The Bulletin-31072015001~JHBIS_Combined


The Bulletin-31072015001~JHBIS_Combined
31 Julie / July 2015
Uitgawe - Issue 44
Gratis - Free
Michael Louw won the Graceland
Idols competition on Sunday night,
landing him a performing contract at
the resort. Read on Page 5 more about
the competition finals and this talented
performer. Photo: Arisja Misselhorn
2 guilty of cyclist’s death
Jacobus Joubert and Wesley Ladeira were both found guilty in the Regional Court last Friday of culpable homicide and reckless driving.
hree years after cyclist Christelle
Swanepoel was run over and killed in
front of her husband of seven months,
Richard, and her father, Dr Hannes
Welman, Regional Court magistrate
Mashigo found the two motorists
involved guilty of manslaughter.
Both men were also found guilty of
driving recklessly – a charge stemming
from the injuries sustained by Richard
Swanepoel who was also knocked from
his bicycle in the accident that occurred
in Oliver Thambo Drive on 1 May 2012.
Mashigo said the testimony in court
of the three eye witnesses, Johannes
Swanepoel, Riaan Fourie and Christina
Moolman, proved that there had been a
street race between Joubert in his charged
up Uno and Ladeira in his M5 BMW.
Joubert previously testified that Ladeira
and another BMW driver had been racing
at the time and that he, while admiring
the two speeding vehicles, tried to keep
up with them. According to him, Ladeira
had caused the accident by swerving
into his lane and slamming on brakes,
causing Joubert to pull left, hit the street
curb and lose control of his vehicle. The
spinning Uno crashed into Christelle and
then into Richard. According to Dr du
Plooy, state pathologist, Christelle died
of multiple injuries consistent with that
of a vehicle spinning on top of her. Her
head had almost been severed.
Ladeira in his testimony denied any
knowledge of a street race, of competing
with Joubert or of the accident. He
claimed he had seen a dust cloud in his
review mirror when he had been about
to turn into PDP Kruger Street to go to
KFC. His vehicle showed no signs of
being in an accident.
Mashigo said both men tried to divorce
themselves from the evidence – that they
had been racing - and he found their
testimonies untruthful and unlikely. He
said the reasonable man would have
foreseen that a street race might cause an
accident. He also found Ladeira guilty
on four other charges, namely failing to
stop after a collision, failing to assess
the injuries, failing to render assistance
after an accident and failure to assess
damages. Ladeira had to hand in his
passport after the court adjourned.
The case has been postponed to 2
November for a pre-sentencing report by
the department of correctional services.
- Arisja Misselhorn
31 Julie / July 2015
Arrested cop remains in custody
A constable in the Secunda police’s detective unit has been arrested on Sunday for defeating the ends of justice.
onst Linda Ngwenya (30), who
had been working in the detectives’
crime office for several years, is being
suspected of colluding with and helping
armed robbers escape. He was arrested
after an armed robbery at the Pick
‘n Pay bottle store at the Driefontein
Centre during the early morning hours of
A group of armed men grabbed two
security guards patrolling the centre
and tied them up with cable ties behind
the building. Two of the robbers clad
themselves in the security guards’ caps
and reflector vests. The others broke
through the bottle store ceiling and
allegedly stole items in the store valued
at more than R13 000.
According to a source close to the
investigation, one of the tied up security
guards activated an alarm, unbeknown to
the robbers. An armed reaction officer of
Roman Alarms heeded the call and found
the two imposters on the scene who told
him all was well. He found it suspicious
that none of the men even mentioned
sounding an alarm and decided to
investigate. The imposters abandoned
their post and scattered into green strip
behind Oranjegloed Primary School.
The armed reaction officer returned to
the store where he found the two tied
up guards. He called the police and then
went in search of the other suspects.
He spotted one of the suspects hiding
behind an electricity box in Abraham
Jonker Street and tackled him. At that
point Ngwenya allegedly stopped next
to them in a police vehicle and offered
to take the suspect to the police station.
Oloff dies in
his sleep
Oloff van Wyk (45), a Secunda resident
especially well-known in media and
publishing circles, was found dead on
his bed on Monday morning.
According to his business partner, Ozila
Dlamini (owner of Ekasi News), Oloff
complained of chest pain to a neighbour
on Sunday night. Ozila found Oloff’s
body in the morning when he arrived
at Oloff’s apartment to pick him up
for work. “I suspected something was
The armed reaction officer relinquished
the suspect into Ngwenya’s custody and
then returned to the crime scene where
he was met by uniformed policemen.
They all proceeded to the police station.
There was allegedly no trace of Ngwenya
or the arrested suspect at the police
station and no one had been booked. The
armed reaction officer and members of
the uniformed branch immediate began
searching for the missing police vehicle.
Ngwenya was spotted near the Sasol
Filling Station in Walter Sisulu Drive
travelling at high speed and skipping
traffic lights on the way to the police
station. The uniformed members gave
chase and blocked his path at the police
station. Three people were seen fleeing
from the vehicle driven by Ngwenya.
Approaching the scene from another
point, the armed reaction officer from
Roman Alarms saw two men hiding in
the dark with their backs turned. He
called for the police members who
helped him catch these men. The third
man, who was also the suspect initially
arrested, managed to escape.
The security guards who had been
overpowered and tied up, later identified
the two men caught at the police station
as the armed robbers. Ngwenya was
arrested by his commanding officer and
appeared in court on Monday alongside
the two other suspects. The case was
postponed until 12 August. They will
remain in police custody.
The spokesperson for the Secunda Police
Station, Lt Bettinah Zondo, confirmed
the incident and Ngwenya’s arrest. Arisja Misselhorn
No electricity
in Kinross
this Sunday
wrong when Oloff did not answer the
door or his phone. The rental agent gave
permission that we break the window.”
Oloff was in charge of the Secunda Voice
and had previously published Haute and
Home and a real estate pamphlet.
The funeral will be held from the N.G.
Rondekerk on Tuesday, 4 August, at
11:00. Oloff leaves behind his father
Johann van Wyk, a brother Gherard and
a sister Lizl.
Oloff van Wyk.
Kinross residents will spend most
of their day this coming Sunday
without electricity.
The Govan Mbeki Municipality
warns residents of Kinross that the
electricity will be the interruption
from 08:30 to 17:00 due to a
scheduled repair and maintenance
of the main sub-station.
The municipality apologises for any
inconvenience that may be caused
by this essential process.
Residents are requested to switch
off all electrical appliances on
Sunday day as the municipality will
not be held liable for any damages
to electrical appliances. They also
urge residents to treat all electricity
installations as live throughout the
repair and maintenance.
Call Centre: 0800 6000 01/2/3/4
Police finds
dagga from
Secunda Police got a tip off of men
dealing in dagga in the CBD and arrested
three men from Swaziland on Monday.
The policemen were conducting proactive policing when they received
information about a suspect vehicle in
the area.
They searched the vehicle and found five
containers known as arms full of dagga.
The value of the dagga is estimated at
R10 000.
Police are still investigating the case and
the men already appeared in court for
dealing in drugs.
31 Julie / July 2015
Hawks trap student
The Secunda Hawks caught a dealer in illegal cigarettes in a clandestine operation last Thursday.
The Secunda Hawks arrested this
Ethiopian man for selling illicit
cigarettes. He told The Bulletin that he
is a student and was “merely trying to
earn a living”.
he young man was snared in a
trap and arrested at a local business
in Secunda. The dealer, an Ethiopian
citizen who is a student at the Vaal
Technikon Secunda Campus, recently
allegedly approached business owners
with a proposition to supply them with
Pacific Blue, cheap illegal cigarettes.
The owner and staff of one such business
approached The Bulletin with the
information which was then passed on to
the Hawks. The owner, who is to remain
anonymous as the investigation is still in
progress, agreed to set up a deal with the
Ethiopian. They agreed to meet in the
shop on Thursday.
As soon as the young man delivered
the 10 cartons of cigarettes, the police
members moved in and arrested him.
His room in a house in Piet Retief Street
was searched and the Hawks confiscated
his laptop and cell phone. Follow up
information then led the police to a
house in eMbalenhle identified as the
warehouse for the cigarettes. A task
team was compiled to crack down on the
house, but by the time they arrived, the
building was emptied. The investigation
is continuing to find the new hiding
place .
The student appeared in the Secunda
Vierpotige kollegas is
ook sy beste vriende
’n Hond is ’n man se beste vriend.
Adj.-off. Heintjie ‘Albie’ Alberts
het sommer twee “beste vriende”
waarmee hy daagliks werk.
Albie is al van 1995 af deel van
die polisie se honde-eenheid en
sy twee beste vriende is Brutus, ’n
Kelpie-reun en Ida, ’n Labradorteef.
Kelpieras word van
ingevoer en is
met die Dingowildehond
van Australië,
is al 10 jaar
oud en volgens
Albie sal hulle
binnekort moet
beplan om hulle
dan te koop by
die polisie en
huis toe te neem.
Brutus is ’n
Albie is daar tans net sowat 14
van hulle in die land. Ida is ’n
Albie het vir ’n ruk in die onlusteeenheid van die polisie gewerk,
maar was ses maande later weer
terug by die honde. “Ek is maar
lief vir die honde,” het hy gesê.
Hy het in 1996 sy eerste
patrolliehond-kursus gedoen en
’n jaar later ’n springstofhondkursus.
