To help protect y our priv acy , PowerPoint prev ented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content. OUDTSHOORN BESIGHEIDSKAMER OUDTSHOORN BUSINESS CHAMBER Junie 2013 Hoekom moet ‘n besigheid adverteer? Die uitsluitlike doel van ‘n besigheid is om produkte en dienste te verkoop om wins te verdien. Reklame help ‘n besigheid om wins te maak deurdat meer mense weet van die produk of dienste, wat dus lei tot verkope. Die verbruikers aan die ander kant sal niks van die produkte weet as dit nie geadverteer word nie. Advertensies help die verbruiker om besluite te neem oor watter produkte of diens hulle wil koop. Hier volg ‘n lys redes waarom ons behoort te adverteer: •Almal weet nie wie jy is nie, maak nie saak hoe lank die besigheid al bestaan nie. Mense trek gedurig en nuwe mense beweeg in die area in. Dus moet die besigheid telkens weer bekend gestel word. •Jou mededingers adverteer. Daar is net soveel potensiele kliente daar buite wat op die uitkyk is vir jou soort produk en dalk het hulle net jou mededinger se advertensie gesien. Net soos daar minder kopers in die ekonomie is, is daar ook minder geld beskikbaar om te koop. Hou dus jou advertensie voor hulle al die tyd sodat hulle jou produk wil koop. •Skep verkeer. Deurlopende verkeer in jou besigheid is die eerste stap tot verhoogde verkope en ‘n uitgebreide klientebasis. Hoe meer klante jou winkel binne kom hoe beter is die kans van verkope en ‘n verwysing. •Almal wil nie juis nou jou produk koop nie. Deur jou advertensie gedurig onder hulle neuse te hou sal die kant dadelik jou produk koop wanneer hy gereed is om toe te tree tot die mark sal jou advertensie die iets wees wat die verbruiker oortuig om jou produk aan te koop. Laat die publiek weet die besigheid bestaan nog en die produkte is nog steeds beskikbaar. Baie van hulle is so lojaal en sal dan altyd weer terugkom na die ou verskaffer. Versterk jou beeld. Dit is baie goed om klante te verseker van jou goeie diens in die verlede sodat hulle weer kan terugkom na jou toe. Omskep begeertes in behoeftes. As ons dink aan die uiters duur selfone weet ons dat dit feitlik onmoontlik klink in vandag se ekonomie dat ouers vir elkeen van hulle kinders so ‘n foon koop omdat hulle verniet met mekaar kan sms. Die maatskappy maak sy wins dubbeld en dwars by die verkope van die uiters duur foon omdat hulle die kopers oortuig het hulle begeertes is einlik nou behoeftes. Diegene wat dit nog nie gekoop het nie wag net hulle kans af, want hoe kan iemand sonder dit leef. Trek verkeer. Elke besigheid het produkte wat moet verkoop. Die aangewese metode is om deur advertensies die klante in die winkel te kry en dat die voordeel van die aankope te geniet. Dit kan gedoen word deur afslag op ‘n produk. Jou advertensie moet die moontlike klante net nuuskierig genoeg maak om te kom inloer in die winkel. Spaar tyd en energie. Mense doen ondersoek voordat hulle besluit om te koop. Meeste mense glo advertensie bespaar hulle tyd en energie. As hulle herhaaldelik aan jou boodskap blootgestel is sal dit hulle help om vinniger die besluite te neem en aankope te doen. Henry Ford het gesê die man wat ophou adverteer om geld te spaar, is soos die man wat die oorlosie stop om tyd te bespaar. Ondersteun Oudtshoorn se plaaslike koerante… adverteer !!! Oudtshoorn Besigheidskamer Netwerkaand 30 Mei 2013 Indien jy enigsins twyfel of jy daarby sal baat om ‘n Besigheidskamer Netwerkaand by te woon… moes julle ons netwerkaand van 30 Mei bygewoon het. Inspirerende woorde van ‘n top-gehalte spreker, Mnr. Christo Owen van der Rheede van die AHI, aanmoediging deur Dr. Johan Louw om entrepreneurskap te omhels en wenke om jou besigheid te bevorder was aan die orde van die dag. Die seremoniemeester, Willie Marais het vir groot pret gesorg met sy grappies, en die gaste het die Flaming Ostrich Restaurant volgepak en is met watertand lekker verversings en drankies trakteer. Gaste van Alphen aan den Rijn, Oudtshoorn se tweeling-dorp in Nederland het saamgekuier, asook bekende persone soos Brett Pyper, HUB van Absa KKNK en Jannie Kruger van die AHI. Wat ‘n fees was dit nie gewees om saam met almal te kuier, mekaar beter te leer ken en wonderlike besigheidsverhoudings op te bou ! Maak seker dat jy nie ons volgende netwerkaand misloop nie, en as jy belangstel om ‘n netwerkaand te borg – kontak my dan gesels ons daaroor. Excerpt from the Chamber Management Meeting held 9th May 2013 -CBD Development Geoff Wilck said that the time was right for the upgrade of the CBD and that he would like to meet with the business owners in Oudtshoorn so that their involvement with this project could be discussed. He mentioned the letter of invitation he had received for the upgrade of the taxi rank and said that he would attend that meeting and that all role players had also been invited to attend. - Airport Committee Johan Strasheim reported that all was progressing well at the airport currently. He discussed the restructuring of the airport committee and said that positive meetings had been conducted with the Municipality. Lluwellyn Coetzee said that the Municipality had held consultations with the Provincial Treasury and that a Public Private Partnership process was in place and that greater plans were envisaged for the airport. He said that the airport is the catalyst to economic development in Oudtshoorn. A more detailed report would be given on the process and developments at the next management meeting. -Water Analysis of the area for future development Lluwellyn Coetzee mentioned that the next Municipal council meeting would take place on 31 May 2013. André van Greunen said that the Chamber would like to meet with the council soon after the council meeting had taken place, to discuss the issues