504 Direct Guidelines and Procedures
504 Direct Guidelines and Procedures
504 Direct Guidelines and Procedures 2016 Table of Contents: Logging on to 504 Direct…………………………………………………………………..…3 Scheduling a 504 meeting………….………………………………………………………. 3 Prior to a 504 meeting……….……………………………….……………………………. 4 During a 504 meeting…………………………………………..………………………….. 5 Creating a 504 Accommodation Plan…………….……………………………………. 6 Special Alerts……………….…………….…………. 6 Meeting Information………………………………. 6 Determination…………………………..…………… 7 Evaluations/Reports……………….………………. 8 Exit Information…………………………….......... 8 Accommodations………………………….….…….. 8 Testing Accommodations………………......... 10 Related Services…………………….………………10 Transportation Information………...………….11 Finalizing the 504 Document………..….…… 11 After a 504 meeting………………….……………………………………………...........12 Manifestation……………………………………………………………………….…………..14 Exiting a student……………………………………………………………………………….14 Online Support and Training…………………………………..……………….…………15 Appendix A………………………………………………………………………………………16 2 Logging on to 504 Direct: Log on through www.iepdirect.com or Staff and Admin Log in through www.stamfordpublicschools.org using the User ID and Password that has been set up for you. Stamford’s District ID is 492. 504 Direct is a “sister” program of IEP Direct. The same log in information is used for both and the designs are similar. You can navigate back and forth between IEP Direct and 504 Direct with the “More Products” tab. This screen appears: The Messaging tab is displayed when you log on Scheduling a meeting: 1. If the student currently has a 504 document in 504Direct, find the name in “My Students” Or If the student does not exist in 504Direct, See Appendix A to add a new student 3 2. Click on the student’s name and create a meeting invitation under the “schedule tasks” tab and print the invitation from there. This will also create an orange box next to the student’s name under “My Students” as a reminder that a meeting has been scheduled. 3. Send invitation home with a copy of parent rights/procedural safeguards, found in letters and reports (Keep a copy of the invite in the student’s 504 folder). Prior to a 504 meeting: 1. Invite team members a. Team members include those with knowledge of the child and those with knowledge of the identified impairment b. Members can include: administrator, teacher, school counselor, support staff as needed (ie: school social worker, school psychologist, nurse, Teacher of Hearing Impaired, parent facilitator etc.) c. Provide translation for parents as needed 2. Submit any reports to parents in advance of the scheduled meeting (recommended 5 days prior) 4 3. Collect teacher reports (found in Letters and Reports). Be sure to check off the student’s name in “My Students” in order for the teacher reports to populate with the student info. During a 504 meeting: 1. Possible agenda would include: introductions, meeting purpose, review current progress, consider eligibility, develop an accommodation plan if appropriate 2. Use Section 504 Worksheet 04 Identification and Eligibility REVISED to guide eligibility discussion, found in Letters and Reports Be sure check off the student’s name in “My Students”. 3. If the team determines that the student is eligible, create a 504 Accommodation Plan. 4. If the team determines that the student is not eligible, skip the next section (Creating a 504 Accommodation Plan) and send the appropriate notice (see #2 in After a 504 Meeting) to the parent/guardian. 5 Creating a 504 Accommodation Plan: 1. Find student in “My Students”, click on the grey square next to their name and follow the steps. Double check Basic Demographic Information. Changes can be made under “My Students” by clicking directly on the student name and changing the Master Demographic Information. 2. Special Alerts information is not printed on the 504 document. It is meant for critical information/alerts for the team. Edit with the pencil icon if applicable. 3. Meeting Information The edit pencil brings you to the screen to edit the meeting information. Starred boxes are required. There is an option to import the meeting information from the scheduled meeting as well, which populates this section with the data entered in creating the meeting invitation. 6 4. Determination Use the edit pencil to complete the items in this section. In order for the student to appear in the “My Students” section, all the boxes under the school year information have to be filled in. Please note that some sentence starters and spell check are available on the right hand side of each box if needed. ALWAYS click “Yes” for Anniversary Date Plan The “End Date” needs to be during the following school year in order for the student to be rolled over for the next school year. 7 5. Evaluations/Reports (if applicable) This section is for housing data used in determining eligibility (ie: teacher reports, folder review, formal evaluations etc.). Edit this section using the edit pencil. 6. Exit Information (if applicable) This section is to be completed when a student no longer meets eligibility for 504 accommodations or leaves the district. 