Brutus is in 2007 opgelei en Ida
in 2009.
Die hanteerders lei meestal self
hul honde op en dit neem ure se
geduld en deursettingsvermoë.
Brutus het al meer as 500
tonele ondersoek en kan enige
brandmiddels uitruik en uitwys.
Sy neus tel selfs net ’n druppel
brandstof op en hy raak baie
opgewonde as hy
dit gekry het en blaf
dan opgewonde.
Albie beloon hulle
met ’n tennisbal,
dan word daar eers
bietjie gespeel.
Van die ander
honde wat vir die
polisie werk, is
geldhonde, bloed
b e d r e i g d e
Albie het twee jaar
voordat hy by die
honde-eenheid ingeskakel het, by
die polisiediens aangesluit. Hy
het destyds saam met oud-hondemanne gewerk en dit is waar sy
liefde en belangstelling die polisie
se snuffelhonde vandaan kom.
Dié werk is nie altyd veilig nie en
die koeëls van ’n AK47-geweer
het al oor Albie en een van sy
vorige honde, Simba, ’n Duitse
Herdershond, se koppe gevlieg.
Hulle het gelukkig albei ongedeerd
van die voorval afgekom.
Sy heel eerste polisiehond was
Twane, ’n Duitse Herdershond en
Albie sou dié ras kies as hy kon
“Dit was maar my eerste liefde,”
het hy gesê.
“Hulle is baie slim, maar enige
hond is opleibaar.”
Twane was vir nege jaar Albie se
beste vriend en hy is dood so jaar
nadat hy afgetree het.
“Hy het verlam geword en ons het
hom toe maar laat uitsit, want hy
kon nie meer loop nie.
“Hy was ’n fantastiese hond en
hardwerkend tot op die einde, ek
het lang trane gehuil toe ons hom
van kant moes laat maak.”
Die slegste dag in Albie se
loopbaan was toe een van sy
vriende en polisielede, Jan
Sonnekus op die ouderdom van 29
in ’n gewapende roof doodgeskiet
is. Die beste dag in sy lewe was
toe hy die opleiding van sy eerste
hond voltooi het.
Die opleiding duur sowat vier en
’n half maande en die honde moet
dan ’n sekere standaard handhaaf.
Hulle word jaarliks getoets en kry
dan punte vir hul vaardighede.
Die honde moet minstens 96%
kry om te slaag.
“Elke hond is anders en mens
moet by hul persoonlikehede
aanpas en hulle by die begeleider
s’n ook.
“Met Brutus moet ek hard praat,
dan luister hy eers, met Ida moet
ek sagter praat want as ek te hard
met haar praat, werk sy nie so
goed nie.”
Albie oefen weekliks met Brutus
en Ida en geniet elke oomblik van
sy werk.- Jana Oosthuizen
Magistrate’s Court on Monday and was
granted bail.
The Hawks warned shop owners to be
vigilant when buying cigarettes from
small wholesalers as many cigarettes, in
particular Pacific Blue, are counterfeit.
Selling counterfeit products is a crime.Arisja Misselhorn
How to spot illegal cigarettes
• Paying less than R15-00 for a pack of 20s (suspect price)
• There is no excise stamp on the pack
• The tar and nicotine readings are higher than 12mg and 1.2
mg respectively
• There are no health warnings on the pack
Help curb the challenge of Illicit Trade
Be alert and aware of any suspiciously priced products sold to
Do not knowingly buy illegal cigarettes
Report any illegal trade in cigarettes that you may know of by
phoning the TISA Hotline on 0800 214 710
Participate and support campaigns initiated by government
departments or the tobacco industry to create awareness
about illicit trade in cigarettes
If a retailer, or reseller, is caught with illicit products and
prosecuted under the Customs and Excise Act (evasion of
taxes), the penalties are:
A fine of R20 000 or three times the value of the goods
Up to 5 years in prison
A person prosecuted can therefore pay a fine and go to jail
However, if prosecuted under the Tobacco Controls Act (noncompliant product) the penalties are: Up to R1 million fine
31Julie / July 2015
Winner’s log
Presented every week in log standing
are those that qualify for the first ten
places. We wish to assure our readers
that entries are scrutinized and entered
in the ranking table.
The full results up to date is available
on our Facebook Page The Bulletin.
Log Position
Log Posisie
Annelene Isabel Naidoo
Manda Schoeman
Sharon Coetzer
Magda Meyer
Sandra Horiro
Nathan Precent
Serekha Ravjee
Lee-ann Fourie
Sash Hansraj
Marius de Wet
The Bulletin’s
Wie is ons:
Redaksie/ Editorial - 017 631 1903
Arisja Misselhorn
083 780 0060
[email protected]
Aart Reedijk
082 457 3646
[email protected]
Jana Oosthuizen
076 354 9966
[email protected]
Puzzle 37 of 52
This is the 37th of the 52 Fiendish Sudoku Puzzles for our R10
000 prize.
Submit your answers as quick as possible to earn your
position as the number “uno” solver of the week. The address
for your entries is [email protected]. Please
ensure that your entry incudes your name, address, email and
telephone number. We will have to disqualify your entry if this
information is not supplied with your entry. No appologies will
be accepted.
Gone in 67
67 minutes have come and gone. So it
seems as if the holier than holy minutes
of the year 2015 have passed.
The declaration for the use of these
minutes - not even decreed by our own
government but by an organisation with
a questionable reputation, the United
Nations, on November 2009.
And not by Mr. Mandela, himself as we
are led to believe. Please, do not think
that the writer does not support these 67
minutes of efforts and energy that brings
enjoyment to the less fortunate.
It is the aftermath that is full of
unfulfilled expectation, the waiting of
the next 67 minutes to arrive.
The anticipation of thousands of down
and out fellow brothers and sisters
who were not included in these rounds
Even though not all projects can be
accommodated during these 67 minutes,
we must make sure that the time is
used effectively. Are we spending these
4020 seconds on projects that should
only benefit our fellow citizens? Are
we wasting these valuable minutes on
projects that do not uplift those who
require it the most - the children of our
What do we do after the hype? We have
done our bit; we answered the call to do
well to others, now, back to the normal in
an abnormally divided society.
As quoted from the Afrikaans poet’s
book, Hoor hoe honger kinders huil,
Pieter F. Bruwer says the following: Die
dromer droom hier diep in my, begeer ’n
plekkie om te skuil, wil harde werklikheid
vermy- hy hoor hoe honger kinders huil.
Do we hear the plight of the thousands
upon thousands of children who are still
crying, waiting for their 67 minutes that
should happen in 512640 minutes time?
Bemarking / Marketing - 017 631 1845
Helena Oberholzer
082 561 8566
[email protected]
Elzabie Boshoff
073 275 8976
[email protected]
Amori Booysen
079 499 8880
[email protected]
Benodighede vir Pampoenkoekies:
Finansies / Finances
Elmarie van Huyssteen
017 634 8312
[email protected]
Classifieds & Smalls - 017 631 1845
[email protected]
Adres / Address:
Kiewietstraat 1
P O Box 4092, Secunda, 2302
Waar druk ons:
Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk.
Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers
Distribution: We pride ourselves in
delivering a Bulletin to each house
in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander,
Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute
additional copies to several
points of business in Kinross and
Standerton. Should you have a
delivery enquiry or complaint, send
us an email containing your name,
contact details and home address
to [email protected].
Circulation: 20 000 copies weekly
All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12
(7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any
amendments thereof.
Benodighede: (vir 8 porsies):
1 x 1,5 kg ontbeende skaapboud
¼ koppie olyfolie
¼ koppie vars suurlemoensap
1 teelepel gedroogde roosmaryn
1 knoffeltoontjie, gekneus
Sout en peper na smaak
Week 7: Griekse lamsboud oor die kole
Ons volgende gedeelte van die lam: die boud.
Nie sommer net enige boud nie, maar ‘n griekse lamsboud
( Spesiale resep) deur Goudveld voorberei.
Die boud is die ideale snit om te maak vir spesiale
geleenthede of sommer net vir ‘n lekker Sondag familie-ete!
Plaas nou jou bestelling by Goudveld vir die griekse
Ons hoop almal maak van hulle spesiale etes ‘n avontuur
saam met Goudveld Slaghuis.
Hoêrskool Secunda en Goudveld Slaghuis trek nou by
die sewende week van hulle reis op pad na die
ALOMBEKENDE Biltong en Braai fees in Secunda op
24 September 2015.
Sit die skaapboud in ’n plastiekbak met ’n
deksel in die yskas.
Marineer dit oornag in die bestanddele hierbo
genoem (behalwe die sout en peper) en draai
die boud een maal om.
Sit die vleis op ’n rooster en braai dit oor lae
hitte vir ongeveer twee uur of tot dit gaar
genoeg is volgens jou smaak.
Sprinkel sout en peper oor.
250ml koekmeel
10ml bakpoeier
1 gekiltsde eier
25ml suiker
250ml koue, gaar pampoen
50ml melk.
Meng al die bestanddele saam en skep lepelsvol in diep
olie tot goudbruin Pasop dat olie nie te warm is nie.
Benodighede vir Karamelsous:
250ml suiker
60ml botter
250ml water
250ml melk
25ml vlapoeier
Braai die suiker tot goudbruin.
Roer die water by en dan die melk.
