim vremenskim intervalima i ciklusima. Na osetljivost turističkog proizvoda i destinacije utiče niz faktora i realnih uslova koji se prepoznaju od samog srca turističke destinacije, mesta neposrednog radno-operativnog prostora i ambijenta direktnog pružanja usluge, lokalnog i regionalnog okruženja do najznačajnijih i bitnih makro uslova na nivou nacionalnih ekonomija i globalnih političkih odnosa. 2.3. Međuzavisnost i sinergijsko delovanje indikatora konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela i turističke destinacije Prepoznata konkurentnost turističke destinacije nije samodovoljna činjenica niti saznanje koje će dovesti do ostvarivanja ciljeva i za pozicionirane hotele, posebno vrste „condo“, čija uspešna realizacija i uspostavljanje profesionalnog upravljanja od strane menadžment kompanije mogu stvoriti i značajne pozitivne predispozicije za investitore u projektima ove vrste. Vrednost implementiranja konkurentnog „condo“ hotela u domaću hotelsku praksu, stvara kvalitet i prednost prepoznavanjem između ostalog inovacija koje donosi i daljim implementiranjem modela rada. Kompleksna korelacija uzajamnih sinergijskuh aktivnosti, procesa i efekata snažno povezuju interese turističke destinacije sa hotelima, toliko snažno da se često mogu i poistovetiti. Ovakav uzajamni odnos međuzavisnosti i sinergijskog delovanja možemo prepoznati i praćenjem niza kvalitativnih, statističkih i dr. pokazatelja, zapisa i merila konkurentnosti a svakako i praćenjem uporednih indikatora konkurentnih rezultata poslovanja, određenih pojava, procesa i ostvarenih ekonomskih ili drugih efekata iz konkretnih i pratćih turističkih, poslovnih i drugih aktivnosti. Poznat je reprezentativan i uticajan Indeks konkurentnosti putovanja i turizma, svetskog ekonomskog foruma (WEF, 2015), koji validnim metodama analizira, istražuje i prati indikatore konkurentnosti turističkih, poslovnih i drugih pratećih delatnosti i pokazatelja u zemljama širom sveta, na nivou nacionalnih destinacija, iste rangira i upoređuje što ima direktan međuzavisni i sinergijski uticaj i na posećenost svih turističkih destinacija i direktnu delatnost hotelskog smeštaja, posebno „condo“ hotela. Indeks konkurentnosti prepoznaje više fleksibilnih kategorija koje određuju i definišu države kao turističke destinacije i u tom smislu predstavlja reprezentativan i uticajan izveštaj sa kategorijama razvrstanih podindeksa: 1. regulatorni okviri i nacionalna politika sa državnim politikama i merama u oblasti turizma; 2. poslovno okruženje i infrastruktura ekonomskog sistema i odnosa kao i 3. ljudski, kulturni i prirodni resursi koji u celini predstavljaju osnovne temelje turističkog proizvoda i konkurentnost turističke destinacije. 189 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Prethodna tri podindeksa čine 14 prepoznatih generalnih oslonaca, među kojima su između ostalog: 1. politička pravila i propisi koji uređuju politiku razvoja i ukupni regulatorni okvir; ekološka-enviormentalna održivost; opšta sigurnost i bezbednost; zdravlje i higijena; davanje prioriteta putovanjima i turizmu; 2. infrastruktura vazdušnog saobraćaja; infrastruktura ukupnog kopnenog saobraćaja; turistička infrastruktura i izgrađenost; infrastruktura informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija; konkurentnost cena turističkog proizvoda i usluga; 3. ljudski resursi; naklonost i opredeljenost ka putovanjima i razvoju turizma; prirodne lepote, bogatstva i resursi; kulturni i istorijski resursi. Navedeni indeksi imaju pun međuzavisni poslovni uticaj na hotele svih vrsta i kvaliteta a posebno „condo“ hotele koji imaju jasno definisan model rada. Ukoliko je upravljački koncept usmeren i na ino elemente (franšizni ili menadžment ugovori sa ino kompanijama i/ili velikim svetskim hotelskim brendovima) onda je jasna i puna sinergijska zavisnost i velike mogućnosti prema inostranim tržištima i korisnicima usluga. Prema pokazateljima TTCI za 2015. godinu Srbija zauzima 95 mesto sa indeksom 3.34 od 141 države, gde je Španija prva sa procenjenim indeksom 5.31 a na zadnjem 141 mestu je Čad sa 2.43 indeksna poena. Procenjeno mesto i pojedinačni indikatori realno i kompetitivno određuju poziciju ocenjenog ranga i upoređujuće odnose prema drugim nacionalnim ekonomijama ili posebnim podindeksima i kriterijuma vrste klasifikovanja. Srbija kao ocenjena turistička destinacija sa odnosom međuzavisnosti svih pokazatelja konkurentnosti, koje u najvećem delu možemo u potpunosti povezati sa ukupno ocenjenim pokazateljima nacionalnog, turističkog prostora u vrlo značajnom delu mogu se međuzavisno i kompleksno primeniti i na hotele svih vrsta. Oslonci pokazatelja u potpunosti su primenjivi na hotelsku delatnost kao i na „condo“ hotele, te ih je u tom smeslu potrebno praktično primenjivati. U delu južne i zapadne Evrope kao i na svetskom nivou Srbija je bodovana sledećim indeksnim poenima koji imaju pun korelativni odnos i na ocene konkurentnosti hotela u Srbiji (Tabela 1). 2.4. Direktno definisani indikatori konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela Kroz navedene pokazatelje konkurentnosti možemo procenjivati opšte prednosti „condo“ hotela u odnosu na ostale vrste hotela kao i druge konkurentne vrste smeštaja i turističkih proizvoda na određenim destinacijama i lokacijama. Kroz praćenje ocene indikatora konkurentnosti značajne su i preporučujuće mogućnosti uočavanja prednosti i slabosti kao i šanse i opasnosti (SWOT analiza). Indikatori konkurentnosti ogledaju se između ostalog u sledećim prenetim, opštim prednostima i indikatorima konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela: ◆ Zakonom definisani vlasnički odnosi koji omogućavaju jedinstvenost u domaćoj hotelskoj delatnosti, svojinu sa pravom raspolaganja imovinom upisanog zemljišno knjižnog vlasnika pojedinačne hotelske smeštajne jedinice; ◆ Uvođenje ugovorenog profesionalnog hotelskog menadžmenta koje u potpunosti preuzima odgovorno upravljanje „condo“ hotela, preuzimajući odgovornost za: organizaciju rada i aktivnost hotela u celini, postignute efekte ekonomskog poslovanja, brigu o imovini, plasmanu smeštajnih kapaciteta na tržištu tražnje i drugim ugovorenim obavezama; ◆ Mogućnosti novih investiranja uz samofinansiranje i reinvestiranje vlasnika-investitora pojedinačno, novih i već postojećih projekata uz otvaranje novih radnih mesta u svim oblastima hotelsko-restoranske Tabela 1. Pregled TTCI – Izvod iz bodovanja indeksnim poenima indikatora konkurentnosti OSLONCI POKAZATELJA KONKURENTNOSTI Prioritet putovanja i turizam 190 Južna i zapadna Evropa Srbija Indeks 3,83 Maksimalan indeks 6,03 Malta Svet Prosek regiona Evropski standard Srbija Indeks 4,98 0,65 3.83 113 Maksimalan indeks 6.03 Malta Minimalan indeks 2.45 Burundi Međunarodna otvorenost 2.39 4.25 Holandija 3.71 0.72 2.39 101 5.25 Singapur 1.29 Angola Konkurentnost cena 4.56 4.56 Srbija 3.93 0.54 4.56 78 6.62 Iran 2.57 Švajcar. Održivost životne sredine 4.08 5.63 Švajcar. 4.48 0.52 4.08 72 5.63 Švajcar. 2.82 Pakist. Avio-saobraćajna infrastr. 2.13 5.03 Švajcar. 3.74 0.99 2.13 102 6.75 Kanada 1.42 Čad Putna i nfrastr. Luka i voda 2.95 6.21 Holandija 4.83 1.08 2.95 98 6.45 Hong K. 1.96 Maurit. Turistička infr. i izgrađenost 4.50 6.83 Austrija 5.72 0.87 4.50 63 6.83 Austrija 1.90 Burundi Prirodni resursi 1.90 4.59 Španija 3.38 0.95 1.90 135 6.01 Brazil 1.46 Haiti Kulturni resursi & posl. putov. 1.61 6.69 Španija 3.13 1.95 1.61 67 6.69 Španija 1.02 Lesoto Poslovno okruženje 3.38 133 6.13 Singap. 2.36 Venec. Bezbednost i sigurnost 5.46 59 6.70 Finska 2.65 Nigerija Zdravlje i higijena 6.04 38 6.97 Austrija 1.97 Mozamb. Ljudski resursi i trž. rada 4.29 89 5.64 Švajcar. 2.30 Maurit. ICT spremnost (IT) 4.45 56 6.37 Finska 1.31 Čad Izvor: WEF (2015) i turističke delatnosti na određenoj destinaciji i povezanim delatnostimasa“condo“ modelom rada; ◆ Kvalitet održavanja uz kapitalno uvećavanje vrednosti imovine iz isplative investicije; ◆ Mogućnost prenamene u hotelsku delatnost izgrađenih a neiskorišćenih objekata i nepokretnosti; ◆ Usavršavanje i unapređenje poslovnih, menadžment funkcija i ukupnog kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga u delatnosti, posebno kvaliteta ukupnog hotelsko-ugostiteljskog i turističkog proizvoda što hotelski proizvod i uslugu čune prepoznatljivijim i traženijim na otvorenom tržištu; ◆ Značajni vrednosno poslovni i razvojni benefiti za aktiviranje lokalne zajednice uz povećanje zaposlenosti; ◆ Razvojne mogućnosti u održivoj i vrlo poželjnoj primeni koncepta JPP-a, u delatnosti; ◆ Značajni poslovno-razvojni benefiti za sve stejkholdere kao i druge opšte i pojedinačne pogodnosti. Proverenim i dokazanim kvalitetima na međunarodnom turističkom i stambenom tržištu tražnje kao i realno prepoznatim i primenjivim specifičnostima u domaćim uslovima poslovanja, indikatori konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela jasni su temelji inovativno prepoznatih i stvorenih prednosti i dobrih predispozicija za punu pozicioniranost i tržišni razvoj. Kupovina i svojina hotelskih smeštajnih „condo” jedinica u odnosu na standardno poznat odmorišni boravak u klasičnim hotelima i drugim smeštajnim vrstama ima jasne prednosti, posebno definisane kroz niz međuzavisnih i prethodno naznačenih subjektivnih pokazatelja konkurentnosti u odnosu na druge oblike odmorišnog smeštaja ali i stambenog boravka, kao što su: ◆ Trajna i maksimalna korist od imovine u skladu sa potrebama „condo” stila života visokog kvaliteta; ◆ Stvoreni trajni uslovi pravne sigurnosti poslovanja i investiranja uz najbolju tržišnu kapitalizaciju; ◆ Visok nivo ličnog kvaliteta življenja i/ili boravka uz obezbeđen stalan dodatni prihod; ◆ Najbolja usklađenost finansijskih, društvenih, vremenskih i drugih resursa u operativnoj realizaciji; ◆ Potpuna usklađenost izvodljivosti projekta u odnosu na odloženu i trajnu upotrebu; ◆ Maksimalan učinak uz najbolje realizovane efekte iz procesa implementacije i izvodljivosti projekta; ◆ Mogućnost boravka u izabranim periodima i po izboru dalji nastavak izbora korišćenja; ◆ Investicioni razvoj „condo“ projekta za vlasnike „condo“ smeštajnih jedinica značajno je povoljniji u odnosu na klasične hotele u pogledu ekonomskih efekata investicionog projekta direktno kao i iz daljeg tekućeg poslovanja; ◆ Vlasnici „Condo“ hotela kao i smeštajnih jedinica imaju smanjene finansijsko-komercijalne rizike u odnosu na vlasnike klasičnih hotela (Vukotić, 2013). Pokazatelje konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela svakako možemo posmatrati kao pozitivne i negativne, koji svojim karakterom, porukama, efektima mogu imati značajna dejstva. U međunarodnoj praksi primene uočeni su i rizici koji se mogu ceniti kao negativni indikatori konkurentnosti “condo“ hotela, kao što su između ostalog: ◆ Rizici izbora nekompetentne menadžment kompanije od strane „condo“ vlasnika; ◆ Preterano habanje smeštajne jedinice zbog prekomerne upotrebe, bez odgovarajuće obnove; SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES ◆ Obaveznost vremena rezervisanja korišćenja smeštajne jedinice i od strane vlasnika iste; ◆ Dugoročnost međusobno utvrđenih obaveza u „condo“ modelu rada; ◆ Mogućnost određenih nerazumevanja, otežanih komunikacija i dezinformisanosti. 