Pet Gazette Summer 2016 - Little Traverse Bay Humane Society


Pet Gazette Summer 2016 - Little Traverse Bay Humane Society
The newsletter of Little Traverse Bay Humane Society
Staff Spotlight
From the Director
Celebrating countless years of great fundraisers
By the time you read this, summer
will be in full swing. Summertime
in northern Michigan is a much
anticipated season for almost everyone I know. The days get longer, the harbor fills up with boats,
and the beaches are packed with
families; it is truly a magical time of
year. For those of us in the nonprofit business, it is also fundraising season. All the meetings and
planning of the last few months
LTBHS Executive
are now put into action. As we
Director Deter Racine
continue to celebrate LTBHS’ 65th
Anniversary, it is also a time of reflection on past events
and the people who volunteered countless hours to ensure
the success of the events that raised crucial funds to meet
our mission of caring for homeless animals.
dreds of animals each year? One thing is for certain,
these events would not have come to fruition without the
countless hours of volunteers, staff and board dedicated
to their success. And I won’t lie, the early years were
tough. Despite the hard work and late nights during that
time period, it’s been fun to reminisce with past board
members and volunteers about those early days and the
camaraderie that was developed during our hours spent
I’m so grateful of the support this community has given Little Traverse Bay Humane Society, the dedication
board members have shown and the commitment of so
many volunteers. With all of us working together over
the years, we have literally saved the lives of thousands
of homeless animals. We are all making a tremendous
difference to so many!
On the cover: Shelter dogs Buddy and Mocha take a ride around
the harbor on Stafford’s Pointer boat. Mocha has since found a
forever home. Thank you to Stafford’s
Q: When did you start working for LTBHS and why?
A: I started in the summer of 2009 and have always had a passion for animals. I grew
up participating in 4H and we always had animals growing up. I’ve always enjoyed being
around them and getting to know their personalities.
Q: Have you had any favorite shelter animals over the years?
Sara Meyer, LTBHS Shelter
Operations Manager, has
been with the organization for
seven years.
A: Linus and Lucy were two kittens that I fostered. I got them when they were only
about a week old and they didn’t have a mom. I set my alarm each night to get up every
two hours to hand feed them from a syringe until they were about 10 weeks old. One of our longtime supporters, Dee Macy,
decided to adopt Linus, but when she came to pick him up at the shelter, Lucy jumped into her cat carrier and refused to get
out. She ended up adopting them both and I’m so thrilled that they went to a wonderful home together.
Q: Any favorite memories over the years?
Staff Spotlight: Teresa Chaney
Teresa Chaney has been the organization’s Events and Volunteer Coordinator for the
past five years. Teresa is responsible for coordinating and facilitating all events and
building the volunteer program while also cultivating relationships with donors and
Q: When did you start working for LTBHS and why?
Howl at the Moon is one of the organization’s
earliest events and it has become the most
successful! Pictured above, Deter spends time
with her father, Jerry Racine at Howl at the Moon
in 2006. Jerry has attended Howl at the Moon
for a number of years, serving his famous and
much-loved Deter’s Dad’s Perch.
LTBHS Board Members
William (Bill) Savard, President
Bob Hull, Vice President
Rick Bolton, Treasurer
Gayle Mroczkowski, Secretary
Sara Meyer serves as the LTBHS Shelter Operations Manager and has been with the
organization for seven years. She is responsible for overseeing all Animal Care Attendants and insuring high customer service and cleanliness standards for the organization.
A: Ginger’s adoption last Christmas was my favorite! She had been with us for so long and had such a sweet personality.
She was patiently waiting for the perfect family, and when she found them we were all so happy for her. I was home sick at
the time so when I watched the video of her in her new home online, it brought me to tears. Stories like hers are the reason
we do what we do here.
Of course, our largest and longest standing event is Howl
at the Moon. As you will read in this issue, Howl was not
always the ‘sold out’ event we experience today. There
were many years when we only had 80 RSVP’s on the
morning of the event and as you can imagine, there were
adjustments we had to make as the day progressed to accommodate the growing number of attendees. I hope you
enjoy reading the stories and the struggles we experienced
as this fundraiser was going through its growing pains.
Throughout the years there are numerous events that have
come and gone as we have tried to keep our ideas new
and fresh. Some like the “Dog Look a Like” contest and
the LTBHS Fashion Show were community favorites and
were around for years, while others like “Viva Las Vegas”
and the golf scramble were one shot wonders.
Regardless of the event, the intention has always been the
same: how do we raise the funds we need to care for hun-
Staff Spotlight: Sara Meyer
Gordon Ford, Jr.
Lori Jodar
William (Bill) McKinley
Beth Skau
A: I started working at LTBHS January 2011 just in time to jump headfirst into my first event,
the Grateful Snowshoe Benefit. When I heard of an opening at LTBHS for an Events Coordinator I knew it would be a perfect fit for me. My love for animals and prior involvement with
fundraising gave me a good foundation for the position.
Teresa Chaney serves as the
LTBHS Events and Volunteer
Coordinator and has been with
the organization for five years.
Q: What do you enjoy most about working at LTBHS?
A: My favorite part of working at LTBHS is knowing that I play a small part in saving lives
of our furry friends. I also like orchestrating events, entertaining and making sure our donors
are enjoying every event they attend, and of course, raising the much needed funds.
Q: How many animals have you adopted over the years?
A: My husband and I adopted Jack, our handsome parti-mix Cocker Spaniel, eight years ago, and we added his sweet sister, Pebbles, another Cocker Spaniel, to our family three years ago. We were very reluctant to open our hearts to new family
members after our beloved dog, Buck, passed but Jack solved that problem by sitting in front of me while I petted him and just
melted our hearts. We are so grateful that these wonderful pups are part of our family!
Feature Story
Feature Story
Life’s a Party
Pictured above, top row (l-r): LTBHS has hosted a number of great events over the years, including the much-loved Howl at the Moon. Staff
pause for a photo with shelter dogs at the annual Cause for Paws fundraiser, a private house party, which is always a lot of fun. Pictured
above, bottom row (l-r): BBQ picnics were one of the ways the shelter raised funds in the early days. The Dog Look-A-Like Contest was a
popular event every year on the Fourth of July. B.J. Mogg pictured with Stafford Smith and former Executive Director Alice Kneipp (who later
served as a Board Member), was instrumental in establishing the LTBHS Auxiliary which hosted numerous events in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
Pictured above, top row (l-r): The Big Dog show was a fun, 10-day long event that raised funds and awareness for the shelter animals.