Roer totdat die karamel gesmelt het.
Meng vlapoeier met bietjie melk en voeg dit by
karamelmengsel. Verhit tot dik.
Gooi oor
31 Julie / July 2015
Michael’s star shines
A performing contract at Graceland awaits
Michael Louw is the Graceland Idol of
He won the final round of the Graceland
Idols Competition held on Sunday night,
26 July.
The Buffalo Bills Bar was packed with
fans and supporters of the six finalists
who performed for the grand prize.
Michael, who became known for his
love of more alternative music, wowed
the judges – guest judge Heinrich Britz,
Yolanda Theron and Sandy Deonarain –
with his rendition of the judges’ choice
song for the three male contestants, and
an Afrikaans song. The contestants had
to scale the stage three times on Sunday
night. They were allowed two songs of
their own choice. All the contenders
had to sing the same song chosen by
the judges. The male contestants were
given the song Honey I’m good - a song
with a country vibe by Andy Grammer.
The judges’ choice for the three female
vocalists was Kelly Clarkson’s Heartbeat.
Michael’s version of the judges’ choice
received a huge response from the
audience, as well as great comments from
the judges. It was quite unexpected when
Michael announced his second song –
Robbie Wessels’ Hailley se Komeet.
Michael’s last song was Phillip Phillips’
Gone Gone Gone. The judges agreed
that Michael is an extremely versatile
performer who could pull off any song.
Michael won the performing contract
from Graceland, demo CD recording
from Rodway Entertainment, R5 000
cash and a microphone valued at R700.
Ayanda Adams from Trichardt won the
second prize of R3 000.
Tanya da Silva is the third place winner.
She won R1 500. The three other finalists
were Louis van Rooyen, Stephen
Curlewis and Ronél Landman. - Arisja
his victory.
'Im going to ride this train'
The judges: Sandy Deonarain,
Heinrich Britz and Yolanda Theron
Tanya da Silva
- 3rd place
For Michael Louw winning the 2015
Graceland Idols competition is the first
step to reaching his dream of being a fulltime entertainer.
“My next step is to ride this train all the
way, and if the train runs out of tracks, I
will lay new tracks myself!” he exclaimed
in an interview with The Bulletin, who is
also a proud sponsor of this competition.
This safety practitioner who is celebrating
his 31st birthday next week, has big
plans for his Graceland gigs. Although
he won the seventh heat of the weekly
competition, Michael confessed that he
Gordon Rodway was the presenter. had not expected to be the overall winner.
He will still host kareoke nights on “The competition was very tough –
especially Stephen Curlewis. That guy
has a fantastic voice and he is precise in
Ayanda Adams his music.” Although Michael appeared
- runner up
to be calm and collective during each
performance, he says it was quite the
contrary. “I was so nervous. But as soon
as I get on that stage, it all just dissolves,
and then I just want to do my best to
amaze and entertain people. I have
always been a very extroverted person,
and I love making people laugh. So I
guess that is where it started.”
According to Michael, the only other
performances he gave before Graceland,
were at friends’ functions and weddings.
But he loves singing. “I sing as often as
Neon lights, glow in the dark body paint,
flames, smoke, DJ’s and pulsating
music turned the Graceland Arena into a
spectacular visual feast on Friday night, 24
July. Graceland hosted the first Night at the
Beat event in conjunction with Spectacular
Events and DJ Andrew.
A night with beat
I can. I actually sing everywhere - at
work, at home, even in town to random
people.” Soft rock and alternative rock
are his favourite genres, but says Michael
“lyrics are what gets me. If a song has
deep, well written lyrics, that is what
wins my approval.”
Dave Grohl lead singer of the Foo
Fighters is by far his favourite artist. “He
is an absolute genius and his love for
music and musicians is inspirational,”
explains Michael. Although he is quick
with a joke, Michael also has a very deep
side. The tattooed cross on the inside
of his right forearm reminds him to
whom he belongs. “I belong to God to
whom I owe everything I am.” - Arisja
More Michael facts
Work: OTB construction - Sasol Secunda
Born and bred: Standerton
Matriculated from: Ermelo College
Siblings: A younger brother Roehan
Girlfriend’s name: Chavonne Oliver
Music instruments: the only chords I can
play are vocal chords
Hobbies: I am a PC Gamer essentially –
and I love building things.
Pets: tarantulas
31 Julie / July 2015
31 Julie /July 2015
Sprekers bemoedig vroue
Die Basement-teater was Saterdag gepak
met vroue wat die Warrior Womenkonferensie bygewoon het.
Die konferensie het drie sterk en
bekende sprekers opgelewer – Susan
Coetzer, Vanessa Goosen en dr. Zandia
Susan Coetzer is ’n bekroonde aktrise,
joernalis, skrywer en sakevrou.
Sy het met die vroue gesels oor hul
skeppingsdoel en dat God hulle nooi in
’n verhouding met Hom.
Dat hulle hul “ekke-tude” moet neerlê en
’n vir ’n sagte hart moet vra.
Vanessa Goosen, ’n voormalige semi-
finalis in die Mej. SA-kompetisie, het
vertel hoe sy vir 16 jaar in ’n Thaise
tronk oorleef het en hoe haar geloof haar
daardeur gedra het.
gekwalifiseerde tandardts en skrywer van
die boek, Sleeping Beauty Awakened.
Sy het die vroue inspireer om van binne
na buite te leef en ook om na hul liggame
in die geheel te kyk.
KrissTel van Duis:Lig het die
lofprysingsessies behartig.
Die konferensie is deur die God Eerste/
First Secunda- kerk aangebied. - Arisja
Graceland gives 67 minutes
Graceland and the community made
their imprint on Mandela Day when
they launched a campaign in a build-up
to Mandela day.
Staff and guests contributed clothes and
food for the less privileged in the local
The resort also handed out blankets to
the elderly and hosted them to tea and
scones before showing a movie in the
Limelight Theatre at the resort.
Graceland also donated clothes at the
Kinderhawe huis in Kinross as well as
food parcels to a child headed household
in eMbalenhle.
The resort’s maintenance department
and staff from other departments rolled
up their sleeves and rebuilt and painted
a house in extension 12 that had recently
burnt down.
Graceland employees with the goods they collected.
Lede van die ATKV Kosmosrand Vroue-tak het op Donderdag, 23 Julie,
pakkies sop en broodjies vir die polisie by Secunda Polisiestasie uitgedeel. Hiér
is Mariette Bothma (klerk by Secunda Polisie), konst. Tsepo Skosana en die
vroue van die ATKV, Tracey van Wyk, Yolandi Ferreira, Moira van Staden en
Lorraine Boshoff. Tracey het gesê dié daad was deel van hul 67 minute vir
Mandela en om vir die polisie dankie te sê vir hul harde werk.
KrissTel van Duis:Lig
31 Julie / July 2015
Susan Coetzer het vroue aangemoedig
om op hul knieë te gaan voor God.
Apteek daag ander uit
Kinross Apteek het tandeborsels (vir
kinders en volwassenes), tandepasta
(vir kinders en volwassenes), seep
en sanitêre doekies aan die Go
Purple-projek geskenk en het ander
besighede uitgedaag om ook dieselfde
hoeveelheid of meer te skenk.
Antoinette Schépers, bestuurder en
apteker by Kinross Apteek het die
produkte aan Amanda Haywood van
Go Purple oorhandig.
Die projek benodig dié produkte om
pakkies op te maak vir die slagoffers
van misdaad en geweld.
Daar sal verskillende pakkies vir vroue
en kinders wees wat onder andere
onderklere, sagte speelgoed (soos
teddiebeertjies), ’n klein koeldrankie,
’n waslap, klein sakkies room,
tandeborsels, tandepasta, seep en
sanitêre doekies gaan bevat.
Go Purple se eerste 12 vroue begin in
Augustus met hul opleiding om hulp en
berading aan slagoffers van verkragting
en geweld te gee.
Annari du Plessis, stigter van Go
Purple gaan self die opleiding kom gee
en vroue evalueer.
Go Purple beplan ook ’n groot dag op
Maandag, 10 Augustus as deel van
vieringe vir Vrouedag en gaan saam met
die polisie en Sektor Polisiëringsforum
op Trichardt bewusmaking doen.
Hulle beplan ook verskeie ander dinge
vir dié dag wat by Laerskool Trichardt
gaan plaasvind.
Vir meer inligting of om by Go Purple
betrokke te raak, skakel Amanda by
082 446 0013. - Jana Oosthuizen.
Amanda Haywood van die Go Purpleprojek ontvang die produkte van
Antoinette Schépers, bestuurder en
apteker van Kinross Apteek.
Employees of the Kruger Filling Stations contributed their 67 minutes for Mandela
Day by picking up papers in Oliver Thambo Drive and Walter Sisulu Drive. Here
is the group at Sasol CBD. The stations that took part in this project was Sasol
Secunda CBD, Sasol Stadium and Sasol Value.
31 Julie /July 2015
LPBH benefits
from show
Heritage Properties managed to raise
R10 000 for Little Paws Big Hearts with
their charity event in The Basement
Theatre at Lake Umuzi last Thursday
They imported the band Newton & Co all
the way from Wellington in the Western
Cape, as well as Meerkat wines from
Schalk Burger and Sons Wine Farm –
rendering the perfect combination for a
party blast.
