9th International Workshop on Neonatology - Bologna, 21
9th International Workshop on Neonatology - Bologna, 21
Union Mediterranean Neonatal Societies Union European Neonatal Perinatal Societies Preliminary Programme 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 T Hotel, Cagliari, Italy Learned lessons, changing practice and cutting-edge research Ecce, Agnus, Dei by Mabi Sanna (detail) University of Cagliari Azienda Mista di Cagliari Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido Union Mediterranean Neonatal Societies Union European Neonatal Perinatal Societies Requested High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 T Hotel, Cagliari, Italy PHARMACOLOGY, NUTRITION, METABOLISM Learned lessons, changing practice and cutting-edge research Satellite Meetings 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC LABORATORY MEDICINE Evidence Based Medicine and Metabolomics Based Evidence in Neonatology and Pediatrics 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW TRENDS IN NEONATOLOGY Pneumology and more 1° CONVEGNO SARDO SIPPS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA PEDIATRIA PREVENTIVA E SOCIALE) VIII CONVEGNO NEONATOLOGICO INFERMIERISTICO “TERRA DI SARDEGNA” University of Cagliari Azienda Mista di Cagliari Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido 2 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 3 Board members Italian Society of Neonatology Consiglio Direttivo SIN Authorities and Associations Under submission The High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Pathology Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section Azienda Mista of Cagliari on behalf of Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societies Società Italiana di Neonatologia Società Italiana di Pediatria Ospedaliera – SIPO Società Italiana di Biochimica Clinica GdS di Nefrologia della Società Italiana di Neonatologia GdS Medicina di Laboratorio in età fetale, neonatale e pediatrica - SIBioC Gruppo Normanno di Nefrologia Pediatrica Assessorato alla Sanità Regione Sardegna Ordine dei Medici della Provincia di Cagliari Università degli Studi di Cagliari Comune di Cagliari PRESIDENT/PRESIDENTE Costantino Romagnoli Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli U.O. Di Pediatria e Neonatologia Roma PAST PRESIDENT Paolo Giliberti Azienda Ospedaliera Monaldi Terapia Intensiva Neonatale Napoli VICE PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENTE Mauro Stronati Ospedale Policlinico S. Matteo Di Pavia Unità Di Neonatologia, Patologia Neonatale e Terapia Intensiva Pavia TREASURER/TESORIERE Piermichele Paolillo Policlinico Casilino U.O.C. Neonatologia e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale Roma REGIONE AUTONOMA DELLA SARDEGNA BOARD MEMBERS/CONSIGLIERI Antonio Boldrini Ospedale Santa Chiara U.O. Nido, Patologia Neonatale e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale Pisa Sandra Di Fabio Presidio Ospedaliero S. Salvatore Neonatologia L’Aquila Marcello Lanari Ospedale Nuovo S.Maria Della Scaletta U.O. Pediatria e Neonatologia Imola Paolo Manzoni Azienda Ospedaliera OIRM-S. Anna Neonatologia e TIN Ospedaliera Torino Luigi Orfeo Azienda Ospedaliera G. Rummo U.O. Nido, Patologia Neonatale e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale Benevento CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS/REVISORI DEI CONTI Lidia Decembrino Ospedale Policlinico S. Matteo Patologia Neonatale Pavia Giovanna Mangili Ospedali Riuniti Divisione Patologia Neonatale Bergamo Bartolomeo Spinella Presidio Ospedaliero Buccheri La Ferla Fatebenefratelli Pediatria e Neonatologia Palermo Antonio Del Vecchio Azienda ASL Bari, Ospedale “Di Venere” Bari 4 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 5 Information on the 9th International Workshop on Neonatology PRESIDENTS: Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), John N. van den Anker (Washington, USA) HONORARY COMMITTEE: F. Anatolitou (Athens, Greece), President Hellenic Society of Neonatology P. Biban (Verona, Italy), Secretary WFPICCS (World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies) G. Buonocore (Siena, Italy), President UENPS (Union European Neonatal Perinatal Societies) G. Castaldo (Naples, Italy), President Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology G. Corsello (Palermo, Italy), President Italian Society of Pediatrics G. Di Mauro (Aversa, Italy), President Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics G. Di Renzo (Perugia, Italy), Editor-in-Chief Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine G. Donzelli (Florence, Italy), President Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine C. Fabris (Turin, Italy), Past President Italian Society of Neonatology G. Guerrera (Genoa, Italy), President UNICEF Italy H. Guimarães (Porto, Portugal), Past President UENPS P. Giliberti (Naples, Italy), Past President Italian Society of Neonatology C. Romagnoli (Rome, Italy), President Italian Society of Neonatology G. Saggese (Pisa, Italy), Past President Italian Society of Pediatrics, President Italian Full Professors of Pediatrics M. Sanchez Luna (Madrid, Spain), Elected President UENPS C. Speer (Würzburg, Germany), Editor-in-Chief Neonatology R. Tamelienė (Kaunas, Lithuania), President Lithuanian Society of Neonatology S. Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy), President Italian-Arabian Society of Pediatrics T. Xanthos (Athens, Greece), President Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation M. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey), President UMENS (Union Mediterranean Neonatal Societies), President Euro-Asiatic Society of Neonatology INTERNATIONAL FACULTY: F. Anatolitou (Athens, Greece), M. Bengtsson Agostino (Stockholm, Sweden), D. Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), G. Buonocore (Siena, Italy), R.L. Chevalier (Charlottesville, USA), R. Christensen (Salt Lake City, USA), G. Corsello (Palermo, Italy), G. Faa (Cagliari, Italy), H. Guimarães (Porto, Portugal), N. Iacovidou (Athens, Greece), R. Örs (Konya, Turkey), N.Y. Rakhmanina (Washington, USA), S. Rezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland), C. Romagnoli (Rome, Italy), M. Sanchez Luna (Madrid, Spain), C. Speer (Würzburg, Germany), M. Stronati (Pavia, Italy), R. Tamelienė (Kaunas, Lithuania), J.N. van den Anker (Washington, USA), T. Xanthos (Athens, Greece), K. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey), M. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Information on the 9th International Workshop on Neonatology ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: R. Antonucci (San Gavino Monreale), A. Balata (Olbia), M. Bandiera (Carbonia), P.P. Bassareo (Cagliari), F. Coghe (Cagliari), A. Cualbu (Nuoro), S. Chiappe (Cagliari), E. D’Aloja (Cagliari), S. Dessole (Sassari), I. Farnetani (Milan), G. Finco (Cagliari), E. Genovese (Cagliari), L. Mascia (Cagliari), G.B. Melis (Cagliari), G. Mercuro (Cagliari), A.M. Nurchi (Cagliari), M.G. Olzai (Sassari), A.M. Paoletti (Cagliari), U. Pelosi (Iglesias), L. Pibiri (Cagliari), M. Piga (Cagliari), C. Porcu (Cagliari), R. Puxeddu (Cagliari), R. Targhetta (Cagliari), G.M. Zanda (Oristano), M. Zonza (Cagliari) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: A. Atzei, L. Beltrano, F. Birocchi, M.B. Botta, G. Carboni, F. Cioglia, M. Crisafulli, L. Costa, A. Dessì, S. Floris, D. Gariel, R. Ledda, E. Longobardi, A. Manconi, D. Manus, M.A. Marcialis, V. Marinelli, P. Neroni, I. Murgianu, A. Noto, G. Palmas, B. Pinna, M.C. Pintus, S. Pisano, E. Puxeddu, A. Reali, L. Ruggeri, G. Secci, D. Susto, E. Trudu, E. Vannelli, V. Zurrida LOCAL ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT: Department of Surgery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section, University of Cagliari, Italy Reference person: Patrizia Baire Ph. +390706093495 e-mail: [email protected] ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT: BIOMEDIA srl Via L. Temolo 4, 20126 Milan, Italy Ph. +390245498282 Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected] www.biomedia.net Reference person: Monica Arosio Ph. +390245498282 int. 228 Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected] PRESIDENTS SATELLITE MEETINGS: A. Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), G. Di Mauro (Aversa, Italy), V. Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), N. Iacovidou (Athens, Greece), M. Mussap (Genoa, Italy), G. Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy), D. Pisano (Cagliari, Italy), M. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) 6 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 7 Invitation letter/Lettera di invito Dear Colleagues, We warmly invite you to attend the 9th International Workshop on Neonatology to be held in Cagliari, which follows the successful previous editions. We are sure that all of us look forward to this annual appointment to discuss current issues and to bring ourselves an update on the latest in research and clinical neonatology. The Meeting, organized with the Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies and the Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societes, is open to Neonatologists, Pediatricians, Obstetricians, Perinatologists, Laboratory Medicine Specialists, Pediatric Cardiologists, Ultrasonographers, Pediatric Nephrologists, Pediatric Urologists, Nurses, Midwives and all those who are interested in the newborn infant. The programme of this Workshop is divided into lectures and scientific sessions that will focus on the progress of research in Neonatology and Pediatric organization. Much time has been given over to walking poster sessions. Finally, 5 prizes (500 Euros each) will be awarded to the best scientific posters presented in the