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il+ tl (\l iliustreition b\r jon r t -J l-//-- J .i I I i'r, --t iJ l ,. ,.'.:..:.::::::,.:.,:::,1:, : ... .'..':...] i...]. i..,.,i ]'']''.'.|: r, "ont . trw der.. l'm nor ralking aborrr the Henrlean cfforr olbal- arrcing r qualirv f'rmiiy Ll'e wirh a fulfilling r,rork Ii[e, ''rt:h::ifli" .work -1i,$$,q{i,'$ olip-aiiuon' }rom* sLrpcrvrsiorr and ear pooling to rlrc .karurJ rirrk. the earlv'ears oiour chil', .'....,..11.lnd':!ffiejtirhlCIu,glrr'lt .'..,.......i-.1',,.rll.,l;'.,llt drcrrs lir er. .._i,i...:.::,-..iii..r.,li .. ,r iril:::l :,' ,.rtO" ataper bag: rh;rr {ron-rh rhat nrrr.rcnigi il$f::i.iii,,iliil. r' . i.. . , : sp!:oLrts rerrr.rirr: . ...,. irorn ou r bei n s ri'hr n rve ;rilircd ro our rlunk unnl our giv.,e- .. .. ..,. ,: r]:'::::t::.:.:;.,:.t:::.::.::,,:.::.:,: .!l qlhtititiidti..l::a:il:li:. y-olrngesr is our ot di;pcr'-. C)ur runtnr; nral deflatc after labour. t,ur , rhe 1}rmp,si'1+ly,.._g-,:iiiisd q$9ffi#tl'i?l0iwl.';:tr:r: lpouchto kg,piaur:d;.,ryi1} i!;?if$:.€ie.qsiin''11'1 . 1.,1,.&xin*cr1!titffid{b1:ill.$l: . ., $c1t;}*iavl!@ny,,, il:,ud***si11,9t;'nriw,.!#qr$i:q -EW $t4: tf 's i*eia,a*d.vcar' 'i.r:r.'...&+1ri?te,p:itearr6,Y!f;e$.iji1e,Y{1$ tht largest ,.'.:,it11,i#n l{llffi;,"d or*r'i.'rr cog14.tiii.,, I :r.,iF!$Eq,l.$t!,llfY tr\la€j*eiN€.tA1f . : I ' .'. . . . ' I I I I. ., i. : I I : :,., , ,, , I , . : : .: a :: : i: .. : : ,.1:.:: ?.0. ::.,a 01r,:.: .:.:.a :. -: , I : r35 :: l:: ,: ..: ,). carry, \\re11, a baby. Despite rcgr-rlar clcanings. it :rill crrrirr puzzle, and a pencil case with crayons, blank paper and r slighrly prmgcnr odorrr fi-om the time I let a long-forgotten Hauling all this on my back leaves nre free to carry within its depths. I i chose a knapsack because as he was to a more traditional pink Me1, uses a small gym bag to l,rg around stuff for her three ,+r Hi dorv blinds can be dangerous? So, I no longer carry a ffil the diaper bag has become the repository of nry fl. personal effects, narnely a lvallet, comb, cheque book, +i Fl il; t ill and two tubes of lipstick. kids. An office colleague ll Come to think of it, isnt the diaper bag really an evo* sports a trendy black leather And then, just the other I sarv a rnagazine ad for zebra-print diaper bags, also avail_ able in cheetah (to match those angora baby blankets and velday, vet bibs, I suppose). It &i a pr.rrse and or blue diaper bag. My friend, knapsack for her minimalist baby gear. have left to hang rhink rhosc cords on rvin- my husband wasnt to carrying it Id purse is rnv rreck-and you it leaves both hands free and as averse gi pleschoolert hand. The only place there are shades ofplaydough. becar-rse ffi1 the baby and hold my There are as n-Lany difTerent types of diaper bags as I ffii sun screen. leaky black banana stew I ffi Hr seems the more items lution of the purse? Both provide the means ro ger you orlr of trickyjams. With a purse, you could extract a hairpin to fix a car ensine ifyouie stranded; with a diaper bag you could lay enough rail track to get to the nearest enlergency clepart_ you carry in your diaper bag, the more of a type A personality you are, prone to hyperparent_ ment in a flash. As my hr,rsband likes to ing and over-responding to your kids'needs. I conGss: I ftll into this category One-upping the Boy Scouts, I take pride in being be carrying. overprepared. In fact, I sufl6r from diaper bag anxiety-the Gar that even though Ive packed half my household into the bag, I r,vill one day find nryself without rhe pin that holds the ur.ri_ verse together: my baby's soother. I typically lug around more than 40 items in my bag for lrry two girls, aged three and six months. Herels an invcntorr,: five diapers, one fully loaded pack of wipes (hey, if m,v kid is packing, I'd better be too), trvo bibs, two baby bottles filled rvith water, one can of formr-rla, two soothers, three plastic bags (for tucking away stinky diapers), diaper ointment, baby powcler, trvo complete changes of clothing (socks, shirts and pants), two jr-rice boxes, a diaper changing pad, a plastic con_ tainer olassorted treats, another with baby cereal, a couple of rattles, a teething rirrg, rlvo Farleyt Biscr-rits, a mini jigs.rrv sa\r, never threaten 1i ,li -it Fgll E# a woman with a diaper bag-you never knorv r,vhat she might tit tIt One of the unexplained nr.sreries of diaper bags is that the amount of stutTyou carL\r seelns to be in inverse proportion to the number of kids you haye. Mv neighbour Lori has three $il1 kids under fir'e br:t nranages to zip out the door with.lust r cou_ ple ofdiapels tucked in a back pocket and a baby bottle in her purse. I adnrire her breezy approach. $rll Hlll Belore I had kids, getting out of the house fast wzrs a snap. Norv there's not only laces, zippers and the ritr_ral foraging for hats and n'ritts to contend with, but also the compr_rlsive check_ ing and restocking of the diaper bag. Sometimes I wistfully yearn for a tirne a few years hence r,vhen the kids will fly out the door without me, coats open to the wind, and l,ll be watching, free of all this baby gear. I knorv my days of beine so encumbered are nurnbered. $ll M.yb. that's r.vhy it's a load I gladty cxry. Zl Blri $tt'i rri il i i ]i : : l ZELLERS FA]\IILY [,lAG AZ\NE FALL 2OO1 37