More info and flyer on page 11
More info and flyer on page 11
fo n i e Mor lyer f and e 11 g a p n o R10 Benefit Run for Central Ohio Homeless Veterans 9.10.2016 R14 Toy Run, Findlay 9.17.2016 R0 Veteran's Outreach 9.17.2016 R8 Halloween Spooktacular 10.15.2016 R9 Franklin Co Toy Run & Silent Auction 11.12.2016 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Region Directors and County Coordinators **State Deputy Directors: A: Tim “TJ” Johnson 330-360-7752 (**Legend is beside Map below) C: Kolman Fuzy 614-332-0198 Region Zero Barbara Tittle 330-677-1845 DD-Jamie Hart 330-766-2110 Columbiana County Open Mahoning County Jeff Beatty 330-647-8420 Portage/Summit Counties Open Stark County Open Trumbull County Jeff Beatty 330-647-8420 Region 01 Vickie Rayl DD OPEN Belmont County Lee Irwin Harrison County Jefferson County Larry Dobbins, Sr. Monroe County 417-737-4874 740-310-0992 Open 740-765-4825 Open Region 02 “Smoke” James 740-819-0645 DD ‘Terry Billy 740-672-3886 Coshocton County Open Guernsey County Brenda Foraker Licking County Open Holmes County Open Knox County Open Muskingum County Terry Billy 740-872-3686 Region 03 Mark Davis Allen County Dana Frost Auglaize County Logan County Jack Linet Mercer County Paulding County Putnam County Donna Schimmoller Shelby County Van Wert County 419-235-7581 419-229-0982 Open 937-539-0941 Open Open 419-453-3890 Open Open Region 04 Ruby Worchuck 419-256-2560 Defiance County Open Fulton County Art “Rabbi” Miller Jr. 419-335-1185 Henry County Don Buehrer 419-579-4878 Williams County Wendell Humphrey 419-459-4752 Region 05 Tim Kaelin 513-561-4745 DD Denny Wichert 513-410-1930 Adams/Brown County Open Cler/Butler/Ham/War Co’s. Open Clinton County Open Fayette County Highland County Open Open Region 06 Dave Griffin 937-381-7483 DD-Keith Kittle 937-489-6920 Champaign/Clark Counties Lawrence Taylor 937-626-6958 Darke / Miami Counties Jerry Brewer 937-337-2351 Greene County Lawrence Taylor 937-626-6958 Montgomery County Open Preble County Open Region 07 Claude Schindorff DD– Paul Baskey Erie County ‘Huron County Lucas County Ottawa County Nate Monday Sandusky County Bill “Grease” Willer Seneca County Claude Schindorff Wood County 419-619-2834 567-280-2357 Open Open Open 567-219-1269 419-665-2068 419-619-2834 Open Region 08 Tim Cordray 740-269-1213 DD: Rusty Pierce 330-340-8882 Carroll County Charlie Woods 740-946-0911 Stark County Terry West 330-455-8287 Tuscarawas County Terry L Correll 330-243-1681 Region 09 Roger Wright DD Cynthia Piper Delaware County Franklin County Pat Lytle Madison County Pickaway County Jeff Bowersock Pike, Ross & Scioto Counties Union County B: Paul Rayl 417-737-1314 D: Jim Sprague 419-680-8584 Athens County Lawrence County Gallia County Jackson County Meigs County Washington County Open Open Open Open Open Open Region 12 Charles ‘Jason’ Jones 440-261-1122 Ashtabula County Charles ‘Jason’ Jones 440-261-1122 Cuyahoga County Open Geauga County Open Lake County Open Lorain County Wayne Snyder Medina County Garret Robison Richland County Deborah Stephens Wayne County Cowboy Whitman 440-774-2566 330-278-2714 419-689-9459 330-567-3127 STATE OFFICE 800-25-BIKER / 614-319-3644 Region 14 Pete Barnes DD-Jason Smith Crawford County Craig Gubernath Hancock County Ed Schetter Hardin County Jeremy Billenstein Marion County Rocky Hunt Morrow County Guy Campo Wyandot County Lisa Barnes Region 16 Cowboy Whitman DD–Wayne Snyder Ashland County Wayne Snyder Holmes County Cowboy Whitman 419-722-9941 740-802-8702 State Board Members are Listed on Page 5 419-563-4861 419-937-4341 740-360-0760 614-560-9229 419-512-4270 419-294-8066 330-567-3127 440-774-2566 440-774-2566 Region Directors and County Coordinators NOTE: Updates should be sent to: [email protected] ~ AND ~ [email protected] 330-567-3127 614-286-7676 614-747-0788 Open 614-296-2857 Open 614-306-2570 Open Open Region 10 Chris Weil DD-Chris Long Hocking County Fairfield County Perry County Vinton County Morgan County Noble County 614-975-1901 614-206-1742 Open Open Open Open Open Open Region 11 Call State office 800-25-BIKER OutSpokin’ See List Above **St. Deputy Director Areas: A: R’s Zero, 8, 12 & 16 B: R’s 1, 2, 10 &11 C: R’s 9,5 & 6 D: R’s 3, 4, 7, & 14 3 State Officer Reports: COB Corner, Jim Elgin Executive Director, Ed Schetter Government Relations Director, Kohlman Fuzy Safety & Ed Director, Mike Stock Featured Articles: MRF Reports NCOM Biker News Bytes AMA News Ask Our Lawyer‐Rod Taylor Shootin' the Breeze, Bummer Flyers: Region 3 Toy Run Region Events Region Events Easyrider Rodeo Flyer Meeting Of The Minds 2016 Meeting Of The Minds 2016 Advertisers/Services ABATE of Ohio Legal Services Advertisers/Services (Con't.) 5 Rider Insurance 6 Ridin' On Magazine ‐ as supporter 7 Business Card Ads Geico Insurance 8 Law Offices of Ralph Buss Thunder Roads Mag Ad 9 Forms: 12 Look Twice Sign Order Form 13 14 Sustaining Supporter Information 24 Advertising Form BADATO Order Form Region News: 11 Regions Zero ‐ 3 18 19 Regions 4 ‐ 8 20 Region 9 ‐ 11 21 Region 12 ‐ 16 22 Miscellaneous: Region Map : Region Officers Business Information 2 Cleaning Out the Corral ‐ Classifieds Membership Application OutSpokin’ 10 23 26 30 31 34 8 35 36 38 27 28 29 32 3 5 34 40 4 September and we have had Kolman Fuzy step up and fill the void left by Scot “Woody” Wood as Interim State ABATE Government Relations Director. The of Ohio, Inc. Issue was decided at our July State Board of Directors Meeting with a hotly COB Corner contested race between Barbara Tittle, Jim “SNAFU” Elgin Region Zero Director and Kolman Fuzy, Chairman of the Board State Deputy Director C. Kolman started his career with ABATE of Ohio, Inc. as a Region Legislative Officer and Barbara Started her career with ABATE of Ohio, Inc. as the Ohio MRF Representative, both very strong and experienced Lobbyist, who with the cooperation of all Region Government Relations Officers can maintain the presence and influence we have enjoyed in the Ohio Statehouse, built by many over the years and especially by all the hard work and victories Woody put into the job during his tenure. Thank You Kolman and Barbara for stepping up to the take on one of the most important Departments in our State Motorcycle Rights Organization. And Kolman wasted not one minute getting his Lobby License and setting up and keeping a most aggressive meet and greet agenda to reintroduce himself to Ohio Legislators at all levels. Membership, is reaching critical levels. We have made every cut possible in the State Office and still keep the doors open. We need to sell ourselves and gain more Members. We set up the State Products Trailer at many large Motorcycle Venues in the State of Ohio, each year to try to educate the Public as to who we are and what we do for the Motorcycle Community. Regions set up at bike nights around the State and a handful of Members do a remarkable job gaining new Members at these events but just think if each and every one of us did the same thing every time we encountered a fellow rider in our Dailey Travels. Make sure you always have a few applications on you so you can be the next “Top Member Getter”, Tina Levengood, Region 8, has held the Title for a few years, time for every Member to get after it and give her a run for the Title United We Stand, Jim “SNAFU” Elgin [email protected] ABATE of Ohio, Inc. ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) of Ohio, Inc. is a 501 (c)(4) "Not for Profit" organization. Dues, donations/contributions, event funds and ABATE products are NOT tax deductible as a charitable contribution. ABATE is dedicated to preserving the rights, improving the image and promoting the safe operating practices of Ohio motorcyclists. ABATE of Ohio, Inc. events are subject to a thirty percent administration fee. Membership in ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is open to all persons 18 years and older, having an interest in preserving personal freedoms and sharing our goals. Owning a motorcycle is not necessary. Annual dues are $30 single, $50 couple. ======================================== STATE OFFICE INFO Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1658, Hilliard, Ohio 43026 Street Address: 3999 Parkway Lane #11, Hilliard, Ohio 43026 1-800-25-BIKER or 614-319-3644. (local) Fax: 614-319-4715 (call ahead) Office Hours: Monday Thru Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm email: [email protected] The ABATE of Ohio, Inc. newsletter, OutSpokin’, is published monthly. Deadline is the first of each month preceding the issue month. Guidelines for material publication: You may submit letters, photos, articles about ABATE related events. Stories and articles about motorcycling are also welcome. Each are accepted on a case by case basis. We will not accept slanderous or accusing letters, profanities, or non-ABATE related letters. Advertising Information: 800-25-BIKER, e-mail: [email protected] ABATE of Ohio, Inc., reserves the right to refuse any advertising or display that we deem to be inappropriate, obscene, or otherwise unsuitable for publication. Display of business names, advertisements or supporters is not and shall not be construed as an endorsement by ABATE of Ohio, Inc. of any business listed. Ad form pg 36 or request one by email to [email protected] ======================================== STATE BOARD MEMBERS ABATE of Ohio: State of Ohio: AMA: MRF: NCOM: OMTA: OutSpokin’ Chairman of the Board: Jim Elgin Ohio ABATE PAC Chairman: Ed Schetter ABATE Foundation Chair: Jim Sprague Ex Officio Officer: Mike Noe Executive Director: Ed Schetter Treasurer: Kim Chafin Secretary: Cindy Balach Deputy Directors: A: TJ Johnson - B: Paul Rayl C: Kolman Fuzy - D: Jim Sprague State Security Dir.: John Shankster State Products: OPEN State News Dir.: Lisa Barnes, Int /Diane Thompson Government Relations Dir.: Kolman Fuzy Safety & Ed. Director: Mike Stock State Events Director: Bill Balach Technical Director: Tim “TJ” Johnson Office Staff: Chris Winchester Ohio MRF Rep: Robin Biltz Pickens NCOM Rep: Larry Morgan 5 Wow, here it is September already. Planning is started on Toy Runs and ABATE the other Fall ac‐ of Ohio, Inc. tivities. The Buck‐ eyes will kick off Executive Director their season while Ed we are set up at “Enjoying the Ride” the Easyriders Ro‐ Schetter deo in Chillicothe (by the way any of you going stop by the booth and volunteer for a little while, it would be much appreciated.) Then it will be time to pack up and head for Meeting of the Minds in Oklahoma. This one really helps re‐ charge the old batteries. I’m beginning to think the best about it being Sep‐ tember is we are starting to see an end in sight to the political season. I have never seen it this goofy, as I touched on in my June article. To start with I am not endorsing any candidate. I don’t care who you vote for: the right or left side of the aisle, a third party candidate or Kermit the frog (yes, there is a puppet joke there but I’ll leave telling jokes to the comedians.) Do your research on their positions on the issues important to you. Do your research from credible sources. Then cast the educated vote your conscience tells you to. There is no such thing as a wasted vote that way. The goofiness I am talking about is the complete polarization of people today. Don’t get me wrong, I under‐ stand the passion for an issue (mine should be pretty clear based on where you are reading this.) But, the opinions of the far sides of the issues are causing such a divide fueled by the media. Both traditional and social medias are guilty of this. We have watched the discussion degenerate from: “I respect your opinion, now please listen to mine” To: “I cannot agree with you and here is why I feel like I do” To: “You are wrong and I’ll tell you why you are wrong’ To: “You are stupid, and your side is stupid, and you live in a stupid house with a stupid dog” (no dogs were actually made stupid for the writing of this article) I have seen this happen in many blogs and forums. Not only with the motorcycle rights groups but many others. Dividing those that came together for a love of something and letting issues that have nothing to do with that thing break the group up into smaller groups. I once heard it said that, “Righteous indignation is so invigorating.” Yes it may feel good to stand up and make a very pointed statement that leaves no room to turn back or compromise. I have a feeling after this very; very negative election cycle is over there are going to be rifts in many organizations. Let’s make sure that it doesn’t create divide here. No, we are not all going to agree on everything. We are not always going to be in a great big sunny kumbaya position. But we are all bikers with a passion for motorcycling. We can’t forget that and let other issues tear us apart. When we are fighting with each other we can’t fight with the enemy. We need to stand together as one, Brothers and Sisters standing strong. Remember: once this crazy election is over, there will be a new