meeting. The Proceedings will be partially published in the “Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine”, and partially in the “Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine” (Official Journal UENPS, Open Access, www.jpnim.com), distributed during the Meeting. The Presidents and the Scientific Secretariat are proud to invite you to participate in this meeting, not only for its scientific content, but also for its social and cultural significance. Cari Colleghi, abbiamo il piacere di invitarvi al 9th International Workshop on Neonatology che si terrà a Cagliari e che fa seguito al successo delle precedenti edizioni. Tutti aspettiamo questo appuntamento per discutere argomenti di attualità e per aggiornarci sulle novità sia di ricerca, sia cliniche in neonatologia. Il meeting, organizzato in collaborazione con la Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies e la Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societes, è dedicato a Neonatologi, Pediatri, Ginecologi, Perinatologi, Laboratoristi, Cardiologi Pediatri, Ecografisti, Nefrologi, Chirurghi Pediatri, Infermieri, Ostetriche e a tutti coloro che si interessano di neonati. Il programma del meeting è diviso in letture e sessioni scientifiche che focalizzeranno gli ultimi progressi della ricerca in neonatologia e organizzazione pediatrica. Molto tempo verrà dedicato anche quest’anno alle sessioni poster. Infine, 5 premi da 500 euro saranno assegnati ai migliori poster. Gli Atti del Congresso saranno pubblicati in parte sul “Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine” e in parte sul “Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine” (Official Journal UENPS, Open Access, www.jpnim.com), distribuiti in sede congressuale. I Presidenti e i Segretari Scientifici sono orgogliosi di invitarvi a questo meeting non solo per la sua valenza scientifica, ma anche in funzione dei suoi significati culturali e sociali. The Presidents: Vassilios Fanos, Michele Mussap, Antonio Del Vecchio, John N. van den Anker 8 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9 Chairpersons, Moderators, Speakers & Discussants Chairpersons, Moderators, Speakers & Discussants Rino Agostiniani (Pistoia, Italy) Angelica Dessì (Cagliari, Italy) Gian Benedetto Melis (Cagliari, Italy) Melania Puddu (Cagliari, Italy) Rocco Agostino (Rome, Italy) Sandra Di Fabio (L’Aquila, Italy) Alessandra Meloni (Cagliari, Italy) Elisabetta Puxeddu (Cagliari, Italy) Fani Anatolitou (Athens, Greece) Giuseppe Di Mauro (Aversa, Italy) Luigi Memo (Belluno, Italy) Paolo Puxeddu (Cagliari, Italy) Gina Ancora (Rimini, Italy) Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Perugia, Italy) Giuseppe Mercuro (Cagliari, Italy) Francesco Raimondi (Naples, Italy) Roberto Antonucci (San Gavino Monreale, Italy) Gian Paolo Donzelli (Florence, Italy) Giovanni Montini (Bologna, Italy) Natella Y. Rakhmanina (Washington, USA) Luigi Atzori (Cagliari, Italy) Andrea Dotta (Rome, Italy) Corrado Moretti (Rome, Italy) Luca Ramenghi (Genoa, Italy) Antonio Balata (Olbia, Italy) Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) Fabio Mosca (Milan, Italy) Alessandra Reali (Cagliari, Italy) Ignazio Barberi (Messina, Italy) Claudio Fabris (Turin, Italy) Basilio Mostallino (Cagliari, Italy) Serge Rezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Pier Paolo Bassareo (Cagliari, Italy) Giacomo Faldella (Bologna, Italy) Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy) Costantino Romagnoli (Rome, Italy) Marianne Bengtsson Agostino (Stockholm, Sweden) Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) Paola Neroni (Cagliari, Italy) Giovanni Rossi (Genoa, Italy) Enrico Bertino (Turin, Italy) Daniele Farina (Turin, Italy) Antonio Noto (Cagliari, Italy) Paolo Rossi (Rome, Italy) Paolo Biban (Verona, Italy) Italo Farnetani (Milan, Italy) Anna Maria Nurchi (Cagliari, Italy) Giuseppe Saggese (Pisa, Italy) Antonio Boldrini (Pisa, Italy) Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy) Mauro Giorgio Olzai (Sassari, Italy) Manuel Sanchez Luna (Madrid, Spain) Dorrett Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Susanna Floris (Cagliari, Italy) Luigi Orfeo (Benevento, Italy) Fabrizio Sandri (Bologna, Italy) Giuseppe Buonocore (Siena, Italy) Diego Gazzolo (Alessandria, Italy) Rahmi Örs (Konya, Turkey) Christian Speer (Würzburg, Germany) Gustavo Caoci (Rome, Italy) Paolo Giliberti (Naples, Italy) Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy) Mauro Stronati (Pavia, Italy) Giuseppe Castaldo (Naples, Italy) Giacomo Guerrera (Rome, Italy) Pasquale Paladini (Lecce, Italy) Rasa Tamelienė (Kaunas, Lithuania) Luigi Cataldi (Rome, Italy) Hercília Guimarães (Porto, Portugal) Giuliana Palmas (Cagliari, Italy) Gianfranco Temporin (Rovigo, Italy) Robert L. Chevalier (Charlottesville, USA) Nicoletta Iacovidou (Athens, Greece) Anna Maria Paoletti (Cagliari, Italy) Marcella