COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components What you will learn in this lesson IN THIS LESSON,YOU WILL LEARN... • The difference in unit processes for a traditional on-lot wastewater treatment system compared to the AdvanTex Treatment System • AdvanTex Treatment System components • What is nitrification and where does it take place in the AdvanTex Treatment System • The optimum conditions for nitrification • What is denitrification and where does it take place in the AdvanTex Treatment System © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -1 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Unit Processes in a Traditional Septic Tank and Soil Absorption System The septic tank provides primary treatment in the form of grit removal, primary sedimentation, scum retention, and anaerobic digestion. This is followed by the soil dispersal system, which provides aeration and disinfection if the soil and site conditions are acceptable. In many cases, the native soil is incapable of providing adequate treatment and dispersal. In some cases, treatment is required beyond the native soil’s capacity. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -2 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Unit Processes With the AdvanTex Treatment System Following the Septic Tank With an AdvanTex Treatment System, the septic tank still provides primary treatment in the form of grit removal, primary sedimentation, scum retention, and anaerobic digestion. The AdvanTex unit or “soil substitute” provides aeration and treatment to advanced standards. This is then followed by the dispersal system where polishing and disinfection may occur. The AdvanTex Treatment System provides measurable, manageable advanced treatment that some soil and site conditions can not. The active biomat in the AdvanTex Treatment System is accessible so it can be monitored and managed. Other systems bury the biomat where it cannot be monitored or managed. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -3 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components The System An AdvanTex Treatment System contains four major components: The 2-compartment processing tank, the AdvanTex AX20N filter pod, the pumping and control system, and the recirculating splitter valve. Wastewater flows from the home or building into the inlet of the processing tank. It is then pumped out of the second compartment via a Biotube Pump Vault into the AdvanTex pod, where it is further treated and then discharged into the soil dispersal system. The recirculating splitter valve allows a portion of the filtrate to return to the processing tank for recirculation. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -4 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components The System An AdvanTex RT Treatment System contains four major components: The septic tank, recirculation tank, the AdvanTex filter, and the pumping and control system. Wastewater flows from the home or building into the inlet of the septic tank. It then flows out of the septic tnk through an effluent filter into the recirculation tank, where it is dosed to the AdvanTex filter, treated and then discharged into the soil dispersal system. The recirculating return valve allows a portion of the filtrate to return to the processing tank for recirculation. Thus allowing a 4:1 recirculation ratio. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -5 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Filter Type AX20N • Physical specifications ✔ 7.5’ x 3’ x 2.5’ ✔ Footprint: 23 sq. ft. ✔ Dry weight: 300 lb. • The heart of the residential AdvanTex Treatment System is the textile filter pod. This is where the wastewater is biochemically processed and filtered to a high-quality effluent. • The AdvanTex Treatment System uses the same naturally-occurring micro-organisms that are found in suitable soil. No special microbes or additives are required. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -6 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AX Series • Uses hanging textile sheets • Can withstand occasional abnormally high loading conditions • Has outstanding serviceability • The textile in the hanging sheets has been specifically engineered to provide optimum characteristics for wastewater treatment. Properties include: ✔ High porosity ✔ High hydraulic conductivity ✔ High water-holding capacity • These are the same properties desired in an excellent soil for treating wastewater © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -7 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - Main Components • Control System • Processing Tank • Pump Package • AdvanTex filter with vent • Recirculating splitter vavle Each of these components is discussed in detail on the following pages. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -8 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - #1 Control Panel The control panel sends signals to the pump to deliver liquid from the processing tank to the AdvanTex filter pod. Wastewater is applied in small, frequent doses, maintaining aerobic, unsaturated conditions in the textile media. The doses are timed so that the media and attached microbes receive equal doses at equal intervals all through the day. The timers in the panel also control the 4:1 recirculation to dispersal ratio. The control panel includes the necessary required local audio/visual alarms. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -9 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components The Control Panel • Use a licensed electrician for wiring the following: ✔ Make all float connections from the vault to the panel ✔ Be sure that incoming power is connected to the panel ✔ Connect power from the panel to the recirculation pump ✔ Connect power to the discharge pump, if applicable ✔ Use a conduit seal outside the riser Note: Do not install the control panel against the house. Use a 4” x 4” post. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -10 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - #2 Processing Tank The processing tank receives raw wastewater from the home, as well as filtered effluent from the AdvanTex media filter. Since the AdvanTex Treatment System is a recirculating media filter system, the household sewage is diluted in the processing tank as it is blended with treated effluent. This allows a much higher loading rate onto the media as compared to single-pass systems such as sand beds. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -11 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Two-Compartment Processing Tank • There is a minimum 12-square-inch pass-through port in the baffle wall • The port center is located at 65 to 75% of the minimum liquid level • All tank designs must be structurally sound and watertight • All tank designs must be approved by Orenco and authorized by an Orenco Dealer © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -12 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - #3 Biotube® Pump Package The Biotube pump package includes the vault, the Biotube effluent filter, the high-head pump, the discharge assembly and the float tree with floats. The liquid in the processing tank flows through the large openings in the vault and through the 1/8-inch mesh of the Biotube effluent filter. The screened effluent is pumped to the AdvanTex pod using the high-head pump. The Biotube effluent filter prevents particles larger than 1/8-inch from entering the pump. This allows the use of a high-head pump in the AdvanTex Treatment System. The pump is the only moving part in the AdvanTex Treatment System. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -13 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - #3 Biotube® Pump Package, continued: The liquid level floats signal the control panel that sufficient liquid is in the processing tank for the pump to operate. Also, there is a high-water alarm float as well as a low-water alarm float. The high-water float signals the control panel to alert the service provider that there is a high water level in the tank. The low water alarm also has the capability of alerting the service provider to turn off the pump to prevent it from running dry. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -14 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Biotube® Pump Package • Refer to “Appendix 3: RSV and Float Level Diagram in the AdvanTex Installation Manual, AdvanTex AX20N Treatment Systems, Document NIM-ATX-AX-1, Orenco Systems, Inc. • Verify the float elevations • Snap in the float bracket • Install the cartridge © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -15 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - #4 AdvanTex Filter with Vent The AdvanTex filter with vent is a media filter made of a textile engineered to have high porosity and high hydraulic conductivity, yet high water-holding capacity. The liquid from the processing tank is pumped to the pressurized distribution system over the textile media surface. As the liquid percolates downward through the media, the microbes attach to the textile and use the wastewater contaminants as a food source. Using oxygen for aerobic respiration, the microbes convert organic carbon to carbon dioxide and water, and ammonium-nitrogen to nitrate-nitrogen. The treated filtered water from the AdvanTex media flows from the bottom of the fiberglass pod to the recirculation ball valve, where the liquid flows back into the processing tank or to the soil dispersal system, IRSIS or surface discharge. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -16 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components AdvanTex Overview - #5 Recirculating Splitter Valve The Recirculating Splitter Valve (RSV) allows treated, filtered effluent from the AdvanTex media filter to flow from the pod back into the processing tank or to the dispersal area. When the ball valve is seated in the RSV, the filtered effluent is directed toward the dispersal system - soil absorption, IRSIS, or discharge. When the ball is unseated, the filtered effluent returns to the processing tank, diluting the incoming septic tank effluent, and recirculating through the AdvanTex media filter. The functions of the RSV and the timers combine to maintain the recirculation ratio. The normal recirculation ratio is approximately 4:1. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -17 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components RSV Bracket Installation • Carefully lower the RSV body into the bracket • Push down until it is fully seated © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -18 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Flow Path Through an AdvanTex Treatment System Liquid Recirculates through 2nd chamber: Filtrate discharges © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -19 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Design: Fully Assembled or Assembled Onsite The AdvanTex Treatment System can be delivered either fully assembled or it can be assembled onsite. A fully assembled package consists of an Orenco fiberglass reinforced plastic tank (FRP) processing tank, AdvanTex AX20N pod, and pumps and controls. The fully assembled package will come with risers attached, floats set, RSV set, and the AX20N pod anchored to the top of the tank. If you choose to assemble onsite, you will need to set the floats and RSV and install the AX20N pod. © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -20 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Why only Orenco FRP or approved concrete tanks • Tanks can crush or break if they are not structurally sound • Tanks can leak in or out if they are not watertight • Poor tank quality can destroy an entire wastewater system Collapsed polyethylene septic tank Collapsed concrete spetic tank with inadequate reinforcing steel © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -21 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components The Orenco AdvanTex Components Enable the Treatment System to Reduce Total Nitrogen Nitrogen Removal Requires Two Processes • Nitrification - Conversion of Ammonium to Nitrate through a two-step aerobic process in the AdvanTex filter pod. Nitrosomonas • Step 1: NH4+ + 3/2O2 NO2- Step 2: NO2- + 1/2O2 NO3- + 2H+ + H2O Denitrification - Conversion of Nitrate to nitrogen gas through an anaerobic process in the processing tank and the septic tank. Heterotrophic Bacteria NO3- + Organic matter N2 + CO2 + OH- + H2O © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -22 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components For Optimum Nitrogen Transformation (Nitrification) to Occur the Following Conditions are Required • Adequate alkalinity - Depending upon the influent nitrogen concentration and species • 7.14 mg alkalinity as CaCO3 for every mg NH4-N (ammonium-nitrogen) to be nitrified • pH of 6 to 8 • 4.33 mg O2 (molecular oxygen) for every mg NH4-N (ammonium-nitrogen) to be nitrified • Filtrate DO (dissolved oxygen) concentration of 2.5 to 6 mg/L • Influent ammonia concentration of 60 mg/L • Influent TN (total nitrogen) concentration below 65 mg/L • Adequate time for nitrifying bacteria to develop • Adequate temperature © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -23 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Packed Bed Filter Biofilms • At the surface and within the top 6+ inches, organic and inorganic matter is trapped and the greatest biofilm accumulation occurs. • The top zone is mostly responsible for solids and organic reduction. In this nutrient rich upper zone, most of the organic matter is trapped, decomposed, and digested. • Heterotrophic bacteria are primarily responsible for reducing the organic matter concentration. • After the carbonaceous demand is met in the upper levels of the media, autotrophic bacteria reduce inorganic constituents (such as ammonium) through nitrification (the conversion of ammonium to nitrate) in the lower region of the media. Filter depth for BOD removal and Nitrification © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -24 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Signs of Effective Nitrogen Transformation (Nitrification) • Clear, odorless effluent • Normal-looking biomat • Low CBOD5 and high clarity • DO of 2.5 to 6 mg/L ✔ Odorless or odor that is not a nuisance • Relatively low ammonium levels (NH4-N) • Relatively high nitrate levels (NO3-N) © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -25 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Denitrification requires • Nitrogen in the form of Nitrate-N • Anoxic conditions to promote anaerobic metabolism • Adequate carbon for microbial metabolism By recirculating nitrified filtrate to the processing tank, denitrification occurs in the carbon-rich, anaerobic processes within the processing tank environment © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -26 COURSE # 343 UNIT # 2: ADVANTEX® WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components Lesson Summary IN THIS LESSON,YOU LEARNED ... • The difference in unit processes for traditional on-lot systems compared to the AdvanTex Treatment System • AdvanTex Treatment System components • What is nitrification and where does it take place in the AdvanTex Treatment System • The optimum conditions for nitrification • What is denitrification and where does it take place in the AdvanTex Treatment System © ORENCO SYSTEMS®, INC. 10/24/2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNIT-2 -27
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