James Fabiano, LTBHS staff member Jane Balmer and former Board Member Dave Balok enjoy Cause for Paws. Winners of the Dog
Look-A-Like Contest rode in the Harbor Springs Fourth of July parade each year. Pictured above, bottom row (l-r): Howl at the Moon
has been a popular event since it started in 1998. The Grateful Dog Walk took place each spring for many years. Jim Miller, serves as
auctioneer at Howl at the Moon each year.
As you know from the past two issues of the Pet Gazette, we are celebrating our 65th anniversary in 2016 by looking back on
the history of the organization. Summer at LTBHS wouldn’t be what it is without the fantastic events that raise much-needed
revenue for the homeless animals in our care. In this issue, we look back at some of the events that have come and gone
and others that stuck around to become much-loved and anticipated favorites. Of course, these events would be nothing
if not for the people who attend them and support us! We are grateful to everyone who have attended our events over the
years, in addition to the dedicated volunteers, staff and board members who have made them a success.
According to past Auxiliary member, Marge Green, these
events were a fun way for the community to support the
We may be biased at Little Traverse Bay Humane Society, but we
think we throw one heck of a good party. Throughout the year, we
host several events that raise awareness and funds for the homeless
animals in our care, but its summertime that we really enter into full
fundraiser mode. In the 65 years since our inception, the organization has held many events, some have been one-hit wonders, and
others that have gone on to become yearly traditions.
s the organization has grown and changed
over the decades, so have the events. In
the 1950’s and 1960’s, when the shelter was
located on US 31 in Petoskey and just getting established, sit down dinners and BBQ picnics were a
popular way to raise funds for the animals. In the 1980’s,
the LTBHS Auxiliary was established under the leadership
of the late BJ Mogg, who was instrumental in organizing
and implementing many of the organization’s events at
the time. The group hosted annual fashion shows, which
were popular and well attended. The Auxiliary also created the much-loved Dog Look-A-Like Contest, held downtown Harbor Springs on the Fourth of July for many years.
“We used to meet every week or so, and it was a great
group. I really enjoyed being part of it,” Green said. “I
remember the Dog Look-A-Like Contest was so much fun
every year. People would come downtown dressed up in
fur coats and fluffy clothing so they could look like their
dog. People just loved it!”
Green noted that the Auxiliary was successful in helping
expose the community to what was happening at the shelter and raise awareness for the animals.
Continued on page 6
Feature Story
“Everyone worked so hard to contribute so that we could
help all of those animals,” she recalled. “The fashion
shows were always fun, and I also remember one year
that we had an evening event that was just packed! There
were many silent auction items and good food and drinks.
Everyone had a great time and went home happy.”
“I have a lot of respect for the Humane Society,” Green
continued. “I’m very proud of everyone who works therethey do such a great job of caring for those animals.”
Caring for the animals is exactly the reason LTBHS continues to host a number of events throughout the year
and was the reason two past Board Members became
involved with the organization. Diana Throckmorton and
Dave Balok, who both served on the Board for nine years,
were instrumental in changing the direction of the organization and helping it transition to where it is today. Prior
to becoming LTBHS Executive Director, Deter Racine also
joined the Board around the same time, with the hope of
helping make some positive changes around the shelter,
which had fallen into disrepair over the years.
“Deter and I sort of shook things up a bit when we joined
the Board,” Balok remembers. “The shelter was in bad
shape at the time and things needed to change. Deter
and I started asking the hard questions so that everyone was held accountable, and that wasn’t always easy.
Diana joined shortly after, and we really started making
some headway from there.”
“It was very different than it is now when I came on the
board in 1997,” Throckmorton added. “It was a darker
time, honestly. We were just getting by and it was frustrat-
Feature Story
ing because there was no foundation for the organization
like there is today. I knew it was time for a change within
the organization. We’d been stuck in the old ways for
too long. I believed we could have something better and
knew we would have something better in the future.”
During this time, the organization’s focus was less on being a community resource as they are today and more
on caring for the animals and keeping the lights on. The
group inched forward to improve the situation of the organization and with that came numerous fundraising
events. These not only sustained the shelter operations,
but would also eventually be used for the construction of
the new shelter.
Howl at the Moon, which is a well-loved event of the organization today, was started in 1998, with the initial intent to
raise substantial funds to renovate the old shelter on US
31. The focus shifted to constructing a new shelter when
Deter came on as the Executive Director.
“The first Howl at the Moon took place in 1998 in Bay Harbor, and it was huge!” Throckmorton said. “We received a
very generous challenge grant from Jack Harris, who said
if we could raise $50,000, he would match it. We ended
up raising $51,000, and we were thrilled! The event was
very different than it is today, though. It took place over
most of the day and it was more like an open house.”
Proceeds from Howl at the Moon went to the organization’s building fund and the new shelter was completed
in 2001. Once the new shelter was completed, it was
important that fundraising events continued so that the
organization could keep its doors open and maintain operational revenue.
The Auxiliary disbanded around
this time, and the staff took over
some of the group’s events, such
as the Dog Look-A-Like Contest.
Though it was a community favorite, it was difficult to facilitate
since staff members had to arrive
at the shelter extra early on July
4th to clean and feed the animals, drive downtown to run the
event, and then hurry back to the
shelter to continue caring for the
animals. It eventually became
difficult to coordinate and raised
minimal funds, so the decision
was made to cancel the event.
Pictured above: Former LTBHS Auxilery member, Marge Green, sits with her beloved collie,
T.C. Marge was an Auxiliary member and participated in several LTBHS events over the years.
Howl at the Moon was one event
that continued to grow each year,
and has taken place at a number
of establishments including Bay Harbor, The Country Club
of Boyne, Harbor Point Golf Club, True North Golf Club
and most recently, the hanger at the Harbor Springs Airport. This year, it will take place at Nub’s Nob. According
to Deter Racine, there have been some challenges and
growing pains as the event has expanded over the years.
“I remember it being our second year at Harbor Point, and
the day before Howl, people started calling and purchasing tickets like crazy,” Racine said. “Eventually, we were
up to around 320 people, which was great, but ended up
being a problem, because at this many, we knew there
wouldn’t be enough food!”
Luckily Racine had the perfect solution: she called her
dad. He promised to fry up some delicious perch, which
would help alleviate the issue of not having enough food
that evening. It was this year that Deter’s Dad’s Perch
was born, which continues to be a much-loved part of
Howl at the Moon each year.
