REEDLEY BUDDHIST CHURCH P.O. BOX 24 ~ 2035 15TH ST., REEDLEY, CALIFORNIA 93654 PHONE & FAX (559) 638-2146 April 2014 Message from Rinban Nakagawa Calendar of Events 5 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) Asian Fest at Fresno City College Hanamido Decorating 7:25 am 6:00 pm 6 Hanamatsuri & Monthly Memorial Service, Parents’ Appreciation Program, and Luncheon 9:30 am 7 CBE Lecture Series in Reedley (Calvin Doi) 7:00 pm Buddhist Discussion in English at Parlier (Curtis Koga) 7:00 pm 9 12 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) BWA Bake Sale at Town & Country Market in Reedley 13 Dharma School Picnic at Woodward Park 19 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) 7:25 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 7:25 am 20 No Dharma School 23 Church Board Meeting 7:00 pm 25 - 26 FDSTL Conference in San Mateo 26 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) Fresno Hawaiian Dinner Pick up at RBC 27 Dharma School Service Jr. YBA Fried Rice Breakfast 7:25 am 4:30 pm 10:00 am 7:30 am 28 V & P Meeting in Fowler 7:00 pm 30 CCDC Meeting in Fowler 7:00 pm APRIL TOBAN: BWA - Area 2 - (Nishinaka & Kawamoto) Church - District 6 (N. Kimura & Hansen) Dharma Sch. - Doi-Wilson & N. Kimura ŚĀKYAMUNI BUDDHA, (occasionally ŚĀKYAMUNI TĀTHAGATA) Last November, astonishing news came in. A British archeologist group digging at Buddha’s birthplace have uncovered remains of the “earliest ever Buddhist shrine”. They unearthed a 6th Century BC timber structure buried within the Māyā Devi temple at Lumbinī in Nepal. Radiocarbon dating result shows this discovered timber was buried around 543 B.C.E. ±13yrs. This amazing result estimates for Buddha’s birth stretch as far back as 623 B.C.E., but many scholars believed 390-340 B.C.E. as well as the Buddhist record of 560-530 B.C.E. More amazing, looking at the world’s reaction to this discovery, many thoughtful people in 21st Century entrust this person who lived 2700 years ago with hope of a humane world. Buddha is a founder of Buddhism and we celebrate his birthday on April, whenever his birthdate really was. Hanamatsuri or Flower Festival is a service of rejoicing in which we commemorate the birth of Śākyamuni Buddha with decorating a flower pavilion and the rite of Bathing the Baby Buddha (Kanbutsu). Buddha’s life story is handed down to posterity in the beautiful fables, but we can receive some important messages from them. Buddha was born as the only child of King Suddhōdana Gautama and Queen Māyā of the Śākya kingdom. Ruling from the capital city Kapilavastu, the King and Queen were childless for some 20 years. Then one day, after having a dream of a white elephant with six tusks entering her side, the Queen became pregnant. According to the custom of the time, Queen Māyā was returning to her parents' castle to await the birth of the baby when she stopped to rest in a garden called Lumbini. In the middle of the summer season, the garden was mysteriously in full bloom. As the Queen reached up to touch the blooms of the Aśōka Tree, the baby was born from her right side. The earth shook in six directions and a sweet rain fell from the sky to bathe the body of the baby. Flowers bloomed everywhere and even fell from the sky. The newborn baby took seven steps, pointed his right hand to Continued on page 5 PAGE 2 A P RI L, 2 0 1 4 Church Acknowledges Dana 2014 Reedley Buddhist Church Maintenance Fund $20.00 Mrs. Ruth Sasaki $40.00 Mrs. Nancy Abe Mrs. Sadie Abe Ms. Kay Antoku Mr. & Mrs. Hitoshi Aoki Mrs. Nancy Doi-Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Donaldson Mr. Gerry Hada Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Hamada Mr. Harvey Hanemoto Mrs. Joanne Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Yas Hashimoto Mrs. Tstsuko Hatanaka Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hirahara Ms. Carole Hirakawa Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hirata Mr. & Mrs. Kan Ibara Mrs. Michi Ikeda Mrs. Kikuyo Ikemiya Mr. & Mrs. Harry