The evening began with Tamsyn Rafferty,
Heritage’s principal, explaining why the
event was being held.
Louis Kempen and Ruchel Botes
from Little Paws Big Hearts told the
audience in the packed theatre what
the organisation does, why they needed
money and how they will apply the much
needed funds to help animals in squatter
Thereafter Newton & Co soon had the
audience participating and dancing to
songs varying from Irish folk songs
and cover versions of old favourites to
Afrikaans hits and even some of their
own songs.
The band consists of lead singer and
guitar player Newton Theron, Eugenie
Potter on bass and vocals, Maria
Trautmann on violin and drummer Ryno
Tamsyn handed the R10 000 raised by
the event to Little Paws Big Hearts on
Tuesday morning.
Louis Kempen on behalf of LPBH wrote
the following letter of thanks:
“ LittlePawsBigHearts Secunda wants to
thank Heritage Properties, The Basement
Theatre, (Elmarie Van Huyssteen, Johan
Rosslee) and of course The Bulletin for
the excellent way they conducted the
venue at the Basement Theatre.
We at LPBH thank you from the bottom
of our hearts and please note that the
cash will be put to good use to better the
life of all the animals we interact with.
Then last but not least, thank you to
our supporters. Wow what an amazing
crowd! We love you all!”
Newton & Co on stage in the Basement Theatre.
AfriForum in aksie
Tamsyn Rafferty (principal of Heritage Properties) hands the money to
Little Paws Big Hearts’ Louis and Sonja Kempen and Ruchel Botes.
Together, shaping tomorrow
Crane Operator
Based in Secunda, your main duty will be to operate cranes in the Sasol Secunda primary
and secondary areas.
AfriForum het aksie geneem en besluit
om self iets aan die slaggate op Trichardt
te doen.
Die voorsitter Tokkie Reinecke en Emile
Blaauw het op Maandag, 27 Julie, begin
en solank die slaggat naby die brug op
die pad tussen Trichardt en Secunda
Hulle het 14 sakke teer benodig en
wil binnekort die ander slaggate op
Trichardt ook vul.
Sakelui kan ‘n bydrae lewer. Dit kos
sowat R100 om een slaggat te herstel.
As jy wil help, skakel Tokkie by 081
783 5761.
AfriForum is ook steeds besig met hul
kompetisie waar hulle opsoek is na
’n man en vrou wat diep spore in die
gemeenskap getrap het.
Inwoners kan mense nomineer deur ’n
kort motivering na Tokkie te stuur by
[email protected].
Volgens Tokkie het sy al ’n paar
motiverings vir vroue gekry, maar min
vir mans.
Die sluitingsdatum vir nominasies is
15 Augustus en die finaliste sal op 1
September bekend gemaak word.
AfriForum vergader weer op Maandag, 3
Augustus om 18:00 en belangstellendes
is welkom om dié vergadering by te
woon.- Jana Oosthuizen
You must have: • Grade 12/N3/Equivalent with Mathematics and Physical Science • a
Valid Crane Operator Certificate/s • a Code EC (14) drivers' licence • 2-3 years’ relevant
experience. (Ref: 19461)
In this role you will transport goods, materials and machinery within the primary and
secondary areas of the refinery and various mines.
You must have: • Grade 12/N3/Equivalent • Minimum Code EC or 14 driver’s licence • At
least 2 year’s Truck Driver / Rigging experience • 3–5 years general driving experience.
(Ref: 19460)
Should you wish to join our dynamic team, you may visit and then
select the relevant position by using the vacancy reference number, to view the full job
Closing date: 7 August 2015.
follow us on
31 Julie / July 2015
BNI meets
Members of the BNI Exploders Secunda
chapter (Business Networking Initiative)
got together on Friday, 24 July, at
Graceland and discussed branding ideas
for businesses.
BNI is a business and professional
networking organisation whose primary
purpose is to exchange qualified business
What makes BNI unique is that it allows
only one person per profession to join a
BNI is also global and members depend
on one another for referrals.
Jo Hawkins spoke to members about
branding their businesses.
“Branding is about how I can create the
best impression and keep it real,” said Jo.
If you are interested in joining BNI,
contact Amjé Coetzee at 082 852 1572.
Flea Market
Every Saturday from 08:00 to 15:00
the Secunda Flea Market takes place
opposite KFC in the CBD in the Govan
Mbeki municipal parking lot. For more
information, contact 082 960 8964.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Thursday from 18:00 to 19:00
next to to the Dutch Reformed Church
(oposite Sasol Recreation Club. Contact
George at 072 290 2875.
These members of BNI attended the meeting at Graceland on Friday, 24 July
10 minute plays
The ten minute plays are no longer a fad.
They are a legitimate form of theatre that
has proven highly popular with audiences
around the world. And is it any wonder?
The form forces playwrights to get
the story moving quickly and keep
the dramatic action tight, it lets actors
showcase their talents by playing
multiple roles, and it allows audiences to
enjoy a broad spectrum of theatre in one
sitting. It's like a theatre buffet.
The South African National Community
Theatre Association (SANCTA) presents
the Bi-Monthly Ten Minute Play Contest
on 14 August in the Limelight Theatre,
Graceland Secunda The show begins at
19:00. The following plays will compete:
• Dark Darkness (Trichardt)
• Nguwena lo? (Piet Retief)
• Revelations (Embalenhle)
• Sounding different but they are one of
us (Bethal)
• Too blind to see (Tjakastad)
Tickets are R20 per person and will be
available at the door or phone Henning
Botha on 082 440 8120.
Come and join in on the fun every
Monday and Wednesday from 18:00
to 20:30 at Park Centre. Secunda
Kickboxing Academy practices kick
Forced out of his own company by boxing and Muay Thai. Contact sensei
former protégé Darren Cross, Dr. Hank Louwrens Botha 072 357 5090.
Pym (Michael Douglas) recruits the Darts
talents of Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), a
master thief just released from prison. Join the Sasol Dart Club. Contact Rees
Lang becomes Ant-Man, trained by Pym Naidoo at 083 656 1319.
and armed with a suit that allows him Canoeing
to shrink in size, possess superhuman
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00
strength and control an army of ants.
at Lake Umuzi. Phone Sean Boyley at
The miniature hero must use his new
082 462 0057.
skills to prevent Cross, also known as
Yellowjacket, from perfecting the same Bowls
technology and using it as a weapon for Bowls at the Secunda Sasol Club every
Saturday and Sunday from 13:45.
Contact Pieter Grobler at 083 419 6912.
Win movie tickets
Run/Walk for Life
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
To win two movie tickets, answer the
17:30. Members meet at the Sasol
following easy question:
Recreation Club in Secunda. Phone
What superpower does Ant-Man have?
Nanna de Bruin at 082 878 2007.
Send your answer to admin@thebulletin.
Park Run
Every Saturday at 08:00 there is a Park
Run in PDP Kruger Street. Contact Dean
Moore at 072 384 8701.
Fri,Sat: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45
Sun,Mon: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
Tue: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45
Wed,Thu: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
¸˛ Ç
Thu: 20:00
7-9 PG
˛ Ç
Fri,Sat: 9:45,12:00,14:45,18:00,20:30,22:45
Sun,Mon: 9:45,12:00,14:45,18:00,20:30
Tue: 9:45,12:00,14:45,18:00,20:30,22:45
Wed,Thu: 9:45,12:00,14:45,18:00,20:30
Fri,Sat: 9:00,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:45,22:15
Sun,Mon: 9:00,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:45
Tue: 9:00,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:45,22:15
Wed,Thu: 9:00,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:45
Fri,Sat: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45
Sun,Mon: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
Tue: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45
Wed,Thu: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
˛ Ç
Fri: 12:30,15:00,17:30,20:15,22:45,10:00
Sat,Tue: 10:00,12:30,15:00,17:30,20:15,22:45
Sun,Mon: 10:00,12:30,15:00,17:30,20:15
Wed: 10:00,12:30,15:00,17:30,20:15
Thu: 10:00,12:30,15:00,17:30
Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00
Sun,Mon: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30
Tue: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00
Wed,Thu: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30
Follow us
Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sundowner golf at Walker Park every
Friday. Tee off times start at 12:00.
Tennislesse by die Sasol-ontspanningsklub. Skakel Annamarie Meyer by 082
781 0208.
Prospective wrestlers (boys and girls)
older than five years of age are invited
to join Sasol Wrestling Club. Every
Monday and Wednesday from 18:00
in the main Sport Hall at the the Sasol
Recreation Club. Contact Johan at 082
322 9893 or Lollie at 082 343 7800.
Hoëveld Fotografieklub kom maandeliks
bymekaar. Die datums: 21 Augustus,
4 September, 2 Oktober, 6 November.
Skakel James Harris by 082 903 1926.
Social Squash
Every Wednesday night. Court lights
on from 16:40 to 18:40. All welcome
(members and non-members)
31Julie / July 2015
1 Augustus.
Boerefees - geniet ‘n
heerlike ete saam met Manie Jackson
in die ope lug rondom ‘n kampvuur.
R160pp. Sirloin steak, spitbraai ens.
Slegs beperkte sitplekke. Kontak vir
Recardo 0837875287.
1 August. 10:00 - 15:00. Home Xpo at
WMPG at 2 Andries Potgieter Street.
1-2 August. Bridal Expo at Graceland.