2.5. Međuzavisna prilagodljivost i promenljivost indikatora konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela Pokazatelji pune konkurentnosti „condo“ hotela generalno ili pojedinačno posmatrano, mogu biti između ostalog: metod, način i proces radno-operativnog i ukupnog poslovanja uspešnog hotelskog menadžmenta; ostvarena poslovna i ekonomska politika uz punu tržišnu i ekonomsku konkurentnost; vođenje uspešne hotelske i destinacijske politike planiranja i razvoja; tehničko-tehnološka konkurentnost koju predstavlja moderna hotelsko-ugostiteljska opremljenost; envajromentalna konkurentnost koja je predstavljena u poštovanju najviših standarda kvaliteta zaštite prirode, okoline i šireg hotelskog i destinacijskog prostora; kulturna konkurentnost koja predstavlja visok kodeks destinacijskog i hotelskog standarda kulture svih formi i oblika i dr. Neophodno je istaći Kalgarijski model turističke a možemo reći i kompetitivnost hotelskih i drugih turističkih proizvoda i sadražaja, koji počivaju na vrlo bitnom procenjivanju faktora privlačnosti i odbojnosti. Stvoriti i održati uspešan kriterijum između ovih faktora merilo je koje služi da se iskaže bitna privrženost određenoj destinaciji i hotelima na istoj. „Condo“ hoteli i na ova pitanja mogu dati pozitivne odgovore ali na širem planu mogu biti uslovljeni već prethodno navedenim indeksnim poenima i osloncima indikatora konkurentnosti (TTCI ). Procenjujući privlačnost jasno se nameće potreba najviših nivoa prezentovanja i produkcije kulturnih, etno, tradicionalnih, istorijskih, poslovnih, sportskih, zdravstvenih, odmorišnih kao i sopstvenih programskih sadržaja, manifestacija i događaja koji predstavljaju turističke atrakcije i organizovane događaje. Sve to se može nazvati programima podrške i podržavajućim faktorima i resursima. U prilog navedenog govore i činjenice, da su najveći poslovni kapaciteti u skladu sa „condo“ metodom rada upravo i najveći odmorišni, resort centri širom sveta sa najboljim svetskim hotelima koji obiluju mnoštvom kombinovanih sadržaja, programa i događanja. Navedeni primeri ukazuju na realno velike mogućnosti „umrežavanja“ „condo“ hotela u okviru svih činilaca i subjekata na određenoj destinaciji u kojoj koordinaciji se stvara najbolji korelativni odnos u interesu celovitih faktora turističke destinacije ali i svih stejkholdera u „condo“ projektu. Umrežena prilagodljivost i promenljivost, odlika su svih sinergijski međuzavisnih aktivnosti u lancu vrednosti, posebno u procesima i fazama pozicioniranja „condo“ hotela, ne samo na destinaciji već i u ukupnom nacionalnom ambijentu kao i tokom daljih dinamičnih ciklusa operativnog rada. 2.6. Uloga „condo“ hotela u upravljanju i održivom razvoju turističke destinacije Mnogostruka je važnost i značaj uloge „condo“ hotela u upravljanju turističkom destinacijom. „Condo“ hoteli prepoznatim i inovativnim karakterom sopstvenih specifičnih vrednosti imaju posebne interese i mogućnosti uspešnijeg 191 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA pristupa svim upravljačkim pitanjima na destinaciji. Sopstveni i profesionalni upravljački menadžment „condo“ hotela stručnije i efikasnije prepoznaje sopstvene i šire potrebe destinacije, kao i umreženu sinergijsku ulogu stručnog i efikasnog upravljanja. Najznačajniji upravljački potencijal planski i sinhronizovano definisanih subjekata na destinaciji odgovoran je za ukupno i uspešno upravljanje, uspešnost u radu i vrlo bitan održivi razvoj, ne samo sopstvenih resursa već i turističke destinacije u celini. Održivo upravljanje i razvoj destinacije znači i ostvarivanje svih planiranih i neophodnih funkcija koje destinacijski i hotelski menadžment moraju ostvariti u cilju postizanja planirane tržišne konkurentnosti i svih stejkholdera, bez obzira na pravni, vlasnički i društveni karakter i snagu istih. To je interes ukupnog sinergijskog i međuzavisnog nastupa destinacije i turističkog proizvoda vrste „condo“ na tržištu tražnje. Uspešno i efikasno upravljanje od strane profesionalnog menadžmenta bitan je uslov ukupne uspešnosti rada i poslovanja „condo“ hotela sa značajnom sinergijski međuzavisnom ulogom u ukupnom upravljanju i održivom razvoju destinacije. Ako se organizuje i ostvari zajednički destinacijski nastup, prepoznaju pokazatelji konkurentnosti i isti adekvatno procenjuju i ostvaruju, utoliko su šanse za postizanje uspeha svih aktera na turističkoj destinaciji realni. Uspešno upravljanje i održivi razvoj između ostalog znače prepoznavanje i postupanje u skladu sa ocenama pokazatelja konkurentnosti turističke destinacije, hotela kao i „condo“ hotela na istoj. 3. ZAKLJUČAK Implementacija i uspešan rad „condo“ hotela, kao prepoznate i inovativne vrste hotelskog smeštaja na domaćem turističkom tržištu u svemu zavisi od već stečenih uslova i znanja koji su neophodna za punu uspešnost realizacije projekta i daljeg operativnog poslovanja na širem turističkom tržištu. Turistički proizvod „condo“ vrste u svemu prepoznaje tržišne zakonitosti i svoju uspešnost dokazuje kvalitetom dosadašnje međunarodne prakse, standardom kvaliteta i pravila rada na destinacijskim, tržištima turističke tražnje . Uspešnost rada „condo“ hotela u svemu je zavisna od generalno stvorenog poslovnog ambijenta, uspešnog i inovativno stručnog upravljačkog menadžmenta uspostavljenog u delu operativnog rada, sa visokim standardima kvaliteta i uspešnosti u struci i jasno definisanim vlasničkim odnosima. „Condo“ hoteli u svemu imaju definisan model i prepoznatu ulogu u tržišnom segmentiranju i pozicioniranju u okviru kojih dominantnu ulogu ima prepoznavanje, procene i postupanje po bitnim pokazateljima i ocenama tržišne konkurentnosti. Pravilnom procenom, primenom i kontrolom indikatora konkurentnosti u celini se stvaraju uslovi za uspešnu realizaciju projekata „condo“ hotela. LITERATURA Bakić, O. (2009). Marketing u turizmu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Čerović, S. (2009). Strategijski menadžment u turizmu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Kotler, P., Bowen, J.T., & Makens, J.C. (2011). Marketing u ugostiteljstvu, hotelijerstvu i turizmu. Zagreb: MATE. Maksin, M. (2013). Turizam i prostor. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Popesku, J. (2009). Marketing u turizmu. Beograd: Visoka turistička škola strukovnih studija. Popesku, J. (2008). Menadžment turističke destinacije. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Porter, M.E. (2008). O konkurentnosti. Beograd: Fakultet za ekonomiju, finansije i administraciju. Vukotić, J. (2013). Condo hotel kao inovativna i primenjiva vrsta smeštaja u domaćoj hotelskoj ponudi. Uticaj globalnih turističkih tokova na kvalitet hotelskog poslovanja / IX Međunarodni naučno stručni-simpozijum Hotelska kuća 2013 (str. 352-374). WEF. (2015). Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2015. Preuzeto 2. avgusta 2015. sa http://reports.weforum. org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness-report-2015/ INDICATORS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF “CONDO” HOTELS 192 Abstract: The success of “condo” hotels on a certain tourism destination, location and region is directly dependent on various conditions, factors, policies, organization and operating methodologies, proper analytical considerations, planning and management procedures with the most successful series of indicators that recognize and allow for full competitiveness on tourism market. The indicators of destination competitiveness of “condo” hotels are complex and important guidelines in recognizing and directing the necessary range of ongoing activities, processes and measures for the overall recognition, design, implementation, control and evaluation of competitiveness. By defining “condo” hotels and identified objective and subjective indicators of competitiveness, the diversity of forms and wide competitiveness of “condo” working methodologies, as well as the relationships that determine the place of application and performance assessment are clearly imposed. Prescribed rules and regulations for enforcement, business and working surrounding, the environment and working conditions, as well as general, natural, economic, political, human resources and other hotel and supporting programs are established and defined through indicators. The essentials of organization plan and use of wider destination hotel space, a series of activities for the conceptual work strategy and development of all categories are very important. In addition, the characteristics and conditions of implementation of program improvement and demand realization and “condo” hotel positioning and the offered hotel and overall tourism products are also considered extremely important. The strong interdependence and variability of the character and influence of various competitiveness indicators affecting the performance of “condo” hotels in real-life situations, time and processes, regardless of the type, form, position, strength and the level of established and applied value, indicate significant reciprocity and necessity to overview and monitor the application on a concrete example of recognized “condo” hotels on domestic tourism market. Key words: indicators, competitiveness, „condo“ hotel, interdependence, variability. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-193-197 THE IMPACT OF SUSTAINABILITY ON DEVELOPING STRONG TOURISM BRANDS Milivoj Teodorović* Singidunum Univirsity, Danijelova 32, Belgrade, Serbia Abstract: The paper presents conceptual study on developing strong brands in tourism from the aspect of sustainability and consumer-based brand equity. The study shows significant opportunity for developing strong, favorable and unique brands in tourism if the elements of sustainability are included into the process of designing, building, measuring and managing brands. Firstly, we present the overall review of concepts of sustainability, consumer-based brand equity and current tourism trends. Next, a conceptual diamond model is introduced for matching the major trends in tourism brands with dimensions of sustainability, consumer-based brand equity and consumer mind-set. Finally, an example of the city of Cardiff in Wales, United Kingdom, is analyzed and evaluated to further support the concept. The overall significance of the model for the development of strong brands in tourism is presented from several different angles, which, nevertheless, offers significant view into the subject. The overall benefit of the study is in opening new horizons and identifying new opportunities in creating strong brands in tourism. 1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we consider how the brands could and should be built using the synergy effect of tourism, sustainability and consumer-based brand equity. Also, we show that there is a significant opportunity for marketers in the tourism industry to create strong brands if sustainability maintained. A diamond model concept is used to show interconnecting relationships between tourism, sustainability and consumer-based brand equity. The paramount of modern marketing is that brands never stand still. They constantly move and change. The tourism industry is not an exception. It constantly moves and evolves bringing new opportunities and challenges along. Marketers should keep this in mind when developing strong brands. Creating and building strong brands is the ultimate goal of every marketer. Developing strong brands is the holy grail of marketing that brings substantial rewards to the companies, consumers, markets, industries and associated stakeholders. Brands have existed for centuries, however, only in the 80s businesses started to look at brands from the value perspective. As a result, the concept of brand equity emerged. Our paper takes a view of the consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) as a differential effect that brand knowledge has on the consumer response (Keller, 2013, p. 68). Sustainability as a concept formally emerged in the late 80s as an outcome of the Brundtland report commissioned by the United Nations (Theis & Tomkin, 2013). Other re* [email protected] Key words: consumer-based brand equity, sustainability, tourism, brand knowledge, ecological footprint. searchers (Huang & Rust, 2011; Thogersen & Crompton, 2009) suggest that sustainability is about managing limited resources. They think that resources should be more evenly distributed among the global population. In essence, the Brundtland report suggests that sustainability is a multi-faceted concept that in its basic form includes economy, society and environment. Later, the corporate world embraced this concept as the triple-bottom-line but, so far, fell short in enhancing the brand equity with it (Scharf et al., 2011, p. 79). Tourism, as one of the biggest and fastest growing global industries, is home to many strong brands. Many of them are in airlines, hotels chains, countries, cities, team parks, national parks, resorts, events, and etc. At the global level one in eleven people works in tourism. Tourism accounts for 10% of the global GDP, grows globally by 3.5%, which outpaces the global GDP growth of 2.4% in 2014 (WTTC, 2014). The study shows that future trends in the tourism industry, combined with the elements of sustainability, could play a significant role and present an enormous opportunity for marketers to build strong brands (Derouiche, 2012). The e-tourism, green or eco tourism, inbound-outbound, mission tourism and others combined with elements of sustainability are fertile ground for creating strong, favorable and unique brands. The city of Cardiff, Wales, UK is a good example of how sustainability elements are analyzed and used to reinforce the brand equity of the city. The analysis of the ecological footprint shows how it impacts the environment and consequently the positive image of the city in the eyes of visitors. 193 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA 2. BASIC CONCEPTS 194 The rationale behind studying and proposing the model, where tourism, sustainability and brand equity interconnect, lays in the fact that these three domains have tremendous impact on one another. Tourism impacts environment, economy and society in many positive and negative ways. It creates jobs, boosts economy and increases a standard of living. However, on a negative side, it burdens environment, local culture, infrastructure and etc. Therefore, marketers should view tourism as a ground for creating new and reinforcing or revitalizing existing brands. Also, from the CBBE point of view, sustainability represents source for building strong, favorable and unique brands. Further analysis reviews each concept individually. The role of branding: The power of marketing lies in creating brands. The power of brands lies in their brand equity or, from the consumers’ point of view, in what the mind set holds about the brand. Brand equity is constantly reinforced by the meaning of the brand in terms of what products it represents, what core benefits it provides and what need it satisfies. Keller (2013, p. 68) describes the CBBE as a differential effect that brand knowledge has on the consumer response to the marketing programs and brand activities. There are three major drivers behind the CBBE: the brand knowledge, differential effect and consumer response. However, the brand knowledge created by the past experience, marketing programs, word-of-mouth is responsible for customer perception about the brand. In other words, consumers’ perceptions about a product are highly dependent on the impressions of the brand associated with the product (Keller, 2013, p. 71). According to (Keller, 2013), brand knowledge is manifested via brand awareness and image. To build strong brands marketers must clarify brand awareness and improve brand image. Brand awareness is the ability to recall the brand and the probability that a brand will come to mind in certain situations. On the other hand, brand image refers to associations such as feelings, images, thoughts, impressions, perception, and experience that a consumer holds about the brand. In order to maintain brands strategic trust and direction many tactical changes are needed. The key is to convey the message to consumers that the brand is a better product but not different. In managing brands over time, reinforcement and revitalization strategies are necessary. The key to reinforcement is consistency, while capturing the lost sources of brand equity is a first step for revitalization (Keller, 2013). The importance of sustainability: The idea of developing strong brands without considering how environmentalfriendly they are and what impact they have on the society and the overall economy is a thing of the past. Obviously, a more holistic marketing approach, one that rapidly includes sustainability as a direction for future brand development, research and strategic activity, is needed. Sustainability, as a concept, first appeared in the final report “Our Common Future” issued by the “The Brundtland Commission” in 1987 (Theis & Tomkin, 2013). It was defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future gen- erations to meet their own needs”. The same report defines the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environment. The social represents “People” and its needs in terms of education, employment, healthcare, growth and the overall wellbeing. The economic or “Profit” is concerned with growth, profitability, market share, investment opportunities, markets and brands that satisfy the need of the “People”. The third pillar, “Planet” is concerned with the environment. A more holistic approach suggests enhanced model with entrepreneurship, culture, innovation and etc. See (Fig. 1). Figure 1: Holistic Sustainability Model Planet resources are limited as is their capacity to regenerate them. Currently, humanity is using 1.5 Planet to satisfy its one year needs (WWF, 2014). Also, the same report shows that staggering forty percent of the animal populations were whipped out in the last forty years. The changing tourism environment. In 2014, the global sector of the tourism industry (travel & tourism) increased by 3.5%, outpacing the global GDP growth of 2.4% according to (WTTC, 2014). E-tourism stands out among other trends as an example of mass customization that allows online trip booking and selection, bypassing the tour operators and standard travel packages. Other trends include new emerging inbound and outbound markets, sustainability tourism, mission tourism, climate change and alternative transport, social media, safety and security and workforce development. New emerging inbound destinations in Eastern Europe, countries recently joining the EU, Asia and South America are arousing interest of many travelers. China and India, with over a billion people each, are emerging as outbound markets. With the increase in disposable income, China alone added 57 million travelers in 2010 (World Tourism Organization, 2015). Sustainable tourism, also known as green or eco tourism is a rapidly growing branch of the tourism industry among those concerned with the negative effects that tourism can have on the environment. Weather patterns, natural disasters and the overall effects of the climate change may gradually become a significant factor in selecting travel and tourism destinations and options. Also, driven by the sustainability concerns, alternative means of travel, bicycle, scooters, bus, train, and short rather than long distances will become a factor in choosing travel destination. Mission travel is gaining momentum with more and more tourists looking to add-value to their trip. Many opt to replace traditional 3S (sun, sand, sea) approach with active participation in the activities such as voluntary work, learning language, culture, concerts, local cuisine and various achievements. Social media on the web-based applications and increasingly popular m-applications allow global communication among individuals on their experiences. The technology is turning the table around. It matters less what businesses say about their products, but more what consumers say about them. Rapid dissemination of information makes the sharing experience and experiential marketing more visible and important in the tourism industry. Finally, safety and security is of paramount importance for any tourist industry. People go only to the places and locations where they will feel safe and protected. Developing workforce is a never ending activity in tourism. It is the human element that creates a competitive advantage. Therefore, investments in human resources development will continue to receive a significant attention of stakeholders in the tourism industry. 