11th International Workshop on Neonatology
11th International Workshop on Neonatology
7th FP Union Mediterranean Neonatal Societies Union European Neonatal Perinatal Societies Preliminary Programme updated on July 28h, 2015 11th International Workshop on Neonatology From the womb to the adult With 6 satellite meetings Fresco in the Follow-up Service of the NICU, Neonatal Pathology, and Neonatal Section, AOU of Cagliari Journey through the clouds by Isabel Piras (detail) University of Cagliari Azienda Mista di Cagliari Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Patologia Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 October 27th-31st, 2015 T Hotel, Cagliari, Italy PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 7th FP 11th International Workshop on Neonatology PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 October 27th-31st, 2015 T Hotel, Cagliari, Italy From the womb to the adult Satellite Meetings 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC LABORATORY MEDICINE 2nd INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON PERINATAL PATHOLOGY Stem cells: present and future 2° MEETING NEW TRENDS IN PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE COMPRENDENTE IL 3° MEETING SIPPS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI PEDIATRIA PREVENTIVA E SOCIALE) 1° MEETING PERINATALE: NEW TRENDS IN PERINATAL MEDICINE IN COLLABORAZIONE CON LA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI MEDICINA PERINATALE X CONVEGNO NEONATOLOGICO INFERMIERISTICO “TERRA DI SARDEGNA” CONVEGNO NAZIONALE “NUTRIZIONE E PATOLOGIA RESPIRATORIA TRA OSPEDALE E TERRITORIO” University of Cagliari Azienda Mista di Cagliari Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Patologia Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 3 Information on the 11th International Workshop on Neonatology PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 PRESIDENTS: Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), Bo Sun (Beijing, China), Dorret Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy), Antonio Giordano (Philadelphia, USA) HONORARY COMMITTEE: S. Bernardini (Rome, Italy), General Secretary International Federation Clinical Chemistry D. Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), President European Consortium ACTION G. Buonocore (Siena, Italy), Past President UENPS (Union European Neonatal Perinatal Societies) E. Burgio (Bruxelles, Belgium; Arezzo, Italy), President Technical Scientific Committee ISDE Italy (International Society of Doctors for the Environment) M. Burlea (Bucarest, Romania), President Romanian Society of Pediatrics G. Castaldo (Naples, Italy), President Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology I. Cetin (Milan, Italy), President Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine G. Chiamenti (Verona, Italy), President Italian Family Pediatricians G. Corsello (Palermo, Italy), President Italian Society of Pediatrics J.R. De Langhe (Ghent, Belgium), Editor in Chief Clinica Chimica Acta G.C. Di Renzo (Perugia, Italy), General Secretary FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics), Editor in Chief Journal of Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine G. Donzelli (Florence, Italy), Past President Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine C. Fabris (Turin, Italy), Past President Italian Society of Neonatology M. Ferrari (Milan, Italy), President International Federation Clinical Chemistry A. Giordano (Philadelphia, USA), Director, Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Philadelphia, “Chiara Fama” Professor of Pathology, University of Siena G. Guerrera (Genoa, Italy), President UNICEF Italy M. Hod (Tel Aviv, Israel), Chairman of the Working Group on Diabetes and Pregnancy, European Association of Perinatal Medicine L. Indinnimeo (Rome, Italy), Editor in Chief Area Pediatrica G.B. Melis (Cagliari, Italy), Director Department of Surgery, University of Cagliari, Italy G. Mercuro (Cagliari, Italy), Elected President Italian Society of Cardiology G. Monni (Cagliari, Italy), Vice President WAPM (World Association of Perinatal Medicine) C. Moretti (Rome, Italy), Vice President UENPS (Union Neonatal Perinatal Societies) J.-C. Picaud (Lyon, France), President French Human Milk Bank Association M.G. Privitera (Rome, Italy), General Direction of Prevention, Department of Public Health and Prevention, Italian Ministry of Health C. Romagnoli (Rome, Italy), President Italian Society of Neonatology L. Scarpa (Cagliari, Italy), President Parents Association ABCS (Friends of Sardinian Children with Cardiopathies) A. Staiano (Naples, Rome), Past President Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology M. Stronati (Pavia, Italy), Vice President Italian Society of Neonatology B. Sun (Beijing, China), Chief of Perinatal Medicine, Ministry of Health, China S. Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy), President Italian-Arabian Society of Pediatrics A. Villani (Rome, Italy), Vice President Italian Society of Pediatrics M. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey), President UMENS (Union Mediterranean Neonatal Societies), President Euro-Asiatic Society of Neonatology INTERNATIONAL FACULTY: D. Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), G. Buonocore (Siena, Italy), E. Burgio (Bruxelles, Belgium; Arezzo, Italy), M.J. Bennett (Philadelphia, USA), M. Burlea (Bucarest, Romania), L. Cataldi (Rome, Italy), G. Corsello (Palermo, Italy), J.R. De Langhe (Ghent, Belgium), G. Faa (Cagliari, Italy), V. Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), M. Ferrari (Milan, Italy), A. Giordano (Philadelphia, USA), L. Gortner (Homburg, Germany), D. Grapov (Los Angeles, USA), M. Hod (Tel Aviv, Israel), C. Maretti (Lugano, 4 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Information on the 11th International Workshop on Neonatology Switzerland), G.B. Melis (Cagliari, Italy), W.W. Minuth (Regensburg, Germany), F. Mosca (Milan, Italy), M. Mussap (Genoa, Italy), J.-C. Picaud (Lyon, France), M.G. Privitera (Rome, Italy), S. Rezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland), C. Romagnoli (Rome, Italy), M. Somaschini (Lugano, Svizzera), M. Spraul (Rheinstetten, Germany), M. Stronati (Pavia, Italy), B. Sun (Beijing, China), K. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey), M. Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) PRESIDENTS OF THE MEETINGS: Irene Cetin (Milan, Italy), Giampietro Chiamenti (Verona, Italy), Joris R. Delanghe (Ghent, Belgium), Antonio del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Perugia, Italy), Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy), Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy), Antonio Giordano (Philadelphia, USA), Gian Benedetto Melis (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy), Denis Pisano (Cagliari, Italy), Melania Puddu (Cagliari, Italy), Bo Sun (Beijing, China), Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: R. Antonucci (Sassari), A. Balata (Olbia), M. Bandiera (Carbonia), P.P. Bassareo (Cagliari), F. Coghe (Cagliari), A. Cualbu (Nuoro), S. Chiappe (Cagliari), E. D’Aloja (Cagliari), S. Dessole (Sassari), I. Farnetani (Milan), G. Finco (Cagliari), M. Fossarello (Cagliari), E. Genovese (Cagliari), L. Mascia (Cagliari), G.B. Melis (Cagliari), G. Mercuro (Cagliari), A.M. Nurchi (Cagliari), G. Olzai (Sassari), G. Ortu (Cagliari), A.M. Paoletti (Cagliari), F. Paribello (Cagliari), U. Pelosi (Iglesias), L. Pibiri (Cagliari), M. Piga (Cagliari), V. Piras (Cagliari), C. Porcu (Cagliari), M. Testa (Cagliari, Italy), G.M. Zanda (Oristano), M. Zonza (Cagliari) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: A. Atzei, L. Beltrano, F. Birocchi, M.B. Botta, G. Carboni, F. Cioglia, M. Crisafulli, L. Costa, A. Dessì, S. Floris, D. Gariel, R. Ledda, E. Longobardi, A. Manconi, D. Manus, M.A. Marcialis, V. Marinelli, P. Neroni, I. Murgianu, A. Noto, G. Palmas, B. Pinna, M.C. Pintus, S. Pisano, A. Reali, L. Ruggeri, G. Secci, D. Susto, E. Trudu, E. Vannelli, V. Zurrida NURSE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: V. Annis, S. Atza, D. Lampis, G. Licheri, N. Mascia, C. Piras, D. Pisano, T. Sarigu LOCAL ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT: Department of Surgery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section, University of Cagliari, Italy Reference person: Patrizia Baire Ph. +390706753107 e-mail: [email protected] ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT: BIOMEDIA srl Via L. Temolo 4, 20126 Milan, Italy Ph. +390245498282 Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected] www.biomedia.net Reference person: Monica Arosio Ph. +390245498282 int. 228 Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected] DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT PRESENTATION: September 10th, 2015 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 5 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Chairpersons, Moderators, Speakers & Discussants Silvio Abati (Milan, Italy) Rino Agostiniani (Pistoia, Italy) Stefania Altea (Carbonia, Italy) Rossano Ambu (Cagliari, Italy) Vittoria Annis (Cagliari, Italy) Roberto Antonucci (Sassari, Italy) Serenella Atza (Cagliari, Italy) Alessandra Atzei (Cagliari, Italy) Luigi Atzori (Cagliari, Italy) Marzio Babille (Rome, Italy) Piero Bagolan (Rome, Italy) Antonio Balata (Olbia, Italy) Luigi Barberini (Cagliari, Italy) Pier Paolo Bassareo (Cagliari, Italy) Renzo Beghini (Verona, Italy) Michael J. Bennett (Philadelphia, USA) Elena Bernabei (Aversa, Italy) Sergio Bernardini (Rome, Italy) Enrico Bertino (Turin, Italy) Natascia Bertoncelli (Modena, Italy) Michele Boero (Cagliari, Italy) Dorret Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Giuseppe Buonocore (Siena, Italy) Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy) Anna De Magistris (Cagliari, Italy) Angelica Dessì (Cagliari, Italy) Salvatore Dessole (Sassari, Italy) Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Perugia, Italy) Andrea Dotta (Rome, Italy) Desiree Enrietti (Turin, Italy) Armando Faa (Cagliari, Italy) Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) Claudio Fabris (Turin, Italy) Fabio Facchinetti (Modena, Italy) Daniela Fanni (Cagliari, Italy) Margherita Fanos (London, UK) Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) Anna Farbo (Sassari, Italy) Italo Farnetani (Milan and Arezzo, Italy) Fabrizio Ferrari (Modena, Italy) Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy) Savina Figus (Cagliari, Italy) Manuela Filippa (Modena, Italy) Patrizio Fiorini (Florence, Italy) Susanna Floris (Cagliari, Italy) Antonio Fortunato (Vicenza, Italy) Ernesto Burgio (Bruxelles, Belgium; Arezzo, Italy) Marin Burlea (Bucarest, Romania) Pierluigi Caboni (Cagliari, Italy) Giacomo Carboni (Cagliari, Italy) Giovanni Mauro Carta (Cagliari, Italy) Giuseppe Castaldo (Naples, Italy) Luigi Cataldi (Rome, Italy) Flaminia Cesare Marincola (Cagliari, Italy) Irene Cetin (Milan, Italy) Giampietro Chiamenti (Verona, Italy) Francesca Cioglia (Cagliari, Italy) Maurizio Clerici (Milan, Italy) Nando Coghe (Cagliari, Italy) Elisabetta Coni (Cagliari, Italy) Pier Paolo Coni (Cagliari, Italy) Giovanni Corsello (Palermo, Italy) Laura Costa (Cagliari, Italy) Maurizio Crisafulli (Cagliari, Italy) Antonio Cualbu (Nuoro, Italy) Giovanna Cuomo (Modena, Italy) Laura Cuzzolin (Verona, Italy) Carlo Dani (Florence, Italy) Joris R. Delanghe (Ghent, Belgium) Manuela Frau (Cagliari, Italy) Remo Galaverna (Cuneo, Italy) Silvia Galbiati (Milan, Italy) Donatella Gariel (Cagliari, Italy) Diego Gazzolo (Alessandria, Italy) Carlo Gelmetti (Milan, Italy) Grazia Gentile (Salerno, Italy) Clara Gerosa (Cagliari, Italy) Tino Gesualdo (Bari, Italy) Antonio Giordano (Philadelphia, USA) Ludwig Gortner (Homburg, Germany) Dmitry Grapov (Los Angeles, USA) Roberta Guardione (Turin, Italy) Giacomo Guerrera (Genoa, Italy) Hercília Guimarães (Porto, Portugal) Moshe Hod (Tel Aviv, Israel) Luciana Indinnimeo (Rome, Italy) Roberta Irmesi (Paris, France) Federica Lai (Cagliari, Italy) Doriana Lampis (Cagliari, Italy) Giorgio La Nasa (Cagliari, Italy) Gianna Licheri (Cagliari, Italy) Giorgia Locci (Cagliari, Italy) 6 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Chairpersons, Moderators, Speakers & Discussants Melania Puddu (Cagliari, Italy) Elisabetta Puxeddu (London, UK) Antonio Ragusa (Massa Carrara, Italy) Valeria