Inn Mrs. Mary Ishida Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ito Mrs. Yukiko Ito Mrs. Eva Iwanaga Mrs. Chizuko Iwasaki Mrs. Toshiko Kawagoe Mrs. Sue Kawamoto Mrs. Helen Kimura Mr. Kevin Kimura Mrs. Setsuko Kimura Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Kobayashi Mrs. Nagiko Konishi Mr. & Mrs. Craig Miyamoto Mr. Mich Miyamoto Mrs. Yasuko Murase Mrs. Amy Naito Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Naito Mr. Michael Naito Mrs. Alice Nakamura Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nishida Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nishinaka Mr. & Mrs. Dale Okamura Mrs. Fujiye Okino Mr. & Mrs. Hideki Otani Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sakata Mrs. Nancy Sakata Mr. & Mrs. Susumu Sasaki Mr. Hideo Shiine Mr. Tom Shitanishi Mrs. Ayako Sunamoto Ms. Shizuko Taguchi Mr. Byron Taira Mr. & Mrs. Don Takanishi Mr. & Mrs. George Takasaki Mrs. Lillian Takayama Mrs. Yukiye Takayama Mrs. Kimiye Tanizaki Mr. Akio Tatami Mrs. Kazuko Tatami Mr. Johnnie Togioka Mr. & Mrs. Shuzo Toyota Mr. & Mrs. George Tsuji Mrs. Mary Uyeda Mrs. Ayako Yamada Mrs. Ellen Yamada $50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Iwasaki Mr. & Mrs. Kliff Justesen Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Nakagawa Mr. & Mrs. Ben Nobuhiro $70.00 Mr. & Mrs. Ty Tavlan $100.00 Mrs. Nancy Kimura Total for the 2014 Maintenance Fund $2950.00 (any additional donations will be listed next month) Mr. Roger Inn & Mr. Neil Inn - 3rd Year Memorial for Mrs. Mitsuko Togioka $20.00 Mrs. Toshiko Kawagoe - Ohigan Service Donation 20.00 March Monthly Memorial Service $10.00 Mrs. Nancy Abe Mr. & Mrs. Taro Asami Mrs. Alice Mori Mr. & Mrs. Ben Nobuhiro Mrs. Nancy Sakata Mr. Akio Tatami Mrs. Mary Uyeda March Monthly Memorial cont. $20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Inn Mrs. Chizuko Iwasaki Mrs. Nagiko Konishi Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nishida Mrs. Ruth Sasaki & Family Mrs. Hiroko Shimozono Mrs. Yukiye Takayama $25.00 The Family of Shigeo & Phoebe Hirahara The Masumoto Family $30.00 Mrs. Sue Kawamoto Mrs. Sayoko Otani Mr. Johnnie Togioka $40.00 Ms. Shizuko Taguchi $50.00 Mrs. Yukiko Ito Mrs. Keiko Sugai & Family Mrs. Sadie Abe $100.00 Mrs. Joy Donaldson Hana Matsuri Service, Monthly Memorial, Parents’ Appreciation Program & Luncheon April 6, 2014 9:30 AM The Reedley Buddhist Church will commemorate the birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as Sakyamuni Buddha upon attaining Enlightenment, with a family Hana Matsuri Service on Sunday, April 6th at 9:30 A.M. The Dharma School students will be putting on their annual Parents’ Appreciation Program following the service and a luncheon sponsored by the Buddhist Women’s Association and Dharma School teachers will follow the program. Please plan on attending and enjoy a day of fellowship! Enclosed is an envelope requesting donations for the Hana Matsuri Service. Please bring it with you to the service or mail it back to the church if you are not able to attend. Hanamido Flowers The Hanamido for the Hana Matsuri Service will be decorated on Saturday, April 5th at 6:00 p.m. Members who have fresh flowers in their gardens are asked to bring them to the church between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Anyone who is available to help decorate the Hanamido is invited. PAGE 3 A P RI L, 2 0 1 4 Message from Rev. Alan Sakamoto BINGO The game of Bingo was one of my earliest and fondest games played while I was growing up and going to different temple Obon festivals. I can still recall sitting and staring at the multitude of different prizes wondering which prize I would select should my card be the winner. But alas, more times than not, I found better luck at the dime pitch booth, or better yet, eating my way through a plate of chicken teriyaki. At least, I got something for my money! As I got older, I noticed that prizes gave way to monetary prizes or 50/50 splits. Then, the game of Bingo at Obon and