legislature seated and we have work to get done. Enjoying the Ride, Ed Schetter Executive Director ABATE of Ohio Inc. [email protected] OutSpokin’ 6 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Government Relations Director Kolman Fuzy Hello All: This is a report to inform you of some of my activi‐ ties since I was elected to the interim position of Government Relations Director. I have been duly registered as a lobbyist and can now legally lobby on behalf of ABATE of Ohio. I have begun the process of reaching out to Reps. Landis, Henne, Green and other Reps known to be in our corner. I have had meetings with Reps. Henne and Green and, also, with Council‐ man Michael Stinziano of Columbus. There will be updates of these meetings ,and others I am scheduling, at the Septem‐ ber board meeting and on the State website. Please, stay tuned. Here in Columbus, one topic to be discussed will be the $50 million grant received by Columbus from the federal government to implement smart car transportation technol‐ ogy. Columbus beat out seven other cities to win this grant. However, there was no mention of motorcycles in any of the eight proposals. Obviously, motorcycles need to be included, and I plan on having that conversation with Councilman Stin‐ ziano, and to make contact with whoever is in charge of im‐ plementing the proposal. Another area of attention is the re‐ emergence of Vision Zero. This concept, origination in the late nineties in Sweden, had the laudable intent of reducing fatali‐ ties to zero. This is a lofty goal. The implementation of which is a concern to motorcyclists because of the author’s state‐ ment that vision Zero and motorcycles were incompatible, and , therefore, “motorcycles must go”. The author recanted that statement later. The concern remains that, as with smart car and V2V technology, Vision Zero must also include motor‐ cycles. As more and more cities in the US start to implement versions of Vision Zero, we MUST have a seat at that table. Also, in Washington, a legislative measure was in‐ troduced that addresses concerns about the profiling of mo‐ torcyclists: H. Res. 831. This is an excellent beginning, now additional co‐sponsors need to be secured and a similar bill needs to be introduced in the Senate. Please contact your legislators regarding this matter, and watch for further up‐ dates. To all Region Directors and Legislative Coordinators and to all members, please contact me if you have any ques‐ tions, concerns, comments or any issues you feel need to be addressed. I value and seek you input. I can be contacted at : [email protected] or 614‐332‐0198. Value your right to ride, fight to keep it, please do not take it for granted. Ride Free, Respectfully, Kolman Fuzy [email protected] 614‐322‐0198 Section 14: Qualifications for the State Products Director. The minimum qualifications for the State Products Director are: A.) Ability to control, distribute, market and maintain the state product inventory. B.) Ability to monitor product sales and inventory at the re‐ gion and county levels. C.) Ability to legally transport the state product trailer as needed. D.) Ability to develop new products. E.) Ability to recognize proper inventory levels based on sales history. F.) Ability to develop and maintain a list of recommended product suppliers. G.) Ability to record, maintain, organize and distribute accu‐ rate product records. H.) Ability to handle all methods of payment in a responsible manner. I.) Ability to safeguard the product inventory against theft, damage or loss. If interested, please contact the state office at 1‐800‐25‐BIKER or OutSpokin’ 7 . Hi Friends, We are in trouble with fatalities. At this rate we will ABATE surpass last year and of Ohio, Inc. we will be the center of Safety & Education attention to all who Director think they can fix it. We as Bikers can and Mike Stock need to fix it ourselves. In 2015 we had 2111 crashes and 84 fatalities and now in 2016 we have (as of 8/1/2016) 1948 crashes and 93 fatalities. At this time we can study 80 of these: 16 were trained and 11 of these were at fault, 10 were passengers and 1 was a 3-wheeler. Then we need to look at helmet use because the people that think they know what will fix things think helmets will, but 45% were wearing helmets. The last figure that we need to look at is in 54% of fatalities, the motorcyclist was in error. Now we have the facts but what will fix it? One thing that would help is if everyone would take a Motorcycle Training Course. In Ohio we have Motorcycle Ohio. For $50.00 you can take their training course. Some say that the beginner’s course is a waste of time because they already know how to ride. Yes you do, but there are things over the years that we don’t practice anymore and the training brings them back to being a habit. There are also advanced courses and even a one day course. For those that have been riding on a temporary permit for years, you will have your endorsement at the end of the course. Being trained can and will fix a big percent of our crashes. Fix crashes and fatalities will come down. Just so you know, I personally have taken the beginner’s course 3 times, and each time have learned something new. Most of us have two more months of riding. At the end of October we stop riding and go into winter mode. Some of us keep going until they put salt down on the road. I don’t ride until the rain washes it off. Start thinking about getting your bike ready for this time of the year. It’s probably time for a fresh oil change. If you have an oil cooler, find your covers and put them on for the cold weather. If you have an open air cleaner, find the socks that cover it. And check those tires because you need good traction this time of year. I just had to put on a new front tire and I can tell you from experience, tire installation is much cheaper at home than on the road. Don’t forget to get out your cold weather gear that you haven’t had to wear lately. Make sure it is ready to go. Most of the time it takes about two weeks to get a zipper put in. It is great to ride for as long as we can and with the right gear and a well maintained bike, it can be Fun. I have been getting around Ohio visiting different party and runs. It seems that many of the events are getting smaller and many of these small riding groups rely on these events to support them for the year. One of these small clubs in the Toledo area was my first organized ride. I still go back and do their events. Not as many as I would like but it helps. At the same time I went on my first organized ride, I had to join AMA because back then all rides were sanctioned and insured by AMA. Today we all go on runs and some are not insured. This is not good. If you are involved with the organization of a run, or know who is, please make sure they get insurance. Some of the fatalities I talked about earlier happen on these runs, and insurance protects the organizers. ABATE of Ohio Inc. is an organization, not a club. We do not require you to come to meetings, but we do require that you stay informed about motorcycling, as we are “Dedicated to the Preservation of Motorcycling”. It’s the same idea as in guns where you have the NRA, an origination to inform gun owners of their rights. ABATE works through legislation to keep motorcycling FREE and inform you on any laws that may hinder your way of riding. In our Magazine you can find articles on what is going on with our lawmakers, information on motorcycle safety and education, information on insurance issues and fliers for events going on around the state. To become a member you can go online,, or call 1-800-25BIKER. We do take credit cards. I want everyone to stay responsible and ride with care; remember that DISTRACTED DRIVERS ARE EVERYWHERE!! Always look ahead and know where you can go to avoid a hazard and ride SMART. Ride With In your Limits Mike Stock Safety and Education Director 419‐654‐5446 [email protected] OutSpokin’ 8 MRF NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 510 Washington, DC 20002-4980 202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) there had reportedly been 27 crashes and four minor injuries. For more information, please contact the National High‐ way Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1‐888‐327‐ 4236, see, or con‐ tact [email protected]. August, 8, 2016 This morning I was alerted that the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) has published concerning information and research regarding helmet laws and appears to be pushing for states to consider pursuing these laws in the 2017‐2018 legislative sessions. For background, the NCSL acts almost like an Association of state lawmakers. They hold regular events and conferences con‐ necting lawmakers from different states offering them a forum and support to discuss different legislative objectives. I am quite familiar with the NCSL as I worked with them in my previous position. They are a powerful entity. Recently, the NCSL published independent research on their website regarding motorcycle helmet laws – see below:‐of‐fiscal‐ notes‐connected‐to‐motorcycle‐helmet‐legislation.aspx Currently, the NCSL is holding their biggest annual confer‐ ence in Chicago. It is troubling that this research is published so close to the conference and could signify that this is an area that will be of focus. Often times the conference serves as the forum to plant seeds for states to consider pursuing different legislative projects. It appears a push for a strong universal helmet law is one of these projects. I have a personal contact that is currently attending the conference in Chicago. I have reached out to him and he is going to attend any briefings on this issue as well as connect with the author of the post and probe her motivations. I will report back what I find. Megan Ekstrom Vice‐President, Government Affairs & Public Relations Motorcycle Riders Foundation 1325 G Street N.W. Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: (202) 725‐5471 MMA Safety Alert: Harley‐Davidson 2016 Hydraulic Clutch Recall FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association alerts all rid‐ ers that due to a defect in the hydraulic clutch master cylinder, Harley ‐Davidson is recalling 27,232 certain model year 2016 motorcy‐ cles. Information published indicates that “when the engine is running and the motorcycle is in gear, if the clutch cannot be fully disengaged, the motorcycle may move unexpectedly, increasing the risk of a crash.” Related documentation notes that the hydraulic clutch sys‐ tem with black master cylinder part numbers 36700049B, 36700056B, 36700146 and 36700186 on certain model year 2016 Touring and Softail model motorcycles may exhibit the defect. The apparent cause of the problem is a chemical reaction inside the sealed clutch system creates gas bubbles which may cause loss of clutch lift. A warning sign that the problem may occur is de‐ scribed in the recall documents: “In vehicles in which this condition is present, the customer may notice a large amount of “free play” in the clutch lever when they first squeeze the clutch after being parked for an extended period of time.” To remedy the issues, Harley‐Davidson has issued a recall of the following motorcycle models: Electric Glide Ultra Classic (FLHTCU), Electra Glide Ultra Classic Low (FLHTCUL), Ultra Limited Low (FLHTKL), Ultra Limited (FLHTK), CVO Street Glide (FLHXSE), Street Glide (FLHX), Street Glide Special (FLHXS), Road Glide Special (FLTRXS), Road Glide (FLTRX), Police Electra Glide (FLHTP), Road Glide Ultra (FLTRU), Fat Boy S (FLSTFBS), Softail Slim S (FLSS), and CVO Softail Pro Street Breakout (FXSE) motorcycles. Harley‐Davidson will notify owners, and dealers will in‐ spect the clutch master cylinder for the presence of gas in the fluid, if so, the dealer will flush the clutch system and rebuild the clutch mas‐ Fax: (202) 546-0986 ter cylinder, free of charge. The recall began July 25, 2016. Owners may contact Harley‐Davidson customer service at 1‐800‐258‐2464. Harley‐Davidson’s number for this recall is 0169. Owners may also check their VIN number here: http://www.harley‐‐d/en_US/home/ owners/maintain‐your‐bike/service‐recalls.html Harley‐Davidson had two prior hydraulic clutch defect recalls. The first in October 2013, affecting 25,185 units, the second in 2015, affecting nearly 46,000 of its 2014 and 2015 Electra Glide, Street Glide, Ultra Limited, Road Glide and Road King motorcycles. As of that recall, OutSpokin’ 9 ABATE OF OHIO, INC. REGION 3 Sunday September 25th, 2016 Allen County Fairgrounds Harding Highway, Lima, Ohio Doors Open at 10:00 am Bikes Leave at 12:00 pm Noon $15.00 per Person or $10.00 a Person with New Toy Music & Food while it lasts!!! For information Call: 419-230-4969 or 419-235-7581 ABATE OF OHIO, INC IS A 501(C) 4 “NOT FOR PROFIT” ORGANIZATION Proceeds Local Charities & ABATE of Ohio, Inc. THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit CONGRESS TO CONSIDER