3-7 August. Sasol Techno X will be held
in Secunda at the Sasol Recreation Club.
7 August. 20:00. Loyiso Gola, South
African stand-up comedian, and Kagiso
Lediga, team up to render a sensational
night of non-stop laughter at the
Graceland Arena. Tickets: R120 per
person (if purchased before 1 August);
R150 per person thereafter. Tickets are
available at Computicket.
8-10 August. Open team darts
competition presented by G M Darts in
the Sasol Sports Hall. Cash prizes to be
won. Entry fees R500 per team. Entries
to be submitted no later than 3 August
complete with the entry fees. Contact the
following for more information: Rees –
083 656 1319, Arthur – 084 301 3909,
Marietha – 076 256 0526, Chris – 078
458 2676, Anton – 082 342 2991.
11 Augustus. Bethal VLU-tak vergader
in die Bethal Biblioteek se ouditorium.
Almal is welkom. Skakel Wilna
Redelinghuys by 082 457 1966.
15 Augustus. Morgenzon Landbou
Akademie bied ʼn gholfdag aan by die
Morgenzon-gholfklub ter stywing van
die skool se fondse. 017 793 3089.
15 Augustus. 08:00-16:00. HoëveldHengelklub hou ‘n visvangkompetisie
by Last Farm. Bel vir Andre – 072 336
4171 of Rohan – 079 873 3426
19 Augustus. 10:00. Sonja en Tjokker
tree op by Laerskool Secunda. Kaartjies
is R30 elk. Bel vir Surina by 079 499
22 Augustus: 08:00-16:00. HoëveldHengelklub hou ‘n visvangkompetisie by
Last Farm. Bel Andre – 072 336 4171 of
Rohan – 079 873 3426
22 Augustus: Hoërskool Secunda bied ’n
Sexy Ladies Luncheon in Die Ark by die
Rondekerk aan. Die groot trekpleister is
die KykNet Kokkedoorwenner van 2014,
Johnny Hamman, en sy kookvennoot,
Marius Uys, wat die drie gang-maal
sal voorberei. Bring jou eie wyn saam.
Kaartjies is R250 elk of R2 500 per tafel
van 10 mense. Bespreek by Paul van den
Berg by 079 358 9035 of 017 634 7707.
23 August. 12:00: High Tea with Alison
Botha in The Graceland Arena. In 1994,
Alison was abducted, raped and left for
dead on the outskirts of Port Elizabeth.
Despite being stabbed repeatedly and
having her throat slit from side to side,
Alison’s inner strength and will to
survive drove her to find her way to the
road where the driver of a passing car
stopped and found her.
She will be sharing her personal journey
at special High Tea in the Graceland
Arena. Tickets are R 150.00 per person,
including high tea and snacks. Call 017
620 1294/6.
26, 27 and 28 August. 19:00. Hoërskool
Oosterland is performing Reflection,
their revue, in the Johannes Stegmann
Theater. Reflection is a romantic comedy
in the setting of a musical. Tickets are
R80 each and are available online at
WebTicket or at the theatre’s ticket booth.
28 & 29 August. Secunda Uncorked –
Food and Wine Festival. To raise funds
for their charity work, Little Paws Big
Hearts will be hosting a Food and Wine
Festival, in partnership with Graceland
Hotel Casino and Country Club Resort.
There will be live entertainment, and to
cater for all tastes a wide variety of food,
wine and craft beer will be on offer.
Tickets are available from Computicket
at R60 per person and will also be sold
at the door at R80 per person. Admission
will only be charged for people older
than 18.
Entrance is free to those under 18,
provided an adult acompany them.
Only a limited number of tickets are
available, so buy your tickets now
to avoid disappointment. For more
information contact Ruchel Botes 082
442 7988 or Louis Kempen 082 777
29 Augustus. Die lentemark vind van
09:00 tot 14:00 by Zylite Pub & Grill in
Kriel plaas. Dit kos R100 per stalletjie.
Die geld wat deur die stalletjies genereer
word, gaan aan ’n plaaslike instansie
geskenk word. Skakel Karin by 082 896
29 Augustus. Laerskool Secunda se
INNIPARK fees vind plaas onder in
die oop veld by Sasol klub. Vir meer
inligting, skakel Laerskool Secunda by
017 634 7612.
29 Augustus: Bok van Blerk en Dusty
Dixon tree op by die wildsfees van
Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk
(Bethal.) 30 tent lapas gaan opgerig word
wat elkeen 20 gaste kan huisves. Ideaal
vir firmas om hulle kliënte te onhaal. ‘n
3 gang maaltyd sal bedien word en daar
sal deurentyd vleis op die spit wees om te
‘proe’. Koste beloop R500 per persoon.
Geen persone onder die ouderdom van
18 jaar kan toegelaat word nie. Kontak
Johan Swanepoel by 079 528 4837
5 September: 09:00. Laerskool
Goedehoop hou ‘n Damesoggend in die
Graceland Arena met Gretha Wiid as
gasspreker en VanWest as gaskunstenaar.
Kaartjies is R150 elk en sluit verversings
in. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Juanita
Fourie. (017) 634 7722.
24 September. Biltong- en Braaifees by
Hoërskool Secunda. Daar gaan allerlei
vermaak en uitstallings wees, heerlike
vleis ook kunstenaars. Toegang: R50 vir
volwassenes en R10 vir kinders.
24 September. Iemas 4x4 Family Fun
Day at Hoërskool Secunda. Make an
appointment at Secunda 4x4 Club. Send
an e-mail to secunda4x4club@gmail.
22-28 September. 09:00 – 19:00.
Marietjie Skool se Lentemark vind plaas
by die skool. Daar gaan meer uitstallers
as verlede jaar wees. Vir meer inligting,
skakel die skool by 017 631 1474.
Visit the Wedding
Expo this weekend
The Wedding Expo is happening this
weekend at Graceland.
Visitors can expect
to see fashion shows,
bridal gowns, beauty
ideas, wedding décor
ideas and much more.
Among the exhibitors
will be Placecol, Rootz
Spa, Dadiva, Teksa
Events, Blast Parties,
Attorneys, Graceland
Perfect, Moija Bridal, Standerton
Rokke, Jan Rabie Photography, Travel
Counsellors, Scissorhands Salon, Heaven
To include your event
here, send and email
to admin@thebulletin.
in a Jar, Salon Select, and much more.
Brides to be can, at
only R80, register to
be in the run for a free
There will be other
goodies for the bridal
entourage to enjoy.
Entry fee is R50 per
under the age of 12
can enter for free.
The Wedding Expo
will be held on
Saturday and Sunday.
The doors will be
open from 10:00 to
17:00 on both days.
The Bulletin and Graceland Wedding
Expo Bride of the Year competition
winner will be announced on Sunday.
31 Julie / July 2015
Infrared therapy (part 3)
Let me tell you how Far Infrared Ray
therapy helps you with so many other
ailments. I will not go into details but
will mention some ailments and how far
infrared therapy will come to its rescue.
AND BACKACHE Far infrared ray is
not only heat inducing light but also an
electro magnetic wave.
Its penetration capability enables it
to reach deep under the skin to dilate
blood vessels and to stimulate blood
circulation. When the blood flow in
muscles increases, the stiffness and pain
may lessen accordingly.
ray therapy is a good therapy for sport
related conditions because it
effectively treats many such conditions
and can control the associate pain. It
is exceptionally effective in removing
wastes like lactic acid, improving the
metabolism and improving the blood
CIRCULATION. Many of us jog or
exercise to keep ourselves fit. We do not
exercise merely to move our feet or body
or to keep our body soft. Rather circulates
well, tissues will receive the energy in
the form of nutrients and oxygen to help
the metabolic activities they need and so
will the heart stay healthy. Because of its
physical characteristics, far infrared ray
can heat the surface of the skin. For this
reason, far infrared ray benefits both the
bones and the internal organs. Since the
radiation effect of far infrared ray cannot
be felt, it is important that no excessive
radiation is used.
blood pressure is above the normal level
it is called hypertension. Blood pressure
is determined by the volume of blood
pumped by the heart and the resistance
from peripheral blood vessels. Blood
pressure changes constantly Excitement
and mental stress cause blood pressure
to rise temporarily.
Hypertension sufferers must control
their intake of salt and pay attention to
constipation. They also need to have
sufficient sleep and exercise moderately.
Of particular significance for the
prevention and treatment of hypertension
is mental stability. Far infrared therapy
may be used for hypertension because
it dilate blood vessels and lowers the
blood pressure by 10-15mm Hg
Obesity refers to the increased mass of
fatty subcutaneous and other tissues.
Being obese or overweight can cause and
is associated with many serious diseases.
Compared to healthy people, those who
are overweight are more likely to die of
infections and inflammation in the heart,
arteries and kidneys. The far infrared
treatment helps the body to get rid of
surplus fat via an increase in metabolic
activity and some loss through the
sebaceous glands.
This will come about by you sweating
while on the therapy. Sweating out 200
– 400ml of water is equivalent to the loss
of 400-600 grams of weight.
Dr Mathilda Roux 082 898 7732 017
634 7735
Laas week het ons gesels oor die
lewensstadia 12-18 jaar. Nou bespreek
ek die lewensfase van INTIMITEIT
Hierdie fase is waar jou kind skool
verlaat en uit die huis begin beweeg.