3. SUSTAINABLITY-BASED BRAND EQUITY CONCEPT Keller (2013, pp. 73-74) points that the CBBE occurs when the customer has a high level of knowledge and familiarity with the brand and holds strong, favorable and unique brand associations in his/her memory. The sustainability enhanced model is in fact the CBBE model wrapped into the individual layers of sustainability (Fig. 2). In the proposed model, the major brand knowledge elements such as breadth, depth, attributes and benefits are enhanced by environmental, social or economic features. SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES tive reaction to the brand and clear nature of the relationship with the brand. The general diamond model captures the holistic nature of the relationship (See Fig 3). In order to look more closely into the model, we need to explore relationships between the individual elements of sustainability with the CBBE elements. Figure 3: Sustainability-Based Brand Equity Holistic Model Economic impact. The economic impact on the CBBE in the tourism industry depends in many cases on the nature and uniqueness of the individual tourism markets. However, a set of common guidelines is emerging, such as investing into the areas where business operates and returning the portion of the profit back to the local community, making contributions to preservation of the resources the brand is using, hiring local stuff and providing training, sourcing locally and supporting local community, tying the brand image to the local community, and practicing fair trade in the supply chain activity. See Fig 4. Figure 2: Sustainability Enhanced CBBE The diamond model conveniently depicts the many-tomany relationship between the elements of sustainability and the CBBE in the tourism setting. It highlights the holistic relationship that takes into account many dimensions and views of sustainability and their impact on creating significant brand awareness via depth and breadth elements. Also, those sustainability elements must create strong, favorable and unique associations of the brand image, posi- Figure 4: Economic Impact on CBBE Social impact. The social impact on the CBBE in tourism is concerned with the preservation of the basic human rights, child labor, the overall wellbeing of the local community, preservation of endangered species, and respect for the local cultures and religions. See Fig 5. 195 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA Figure 5: Social Impact on CBBE Environmental impact. The environment is the most significant and challenging element to capture and implement into the CBBE. Strong tourism brands must take into account the responsibility for damaging environment, conservation and reduction measures, benchmarking environmental performance, incentives for preserving resources, environmental responsible practices such as waste management, green energy, organic food, lowering water footprint, innovations in reducing impact on the environment, tour sizes, 3R practice, and the overall incentive for preservation of resources at each contact point. The relationship is captured in Fig 6. reduce the impact on the fragile environment. By doing so, the citizens of Cardiff can better plan their future by living more sustainably and in great balance with our one and the only planet Earth (Collins et al., 2005). According to (WWF, 2014), Cardiff’s per capita footprint is unsustainable 5.59 global hectares (gha). The same report shows footprints of 6 gha for London, 10 gha for the US, and .8 gha for India. The (WWF, 2014) shows that each person on the planet has on average 1.7 gha to go around. This means that citizens of Cardiff and most of the developed world live beyond its means imposing severe damage to the global resources. In other terms, if everybody on the Earth had the lifestyle of the people of Cardiff, we would need three planets to sustain our needs for one year. The study shows that 78% of the Cardiff’s footprint is related to the household consumption. The type of food, the way the heat and electricity are used, the type of travel, category of stores where people shop all ends up into the overall picture. The breakdown of the Cardiff’s ecological footprint is shown in Fig. 7. Figure 7: Cardiff’s Footprint Figure 6: Environmental Impact on CBBE 4. CARDIFF’S ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT 196 In 2011, the office of national statistics shows that the city of Cardiff accounts for one quarter of $7 billion revenue that Wales gets from tourism. According to (Collins et al., 2005) the city of Cardiff, just like many other cities in the developed world, lives beyond its means. The report reveals that consumption habits and effects are to blame. As a result, the ecological footprint was calculated for the city of Cardiff for two main reasons. Firstly, to measure the extent to which the residents of Cardiff impact the global environment, and secondly, to have a tool for managing and minimizing the impact. The objective of the study was to challenge citizens, organizations and households in Cardiff to come up with intelligent ways to use the resources to Tourists bring large economic and social benefits to the city. Around 10 million tourists, 30% from outside the UK, visit Cardiff each year. However, tourists carry a huge environmental burden in some cases up to 9 gha per individual. This is significantly higher than the average footprint of a Cardiff’s resident of 5.59 gha. The tourist impact is heaviest in those areas where Cardiff’s footprint is the highest: food and drinks, energy and transportation and waste. In 2001, on an aggregate level, the ecological footprint of tourists in Cardiff was higher than the footprint of its residents (Collins et al., 2005). On the other hand, 10 million annual visitors spend at least $2 billion, a substantial income to the city. Also, Cardiff is an important name on the travel map of many people. Significant level of the brand awareness and strong, favorable and unique associations that Cardiff holds are at stake if the footprint is not reduced. Tourist organizations, city officials and relevant stakeholders should work on reinforcing the consistency of what the city offers. In particular, they should work on improving the strength and favorability of what the tourists perceive as the city’s major attractions. Consequently, the major associations or impressions of the city features need to be preserved and reinforced. Inevitably, the city must factor in its ecological footprint into the overall equation of its CBBE. 5. SUMMARY As a result of this study, a local community is emerging as a way and direction for building strong sustainability enhanced brands in tourism. It seems that resources of the local community are the key in developing strong sustainable brands. Investing into the local human resources development, using local produce, stimulating local economy, recycling waste and utilizing short travel distances all favors back-to-the-local community concept. The diamond model shows the complexity and direction that marketers are facing when incorporating the elements of sustainability in the CBBE. Marketers can choose among economic, social and environmental elements in its effort to flash down the strategy for new brands in tourism or reinforce and revitalize the existing ones. The key is to provide optimal many-to-many relations with the elements of the CBBE such as depth, breadth, attributes and benefits. The result is creation of strong, favorable and unique associations, with positive response and clear relationship with consumers. The city of Cardiff is an example of how the strong brand equity of the city needs to be reinforced with the elements of sustainability. Unsustainable footprint of the city of Cardiff is threatening to deteriorate the strong brand equity the city enjoys in tourism. This study, at least at the conceptual level, shows great opportunity for building strong brands in tourism, when local factor combined with sustainability elements is included. Also, this study opens the door and provides guidelines for more exploratory research and analysis in the field. REFERENCES Collins, A.J., Flynn, A., & Netherwood, A. (2005). Reducing Cardiff’s ecological footprint: A resource accounting tool for consumption. Cardiff: WWF Cymru. Conrady, R., & Buck, M. (2010). Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2010. Heidelrberg: Springer. Derouiche, M. (2012). The Future Trends in the Tourism Industry. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http://www.ttgmena.com/Future-trends-in-the-tourism-industry/ Duval, D.T. (2004). Tourism in the Caribbean. London: Routledge. European Travel Commission. (2014). European Tourism 2014 – Trends and Prospects. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http://etc-corporate.org/?page=report&report_ id=57&subject=trends_watch&theme=reports SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES Huang, M.H., & Rust, R.T. (2011). Sustainability and consumption. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39 (1), 40-54. doi: 10.1007/s11747-010-0193-6 Keller, K.L. (2009). Building Strong Brands in a Modern Marketing Communications Environment. Journal of Marketing Communications, 15 (2-3), 139-155. doi: 10.1080/13527260902757530. Keller, K.L. (2013). Strategic Brand Management. Essex: Pearson. Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L. (2012). Marketing Management. New York: Prentice Hall. Scharf, E.R., & Cunha, H.C. (2011). Mindful Consumption as Marketing Competitive Advantage: The Strength of Ideology Toward Purchasing Decision. The Sustainable Global Marketplace, (pp.77-81). doi: 10.1007/978-3-31910873-5_45 Theis, T., & Tomkin, J. (2013). Sustainability: A comprehensive foundation. Houston, TX: Connexions. Retrieved February 12, 2015, from http://cnx.org/content/ col11325/1.38/ Thogersen, J., & Crompton, T. (2009). Simple and painless? The limitations of spillover in environmental campaigning. Journal of Consumer Policy, 32 (2), 141-163. doi: 10.1007/s10603-009-9101-1. Wales Online. (2014). Tourism worth £4.2bn to Wales with Cardiff accounting for one quarter of total, new figures show. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/tourism-worth-42bnwales-cardiff-1806919 World Tourism Organization. (2015). UNWTO Tourism Highlights: 2015 Edition. Madrid: UNWTO. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http://www.e-unwto.org/doi/ pdf/10.18111/9789284416899 World Tourism Organization. (2015). UNWTO Annual Report 2014. Madrid: UNWTO. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfront.net/sites/all/files/ pdf/unwto_annual_report_2014.pdf World Travel & Tourism Council. (2014). Economic Impact of Travel and Tourism 2015 Annual Update Summary. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http://www.wttc.org/-/ media/files/reports/economic%20impact%20research/ economic%20impact%202015%20summary_web.pdf WWF International. (2014). Living Planet Report 2014. Gland: WWF International. Retrieved May 9, 2015, from http:// www.wwf.org.uk/about_wwf/other_publications/living_ planet_report_2014/#.VgD5z328vcs 197 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-198-201 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON HOTEL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Dušan Borovčanin* Singidunum University, Danijelova 32, Belgrade, Serbia Abstract: In the market economy, corporate finances are certainly one of the key resources which are limited. The fact that financial resources are limited influences the limitations of a number of operations (acquisition, promotion, and distribution, sales) since there is no department that has no contact with the financial operations. Therefore, the proper allocation of financial assets occupies a very important place in modern business. A final decision on how the company should allocate its funds should be based on good assessment, which should rely on the previously performed analysis. One of the most common and most used methods of financial analysis is the financial statements analysis and ratio analysis. By bringing certain items from financial statements in mutual connection, via simple mathematical formula, it is possible to determine an overall performance of the company, measured through finance. The decision on whether a company should invest into franchise arrangements and management contracts with large international hotel corporations is one of the key dilemmas for the hotel owners. The franchise agreements and management contracts are the most common way of spreading large corporate hotel systems. In addition to the benefits it entails, this type of contract requires large financial investments. Justification of these investments may be the subject to the financial analysis. This paper demonstrates the comparative analysis of financial results between the four city hotels, two of which operate within international corporate hotel chains, while the other two operate independently of corporation standards. The analysis was conducted on a growing market by the number of international arrivals (Belgrade, Serbia). Moreover, this market recorded a noticeable growth of hotel companies operating under the franchise agreement or management contract. The research results are presented under the section Results and Discussion, while the conclusions and recommendations of authors are presented in the summary section. 1. INTRODUCTION 198 Financial analysis is one of the most important processes preceding financial planning and budgeting. Financial indicators are presented in the financial statements of an enterprise, whereas a broader range of data is required for the economic analysis. In terms of the financial and global economic crisis, more attention is devoted to rational use of limited resources. Thereby, it is believed that every company strives to achieve the long-term business stability. However, no one can guarantee such stability to the hotel management. In order to gain better understanding of the hotel’s position in the market, and minimize possible risks, it is necessary to perform the business performance assessment of an enterprise, i.e., to carry out the economic-financial analysis. Essentially, it is a method that combines several disciplines to generate results. In this manner, all interested stakeholders along with the hotel management, can gain an insight into the financial situation, business activities of an enterprise, its cash flows etc. * [email protected] Key words: hotel, finance, ratio, analysis, financial statements. This paper is a result of the comparative analysis of financial results obtained from the four city hotels (Holiday Inn Belgrade, Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade, Hotel Zira, IN Hotel), two of which operate using the brands of the internationally renowned corporate hotel chains, while the other two hotels operate outside the framework of international corporate hotel chains. The research was conducted in order to determine the feasibility of investing in the franchise agreements and management contracts as one of the most commonly used growth methods of international corporate hotel chains. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Financial statement analysis was performed for the four listed hotels for the year 2013. At the time of writing this paper, financial results for the year 2014 were not yet publicly available. According to the current regulations on the categorization, all of the four facilities are four-star rated hotels, which served as a starting point for making the comparative analysis. All of the four hotels operate as legal entities in a form of the limited liability company (Ltd.), and thus, the results of market value were not presented in the paper, since none of the four companies possess stocks. Financial ratios Financial analysis is based on the financial indicators that process data and information important for decision making after being engaged in a simple mathematical formula. For the purpose of this paper, we would like to emphasize financial indicators according to the classification made by Čerović and Spasić: 1) liquidity indicators, 2) activity or efficiency indicators, 3) indicators of financial structure, 4) profitability indicators and 5) market value indicators (Čerović & Spasić, 2014, p. 215). Financial indicators are used as guidelines during the financial analysis to determine the financial position of the company. Ivanišević defines financial analysis by saying that it ‘collects, selects, estimates and interprets financial data and other relevant information in order to assess the current financial position and business activities of enterprises, as well as its future performance’’ (Ivanišević, 2012, p. 19). Financial reporting in the most convenient way is defined by Jamie and Barry Elliot. We are bringing the interpretation of this definition by saying that accounting and financial reporting represent the art of communicating relevant financial information about a business entity to end users (Elliot & Elliot, 2011). Financial indicators for each hotel, classified by the categories as at the beginning of the paper, will be presented in tables for better visibility. Liquidity ratios Liquidity refers to the speed and ease at which an asset can be converted to cash (Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan, 2010, p. 22). Liquidity ratios are sometimes called indicators of short-term solvency, due to the fact that they are calculated by formula which includes working capital and short-term liabilities (Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan, 2010, p. 54). Thus, short-term creditors are those who are most interested in these indicators. The right value for the liquidity ratio is determined by the so-called operating cycle. Operating cycle is a period that starts from the moment an investment in goods and services is made, and ends when the goods and services in which the investment was made produce money in return. A typical course of the operating cycle of a trade enterprise, which is divided into four steps, would look like this: 1) Purchasing goods and products, 2) The process of selling goods that may or may not result in the cash collection, 3) Extension of credit and creation of account receivables 4) Collection of account receivables and generating cash (Fabozzi & Peterson, 2003, p. 728). Operating cycle is important in terms of liquidity for the simple reason that the longer the operating cycle is, the SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES more working capital is required to service the current liabilities. For the purpose of calculating liquidity ratios for this research, we used formulas presented by Ivanišević (2012), in his work. The results obtained are given below: Table 1. Liquidity Liquidity Hotel Current ratio Net working capital Quick ratio Holiday Inn Belgrade 24,90 712.143 3,33 Falkensteiner Belgrade 0,30 -817.327 0,26 Hotel Zira 4,16 100.118 3,72 IN Hotel 3,12 451.045 2,99 Source: Serbian Business Registers Agency (Financial statements downloaded from: Holiday Inn , Hotel Zira, IN Hotel, Hotel Falkensteiner) Based on the above-given table, quite different results could be observed. The most liquid hotel was Holiday Inn Belgrade, which had the greatest difference in net working capital, while the hotel Falkensteiner demonstrated some serious liquidity problems, as well as the results on the net working capital. Net working capital represents an indicator that commercial banks often use in the decision- making process of loan approvals (Krasulja & Ivanišević, 2007, p. 25). Activity or efficiency ratios Essentially, there is a great number of financial ratios. Due to their simplicity of calculation, they seem interesting to a number of economists worldwide. It is clear that everybody prefers different ratio numbers. Therefore, this paper attempts to point out