WellSpan and Its Donors Working Toward a


WellSpan and Its Donors Working Toward a
WellMatched: WellSpan and Its Donors
Working Toward a Healthy Community
2013 Annual Report
Board of Directors
2013 York Health Foundation Board Members
York Health Foundation Mission
Working as one to improve health
through exceptional care for all, lifelong
wellness and healthy communities by
growing philanthropy for WellSpan’s
charitable initiatives in York County.
WellSpan Health Mission
Working as one to improve health
through exceptional care for all, lifelong
wellness and healthy communities.
For questions about the York Health
Foundation or to learn about the funds and
activities mentioned in this report, please
call (717) 851-3595.
2013 Annual Report
John H. McConville, MD, Chairman
Gary A. Stewart, Jr., Vice Chairman
John C. Lutz, Secretary/Treasurer
Leslie W. Brant
Fran D. Camitta Butler, MD
Matthew Doran
Vickie L. Fazio
Ronald L. Hershner, Esq.
Lou J. Leyes
Barbara C. Linder
Jeff D. Lobach, Esq.
Cathy Norris
Richard W. Sloan, MD
Kathy Turkewitz
2014 York Health Foundation Board Members
Gary A. Stewart, Jr., Chairman
Jeff D. Lobach, Esq., Vice Chairman
John C. Lutz, Secretary/Treasurer
Leslie W. Brant
Fran D. Camitta Butler, MD
Matthew Doran
Vickie L. Fazio
Lou J. Leyes
Barbara C. Linder
Cathy Norris
Bill J. Scott, III
Richard W. Sloan, MD
Kathy Turkewitz
A Letter From the Chair
This annual report gives us the opportunity to recognize and thank
you – our donors – for becoming our partners in improving the health of
our community.
Please take a few minutes to read about how:
• Together, we are helping cancer patients shoulder the financial
burdens that often come with this life-changing diagnosis.
• With its largest gift ever, the York Hospital Auxiliary is generously
funding a behavioral health unit as part of the upcoming WellSpan
York Hospital emergency department renovation.
• We are providing vital care to stroke patients in York and
surrounding communities.
These programs are proof positive that York Health Foundation is
meeting its goal of inspiring gifts and grants to support the important
work of WellSpan Health in York County and beyond.
Thank you for your support. In 2013, we saw great initiatives like
those featured in this annual report and many others continue or start
because of the generosity of our community. We are fortunate to have a
community filled with giving individuals, companies and organizations.
Each and every one of you listed in this report has positively
impacted thousands of lives over the past year.
I think our community is one in which people care enough about
others – often people they don’t know and probably will never meet –
to help them in a time of need. I am proud to be a member of this
community and a member of York Health Foundation Board of Directors.
Yours Truly,
Gary A. Stewart, Jr.
Chair, Board of Directors
York Health Foundation
2013 Annual Report
Auxiliary Donation Makes
Dedicated Behavioral Health
Unit in New Emergency
Department Possible
In 2013, the York Hospital Auxiliary pledged $1 million – its largest
donation ever – toward construction of an eight-room behavioral health
unit that will be part of WellSpan York Hospital’s new state-of-the-art
emergency department.
According to Auxiliary President Kathy Turkewitz, the decision to
financially support the new unit was unanimous.
“All of our members felt very strongly about it,” she says. “The idea for
the behavioral health unit touched all of us. We knew it would provide a
great service to area residents of all ages.”
A New Concept for Helping Behavioral Health Patients
The majority of patients admitted to WellSpan York Hospital for
behavioral health issues are first seen in the emergency department.
Behavioral health patients are often in a crisis situation and need
immediate attention for severe depression, depression with psychotic
features or other behavioral health issues.
Currently, there is no dedicated space in the emergency department
for these patients while they await evaluation by a behavioral health
professional for possible admission to the hospital.
“These patients deserve their own unit in the emergency department
and need health care providers who can care for them properly,” says
Turkewitz. Behavioral health specialists will staff the new unit, which will also
feature two crisis intervention rooms for behavioral health assessments by
crisis counselors. The increased privacy of the new unit will be invaluable to
patients and their families who find themselves in these situations.
2013 Annual Report
Patient-Centered Care
The new unit will cost more than $1.6 million to construct, equip and furnish, and will be
dedicated to keeping patients safe and getting them the care they need.
The York Health Foundation Board
of Directors identified WellSpan York
Hospital’s Emergency Department as
a fund raising priority for the next three
years. Support from the community
through special events, employee and
physician giving campaigns and other key
initiatives will help raise funds to create an
exceptional place to receive care. The new
emergency department will offer patients
a private care experience in a state-ofthe-art facility built around patient needs.
Special features will include:
The behavioral health unit will be the largest specialty area in the new emergency
department, which is set to begin construction in the summer 2014. The new facility will
provide patients with private, patient-centered care in a 46,000-square-foot space that will
cost more than $45 million to complete.
An Emergency Department Focused on Excellence in Care
“This new facility is all about improving the care we provide to the community and
providing the services our patients need,” says WellSpan York Hospital President Keith Noll.
Currently, the emergency department cares for about 78,000 patients each year in a
facility that was designed to treat 30,000. The new department is expected to open by fall
2017 and is projected to serve 88,000 patients annually by 2025.
Beyond the physical features of the new emergency department, WellSpan York Hospital
aims to improve the processes that impact patient flow through the department and into the
hospital. Pilot programs to improve flow are already being tested.
• A dedicated rapid-care area for
patients with minor injuries and illnesses.
• Dedicated patient treatment areas
for pediatric, cardiovascular, orthopedic
and behavioral health patients.
“We intend to open the new department with all of these processes perfected,” says
James Amsterdam, MD, chair emeritus of the hospital’s department of emergency medicine.
“Our goal is a no-wait emergency department, something we hope to achieve about 85
percent of the time.”
• Multiple work pods for staff and
providers, hospitalists and specialists
for clinical staff efficiency.
• Improved presence of financial
counselor, registration and checkout
• Patient and visitor amenities.
2013 Annual Report
Help Fund Allows Patients With Cancer to Focus on Healing
“They told me to focus on getting better, and they would take care
of the rest. These people didn’t know me, but they were willing to help. I
remember thinking that if I got better, that’s where I’d give back,” says Dawn
Jeter, speaking about WellSpan’s York Cancer Patient Help Fund.
In 2011, Jeter was diagnosed with two primary cancers. She had no
insurance and had two young children at home. “I was 31 years old and
thought nothing could happen to me,” she says. “I just kept repeating:
What am I going to do?”
That’s when a financial counselor at WellSpan York Hospital directed
Jeter to Peggy Tilton, financial coordinator of the Cancer Patient Help
“The Cancer Patient Help Fund is a temporary bridge over a
difficult financial time,” says Tilton. She explains that the fund provides
monetary assistance for daily living necessities for patients undergoing
active cancer treatments – expenses such as rent, utilities, food, car
insurance and co-payments for prescriptions.
2013 Annual Report
A Fund That is Growing to Meet Increasing Needs
The fund, which helped 52 patients with a little over $7,500 when it
began in 1995, was able to help 394 patients with $330,000 in 2013.
“Right now there is a tremendous need due to the number of people
who are unemployed,” says Tilton.
Referrals come to the Cancer Patient Help Fund from a variety
of sources, including social workers, physicians and community
organizations. Once referred to the program, patients provide information
about their household bills and finances. Tilton reviews all applications to
determine what the need is for each individual.
“The fund was created because patients – even those with
insurance – can go through very stressful times during cancer
treatment,” says Doug Arbittier, MD, vice president of the WellSpan
oncology service line. “It’s hard emotionally and physically. Add
financial stress into the equation and it can be overwhelming.”
Chipping Away at Cancer
WellSpan’s Cancer Patient Help Fund is supported entirely by charitable contributions
from businesses, service organizations, former patients, family members and the
community at large. In addition, 100 percent of donations go directly to patients.
Ninety participants spent an evening
last August “Chipping Away at Cancer”
one stroke at a time. The event was the
2013 Cancer Awareness Golf Tournament
at the Country Club of York. The
beneficiary was WellSpan’s Cancer Patient
Help Fund.
“There are no administration costs because the program is run through the hospital,”
says Tilton.
Jeter, who has always been a runner, found her way to give back to the Cancer Patient
Help Fund in the form of a 5K race. After completing treatment in August 2011, she decided
to organize an annual race to support the fund.