ANTI‐MOTORCYCLE PROFILING RESOLUTION House Resolution 831 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on July 13, 2016 to “Promote awareness of motorcycle profiling and encourage collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling.” The non‐binding resolution defines motorcycle profiling as “the arbitrary practice of law enforcement using the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle related apparel as a factor in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a person or vehicle with or without legal basis under the United States Constitution,” and cites complaints surrounding motorcycle profiling in all 50 states. The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is working with other state and national motorcycle organizations to address profiling legislatively, and with Washington enacting the first anti‐profiling law in 2011, followed recently by Maryland, a national motorcycle anti‐profiling measure would advance the efforts in every state. H.Res.831 specifies that the House of Representatives: (1) promotes increased public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling; (2) encourages collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement to engage in efforts to end motorcycle profiling; and (3) urges State law enforcement officials to include statements condemning motorcycle profiling in written policies and training materials. H.Res.831, introduced by Congressmen Reid Ribble (R‐WI) and Tim Walberg (R‐MI), has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, and concerned motorcyclists are encouraged to contact their federal representatives to support the bill. MARINE CORPS PROHIBITS “GANG COLORS OR SYMBOLS” ON CAMP PENDLETON “Open and visible association with supremacist, extremist, or criminal gangs, to include outlaw motorcycle gangs, by individuals aboard Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton (Calif.) poses a criminal and security threat; inhibits the mission of MCB CamPen; interferes with the loyalty, morale, good order, and discipline of MCB CamPen personnel; and discredits the reputation of the installation and the United States Marine Corps,” states MCIWEST‐MCB CAMPEN ORDER 5530.2 dated 30 June 2016, and orders that “…the wearing or displaying of supremacist, extremist or criminal gang colors and symbols by any person aboard MCB CamPen is hereby prohibited.” Effective upon the date of signature, the order from Brigadier General Edward Banta, commanding general of Camp Pendleton, is pursuant to an earlier directive in which “the Secretary of Defense was directed to prescribe regulations prohibiting active participation by members of the Armed Forces in a criminal street gang.” In compiling their “list of ‘outlaw’ motorcycle clubs/gangs whose conduct is prohibited,” among the twenty enumerated clubs named are the Legacy/Vietnam Vets, Boozefighters and Iron Order, and “Therefore, wearing identifying gang symbols or colors of clothing (to include motorcycle vests) associated with these organizations is prohibited.” YELP CENSORS CHRISTIAN BIKERS In a July 18th e‐mail feedback from internet business review giant Yelp, the Yelp Support Team in San Francisco informed the elder of a Christian motorcycle group that his review of a coffee shop had been removed after it “was brought to our attention by the Yelp community, and we found that it fell outside our Content Guidelines…” which were attached. The offending post? “Removed Content: The Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry is a Christian clean and sober group. We meet there (The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf) because they just serve great coffee with a great group of baristas, and a clean and neat facility and no political agenda like Starbucks. Pastor Tom BFC M/M State Elder” REGISTERING “AUTOCYCLES” AS MOTORCYCLES IN NEW JERSEY; VETO S‐1155 Despite lobbying efforts launched by ABATE of the Garden State, the New Jersey state Senate and Assembly disregarded input from motorcyclists and approved a bill that will register so‐called “Autocycles” (typically a 3‐wheeled vehicle with a (Continued on Page 15, NCOM Biker Newsbytes ) OutSpokin’ 12 State News National and Regional News WASHINGTON, D.C. – Several members of the U.S. House of Representatives sent letters to the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Department of Transportation urging the agencies to align their priorities before establishing rules for the 5.9 GHZ wireless spectrum and the use of Dedicated Short-Range Communications in vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. One of those writing–U.S. Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (D-Ore.), the ranking member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure–said “the congestion management opportunities of DSRC are of critical importance to urban areas” and that any delay in implementing DSRC is not in the public interest. The American Motorcyclist Association supports reserving this bandwidth for the exclusive use of vehicle communications technology to help ensure that this promising safety feature is not compromised. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Interior Appropriations Bill that passed the House in July includes provisions that would prevent the listing of the sage-grouse as an endangered species and prohibit changes to federal resource management plans that are inconsistent with state management plans. The bill also includes a $78.5 million funding increase for the National Park Service targeted at park operations and maintenance to help reduce a maintenance backlog. And the bill includes language that prohibits the U.S. Bureau of Land Management from implementing its proposed “Planning 2.0” regulation until the agency provides additional time for public comment. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The bi-partisan bill to reopen the Clear Creek Management Area in California for recreational use passed the U.S. House in July. If enacted, the Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act (H.R. 1838) would direct the BLM to reopen the 75,000 acre Clear Creak Management Area in San Benito and Fresno counties for public recreational use, including access for off-road vehicles. It would also protect an additional 21,000 acres of BLM land adjacent to Clear Creek as the Joaquin Rocks Wilderness. Clear Creek was temporarily closed in 2008 to the public after an Environmental Protection Agency analysis laid out the perceived risk created by naturally occurring asbestos. H.R. 1838 instructs the BLM to develop a rigorous plan to minimize the risk from asbestos exposure and educate visitors about the naturally occurring asbestos. The BLM would also be required to develop ways to reduce the impact of off-road vehicles to protect the area’s habitat. SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A pilot program will bill drivers for each mile traveled, rather than charge a tax at the gas pump. Called “California Road Charge,” the program was authorized in 2015 under (SB) 1077 as a way to study the effectiveness of charging per mile travelled, instead of per gallon of fuel. About 5,000 volunteers will spend nine months reporting their driving mileage to the state or allowing the state to monitor their travels. The price per mile is 1.8 cents, which is the state’s estimate of the average revenue raised by the excise tax during the past five years. As cars become more fuel efficient, and as more electric vehicles enter the marketplace, fuel tax revenue declines, while needed road repairs continue apace. The pilot program is intended to determine whether charging per mile recaptures some of the revenue. More information about the program is available at TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. – The Johnson Valley Shared Use Area will close Aug. 14-21 for a week of training by the U.S. Marine Corps. The training exercises originally were to close the area from Aug. 1 through Aug. 30. The closure period includes the time required to ensure the Shared Use Area is clear of recreation activity before training begins and to confirm the land is clear of hazards before reopening the land for public access. The adjacent Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area will remain open to the public during the training. At the same time, the Marine Corps announced the next planned use of the Shared Use Area for military training for Aug. 1-30, 2017. BALTIMORE – State and local law enforcement agencies are taking action on the drastic rise in dirt-bike thefts in Baltimore and its immediate vicinity this year. Spurred by complaints from members of AMA District 7 and supported by AMA staff members, the Baltimore Police Department launched a Dirt Bike Task Force to address the issue of people illegally riding dirt bikes and ATVs on city streets. The task force also will tackle other crimes the scofflaws may be involved in, including gun crimes and vehicle thefts. Meanwhile, representatives of the AMA and AMA District 7 met with state law enforcement officials in July to discuss the ways thieves are finding dirt bikes to steal. Some District 7 members believe a well-organized crime ring is behind many of the thefts. CARSON CITY, Nev. – Nearly $900,000 in grant money is being awarded by the state Commission on Tourism to promote tourism in rural areas. Included is a $13,625 grant to Backcountry Discovery Routes, whose mission is to (Continued on Page 17– AMA News and Notes) OutSpokin’ 13 EDGE TRAPS ‐ TIS THE SEASON Charlie Henard, a long time ABATE/MSF instructor, called to report a dangerous construction defect near Anderson. The errant contractor had laid asphalt in the fast lane leaving a dangerously high edge next to the slow lane. As an instructor, Charlie taught hundreds to ride safely, including the proper way to deal with variant asphalt layers, railroad crossings and the like. All tough problems for the experienced ‐ really tough problems for the newbie. Charlie reminded me of the unusual phenomenon “edge traps”. That occurs when an uneven edge allows your front tire to cross, but your rear tire stays trapped along the edge. Probably helped by the fact that the front tire loses some angle as it goes over the edge, leaving the rear tire hitting the edge at a lesser angle ‐ bad. This event does not end well as most usually go down unless the rear tire eventually rides over the edge. If the edge gets higher probably not. If it re‐ cedes ‐ maybe. The mechanics of this problem lay in the an‐ gle of crossing ‐ the closer to 90 degrees the better, but you start out at 0 so how is that going to work when you are trav‐ eling at speed on the interstate? Here is Charlie’s Rule. Never cross a high edge unless you can hit it at 90 degrees or close thereto. How do you tell what “too high is”? Traveling at speed is not exactly the time or place to stop and measure. So the rule is “how lucky do you feel about crossing an edge at far less that 90 degrees? Char‐ lie’s conclusion: stay in the scrapped lane unless you can cross the edge at a 90 degree angle and a slowed speed. If you have to cross it because of an emergency ‐ how? Assuming the edge is to your left, swing as far right as you can to in‐ crease your angle of crossing and then hit it ‐ and hang on. And that is only if you have to ‐ like a Mack truck on your rear. RAISED MEDIANS ‐ ARE THEY WORTH IT ‐ OR ARE THEY KILL‐ ERS? Long time ABATE member Jerry Taylor alerted Ryan Hubbard and Bob Meyer as to the dangers of raised medians. At least two deaths in the Joliet area have been reported. Both in‐ volve motorcyclists hitting poorly marked medians at night. Jerry reports that Joliet is removing some "raised medians", because they are a danger to the motoring public. More on that later. Research claims that raised medians save lives ‐ mostly pedes‐ trian lives. If that is the case, raised medians should only be placed where there is significant pedestrian traffic ‐ right? And even there, what about flush medians? Otherwise medians can cause loss of control of any vehicle, but especially motor‐ cycles. Medians can kill, especially at night and particularly if not painted and maintained properly. The Office of Safety and Traffic Operations of the Federal Highway Administration received a study from Auburn Univer‐ sity citing the obvious, “when accidentally struck, curbs (medians) may cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle”. And what about visibility problems of “painted” medians, especially in adverse weather and when the paint markers outlive the design life? If medians are needed, how about flush medians? And those would work for all. At least they don’t kill. STANDARD CRASH ADVICE Q. Hello Rod, I'm an ABATE member from IL whom you have advised before. I was driving back to Chicago from FL when I was sideswiped by a white Honda. I was on I‐75 north of the junction where I‐475 (Macon) bypass rejoins I‐75 between exits 177 & 181. The road is 