those that are most commonly used. Activity or efficiency ratios give us the opportunity to have an insight into how some of the activities were conducted in the company in the previous period. For instance, how often the payments were made to suppliers, the efficiency of collection of account receivables, the success of management in managing their inventory, etc. In this way, we can have a better overview of some of the basic business operations performed by the hotel management. During the research, some ratios were calculated using the average values in places where we compared less constant indicators with those that are more consistent. The average value was calculated by taking the value from the beginning and the end of the year. Research results from Table 2 show different results. Namely, there is no hotel that dominates the performance of processed indicators. It is notable that Falkensteiner hotel and hotel Zira have lower activity and/or efficiency in comparison to IN Hotel and Holiday Inn hotel. The first two mentioned hotels have a longer period of day’s sales in receivable; Furthermore, they also have a longer average period of days’ sales in inventory and long payment average. Hotel Zira has a high turnover of total assets, which can be explained by relatively low overall assets compared to the 199 SITCON 2015 - FAKTORI KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKIH PREDUZEĆA other three hotels. Another indicator that does not demonstrate a realistic picture is the equity turnover from hotel Falkensteiner. According to this index, we see that the hotel is far more efficient in terms of fixed asset turnover, but it is again an exceptional low amount of fixed asset compared to total resources (which hotel loaned). Overall, the greatest efficiency is demonstrated by IN Hotel showing that most of the parameters are at the level considered as acceptable. While analysing the activities and management efficiency, the formula for calculating the ratio numbers was used from Čerović and Spasić (2014). Debt ratios As its name suggests, this group of indicators shows the ways of the company debt financing, while debt indicators are generally found at the liabilities side of the balance sheet. By analysing certain ratios from this group, one can perform better assessment of the financial position of a company. Therefore, debt ratios do not take into account business activities of enterprises, but only interpret their financial position and sources of financing their assets and activities. The same as with the previous indicators, debt ratios for hotel companies observed herein are presented in Table 3. In order to calculate them, we used formulas presented by Čerović and Spasić (2014). Debt ratios are very important if we want to provide an assessment of the financial structure of the company. In this way, we can observe whether the hotel is very dependable on loans and interests they pledged. The results in Table 5 show that the hotel Zira has the best financial structure. This hotel company has a relatively balanced level of borrowed and own financial resources, and an extremely low ratio of debt against equity. In addition, it very easily and efficiently covers all expenses for interest given for the two leasing loans the company pledged at Hypo-Alpe-Adria Bank and UniCredit Bank. Profitability ratios The ultimate goal of every investment is not solely the revenue grow or cost savings, but the generation of healthy returns, and that is what we call profitability. Profit margin is one of the main financial benchmark indicators between companies. Profitability is also usually the ultimate goal of any company (Žager, Mamić Sačer, & Dečman, 2012). Every owner is very interested in profitability of its company, which is why each company in the liberal-capitalist system Table 2. Activity or efficiency ratios Activity or efficiency ratios Hotel Accounts receivable turnover Days’ sales in receivable Inventory turnover ratio Days’ sales in inventory Cash conversion cycle Total asset turnover Equity turnover ratio Accounts payable turnover ratio Turnover in days Holiday Inn Belgrade 21,14 17,26 41,68 8,75 26,02 0,23 6,44 5,07 71,93 Falkensteiner Belgrade 13,13 27,77 7,41 49,25 91,56 0,07 2155,25 0,11 266,54 Hotel Zira 4,21 86,65 41,14 8,87 95,52 1,83 3,08 3,43 106,136 IN Hotel 24,30 15,01 78,78 4,63 19,65 0,28 0,46 3,37 108,02 Source: Serbian Business Registers Agency (Financial statements downloaded from: Holiday Inn, Hotel Zira, IN Hotel, Hotel Falkensteiner) Table 3. Debt ratios Hotel Debt ratio Debt-Equity ratio Interest coverage ratio Holiday Inn Belgrade 0,97 24,41 39,14 Falkensteiner Belgrade 0,99 26.084 -1,02 Hotel Zira 0,39 0,26 67,41 IN Hotel 0,51 0,83 4,53 Source: Serbian Business Registers Agency (Financial statements downloaded from: Holiday Inn, Hotel Zira, IN Hotel, Hotel Falkensteiner) Table 4. Profitability ratios 200 Hotel Gross profit margin Net profit margin Return on investment Return on equity Holiday Inn Belgrade 3,59 3,25 0,84 20,05 Falkensteiner Belgrade 0 0 0 0 Hotel Zira 0,20 0,21 0,46 0,65 IN Hotel 0,28 0,24 0,07 0,15 Source: Serbian Business Registers Agency (Financial statements downloaded from: Holiday Inn, Hotel Zira, IN Hotel, Hotel Falkensteiner) strives to achieve greater profitability. Therefore, profit margin is inherently linked to the profit of the company. The four indicators of profitability selected for this study, and presented in the table below, were calculated using the formulas given by Knežević, Stanišić, and Mizdraković (2013). 3. SUMMARY Investing in the hotel company requires adoption of series of complex business decisions. It requires high initial investments in fixed assets, well structures so that they result in a high return on investment over the medium term. Any decision on investing entails certain risks. Financial manager in a company must ensure that financial risks are well detected and managed (Brealey, Myers & Marcus, 2001). It must be noted that the financial analysis of only one hotel requires a serious approach, while their mutual comparison and the analysis of the effects to business decision making, such as whether to invest into franchise agreements or not requires more serious analysis. Presentation of results obtained during the research deserves further processing and they certainly cannot be sufficient criteria for making the final assessment. What could be concluded based on the above-given information is that although those are the four hotels classified under the same category according to the regulations on categorization, and oriented towards the same or similar target market segments, and given that these are the hotels with approximately the same number of rooms, we must underline that they have a completely different financial structure and business efficiency, as well as profitability and liquidity. What is surprising is that no hotel is singled out as a leader in all or most of the categories. Once again, these results cannot be the only and definite criteria for final assessment, but it can be concluded that in the market on which these hotels operate, the brands Holiday Inn and Falkensteiner do not have a decisive role in achieving the positive financial performance. What is certain is that international corporate hotel brands add visibility of the property, and brand positioning in customers SITCON 2015 - COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES minds. In addition, there are numerous advantages such as marketing, promotional, educational and other activities present in large corporations. However, the essence of this research was purely financial. Therefore, rather than stating a definitive assessment of whether or not the hotel should invest in franchise or management contract, this research should be taken as a starting point for future research in the field. REFERENCES Brealey, R., Myers, S., & Marcus, A. (2001). Fundamentals of corporate finance. Phoenix: University of Phoenix. Čerović, S., & Spasić, V. (2014). Ekonomska i finansijska analiza poslovanja preduzeća u turizmu i hotelijerstvu. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Elliot, B., & Elliot, J. (2011). Financial accounting and reporting. Harlow: Pearson. Fabozzi, F., & Peterson, P. (2003). Financial management and analysis. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Ivanišević, M. (2012). Poslovne finansije. Beograd: Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Knežević, G., Stanišić , N., & Mizdraković, V. (2013). Analiza finansijskih izveštaja. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Krasulja, D., & Ivanišević, M. (2007). Poslovne finansije. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu. Pokrajčić, D. (2011). Ekonomika preduzeća, principi i ciljevi. Beograd: Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Ross, S., Westerfield, R., & Jordan, B. (2010). Fundamentals of corporate finance. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Veselinović, P. (2010). Ekonomija. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum. Žager, K., Mamić Sačer, I., & Dečman, N. (2012). Financial ratios as an evaluation instrument of business quality in small and medium-sized enterprises. International Journal of Management Cases, 14 (4), 373-385. 