According to event organizer Karen
McGannon, the event was run in previous
years as part of a national organization’s
fund-raising initiative.
“Many of the runners have a connection with the cancer center,” says Jeter, who has
raised more than $600 for the fund through the race to date and plans to continue growing
the event each year.
“Last year we decided we wanted to
keep it local. People were just elated that
we were donating to this cause because
we would be taking care of York and
Adams County patients,” says McGannon.
The event, which raised more than
$7,000 for the fund, was a mixed-team,
nine-hole event featuring a putting contest,
chipping contest, ticket auction, raffles, a
live auction and dinner.
2013 Annual Report
Brain-Saving Technology and Education Advance Local
Stroke Care
“When it comes to stroke, we put great emphasis on community
education,” says Ruth Linde, program coordinator of WellSpan York
Hospital’s Stroke Program. “That’s because strokes don’t necessarily
hurt. In fact, someone having a stroke often can’t think clearly and
doesn’t realize what is happening to them.”
Educating the community about the signs of stroke, its underlying
causes and opportunities to modify risk factors is a key component of
the Stroke Program at WellSpan York Hospital.
“We really try to get the message out there so people can potentially
head off a problem before it occurs,” she says.
In addition to community education, professional education for
residents, nursing assistants, technicians and emergency department
staff is crucial to the Stroke Program. Thanks to a $16,000 grant from
the Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter III Family Foundation, WellSpan
York Hospital has been able to purchase online software that will be
used to train approximately 300 staff members.
“We wouldn’t have been able to provide this training without the
grant,” says Nancy Newton, grants officer with WellSpan.
2013 Annual Report
A Valuable Resource When Time is of the Essence
When a stroke occurs, WellSpan York Hospital now has a state-ofthe-art hybrid operating suite. This multimillion-dollar facility became
operational in August 2013 and is already making a significant impact
on the state of stroke care in the region.
“Every minute during a stroke, brain cells are dying. The goal is to
begin treating a patient as quickly as possible,” says Lori Clark, vice
president of the Neurosciences service line at WellSpan. “Having this
facility allows us to offer treatments that used to require a transfer to a
larger hospital – the closest being an hour and a half away.”
While stroke has dropped to the fourth leading cause of death in
the United States, it remains the number one cause of disability. There
are now nearly 6 million stroke survivors and, of those, more than
4 million are disabled in some way.
“If we can treat patients more quickly, we can save lives and
potentially reduce the severity of disability,” says Linde. “This allows us to
improve the quality of life for stroke patients.”
Local Company Celebrates 12 Years
of Support
A Commitment to Expand Stroke Care Into the Communities We Serve
Advanced telestroke technology now allows WellSpan York Hospital to extend its stroke
program into new communities and evaluate patients in other hospitals in real-time using
special computer equipment. Each of the York neurologists has access to the technology in
their homes as well as at the hospital.
White Rose Interiors, a York interiorfinishing company, has been a proud
supporter of the WellSpan Health Golf
Tournament since 2002. The tournament
raised $65,000 in 2013, which helped
fund the operating table in the new hybrid
operating suite at WellSpan York Hospital.
“Emergency room doctors are often wary of making neurological decisions without a
specialist’s input,” explains Clark. “With telestroke, we can provide consultations in real-time.”
York’s neurology experts use monitors with spectacular resolution and communication tools
to consult with physicians treating stroke patients in emergency departments at WellSpan
Gettysburg Hospital, and Summit Health’s Waynesboro Hospital and Chambersburg Hospital.
While White Rose owners Frank
Bonadio and James Snyder aren’t
golfers, they are happy to be a part of the
tournament and see it as an opportunity to
give back locally.
WellSpan neurologist Dr. Ellen Deibert said she was “blown away” by the capabilities
of the technology. “In one case, I was able to diagnose a patient in another hospital from
my home in the middle of the night,” she says. “Not only that, I was able to speak with the
physician at WellSpan York Hospital, coordinate the patient’s transfer to our hospital, and
find a bed for the patient – all within 20 minutes – a process that would have taken all night
in the past.”
“We’ve done some work for WellSpan,
and we see all of the good things they do in
our community,” says Bonadio. “The money
raised each year through the golf tournament
always goes toward a good cause.”
“Patients can be diagnosed immediately, and if they are in need of interventional care, they
can be transferred directly to WellSpan York Hospital,” adds Linde. “It’s pretty phenomenal.”
The Latest Technology Backed by Exceptional Medical Expertise
Upon arrival at WellSpan York Hospital, suspected stroke patients receive a CT scan.
Based on those scans, neurologists evaluate patients and quickly determine the best course
of treatment. While “clot-busting” drug tPA is still the most common treatment for stroke, it
must be administered within a few hours after the onset of symptoms, and it isn’t right for
every patient.
WellSpan York Hospital now offers minimally invasive, interventional neurosurgery
techniques for the treatment of selected strokes. These procedures involve the use of
extremely thin catheters to access and clear clots in the brain that are causing the stroke.
WellSpan York Hospital is the only facility in York and Adams counties offering these
procedures, making it the preferred regional resource for stroke care. In addition to treating
patients that come directly to WellSpan York Hospital, stroke patients in surrounding facilities
can now be transferred to York for these procedures, rather than being sent farther away.
2013 Annual Report
1880 Society
The 1880 Society, named in honor of the year of WellSpan York Hospital’s founding, is a special annual giving program. Friends of WellSpan York
Hospital, WellSpan VNA Home Health, WellSpan Medical Group and the York Cancer Center give $10,000 or more, payable over a 10-year period.
These gifts can be designated to a specific department or program or be unrestricted to ensure continued excellent care throughout the health care
system. The reputation of WellSpan Health would make its founders very proud. While today’s health care system faces many challenges, 1880
Society members ensure that quality care is provided to the York community.
Sandra L. Abnett
Marsha D. Bornt, MD
Jim and Karen Cochran
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Fazio
Keith and Laurie Gee
Robert and Charlotte Aldinger
Pamela and Charles Bostic
Daniel and Mary Crerand
John and Ginger Finlayson
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Dr. and Mrs. James Amsterdam
Eamonn and Susan Boyle
Kris and Joe Crosswhite
Dr. Frederick Flaccavento and Ms.
Chip and Amy Gerhart
Louis and Josephine Appell
Robert and Debra Bradley
Douglas and Monica Dallmeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Arbittier
Leslie and Cindy Brant
Drs. Richard and Marian Damewood
Dr. Otto and Mrs. Lesesne Forchheimer
In Memory of Thom R. Gilbert
Richard L. Ayers
Keith and Marsha Braucher
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Fortier
Art* and Susan Glatfelter
George Baker
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Dr. Abby and Mr. Gregory Davis
Dr. Neal Friedman and Mrs. Diane
Dr. Michael and Barbara Goodstein
Dr. R. Hal Baker and Mrs. Jill Baker
Thomas and Nancy Brenner
Steve and Kelly Delaveris
Heather and Mike Barley
Thomas P. Bride, DO
Donald and Jane Dellinger
J.A. and De Loyce Barnhart
Dale* and Nancy Brougher
Burnell M.* and Ann C. Diehl
Dr. Todd and Mrs. Sara Barron
Christi and Josh Brown
David and Julia Dill
Bruce Bartels and Romana Li
Richard H. Brown
Matthew and Jennifer Doran
Bob and Louise Batory
Dr. Percy Buenaventura and
Dr. Daniel D. Dowd, Jr.
Larry D. Baucum
Mrs. Beth Buenaventura
Rodney and Marie Drawbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus E. Beekey, Jr.