Verhoudings raak nou meer ernstig en
Die hormone raak demone na middernag
wanneer die jong volwassene onseker is
oor hulle identiteit. Dikwels word seks
met liefde en intimiteit verwar.
Intimiteit gaan ook om werklik in te fokus
op ander se behoeftes. Emosioneel,
Fisies en Geestelik.
Gedurende dié fase ontdek hulle
gewoonlik hulle doel. Wat hulle graag
wil doen beroepsgewys. Hulle is meer
realisties ten opsigte van toereikendheid,
eie standaarde en verwagtinge.
Hulle erken hulle eie waarde en eise.
Hulle het ook meer empatie en deernis
met ander.
Die teenoorgestelde kan ontwikkel deur
glad geen geduld of deernis met ander
se tekortkominge te hê nie. Dit lei dan
tot isolasie. Gedurende hierdie fase word
die persoon bewus van leemtes in hulle
lewe. Die tekortkominge ontstaan weens
onvoltooide lewensfases.
verwonding in die kinderjare speel hier
ʼn rol en dikwels raak die verwondings ʼn
teer punt. Dit is belangrik dat die jong
volwassene hieraan aandag gee om te
verseker dat hulle op die regte roete kom
om hulle doel en drome te bereik.
Hier begin wantroue, skaamte en twyfel
en skuldgevoelens ʼn ernstige wending
aanneem, veral as dit nie bemeester is in
die vroeëre lewensfases nie.
Jong volwassene, sou jy voel jy hak vas
en is in ʼn groef. Dis nooit te laat. Soek
hulp jong. Kom en kry ʼn deurbraak in
jou lewe- die hele toekoms lê nog voor.
Dit is soos ʼn dubbelverdieping huis en
die trappe is nie heeltemal voltooi nie,
daar is ʼn moontlikheid dat jy kan mistrap
en vêr val.
Kom oor die “ self ”-fase. Soms kan
jy, jouself nie help nie en het jy ʼn
buitestander nodig om net perspektief in
jou lewe te gee.
Volgende keer gesels ons oor die sewende
Sarah-Jane Siebrits (Geregistreerde
Privaat Maatskaplike Werker) by 084
500 6519 (Mediese fonds/ Kontant)
Vleisetende Hoender deur Nic Samwell
Kriel-fotograwe vereer
Lede van Kriel-fotoklub het op
Woensdag, 22 Julie, byeengekom en hul
beste foto’s ingeskryf.
Nic Samwell se foto Vleisetende Hoender
was die beste in die junior-afdeling en
Gerhard Visagie se foto Slurp Omhoog
was die beste in die senior-afdeling.
Visagie se foto is ook as die PSSA
(Photographic Society South Africa) se
senior foto van die maand aangewys.
Die voorgeskrewe onderwerp-afdeling
onder die junior fotograwe is deur
Shantel van der Merwe gewen met haar
foto Seeds and Boot and All en onder
die senior fotograwe was Alet van der
Westhuizen se foto Blow Them Away
die beste.
Die ander fotograwe wat presteer het
in die ope-afdeling is Shantel van der
Merwe met haar foto Dis MY Bal Daai (1
ster afdeling), Lynette Taljaard met haar
foto Stilte Tyd (3 ster afdeling), Lizette
Coetzer met haar foto Luister Maar Hoor
Niks (4 ster afdeling), Deon Buckley met
sy foto Tank Fish (5 ster afdeling) en Eric
Bosman met sy foto Devilfish (meester
In die eenkleur-afdeling was Johan
Briedenhann se foto I Will Survive die
beste onder die 3 ster fotograwe en in
die natuurafdeling was Dedre de Wet
se foto Groot Oog die beste onder die 3
ster fotograwe en Lizette Coetzer se foto
Spinnekoppie Omring in Glorie van Geel
die beste onder die 4 ster fotograwe.
In die wildlewe-afdeling was Nico
Coetzer se foto Yellow Eyes die beste
onder die 3 ster fotograwe, Willem
Hofmann se foto Hoor Hier onder die
4 ster fotograwe, Deon Buckley se foto
Groenvlerk Duifies onder die 5 ster
fotograwe en Alet van der Westhuizen se
foto Eye of the Zebra onder die meester
brons fotograwe.
Piet Potgieter van die Hoëveldse
Fotografieklub op Secunda was die
Kriel-fotoklub het ook hul jaarlikse
prestasie-aand gehou en Eric Bosman
is as die senior kampioen vir 2014
aangewys en Marinda Oberholzer as die
junior kampioen.
Die klub so oud-voorsitter, Dirk Venter,
het dié twee fotograwe se toekennings
aan hulle oorhandig.
Kriel-fotoklub vergader weer op
Woensdag, 19 Augustus, om 18:30 by
Roepersfontein Bedieninge en almal is
welkom om dié byeenkoms by te woon.
Vir meer inligting, skakel die voorsitter,
Alet van der Westhuizen by 082 850
4706. - Jana Oosthuizen
First sale in Mpu
Hyundai Trichardt Sales manager Llewelyn Enever hands over the keys to
Harold Churchill who bought the first Hyundai Veloster 1600 Turbo Manual in
31 Julie / July 2015
To advertise phone:
Helena 082 561 8566
Elzabie 073 275 8976
Om teleurstelling te voorkom bring julle
tente vroegtydig in vir veranderinge en
Sluit 10 Des Open 9 Jan 2016
Grey str 53 Trichardt
(017) 638 1264 / 083 233 9002
Kristopher Ryan Sentrum
8 Verskillende Soet
te koop teen
R30 p/500g.
Oop daagliks
08:00 - 14:00
2 359 4871
Sue de Villiers 082
017 634 7867
Aerial + DSTV Installations
Single HD Decoder (Fully Installed) R 799
Sales and Testing. Terms & Conditions Apply.
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Tel: 017 634 5014 • Shop 2 Medical Centre, next to Biltong Paleis
31 Julie / Junie 2015
Dié nuwe ras het lae onderhoudskoste
Hoekom nog ’n skaapras?
Daar is reeds so baie skaaprasse daar
buite om van te kies, maar hoekom die
aanhoudende groei van die Meatmaster
ras die afgelope 20 jaar?
Die Meatmaster is ’n unieke ras wat die
die Europeuse skaaprasse kombineer met
die goeie eienskappe van die inheemse
skaaprasse en so ’n spesifieke gaping
binne die mark vul waar daar geen
kompetisie is nie.
Dié ras beskik oor ’n kombinasie van
eienskappe wat nie in ander rasse gevind
word nie.
Hulle is geteel om op die veld te oorleef
sonder byvoeding.
Hierdie eienskappe maak dit ’n maklike,
ekonomiese ras om mee te boer.
Die Meatmaster se aanpasbaarheid
Maalvleis, Wors & Kookvleis R50 p/kg
Heel Skaap R50 p/kg
Heel Lam R65 p/kg
Agter & Voor 1/4 (Verwerk & vacuum
packed) R50 p/kg
Ontbeende Hoenderflattie R80 per flattie
Hamburger Patties R65 p/kg
Biltong & Droëwors R150 p/kg
083 656 8106 / 079 499 8880
regoor Suid-Afrika is merkwaardig.
Van die tropiese dele soos Malelane in
Mpumalanga, die nat dele soos Natal, tot
in die droë Karoo, word hulle mee geteel.
Dié skape presteer ooral onder alle
Die volgende eienskappe, wat die
Meatmaster anders en nuut maak teenoor
ander skaaprasse is die feit dat hulle
nie inkomste hoër probeer stoot nie,
maar inset koste so lae as mootlik te
probeer hou. Die Meatmaster promofeer
ook die seleksie vir gehardheid en
Die belangrikste is om skape minimaal
te dip, doseer en te ent teen parasiete en
Waar ander skape gedip en doseer moet
word volgens ’n program, hoef mens die
Meatmaster, afhangend van hoe hoog
die reënval is, merkwaardig minder te
In die droeër dele van die land sal slegs
enkele diere wat tekens van parasiete
(inwendig en uitwendig) toon behandel
word, gemerk word en weggelei word
met die volgende klomp skaap wat
markgereed is.
Ander eienskappe wat kostes laag hou is
geen sterte word afgesny nie, dié skape
het ’n sterk poenskop faktor, wol word
natuurlik afgegooi en baie klem is op vol
pigmentasie geplaas.
Die Meatmaster het uitstekende trop
instink vir maklike bestuur en kontrole.
Meatmasters is uiters vrugbaar en
uitstekend met jong ooitjies wat in groot
dele van die land op 12 maande lam.
Die moederseienskappe is baie goed
en dit maak dat hulle hulle lammers,
waarvan baie tweelinge is, sonder enige
probleme grootmaak. Die ramme is viriel
met uitstekende dekvermoë.
Lammers groei goed en kan na speen op
4 to 6 maande bemark word.
Kleur speel glad nie ’n rol nie, enige
kleur is toelaatbaar.
Die Meatmaster Telersgenootskap groei
elke jaar en die belangstelling in die ras
is ongelooflik, veral in die Noordelike
dele van Suid Afrika.
Die aanvraag is groot omdat die
Meatmaster ’n winsgewende skaap is om
mee te boer onder moeilike ekonomiese
en weersomstandighede.
Die Meatmaster skaap is definitief ‘Geld
uit die Veld’ en ’n plesier om mee te boer!