There were a number of other events that came and
went, and a few that have continued to this day. One
year, a golf scramble was held, and another year, a Las
Vegas-themed party provided a lot of fun for attendees.
Cause for Paws was (and continues to be) an important
fundraiser, Racine said.
“Over the years, we’d have money from grants and donations, but it was the events that really helped us keep
our doors open,” she explained. “When Cause was introduced, it was a big weight lifted off our shoulders. Having
a major donor come to us and offer their home for a party
really made a huge difference in our fundraising revenue.”
Pictured above: Fashion shows were a popular fundraiser in the
1980’s and 1990’s when the LTBHS Auxiliary organized many of
the shelter’s events.
Racine noted that one of her personal favorite one-time
events was when Cathy and Mark Bissell sponsored to
bring the Big Dog Show to Harbor Springs, which entailed
eight foot sculptures by artist Dale Rogers, placed throughout Zorn Park. Various activities and events were spread
out over the 10 days the sculptures were in town, which
not only raised funds for the shelter, but awareness,
Perhaps most importantly, it is the supporters of
these events over the years that have made them
successful. LTBHS is incredibly fortunate to have
a generous community of donors who support the
mission of the organization which ensures that the
animals receive the best care possible and the
second chances they deserve.
Pictured above: The Dog Look-A-Like Contest took place every Fourth of
July for several years in downtown Harbor Springs.
“I think it’s important to note that success breeds
success,” Balok said. “When people see something efficiently run, other people want to be part
of that. Fundraising events are incredibly important, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have a
successful organization that people truly want to
support, you’ll get nowhere. So many contributors have made this place what it is today, and we
wouldn’t be where we are without them.”
Empty the Shelters Day
Empty the Shelters Day
Empty shelters...
Full hearts
On Saturday, May 7, the Bissell Pet Foundation hosted a
state-wide Empty the Shelters Day, where they paid the
adoption fees at 23 shelters across the state. LTBHS was
fortunate enough to be asked to participate in this exciting
event. On this day alone, we found homes for 19 animals,
which is amazing!
We’d like to thank the Bissell Pet Foundation for hosting this incredible day!
We came into LTBHS a week prior to adopting Goldie.
Our dog had passed away this past winter who we had
for 10 to 12 years. Our daughter had been keeping an
eye out for a new family member for us, and Goldie is
very much like our daughter’s dog, so we quickly fell in
love! We came back again during the week to visit her,
and that’s when we found out about the Bissell Adoption
Day. On Saturday, we made sure we were the first ones
at the shelter so we could adopt her! She is doing great
and is a very intelligent, loving and sweet dog. She has
bonded so well with us that she will not go to the bathroom outside unless one of us is out there with her. She
is a great fit for our family, and we couldn’t be happier!
-Nancy and Carl Dulin
Barbie had been watching the ads in the paper and online for
a while. We did not choose Freddie before hand, but showed
up with our other dog, Gizzie, and an open mind hoping to
find a good match. Freddie appeared to be a very good fit,
so we decided to give him a try. Freddie has a great personality. He is very intelligent and very affectionate. He has
quite a bit of energy, but can entertain himself if we are too
busy to play. He gets along great with our other dog, Gizzie,
and has helped to keep her much more active.
loves to run, and he enjoys going for walks and riding in the
truck. His favorite toy now is a tennis ball. If we are too busy
to throw it for him, he will throw it himself and then chase
it. He is fascinated by squirrels and motorcycles. We like
Freddie very much, and he seems pretty happy with us, too!
Goldie was
adopted by
Nancy and
and is now
Carl Dulin
living the g
ood life!
Easton found his forever home with Nick
Erikson &
-Randy Schnackenberg
family and
Freddie with his new
doggy sister, Gizzie.
This duo found a home
with Logan Delke and
Ashley Bauman.
I have six year old twin boys and one desperately wanted a dog
and the other was a little unsure. We went to the Bissell Adoption Day and met Dot and she was perfect because she was
active enough for my one son, but calm enough for the other.
We absolutely did not want to adopt a puppy. A puppy would
have been too excitable for my son and puppies also take a lot
of work! Dot enjoys going on walks, playing at the dog park and
laying on the couch watching TV with the boys. It’s really been
a wonderful experience adopting Dot—we just love her!
Eula was adopted
by Nichole and
Bodi Simon!
Lucky Cookie was adopted by Kaylyn
h Melanie
perfect home wit
Dot finally found the
in boys.
Robinson and he
-Melanie Robinson
Shelter Side 11
Ask the Trainer
Ask the Trainer
With LTBHS Training Supervisor, Kristen Rieder
A Giving Community
We are so fortunate to live in a generous community that supports us. We are very thankful to
those who donate their time, money and even ideas to help the homeless animals at LTBHS!
What are some tips to help potty
train my new furry friend?
There are a few simple things you can
do to teach them to go outside. They are:
Take them out often
Put them on a schedule and stick to it
Always use the same door, so your dog
associates the door with going outside to
use the bathroom
Another question I often get asked is why some
dogs will go to the bathroom immediately after
they come inside after their owner has taken
them out to do their business. I always tell them that crate training their dog will be very helpful in preventing this.
If you take your dog outside and they don’t go, then put them in their crate when they come in and try to take them
out again in 10 minutes. Often, dogs go outside and get distracted or play and forget about going while they’re
out there. If they do have an accident in the house, don’t rub their nose in it. If you catch them in the act, try to
get them outside to finish so they learn the proper place to relieve themselves.
Thank you to Subaru by the Bay in Petoskey who presented
us with a generous check which is the result of the Subaru
Share the Love Event which took place late last year. For every
newly purchased or leased Subaru, buyers could designate
$250 toward one of five national charities or one local charity,
LTBHS. We are thankful to Subaru by the Bay for asking us to
participate in this fantastic event!
Student Council students at Lincoln Elementary
donated a number of items to LTBHS. Pictured
is Dara Sterly, one of the two student council advisers. We are grateful to them for thinking of us!
Q: I’ve heard there are quite a few benefits of crate training
your dog. Can you tell me what some of these are?
A: Crate training is great not only for potty training, but for
many other reasons, as well. For example, if your dog is ever on
exercise restriction because of a medical issue, they can stay in
their crate and be comfortable doing so. Also, by crate training
your dog, you create a safe place for your dog where they can feel
secure and get away from things, if they need to. Crate training
also helps if you have a dog that likes to chew, so you don’t come
home to a destroyed house! As mentioned earlier, it is also helpful in potty training, because the rule of thumb is (not always, but
usually!) that dogs don’t relieve themselves where they sleep.