Hanamatsuri festivals seem to have become fewer and farther. Yet, I know one can still find the game around. As a matter of fact, as I Googled “bingo and Buddhism,” the majority of hits seem to come from our BCA temples! Do you remember when we put dry beans on the numbers as markers? Or how about how cool it was when we got the cards where one had to only push across a plastic cover to mark the number called. For you Pro’s, you can quickly mark and stamp you way across many sheets. And, for those who go to the gambling halls, it is even automated where all you have to do is stare at a computer screen, and wait for the machine to “beep” to let you know you won. I had to do some research on the later! I think it sad that we no longer have those dry pinto beans to mark our Bingo cards. It harkens back to a more innocent time where all the Sangha worked hard to find any and every way possible to make money for the temple. Now, it seems that the words “too much work” seems to pop up in the reconciliation and justification of fund raising. The St. Agatha Catholic Church in Milton Massachusetts runs a weekly Monday night Bingo game that sometimes attracts as many as 400 people vying for the nightly $3,000 prize. Bingo accounted for approximately $1.2 million of the gross revenue in 2009 to the church and helped support its grammar school among others. Opponents of gambling site many reasons, and some even say that gambling is a sin. Like St. Agatha’s many religious organizations have become dependent on Bingo and raffles, yes, raffles are gambling too. The members who generously open their wallets to give are dwindling, and we see this trend across churches throughout the United States. A Catholic friend of mine even said that the same Catholic parishioner who puts $10 in the basket on Sunday gladly contributes over $100 a week to their Bingo games. It is not uncommon to see churches fund building projects and other fund raising projects through the use of Bingo nights and raffles. Gambling is not incongruous with Jodo Shinshu Buddhism! Shinran Shonin spent 20 years toiling to achieve enlightenment through his own efforts on Mt. Hiei. This Tendai Sect with whom Shinran Shonin studied, continues to exist on Mt. Hiei to this very day, and may even believe and uphold that monks should not gamble. In the Sigalovada Sutra, the Continued in column two Dharma School News Spring has sprung, and with it, beautiful flowers planted by the students to spruce up the church grounds just in time for the Crab Feed. The Dharma School continues to meet regularly, and we are so grateful for the willingness of Rinban Nakagawa, Rev. Sakamoto, and visiting ministers and ministers' assistants to help conduct services and accommodate our schedule. Classes are now busy preparing for the Hanamatsuri program on April 6th, when they will be sharing one of the Jataka Tales, "The Value of Friends." The following weekend, Dharma School families will be gathering at Woodward Park for a picnic and outdoor fun. Please contact Superintendent Nancy Kimura for more information. Thank you Dharma School for your hard work on Beautification Day! The church grounds are colorful and will be in full bloom for Hanamatsuri! Continued from column one Shakyamuni Buddha indicates that gambling is one of the six ways of squandering wealth. But in these early Sutras, we also see that monks should not get married, nor should they drink “intoxicating” beverages. Shinran Shonin was the first monk to get married and have children. His path led him to believe that he was no better or worse than any other person, and he himself was incapable of achieving enlightenment through his own efforts. He concluded that he had to rely on the Wisdom and Compassion of Amida! Especially those who committed the five gravest offenses and those who abused the right Dharma were grasped within Amida’s Wisdom and Compassion! We do not have to be holier than thou! We just have to try to be the best we can be and just be ourselves. Therefore, I