Raia (Naples, Italy) Francesco Raimondi (Naples, Italy) Luca Ramenghi (Genoa, Italy) Alberto Ravarino (Cagliari, Italy) Alessandra Reali (Cagliari, Italy) Serge Rezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Andrea Rinaldi (Cagliari, Italy) Angelo Rizzo (Palermo, Italy) Costantino Romagnoli (Rome, Italy) Francesco Salvatore (Naples, Italy) M. Giovanna Santarsiero (Sassari, Italy) Tiziana Sarigu (Cagliari, Italy) Francesco Savino (Turin, Italy) Luigi Scarpa (Cagliari, Italy) Chiara Selmi (Prato, Italy) Sara Siddi (Cagliari, Italy) Marco Somaschini (Lugano, Switzerland) Donatella Sorgia (Cagliari, Italy) Giulia Soru (Cagliari, Italy) Manfred Spraul (Rheinstetten, Germany) Paola Neroni (Cagliari, Italy) Antonio Noto (Cagliari, Italy) Anna Maria Nurchi (Cagliari, Italy) Eleonora Obinu (Cagliari, Italy) Giorgio Olzai (Sassari, Italy) Antonio Onorato Succu (Oristano, Italy) Luigi Orfeo (Benevento, Italy) Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari, Italy) Pasquale Paladini (Lecce, Italy) Giuliana Palmas (Cagliari, Italy) Anna Maria Paoletti (Cagliari, Italy) Piermichele Paolillo (Rome, Italy) Umberto Pelosi (Cagliari, Italy) Domenico Perri (Aversa, Italy) Luciana Pibiri (Cagliari, Italy) Jean-Charles Picaud (Lyon, France) Giuseppina Pichiri (Cagliari, Italy) M. Cristina Pintus (Cagliari, Italy) Carla Piras (Cagliari, Italy) Denis Pisano (Cagliari, Italy) Elvira Podda (Cagliari, Italy) Maria Grazia Privitera (Rome, Italy) Dario Pruna (Cagliari, Italy) Annamaria Staiano (Naples, Italy) Pietro Strisciuglio (Naples, Italy) Mauro Stronati (Pavia, Italy) Bo Sun (Beijing, China) Mariangela Susi (Verona, Italy) Gianfranco Temporin (Rovigo, Italy) Marcella Testa (Cagliari, Italy) Francesco Tregnaghi (Verona, Italy) Elisabetta Trudu (Cagliari, Italy) Erica Vannelli (Cagliari, Italy) Salvatore Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy) Alberto Villani (Rome, Italy) Laura Vinci (Cagliari, Italy) Kadriye Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Anna Bruna Zanda (Cagliari, Italy) Maurizio Zavattoni (Pavia, Italy) Maria Zicchi (Sassari, Italy) Massimiliano Zonza (Cagliari, Italy) Vincenzo Zurrida (Cagliari, Italy) Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti (Milan, Italy) 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Georgios Loudianos (Cagliari, Italy) Danila Manus (Cagliari, Italy) Paolo Manzoni (Turin, Italy) Maria Antonietta Marcialis (Cagliari, Italy) Chiara Maretti (Lugano, Switzerland) Gian Luigi Marseglia (Pavia, Italy) Luigi Mascia (Cagliari, Italy) Nicoletta Mascia (Cagliari, Italy) Giuseppe Masnata (Cagliari, Italy) Matteo Mauri (Cagliari, Italy) Federico Mecacci (Florence, Italy) Gian Benedetto Melis (Cagliari, Italy) Vilma Melis (Cagliari, Italy) Alessandra Meloni (Cagliari, Italy) Luigi Memo (Belluno, Italy) Giuseppe Mercuro (Cagliari, Italy) Will W. Minuth (Regensburg, Germany) Gianni Monni (Cagliari, Italy) Corrado Moretti (Rome, Italy) Fabio Mosca (Milan, Italy) Basilio Mostallino (Cagliari, Italy) Lucia Mulas (Cagliari, Italy) Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy) 7 Scientific Programme Martedì/Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 · Mattina/Morning Sala 1° Piano X CONVEGNO NEONATOLOGICO “TERRA DI SARDEGNA” Presidente: Denis Pisano (Cagliari) Segreteria Scientifica: Nicoletta Mascia (Cagliari) Comitato Organizzatore (Cagliari): Vittoria Annis, Serenella Atza, Doriana Lampis, Gianna Licheri, Carla Piras, Tiziana Sarigu PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Apertura dei Lavori e saluto Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari), Denis Pisano (Cagliari) SESSIONE I. ASPETTI ORGANIZZATIVI Moderatori: Stefania Altea (Carbonia), Giovanna Cuomo (Modena) Criticità organizzative dei team infermieristici nei contesti neonatali Lucia Mulas (Cagliari) Effetti e gestione dell’eccessivo turn over degli infermieri in TIN M. Giovanna Santarsiero (Sassari) Competence Infermieristiche in neonatologia: Indagine multicentrica Roberta Guardione (Torino) I profili professionali al nido Remo Galaverna (Cuneo) Discussants: Giulia Soru (Cagliari), Vilma Melis (Cagliari) SESSIONE II. BENESSERE E SICUREZZA PER IL NEONATO Moderatori: Francesca Cioglia (Cagliari), Denis Pisano (Cagliari) La segnalazione dell’errore in neonatologia: la nostra esperienza Mariangela Susi (Verona) Farmaci in anestesia e implicazioni sul neonato Manuela Frau (Cagliari) L’accesso venoso periferico nel neonato Anna Farbo (Sassari) Assistenza al neonato e dolore: a che punto siamo? Elena Bernabei (Aversa) Discussants: Savina Figus (Cagliari), Donatella Sorgia (Cagliari) SESSIONE III. ATTORNO AL NEONATO Moderatori: Elisabetta Trudu (Cagliari), Maria Zicchi (Sassari) Luci e Ombre dell’allattamento al seno post dimissione Chiara Selmi (Prato) Infermieri e ostetriche nelle sale parto del terzo mondo Chiara Maretti (Milano) Cure individualizzate al neonato: non solo nursing Natascia Bertoncelli (Modena) Rianimazione del neonato in sala parto: chi, come, quando Desiree Enrietti (Torino) Discussione: Anna Bruna Zanda (Cagliari), Sara Siddi (Cagliari) Chiusura lavori 8 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Scientific Programme Martedì/Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon Sala principale CONVEGNO NAZIONALE “NUTRIZIONE E PATOLOGIA RESPIRATORIA TRA OSPEDALE E TERRITORIO” IN COLLABORAZIONE CON LA FIMP (FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA MEDICI PEDIATRI) Presidenti: Giampietro Chiamenti (Verona), Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari) Segreteria Scientifica: Angelica Dessì (Cagliari) 14:30 Saluto delle autorità Introduce Luigi Memo (Belluno) 14:45 Sindromi genetiche: passato e presente Giovanni Corsello (Palermo) SESSIONE I. LA NUTRIZIONE NEI PRIMI MILLE GIORNI DAL CONCEPIMENTO Presidente: Gianni Monni (Cagliari) Moderatori: Pier Paolo Bassareo (Cagliari), Giuliana Palmas (Cagliari) 15:15 La nutrizione in gravidanza Federico Mecacci (Firenze) Nutrizione in epoca perinatale e crescita strutturale e funzionale degli organi Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari) La metabolomica nella ricerca nutrizionale neonatale Serge Rezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Programming e conseguenze renali a lungo termine Tino Gesualdo (Bari) Programming e conseguenze cardiache a lungo termine Giuseppe Mercuro (Cagliari) Discussants: Donatella Gariel (Cagliari), Paola Neroni (Cagliari) SESSIONE II. LA BRONCHIOLITE TRA OSPEDALE E TERRITORIO Presidente: Giampietro Chiamenti (Verona) Moderatori: Paolo Manzoni (Torino), Basilio Mostallino (Cagliari) 17:15 La bronchiolite: dall’epidemiologia alle complicanze Roberto Antonucci (Sassari) Prevenzione della bronchiolite tra ospedale e territorio Andrea Dotta (Roma) Infezioni respiratorie perinatali e conseguenze a lungo termine Luciana Indinnimeo (Roma) Discussants: Alessandra Atzei (Cagliari), Danila Manus (Cagliari) 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 9 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 LETTURA MAGISTRALE Scientific Programme Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 · Mattina/Morning Sala principale 2° MEETING “NEW TRENDS IN PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE” COMPRENDENTE IL 3° MEETING SIPPS (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI PEDIATRIA PREVENTIVA E SOCIALE) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Presidenti: Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari), Melania Puddu (Cagliari) Segreteria Scientifica: Susanna Floris (Cagliari), Vincenzo Zurrida (Cagliari) SESSIONE I. PROBLEMI FREQUENTI NEL NEONATO E LATTANTE Presidente: Anna Maria Nurchi (Cagliari) Moderatori: Antonio Cualbu (Nuoro), Italo Farnetani (Milano e Arezzo) Patologie cutanee Carlo Gelmetti (Milano) Nuove classificazioni delle dilatazioni delle vie urinarie Giovanni Ottonello (Cagliari) Cosa c’è di nuovo in urologia pediatrica? Giuseppe Masnata (Cagliari) Novità nello studio scintigrafico dell’apparato urinario Michele Boero (Cagliari) Early-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy (EOEE): definizione di un protocollo diagnostico e terapeutico Dario Pruna (Cagliari) Coliche infantili: guardando a vecchi dati con nuovi occhi Francesco Savino (Torino) SESSIONE II. UPDATE SU IMMUNITÀ E IMMUNOMODULATORI. DAL LABORATORIO ALLA CLINICA: RITORNO AL FUTURO Presidente: Pietro Strisciuglio (Napoli) Moderatori: Susanna Floris (Cagliari), Umberto Pelosi (Cagliari) Immunità: dalla teoria alla clinica: Risposte bio-immunomodulate dalla neonatologia all’adolescenza Maurizio Clerici (Milano) Microbiota e Immunità: dai dati preclinici alla pratica ambulatoriale Annamaria Staiano (Napoli) Infezioni respiratorie, antibiotico-resistenza e nuove applicazioni cliniche degli immunostimolanti Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti (Milano) Discussant: Elisabetta Coni (Cagliari) 10 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Scientific Programme Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon Sala principale 1° MEETING PERINATALE “THE FUTURE OF PERINATAL MEDICINE” IN COLLABORAZIONE CON LA SIMP (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI MEDICINA PERINATALE) Presidenti: Irene Cetin (Milan), Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Perugia), Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari), Gian Benedetto Melis (Cagliari) Segreteria Scientifica: Giacomo Carboni (Cagliari), Maurizio Crisafulli (Cagliari) SESSIONE I. IL FUTURO DELL’OSTETRICIA PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Presidente: Gian Benedetto Melis (Cagliari) Moderatori: Luca Ramenghi (Genoa), Antonio Onorato Succu (Oristano) 14:30 Il sesso della placenta: esiste? Gian Carlo Di Renzo (Perugia) L’importanza della nutrizione materna per la salute fetale Irene Cetin (Milano) Ambiente orale, infiammazione e parto pretermine Silvio Abati (Milano) Genetica, epigenetica, ambiente Ernesto Burgio (Bruxelles, Arezzo) Metabolomica in Ostetricia Gian Benedetto Melis, Alessandra Meloni (Cagliari) Discussants: Antonio Balata (Olbia), Laura Costa (Cagliari) LETTURE MAGISTRALI Introduce Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari) 17:00 Great obstetrical syndromes: present and future perspectives Moshe Hod (Tel Aviv, Israel) The importance of parents in neonatal intensive care unit Hercília Guimarães (Porto, Portugal) SESSIONE II. IL FUTURO DELLA PERINATOLOGIA Presidente: Salvatore Dessole (Sassari) Moderatori: Maurizio Crisafulli (Cagliari), M. Cristina Pintus (Cagliari) 17:20 Risk management in Ostetricia: come ridurre il rischio? Anna Maria Paoletti (Cagliari) Nascere in Italia: il punto di vista del neonatologo Rino Agostiniani (Pistoia) Perché dobbiamo abbandonare l’ossitocina Antonio Ragusa (Massa Carrara) Gestione delle gravidanze con obesità e diabete gestazionale Fabio Facchinetti (Modena) Madri che cantano in terapia intensiva neonatale Fabrizio Ferrari, Manuela Filippa (Modena) Discussants: Giorgio Olzai (Sassari), Erica Vannelli (Cagliari) 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 11 Scientific Programme Giovedì/Thursday, October 29th, 2015 · Mattina/Morning 11th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEONATOLOGY From the womb to the adult Presidents: Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey), Antonio del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), Bo Sun (Beijing, China) Scientific Secretariat: Giuliana Palmas (Cagliari, Italy), Marcella Testa (Cagliari, Italy) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Opening Ceremony SESSION I. MAGISTRAL LECTURES Chairman: Claudio Fabris (Turin, Italy) Moderators: Carlo Dani (Florence, Italy), Luigi Orfeo (Benevento, Italy) 09:15 Mild rectal bleeding in preterm infants: a significant problem in neonatology? Jean-Charles Picaud (Lyon, France) Neonatal respiratory and intensive care in emerging regions of China: learning curve, cost-effectiveness, quality and standard of care Bo Sun (Beijing, China) Phototherapy in the newborn: what’s new? Murat Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) Degenerative and regenerative medicine: do they start in the womb? Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION II. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN NICU AND PICU Chairman: Costantino Romagnoli (Rome, Italy) Moderators: Luigi Mascia (Cagliari, Italy), Angelo Rizzo (Palermo, Italy) 11:15 Extremely critical newborns in PICU Corrado Moretti (Rome, Italy) Procalcitonin in neonatology Patrizio Fiorini (Florence, Italy) News or innovations in neonatal surgery Piero Bagolan (Rome, Italy) Clinical Risk in Neonatology: how to prevent it in daily practice? Fabio Mosca (Milan, Italy) Discussants: Pasquale Paladini (Lecce, Italy), Elisabetta Puxeddu (London, UK) 13:00 Lunch 12 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Scientific Programme Giovedì/Thursday, October 29th, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon SESSION III. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN NUTRITION AND PAIN Chairman: Marin Burlea (Bucarest, Romania) Moderators: Alessandra Reali (Cagliari, Italy), Salvatore Vendemmia (Aversa, Italy) 14:30 New perspectives in human milk banks Enrico Bertino (Turin, Italy) Stem cells in maternal milk: a new frontier Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) Mercury, lead, cadmium in breast milk Kadriye Yurdakök (Ankara, Turkey) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 NEC and transfusions Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy) Pain management in the newborn Giuseppe Buonocore (Siena, Italy) Discussants: Luciana Pibiri (Cagliari, Italy), Grazia Gentile (Salerno, Italy) SESSION IV. INFECTIVOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY Chairman: Luigi Cataldi (Rome, Italy) Moderators: Renzo Beghini (Verona, Italy), Diego Gazzolo (Alessandria, Italy) 17:00 Superbugs and antibiotics in the newborn Mauro Stronati (Pavia, Italy) CMV Infections: from classic data towards metabolomics Maurizio Zavattoni (Pavia, Italy) Antibiotics and antifungals in VLBW Laura Cuzzolin (Verona, Italy) Clinical cases in pediatric infectivology Alberto Villani (Rome, Italy) Monoclonal antibodies in children Gian Luigi Marseglia (Pavia, Italy) Discussants: Roberta Irmesi (Paris, France), Domenico Perri (Aversa, Italy) 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 13 Scientific Programme Venerdì/Friday, October 30th, 2015 · Mattina/Morning 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC LABORATORY MEDICINE Presidents: Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy), Joris R. Delanghe (Ghent, Belgium) SESSION I. LABORATORY MEDICINE AND NEONATOLOGY MEET RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS: A JOINT TO IMPROVE CHILDREN’S HEALTH Chairman: Giuseppe Castaldo (Naples, Italy) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Moderators: Piermichele Paolillo (Rome, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy) The role of Ministry of Health in the prevention of maternal and neonatal health Maria Grazia Privitera (Rome, Italy) The impact of UNICEF Giacomo Guerrera (Genoa, Italy) Critical situations around the world: the IRAQ example Marzio Babille (Rome, Italy) The importance of parents associations: the example of ABCS Luigi Scarpa (Cagliari, Italy) Medical Humanities in the neonatal area Massimiliano Zonza (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION II. THE IMPORTANCE OF BIOMARKERS IN NEONATOLOGY: FROM NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCY TO METABOLOMICS Chairman: Sergio Bernardini (Rome, Italy) Moderators: Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy), Luigi Barberini (Cagliari, Italy) Standardization of neonatal screening: a challenge for laboratory medicine Francesco Salvatore (Naples, Italy) What neonatologists can expect from laboratory medicine: the example of cystic fibrosis Valeria Raia (Naples, Italy) The reply of laboratory medicine: the example of cystic fibrosis testing by next generation sequencing diagnostic devices Giuseppe Castaldo (Naples, Italy) Multivariate analysis of metabolomic experiments; connecting data with context Dmitry Grapov (Los Angeles, USA) Discussant: Francesco Salvatore (Naples, Italy) 13:00 Lunch 14 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Scientific Programme Venerdì/Friday, October 30th, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon SESSION III. THE IMPORTANCE OF BIOMARKERS IN NEONATOLOGY: NEXT GENERATION BIOMARKERS AND ASSAYS STANDARDIZATION Chairmen: Joris R. Delanghe (Ghent, Belgium), Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy) Moderators: Nando Coghe (Cagliari, Italy), Gianfranco Temporin (Rovigo, Italy) NMR-based screening possibilities in the neonate and comparison to mass spectral methods Manfred Spraul (Rheinstetten, Germany) Predictive biomarkers of pre-eclampsia Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy), Silvia Galbiati (Milan, Italy) Discussants: Georgios Loudianos (Cagliari, Italy), Flaminia Cesare Marincola (Cagliari, Italy) SESSION IV. THE ACTION PROJECT: DISSEMINATION Chairman: Giovanni Mauro Carta (Cagliari, Italy), Giacomo Guerrera (Genoa, Italy) Moderators: Luigi Atzori (Cagliari, Italy), Dmitry Grapov (Los Angeles, USA) The ACTION project Dorret Boomsma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) A website for parents and researchers Matteo Mauri (Cagliari, Italy) Biomarkers of aggression: metabolomics Antonio Noto (Cagliari, Italy) Brain and mind: misteries from the womb to the adult Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) Long-term consequences of asphyxia Giuseppe Buonocore (Siena, Italy) Round table: Pierluigi Caboni (Cagliari, Italy), Andrea Rinaldi (Cagliari, Italy), Michele Mussap (Genoa, Italy), Antonio Del Vecchio (Bari, Italy) Awarding 5 Prizes (500 euros for each prize) for the best posters presented: “Prof. Franco Chiappe Prize”, “Prof. Luciano Tatò Prize”, Neonatal and Pediatric Nephrourology Group (Norman Group) Prize (offered by Ordine dei Medici di Caserta), “Prof. Ubaldo Dimita Prize”, ASTELLAS PHARMA Prize. Board Members: Luigi Cataldi (Rome, Italy), Bo Sun (Beijing, China), Gianfranco Temporin (Rovigo, Italy). 