Getting a crate is an inexpensive way to train your dog that is
usually very effective. They typically cost between $30-100, depending on the size and the good news is that you can usually
find them at garage sales. I always recommend people try crate
training—even if your dog won’t be left in the crate all the time
when you’re gone, it’s a good thing to teach them in case you ever
need it.
Thank you to AmeriGas of Petoskey for gathering
donations of food, treats and toys for the animals at
LTBHS! We are fortunate to have such a supportive
community of business owners!
Zala had a great time visiting with students in Mollie Carter’s
second grade class at Blackbird Elementary.
Collars for a Cause
It was a beautiful day for our annual Collars for a Cause Adopt-A-Thon held at
Dave Kring Chevrolet-Cadillac in Petoskey. Dave Kring generously agreed
to donate $50 toward each adoption, and we are thrilled that 17 dogs and
cats found their forever homes that day!
A Cause for Paws
Pictured above (l-r): LTBHS Director of Finance and Administration, Jen Kolinske, spends time
with shelter dog, Spot, at the event. Missy found her forever home with Roberta and Keith Harris.
Crocodile Dundee (top), dons an ‘Adopt Me’ bandanna while patiently waiting for his forever
home, while Charlie seeks attention from everyone at the event. Spot, Crocodile Dundee and
Charlie are all still waiting for their forever homes.
At the home of Linda Orlans and Gerry Padilla
Thursday, July 21, 2016
6-8:30 p.m.
You are invited to join host Linda Orlans and Gerry Padilla for an evening of live music, dinner hors d’oeuvres
and cocktails at their beautiful home on Dellwood Drive in Harbor Springs for a life-saving cause. The 10th
Annual Cause for Paws will help support Little Traverse Bay Humane Society in their goal of providing a
warm, safe place for all the homeless animals in their care.
Please call 231-347-2396 to purchase tickets.
Pictured above: Steven Buckwheat
adopted Toby-Two at Collars for a
Cause Adopt-A-Thon. Pictured right:
Toby enthusiastically greeted everyone
at the event while hoping to find his forever home. Toby is still waiting at the
shelter to find a new family.
2016 Howl at the Moon!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
6-9 p.m.
New! Nub’s Nob, Harbor Springs
2016 Howl Sponsors
Honorary Chairpersons
Yvonne and Michael McCready
Howl Preview 2016: Get ready for exciting
live and silent auction items!
Best in Show Sponsors
Cathy and Mark Bissell
Mrs. Gordon T. Ford
Mrs. Betty B. Fisher Family
Grand Champion Sponsors
Ms. Joey Arbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Ford
and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Valka
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kuiphof
Dr. Susan Malone
Mr. and Mrs. William McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. Norman VanWormer
Leader of the Pack Sponsors
Yvonne and Michael McCready
Furry Friend Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. James Fabiano
First Community Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freedland
Ruth Petzold Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pettibone
Mills Benefit Group
Harbor Springs IGA
We have a number of new, exciting live and silent auction items this
year, including a delicious dinner at Small Batch in Harbor Springs.
Howl at the Moon guests can bid on a
custom landscape painting by local artist,
Trisha Witty. Pictured are Sam and Kati
Valenti who recently had a commissioned
painting done by Trisha Witty.
Venue Sponsor
Nub’s Nob
Media Sponsor
Lite 96.3
Design and Floral Sponsor
Monarch Garden and
Floral Design
Howl Raffle Tickets:
Napa Valley Epicurean Adventure
• Napa Valley cooking class and farmers market tour
including a 3-course lunch with wine pairings for two
• 3-hour gourmet dinner for two on the Napa Valley Wine
• Private tour and tasting for two at Talcott Olive Oil Estate
in Napa
• 3-night stay in a standard guest room at the Meritage
Resort and Spa in Napa Valley
• Round-trip airfare for two
• Concierge service
Tickets are only $100 and there will only be 200 sold!
Beverage Sponsor
Fabiano Brothers
2016 Howl Restaurants
Bay View Terrace Inn
Birchwood Farms Golf and
Country Club
City Park Grill
Deter’s Dad’s Perch
Paper Station
Pond Hill Farm
Sage Restaurant
Sassy Loon at Northern Lights
Simply Sweet by Jessica
Small Batch
Stained Cup Coffee
Teddy Griffin’s Roadhouse
The Fish Restaurant
Toski Sands Deli & Party Store
A Burger and Bourbon dinner at local favorite restaurant,
Mustang Wendy’s will no doubt be a popular live auction item!
Guests can bid on a lobster boil by Bob Vala for
10 friends or family members.
Guests can bid on
a fantastic rooftop
party at Tap30
while sampling their
own personal beer
crafted by Beard’s
Happy Tails
Happy Tails
Happy Tails
CeCe (Sissy)
CeCe is doing wonderful! She’s getting along
with my three cats and especially loves my cat
Scooter-they hang out all day. It was devastating when my last dog passed since I’d had him
for over 15 years, but having CeCe here now
is pretty awesome. I love having her around.
Her favorite things are car rides and snuggling
on the couch. She seems quite at home, and I
think she’s very happy here.
-Dan Costello
I originally started fostering Sabrina when she already
had a home lined up, but that fell through, so I continued to foster her in the meantime. It wasn’t even a
week when my wife and I began talking about keeping
her. She and my other dog, Jet, had such a connection and she got along well with my other three dogs,
as well. We just couldn’t resist keeping her—she and
Jet had such a bond from the start, and we didn’t want
to separate them. She’s doing great—she’s totally at
home here and seems very happy. We are thrilled to
have her. Adopting gives my life purpose that I would
have otherwise never known. I love my dogs unconditionally as they love me and enjoy the personality and
uniqueness that each one brings to my life.
-Bob Hull
Hemy (Lord Mowbray)
Sasha (Jenny)
When we saw Hemy’s picture on the LTBHS facebook page, we
knew we had to meet him, and called LTBHS right away! We came
in to meet him the next day and it was love at first sight--or should I
say love at first lean? Hemy is a “leaner” and his sweet, loving and
mellow personality shone through from the first moment we interacted with him. When he met our other dog, CeCe, in the yard, they
played just like old friends! We knew it was meant to be, and we
cannot imagine our lives without him!