encourage everyone to come to the Fresno Dharma Center on Friday, April 4th for dinner that begins at 5:30 pm, and Bingo that begins at 6:30 pm. We continue to seek donations and contributions so that we can build our new Temple, our new Home. And, I hope that we can rekindle the original temple founder’s attitude and spirit, to do whatever it takes, to build a new and proud temple for our current and future generations. Namo Amida Butsu Rev. Alan Sakamoto PAGE 4 A P RI L, 2 0 1 4 Crab Feed & Silent Auction Thank You! by Bobby Ikemiya WOW!! What a great turnout for our 10th Annual Crab Feed! We saw several new faces in attendance and from what I hear, they all had a terrific time. Several guests stated that our Crab Feed is the best around. Our unique and delicious menu is definitely a hit with everyone. With the stage removed (did you notice?) we were able to seat up to 240 guests in the Hall. The layout also enabled us to have wider walkways and more breathing room between tables. This was a much needed improvement for the All-You-Can-Eat crab eaters in attendance. Thank you to our members, BWA, Jr. YBA and Dharma School for all your hard work. You put in so much time setting up the Hall, putting together the Silent Auction, preparing the food, rolling sushi, steaming the crab, serving guests, cleaning up and so much more. Many, many thanks go out to the members, friends and businesses that donated Silent Auction items. Our guests had many fantastic items to bid on and take home. We also had many friends of our teens come out to help. Pang, Money, Breanna, Alexa, Kai, Austin and Nathan all pitched in and offered their help in the name of Community Service. They did way more than that and we are truly grateful for their assistance. Mahalo to Tracy Arakaki for stepping up last minute to play the Ukulele for our guests. He said he was nervous, but he did a great job. Our 11th Annual Crab Feed is Saturday, March 14, 2015. See you there! Tracy Arakaki entertaining on the ukulele CRAB FEED 2014 PAGE 5 A P RI L, 2 0 1 4 Continued from page 1: Continued from column one: the sky and his left to the earth and spoke the following words: Śākyamuni Buddha’s discovery of truth-reality, unlike observing many case studies of patients in the medical field, starts from observing the basic nature of human beings and establish the exterior vector within them for relativizing the everyday life. He showed the world the spiritual tranquility of Nirvāna by relativizing his true and real nature and guided others to reach the same state of ‘peaceful’ ultimate relaxation by re-constructing the frame of everyday sufferings as well as the chain reaction of hatreds. “Above and below the heavens, I am my own Lord.” We know the image of baby Buddha at this moment as a bathing Buddha and we should to know these words in the story is the first declaration of true human dignity in history. Śākyamuni Buddha is the only one who could share the Dharma into this world. He lived during the 7th and 6th Centuries B.C.E. in India. Born as a human being just like us, he too experienced illness and old age, and died at the age of eighty. The difference is that he attained Buddhahood during the last 45 years of his life. “Buddha” means “The one who has become awakened to the Dharma.” Dharma means “truth-reality” or “universal law.” It must work effectively anywhere and any time, transcending time and space. The Dharma is not like the law of nature such as the law of energy or the law of heredity. The Dharma, discovered by Śākyamuni Buddha, is the truth-reality, it is not an exclusive truth-reality for Śākyamuni Buddha only. Anyone can attain the same peace and tranquility as Śākyamuni Buddha by being awakened to the Truth-reality. Also, we must be aware that truth-reality is neither the creation of Śākyamuni Buddha nor other deities. As in the case of the scientific law that existed from beginning-less time, Isaac Newton only discovered the law of gravity by observing the apple