Howard L. Burtnett, CRNA
Ravi Dukkipati, MD
Ron and Tracy Benenson
Dr. Bruce Bushwick and Ms. Lise Levin
Dr. Chris and Lisa Echterling
Tim and Katie Bentzel
Dr. Vincent Butera and Mrs. Kathy
Chloé R. Eichelberger
Deborah L. Bernal, MD
Ronald F. Bernardi
Albert G. Blakey III Estate
Drs. Ivan Butler and Francine Camitta
David* and Lynne Eitel
Mary Jo and Gene Eline
Robert and Erda Erdos
Albert* and Judith Blakey
Tony and Stef Campisi
Dr. and Mrs. Danilo U. Escaro
Dan and Allison Bledsoe
Dr. John and Mrs. Catherine Carson
Margaret “Peggy” Davis Evans*
Dr. John Blotzer and Mrs. Gabija
Dr. John and Malin Castronuovo
William and Pat Eyster
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Chodroff
Michael and Deborah Fake
Drs. Jaylaine and Michael Bohrn
Dr. Keith and Jennifer Clancy
Robert S. Fawcett, MD and Christy
Nina and Michael Born
Paul and Lori Clark
2013 Annual Report
Donna Sylvester
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Garber
Dr. Detlef and Mrs. Joanne Gerlach
Fred Graves
Hugh H. Gregory, Jr., MD
Scott and Lisa Grob
Lee and Connie Gutshall
County Community Foundation
L. Beecher, Jr.
Doug and Theresa Lehigh
Dr. Patrick and Karen McGannon
Richard M.* and Barbara C. Linder
Patty McGuire
James and Amy Haber
Dr. David B. and Victoria Jones
Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Dr. Allen and Wanda Miller
Valerie Hardy-Sprenkle and Chris
Karen E. Jones, MD and Sean C.
Sara K. Little*
Paul and Donna Minnich
Jeff and Cindy Lobach
Dr. Kevin Mosser and Carolyn Mosser
Robert V. Iosue, PhD and Teena Iosue
Cynthia Johannes-Beecher and David
Campbell, MD
Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Heather Harner
James Juliana
Deborah K. Lookingbill*
Fred L. Motter*
Peter and Rhada Hartmann
Drs. Andrew and Diane Kepner
Jason S. Lowe, CRNA
Gertrude C. Motter
The Heilman Family
William and Kim Kerlin
Angela S. Lutz, DMD
Alyssa L. Moyer, MD and Shawn S.
Douglas and Holly Heishman
Kinsley Foundation
John and Dawn Lutz
Ronald E. Hempling, MD
Debra D. Kleyhauer
Lee A. Maddox, MD
Michael and Rhonda Murphy
Dr. Mark Henry and Ms. Barbara Knaub
Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kline
Dr. C. Edwin Martin and Mrs. Arlene
Dr. Kevin R. Muzzio and Dr. Suzette J.
John and Jan Herrold
Miodrag D. Kukrika, MD
Guy and Rosa Hickey
Eric and Ann Kunkel
Dr. Clement T. Ho
Robert C. Landis, MD and Jane E.
Hodges Family Foundation/George and
Martha Hodges
Moyer, MD
Richard E. Martin, II and Susan J.
Robert L. Myers, III
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Kimberly Nash
Dr. John and Patricia Matthews
Amy L. Nelson, Esq.
Dr. William “Tex” and Odessa Landis
John and Therese McConville
Robert and Lynn Newcomer
Matthew and Betsy Howie
Dr. George and Jackie Lapes
Drs. Kevin J. and Nancy McCullum
Dr. Jay and Carol Nicholson
Roseann Huddleston
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Laucks
Thomas R. McGann, MD and Kathleen
Keith D. Noll
George W. Hummel Fund of York
Dr. Stanton and Mrs. Jane Lebouitz
Cathy Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Connor
Bob and Toby Ortmyer
Dr. Craig S. Pate and Lisa W. Pate
Dr. Brian Pettiford and Mrs. Patricia Pettiford
Dr. J. Ander and Mrs. Kathy Pindzola
Dr. Marc and Mrs. Patricia Pollack
Ms. Tracy H. Powell
A. Richard and Karen L. Pugh
Jonathan Pumphrey
Dr. Seth Quartey and Grace Quartey
Mark and Theresa Richardson
Dr. Damian and Mrs. Vicki Rispoli
Debby and Raymond Rosen
2013 Annual Report
Samuel Small Society
In 1880, a man named Samuel Small had a vision of providing compassionate, quality health care services for the York community. His vision and
philanthropic spirit led to the founding of WellSpan York Hospital. If not for his effort and foresight, the organization of WellSpan Health – dedicated to
bringing clinical excellence and care to its communities, and recognized as a leader in health care – might not exist today.
The members of the Samuel Small Society share that spirit and vision by ensuring that quality health care is available to all in our community for
generations to come. By providing for future health care needs, they have included the York Health Foundation in their financial or estate plans.
Preyanka Aggarwal, MD
David W. Cerasa*
William and Pat Eyster
William Fluhrer Trust
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Leno C. Allenbrand Estate
Gail K. Cunningham Trust
Frances E. Feiser*
Mary and Henry D. Freed*
Anna Amelia Gillespie Trust
Alfred and Janice Ambrose
Edward L. Daisey
Nathan Feldman Bequest
Robert and Charlene Freed
Art* and Susan Glatfelter
Harry B. Anstine Estate
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
George W. Fishel Estate
Mary Froelich Unitrust
Cassandra Glatfelter Bequest
Clyde E. Arvin Estate
Louise Spahr Deane Trust
Harry H. Fisher Bequest
Rodger K. Furse Trust
L. Romaine Glatfelter Trust
Dr. John L. Atkins Bequest
Estate of Kermit H. and Mary Deardorff
Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. M. Louise
Walter W. Furse
Mellie I. Glatfelter Trust
J. Herbert Beard Estate
Dr. Woodrow and Mrs. Ella Mae
Virginia C. Gall*
Philip H. Glatfelter Trust
W. Donald Geiser Estate
Philip Glatfelter, III*
Janet K. Benfer Trust
Kenneth L. Benfer Estate
Burnell M.* and Ann C. Diehl
Albert G. Blakey III Estate
Estate of Mary L. Diehl
Dan and Allison Bledsoe
Estate of Millard G. Diehl
Ruth T. Boring Estate
Kenneth* and Charlotte Dittenhafer
Michael and Alice Marie Boustead
Alton Dubs*
Kenneth Bowman Estate
S. James Dunn, DDS Estate
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Gladys Eberly Estate
Thomas and Nancy Brenner
Chloé R. Eichelberger
Chreston K. Briggs Trust
Hazel L. Eisenhart*
Christi and Josh Brown
William S. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.*
The Estate of Peter and Delilah Brown
Charlotte R. and Kermit H. Elfner Trust
Richard H. Brown
Helen Emig*
Florence G. Burk Estate
Kathryn Erdos Estate
Drs. Ivan Butler and Francine Camitta
Robert and Erda Erdos
Mary P. Evans Trust
William K. and Evelyn O. Campbell
Memorial Fund
Tony and Stef Campisi
2013 Annual Report
Jeanette S. Everhart Trust
Charles G. Eyster Fund of York County
Community Foundation
Gary C. and Gloria* Fleming
W.L. Glatfelter Trust
Sarah A.K. Hoober Trust
Estate of Elizabeth M. Libhart
Marianna K. Moyer Estate
William A. Resh Estate
Russel and Eleanor Gohn*
Dr. Benjamin Hoover and Mrs. Anne
Richard M.* and Barbara C. Linder
Mildred T. Mummert Trust
Vincent Risley Trust
Marian S. Link Estate
Annie C. Murray Estate
Kathryn S. Rohrbaugh Estate
G. Bradford Myers, MD* and Lou Rene
Debby and Raymond Rosen
Hattie Good*
Charles and Esther Goodling*
Dean S. Hoover, MD
Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Brian and Donna Gragnolati
Philip A. and Elizabeth J. Hoover
Sara K. Little*
Joseph and Elizabeth Rosenmiller*
David Greisler
Fund of York County Community
Helen Long Estate
Robert and Lynn Newcomer
Elaine Royhan Estate
Dr. Bruce A. Grove Bequest
Edna Loucks Trust
Dr. Jay and Carol Nicholson
George B. Rudy Trust
Emory E. Grove Trust
Mildred I. Horn Estate
William E. Markle Estate
Keith D. Noll
Estate of Thelma Ruppert
Margaret Hafey*
Raymond A. Hummer Estate
Richard E. Martin, II and Susan J.