St. Jenny is now St. Sasha! She is a big sweetie, and we are so grateful for her. Sasha is doing great, and we just wanted you to know that
we appreciate you going outside the area to bring these fur babies to
northern Michigan to find their forever homes!
-Annie Beyer
-Meg Kline Brussee
Cooper (Highway)
We happened to be in the Petoskey area and had been looking for
a wire hair terrier for a few months when I happened to check your
website and noticed he was on the adoptable page again (I had
seen him there previously, and then he was adopted before we could
get to Harbor Springs). We stopped in and it was love at first sight!
Sonya and all the staff were very helpful and made our adoption very
painless. Cooper is doing very well and has adjusted to his new
home. He has gained weight and is right where he should be now as
far as his weight goes at 17 lbs. He loves to “go for a ride”, “go for a
walk” but most of all he loves going to the dog park! It was important
to us to adopt from a shelter versus a breeder. There are 1.2 million
dogs euthanized in this country every year, and we would encourage
anyone wanting a pet to seek out the shelters and rescues.
-Larry and Marie Gremban
Texas Pete (Peter)
Peter, or Texas Pete, as we now call him, is doing great! When we
first met him, he didn’t want to come up to us, but it didn’t take long
for him to warm up. He’s so cute, he loves to play with other dogs,
but unfortunately, there’s not many around for him to play with. He
enjoys his toys, though, and he loves chasing his tail! I also take
him on a walk every day. We had never adopted a shelter dog
before Texas Pete, but this has been really great. He came already
vaccinated, neutered and microchipped and that was wonderful.
-Deb and Rick McCulloch
Five Star Favorites
Five Star Favorites
You may have noticed that I, Samantha, have been hanging around LTBHS for quite
awhile now. I’ve even become the new proprietor of the Coffee Club which still remains in the far condo of the main cat room. I have some new members now, Bonnie
for one, she’s still looking for her forever home, and once in awhile Maisy stops by for
a visit. She too, is waiting for someone to adopt her. In fact, that’s why we gather at
the shop, we like to discuss what our futures would be like if we lived in a home with a
family to love us. I personally know what that was like because I came from a home. I
was loved by a family for over six years and it breaks my heart every time I think about
them. Of course it wasn’t their fault that they had to give me and my siblings up, but it
still hurts. On the other paw, Bonnie and Maisy were both found as strays, so the poor
dears have never experienced a long time commitment to family love. That’s sad too,
but their fate may be better than mine for they are both young and beautiful. I, however, am well over the six year mark and I’m just an ordinary orange tiger cat. I’m also a
bit shy when it comes to strangers, so I’m often overlooked when visitors come. And
now that it’s kitten season, my chances are slim when it comes to adoption.
I haven’t given up all hope, however, because I’ve seen it happen over and over again since I’ve been residing here. Cats that you wouldn’t
believe were adoptable because of their extreme shyness (worse than mine even) or some other kitty issues found their forever homes!
My good friend Vinnie is a point in fact. He was the previous owner of the Coffee Club for nearly a year, but he now lives with his forever
family. When I think of him and his happiness, I know there’s still hope for me. Meanwhile, I shall remain a confidant for the other reticent
cats who visit me at the shop.
Maximus Prime
Big dogs are often overlooked due to the fact that they take up a lot of space and often eat
more than the smaller breeds. True, I’m sure, but think of all that love they have stored inside
and can’t wait to share with you. My name is Maximus Prime and yes, I’m a big dog since
I weigh over eighty pounds. They have me listed as a Great Pyrenees mix, and obviously
I’m more of the mix then the Pyrenees. My coat is wavy and full of brown and black patches
which I love to have scratched by the way, especially my backside. Oh boy, there’s nothing
I enjoy more than a good back scratching. Of course that’s once I get to know you better.
Sometimes I can act shy around strangers, but give me a few minutes and I’m all yours. This
is excluding the vet, however, who will try to poke me; those folks really make me nervous,
so I’ll probably need a lot of supervision when I visit there.
I’m pretty good with other dogs, but it sure would be nice if I could meet new playmates
before I move in. I’m not very nice about sharing my food, so you will need to take some precautions at feeding time. That’s one of the reasons I wouldn’t be the best fit for small children
either. They wouldn’t understand that I’d want their cookie more than they do and since I’m
bigger I’d probably get my way. Older children would be better and if you have a fenced in
yard that would be great too. You see, I’m not too fond of cats and that way I won’t be tempted
when I’m outdoors. Other than that, I’m an awesome guy, and since I’m just over a year old
I’m still young enough to learn anything you’d like to teach me. I’ve earned a scholarship for
a basic obedience class that comes with my adoption. I heard that the whole family can participate, won’t that be fun? A big fun loving guy
like me is all for quality time no matter what the activity.
Five Star Favorites
Crocodile Dundee
Talk about a free spirit, that would be me, Crocodile Dundee. I’m a guy that likes to take chances in life, however I feel my potential gifts are limited because I’m only a dog. And to make
matters worse, I’m a dog without a forever home. I ask you, how is a talented and ambitious guy
like me supposed to make it in this world if no one gives him a chance? Well, they didn’t call me
Crocodile Dundee for nothing, I’ll find a way.
Meanwhile, I’ll take this opportunity to speak up for myself and say that I’m going to be an interesting challenge to anyone who may be interested in adopting me. Yep, I’m a guy who thinks
he knows his own mind and if you disagree with me I’ll definitely let you know about it—I have
a voice and I know how to use it. Of course, there are limits to my misconduct, and I’m dog
enough to understand what they are. For instance, when it comes to my training I know I’m not
the commander of my own ship. No sirree. When my instructor demands my attention, I snap
to it. If they order a sit, I sit, or if the command is a stay, by golly I’m in my place.
As you may have guessed, I’ve been working extremely hard on my obedience training, and
for a dog named Crocodile Dundee, that in itself is a challenge. Even with my rigid learning
schedule I still haven’t been able to attain the act of friendship for other dogs or cats. I’ve accepted the fact that I am a loner.
I know I’m only a dog, but I’m a dog with a vision for a forever home—a home that loves the challenge of a free spirit. If you think you’re
the one, then be sure to look me up. They call me Crocodile Dundee.