drops. Although quite different, Śākyamuni Buddha and Newton both discovered truth-reality. Continued on next column Everyone had an enjoyable bus trip to The California Museum in Sacramento to view the Art of Gaman exhibit. Lunch was served after the tour. A small group went shopping, but the rest stopped at the Thunder Valley Resort andCasino before returning back to Reedley. Buddha once asked Singāla who was in the habit of worshiping ten directions every morning, “What are you doing?” Buddha started talking with Singāla and defined the relevance of his routine conduct skillfully. Buddha said, “Anyhow you worship, you’d better imagine your friends or family concretely.” He continued reminding Singāla, “Who are your friends? Is he a true friend?”, etc., and Buddha made Singāla examine his outline of everyday life, little by little. Consequently Singāla kept his habit to worship in ten directions every day. Otherwise, his feelings would become “just as if everything has been uncovered” and his daily life would be full of joy. Nothing is changed in Singāla’s outward appearance, but his everyday life changed drastically. The end of this sūtra, Singāla converted to Buddhism, but it seemed to me that was not the Buddha’s intention. Buddha’s intention was to show Singāla the method for re-reading the frame of his ordinary life. [from “Singālovāda Sūtra”] Rinban Kakei Nakagawa A P RI L, 2 0 1 4 PAGE 6 April Monthly Memorial Service The April Monthly Memorial Service will be held in conjunction with the Hanamatsuri Service on Sunday, April 6th beginning at 9:30 AM. Families and friends are asked to attend and offer incense. The deceased and seshu (observant) for April are as follows: DECEASED: SESHU (OBSERVANT) George Kikuo Harada Nancy Abe Yietaro Antoku Kay Antoku Tomichi Kawakami Betty Aoki Kitaro Asakawa & Mari Miyasaki Misa Hatakeda Yoneko Hatanaka Tatsuko Hatanaka Richard Yoshito Hirata Bill Hirata Roger Hiyama Bradley Hiyama George Masanori Hosaka Kirk Hosaka Akira Shimizu Eloise Ibara Shigeo Naito, Mitsuharu Naito & Mume Kawasaki Michiko Ikeda & Sets Kimura Shizuko Nakata Carolyn Ikemiya Chonosuke Ikemiya & Hiroaki Takaoka Joe Ikemiya & Toshi Kawagoe Fumiko Yamamoto Chizuko Iwasaki Charles Kiyoshi Iwasaki Larry Iwasaki Kiyoshi Kawamoto Sue Kawamoto Yasuzo Sakai Satoko Kim Sakano Ito Helen Kimura Tadato Kubota Ben Kubota Michiko Miyamoto Michio Miyamoto Tomo Nakagawa Sammy Nakagawa Jo Nishida Julia Ueda & Larry Nishida Tokino Kubo Kathleen Omachi Kazuo Jim Omori Nancy Omori Tom Minoru Sakata Nancy Sakata & Gary Sakata Douglas Sasaki Paul Sasaki & Susumu Sasaki Kimiko Shiine Hideo Shiine MinoruYokota & Chiye Yokota Keiko Sugai & Janet Quiroz Tomokichi Sunamoto Alma Sunamoto & Kathy Hamada cont. DECEASED: SESHU (OBSERVANT) Chisako Betty Matoba Haruko Tsuboi Suye Tsuji Ai Fujiwara, Koichi Wada & Tadahichi Endo Mitsuko Hashimoto, Kinu Yamagata, & Hiroshi Kawasaki Yukiye Takayama & George Takasaki Margo Toyota George Tsuji Ayako Yamada Ellen Yamada SCRIP PROGRAM The following SCRIP certificates are available for purchase from chairpersons Kathy & Ron Nishnaka and Mich Miyamoto. New purchases will be made this month. Please let them know if there are any new stores or restaurants you would like to see. Applebee’s Arco (gas) American Eagle Best Buy Burger King Build A Bear Calif. Pizza Kitchen Elephant Bar Food 4 Less iTunes Jack in the Box JoAnn’s Fabrics Kohl’s Macaroni Grill/Chili’s Marie Callender’s Mimi’s Cafe Rite Aid Ross Sears Sweet Tomato T J. Max Walgreen’s Town & Country * Available at services ARTICLES/NEWS All submissions must be made no later than the 21st of each month to be included in the bulletin /newsletter. We appreciate your help in adhering to the deadline. If your article or advertisement is print ready, you may email it to: [email protected] 2035 15th Street - P.O. Box 24 Reedley, CA 93654 Phone/FAX: (559) 638-2146 Website: Email Church: [email protected] Email Webmaster: [email protected] PAGE 7 A P RI L, 2 0 1 4 PAGE 8 A P RI L, 2 0 1 4