Daar word deur die jaar veilings gehou
regoor die land.
Die nasionale veiling word jaarliks op
Bloemfontein gehou in Augustus en daar
is jaarliks ’n veiling in Pretoria by die
skougronde in Augustus.
Vir meer inligting oor die Meatmaster
skakel die hoofkantoor by 051
4100900/55 of stuur ’n e-pos na sonja@
Besoek gerus die webtuiste by www.
Noordelike deel van Suid Afrika:
Transveld Meatmaster Klub, Rachel
Fouché: 084 240 5269.
Meatmasterskaap is ’n
nuwe ras in
’n Meatmaster
ooi met ’n
tweeling lam.
Hulle is geteel
om in die veld te
Jim van Tonder hou veiling
Bethal se geskiedenis toon dat veilings
oor verskeie dekades heen ‘n baie
prominente plek ingeneem het in die
alledaagse handel en wandel van die
Hubbard en Snyman was seker
die belangrikste en bekendste
veilingafslaers in die area.
vendusiekrale naby die stasie was
gerieflik vir op- en aflaai van vee en
ander items.
Vandag bestaan die fasiliteite nie meer
Verskeie firmas het gekom en gegaan
maar die regte veilings het gelukkig
nog nie verdwyn nie.
Wil u graag weer ‘n veiling beleef?
Moenie die Jim van Tonderskool
veiling in samewerking met die firma
BKB op 4 Augustus 2015 op die
skoolterrein misloop nie.
‘n Wye spektrum goedere gaan
aangebied word – beleef weer die
veilingatmosfeer, kom koop of verkoop
en geniet dit.
Daar sal ook genoeg te ete wees om
aan te smul.
Kom ondersteun die skool in die
jaarlikse fondsinsamelingsveldtog.
Vir meer inligting skakel mnr. Hardus
Pretorius by 0836542443 of mnr. Jan
van Eeden by 0828790947.
31 Julie /July 2015
Margate Holiday Flat
Sleep - 4 persons
Fully equipped.
Open for bookings
Please contact
072 817 7968
Rent Direct
& Save
Dié boerboel is op Secunda gevind en
is tans in die Hoëveldrif DBV se sorg.
Sy eienaars kan die DBV skakel by 017
632 2654.
1, 2 & 3 Bedroom flat
available from
R4 400 pm up to R6 400 pm
Fixed until Sept 2016
* 24 Hour manned security
* Including lock up garage and
extra parking per unit.
* Entertainment area with
heated indoor pool.
* Save on fuel – closest to
Sasol, Private school, Lake Umuzi
& mall.
Contact Awie
079 819 8500 / 017 631 5622
Dié malteser is op Trichardt gevind en
is tans in die Hoëveldrif DBV se sorg.
Sy eienaars kan die DBV skakel by 017
632 2654.
Dié Yorkshireterriër is op Secunda
gevind en is tans in die Hoëveldrif
DBV se sorg. Sy eienaars kan die DBV
skakel by 017 632 2654.
Dié boerboel is op Secunda gevind en
is tans in die Hoëveldrif DBV se sorg.
Sy eienaars kan die DBV skakel by 017
632 2654.
Cosmos Ridge. Beautiful 2 bed 1 bath in
secure complex - R770,000
Sammy: 083 783 4301
We are looking for a vibrant &
Great home for sale in Embalenhle. 3 bed,
professional individual to join our
2 bath in quiet area. R850,000
rental team at Heritage Properties.
Millicent: 083 953 3014
No previous experience necessary
but a strong admin background will 12 Schalk Burger Great area! 3 bed 1 bath home close to 5
Star Spar. Brand new! R1,060,000
Street, Secunda
be an advantage. Training will be
Tamsyn: 082 374 3683
provided. Applicants MUST have a
2 bed flat in Evander in secure complex
car, valid drivers license and own
with neatly tiled bathroom - R540,000.
laptop/ tablet. Please send your CV 017 631 2149
Sizwe: 076 974 8900
to [email protected]
inniPark Fees is om die draai
Laerskool Secunda bied op Saterdag, 29
Augustus, vir die eerste keer die inniPark
Fees in die groen strook onderkant die
Sasol-ontspanningsklub aan.
Die doel van dié fees is om die skool
finansieël te ondersteun.
Dié fees gaan ’n jaarlikse instelling
word en sal vir die hele gemeenskap tot
voordeel wees.
Van die bekende kunstenaars wat vanjaar
gaan optree sluit in Pieter Koen, ADAM,
Ricus Nel, Rinel Day en Louise van
Wyk. Trots Suid-Afrikaanse produkte,
kossoorte en plaaslike besighede gaan
by die fees bemark word en daar gaan
ook vermaak vir die kinders gebied word
asook ’n fietswedren waaraan oud en
jonk kan deelneem.
Dit gaan ’n kuierfees wees waar die
gemeenskap piekniek kan hou en met
vriende sal kan kuier. Borge gaan
erkenning kry en besighede kan die skool
31 Julie / July 2015
skakel as hulle by dié fees betrokke wil
Die hele fees-area gaan in die vorm van ’n
klein dorpie ingerig word en straatname
sal na besighede vernoem word.
Die bome in die park gaan ook versier
word en as landmerke dien. Besighede
kan ’n boom of straat koop en sodoende
hul besighede bemark. Toegang vir die
fees is R50 per volwassene en R30 per
laerskoolkind (2-13 jaar).
Pieter Koen is een van die kunstenaars
wat by die inniPark Fees gaan optree.
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Secunda is by die Landsdiens se Streekskamp
vir die Nasionale Landsdienskamp wat in Desember plaasvind, gekies. Hulle
is (voor) Luke Nobrega en Nolan van den Heever. Agter is Michael Malan en
Alicia Furstenburg.
Rinel Day is een van die kunstenaars
wat by die inniPark Fees gaan optree.
Ricus Nel is een van die kunstenaars wat
die gehoor gaan vermaak by Laerskool
Secunda se inniPark Fees.
31 Julie / Julie 2015
Oosterland is wenners
Hoërskool Oosterland se spanne
het goed gevaar in die Mpumalanga
Liga vir medium skole en hul o.14rugbyspan is die Mpumalanga-wenners
en het Hoërskool Bergvlam met 17-5
geklop. Hulle neem komende Saterdag
aan die Beeld-trofeereeks vir medium
skole se halfeindronde deel en gaan
met Nylstroom op Nylstroom kragte
meet. Die skool is trots op dié span en
hul afrigter, Andries Labuschagne.
Hulle eerste rugbyspan het as die
naaswenners uit die stryd getree van
die Mpumalanga-rugbyliga en hulle
neem komende Saterdag aan die
Beeld-trofeereeks vir medium skole se
halfeindronde deel op hul tuisveld.
Die o.15-rugbyspan het as die
naaswenners weggestap en neem ook
komende Saterdag aan die Beeldtrofeereeks vir medium skole se
halfeinronde deel op hul tuisveld.
Hoërskool Secunda se o.16-meisieshokkiespan was die naaswenners in die
Mpumalanga-eindronde en gaan aan die Noordvaal-hokkietoernooi deelneem.
Hiér is die span saam met hul afrigters Magda du Plessis.
Jim van Tonderskool se 0.14 Netbalspan is as Ligawenners van die Mpumalanga
Lsen-skole aangewys. Hier is hulle saam met hulle afrigter Mev. De Jager.
Hoërskool Secunda se o.14-meisieshokkiespann het vierde in die Mpumalangaeindronde geëindig en kwalifiseer dus om aan die Noordvaal-hokkietoernooi
deel te neem. Hiér is die span saam met hul afrigters, Amelia Harper en Madré
Die Oop B-netbalspan van Jim van Tonderskool is as Mpumalanga Lsen-skole
ligawenners aangewys. Hier is hulle saam met hulle afrigter Mev. Gradigde.
Smit’s Angels of Hoërskool Evander High School are the winners of the
Mpumalanga Netball Series for 2015. They were also the champions for 2014.
They are (in front) Minette Lottering, Meisie Mabe, Charlene Shilenge, Bernazine
Jonathan and Ntombi Ngobo. At the back are Lebogang Makola, Miguelle Brooks,
Nelly Futshane, Pieta Smit (coach), Thandolwethu Sechaba and Noluthando
31 Julie / July 2015
Vertoon jou rok
Op 7 Oktober word daar ‘n matriekafskeidrokkompetisie in
die Basement Teater@Lake Umuzi Waterfront aangebied.
Indien jy vanjaar (2015) ‘n ingeskrewe leerling in matriek
(gr.12) is kom vertoon jou matriekafskeidsrok tydens die
kompetisie van die jaar. Daar gaan groot kontantpryse
wees om te wen.
Hou die Bulletin dop vir die inskrywingsvorm asook meer
inligting oor die kompetisie wat later deurgegee sal word.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Amori Booysen by 079 499
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Trichardt is tydens die Landsdiens Streekskamp gekies vir die Nasionale
Landsdienskamp wat in Desember in Limpopo plaasvind. Hulle is Grethe Muller, Vinette van der
Merwe, Henru Hugo, Anené Pretoruis en Talitha Kruger. Talitha is ook aangewys as die leier van die
dogters vir die kamp.
