2014 Annual Report


2014 Annual Report
Rosemount Center
Tiempos de Cambio
Table of Contents
Rosemount Center Profile
10 Annual Fund Donors
Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Our Funding Partners
Mission Statement
11 Rosemount Staff and Management
Annual Fund Donors, Foundation
and Corporate Donors, Matching
Gifts, Special Gifts
Top of the Class
12 Golf Tournament Donors,
Fall Fiesta Auction Event Donors,
Volunteer Service
Financial Report
13 In-Kind Donors, Awards
Senior Management, Consultants,
Staff and Managers, Policy Council
Officers, Auction Committee,
Development Office
Disclaimer: This report has been prepared with great care. However, errors or omissions may have occurred.
We apologize for any oversight and ask that you contact the Rosemount Center Development Office with any corrections so that we may update our records.
Rosemount Center Board
of Directors (2013-2014)
Children and Families Ready for the World
Charles P. Groppe, Chairman
Rosemount Center provides early childhood education and family support
services to pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children and
their families in its center-based and home-based programs. Focused on helping
DC’s neediest residents since 1972, the Infant/Toddler Program serves pregnant
women, infants and toddlers (ages 6 weeks to 3 years) and the Preschool
Program serves older children (ages 3 to 5 years). Enrollment options include
full tuition, local government subsidized, and federally funded opportunities.
Karen Porterfield, Co-Chair
Jernell Alexander, Treasurer
Sekou Biddle
Khari Brown
Robin McQueen
Mark Minier
Shannon Mara
Gus Viteri
All Rosemount Center programs offer and coordinate a range of comprehensive
services including:
• Dual language curriculum
• An education plan for each child
• Quarterly progress reports
• Weekly thematic lesson plans
• Immunization assistance
• Medical referrals
• Nutrition services
• Social services
• Developmental, hearing, vision,
and dental screenings
• Developmental disabilities
inclusion program (students with
special needs are included in all
facets of our program)
• Collaboration with DC Early
Intervention and DCPS Early
Stages programs regarding
students with special needs
• Monthly parent meetings,
trainings, and family socializations
• Home visits
• Family partnership agreements,
parent/teacher conferences,
and Early Head Start parent
governance opportunities
through the Policy Council
Letter from Rosemount’s Chief Executive Officer
Those of us who remember Bob Dylan will remember the truth in his music.
Rosemount Center, our Center, your Center, has been a changin’
Let’s look at the Changes Rosemount has experienced – and there’s
not a bad one in the lot:
1)Changes in our student make-up that have enhanced our socio-economic
diversity: Early Head Start, District of Columbia (OSSE) subsidized, and
tuition families comprise our three funding and client streams.
2)The change in Head Start law that makes Head Start a better, more
competitive tool for providing early childhood education to needy families.
3)The change in the use of our Creative Curriculum that enhances school
readiness skills and dual language learning in our early childhood
education efforts.
4)The change in technology that allows us to bring in smart boards and
smart tablets as part of our partnership with staff.
5) T
he change in hiring to bring in more teachers with diverse cultural and
economic backgrounds and in supporting better teacher education to allow
continued improvements in Rosemount’s early childhood education posture.
With these changes, Rosemount has become even stronger in its mission
to guide young children and their families to a better future regardless of
obstacles in their way. Rosemount remains on course – we know who needs
help, how to help them, and how to adapt to changing times.
In this report, we gratefully acknowledge our individual and organizational
donors, who have made an investment in the work Rosemount is doing to
help change lives.
Who’s afraid of change? Not our Rosemount Center!
Jacques Rondeau
President & Chief Executive Officer
“Rosemount Center… brings a positive, secure step in life to young children. The
experience that we give them here, they’re able to go out into the bigger world and
see what it is that we talk about, and the things that we teach, and they can make the
connection from their school, to their home, to their community. Rosemount offers
that to the children and their families.”
leanor Johnson; Rosemount Teacher for over 30 years
Our Major Funding Partners
In addition to funding from foundation, corporate and
individual donors, Rosemount’s programs and services
are made possible because of generous funding from the
following sources:
The Administration for Children & Families (ACF), a
division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
(HHS). ACF is responsible for programs that promote
the economic and social well-being of families, children,
individuals and communities. Funding from ACF allows
Rosemount to provide a Head Start Program to low-income
families with children ages birth to three. Head Start promotes
school readiness of these children by enhancing cognitive,
social and emotional development. Over one million children
across the United States are served by Head Start annually.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP),
providing aid to child and adult care institutions and
family or group day care homes for the provision of
nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy
growth, and development of young children, and the
health and wellness of older adults and chronically impaired
disabled persons. Through CACFP, more than 3.3 million
children and 120,000 adults receive nutritious meals and
snacks each day as part of the day care they receive.