7. Accommodations Drop down lists for accommodations exist in ten categories. Use the edit pencil icon to add/change accommodations. 8 To add an accommodation, click “add” in a given category and choose the selected item from the drop down list. The “Description” box can then be used to explain specific details about the accommodation (ie: setting, duration, or any other detail to best describe the accommodation). Information must be entered into the description box for the document to be saved. Spell check and sentence starters are available on the right. Be sure to click the “Add” button to save the information. The “Other” category is for accommodations that DO NOT FALL IN ANY OF THE EXISTING CATEGORIES. Text is needed in the Accommodation and Description fields for the accommodation to be added/saved. 9 8. Testing Accommodations Use the edit pencil icon to select testing accommodations for the student. Select the test coordinator, grade level, and assessment options from the drop down menus. This will generate a testing accommodation form that is used by the state. If the student does not have testing accommodations as part of the 504 plan, leave the testing accommodation form blank. Be sure to Save and Return. 9. Related Services (if applicable) Accommodations involving related service providers (ie: school sw, school psych, OT, PT, SLP…) are indicated in this section. Add/change this section using the edit pencil icon. 10 10. Transportation Information (if applicable) Accommodations for transportation are housed in this section. If they are part of a 504 Plan, a rep from the district department of transportation needs to be part of the 504 team. 11. Finalizing the 504 Document Once a draft is created, a blue square will appear next to the student’s name and the draft can be accessed by clicking on the blue square until the document is finalized. When the sections of the draft have been completed, click “Validate” to check for errors. 11 A box will appear that indicates any suggested changes needed before finalizing the document. Suggested changes also appear in the draft document highlighted in red Once any issues are addressed, click the Finalize button After a 504 meeting: 1. If student is eligible, send home: a. Finalized 504 Accommodation page found in Letters and Reports AND 12 b. Either Section 504 notice 04 (Eligible with Consent Form – to be signed and returned) OR Section 504 notice 07 (Continuation of Accommodation Plan) c. Share accommodation plan with staff (teachers and any additional staff involved with the student). 2. If student is not eligible, send home the notice that applies (found in letters and reports): a. Section 504 notice 05 (ineligible) b. Section 504 notice 06 (referred to special education team) c. Section 504 notice 08 (no longer eligible) 13 3. 504 review meetings should be held at least once a year a. Accommodation plans must be reviewed and updated at least once a year. b. Eligibility must be reviewed every three years although best practice suggests that eligibility should be considered each year. c. To make minor changes to a 504 plan without having a meeting, use 504 notice 09. Manifestation 1. A Manifestation Determination meeting is held when the data suggests that a student’s misconduct may be a result of his/her disability. 2. 504 Worksheet 5 is used in making the determination and follow up letters to parents are found in Letters and Reports to use as applicable. Exiting a Student Students who no longer meet eligibility for a 504 plan or who leave the district need to be noted as exited in two sections: 1. Determiniation Indicate exited in the Decision Status drop down menu. 2. Exit Information 14 Online Support and Training Training and support materials for 504 Direct have been created by Centris and are housed on the main sign on page under the Online Help tab. Training webinars are announced periodically though the Messages page – follow the link to register. Additional resources are listed under the 504 Direct section of the Contents index - including Videos which contains recorded webinars on a variety of topics. 15 Appendix A – Entering a New Student Click on “New Student” Type in the Last name and the drop down list on the right should appear. Scroll down to find the student you’re looking for and follow the steps (1-5) to create a draft. If the student’s name does not appear in the drop down list, information will need to be entered manually. Master Demographic Information Check that the information is current and make any needed changes using the edit button. Then click on Create Draft from Latest Document: 16 …which brings you here, a draft 504 document…use the edit (pencil) icon on the right of each gold bar to edit the sections. Demographic information can be edited by going back to the “My Students” tab and clicking directly on the student name. IMPORTANT NOTE: IN ORDER FOR THE STUDENT TO APPEAR IN “MY STUDENTS” two things need to happen in the Determination section of the draft 1) Anniversary Date Plan needs to be marked “Yes” 17 2)The School Year information has to be completed for the current and the next school year. Remember to click on the edit (pencil) icon to edit the school year information 18