John W. Noss Trust
Esther T. Rutter Estate
Samuel Harbold*
Fred Ilges*
Gerald and Martha Patrick*
Evelyn M. Samuelsohn*
Valerie Hardy-Sprenkle and Chris
Robert V. Iosue, PhD and Teena Iosue
Estate of Bertha V. Martz
Michael J. Patrick, Sr., CLU, CHFC and
Carolyn and Charles Schaefer
Bertha M. Noss Joseph Trust
Patty McGuire
Donna M. Healey
John L. Kable Estate
David C. McIntosh
Dorothy L. Paules
Newton and Hellen Shaw Trust
Malinda Heindel Trust
Charles Kerr*
Estate of John and Edna Menges
Dr. Samuel K. Pfaltzgraff Trust
Stanford C. and Reta Shearer*
Charles J. Helb Trust
H. Roebling Knoch Estate
Edwill B. and Rachel H. Miller Trust
Pearl Prowell Trust of York County
Cindy Q. Shi, MD, PhD and Mr. Xiao Shi
Walter H. Hespenheide Estate
Sanford and Kathryn Kranich
Edwill B. Miller Trust
Phebe Catherine Hess Trust
Charitable Trust
Ruth S. Patrick*
Community Foundation
Marvin G. Sedam*
William* and Judy Simpson
Paula M. Miller Estate
A. Richard and Karen L. Pugh
Dr. Richard Sloan and Alice Sloan
Mildred B. Hibner Estate
John J. Landes Trust
Rachel Heckert Miller Trust
Estate of Clarence and Edna Reck
Andrew P. Smith
Helen H. Hobaugh Estate
Benjamin Lavetan Trust
R. Ruth Morris Bequest
Lois V. Renaut Estate
Josephine L. Smith Trust
2013 Annual Report
Individual Donors
We extend our sincere appreciation for the following gifts received from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Every effort has been made
to ensure accuracy in listing all contributions of $100 or more. If you are aware of an error or omission, please call the York Health Foundation at
(717) 851-3595.
Richmond and Lynn Abbe
Timothy and Joan Anstine
Sandra L. Abnett
Bernard and Nancy Anthony
Marcia Adams
Barbara Appell
W. Craig and Theresa Adams
Louis and Josephine Appell
Brian and Jeanne Addison
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Arbittier
Meagan K. Alan, PAC
Susan L. Arnold
Kelly Albright
Lance Arvin
Susan D. Alcorn
Chris and Mimi Ashbaugh
John and Sandra Aldinger
Bertha Aspin
Robert and Charlotte Aldinger
Ackie and Sara Atkinson
Travis and Andrea Aldinger
Peter and Linda Atwood
Elizabeth Alger
Thomas and Elizabeth Aulbach
Richard and Jane Allen
Phil and Linda Avillo
Brian and Linda Alley
Richard L. Ayers
Beth Ann Allison
Charles and Sandra Baboian
Eric and Kim Alvarez
Albert E. Bachman
Kevin Alvarnaz
Pamela and Steve Bailey
Richard and Madlyn Alwine
Carolyn Baker
Drs. Rachelle Ambrose and Richard
Don* and Rebecca Baker
George Baker
Dr. and Mrs. James Amsterdam
Gwen Baker
Sarah Amsterdam
Herbert J. Baker
Harold and Nancy Anderson
Jodi Baker
Lora Anderson
Dr. R. Hal Baker and Mrs. Jill Baker
Reed and Connie Anderson
Susan K. Baker
Robert and Beth Anderson
Stacy M. Balderston
Stephen and Brenda Anderson
Apryl Balon
Donald and Deborah Angstadt
Kimberly A. Banks
2013 Annual Report
Heather and Mike Barley
James E. Baumgardner
Ron and Tracy Benenson
Jennifer L. Barr, CRNA
Tina Bazzle
Lester* and Kathryn Bentz
Dr. Todd and Mrs. Sara Barron
Kim Beck
Tim and Katie Bentzel
Ken and Deb Barshinger
Bruce and Johann Becker
James and Judi Bergdoll
Lisa C. Barshinger
Vicki Becker
Cara Berger
Robert and Barbara Barto
David and Elaine Beecher
Douglas and Kristin Berman
Bob and Louise Batory
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus E. Beekey, Jr.
Deborah L. Bernal, MD
Dr. Thomas Bauer and Mrs. Paula
Henry and Karen Behr
Ronald F. Bernardi
Gail M. Bell
Laura J. Berndt
Lea Ann Bernhard
Thomas and Susan Bowman
John Brozoskie
John and Duane Chronister
Lee and Amelita Cunningham
Earl W. Bernstine, DO
Chad and Judy-Perry Bowser
Peter and Margaret Brubaker
Michael and Kathy Chronister
Andrea Cutler
Marguerite Bernstine
Joan E. Boyce
Mark and Sandra Bruce
Dr. Paul J. Chubb and Dr. Allison K.
David and Wendy Cutright
Michael and Ann Birch
Billy and Cindy Boyd
Patricia A. Brumgard
Sonia Bittle
Stephanie Boyd
Dr. Percy Buenaventura and Mrs. Beth
Judith V. Blakey
Dr. James Boyle and Mrs. Jane Boyle
Dan and Allison Bledsoe
Eamonn and Susan Boyle
Kay Ella Bleecher, MSN, CRNP, CEN, PHRN
Melvin and Tara Boyles
Norman and Ruth Blevins
Katie Bozart
Dale and Grace Blocher
Robert and Debra Bradley
Dr. John Blotzer and Mrs. Gabija
Marilyn Brandon
Dr. Eric Cutti and Karen Cutti
Dr. Keith and Jennifer Clancy
Tracia Daas
J. Patrick and Linda Clark
Drs. Richard and Marian Damewood
Patrick Bukovsky
J. Peter and Loann Clark
Brenda Daniels
Warren and Katherine Bulette
Paul and Lori Clark
Gerald and Barbara Danner
Dewey and Barbara Burkett
Megan Clarkson
Kathy A. Danner
Dr. Christine Burkhardt and Robert
Kelly S. Clingan
David and Linda Davidson
Jean Cochran
Dr. Abby and Mr. Gregory Davis
Blaine Brandt
Janet Burrows
Jim and Karen Cochran
Charles and Astrid Davis
Chuck and Kathy Blouse
Rose Brandt
Howard L. Burtnett, CRNA
Paula Coe
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
Owen and Anne Blum
Leslie and Cindy Brant
William and Patricia Buser
Colway Sisters
Donald and Norma Day
Ernst and Maria Boetzelen
Keith and Marsha Braucher
Dr. Bruce Bushwick and Ms. Lise Levin
George and Sue Conway
Barry and Jane Dehoff
Robert and Mary Bohn
Kimberly A. Breighner
Drs. Ivan Butler and Francine Camitta
Barry and Luann Cook
John R. Deitch, MD and Helen R.
Drs. Jaylaine and Michael Bohrn
Barbara J. Brenneman
Jill and Roy Bollinger, III
Glenn and Regina Brenneman
Jeffrey and Elaine Byers
Barbara Cooper
Ashley Delacruz
Francis and Kathy Bonadio
Larry and Sandra Brenneman
Tracy L. Cadawas
Glenn and Dorothy Cooper
Steve and Kelly Delaveris
Samuel J. Bongiovano
Thomas and Nancy Brenner
Danny Callahan
David and Kris Copenheaver
Clarence and Brenda Dell
Donald and Irene Bonsell
Richard and Carol Brezovec
Mrs. Frances W. Callahan
Jerry and Linda Corbett
Pat Dell
Marsha D. Bornt, MD
Thomas P. Bride, DO
Frederick and Aralene Callahan
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Marion Corsaro
Damian and Alice Deller
Jeffrey and Donna Bortner
Karen Briscoe
Tony and Stef Campisi
Sandra C. Costantino
Donald and Jane Dellinger
Larry and Lorraine Bortner
Kimberly A. Brister
Dr. John and Mrs. Catherine Carson
Jon and Rosemary Countess
Janice D. Dellinger
Paul and Ruth Bortner
Kay Broadnax
Jacob and Susan Carter
John and Cynthia Cox
Timothy and Kathy Dellinger
Steven and Kathy Bortner
Rebecca Brodbeck
William and Ann Carter
Bryan and Abby Cramer
Peggy A. Delo
Thomas and Louree Bortz
Daniel and Kristin Brooks
Bridget Q. Casher
Daniel and Mary Crerand
Karen M. Delp
Charles and Pamela Bostic
Christi and Josh Brown
Gregory and Renee Cassimatis
Stacy Crone
Mary T. D’Emilio, MD
Jane C. Bostic
Ms. Laurie K. Brown
Dr. John and Malin Castronuovo
Joe and Kris Crosswhite
David E. Dennis
Matthew Bowers
Richard H. Brown
Raymond and Judith Cawley
Dr. Arthur C.* and Mrs. Janet H.