Testa (Cagliari, Italy) Robert Christensen (Salt Lake City, USA) Roberta Irmesi (Cagliari, Italy) Piermichele Paolillo (Rome, Italy) Elisabetta Trudu (Cagliari, Italy) Ferdinando Coghe (Cagliari, Italy) Marcello Lanari (Imola, Italy) Umberto Pelosi (Iglesias, Italy) John N. van den Anker (Washington, USA) Elisabetta Coni (Cagliari, Italy) Monica Limoncino (Cagliari, Italy) Flavia Petrillo (Bari, Italy) Salvatore Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy) Giovanni Corsello (Palermo, Italy) Emanuela Locci (Cagliari, Italy) Luciana Pibiri (Cagliari, Italy) Theodoros Xanthos (Athens, Greece) Maurizio Crisafulli (Cagliari, Italy) Sandro Loche (Cagliari, Italy) Maria Cristina Pintus (Cagliari, Italy) Kadriye Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Antonio Cualbu (Nuoro, Italy) Georgios Loudianos (Cagliari, Italy) Denis Pisano (Cagliari, Italy) Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Laura Cuzzolin (Verona, Italy) Chiara Mameli (Milan, Italy) Carmela Porcu (Cagliari, Italy) Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti (Milan, Italy) Carlo Dani (Florence, Italy) Paolo Manzoni (Turin, Italy) Dario Pruna (Cagliari, Italy) Vincenzo Zurrida (Cagliari, Italy) Mario De Curtis (Rome, Italy) Maria Antonietta Marcialis (Cagliari, Italy) Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy) Pasquale Martinella (Naples, Italy) Gloria Denotti (Cagliari, Italy) Giuseppe Masnata (Cagliari, Italy) 10 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 11 Scientific Programme Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 Scientific Programme Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC LABORATORY MEDICINE Evidence Based Medicine and Metabolomics Based Evidence in Neonatology and Pediatrics Presidents: Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION III – THE ERA OF OMICS IN NEONATOLOGY AND PEDIATRICS Chairwoman: Nicoletta Iacovidou (Athens, Greece) Moderators: Luigi Atzori (Cagliari, Italy), Marcello Lanari (Imola, Italy) 14:45 Proteomics and metabolomics in the newborn Giuseppe Buonocore (Siena, Italy) SESSION I – OPENING LECTURES Metabolomics in pediatric kidney diseases Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) Chairman: Claudio Fabris (Turin, Italy) Moderators: Gian Benedetto Melis (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy) 09:15 Twins in history, arts, society Giovanni Corsello (Palermo, Italy) The continued value of twin studies in the omics area Dorrett Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) SESSION II – NEONATAL SCREENING Chairman: Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy) Moderators: Ferdinando Coghe (Cagliari, Italy), Rasa Tamelienė (Kaunas, Lithuania) 11.00 12 Metabolomics in CMV infections Emanuela Locci (Cagliari, Italy) UNICEF for children Giacomo Guerrera (Rome, Italy) New trends in perinatal research Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Perugia, Italy) The development of the omics and the role of laboratory medicine Giuseppe Castaldo (Naples, Italy) Discussant: Antonio Noto (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION IV – THE NEW FRONTIERS OF RESEARCH Chairman: John N. Van den Anker (Washington, USA) Moderators: Paolo Manzoni (Turin, Italy), Melania Puddu (Cagliari, Italy) 16:30 The human kidney at birth: what is normal? Robert L. Chevalier (Charlottesville, USA) Chorioamnionitis: chance or risk for the outcome of preterm infants? Christian Speer (Würzburg, Germany) Microorganisms and maternal milk Mauro Stronati (Pavia, Italy) Non-invasive prenatal screening: the state of the art Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy) Microbiome in the newborn Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) How and when to perform prenatal screening Pasquale Martinella (Naples, Italy) Next generation biomarkers for brain injury Diego Gazzolo (Alessandria, Italy) Next generation biomarkers for screening and managing neonatal sepsis Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy) Discussant: Elisabetta Puxeddu (Cagliari, Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 13 Scientific Programme Giovedì/Thursday, October 24th, 2013 9th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEONATOLOGY PHARMACOLOGY, NUTRITION, METABOLISM Learned lessons, changing practice and cutting-edge research Presidents: Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), John N. van den Anker (Washington, USA) PHARMACOLOGY Scientific Programme Giovedì/Thursday, October 24th, 2013 13:00 Lunch 13:45 Poster session I Chairpersons: Luigi Cataldi (Rome, Italy), Gianfranco Temporin (Rovigo, Italy), Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy), Marcella Testa (Cagliari, Italy) NUTRITION, METABOLIC PATHWAYS SESSION I – GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION Chairman: Enrico Bertino (Turin, Italy) SESSION I – PHARMACOLOGY I Moderators: Antonio Balata (Olbia, Italy), Marcella Testa (Cagliari, Italy) Chairman: Rocco Agostino (Rome, Italy) 14:45 Moderators: Roberto Antonucci (San Gavino Monreale, Italy), Laura Cuzzolin (Verona, Italy) 09:00 Drugs and development John N. van den Anker (Washington, USA) Controversies in neonatal resuscitation Nicoletta Iacovidou (Athens, Greece) Adrenaline in neonatal resuscitation: are there knowledge gaps? Theodoros Xanthos (Athens, Greece) Surfactant therapy in neonatal RDS: past, present and the future Christian Speer (Würzburg, Germany) Research in pediatric pharmacology: present and future Paolo Rossi (Rome, Italy) SESSION II – PHARMACOLOGY II Chairman: Christian Speer (Würzburg, Germany) Moderators: Luigi Orfeo (Benevento, Italy), Giuliana Palmas (Cagliari, Italy) 11:00 Neonatal abstinence syndrome John N. van den Anker (Washington, USA) Nitric oxide for preterm infants Manuel Sanchez Luna (Madrid, Spain) Perinatal antiretroviral therapy Natella Y. Rakhmanina (Washington, USA) Pharmacogenomics Andrea Dotta (Rome, Italy) 14 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) Nutrimetabolomics in pediatric research Serge Rezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC): what’s going on? Mario De Curtis (Rome, Italy) Association between transfusions, IVH and NEC Robert Christensen (Salt Lake City, USA) Metabolic syndrome in SGA newborns Giuseppe Saggese (Pisa, Italy) Long-term consequences of prematurity and low birth weight Giuseppe Mercuro (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION II – MATERNAL MILK Chairman: Gian Paolo Donzelli (Florence, Italy) Moderators: Fani Anatolitou (Athens, Greece), Luciana Pibiri (Cagliari, Italy) Maternal milk for preterm infants Giacomo Faldella (Bologna, Italy) Enteral nutrition in preterm infants: practical issues Rahmi Örs (Konya, Turkey) Fortification of maternal milk Sandra Di Fabio (L’Aquila, Italy) Fortification of maternal milk in ELBW Alessandra Reali (Cagliari, Italy) Metabolomics and neonatal nutrition: between “not enough” and “too much” Angelica Dessì (Cagliari, Italy) Discussant: Pasquale Paladini (Lecce, Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 15 Scientific Programme Venerdì/Friday, October 25th, 2013 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW TRENDS IN NEONATOLOGY Pneumology and more Presidents: Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), Nicoletta Iacovidou (Athens, Greece), Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Scientific Programme Venerdì/Friday, October 25th, 2013 SESSION III – MISCELLANEA I Chairman: Salvatore Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy) Moderators: Umberto Pelosi (Iglesias, Italy), Luca Ramenghi (Genoa, Italy) 14:45 SESSION I – RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN ACUTE AND CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE Chairman: Ignazio Barberi (Messina, Italy) Moderators: Hercília Guimarães (Porto, Portugal), Fabrizio Sandri (Bologna, Italy) 09:00 News on neonatal respiratory research Carlo Dani (Florence, Italy) Non invasive ventilation Corrado Moretti (Rome, Italy) Prevention and treatment of Chronic Lung Disease Fabio Mosca (Milan, Italy) Follow-up of Chronic Lung Disease: is it helpful to talk again about it? Costantino Romagnoli (Rome, Italy) Discussant: Maria Cristina Pintus (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION IV – MISCELLANEA II Chairman: Luigi Cataldi (Rome) Moderators: Alessandra Meloni (Cagliari, Italy), Luigi Memo (Belluno, Italy) 16.30 SESSION II – PNEUMOLOGY Chairman: Daniele Farina (Turin, Italy) Moderators: Gustavo Caoci (Rome, Italy), Susanna Floris (Cagliari, Italy) 11:00 13:00 13:45 16 Apnea of prematurity Piermichele Paolillo (Rome, Italy) Weaning from mechanical ventilation Paolo Biban (Verona, Italy) Surfactant therapy in late preterm infants Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) New perspectives in RSV infections Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy) Discussant: Mauro Giorgio Olzai (Sassari, Italy) 19:00 Lunch Poster session II Chairpersons: Luigi Cataldi (Rome, Italy), Gianfranco Temporin (Rovigo, Italy), Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy), Marcella Testa (Cagliari, Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) Antipneumococcal vaccination Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti (Milan, Italy), Chiara Mameli (Milan, Italy) Pollution and pediatric respiratory diseases Kadriye Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Thoracic ultrasounds Francesco Raimondi (Naples, Italy) NIRS in Neonatology Paolo Giliberti (Naples, Italy) New frontiers in hypothermia Gina Ancora (Rimini, Italy) Discussant: Maria Antonietta Marcialis (Cagliari, Italy) 19:30 The fate of nephrons in congenital and heritable renal disorders Robert L. Chevalier (Charlottesville, USA) Immunohistochemistry of the kidney Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) Urinary tract infections in newborns and infants: what’s going on? Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy) Alcohol and pregnancy Anna Maria Paoletti (Cagliari, Italy) Errors in Neonatal Medicine Antonio Boldrini (Pisa, Italy) Discussant: Antonio Cualbu (Nuoro, Italy) Awarding 5 Prizes (500 euros for each prize) for the best posters presented: • “Prof. Franco Chiappe Prize”, • “Prof. Luciano Tatò Prize”, • Neonatal and Pediatric Nephrourology Group (Norman Group) Prize, • A.I.S.E.R.N.U.I. Prize, • ASTELLAS PHARMA Prize. Board Members: J.N. van den Anker (Washington, USA), L. Cataldi (Rome, Italy), G. Temporin (Rovigo, Italy), S. Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy) Closing remarks 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 17 Scientific Programme Sabato/Saturday, October 26th, 2013 SALA T1 1° CONVEGNO SARDO SIPPS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA PEDIATRIA PREVENTIVA E SOCIALE) Presidenti: Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari), Giuseppe Di Mauro (Aversa) Segretario Scientifico: Vincenzo Zurrida (Cagliari) SESSIONE I – UROPATIE MALFORMATIVE, LUTS E INFEZIONI RICORRENTI Presidente: Anna Maria Nurchi (Cagliari) Moderatori: Paolo Puxeddu (Cagliari), Sandro Loche (Cagliari) 09:00 Appropriatezza degli esami ecografici Carmela Porcu (Cagliari) Persistenza del Forame Ovale Paola Neroni (Cagliari) Suzione e deglutizione nel neonato Monica Limoncino (Cagliari) L’apporto del neurologo neonatale Dario Pruna (Cagliari) Problemi odontoiatrici dell’infanzia Gloria Denotti (Cagliari) Discussant: Basilio Mostallino (Cagliari) Le uropatie malformative: le lezioni che abbiamo imparato Rino Agostiniani (Pistoia) LUTS in Pediatria Giuseppe Masnata (Cagliari) Le infezioni ricorrenti e recidivanti delle vie urinarie Giovanni Montini (Bologna) Infezioni respiratorie ricorrenti Giovanni Rossi (Genova) Discussant: Georgios Loudianos (Cagliari) INTERMEZZO – BAMBINI DEL MONDO CHE HANNO BISOGNO DI NOI Introduce: Roberta Irmesi (Cagliari) 10:40 Scientific Programme Sabato/Saturday, October 26th, 2013 I bambini di Luanda (Angola) Elisabetta Coni (Cagliari) SALA PRIMO PIANO VIII CONVEGNO NEONATOLOGICO INFERMIERISTICO “TERRA DI SARDEGNA” Presidente: Denis Pisano (Cagliari) SESSIONE I Presidente: Marianne Bengtsson Agostino (Stoccolma, Svezia; Roma) SESSIONE II Presidente: Maurizio Crisafulli (Cagliari) PROGRAMMA IN VIA DI COMPLETAMENTO SESSIONE II – CONSULENTI IN NEONATOLOGIA E PEDIATRIA Presidente: Italo Farnetani (Milano) Moderatori: Pier Paolo Bassareo (Cagliari), Elisabetta Trudu (Cagliari) 11:00 18 Promozione dell’allattamento al seno Flavia Petrillo (Bari) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 19 Registration fee/Quota d’iscrizione Inscription procedures/Modalità d’iscrizione 3rd International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Laboratory Medicine Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 Early registration (before September 30th, 2013) Late registration (after September 30th, 2013) VAT Free VAT Included VAT Free VAT Included Physicians € 120,00 € 145,20 € 150,00 € 181,50 Nurses € 60,00 € 72,60 € 75,00 € 90,75 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunch on October 23rd, 2013. ►► Those wishing to attend must submit the Registration Form online duly completed and accompanied by receipt of payment. ►► Because of limited seating, registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis. ►► Once the maximum number of participants has been reached, registration will be closed and the organizing secretariat will promptly contact those participants exceeding the threshold for reimbursement. ►► Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the event. 9th International Workshop on Neonatology Giovedì/Thursday, October 24th, 2013 Early registration (before September 30th, 2013) Late registration (after September 30th, 2013) VAT Free VAT Included VAT Free VAT Included Physicians € 120,00 € 145,20 € 150,00 € 181,50 Nurses € 60,00 € 72,60 € 75,00 € 90,75 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunch on October 24th, 2013. 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Neonatology Venerdì/Friday, October 25th, 2013 Early registration (before September 30th, 2013) Late registration (after September 30th, 2013) VAT Free VAT Included VAT Free VAT Included Physicians € 120,00 € 145,20 € 150,00 € 181,50 Nurses € 60,00 € 72,60 € 75,00 € 90,75 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunch on October 25th, 2013. 