Laerskool Kruinpark se landsdieners het presteer gedurende
die Streekskamp wat in Junie Blyderivier Adventura gehou
is. Die skool het nege landsdieners en vier reserwes uit 70
landsdieners opgelewer wat in Desember aan die nasionale
kamp by Thaba Maroela sal deelneem. Voor is Dylan
Oosthuizen, Domminique Bezuidenhout en Wynand Dreyer.
In die middel is Jason Baay, Izelda Nel, Nina Louw, Natalie
Fourie, Clarissa Kriese en Sunike Nel. Agter is Xander Braun,
Ignus Stydom, Stefan Vosloo en Guandré van Niekerk.
A model on the catwalk at Graceland on Saturday
during the Matric Farewell Expo held in the Liberty
Junior van der Westhuizen van Hoërskool
Hoogenhout het in die vakansie aan die
“Young Chefs”-kompetisie op Watervalboven
deelgeneem. Hulle het by die Malaga Protea
Hotel gekook waar hy in die Siyaya-afdeling
meegeding het en baie goed gevaar het. Hy het
‘n sertifikaat ontvang vir uitnemendheid in sy
Dié leerlinge
van Hoërskool
Hoogenhout is gekies
om die Nasionale
in Desember in
Hoedspruit by te woon.
Die kamp sal plaasvind
8-13 Desember. Voor
is Mile Klassee, Jenna
Danckert, Michaela
Niemann en Carla
Blom. Agter is Willaine
Bock, Megan Fourie en
Neldine Joubert.
Golden Wickettoekenning vir sy
bydrae tot krieket
op skolevlak die
afgelope 15 jaar.
Dis die eerste
keer dat so ‘n
toekenning gegee
word. Hier is
Nico Wiggill en
31 Julie / Julie 2015
Deelnemers trek tou in koue en reën
Lede van Secunda- en Mogaletoutrekklubs
verteenwoordig tydens die SA Nasionale
Toutrekkampioenskappe wat vanaf 16
tot18 Julie plaasgevind het by die Strand,
Wes Kaap.
Die kompetisie het die Vrydag in ysige
koue en reën begin en die trekkers het
diep gedelf om in die nat en modderige
omstandighede vas te skop en deur te
Die toeskouers het dan ook soos wat
kan verwag word, met kwinkslae die
spanne aangemoedig. “ Kom nou,
vasskop, sak daai lyf en druk deurrr….,
die reentjie hou julle net koel, komaan,
nog net so drie tree, vasbyt, manne.
Drrruuuuuk deurrrr…..” het elke span
wat deelgeneem het die hakke harder laat
ingekap, harder gedruk en getrek sodat
jy net sien water en modder spat.
Toutrek gaan alles oor spanwerk en
uithouvermoë en hoe ’n span hul krag
en uithouvermoë saamspan wanneer
hulle trek. Wanneer jy begin deelneem,
is jou uithouvermoë op die tou omtrent
15 sekondes. Dit vat so drie tot vyf jaar
vir iemand se arms om regtig sterk en
toufiks te raak. Die meeste klubs oefen
twee keer per week op die tou, maar dan
moet jy ook ten minste twee keer per
week op jou eie in die gimnasium oefen
en gaan draf.
Mense dink dat toutrek slegs vir mense is
wat groot gebou is, maar hoe ligter jy is,
hoe beter trek jy eintlik.
Die spanne word saamgestel uit agt
persone wat saam die totale gewig
van die span opmaak en hoe nader die
persone aan die gemiddelde gewig van
die totale gewig deel deur agt weeg, hoe
beter gebalanseerd is die span. Toutrek is
ook nie net vir mans nie.
Op die stadium is Suid Afrika se
damesspan algeheel derde in die wereld
en al hoe meer dames begin aan die sport
Toutrek was die eerste spansport waarin
Suid Afrika aan die Olimpiese Spele
deelgeneem het en dit tydens Suid Afrika
se eerste deelname aan die Olimpiese
Spele in St Louis in 1904. Suid Afrika
het vyfde geindig.
Mpumalanga Toutrek wil ook graag
al hulle borge bedank vir hulle
ondersteuning wat dit vir die spanne
moonlik gemaak het om te gaan
Hulle oefen op Dinsdag en Donderdag
aande van 18:00 tot 19:00 by die
genooi om te kom kyk en saam te oefen,
of om Thys Duraan te skakel by 082 462
8060. - Aart Reedijk.
Rugbyklub sluit jaar af
Hoewel Sasol-rugbyklub nie die
naweek die halfeindronde van die
Mpumalanga-liga kon deurhaak nie,
het dié 15-tal steeds die seisoen met
trots afgesluit.
Op ‘n koel Nelspruit was dit net nie
Sasol se dag nie, en het hulle 15-34
teen Nelspruit verloor.
Die puntemakers vir Sasol was Deon
Pruis met een verdoeling, Theuns
Krüger met ‘n drie en ‘n verrassende
skepdoel, en Hanno van Staden met
een drie.
Johann de Bruin en Theuns Krüger.
Sasol het Nelspruit en Witrivier
sterkte toegewens vir die eindstryd
eerskomende naweek.
Met harde werk goeie dissepline op
en van die veld, is die Bestuur van
Sasol baie trots op hul spanne. Al
twee spanne het 2de geëindig op die
Hoëveld Super Liga met Ferro’s 1 op
die top van die Log met 28 gevolg
deur Sasol Hydra-Arc 1 met 25 punte.
Sasol het hierdie seisoen ‘n total van
123 punte in wedstryde aangeteken en
Ferros het 96 punte vermag. Sasol het
ook 31 drieë gedruk teenoor Ferros se
Sasol sal nou eers bietjie ‘n ruskansie
vat vir al die beserings om te herstel en
dan begin hulle met die voorbereiding
vir die 7’s seisoen wat voorlê.
Twee vegters kry medaljes
Lede van die Secunda Martial Arts
Centre het op Saterdag, 25 Julie, aan die
Jock of the Bushveld Skopboks-toernooi
in Nelspruit deelgeneem en Duart du Toit
en Dewald Bezuidenhout het medaljes
huis toe gebring.
Du Toit het twee eerste plekke behaal en
Bezuidenhout twee tweede plekke.
Dié sentrum bied op Saterdag, 8 Augustus
’n gevegsaand by Graceland aan.
Klubs vanoor Suid-Afrika gaan aan dié
aand deelneem en daar gaan ook een of
twee internasionale gevegte wees.
Dit begin om 19:00 en toegang is R50
per persoon vir volwassenes en R30 vir
kinders onder die ouderdom van 12.
Gedurende die dag gaan daar ook karateen skopbokskompetisies wees en die
toegang vir dit is R20 per persoon vir
volwassenes en R10 vir kinders onder
die ouderdom van 12.
Gevegskuns-spanne kan nog vir dié dag
inskryf en dit beloof om groot vermaak
vir toeskouers te wees.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Sensei
Louwrens Botha by 072 357 5090.
Louwrens Botha en Duart du Toit van
Secunda Martial Arts Centre.
680kg mans – Silwer. Voor is Jason Solomon, Christopher Wrigley, Gerhard
Claassens en David Jansen van Vuuren. Agter is Johan Heyman, Johan Harmse,
Carl du Plessis en Ian du Plessis.
560kg o.23 – Brons. Voor is Sipho Tlakedi, Nina-Marie Claassens, Danie Bruwer
en David Jansen van Vuuren. Agter is Johan Heyman (Spanbestuurder), Gerhard
Claassens jnr., Jason Solomon, Carl du Plessis, Wouter Vosloo, Christopher
Wrigley (Aanvoerder)
31 Julie / July 2015
Follow us on
Facebook or
on our website
Secunda is Puma-wenners
Hoërskool Secunda se eerste rugbyspan is as wenners van die Mpumalanga Groot Skole-liga aangewys. Hiér is die span met
Mike van der Walt (biokinetikus), JJ Hennop (afrigter), George Matfield (Adjunkhoof Sport en afrigter), Lourens Pieterse
(hoof), Willie Meirng (spanbestuurder) en Dean du Rand (rugbyorganiseerder).
Hoërskool Secunda se sportspanne het
verlede naweek uitgeblink en hul o.14A-rugbyspan en eerste rugbyspan het as
die wenners van die Mpumalanga Groot
Skole-liga weggestap.
Dié eindronde van dié liga het op
Saterdag, 25 Julie, op Piet Retief
plaasgevind. Hoërskool Secunda se
o.14-A-rugbyspan het met Hoërskool
Generaal Hertzog kragte gemeet en hulle
met ’n telling van 15-0 geklop.
Hulle speel komende Saterdag in die
eerste rondte van die Beeld-trofeereeks
teen Hoërskool Ben Vorster.
Die eerste span het met Hoërskool Piet
Retief kragte gemeet en hul wentelling
was 27-3.
Hulle meet ook eerskomende Saterdag
kragte met Ben Vorster.
Hoërskool Secunda se o.14A-rugbyspan was die wenners van die Mpumalanga Groot Skole-liga. Hiér
is die span saam met George Matfield (adjunkhoof Sport), Dean du Rand (afrigter) en Corné Viljoen
Edwin Smith van Hoërskool Secunda. Foto: Fritz Weilbach.
Erick Lowe van Hoërskool Secunda se eerste rugbyspan
druk ’n drie. Foto: Fritz Weilbach.
Jacobus Beyleveldt van Hoërskool Secunda se eerste rugbyspan in aksie. Foto: Fritz Weilbach.