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 15 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Keynote: Emerging biomarkers for metabolic diseases Michael J. Bennett (Philadelphia, USA) Assessment of renal function in neonatology Joris Delanghe (Ghent, Belgium) Analytical pitfalls and future perspectives in the measurement of bone metabolism biomarkers Antonio Fortunato (Vicenza, Italy) Scientific Programme Sabato/Saturday, October 31st, 2015 · Mattina/Morning 2nd INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON PERINATAL PATHOLOGY Stem cells: present and future Presidents: Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy), Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy), Antonio Giordano (Philadelphia, USA) 08:45 Opening Ceremony MAGISTRAL LECTURE introduced by Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 09:00 Physiological and therapeutic roles of mesenchymal stem cells. Is there a gap? Antonio Giordano (Philadelphia, USA) [Pathologist] SESSION I. STEM CELLS: OUR FUTURE? Chairman: Marco Somaschini (Lugano, Switzerland) [Neonatologist] 09:30 Brain Maria Antonietta Marcialis (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] Alberto Ravarino, Laura Vinci (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologists] 09:50 Pancreas Angelica Dessì (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] Giorgia Locci (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] 10:10 Lung Daniela Fanni (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] Margherita Fanos (London, UK) [Systematic Reviewer] 10:20 Liver Daniela Fanni, Federica Lai (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologists] Discussion MAGISTRAL LECTURE introduced by Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] 10:40 Regenerative therapies in bronchopulmonary dysplasia Ludwig Gortner (Homburg, Germany) [Neonatologist] SESSION II. STEM CELLS: OUR FUTURE (II)? Chairman: Francesco Raimondi (Naples, Italy) [Neonatologist] 11:10 Gut/Necrotizing enterocolitis Anna De Magistris (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] Rossano Ambu (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] 11:30 Maternal milk Giuseppina Pichiri, Pier Paolo Coni (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologists] Alessandra Reali (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] 11:40 Suprarenal glands Eleonora Obinu (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] Discussion MAGISTRAL LECTURE introduced by Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] 16 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Scientific Programme Sabato/Saturday, October 31st, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon 12:15 What is the functional background of filigree extracellular matrix and cell-cell connections at the interface of the renal stem/progenitor cell niche? Will W. Minuth (Regensburg, Germany) [Pathologist] 12:45 General Discussion 13:00 Lunch SESSION III. STEM CELLS: OUR FUTURE (III)? Chairman: Rossano Ambu (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 14:30 Heart Armando Faa (Cagliari, Italy) [Forensic Scientist] Elvira Podda (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] Pier Paolo Bassareo (Cagliari, Italy) [Cardiologist] 14:50 Kidney Melania Puddu (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] Clara Gerosa (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] Discussion MAGISTRAL LECTURE introduced by Gavino Faa (Cagliari, Italy) [Pathologist] 15:30 Stem cells in Thalassemia Giorgio La Nasa (Cagliari, Italy) [Hematologist] FINAL LECTURE introduced by Vassilios Fanos (Cagliari, Italy) [Neonatologist] 16:00 Stem cells and the Law Francesco Tregnaghi (Verona, Italy) [Lawyer] Discussion Closure of the meeting 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 17 Registration fee/Quota d’iscrizione Inscription procedures/Modalità d’iscrizione X Convegno Neonatologico Infermieristico “Terra di Sardegna” Convegno Nazionale “Nutrizione e Patologia respiratoria tra Ospedale e Territorio”, in collaborazione con la FIMP (Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri) Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 27th, 2015 · Mattina/Morning Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 27th, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon Medici IVA esclusa € 50,00 IVA inclusa € 61,00 Medici IVA esclusa € 50,00 IVA inclusa € 61,00 € 25,00 € 30,50 Infermieri La quota comprende la partecipazione ai lavori scientifici. Infermieri € 25,00 € 30,50 La quota comprende la partecipazione ai lavori scientifici. 2° Meeting “New trends in Preventive and Social Medicine”, comprendente il 3° meeting SIPPS (Società Italiana di Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 · Mattina/Morning Early registration (before September 30th, 2015) Physicians VAT Free € 60,00 VAT Included € 73,20 Nurses € 30,00 € 36,60 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events and educational brochures. Late registration (after September 30th, 2015) VAT Free VAT Included € 35,00 € 42,70 € 75,00 € 91,50 1° Meeting Perinatale “The future of Perinatal Medicine”, in collaborazione con la SIMP (Società Italiana di Medicina Perinatale) Mercoledì/Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 · Pomeriggio/Afternoon Early registration (before September 30th, 2015) Physicians VAT Free € 60,00 VAT Included € 73,20 Nurses € 30,00 € 36,60 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events and educational brochures. Late registration (after September 30th, 2015) VAT Free VAT Included € 35,00 € 42,70 € 75,00 € 91,50 11th International Workshop on Neonatology · From the womb to the adult Giovedì/Thursday, October 29th, 2015 · Full day Early registration (before September 30th, 2015) Physicians VAT Free € 120,00 VAT Included € 146,40 Late registration (after September 30th, 2015) VAT Free € 150,00 VAT Included € 183,00 Nurses € 60,00 € 73,20 € 75,00 € 91,50 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunch on October 29th, 2015. 5th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Laboratory Medicine Venerdì/Friday, October 30th, 2015 · Full day Early registration (before September 30th, 2015) Physicians VAT Free € 120,00 VAT Included € 146,40 Late registration (after September 30th, 2015) VAT Free € 150,00 VAT Included € 183,00 Nurses € 60,00 € 73,20 € 75,00 € 91,50 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunch on October 30th, 2015. 