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education
(OSSE) Division of Early Learning (DEL) ensuring
that all District of Columbia children, from birth to
kindergarten entrance, have access to high quality early
childhood development programs and are well prepared
for school. The Child Care Subsidy/Voucher Program
(CCSP) helps eligible families cover the cost of child care.
The child care subsidy is based on an assessment of need,
income and family size.
House of Mercy (HOM), the oldest existing Episcopal
charity in the Diocese of Washington. HOM was founded
in the 1880s by members of the Episcopal Church to
assist young women in troubled circumstances. Following
a magnificent gift in 1910 from Mrs. Julian James, House
of Mercy built a mission style building in the Mount
Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, D.C. In 1972,
Rosemount Center was created as a separate 501(c)(3) to
carry on the programmatic work of the House of Mercy,
which generously donates the use of its building and
adjacent property to Rosemount for $1 per year.
Vision Statement
Children and Families Ready for the World
Mission Statement
Rosemount Center’s mission is to prepare children and families for their
future by providing comprehensive early childhood education and family
support programs in a bilingual and multicultural setting.
Rosemount Center Facts
To determine program impact, Rosemount utilizes The
Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers and Twos and the
Creative Curriculum® for Preschoolers, both of which are based
on the latest research on child development, coupled with
Partners for a Healthy Baby for the Home-Based program.
The curriculum assessment tool (Teaching Strategies
GOLD), used three times per year, helps Rosemount plan
for ongoing program improvement and to determine school
readiness for individual children, classrooms and homebased caseloads, and agency-wide.
These six developmental areas are measured:
• S ocial – Emotional: Children learn how to understand
their own and others’ feelings, regulate and express their
emotions appropriately, build relationships with others,
and interact in groups.
• Physical development: Includes children’s gross-motor
(large muscle) and fine-motor (small muscle) skills.
• Language: Children’s desire to communicate their
thoughts, needs, ideas, and feelings with others.
• Literacy: The knowledge and skills that lay the
foundation for reading and writing, such as
understanding basic concepts about books or other
printed materials, the alphabet, and letter-sound
• Mathematics: The conceptual understanding of
numbers, their relationships, combinations, and
• Cognitive: Children develop their understanding of
problem solving, reasoning based on a broad range of
circumstances in which they can explore, enjoy, learn,
practice and talk about their developing understanding.
Child outcome data in 2013-2014 provided evidence
that the majority of Rosemount children who were
below or meeting benchmarks in the Fall were exceeding
benchmarks the following Spring
Full enrollment (#):
Early Head Start:
Average monthly attendance:
Monthly volunteers:
Average Monthly Volunteer Hours:
At or below poverty level:
Not working:
Physical and dental exams:
TB tests:
Asian/Middle Eastern Black18%
Pacific Islander/Alaskan/
Native American
Family partnership agreements:
Family engagement:
Father Involvement Program:
Clothing, Food, and Toy Donations:
Average class ratio of children to teacher
TOP OF THE CLASS: Changing Lives
“I am grateful to Rosemount
Center’s Home-Based Program for
all the help it has provided my
family, which we need very much
since I am a single immigrant
mother who did not know about
the laws or community agencies.”
Yenni Osegueda, Home-based
Parent, Mother of 5 children
“You just have to make the learning environment positive so the
children will want to come back every day. Regardless of what
you’re feeling you always have a smile for them, and accept them as
they are. It’s a privilege for me to have touched their lives somehow.”
Alma Ang, Rosemount Teacher since 2012, has taught for 37 years
“I feel very thankful to Rosemount Center because ever
since I started working here, Rosemount has been like
my family. I was also able to achieve my educational
goals because of the support I received at Rosemount.
Yecica Villalta, Rosemount Home Visitor since 2010
“I feel very grateful to Rosemount because in the past 25 years that I
have worked here I’ve been able to grow in my personal life as well as
professionally. Today I find myself as a classroom teacher with an Associate
Degree in Early Childhood Education. Thank you, Rosemount Center.”