Uniqueness at its best, yep, that’s how I’d describe me, Hank, the one of a kind cat that
you won’t find anywhere else, or at least I hope not. I’m an orange tiger cat that originally came into this world as an unwanted kitten. At that time I was given over to LTBHS
and was adopted into a family. A couple of years went by before I was brought back to
the shelter because I wasn’t doing as well as expected. They didn’t give me the details
on that, so I’ve accepted the fact that I’m here to stay for the time being. Now that a few
months have gone by, I decided to establish myself as the supreme ruler of all the cats
here. I felt that I deserved this title, and I like to let everyone know it. As a result of my
monarchy I tend to get a lot of time outs. Henceforth, it has been declared that I should
be an only cat when I get adopted. What can I say--an extraordinary guy like me should
be the sole feline at any residence, especially my new forever home. All the attention
will be directed exclusively to me, yep, I think I can live with that. So I guess the conclusion here is: if you’re looking for an egotistical cat
that doesn’t have an ounce of modesty in his body, then I’m the guy for you.
A Treeing Walker Coonhound is the official title of my breed. Of course, I may have a
little mixture of this and that somewhere along the line, but my general appearance is of
a Walker hound. My name is Toby, and like all hounds, I love to follow my nose wherever
it leads me, which is probably why I was found as a stray. I guess I went too far from the
homestead. My previous family must have thought it was for good because they never
came to look for me. So you may have already guessed that I’ll need a fenced in yard to
keep me from wandering. Can I help it that I was bred for tracking? My instincts tell me
to go find…well, whatever, and to yell the whole way so you know where I am. I’m considered a working dog, so if I don’t have a job to do, I get bored. And when I get bored
I’ll clearly let you know about it. It takes a special kind of folk to love a hound and his
baying. And by golly, I sure hope you’re one of them, because when I’m not in working
mode my love abounds for you.
Membership and Donations
Membership and Donations
Membership and General Donations
March 15, 2016 through June 14, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams
Amazon Smile Foundation
Mr. Peter M. Ambrose, Sr.
and Mr. Peter, M. Ambrose, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Amlin
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Armstead
B May Bags
Ms. Marbara May
Ms. Nancy Baerwaldt
Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey
Ms. Jane Balmer
Bank of America Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Employee Giving Program
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Barbe’
Mr. and Mrs. David Barrie
Ms. Karen L. Barton
and Mr. Albert J. Couch, Jr.
Bay Harbor Foundation
Ms. Fitzsimons
Bearcub Outfitter
Ms. Becky Philipp-Kranig
and Ms. B.J. Shawn
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beauchamp
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bechold
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beckley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Bidwell
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Biltz
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Bissell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bleyaert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bonno
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. James Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brearley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brecheisen
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Brock
Ms. Stephanie Brookshire
Ms. Nancy E. Brown
Ms. Patricia Brown
and Mr. Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bruney
Ms. Shirley Buynak
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carr
Ms. Christine W. Carreno
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carrithers
Mrs. Thomas H. Carruthers, IV
Mrs. Kathleen Cavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cavender
Chemicak Bank
Ms. Melanie Werth
Circuit Controls Corporation
Ms. Deborah Pomranke
Ms. Mary Jo Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Clarke
Ms. Glendora Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Gordy Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Cowan
Ms. Paige A. Crim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curtis, Jr.
Dam Site Inn, Inc.
Ms. Pamela East
Dr. and Mrs. James A Daunter
Dave Kring Chevrolet Cadillac
Mr. Dave Kring
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
Ms. Karen Debenedet
Mr. John E. Demmer
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Derrohn
Mr. Al Dika
and Ms. Cynthia Rutherford
Ms. Karen L. Dillon
Mr. William P. Dohm
Ms JoAnne Doll
Mr. Rick Doody
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Duffy
Ms. Margaret M. Duhon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Duray
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Dye
Ms. Elizabeth Eddington
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elbert
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Ellis
Etc Kitchens and Baths
Ms. Judy A. McCaffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ewbank
Ms. Diane Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Fabiano
Fabiano Brother, Inc.
Mr. James Fabiano
Ms. Ann Farnell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fenton
Mr. and Mrs. John Fergus-Jean
Mr. David L. Findlater
Mrs. John W. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, III
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Fisher
Drs. Michael Fleming
Ms. Ingrid Flemming
Flowers from Sky’s the Limit
Ms. Jacklyn S. Burrell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Fornshell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fraley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freedland
Ms. Elizabeth Frey
Mr. Paul Friesz
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Furgeson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gadowski
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Garner
Ms. Kerry Gedge
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Giles, II
Ms. Judith Gillow
Mr. Frank K. Girardin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Foecker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Gokee
Mr. James Gompers
Ms. Connie Goodman
Mr. Scott Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Thmoas E. Gorney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Griffin
Ms. Nancy Grosfeld
Ms. Stephanie Grozner
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gurney
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hagey
Mr. Jeffress B. Hailand
Mrs. Gladys E. Hammill
Mr. Phillip T. Harrison and
Ms. Melissa Marchand-Harrison
Mr. Robert R. Harvey
Healthy Alternatives, Inc.
Mr. Wade L. Kelso
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bebel
Mr. and Mrs. John Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kecheknberg
Drs. Willaim F. and Vira C. Heise
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Herard
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Higgs
Ms. Joan Hochstein
Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Hopkins
Ms. Pauline K. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. James Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brian Hunt
Mr. Jay Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Ironside
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Isermann
Ms. Maria Iwaniec
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janas
Mr. Eric C. Jirgens
and Mr. Allan D. Gilmour
Ms. Loretta A. Jodar
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones
Mrs. Glen Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Juilleret
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kaplansky
Ms. Jane M. Kaup
Mr. and Mrs. Andris Kazmers
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kehoe
Ms. Elizabeth Keller
Mr. and Mrs. L. Michael Kenny
Ms. Gale Kepford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ketchum
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kranig
Ms. Bethany Kronberg
Mr. Gary W. Krook
and Mrs. Ann L. Onello
Mr. Wilbur Krusell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Labadie
Ms. Shelby Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Larry LaPointe
Ms. Tula M. Lee
Ms. Krista Leidi
and Mr. Chris Gagne
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Letts
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Likins
Mr. James V. Lipscomb
Mr. and Mrs. William Little
Ms. Frances Litzner
Mr. Warren D. Locke
Ms. Stephanie Loria
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Loucks
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ludgin
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey MacGlashan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Macintyre
Mrs. Mary MacNaughton
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Makowski
Mr. and Mrs. Aloysis Joseph
Mallette, II
Mr. and Mrs. Julian W. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Mantha
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Marrs
Ms. Susan M. Martin
Ms. Nancy C. Martin
Ms. Grace Matzinger Marshall
Mrs. LCY McAplin
Ms. Norine C. McBride
Ms. Elizabeth McCormack
and Ms. Nancy Busch
Mr. Tim McDermott
and Ms. Robin J. Welsh
Drs. Vaughn and Harriet McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. William McKinley
Mr. William McMaster
Ms. Maggie Meathe
Ms. Deborah Messer
Ms. Musette A. Michael
Michigan Safety Products
Mr. Jim Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Cody Middleton
Mrs. W.A. Miilu
Ms. Dorothy E. Miles
Mr. James M. Miller
Ms. Dorothy B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Miller
Mills Benefit Group, LLC
Ms. Jamie Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Molosky
Ms. Tricia Morford
Mr. Richard Moster
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moyer
Ms. Marlene S. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthnoy Nagorsen
Ms. Toni Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Neumann, III
Ms. Laurie L. Nichols
Ms. Donna Niederstadt
Ms. Diane Noblett
Mrs. Robert Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Norris
Northern Brewing, LLC
Mr. David Meikle
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Nowitzke
Ms. Anna Nychypor
Odawa Casino Resort
Ms. Karin Offield
Ms. Gretchen L. Olsen
and Mr. Steve Barney
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Oswald
The Outfitter
Mr. Josh Baker
Ms. Janey Pankey
Mrs. Marueen Parker
Mrs. Robert D. Parson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pearson
Ms. Patricia E. Pemberton
and Mr. Matthew Pemberton
Mr. and Mrs. William Penner, Jr.