4 lanes and since I used the by‐ pass I was in the 3rd lane from the right when a white Honda passing on my left ran into my car just in front of the driver's door. I was going the speed limit and was able to maintain control of my SUV. The lady driving the sedan lost control and skidded across all four lanes and ended up in some trees down the ravine on the right side of the road. She was pretty dazed and confused, asking if she hit anyone, offering to pay my damages if we didn't need to call police or file in‐ surance. The witnesses had already called 911 and when the EMT arrived she complained of back pain, was pretty con‐ fused talking to the officer saying she was in the middle lane, but as he said, there is no middle lane it's a four lane highway. She was taken in the ambulance, I got her name and insur‐ ance info from the responding officer. I also have the number for 2 witnesses who saw the accident and stopped. Thankfully I was not injured. Is there anything I should be aware of be‐ fore filing with my insurance (State Farm) or her insurance (Grange Insurance). Thank you for advice, Melville A. Melville. Contact your agent and advise as to the OutSpokin’ (Continued on Page 16 - Ask Our Lawyer) 14 (Continued from Page 12- NCOM) steering wheel and cockpit) as motorcycles. As states across the country legislatively define Autocycles as a separate class of vehicle, and similar federal regulations loom, Trenton bucks the trend. “Both Houses have approved a version that will register Autocycles as Motorcycles,” writes ABATE of the Garden State in an e-mail request for legislative action, further disseminated through the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) to NCOM Member Groups; “The only hope is to convince the Governor that this is an inappropriate action so that he vetoes the bill.” Please address your concerns to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at [email protected], and ask that he veto S‐1155 (Regulates autocycles as motorcycles), because “Autocycles bear no resemblance to motorcycles and have more in common operationally with two‐seater sports cars,” and in addition “NHTSA is currently in the process of issuing a nationwide regulation that would mandate a completely new class of vehicle called ‘Autocycle’,” so “if S‐1155 is enacted it will have to be repealed to comply with the new federal regulation.” ABATE further explains; “This will cost the taxpayers of New Jersey a lot of unnecessary expenditures, and allow the misclassified Autocycles to avoid vehicle safety regulation in the interim.” MICHIGAN CITY MAKES IT EASIER TO TICKET LOUD MOTORCYCLES Royal Oak, Michigan is making it easier for police to ticket revving motorcycles, noisy cars and loud music. City Commissioners recently approved a new ordinance making it a civil infraction with a fine of up to $100 for vehicles to emit music, vibrations or noise that can be heard from 50 feet away or more. The Police Chief requested the ordinance amendment under the city’s disorderly conduct code that covers disturbing the peace and noise. Previously, such violations were a criminal misdemeanor, which have a higher burden of proof for police. The new measure adopted July 13, 2016 makes the noise violations a civil infraction with no criminal penalties and a lesser burden of proof to make violations stand up in court. With noise tickets being handled as criminal misdemeanors and requiring proof beyond a reasonable doubt, police have had a challenge stopping violators. “It’s above a seat belt violation but below a moving violation,” said the Chief of the civil infraction penalty, adding that the new local law will help police address public noise problems from motorcycles and other vehicles with after‐market upgrades and louder mufflers. Officers writing tickets for noise violations before the new change in the ordinance had to carry devices to measure decibel levels at the time the violations happened. Under the new measure, the City Attorney said it would be sufficient for officers to use the patrol vehicle cameras and outside microphones when issuing noise violations. SOUTH CAROLINA LAW RESTRICTS OPERATORS WITH BEGINNER’S PERMITS A person with a beginner’s permit in South Carolina is only allowed to operate a motorcycle solo between the hours of 6am and 6pm, and under the new traffic code changes “A permittee may not operate a motorcycle at any other time unless accompanied by a licensed motorcycle operator twenty ‐one years of age or older who has at least one year of driving experience.” S689, signed into law on June 7, 2106 by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a staunch supporter of motorcyclists’ rights and safety, further requires that the supervising driver must “be within a safe viewing distance of the permittee when the permittee is operating a motorcycle or a three‐wheeled vehicle.” FLASHING BRAKE LIGHTS NOW ALLOWED ON BIKES IN DELAWARE As promoted in the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles Motorcycle Operator Manual, it is recommended to motorcycle operators that they temporarily flash brake lights when stopping in order to increase visibility to other motorists. There are aftermarket products available that will automatically flash the brake lights up to five times, but such strobes have been illegal in the Delaware Code under the prohibition on flashing lights. House Bill No. 114, signed into law by Governor Jack Markell on June 9, 2016, amends the traffic code to now allow bikes to be equipped with this safety equipment “when included in a motorcycle, Moped, or Motorized Scooter brake light system in which the brake lamp pulses rapidly for no more than five (5) seconds when the brake is applied, and then converts to a continuous light as a normal brake lamp until the time that the brake is released.” BIKERS ARE MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN DRIVERS The results of a new research study in England finally validate what we all know to be true: motorcycle riders are more attractive than car drivers. The study, by U.K. insurance specialists Carole Nash, asked over 1000 adults to rate the looks of the opposite sex when dressed in normal attire and riding kit. The aim of the experiment was to try and change perceptions of motorcyclists and overturn any negative stereotypes. (Continued on Page 23-- NCOM Biker Newsbytes) OutSpokin’ 15 (Continued from Page 14 - Ask Our Lawyer, Taylor occurrence. If you have a crash report send it to him. Get your agent’s email address and confirm everything in writing and submit your damage claim to him. It is not your job to collect from the adverse insurance company. That is why you carry insurance for collision. Your insurance company will pay you and then collect from her insurance company. Remember ‐ it does not count unless it is in writing. If the adverse insur‐ ance company calls and wants a statement, do not give one. Instead offer to send him a cc of the crash report. If you agree with the crash report tell him. If this starts to go south, call me. Rod MY BUDDY JUST HIT ME Q. Rod. While riding last week, my buddy hit me from behind. My bike is trashed, but I escaped with minor injuries ‐ I think. Can I trust the insurance company to do the right thing with me? I also don't want the insurance company to give my friend a hard time. How should I handle this situation? A. Don't trust the insurance company to do the right thing. They are not on your side. Their job is to pay you as little money as they can. That said, the insurance company is moti‐ vated to settle your claim within reason. Separate the damage to your bike (property claim) from your personal injury claim. Your friend’s insurance company should fix your bike ASAP. If they want you to sign a release for the damage to your bike, make sure that release is for your property damage only. Bet‐ ter yet, send me a copy and I will make sure it is ok for you to sign. You are also entitled to damages for loss of use. Don't let them tell you that because you have other modes of transpor‐ tation that you are not entitled to loss of use, as that is not the law. As to your personal injury claim, make sure that your doctor has fully examined all of your injuries and that none are permanent. If that loss is minor, call me and I will give you some pointers. If the insurance company is unreasonable, tell them you are going to hire me. That usually gets them to deal fairly. If not, call me. gets narrower and the switchbacks get scarier. Some folks say that the Bighorn Basin was possibly the site of the greatest mammal explosion the world has ever seen. This is riding with knowledge, folks. As you shoot into Cody on the way to Yellowstone, there are beaucoup campsites that are reasonable and fit the bill for bikers. If you like guns, take in Buffalo Bill’s Museum. And if you don’t take in the Cody rodeo. People from all over the world flock to see this All‐American experience. Sitting behind us were Germans, to our left ‐ French, and to our right were a bunch of Scandinavians. The world comes to see us there as this event underscores our American image. But if anyone would have yelled “fire” few would have understood. As you come out of the rodeo, hang a right. It takes you straight to the Yellowstone gate. What will strike you is the size of the park. It is at least 60x70 miles so calling it a “park” is misleading as it is bigger than some states. Call ahead for campsites (I was not so smart) and live in paradise. You can be just like Jim Bridger, Kit Carson and Jeremiah Johnson for at least one night. You can’t get enough of “Old Faithful.” It is more impressive than I imagined. Some say that it is part of a super volcano that it will erupt like no other volcano has in the last few mil‐ lion years. When it does, they claim that ash from the volcano will go all the way to Delaware Street in Indianapolis. But don’t fret, as that is not supposed to happen for a few more million. As you leave paradise, you are joining the likes of Teddy Roosevelt and just about anybody that was somebody in the world. And they and you will say that there is no other place like it. Do it and do it again, before you die. (Continued on Page 25 - Ask Our Lawyer) YELLOWSTONE, US 14, AND THE BIGHORN MOUNTAINS THE ROAD TO PARADISE ‐ RIDE IT BEFORE YOU DIE While out in Sturgis once, I had the chance to ride Yellowstone and took U.S. 14 to get there. That road was built in 1926 to get the hordes of Ford Model A’s there in good style. It goes from Chicago and follows I‐90. I call it the road to paradise. If it ever had an Indian name, that has to be it. I used to suffer under the illusion that all U.S. highways could have no more than an 8% grade. Not so! If you want a riding experience that will test your skills, ride U.S. 14 into Yellow‐ stone. Coming from the East, cut through Sheridan, Wyoming and head to Burgess Junction. A few miles out of the Junction, you will be treated to some of the best riding and scenery God ever made as you are smack dab in the center of the Bighorn Mountains. Once you get to the top and start the downhill slide, stop at the only rest area on the way down and take a moment to collect your skills ‐ you will need it as old U.S. 14 OutSpokin’ 16 (Continued from Page 13 - AMA News and Notes) establish off‐highway routes for dual‐sport and adventure motorcycle travel and promote the Nevada Backcountry Discovery Route. Funding will help pay for a feature‐length documentary, website development and maintenance, advertising and more. conservation and non‐motorized recreation organizations were eliminated. The law, which also establishes a second grant cycle each year, becomes effective Sept. 1. Industry News IRVINE, Calif. – Andria Yu, former front page editor for USA Today, has joined the Motorcycle Industry Council as its SANTA FE, N.M. – The Santa Fe National Forest is seeking public input on revising its management plan, which will guide director of communications. A motorcyclist for 15 years, Yu worked with USA Today for 10 years. Yu plans to work on the forest strategies for the next 10 to 15 years. In conjunction East Coast for easier access to New York media, according to with the plan, the U.S. Forest Service is preparing an an MIC press release. Environmental Impact Statement. The revised forest plan will reflect changes in economic, social and ecological conditions, SAN FRANCISCO – Scoot, an electric‐scooter sharing network new policies and priorities and new information based on founded in 2011, is adding 300 scooters to its 400‐scooter fleet monitoring and scientific research since the current forest plan this year. The company allows people to find nearby scooters, was approved in 1987. The Santa Fe National Forest is use their smartphones to unlock one and ride anywhere for $4 soliciting public comment on the preliminary needs for change. each half hour. The company claims 10,000 enrolled users. Comments received by Aug. 17 will be analyzed and used