Maria Elena Hernandez, Rosemount Teacher since 1990
“Coming to Rosemount
was the best thing that
could have happened
to me. Rosemount has
been a mainstay for my
children – for them to
be more independent
and learn more.”
“[W]e were all very impressed and
happy with Peter’s volunteering at
Rosemount …[W]hen a 16 year
old boy notices the high quality
instruction, classroom management,
limit setting, guidance, care and
concern, you know something
amazing is going on.”
Elizabeth Gonzalez,
Mother of Jonathan
(former student) and
Camila (current student)
Carol, Mother of a student volunteer
Rosemount Center Financial Report
Statement of Activities for the Year Ended September 2014
REVENUE Head Start Program
Early Head Start Program
DC Department of Human Services
Federal Food Service Program
Contributions and grants
Investment income and other
Net assets released from restriction
Total Revenue
Head Start Program
Head Start Program
DC Department of Human Services
Federal Food Service Program
Contributions and grants
Investment income and other
Net assets released from restriction
Salaries, benefits, professional fees
Staff development and training
Utilities, maintenance, custodial services
Supplies, postage, publications
Food, milk and kitchen supplies
Depreciation, amortization and interest
Other expenses
Total Expenses
Change in unrestricted net assets
Unrestricted net assets, beginning of year
Unrestricted net assets, end of year $
Salaries, benefits, professional fees
Staff development and training
Utilities, maintenance, custodial services
Supplies, postage, publications
Food, milk and kitchen supplies
Depreciation, amortization and interest
Other expenses
Balance Sheet September 30, 2014
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Donated rent receivable
Property and equipment, net
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Accrued wages and benefits
Refundable advances
Tuition security deposits
404,761 NET ASSETS
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $
“I choose to work for Rosemount because it
is a multicultural center whose foundation
and existence are based on service, respect,
and consideration for the families and
children with multiple needs.”
– R emberto Vargas, Early Head Start/OSSE
Enrollment Manager
Senior Management
Staff and Managers
Jacques Rondeau, President
and Chief Executive Officer
Josefina Abo
Liberty Acebo
Karla Alvarado
Jose Amaya
Alma Ang
Hannah Asher
Theresa Balatayo
Eliete Batista
Rosa Maria Benitez Ozuna
Katherine Bittner
Rosemary Brito
Darnelle Broome
Ida M Bryant
Sonia Buenconsejo
Guadalupe Camacho
Erlinda Canon
Jose Luis Carrero
Zulma Castaneda
Christiana Caulker
Emma Celis
Summer Clinkscale
Rey Dacul
Madeline DeJesus
Alcina De Sousa
Veneranda de los Santos
Maria J Diaz
Yolanda Diaz
Mercedes Ferreira
Maria Flores De Campos
Sonia Fonseca
Eileen Gaffigan
Mercedes Garcia
Julia Godoy-Barahona
Maria E. Hernandez
Gisela Hurtado
Eleanor Johnson
Veronica Johnson
Martha Johnson
Bibeka Lemus
Benedicta Lenis
Trinidad Liu
Martha Johnson, Deputy Chief
Executive Officer and Chief
Development Officer
Cornett Roberts-Njoku,
Program Director
Consultants and Contractual
Aradhana Aggarwal, CPA,
Financial Consultant
Alfred Amado, PhD, Mental
Health, Behavioral & Educational
Solutions, P.C.
Katherine Bittner,
Esmeralda Campos,
Elizabeth Mio,
Rosa Savimbi Sakaita,
Receptionists, Roth Staffing
Brenda Bonilla-Mejia, Health
Services Consultant
Laura Conrad, PhD, Psychologist,
Mental Health Consultant
Stephen Glick, Technology
William McGrath, SPHR, GPHR,
CEBS, Human Resources, Sparks
Lucia I. Palacios, MSW, President,
Breakwater Associates LLC
Emilia Rivera, MS, RD, LD,
Nutritionist Consultant
Michael D. Ward, CPA, Director,
Outsourced Financial Services, BDO
Miguelina Zapata, MS CCC-SLP,
President, MZ Therapeutic
Consultants, Inc.