Ms. Amy Peterson
and Mr. Mike Hutto
Mrs. Michael Phillips
Ms. Cheryl Phillips
Ms. Wendy Pillen
Mr. Gerald Platzer
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Pontius
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Post
Mr. and Mrs. William Pountey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pyle
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Quaine
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Racine
Mr. Steven V. Radecki
and Ms. Lauren M. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. James Rafko
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. D. Craig Rebold
Mr. Thomas Reichard
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Reick
Reid Furniture Co.
Mr. Jim Reid
Ms. Ardell Rensel
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Rentrop
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rexford
Mr. Nathan Rice
Ms. Meredith Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Manfred A. Rietsch
Roast & Toast Café & Cofee
Mr. Bob Keedy
Mr. A. Shane Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Roland
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Root
Mr. John Roszak
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Salkeld
Ms. Patricia Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scheffler
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Schluender
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Shneider
Mr. and Mrs. George Schoene
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schrader, Jr.
Ms. Susan C. Schultz
and Ms. Judy Friedrich
Ms. Lois M. Scott
Ms. Cheryl Sedestrom
and Mr. Jamie Mondragon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shagonaby
Mr. John Shreves
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Sibley
Ms. Sarah J. Sillin
Dr. Sydnie K. Simmons
Ms. Marcie Singer
and Mr. Ed Wagar
Ms. Teresa C. Smallidge
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Smela
Ms. Sara E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Smith
Ms. Tracey Sneddon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Specht
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Spence
Dr. Dixson F. Spivy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stackhouse, IV
Stage Stores – Peebles
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall P. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Starkel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steiger
Ms. Beth Stewart
Ms. Michele Sturt
Subaru By-The-Bay
Mr. Ryan Bremmeyr
and Mr. Toby Bremmeyr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sundberg
Ms. Pamela Sundstrom
Ms. Margaret M. Swift
Ms. Margaret Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Taylor
Ms. Margaretta J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Teel
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tiedeck
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Tietjen
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Tollar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Utter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van Lockeren
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vanden Boom
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vander Jagt
Ms. Mary VanEvery
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Veling, Jr.
Dr. Marit E. Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wallen
Ms. Susan Wayde
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Werschky
Ms. Sue Ellen West
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Wheeler
Ms. Marjory J. Whelan
Ms. Audrey Whitman
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Wickham
Ms. Nancy Wigton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilkey
Ms. Janice Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Williams
Mr. Charles Willmott
Dr. and Mrs. Ian D. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Wiseman
Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Wittenberg
Ms. Karen Woiderski
and Mr. Joel Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Yettaw
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Youngblood
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Zaremski
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ziegel
Membership and Donations
Membership and Donations
Special Donations Fund Life-Changing Programs
March 15, 2016 – June 14, 2016
Angel Fund Donations
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Broquet
Commemorative Brick
Ms. Lauren Dey
In Loving, Memory Of, Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freedland
In Memory Of, Our Friend, Joel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett
In Memory Of, Lois Beswick
Harris Low Cost
Spay/Neuter Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedrick
Ms. Helen Bennett
Ms. Valerie D. Black
Ms. Betty Bos
and Mr. Lenny
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Bruesch
Ms. Maureen Burke
Ms. Glendora Clary
Mrs. Margaret S. Dawson
Ms. Karen L. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Duray
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Emmons
Frey Foundation
Mrs. Antoinette Gramzay
Mrs. Gladys E. Hamill
Mr. and Mrs. William Hanley, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Niles Hill
Ms. Dianne B. Johnston
Ms. Sara Kalishek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lacost
Ms. Elene A. Loria
Mr. David Lundeen
and Ms. Isabella Lundeen
Ms. Marlene Mayer
Ms. Tracey L. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mueller
Mr. Robert W. Perry
Mrs. Michael Phillips
Ms. Barbara A. Pickering
Polly’s Planting & Plucking, Inc.