to develop the revised Forest Plan and draft EIS. Comments may be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to Santa International News Fe National Forest, Attn: Forest Plan, 11 Forest Lane, Santa Fe, CANBERRA, Australia – A yearlong trial program will allow NM, 87508. Public input will become part of the project motorcyclists to park three bikes in a single parking space. The record. Forest personnel expect to complete the draft EIS and program is part of the local government’s vehicle emissions revised forest plan by the summer of 2017 and the final EIS reduction plan. The motorcycles must be parked in a way that and revised forest plan by the fall of 2018. For additional allows others to enter and exit the space. The trial began July information on the Forest Plan Revision contact the Forest 1. Plan Revision Team at (505) 438‐5442, by email to [email protected] or visit the Forest Plan Revision BERLIN – The German government wants black boxes in self‐ website. driving cars and would require that a “driver” would have to remain seated at the controls at all times, according to a Reuters report. The black boxes, which record data about the ST. PAUL, Minn. – More than 400 miles of new off‐road‐ vehicle trails are planned between the shores of Lake Superior speed and operation of a vehicle, would be an aid in and the North Dakota border. Called the Border‐to‐Border Off‐ determining responsibility when a crash occurs. The proposal Road Vehicle Trail (B2B), the route will link existing state and from the transport ministry came in response to the fatal crash of a Tesla Motors Inc. Model S car while it operated in national forest roads—as well as township roads, minimum‐ autopilot mode. maintenance roads and connecting spurs—that any vehicle with an off‐road vehicle sticker will be able to use. The state Department of Natural Resources joined with the National Off‐ AMA News Highway Vehicle Conservation Council and the Minnesota Four Wheel Drive Association on the project. Discussion will begin PICKERINGTON, Ohio – The U.S. Environmental Protection soon on goals and timelines. More information is available at Agency should stop increasing the amount of required ethanol in the nation's fuel supply and, instead, should lower the border_to_border_trail.html or from Mary Straka, DNR Parks Renewable Volume Obligations for 2017. That was the and Trails Division, (651) 259‐5644, [email protected]. message the AMA and 18,162 motorcyclists, all‐terrain‐vehicle owners and others sent on July 11, the deadline for commenting on the proposed 2017 RVOs. The EPA proposal, HARRISBURG, Pa. – A new law removes vehicle registration part of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard, call for 18.8 money paid by all‐terrain‐vehicle owners from the revenue billion gallons of biofuel for 2017, up from 18.11 billion gallons generated by snowmobile registrations and designates the this year. The obligations for 2015 were 16.93 billion gallons. ATV money solely for ATV projects. The Pennsylvania Off‐ All concerned individuals are urged to visit the AMA Action Highway Vehicle Association supported the bill, which the Center to find and contact their representatives about this governor signed in July. In addition, the bill redefines the issue. composition of the snowmobile/ATV advisory committee, adding a representative each from the state Department of Community and Economic Development and the Pennsylvania Economic Development Association. The two seats allotted to (Continued on Page 33 - AMA News and Notes) OutSpokin’ 17 OutSpokin’ 18 OutSpokin’ 19 12 OutSpokin’ 20 Preregistration and details can be found on page 22 OutSpokin’ 21 OutSpokin’ 22 (Continued from page 15– NCOM Biker Bytes) Another European capital city has committed to hitting riders of older motorcycles with a fee in an attempt to improve EU air quality. In five out of six cases, members of the public dressed as motorcyclists were voted as more desirable than when dressed as drivers. It’s not just levels of attractiveness which Recently, Paris announced a ban on motorcycles made be‐ came out in the bikers’ favor, because riders are also seen to fore 1999 from certain parts of the city during the day. Viola‐ tors of the ban face a €35 (US $40) fine. The French capital have more positive personality traits ‐ people who own a has some of the worst air pollution in the world, and the motorcycle are viewed as adventurous by a third of the op‐ thinking behind the new law is that older motorcycles will posite sex (34%), closely followed by daring (28%) and fun not have been built to meet Euro emissions standards and (26%). are therefore inclined to pollute disproportionately. The research also revealed that “one in four blokes would London, too, is desperate to reduce its pollution levels, which pretend they owned a motorbike to impress a woman and almost a third (31%) said they’d go the whole way and learn are consistently in violation of EU regulations. Within the first week of 2016, London exceeded its pollution limit for to ride one if they knew it would impress a potential part‐ the entire year. ner.” GOLDWING AIRBAG RECALL The British capital has long had a daily congestion charge ‐‐ Recall, after recall, after recall, one thing has remained concurrently set at £11.50 (US $17) ‐‐ to discourage cars from stant in the Takata airbag quagmire: The disaster has been entering the heart of the city. Motorcycles and scooters confined to the four-wheeled realm. Not any longer, as the have hitherto been exempt from the charge, but plans are in Honda Goldwing, the first and so far the only motorcythe works to start charging two‐wheeled vehicles made be‐ cle equipped with an airbag from the factory, has now been fore 2007, when Euro 3 emissions standards were first ap‐ recalled. plied to motorcycles. The gist of the recall is the same, two wheels or four ‐‐ Ta‐ London motorcyclists have known about this and were ex‐ kata's airbag inflators can rupture, potentially propelling pecting to see the charge applied when London introduces its shards of metal shrapnel at the vehicle's occupants. Or in new Ultra Low Emission Zone in 2020, but it is now being this case, the motorcycle riders. reported that the charge could be implemented as soon as next year, and concerned riders have expressed anger at the A total of 2,701 motorcycles are involved in this recall, span‐ possibility of a sped‐up schedule. ning the 2006 through 2010 model years, and only in certain regions. Only Goldwings sold or operated in areas with high QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Posterity! You will never know how humidity or frequent temperature cycling are being recalled much it cost the present generation to preserve your free‐ at this time. dom! I hope you will make good use of it! If you do not, I shall repent it in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to LONDON SET TO SURCHARGE OLDER MOTORCYCLES preserve it!” OutSpokin’ 23 “Hello Hello Hello... Is there anybody in there?” I was looking for something in my garage the other day when my hot little friend Jackie dropped in to visit and she busted me for doing something we all do but is best done when nobody is watching due to the fact that it’s so embar‐ rassing and by its very nature, private: She caught me talking to myself. Most, if not all of us, might say something like, “OH SHIT!” or, “Well THAT figures.” aloud whether or not anyone else is around if something unexpectedly bad happens. Asking things like, “Now where did I put that?”, or “What do I want for din‐ ner?” is probably just as common too, but the difference here is you’re asking a question so that constitutes the beginning of an actual conversation. If you answer that question with something like, “Well I don’t know... what’s in the refrigera‐ tor?” well, there ya go and you’re off on the road to insanity. This can get rather complex if you go on with, “Let’s look.” because at that point the whole thing becomes rather schizo‐ phrenic and sorta creepy. Unfortunately for me, I’ve gone way beyond that. I’ve gotten so bad that I tell myself jokes which really sucks because they can’t possibly be funny if I already know what the punch lines are gonna be. Maybe it’ll all work out as I get older and my memory starts to go. But if it does, ya think I’ll remember what the hell I was talking about it the first place? In fact as I’m typing this I’m feeling sorta weird because there’s no way anyone can even answer THAT since you guys won’t be reading this until September and I’m asking the damned question in July. So for now I’m writing AND asking questions without expecting a reply! (The inside of Bummer’s head‐bone is a very disturbing place to be.) As you might have heard me mention a thousand times, I don’t have a cell phone. I just refuse to do it for many rea‐ sons, like: I feel that my personal need for one doesn’t justify all the hassle, I’m retired so I don’t NEED one for work, I’m often riding the bike and when I do I don’t use a windshield (using a cell while piloting anything is wrong anyway), I have a perfectly functioning 1984 Radio Shack answering machine, I have a good digital camera, I get all the free porn I want on my computer, if I really wanted GPS I could buy units for the truck and bike, and finally anyone can get hold of me in many vari‐ ous ways if they really wanted to. For me the only bad thing about a land‐line is solicitors. I get at least three or four a day... every day. I get them before and after the legal hours. I get them from India or Pakistan from guys with names like “George” when they can barely speak enough English to even pronounce “George”. In fact I get them from places where they won’t even tell me WHERE their calling from. I’ve gotten calls like, “Hello! How are you doing?” which I reply to before I realize it’s a damned recording. Then I’ve even (since I’m so used of talking to myself) replied, “This is a recording, isn’t it?” and the freaky thing is they often use some kind of algorithm that allows the damned MACHINE to momentarily pause and change the recording to something like, “Why? Do I sound like a machine?” in that same cheerful voice. This has happened so many times that I usually forget how odd that is... I just hang up shaking my head after color‐ fully swearing at the recording. Now I hear a lot of you cell phone owners are starting to get solicitors, which I bet totally sucks if you’re paying for a “minute plan” and you assume you’re actually listening and talking to a real, live person. THAT should be illegal, particu‐ larly since a lot of calls that we get are actually the result of a damned machine that makes a bunch of calls at the same time but only has the ability to deal with a few of them, so we often think we’re getting a call that somebody has hung up on... which is sorta true. In fact just a moment ago I got a call like that and afterwards when I saw the number on my caller ID I called it back only to hear “The number you have dialed is disconnected.” What? If anyone can call me I SHOULD be able to call them back and bother the hell outta them! I remember I asked a speaker at one of our local ABATE meetings, a State Senator, that if any politician wanted to easily get a boatload of votes they should sponsor anti‐phone solicitor legislation. Her reply pointed out that politicians are the worst abusers! In fact she told me that current laws, like that infamous “Do not call” list you supposedly have to con‐ stantly renew, doesn’t even apply to them! Political solicita‐ tion is completely exempt from that even if you ARE currently on the “Do not call” list! And if you say to them, “I do not accept phone solicitors. Please take me off your list.” like Jackie has told me to do... well, they just don’t gotta. That’s obviously because THEY are the ones making the laws!! The only thing that’s good about any of this is if you DO have an inclination to talk to yourself, you might relieve the urge by talking to the phone solicitors, unless it’s a machine then you’re back to talking to yourself again and the issue multiplies. If it’s a live person you can play with it a bit. I like to pretend I’m drunk (well, sometimes I am) and enthusiasti‐ cally agree to everything they say. Then I tell them our OutSpokin’ 24 connection is breaking up and I’m losing them... “Hello? Hello? I can’t hear you! Oh, that’s too bad! I almost bought what you were selling!” and hang up frustrating the hell outta them. If they call back the fun begins anew. I once read of a great idea that someone had where you can tell them you are a policeman, that they’ve dialed the scene of a homicide, and that they have to stay on the line to wait for a detective who will take all they’re information, quickly adding that if they hang up (and haven’t yet) they’ll be easily found and prosecuted for hampering a murder investigation. I’m sure that’s sorta illegal, but it sure sounds fun as all hell! Speaking of cops: I often even