2nd International Course on Perinatal Pathology · Stem cells: present and future Sabato/Saturday, October 31th, 2015 · Full day Early registration (before September 30th, 2015) Physicians VAT Free € 120,00 VAT Included € 146,40 Late registration (after September 30th, 2015) VAT Free € 150,00 VAT Included € 183,00 Nurses € 60,00 € 73,20 € 75,00 € 91,50 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunch on October 31th, 2015. 18 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Registration fee/Quota d’iscrizione Inscription procedures/Modalità d’iscrizione 2 or 3 full day International Conferences/Workshops Early registration (before September 30th, 2015) 2 full day International Conferences/ Workshops 3 full day International Conferences/ Workshops Late registration (after September 30th, 2015) VAT Free VAT Included VAT Free VAT Included Physicians € 220,00 € 268,40 € 270,00 € 329,40 Nurses € 110,00 € 134,20 € 135,00 € 164,70 Physicians € 300,00 € 366,00 € 370,00 € 451,40 Nurses € 150,00 € 183,00 € 185,00 € 225,70 The fee covers: participation to all open-session events, educational brochures and business brunches on the selected days. ►► Because of limited seating, registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis. ►► Once the maximum number of participants has been reached, registration will be closed and the organizing secretariat will promptly contact those participants exceeding the threshold for reimbursement. ►► Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the event. SPECIAL INSCRIPTION PROCEDURES (FOR ITALIAN PARTICIPANTS) ►► Studenti e specializzandi che desiderano partecipare ai lavori devono segnalare la propria presenza, effettuando l’iscrizione online entro 7 giorni dalla data di inizio dell’evento. Gli studenti e gli specializzandi per regolarizzare la loro iscrizione dovranno inviare via fax al numero 0245498199 il documento che attesta la posizione di studente o specializzando. La partecipazione ai lavori è gratuita. L’iscrizione comprende: ammissione ai lavori scientifici e attestato di partecipazione. ►► I Dipendenti della Patologia e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido e Anatomia Patologica – Azienda Mista di Cagliari che desiderano partecipare ai lavori devono segnalare la propria presenza, effettuando l’iscrizione online entro 7 giorni dalla data di inizio dell’evento. La partecipazione ai lavori è gratuita. ►► Iscrizioni da parte di ASL: Dopo aver effettuato l’iscrizione online, i partecipanti iscritti dalle Aziende ASL di appartenenza sono pregati di inviare via fax (0245498199) la richiesta della ASL, nella quale dovrà essere specificato: • • • che il richiedente è un proprio dipendente; che si tratta di un’iscrizione esente IVA ai sensi dell’Art. 14, comma 10 legge 537/93; i dati fiscali relativi all’azienda ASL per la fatturazione. Il partecipante deve anticipare la quota, qualora l’ASL non riuscisse ad effettuare il versamento insieme all’iscrizione. Sarà rilasciata fattura quietanzata intestata all’ASL. Non saranno accettate iscrizioni prive dei requisiti richiesti. Una volta emesse, le fatture non potranno essere modificate. 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 19 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 ►► Those wishing to attend must submit the Registration Form online duly completed and accompanied by receipt of payment. General Information CONGRESS VENUE Congress Center at T HOTEL Via Dei Giudicati, 09131 Cagliari Tel. +390704740 Fax +39070474016 website: www.thotel.it e-mail: [email protected] – [email protected] PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 How to get there By airplane Cagliari-Elmas Airport (10 km far from the hotel). By ferry Cagliari Porto 2 km; Porto Torres S.S. 131; Golfo Aranci-Olbia S.S. 125, S.S. 131; Arbatax S.S. 125. By car T Hotel is easily reachable from road n. 131; following “Cagliari San Benedetto” direction and then T Hotel sign. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (ECM) Credits have been requested for the following professional categories: Physicians and Nurses. The events are addressed to the disciplines of Pediatrics, Neonatology, Laboratory Medicine, Obstetrics, Pathology and Family Pediatricians. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE A certificate of attendance will be available to each registered congress participant at the end of each Workshop/Conference. PROCEEDINGS • • The lectures will be published in the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. The accepted posters/abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. OFFICIAL LANGUAGES English and Italian. Simultaneous translation will be garanted for all the Thursday and Friday sessions. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the sessions will be in Italian only. On Saturday, the sessions will be in English only. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of the Companies and Associations participating in the Workshop. 20 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) Informazioni Generali SEDE DEL CONGRESSO Centro Congressi T HOTEL Via Dei Giudicati, 09131 Cagliari Tel. +390704740 Fax +39070474016 website: www.thotel.it e-mail: [email protected] – [email protected] Come raggiungere la sede L’aeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas dista circa 10 km. In nave Cagliari Porto 2 km; Porto Torres S.S. 131; Golfo Aranci-Olbia S.S. 125, S.S. 131; Arbatax S.S. 125. In auto L’hotel è facilmente raggiungibile dalla strada statale 131: seguire le indicazioni per Cagliari Centro San Benedetto e poi per l’hotel. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 In aereo EDUCAZIONE CONTINUA IN MEDICINA (ECM) I crediti sono stati richiesti per le seguenti categorie: Medici e Infermieri. Gli eventi sono indirizzati alle specialità di Pediatria, Neonatologia, Medicina di Laboratorio, Ostetricia, Anatomia Patologica e Pediatria di Famiglia. CERTIFICATO DI FREQUENZA Un certificato di frequenza sarà disponibile per ogni partecipante regolarmente iscritto alla fine di ogni congresso. ATTI DEL CONGRESSO • • Gli atti saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. I poster/abstract accettati saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine. LINGUE UFFICIALI Inglese e italiano; è previsto un servizio di traduzione simultanea Inglese/Italiano per tutte le letture di giovedì e venerdì. Nei giorni di martedì e mercoledì, le sessioni saranno solo in italiano. Nella giornata di sabato, le sessioni saranno solo in inglese. RINGRAZIAMENTI Il Comitato Organizzatore ringrazia vivamente per il supporto le Aziende e le Associazioni che partecipano al Workshop. 