Debra Dennison
Gale and Edward Bowman
Stanley and Nona Brown
Dean and Janice Cheesebrough
Jonathan and Amanda Bowman
Zachary Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Chodroff
Doralisa Cruz
Angelo and Emma Deprato
Scott and Mary Ellen Bowman
Germaine A. Browne
Evelyn Christensen
Brian and Isabel Culbertson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. DeWaters, Jr.
Ray and Elva Cooley
Deitch, MD
Kathleen A. DePorter
2013 Annual Report
Lisa R. Dewees, CRNP
Ravi Dukkipati, MD
John and Mel Eyster
Julia A. Frey
Thomas and Anita Gibbs
Larry and Anna Diehl
Jeff and Christen Dunn
William and Pat Eyster
Tony and Jennifer Frey
Kimberly A. Giblin
Mara Diem
Karen Durham
Ashley Fager
Dr. Neal Friedman and Mrs. Diane
Gary and Karen Gilbert
Frances Dietz
Judith B. Dutterer
Michael and Deborah Fake
Kathy S. Dietz
Kristin Eaton
Karen Fanus
Alicia and Jason Fry
Barry L. Gillespie
David and Julia Dill
Kevin Eby and Jamie Zwally
David and Jane Farish
Natalie G. Fuhrman, CPA
Susannah Gillespie
Thomas and Karen DiPasquale
Dr. Chris and Lisa Echterling
Robert S. Fawcett, MD and Christy
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Fuligni
Gary and Rozalia Gillette
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. DiPietro
Margaret K. Eck
Dorothy M. Fuller
Jerry L. Gingerich
Dennis and Kathleen Dobbie
Norman and Kathleen Eckard
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Fazio
Jack and Joyce Fuls
Kristina A. Gingrich
Scott and Susan Dolla
Stella Eckard
Judy Feeser
Stephanie Fulton
Daryl and Jane Girton
The Dolla Family
Dr. Daniel Eckert and Mrs. Jennifer
Stephen F. Feldmann
Gerald and Lois Fultz
Steve and Diana Giuffrida
Tammy Dombroski
Gary and Karyl Lee Gilbert
Steven A. Ferguson
Hazel S. Furst
Bernice E. Gladfelter
Joseph and Deborah Dominick
Ruth M. Eckert
Tammy M. Ferree
Lois P. Gable
Karen L. Gladfelter
Marjorie E. Doran
Barbara C. Edsall
Jill R. Fetter
Ted and Linda Gallagher
Michael R. Gladfelter
Dr. Mark and Rebecca Doran
Carroll and Carolee Ehrhart
Barry and Margaret Fink
John Gandionco, MD
Charles and Shawna Glass
Matthew and Jennifer Doran
Chloé R. Eichelberger
John and Ginger Finlayson
Duane and Judy Gardner
Michael Glass
Sharon D. Dorbert
William S. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.*
Douglas and Pamela Fitzgerald
Eve E. Gardner
Robin M. Glass
Emery and Janet Dougherty
Mick and Vickie Eisenhour
David and Betty Fitzkee
Edward and Denise Garner
Art * and Susan Glatfelter
Vincent and Anne Dougherty
Dr. David R.* and Mrs. Lynne Eitel
Dr. Frederick Flaccavento and Ms.
Thomas and Candy Garver
Kevin Glover
Barry and Wanda Douglas
Daniel and Brenda Elby
G. Diane Gaspari
Lorraine A. Glover
James and Patricia Dow
Mary Jo and Gene Eline
James and Wendy Flinchbaugh
Teresa Gati
Asceline S. Go, MD
Dr. Daniel D. Dowd, Jr.
Mr. Craig and Mrs. Donna Ellis
Dolly L. Foore
Donald E. Gauntner
Susan and Larry Godfrey
John and Kathleen Downs
Gregory and Susan Ellis
Richard and Debra Forbes
Andrew E. Gee
Mark A. Goedecker, MD
Patrick and Ashley Doyle
Traci Emswiler
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Fortier
Keith and Laurie Gee
Pete Goheen
Rodney and Marie Drawbaugh
Kyla P. Ensor
Jim and Mary Fortney
Geiger Family
Larry and Jennifer Goldhahn
Benn and Denise Druck
Meghan Eppinger, Lizzie Freese and
Charles and Barbara Fourhman
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Evans and Barbara Goodling
James Fowler
Erica Gemmill
John and Pamela Goodling
Benn and Linda Druck
Kaitlyn Miller
Donna Sylvester
Jo Druck
Robert and Erda Erdos
Marilyn Fragale
Kay Gemmill
Debra Goodling-Kime
Susan Drumgould
Diane Ettinger
Robert D. Franklin
Cheryl M. Gerhart
Dr. Michael and Barbara Goodstein
Edward and Marlene Dubbs
Bertha M. Evans
David and Eloise Frazier
Chip and Amy Gerhart
Gary and Donna Gotwalt
Kirk Duckett and Karen Lam-Duckett
Jamie L. Evans
Robert and Charlene Freed
Dr. Detlef and Mrs. Joanne Gerlach
Brian and Donna Gragnolati
Thelma Duffy
Bill H. Everhart
Diane L. Frey
Joseph and Suzanne Geubtner
Jodi L. Graham
Silvia Dugan
John C. Eyster
Jamie Frey
Leon W. Gibble, MD
Michael L. Graupensperger
2013 Annual Report
Fred Graves
Sallie B. Hamberger
Louis J. Helfrich, Jr.
William F. Hoffmeyer, Esq.