Ana Lopez
Gustavo Martinez
William McGrath
Isaura I. Medrano
Silvia Mego Jara
Nino Meladze-Zullo
Amanda Moreland
Andrea Moreno Smith
Maria Morillo-Salas
Vonita Murray
Yaneth A. Palma
Chiara Peacock
Betzaida Perez
Milagrito Pineyro
Leticia Ramos
Loudell Robb-Newball
Cornett Roberts-Njoku
Lorena Rodriguez
Margarita Rodriguez
Jacques Rondeau
Lucelly Salazar
Ilvea Salvador
Dominga Sanchez
Carmen E Segovia
Ernest Simms
Sai Souphom
Marina Stoilkovic
Regina Thomas
Gladys Torres
Marlen Torres
Milagro Uceda
Marilena Valenzuela
Remberto A. Vargas
Carmen Velasquez
Isela Viera
Yecica Villalta
Irene Wairimu
Policy Council Officers
Andres Mendoza, Chairperson
Yodit Churnet, Vice Chairperson
Karla Barrera, Secretary
Alexander Maldonado, Treasurer
Zulma Barrera, Parliamentarian
Auction Committee
Emily Dammeyer Olesh, Co-Chair
Kate Gillespie, Co-Chair
Grace Hong
Lauren Howell
Shannon Mara
Matthew Mitchell
Lynne Nelson
Bud Ruf
Allison Sibley
Cristina Wurster
Development Office
Martha Johnson, Deputy Chief
Executive Officer and Chief
Development Officer
Hannah Asher,
Development Associate,
Events & Communications
Katherine Bittner, Development
Associate, Donor Relations
Food service provided by
Benjamin Velasquez and
Catering by Benjamin
ROSEMOUNT CENTER is most grateful to the many individuals and organizations
who made donations in 2014 to help effect positive change in the lives of the very
young children and families at Rosemount. This annual report gives the Center an
opportunity to thank and acknowledge its donors for their generous contributions.
With much appreciation, we are proud to list our donors on the following pages.
Annual Fund Donors
as of March 18, 2015
Ms. Heleny Cook & Mr. Richard Hall
Mr. & Mrs. George Johnson
Ms. Elizabeth Covell
in memory of Martha Grigg
Ms. Martha W. Johnson
in honor of Jacques Rondeau
in honor of Lynne & William Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cowan
in honor of Sarah Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnston III
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Mulholland
in memory of Ruth Pinchot
Ms. Barbara J. Jones
Mrs. Weaver Dunnan
Mr. Richard Jones &
Ms. Jane Sundelof
Mr. Leo Mullen & Ms. Helene
Ms. Faith J. Adkins
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Ms. Vinita Ahuja
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Andresino
in honor of Paul Andresino
Ms. Susan Spicer Angell
Ms. Maureen Eegan & Mr. Edward
Gill in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Mr. & Mrs. William Foster Eaton
Ms. Alice Kelly
Mr. John Elkind &
Ms. Suzanne Mintz
Ms. Colleen Kelly
Ms. Jean Esswein
Mr. & Mrs. Allie P. Ash Jr.
Ms. Vaughan Finn &
Mr. Steve Nightingale
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bartlett
in memory of Martha Grigg
Fund for Education and Human Services
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Beatty
Mr. Gordon J. Bernhardt
in honor of Margaret Axtell &
Russell Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Bessey
Ms. Leslie Kelleher
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kirk
Mrs. Harriet Kirkpatrick
in honor of Lynne Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mora
in honor of Bibeka Lemus
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Morine
Mr. Daniel A. Nathan &
Ms. Dori Bernstein
Mr. Averial Nelson &
Ms. Cathy Polasky
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Oliphant
Mrs. S. Parker Oliphant
in honor of Leonard C. Oliphant
Mr. & Mrs. John Osgood
Ms. Jennifer Fusaro
Colonel David K. Kramer, USAF
(Ret) & Mrs. Kramer
Ms. Sharon Gillooly &
Mr. Martin Dempsey
Ms. Julia Krzysiak
Mr. Richard E. Pearson
Mr. Stephen P. Glick
in memory of Hilda Erlich
Ms. Suzanne Kuser
Ms. Meredith Larson
Mrs. Carol V.M. Phillips
in honor of Lynne Nelson
Dr. William Franklin Panici
Ms. Joanna Phinney
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Graves Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Linke
Mr. David Griffin & Ms. Kathy Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lockwood
Mr. & Mrs. David Griffin
in honor of the Griffin Family
Mr. Pardee Lowe, Jr.