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 21 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Posters and abstracts submission/Invio di poster e abstract ►► Papers are invited from all different fields of Neonatology and Pediatrics. ►► All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Secretariat for presentation as poster. The selected posters will remain on display for the whole meeting in the poster exhibition hall to give the best opportunity to all of the participant for viewing during the meeting. ►► The poster format measures 0.7 m wide by 1.0 m high. Numbered board will be provided at the venue for mounting posters. An author must be present during the walking session. ►► The accepted posters/abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (www.jpnim.com). ►► Abstracts can be submitted using the on-line web form at www.biomedia.net. The authors can check their abstract status by the function “controlla lo stato dell’abstract” on the Workshop web page, using a personal code received by e-mail. Format Requirements are listed in the abstract form on-line. Alternatively, abstracts can be emailed to Vassilios Fanos, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine ([email protected]). ►► Abstracts must be original (not published elsewhere in whole or in part). When provided, figures and tables must be original. For each author, please list the following items: name, surname, institutional affiliations. ►► Abstracts are accepted in English only. ►► Examples: you can download abstracts of the 10th, 9th and 8th International Workshop on Neonatology at the following links: http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/030235/207 http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/020220/113 http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/010106/14 ►► 5 awards are available for the best posters presented (500 Euros each). ►► Deadline for abstract presentation: September 10th, 2015. ►► Sono richiesti contributi scientifici in tutti i campi della Neonatologia e della Pediatria. ►► Abstract sugli argomenti del Workshop saranno valutati dalla Segreteria Scientifica per la presentazione come poster. I Poster selezionati dovranno essere esposti durante tutto il convegno, per facilitarne la visita a tutti i partecipanti. ►► Lo spazio assegnato a ciascun poster, contrassegnato da un numero, ha base di cm 70 e altezza di cm 100. Un autore del poster deve essere presente durante la sessione poster. Almeno uno degli autori deve essere iscritto al Workshop. ►► I poster/abstract accettati saranno pubblicati sul Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (www.jpnim.com). ►► Gli Abstract possono essere inviati via Internet collegandosi al sito www.biomedia.net e seguendo l’apposito link. Gli autori potranno controllare lo stato del proprio abstract attraverso la funzione “controlla lo stato dell’abstract” alla pagina Internet del Workshop utilizzando il codice di consultazione ricevuto via e-mail. Le indicazioni per la preparazione dell’abstract sono riportate nel modulo on-line. In alternativa, gli abstract possono essere inviati per email a Vassilios Fanos, Editor-in-Chief del Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine ([email protected]). ►► Gli abstract devono essere originali (non pubblicati altrove integralmente o in parte). Ove presenti, figure e tabelle devono essere originali. Per ogni autore, indicare i seguenti elementi: nome, cognome, istituzione di appartenenza. ►► Saranno accettati solo abstract in inglese. ►► Esempio: potete scaricare gli abstract del decimo, nono e dell’ottavo International Workshop on Neonatology ai seguenti links: http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/030235/207 http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/020220/113 http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/010106/14 ►► 5 premi da 500 Euro saranno assegnati ai migliori poster. ►► Deadline per la presentazione degli abstract: 10 settembre 2015. 22 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) JPNIM’s presentation www.jpnim.com Peer-reviewed, online, fast-track, no-fee and Open Access PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 The Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM) is the Official Journal UENPS (Union of European Neonatal & Perinatal Societies) History of past Workshops (continues on next pages) 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 23 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 History of past Workshops (continued from previous page) 24 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) History of past Workshops (continued from previous page) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 11th International Workshop on Neonatology October 27th-31st, 2015 – Cagliari (Italy) 25 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME updated on July 28th, 2015 Associazione Ercolino Onlus Fondazione di ricerca sarda per il benessere dei piccolini c/o TIN, Patologia Neonatale, Puericultura e Nido — AOU di Cagliari Blocco Q, Policlinico di Monserrato – S.S. 554 Bivio Sestu – 09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy Tel: 070 51093403-95 Fax: 070 51093495 [email protected] C.F. 92178920929 IBAN IT 92 L 02008 04810 000101200340 Local organizing Secretariat Department of Surgery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section, University of Cagliari, Italy Reference person: Patrizia Baire Ph. +390706753107 – e-mail: [email protected] Organizing Secretariat BIOMEDIA srl Via L. Temolo 4, 20126 Milan, Italy Ph. +390245498282 – Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected] – www.biomedia.net Reference person: Monica Arosio Ph. +390245498282 int. 228 – Fax: +390245498199 e-mail: [email protected]
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