Mary Jane Iosue
Andrew and Patricia Grazioli
Robert and Joanne Hammen
Ronald E. Hempling, MD
Dr. Douglas and Cecilia Hofmann
Robert V. Iosue, PhD and Teena Iosue
Richenda Green
Faye A. Hammers
Douglas and Lanette Henderson
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Hohman
Jen Irving
Stephen and Mary Green
Clarence and Linda Hammonds
JoAnn Henderson
William and Emily Anne Holly
Monica Isaac
Tabetha A. Green
Alexandria Hand
Dr. Mark Henry and Ms. Barbara Knaub
Kelly Hood
Peter Ivers
Hugh H. Gregory, Jr., MD
Donald L. Hanes
John and Tracy Henry
Barry and Deborah Hoover
Chris and Beth Izzo
Ernestine P. Griffith
Lisa Harkins
Stephen and Lora Henry
Kathleen Hoover
Diane Jacobs
Arlene M. Grim
Richard and Natalie Harley
Craig and Linda Herrold
Annette Horak
Paula A. Jacobus, MD
Susan Grimek
Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Heather Harner
John and Jan Herrold
Russell and Lilli Horn
Jesse C. James and Family
Scott and Lisa Grob
Bill and Betty Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Hersh
Michael and Lori Hostetter
Donald and Janet Jasmann
R. Fred and Robin Groff
Alicia K. Harris
Lois Hershey
Linda Householder
Kristine Jefferis
Chris Gross
Kathie Harris
Paul and Sandra Hershey
Raymond and Lorraine Hovis
Mirriam Jefferson
Randall A. Gross
Margaret E. Harris, CRNP
Ronald and Judith Hershner
Steven and Carol Hovis
Fred A. Jennerjohn
Tracy and Tyler Gross
Stephen Harrison
Judith S. Hess
Timothy and Cheryl Howard
Dawn A. Jeter
Dr. L. George Grossi and Mrs. Sandra
Doreen F. Harrold
Nancy Ann Hess
Virginia Howard
Cynthia Johannes-Beecher and David
Deborah A. Hart
Donald A. Hester
Matthew and Betsy Howie
Lewis Grossi
August and Rose Hartinger
Dr. Andrew Hickey and Mrs. Linda
Roy and Anna Hubbard
Shreve and Barb Johnessee
Emery and Susan Grove
Richard and Cynthia Hartman
Janet L. Huber
Ashley Johns
Jennifer Grove
Peter and Rhada Hartmann
Guy and Rosa Hickey
Roseann Huddleston
Dean E. Johnson, MD
Dr. William and Mrs. Joanne Grove
Joseph F. Hasenfuss
Christine and Isaac Higgins
Stephen and Janice Hufnagle
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Rosemary
Tim and Nancy Grumbacher
Susan and Oliver Haslup
Dean and Ruth Hildebrand
Keith and Vicky Hughes
Matthew and Ann Gruner
Stacey L. Haugh
Lori Hildebrand
Norma and Charles Hull
Donald and L. Bonnie Johnson
Judith L. Gunther
Roger and Donna Haun
LuAnn M. Hildebrand
Richard H. Humphreys
Robert J. Johnson
Gregory Gurican
Margaret M. Hayes
Nancy Hildebrand
Holly Hunt
Thelma B. Johnson
Daniel T. Guthrie
Barry and Carla Haynes
Margaret R. Himmelfarb
Sarah L. Hunt, CRNP
Susan K. Joines
Lee and Connie Gutshall
Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Judy Heaps
Kristi L. Hissong
Melody L. Hursh
Karen E. Jones, MD and Sean C
Dr. Mark C. Hagan
Kenneth G. Heibeck
Christopher Hivner
Charles and Lenny Husen
J.W. and Sandy Haines
Kathleen M. Heicher
Clement T. Ho, MD
Lacey N. Huyett
Sarah Jones
Blanche Hake
Sheila Heider
Kevin and Brenda Hodge
Jane E. Hyde
Anthony and Michelle Jordan
Diane F. Hake
The Heilman Family
George and Martha Hodges
Clark and Deborah Ickes
Leroy and Regina Jordan
J.C. and Carole Hale
Mr. Kevin Heilman and Dr. Catherine
James* and Doris Hoff
Elizabeth M. Imboden, MD and Thomas
Daniel A. Kaminstein, MD
Steven and Mary Halverson
Michael L. Hamaker
Douglas and Holly Heishman
Garth and Carolyn Hoffman
Trevor and Megan Hoffman
J. Sarosky
L. Beecher, Jr.
Campbell, MD
Tracey E. Karr
David and Beth Inkrote
Lawrence P. Kauffman
2013 Annual Report
Michael and Judith Kays
Karen Kneupfer
Terry and Karen Latshaw
Joshua Lindeman
Mary Martella
Don E. Keasey
Glen and Sandra Knisely
Gene Latta
Barbara C. Linder
Charles and Susan Martin
Betsy Keefer
Joyce Knisely
John and Margaret Lau
David R. Lindsay, MD
Richard Martin
John and Kim Keesee
Ronald and Susan Knopp
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Laucks
David and Marie Lindsay
Richard E. Martin, II and Susan J.
Wade T. Kehr
Joyce M. Knox
Dr. Stanley and Mrs. Danette Laucks
James Lindsay
Michelle E. Keller
Mr. Joseph Kochansky and Patricia
Theresa and Robert Law
Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Rick Martin
William and Eleanor Lawyer
Dorothy Livaditis
Joseph and Sharon Mason
Catherine N. Kelly
Denise M. Kenna, MD
Jeffrey and Judy Kochenour
Christopher and Christine Le
Jeff and Cindy Lobach
Richard and Donna Massey
Elaine Kennick
Erik I. Kochert, MD
Dorna M. Lease
James W. Lockard, MD
Roxlyn E. Maugans
Drs. Fred Kephart and Cynthia
Elaine Kohan
Paul and Jennifer Leash
George and Bambi Long
Junior and Sharon Maurer
Lois, Bob and David Kohler
Jessica Leathery, CRNA
Deborah Lord and Tom Getz
Theresa and Michael May
Drs. Andrew and Diane Kepner
Gary and Nancy Korber
Lawrence and Jacquelyn Lebeau
Jason S. Lowe, CRNA
Theresa E. McCardell
Delores J. Kerlin
Theodore and Dorothy Kramer
Dr. Stanton and Mrs. Jane Lebouitz
R. Scott Lucas
Misty McClain
William and Kim Kerlin
The Kreiner Family
David and Megan Lecas
Joan and James Luce
Beth McCleary
Patricia A. Kessler
Cathy H. Krepps
James and Julie Leedy
Angela S. Lutz, DMD
Sarah and Victor McCloskey
Mary L. Kettl
Brenda and Edwin Krout
Doug and Theresa Lehigh
John and Dawn Lutz
John and Therese McConville
Sardari and Saroj Khanna
Holly R. and Jill Kruper
Licia M. Lehman
Joy R. Lutz
Lynn McCowan
Jeff and Kelly Kile
James and Gina Kruper
Richard and Jody Anderson Leighty
Michael D. Lutz, CFP
Joe and Lori McCoy
Dean and Courtney Kimball
Dennis and Maryann Krynock
Christine A. Leiphart
Paul and Mary Lutz
Judith A. McCulloh
Darryl King and Lisha Lambert
Miodrag D. Kukrika, MD
Leonard and Susan Leiphart
Peter Lutz
Larry and Kathy McDonald
Leroy and Kathy King
Eric and Ann Kunkel
Mark and Charmaine Leiphart
Wendell and Donna Lutz
Robert and Diane McElwain
Michael and Lisa Higgins King
Michael and Kathleen Kupchinsky
Thaddeus Lekawa, MD
James and Lori Lynch
Elizabeth McFeely
Kinsley Foundation
Wanda Kurtz
Jane E. Lenhart*
Lee A. Maddox, MD
Thomas R. McGann, MD and Kathleen
Dr. James and Ms. Carol Kirby
Robert M. Lackey, MD
John and Rachel Lenhart
Kathy J. Magar
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Melissa Kistler
Jeffrey and Stephanie Laird
John S. Lenhart, Sr.
Bonnie and Robert Mahan
Dr. Patrick and Karen McGannon
John and Jan Kitner
Earl and Joan Landis
Stephen Leskovec
Alan and Louise Mains
Deborah L. McGhee
Dr. Michael and Ms. Jacklyn Kleinman
Jon and Kimberly Landis
Louis and Michalene Levi
S.A. Manbeck and Michael Price
Joyce E. McGinnis
Debra D. Kleyhauer
Robert C. Landis, MD and Jane E.
Carol G. Levinbook
Mr. Robert Mantz and Kathleen Holden
Dr. Timothy McGuinness and Mrs.
Irwin Levinbook*
Dr. John and Mrs. Rene Manzella
Dr. Ronald and Linda Klimes
Janet McGuinness
Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kline
Dr. William “Tex” and Odessa Landis
Charles B. Levine, MD
Gregory A. and Jody L. Markel
Patty McGuire
Barry and Carol Klinedinst
Todd and Theresa Langeheine
Lou and Susan Leyes
Clair and Carlene Markey
Christine McIntosh
Peggy Kling
Crystal Lantzy
Nathan and Wendy Lightner
Lavere G. Markle*
David C. McIntosh
Stephanie Jo Kling
Kevin and Donette Lasher
Robin Lightner
Charles Marley, Jr., DO
Eugene and Patricia McKay
2013 Annual Report
Dr. Mark McKeague and Eileen
Marvin Mernick
Mary E. Miller
Ann Murrow
Henry and Rochelle Nyman
Steven and Cynthia Merrick
Milo and Ruth Miller
Alisha Mutch
Joseph Oakes
Barbara McKinsey
Kim A. Metzger
Craig and Amy Milsten
Amy R. Myers
George T. Reiter and Erin M. O’Brien, MD
Michael and Stephanie McKoin
Pam Meyer
Rev. Christina Minnich and Mr. Allan
Bob, Jan and Megan Myers/ Kate, Matt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Connor
George and Elaine McLaughlin
Scott and Angel Michael
Scott and Lori McNair
Wilbert and Charlotte Mickley
Paul and Donna Minnich
Will and Laura Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Opice
Debi McNamara
Nancy R. Miklaucic
Terry C. Mirachi
Lou Rene Myers*
Lisa D. Oriolo
Barbara H. McNeal
Julie Miksit
George and Henrietta Mitch
Lynn and Stephanie Myers
Christine Orris
Joyce McPherson
Dr. Allen and Wanda Miller
Glen and Linda Moffett
Phillip and Carol Myers
Bob and Toby Ortmyer
Sharon K. Mead
Diane M. Miller
Joseph and Kathy Mokris
Ray and Anna Myers
Daniel and Ann Orwig
Daniel G. Meckley, III
Faye Miller, Judy Phillips, Shelby
Norman and Anne Monks
Steven and Sandra Myers
Kathi Orwig
Jin Jou Meighen
Bunch, Joan Grimsley and Deb
Reed and Melissa Mook
Kevin and Kim Nace
Thomas and Kris O’Shea
George and Hilda Melhorn
Nancy A. Moore
Robert and Miriam Nagle
Roy Smith and Kelly Osmolinski-Smith,
and Niles Upton
Stan Olson
Deborah J. Mellott
Kenneth and Robin Miller
Robert and Margaret Morgan
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Kimberly Nash
Joy Melson
Larry and Beverly Miller
Bill and Phyllis Mosebrook
Irvin and Diane Naylor
Creston F. Ottemiller, Jr.