in memory of Elizabeth Lowe
Ms. Catherine Porter &
Mr. Jim Fuller
in honor of Barbara Jones &
Jane Dana
Mr. Robert D. Grigg III
in memory of Martha Grigg
Ms. Louise Lynch
Dr. & Mrs. William Z. Potter
Mrs. William Draper Blair, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent G. Macaluso
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Booth
in memory of David Micah Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Groppe
in honor of Charles P. Groppe
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Magee
Mr. Loic Pritchett & Ms. Marie
Claude Lavoie
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Bridgeman
Mr. Charles P. Groppe &
Ms. Jennifer Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Marsteller
Mr. & Mrs. Sekou Jaja Biddle
Mr. Eric R. Biel & Ms. Dana Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Birney Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Birney
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Brogan
Mr. Christopher Brown &
Ms. Mimi Conger
Mr. & Mrs. Khari Brown
Ms. Nancy Bryant & Mr. Jerry Taylor
Ms. Bonnie Caldwell
in memory of Joyce Bullen
Ms. Eileen Carver
Ms. Anne Child & Rev. Taylor Fraser
Ms. Charlotte T. Child
Mr. & Mrs. James Child
Dr. Tamara Halle Ph.D &
Mr. Aron Krasnopoler
Ms. Rachel Harmon &
Mr. Robert Newman
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McCloskey
Mr. & Mrs. William S. McKee
Ms. Barbara A. McNamara
Dr. & Mrs. Chester Z. Haverback
Mr. & Mrs. Bandele McQueen
in honor of Olivia McQueen
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Henderson IV
Ms. Wanda Hill
Ms. Lauren Howell
Mrs. Eleanor Zurn Hutt
Ms. Alison Hyslop & Mr. Peter deRege
Ms. Margaret Clark
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Ms. Julie Jacobson
Mrs. Mary Rankin Weems McCallum
in honor of Lynne Nelson
The Honorable & Mrs. Stanley Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Clark
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Combined Federal Campaign
Ms. Virginia C. Mars
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Ince
Ms. Nancy Jerdan
in honor of Phillip & Elizabeth Ash
Ms. Gladys R. Mendoza
Reverend Father David Ricard
Mrs. Edward J. Richards
Mr. Philip J. Rizik
Ms. Loudell Robb-Newball
in honor of Jacques Rondeau
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roeckelein
Ms. Faith Roessel &
Mr. Matthew Slater
Colonel Jacques A. Rondeau USAF
(Ret) & Dr. Elizabeth Child
Mr. Quentin Meyer
Mr. David Rosenfelt &
Ms. Debbie Myers in memory of
Frances E. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Rumford III
Mr. & Mrs. William Miner III
Mr. & Mrs. James Russel
Mr. Matthew Mitchell
Ms. Nancy Sainburg & Mr.
Roderick Carroll
Mrs. James G. Mersereau
Ms. Kerry Moore &
Mr. Nathan Finch
Ms. Judith Sandalow
Mr. Craig Scherer &
Ms. Laureen Andrews
Ms. Darnelle Broome
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Schwartz
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Ms. Guadalupe Camacho
Ms. Eleanor Shevlin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shorb
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Simons
Mrs. Jerilene Slaughter
in honor of Lynne Nelson
Ms. Sonia Buenconsejo
Ms. Ilvea Campos
Ms. Erlinda Canon
Ms. Zulma Castaneda
Martha Johnson
Cornett Roberts-Njoku
Mr. Rey Dacul
Gustavo Martinez
Jacques Rondeau
Ms. Madeline DeJesus
Charles P. Groppe
Nino Meladze-Zullo
Remberto Vargas
Mr. Walter Slocombe &
Ms. Ellen Seidman
Mrs. Veneranda Delos Santos
Mr. Jamil Sopher & Ms. Mary Lynn
Miller in honor of Lynne Nelson
Ms. Maria Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Stair
Ms. Mercedes Ferreira
Mr. David P. Stang
in honor of Florence Crittenton
Mr. Martin P. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Ms. Alcina De Sousa
Ms. Yolanda Diaz
Mrs. Maria Flores
Ms. Sonia Fonseca
Ms. Mercedes Garcia
Ms. Julia Godoy
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor W. Swett III
in memory of Martha Grigg
Ms. Eleanor Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tarullo
Mr. Gustavo Martinez
Ms. Patricia Taylor
Ms. Isaura Medrano
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Teter Jr.