2 or 3 International Conferences/Workshops Early registration (before September 30th, 2013) VAT Free 2 International Conferences/ Workshops 3 International Conferences/ Workshops VAT Included Late registration (after September 30th, 2013) VAT Free VAT Included Physicians € 220,00 € 266,20 € 270,00 € 326,70 Nurses € 110,00 € 133,10 € 135,00 € 163,35 Physicians € 300,00 € 363,00 € 370,00 € 447,70 Nurses € 150,00 € 181,50 € 185,00 € 223,85 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunches on the selected days. 1° Convegno Sardo SIPPS (Società Italiana Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale) Sabato/Saturday, October 26th, 2013 VIII Convegno Neonatologico Infermieristico “Terra di Sardegna” Sabato/Saturday, October 26th, 2013 IVA esclusa IVA inclusa IVA esclusa IVA inclusa Medici € 50,00 € 60,50 Medici € 50,00 € 60,50 Infermieri € 25,00 € 30,25 Infermieri € 25,00 € 30,25 La quota comprende la partecipazione ai lavori scientifici. 20 SPECIAL INSCRIPTION PROCEDURES (FOR ITALIAN PARTICIPANTS) ►► Studenti e specializzandi che desiderano partecipare ai lavori devono segnalare la propria presenza, effettuando l’iscrizione online entro 7 giorni dalla data di inizio dell’evento. Gli studenti e gli specializzandi per regolarizzare la loro iscrizione dovranno inviare via fax al numero 0245498199 il documento che attesta la posizione di studente o specializzando. La partecipazione ai lavori è gratuita. L’iscrizione comprende: ammissione ai lavori scientifici e attestato di partecipazione. ►► I Dipendenti della Patologia e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido – Azienda Mista di Cagliari che desiderano partecipare ai lavori devono segnalare la propria presenza, effettuando l’iscrizione online entro 7 giorni dalla data di inizio dell’evento. La partecipazione ai lavori è gratuita. ►► Iscrizioni da parte di ASL: Dopo aver effettuato l’iscrizione online, i partecipanti iscritti dalle Aziende ASL di appartenenza sono pregati di inviare via fax (0245498199) la richiesta della ASL, nella quale dovrà essere specificato: • • • che il richiedente è un proprio dipendente; che si tratta di un’iscrizione esente IVA ai sensi dell’Art. 14, comma 10 legge 537/93; i dati fiscali relativi all’azienda ASL per la fatturazione. Il partecipante deve anticipare la quota, qualora l’ASL non riuscisse ad effettuare il versamento insieme all’iscrizione. Sarà rilasciata fattura quietanzata intestata all’ASL. Non saranno accettate iscrizioni prive dei requisiti richiesti. Una volta emesse, le fatture non potranno essere modificate. La quota comprende la partecipazione ai lavori scientifici. 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 21 General Information Informazioni Generali CONGRESS VENUE SEDE DEL CONGRESSO Congress Center at T HOTEL Via Dei Giudicati, 09131 Cagliari Tel. +390704740 Fax +39070474016 website: www.thotel.it e-mail: [email protected] – [email protected] Centro Congressi T HOTEL Via Dei Giudicati, 09131 Cagliari Tel. +390704740 Fax +39070474016 website: www.thotel.it e-mail: [email protected] – [email protected] How to get there Come raggiungere la sede By airplane Cagliari-Elmas Airport (10 km far from the hotel). In aereo L’aeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas dista circa 10 km. By ferry Cagliari Porto 2 km; Porto Torres S.S. 131; Golfo Aranci-Olbia S.S. 125, S.S. 131; Arbatax S.S. 125. In nave Cagliari Porto 2 km; Porto Torres S.S. 131; Golfo Aranci-Olbia S.S. 125, S.S. 131; Arbatax S.S. 125. By car T Hotel is easily reachable from road n. 131; following “Cagliari San Benedetto” direction and then T Hotel sign. In auto L’hotel e facilmente raggiungibile dalla strada statale 131: seguire le indicazioni per Cagliari Centro San Benedetto e poi per l’hotel. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (ECM) EDUCAZIONE CONTINUA IN MEDICINA (ECM) Credits have been requested for the following professional categories: Physicians and Nurses. The events are addressed to the disciplines of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Laboratory Medicine. I crediti sono stati richiesti per le seguenti categorie: Medici e Infermieri. Gli eventi sono indirizzati alle specialità di Pediatria, Neonatologia e Medicina di Laboratorio. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATO DI FREQUENZA A certificate of attendance will be available to each registered congress participant at the end of each Workshop/Conference. Un certificato di frequenza sarà disponibile per ogni partecipante regolarmente iscritto alla fine di ogni congresso. PROCEEDINGS ATTI DEL CONGRESSO • • • The lectures of the 3 International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Laboratory Medicine will be published in the Journal of Maternal Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. The lectures of the other meetings will be published in the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. The accepted posters/abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. rd • • • Gli atti della 3rd International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Laboratory Medicine saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Maternal Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. Gli atti degli altri congressi saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. I poster/abstract accettati saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. OFFICIAL LANGUAGES LINGUE UFFICIALI English and Italian; simultaneous translation will be garanted for all the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday sessions. Inglese e italiano; è previsto un servizio di traduzione simultanea Inglese/Italiano per tutte le letture di mercoledì, gioverdì e venerdì. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS RINGRAZIAMENTI The Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of the Companies and Associations participating in the Workshop. Il Comitato Organizzatore ringrazia vivamente per il supporto le Aziende e le Associazioni che partecipano al Workshop. 22 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 23 Posters and abstracts submission/Invio di poster e abstract ►► Papers are invited from all different fields of Neonatology. ►► All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Secretariat for presentation as poster. The selected posters will remain on display for the whole meeting in the poster exhibition hall to give the best opportunity to all of the participant for viewing during the meeting. ►► The poster format measures 0.7 m wide by 1.0 m high. Numbered board will be provided at the venue for mounting posters. An author must be present during the walking session. ►► Abstracts may be submitted using the on-line web form at www.biomedia.net. Faxed or e-mailed abstracts can not be accepted. The authors can check their abstract status by the function “controlla lo stato dell’abstract” on the Workshop web page, using a personal code received by e-mail. Format Requirements are listed in the abstract form on-line. ►► Abstracts must be original (not published elsewhere in whole or in part). When provided, figures and tables must be original. For each author, please list the following items: name, surname, institutional affiliations. ►► Abstracts are accepted in English only. ►► The accepted posters/abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. ►► 5 awards are available for the best posters presented (500 Euros each). ►► Deadline for abstract presentation: August 20th, 2013. ►► Sono richiesti contributi scientifici in tutti i campi della Neonatologia. ►► Abstract sugli argomenti del Workshop saranno valutati dalla Segreteria Scientifica per la presentazione come poster. I Poster selezionati dovranno essere esposti durante tutto il convegno, per facilitarne la visita a tutti i partecipanti. ►► Lo spazio assegnato a ciascun poster, contrassegnato da un numero, ha base di cm 70 e altezza di cm 100. Un autore del poster deve essere presente durante la sessione poster. Almeno uno degli Autori deve essere iscritto al Workshop. ►► Gli Abstract devono essere inviati via Internet collegandosi al sito www.biomedia.net e seguendo l’apposito link. Abstract inviati via e-mail o via fax non potranno essere accettati. Gli autori potranno controllare lo stato del proprio abstract attraverso la funzione “controlla lo stato dell’abstract” alla pagina Internet del Workshop utilizzando il codice di consultazione ricevuto via e-mail. Le indicazioni per la preparazione dell’abstract sono riportate nel modulo on-line. ►► Gli abstract devono essere originali (non pubblicati altrove integralmente o in parte). Ove presenti, figure e tabelle devono essere originali. Per ogni autore, indicare i seguenti elementi: nome, cognome, istituzione di appartenenza. ►► Saranno accettati solo gli abstract in inglese. ►► I poster/abstract accettati saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. ►► 5 premi da 500 Euro saranno assegnati ai migliori poster. ►► Deadline per la presentazione degli abstract: 20 agosto 2013. 24 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 25 26 History of past workshops History of past workshops 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 9th International Workshop on Neonatology October 23rd-26th, 2013 – Cagliari (Italy) 27 Associazione Ercolino Onlus Fondazione di ricerca sarda per il benessere dei piccolini c/o Patologia Neonatale e TIN — AOU di Cagliari Via Ospedale, n. 119, 09124 Cagliari Tel: 070 6093403-95 Fax: 070 6093495 [email protected] C.F. 92178920929 IBAN IT 92 L 02008 04810 000101200340 Local organizing Secretariat Department of Surgery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section, University of Cagliari, Italy Reference person: Patrizia Baire Ph. +390706093495 – e-mail: [email protected] Organizing Secretariat BIOMEDIA srl Via L. Temolo 4, 20126 Milan, Italy Ph. +390245498282 – Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected] – www.biomedia.net Reference person: Monica Arosio Ph. +390245498282 int. 228 – Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected]
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