Thia Melson
Larry and Sally Miller
Crystal L. Moser
Dr. and Mrs. Travis R. Neely
Dr. David and Cynthia Owens
Donald and Diane Meluzio
Lisa Miller
John F. and Sharon Mosser
Amy L. Nelson, Esq.
Larry and Patti Owens
Gary A. Merica
Martha and Kevin Miller
John K. and Sharon Mosser
Susan Nelson
Larry and Debi Oxenberg
Dr. Kevin Mosser and Mrs. Carolyn
Denise Nestlebush
William Pacacha
Monica Newcomb
Holly Palumbo
Gertrude C. Motter
Craig and Linda Newton
William and Raejean Panaro
John C. Motter, Jr.*
Ms. Debra A. Nicholas
Russell R. Pancoast
Susanne M. Motter
Dr. Jay and Carol Nicholson
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth
Alyssa L. Moyer, MD and Shawn S.
Philip and Deborah Nicholson
Moyer, MD
Chad and Barbara Noll
Harry Park
Kelli Moyer
James Noll
Thomas and Lois Parker
Michael and Adele Moynihan
Keith D. Noll
Dr. Craig S. Pate and Lisa W. Pate
Michele Moynihan
Cathy Norris
Michael J. Patrick, Sr., CLU, CHFC
Nakesha N. Muldrow
Thomas and Joan Norris
Gary and Leah Paul
Joan and Keith Mummert
Joanne Nosoff
Dean and Joann Paules
Joyce and H. Jay Mummert
Beth and Chris Nusbaum Family
Dorothy L. Paules
Norman and Kathryn Mummert
Walter and Joan Nusbaum
William and Joyce Paules
Michael and Rhonda Murphy
Amanda Nye
Michael and Michelle Pearson
2013 Annual Report
Stephen and Mary Perko
Susan R. Prevas
Beatrice Reaver
Nora Rohrbaugh
Dr. Arnold Salotto and Kathy Salotto
Brad E. Peters
Kristina L. Pribish
Kristina Rebert
James and Kimberly Romoser
Donald and Gayle Sanders
Ronald and Susan Peters
Alice T. Price
Lynn and Stephanie Reck
Joel and Ann Ropp
John Sauter
Dr. Brian Pettiford and Mrs. Patricia
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Prince
Patricia A. Reddy, MD
Nancy C. Roseberry
Gerald L. Savitz
Dino and Evelyne Pritsios
Ada Reed
Debby and Raymond Rosen
Lamin Sawaneh
John E. Pfeiffer
Renee Pruner
Alan and Cheryl Reigart
Robert and Jean Ross
Paul E. Saylor
Neil Pigeon
A. Richard and Karen L. Pugh
Jenny Reimold
Dr. Edward and Terry Roth
Rep. Stanley E. Saylor
Dr. J. Ander and Mrs. Kathy Pindzola
Mark and Linda Punchard
Beverley A. Reindollar
John Rouhani
Theodore and Suzanne Schaefer
Eduardo and Ursula Pinto
Dr. Seth and Mrs. Grace Quartey
Edwin and Linda Resser
Karen F. Roundtree
Albert and Ellen Schaffer
Dr. David and Mrs. Jean Plessett
Eric L. Quesenberry
Mark and Theresa Richardson
Mark and Maria Royce
Sylvia M. Schimmel
Richard and Donna Plymire
James E. Rabine, II
Fred Richstien
Harry and Peggy Rubin
Dr. and Mrs. Steven K. Schirk
Kenneth E. Poet
Lauren R. Radtka, CRNA
Jeffrey and Cheryl Riebling
James and Jean Rudisill
Daniel and Ann Schleig
Lucille S. Poet*
Furman and Melissa Raine
Gayle S. Riley
Trisha M. Rudisill
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Peggy Schmidt
Joseph E. Pohlman and Family
Dr. Ann Ramage and Richard Berkoski
Dr. Damian and Mrs. Vicki Rispoli
Yvonne Rudy
Mark and Ruby Schmidt
Melissa D. Polito
Maurice P. Ranc
Laura Rizzo, MHA, RHIA
Harry Russell
Mrs. Arlene T. Schmitt
Brian M. Pollak, MD
Frederick and Mary* Randt
David Rizzuto
Dr. Michael Russo and Barbara Harned
Sue Schneider
Glen and Vicki Pomygalski
Steve Rasmussen
Jeffrey L. Robert and Stacey G. Robert,
Debbie and Todd Rutter
Dr. Thomas D.* and Mrs. Betty Jane
Doris F. Pope-Banks
Mr. and Mrs. John Raudenbush
John and Barbara Porter
Irene M. Rauhauser
Steve and Jennifer Roberts
Margaret T. Ryan
Walter A. Schrading, MD
Edward and Janey Potter
John Raymond
Annette K. Roderick
Vishal Sachar
Adolf and Hannelore Schreiber
Ms. Tracy H. Powell
James and Jean Ream
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Ruthann Rogers
John and Lori Salerno
Beverly D. Schuder
June M. Power, CNM
Walter and Leslie Reamer
Linda J. Rogers
Kathleen A. Salony
Eugene and Ann Schultz
2013 Annual Report
Leo and Marge Rutter
Community Partners
York Health Foundation gratefully acknowledges the corporations, foundations, organizations and estates who have given so generously to help
WellSpan York Hospital, York Cancer Center, WellSpan Medical Group and WellSpan VNA Home Health achieve their missions. This support has
enabled our staff and volunteers to continue to provide excellent patient care. It also provides for indigent care, education and technology – all part of
the trusted health care we provide throughout south central Pennsylvania.
We extend our sincere appreciation for the following gifts received from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Every effort has been made
to ensure accuracy in listing all contributions of $100 or more. If you are aware of an error or omission, please call the York Health Foundation at
(717) 851-3595.
1027 Mumma Road Partnership
Ace Imports
Anstadt Communications
1220 Business Solutions
Adams Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Apple Automotive
Black Rose Wings Motorcycle Club
13th Ward Political Club
Adesa PA
Apple Hill Surgical Center
Blaise Alexander Chevrolet Buick
7 South Staff
Adhesives Research, Inc.
Arrow S3
Blockhouse Company, Inc.
Central Family Restaurant
AAA Southern Pennsylvania
Advanced Animations, LLC
Artistic Foods Catering
Blue Ridge Anesthesia Associates
Centric Business Systems
AAFP Foundation
Advanced Industrial Services, Inc.
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bob Hoffman Foundation
Cerner Corporation
Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
Adventure Cycling and Fitness
Athletic Lettering, Inc.
Bob’s Intowne Spas, Inc.
Chambersburg Club, Inc.
ACE Distributing
Aero Energy
Auction Select Auto Sales
The Bon-Ton Stores Foundation
Charles and Alma Diehl Family Fund
Alexander Building Construction Co.
Audio/Video Contractors of York
Bortner Bros, Inc.
Aline J. Lehmayer Estate
Avenues Neighborhood Association
Bowman Sales
Charles G. Eyster Fund of YCCF
Allegro Vineyards
Aztech Data Systems, Inc.
Brewery Products Company
Charles J. Helb Trust
American Association of University
Bailey Travel Service
Briarwood Golf Course
Charlotte R. & Kermit H. Elfner Trust
Women Book Group #1
Ceaser’s Wings, Pizza & Subs
Center for Orthopaedic Trauma
Bank of New York Mellon Corp
Bricker’s Famous French Fries
Chesapeake Lighting
American Cancer Society
Banyan Consulting, LLC
Brownie Troop 20018
Chester H. Thomas Foundation
American College of Radiology
Barley Advisors, LLC
Brown’s Orchard & Farm Market
Chreston K. Briggs Trust
American Heart Association, Inc.
Barley Snyder
American Lung Association of the
Barton Associates, Inc.
Basile Insurance Agency
City Floors, Inc.
The Bruce R. and Madelyn G. Snyder
City of York
Class of 2013/Nurse Anesthetist
AmerisourceBergen Services Corp.