get calls from local police departments which initially scare the hell outta me. With a voice of authority they tell me who they are, casually ask how I’m doing, then go on to ask for donations to some kind of F.O.P. fund (Fraternal Order of Police) or to buy tickets to some kind of “oldies” concert raising bucks for a police “thing”. Then they’d tell me if I did, they would send me an “official police supporter” sticker of some kind even suggest‐ ing that I slap it on my rear bumper right next to my license plate, the implication being that it would save me from being persecuted somehow. IT DID NOT!!! I STILL got a D.U.I. even after I pointed it out to the arresting officer saying, “But I was displaying my “official” F.O.P. sticker! You must have noticed it when you ran my plates you son of a bitch!!!” I still don’t understand why that didn’t work. For months now I’ve been getting emails, snail mails, and many, many, many, phone calls from a ton of different insur‐ ance companies urging me to sign up for their supplements when my Medicare kicks in this month (September). I asked a buddy of mine who I used to work with named Bones about this and what I should do about it. His reply was, “I have no idea Bum. My wife takes care of all that.” I gotta get me another wife. Hopefully by the time you read this I’ll have decided what to do (if anything), but no matter how you look at it, if insurance was generally such a good idea for the consumer, the insur‐ ance companies wouldn’t be able to stay in business. Of course I DO have all kinds of various insurance, and I would have most of it even if the law said I didn’t have to, but insur‐ ance is just like gambling and the law of averages shows that most people couldn’t possibly be getting their money’s worth. Even “life” insurance is where the company is betting that you’ll stay alive long enough to pay enough premiums to make it worth their while, which seems illogical if you crunch the numbers. And no matter what, there comes a time when you simply have too much insurance anyway. In the very old days (even before MY time) “life” insurance was called “death” insurance. Then when mass media adver‐ tising came along someone decided that was too depressing and could better be sold to the masses as “LIFE” insurance. Can you imagine a TV commercial with a lovely young smiling wife urging her husband to make sure he hurries up and calls their agent to increase his “death” insurance while they’re sipping their morning coffee? Whatever ya call it, it was meant to be for your funeral expenses and to take care of your wife and family after you’re gone. Now they have some‐ thing called “final expense” or “final cost” insurance that is specifically just for your funeral, leaving more of your “life” insurance for the family to have fun with. Sheesh! Okay, enough of that. I don’t wanna be a Bummer... oops, what did I just say? Ha ha ha, I just told myself a joke unex‐ pectedly so that makes it genuinely funny! (See what I’m dealing with? HELP!!) Bummer (Continued from page 16 - Ask Our Lawyer) MORE PLACES TO RIDE BEFORE YOU DIE Riding the “Mother Road” ‐ US 66 never disappoints. And every time I do, something new happens. Next time you ride the “Mother” through Carlinville check out the most expen‐ sive court house in America at the time. Dubbed the “million dollar” courthouse in 1870, it took 40 years for the residents of Macoupin County to pay for it ‐ ending with a big ‐ we paid for it party in 1910. The courthouse, outfitted with a seven foot high judge’s chair, a 600 seat courtroom, 40’ Doric col‐ umns was not supposed to cost over 50k, but would up at 1.4 million ‐ then. Sounds familiar. While in Carlinville, head over to Otterville just off 67 and nearby Jerseyville. Located there is Hamilton Primary School named for a former slave owner who moved from Mississippi after freeing all of his former slaves ‐ three of which contin‐ ued to live with him. Hamilton left a trust to fund a school for all races ‐ this back in the 1830’s. His former slave attended the school, made a bunch of money in land. Now get this ‐ when he died ‐ he left money to build a memorial to Hamilton ‐ the only memorial in the country dedicated to a former master by a former slave. And when he died ‐ he was buried next to Hamilton ‐ side by side. Now that is a poem. Ride Safe & Free, Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services All questions from ABATE members are answered confiden‐ tially unless otherwise authorized and only after the matter is concluded, except when authorization for publication anony‐ mously or otherwise is given for pending matters. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conform‐ ing to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 ⅓%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24‐hour toll‐free telephone number. Call us at 1‐ (800)‐25‐RIDER. Questions? Submit them to: RodTay‐ [email protected] © 2016. OutSpokin’ 25 12 issues - ending 0216 Only $16.67/month With 12 month Purchase See Page 36 for details! Email to: [email protected] 0315 0116 0415 Run thru 0316 Run thru 0515 OutSpokin’ 26 REGION ZERO REGION TWO Region Director: Barbara Tittle 330-677-1845 Deputy Director: Jamie Hart 330-766-2110 Region Zero Meetings: Contact your County Coordinators for time and location. Columbiana: Open Mahoning & Trumbull: Jeff Beatty, 330-647-8420 Portage & Summit County: Open Website: Our veterans are very important assets to our country. So many of them and their families have extraordinary needs which are not met by their former employer, the Federal government. The local northeast Ohio group, Veterans Outreach in the Trumbull/ Mahoning counties area, does a good job of helping veterans without an undue administrative burden. This is why Region Zero has in the past couple of years, and again this year, conducted our Vets Outreach charity run. We are required by State ABATE to give the first 30% of profits back for ABATE support, but the rest of the profits go to the Veterans Outreach. Our ride this year will be on Saturday September 17 at Masters Bar & Grill (a new location) at 1675 Trumbull Avenue in Girard. We will have food and a great “Chinese Auction”, where you put in your chance to win one of a number of prize baskets. It is $10 per person and starts at 11 am. I KNOW there are many rides every weekend and other charities, but please do whatever you can to help us support this one. MANY thanks for your participation. You can call me, Barb Tittle, at 330-677-1845, [email protected], with any questions. We need out military and the veterans and they need us. Thank you. Region Director - Smoke James - 740-819-0645 Deputy Director - Terry Billy - 740-872--3686 Region 2 meetings will be held at VFW Post 1058 at 1318 Putnam Ave, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 at 2:00 p.m., always on the first Sunday, except July and Sept. on the 2nd Sunday. No meeting in December. Coshocton County: OPEN Guernsey County: Brenda Foraker Knox County: OPEN Licking County: Open Muskingum County: Terry Billy 740-872-3686 Please contact your County Coordinator for more information and directions. Website: NO REPORT REGION THREE Region Director: Mark Davis 419-235-7581 For Region 3 meetings, please contact your County Coordinator or your Region Director, Mark Davis for all information. Allen County: Dana Frost 419-229-0928 Logan County: Jack Linet 937-585-4155 Paulding County: Open Putnam County: Donna Schimmoller 419-453-3890 Van Wert County: Open Region Website: Barb Tittle Region 0 Director NO REPORT REGION ONE Region Director: Vickie Rayl 417-737-4874 Region One Meetings: Region Meetings 2nd Friday every month, 7:30pm @ Hopedale American Legion. Dep. Director: OPEN Belmont County: Lee Irwin 740-310-0992 Harrison County: OPEN Jefferson County: Larry Dobbins Sr. 740-765-4825 Monroe County: OPEN Website: NO REPORT OutSpokin’ 27 REGION FOUR Region Director: Ruby Worchuck, [email protected] 419-256-2560 ~ 419-966-9131 Region 4 meetings are held the Second Sunday of every month. Board meetings are at 1:30pm and General Membership meetings are at 2:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Meetings are held between the four county areas. Please contact your County Coordinator for more info. Defiance County, OPEN Fulton County, Art “Rabbi” Miller Jr. 419-335-1185 Henry County, Don Buehrer, 419-579-4878 Williams County, Wendell Humphrey, 419-459-4752 Website: NO REPORT REGION FIVE Region Director: Tim Kaelin - 513-561-4745 Deputy Director: Dennis Wichert 513-410-1930 Butler, Clermont, Hamilton and Counties - First Sunday of the month, 11am @ The Train Stop Inn, 7837 Old 3C Highway, Maineville, OHIO 45039-8712. Phone: 513-6830207 Clinton County Meeting – Second Sunday of month, 11am @ American Legion Post 49, 140 E. Locust St., in Wilmington. Website: NO REPORT was a welcome thing with the HOT summer we've been having! This month is Reg.7 premier event. It's Ottawa County’s 20th Annual Grub‐N‐Suds. It's on Sat. Sept. 10th. It runs from 10AM‐8PM. Bike Show runs from 10AM‐2PM. And then the ABATE's Headless Motorcyclist Poker Run, Sign‐in @ 10AM, Last bike in by 2PM, 1st 200 to sign in receive a FREE Grub‐N‐Suds mug! Also, the return of All You Can Eat Wristbands. (The Historical Society does one heck of a job on the GRUB!!!) The two bands this year is "The Itch" (A Classic Rock Band) 12:00‐ 4:00 and then the headliner is " 3 Horsemen" 5:00‐8:00, Should be some good tunes! We had a Reg. meeting last Sun. in Tiffin. And it was decided that we would curtail the County meetings for a while, and just have Region meetings till further notice. Hard to get anything done when you only get 3‐4 people per meeting, Nuff Said! Well, time to put some miles on the old Trike!!! See, Ya... Thanks, Ride Safe, Ride Free, Region 7 Sandusky Co. Coordinator Bill “Grease” Willer REGION EIGHT Region Director: Tim Cordray - 740-269-1213 Email: [email protected] Deputy Director: Rusty Pierce 330-364-6175 Carroll County: Chuck Woods 740-945-8013 Stark County: Terry West - 330-455-8287 Tuscarawas County: Terry Correll 330-243-1681 Website: Hello Region 8, I apologize for not getting anything in last month's issue, Region Director: Dave Griffin - 937-381-7483 didn't have time. Next, if you haven't heard we have a new Deputy Director: Keith Kittel 937-489-6920 State Government Relations Officer, Kolman Fuzy, keep an Champaign, Clark & Greene Counties: eye on your Outspokin' for updates. Other notes from the Bill Jenks , 937-999-7558. State is the 7 of us from Region 8 that went to June Jam this Darke County/ Miami County:Jerry Brewer 937-337-2351Meetings: Last Saturday @ 10:00am, Heck Yeahs in Piqua year had a great time with great weather but due to lack of Montgomery County: OPEN attendees it was more than likely the last one, hard to keep a Preble County, OPEN State Office open when our biggest fund raiser loses money. Website: On the Region level our Freedom Rally happened on the first weekend in July and again was a great time with great NO REPORT weather and attendance was up from last year, but, there was plenty of room for a whole lot more. In fact, with all the extra REGION SEVEN advertising we did we would have liked to have seen 2 or 3 Region Director: Claude Schindorff 419-619-2834 times more but at least we are going in the right direction and Deputy Director: Paul Baskey 567-280-2357 Region meeting: Call Director because of getting sponsors and other pre event fundraising See Region 7 News Report for other meeting times. we ended up with a profit for ABATE of Ohio Inc. and the 3 Erie County/Huron County: Open Veterans charities in the Region we raise funds for. Thank you Lucas County: Open to all who came out, come back next year and bring a friend Ottawa County: Nate Monday, 567-219-1269 or 2. And a huge THANK YOU to everybody that worked a shift Sandusky County: Bill “Grease” Willer, 419-665-2068 Seneca County: Claude Schindorff - 419-619-2834 or more and/or with set up and tear down. Wood County: Open Our September meeting is the 11th at the Carrollton Eagles Website: on Brenner Rd. outside Carrollton, this is when we start the Editor’s note: Information missed from the State Seminar nomination process to elect the 2017 Region board in 2016‐ December, are you ready to step up? Our next event is our Congratulations to David Silverwood, Region 7 Halloween Spooktacular at Lew's in Massillon with Electric Member of the Year! Mud, but of course. Region 7, By the time you read this the 2016 ABATE Reg.7 & Sandusky County Later, Tim Cordray Sportsmen's Club, Car and Motorcycle Show, Poker Run, & Hog Roast Region 8 Director REGION SIX will be history. It was on Sat. Aug. 6th in Gibsonburg Oh. They had a Multiple Gun Raffle inside their Air‐Conditioned clubhouse. The A‐C OutSpokin’ 28 REGION NINE Region Director: Roger Wright - 614-286-7676 Deputy Director: Cynthia Piper - 614-747– 0788 Delaware: OPEN Franklin County: Pat Lytle - 614-296-2857 Dep. Coor. — Glen