201 SITCON 2015 - RESURSI KAO FAKTOR KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE KONKURENTNOST TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE SINGIDUNUM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIvENESS TOURISM CONFERENCE - 2015 DOI: 10.15308/sitcon-2015-202-209 PODSTICAJNA PUTOVANJA I POSLOVNI TURIZAM KAO ELEMENTI RAZVOJA DESTINACIJA GEONASLEĐA SRBIJE Milan Ćulić1, Bojan Zečević2, Igor Kovačević2 Predsednik Upravnog odbora u Centru za istraživanja i studije turizma i gostujući profesor, Sofija Antipolis, Nica, Francuska 1 Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija 2 Apstrakt: Podsticajna putovanja su važan segment poslovnog turizma i u fokus stavljaju kreiranje jedinstvenih iskustava za različite kategorije menadžera, pri čemu koriste različite ali jednistvene resurse. Geonasleđe se u najvećem broju slučajeva posmatra samo sa aspekta geologije i geografije. Koncept geo-turizma postavlja geonasleđe kao značajan resurs, koji može da bude tržišno valorizovan i kroz segment podsticajnih putovanja. Podsticajna putovanja imaju različite karakteristike u zavisnosti od profila segmenta na koji je destinacija usmerena. Rad prikazuje karakteristike podsticajnih putovanja i mogućnost kombinovanja sa geo-nasleđem. UVOD Predmet istraživanja rada je odnos posticajnih putovanja i geonasleđa, odnosno mogućnosti korišćenja geonasleđa u kreiranju kompleksnog turističkog iskustva koji se isporučuje tokom podsticajnog putovanja. Pregledom literatrure utvrđeno je da su ovi pojmovi posmatrai odvojeno, i da ne postoje akademska istraživanja vezana za komercijalizaciju geonasleđa na komercijalnom tržištu. Rad predstavlja pionirski u pogledu pakovanje turističkog proizvoda podsticajnih putovanja na bazi geonalseđa, prilagođavanje očekivanjima tražnje, razvijanje cenovne politike, kao i plasman na određene tržišne segmente u zemlji, regionu i inostranstvu. Definisanje koncepta i termina podsticajnih putovanja 202 Podsticajna putovanja su segment poslovnog turizma. Svetska turistička organizaija (WTO, 2007) ističe da su poslovni sastanci, podsticajna putovanja, konvencije i sajmovi, ključne komponente poslovnog turizma. Akronim MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions /Events) je alternativni pojam koji se koristi kada se govori o ovom segmentu (Rogers, 2003). Iako je pojam „mice industry” široko prihvaćen u stručnoj javnosti, vodeći svetski stručnjaci poput Davidson i Cope (2003) i Rogers (2003) slažu da ovaj pojam nije adekvatan da bi se njim opisao ovaj rastući i sve značajniji segment turizma. Getz (2008) smatra da su poslovni događaji deo event tourism-a. Prema Swarbrooke i Horner (2001) poslovni turizam obuhvata sve aspekte iskustva putnika na poslovnom putovanju koji borave bar jednu noć van mesta stalnog boravka. U Francuskoj se pod pojmom poslovni turizam (tourisme d’affaire) podrazumevaju * [email protected] Ključne reči: poslovni turizam, podsticajna putovanja, geo-nasleđe, valorizacija. samo ona putovanja koja se preduzimaju radi učestvovanja na kongresima, konvencijama ili seminarima (Chaspoule, 2001). Zemlje Centralne i Istočne Evrope u pogledu perfomansi poslovnog turizma rastu mnogo brže nego ostale zemlje članice EU, zbog mnogih konkurentskih prednosti koje imaju (Davidson, 2004). U ovom regionu poslovni turizam prepoznat je kao tržište nesezonskog karaktera, sa neelastičnim cenama i širokim dugoročnim potencijalnim koristima (Hall, 1998). Incentive Travel možemo definisati kao grupu poslovnih putovanja, koja se u osnovi sastoje od nezaboravnih i zabavnih putovanja plaćenih od strane poslodavca, sa osnovnim ciljem ohrabrivanja zaposlenih da savlađuju izazovne poslovne ciljeve kompanije putem postizanja individualnih i/ ili grupnih ciljeva. „Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE)”, podsticajna putovanja posmatra kao „Globalni menadžment alat koji koristi izuzetan doživljaj tog putovanja da bi motivisao i/ili odao priznanje učesnicima za povećan nivo rada koji su uložili za ostvarivanje organizacionih ciljeva”. Definisanje koncepta i termina geonasleđa Geodiverzitet su varijacije (ili raznovrsnost) geoloških, geomorfoloških i zemljišnih oblika, sklopova, sistema i procesa (Sharples, 1995). Pojam geodiverziteta uobičajeno ne podrazumeva značajnije procese ljudskog uticaja kao što su preuređenje - modelovanje okruženja, betoniranje i druge (Gray, 2004). Geodiverzitet se sastoji iz dve velike celine: geodiverziteta prirodnih pojava i oblika i civilizacijskih geodiverziteta (Lješević, 2002/2003). Geonasleđe predstavlja ugledni primerak geodiverziteta, a njegova učestalost pojavljivanja i zastupljenosti se iskazuje kao mali deo ukupnog geodiverziteta (Đurović & Mijović, SITCON 2015 - RESOURCES AS A FACTOR OF TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS 2006). Sastavni delovi geodiverziteta su stvari (objekti) koje želimo da sačuvamo za sadašnje i buduće generacije (Eberhard, 1997). Pod geološkim nasleđem je u Evropi obuhvaćeno i geomorfološko i pedološko nasleđe, s obzirom da ono predstavlja ili je nastalo iz geološkog materijala (Mijović, 2005). Pod objektom geonasleđa smatra se izdvojena specifičnost geodiverziteta koja zbog svog naučnog i kulturnog značaja treba da bude ili je već zaštićena (Ilić, 2006). Najrasprostranjeniji oblici zaštićenih područja i lokaliteta geonasleđa u svetu su: „globalni geolokaliteti” (global geosites), „objekti svetske baštine” (WHS - World Heritage Site) i „geoparkovi” (geoparks). Bogatstvo ponude i tražnje dovelo je do pojave novog globalnog fenomena- geoturizma (Dowling, 2010). Pojam geoturizma se stavlja u vezu sa geodiverzitetom i geonasleđem pod kojim se inače podrazumeva reprezentativni uzorak geodiverziteta od značaja za zaštitu (Gray, 2004). Geoturizam je fokusiran na promociju geoloških i geomorfoloških mesta zbog njihovih naučnih i društvenih vrednosti kako bi se osigurala njihova konzervacija radi njihove buduće upotrebe od strane naučnika, turista i rekreativaca (Hose, 2003; Hose, 2008). Geoturizam predstavlja proces prepoznavanja i davanja šireg značenja objektima geonasleđa koji bi trebali da vode ka njihovoj što boljoj i efikasnijoj očuvanosti (Hose, 1997; Hose, 2005a; Hose, et al., 2011). Geokonzervacija, u kombinaciji sa turističkom promocijom je ključan element geoturizma (Hose, 2005b). Geokonzervacija podrazumeva aktivni menadžment lokaliteta sa ciljem obezbeđivanja očuvanja kvaliteta (Burek & Prosser, 2008). Razumevanje značaja geodiverziteta za razvoj turizma može se posmatrati i u okvirima definisanja turizma kao složenog sistema, koji ne uključuje samo privredu i turiste, već i društvo i životnu sredinu (Holden, 2000). Turistički sistem se menja pod uticajem brojnih društvenih činilaca. To upućuje na činjenicu da promene trendova u društvu utiču na proces turizma. Na primer, promena potrošačkih trendova odrazila se i na turističko tržište, pa je tako došlo do pojave „novih turista”. Oni pokazuju veći interes za životnu sredinu, više su nezavisni, fleksibilni i svesni, nego što su to „turisti masovnog tržišta”. Trend jačanja ekoloških organizacija i pokreta za zaštitu životne sredine uticao je na proces zelene potrošnje, koja se potom prenela na turističko tržište i konačno ostvarila kroz razvoj ekoturizma. On se paralelno pojavljuje sa pojmovima kao što su novi turizam, zeleni turizam, održivi turizam ili turizam malog uticaja. Interesovanja i navike turista koji su u skladu sa ovim oblicima i vidovima turizma specifične su u poređenju sa masovnim turistima (Stojanović, 2007). Ovakav trend je prilika da se ovoj grupi turista na poseban način prezentuju vrednosti geodiverziteta. Problemi i poteškoće za razvoj geoturizma u Srbiji Srbija za sada nije učinila mnogo po pitanju razvoja geoturizma, iako poseduje geološku raznovrsnost i geoturistički potencijal. U poređenju sa ostalim evropskim državama u pogledu razvijenosti zaštite geonasleđa i geoturizma Republika Srbija je u velikom zaostatku. Među osnovne probleme svakako spada nepostojanje nacionalne geološke institucije. Nepostojanje osnovne infrastrukture za razvoj turizma u zaštićenim područjima, poput uređenih pešačkih staza, interpretativnih tabli, vizitorskih centara velika je prepreka i doživljajni nedostatak za potencijalne posetioce koji bi se čak i neorganizovano, neplanirano i neočekivano našli u blizini nekog objekta geonasleđa. Upravo je to uzrok pojave nemarnosti ljudi koji žive ili rade u okolini potencijalnog geonasleđa. Finansijska sredstva koja se izdvajaju za geološka istraživanja, izgradnju odgovarajuće infrastrukture i suprastrukture, prostornog uređenja, organizacije, usavršavanja kadrova su izuzetno mala (minorna) jer se ovakvi prirodni resursi iz prethodno istaknutih razloga (neznanje, neinformisanost, itd.) ne smatraju važnim i atraktivnim za veća ulaganja. Da bi geoturizam na ovim prostorima zaživeo, potrebno je pripremiti određene publikacije geološke vodiče, informativne prospekte, panele, video filmove, centre za posetioce, organizovati naučne skupove, muzeje i sve ono što bi bilo značajno i za komercijalni vid turizma. Takođe, je potrebno sačiniti i kartu-atlas geoturističkih lokaliteta i svih znamenitosti koje bi za posetioce bile značajne sa kulturološkog, ekološkog, geomorfološkog, biološkog, ili bilo kog drugog aspekta. Cilj istraživanja 1. Klasifikacija turiste na osnovu motivacionih faktora za putovanjima. 2. Određivanje nivoa menadžmenta u organizacionim strukturama. Hipoteze istraživanja H 1: H 3: Postoje potrebe za istraživanjem i konzumiranjem novih destinacija u oblasti kulturnog, prirodnog ili istorijskog nasleđa. Poslovni turizam i podsticajna putovanja predstavljaju model razvoja destinacija geonasleđa Srbije i mogu značajno da doprinesu njenoj valorizaciji. Uzorak Uzorak ovog istraživanja je prikupljen u Srbiji, u kompanijama, asocijacijama, nevladinom sektoru i akademiji i obuhvata 110 ispitanika. Na početku je prikupljno 163 upitnika ali je 53 odstranjeno iz analize usled nekonzistentnosti odgovora (davali uvek ocene; samo 5 ili samo 4 na skali motivacije). Polna struktura ispitanika je relativno ujednačena što važi i za starosnu strukturu. Metodologija Prvi korak se odnosio na selektovanje ključnih interesnih subjekata i kategorija koji, a koji pripadaju privatnom, javnom, akademskom i nevladinom sektoru. Za distribuciju upitnika i prikupljanje odgovora, korišćeni su distributivni kanali kompanija Stenton Čejs (Beograd). Upitnici su slati elektronskom poštom u kompanije koje su bile predmet istraživanja i čiji zaposleni su bili zamoljeni da popune upitnik. Anketa je sadržala podatke o dve kategorije varijbli. Nezavisne varijable predstavljaju: sociodemografske varijable, funkcija u kompaniji, profil poslovanja kompanije, učestalost organizacije podsticajnih putovanja kompanije, mesto organizovanja podsticajnih putovanja. Zavisne varijable predstavljaju: motivi turiste mereni anketom specijalno konstruisanom za svrhe ovog istraživanja. 