BDP International Employees
Buchart-Horn, Inc.
Anesthesia Associates of York PA, Inc.
Bernard F. Young Estate
Buckingham Mountain Foundation
Colony Papers, Inc.
Bertha M. Noss Joseph Trust
C.H. Reed, Inc.
Conestoga Pulmonary & Sleep
Angels Giving To Those In Need, Inc.
Beryl Companies
Cancer Care Associates of York
Anixter Inc.
Beshore & Koller, Inc.
CBY Systems, Inc.
Consolidated School of Business
Anna F. Steigelman Estate
Bethany U.M. Church/Four Fold Friends
Contact Center
2013 Annual Report
Convanta Lancaster, Inc.
CORE Design Group
Emigsville Otterbein United Methodist
Herbert M. Rehmeyer Trust
Johnson Controls Charitable
Girl Scout Troop 20992
Heritage Condominium Association
Country Club of York
Emory E. Grove Trust
Girl Scout Troop 21119
Heritage Hills Golf Resort & Conference
County of York Operating Account
Employees of WellSpan Orthopedics
Glatco Credit Union
Cub Scouts Den 10/Pack 54
Estate of Bertha V. Martz
Heritage Valley Federal Credit Union
Keeney Charitable Trust
Cumulus Media
Eta Eta Chapter Sigma Theta Tau
Glatfelter Company Power & Steam
Hershey Entertainment & Resorts
Keller-Brown Insurance
CUNA Mutual Group
Ettline Foods
Hewlett Packard
Kinard Trucking, Inc.
D&D Enterprises of Pendelton
Express Scripts
Glatfelter Insurance Group
Highmark Foundation
King Family Charitable Fund
Faith United Lutheran Parish
Glen Rock Mill Inn
HKS Architects
Kinsley Construction, Inc.
Dallastown Area Basketball Boosters
Family First Health
Global Impact
Holiday Inn & Conference Center
Kinsley Foundation
Dallastown Cougar Football
Family Health Council of Central
Goldie D. Sechrist Estate
Honey Run Golf Club
Kleppers Key Shop, Inc.
Dallastown Soccer Booster Club
Girard A.A. Ladies Auxilliary
Katherman, Briggs & Greenberg, LLP
The Graham Foundation
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
David M. & Peter J. Mancuso, Inc.
The Graham Group
Hospice & Community Care
L. Romaine Glatfelter Trust
Feldmann Family Fund of the York
Great West Life & Annuity Insurance Co.
Humphries Family Fun Walk
La Guadalajara
Greenmount Cemetary & Cremation
IBM Corporation Matching Gifts
Ladies Auxiliary WY Memorial VFW 8951
Delta Dental of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania, Inc.
Contribution Committee
Joyce M. Ottemiller Estate
County Community Foundation
Dennis Z. Smith Insurance Agency
The Financial Advisory Group
Dentsply Employee Gift Committee
First Capital Federal Credit Union
Dentsply Inc. Foundation
First Capital Insulation, Inc.
Derr Flooring Co.
Francine and Ivan Butler Fund of YCCF
Dover Fire Police
Francis A. Hoodner Trust
Industrial Piping Systems
Lincolnway Pool Ladies
Dueco, Inc.
Francis J. Braithwaite Trust
Harley-Davidson Foundation
Lucy Forry Eisenhart Memorial Fund of
Earl W. Spahr Estate
Franklin Stevens Jewelers
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Intelliprint Solutions, Inc.
East Berlin Family Medicine
Friends at OSS Health
Harmony Grove Community Church
Jack W. Wozny Estate
M&T Bank
East Side Auto Sales, LLC
Harmony Products, Inc.
Janet K. Benfer Trust
M. Potteiger Roofing, Inc.
East York Diner
Fulton Bank-Drovers Division
Hawk Gunning Club
Jeanette S. Everhart Trust
M.S. Grumbacher Foundation
Edgar I. Garrett Fund of YCCF
Garber Metrology
Health Resources and Services
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches
March of Dimes, Central PA
Edris Oil Service
GEA Refrigeration of North America
John B. Steigelman Estate
Markey Builders Inc.
Edwill B. & Rachel H. Miller Trust
General Machine Works
Heffner Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.
John D. and Kathryn W. Zimmerman
Masonry Preservation Services, Inc.
Edwill B. Miller Trust
Geneva Trout Trust
Heidler Roofing Services, Inc.
Elsner Engineering Works, Inc.
George and Dianne Thornton Private
Helen M. Watkins Estate
John J. Landes Trust
Matthews Casket Division
Helping Hands Small Group/Pleasant
John W. Keffer Funeral Home and
Mellie I. Glatfelter Trust
EMC Corporation
Emergency Health Services Federation,
Gettle Incorporated
GingerBabies Catering, LLC
2013 Annual Report
Griffith, Strickler, Lerman, Solymos &
Hanover Anesthesiology & Pain
View COB
Henry Scein Animal Health
Ladies Sunshine Group
IGS Knives Inc.
Laird Technologies
Indian Rock Elementary Casual Day
Latte Da
Crematory, Inc.
John Wright Store & Restaurant
Leach Wallace Associates, Inc.
the YCCF
Metro Bank
Military & Commercial Fastener Corp.
Miller Plant Farm, Inc.
Pace Resources Inc.
Pleasant Grove U.M. Church
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher, LLP - York
Schaedler Yesco Distribution, Inc.
Monarch Products Co., Inc.
Paul and Margie Smith Charitable
Pleasant View Church
Reisinger Poultry
Schmuck Lumber Co., Inc.
Pleasureville American Legion Post 799
Rick’s Lawn Care
Select Specialty Hospital - Central
Morex Corporation
Morgan Collins Realtors
Paul Zeigler Real Estate
PNC Bank
Ride for Red
Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants
Pearl Prowell Trust of YCCF
Poker Run to honor Sheri Martin
River’s Truck Center, Inc.
Sheraton Baltimore North
Motor Menders Rod & Custom Club
Penn Waste, Inc.
Porky’s Place BBQ South
rL Solutions
Shiloh American Legion 791- Auxiliary
Motter Foundation Fund of York County
Penn-Air & Hydraulics
Precision Custom Components
Robert C. Fluhrer Trust
Community Foundation
Pennsylvania, LP
Pennex Aluminum
Prince Athletic Association
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Shiloh Lutheran Church
Mula Architechts
Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurses
ROCK Commercial Real Estate, LLC
Shipley Energy
National Recovery Agency
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Rooster Social Club
Shrewsbury True Value Plus
Network for Good
PeoplesBank, A Codorus Valley Co.
Product Design & Development Inc.
Rost & Associates
Siemens Industry, Inc.
New Freedom Lioness Club
Pepsi Beverages Company
Project Linus - Cumberland/Dauphin
Rotary Club of York
Simplicity Cycles
NICU Staff
Perform Group, LLC
Round Hill Presbyterian Church
Site Design Concepts, Inc.
Northern York County Regional Police
PFG Capital, LP
Project Linus - Lancaster/Lititz
Rubbermaid Clinical
Northwest Savings Bank Corporate
Pharmaceutical Strategies Group, LP
Prospect Hill Cemetery
Rubee Z. Salon
Ski Roundtop
Philip & Anne Glatfelter III Family
Quick Six Beer Mart, Inc.
S & D Auto Service
Snow Time, Inc.
R. Norris and Company Fine Jewelers,
S & H Express
S & S Precision Tool, Inc.
Sons of the American Legion,
Nuance Communications, Inc.
Nursing Staff 6 Main
Old Westminster Realty, Inc.
Philip A. & Elizabeth J. Hoover Fund
Rachel Heckert Miller Trust
S. Walter Stauffer Fund of YCCF
Squadron 455
Optimist Club of East York, Inc.
Phillips Family Foundation
Red Hill Auto
Safe Kids Worldwide
SotirIS Information Strategies
Orbitz Worldwide
Phillips Group
Red Lion Bus, Inc.
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Source Automotive Group, LLC
Out Door Country Club of York
Phoenixx Design Associates, LLC
Red Lion Girls Soccer Booster Club
Sam & Tony’s
South York Chapter of Thrivent
Physician Billing Service
Regents’ Glen Country Club
Sarah A.K. Hoober Trust
Financial for Lutherans
2013 Annual Report
50 N. Duke Street
2nd Floor
York, PA 17401