Ms. Kim Buntin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Post
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reck
Mr. Thomas Reichard
Ms. Cheryl Sedestrom
and Mr. Jamie Mondragon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Seguin
Ms. Amelia M. Skrobak
Ms. Teresa C. Smallidge
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Smela
Ms. Shirley Ann Smith
Ms. Laura Somogyi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Teel
Ms. Susan VanAllsburg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vanden Boom
Mr. William G. VanSlot
Ms. Marjory J. Whelan
Mrs. Barbara Wibel
Honorarium Donations
Donita Bussard
Gary Bussard
Betsy Doody
Ms. Emily Dutton
Marilyn Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Hord Armstrong
Meagan Krzywosinski
Advisa - Ms. Penny Pruitt
Carla Kobierzynski
Harbor Hall Auxiliary
Viola McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter McNamara
Virginia Speed
Mr. and Mrs. Hord Armstrong
In-Kind Donations
Ms. Holly Angileri
Bella Regalo, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brautigam
Ms. Diane Brazier
Ms. Sandy Brinkman
Ms. Cherie Champion
Mr. Kevin Christman
Ms. Serenity Dankert
Ms. Lauren Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. John Dyle
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson
Mr. Zane Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grzanka
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Harburn
Ms. Judith Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hull
Ms. Darby A. Kuenzel
Ms. Stephanie Loria
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mackinder
Ms. Diana Mawson
Ms. Tracy L. Mueller
Ms. Jamie Dee Mulligan
Mr. Kevin Pike
Ms. Kerri Richter
Ms. Sandra E. Ruffini
Ms. Janet Sandor
Ms. Denise Sinke
Ms. Kay Slaughter
Ms. Nory Smith
Mrs. Jane Stearns
Ms. Linda Temple
Ms. Amburr Truman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Turk
Mr. Dave Wido
Ms. Judy S. Wojcik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wolf
Ms. Barbara Wood
Mr. Leon Woodruff
Memorial Donations
Durwood Allen
Mrs. Joanne N. Arbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. William Booth
Ms. Carol Duvall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson
Ms. Judith Gillow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kozlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Landane
Ms. Sandy Lockwood
Ms. Mary Lou Mabee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery
Mrs. Barbara O’Hara
Mrs. Catherine Ogden
Ms. Bonnie Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Parker
Petoskey Plastics
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Schluender
Mr. and Mrs. George Torreano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turney
Margaret Bedrick
Lauren Dey
Lois Beswick
Ms. Kathleen E. Taylor
and Mr Gary D. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. James Young
William Blanchard
Mrs. Martin B. Breighner
“Hunter” Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. John Booth, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Marty MacGregor
Mr. and Mrs. William F. McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Milock
Mr. and Mrs. Vivek Sankaran
Barbara Cormican
Ms. Alethea Attard
Ms. Lois A. Bandemer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Canada
Mr. and Mrs. John S. DeCamp, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fraley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Niles Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Passeno
Mr. Gerald D. Purcell
Dr. and Mrs. Duane W. Schuil
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall P. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tebo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Wieland
Ms. Arlene Faye Woiderski
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baker
Barbara Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. William Yek-Rengert
Jack Gasco
Ms. Rita Concannon
Charles E. Gilbert
Ms. Marian E. Pierson
and Ms. Susan Gugel
Thomas Gillespie
Ms. Barbara Berman-Baroni
Arthur “Buzz” Jenks
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Arbaugh
“Tootsie” Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson
Ms. Gayle R. Mroczkowski
Zander Kennedy
Ms. Jolene A. Amo
Kennie Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. William David Lyle
Sharon MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Creager
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Dupree
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacDonald
Ms. Wendy Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willmann
Hailey Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Lisa Koetting
Jack McClees
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Boldrey
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Cataline
Mary Beth Mellen
Ms. Susan Boyd
Ms. Beverly Champion
Mr. and Mrs. William Demmer
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Hovey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. O’Rear
Shore Drive Study Club
Ms. Nona Carr
Ms. Susan Schricker
and Mr. Robert Walters
Thompson Fellowship Class
“Missy” Mroczkowski
Ms. Gayle Mroczkowski
David Muzzall
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Dobson
Mr. George Foster
and Ms. Susan Gugel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stern
“Cookie” Osmak
Ms. Gayle Mroczkowski
Lorraine Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Goodwin
Mr. Donald Ward
and Ms. Jennifer Eis
Naomi Seger
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kauffman
“Trinket” Slaughter
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Giles
Connie Tanner
Ms. Elizabeth Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Voorheis
Mary Van Lennep
Mr. and Mrs. Hord Armstrong
Michael G. Phillips Good
Samaritan Fund Donations
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Broquet
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carrithers
Mrs. William Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hine
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hoffmeyer
Ms. Sara Kalishek
Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Kilbourn
Ms. Diane E. Lehning
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Letts
Ms. Sheryl McCleery
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Perrett, Jr.
Mrs. Michael Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Randolph
Ms. Marci Singer
and Mr. Ed Wager
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Smigelski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ulrich
Ruff-to-Ready Scholarship
Fund Donations
Mrs. Marian Jurries
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Post
Veterinary Clinic
Capital Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bolton
The Offield Family Foundation
Donation Cannisters
& Collections
Thank you to the following businesses
that raise funds and/or donate
supplies year-round:
Bay Pines Veterinary Clinic
Bearcub Outfitters
Breath of Life Chiropractic
Wellness Center
Corner Grocery
Dan Webster’s Pro Shop
Gurney’s Harbor Bottle Shop
Harbor Springs IGA
Island Bean Coffee Company
J.B. Goods (Life is Good)
J.W. Filmore’s Restaurant
MacGregor’s Pet Pantry
Mancino’s Ginders & Pizza
Nutro Products, Inc.
Out to Lunch
Pellston Animal Clinic
Reusch Jewelers
Ruff Life Pet Outfitters
Stepping Stones Child
Development Center
Then and Now Antiques
and Consignment
Tim Bondy Physical Therapy
Toski Sands Market & Wine Shop
Tropic Cove
We are fortunate to have so many generous animal
lovers who care about helping the homeless animals
at LTBHS. We hope that we have listed all of our
big-hearted donors correctly. However, in a list of this
size, mistakes sometimes occur. Please let us know if
you find an error so that we can make the appropriate
change to our records for future listings. Thank you.
1300 W. Conway Road
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
P: 231-347-2396 l F: 231-347-1243
[email protected]
LTBHS is a non-profit, no-kill shelter
for companion animals.
Become A Member
Help Us Save Lives!
Members are the foundation of LTBHS. Members help us in a myriad of ways but above all else, LTBHS
members literally keep our doors open. LTBHS saves more than 700 animals a year—consider what
would happen if we weren’t here to offer animals a safe place until they find their forever home. Think
about the many animals that your membership helps to feed, vaccinate, house and love.
Yes! I would like to help Little Traverse Bay Humane Society continue to be
a safe haven for homeless pets by becoming a member today!
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________State/Zip: __________________
Alternate Address: ____________________________________________________________
City:_____________________________________________State/Zip: __________________
Alternate Address From: ________________________ To: ___________________________
Credit card #: ______________________________________________Amount: $__________
Expiration: ________________/_________________ V Code: ________________________
I’m Already A Member
I would ALSO like to donate to:
General Fund
Pit Stop Fund
Michael G. Phillips Good
Samaritan Fund
Mutts With Manners Fund
Ruff To Ready Scholarship Fund
Spay/Neuter Fund
Annual Memberships
$1,000 +