203 SITCON 2015 - RESURSI KAO FAKTOR KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Prvi korak je deskriptivnu analizu (frekvencije, aritmetičke sredine) uzorka. Zatim je sprovedena faktorska analiza da bi se utvrdila latentna struktura motiva. Korišćen je Kajzer-Majer-Olkinova mera adekvatnosti uzorkovanja, Promax kosougla rotacija (koja dozvoljava korelaciju između ekstrahovanih faktora). Kriterijumima veličine ajgen vrednosti (>1) i inspekcijom Scree grafikona zaključuje se da je najadekvatnija trofaktorska solucija. Za testiranje sličnosti i razlika su korišćeni t-test, ANOVA i korelacija. Rezultati istraživanja U strukturi ispitanika gotovo je ujednačen odnos ispitanika na najvišim menadžerskim pozicijama, srednjem nivou menadžmnetna, operativnog menadžmenta i nivou neposrednih izvršioca. Ispitanici su na pitanje profila poslovanja kompanije davali različite odgovore koji se mogu kategorisati u četiri kategorije: obrazovni sektor (edukacija, fakulteti i sl. – 7%), javni sektor (javno preduzeće, osiguranje -34,5%), nevladin sektor (međunarodna organizacija, nevladina organizacija – 6,4% ) i privatni sektor (konsalting, prehrana – 46,4%). Kompanije u kojima rade ispitanici šalju zaposlene najčešće jednom godišnje na podsticajna putovanja (38.2%). Kada idu na podsticajna putovanja, ispitanici najviše posećuju destinacije u okviru Srbije (uvek u Srbiji – 39.1% i uglavnom u Srbiji – 29.1%), 20.9% izjavljuje da podjednako često idu na destinacije u okviru Srbije i inostranstva. Svega 3.6% ide iskljućivo u inostranstvo na podsticajna putovanja Na skali motivacije konstruisanoj za svrhe ovog istraživanja je primenjena faktorska analiza da bi se utvrdila latentna struktura motiva. Kajzer-Majer-Olkin mera adekvatnosti uzorkovanja iznosi 0.794 a Bartletov test sferičnosti je χ2(105)= 821.98, p < .001 što ukazuje da postoji dovoljno velika korelacija između varijabli da bi se sprovela faktorska analiza. Korišćena je Promax kosougla rotacija, koja dozvoljava korelaciju između ekstrahovanih faktora, jer je autor smatrao da će na pravi način predstaviti njihove odnose. Kriterijumima veličine ajgen vrednosti (>1) i inspekcijom Scree grafikona (Grafikon 1), zaključuje se da je najadekvatnija trofaktorska solucija. Preliminarne analize pokazuju da je najinterpretabilnije rešenje sa tri faktora koji objašnjavaju 59% od ukupne varijanse. U Tabeli 2 se može videti struktura tri izolovana faktora. Tabela 2. Matrica faktorske strukture za skalu motivacije (n=110) Pattern Matrixa / Obrazac matrice Component / Komponenta 1 Bekstvo od svakodnevnice i rutine ,844 Otkrivanje novog i nepoznatog ,799 Rekreacija i fizička aktivnost (pešačenje, biciklizam i sl.) ,792 Druženje sa kolegama sa posla ,654 Uživanje u lokalnoj gastronomiji ,639 Mogućnost interakcije sa lokalnim stanovništvom ,583 Pristupačnost u smislu cene ,575 Uživanje u estetici prirodnih bogatstava i pejzažima Upoznavanje drugačije kulture i ljudi Upoznavanje i učenje o kulturnom i istorijskom nasleđu Upoznavanje i učenje o prirodnom nasleđu 2 3 -,493 ,312 ,974 ,914 ,891 ,890 Mali broj turista (nema gužve) ,620 Bezbednost na destinaciji ,539 Pristupačnost u smislu infrastrukture i saobraćaja ,516 ,459 Zabava i izlasci -,400 Prvi faktor, u koloni 1, se može kategorisati kao hedonističko-socijalni motiv. Drugi faktor, u koloni 2, stoga može okarakterisati kao motiv za kulturnim uzdizanjem i edukacijom. Poslednji faktor, faktor 3, obuhvata nekakvu rigidnost prilikom ponašanja na destinaciji i može se nazvati i motivom sigurnosti. Tabela 3. Matrica korelacija između ekstrahovanih faktora (** Korelacija je značajna na nivou 0.01) Faktor 1 2 3 1 1 ,403** ,339** 1 ,111 2 3 204 Grafikon 1. Scree grafikona 1 Pošto je primenjena kosougla faktorska rotacija koja dozvoljava korelacije između faktora, može se analizirati povezanost ova tri različita tipa motivacije (videti Tabelu 2). Nakon što su izolovana tri faktora motivisanosti za podsticajna putovanja, sprovedena je analiza razlika ispitanika po tim faktorima. Najpre je analizirana razlika po polu ispitanika korišćenjem t-testa za nezavisne uzorke. SITCON 2015 - RESOURCES AS A FACTOR OF TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Tabela 4. Međupolne razlike u tri motiva za putovanjem (t test za nezavisne uzorke) Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t Faktor 1 Faktor 2 Faktor 3 Sig. Mean Differ(2-tailed) ence df Std. Error Difference Lower Upper Equal variances assumed/ 1,393 107 ,167 ,26449822 ,18991454 -,11198520 ,64098163 Equal variances not assumed 1,386 103,283 ,169 ,26449822 ,19077424 -,11384518 ,64284162 Equal variances assumed -2,921 107 ,004 -,54402559 ,18621923 -,91318350 -,17486768 Equal variances not assumed -2,925 106,487 ,004 -,54402559 ,18601871 -,91280632 -,17524486 Equal variances assumed -1,047 107 ,298 -,20048404 ,19156303 -,58023541 ,17926733 Equal variances not assumed -1,050 106,908 ,296 -,20048404 ,19100329 -,57912951 ,17816143 Tabela 5. Korelacija starosti i faktora motivacije Faktor 1 Faktor 2 Faktor 3 -,140 -,048 ,183 Značajnost ,147 ,617 ,056 Veličina uzorka 109 109 109 Pirsonov koef. korelacije Starost Pošto su ispitanici bili relativno ujednačeni prema funkciji koju obavljaju u kompaniji, sprovedena je analiza razlika po faktorima motivisanosti u zavisnosti od funkcije ispitanika. Utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na Faktor 1. Tabela 6. Analiza varijanse za faktore motivisanosti prema funkciji koju ispitanici ispunjuju u kompaniji ANOVA Sum of Squares Faktor 1 Faktor 3 Mean Square Between Groups 16,069 3 5,356 Within Groups 85,302 103 ,828 101,371 106 Between Groups 1,127 3 ,376 Within Groups 97,803 103 ,950 Total 98,930 106 Between Groups 2,620 3 ,873 Within Groups 92,802 103 ,901 Total 95,422 106 Total Faktor 2 df F Sig. 6,468 ,000 ,396 ,756 ,969 ,410 205 SITCON 2015 - RESURSI KAO FAKTOR KONKURENTNOSTI TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE Tabela 7. Post-hok analiza razlika (LSD) među pojedinačnim kategorijama funkcije u kompaniji (1 – top menadžment, 2 – srednji menadžment, 3 – operativni menadžment, 4 – neposredni izvršioc) Dependent Variable 7 (I) 1 2 Faktor 1 3 4 1 2 Faktor 2 3 4 1 2 Faktor 3 3 4 (J) 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error ,11153556 ,35783751 ,95804875* -,11153556 ,24630195 ,84651319* -,35783751 -,24630195 ,60021124* -,95804875* -,84651319* -,60021124* -,18928563 ,10272803 -,00868496 ,18928563 ,29201366 ,18060067 -,10272803 -,29201366 -,11141300 ,00868496 -,18060067 ,11141300 -,07978457 -,14692904 ,25420718 ,07978457 -,06714446 ,33399176 ,14692904 ,06714446 ,40113622 -,25420718 -,33399176 -,40113622 Sig. ,25005181 ,26050021 ,24200845 ,25005181 ,25822592 ,23955867 ,26050021 ,25822592 ,25044522 ,24200845 ,23955867 ,25044522 ,26774821 ,27893605 ,25913561 ,26774821 ,27650080 ,25651246 ,27893605 ,27650080 ,26816945 ,25913561 ,25651246 ,26816945 ,26081348 ,27171156 ,25242396 ,26081348 ,26933938 ,24986874 ,27171156 ,26933938 ,26122382 ,25242396 ,24986874 ,26122382 ,656 ,173 ,000 ,656 ,342 ,001 ,173 ,342 ,018 ,000 ,001 ,018 ,481 ,713 ,973 ,481 ,293 ,483 ,713 ,293 ,679 ,973 ,483 ,679 ,760 ,590 ,316 ,760 ,804 ,184 ,590 ,804 ,128 ,316 ,184 ,128 95% Confidence Interval/ Lower Bound Upper Bound -,3843832 ,6074544 -,1588032 ,8744782 ,4780821 1,4380154 -,6074544 ,3843832 -,2658283 ,7584322 ,3714051 1,3216213 -,8744782 ,1588032 -,7584322 ,2658283 ,1035122 1,0969103 -1,4380154 -,4780821 -1,3216213 -,3714051 -1,0969103 -,1035122 -,7203010 ,3417298 -,4504758 ,6559319 -,5226193 ,5052494 -,3417298 ,7203010 -,2563605 ,8403878 -,3281313 ,6893326 -,6559319 ,4504758 -,8403878 ,2563605 -,6432639 ,4204379 -,5052494 ,5226193 -,6893326 ,3281313 -,4204379 ,6432639 -,5970466 ,4374775 -,6858048 ,3919467 -,2464162 ,7548306 -,4374775 ,5970466 -,6013156 ,4670267 -,1615640 ,8295475 -,3919467 ,6858048 -,4670267 ,6013156 -,1169396 ,9192121 -,7548306 ,2464162 -,8295475 ,1615640 -,9192121 ,1169396 Ispitanici su se izjasnili ravnomerno po svim kategorijama što se tiče učestalosti putovanja. To je omogućilo da se testiraju razlike u faktorima motivisanosti, te je s provedena je analiza varijanse. Tabela 8. Analiza varijanse faktora motivisanosti s obzirom na učestalost podsticajnih putovanja ANOVA Sum of Squares Faktor 1 10,545 2 5,273 Within Groups 95,757 102 ,939 106,302 104 Between Groups 8,932 2 4,466 Within Groups 97,326 102 ,954 106,258 104 ,673 2 ,337 Within Groups 96,254 102 ,944 Total 96,927 104 Total Faktor 3 206 Mean Square Between Groups Tota Faktor 2 df Between Groups F Sig. 5,616 ,005 4,680 ,011 ,357 ,701 SITCON 2015 - RESOURCES AS A FACTOR OF TOURISM DESTINATION COMPETITIVENESS Tabela 9. Post-hok analiza razlika (LSD) među pojedinačnim kategorijama učestalosti putovanja (1 – jednom u nekoliko godina, 2 – jednom godišnje, 3 – više puta godišnje) Dependent Variable (I) 1 Faktor 1 2 3 1 Faktor 2 2 3 1 Faktor 3 2 3 (J) Mean Difference (I-J) 2 Std. Error Sig. -,53077649* ,22539007 3 -,79638152 1 * 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound ,020 -,9778366 -,0837164 ,24442096 ,002 -1,2811893 -,3115737 ,53077649 ,22539007 ,020 ,0837164 ,9778366 3 -,26560502 ,23161503 ,254 -,7250123 ,1938023 1 ,79638152* ,24442096 ,002 ,3115737 1,2811893 2 ,26560502 ,23161503 ,254 -,1938023 ,7250123 2 -,00954565 ,22722921 ,967 -,4602537 ,4411624 3 -,65089456* ,24641539 ,010 -1,1396583 -,1621308 1 ,00954565 ,22722921 ,967 -,4411624 ,4602537 3 -,64134891 ,23350497 ,007 -1,1045049 -,1781929 1 * ,65089456 ,24641539 ,010 ,1621308 1,1396583 2 ,64134891* ,23350497 ,007 ,1781929 1,1045049 2 -,10866191 ,22597387 ,632 -,5568800 ,3395562 3 -,20660916 ,24505405 ,401 -,6926727 ,2794544 1 ,10866191 ,22597387 ,632 -,3395562 ,5568800 3 -,09794725 ,23221495 ,674 -,5585445 ,3626500 1 ,20660916 ,24505405 ,401 -,2794544 ,6926727 2 ,09794725 ,23221495 ,674 -,3626500 ,5585445 * * DISKUSIJA Hedonističko-socijalni motiv je povezan i sa motivom za kulturnim uzdizanjem i edukacijom i sa motivom sigurnosti. To bi značilo da ispitanici žele da se istovremeno opuste i kulturno uzdignu ali im je važna i sigurnost. Međutim, interesantno je da motiv sigurnosti i motiv za kulturnim uzdizanjem nemaju dovoljno visoku (statistički značajnu) pozitivnu korelaciju. Ovo bi se verovatno promenilo sa većim uzorkom. Utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne međupolne razlike u zasićenjima na faktoru 2 tj. motivu za kulturnim uzdizanjem i edukacijom. Ženskim ispitanicima je važnije da upoznaju nove kulture, da uče nešto novo na putovanju. Nakon testiranja povezanosti starosti i faktora motivacije, utvrđeno je da postoji marginalno značajna pozitivna korelacija između faktora 3 i starosti ispitanika. S obzirom da je uzorak relativno mali, pretpostavlja se da bi sa većim uzorkom značajnost ove korelacije porasla. Ovaj rezultat ukazuje na to da što su stariji ispitanici, to im je važniji motiv sigurnosti. Daljnj, rezultati jasno ukazuju da što je niža funkcija u kompaniji to je manje važan he