Craig - 614-551-5575 New Franklin County meeting location is Shakers Bar & Grille, 385 Georgesville Rd, Columbus, OH 614-372-5847. Meeting still at noon, first Sunday of the month. (January 2016 meeting moved to second Sunday due to holiday) Pickaway and Madison Co’s: Jeff Bowersock, 614-306-2570 Combined meetings are now combined with Franklin County Madison County: OPEN, Pike, Ross & Scioto Counties: OPEN Whas Happnin'! Fractured bits 'n pieces this month. Our poker run,7/16, was won by Amy Wills with a 5‐9 Straight. Congrats! (durned newbies‐showin' up an' takin' prizes!) Beautiful route (Thanks Kathy and J.R. for handling stuff!). Small, friendly group that had a pretty cool day! Region 10 is throwing their 9/11 Tenth Anniversary benefit on September 10, and they've asked us to help with manpower. Anyone who can step up, please contact myself or Chris Weil (R 10). Thanks in advance! On the topic of volunteers...If you go to any local Bike Nights and ya' wanna help out us poor overworked officers, get hold of me and take a kit to spend part of your time telling folks about ABATE. Most places will allow you to set up a table and you can still have time to socialize etc. YER GONNA BE THERE ANYWAY! :>) ! Yeah, it's getting late in the season, but what the hell. Better yet, if a handful of you want to step up as a team for next year, we can split the load up and give you the "tools". (this also includes you faithful members that only keep in touch by reading this/ps‐we miss yer faces at the meetings) Speaking of membership (who wuz?), what say we throw a Good Old Fashioned Membership Contest, with some kind of swag for the top signer‐uppers? Or, maybe, a challenge with another Region, with the loser buying the beer, I MEAN "suitable refreshments". Bring your thoughts to a meeting, and us offiskers will be thinking 'bout it too! Congrats an' a "slice of raisin pie" to Kolman Fuzy for stepping up as the new Interim State Legislative Director (AKA ‐the OTHER Most Important Guy in the Room!)! You'll do fine, and we'll ALL be willing to help if we can! This season has taken its toll on Ohio bikers. TOO MANY fatalities, injuries, and devastated families. For God's sake people‐ be careful. Develop and listen to that little voice that helps you anticipate and avoid calamity coming your way. Don't ride when you're wasted. Spread our message about Sharing the Road with family, friends, co‐workers, and the general public. DON'T FORGET‐Sept. meeting changed to 9/11 (causa Labor Day). Also, we vote in November on winter meeting place. Bring your ideas to Sept. and Oct. meetings. Make sure and check with the joint first! "Nuff for now. Have a GREAT Indian summer!!! Roger Wright Region 9 Director REGION TEN Region Director: Chris Weil - 614-975-1901 Deputy Director: Chris Long - 614-206-1742 Region 10 Website: Hocking, Fairfield, Perry, Vinton, Morgan & Noble Counties Meetings: Please check Region 10 website or FB page for information. NO REPORT REGION ELEVEN INACTIVE Contact: Call State Office 800-25-BIKER or 614-319-3644 Lawrence, Athens, Meigs, Gallia, Jackson, & Washington Counties - All Open Website: OutSpokin’ (Continued on Page 32, Region News) 29 OutSpokin’ 30 (Continued from Page 29, Region News) REGION TWELVE Region Director: Charles “Jason” Jones - 440-261-1122, [email protected] Ashtabula County Cuyahoga County Geauga County Lake County Website: ~ Join us every Thursday @ 6pm for Bike Games at the Iron Horse Saloon Bike Nites! ~ NO REPORT If you are interested in county, or Regional Director hit me up. Don’t take the media’s headlines as fact. Read about issues and think for yourself The truth is seldom as interesting as fabricated stories So if you want the truth, get off your butt and do some re‐ search If you want interesting stories bring me a chair and half a bottle of Jack Have a blast Pete Barnes Director Region 14 REGION FOURTEEN REGION SIXTEEN Region Director: Pete Barnes - 419-722-9941 Deputy Director: Jason Smith 740-802-8702 Crawford County - Craig Gubernath 419-563-4861 Hancock County - Ed Schetter 419-937-4341 Hardin County - Jeremy Billenstein 740-360-0760 Marion County - Rocky Hunt 614-560-9229 Morrow County - Guy Campo 419-512-4270 Wyandot County - Lisa Barnes 419-294-8066 Website: Hello all Hope your summertime is going swell Region 14 Toy Run is coming up September 17th Rolling at high noon Ending at the Findlay Eagles Guaranteed to be a riot. Hope to see you Be thinking about lending a hand for our cause by being an ABATE officer Region Director: Cowboy Whitman - 330-567-3127 Deputy Director: Chuck Austin 330-234-8483 Meetings: Region 16 / Wayne County --Sunday, 12 noon East of Chicago Pizza, 801 W. Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, Ohio 44691.Cowboy for details. Ashland County: Wayne ‘Pops’ Snyder, 440-774-2566 Holmes County: Cowboy Whitman, 330-567-3127 Lorain County: Wayne ‘Pops’ Snyder, 440-774-2566 Medina County: Garret Robison, 330-278-2714 Richland County: Deborah Stephens, 419-689-9459 Wayne County: Cowboy Whitman, 330-567-3127 Website: OutSpokin’ NO REPORT 32 (Continued from Page 17 - AMA News and Notes) PICKERINGTON, Ohio – AMA member Mike Easley of Louisville, Ky., is the winner of a fully restored 1947 Indian Chief motorcycle raffled by the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame. Easley's name was drawn on July 10 at AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio. All proceeds from the raffle help fund the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Currently, the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame is raffling a 1975 BMW R75/6 customized by creative master Tony Prust of Analog Motorcycles in Chicago. Raffle ticket purchasers can receive one chance to win the AMA BMW R75GS for a $5 donation, or receive five chances for a $20 donation. Donations may be made at Entrants must be 18 years or older and a resident of the United States to win. The winning ticket will be drawn at the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show, scheduled for Milwaukee in February. PICKERINGTON, Ohio – A new licensing agreement between the AMA and AMI Graphics allows motorcyclists to display the pride they have for their bikes. Called “Pride in Your Ride,” the product is a wood print of a photograph uploaded from a computer, tablet or smartphone and edited online. Adding an AMA logo is optional. Photos are printed on Baltic birch plywood and can be single-panel, double-panel or triple-panel. Introductory prices range from $65 to $195. “Pride in Your Ride” is a great supplement to the official AMA photo gallery, which provides tens of thousands of free photos to AMA members. Samples of the prints can be viewed at motorcycle shops and Evans dealers. An AMA discount code is required. More information is available from Evans Waterless Coolant or on the AMA Member Benefits page. AMA News & Notes is a monthly publication compiled and edited by the American Motorcyclist Association. Designed to inform motorcyclists of rights-related issues and events in the United States and around the world, AMA News & Notes welcomes your input. Suggestions and editorial contributions can be sent to AMA Managing Editor Jim Witters. Sign up and stay informed: AMA News & Notes keeps motorcyclists up-to-date on hot topics, news affecting the motorcycling community and opportunities to communicate with elected officials. Click here to check the “Sign me up for News & Notes” box at the bottom of the page. AMA Action Alerts notify motorcyclists when and how to make a difference on important issues. Click here to see the most recent AMA Action Alerts, and click here to sign up. Readers can also sign up to receive AMA e-newsletters: AMA Extra includes a summary of AMA news, ATV E-News includes a summary of ATV-related news and Hall of Fame Insider focuses on the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame. Protect your right to ride! Volunteering is easy, and it’s rewarding. To learn how you can help, visit online at > Rights > AMA Action Center > Get Involved. PICKERINGTON, Ohio – The AMA has added Evans WaFollow the AMA on Facebook at terless Coolant as a member benefits partner. AMA members can receive a 20 percent rebate on as many as eight half-gallon americanmotorcyclist, on Twitter @ama_rights and on Instagram at @ama_riding. bottles of Evans Waterless Powersports Coolant bought at OutSpokin’ 33 CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE TO MEMBERS. NO BUSINESSES PLEASE (See page 37) Classifieds run for a maximum of 6 issues, unless you tell us otherwise. Send changes to: [email protected] or call 419-294-8066 FOR SALE: 0313 2009 Rims for FLHX. Jeff @ 330-3400104 R8 area FOR SALE: 0313 Mark Patrick HD Collectible Sculptures, $100 - $700, approximately 30 available, Region Zero Area. Call George 440.293.4575 FOR SALE: 0314 2 – 2006 Fatboy/Soft tail seats. New. $300 for both or $150 each. R1 area. Call Kent @ 740-457-7022 FOR SALE: 0615 40mm CV Carburetor + air cleaner - fits HD. R9 area. $200.00. Call Jeff 419.947.9214 FOR SALE: 0715 FOR SALE: 1995 Boss Hoss, 350 cu in, 355HP, like 1999 Harley-Davidson FXDX Dyna Super new, 5400 original miles. $16,000. Call Glide Sport. 9900 miles. If you like the Charlet at 419-986-6046 R-7 area night train look this bike is for you. New Tires, New Battery. Det. W/S, Quick Release backrest, New Lockable & Det. Saddlebags. GREAT condition with plenty of extras. Asking $6500, O.B.O, NO TRADES. Located in Region 7, Call or Text Jeff @ 419-512-9875. FOR SALE: 1989 Low Rider Ultima, 96 cu. in., 110 HP, 1550cc. Blk powder-coated frame; braided cables; windshield; + extras. $8500.00 or trade for truck or car of equal value. Jeff @ 419.947.9214 R9 area. OutSpokin’ 34 Sustaining Supporter Form ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is not a motorcycle club. We are a State Motorcyclist’s Rights Organization dedicated to the preservation of motorcycling. Our creed follows: ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is dedicated to preserving the rights, improving the image and promoting the safe operating practices of Ohio motorcyclists. Membership in ABATE of Ohio Inc. is open to all persons 18 and older, having an interest in preserving personal freedoms and sharing our goals. Ownership of a motorcycle is not a requirement. Clubs, businesses and generally any group of people greater than or equal to one person may become a Sustaining Supporter, a means to participate, be involved, be informed and be a part of Ohio’s best State Motorcyclist’s Rights Organization (SMRO) without having to enroll each person within the group, club or organization as a full member. With an annual contribution of $100, Sustaining Supporters receive from ABATE of Ohio, Inc.: 1 copy per month of the OutSpokin’ News‐ letter to the organization’s address; Monthly recognition in the OutSpokin’ for the organization’s commitment to ABATE of Ohio; Recognition on our website, Sustaining Supporter groups do NOT have voting rights, but all regional, county and state meetings are open for attendance and participation in discussions regarding Our Right to Ride It Our Way. Group Information: Name of Group as desired for display in the OutSpokin’: ___________________________________________________________ Return Completed Form with Payment to: Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ ABATE of Ohio, Inc. City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________ P.O. Box 1658 Hilliard, Ohio 43026 Contact Person: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________ 1-800-25-BIKER 1-614-319-3644 Number of People in Group: ____________________ Date: _______________________________ Enclose $100 with application so that we may fully process your request. ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is a 501 (c)(4) "Not for Profit" organization. As a Sustaining Supporter, your contribution is deductible as a business expense for advertising, but is not tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Rev. 4.2015 Thank You for Supporting Us in Supporting Your Rights! Marion Area Harley Riders 0216 ABATE of Ohio Foundation 0216 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Region 9 0116 Joe & Robin Pickins 0216 Amer. Legion Riders, Post 49, Wilm. 0216 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Region 6 0216 Barbarians Motorcycle Club, North 0216 V-Twin Cruisers MC Ohio 0216 Eagle Riders Grp Westside FOE 3986 0416 Independent Riders Association, Toledo 0416 Jim Elgin, In memory of Barb “Penny” (Elgin) Carpenter 0716 Journeymen M.C. Inc. 0616 OutSpokin’ 35 ABATE Advertising Form ABATE of Ohio, Inc. P.O. Box 1658 Hilliard, Ohio 43026 1-800-25-BIKER 1-614-319-3644 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is dedicated to preserving the rights, improving the image and promoting the safe operating practices of Ohio motorcyclists. Membership in ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is open to all persons 18 and older, having an interest in preserving personal freedoms and sharing our goals. Ownership of a motorcycle is not a requirement. ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) "Not for Profit" organization. As an advertiser, your contribution is deductible as a business expense for advertising, but is not tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Long Term Business Advertising Information All Long Term Advertisers receive as a thank-you for their support of ABATE of Ohio, Inc. and our mission: Short Term Business Advertising Information Businesses may choose to advertise in the OutSpokin’, for a limited number of months of the calendar year, up to 11 months. If you wish to advertise for 12 consecutive issues, please use the Long Term Form above. This form is also available on our website, on page 36. 12 issues (1year) subscription to our monthly newsletter “OutSpokin’” 1 advertising space in each issue of “OutSpokin” - Advertising levels are noted below. Check the months in which you desire your ad to be published: 1 advertising space on the website ___Jan ___ Feb ___ Mar ___ Apr ___ May ___ Jun ___ Jul ___ Aug ___ Sep ___ Oct ___ Nov ___ Dec 1 supporter certificate suitable for display at your business Business advertisers are encouraged to offer ABATE members discounts for those who present their valid ABATE membership cards Levels of Advertising: Long Term : (per year) Short Term : (per issue) Street Level: business card ad in grayscale $200 $20.00 Cruiser Level: 1/4 page ad in grayscale $450 $45.00 Touring Level: 1/2 page ad in grayscale $850 $85.00 Custom Level: full page ad in grayscale $1,400 $140.00 Custom Color Level: full page ad in color $2,800 $280.00 Business Information: Business Name: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________ City, State & Zip: ________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ______________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Advertising Level: _____________________________ Amount Enclosed: ________________ (check/credit) Pay by Credit Card Info: Check one - MC ______ VISA ______ Name on Card: (exactly) ______________________________ 16 digit card #: ________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________ 3 digit code _______ Signature: ____________________________________________ Payment must be received with your application to publish your ad in the next available issue. Return completed form with payment to: ABATE of Ohio, Inc., PO Box 1658, Hilliard, OH 43026 or Email to [email protected]. Questions: call 614-319-3644 or 800-25-BIKER.** **Send artwork in .jpg, .tif, .png (preferred), .bmp or .pdf format. Use high resolution when possible to reduce the possibility of distortion when we size your artwork. Send to: [email protected]. We reserve the right to return for revision any artwork that we deem to be inappropriate, discriminatory or obscene. 03/2012 OutSpokin’ 36 ABATE OF OHIO, INC. MEMBER-TO-MEMBER Program The Member-to-Member Program is provided as a service to our membership from members who are business owners. Please support your fellow members/business owners when possible as they support us in our endeavors. If you are a member that has a business not listed in our directory, please notify the state office to have your information added here. This is a free service to you for being an ABATE Member. Offering a discount to ABATE Members is at the sole discretion of the business owner. For more information on the Member-to-Member Program contact the State Office: 800-25-BIKER or 614-319-3644. ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) "Not for Profit" organization. As a supporter or a sustaining supporter, your contribution is deductible as a business expense for advertising, but is not tax deductible as a charitable contribution. RESTAURANTS & TAVERNS Crazy Fox Saloon 112 W Mansfield Bucyrus 419-562-1256 Country Barrel Restaurant 6179 Cinti-Brookville Rd Okeana 513-717-4084 Foster's Homemade Ice Cream 30551 Chardon Rd Willoughby Hills 440-944-9210 Classics & Customs Body Shop 807 W Main St Crestline 419-689-0812 DJ’s Cycles (Repair) 6310 Columbia Rd, NW Dover 330-878-0105 R & L Auto Care, Inc. 617 Canton Rd NW Carrolton 330-627-2005 Amsoil Products [email protected] Pickaway Cty 614-306-2570 69871 Sunset Heights Quaker City The Financial Concept Group, LLC 5211 Mahoning Ave #110 Austintown 330-259-0744 Cleveland Mortgage Service 11221 Pearl Strongsville 800-686-4901 MOTORCYCLES & AUTOMOBILES CLOTHES, ACCESSORIES & TATTOOS Backroads Riding Apparel FINANCIAL SVCS, INS. & INVESTMENTS PHOTAGRAPHY Cowtown Photography 740 Sugar Westerville 614-707-1471 Captured by Lydia Photography 3652 N Amblewood Circle Lima 419-303-5904 MISCELLANEOUS Fallen Riders Memorial Fund 4419 Erie Ridge Ave Ashtabula 440-855-1417 Leave a Mark Church 4819 Parson Ave Columbus 614-491-5262 Red Knights Int. Firefighters MC 1677 Jackson Road Columbus 614-271-8577 Puckett’s Plbg, HVAC & Elec. 10926 Haddix Fairborn 937-879-7657 Adult Day Care 729 W 130th Hinckley 330-220-9500 Robbco Marine Yamaha Boat/RV Stg/Svc 2300 National Rd SW Hebron 740-954-8004 Kaeppner’s Woods 34070 Sutton Road Logan 740-385-3885 Massages by Maggie 870 Oakwood Painesville 440-655-3927 Columbus Rehab & Renovation 611 Erikson Whitehall 614-783-6414 Stuckey Insurance Services 3915 Broadway Grove City 614-875-1630 Barefoot Studios/Dafunkdapus Band 3190 Nolan Road Zanesville 740-454-4827 Jim Scott - Wedding Officiant 1210 Broad St Ashland 419-289-0913 OutSpokin’ 37 HELP KEEP OUR STATE OFFICE RUNNING AND SUPPORT ABATE of OHIO, INC.! “We’re in the Freedom Business” Karen Bolin, Past President of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation We, every dues paying member of ABATE, have an office The Office needs your HELP! The office in Columbus, the Capitol City of our State. Because of it’s existence, operates approximately 240 days per year, not including and having a full time staff, we have been able to get the following the days when it is used for the BOD Meetings or laws and amendments to laws passed over the last few years: A Veterans Licenses Plate Bill A Handicapped Licenses Plate Bill An Amendment to the Motorcycle Ohio Program allowing those that complete and pass the course to get their Motorcycle Endorsement without having to take the OSHP oncycle test Allow Motorcycles to back into parking spaces & 2 bikes to share parallel parking spot, metered or unmetered Handle bar height changed to 15” above the saddle Instrumental in saving the “Motorcycle Safety Fund” Purple Heart Motorcycle Plates - **NOW AVAILABLE!** special committee meetings. Just counting the utilities (electric, gas, water & sewage, trash & etc.) and the rent it costs $50.00, a day to put the key in the door! For your donation of $50.00 you can “Buy-a-Day-at-the-Office!” Or give it as a gift or in memory of someone. Pick a day and it will be put on the Office Calendar and on the Web Page that it’s “Your Day” at the Office. It will be there for everyone to see that you supported “Your Office” for that day. Can’t afford the whole day? Go together with another couple or individual member, or pass the hat at a meeting and show your support by keeping “Your Office” open. Also, several bills (still) currently in the works: A Search & Seizure Bill for Motorcycles A Right of Way Violations Bill for Motorcycles (A complete annual list is on page 39) ABATE of Ohio, Inc. THANKS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is a 501 (C) 4 "Not for Profit" organization. Dues, donations, event funds and ABATE products are NOT tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Complete this form and mail to the address below: 5.2013 I want to buy ____ day(s) at the office. If more than one day, please continue on another sheet of paper. Include the following information: Assigned Tribute Date: ____________ Tribute or quote on YOUR day (15 words or less): ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: $50.00 x ____ days = $ ________ Check # ___________ -OR- Credit Card information: Exact Name on Card ____________________________________________ Check one MC _ VISA _ Credit Card #______________________ _______ (3 digits) Expiration Date: __________ Signature: _____________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State______ Zip___________ Return form to: ABATE of Ohio, Inc. PO Box 1658 Hilliard, OH 43026 Phone: 800-25-BIKER 614-319-3644 ~OR~ If using a Credit Card attach to an email and send to: [email protected] Your Name(s): ___________________________ Your Region and/or County: ______________________ Daytime phone in case we have questions: ________________________ Today’s Date _______________ OutSpokin’ 38 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) is a "Not for Profit" organization. Dues, donations, event funds and ABATE products are NOT tax deductible as a charitable contribution. 1/3 1/17 2/14 2/17 3/2 3/12 3/17 3/31 4/17 4/29 5/1 5/17 6/1 6/7 6/17 7/8 7/17 8/17 8/20 8/29 9/8 9/17 10/17 11/17 12/17 Region 9 - The Heart of it All ‘Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike’ Region 9 - The Heart of it All ‘Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike’ In Memory of Eric Kirkbride Thank you, Pat Lytle! ‘Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike’ In Memory of Crystal Young Never Stop Dancing! 'Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' In Memory of George Gastner Sr. Ride Smart! Take someone to a MC training class 'Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' In Memory of Scott "Tree" Greentree To Everybody's Dad 'Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' In support of the Dallas Police and their families 'Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' 'Buy a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' Flight 93 Poker Run HFBD, AH18 In Memory of Hump -- Brillo -- Dancer 'THANK YOU for buying a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' 'THANK YOU for buying a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' THANK YOU for buying a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' 'THANK YOU for buying a Ticket on the Raffle Bike' 9 ABATE Foundation ABATE Foundation ABATE Foundation ABATE Foundation Chuck ABATE Stiteler Foundation ABATE Foundation ABATE ABATE Garrett Tom Foundation Foundation Robison Ohmer ABATE ABATE ABATE ABATE Foundation Foundation Foundation Foundation 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 16 9 9 Sustaining Life Members BUSS RALPH 05 CLINTON MILLS DUANE E 07 HURON KRESSER SUZANNE 01 JEFFERSON NOE MICHAEL 05 CLERMONT PERKINS KEN 01 JEFFERSON PHILLIPS CHARLES 05 CLERMONT BEREIT ERIC 12 LAKE WOLFER ED 05 HAMILTON VAN KIRK FRED 01 JEFFERSON DOLAN GREG 12 LAKE CRAMER TERRY 12 LAKE BAILEY MICHAEL A 07 LUCAS SLONKOSKY TIM 03 SHELBY BLAIR RICHARD 01 JEFFERSON MICHAUD CURTIS 09 FRANKLIN CRAIG GLENN 09 FRANKLIN SEELINGER TOM 00 SUMMIT BISH BILL 12 CUYAHOGA ELGIN JIM 09 FRANKLIN BISH DARLENE 12 CUYAHOGA SELLERS GARY N 06 CHAMPAIGN HARVEY DEAN 16 WAYNE WRIGHT ROGER 09 FRANKLIN PANNING TIMOTHY J 04 HENRY BLAKELY DAVE 08 STARK8 SUTTER RUDY 02 LICKING OutSpokin’ 39 Presorted Standard of Ohio, Inc. Change Service Requested U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 811 Toledo, OH 43623 Newsletter Office P.O. Box 1658 Hilliard, Ohio 43026 Is your time running out ? ? ? Check your mailing Label For your expiration date to keep your membership current! We thank you for your continued support! 1-800-25-BIKER PLEASE: Print Clearly DATE: ____-____-____ __ Single Member Dues $30/year __ Couple Member Dues $50/year ADDRESS ________________________ Apt ____ City ___________________ State ___ Zip _______ Select one ABATE County in Ohio _____________ TELEPHONE (_____) _____-_______ (important) E-MAIL __________________________________ Printed Newsletter? Yes _____/ No _____ NAME ___________________________________ First time member? __ yes / __ no Date of Birth ____-____-____ (mm-dd-yy) Registered Voter? __ yes / __ no Motorcycle Endorsed? __ yes / __ no Motorcycle Ohio or Safety Course? __ yes / __ no Opt: Skills/Contacts ________________________ NAME ___________________________________ First time member? __ yes / __ no Date of Birth ____-____-____ (mm-dd-yy) Registered Voter? __ yes / __ no Motorcycle Endorsed? __ yes / __ no Motorcycle Ohio or Safety Course? __ yes / __ no Opt: Skills/Contacts _________________________ Donations (tax deductible -separate check required): ABATE of Ohio Foundation $ ________ Donations (not tax deductible): ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Motorcycle Riders Foundation $ ________ $ ________ Make checks or money orders payable to: ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Mail this whole page to: P.O. Box 1658 Hilliard, Ohio 43026 Taken by __________________________________ ABATE of Ohio, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) Not-for-Profit organization. Dues and donations are NOT tax deductible as a charitable contribution.