that needed to be raised by the chamber. Jurgens Meyer discussed the water costs in Oudtshoorn in comparison to other surrounding towns. The purifying of Oudtshoorn’s water is currently being questioned and the quality of the water is not optimal. - Car Guards / Parking / Children on the street André van Greunen discussed the meeting that had been held regarding the children on the street, but said that nothing had happened since then. Niel Els said that the Department of Social Development had contacted him and the project will commence in June 2013. André van Greunen said that the APD urgently needed new safer premises and urged business owners to make enquiries regarding available buildings that would be suitable for this. He mentioned the possibility of FAMSA making use of the Centre of Hope exclusively. Niel Els stated that the security aspect needed to be addressed at the Centre of Hope. André van Greunen said that after extensive enquiries had been made, none of the security companies were prepared to help. Niel Els discussed the “Street Smart” project that would soon be launched in Oudtshoorn, where R5 is added to the customer’s restaurant bill, and this is then paid over to “Street Smart” at the end of the year. The funds are then returned for use in the town they originated from and used to fund various identified projects. -Greater Oudtshoorn Tourism Bureau Niel Els reported that Joan Shaw was currently in Durban for various courses and would attend the annual Indaba. He said that the Indaba had become progressively watereddown and that a decision would be made as to whether the Tourism Bureau would continue to attend this in the future. -Vision 2030 Lluwellyn Coetzee said that to date a meeting had not been possible but would look into arranging a meeting in the next two weeks to discuss the Vision 2030 with the role players. June 2013 July 2013 15 June- Mark @ Rooiheuwel-09:00- Tel: 082 510 0516 3 July- Business Chamber Golf Day- Sponsor: AIFA Tel: 044 272 6637 15&16 June- Odn & George Kennels Dog Show (Odn) Tel: 044 272 2412 6 July- De Rust Boeremark Tel: 081 468 9207 20 June- Besigheidskamer Netwerkaand Tel: 044 272 6637 Weet jy van nog iets wat gebeur ? Laat weet my ! Helen: 044 272 6637 21 – 30 June- Oudtshoorn Sports Festival Tel: 044 203 3154 29 June- Mark @ Rooiheuwel-09:00- Tel: 082 510 0516 Making your business Shopper Friendly Have you wondered what causes some people to open their wallets and what factors cause them to walk out the door never to return? Your businesses could increase profits by becoming “shopper friendly.” Here are some general characteristics to keep in mind. One key factor in increasing sales is to understand how people shop. For example, women make the majority of buying decisions–estimates anywhere from 60-80% and growing. Despite these facts, some industries have created frustrating walls and barriers failing to cater to the buying characteristics women are looking for. Consider auto sales which women only represent 7% of the sales force. Good customer service and many sales opportunities are lost because sales people appear uncaring and/or unhelpful or both. Identify the key concerns of your customers and think of ways how to meet their needs. Include strategies to prevent communication breakdowns as well as dispute settlement mechanisms. Skilful shoppers compare quality versus the prices of the products. In order to make your business more attractive, provide easier access and lots of product information. You can do this by providing fact sheets, publications, video, websites, and consumer education courses. Customers are likely to withhold their business if they disagree with the company’s politics or policies. If you want to attract more shoppers develop the reputation of an “ethical” organization. Publicly display any involvement in charitable affairs As a general rule, the more time people spend in your store, the more they will purchase. Use visual and audio elements to maximize their potential shopping time. Provide sitting areas where women and men can relax. Key elements include pleasant and relaxing music, fresh fragrant air, visual stimulation and a clean appearance. Positive shopper-employee interaction gives customers the chance to ask about products and salespeople the opportunity to sell them. This will increase your average sales and contribute to greater customer loyalty. It also reduces the waiting time, improves the impression of overall service, and draws the customer closer to your business. Consider that most people walk to the right when you position your products. For example, if you position men’s fashion on the right side of the entrance area, women will head toward the left and not return to browse through this area again. Some customers search for products with meaning. If you sell merchandise related to the private and personal sphere, e.g. greeting cards and gifts, you must create a pleasant store design. Thus, warm, quiet, and familiar environment will increase the time shoppers’ browse through your store. This maximizes your sales and satisfies them as customers. A final word of advice to help you render your business “people friendly” is to involve your customers right from the start. Ask them for suggestions. Get feedback from both female and male customers as well as your salespeople. Courtesy of Gregory Smith Chart your course International OUDTSHOORN BUSINESS CHAMBER GOLF DAY 3 JULY 2013 Sponsor a tee @ R250.00 And Join us on the golf course ! Contact: Helen Tel no: 044 272 6637 DAY SPONSORED BY: •A special prize for the best Tee •A network opportunity to form new business relationships •Great prizes for the winners
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