Ms. Nino Meladze-Zullo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thawley
Ms. Amanda Moreland
Ms. Honora Firmadge Thompson
in memory of Alice Burton
Ms. Betzaida Perez
United Way of the National Capital Area
Ms. Loudell Robb-Newball
Mrs. Betty Velasquez
Mr. Gustavo Viteri
Ms. Pauline Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. C. Frank Walter
in honor of Sheryl Walter
Mr. Michael Ward
Mr. John Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. West
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Mr. Stanley Dutton Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Woolard
Lt. Colonel John Wright, USAF
(Ret) & Mrs. Wright
Rosemount Staff and
Management Annual
Fund Donors
Ms. Josefina Abo
Mrs. Trinidad Liu
Ms. Milagrito Pineyro
Ms. Cornett Roberts-Njoku
Ms. Carmen Segovia
Ms. Regina Thomas
Ms. Gladys Torres
Ms. Maria Marlen Torres
Mr. Remberto Vargas
Foundation and
Corporate Donors
William S. Abell Foundation
Bernhardt Wealth Management
Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Christopher W. Brown and Mimi
Conger Fund
Clark-Winchcole Foundation
The Community Foundation
for the National Capital Region Share Fund
Ms. Karla Alvarado
The Community Foundation
for the National Capital Region Taste of Salt Fund
Mr. Jose Rivas Amaya
The Dimick Foundation
Mrs. Alma Ang
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Theresa Balatayo
Ms. Eliete Batista
Inter-American Development Bank
– IDB Solidarity
Ms. Rosa Benitez
James M. Johnston Trust
Ms. Rosemary Brito
The Gordon F. Linke and
Mrs. Liberty Acebo
Rosemount acknowledges the following very generous staff
members and others who have made extraordinary efforts
to help assure financial stability of the Center in 2014:
Morgan Stanley Global Impact
Funding Trust, Inc.
Special Gifts
Ms. Anne Child &
The Rev. Taylor Fraser
in honor of Jacques Rondeau
SofterWare, Inc.
House of Mercy
Alexander and Margaret
Stewart Trust
Ms. Martha W. Johnson
in memory of Elisabeth McKelway
Jerry Taylor & Nancy Bryant
Ladies Board of the House of Mercy
Jocelyn B. Linke Foundation
Virginia Cretella Mars Foundation
The Washington Children’s
Matching Gifts
The Morris & Gwendolyn
Cafritz Foundation
Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
The George Preston Marshall
Foundation Jacques Rondeau
in memory of Goldie
The Thrift Shop of the Women
of All Saints Episcopal Church
The Woman’s Club of Chevy
Chase, Maryland, Inc.
Google Matching Gift Program
Golf Tournament Donors
Ms. Jernell Alexander
Mr. Morgan Stallard
Ms. Jennifer Hays
Mr. Tor Seidler
Ms. Beth Stoner
Guven Salon & Spa
Ms. Eleanor Shevlin
Ms. Aradhana Aggarwal
Happy Paws
Ms. Allison Sibley & Mr. Bill Luck
Mr. Martin Sullivan of
Sullivan & Barros, LLP
Ms. Wanda Hill
Sixth Engine
Mr. Danny Bellamy
Mr. Gustavo Viteri
Hillwood Estate, Museum, & Gardens
Slate Wine Bar & Bistro
Mr. Donald Beukema of
Stephen Gould Corporation
Washington Trophy Center
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holman
Soul Cycle
Lt. Colonel John Wright,
USAF (Ret) & Mrs. Wright
Independent Benefit Services
Mr. & Mrs. Marx Sterne
International Spy Museum
Studio Theatre
Irish Landmark Trust
Mrs. Amy Isaacs
Sponsors and Donors
J&S Magee-John & Susan Magee
Mr. Brendan Sweeney &
Ms. Lauryn Fraas
All Fired Up
Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Johnson
The Enchanted Garden
Allison Sibley & Associates
Ms. Barbara Jones
The Washington Chorus
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kalin
Ms. Marlen Torres
Kerxton Insurance Agency, Inc.
Total Wine & More
Arucola Osteria
Mr. & Mrs. Knight Kiplinger
Town Hall
Drs. Ken & Elizabeth Asher
Mr. John Knaus & Ms. Vy Horwood
Town Jewelers Inc.
Ms. Sophie Asher
La Tasca
Ms. Marian Van Noppen
Barre3 Georgetown
Ms. Danielle Laddon
Mr. Gus Viteri
Barrel Oak Winery
Ms. Donna Lewis
Mr. Benjamin Velasquez
Ms. Mary Batch
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Linke
Wake Up Little Suzie
Guardian Fire Protection Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beatty
Ms. Sandy Linsin
Ms. Sheryl Walter
Ms. Jenny Hays &
Mr. Charlie Groppe
Beau Thai
Mr. James R. Lowe, Jr.
Mr. Michael Ward
Mr. Sekou Biddle
Manoukian Rugs in Northwest DC
Washington Performing Arts Society
Independent Benefit Services
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Birney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marsteller
Washington Trophy Center
Ms. Martha Johnson
Ms. Rose Marie Bogley
Matisse Café Restaurant
Wee Pretend
Ms. Barbara Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William McGrath
Mr. Joshua White & Ms. Jennifer
Ms. Maureen Kasten
Meadows Farms
Colonel David K. Kramer, USAF
(Ret) & Mrs. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Khari Brown
Mrs. Nino Meladze-Zullo &
Mr. Claude Zullo
Mr. Sekou Biddle
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Birney
Mr. Charles Birney
Mr. Steve Boone
Copymax Digital Systems
Lt. Colonel Thomas Culbert, USAF
Executive Maintenance, Inc.
Four Brothers Carpentry
Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell
Fenton’s Uniforms
Ms. Vaughan Finn
Mr. Dave Gessert
Heads Up Irrigation, LLC
Fall Fiesta Auction
Event Donors
Chef Geoff’s
Ms. Julie Krzysiak
Mr. & Mrs. James Child
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Linke
Ms. Jessica Cline
Ms. Deirdre Maloney
Clyde’s Restaurant Group
Mr. Bandele McQueen
The Reverend & Mrs. Milo G.
Mr. Mark Minier & Mr. Craig Pirner
Monarc Construction
Nando’s Peri-Peri
Wide World of Wines
Williams-Pritchett Team, TTR
Sotheby’s International Realty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winters
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson
Lt. Colonel John Wright, USAF
(Ret) & Mrs. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Oliphant
Z Burger
Coffee Nature
Mr. David Olsen & Ms. Grace Hong
Ms. Morvarid Zolghadr
Mr. Andres Mendoza
Comella Design
Paragon Thai
Mrs. Joy Miller
Corepower Yoga
Pete’s New Haven Style Apizza
Volunteer Service
Mr. William Miner, CDR, USN (Ret)
& Mrs. Miner
Ms. Caitlin Dammeyer
Ms. Karen Porterfield &
Mr. Steve Gamble
Mr. Edouard Asmar
Ms. Margarita Prieto &
Mr. Mark Michael
Ms. Josefa Beras
Colonel Doug Menarchik, USAF
(Ret) & Mrs. Menarchik
Monarc Construction, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George Musgrove
DC United & United for DC
Down Dog Power Yoga
Mr. & Mrs. William Eaton
Ms. Susannah Bane
Queenstown Harbor Golf
Ms. Sonya Bessalel
Mrs. Elizabeth Rast
Ms. Faith Bruton
Rocklands Barbeque Grilling Company
Ms. Eileen Carole
Mr. Zhang Chen
Favor Ceylon Tea of Silver Spring
Colonel Jacques A. Rondeau USAF
(Ret) & Dr. Elizabeth Child
Fresh Med Mediterranean Restaurant
Rosemount Center Board of Directors
Cherry Children’s Music Outreach
Georgetown Carpet
Mr. David Rosenfelt
Guardian Fire Protection Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Rumford
Children’s National Medical Center’s
Pediatric Residency Program
Salgado Painting, Inc.
Councilmember Jim Graham
Saint Arnold’s Mussel Bar
Ms. Yodit Churnet
Splaine Security Systems
Mr. Charlie Groppe &
Ms. Martha Schumacher
Ms. Aoife Coady
Ms. Lucia Palacios
Queenstown Harbor Golf Course
RM Thornton Mechanical
Ms. Loudell Robb-Newball
Robert Half International
Rogers & Company
Colonel Jacques A. Rondeau USAF
(Ret) & Dr. Elizabeth Child
Elizabeth’s Gone Raw
Ercilia’s Restaurant-Ercilia Pleitez
Executive Maintenance, Inc.
Ms. Claire Cherry
Columbia Heights/Shaw Family
Support Collaborative
Ms. Gisela Rodas
Mr. Ben Cooper
Ms. Sara Seargas
Ms. Moriel Daniel
Sidwell Friends School
Mr. Jesse Defournier
Ms. Aileen Solomon
Mr. Giacomo Delgado
Ms. Susanna Steele
Ms. Victoria Donnelly
Ms. Pat Dunigan
Stone Ridge School of the Sacred
Heart/Social Action
Encounter the Gospel of Life
Ms. Molly Tahmaseb
Ms. Molly Garrity
Ms. Pauline Ting
Georgetown Day School
Ms. Marinsola Tinubu
Georgetown University Children’s
Theater Group
University of Maryland Early
Childhood Education Students
Georgetown University Department
of Psychology, Children’s Digital
Media Center
University of the District of Columbia
Speech Therapy Students
Georgetown Visitation
Preparatory School
Ms. Susana Vasquez
Ms. Noemi Gonzalez
Ms. Olivia Green
Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Hollins University
Ms. Schuyler Hughes
Ms. Angela Hunter
Ignatian Volunteer Corps
Mr. Peter Jerome
Jumpstart Program at American
Junior League of Washington
Mr. Stephen Kaplan
Ms. Reka Keller
Ms. Emma Kelly-Bell
Ms. Melanie Kim
Ms. Madeleine Kirk
Ms. Albertina Lazo
Mr. Ted Liu
Ms. Madison Lotstein
Mr. Mattias Lundberg
Ms. Elizabeth Mannhemer
Mathematica Policy Research
Ms. Evelyn Melgar
Mr. Jeffrey Ross
Ms. Merritt Vance
Ms. Pauline Wagner
Washington Episcopal School
Mr. Hong Yuke
In-Kind Donors
Mr. Rene Argueta
Mrs. Alison Ottenbreit
Payless Gives Shoes 4 Kids
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Birney
Ms. Yolanda Rodriguez & Mr.
Anthony Perez
Mr. Jhony Bustos
Ms. Jenny Richardson
Children’s Charities Foundation
Poor Robert’s Charities
Ms. Edith Ching
Ms. Cornett Roberts-Njoku
The Reverend & Mrs. Milo G.
Colonel Jacques A. Rondeau USAF
(Ret) & Dr. Elizabeth Child
Comella Design Group
Sidwell Friends School
DC Children’s Trust Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Dan S. Sokolov
Ms. Erika Espinoza
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thawley
Ms. Flor Garay
Mr. Remberto Vargas
Ms. Kathy Moran &
Mr. David Griffin
Ms. Natalie Guerra
Ms. Abigail Hernandez
Richard Scrivener Beatty Award:
Ms. Alexis Geier-Horan &
Mr. Brian James Horan
Ms. Julia Medrano
Inter-American Development Bank
Share the Magic Campaign
Ms. Elizabeth Mio
Ms. Martha Johnson
Mr. Adam Morgenlander
Ms. Margaret Johnson
Mount Pleasant Public Library
Ms. Vy Horwood & Mr. John Knaus
Ms. Leila Nasser
Mr. Gustavo Martinez
Northwestern University Civic
Education Project (CEP)
Mrs. Nino Meladze-Zullo
Ms. Ana Obregon
Ms. Miosotis Ortega
Ms. Helene Patterson &
Mr. Leo Mullen
Ms. Kelly Palazzo
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Manager of the Year:
2014: Nino Meladze-Zullo
Rosemount Outstanding
Customer Service Award:
Rosemount Center
2014 Awards
Ms. Evelin Hernandez
2010:Christine Nicolaides
Kearns, Ernest N. May Jr.
2009:Margaret Ritchie Axtell,
Milo and Wendy Coerper
2008:Ladies’ Board of
the House of Mercy
2007:Jocelyn B. and
Gordon F. Linke
2006: Morgan Lewis Bockius LLP
2005: Alison and Arthur Birney
2004: Richard S. Beatty
In recognition of extraordinary
dedication to the advancement
of Rosemount Center
2014:Ladies Board of the
House of Mercy
2013: Charles P. Groppe
2012: Leonard C. Oliphant
2011:Lynne Nelson,
Shirley Mersereau
2014: Morgan Lewis Bockius, LLP
Rosemount Center Board of
Directors Outstanding Service:
2014: Charles P. Groppe
Ms. Gladys Mendoza
Ms. Miriam Rappaport-Gow
(Rosemount #8897)
Mr. Jose Roberto Rivas
(Rosemount #46388)
Rosemount Center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and recognized
as a “Gold-Level” Center by the District of Columbia’s Office of the State Superintendent for Education (OSSE).
Design: Comella Design Group
Photography: Hector Emanuel & Hannah Asher
Printed by: Dan Daniels Pioneer Press
2000 Rosemount Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Tel: 202 265 9885
Fax:202 265 2636